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here - Telefilm Canada
Canadian Companies at GDC 2016
March 14 – 18, 2016
Entreprises canadiennes présentes
à la GDC 2016
du 14 au 18 mars 2016
Table of Contents | Table des matières
Canada @ GDC2016 ..................................................................................................................................................... 3
Canadian Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Sector / Le secteur
canadien des technologies de l’information et des communications (TIC) .......................................................... 4
Canadian Companies / Les entreprises canadiennes .............................................................................................. 6
Trade Commissioner Service / Service des délégués commerciaux ................................................................... 105
Company Index / Liste des entreprises ................................................................................................................. 107
Canada @ GDC2016
Canadian companies have the technical and creative talent to revolutionize the way the world works,
thinks, plays and lives. The profiles in this document present a snapshot of the talented, creative,
competitive and cutting-edge Canadian companies at the 2016 Game Developers Conference (GDC)
in San Francisco.
For the eighth consecutive year, the Trade Commissioner Service will be hosting the Canada Business
Lounge at GDC Play, March 16 to 18, 2016 on the same show floor as GDC, within the Moscone
Center. Canadian Trade Commissioners will be available in the Lounge to make introductions and
provide information about doing business and investing in Canada. The Trade Commissioner Service
will also be present at Game Connection on March 14 and 15, 2016.
If you have any questions and/or are interested in meeting with one of our Canadian companies,
drop by the Business Lounge or contact us at:
Please note that the information provided by entities not subject to the Official Languages is offered
in the language in which they were communicated.
Les entreprises canadiennes possèdent les capacités techniques et le talent créatif nécessaire pour
révolutionner notre façon de travailler, de penser, de jouer et de vivre. Les profils fournis dans le
présent document donnent un aperçu des entreprises canadiennes talentueuses, créatives,
compétitives et innovatrices, qui seront présentes à la Game Developers Conference (GDC) à San
Pour la huitième année consécutive, le Service des délégués commerciaux tiendra le Salon d’affaires
du Canada à la GDC Play, du 16 au 18 mars 2016, sur le même étage que GDC, à l’intérieur du Moscone
Center. Les délégués commerciaux canadiens seront à votre disposition au Salon pour faire des
introductions et vous fournir des renseignements sur les façons de faire des affaires et d’investir au
Canada. Le Service des délégués commerciaux sera également présent au Game Connection les 14 et
15 mars 2016.
Si vous avez des questions ou si vous êtes intéressé à rencontrer une de nos entreprises
canadiennes, passez nous voir au Salon d’affaires ou communiquez avec nous au:
Désistement :
Veuillez noter que l’information provenant d’entités non assujetties à la Loi sur les langues officielles
est offerte dans la langue dans laquelle ils ont été transmis.
The Canadian Information and Communication
Technologies (ICT) Sector
The Canadian Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) sector consists of more than 37,000 firms
involved in ICT manufacturing, software and computer services, communication services, and ICT wholesaling
activities. The sector employs nearly 500,000 workers and contributed $72.3 billion to Canada’s real GDP in
2014. The sector is growing at a faster rate than the rest of the Canadian economy, accounting for 5.8% of all
GDP growth since 2007. Some of Canada’s key strengths are in telecom equipment, game development, data
management, mining, and analysis software.
Game Development
Canada ranks at the top in developing video games, following the U.S. and Japan. In 2015, the industry
employed 20,400, was composed of 472 studios in operation across Canada, and contributed $3.0 Billion to
Canada’s GDP. Canada’s dominant video game clusters include Montréal, Vancouver, and Toronto which are
among the largest in the world. These cities are well known for their quality of life, culturally diverse
populations, thriving downtowns and significant entertainment focuses. Besides British Columbia, Ontario
and Québec, other clusters exist in Canada’s Atlantic Provinces (including Nova Scotia and Prince Edward
Island), as well as Alberta and Manitoba. This context helps video game companies attract not only recent
graduates but also experienced developers, artists and managers from other countries. The industry
comprises of a unique mix of artistic and technological professions.
Canadian firms have shown considerable strength in several genres, including sports, action/adventure and
strategy, and across all platforms, from mobile to PC, to console. As outlined in this directory, Canada is home
to a vibrant and creative ecosystem of developers ranging from small independant development studios to
larger studios, as well as a breath of talented creative and other services or technology providers, to name a
few. Canadian companies in the video game industry are well renowned for the quality of their products and
Canada is also home to many of the top ten game publishers - Electronic Arts, Activision Blizzard, Ubisoft,
Eidos, and Microsoft. Some of the most popular AAA franchises include the “Assassin’s Creed” and “Far Cry”
series developed by Ubisoft Montreal, “Batman: Arkham Origins,” developed by Warner Bros. Games
Montréal, the “FIFA Soccer” series developed by Electronic Arts, and the “Dragon Age” series developed by
Key factors for why major players choose to invest in Canada include:
Talent: The Canadian video game publishing industry employs a high percentage of people with either
technical or creative skills. Canada is also home to many leading colleges and universities that offer specialized
game development programs.
Financial Incentives: Video game companies operating in Canada may qualify for tax credits from the federal
government and the provinces. In addition, video game companies, both domestic and foreign, are
commonly attracted to substantial tax credits on labour, offered by a number of provinces in Canada.
Le secteur canadien des Technologies de l'information et des communications (TIC)
Le secteur canadien des Technologies de l'information et des communications (TIC) comprend plus de 37000
entreprises impliquées dans l’industrie manufacturière des TIC, des logiciels et des prestations informatiques,
des services de communication et des activités de ventes en gros de TIC. Ce secteur emploie près de 500 000
travailleurs et a représenté 72,3 milliards de dollars du PIB réel du Canada en 2014. Il se développe à un rythme
plus rapide que le reste de l'économie canadienne, ce qui représente 5,8% de la croissance du PIB depuis 2007.
Parmi les principales forces du Canada on peut citer les équipements de télécommunication, le
développement de jeux vidéo, la gestion des données, l’exploitation des données ainsi que les logiciels
Développement de jeux
Le Canada se positionne en tête dans le développement de jeux vidéo avec les États-Unis et le Japon. En 2015,
l'industrie employait 20 400 personnes, comptait 472 studios opérationnels à travers le Canada et représentait
3,0 milliards de dollars du PIB du Canada. Les pôles dominants des jeux vidéo au Canada, à savoir Montréal,
Vancouver, et Toronto, sont parmi les plus importants au monde. Ces villes sont bien connues pour leur
qualité de vie, la diversité culturelle de leurs populations, leur centre-ville en plein essor et leurs centres de
divertissement importants. Outre la Colombie-Britannique, l’Ontario et le Québec, il y a d'autres centres qui
existent dans les provinces atlantiques du Canada (y compris la Nouvelle-Écosse et l'Île-du-Prince-Édouard),
ainsi qu’en Alberta et à Manitoba. Ce contexte permet aux entreprises de jeux vidéo d’attirer non-seulement
des jeunes diplômés, mais aussi des développeurs expérimentés, des artistes et des gestionnaires venant
d'autres pays. Cette industrie se compose d'un mélange unique de professions artistiques et technologiques.
Les entreprises canadiennes ont fait preuve d’un dynamisme considérable dans plusieurs domaines, y compris
les sports, l’action / l’aventure et la stratégie, toutes plateformes confondues, de mobile à PC, à la console.
Vous serez à même de constater en regardant le répertoire ci-présent que le Canada abrite un écosystème
dynamique et créatif dans le secteur de jeux vidéos, allant de petits studios de développement indépendants
aux plus grands studios, y compris un éventail de services créatifs et technologiques offerts par des
fournisseurs de services talentueux. Les entreprises canadiennes de l'industrie du jeu vidéo sont
mondialement reconnues pour la qualité de leurs produits et services.
Le Canada héberge le siège social de plus de la moitié des 10 principaux éditeurs de jeux - Electronic Arts,
Activision Blizzard, Ubisoft, Eidos et Microsoft. Parmi les franchises les plus populaires de AAA, on peut citer
« Assassin Creed », la série « Far Cry » développés par Ubisoft Montréal, « Batman: Arkham Origins»
développé par Warner Bros, Games Montréal, de la série "FIFA Soccer" développée par Electronic Arts ainsi
que et la série "Dragon Age" développé par BioWare.
Deux des facteurs clés pour lesquelles les principaux acteurs choisissent d'investir au Canada sont :
Le talent: L'industrie canadienne de l'édition de jeux vidéo emploie un pourcentage élevé de personnes ayant
des compétences soit techniques, soit créatives. Le Canada abrite également de nombreuses grandes écoles
et d’universités qui offrent des programmes de développement de jeux spécialisés.
Les Incitations financières: les sociétés opérationnelles de jeux vidéo au Canada peuvent être admissibles à
des crédits d'impôt du gouvernement fédéral et provincial. En outre, les sociétés de jeux vidéo, nationales et
étrangères, peuvent souvent bénéficier de crédits d'impôt substantiels sur la main-d’œuvre qui sont offerts
par certaines provinces du Canada.
3Mind Games Inc.
Dao Champagne | +1 514 581 2239 | | Montréal, QC
3Mind Games is an independent company dedicated to developing AAA video games and interactive
entertainment that are original, innovative, emotionally engaging and fun. The studio was founded in 2010 by
two motivated veterans, cumulating over 30 years of experience sharing the same goal, and the same vision.
3Mind Services is a division of 3Mind Games Inc., created in 2013 to provide high quality services for
businesses and productions. 3Mind Services specializes in art, design, animation and games / apps
Our objective for GDC is to expand our clientele, establish new contracts, and create new opportunities for
3Mind Games. We would also like to meet with publishers who are interested in financing some of our
projects, as well as, assist in the marketing and publishing.
Areas of activity:
Creative Services, Game Development, Application Development
Service(s) Offered:
Porting, Work-for-hire, Artwork/Graphic Design, Cinematics, Digital Visual Effects
(VFX), Animation and 3D, Augmented Reality / Virtual Reality, Game / Level Design and
Xbox, PlayStation, IOS, Android, Windows Phone, PC/Steam, Browser/Flash/HTML5
Market Segment(s):
Core, Mid-core, Casual, Family, Kids, Educational
Game Genre(s):
Action/Adventure, Alternate Reality, Arcade, Card, Fighting, MMO, Platformer, RPG,
Serious/Training/Simulation, Shooter, Strategy, Augmented/Virtual Reality
4th Monkey Media
Kirsten Tomilson | +1 902 212 2377 | | Lunenburg, NS
Fourth Monkey Media is a fresh new multi-media company based in Nova Scotia, Canada. Founded by three of
the region’s most senior and experienced talents combining their formidable skills to create the highest
quality gaming experience possible. Fourth Monkey’s motto is “play no evil”, and that promise is fortified
with knowledge, passion, and experience.
We are looking to develop strategic partnerships with developers, publishers and advertising agencies who
are looking for independent and creative thinkers to create engaging, entertaining and interactive content.
Areas of activity:
Creative Services, Game Development
Service(s) Offered:
Porting, Work-for-hire, Artwork/Graphic Design, Cinematics, Digital Visual Effects (VFX),
Animation and 3D, Augmented Reality / Virtual Reality
IOS, Android, Windows Phone, PC/Steam, Mac, Browser/Flash/HTML5
Market Segment(s):
Casual, Family, Kids, Educational
Game Genre(s):
Action/Adventure, Arcade, Art/Music-based, Card, Platformer, Puzzle/Word,
Serious/Training/Simulation, Simulated Gambling
Akimbo Creations Inc.
Behrouz Poutschi | +1 604 442 4254 | | Vancouver, BC
Akimbo Creations is a technology company with a focus to push the boundaries of multiplayer gaming
technology with a high quality and highly secure networking middleware that eliminates the cost of
multiplayer gaming hardware and bandwidth consumption.
Traditionally, multiplayer games have used the client-server model to handle gameplay, artificial intelligence
and physics. To support a large user base, companies must maintain large server farms (or cloud services)
provisioned for maximum throughput — a costly architecture that has a significant impact on your bottom
line. Our Fault Tolerant distributed network middleware eliminates the need for massive server farms and will
ultimately save you millions in both bandwidth costs and hardware costs. Currently in development, this
project is under the guidance of our founder who revolutionized the telecomm industry by developing peerto-peer call processing and holds over ten patents. Translating this knowledge to the gaming industry, our
highly resilient Fault Tolerant middleware will support multiple platforms, including Unreal 4 and Unity game
Our objective for GDC16 is to meet potential developers and publishers who are developing multiplayer games
that would be interested in our cheat resistance Fault Tolerant Peer-to-peer middleware. We are also
interested in seeking a publisher who would be interested in distributing our PC and console game ARCContinuum currently under production.
Areas of activity:
Game Development, Software/Middleware Technology Providers
Service(s) Offered:
Xbox, PlayStation, PC/Steam, Mac
Market Segment(s):
Core, Mid-core
Game Genre(s):
Alpha Dog Games
Jeff Cameron | +1 902 579 5851 | | Halifax, NS
Alpha Dog Games is a leading edge mobile games studio co-founded in 2012 by gaming and tech start up
veterans – Shawn Woods (Microsoft, Relic Entertainment, Vivity Labs) and Jeff Cameron (THQ, Gaia
Based in beautiful Halifax, Nova Scotia, the award winning studio is at the forefront of creating original
strategy games for millions of players worldwide. With a commitment to quality, both in the games they
create and in the team’s quality of life, Alpha Dog believes great teams shaped from a collaborative
environment is the key to building hit games.
We are interested in connecting with developer relations contacts in digital distribution platforms, in addition
to Brand/IP owners.
Areas of activity:
Game Development
Service(s) Offered:
IOS, Android, Windows Phone
Market Segment(s):
Core, Mid-core
Game Genre(s):
Action/Adventure, Fighting, MMO, RPG, Strategy
AptitudeX – Art Outsourcing Studio
Antoine Carre | +1 514 496 9721 | | Montréal, QC
AptitudeX is a studio specialized in Art Production 2D/3D for publishers and game developers. Our originality is
based on extensive experience of outsourcing (both sides of the relationship). Thereby, we fully understand
the issues and challenges related to the success of an outsourced project by meeting the quality
expectations/cost/time, AND offering a local alternative to outsourcing needs.
We are interested in meeting with game publishers and developers looking for a local alternative to their
2D/3D Art needs. Located in Montréal, we provide extremely convenient and effective services with
worldwide competitive rates.
Areas of activity:
Creative Services
Service(s) Offered:
Artwork/ Graphic Design, Animation and 3D
Xbox, PlayStation, iOS, Android, Windows Phone, PC/Steam, Mac,
Market Segment(s):
Core, Mid-Core, Casual, Family, Kids, Educational
Game Genre(s):
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Artifact 5
Samantha Cook | +1 514 518 4305 | | Montréal, QC
Artifact 5 is an independent studio based in Montreal. We create experiential and emotionally driven games
with a strong bent towards surrealism.
We are interested in meeting with publishers and distributors, as well as seek clients for development workfor-hire services. We would also like to connect with developer relations contacts in digital distribution
platforms, seek PR and localization partners, and clients for other products or services.
Areas of activity:
Creative Services, Game Development, Technical Services
Service(s) Offered:
Work-for-hire, Artwork/ Graphic Design, Animation and 3D, Augmented Reality/
Virtual Reality
Xbox, PlayStation, iOS, Android, PC/Steam, Mac, Browser/Flash/HTML5, Linux
Market Segment(s):
Core, Mid-Core
Game Genre(s):
Action/Adventure, Art/Music-based, Serious/Training/Simulation, Augmented/Virtual
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Jacques Deveau | +1 514 499 9100 | | Montréal, QC
Built on innovative technology and years of industry experience, Audiokinetic sets a new standard in audio
production for interactive media and video games. We are committed to sharing our expertise—including
ground-breaking technology, unsurpassed services, and a revolutionary workflow—with the industry.
