Kittens, kittens everywhere - Central Dakota Humane Society


Kittens, kittens everywhere - Central Dakota Humane Society
Upcoming Events
Dog walking class – November 13,
December 11, January 8
November 13 and 14 – Santa Paws
December – New Year’s Eve
Phantom Ball
March 19 – Bene-Pet Dinner and Auction
Focus on
all Fours
October-December 2010
A publication for friends of the Central Dakota Humane Society
Kittens, kittens everywhere
By Sue Buchholz
Photos by Jolene Podell
Whoever said that most kittens are born
in the spring does not know what they are
talking about. Or, if that is true, North Dakota
cats do things their own way.
As we head towards winter we have under
our roof more kittens than ever before. In
August, we took a pregnant cat from the
Bismarck Impound. We named her Chevelle
and she promptly delivered four babies we
named Rolls, Royce, Impala and Marquis.
Three more kittens came from the Impound,
plus we took in a stray from Mandan, who
we called Ciabatta. Attached to her were
two babies – Juneberry and Rhubarb.
Unfortunately Juneberry did not survive, but
Rhubarb is going strong like his Mom and
they are waiting to be adopted.
Twiggy is an injured torti kitten from
a local vet clinic – we fixed her right up!
Munchkin is a Morton County stray. She
was pretty sick but is feeling much better
now and loves visitors. Imitrex is a tabby
who was injured when she came to us from
Bismarck. We fixed her right up too! Muscatel
is a Morton County stray who eventually
delivered six kittens. They are still nursing.
(Wait! There’s more!)
Muscatel kid
Muscatel’s Kittens
continued on page 2
Muscatel kid
CDHS Calendars
for Sale
Continued from page 1
Janu a
Central Dakot
Humane Sociea
2104 37th
Mandan, ND
Check out
CDHS’s beautiful
2011 calendars.
They are perfect
to give as holiday
2 3 4
gifts and you
5 6 7
9 10 11 1
certainly must
2 13 14 1
16 17 18
have at least
19 20 21
one or two
25 26 27
for yourself.
The calendars
were designed by volunteer Paige
Mattson, printing was donated by MontanaDakota Utilities and photos of the shelter
animals were taken by volunteer Jolene
Podoll. (Don’t we have the most talented
volunteers?) Calendars cost $10 each and can
be purchased at the shelter. All proceeds go
to help our shelter pets!
cdh t
Muscatel kid
Muscatel kid
1 2 3
5 6 7
1 2 3
8 9 10
4 5
6 7 8
12 13 14
9 10 11
15 16 17
13 14 15
19 20 21
16 17 18
22 23 24
20 21 22
26 27 28
23 24 25
29 30 31
27 28
“Doing grea
Adoption Fees:
Adoption fees
costs incurre are used to partially
offset the
d in the housing
, rescue, and/or substantial
of the
* Dogs: $69 animals.
* Cats: $49
* Special-Needs
Pets: $29
t things for
pets and
New Year’s
Dog Walking
Napoleon and Josephine are two- to sixweek-old kittens who made their way to a
backyard in Mandan. Ranger and Morelli are
from a backyard in Bismarck. Tank and Lula
are two more Bismarck strays.
Aveda came to us pregnant – VERY
pregnant. Her six kittens are still nursing
as well. Confetti is a Morton County stray
and Trevor and Travis were frolicking at
Zachmeier’s Well Drilling across the street
from CDHS. Hmmm... wonder how they got
there? Juno came to us from the Bismarck
Impound with a severe eye injury. But
we fixed that right up too! Vincent was a
Bismarck stray.
Have you lost count of all the kittens yet?
And, of course, this is just the kittens. We
are taking care of them all; along with all the
adult cats and dogs we tend to every day. It’s
a ton of work, blood, sweat and tears, but it’s
simply what we are here to do.
Paw-some Volunteers
Katja and James Weiand have been dedicated
CDHS volunteers since 2006. They actually found
out about the shelter while they were living in
California. Although James is from North Dakota,
the couple was stationed in California while James
served with the military. (They actually met while
James was stationed in Germany. Katja is originally from Germany.)
