LiveNX Upgrade Guide from v5.1.2 to v5.1.3 - Linux


LiveNX Upgrade Guide from v5.1.2 to v5.1.3 - Linux
LiveNX Upgrade Guide from v5.1.2
to v5.1.3 - Linux
LiveAction, Inc.
ROAD Inc. All rights reserved. LiveAction, LiveNX, LiveUX, the LiveAction Logo and
© 2016 LiveAction,
94303 are trademarks of LiveAction, Inc. Information subject to change without notice.
5.1.2 to 5.1.3
The Upgrade Guide from 5.1.2 to 5.1.3 consists of the following:
Export Devices (Recommended)
Backup Server Configurations (Recommended)
Upgrading the LiveNX Server (Mandatory)
Upgrading the LiveNX Node (If applicable)
The LiveNX Node is an optional LiveAction component. It used to provide additional collection and
processing capabilities in networks with large devices. It is available in LiveAction releases 4.0 and higher.
Verification (Recommended)
As of the 5.0 release, the LiveAction Software has been renamed to LiveNX
Customers upgrading from v5.1.2 to v5.1.3 will NOT require a new license to support the new software
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Export Devices
Step 1:
With your Window’s LiveNX Client running, choose | File | Export Devices
Figure 1: Export Devices
Step 2:
A window will pop up with a list of all of your devices. Click Export to CSV, Enter the filename to export as, and
select Export
Figure 2: Name and location for the Exported Devices
Step 3:
Shutdown the Client by selecting |File|Exit.
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Backup Server Configurations
Step 1:
With the Server running and the connection established, click on Manage | Export Configuration to export the
current configuration. This export configuration step is for backup purposes only. If you wish to bypass this
backup step or if you want to start the Server with the factory defaults, please skip to Step 5:
Figure 1: Export Configuration
Step 2:
During the export process, the Server will be temporarily disabled. Click Yes to continue.
Figure 2: Export Warning
1-3 | LiveNX Upgrade Guide from 5.1.2 to 5.1.3 - Linux
Step 3:
The Export Configuration window will pop up. Click Browse to specify a location for your configuration file. If
the configuration file requires password protection, click on Encrypt, then enter a password and then reenter
to confirm. Click Export to export the configuration file.
Figure 3: Export Configuration Window
Step 4:
Enter the name for the backup configuration file and click Save
Figure 4: Name and Location for Configuration File
1-4 | LiveNX Upgrade Guide from 5.1.2 to 5.1.3 - Linux
Step 5:
Shut down the Server by clicking on Manage | Shutdown Service. This may take a few minutes. Once the
Server is shut down, click on OK and then exit the Server by clicking on Manage | Exit.
Figure 5: Confirmation of Server Shutdown
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Upgrading the LiveNX Server
The Linux version of the LiveNX Server is packaged as an RPM and is distributed as a self-contained shell script
(.sh) file with the RPM package embedded in it. Currently, installation must be handled by the root user or a
non-root user that has used the su or sudo command to gain root privileges. The file needs to be copied onto
the Linux computer.
Step 1:
The management console must also be run using root. A warning message will be displayed if the
management console is run by a non-root user. The following script will launch the management console:
Figure 1: Script to launch the Server Management Console
Step 2:
Open the Server Management Console | Properties tab |. Find the location of “app.datadir”. Note this as you
will need to provide the same path for the upgrade installation.
Figure 2a: Properties tab of the Server Management Console
1-6 | LiveNX Upgrade Guide from 5.1.2 to 5.1.3 - Linux
Also note the IP address of the “remoting.server.hostname” for use in Step 7.
Figure 2b: Properties tab > remoting.server.hostname
Make sure to stop the service before uninstalling. Click on Manage | Shutdown Service | Exit
Figure 2c: Stop Service on the Server Management Console
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Step 3:
Uninstall the previous Server installation by opening a Terminal and logging in as root.
To uninstall, type rpm -qa | grep LiveAction to return the package name.
Then type rpm -e LiveAction_package_name. In this example, rpm –e LiveActionServer5.1.2-1.i386.
Figure 3: Server Uninstaller via Terminal
NOTE: The LiveAction Server Data will not be removed by uninstalling the Server.
Step 4:
Install the LiveNX Server software It is packaged as an RPM and is distributed
as a self-contained shell script (.sh) file with the RPM package embedded in it. Currently, installation must be
handled by the root user or a non-root user that has used the su or sudo command to gain root privileges. This
example assumes that the .sh package is loaded on the desktop.
To install, open a Terminal and type chmod +x
Figure 4a: Change the Server’s permission to execute
Then type ./
Figure 4b: Install the Server
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Step 5:
Enter your Server’s IP Address:
Figure 5: Server IP Address
Step 6:
Enter your Server data directory (this could be found in Step 2: Upgrading the LiveNX Server).