Since introducing Wwise, Audiokinetic has continued to advance traditional audio and sound engine
development by offering an integrated approach to interactive audio production. Our products, including
Wwise® and SoundSeed®, give sound designers and audio programmers the most comprehensive audio
solution for creating truly sophisticated audio.
Our mission is to build cutting-edge interactive audio solutions that inspire people to create products which
take the immersive experience of audio to new heights.
Our objective for GDC2016 is to seek new clients such as audio creators, game publishers/developers,
resellers, as well as, establishing new audio technology and educational partnerships.
Areas of activity:
Software/Middleware Technology Providers
Service(s) Offered:
Workflow Management Tools, Augmented Reality / Virtual Reality
Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo, IOS, Android, Windows Phone, PC/Steam, Mac,
Market Segment(s):
Core, Mid-Core
Game Genre(s):
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Axon Interactive Inc.
Tabetha Rose | +1 647 238 8564 | | Toronto, ON
Axon Interactive Inc. is an interactive media company based in Toronto, Canada. We specialize in websites and
apps for healthcare and education, but also love making art and games.
Axon Interactive was founded in 2014 by Tabby and Jeff Rose, and the team has since grown to include
Kristina Neuman and James Zinger. Together, this small team has worked on several projects for Canadian
hospitals and universities. Axon Interactive specializes in e-learning products for healthcare and medicine, and
the team is also working on releasing their first game, a story-driven puzzle game called Quench.
Our company is in the process of completing our first original IP due to launch later this year. Therefore, our
aim for GDC is to seek publishers to finance porting the game to additional platforms (outside of PC) within a
year of launching.
Areas of activity:
Creative Services, Game Development, Technical Services
Service(s) Offered:
Work-for-hire, Artwork/Graphic Design
PC/Steam, Browser/Flash/HTML5
Market Segment(s):
Game Genre(s):
Art/Music-based, Puzzle/Word
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BANDAI NAMCO Studios Vancouver Inc.
Jun Taniguchi | +1 778 997 5200 | | Vancouver, BC
Dreams, Fun, and Inspiration.
Our vision is to bring smiles to the faces of people around the world by creating fascinating games that both
surprise and inspire players. With unlimited creativity and enthusiasm, BANDAI NAMCO Studios Vancouver
provides Dreams, Fun, and Inspiration through our entertainment products and services.
The Leading Innovator in Global Entertainment
BANDAI NAMCO is an entertainment leader who is constantly exploring new areas and heights in the industry.
The company aims to deliver the community with an unforgettable experience that will be loved by people
earning their trust as the leading innovator in global entertainment.
Areas of activity:
Game Development
Service(s) Offered:
Work-for-hire, Artwork/Graphic Design
IOS, Android, Windows Phone, PC/Steam
Market Segment(s):
Mid-core, Casual, Family, Kids
Game Genre(s):
Action/Adventure, Arcade, Fighting, Puzzle/Word, Racing/Flight, Strategy
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BDA Entertainment Inc.
Wojtek Kawczynski | +1 416 302 2284 | | Toronto, ON
BDA Entertainment Inc. is an indie game studio located in beautiful Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. We are a
small, but proud, team of game enthusiasts who have worked hard to create our flagship game, Realm of
BDA was founded in 2008 by three friends who wanted a particular type of MMORTS experience that wasn’t
available at the time. Realm of Empires was born from their goal of designing a game that they would love to
play. Since its launch, Realm of Empires has been enjoyed by the three founders as well as over a million of
their closest friends.
At GDC16, we are interested in meeting with publishers and/or platform owners with the intent to introduce
our game to new markets, languages and/or platforms. We would also like to connect with Brand/IP owners
for the purpose of re-theming our game with a new licence.
Areas of activity:
Game Publishing, Game Development
Service(s) Offered:
IOS, Android, Browser/Flash/HTML5
Market Segment(s):
Game Genre(s):
MMO, Strategy
15 | P a g e
Amber Scott | +1 587 335 6455 | | Edmonton, AB
Beamdog loves taking classic video games and update them for modern gamers. Their smash successes
Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition, Baldur’s Gate II: Enhanced Edition and Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition put
isometric 2D roleplaying games on smartphones and tablets. Now they’re reaching even higher as they create
their own in-house original content.
The Beamdog team is a small, but savvy force concentrated in Edmonton, Canada, but also working from
Russia, America, the UK, and other countries. The team isn’t based on geographical location, but on the
enthusiasm and excitement employees have for building games. Beamdog designs, develops, and distributes
cool games that people want to play, and those goals will take them in many different directions in the future.
In March 2016, we will launch our first game that was developed, designed, and produced completely inhouse. Our main goal for GDC16 is to showcase the game through demos, and meet with the press with the
intent to promote this great accomplishment for our company.
Areas of activity:
Game Publishing, Sales and Marketing, Game Development, Distribution and Hosting
Service(s) Offered:
Porting, Artwork/Graphic Design, Animation and 3D, QA
IOS, Android, PC/Steam, Mac, Linux
Market Segment(s):
Core, Mid-core
Game Genre(s):
Action/Adventure, RPG
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Behaviour Interactive
Wayne Meazza | +1 514 843 4484 | | Montréal, QC
We are Canada’s largest independent developer and one of the biggest independent developers in the world.
We are experts in brand management and family game development as evidenced by our history and success.
We have also gone beyond pure game development to work with emerging technologies in the Augmented
Reality, Virtual Reality, and Interactive Toy spaces. We have the experience, expertise, and capacity to handle
any and all of your console and mobile development needs.
Areas of activity:
Game Publishing, Creative Services, Game Development, Distribution and Hosting,
Technical Services
Service(s) Offered:
Porting, Work-for-hire, Artwork/Graphic Design, Cinematics, Animation and 3D,
Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality
Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo, IOS, Android, Windows Phone, PC/Steam, Mac
Market Segment(s):
Core, Mid-core, Casual, Family, Kids, Educational
Game Genre(s):
Action/Adventure, Alternate Reality, Arcade, Art/Music-based, Card, Fighting, MMO,
Platformer, Puzzle/Word, Racing/Flight, RPG, Serious/Training/Simulation, Shooter,
Simulated Gambling, Sports, Strategy, Augmented/Virtual Reality
17 | P a g e
Berzerk Studio
Mike Ducarme | +1 418 353 7465 | | Québec, QC
Berzerk Studio is an indie game studio based out of Quebec City, Canada. Since 2008, the small studio has
launched over 25 player acclaimed IP-owned games on web and mobile platforms and are planning to soon
take living rooms by storm with their first two console games, "Just Shapes & Beats" and "Infernax".
Areas of activity:
Game Development
Service(s) Offered:
Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo, IOS, Android, PC/Steam, Browser/Flash, HTML5
Market Segment(s):
Game Genre(s):
18 | P a g e
Action/Adventure, Arcade, Art/Music-based
BKOM Studios
Frederic Martin | +1 418 933 1881 | | Québec, QC
BKOM is a full service digital studio dedicated to helping brands and franchises create 360 ecosystems on
several platforms, from websites, two apps and even to toys-to-life experiences. BKOM is the most complete
offering in the field of “Play”, able to create it on any platform, monetize it, promote it, and keep it alive.
Working mainly with the entertainment industry, our clients include Disney, Hasbro, Wizards of the Coast and
many more. More than 80 talented people work in our studios located in Quebec City, Canada, and in Los
Angeles, U.S.A.
Our objective for GDC16 is to connect with publishers, seek new clients, and develop new partnerships. We
are also interested in connecting with developer relations contacts in digital distribution platforms.
Areas of activity:
Game Publishing, Sales and Marketing
Service(s) Offered:
Porting, Work-for-Hire
IOS, Android, Windows Phone, PC/Steam, Browser/Flash/HTML5
Market Segment(s):
Core, Mid-core, Casual, Family, Kids
Game Genre(s):
Action/Adventure, Arcade, Card, Fighting, Platformer, Puzzle/Word, Racing/Flight,
RPG, Strategy, Augmented/Virtual Reality
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Bloom Digital Media
Miriam Verburg | +1 416 882 1186 | | Toronto, ON
Bloom Digital Media is a Toronto-based, digital agency with a focus on health promotion, stakeholder design,
and youth audiences. We specialize in creating inspiring games, mobile and web experiences for children and
youth to shape experiences that help young people feel good about themselves and the world.
Children and teens are some of the toughest audiences — they are technologically savvy and they have no
patience for patronizing talk. They also face a unique set of challenges growing up in a digital world. When
designing great products, meeting young people where they are, is a key determinant of project success.
With a strong background in youth development, digital strategy and design, we know how to communicate
with young people to create interactive experiences that resonate, and we have a strong track record of
successfully leading projects from start to finish.
We are interested in speaking with translation and localization firms. We are also exploring the possibility of
partnering with a publisher/game developer or distribution company, from markets such as Germany, France,
Italy, Spain, the Netherlands or Brazil, with the intent to assist in the distribution and promotion of one of our
Areas of activity:
Game Development
Service(s) Offered:
Game Design─integrating health goals into game design
IOS, Android, PC/Steam
Market Segment(s):
Mid-core, Casual, Family, Kids
Game Genre(s):
20 | P a g e
Blot Interactive Inc.
Norma Rossler | +1 226 868 0435 | | Toronto, ON
We dive into development to create a world that enhances player experience. We are an Ontario-based video
game developer, whose main focus is to develop games that entice players' overall gaming experiences on a
variety of platforms through imaginative and self-paced games. From our debut game, Chat Fu, which
encourages players to re-think the way communication and GamePlay intersect, to our upcoming game
Planktos, which allows them to explore a mysterious sub-aquatic environment, Blot has continued to reinvent
the gaming style to keep players on the edge of their seats.
At GDC2016, we are interested in meeting with publishers or investors who are interested in financing one of
our games.
Areas of activity:
Game Development
Service(s) Offered:
Xbox, PlayStation, IOS, Android, PC/Steam
Market Segment(s):
Game Genre(s):
Action/Adventure, Arcade, Puzzle/Word
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Blue Lizard Games
Alfredo Chaves | +1 514 513 1365 | | Montréal, QC
Blue Lizard Games is devoted to creating the best in interactive entertainment. Our core team has over 15
years of experience in the gaming, software and entertainment business. Since our establishment in 2008, we
have grown strong and now own a satellite development studio in Quito, Ecuador.
We are a premium one-stop-shop for game development. We specialize as much on user experience as we do
on complex and demanding back-end solutions. We firmly believe that partnering with our clients is the best
way to achieve our common goals – quality, innovation, predictability, and profitability.
Our objective for GDC16 is to meet with publishers who would be interested in financing a specific game. Also,
we would like to find clients for development work-for-hire services, and connect with Brand/IP owners.
Areas of activity:
Game Development
Service(s) Offered:
Porting, Work-for-hire, Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality
Nintendo, IOS, Android, PC/Steam, Mac, Browser/Flash/HTML5
Market Segment(s):
Core, Mid-Core
Game Genre(s):
Art/Music-based, Fighting, MMO, Serious/Training/Simulation, Augmented/Virtual
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Bug Tracker – Testing Labs
Antoine Carre | +1 514 496 0093 x221 | | Montréal, QC
Bug-Tracker is a highly qualified Localization and Quality Assurance Service Provider. Using the best
technological resources, cutting-edge procedures and industry experts, we work in an extremely secured
environment to analyze, evaluate, measure, report and successfully deliver a wide range of services.
Bug-Tracker offers the most advanced processes and methodologies to assist publishers and developers to
successfully improve the quality, certify and adapt their consoles, mobiles, web and PC products while
reducing time and costs. Find out how you and your company can benefit from our 17 years of experience, by
taking advantage of our flexible, scalable and highly competitive operation.
We are interested in meeting with game publishers and developers looking for a local alternative to their
Quality Assurance needs. Located in Montréal, we provide extremely convenient and effective services with
worldwide competitive rates.
Areas of activity:
Technical Services
Service(s) Offered:
Localisation, Quality Assurance
Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo, IOS, Android, Windows Phone, PC/Steam, Mac,
Market Segment(s):
Core, Mid-Core, Casual, Family, Kids, Educational
Game Genre(s):
23 | P a g e
Chainsawesome Games
Jean Simon Otis | +1 418 933 1154 | | Québec, QC
Chainsawesome Games is a small studio composed of 3 chainsaw lovers that like to create simple, fun and
addictive games for PC and consoles. We have just released Knight Squad, an up to 8 frantic party game
reminiscent of Bomberman and Gauntlet for Xbox One and Steam. We are looking to continue creating this
kind of crazy experience with our own IPs or for other licences. The company is based in Quebec City where
poutine is actually good and winters last entire generations.
Our objective for GDC16 is to meet with potential marketing (distribution/publishing) partners for our upcoming game. Also, we are seeking interesting projects that would leave us with some creative liberty (such
as game project for specific license).
Areas of activity:
Game Development, Technical Services
Service(s) Offered:
Porting, Work-for-hire
Xbox, PlayStation, PC/Steam
Market Segment(s):
Core, Mid-core
Game Genre(s):
24 | P a g e
Clever Endeavour Games
Richard Atlas | +1 514 945 1954 | | Montréal, QC
Clever Endeavour Games consists of a team of three young and dynamic individuals, each bringing a unique
skill set and experience to the table to create amazing games. We are committed to making games with a
focus on unique mechanics rather than basing ourselves on pre-existing genres, and we want to create games
that bring people together.
Our goal at GDC2016 is to expand our network, and further promote our company and our game. We are
interested in connecting with publishers and potential investors for future projects, as well as discover and
learn new techniques and resources to help create the best games possible.
Areas of activity:
Game Development
Service(s) Offered:
Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo, IOS, Android, Windows Phone, PC/Steam, Mac
Market Segment(s):
Mid-core, Casual, Family, Kids
Game Genre(s):
Action/Adventure, Platformer, Strategy
25 | P a g e
Clever-Plays Studio
Angela Mejia | +1 514 943 3884 | | Montréal, QC
Clever-Plays is a video game studio specialized in developing quality games. The team is led by former Ubisoft
veteran Mattieu Bégin, who has previously worked on AAA titles such as Shaun White Snowboarding and The
Mighty Quest for Epic Loot. The company has received funding from the Canada Media Fund and the
Montréal Inc. Foundation.
Clever-Plays has developed deep technical expertise in:
3D mobile games, including shaders and performance optimization;
Controls design for PC and mobile;
Systems design and balancing;
Mastery of the Unity engine.
Recent projects portfolio:
Our goal for GDC2016 is to meet with publishers and distributors, in addition to seeking new clients.
Areas of activity:
Game Development
Service(s) Offered:
Porting, Work-for-hire, Artwork/Graphic Design, Digital Visual Effects (VFX),
Animation and 3D
Xbox, PlayStation, IOS, Android, PC/Steam
Market Segment(s):
Core, Mid-core
Game Genre(s):
Action/Adventure, RPG
26 | P a g e
Vanessa Chia | +1 416 801 0714 | | Toronto, ON
Cococucumber is a Toronto-based independent game studio co-founded by Martin Gauvreau and Vanessa
Chia to create games with a unique visual style and original intellectual property for players of all ages.
Our goal for GDC16 is to meet with publishers and distributors, connect with developer relations contacts, and
seek new clients.
Areas of activity:
Game Development
Service(s) Offered:
Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo, PC/Steam, Mac
Market Segment(s):
Mid-core, Casual
Game Genre(s):
Action/Adventure, RPG
27 | P a g e
Code Mystics Inc.
Jeff Vavasour | +1 604 637 1949 | | Vancouver, BC
Code Mystics is a robust cross-platform developer for a modern digital age, comprised of industry veterans.
