Canadian Hadassah-WIZO Toronto Centre CHW EMERGENCY
Canadian Hadassah-WIZO Toronto Centre CHW EMERGENCY
r e t or p e R Children Healthcare Women Canadian Hadassah-WIZO Toronto Centre Fall 2014 / Elul 5774 CHW EMERGENCY APPEAL Canadian Hadassah-WIZO (CHW): Supporting Children, Healthcare and Women in Israel and Canada for almost 100 years! President’s Message By the time you are reading this Reporter, our precious and short summer will be winding down. I hope you’ve had a break from your regular routine whether you vacation at the cottage, exotic trips around the world or in your backyard or on the balcony! I pray that by the time you are reading this message, the war in Israel will have ended and Israelis can go back to their normal lives without constantly listening to the sirens and running for cover. Our summer Emergency Campaign has raised much needed funds for our projects. CHW Daycares sought emergency counseling and trauma support for the children as well as staff. The CHW Nahalal Youth Village was at over-capacity and took in over 160 residents from two Kibbutzim in the south as well as 100 families from the border of Gaza. The CHW Hadassim and Youth Village has taken in over 500 children from a summer camp in Gedera, south of Ashdod. Both the Assaf Harofeh Medical Center and Hadassah Hospital have been operating in “emergency” routine, which included running drills. Doctors, Nurses and technicians at both hospitals worked longer and additional shifts to ensure uninterrupted medical services. Many of our Toronto members have responded with generosity and support – and we are very grateful. But the need continues – CHW needs your support and Israel needs your support. Please give generously using the tear off and envelope provided. Alternatively, you can call our office at 416630-8373 or donate online at Here in Toronto, we will continue our work raising funds for our beloved projects in Israel. We are grateful to all of our Chapters who contribute to our goals by organizing successful events and fundraisers. We couldn’t do it without you! Wishing you all a sweet New Year ahead and PEACE in Israel, Elayna Latsky CHW Toronto President The most wanted women in the world join CHW! Join or renew today and receive a special gift: When you join as a new CHW annual member or renew your lapsed annual membership, for $36, you will receive instant fuel savings with a Petro-Canada Preferred Price card*, courtesy of Dancap Productions. Save 5¢ on every litre purchased. Become a CHW Member! CHW offers you personal enrichment, skills development, networking and leadership opportunities. Call the CHW Toronto office today at 416.630.8373. * Conditions apply. CHW Toronto President’s Tea On Wednesday, May 21st, over 50 CHW Toronto ladies attended our President’s Tea at Bayview Golf and Country Club. We enjoyed a lovely “High Tea” spread and recognized our Women/Men of Distinction, Women of Valour, Major Donors and Sustainers. Marla Dan, CHW National President addressed the group and then we were treated to a special guest speaker, Dr. Esther Carmel Hakim. Dr. Carmel Hakim Tali Baum, Chair of Fundraising was visiting Toronto from Israel to participate presents new Sustainer pins to in a conference at University of Toronto. She Judy Zelikovitz (middle) and donated her time to us and presented a Lisa Linden-Wiseman (right). short version of her lecture on the women pioneers of Israel. Dr. Carmel Hakim lectures at Haifa University and wrote her PhD Dissertation on Hanna Maisel Shohat, founder of WIZO Nahalal. She is also an expert on the life of Lillian Freiman, the first Jewish Canadian recipient of the Order of the British Empire. We could have listened to her speak all day as she was so engaging and enlightening! We will definitely invite her to speak to us again when she’s in town next time! Marla Dan, National President, Special thanks to Jennifer Dean and the staff of Bayview Golf and Country Club and our own Ellen Ostofsky and Tali Baum for organizing such a wonderful afternoon. Guest