Figure 6a: Server Data Directory on the Console
This is the directory containing your most recent Server configuration and data. This example assumes that
your Server Data Directory is in 5.1. Ensure that you provide the complete path of the directory. The default
path is /var/LiveAction/data/5.1.
Figure 6b: Server Data Directory
1-9 | LiveNX Upgrade Guide from 5.1.2 to 5.1.3 - Linux
Step 7:
Type /opt/LiveActionNode/5.1.3/LAManagementConsole to start the Server Management
Figure 7: Server Management Console Startup
Step 8:
Start the Server by clicking on Manage | Start Service.
Figure 8: Start Service in Management Console
1-10 | LiveNX Upgrade Guide from 5.1.2 to 5.1.3 - Linux
Step 9:
When the server status LED turns green with “The server is currently running”, then your Server is upgraded to
Figure 9: Server Upgrade Complete
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Upgrading the LiveNX Nodes (If Applicable)
Skip this section if you do not have any LiveNX Nodes in your configuration. Nodes are used by LiveAction to
provide additional collection and processing capabilities in networks with a large number of devices. The
nodes run on Linux or Windows O/S and communicate to the central LiveNX server.
Step 1:
Open the LiveAction Node Console | Properties tab |. Find the location of “app.datadir”, you will need to
provide the same path below for the upgrade installation.
Figure 1: Properties tab on Node Console
Step 2:
Open the Node Console and stop the service by clicking on Manage | Stop Service. Click on Yes when asked if
you want to shut down the Node service.
Figure 2: Stop Service on the Node
1-12 | LiveNX Upgrade Guide from 5.1.2 to 5.1.3 - Linux
Step 3:
Uninstall the previous Node installation by logging in as root user and opening a Terminal.
To uninstall, type rpm –qa | grep LiveAction to return the package name.
Then type rpm –e LiveAction_package_name. In this example, rpm –e LiveActionNode5.1.2-1.i386.
Figure 3: Uninstall Node Package
Step 4:
Install the LiveNX Node software It is packaged as an RPM and is distributed
as a self-contained shell script (.sh) file with the RPM package embedded in it. Currently, installation must be
handled by the root user or a non-root user that has used the su or sudo command to gain root privileges.
This example assumes that the .sh package is loaded on the desktop.
To install, type chmod +x
Then type ./
Figure 4: LiveAction Node Package Installation
1-13 | LiveNX Upgrade Guide from 5.1.2 to 5.1.3 - Linux
Step 5:
Enter your Node and Server IP address.
Figure 5: Node and Server IP Address Specification
Step 6:
Enter your Node data directory (this could be found in Step 1: Upgrading the LiveNX Node).
Figure 6a: Node Console Data Directory
This is the directory containing your most recent LiveNX Node configuration, data and node connection file.
This example assumes that your Node data directory is in 5.1. Ensure that you provide the complete path of
the directory. The default path is /var/LiveAction/data/5.1.
Since your Node connection file is stored in this directory, you do not need to re-add this Node to the system.
Figure 6b: Node Package Installation Complete
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Step 7:
Type /opt/LiveActionNode/5.1.3/LANodeManagementConsole to start the LiveNX Node
Figure 7: Node Management Console Startup
Step 8:
On the Node Console, go to the Manage | Start Service. When complete, a green LED appears in the bottom
of the Node Console with “Node is currently running”. Verify that the Node Name and the Node ID on the
Node Console matches the Node Name and Node ID in the Nodes tab of the Server Management Console.
Figure 8: Node Upgrade Complete
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Step 9:
Verify that the Node status in the Server Management Console is connected. The Node upgrade is complete.
Figure 9: Server Management Console - Nodes Tab
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Step 10:
(Optional) If you wish to use an existing exported configuration or if the upgrade did not save your previous
configuration, go to the Server Management Console and import your saved configuration by clicking on
Manage | Import Configurations. Use the Browse button to locate your previously exported configuration file
and click on Import. The Server will need to be restarted by clicking on Manage | Start Service.
Figure 5: Importing Saved Configurations
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Verification (Recommended)
Once the Client, the Server and the Node are upgraded, login to the Client and verify that all of your devices
are loaded into the Client. If any devices are “greyed out”, perform a REFRESH for that specific device or select
HOME and Refresh all devices. After this effort completes, all of the devices should be green. If any issues
arise during the upgrade process, contact LiveAction Technical Support at the phone number or email address
shown on our website.
Copyright © 2016 LiveAction, Inc. All rights reserved. LiveAction, LiveNX, LiveUX, the LiveAction Logo and
LiveAction Software are trademarks of LiveAction, Inc. Information subject to change without notice.
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