Every one of our key team members has at least 20 years industrial experience. We are highly adaptive and
technically adept, having worked with virtually all modern and classic platforms over the last 20 years. We
provide turn-key porting services and publishing process assistance on Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo, Apple,
Android, and Steam (PC/Mac/Linux) platforms; as well as development for custom hardware, and more. Our
services have been sought for key brands such as Star Wars, King of Fighters, Killer Instinct, Mortal Kombat,
We have a proprietary robust engine for efficient cross-platform deployment of modern games, including
online multiplayer solutions, and are also pioneers of video game emulation and expert reverse engineers
with a suite of technology for bringing your back-catalogue back to life even without complete assets. If you
need a reliable team to expand your marketing reach to all the modern digital distribution era has to offer,
we're your answer.
We are interested in meeting with brand owners and third-party publishers to bring their content to modern
console, desktops, mobile, etc. under a variety of business arrangements (work for hire, co-funding with
revenue participation, etc.). We have a robust cross-platform library, thus, the more platforms you want to
see your content on, the better.
Areas of activity:
Game Development, Software/Middleware Technology Providers, Technical Services
Service(s) Offered:
Porting, Work-for-hire, Workflow Management Tools
Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo, IOS, Android, Windows Phone, PC/Steam, Mac,
Market Segment(s):
Core, Mid-core, Casual, Family, Kids, Educational
Game Genre(s):
Action/Adventure, Arcade, Card, Fighting, Platformer, Puzzle/Word, Racing/Flight,
Simulated Gambling, Strategy
28 | P a g e
Codename Entertainment
Eric Jordan | +1 250 744 7703 | | Victoria, BC
Codename Entertainment was founded in 2008 by David Whittaker and Justin Stocks. They started making
games for Facebook and evolved into making games for platforms like, ArmorGames and
Steam. In 2015, the company launched Crusaders of the Lost Idols. It is currently the top rated Idle Game on and has racked up more than 1.7 million hours per month on Steam.
We are interested in meeting with publishers and distributors, as well as developer relations contacts in digital
distribution platforms. We would also like to connect with Brand/IP owners.
Areas of activity:
Game Development
Service(s) Offered:
IOS, Android, PC/Steam, Browser/Flash/HTML5
Market Segment(s):
Core, Mid-core
Game Genre(s):
Action/Adventure, RPG
29 | P a g e
Complex Games Inc.
Noah Decter-Jackson | +1 204 997 4260 | | Winnipeg, MB
Complex Games is a leading mobile game development studio with a strong expertise in free-to-play game
design and monetization, with over 13 years of proven experience creating & delivering top-selling, awardwinning mobile games for some of the world’s largest game publishers and entertainment brands.
Complex Games has successfully developed and deployed its own Multiplex Engine supporting real-time
synchronous multiplayer strategy & action games for smartphones and tablets.
We are interested in meeting with publishers and distributors for desktop PC, mobile and console platforms.
In addition, we would like to establish new contacts with the intent to acquire a better understanding of their
interests and business/partnership requirements.
Areas of activity:
Creative Services, Game Development, Technical Services
Service(s) Offered:
Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo, IOS, Android, PC/Steam, Mac
Market Segment(s):
Core, Mid-Core, Casual
Game Genre(s):
Action/Adventure, Arcade, RPG, Shooter, Strategy
30 | P a g e
Creative Bytes Studios Inc.
Shawn Jackson | +1 289 479 5452 x1002 | | St. Catharines, ON
Creative Bytes Studios is about developing software that fuses art, design and technology into compelling
interactive experiences. The company is assembled from an experienced team that has held leadership
positions at reputable video game companies and puts an emphasis on quality for all projects. Creative Bytes
Studios provides a comprehensive suite of services including art and coding for real time applications which
provides a unique approach to educate and entertain people around the world.
We would like to strengthen our developer relations contacts with digital distribution platforms. We are also
interested in meeting with publishers or Brand/IP owners for potential service work.
Areas of activity:
Creative Services, Game Development, Technical Services
Service(s) Offered:
Porting, Work-for-hire, Artwork/Graphic Design, Animation and 3D
Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo, IOS, Android, PC/Steam
Market Segment(s):
Mid-core, Kids, Educational
Game Genre(s):
31 | P a g e
Curate Mobile Ltd.
Marc Porcelli | +1 416 840 4619 | | Toronto, ON
Curate Mobile is a performance based Mobile Digital Agency focused on post install metrics. We offer global
targeting by city, device and OS. We not only purchase media on our client’s behalf, but also assist in direct
distribution recruitment, management, accountability and performance. We operate by placing specific media
buys through Direct Publishers, Mobile-First DSP’s, Private Marketplaces, Exchanges, in-app and mobile web
We are interested in connecting with social, action, simulation, and MMO game developers.
Areas of activity:
Game Publishing, Sales and Marketing, Distribution and Hosting, User Acquisition
Service(s) Offered:
Work-for-hire, Performance based global user acquisition (CPI, CPE, CPA)
IOS, Android, Windows Phone, PC/Steam, Mac
Market Segment(s):
Mid-core, Casual, Family, Kids
Game Genre(s):
Action/Adventure, Arcade, Card, MMO, Puzzle/Word, Racing/Flight, Simulated Gambling,
32 | P a g e
Digital Dimension
Victor Rainville | +1 514 369 8001 | | Montréal, QC
Digital Dimension (DD) was founded in 1996, initially as a VFX studio, with a background experience of over
250 projects having garnered six Emmy and four Visual Effects Society (VES) Awards.
Since 2006, along with its creative division Meduzarts, DD has been actively invested in the gaming industry,
having produced pre-rendered and in-game cinematics, marketing trailers, TGF / Vertical Slices, multiple ingame and high resolution assets as well as multiple key art campaigns, on over 45 different titles, bringing the
studio an additional six Game Marketing Awards.
Areas of activity:
Creative Services
Service(s) Offered:
Work-for-hire, Artwork/Graphic Design, Cinematics, Digital Visual Effects (VFX),
Animation and 3D, Augmented Reality / Virtual Reality, Motion Capture
Market Segment(s):
Game Genre(s):
33 | P a g e
Core, Mid-core, Casual
Double Stallion Games
Daniel Menard | +1 514 746 5497 | | Montréal, QC
Double Stallion Games is an independent game studio based in Montréal, Canada founded in 2013 with the
support of the indie game incubator Execution Labs. We specialise in bringing beautiful and stylised handdrawn aesthetics to innovative and polished game experiences.
We launched our first game, Big Action Mega Fight! on IOS & Android in 2013 to wide acclaim and are bringing
the game to PC, Mac and Linux in early 2016.
Recently we partnered with Cartoon Network to develop OKKO: Lakewood Plaza Turbo, launching the
flagship property in February 2016. OKKO is a unique action-adventure experience where players control KO, a
young hero, on his quest to rebuild Lakewood Plaza, a strip mall for superheroes. KO will learn what it takes to
be a hero and face off against Lord Box Man with his evil army of robots and gadgets.
We secured partnership and financial support from the Canada Media Fund (CMF) in 2014 to advance our next
original project, a brawler and a spiritual successor to Big Action Mega Fight! The game is in the early stages of
We are interested in establishing strategic partnerships with large publishers and platform holders to support
our IP launching. We would also like to connect with IP holders with the intent to develop interesting titles.
Areas of activity:
Game Development
Service(s) Offered:
Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo, IOS, Android, PC/Steam, Mac, Browser/Flash/HTML5
Market Segment(s):
Core, Mid-Core, Family, Kids
Game Genre(s):
Action/Adventure, Arcade, Fighting, Platformer, RPG, Shooter, Sports, Strategy
34 | P a g e
Drinkbox Studios
Graham Smith | +1 647 686 2089 | | Toronto, ON
DrinkBox Studios is an independent video game development studio located in downtown Toronto, Canada.
The company was founded in 2008 by several games industry veterans.
DrinkBox is a certified developer on all current generation console and mobile platforms (PS4, PS Vita, Xbox 1,
WiiU, 3DS, iOS, Android, PC, Mac, Linux). The company has released several of their own game properties on
these platforms (as well as earlier platforms), including About a Blob, Mutant Blobs Attack, Guacamelee,
and Guacamelee: Super Turbo Championship Edition. Drinkbox is currently developing a new IP for the
PlayStation Vita entitled Severed, with an expected launch in early 2016.
In addition to developing original game projects of their own, they have also provided work-for-hire
development services in programming, art and design on a number of projects for Activision, Vicarious
Visions, Playbrains, Bedlam Games, Electronic Arts, Queasy Games, and Capybara Games.
Drinkbox Studios is interested in meeting with publishers and distributors, with the intent to find strategic
partners. They would also like to connect with the media to further promote the company as well as their
recent and upcoming projects.
Areas of activity:
Game Development
Service(s) Offered:
Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo, PC/Steam, Mac
Market Segment(s):
Core, Mid-core, Casual
Game Genre(s):
Action/Adventure, Arcade, Platformer
35 | P a g e
Karen Collins | +1 226 339 2320 | | Waterloo, ON
Ehtonal creates Veemix, a free Unity plug-in that enables developers to incorporate user-selected songs into
their games in a unique way--tag keywords at locations in-game and let users choose a song for that spot, or
let us intelligently decide what to stream in for your user. Alter the music in real-time for context-sensitive
Ehtonal creates experimental audio technologies and tools. Our most recent project, Veemix, is a unity plug-in
that allows game developers to integrate user-generated musical content in intelligent ways, including playlist
generation and sharing. We are interested in working with companies who are looking to bring top-quality
audio experiences to their projects.
We are interested in meeting with unity developers who are in the market for a unique game music solution.
We are also looking to partner with a music streaming company.
Areas of activity:
Game Development, Software/Middleware Technology Providers
Service(s) Offered:
IOS, Android
Market Segment(s):
Game Genre(s):
36 | P a g e
E-Link Entertainment
Mark Newington | +1 778 838 8820 | | Vancouver, BC
E-Link Entertainment is a publisher and developer of mobile interactive content. E-Link publishes content on
platforms worldwide (specializing in China and North America), with their expertise and integrated network,
and develops mobile content, in addition to other services.
E-Link was founded in 2013 as collaboration between gaming industry experts from both East and West,
helping bridge the gap for the industry globally.
Our mission is to open the world markets and help developers increase revenue.
Areas of activity:
Game Publishing, Sales and Marketing, Game Development, Distribution and Hosting
Service(s) Offered:
Porting, Work-for-hire, Localisation, Game optimization and improvements
IOS, Android, Windows Phone
Market Segment(s):
Core, Mid-core, Casual, Family, Kids, Educational
Game Genre(s):
Action/Adventure, Arcade, Art/Music-based, Card, Fighting, MMO, Platformer,
Puzzle/Word, Racing/Flight, RPG, Shooter, Simulated Gambling, Sports, Strategy
37 | P a g e
Enzyme Testing Labs
Carolljo Maher | +1 450 995 2000 x123 | | Saint-Jérôme, QC
Founded in 2002, Enzyme was created by Yan Cyr and Emmanuel Viau, two pioneers in the video game
industry. Using their international experience, they combined creativity and discipline in order to create QA
services and a testing methodology that add value to the clients’ products. The organization has over ten
years of experience in video game QA testing with offices in Saint-Jérôme (HQ) and Montréal, Quebec, as well
as Kawasaki, Japan.
Enzyme has become one of the leading QA houses in the world, well recognized by the largest publishers. Our
mission is to put our passionate workforce to use and contribute to the success of your project.
We provide QA Testing Solutions for the following services:
~ Functionality QA Testing;
~ Translation and Linguistic QA Testing;
~ PC & Mobile Compatibility QA Testing;
~ Focus Group/Usability Testing;
~ Compliance Testing;
~ Customer Support Services.
At GDC16, we are looking for developers and publishers who are seeking quality assurance services for their
digital products, including focus groups, customer support, functionality, linguistic, localization, compatibility,
and compliance QA testing. We are also interested in meeting with a video game Developer/Publisher with
ongoing quality assurance needs for their projects, seeking a single source provider of services from one
secure location.
Areas of activity:
Sales and Marketing, Technical Services
Service(s) Offered:
Localization, QA
Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo, IOS, Android, Windows Phone, PC/Steam, Mac,
Market Segment(s):
Core, Mid-core, Casual, Family, Kids, Educational
Game Genre(s):
Action/Adventure, Alternate Reality, Arcade, Art/Music-based, Card, Fighting, MMO,
Platformer, Puzzle/Word, Racing/Flight, RPG, Serious/Training/Simulation, Shooter,
Simulated Gambling, Sports, Strategy, Augmented/Virtual Reality
38 | P a g e
Evodant Interactive
Dwayne Rudy | +1 204 257 7370 | | Winnipeg, MB
Evodant’s 10 year history has seen it grow from developing highly integrated, e-commerce and transmedia
websites and applications to mobile apps, games and related transmedia technology R&D. Our latest
accolades include being a finalist in the Augmented World Expo Auggie Awards, winning the Peoples’ Choice
Award in the Extreme iPad Challenge and winner of the Metaio GamAR Award for our work.
We are currently in production on a revolutionary RPG that creates a dynamic narrative during play. We are
looking for potential publishers and marketing partners, as well as possible opportunities to develop exciting
new titles based on existing or original IP using our technology. Finally, while it's early to consider licensing
opportunities of our technology we would welcome initial conversations.
Areas of activity:
Game Publishing, Game Development, Software/Middleware Technology Providers
Service(s) Offered:
Work-for-hire, Artwork/Graphic Design, Digital Visual Effects (VFX), Animation and 3D,
Augmented Reality / Virtual Reality, Motion Capture
Xbox, PlayStation, IOS, Android, PC/Steam
Market Segment(s):
Core, Mid-core, Casual, Kids, Educational
Game Genre(s):
Action/Adventure, Alternate Reality, Puzzle/Word, RPG, Augmented/Virtual Reality
39 | P a g e
Execution Labs
Astrid Rosemarin | +1 514 448 1211 | | Montréal, QC
Execution Labs is a first-of-its kind accelerator and investment platform for independent game developers.
Our goal is to back the very best game studios in the world through mentorship, financing, and a collaborative
We’re based in Montréal with a business outpost in San Francisco, and are backed by Corus Entertainment,
BDC Capital, Real Ventures, and White Star Capital.
Our goal at GDC16 is to seek out new studios in foreign markets or within Canada, in which to invest. We are
also interested in meeting with publishers, distributors, platform holders, etc. with the intent to create
strategic partnerships.
Areas of activity:
Accelerator and Funder
Service(s) Offered:
Funding, Coaching, Mentorship
Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo, IOS, Android, PC/Steam, Mac, Browser/Flash/HTML5
Market Segment(s):
Core, Mid-Core, Casual
Game Genre(s):
Action/Adventure, Arcade, Art/Music-based, Card, Fighting, MMO, Platformer,
Puzzle/Word, Racing/Flight, RPG, Shooter, Sports, Strategy, Augmented/Virtual
40 | P a g e
External Development Summit (XDS)
Chris Wren | +1 604 456 4175 | | Vancouver, BC
XDS is the first professionals-only games industry event with a primary focus on external development. The
program is targeted at industry professionals, vendors, and middleware providers, and aims to advance
external development for the games industry. The 4th annual XDS takes place Sept 7-9 in Vancouver, Canada.
XDS is interested in inviting foreign buyers to attend the annual summit in September, and create B2B
opportunities between them and Canadian service providers.
Areas of activity:
Creative Services, Game Development, Software/Middleware Technology Providers,
Technical Services
Service(s) Offered:
Market Segment(s):
Core, Mid-core, Casual, Family, Kids, Educational
Game Genre(s):
Action/Adventure, Arcade, Art/Music-based, Platformer, Shooter, Strategy
41 | P a g e
Fenix Media
Nick Di Feo | +1 506 292 9184 | | Fredericton, NB
Fenix Media – Where geek culture thrives!
