July-September 2012 - Central Dakota Humane Society


July-September 2012 - Central Dakota Humane Society
Upcoming Events
Aug. 25, Sept. 8 & 22, Oct. 13 & 27 – Dog
walking classes
Aug. 20, Sept. 17, Oct. 15 – CDHS membership
Aug. 16-18 – Dog Days Deals Rummage Sale
Sept. 3 – 50 Haircuts/50 Days/50 States
Sept. 9 – Shaggy Shuffle and Family Fun at
Raging Rivers
Oct. 11 – Beer Fest for CDHS
Nov. 10 & 11 – Santa Paws Pet Photos at
Focus on
all Fours
July-September 2012
A publication for friends of the Central Dakota Humane Society
Eddie’s one lucky pooch
By Sue Buchholz
Photos by Jolene Podoll
Little Eddie – who happens to be our
4,000th resident! – is another happy success
story we are delighted to share with you.
Eddie, at a whopping 5.3 pounds fighting
weight, apparently decided to somehow
challenge a vehicle in the North WalMart
parking lot. Bad idea.
There were no witnesses to what actually
happened. Bismarck Animal Control officer
Ed Woodcock got the call of an injured dog
at that location and made the run to check
out the situation. Even though it was obvious
by the dog’s inability to stand that he had
experienced some sort of trauma, Eddie (the
dog) was surprisingly good natured. Even
in tremendous pain he licked the hand that
came to help him instead of being a cranky
bite-first-and-ask-questions-later kind of guy.
Personally I would have been the latter under
the same circumstances, but little Eddie
found the soft spot in human Ed’s heart,
which led to his injuries being assessed at
the animal hospital. “He deserves a chance”
was the verdict, and that’s when CDHS was
contacted, and that’s all the info we needed
to hear!
His road to recovery started with x-rays
that confirmed a fractured pelvis. He
remained in the hospital a couple days, the
worry being that he had a ruptured bladder
and/or a perforated bowel. Either would
have been a very bad scenario, so we were
not resting easy for the first day or so. Eddie
rested and ate, but passed very little urine
and nothing else. Now, not to be graphic, but
continued on page 2
Lucky Dog ... Continued from page 1
to be honest, we were ridiculously happy when a couple days later the little fella pooped. It’s the
little things in life, right? Yay!
This ‘accomplishment’ meant graduation day to recovery at CDHS! Eddie came to recuperate
with us, requiring six to eight weeks of kennel rest for his pelvis to heal. He was quiet and very
sore for the first few days. His lower abdomen was deep purple with bruises and cuts, but Eddie
was soon standing and wagging his tail at us. He is an exceptionally sweet patient and is doing so
well that he had his first outing to stand a bit outside and get some sunshine. He wagged his tail
the entire time and is so appreciative of the love and attention he receives here. His recovery will
be a long one, but by all appearances he is well on his way!
Many thanks to Ed with Bismarck Animal Control who contacted us about this injured fella.
We have a good relationship with both Bismarck and Mandan Animal Control and appreciate
being called to assist with these special cases. We want to be there for those most in need,
especially the injured or orphaned, and we try very hard to make space when these cases arise.
The vet named him Eddie, she said, after the dog from the TV show Frasier, but we might just
call him Eddie after a certain animal cop we know.
Thank you to McQuade’s
I would like to give a shout out to the
awesome volunteers who helped with
the cleanup at the McQuade’s Softball
Tournament on June 22, 23 and 24. The
work was not easy, the hours weren’t the
best, but you came, you worked and I can’t
tell you how much I appreciate your help.
CDHS will receive a nice donation for our
efforts and I know some of you came before
you went to a night job, gave up part of your
weekend or let us borrow your vehicles for
collecting cans for recycling. And to top it
off, you did not utter one word of complaint.
Again, thank you, thank you, thank you. You
are all truly awesome and our organization is
so lucky to have you helping us through one
event after another. I am humbled at what
you do for the animals in our care.
Mandy Schaff
‘Space Aliens Helping Earthlings’ is an organization started by
Space Aliens Grill & Bar to help support local teams, charities,
and community projects. Through the ‘Space Aliens Helping
Earthlings’ program Space Aliens Grill & Bar has helped raise
money for local charities as well as help offset expenses for many
youth sports teams. If your nonprofit group is interested in a
fundraising event, please contact the manager of your local Space
Aliens Grill & Bar.
On Monday August 20th, 2012, Space Aliens Grill & Bar is
happy to support Central Dakota Humane Society. The more
funds the Central Dakota Humane Society has to invest in
unwanted, stray and lost pets - the more pets saved. Please bring a
copy of this letter to Space Aliens Grill & Bar, during normal
business hours, on the above date, and 25% of your total purchase
will be donated to this worthy cause.
Please present this letter to your server at the end of your meal so
we can make sure your organization receives proper credit.
Requests for credit on meals without this letter cannot be
Coupons or any other discount programs are not valid during
this event. Distribution of copies of this letter on Space Aliens
Grill & Bar property is not allowed.
Central Dakota Humane Society
• Monetary Donations
• Thank You Notes
• Gasoline Cards
• HP 940 XL Black or Color Ink
• Cat Litter (non-clumping)*
• Booklets of Forever Stamps
• Canned Squeeze Cheese (Used for
giving medicine to animals.)
• Heavy Duty Sheet Protectors
• Accordion File Folders
• Paper Towels
• Rubber Backed Rugs
• Fleece (Should be new - Will be used to
make blankets to sell.)
• Cat and Dog Beds (Washable)
• Dog Toys
• Soft Dog Treats
• Tall Kitchen Garbage Bags
• Wild Bird Food
• Good Condition enclosed 4- or 6-horse
• HE Liquid Laundry Detergent
* Always in short supply.
Bismarck-Mandan’s No-Kill Shelter
Dog Walking Class
Dog walking classes are now being
held twice a month – on the second and
fourth Saturdays. Classes require preregistration. If you plan to attend, please
call the shelter at 667-2020 and leave a
message for Mandy.
Shelter employee, Danielle, demonstrates
proper handling techniques with shelter
dog, Charmaine, who was recently adopted.
Planning for the future
By Sue Buchholz, Shelter Director
Adoptions continue to be strong, and every one out the
door means room for another to come in.
In January, we adopted 13 cats and 11 dogs. February was
10 cats and 23 dogs. March was 12 cats and nine dogs. April
totaled six cats and 15 dogs. In May, we placed four cats and
16 dogs. Not bad at all, but more would be better!
One thing that we feel that will increase our adoption
number will be our new facility. After the land purchase we are
now turning our attention to building design. While we do not
yet have a final draft to present to the public, we are working
very hard on a design that will be functional and comfortable for many years to come. We
are planning for true isolation areas, whelping rooms, a retail area, and multiple-occupied
cat condos (think cage-free frat room for felines). We are working on ways to make the
shelter experience a pleasant one for residents and visitors alike.
We intend to incorporate ‘real-life rooms” – larger rooms for one or more dogs to live in
a homier environment. We are planning for the dog kennels to not face each other, which
is a huge factor in lowering the stress and noise levels for both dogs and people. Our new
location will be easily accessible and I know we will continue to be an important asset to
both the Bismarck/Mandan and surrounding communities just as we have for many, many
years – fifty-one and counting to be exact!
It truly is an exciting time in our history, and we strongly encourage your involvement
and input. We meet every third Monday at 6 p.m. at the Broadway Conference Center
and all interested members are welcome to attend. We need volunteers, advice and
guidance as we move forward with this important project. With all the wonderful support
and encouragement that has gotten us this far and saved so many lives, we are bursting
at the seams to move forward to the next phase of development. Please know we truly
appreciate your support in the past, and we look forward to an exciting future for our
(temporarily) less fortunate animal friends.
Shelter dog, Charmaine, shows what a
good girl she is during the dog walking
CDHS Summer
Rummage Sale
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
August 16, 17, 18, 2012
10 a.m. to 6 p.m. • CDHS Shelter
3 miles North of Mandan on 1806
Rummage worthy donations can be dropped off
at the shelter during normal business hours.
Call CDHS at 667-2020 for more info.
Danielle demonstrates how to take dogs out
of their kennel during a dog walking class.
“Doing great things for pets and people.”
Focus On All Fours
Living healthy with pets
By Cameo Skager, CDHS Board President
Did you hear about the new study that just came out? It claimed
that children are healthier when they live in a home with dogs or
cats during their first year of life. The research, which was published
in the journal Pediatrics, said that kids’ exposure to pets early in life
can stimulate the immune system to do a better job of fighting off
infection. Basically it said that pets, especially dogs, track in dirt and
bacteria. The kids’ immune systems work to fight off the germs and
they grow healthier as a result.
I don’t know if this has been true for my kids, as they certainly had their share of ear
infections and respiratory bugs when they were little. But I do know having pets has made them
healthier in their “hearts,” if you know what I mean. Our two cats and one dog have provided my
kids with the knowledge that other living creatures deserve respect. They’ve learned that when
we care for another being, we have responsibilities and emotions that go along with it – some
expected and some unexpected – but ones that in the end, give us satisfaction, pride and some
‘aahhh’ feelings.