Even though Katja and James are busy raising
two boys (ages 20 and 15) and busy with their
own dogs, they are always at the ready whenever
CDHS needs help. They help with any and all
CDHS events or fundraisers. Katja also is a dedicated volunteer at the Bismarck-Mandan Animal
Katja also is an accomplished baker and often
shares her versions of cheesecake and raspberry
cake rolls with the shelter employees and volun- Paw-some Volunteers –
teers. If you are ever fortunate enough to partake Katja and James Weiand with Pony
of her goodies, you will most certainly be asking
her for the recipes.
Katja says, “Everyone is truly amazing at the shelter. I have never met a group of people that
is so dedicated to helping animals in need. Sue and her team are always trying to help with the
animals that I am unable to adopt out at the Impound that otherwise would be euthanized.”
Thanks to Katja and James for all they do for CDHS and the animals.
Central Dakota Humane Society
Martin Luther
Designed donated
by Paige Mattson;
Photos donated
King Jr. Day
by Jolene Podoll;
Printing donated
by Montana-Da
kota Utilities,
• Science Diet puppy food
• Volunteers to do yard work
• Volunteers to deliver large amounts
of aluminum cans to recycler on a
monthly basis
• Fleece to make blankets - various
prints and colors
• New or used electric clothes dryer
• Good condition enclosed 4- or 6-horse
• Cash donations
• Gas cards
• Kitty litter (non-clumping)
• Liquid laundry detergent
• Heavy-duty trash bags
• Bleach
• Volunteers
• Booklets of 44-cent stamps
Be sure to visit our purchase and drop
• Big K-Mart
• Cash Wise Foods
• Gold Label Feeds
• KT Animal Supply
• NoDak Mutual Insurance
Bismarck-Mandan’s No-Kill Shelter
Kittens everywhere
THANK YOU one and all!
By Sue Buchholz, Shelter Director
As I write this I feel torn. Because there is so much going on I feel
I do not have the time to devote to this shelter report. Yet you, our
awesome supporters, deserve to know what’s happening, even if it’s
just my rambling rendition. One look at this newsletter and you will
see that there are always lots of activities going on. We fundraise,
promote, educate, comfort and care for animals and people. It’s unending. It’s overwhelming. It’s exhausting. It’s been a long summer,
yet at times it seems like time flies by. If you like action, hang around
the shelter. Constant activity, ringing phones, barking dogs, purring
cats and our squawking macaw, Papagayo. Tranquil? Not so much. Yet still a place of healing and
I have said this so many times before but feel compelled to say it again. The staff is vital, but is a
small part of this operation. The board of directors is vital, yet also is a small part of this operation.
Volunteers are essential. This past year we have held more fundraisers than ever, requiring more
volunteer hours to pull it all off. We have asked much of you and so many of you have come through
time and time again. Thank you is something we cannot say enough. We mean to, but sometimes
fall short. Please know that your efforts, in large and small ways, are all a part of the whole and do
not go unnoticed. We accomplish much but need so many people to make it happen. We do good
things and make a difference for so many because of the big and small efforts of every supporter. I
hope each and every person takes pride in the shared knowledge of all we accomplish to make the
world a better place for all. We can never say it enough, but THANK YOU ONE AND ALL!
‘Space Aliens Helping Earthlings’ is an organization started by
Space Aliens Grill & Bar to help support local teams, charities,
and community projects. Through the ‘Space Aliens Helping
Earthlings’ program Space Aliens Grill & Bar has helped raise
money for local charities as well as help offset expenses for many
youth sports teams. If your nonprofit group is interested in a
fundraising event, please contact the manager of your local Space
Aliens Grill & Bar.
‘Space Aliens Helping Earthlings’ is an organization started by
Space Aliens Grill & Bar to help support local teams, charities,
and community projects. Through the ‘Space Aliens Helping
On Monday
6 , 2010
& Bar
& Bar
happy to support the Central Dakota Humane Society. The more
well as
help has
for many
Dakota as
to invest
sports teams. If your nonprofit group is interested in a
raised during this fundraiser will be used to build a new building
please contact
of your
to help meet
the increasing
room. Please
copy of this letter to Space Aliens Grill & Bar, during normal
& Bar.
on the above date, and 25% of your total purchase
will be donated to this worthy cause.
“Doing great things for pets and people.”