Fenix Media acts as the advertising sales arm for several independent online properties and personalities.
Combined, they reach over 40 million unique users. Our focus is 100% geek culture, specifically in video games.
We work with core gaming and review sites, as well as, gaming web comics, pro gamers, and YouTube
Influencers to expand your reach, while limiting site cross over. This approach also allows us to offer a larger
audience base within the same demographic while reaching various interests.
Our goal for GDC16 is to find clients such as publishers, ad agencies, or indie companies who wish to promote
their games through our company.
You can view our video media deck at
Areas of activity:
Game Publishing, Sales and Marketing, Game Development
Service(s) Offered:
Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo, PC/Steam, Mac
Market Segment(s):
Core, Mid-core
Game Genre(s):
Action/Adventure, Alternate Reality, Arcade, Art/Music-based, Card, Fighting, MMO,
Platformer, Puzzle/Word, Racing/Flight, RPG, Serious/Training/Simulation, Shooter,
Simulated Gambling, Sports, Strategy, Augmented/Virtual Reality
42 | P a g e
Frima Studio
Catherine Bussières | +1 418 529 9697 | | Québec, QC
Frima is one of the largest digital entertainment studios in Canada with 370 employees. Since 2003, we have
delivered hundreds of games for mobile, PC and console. Our current focus is on console, mobile, VR and
connected toys, and we are proud to be entrusted by companies like LEGO, Mattel, Sony and Ubisoft.
Our goal for GDC16 is to meet with companies interested in strategic partnerships. We are interested in
expanding our current client base and creating new opportunities.
Areas of activity:
Game Publishing, Sales and Marketing, Creative Services, Game Development,
Technical Services
Service(s) Offered:
Porting, Work-for-hire, Artwork/Graphic Design, Animation and 3D, Augmented Reality /
Virtual Reality, QA
Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo, IOS, Android, Windows Phone, PC/Steam, Mac,
Market Segment(s):
Casual, Family, Kids, Educational
Game Genre(s):
Action/Adventure, Alternate Reality, Arcade, Card, MMO, Platformer, Puzzle/Word,
Simulated Gambling, Strategy, Augmented/Virtual Reality
43 | P a g e
Fugitive Interactive
Olivier Jasmin | +1 514 802 1371 | | Montréal, QC
Fugitive Interactive specializes in the development of high standard interactive games for the mobile and
casual game markets. We also develop mobile applications. Our unique production methods enable us to
make top quality interactive games and applications working with the best resources available in the industry.
We develop new original content and also offer services to publishers and/or developers and interactive
agencies looking to outsource some of their projects.
The type of help we provide includes: programming, porting, executive production, project management,
game design, porting, localization, 2D/3D animation, concept arts, and illustrations.
Areas of activity:
Game Development
Service(s) Offered:
Porting, Work-for-hire, Artwork/Graphic Design, Animation and 3D
IOS, Android, Windows Phone, PC/Steam, Browser/Flash/HTML5
Market Segment(s):
Mid-core, Casual, Family, Kids, Educational
Game Genre(s):
Action/Adventure, Alternate Reality, Card, Platformer, Puzzle/Word, Racing/Flight,
RPG, Serious/Training/Simulation, Sports, Strategy
44 | P a g e
Game Hive
Mark Wang | +1 647 330 7627 | | Toronto, ON
Founded in 2009, Game Hive is a pioneer in creating the best game experiences across multiple mobile
platforms. Mobile games combine the unique elements of interactivity and connectivity. With this in mind, we
strive for razor sharp focus and effort in order to create a truly unique mobile gaming experience. We have 16
talented game developers on staff right now, and growing rapidly to serve our over 1 million daily active
players base.
Company Highlights:
Major League Impact: Over 120 million installs
Back-to-back-to-back Home Runs: Ranked top 5 game in App Store for Tap Titans, Battle Run, Beat
the Boss and Antrim Escape
Fans' Fav: 3 Million Facebook Fans and growing
Hall Of Fame: Over 150,000 Years of total playtime
All-Star Endorsement: Feature by Apple, Google, Microsoft, and Amazon worldwide
We are currently working on Tap Titans 2, Undisclosed Real-Time multiplayer title. Our objective for GDC16 is
to meet with publishers from China, Korea, and Japan with the intent to pursue M&A opportunities, and
entertainment IP.
Areas of activity:
Game Publishing, Game Development
Service(s) Offered:
IOS, Android, Windows Phone
Market Segment(s):
Game Genre(s):
Action/Adventure, Arcade, Platformer, Racing/Flight, RPG
45 | P a g e
Game On
Sam Girardin | +1 514 495 1777 | | Montréal, QC
Based in Montréal, Toronto and Vancouver, Game On is a sound, motion capture and localization production
company, which focuses on the needs of the film and video game industries. Empowered by a team of skilled
professionals, who have earned the trust of top producers across numerous projects, and work hand-in-hand
with our clients to keep pushing back the industry’s limits. Since its foundation in 2002, Game On focuses on
its unique project management approach and its custom consultation services, which enables its teams to
leverage every detail and each production with highly creative sound design, quality audio recording and
precise full performance Mocap.
By contributing to over 180 major video game projects, including the Motion Capture of Batman: Arkham
Origins, the complete audio and sound design of Outlast, recording and mixing on AAA titles such as
Assassin’s Creed, Halo 4 and Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell, Game On has developed an innovative vision of how
audio can enhance every aspect of an entertainment production, and make a stunning impression on its
Game On holds recording studios across Canada and worldwide, through different partners. It also operates
East Coast’s biggest full performance motion capture studio.
We are looking to connect with console and mobile game developers and publishers who have outsourcing
needs in audio, animation (mocap) and localization.
Areas of activity:
Creative Services, Technical Services
Service(s) Offered:
Work-for-hire, Animation and 3D, Augmented Reality / Virtual Reality, Localisation,
QA, Motion Capture
Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo, IOS, Android, Windows Phone, PC/Steam, Mac,
Market Segment(s):
Core, Mid-core, Casual, Family, Kids, Educational
Game Genre(s):
Action/Adventure, Alternate Reality, Arcade, Art/Music-based, Card, Fighting, MMO,
Platformer, Puzzle/Word, Racing/Flight, RPG, Serious/Training/Simulation, Shooter,
Simulated Gambling, Sports, Strategy, Augmented/Virtual Reality
46 | P a g e
Game Pill
Mike Sorrenti | +1 416 857 4821 | | Aurora, ON
Game Pill combines world-class technology and talent to produce powerful, rewarding experiences.
Areas of activity:
Game Development, Software/Middleware Technology Providers, Toys
Service(s) Offered:
Work-for-hire, Augmented Reality / Virtual Reality
Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo, IOS, Android, Browser/Flash/HTML5
Market Segment(s):
Casual, Family, Kids, Educational
Game Genre(s):
Action/Adventure, Alternate Reality, Arcade, Fighting, MMO, Platformer,
Puzzle/Word, Racing/Flight, Serious/Training/Simulation, Shooter, Simulated
Gambling, Sports, Strategy, Augmented/Virtual Reality
47 | P a g e
Game Whispering
Alexandre Mandryka | +1 604 353 2188 | | Vancouver, BC
We offer consulting services in Creative Strategy, with 15 years of experience in top companies like Ubisoft
and Relic/SEGA.
Areas of activity:
Game Development, Creative Strategy Consulting
Service(s) Offered:
Work-for-hire, Consulting
Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo, IOS, Android, Windows Phone, PC/Steam, Mac,
Market Segment(s):
Core, Mid-core, Casual, Family, Kids, Educational
Game Genre(s):
Action/Adventure, Alternate Reality, Arcade, Art/Music-based, Card, Fighting, MMO,
Platformer, Puzzle/Word, Racing/Flight, RPG, Serious/Training/Simulation, Shooter,
Simulated Gambling, Sports, Strategy, Augmented/Virtual Reality
48 | P a g e
Get Set Games
Robert Segal | +1 416 994 1554 | | Toronto, ON
Get Set Games celebrates its 7th year in production in 2016 with several extremely popular titles having been
released for mobile devices including Mega Jump (May 2010, 50 million downloads), Mega Run (May 2012, 20
million downloads), Monsters Inc. Run (Dec 2012) and Mega Jump 2 (4.5 million downloads). Although the
company has only been in existence officially since July of 2009 the founding members have worked together
since 2002.
Get Set Games has worked with several high profile clients such as Disney/Pixar and Adult Swim. The company
is a small independent studio currently comprised of 6 people.
We are interested in connecting with companies which share a similar mindset and approach to game
development. Our intent is to establish strategic partnerships by way of co-production, investment,
marketing, cross promotion, etc.
Areas of activity:
Game Publishing, Game Development
Service(s) Offered:
Porting, Work-for-hire
Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo, IOS, Android, Windows Phone, PC/Steam, Mac,
Market Segment(s):
Core, Mid-core, Casual
Game Genre(s):
Action/Adventure, Arcade, Platformer, Augmented/Virtual Reality
49 | P a g e
Gigataur Corporation
Andrew Fisher | +1 613 866 2017 | | Ottawa, ON
Gigataur uniquely offers quality controlled, 1-1 targeted advertising that enables traditional retailers to target
customers on mobile at a fraction of the cost. Our platform delivers digital loyalty programs to retailers
looking to offer promotions to repeat and loyal customers of products they sell. People make the best games
and it takes a diverse set of skills and working with all stakeholders to get it right.
At Gigataur, we have built long-term sustainable partnerships with some of the biggest companies in the
world. We do so because we have the best people, technology and passion for what we do.
We are a vertically integrated mobile publisher looking for content producers (18-55 demographic) willing to
provide funding through sponsorship-based advertising.
Areas of activity:
Game Publishing, Sales and Marketing, Distribution and Hosting
Service(s) Offered:
Infrastructure as a Service for mobile promotions
IOS, Android
Market Segment(s):
Mid-core, Casual, Family, Educational
Game Genre(s):
Arcade, Card, Puzzle/Word, Racing/Flight, RPG, Serious/Training/Simulation, Sports,
50 | P a g e
Gogii Games
George Donovan | +1 506 855 4945 | | Moncton, NB
Since inception in 2006, Gogii Games has produced 90 unique products on 7 different platforms and in 13
languages. Published titles are available in multiple formats including Online from iTunes, the Google Play
Store, Amazon’s App Store, the Windows and Windows Phone Store, and Big Fish Games’ Game Manager.
Gogii has also sold and distributed games for PC/Mac Desktops, the Nintendo Wii and DS, XBOX 360, and
inflight on Delta Airlines. Gogii also licenses and distributes both their proprietary IP and their existing
products worldwide, including exclusive agreements throughout Europe, Asia, and the BRIC countries for
unparalleled reach.
The main priority for Gogii Games at GDC16 is distribution.
Areas of activity:
Creative Services, Game Development, Technical Services
Service(s) Offered:
Porting, Work-for-hire, Artwork/Graphic Design, Digital Visual Effects (VFX),
IOS, Android, Windows Phone, PC/Steam, Mac
Market Segment(s):
Mid-core, Casual, Family, Kids
Game Genre(s):
Action/Adventure, Puzzle/Word, Simulated Gambling, Strategy
51 | P a g e
Happy Worker Inc.
Heidi Peckover | +1 416 915 0063 x107 | | Toronto, ON
Happy Worker is a toy company that manufactures custom toys and collectibles. Most of our clients are video
game companies that would like to make collector's editions and exciting merchandise for their fan
communities. For clients like Blizzard entertainment, Sony PlayStation, ThinkGeek Solutions, and NC Soft we
have created collector quality statues, action figures, vinyl figures, figurines, plush toys, and collector's
Our goal is to connect with more video game companies, working mostly with licensing managers, community
managers, product managers, and merchandise managers.
Areas of activity:
Toy manufacturing
Service(s) Offered:
Custom Toy Manufacturing for Gaming Companies
Market Segment(s):
Game Genre(s):
52 | P a g e
Hard Chill Games
Shaun Mahoney | +1 902 212 2099 | | Lunenburg, NS
Hard Chill Games is an indie developer creating imaginative visions and adrenalizing game experiences. The
first title under development will be on display at GDC Play. Stay tuned for announcements in the weeks
leading up to GDC.
Areas of activity:
Game Development
Service(s) Offered:
PlayStation, IOS, Android, PC/Steam
Market Segment(s):
Mid-core, Casual
Game Genre(s):
Action/Adventure, Arcade, Art/Music-based, Puzzle/Word
53 | P a g e
Louis Rene Auclair | +1 514 504 4297 | | Montréal, QC
Hibernum is a highly creative Montréal-based video game studio known for its top quality games for AAA
brands, and top of the line original IP. Our talented team of 150+ has experience on hundreds of AAA quality
video games ranging from console to casual mobile, and our expertise enables us to develop multiplatform
games in partnership with some of the giants in the industry.
Recent games:
MAGIC: THE GATHERING - PUZZLE QUEST - A combination of the hypnotic match-3 puzzle elements of the
popular Puzzle Quest franchise with the strategic gameplay and expansive lore of the ground-breaking Magic:
The Gathering trading card game (TCG).
SABER’S EDGE - Saber's Edge turns the Match 3 RPG genre on its edge, literally. To make its mark in adventure
and puzzle combat games, Hibernum created an entirely original universe and mythology, and brought it to
life with an all-new gameplay mechanic.
Our aim for GDC16 is to present games (prototypes) that we are developing, with the intent to find partners
to help us bring these games to the market. We are looking for strategic partnerships that will revolve around
the products we create together.
Areas of activity:
Game Development
Service(s) Offered:
Porting, Work-for-hire, Cinematics, Animation and 3D, Augmented Reality/Virtual
Reality, Motion Capture
Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo, IOS, Android, Windows Phone, PC/Steam, Mac
Market Segment(s):
Core, Mid-core, Casual, Family, Kids
Game Genre(s):
Racing/Flight, Serious/Training/Simulation, Augmented/Virtual Reality
54 | P a g e
Hololabs Studio Inc.
Mike Woznieuwski | +1 514 886 5497 | | Victoria, BC
Founded in 2011 by researchers in intelligent systems and veterans from AAA gaming, Hololabs fuses creative
interaction design with advanced engineering to create stunningly rich but simple new media experiences.
With a portfolio ranging from mobile games to interactive physical installations, the company has
collaborated with many renown artists, participated in international festivals and conferences, and has built
products admired around the world.
Our goal for GDC16 is to connect with overseas publishers who are interested in assisting with the distribution
of our new game, and to meet with brand/IP owners who would like to partner with us on projects that
capitalize on our existing technology (mobile, touch, social, game-creation).
Areas of activity:
Game Development
Service(s) Offered:
Work-for-hire, Augmented Reality / Virtual Reality
IOS, Android, Browser/Flash/HTML5
Market Segment(s):
Mid-core, Casual, Family
Game Genre(s):
Arcade, Art/Music-based, Puzzle/Word, Augmented/Virtual Reality
55 | P a g e
Wayne Seifried | +1 416 627 3331 | | Charlottetown, PEI
Free-to-play mobile games need a big idea and icejam is making it happen.
Founded by former EA Mobile leader, Stuart Duncan, icejam is located in Canada’s mobile games hub in
Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. Creativity flourishes in the state-of-the-art mobile games studio located
in its historic loft like setting almost within a stone’s throw from the ocean. icejam leadership brings a great
heritage in mobile games with its management team having delivered game titles such as NHL PowerShot
Hockey, Trade Nations, NBA Jam, and The Simpsons: Tapped Out.
With a runway secured by private capital including investment by Build Ventures and financial backing from
Innovation PEI and ACOA, icejam is taking on the world of F2P mobile games once again.