Sometimes, we as caregivers, have to do things we’d prefer not to do, or things that are not
so glamorous because we love and care for another being. There’s taking the dog for a walk,
providing food and water, cleaning up messes (which can spontaneously burst out of either end)
and scootching over on the bed so there’s more room for the furry family member. These are the
same sorts of things we do when we live with, and care for, another human being as well.
One unexpected task our family dealt with for the past several years was taking care of our
cat, Mow. About three years ago, she was diagnosed with kidney failure. To keep her going we
fed her special food, gave her a potassium pill twice a day and gave her subcutaneous fluid
several times a week. Mow was a good patient and it helped her survive quite a long time. My
kids would often help give her fluid and give her extra praise and love for being such a good
Nothing showed that my kids were tuned in to their hearts more than when we lost Mow.
We knew her end was coming when she had a recurring bout with bladder stones. Toward the
end she quit eating and ‘told’ us that she no longer wanted the fluid. Mow was the first family
member – human or animal – that my kids have lost. We talked a lot about the decision to let her
go – about how hard it is, but it’s a decision that has to happen. They were there for her at the
end and said their proper good-byes, knowing that her leaving would take her to a place with no
more pain. They had to deal with their grief in their own way, and even though they still miss her,
we can now talk about her with a smile and only a few tears.
I know my children will take the lessons they learned from their pets with them throughout
their lives. I hope they continue to carry the sense of responsibility and caring, the love and the
‘aahh’ feelings in their heads and their hearts as they encounter other critters and humans on
their journey.
Save the Date
Beer Fest for CDHS
October 11, 2012
Harvest Brazilian Grill
6:30-8:30 p.m.
 Thank you so much to Plato’s Closet
who celebrated their seventh birthday
by donating 10 percent of their sales
to CDHS. CDHS had a few furry guests
from the shelter greeting customers
with wags, grins and licks and a good
time was had by all. CDHS received a
check for $653.
 Hurray for MODE Women’s Outlet
Store, who donated 10 percent of
their sales from March 15 to March
17. On March 17, CDHS brought a few
of our canine companions to greet
customers. CDHS received a check for
 A big thank you to Rose Klipfel for
help with her great seamstress skills.
Rose has been making fleece blankets
for the shelter to sell for many months,
with all the proceeds coming back to
the pets. The quality of the blankets is
outstanding. Rose has a great gift of
putting together the cute combinations
of colors and patterns. Dogs love to
snuggle into the fleece blankets day
or night and they are so darn cute you
can use them as throws all over your
house. Rose, we want to say thank
you, thank you, thank you!
 Thank you to Edgewood Vista for
welcoming some furry friends to
visit with their residents. Volunteer
coordinator, Mandy Schaaf, took her
personal dogs (all CDHS alumni) to
visit with the folks. Mandy was able
to talk about CDHS and the residents
donated needs list items, and also will
be making blankets for our pets. There
were plenty of smiles, laughter and
tail wags to go around for everyone.
Thanks to Mandy, Shae, Annie, George
and Marvin for visiting Edgewood
 Thank you to the Center for
Technology & Business’ Women’s
Leadership Program. Ten pairs of
women were given $200 in seed money
and challenged to grow the funds
in a philanthropic challenge for the
Bismarck and Mandan communities.
The groups had just over a month to
find a cause and determine the best
continued on page 14
Watch our website for more information to come.
Central Dakota Humane Society
Tours & Thanks
& Things
Bismarck-Mandan’s No-Kill Shelter
Band Night parade
Volunteers and Employees – where does
one cross over to become another?
By Mandy Schaaf, Volunteer Coordinator
CDHS volunteers showed off our pets
during the annual Band Night Parade.
Shelter volunteer, Katja, has a fun time
walking with Rocky.
Shelter alumni, Molly, shows how she
loves to work at pulling a cart.
Not a day goes by where the line is not
crossed between employee and volunteer
at Central Dakota Humane Society. Our
volunteers sometimes become our employees
and our employees often become our
volunteers. Tana Pendergast and Kaysi Kapsch
and I hung around long enough as volunteers
that eventually we became employees with
CDHS. I’m not sure if Sue figured we’d never
go away so she might as well hire us, or if she
just saw that we were committed enough that
she wanted us to play a bigger role within the
organization? Either way, I know the three of us are committed to CDHS in our hearts but we
feel fortunate enough to get paid to do what we love so much.
I also often tap into the shelter employees to help with various events and it is seldom that
they don’t help whenever they can. They often work all day at their various duties within the
shelter and then quickly clean up and go on duty with a smile on their faces to help with events.
Recently I asked one of our employees who volunteered at an event (our recent wine tasting)
that required her to dress up a bit more than she is used to if she enjoyed her time at the event.
She said, “well I think it went well, I’m not used to being around that many people at the same
time and I usually have to check the bottom of my shoes several times a day to make sure they
aren’t covered with poo, so I was a little out of my element.” I hope that by going out of her
comfort zone she could see the support her place of employment has from the public and what
she does on a daily basis has meaning and value not only to her but to many, many others in her
community. I hope that gave her a sense of the important role she not only gives to the shelter
but to the mission of the organization as well.
Volunteers like Tana, Kaysi and me first experienced, a little at a time, the shelter
environment and got to know some of the staff a little better before there was an opportunity
for us to play a larger role as employees. Tana worked many events and Kaysi worked with the
animals by starting with the dog walking class. Now, they both work in the animal care arena at
the shelter. I served on the CDHS board of directors for many years and bossed Sue around and
I think she may have hired me so that she could finally boss me around for once!
Volunteering is a way to work at something you like to do and see if it is your passion.
Someone said once to me, “When your passion and talents are able to collide in a job then you
are truly blessed.” Volunteering allows you to dip your toes in the water without jumping all the
way in. Getting your children to volunteer can prepare them for the working environment and it
can teach them a sense of responsibility because they have to commit, then they have to show
up and they have to listen to someone giving them directions (other than their parents).
Volunteering can be a good outlet and stress reliever after a long day or week at work. If you
are a person who talks to people all day long at your “paying” job, perhaps socializing with the
animals is a way for you to relax after a long day of selling, schmoozing or interacting in a more
high power setting. If you like to work in the outdoors but are cooped up all day long, perhaps
a “yard day” at the shelter is just what you need to get back to nature for a bit. If you always
wanted to get into grant writing but didn’t want to do it as a full time job, volunteering from your
own home and checking into opportunities for monetary gain for the shelter might be a way to
give back.
An upcoming event where you may try your hand and skills at volunteering is Shaggy Shuffle
and Family Fun at Raging Rivers on Sunday, Sept. 9. This is one of CDHS’s largest fundraisers
and we are going to make this year better and bigger than ever. We need lots of help before and
continued on page 14
“Doing great things for pets and people.”
Focus On All Fours
See more CDHS adoptable pets on the
web at www.cdhs.net/adoptablepets.htm
Adoptable Pets
Unneutered Male
Unspayed Female
Gray; short hair
Unneutered Male
Approximate date of
birth: April 2011
Origin: Unclaimed
Approximate date of
birth: June 2010
Origin: Unclaimed
Approximate date of
birth: June 2010
Origin: Owner
Cora Beth
Unneutered Male
Spayed Female
Approximate date
of birth: April 17,
Origin: Owner
Approximate date of
birth: March 2005
Origin: Owner
Unneutered Male
Pointer Cross
Unneutered Male
Approximate date of
birth: April 2011
Origin: Unclaimed
Approximate date of
birth: June 2008
Origin: Owner
Neutered Male
Black Jack
Neutered Male
Black; short hair
Unspayed Female
Calico; Short Hair
Neutered Male
Akita Cross
Approximate date
of birth: June
Origin: Owner
Approximate date
of birth: May
Origin: Stray
Approximate date
of birth: January,
Origin: Owner
Unspayed Female
Approximate date
of birth: May
Origin: Unclaimed
Neutered Male
Gray; long hair
Central Dakota Humane Society
Approximate date
of birth: June
Origin: Stray
date of birth:
February 2010
Origin: Owner
Bismarck-Mandan’s No-Kill Shelter
Shaggy Shuffle
and Family Fun Day
at Raging RiverS Water Park
CDHS is going to the extreme – combining two of our great events into one day packed with
fantastic fun. Get out your walking shoes AND your dog’s swimming suit and be prepared for a
fun-filled family day at Raging Rivers on Sunday Sept. 9 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. The whole family,
including kids, canines and adults are welcome and will have a great day!
Plan to join us at Raging Rivers for the following events:
• Shaggy Shuffle walk – Registration starts at 11 a.m. and walk starts at 1 p.m.
• Dog and Cat Water Fight – Purchase a dog or cat duck and try your luck! Prizes include
$300 cash, a Nook Color, $100 in iTunes gift cards,
• Flea-less Market – Vendors will sell their wares with a portion of proceeds going to CDHS.