Speaker Dr. Esther Carmel Hakim (middle), with Elayna Latsky, CHW Toronto President (right). Kroft Family Bar/Bat Mitzvah The Kroft Family Bar/Bat Mitzvah Program lets teens and their families share their good fortune with needy teens in Israel. Gifts to this program provide these teens with the opportunity to experience the joy of their own Bar/Bat Mitzvah. Each year, hundreds of youth receive lessons, participate in a series of outings and enjoy enrichment classes in preparation for their big day. With your generous support, you help teens at risk enjoy this mitzvah. Bar Mitzvah boys with soldiers at the Kotel during their Bar Mitzvah. We are very pleased to announce that Sharon Kroft, founder and donor to this wonderful project and daughter-in-law Marci Kroft will be our 2014 Co-Chairs. Sharon and Marci would be happy to visit your chapter and provide more information about this project. Call the CHW office (416-630-8373) for more info and to invite Sharon and Marci to your next meeting! Two girls after receiving their Bat Mitzvah certificates in Jerusalem. From the Major Giving As I write this, some of our projects in Israel continue to be in the line of fire of rockets from Gaza into Israel. We pray for the safety of all who work at, participate in and support our projects in Israel – and for all Israeli citizens. I am fervently hoping that when this Reporter reaches you, the fighting will have ceased. CHW provides major giving opportunities with gifts beginning at $10,000 or more. A CHW Women of Valour gift of $10,000 to $100,000 USD goes towards CHW’s commitment to WIZO, such as the schools, daycare centres, women’s centres, and parental hotline. CHW Woman/Man of Distinction encompasses gifts of $10,000 to $50,000 towards CHW’s commitments to the Assaf Harofeh Medical Center, Hadassah Hospital, and the CHW Netanya Technological High School. Executive Coordinator The effects on the people of Israel and in particular, the children of our projects, however, will linger. I encourage each member and friend of CHW to contribute to the CHW Emergency campaign. These funds will ensure continued support for the resulting emerging needs of our projects in the days and weeks ahead. Many of you have already made generous donations for which we are very grateful. As we turn our thoughts to Toronto, I hope you are looking forward, as I am, to a Fall that is full! Please let us know when your fundraisers are happening. The calendar fills up fast and we want to prevent overlap of dates as much as possible. Wishing you and your loved ones a sweet and prosperous Rosh Hashana. Ellen Ostofsky CHW Toronto Executive Coordinator Happy Retirement! In 1987, Stacie Katchen arrived at Toronto Hadassah-WIZO with credentials - as Past President of Calgary Centre...and connections - Taube Zeifman and Myrtle Coopersmith were instrumental in bringing Stacie on board as a staff member of what we now call CHW Toronto Centre (thank you Taube and Myrtle!). In 2014, almost 3 decades, and 3 office locations later, Stacie is ready to retire. Retirement will allow Stacie to schedule lunches with friends, spend time with her children and grandchildren, play mahj - and of course attend the occasional CHW event! We are tremendously grateful to Stacie for the dedication, commitment and professionalism she brought to her work at CHW. Stacie’s contributions are too numerous to count, yet too invaluable to go unmentioned. Please call or drop in to wish Stacie a happy and healthy retirement. Stacie’s last day in the office will be Thursday, October 2, 2014. On behalf of the CHW Toronto Executive, Board and Staff, we wish Stacie all the very best. For information contact Ellen Ostofsky at the Toronto Office at 416.630.8373. Join the Growing list of Sustainers CHW Sustainers pledge an annual gift of $1,000 ($83.50 monthly) or more to support Children, Healthcare and Women projects in Israel and Canada. By committing less than 3 dollars a day, every day, CHW Sustainers guarantee sustainability of CHW projects. Our