Areas of activity:
Game Publishing
Service(s) Offered:
IOS, Android
Market Segment(s):
Mid-core, Casual
Game Genre(s):
56 | P a g e
Valentine Dessertenne | +1 213 304 6595 | | Montréal, QC
iLLOGIKA was founded in 2009 and has grown ever since. What started as a small 2-man studio has now
expanded to more than 20 full time employees. We’ve worked on more than 50 projects to date including
serious games, mobile, VR, AR and PC titles. The studio’s Unity experts also teach the engine in schools across
Montréal, as well as host classes in other studios, such as Ubisoft.
We are a team of video game veterans, artists, designers, programmers and business people, working
together to create the best interactive experiences both independently and for our clients. We create
interactive media on a vast variety of platforms in order to bring experiences to life, through games and
installations. Whether you need us for one-off assistance in a small project or to complete a large project from
beginning to end, we will do our utmost to help you make your project successful.
We are interested in meeting with publishers and Brand/IP owners with the intent to increase our clientele
and develop new strategic partnerships.
Areas of activity:
Creative Services, Game Development, Technical Services
Service(s) Offered:
Porting, Work-for-hire, Artwork/Graphic Design, Animation and 3D, Augmented Reality/
Virtual Reality
Xbox, PlayStation, IOS, Android, Windows Phone, PC/Steam, Mac,
Market Segment(s):
Core, Mid-core, Casual, Family, Kids, Educational
Game Genre(s):
Action/Adventure, Arcade, Art/Music-based, Platformer, Puzzle/Word, RPG,
Serious/Training/Simulation, Shooter, Sports, Strategy, Augmented/Virtual Reality
57 | P a g e
Melanie Flanagan | +1 506 961 0346 | | Moncton, NB
Itavio is an app that lets parents give their kids an allowance for free to play games. No more bills and better
yet, no more nagging─kids can learn to manage their own funds. It's a digital wallet for a new age. Other
features we have coming involve time and ensuring less disruptive addictive behaviour.
In turn, we allow gaming studios to “plug-in”, letting them know the budget size of their audience, and
ensuring they don’t price themselves out of the market.
Areas of activity:
Game Publishing, Sales and Marketing, Game Development, Brand and Licenses
Service(s) Offered:
Marketing and Analytics
IOS, Android
Market Segment(s):
Casual, Family, Kids, Educational
Game Genre(s):
Action/Adventure, Arcade, Card, Fighting, Puzzle/Word, Shooter, Sports, Strategy
58 | P a g e
Joydrop Ltd.
Mark Mikulec | +1 519 636 7019 | | London, ON
Founded in 2012, Joydrop Ltd. is a creative agency specializing in game development and innovative software.
The company goes by Mikutech when providing full service technical consulting for the STEM (Science,
Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields.
Our objective for GDC16 is to find distribution and partnership agreements in foreign markets, for our
proprietary casual game Cupkins. We are also interested in seeking new projects that we can execute
enthusiastically for our clients, globally.
Areas of activity:
Creative Services, Game Development, Software/Middleware Technology Providers,
Technical Services
Service(s) Offered:
Porting, Work-for-hire, Animation and 3D, Augmented Reality / Virtual Reality,
Localisation, QA, Video Production, Sound Design, Project Planning, Business Writing
IOS, Android, Windows Phone, PC/Steam, Mac, Browser/Flash/HTML5
Market Segment(s):
Casual, Family, Kids
Game Genre(s):
Art/Music-based, Puzzle/Word, Strategy
59 | P a g e
Kitfox Games
Tanya X. Short | +1 514 862 8634 | | Montréal, QC
Kitfox Games, a young independent studio, is dedicated to creating new, intriguing worlds with the highest
quality. We have a soft spot for exploring and discovering new worlds. We’re currently focused on launching
Moon Hunters, a 1 to 4 player action role-playing game for desktop and PlayStation 4.
Areas of activity:
Game Development
Service(s) Offered:
Xbox, PlayStation, PC/Steam
Market Segment(s):
Game Genre(s):
Action/Adventure, RPG, Strategy
60 | P a g e
Koolhaus Games Inc.
Wolfgang Hamann | +1 778 863 4263 | | Vancouver, BC
Koolhaus Interactive & Games Inc. is an award winning mobile application and video game development
studio and was a finalist in the 2014 B.C Export Development Awards. Koolhaus is Vancouver, Canada’s
longest established mobile development studio, founded in 2005.
Koolhaus offers:
Full service cross platform app and video game development;
16 successive releases with critical reviews of 8/10+;
Six top 10 charted releases;
R & D technology solutions in AI, AR and security;
Work for hire, IT, security, client/server software development and original app and game
Licensed for all major platforms: iOS, Android, PS4, XboxOne, WiiU, 3DS, PC, Mac.
Previous projects include: Antique Shop: Lost Gems, Mortal Combat, Injustice, Panda's Playtime, Fox's
Adventures, YVR - Vancouver Airport mobile app, Sports Jeopardy, Capsized+, Centipede: Origins, Urban
Futbol, Tiger Woods Golf 2012, Madden NFL Football 2011 & 2012 and others.
Our aim for GDC16 is to find a partner for our various projects. We are interested in meeting with publishers,
distributors, and investors.
Areas of activity:
Game Development, Software/Middleware Technology Providers, Technical Services
Service(s) Offered:
Porting, Work-for-hire, Artwork/Graphic Design, Animation and 3D, Augmented
Reality/ Virtual Reality
Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo, IOS, Android, Windows Phone, PC/Steam, Mac,
Market Segment(s):
Mid-core, Casual, Family, Kids
Game Genre(s):
Action/Adventure, Arcade, Art/Music-based, Card, Fighting, MMO, Platformer,
Puzzle/Word, Racing/Flight, RPG, Serious/Training/Simulation, Shooter, Sports,
Strategy, Augmented/Virtual Reality
61 | P a g e
L3O Interactive Inc.
Raffi Parsekhian | +1 416 985 2639 | | Toronto, ON
L3o Interactive is a small independent PC video game developer making hard-core PC games! The company
was founded in 2011 and is located in Toronto, Canada.
Our first PC title, Horizon, is an epic 4x Space Strategy Game available since 2013 through Steam and other
stories. We are now working on a new yet to be announced title.
We are interested in meeting with publishers in the PC/Mac core gaming segment, as well as with distributors,
to create strategic partnerships. We would also like to increase our client base with companies who require
artwork/graphics, character design and animations.
Areas of activity:
Creative Services, Game Development
Service(s) Offered:
Work-for-hire, Artwork/Graphic Design, Animation and 3D
PC/Steam, Mac
Market Segment(s):
Core, Mid-core
Game Genre(s):
RPG, Strategy
62 | P a g e
Lightning Rod Games
Mark Laframboise | +1 647 471 2431 | | Toronto, ON
Lightning Rod Games is dedicated to creating family-friendly entertainment that touches the hearts and minds
of players of all ages. Our games are designed to elicit strong emotional responses and encourage players to
think creatively.
At GDC16, we are interested in seeking out potential financing, publishing or platform partners for our
upcoming PC/console project, A Fold Apart.
Areas of activity:
Game Development
Service(s) Offered:
Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo, PC/Steam
Market Segment(s):
Mid-Core, Casual, Family
Game Genre(s):
Action/Adventure, Art/Music-based, Puzzle/Word
63 | P a g e
Lucky Hammers
Alexandre Benoit | +1 514 969 2862 | | Montréal, QC
Lucky Hammers is an independent game studio and outsourcing partner located in Montréal, Quebec.
Originally named Fidel and founded in 2004, the studio joined the Stolo holding family and was rebranded to
Lucky Hammers. Our passion for games and dedication to creating unique experiences is the driving force
behind our evolution.
Built around a team of video game veterans and promising young developers our team has collectively
delivered or played key roles on some of the most well-known and successful game franchises of all time.
We provide a full range of services from concept creation to project development across current gaming
Lucky Hammers Studio is a turnkey solution for interactive development needs. At GDC16, we are looking to
establish new relationships and connect with old friends, with the intent to create new projects and IP
opportunities. We are looking to meet brand owners, publishers or product owners who are eager to see
their game ideas brought to reality. They will be thrilled to work with a creative, talented and well organized
Areas of activity:
Game Development
Service(s) Offered:
Work-for-hire, Animation and 3D, Augmented Reality / Virtual Reality
Xbox, PlayStation, IOS, Android, PC/Steam, Browser/Flash/HTML5
Market Segment(s):
Mid-Core, Casual, Family
Game Genre(s):
Action/Adventure, Alternate Reality, Arcade, Art/Music-based, Card, Fighting,
Platformer, Puzzle/Word, Racing/Flight, RPG, Shooter, Sports, Strategy, Augmented/
Virtual Reality
64 | P a g e
Magmic Inc.
Mohammad Agha | +1 613 220 9559 | | Ottawa, ON
Privately owned, Magmic is a leading developer and publisher of mobile social games and entertainment. We
publish a full range of content, from original titles including Ka-Glom, and Texas Hold’em King to top licensed
content from brand name entertainment publishers like The New York Times, Mattel, Disney, and Rubik’s
Cube. We have led the mobile entertainment revolution since 2002, and currently ship products to all major
app stores including; iTunes App Store, BlackBerry World, Google Play, Amazon App Store and various carrier
At GDC16, we are seeking to establish a strategic partnership with a company who is interested in the
development, publishing, and distribution of a branded mobile game.
Areas of activity:
Game Publishing, Sales and Marketing, Creative Services, Game Development,
Software/Middleware Technology Providers, Distribution and Hosting, Technical
Service(s) Offered:
Partnerships and Licensing. We are not a work-for-hire company.
IOS, Android, Browser/Flash/HTML5
Market Segment(s):
Casual, Family
Game Genre(s):
Card, Puzzle/Word, Simulated Gambling
65 | P a g e
Mark Media
Jared Pearman | +1 613 325 6274 | | Toronto, ON
Mark Media is an exciting multi-media production company creating games, film, and television properties
that entertain, inspire and educate across platforms. Based in Toronto, Canada, Mark Media has expertise in
digital gaming, kid’s entertainment, factual programming, and feature films.
Our focus is on our property Shuyan the Kung Fu Princess, which is a premium iOS game launching later this
year. Our writers include the lead writer of 80 Days (a 2014 Game of the Year); the art director is a comic artist
who has done books for Marvel, DC, and Dark Horse; we brought in a world-champion kung-fu master to
ensure authentic moves; and the game combines an epic branching narrative story with full action fighting
Our objectives at GDC are to find:
1 - Publishing partners to help bring Shuyan to new platforms including PC and consoles.
2 - Localization and distribution partners to bring the game to international markets.
3 - App Store and other platform representatives advise us on business model, discoverability, and
getting the game featured.
A secondary goal is to find similar partners (especially for localization) for Miaomiao: A series of educational
preschool games that build on the characters of our Miaomiao television show. The games combine Mandarin
Chinese language learning with fun mini-games, interactive stories, and learning moments. The games all have
a very high production quality for the young kids market.
Areas of activity:
Game Development
Service(s) Offered:
Game design and development for all platforms, including VR
Market Segment(s):
Mid-core, Kids
Game Genre(s):
Action/Adventure, Fighting, Augmented/Virtual Reality
66 | P a g e
Master Moose Studio
Michael Patterson | +1 519 796 4186 | | Windsor, ON
We are life-long gamers who use "work for hire" studios to develop on-line and mobile games. We are new to
the development part of the gaming industry, beginning recently within 2015. Currently we are working on a
mobile app project called Wild Fury which is a PVP tower defence style game and is in the advanced beta
stage. We are currently working with studios and artists from Montreal and Vancouver.
At GDC16, our motivation is to network and introduce Master Moose Studio within the industry─studios,
publishers, investors and government officials. We are interested in meeting with potential publishers for Wild
Fury and investors for an upcoming project.
Areas of activity:
Game Development
Service(s) Offered:
IOS, Android
Market Segment(s):
Game Genre(s):
RPG, Strategy
67 | P a g e
Minority Media Inc.
Charlotte Fisher | +1 514 813 2427 | | Montréal, QC
Minority Media is an established studio committed to cutting-edge game development. Our games Papo & Yo
and Spirits of Spring spearheaded the empathy games genre, creating a revolutionary approach to game
design later imitated by other successful AAA studios.
Founded by Vander Caballero – a leading figure in Canada’s video games industry and a pioneer in virtual
reality (VR) – Minority Media is currently at work on Time Machine VR, a time travel dinosaur safari with a
gripping story.
Introducing it as one of the first games designed from the ground up for consumer VR devices, our mission is
to craft memorable games that set the standard for virtual reality entertainment.
Our goal for GDC16 is to develop and strengthen relationships with digital distributors in the emerging VR
market. This includes expanding relationships with upcoming VR distributors to ensure maximum market
coverage for existing and future VR games.
Areas of activity:
Game Development
Service(s) Offered:
VR Services
PC/Steam; Oculus, Vive, Gear VR
Market Segment(s):
Core, Mid-core, Casual, Family, Kids, Educational
Game Genre(s):
Augmented/Virtual Reality
68 | P a g e
Mathew Kumar | +1 416 986 9478 | | Toronto, ON
Yet another game studio in Toronto!
An independent studio formed by Mathew Kumar with the help of some Queasy Games (Sound Shapes)
alumni in 2013. Released Knight & Damsel, a two-player "uncooperative" game for PC and OUYA in 2015.
Our focus at GDC16 is to meet with other game developers, strengthen existing relationships, as well as,
connect with the press.
Areas of activity:
Game Development
Service(s) Offered:
Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo, IOS, Android, PC/Steam, Mac
Market Segment(s):
Game Genre(s):
Action/Adventure, Arcade, Fighting, Platformer, RPG
69 | P a g e
Norsfell Games Inc.
Julian Maroda | +1 514 834 2350 | | Montréal, QC
Norsfell is a mobile game developer based in Montréal, Canada. Like the great Vikings from the past, we too
have sailed over the oceans to leave Europe and bring our passion to North America. The company was
founded in 2013 with one mission in mind: to build re-playable multiplayer experiences for fanatics all over the
Our objective for GDC16 is to find a publisher for one of our games, and pursue other co-production
opportunities. We would also like to connect with Gatekeepers (stores) to maintain relationships, and
establish new partnerships with IP holders.
Areas of activity:
Game Development
Service(s) Offered:
IOS, Android, PC/Steam, Browser/Flash/HTML5
Market Segment(s):
Core, Mid-core
Game Genre(s):
Action/Adventure, RPG, Serious/Training/Simulation, Strategy
70 | P a g e
Other Ocean Interactive
Ryan Hale | +1 706 699 7400 | | St. John’s, NL
Other Ocean is an independently operated development studio and maker of highly entertaining games for
console, mobile and digital platforms. Founded in 2006 with a focus on developing humorous original titles
(#IDARB, Rad Boarding, Dark Void Zero) and franchise products (Super Monkey Ball, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Mortal
Kombat), Other Ocean's games always put the player first. The company has development offices in
Emeryville, CA, and St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador.
At GDC16, we are interested in meeting with publishers and media based around Mobile and VR content. We
plan to demo an in-development PC VR title as well as a free-to-play mobile title.
Areas of activity:
Creative Services, Game Development, Technical Services
Service(s) Offered:
Porting, Work-for-hire, Artwork/Graphic Design, Animation and 3D, Augmented Reality/
Virtual Reality, QA
Xbox, PlayStation, IOS, Android, Windows Phone, PC/Steam
Market Segment(s):
Core, Mid-core, Casual, Family, Kids, Educational
Game Genre(s):
Action/Adventure, Arcade, Art/Music-based, Fighting, Platformer, Puzzle/Word,
Augmented/Virtual Reality
71 | P a g e
Outerminds Inc.
Ghislain de Pessemier | +1 514 999 4472 | | Montréal, QC
Outerminds is an independent game development company located in Montréal. We started this company to
bring back gaming as it used to be in the 90s.