• Photo Booth – Pose with your peeps, AND your pets, for a fun photo.
• Food – Raging Rivers concession stands will be open and families can enjoy lunch and
snacks before the walk.
• Cart Rides by Molly – Shelter alumni dog, Molly, will pull kids in her cart.
• Pirates Cove Crafts - Kids can enjoy games and crafts.
• Swimming and wading in the Lazy River for dogs – Raging Rivers officially closes Labor
Day and will drain the Lazy River and Kiddy Pool down so dogs of all sizes and shapes can
swim to their hearts’ content. Your dog will be grinning from ear to ear.
• Contests – Pet Costume/Best Pet Swimsuit; Largest & Smallest Dog; Pet/Person Look-Alike – prizes for all the winners!
• Alumni Parade – Former shelter residents can strut their stuff and show off how happy
they are in their forever homes.
PRIZES! — As always, those raising money for the Shaggy Shuffle walk will receive incentive
prizes based on the level of donations they raise. Prizes include iPads, Kindle Fires, cash cards,
t-shirts and logo flashlights.
Two Routes — We will offer two route options for the walk, one around the park for those
who prefer a stroll and a 2.5-mile loop around the lovely Marina Bay area. The trails will be
clearly marked and led by CDHS dogs available for adoption. The Brothers Keepers Motorcycle
Club will be our crossing guards and will assist with safe street crossing for all walk participants.
ONLINE DONATIONS — Walkers are encouraged to sign up online and use your e-mail,
Facebook, Twitter and other technology to solicit donations. Donations can be made to you
online (once you’ve registered) via secure PayPal. Donors also will get an automatic receipt.
Our Biggest Fundraiser!! — Join in the fun by raising a minimum of $25 as a Shaggy
Shuffle walker. If you prefer to just bring the family and enjoy the events without walking,
admission will be $10.00 for adults, $5.00 for K-12 and under Kindergarten are free!
Heatstroke in Dogs
and Cats
Heatstroke occurs when an animal gets
severely overheated, most commonly during
the summer months. Pets don’t sweat like
people do; they cool themselves by panting
and through the pads of their feet. When
normal body mechanisms can’t keep the
temperature in a safe range, brain damage
and eventual death result.
Pet is left in a parked car (the most
common reason). Every summer, thousands
of cats and dogs die needlessly after they are
left inside cars. Even when car windows are
cracked open and pet guardians are gone
“just for a minute.” The rapid buildup of
heat inside the car can reach well over 160
degrees F. in a few minutes. Leaving your pet
in a parked car can be a deadly mistake. Act
immediately if you see an animal enclosed in
a car on a summer day. Call the police or a
humane organization for help.
Previous episode of heatstroke. Pets
with a history will be more susceptible in the
Lack of appropriate shelter for an animal
outdoors. If pets are outside, make sure they
have plenty of shade and water so they can
stay cool.
Excessive exercise in hot, humid weather.
During hot weather, it’s critical to keep all
dogs, especially those with long or thick
coats, cool and comfortable during workout
sessions and avoid overheating. In warm
weather months, go out early or late in the
day when the temperature is cool.
Breed dispositions. Dogs with flat, pushedin faces, like Bulldogs, Pugs and Pekingese,
are particularly susceptible.
Old or overweight pets or those with an
underlying disease. These animals are at
highest risk for heatstroke because even their
normal cooling systems lose effectiveness.
Heavy-coated dogs in warm climates.
Tangled and matted fur holds heat close to
the body and prevents air circulation, so keep
dogs with long, heavy fur brushed.
Pet carriers that have poor ventilation can
become deathtraps. If you need to confine
your pet in a carrier or cage, make sure
there’s plenty of ventilation.
More information at www.cdhs.net
“Doing great things for pets and people.”
Focus On All Fours
Tails of
Ambush has been with us four months. She has settled nicely
into our pack of dogs and people.
She loved the other three dogs
almost immediately and frequently
snuggles up with them to sleep.
She is so curious and smart,
watching everything that goes on
around her. She has tons of energy.
We are still working on walking on a
leash, but she loves to run and run
in the back yard and she makes
laps around the house when she is
all fired up.
We get so excited about all of her ‘firsts’ – from the first time
giving us her belly to rub or running excitedly to the door when we
come home – to finding her bark and giving little kisses on the nose.
She has learned to play with toys and now she initiates play with us –
she is starting to come when I call her or bring her toy back to me so I
can throw it again.
Thank you so much for giving her a second chance at a good life.
Know that she is so loved, very spoiled, and that she has found her
forever home.
- Paula Jo
Thank you so much for allowing me to adopt Digger Dan (now just
called Digger). What an absolute
joy he is! Digger is doing really
well. We found out he has food
allergies and hip dysplasia,
but we are taking care of both.
He is doing well on Natural
Balance Sweet Potato & Bison
food, Benadryl and glucosamine
Digger is such a happy dog!
He absolutely loves when we get
company or if we visit my family, which is usually weekly. I think he
knows he has an entire family that loves him. One of his funny little
quirks is that he is afraid of the steps going to my parents’ basement.
So, instead of leaving their house that way, we use the front steps
which are okay with him. He appears to be a bit afraid of heights as
he’s very cautious looking out the car window too. He peeks out and
then snuggles back into the back of the seat.
Take care and thanks again for this sweet little dog!
- Kelli
Chewbaka (formerly Craig)
Craig has a new nickname, Chewbaka or Chewbe. He is such a
mama’s boy, he follows me wherever I go. He is very adorable and
loves to snuggle. Chewbe got along with our two cats, Ronaldinho and
Baby Sue, right away. He loves to go for long walks, enjoys fetching
and also likes being brushed.
He seems to be overcoming all the initial issues that he had: he
is now friendly to almost everybody, and is not barking at people or
other dogs on our walks; he is now housebroken, and even does his
business by himself (on command) first thing when he gets up in
the mornings; he seems to be less scared of noises, although he is
still scared of bikes, motorcycles or skates. We had help from Betsy
Hamkens to start changing these maladaptive behaviors, and soon
Chewbe will be enrolling
in Betsy’s training classes
with other dogs, when we
will work on socialization
with others.
Overall Chewbe adapted
really well to our home, and
he is a wonderful dog. I am
very grateful that you chose
us to be his parents!
- Isabel
You will be pleased to know that
Jefferson has adjusted very well to
his new home. He has followed our
other dog (Ella)’s lead quite well and
that has made the transition very
easy. He is a very happy boy and
loves playing in the yard or pulling
all the toys out and organizing them
in a pile. He still has an occasional accident in the house, but that is
generally the result of human error more than his. He is very anxious
when riding in the car and is afraid of our steep basement stairs, but
he loves to perch on our upstairs landing so he can look out the front
windows and warn us of any trouble that might pass by outside. He
has been an amazing addition to our family and we can’t thank all of
you enough for taking your time and resources to save his life. He is a
loving and energetic dog and we are blessed to have him.
- Tom and Kelsey
Central Dakota Humane Society
Bismarck-Mandan’s No-Kill Shelter
to the door and greets me every time I come home, as soon as I sit
down he is on my lap, and when I am busy and he needs attention
he will meow until I pick him up and hold him like a baby (that is his
favorite). He will even jump up onto my shoulders and sit there if my
lap is unavailable. If I am lying down he sleeps on me. He loves me so
much! Thank you for giving me the opportunity to adopt such a great
- James
It is about six months since I
adopted Diva (Godiva) and I thought
you might like an update on her
progress. She is doing just fine. She
likes to be outdoors, ride in the car
in her car seat, go fishing on the
pontoon (she has her own life jacket), go for a swim, play “get the ball”
and go for walks. She is just a normal, happy, well-behaved little dog
that enjoys life. And I enjoy her.
- Lee
Flash (formerly Moby)
Flash (aka Moby) is an awesome addition to
our family! He gets along great with our two other
dogs and has taken on the responsibility of being
a best friend to our 10-year-old English Bulldog,
Darby. He helps her up and down our stairs and
makes sure she gets to where she needs to be.
We also have two cats that he would love to
cuddle with, but they usually have other ideas!
Flash has passed his Canine Good Citizen
and Love On A Leash tests and is now working
on his hours to be a therapy dog. Thank you for
allowing us to adopt him. It is hard to imagine what our life was like
before he came to live with us!
- Flash’s family
Azura (formerly Brunswick)
Just wanted to give you a quick update on the adorable little kitty
we adopted. Previously named Brunswick, our kitty has the new name
Azura – named for the Goddess of Dawn and Dusk from one of our
favorite games, which suits her pure white fur. She made herself
at home right away; more surprisingly, our
first cat, Samhain, accepted his new sister
very quickly as well! We were anticipating
having to keep them separated for a while,
but that ended up not being necessary;
and by the second night, they were already
playing together. Although at first, Samhain
treated Azura with the tolerance shown to an
annoying toddler, he now seems quite happy
to initiate play, chase and tackle sessions
with her. We were hoping for another cat that would be a good
playmate and companion for our first, so it looks like this has turned
out very nicely. Thanks so much for matching us with the perfect new
member of our family!
