Personal Touch Summer 2016


Personal Touch Summer 2016
A quar terly publication from
the Canadian Hadassah-WIZO (CHW ) National President
doing Tikkun Olam. When I chat with fully recovered
patients, who arrived at Assaf Harofeh paralyzed
Authenticity is important to me. My relationships
with people must be authentic. I want to know that
the food I feed my family has come from reliable
sources. I try my best to choose clothing that has
been manufactured in factories that offer their
workers decent working conditions. And, when I
decide where to direct my philanthropic gifts, I want
to be know that my dollars are helping support
women, children and families in Israel and Canada.
When I play with the children in our daycares and see
how healthy and happy they are, despite their very
difficult circumstances, it confirms to me that we are
successfully doing the work we are committed to as
agents of change. I am very proud that the young
people we support in our CYJ camps have been
touched by the children in our daycares, when they
come to visit during their summer program. When
I listen to the incredible life stories of the French
children we are rescuing at Hadassim, I know we are
and unable to speak, I see the living proof of the
difference we are making. And, when I meet and
hear the stories of survival from severely abused
women who have been saved by the services
CHW helps provide, I know that our fundraising is
I am so proud of CHW and the work we do. The gifts
you have made to CHW during our 2016 Annual
Campaign will make it possible for us to continue to
do the authentic work that we have been doing for
almost 100 years. Kol HaKavod to you all and Todah
Rabah from the bottom of my heart.
With love,
Claudia Goldman
CHW National President
Personal Touch
CHW Member, Jackie Hamborger, Connects With
CHW’s Projects in Israel
help through our projects.
Based on your visits, why do you feel it is important to help those in Israel and
support CHW?
Israel has been subjected to so much hatred and it needs our support. After
visiting these projects, we see the incredible impact that our support has made. I
appreciate the achievements and advancements that Israel has made, we see the
continued evolution of this young country, but our support remains critical.
What would you like to share with other CHW members about your visit?
It makes me emotional to see how much we have done. Israel is such an important
country for us and it is a totally different country from the first time that I was
here. As a Canadian, I was protected and when I came to Israel, I realized and
appreciated the uniqueness of this country. One has to come here to discover this.
Participate > CHW encourages you, along with your family or friends, to visit
CHW projects to see the good work that comes through your support. To learn
more contact the CHW National Office at or phone 1-855-477-5964.
Jackie Hamborger (far right) with her husband, Hayim (far left), at Hadassah
Can you share a bit about your background?
CHW has been near and dear to my heart for the majority of my life. I have been a
Life Member since I was 21 or 22 years old.
What motivated you to visit a CHW Project?
I wanted to see the advancements in our projects. I have not been to Hadassah
since 1978. I felt that I needed to see these projects with my own eyes.
Can you share your impressions of Assaf Harofeh Medical Center and Hadassah
It was overwhelming to see these projects, see all the work that we have been
so dedicated to doing; though it is not work for us, but to see our efforts come to
fruition. I am simply awe-struck.
What surprised you the most about Assaf Harofeh and Hadassah during your visits?
I am amazed by the Lower-Level Operating Rooms and this unit and the
technologies available are truly remarkable. It was incredible to see the medical
team, the doctors, nurses, and staff utilizing this equipment.
What were the highlights of your visits?
I cannot pick only one thing. Speaking with Dvir, from Hadassah, and listening to
his personal story; understanding that today he is alive because of Hadassah was
so memorable. I feel that we see the culmination of our efforts in people like Dvir.
I cannot wait to share with my family and friends all the things I have seen. I am
excited and feel enthused by all that CHW does. I want to share this and encourage
more women to participate in this incredible work. This visit touched my heart
Why do you feel it is important to visit Israel? And CHW Projects?
As a Jew, this place is like my home. We want to see the country flourish and we
Circle of Chai
Join the CHW
Circle of Chai
When you give monthly, you change the
lives of children, women and families
who are battling hunger, a devastating
disease, or domestic violence.
Ensures children will have a
safe place to call home while
receiving nutritious hot meals
and snacks, so they can focus on
learning, playing, and growing.
Helps heal a patient who
has experienced a stroke by
providing access to life-saving
surgery and a chance for full
Supports a woman with
guidance and job skills
training, empowering her
and her family.
Personal Touch
Board of Directors Spotlight:
Project Report:
Aviva Cheuk, CHW Calgary President, with her family, and students at CHW
Netanya Technological High School
My involvement with CHW started as a volunteer 37
years ago, when I used to help my late mother-in-law,
Luba Richardson and her chapter Aviva, at the Toronto
Hadassah Bazaar. I knew then that I believed in the
core values of CHW and would like to become more
involved. Now, 27 years later, I am a proud member of
a women’s organization that passionately supports programs and services for Children, Healthcare & Women in
Israel and Canada.
I have had the opportunity to travel to Israel a few
times with CHW and see the projects first hand that we
support. I personally have seen the difference that our
dollars make! It is difficult to put into words the feeling
that I was left with – it is something that you feel in your
heart. It was then that I realized that I wanted to do
more for CHW – and help to make a difference.
I have acted in numerous positions within my Chapter,
on the City level, as well as on the Toronto Board, and
on the National Board. Now, as a National Director, I
have new insights into this vibrant organization and
the greatest respect for the women who are dedicated
and determined, as we continue to work together and
overcome challenges. The friendships that I have made
from across Canada will be everlasting.