We are the team that produced YouTube's biggest star official game "PewDiePie: Legend of the
Brofist" released in 2015 which has over 40 million subscribers and over 10 billion views. To date, we sold
650,000 units on iOS, Android, Amazon and Steam combined.
We're a small, but passionate team of artists and programmers ready to take the video game world by storm!
Areas of activity:
Game Development, Game Publishing
Service(s) Offered:
IOS, Android, PC/Steam
Market Segment(s):
Core, Mid-core, Casual, Family
Game Genre(s):
Action/Adventure, Arcade, Platformer
72 | P a g e
PearFiction Studios Inc.
Thierry Semoff | +1 514 419 7977 | | Montréal, QC
PearFiction Studios Inc. is a fast growing gaming and mobile application developer based in Montréal, Canada.
PearFiction Studios combines the talents of an innovative entrepreneurial designer and a team of trailblazing
developers and artists, with a shared belief that simple design and innovation can result in awesome
experiences. More than one million people have played PearFiction’s popular titles such as PowerUp Slots,
Blitz Racer, Tiny Necromancer, Crazy Camera, Jelly Bounce, and Planet Surfer.
We are interested in meeting with Apple reviewers with the intent to feature a few of our titles/IP on the
Apple store. We are also looking to meet with publishers to establish strategic partnerships.
Areas of activity:
Game Development
Service(s) Offered:
Work-for-hire, Artwork/Graphic Design
Xbox, PlayStation, IOS, Android, PC/Steam, Mac
Market Segment(s):
Core, Mid-core, Casual
Game Genre(s):
Platformer, Racing/Flight, Simulated Gambling, Strategy
73 | P a g e
Phantom Compass
Tony Walsh | +1 416 894 0894 | | Toronto, ON
Phantom Compass provides full game development outsourcing services and creates original games for
console, desktop and mobile. The company has been in business since 2008 and is currently home to 12 staff
members from the AAA console, web application and TV/film industries. The company’s first major consumer
title is the award-winning pinball RPG mashup “Rollers of the Realm,” named one of 2014’s most innovative
games by VentureBeat.
Phantom Compass hopes to connect with potential customers and partners who have strong IP/titles but
need development services for PC, mobile, tablet, PS4, PS Vita, or web. We’re also looking for publisher
feedback on some original titles we’re developing.
Areas of activity:
Creative Services, Game Development, Technical Services
Service(s) Offered:
Porting, Work-for-hire, Artwork/Graphic Design, Animation and 3D, Augmented
Reality/Virtual Reality
PlayStation, IOS, PC/Steam, Browser/Flash/HTML5, PlayStation Vita
Market Segment(s):
Mid-core, Casual, Family, Kids, Educational
Game Genre(s):
Action/Adventure, Alternate Reality, Arcade, Card, Puzzle/Word, Racing/Flight, RPG,
Serious/Training/Simulation, Shooter, Simulated Gambling, Augmented/Virtual Reality
74 | P a g e
Alex Golebiowski | +1 416 554 6620 | | St. Catharines, ON
PixelNAUTS is an independent developer working on a new project slated for a 2017 release. PixelNAUTS
released their first game "LOST ORBIT" in 2015 on Steam and PS4. The company has also partnered with other
developers in the past to develop Contrast and Raccoon Rising.
We are currently working on a brand new action game for Consoles and Steam. The new project is slated for a
2017 release. Our goal at GDC16 is to meet with publishers that would be interested in partnering with us on
the new game.
Areas of activity:
Creative Services, Game Development
Service(s) Offered:
Porting, Work-for-hire, Artwork/Graphic Design, Animation and 3D
Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo, PC/Steam, Mac
Market Segment(s):
Core, Mid-core
Game Genre(s):
Action/Adventure, Platformer, RPG, Augmented/Virtual Reality
75 | P a g e
Pop Sandbox
Alex Jansen | +1 416 886 5234 | | Toronto, ON
Pop Sandbox is an award-winning small Toronto studio launching "LOUD on Planet X" this spring.
LOUD on Planet X, is an arcade-style indie music game featuring Tegan and Sara, Purity Ring, METZ, Metric,
Lights, July Talk, F*cked Up, Cadence Weapon, Austra and more.
Choose from a cross-section of top current indie music artists then defend your stage from hordes of quirky
aliens by tapping to the music and using a fun assortment of makeshift weapons like speakers, strobe lights,
fog machines, amplifiers, bouncers and custom special attacks!
LOUD on Planet X is an exciting new indie alternative to Rock Band or Guitar Hero with a splash of Plants vs
Zombies, scheduled for spring 2016 release on the PlayStation Network (PlayStation 4 and PS Vita), Steam
(PC), and select mobile devices (iOS & Android).
Our goal for GDC16 is to meet with as many international media as possible prior to the launching of our new
indie music game, LOUD on Planet X. We are also interested in meeting with publishers from Asia for a fall
Areas of activity:
Game Publishing, Sales and Marketing, Game Development
Service(s) Offered:
PlayStation, IOS, Android, Windows Phone, PC/Steam, Mac
Market Segment(s):
Core, Mid-core, Casual
Game Genre(s):
Action/Adventure, Arcade, Augmented/Virtual Reality
76 | P a g e
PQA Testing
Keith McIntosh | +1 506 455 7725 | | Fredericton, NB
PQA is your partner in testing excellence. Our clients want their testing and quality assurance partner to bring
thought leadership and innovation to their organizations, while effectively integrating scalable expert
resources with their project team to deliver value-add testing results each step of the way. PQA engages with
our clients in a practical, project or initiative focused manner, while simultaneously developing the building
blocks designed to shorten the time to realize benefits. PQA also maintains and grows domain knowledge,
improves process maturity and brings quality assurance innovation to our client partnerships.
PQA provides our clients the ability to:
 Access the skills needed when needed for the delivery of successful projects
 Optimize and specialize the in-house testing team
 Incorporate thought leadership and practical practices
 Employ consistency and standardization across projects and teams
 Scale infrastructure and staff without increasing fixed costs
 Leverage retained domain knowledge
 Re-use processes, procedures and test artifacts
Our teams of test experts can plug in to any project at any point – to take on only a certain stage or set of
activities, or to be responsible for the management and execution of the entire test effort.
As a software testing organization, PQA’s objective for GDC16 is to connect with companies who could benefit
from our expertise across the testing spectrum. PQA is also pioneering an Aboriginal Testing Initiative which
will provide companies with trained skilled aboriginal testers within North America at cost, comparable to
offshore models.
Areas of activity:
Technical Services
Service(s) Offered:
Market Segment(s):
Game Genre(s):
77 | P a g e
Project Whitecard Studios
Khaled Shariff | +1 204 269 0718 | | Winnipeg, MB
Project Whitecard creates forward thinking, fun and engaging game products reflecting inventive, innovative
leadership that serve as showcase demonstrations, enhancing the reputation of companies, stimulating
interest and attractiveness to employees and customers. Clients including the Canadian Space Agency and
NASA, as well as leading cultural, media and industry organizations have chosen Project Whitecard to build
their vision of the future.
The company is led by a team of top producers, artists, and computer programmers. With an extensive
network of subject matter experts, specialists, development partners, scientific, pedagogical and marketing
leaders, Project Whitecard will deliver your vision to outcomes beyond your imagination.
Project Whitecard has garnered substantial recognition for major product releases such as the Gold Medal
winning RoboMath (with distribution to over 50,000 Canadian classrooms = 1.25 million students) and for
taking a strong leadership position in the Serious Games industry. The company is currently wrapping and
releasing the game: Star Ranger with NASA. Project Whitecard competed with over 170 companies from
around the world through 4 rounds, to win the rights to develop this official NASA-endorsed product.
Areas of activity:
Game Development
Service(s) Offered:
Work-for-hire, Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality, Virtual Reality Development for HTC
PC/Steam, Mac
Market Segment(s):
Game Genre(s):
Alternate Reality, MMO, Serious/Training/Simulation
78 | P a g e
Punk Science Studios Inc.
Darryl G. Wright | +1 902 580 5461 | | Halifax, NS
Punk Science Studios is a Canadian boutique video game developer specializing in stand-out, emotionally
affecting, sophisticated content. Born in 2015 by industry veterans who worked on titles ranging from
Electronic Arts' FIFA to Sons of Anarchy: The Prospect, there was a desire to work with talented partners to
bring triple-A quality and play experience to casual and mobile gaming and push the boundaries of the
medium in storytelling and play.
Punk Science has 2 objectives at GDC16. In 2015, Punk Science Studios wet the appetites of mobile and
desktop publishers with the trailer for our upcoming game, Occupy Human — a sci-fi-horror collaboration
with bestselling author Daniel H. Wilson. We’re revealing the playable demo at GDC and aiming to secure a
publishing deal with the right partner. We’re also looking to line up some work-for-hire projects with strategic
partners and hope to bring our expertise to your promising development projects
Areas of activity:
Creative Services, Game Development
Service(s) Offered:
Porting, Work-for-hire
Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo, IOS, Android, PC/Steam, Mac, Browser/Flash/HTML5
Market Segment(s):
Core, Mid-core, Casual, Family, Kids, Educational
Game Genre(s):
Action/Adventure, Arcade, Art/Music-based, Platformer, Shooter, Strategy
79 | P a g e
Red Meat Games
Keith Makse | +1 519 868 4263 | | Kitchener, ON
Red Meat Games, located in Kitchener, Canada, launched in 2013 and is focused on making fun and addictive
games. Our talented and award-winning staff is developing games and user experiences for PC, mobile and
Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality. We are looking to expand the number of external projects our team works
on this year, and with the support raised through winning the Codename Goa Competition held by Microsoft
Canada, we can focus our development team on various short and long term projects from small design or
development assistance to full game development projects.
At GDC16, we’re interested in meeting with publishers for various strategic partnerships. We’re looking for
funding and support for a new Virtual Reality Game IP we would like to create. We would also like to find a
publisher for our free to play mobile game: Wits and Warfare which was funded by the Canada Media Fund
(CMF) and is complete.
Our free to play mobile game, Cube Samurai: RUN! has become #1 on the French mobile carrier SFR. We would
like to continue the popularity of this game globally. In early 2017, we will be launching a new virtual reality
game (funded by the CMF), and will begin its development in February 2016. This game is planned for PC, PS4
and Xbox One release with support for VR and motion controller inputs.
Areas of activity:
Creative Services, Game Development, Software/Middleware Technology Providers,
Technical Services
Service(s) Offered:
Porting, Work-for-hire, Artwork/Graphic Design, Animation and 3D, Augmented
Reality/Virtual Reality, QA
Xbox, PlayStation, IOS, Android, Windows Phone, PC/Steam, Browser/Flash/HTML5
Market Segment(s):
Core, Mid-core, Casual, Family
Game Genre(s):
Action/Adventure, Alternate Reality, Arcade, Card, Fighting, Platformer,
Puzzle/Word, Racing/Flight, RPG, Serious/Training/Simulation, Shooter, Strategy,
Augmented/Virtual Reality
80 | P a g e
Greg Sewart | +1 902 444 3490 x7774 | | Bedford, NS
Creators + innovators of unforgettable interactive experiences.
REDspace has been pushing digital boundaries and providing clients with unforgettable, interactive digital
experiences for nearly two decades. We don’t settle for the status quo and it shows. From fun, addictive
games, to Emmy award-winning websites and mobile apps, REDspace’s design and development services rank
amongst the best in the world.
REDspace has designed and developed hundreds of successful mobile, desktop, and web games. For every
project, we draw upon our extensive and proven game development experience as well as handpick from our
roster of 140 full-time employees based on the best fit and expertise to take a project from concept and
design, through to production and post-support. All work happens here, nothing is outsourced. A one stop,
full service experience is a big part of what makes our games consistently successful, and why clients like
Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon, HarperCollins, PBS Kids, and Kids’ CBC continue to trust us.
Our goal is simple: we help our partners achieve unrivalled results through ground-breaking, unforgettable
digital experiences that engage, entertain, and delight their audiences. We are a full-tier game studio,
offering game productions services on many platforms using a variety of technologies.
Our objective for GDC16 is to establish new strategic partnerships. We are interested in meeting with
companies and media partners with an IP and/or a brand that require a mobile game, HTML5 game,
mini/casual games, an app, a VOD/OTT/TVE end-to-end solution or online presence. Whether it’s updating
their current one or creating a new experiential/interactive experience.
Areas of activity:
Creative Services, Game Development, Technical Services
Service(s) Offered:
Porting, Work-for-hire, Artwork/Graphic Design, Animation and 3D, Augmented Reality/
Virtual Reality, Localisation, QA, Narrative and Storytelling
Xbox, PlayStation, IOS, Android, Browser/Flash/HTML5, Haxe, Flambe, AS3
Market Segment(s):
Core, Mid-core, Casual, Family, Kids, Educational
Game Genre(s):
Action/Adventure, Arcade, Platformer, Puzzle/Word, Racing/Flight, Sports
81 | P a g e
John Kimmel | +1 902 314 7834 | | Charlottetown, PEI
RevIQ is a team of analysts, product managers, producers, and designers working together to improve the
performance and user experience of games and apps for mobile devices. We work with indies, established
studios, and publishers to optimize revenue and across the total design, marketing, promotion, and player
engagement of their games.
RevIQ is engaged in business intelligence and predictive analysis for revenue optimization and product
management of mobile F2P games. At GDC16, we are interested in meeting with developers, studios, and
publishers that are looking to leverage their in-market products to generate additional revenue. We are a noSDK solution to improving your long-tail revenue and managing operations and management costs. We would
also like to connect with the platforms, solutions, service providers, and distributors that can help us
generate revenue, maximize discoverability, and streamline live ops.
Areas of activity:
Creative Services, Game Development, Technical Services, Revenue Optimization and
Management Services
Service(s) Offered:
F2P Games Consultation
Xbox, IOS, Android, Windows Phone, PC/Steam, Mac, Browser/Flash/HTML5
Market Segment(s):
Core, Mid-core, Casual, Family, Kids
Game Genre(s):
Action/Adventure, Arcade, Art/Music-based, Card, Fighting, MMO, Platformer,
Puzzle/Word, Racing/Flight, RPG, Serious/Training/Simulation, Shooter, Simulated
Gambling, Strategy
82 | P a g e
Roadhouse Interactive
James Hursthouse | +1 888 353 8789 | | Vancouver, BC
Roadhouse Interactive develops and operates games for smartphones, tablets and other connected devices.
Our development teams are adept in creating and building compelling free to play game experiences for
mobile devices.
Our Live Game / Publishing Services team offers a range of services that underpin successful live games,
including paid and non-paid User Acquisition, community management and customer support. We run both
Roadhouse games and games for third party customers.
At GDC16, our goal is to establish distribution/publishing partnerships for our company's current/upcoming
mobile titles. We are also seeking strategic partnership/investment for upcoming projects and initiatives,
including high-profile IP mobile games, VR/AR development, and e-sports related development.
Areas of activity:
Game Publishing, Creative Services, Game Development
Service(s) Offered:
Work-for-hire, Augmented Reality / Virtual Reality
IOS, Android
Market Segment(s):
Mid-core, Casual
Game Genre(s):
Action/Adventure, Platformer, Racing/Flight, RPG, Simulated Gambling, Sports
83 | P a g e
Rocket 5 Studios Inc.
Tim Miller | +1 416 669 7087 | | Toronto, ON
Rocket 5 is an award winning game and app development studio founded by game industry veterans
Catherine Feraday Miller and Tim Miller. Located in Toronto, Rocket 5 is committed to making innovative and
entertaining software that can be enjoyed by children and adults alike.