- Stacie, Josh, and Austin
Davey (formerly David)
Our family would love to update all of you at CDHS about our
little man, Davey. Davey is a bundle of energy but so much fun! He
wants attention from anyone and loves to talk back especially when
someone tells him “No!” He loves to snuggle in bed, play fetch, explore
in the back yard and follows Ellie everywhere. Sometimes he’ll sneak
away with a shoe or slipper!
He is almost five months old, growing so fast and weighs almost
eight pounds! The vet says he’s
in perfect health! We couldn’t
have asked for a better addition
to our family and he fits in just
perfectly! Thank you CDHS for
giving us the chance to love him
and give him a happy home.
- Steve, Abby & Ellie
Earl (formerly
I adopted a cat you called Getty
about a year ago. He was very sick
and threw up a lot. The poor guy
was very skinny when I met him
and didn’t have much energy. What
he did have was the desire to be
held and he didn’t want me to put him down during our initial visit. He
melted my heart and I knew I had to take him home and help out this
poor little guy.
We named him Earl because he was grey (like the tea). Earl has
a digestive condition that will unfortunately mean he may be on
medication the rest of his life. He still throws up, but it is not as often
as before and has put on some weight and is now a healthy cat full of
The bond we made when I picked him up at the shelter has grown
and become very strong. I am definitely his Daddy in his eyes. He runs
“Doing great things for pets and people.”
To read more Tails of Success
and view pictures of CDHS pets
in their forever homes, go to
www.cdhs.net and click the
Success Stories link.
Focus On All Fours
CDHS New Members, Generous Donors, Memorials and Honors
Listings reflect memberships, adoptions and donations from 3-16-12 to 06-15-12 ONLY
New Members &
Generous Donations
Mark & Lisa Aamodt
David & Karen Adams
Aetna USHC Employee Charity
Wendell Albert
Jeff Allen
America’s Charities Distribution
Arthur Anderson
Kurt & Laura Anderson
Michael & Mary Ann Anderson
Sherry & Craig Anderson
Susan Anderson
Ashten Anhorn
Gwen Niksic & Lou Babiarz
Brian & Joan Backes
Marvel Bailey
Paul & Becky Bailey
Mort Banks
Melissa Barth
Noreen Bartlett
Cassie & Jeremy Bauer
Damian Bean
Jarrod & Shannon Keller Becker
Linda Beckler
Dale & Joanne Beckman
Bruce & Linda Beechie
Diane Beelman
Brittney Bercier
Sheila & Westley Berg
Cheri Berger
Best Western Ramkota Hotel
Bianco Realty
Mark & Kim Bieber
Kathleen Big Eagle
Bismarck Bombshells
Mary & Don Bitz
Annette Bjornstad
Terry & Barbara Blinsky
Blue Sky Trails, LLC
Deb Bogert
David Boone
Border States Electric
Employees - Bismarck
Jessica Bosch
Pat Bosch
Fred & Judy Bott
Allen & Linda Boushee
Warren & Sue Boyd
Leslie (Jack) & Carma Branch
Daryl & Donna Braun
Jo Brekke
Laiken Bren
Julie Brendel
Breshelle & Christopher
Rachelle Brewer
Bruce Britton
Chris & Jodi Brown
Alena Broxmeyer
Sue Buchholz
Jay & Linda Buringrud
Alissa Busch
Suzanne Cahill
James & Christina Cailao
Capital City Construction, Inc
Capital Trophy
Alissa Chamberlain
Dorothy Chapman
Christ the King Church & School
– 7th & 8th Graders
Denise & Jeff Christensen
Troy Christian
Merete Christianson
Brian & Tamra Churchill
City Painting, Inc.
Dave & Sue Freier Clark
Craig Clooten
Pat Cochran
James Coles
Edian Crow Eagle
Adrian Crow Feather
Janelle & Todd Crowley
Jan & Terry Daffinrud
Mike & Renee Daffinrud
Ann Dahl
Deanna Dailey
Dakota Dust Tex, Inc.
Richard & Cecelia Dasinger
Kurtis Decker
Jennifer DeForest
Bruce & Jeanne DeKrey
Laurie Morse-Dell
Jan & Ted Deschamp
Norman & Barbara Deschene
Bonnie Dever
Carmen & John Devney
Marcy Dickerson
Bailee Anderson & Jeffrey
Jessica Dillavou
Michael & Judy Donahue
Lorraine Dopson
Savannah Dronen
Marcia & Michael Dunn
Jeffrey & Dawn Ebel
Dr. Barb Espe
Richard Elefson
Joe & Marge Ellefson
Leslye Ellison
Blaine Ernst
Karin Ernst
Neal & Debra Eslinger
Nell Essig
Beverly Ewine
LoEtta Feigert
Donald Feimer
Valerie Feist
Bonny Fetch
Pete & Kathy Fettig
Paul & Grace Feyereisen
Barbara & Floyd Fischer
Neal & Lyn Fischer
Gerry & Sharon Fisher
Nicole Fitzgerald
Vicki & Marshall Flagg
Flasher FCCLA Members
Lori Flaten
Rikki & Tavi Flaten
Charles & Arliss Fleming
Kathy Sayler Forrest
Fort Lincoln Elementary School
Shirley Fox
Paul Frank & Andrea Edstrom
Michael Frey
Delores Friedt
Central Dakota Humane Society
Michael & Nancy Friesz
Kent & Monica Gainsforth
Debra Gallagher
Darcy Galt
Darryl & Carol Galt
Montie & Claudine Galt
Brent & Cheryl Gardner
Gary & Colleen Garland
Sydney Gerhardt
Rick & Janice Germain
Margaret & Al Gibson
Geraldine Glade
Cheryl Glasser
Todd & Tina Glenn
Marci Goldade
Barbara Grauman
Deb & Gary Grueneich
Grimsrud Elementary School
Dolly Gugel
Sandra Gugel
Mary Guler
Lisa Gunderson
Harvey & Vonadean Haakenson
Karen Haakenson
Nancy Haas
Jo & Myles Hafner
Chelsie Hagel
Bro Halff
Marcus & Daphne Hall
Harvest Braziliian Grill
Alice & Stan Halling
Gary Hanson
Kara Hanson
Rick Hanson
Troy & Lauri Hanson
Russ & Cindy Harkness
Sher Harildstad
Larry & Gloria Hassebrock
James & Sharon Hawley
Carmen Hay
Amanda Hayen
Gerald & Sandra Hedberg
Allan & Susan Heilman
David & Marlene Helbing
Audrey Helm
Lynette & Robert Hendrickson
Robbin & Jody Hendrickson
Debra Heupel
Terry & Laurel Heyd
Sharon Higley
Sandra Hill
Kathy & Everett Hinnenkamp
June Hintz
Darcy & Terry Hochhalter
Irene Hoff
Michele Hoff
Micheal & Karen Holman
Prairie Holzer
Heidi & Daryl Hornbacher
David & Karen Horner
Gary Hotchkiss
Rebecca Hoyt
Jim & Gail Hrdlicka
Dianna & Louis Huber
John Huddleson Sr.
Trish & Don Hulm
LaVonne & Lauren Hunze
Ideal Concrete Contractors Inc.
ING Employee Giving Campaign
Robin Inman
Interiors by France
Chris Jacobson
Sarah Jacobson
Mary Kay Jefferson
Jennifer Jelersen
Glenda & Joseph Jennings
Jerome Distributing, Inc.
Karen & Gordon Jewett
Brendan & Sara Jochim
Crystal & Travis Jochim
Kaye John
Caroline Johnson
Joshua & Melissa Johnson
Samantha Johnson
Sandra Johnson
Greg & Anne Jones
Thomas, Diane & Raven Jones
Conrad & M. Ann Jordheim
Laura Jundt
Linda Juntunen
Connie Jupka
Renee Kaikkonen
Doug & Nora Kane
Karen Mueller, MSW
Raymond & Darlene Kautzman
Patricia Keller
Amy Kelsch
Mary Kae Kelsch
Mandy Kendall
Daryl & Virginia Kerzman
Wesley & Alyce Kessler
Norma Keys
Lacy & Cory Kilber
Terry Kist
Ginger & Curtis Kjelland
Delbert & Ilene Knoepfle
Emily Knopik
Lela Knudsen
Michelle & Clinton Kohler
Al & Bonnie Kosir
Patricia Kostelecky
Ron & Sally Kraft
Judy & James Krance
Wally & Ora Krentz
KT Animal Supply
Arlen & Dickie Jo Kubas
Timothy & Julie Kuennen
Dawnalytah Lappegaard
Dave & Deb Larson
Earl & Marlene Larson
Robyn Lawler
Klaudia & James Lawson
Laura Lee
Thomas & Karen Lengowski
Mick & Torie Lenhardt
Arta Leno
Donald & Marlene Lervik
Lesmeister Transportation, Inc.