On Monday
6thto, your
Please present
this letter
at the
end of
we can make sure your organization receives proper credit.
to support
The more
for credit
meals without
letter cannot
funds the Central Dakota Humane Society has to invest in
or any
are saved.
not valid
pets - the
more pets
this event. Distribution of copies of this letter on Space Aliens
be used to build a new building
& Barthis
is not will
to help meet the increasing demands for room. Please bring a
copy of this letter
to Space Aliens Grill & Bar, during
Focus normal
On All Fours
business hours, on the above date, and 25% of your total purchase
Puppy mills need to stop
By Cameo Skager,
CDHS Board President
At the time of this writing, CDHS is once
again involved with a North Dakota puppy
mill that is “going out of business.” It appears
that this one primarily does business over
the Internet, and ships the puppies around
the country. These puppy mills count on the
Internet pictures – those cute, furry little
faces with their happy smiles – to draw the
customers in. And, admittedly, they are darn
cute. But, we must think beyond the cuteness
– to the cruelty that these animals live with –
where they are stacked in cages, standing in
their own urine and feces; not given adequate
food, water or exercise; and are thought of
solely as a commodity to be sold for profit.
It’s heart wrenching to deal with another
one of these organizations, that is obviously
in over its head, with nearly 200 animals. It
makes me sick in the pit of my stomach to
know the people who run these mills claim
that they care for the animals, and yet don’t
treat them kindly or humanely.
I have never purchased a purebred animal,
but I have heard from other animal advocates
that a truly upstanding breeder breeds the
animals for the love of the breed. They don’t
really profit from the sales because they put
so much back into their animals. They treat
their animals as pets.
One of my fondest wishes is that all people
searching for a pet would first come to a
shelter. Shelters are full of animals waiting
to fill a home with love. Many shelters have
animals as
well. If people
are set on
getting a
specific breed
of pet, they
should do
research and
find a reputable
They should meet with them and survey
the surroundings in which the animals live.
Reputable breeders never have a problem with
people seeing where their animals are raised
because they are proud of how they treat their
animals. Animals should never be purchased
from a puppy mill operation or a pet store.
Pet stores most often get their puppies from
puppy mill operations.
I don’t understand why our society
thinks it is okay to perpetuate the animal
overpopulation problem. Hopefully, in my
children’s lifetime, this mindset will change.
Hopefully, spaying and neutering will be
mandatory for all pets so that there are no
accidental litters, or litters born because
people think animals are expendable. And
hopefully, all states will come up with laws
that restrict puppy mill operations. Operations
run by individuals who con us into loving
those cute puppy faces. Operations where
sometimes hundreds of animals live in squalor
and filth, with no gentle touch or humane
care. Operations that expect others to save
them when they get in over their heads and
can no longer function.
Kittens everywhere
Aveda and kittens
Central Dakota Humane Society
Tours & Thanks & Things
Thank you, thank you a hundred times
thank you, to Pinehurst Veterinary Clinic
for their generous gift of spaying and
neutering several of our shelter pets. We
jumped for joy when they announced their
Children from the Enrichment Garden
preschool in Bismarck toured the shelter
in August. They had a great time and so
did we!
Thanks to CDHS volunteers who took
dogs to the American Cancer Society’s
Bark for Life event. Humans and animals
had a great time at the new Mandan Dog
YMCA day camp children toured the
shelter and had a great time. Thanks for
stopping by!
Nicole Nodland’s first grade class from
Wilton toured the shelter and brought us
some needs list items. They made us a
part of their “Taking Care of Pets” week
Thank you to volunteer Pat Bosch for
attending the U-Mary Volunteer Fair,
representing CDHS. Your help in showing
off our volunteer opportunities was much
Thank you to those who held lemonade
stands over the summer and donated
their proceeds to CDHS. What a cool and
refreshing donation!! (Thanks to Katrina
Steele, Arianna Steele and Alyssa Reich
and also to Kaylee and Alaina for their
Thank you to Marilyn Opperurde for her
dedicated volunteering at the shelter, and
to her employer, Wal-Mart, who paid for
part of her volunteer hours.
Thank you to Halle Hovde, Megan Anderson and Jaycee Estes for making bracelets,
keychains and dragonflies and giving the
proceeds from their projects to CDHS!
Kudos to Amanda Edwards, who sold her
toys at a rummage sale and gave more
than $103 in proceeds to the shelter. WOW!