Rocket 5 has over 30 years combined AAA video game development experience. Since starting Rocket 5 in
2012 we’ve created several premium-priced mobile games based on our own IP including Giant Moto with
over 1 Million downloads and The Phantom PI Mission Apparition winner of the Indie Prize Best Game in Show,
Indie MEGABOOTH alumni and prominent features on Apple’s iOS and Apple TV stores. In addition to
developing our own IP, we’ve also developed popular games for Cartoon Network.
We’re currently developing Kitty Disastrous, a platforming adventure game about love, calamity and being a
cat. You play Kitty as she destroys an entire town on her way to saving her best friend; a ferret whose
curiosity keeps landing him in dangerous situations. Kitty Disastrous is planned to release in fall 2016 on
consoles and Steam.
Our primary goal for GDC is to find a publisher or investor who will be able to provide funding that will help us
complete development and/or provide marketing for our current project Kitty Disastrous. Kitty Disastrous
won Ontario’s Interactive Digital Media Fund last year and is currently being developed for Steam and console
release in fall of 2016. Kitty Disastrous will be playable at GDC Play in Booth PL211.
We are also preparing to release The Phantom PI Mission Apparition (currently available on iOS and Apple TV)
on Steam and potentially on consoles. We are looking for marketing support for the launch in the form of a
publisher or investor who is interested in helping The Phantom PI stand out in a crowded market. We are also
available for consulting/contract mobile, desktop and/or web game development for companies who would
like to work with an experienced, family-operated Canadian development studio.
Areas of activity:
Creative Services, Game Development, Technical Services
Service(s) Offered:
Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo, IOS, Android, Windows Phone, PC/Steam, Mac,
Market Segment(s):
Core, Mid-core, Casual, Family
Game Genre(s):
Action/Adventure, Arcade, Platformer, Racing/Flight, Augmented/Virtual Reality
84 | P a g e
Roofdog Games Inc.
Guillaume Germain | +1 514 688 0264 | | Montréal, QC
We make popular freemium mobile games that are easy to pick up and difficult to master.
At GDC16, we are interested in connecting with publishers from various markets including Asia (e.g. Japan,
Taiwan, Korea, China, etc.). We would like to establish strategic partnerships with companies interested in
making a game based on our IP (whether reusing the brands or the technology). We are also interested in
meeting with companies specialized in the live operations of freemium games.
Areas of activity:
Game Development, Game Publishing
Service(s) Offered:
IOS, Android, Windows Phone, Mac, Browser/Flash/HTML5
Market Segment(s):
Core, Mid-core, Casual
Game Genre(s):
Action/Adventure, Arcade, Card, Fighting, Simulated Gambling
85 | P a g e
Sarbakan Inc.
Stephane Laurin | +1 418 655 1064 | | Québec, QC
Sarbakan is a full-service game development studio located in Quebec City, Canada. Since 1998, Sarbakan
creates original and custom video games based on the most recognized brands around the world. The
development team is a mix of talented young specialists and veterans, many of whom having experience in
the game industry ranging from 10 to 25 years. Sarbakan is a wholly owned subsidiary of Adrenaline
Sarbakan has developed multiple awarded mobile games, as well as, apps that have reached the #1 position
on iOS, and apps that have been downloaded over a 100 million times.
World-renowned media, toy, and advertising companies turn to Sarbakan for its unique and insanely creative
approach to creating original IPs and delivering WFH projects.
At GDC16, we are looking for companies who have the rights on an IP and are interested to hire or partner
with Sarbakan, to develop mobile games in genres we have expertise and capabilities (Nurturing, Card games,
board games, Hide & Seek, Swipe Action, Top shooter, Racing, Match-3, Simulation, Runner, Light RPG,
Puzzle, Slot machine, Endless Climbing, Flight Simulator, Storybook, Tap Action, Trivia, Sports).
Areas of activity:
Game Development
Service(s) Offered:
Porting, Work-for-hire, Full Game Development
IOS, Android, Browser/Flash/HTML5
Market Segment(s):
Mid-core, Casual, Family, Kids, Educational
Game Genre(s):
Action/Adventure, Arcade, Card, Platformer, Puzzle/Word, Racing/Flight, RPG,
Serious/Training/Simulation, Shooter, Simulated Gambling, Sports
86 | P a g e
Paul Thomas | +1 902 314 1948 | | Charlottetown, PEI & St. John’s, NL
Sculpin QA offers a versatile and professional team of app and game analysts based out of Prince Edward
Island and Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. With a permanent staff and a schedule that can be adapted
to meet clients' needs we can provide quality services with short turnaround times.
We are primarily looking to connect with developers and publishers of mobile games and apps for our services
(QA, Community Management, Customer Support, User Experience and Player Experience work), but our
services are far from limited to the mobile industry and we would like to connect with developers and
publishers of console, handheld, PC, and VR games as well. We also have an interest in meeting with gaming
and computer hardware manufacturers in need of these types of services for their hardware products.
Areas of activity:
Creative Services, Game Development, Technical Services
Service(s) Offered:
Work-for-hire, QA
Xbox, PlayStation, IOS, Android, Windows Phone, PC/Steam, Mac,
Market Segment(s):
Core, Mid-core, Casual, Family, Kids, Educational
Game Genre(s):
Action/Adventure, Alternate Reality, Arcade, Art/Music-based, Card, Fighting, MMO,
Platformer, Puzzle/Word, Racing/Flight, RPG, Serious/Training/Simulation, Shooter,
Simulated Gambling, Sports, Strategy, Augmented/Virtual Reality
87 | P a g e
SideFX Software
Christopher Hebert | +1 416 504 9876 | | Toronto, ON
For over twenty years Side Effects has been providing artists with procedural 3D animation and visual effects
tools designed to create the highest-quality cinematic results. We are passionate about what our customers
do because our roots are in production, both as artists and as pioneering technical innovators.
We are currently working on:
 Educating game developers on the many advantages of procedural workflows in game development;
 Continually improving product features to align to game developer requirements;
 Building relationships with other software and hardware partners;
 Showcasing customer success stories.
Our objectives for GDC16 include the following:
 Educating game developers on the many advantages of procedural workflows in game development;
 Highlighting relationships with other software and hardware partners – including Epic Unreal Engine,
Unity, Oculus VR, Allegorithmic, and more;
 Showcasing customer success stories – including Ubisoft, EA, Wargaming, Real-Time UK, and other
AAA game developers – plus many Indie game developers.
Areas of activity:
Software/Middleware Technology Providers
Service(s) Offered:
Workflow Management Tools, Cinematics, Digital Visual Effects (VFX), Animation and 3D,
Augmented Reality / Virtual Reality
Market Segment(s):
Game Genre(s):
88 | P a g e
Conan Reis | +1 604 628 2259 | | Port Alberni, BC
SkookumScript is the revolutionary programming language and tool suite that turbocharges video game
development. Simple, powerful and easy to learn, SkookumScript allows the live creation of compelling and
sophisticated gameplay—AI, missions, interactive audio, UI, and automation—with just a few lines of code.
Crafted over 20 years and battle-tested on major game titles, SkookumScript transforms team composition,
workflow, and the very thought process of game development.
SkookumScript is a revelation to experienced programmers, yet readily accessible to those with no
programming experience. It is available as a powerful turn-key plugin for the Unreal game engine, used by 20%
of game developers worldwide. Ideal for tiny indie projects as well as massive AAA titles, SkookumScript is the
scripting solution for every genre of game, on every platform, everywhere. SkookumScript is also a good fit
for other industries utilizing real-time automation, including VR, AI, robotics, aerospace, medicine, filmmaking,
Internet of Things, and more.
Our objectives are to establish clients for the SkookumScript language and tool suite (e.g. video game
developers), and connect with digital distribution platforms (e.g. Steam) and video game accelerators to
discuss bundling SkookumScript with other developer tools.
Areas of activity:
Game Development, Software/Middleware Technology Providers, Technical Services
Service(s) Offered:
Workflow Management Tools
Xbox, PlayStation, IOS, Android, PC/Steam, Mac, Linux, tvOS, platforms compiling C++
Market Segment(s):
Core, Mid-core, Casual, Family, Kids, Educational
Game Genre(s):
Action/Adventure, Alternate Reality, Arcade, Art/Music-based, Card, Fighting, MMO,
Platformer, Puzzle/Word, Racing/Flight, RPG, Serious/Training/Simulation, Shooter,
Simulated Gambling, Sports, Strategy, Augmented/Virtual Reality
89 | P a g e
Square One Games Inc.
Roger Freddi | +1 604 831 2370 | | Vancouver, BC
Square One Games specializes in porting games across all mobile and console platforms. We are a small
independent studio located 1/2 block from the beach in idyllic West Vancouver, British Columbia. Our team
members are all battle-hardened veterans with decades of experience working on AAA console and PC titles
(including the Need for Speed and FIFA franchises). We've worked on games for all major systems in the last
20 years from SNES to PS3, XBOX 360, Wii, iPhone, Android and everything in between. The studio's list of
credited titles includes well known franchises like The Bards Tale, Oddworld, and Wasteland. Square One
accepts both work-for-hire and rev-share partnerships.
At GDC16, we will be seeking publishers or indie developers looking to port their games to PlayStation, Xbox,
Nintendo, iOS or Android platforms. Of particular interest are console-to-mobile ports. With the most
technically advanced award winning mobile games on the market (The Bard's Tale, Oddworld: Strangers
Wrath, Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee), key industry connections and insights, we'll help your game reach an
unprecedented number of new players.
Areas of activity:
Game Development, Software/Middleware Technology Providers, Technical Services
Service(s) Offered:
Porting, Work-for-hire
Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo, IOS, Android, PC/Steam, Mac
Market Segment(s):
Core, Mid-core
Game Genre(s):
Action/Adventure, Fighting, Platformer, Racing/Flight, RPG, Shooter, Strategy
90 | P a g e
Squeeze Studio Animation
Denis Doré | +1 418 476 1786 | | Québec, QC
Squeeze provides world-class CG character animation services for video game trailers, in-game cinematics, TV
series and films. Our team of over 50 talented artists and technical experts focus on mastering keyframe
character animation. This leads to a high-level of specialization in the art of bringing to life
believable characters. Since its foundation in 2011, Squeeze had the opportunity to collaborate with renowned
partners such as Ubisoft, Sony, Microsoft, Disney, Marvel, Rare, ILM, Samsung, Perblue, Drive Dentsu and
many others.
The studio’s great success and excellence earned itself a Golden Trailer Award for the best game trailer for
Assassin’s Creed 4 – Freedom Cry DLC Trailer. This also led to the company’s collaboration for the creation of
the film Transformers 4.
Our objectives for GDC16 including the following:
 Meet video game producers and/or marketing managers who are looking for a high-end CG animation
studio able to create a stunning game trailer to help promote their games;
 Meet video game producers or external development managers who are looking for a high-end CG
animation studio able to help their team with the production of their in-game cinematics and/or scripted
 Meet publishers who might be interested in helping our studio distribute our new mobile game,
planned to be released on Android and iOS along with the international launch of Cracké our new
animated TV Series later this year.
Areas of activity:
Creative Services
Service(s) Offered:
Work-for-hire, Animation and 3D, Cinematics, Visual Effects (VFX)
Market Segment(s):
Game Genre(s):
91 | P a g e
Stitch Media
Evan Jones | +1 226 927 1810 | | Toronto, ON
Stitch Media is an interactive production company focused on telling stories using new technology and
timeless techniques. We have 9 years of service work experience designing games for Disney, FOX,
Nickelodeon, Microsoft and the Smithsonian. Our products push boundaries to use multiple styles and
platforms to create surprising connections.
Areas of activity:
Sales and Marketing, Creative Services, Game Development
Service(s) Offered:
Work-for-hire, Augmented Reality / Virtual Reality
IOS, Android, PC/Steam, Browser/Flash/HTML5
Market Segment(s):
Mid-core, Casual, Family, Kids, Educational
Game Genre(s):
Alternate Reality, Arcade, Art/Music-based, Card, Puzzle/Word,
Serious/Training/Simulation, Strategy, Augmented/Virtual Reality
92 | P a g e
Stompy Bot Corporation
John Nguyen | +1 888 449 4148 | | Saint John, NB
Stompy Bot Corporation is a digital entertainment and media company.
Stompy Bot Corporation’s growth strategy is to become a premier independent multimedia publisher. Out
indie philosophy is to identify and acquire unique video game properties, apply innovative technologies, game
development expertise, partner with movie studio resources and manage entertainment brands through a
global media marketing approach. We create value by engaging entertainment consumers with brands that
are unique, creative, socially compelling, technically impressive, and delivered across multi-media platforms
on a global scale.
The Corporation recently listed on the Canadian Securities Exchange (CNSX: BOT).
Areas of activity:
Game Publishing, Sales and Marketing
Service(s) Offered:
Porting, Workflow Management Tools, Artwork/Graphic Design, Cinematics, Animation
and 3D
Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo, IOS, Android, Windows Phone, PC/Steam, Mac
Market Segment(s):
Core, Mid-core, Casual
Game Genre(s):
Action/Adventure, Arcade, Card, Fighting, MMO, Platformer, Racing/Flight, RPG,
Shooter, Sports, Strategy
93 | P a g e
Trailblazer Games
Thiéry Adam | +1 514 691 5863 | | Montréal, QC
Trailblazer Games develops intellectual properties to explore new audiences in interactive entertainment on
mobile devices. They combine their rich successful experience and diverse network of development partners
with their unique process to identify blue oceans and validate market potential at the lowest risk. They aim to
be the leading partners for incubating and publishing home runs.
The founding partners already have multiple #1 grossing and #1 download mobile free-to-play games to their
credit (producing, publishing, design), as well as a history of award-winning triple A console gaming
experience (leads in design & tech).
Areas of activity:
Game Publishing, Game Development
Service(s) Offered:
Branding, Game Design, Co-Development
IOS, Android, Browser/Flash/HTML5
Market Segment(s):
Core, Mid-core, Casual, Family
Game Genre(s):
Puzzle/Word, RPG, Simulated Gambling, Strategy
94 | P a g e
Uken Games
Chris Ye | | Toronto, ON
Uken is a truly cross-platform game studio. We build fun social and mobile games that make people stop,
stare, smile, jump, and feel awesome inside.
We are working on 3 new games that will launch in 2016 and we are looking for potential mobile advertising
Areas of activity:
Game Publishing, Game Development
Service(s) Offered:
Market Segment(s):
Game Genre(s):
95 | P a g e
IOS, Android, Browser/Flash/HTML5
François Boucher-Genesse | +1 514 435 9815 | | Montréal, QC
Our mission is to teach players something new about the world using video games.
Our first game, Slice Fractions (“Best of Apple’s App Store” in 2014) highlights complex concepts in
mathematics. We’re currently hard at work on our second game: a world builder simulation game for a much
wider audience. Players get to craft the world and genetically modify their animals to create a healthy,
growing ecosystem.
If you’re a developer or publisher that has experience with the simulation game genre, we’d love to talk to
Areas of activity:
Game Development
Service(s) Offered:
IOS, Android, PC/Steam, Mac, Browser/Flash/HTML5
Market Segment(s):
Core, Family, Kids, Educational
Game Genre(s):
Puzzle/Word, Serious/Training/Simulation
96 | P a g e
Vandal Games
Kien Van Tram | +1 514 967 9248 | | Montréal, QC
Vandal Games is a game company that revolutionizes the market of real-time multiplayer gaming by
developing games with high-quality 3D visuals in streamed HTML5 browser games and native mobile apps.
The company is currently developing more products such as games for publishers as well as new technologies
for game development companies.