Beth Lessard
Deborah & Paul Levchak
Lewis & Clark Elementary
Denise & Chris Lindbo
Joe & Irish Linnertz
George & Linda Linz
Linda Litt
Ramona Redding Lopez
Brian & Shelley Lubiens
David & Lanette Ludwig
Lee Lunde
Vernon Lykken
Marlene Magilke
Vicki Magill
Clark Maier
Howard & Lori Malloy
Mandan Public School District #1
Dorothy Manley
Shauna Marchus
Robin & Roger Martin
Mike Martz
Katie & Wade Mathern
Paul & Jeri Matthews
Pat Mayer & Larry Schmidt
Brenda McBain
Robert & Sharlene McCulloch
Gordon & June McFarland
MDU Resources Foundation
Colette Meier
Lauren Meiers
Ione Melling
Mgmt, Clerical & Consulting
Services, LLC
Deb Middleton
MidWay Lanes
Miller Elementary School - Mrs.
Weiss’s 4th Grade
Jennifer Millner
Diane Milner
Missouri Valley Petroleum
MODE - Outlet Store
Josh & Rya Mohl
Erv & Rachel Monson
Gary & Shirley Monson
Montana-Dakota Utilities Co. 831 Club
Tessa & Cory Monzelowsky
Peter Traynor & Dianne Moore
Sara Anderson- Moore
Tim & Tiffani Morman
Joan & Dave Morton
Susan & Daryl Moser
Tara Moszer
Lynn Nagel
Pamela & Tim Narum
April Nelson
Jean Neumann
Tonya Newcomb
New Freedom Center Employees
Darrell & Della Njos
North Dakota Workforce Safety
& Insurance
Northridge Elementary
Kristen Northrup
Camie O’Connor
Johnelle Odegard
Patrick & Julie O’Dell
Janice Oihus
Valerie & Richard Olheiser
Deb Olsen
Derek & Jamie Olson
Noreen Olson
Travis & Amy Olson
Troy & Christina Olson
John & Linda Olsrud
Rita & Tom O’Neill
LaVilla Opp
Bismarck-Mandan’s No-Kill Shelter
Marilyn Opperude
Denise Opsta
Daniel & Andrea Ortega
Steve & Gail Otnes
Richard Ott
Dawn Packard
Paige Pederson
Russell Patchen
Robert & Denise Forte-Patroff
Erin Patton
Michele Paul
Robert & Leone Pavel
Jo Ann Payne
Jo Ann Payne
Paige Pederson
Thomas & Susan Pederson
Darla & Russ Pelton
John & Tana Pendergast
Eleuterio & Malissa Perez
Wesley & Linda Perman
Connie Peterson
Donna Peterson
Shannon Pfaff
Colleen Pfau
Stephanie Piatz
Plato’s Closet
Lee & Jolene Podoll
Marilyn Pope
Florence Porsborg
Aaron & Kimberly Preabt
Mary & Tom Probst
Pro Forms
William & Laura Prokopyk
Nila Pudwill
Dr. & Mrs. Pablo Ramos
Robert & Tana Rangel
Alyce Reasland
Tom & Patti Regan
Henry & Mabel Reichert
Jenessa Reinisch
Kim Remboldt
Shawn & Cody Remboldt
MB Ressler
Pam Rettig
Peggy Reuther
Brad Rinas
Mike & Bonnie Ripplinger
Lacey & Joshua Roberts
Lynn Roehrich
Cindy Rohrick
Roosevelt Elementary School
Michelle Rose
Lutene Roth
Ken & Kay Royse
Robert & Caryl Rutten
Trista Rychlik
Richard & Angela Sabot
Arlene Sackman
Jane Sahli
Parmeet Sahota
Lisa & Scott Sailer
Wilhelm Sandberg
Tracey Wiese Sander
Shane Sanders
Paul & Patricia Sandness
Kyle & Cydra Solberg Sauter
Craig & Mandy Schaaf
David Schaaf
Maryann Schaaf
Amanda Schafer
Cindy & Darin Schafer
Myra & Steve Schanandore
Danielle Scharnowske
Carrie Scheett
Jordan Kate Schell
Robert & Linda Schiermeister
Devon Schilling
Richard & Robin Schimke
Micah Schlittenhardt
Charlotte Schmautz
Amanda Schmidt
Carrie Schmidt
Connie Schmidt
Kevin & Laurie Schmidt
Eileen Schnaidt
Bonnie Schneider
Jason & Jennifer Schneider
Thomas & Deborah Schoffstall
Daniel Schumacher
Larry & Theresa Schumacher
Robert & Carol Schwan
Robert & Marlene Scott
Security First Bank of ND
John & Glenda Klipstein Sevcik
Seven Seas Inn
Josette & Robert Severson
Terry & Cindy Severson
Vicki Sherman
Shiloh Christian School - Mrs.
Seifert & Mrs. Rostvedt’s 5th
Shirt Shack Inc.
Lillian Sinkula
Shelly Sizer
Cameo & Kiel Skager
Clay Skurdal
Richard & Orla Smith
Sean Smith
Geneva Snider
Solheim Elementary School Mrs. Kemmer’s 5th Grade
Duane & Beverly Sorby
Carl & Beverly Sorensen
Ken & Donna Sorenson
Ryan Sorenson
Clay & Ramona Sorneson
Neil Souther
Space Aliens Grill & Bar
Glennis Spier
Kasie Stadig
Mitch & Darla Stafford
Peg Stanton
Susan Starck
Starion Financial
Kelly Steckle
Matthew & Jane Stone
Susan Strang
Chad & Debbie Stroh
Sherry Stroh
David & Jodene Suko
Molly Sullivan
Mary Beth & Sandy Swenson
Brenda Tachenko
Daniel & Bonnie Taylor
Lila Teunissen
Tara & Dustin Theurer
Donna & Kenneth Thiede
Dean Thiery
Cathie & Frances Thill
Jill & Bill Thomas
Eric & Susan Thompson
Kelvin & Valarie Thompson
Martin & Nancy Thompson
Milo & Lyla Thompson
Barbara Tietz
Cheryl Tracy
Lois & Dean Tveter
Susan Twinn
Kevin Tydrick
Brandi Valnes
“Doing great things for pets and people.”
Mary & Nicholas Van
Kathy VanBrocklin
Georgia & Al VanVoorhis
Grant & Angel Veen
Jennifer & Brent Veil
June & Allen Veit
John & Marlys Verwey
Frank & Susanne Vetsch
Matthew & Jolene Vidal
Jessica (Olsen) Voegele
Gertrude Vold
Scott and Tami Volkert
Jennifer Vos
Margo & Gregory Vranna
Darlina Wagner
Susan Wagner
Vicki Wagner
James & Melissa Wahlman
Donnita Wald
Wade & Tammy Wall
Debbie Wanner
Karen Wanner
Waste Management Service
Holly Watts
Edward & Adeline Weiand
James & Katja Weiand
Annette & Jerry Weigel
Jeff Weispfenning
Kathleen Wiese
Kim Welder
Susan & Mark Westgard
Janine Wetzel
Jodie White
Melissa Whitney
Barb Wieland
Wild Inspire Inc.
Bill Willis
Nancy Willis
Deanna & Ladel Wilson
Ryan & Michelle Wintermeyer
Kandas Wold
Debbie Wolf
Renae Wolff
Women & Technology
Patty & Larry Wood
Kristina Woodall
Greg Wysk & Elaine Martinmaas
Stacie Yantzer
Lyle & Jackie Zachmeier
Christy & Scott Zainhofsky
Bonnie & Terry Zander
Reuben & Ellen Ziegenhagel
Elizabeth Zillier
Gwen Zingg
Adopter Members
Fred & Natalie Anderson
Dale & Jeanne Blasewitz
Kathleen Braun
Andrea & Benjamin Byers
Brooke & Brandi Cain
Kevin & Shannon Chaussee
Josh Cornett
Bethany & Christopher
Jennifer DeForest
Steve & Abby Diffely
Mandy & Steve Drewlo
Richard Elefson
Kristi Eng
Tyler & Deidra Engesser
Dean Espe
Joe & Dawn Faller
Tait & Lois Feigert
Lori Flaten
Kayla Gefroh
Blanche Hammling
Jami Hanson
Aaron & Danielle Hoesel
Jonathan Huber
Mikaila Imhoff
Brian & Jennifer Jessen
Sandra Johnson
Julie & Brent Kinworthy
Deb Kovash
Danielle & Tim Kudrna
Jasen & Staci Landsberger
Barry & Gina Lee (2)
Harold & Sally Leingang
Robin & Roger Martin
Kristy Metzger
Candice & Daniel Molnar
Mike Monger
Amy & Nick Moody
Isabel & Edgar Oliveira
Patrick & Mary O’Toole
Troy & Christina Olson
Amy Rask
Alanna Reiswig
Judith Roberts
Julie Roswick
Cindy & Darin Schafer
Julie Schirado
Christine Schmay
Lindsay Schock
William Solig
Clay & Ramona Sorneson
Chris & Annie Sturgeon
Toby & Kim Turner
Rachel Usselman & Nick
Dan & Aly Weigel (2)
Brenda Weinberger
Martha Willand
People to Remember:
In memory of Sidney Bergan
from Cheryl Tracy
In memory of Wayne Burslie,
a true animal lover. Wayne
was also the first Santa for
the Humane Society’s Santa
Paws Pet Photos. From Erv
& Rachel Monson. In memory
of Wayne Burslie from Mary
& Don Bitz. His beloved cat,
Princess will miss him dearly.