list of dedicated Sustainers includes Anonymous (7) Mrs. Phyllis Adler Sheila Alexander Pamela Austin Anne Bank Debbie Bank Gertie Barath Shelley Baruch Tali Baum Lauren Bellon Judith Berg Julie Berger Lala Berkovic Erika Bloch Kathy Bloom Pearl Bloom Gladys Buckler Bailah Burns Marla Dan Wendy Eisen Corinne Engel Sylvia Epstein Maxanne Ezer Mrs. Florence Fenwick Phyllis Flatt Mandy Fleischer Nora Freund Patricia & Allan Friedland Lois Friedman-Fine Ruth Frisch Edith Galfi Sally Gallinger Ruth Garbe Rita Gerstein Helen Goldberg Anne Goldman Glory Goldman Ellen Goldstein Carole Grafstein Malka Green Sharon Grossman Florence Hertzman Sonya Hirsch Dora Kichler Zelda Korenblum Katty Kraizel Sara Krengel Marci & Jason Kroft Sharon Kroft Mrs. Connie Monson Kussner Harriette Laing Elayna Joy Latsky Queenie Leibel Lillian Lerman & Arthur Lerman z’l Lisa Linden Wiseman Sharon B. Lipman Bertha Lipson, Toronto (In Memory of Bertha Doran z’l & Jenny Lipson z’l Fran Luborsky Leanne Matlow Esther Matlow z’l Roslyn Mendelson Karen Meyerowitz Ruth Milne Ellen Ostofsky Linda Papernick Sharon Pollock Nancy Posluns Sandy Posluns Sharon Pupko Merle Rachlin Lailla Rapoport Marlene Richardson Susan Rose Vivian Rosen Gloria Rosenberg Barbara Rosenstein Sonia Rowan Shirley Rubin Karen Sacks Sharon Cookie Sandler Ilse Seetner Brondell Shapiro Vivien Sharon Deborah Siegel Ruth Simon Beverley Siskind Fran Sonshine Mildred Sonshine Charlotte Steinberg Barbara Sugar Eunice Swadron Toby Waltman Cynthia Borovoy Warren Jack & Anne Weinbaum Family Foundation Judith Winberg Phyllis Wingold Shelley A. Wolkin Sylvia Wortsman Gloria Wunder Judy Zelikovitz Calling all CHW Members CHW invites all members to participate in the Annual General Meeting taking place at the Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel (123 Queen Street West ) on Sunday, November 16, 2014. The agenda includes the installation of the new CHW National Board of Directors, presentation of the Audited Financial Statements, the National President’s Report, the National Executive Director’s Report as well as the unveiling of the winning CHW video. agm 2014 CHW Annual General Meeting Centre and Chapter Activities Spring Fling - Volunteer Recognition IN SUPPORT OF ASSAF HAROFEH MEDICAL CENTRE CHW STROKE AND INVASIVE NEURORADIOLOGY INSTITUTE CANADIAN HADASSAH-WIZO (CHW) CORDIALLY INVITES YOU TO A SPECIAL EVENING HONOURING Marla Dan WITH SPECIAL GUEST SPEAKER DR. BENJAMIN DAVIDSON DIRECTOR GENERAL, ASSAF HAROFEH MEDICAL CENTER, ISRAEL CHW Toronto Centre’s Spring Fling - Volunteer Recognition was held Wednesday, June 18, 2014 at the Beth Emeth Bais Yehuda Synagogue. After a welcome address given by Toronto President, Elayna Latsky, we were entertained by the Satin Dolls, a vocal jazz quartet. The Satin Dolls sang a variety of songs in their unique style and had the room swaying to the beat. Presentations were then made to the Bar & Bat Mitzvah honourees, Corporate Support honourees and CHW Volunteer honourees. Recognition was given to Shoshana Chapter in honour of their 20th Anniversary and to Rachel Chapter for winning the Annual Campaign 2014 Chapter Challenge in which their chapter achieved 100% chapter participation for making personal donations. A special Chapter Tribute was bestowed upon Tzedakah Chapter in recognition of their ongoing support for CHW from their signature event, At Our Table, which has raised over $500,000. A delicious dessert buffet followed with more entertainment by the Satin Dolls. (Top photo) Tzedakah Chapter receiving an appreciation star for At Our Table; (Bottom) The Satin Dolls performing. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2014 Many thanks to Ellen Ostofsky, Elayna Latsky, Sandy Cohen, Stacie Katchen and Aviva Cohen for their efforts in organizing a beautiful and fun Spring Fling celebration. SHERATON CENTRE TORONTO HOTEL 123 QUEEN STREET WEST · TORONTO MUSICAL PERFORMANCE GENEROUSLY SPONSORED BY AUBREY DAN N AT I O N A L G A L A C H A I R TO R O N TO G A L A C H A I R DEBBIE EISENBERG TA L I B A U M MASTER OF CEREMONIES JUDY ZELIKOVITZ COCKTAILS 6:30 PM DINNER 7:30 PM PROJECT DONOR OPPORTUNITIES FROM $10,000 GALA SPONSORSHIPS FROM $1,800 SINGLE PATRON $150 For further information or tickets: Alina Ianson, CHW National Executive Director · 514.937.9431 ext 105 Ellen Ostofsky, CHW Toronto Executive Coordinator · 416.630.8373 At the end of a very enjoyable evening, a video was made for the National CHW Video Challenge with a group of CHW members from various chapters singing about the joys of being a CHW member. Thank you to Jonathan Latsky for recording and editing our wonderful tribute song about CHW. Atzmaut Chapter Atzmaut Chapter held its annual Bingo Luncheon on Sunday, June 29, 2014. This year, the event was dedicated to the memory of its past president and long-time Hadassah-WIZO member, Miriam Benmergui z”l, who passed away earlier this year. The event was a huge success with over 40 people present and raised over $2,000 for CHW. Yasmin Chapter GIRLS GONE GLAM by YASMIN Chapter returned for its second year bringing women of all ages together for a glamorous evening! Attendees were greeted at the door with amazing Goodie Bags. One of the highlights of the evening was the silent auction with over $15,000 in donated items to bid on. There was something for everyone! The evening continued with over 30 marketplace vendors displaying their items and/or services which made it hard to go home without treating yourself. A guest speaker and live music kept everyone entertained throughout the night and best of all, there was a delicious sweet table. Yasmin Chapter succeeded in pleasing their guests and is already busy making plans for GGG2015!! If you would like to be a part of this fabulous event please email Reporter Adena Hanesse Chapter On May 6, 13 and 20, Adena Hanesse hosted our annual Cooking Demo featuring Chefs Sharon Lewis and Renee Ender-Amir at the home of our member, Marilyn Rotenberg. We had an innovative, fresh spring menu. The recipes were user friendly and many of us are enjoying them with family and company throughout the summer. We all enjoyed an evening filled with good food and good friends for a great cause. Machar Chapter The ladies of Machar took their chapter to new leaps and bounds, and following Noar’s tradition, they held their first annual Machar Art Day. The tour of artists included the Sandra Ainsley Gallery, Ian Levanthal’s popup gallery, the Al Green Gallery and the lifelike paintings by Faith Roebuck at her home. Along with the magnificent tour of art, we enjoyed a scrumptious lunch at the elegant home of our hosts, Ellen and Gerry Fialkov. Thanks to the teamwork of the chapter, it was a very successful and enjoyable day. Rachel Chapter On Monday, May 26, 2014, CHW Rachel Chapter held their extremely successful fund raising event at Beth Sholom Synagogue. The evening, entitled “Cross-Examination”, featured a spirited, entertaining dialogue between Edward Greenspan, renowned criminal lawyer and Barry Avrich, acclaimed Producer/Director/Documentarian. Close to 300 guests attended. The evening proved to be financially and socially rewarding. Shoshana Chapter On Wednesday, May 21st Shoshana Chapter held its second fundraiser of the year. Over fifty women gathered at the VIVA Retirement Home in Thornhill to enjoy home baked desserts and hear a fascinating speaker: Dr. Annette Poizner, whose field is Clinical Graphology. Dr. Poizner provides education to health care providers and writes for the Huffington Post. Dr. Poizner’s topic was the link between handwriting and the Kabbalah. Everyone enjoyed the analysis of writing styles, the underlying Jewish connection and trying to guess the famous personality behind the scribbles! It was an enlightening evening. Tzedakah Chapter Tzedakah’s 11th annual At Our Table 2014 on May 26th raised nearly $150,000! Over 240 guests enjoyed a beautiful garden party, delicious buffet dinner and a wonderful Silent Auction filled with shopping gift certificates and luxury items from retailers around the