Areas of activity:
Game Development
Service(s) Offered:
IOS, Android, Windows Phone, PC/Steam, Browser/Flash/HTML5
Market Segment(s):
Core, Mid-core, Casual
Game Genre(s):
Action/Adventure, MMO, RPG, Strategy
97 | P a g e
Vesuvius Media
Konstantinos Manos | +1 902 476 4472 | | Halifax, NS
Vesuvius Media is a small, but mighty, Canadian indie game development company. Starting off by producing
online strategy games, Vesuvius Media has branched into new areas of production and currently boasts online
games, mobile games, graphic novels and board games in its portfolio.
Our new mobile game will be ready to launch by GDC 2016. We would like to meet with mobile publishers so
we can collaborate and launch the game together. We have two more mobile games and much more in
development. We are also interested in meeting with IP owners to discuss potential collaborations in creating
parallel projects, such as board games, based on their IP. We have successfully leveraged our IPs into new
markets. We have the experience and knowledge to help other companies do the same!
What makes Vesuvius Media different from all the other studios? Vesuvius Media is community-driven.
Whether online or on the table, its game designers and developers interact with players, listen, debate, and
continually gather feedback. Its community of players, help shape the future of its games!
For more information, to view our portfolio, or play our games, check out our web site.
Areas of activity:
Game Publishing, Game Development, Mobile Game Backend Design and
Implementation Services
Service(s) Offered:
Porting, Work-for-hire
IOS, Android, PC/Steam, Browser/Flash/HTML5
Market Segment(s):
Core, Casual, Family, Kids, Educational
Game Genre(s):
Action/Adventure, MMO, RPG, Strategy
98 | P a g e
Maxime Lavoie | +1 418 561 2555 | | Québec, QC
Volta is a visual development studio dedicated to creating high-end concept & production art, 3D artwork,
cinematics, and animation, matte painting & VFX for video games, TV shows and feature films.
Since 2006, our veteran team has delivered hundreds of projects to major entertainment companies such as
Ubisoft, Supercell, Sony, The Walt Disney Company, Microsoft and Warner Bros.
Our goal for GDC16 is to seek clients & partners looking to outsource quality art, whether 2D, 3D or cinematics.
We will also be meeting with existing clients to catch up!
Areas of activity:
Creative Services
Service(s) Offered:
Artwork/Graphic Design, Cinematics, Digital Visual Effects (VFX), Animation and 3D
Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo, IOS, Android, Windows Phone, PC/Steam, Mac,
Market Segment(s):
Core, Mid-core, Casual, Kids
Game Genre(s):
Action/Adventure, Alternate Reality, Arcade, Art/Music-based, Card, Fighting, MMO,
Platformer, Puzzle/Word, Racing/Flight, RPG, Serious/Training/Simulation, Shooter,
Simulated Gambling, Sports, Strategy, Augmented/Virtual Reality
99 | P a g e
Bertrand Nepveu | +1 514 572 2378 | | Montréal, QC
Vrvana's Totem is the only Mixed Reality headset capable of both Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality.
Unlike existing and upcoming products, it lets enterprise users experience truly immersive mixed reality.
Customers need it for training, design and collaboration. This unique technology is patent pending.
Areas of activity:
Game Hardware
Service(s) Offered:
Augmented Reality / Virtual Reality
Android, PC/Steam
Market Segment(s):
Game Genre(s):
Racing/Flight, Serious/Training/Simulation, Augmented/Virtual Reality
100 | P a g e
Waterproof Studios Inc.
Carl Whiteside | +1 604 780 6591 | | Vancouver, BC
Waterproof Studios was founded in 2012 by veterans of the Animation, Gaming and Visual FX industries with a
goal of creating compelling and spectacular imagery that allows our clients to tell their stories in ways they
never imagined. Our ability to deliver computer-generated imagery at both ends of the spectrum is what
makes Waterproof Studios so unique. From classic squash & stretch cartoon style animation to “is that a
photo or computer generated image”, our talented artists can capture any look or style our clients demand.
We are interested in meeting with developers, publishers, and marketing agencies to discuss marketing
trailers, cinematics and creative animation production, with the intent to establish strategic partnerships.
Areas of activity:
Game Publishing, Sales and Marketing, Creative Services
Service(s) Offered:
Work-for-hire, Artwork/Graphic Design, Cinematics, Digital Visual Effects (VFX),
Animation and 3D, Motion Capture
Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo, IOS, Android
Market Segment(s):
Core, Mid-core, Casual, Family, Kids
Game Genre(s):
Action/Adventure, Alternate Reality, Art/Music-based, Fighting, Racing/Flight, Shooter,
Sports, Strategy, Augmented/Virtual Reality
101 | P a g e
WINR Games Inc.
Jeremy Zuckerman | +1 416 418 6387 | | Toronto, ON
WINR Games is the development company behind the mobile gaming platform Big Time, available through
the Android and iOS app stores. Big Time features a slate of fun, addictive games that awards players with
tickets instead of points. The tickets serve as entries into frequent cash prize draws.
Big Time is the first gaming app of many that WINR intends to develop. All of the apps will be connected
through the common ticket currency linked to periodic cash contests. As the user base grows, so will the cash
WINR Games is building a cross app ecosystem of casual games where users will enter the ecosystem
intrigued by the idea of free cash and then become loyal after experiencing the excitement and strong value
proposition other mobile games lack. Each new game we are producing will be linked through the common
cross app ticket currency.
WINR has been growing its revenue ~50% MoM for the past 6 months and is now looking for a strategic
partner/investor to help scale the model. Meetings sought at GDC16 would be with forward thinking
publishers and seed investors, so that we can explain the benefits and advantages of our platform and how
we are transforming the freemium monetization model. Our objective for GDC16 is to find a strategic partner
aligned with our vision, and who can help push our company and our platform forward.
Areas of activity:
Game Publishing, Game Development
Service(s) Offered:
IOS, Android
Market Segment(s):
Game Genre(s):
Action/Adventure, Arcade, Card, Platformer, Puzzle/Word, Shooter, Simulated
Gambling, Strategy
102 | P a g e
Rob Bartlett | +1 250 718 2315 | | Kelowna, BC
WTFast is the Gamers Private Network (GPN), an Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) company that uses a
proprietary client/server solution to optimize the middle mile for online game connections. WTFast ensures a
low latency, smooth and enjoyable experience for online gaming. WTFast has been developing our
technology for over 6 years and is the clear market and technology leader in this space with a 6k worldwide
Alexa ranking and 90k DAUs.
WTFast provides distribution partners with several benefits: market differentiation with a service/bundle
catering to a strong online gaming audience, improved connectivity for online gamers, larger geo footprint for
game networks (making the game playable in more regions), revenue share for paid user upgrades, reduced
customer support dealing with connection issues, a new marketing channel targeting 18 to 35 male gamers.
WTFast is seeking distribution partners in several markets worldwide: Consumer ISPs (offering WTFast as a
gaming add-on to Internet bill), Routers (we have already made a WTFast router together with ASUS),
Retailers (POSA cards), Computer Pre-Installs/Bundles, Gaming peripheral/hardware free WTFast premium key
bundles, white labeled WTFast integration into game launchers, eSports groups/organizations.
Areas of activity:
Software/Middleware Technology Providers, Distribution and Hosting, Technical
Service(s) Offered:
Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo, IOS, Android, Windows Phone, PC/Steam, Mac
Market Segment(s):
Core, Mid-core
Game Genre(s):
Action/Adventure, Fighting, MMO, Racing/Flight, Serious/Training/Simulation,
Shooter, Sports
103 | P a g e
YES! Winnipeg
Bill Coulter | +1 204 954 1976 | | Winnipeg, MB
YES! Winnipeg's mission is to grow and strengthen Winnipeg’s economy by assisting in the creation of new
jobs and investments through proactively attracting new businesses to our city, helping local businesses to
expand and entrepreneurs to launch new ventures. Our 10-member team focuses on key industries within
Manitoba, and provides our services free of charge.
We are interested in meeting with companies considering an expansion/development of a new location that
would be open to launching in Winnipeg. As a no-fee service provider, we work with our clients to identify the
key decision triggers associated with their project. We then act as facilitators and project managers to
connect our clients with whatever they require to allow them to move forward with their opportunity in
Winnipeg. This can include government programs, access to workforce, location assistance, etc.
Areas of activity:
Service(s) Offered:
Market Segment(s):
Game Genre(s):
104 | P a g e
Business Development
Trade Commissioners attending GDC2016
CANADA – Canadian Trade Commissioner Service:
Foreign Direct Investment
In Canada
Mr. Dominic Aquilina
Los Angeles
Silicon Valley
Mr. David Smith
Ms. Lucy Gharibian
Mr. Troy DeFrank
Ms. Christine Shun
Ms. Ying Han
Ms. Ming Yan
Ms. Sandra Jiang
Ms. Akiko Onozuka
Mr. Kevin Jo
Mr. Rémi-Jacques Nadeau
Ms. Claudia Kakunaka
China (Beijing)
China (Guangzhou)
China (Shanghai)
Japan (Tokyo)
Korea (Seoul)
Germany (Munich)
Brazil (Sao Paulo)
Trade Commissioners in Canada (by territory)
105 | P a g e
Mr. David Marshall (Vancouver)
Mr. Cyril Borlé (Edmonton)
Mr. Pratima Rao (Toronto)
Mr. Robert Landry (Montréal)
Mr. Stéphane Crépeau (Halifax)
Délégués commerciaux présents à la GDC2016
CANADA - Le Service des délégués commerciaux du Canada:
Investissements directs
étrangers au Canada
M. Dominic Aquilina
M. David Smith
Mme. Lucy Gharibian
M. Troy DeFrank
Mme. Christine Shun
Mme. Ying Han
Mme. Ming Yan
Mme. Sandra Jiang
Mme. Akiko Onozuka
Mme. Kevin Jo
M. Rémi-Jacques Nadeau
Mme. Claudia Kakunaka
Los Angeles
Silicon Valley
Chine (Beijing)
Chine (Guangzhou)
Chine (Shanghai)
Japon (Tokyo)
Corée (Séoul)
Allegmagne (Munich)
Brésil (Sao Paulo)
Délégués commerciaux au Canada (par territoire)
Alb., Sask., Man.
N.-É., N.-B, Î.-P.-É.,
106 | P a g e
Mr. David Marshall (Vancouver)
Mr. Cyril Borlé (Edmonton)
Mr. Pratima Rao (Toronto)
Mr. Robert Landry (Montréal)
Mr. Stéphane Crépeau (Halifax)
Company Index | Liste des entreprises
3Mind Games Inc. ....................................................................................................................................................... 6
4th Monkey Media ...................................................................................................................................................... 7
Akimbo Creations Inc. ................................................................................................................................................ 8
Alpha Dog Games ....................................................................................................................................................... 9
AptitudeX – Art Outsourcing Studio........................................................................................................................ 10
Artifact 5 ..................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Audiokinetic .............................................................................................................................................................. 12
Axon Interactive Inc. ................................................................................................................................................. 13
BANDAI NAMCO Studios Vancouver Inc. ................................................................................................................ 14
BDA Entertainment Inc. ............................................................................................................................................ 15
Beamdog .................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Behaviour Interactive ............................................................................................................................................... 17
Berzerk Studio ........................................................................................................................................................... 18
BKOM Studios ........................................................................................................................................................... 19
Bloom Digital Media .................................................................................................................................................20
Blot Interactive Inc.................................................................................................................................................... 21
Blue Lizard Games ..................................................................................................................................................... 22
Bug Tracker – Testing Labs ...................................................................................................................................... 23
Chainsawesome Games ............................................................................................................................................24
Clever Endeavour Games .......................................................................................................................................... 25
Clever-Plays Studio ...................................................................................................................................................26
Cococucumber........................................................................................................................................................... 27
Code Mystics Inc........................................................................................................................................................28
Codename Entertainment ........................................................................................................................................29
Complex Games Inc. ................................................................................................................................................. 30
Creative Bytes Studios Inc. ....................................................................................................................................... 31
Curate Mobile Ltd. .................................................................................................................................................... 32
Digital Dimension ...................................................................................................................................................... 33
Double Stallion Games ..............................................................................................................................................34
Drinkbox Studios....................................................................................................................................................... 35
Ehtonal ...................................................................................................................................................................... 36
E-Link Entertainment ................................................................................................................................................ 37
Enzyme Testing Labs................................................................................................................................................ 38
Evodant Interactive.................................................................................................................................................. 39
Execution Labs ......................................................................................................................................................... 40
External Development Summit (XDS) ..................................................................................................................... 41
Fenix Media ...............................................................................................................................................................42
Frima Studio ..............................................................................................................................................................43
Fugitive Interactive .................................................................................................................................................. 44
Game Hive ................................................................................................................................................................. 45
Game On ................................................................................................................................................................... 46
Game Pill ....................................................................................................................................................................47
Game Whispering ..................................................................................................................................................... 48
Get Set Games .......................................................................................................................................................... 49
Gigataur Corporation ............................................................................................................................................... 50
Gogii Games ............................................................................................................................................................... 51
107 | P a g e
Happy Worker Inc. .................................................................................................................................................... 52
Hard Chill Games ....................................................................................................................................................... 53
Hibernum .................................................................................................................................................................. 54
Hololabs Studio Inc. .................................................................................................................................................. 55
icejam ........................................................................................................................................................................ 56
iLLOGIKA .................................................................................................................................................................... 57
Itavio ......................................................................................................................................................................... 58
Joydrop Ltd............................................................................................................................................................... 59
Kitfox Games ............................................................................................................................................................ 60
Koolhaus Games Inc. ................................................................................................................................................. 61
L3O Interactive Inc. ...................................................................................................................................................62
Lightning Rod Games ............................................................................................................................................... 63
Lucky Hammers ........................................................................................................................................................ 64
Magmic Inc. .............................................................................................................................................................. 65
Mark Media............................................................................................................................................................... 66
Master Moose Studio............................................................................................................................................... 67
Minority Media Inc. .................................................................................................................................................. 68
MK-ULTRA Games .................................................................................................................................................... 69
Norsfell Games Inc. .................................................................................................................................................. 70
Other Ocean Interactive ........................................................................................................................................... 71
Outerminds Inc. ......................................................................................................................................................... 72
PearFiction Studios Inc. ............................................................................................................................................ 73
Phantom Compass ....................................................................................................................................................74
PixelNAUTS ................................................................................................................................................................ 75
Pop Sandbox............................................................................................................................................................. 76
PQA Testing ............................................................................................................................................................... 77
Project Whitecard Studios....................................................................................................................................... 78
Punk Science Studios Inc. ........................................................................................................................................ 79
Red Meat Games ...................................................................................................................................................... 80
REDSpace ................................................................................................................................................................... 81
RevIQ ..........................................................................................................................................................................82
Roadhouse Interactive ............................................................................................................................................. 83
Rocket 5 Studios Inc. ................................................................................................................................................ 84
Roofdog Games Inc. ................................................................................................................................................. 85
Sarbakan Inc. ............................................................................................................................................................ 86
Sculpin....................................................................................................................................................................... 87
SideFX Software ....................................................................................................................................................... 88
SkookumScript ......................................................................................................................................................... 89
Square One Games Inc. ............................................................................................................................................ 90
Squeeze Studio Animation ....................................................................................................................................... 91
Stitch Media...............................................................................................................................................................92
Stompy Bot Corporation ......................................................................................................................................... 93
Trailblazer Games..................................................................................................................................................... 94
Uken Games .............................................................................................................................................................. 95
Ululab ........................................................................................................................................................................ 96
Vandal Games ........................................................................................................................................................... 97
Vesuvius Media......................................................................................................................................................... 98
VOLTA ....................................................................................................................................................................... 99
108 | P a g e
Vrvana ...................................................................................................................................................................... 100
Waterproof Studios Inc. ..........................................................................................................................................101
WINR Games Inc. ..................................................................................................................................................... 102
WTFast ..................................................................................................................................................................... 103
YES! Winnipeg ......................................................................................................................................................... 104
109 | P a g e