In loving memory of Wayne
Burslie. He will be missed.
From Janelle & Todd Crowley
In loving memory of Dick Clark
from LoEtta Feigert.
In memory of our dear friend,
Konnie Wightman’s mother,
Alice Evenson. From Bonnie
& Terry Zander
In loving memory of Chris Galt
from Robert & Marlene Scott,
Darcy Galt, Darryl & Carol
Galt, Montie & Claudine Galt
and her many friends and
In loving memory of Marie
Graner from Darin & Cindy
Schafer and Terry Kist
In loving memory of Annette
Grossman from Shelly Sizer
In memory of Carl Hartl and
his love for animals. Carl is
riding horses in heaven. From
Annette Hartl-Bjornstad
In memory of Roger Hesselroth
from Lauren & LaVonne
In loving memory of my sister,
Linda Hill from Brent &
Cheryl Gardner
In loving memory of Kenny
Jewett from Shelly Sizer
In loving memory of Dick
Karlgaard from Robert &
Denise Forte-Patroff
In loving memory of Ann
Lushenko Keller from
Valerie Feist
In memory of Daryl Kunz from
LaVonne & Lauren Hunze
In loving memory of Joseph Litt
from Jan Deschamp
In loving memory of Carol
Lykken from Daryl & Donna
Braun, Vernon Lykken, Shelly
In loving memory of James
“JD” Dennis Marti, who had
a special love of dogs. From
Dale & Joanne Beckman,
Dianna & Louis Huber, Jeff
Weispfenning, Clay & Colette
Skurdal, Debra Gallagher,
Charles & Arliss Fleming,
Bruce & Linda Beechie, and
his many friends & family.
“May the puppies eat well.”
In memory of Arnold Mayer,
beloved father of Nancy &
Ken Sailer. From Jan & Ted
In loving memory of Garrett
Monzolowsky from the
Regan Family
In loving memory of John
Nordtug from Richard &
Orla Smith
In loving memory of Bob
O’Connor from his many
friends and family
In loving memory of Marty
Olsen from Deb Olsen and
Jessica (Olsen) Voegele
In memory of Lou Rhodes from
Paul & Patricia Sandness
In loving memory of Blanche
Seyfert from Richard & Orla
In loving memory of Delilah
Stewart from Mike & Renee
In memory of Mary Subart
from Kevin Tydrick
In memory of Duane Traynor
from Cheryl Tracy
In memory of Bob Varland
from Russ & Cindy
In loving memory of Aaron
Vedquam from LoEtta
In loving memory of Frank
Voeller from Sue Buchholz
In loving memory of Emma
Wentz from LoEtta Feigert
Focus On All Fours
In loving memory of Ken
Winbauer from Lil Sinkula
Pets to Remember:
In loving memory of Bodacious
from Mark and Susan
In loving memory of Shulz’s
German Shorthair, Brit.
From Troy & Lauri Hanson
In loving memory of “Copper
J.”, beloved cat of Shirley J.
Olgierson from Shelly Sizer
In memory of Cruz’r, Jolene
Clemmon’s beloved Papillon.
From Cindy Rohrick.
In memory of the Murray
Family’s loss of Dallie from
Greg & Anne Jones
In loving memory of my beloved
cat, Dido from Neil Souther
In memory of Dolly Hill,
beloved canine. From Sandra
In memory of Ginger, loyal pet
and hunting partner to Jill
& Drake Carter from Earl &
Marlene Larson
In memory of Honey Monson,
beloved family member
adopted from CDHS in 1999.
She crossed the Rainbow
Bridge on 4-25-12 and is
missed beyond words. From
Erv & Rachel Monson. In
memory of Erv & Rachel
Monson’s beloved dog,
Honey. From Bonnie Dever,
Lil Sinkula, Marcy Dickerson,
Wally & Ora Krentz. In
memory of Honey Monson.
Beloved pet of Rachel & Erv
Monson and adopted from
CDHS in January of1999.
They brought many years
of happiness to each other.
From Clark Maier.
In memory of Honey, beloved
dog of Erv & Rachel Monson.
She was such a sweet, gentle
little dog, and such a good
therapy dog. From Cindy
In loving memory of Izzie,
Maggie, Stinky, Buddy and
Sally. From Joan & Dave
In loving memory of Kovu, my
Siberian Husky. From Shauna
In loving memory of Lady, our
puppy of 18 years. from Ron
& Sally Kraft
In memory of Lauren, beloved
feline companion of Janice
Schwartzbauer. From
Marlene Magilke
In loving memory of Lisa, Cindy
Sund, Trish & Dave’s dog.
Also for our lost pets; Pixie,
Buffy, Snicker Doodle,
Snuggle Bug, SnowFlake,
Mittens, Boots, Ringo,
Jasper & Buffy. For our
present pets; Twinkle Toes
& Hick-up. Loved and love
them all. From Ginger &
Curtis Kjelland
In loving memory of Luke, the
beloved family and hunting
dog of Rod & Rachelle
Bakken and their family.
From Scott and Tami Volkert
and also Ruthie, Theo and
In memory of Max, beloved
canine companion of Roben
& Jim Collins from Deb
In memory of Max, beloved
companion of Jan
McCormack. From Ray &
Klaudia Lawson
In memory of Missy, beloved
feline companion of Deb
Held. From Peggy Reuther.
In loving memory of Mouse
In memory of Mr. Chips,
beloved pet of Dean & Valerie
Peterson. From Rachel & Erv
In memory of Oscar, beloved
dog of Sue & Jeff Cahill from
Cindy Rohrick
In memory of Gen Pfliger’s
beloved dog, Pumpkin, from
Marcy Dickerson
In memory of Randy, our much
loved dog from CDHS. From
Bruce & Jeanne DeKrey
In memory of Sam, a good
dog and loving companion
to the Twardowski Family
of Minneapolis, MN. From
Robert, Caryl, Logan & Lucas
In loving memory of “Schuyler”
Uhlich, beloved cat of Angie
Uhlich from Shelly Sizer
In memory of Sophie, our much
loved Bichon who we were
able to enjoy for 17 1/2 years
and miss every day. From
Gerry & Sharon Fisher
In memory of Spencer, beloved
pet of Richard & Mary Fisk
In memory of my loyal friend,
Squirt, who was with me
through thick and thin for
almost 18 years. I know
you’re healthy now and
playing with Bosco, T.C. &
Fancy. I’ll miss you Buddy!
From Marilyn Opperude.
In loving memory of Squirt,
beloved ‘buddy’ cat of
Marilyn Opperude. He is
deeply missed by his family.
From Laura Lee & Charlie
In loving memory of Suka from
Kristen Northrup
In memory of our dear friend’s
dog, Tanner. Tanner was
lucky enough to spend her
life with her loving family;
Ryan, Stephanie, Brayden
Central Dakota Humane Society
and Reese Henning of
Littleton, Colo. From Troy &
Lauri Hanson
In memory of Teddie, beloved
cat of Mary & Myron Fetch
from the Severson Cat Gang
In memory of the Kaiser Family’s
loss of Waldo from Greg &
Anne Jones
Memorials from
Dr Barb Espe:
In loving memory of 8-Ball,
beloved feline companion
In loving memory of Abby,
beloved canine companion of
Deb Marden
In loving memory of Anna,
beloved feline companion
of Kristin Kitko & Karen Van
In loving memory of Baxter,
beloved canine companion of
Myron & Kim Wutzke
In loving memory of Bugsey,
beloved feline companion of
Laurie Walcker
In loving memory of Chipper,
beloved canine companion of
Karla & Bob Duray
In loving memory of Cinder,
beloved canine companion of
Del Ray & Deb Bergan
In loving memory of Diamond,
beloved canine companion of
Jeanne & Dale Blasewitz
In loving memory of Foxy,
beloved canine companion of
Sharon Bendish
In loving memory of Ginger,
beloved canine companion of
Drake & Jill Carter
In loving memory of Girlie,
beloved canine companion of
Mary Wingerter
In loving memory of Harley,
beloved canine companion of
Aaron Benson
In loving memory of Hunter,
beloved canine companion of
Lisa & Jeff Hay
In loving memory of Jack,
beloved canine companion of
Jennifer & Brian Dehnert
In loving memory of Jessee,
beloved canine companion of
Keith Glatt
In loving memory of Kirby,
beloved canine companion
of Patsy, Norlyn & Brian
In loving memory of Kuey,
beloved canine companion of
Karen & Bruce Fleck
In loving memory of Licorice,
beloved canine companion of
Shelley & Mark Yantzer
In loving memory of Little Bear,
beloved feline companion of
Sherry Lockner
In loving memory of Missy,
beloved canine companion of
Jan & Bob Hubal
In loving memory of Misty,
beloved feline companion of
Debbie & Clayton Johnson
In loving memory of Momma
Kitty, beloved feline
companion of June Hintz
In loving memory of Mow
C. Tung, beloved feline
companion of Cameo, Kiel,
Shae and North Skager
In loving memory of Nicki,
beloved canine companion of
Terri Sneed
In loving memory of Nipper,
beloved canine companion of
Ed Kehrwald & Chris Kuchler
In loving memory of Pepper,
beloved canine companion of
Harvey Keeney
In loving memory of Pixie,
beloved canine companion of
MaryLou Feist
In loving memory of Schuyler,
beloved feline companion of
Angela Uhlich
In loving memory of Scoobie,
beloved canine companion of
Steve Vilness
In loving memory of Snoopy,
beloved canine companion of
Kim & Jeff Hostetter
In loving memory of Snuggles,
beloved feline companion of
Jackie Jansen
In loving memory of Sophie,
beloved canine companion of
Debbie Grubb
In loving memory of Teddy,
beloved canine companion
of Stephen & Melissa
In loving memory of Wilson,
beloved canine companion of
Linda & Wyman Roeder
In honor of the marriage of
Tanya Harris & Ryan
Olson. Congratulations from
Delores Friedt
In honor of Daryl & Virginia
Kerzman and in appreciation
of their February birthdays.