CHW Calgary President, Aviva Cheuk recently returned home from a trip
to Israel where she spent some time with her husband, Steve, and their
two daughters, Arielle and Maxine touring a few CHW projects. Two of the
projects the Cheuk family visited were Assaf Harofeh Medical Center, and
CHW Netanya Technological High School.
Aviva has a special connection to Israel as she lived there for just about
her entire youth. She moved to Calgary and kept strong ties to Israel.
Aviva first got involved with CHW when Lauren Bell asked her to help out
with the planning of various CHW events. It didn’t take long before Aviva
became President of CHW Calgary.
Although Aviva has only recently visited CHW projects, she has friends
who have children attending CHW daycares and schools. Following her
first visit Aviva said, “I really loved it! It was such an overwhelming and
fun experience. It is quite remarkable to see the people who benefit from
our work. This experience truly touched my heart and I took a lot out of
Aviva was especially inspired by the life-saving work being done at the
Marla Dan Stroke and Invasive Neuroradiology Institute. She shared, “I
knew that this new institute was excellent but I was able to understand
how it drastically changes the outcome of so many people’s lives. The
procedures the institute is capable of performing as a result of our
support is incredible and my husband and I were very impressed.”
One of the highlights of her trip to Israel was seeing her family interact
with the students at CHW Netanya, “I loved seeing my girls engage with
the children from CHW Netanya. The hands-on experience was absolutely
For Aviva spending time at CHW Projects was a very important part of her
trip to Israel. She shares, “I know what my job is at home, but to see in
person the impact of our work is so motivating. I feel as if my battery has
been re-charged.”
Personal Touch
National President
Claudia Goldman
National Directors
Susan Abramowitz
Lauren Bell
Claire Conrad
Debbie Eisenberg, 1st Vice President
Diane Goldstein, Secretary
Gina Grant
Beverly Kahn
National Executive Director
Alina Ianson
Immediate Past President
Marla Dan
Evgenya Knopov
Esther Kulik
Elayna Latsky, Treasurer
Judith Lifshitz
Marilyn Libin
Marlene Richardson
Lifecycle Events
Claire Conrad, National Director - Birthday
Catherine Epstein, CHW Vancouver Vice-President, and husband
Michael - wedding anniversary
Claudia Goldman, National President - Birthday
Diane Goldstein, National Director, and husband Wayne - son
Jordan’s graduation from university with a PhD
Evgenya Knopov, National Director - Birthday
Esther Kulik, National Director, and husband Irving - marriage of
son Alex to Jen
Dr. Joseph Levinson, husband of Rochelle Levinson, Past National
President - Birthday
Judith Lifshitz, National Director, and husband Danny, engagement of daughter Rebecca
Judy Mandleman, Past National President, and husband David 60 th wedding anniversary
Sandy Martin, Past National President, and husband Larry marriage of daughter Tedi to Ben
Marion Mayman, Past National President - Birthday
Sam Switzer, Major Donor - Birthday
Randi Winter, National Leaders Forum Member, and husband
Sam – Birth of granddaughter, Atlas Finn Winter
Joyce Deitcher z’l, CHW Life Member
Aron Eichler z’l, Husband of Ida Eichler z’l, Past National Vice-President
Erwin Epstein z’l, Father-in-Law of Catherine Epstein, CHW
Vancouver Vice-President
Ronald Green z’l, Husband of Sue Green, Honourary National
Yehudit Moshevitz z’l, Honorary Life Member and Past Treasurer of
World WIZO
Sarah Senzilet z’l, Mother-in-Law of Linda Senzilet, CHW Ottawa
Michael Swetlow z’l, Husband of Roberta Swetlow, CHW Regina
Canadian Hadassah-WIZO (CHW)
90 Eglinton E. Suite 208, Toronto, ON M4P 2Y3 Tel: 1-855-477-5964
When was the last time you did something for
the first time?
This is the one and only opportunity to join CHW members
and friends to celebrate the 100th Birthday of Canadian
Hadassah-WIZO (CHW) on our 2017 Centennial trip to Israel!
Co-Chaired by Marla and Aubrey Dan, our CHW Centennial trip
will take place from October 16th, 2017 to October 26th, 2017.
Reserve your spot now with a non-refundable $100 deposit. Register
online or contact the National Office at 1-855-477-5964
Upcoming National Events 2016
August 13-14
November 5 - 6
Board of Directors Retreat, Toronto
Tribute Gala in Honour of Claudia Goldman,
National President, and Annual General Meeting,
Upcoming Centre Events 2016
August 21
August 21
September 7
September 18
September 19
September 20
October 19
December 1-15
CHW Ottawa: Walk in the Park
CHW Calgary: Walk in the Park
CHW Montreal: Tel Hai Bridge & Mahjong
CHW Toronto: Toronto Centre Walks with Gila
CHW Toronto: Toronto Centre Installation
CHW Ottawa: Opening Meeting
CHW Calgary: Games Day
CHW Montreal: Montreal Art Auction
CHW Calgary: Annual Toy Drive
Tell us about your Lifecycle events!
E-mail your news to Derek Vanderpluym, CHW Marketing Communications
Coordinator at We will do our best to include all submissions.
CHW passionately supports programs and services for
Children, Healthcare, and Women in Israel and Canada.