city. Dr. Marla Shapiro spoke passionately about her personal and professional connection with Breast Cancer, why rapid response initiatives are important for both Breast Cancer and Strokes, and why our support really matters. Tzedkah Chapter wishes to thank six of the most loyal and generous corporate supporters of this event over the years: Encore & Applause Catering, Brettler-Mintz Foundation, Gervais Party & Tent Rentals, All Seas Fisheries, Italian Produce, and DFC Auto Group. EDITORIAL I am writing this editorial on July 16; the Gaza situation is splashed across the front pages of the newspapers bemoaning civilian deaths in Gaza. Ignored is the fact that Hamas deliberately fires sophisticated rockets from locations in civilian areas. These rockets are capable of landing deep into Israel. Only one Israeli civilian has died at this time but imagine having only 15 seconds to get to a bomb shelter. Israeli jets strike trying to end these threats and not surprisingly there are civilian casualties. Israeli troops are massed on the borders of Gaza awaiting orders. Israel ceased fire for 6 hours overnight but Hamas refused to stop its attacks. On an organizational level, Alina Ianson, CHW National Executive Director, just returned home with her reports on our projects during this emergency. The rocket strikes have caused major disruptions at our day care centres where the children need extra comfort, at Nahalal Youth Village overcrowded because 100 families have arrived from the borders of Gaza, and at Hadassim Youth Village which has taken in 500 children from a summer camp south of Ashdod. In addition, staff at Asaf Harofeh and Hadassah hospitals are operating on an“emergency” routine. Sitting in safety in the GTA, we are being asked to contribute to the welfare of the women and children in our projects. This situation reminds me of an incident which took place many years ago on a CHW public affairs trip. Our sleep on a kibbutz in northern Israel was interrupted by a rocket which landed very close to the building. We spent the next few hours in a bomb shelter and soon left. On the bus, Lily Frank, then CHW executive director, remarked, “We can get on a bus and leave; Israelis live in these conditions every day. I have never forgotten those sage comments. As you read this editorial, I hope that the situation has been resolved with minimal further loss of life. May you and your families be blessed with a sweet year, full of health and happiness. Shana Tova, Brondell Shapiro, Editor Dates to Remember Monday, September 1 Upcoming Events Labour Day - Office Closed Tuesday, September 16 Board Meeting To reserve tickets and for more information, please visit or call 416.630.8373 Wednesday, September 24 Erev Rosh Hashanah - Office closes at 2 p.m. September 14 Gila Chapter – Walk in the Park Thursday, September 25 Rosh Hashanah - Office Closed Friday, September 26 September 15 Atteret Chapter – Speaker, Author Shannon Moroney Rosh Hashanah - Office Closed Friday, October 3 Kol Nidre - Office Closed Saturday, October 4 Yom Kippur Thursday, October 9 Sukkot - Office Closed Friday, October 10 Sukkot - Office Closed Thursday, October 16 November 13 Machar Chapter – Music, Uncovered: Billy Joel & Elton John Shemini Atzeret - Office Closed Friday, October 17 Simchat Torah - Office Closed Wednesday, October 29 Board Meeting Wednesday, December 10 Board Meeting Tuesday, December 16 Chanukah 1st Candle Thursday, December 25 to January 1, 2015 inclusive Office Closed BUY OR SELL YOUR HOME WITH ME, AND I WILL DONATE A PORTION OF MY COMMISSION* ON YOUR BEHALF TO CANADIAN HADASSAH-WIZO MUST MENTION THIS AD. *BASED ON SALE CLOSING & AGREED COMMISSION 905-764-7200 INFO@JAMIEMARIAN.COM FACEBOOK.COM/JAMIEMARIANRE JAMIEMARIAN.BLOGSPOT.CA NOT INTENDED TO SOLICIT BUYERS, SELLERS OR PROPERTIES CURRENTLY UNDER CONTRACT. Children Healthcare Women Canadian Hadassah-WIZO (CHW) Toronto Centre, 638A Sheppard Avenue W, Suite 209, Toronto ON M3H 2S1 416.630.8373
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