From David Schaaf
In honor of Lynette Painter’s
birthday. Happy Birthday
from Mary & Tom Probst,
Denise Lindbo
In honor of our grandchildren.
From Lois & Dean Tveter
In honor of Pat & Larry
Wood’s anniversary. Happy
Anniversary from Daryl &
Virginia Kerzman
In honor of our daughter, Angie
Evans. Happy Mother’s Day
from Lyn & Bob Hendrickson
In loving memory of deceased
and in honor of current pets
of the following friends
and family from George
& Linda Linz: H. Jeffrey
Homan, Laurie Linz, Kathleen
Nordstrom, Bob & Joan
Nordstrom, Linda Penry,
June Weisbeck, Laurie Kirby,
Brenda, Gil & Lucas Smestad
and Dave Harpster.
In honor and memory of Elmer
& Evelyn Klipstein from
John Sevcik & Glenda
Klipstein Sevcik
In honor of our birthdays! Happy
Birthday to us from Rikki &
Tavi and of course our mom,
Lori Flaten.
In honor and in loving memory
of Eileen Martin from Paul
& Becky Bailey and Hannah
& Carter.
In honor of Jason’s 40th
birthday. Happy Birthday
from Donald & Marlene
In honor of Sarah Jacobson’s
birthday. Happy Birthday
from your friends & family
In honor of my first Siamese,
Sizzle. From Jo Brekke
In honor of Wendy Schweitzer’s
birthday. Happy Birthday
from Susan & Daryl Moser
In honor of JoAnn Hanson.
Thank you for helping me
during a difficult time. From
Emily Knopik.
In honor of Molly’s birthday.
Happy Birthday Molly from
Shelly Kohler, Tana & John
Pendergast, Lee & Jolene
Podoll, Darrell & Della Njos.
In honor of Molly’s birthday.
Happy Birthday Molly Girl
from Marilyn Opperude.
In honor of Fern Davis’s
birthday. Happy Birthday
from Linda Juntunen
In honor of Buck & Doris
Buckley from Jo Brekke
In honor of Daryl & Virginia
Kerzman’s February
birthdays. Happy Birthday
to you both from Delores
In honor of our daughter-in-law,
Dawn Hendrickson. Happy
Mother’s Day from Lyn & Bob
In memory of Schroeder and
in honor of Sugar, Eva,
Curtis, Sophie and Abby
from Linda Olsrud.
Bismarck-Mandan’s No-Kill Shelter
Puppy Tales: The Shy Guys
by Danielle Hanna, CDHS employee
Adoptable Pets
Unneutered Male
I arrived at work one morning and performed my customary kennel check to see who’s
moved out, who’s moved in, and who’s moved around. (Sometimes it’s like playing the shell
Approximate date
game, looking for the little pea.) In one kennel, a familiar-looking Papillon crouched in a crate,
of birth: April 17,
eyes staring and butterfly ears wide-spread. Pepé? I asked my coworker Austin why the dog was
back, and he told me Pepé’s foster parents said he was too shy. They thought there was no hope
Origin: Owner
for him.
A few weeks later, a couple passing through town lost their new Shih Tzu, Bubba. CDHS
staff and volunteers rallied to the search, but our work was cut out for us. Mandy, our volunteer
coordinator, advised us that Bubba was “very shy” (i.e., more likely to run at the sight of a human
than to come).
Rewind about two years, and I recall another noteworthy canine. I walked into the dog
Unspayed Female
building one day and observed a quarantine sign on a kennel door, signaling a new arrival.
Peering inside, I noted food and water dishes, a blanket, and a stuffed red Clifford for a bed – but
where was the dog? Suddenly, a brown and white Chihuahua leapt out, barking and snarling.
Approximate date
Despite the racket, he backed away in fear. It was weeks before he would so much as let me
of birth: April 17,
touch him. Giving a nod to both his size and his ferocious bark, we named him Maximus.
Origin: Owner
As the foregoing examples illustrate, CDHS encounters every variety of shy dogs. Some, like
Pepé, come from puppy mills, where they live in total confinement with little human interaction.
Others, like Maximus, were probably abused. But all have drawn the same conclusion: humans
can’t be trusted.
Nevertheless, a huge number of CDHS’s shy dogs have gone on to forever homes. I’m proud
our community is willing to open their hearts to our shy guys. They’re perfect for the family that
wants a quiet, low-key dog. Yet they come with a caveat: they’re
escape artists, as Bubba’s family found out. Gates, doors, fences,
collars – they slip through them like butter. Frannie, the Min Pin,
was the most recent. Angelo, the Shepherd mix, tried it twice. And
Gwen, the Coonhound, holds the record for most days AWOL: she
tramped it for three months.
Many shy dogs grew up in a cage – either real or emotional. So
when they get a taste of freedom, they strike sail and ride the wind.
And at the base of things, they just don’t trust those two-legged
Frannie, Angelo, and Gwen were all found and returned home.
Bubba wasn’t so lucky. We were heartbroken when we found him
hit by a car.
A shy dog is no Lassie. She won’t stick by you through thick and
thin, or even come when you call. The safest thing for a shy dog
is to watch doors and gates as if the dog’s life depended on it. (It
does.) A slip-proof collar like a check choke is a must, too.
But that doesn’t necessarily mean a shy fry will die shy. Kansas,
a little hound-mix who was with us for several months, learned to
follow me off-leash through the dog building, even with the other
dogs barking. Salsa, a Chihuahua, quickly figured out that I carry
Central Dakota Humane Society.
treats and took to shadowing me, ears up, head tilted, one paw
Monday, Sept. 3, 2011 • 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
off the floor. But I’m the most proud of our little Maximus, the
Chihuahua with a bark bigger than his Clifford bed. After he was
City Looks at Kirkwood Mall
adopted, I heard he was visiting hospitals and nursing homes as a
Call 667-2020 ask for Mandy or email her at
cdhsvolunteers@midco.net for appointment
therapy dog.
Haircuts for people will be given every 15 minutes.
So, as often as I can, I take Pepé out of his kennel and walk him
All cuts will be a $20 donation with all proceeds going to the shelter.
up and down the lobby, rocking him in my arms. The tremors are
Central Dakota
going away, and like a rose slowly blooming, a sweet little dog is
Humane Society
coming out. Planted in security, watered with patience, and warmed
by love, those shy guys will one day shine.
“Doing great things for pets and people.”
Focus On All Fours
From Mandy...
More Tours & Thanks & Things
continued from page 4
continued from page 5
during this event. We need an organizing
committee, a working committee, an
advertising committee, a committee to work
before the event with the local classrooms to
sell water dogs and cats for our “Dog and Cat
Water Fight.” We need pretend “lifeguards”
the day of the event; we need folks to work
the registration table, the “Flea-less Market,
and the lazy river dog swim. Why not give this
volunteering thing a try? You never know, it
just might lead you to your next career!
Become a
Facebook Fan
Like us on Facebook!!
And tell all your friends. The
CDHS fan page is a great way to stay
informed about all our upcoming events,
get a peek at our furry shelter residents
and find out about the success stories
of adopted pets. If you have adopted
from us, be sure to post a picture and
an update. Seeing those happy pets
in loving homes is one of our favorite
way to give back. Three pairs of women
raised money for CDHS, bringing in more
than $2,400. Our thanks to Lee Pierce, Gail
Hrdlicka, Kassy Landis, Julie Kuennen,
Dawn Packard and Audrey Helm.
 A standing “O” for Kylee Utter. Kylee and
her sister painted ladybug rocks and sold
them, giving the proceeds to the shelter.
Kylee hopes to be a vet one day. She’s off to
a great start!
 Hip, hip, hurray for Ashten Anhorn. She
asked her birthday guests to bring CDHS
donations and also donated some money
that she found.
 Northridge Elementary students rock! They
held a PJ day and gave the money earned to
the critters at the shelter.
 Solheim Elementary students donated
money they raised throughout the year. The
students said they see the importance of
keeping animals safe and caring for them.
You guys are so smart!
 Kudos to the Grimsrud fifth graders, who
came to the shelter for a tour. They held
many different fundraisers (including PJ
day, popcorn day, energy drink day, hat day
and crazy hair day) and raised more than
$600 for the shelter pets!
 Thank you to Mrs. Jordan’s fifth-grade class
for their donation.
 Thank you to Roosevelt Elementary in
Bismarck. Their student council held a used
book sale and donated the proceeds to
 Thank you to Girl Scout Troop #83402. They
toured the shelter and donated toys and
supplies for the cats and dogs.
 Thank you to Girl Scout Troop #83013.
They sold cookies and used a portion of the
proceeds to buy items from our needs list.
 Thank you to the seventh and eighth graders
at Christ the King school in Mandan for their
 Hurray for Shiloh fifth graders. They held a
rummage sale and donated more than $360
to the shelter. Wow!
 Thank you to Tara Moszer for collecting
change at her workplace and donating $250
to the shelter.
 Thank you to MDU’s employee club, MDU
831 Club, for donating nearly $3,000 to the
shelter. They thanked us for our continued
work in the community. And we thank them
 Thanks to the Employee Council at
Workforce Safety and Insurance for
choosing CDHS as a monthly charity for
January. It is much appreciated!
Please support these businesses that display CDHS donation canisters
A Buck or So
All Pets Veterinary Clinic
Barney’s Tesoro – Mandan
Bismarck Animal Clinic
Bo-he-gy – Mandan
Butcher Block Meats
Cappucino on Collins
Captain Jack’s Liquor – Mandan
Captain Jack’s Liquor – North
Captain Jack’s Liquor – South
Cashman Nursery
Cenex – Mandan
Cenex – East Broadway
Cenex Convenience Store/Hot Stuff
Pizza – Wilton
Central Market – Mandan
Central Market – Bismarck
Clothes Mentor – Bismarck
Cozy Creek Coffee & Gifts
Creative Clay
Crown Butte Kennels
D’Fine Tanning & Hair Salon
Dakota Pharmacy
Doc’s Vet Clinic
Central Dakota Humane Society
Little Caesar's Pizza
Little Caesars Pizza – North
Little Cottage Café
Little Dukes (Cashwise gas station)
M&H Gas
M&M Sausage and Meats
Mandan Public Library
Marshall Lumber Company – Mandan
Midway Lanes
Midway Liquor
Missouri Valley Vet Clinic
Mocha Momma’s – Mandan
Norleen Conitz – State Farm Insurance
– Mandan
Northwind Home & Garden
Pinehurst Veterinary Clinic
Plato’s Closet – Bismarck
Plaza Drug
Polar Package
Red Trail Petro & Pizza
Rock’N 50’s Café
Rolling Hills Restaurant – Mandan
Runnings Farm & Fleet – Bismarck
Runnings Farm & Fleet – Mandan
Dollar Store – Mandan
Expressway Amoco
Expressway C-Store
Fiesta Villa
Five Nations Arts
Four Paws Inn
Gas Plus
Gourmet Doggy Diner
Hair 2000
Healthy Dog Center
Heart River Animal Hospital
Hey Ocean – Bismarck
Home Run C-Store
Interstate Vet Clinic
Jay's Pawn Shop – Bismarck
Jay's Pawn Shop – Mandan
KT Animal Supply
Katherine's Consignment & More
Kirkwood Tesoro
Kroll’s – North
Lander’s Interstate Conoco
Latitudes Gallery & Gifts
Lewis & Clark Animal Hospital
Schneider’s Flowerama
Schwartz Chiropractic Center –
Scotty’s Drive-In
Season’s Café
Simonson's North
Space Aliens Grill & Bar
StaMart – Bismarck
Stockman’s Supply Group
Taco Del Mar – South
Taco John’s – Mandan
Taco John’s – North
Taco John’s – South
Taco John’s/Good Times – Bismarck
The Bird House
Treasures of the Sea & Earth
Uni-Stop – Mandan
Uniform Center & Embroidery –
Urban Girl
West Dakota Meats
Western Unlimited
Bismarck-Mandan’s No-Kill Shelter
Central Dakota Humane Society
2104 37th Street, Mandan, ND 58554
on Dakota Media Access - Channel 12,
with host Rig Olsen
Monday, 12 noon & 7:30 pm
Tuesday, 5:30 pm
Wednesday, 12 noon
Thursday, 7:30 pm
Friday, 11:30 am & 5 pm
Saturday, 12:30 pm
Mon. – Fri., 4:30 am
Also available online
at dakotamediaaccess.org
and cdhs.net.
Produced by Central Dakota Humane
Society and Dakota Media Access
Shelter Director, Sue Buchholz
Office Manager, Carrie Roth
Volunteer Coordinator, Mandy Schaaf
Board of Directors:
Cameo Skager, President - 2014*
Rita O’Neill, Vice President - 2013*
Karen Schwan Holman, Treasurer - 2014*
Cathie Thill, Secretary - 2014*
Cassie Bauer - 2013*
Jessica Burger - 2014*
Anne Jorgenson Green - 2013*
Robin Martin - 2013*
Charlene Seifert - 2014*
(* Date term expires)
Become A CDHS Member Today!
Memberships include a newsletter subscription. You will receive a complimentary
one-year membership if you adopt a pet from the CDHS shelter. Memberships are taxdeductible to the extent of the law.
Membership Categories (check one):
____$10 - Junior (under 18)
____$150 - Pet Fanatic
____$20 - Individual (1)
____$500 - CDHS Builder
____$30 - Family (2+)
____$1000-$1999 - Lifetime Member
____$50 - Dog Lover
____$2000-$4999 - Lifetime Benefactor
____$50 - Cat Lover
____$5000+ - Lifetime Leader of the Pack
____$100 - Business
____ Hush Puppy (Anonymous)
Tax-Deductible Donation Categories:
____$12.50/month - kennel sponsor (one-year commitment)
____$25 - Adopt-A-Pet ad, published monthly in the Bismarck Tribune
____$ _________ - monthly donation (CDHS will send an authorization
form for your signature.)
____$__________ - additional donation amount
State:______ Zip Code:___________ E-mail:_______________________
Gift Given By:________________________________________________
Pay using (check one):
_____ Check/Money Order ____
Amount Enclosed: $_______________
Credit Card #:____________________________Exp. Date:___________
Send to:
CDHS, 2104 37th Street, Mandan, ND, 58554-8230 or call 667-2020.
“Doing great things for pets and people.”
667-2020 / cdhs@btinet.net / www.cdhs.net
CDHS is a nonprofit organization.
July-September 2012 (Issue 3, Volume 52)
Focus On All Fours is the official publication of
CDHS and is published quarterly. Editor: Cameo
Skager, Designer: Paige Mattson
CDHS Shelter Hours
Tuesday through Saturday
1 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Sunday and Monday
CDHS Mission Statement
Purpose: The purposes for which the
Corporation is organized are:
1. To provide for, house, rehabilitate, and
relocate lost, strayed or homeless animals.
2. To provide appropriate medical services.
3. To foster and promote humane treatment for all
4. To encourage proper responsibility by owners of
animals in their care, training or control.
5. To cooperate in the enforcement of laws that
protect animals from cruelty or neglect.
6. To promote spaying and neutering of companion animals to avoid unwanted litters.
7. To help bring about a time when no more
abused and/or abandoned animals will be
destroyed anywhere.
8. To do such acts and exercise such powers within the law - as may be necessary,
desirable or incidental to the carrying out of
the purposes specified above.
Focus On All Fours
Focus on all Fours
Central Dakota Humane Society
2104 37th Street
Mandan, ND 58554-8230
“Doing great things for pets and people.”
Rub-A-Dubbed lots of doggies
One thing’s for certain – our town is thankfully full of dirty dogs. Well, at least some dogs that
needed a shampoo, rinse and blow dry. Our Rub-A-Dub Doggie Dog Wash raised more money than
ever and had a record turnout of dogs in need of a spa day. Thanks to all our volunteers for rolling
up their sleeves and to Groomingdales for accommodating our furry, wet event. Thanks too, to
the Bismarck Bombshellz Roller Derby ladies for selling bake sale items and donating part of the
proceeds back to CDHS.
Central Dakota Humane Society
Bismarck-Mandan’s No-Kill Shelter

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