An ambitious group of children has formed
the “Angel Club.” They drew colorful animal pictures and sold them to raise money
for CDHS. These angels include Sydney,
Taylor, Faith, Reagan, Lexi A., Tatiana,
Lexi B., Caleb and Morgan. Thanks for
Muscatel and kittens
Bismarck-Mandan’s No-Kill Shelter
Estate of long-time
CDHS supporter
donates to shelter
The estate of long-time CDHS supporter, Helen Sorlie, has contributed $20,000
to the CDHS shelter. Helen was a great
animal lover, who supported CDHS financially and with her heart continually over
the years. She was a kind, caring person
who loved animals as much as we all do at
the shelter. We are blessed to have a part
of her legacy live on at CDHS.
Inland Oil and Gas
Corporation pledges
large donation
The Inland Oil and Gas Corporation has
pledged $100,000 towards the cost of a
new CDHS building. What an incredible
CDHS’s number one priority is to find
a plot of land that we can build on and
then prepare a building plan. Our fondest
wish, of course, was to stay in our current
location and build on to our dog building.
After receiving a report from an engineering company that the only way we could
control our ever-increasing gray water
runoff was to build a lagoon, we came to
the sad conclusion that we can no longer
stay where we are.
Our challenge is to find the proper
piece of land that will support our shelter
for the next 50 years – preferably on a
city sewer system so we do not run into
another issue with our water usage.
Thank you to Inland Oil and Gas. We
are determined to create a new haven for
shelter pets that will stand the test of time.
Bring in receipts from
Central Market
Please remember to bring all your
grocery receipts from Central Market to the
shelter. We are part of their We Care Program, and we get 1 percent of all receipts
returned to us as a donation. Thanks
so much to our great volunteer, Christy
Zainhofsky, for tallying up the receipts and
turning them in.
“Doing great things for pets and people.”
By Sue Buchholz
I’ve been told Radar’s
adventure began when he was
given away by his first family.
Keep in mind this little guy is
about nine months old and only
about six pounds, a Jr. Mint for
The man and his girlfriend who adopted
him from his first owner had him for only
about one hour. They had him in their car and
went to a local retailer to buy supplies for
him. He sat quietly on the man’s lap, but when
they arrived home he jumped from the car and
was off like a shot. I can only imagine that the
poor little guy was panic stricken! He dodged
car after car and eventually made his way to
the east tree lot at the State Capitol grounds,
where he was spotted on and off for about
a month. Many concerned people left food
out for him, coaxed, called, chased, tracked,
wondered and worried, but he would not
come close to anyone – not his new owners,
nor even his former owners who were called
in to help. He was just too timid and helplessly
lost. The owner contacted Bismarck Animal
Control and CDHS for assistance. Worried
workers at the Capitol also contacted the
Game and Fish Department for any help they
could provide.
All three organizations had baited live
traps set up in different places on the Capitol
grounds. That’s really about all you can do
to catch a timid animal. Unless they become
injured or too sick or weak, it’s nearly
impossible to catch them.
The area he was hiding in is bigger than
you realize once you walk there with lots
of trees and thick underbrush. He could
burrow into places and not even be noticed
by searchers. But with each passing day the
temperature dropped and concern continued
to grow.
Persistence paid off however, and luck
was on our side. Many people had spent hours
and hours trying to catch this little dude. I just
happened to be the one checking the traps on
a cold, rainy evening when it was almost dark.
I peered through the wet brush and it seemed
that I was not looking at the familiar empty
trap. My heart skipped a beat... I could see
something was inside! Another step closer,
something dirty brown and soaking wet.
Another step closer into the trees, the trap
door was closed! Another step closer and I
am looking into the chocolate brown eyes of a
soaking wet, matted and cockle burr infested
little mite who had to think he was in a heap
of trouble! He was scared and shaking, packed
in the corner of the Game and Fish trap. I
could not risk him getting away from me so I
carried him, trap and all, to the vehicle. I left
him in the trap until I had him at my house
and could get him safely out and dry him off.
He responded well and started to relax rather
quickly. He ate a bland, warm meal and slept
the entire night on cushy blankets without
making a sound.
Obviously he is a survivor! His matted
coat was shaved and he was treated at the
vet the next morning. He did develop some
tummy issues which were absolutely expected
considering his stress and questionable diet.
The owner was at CDHS inquiring about him
immediately. Even though he only had the dog
a short time, he stressed that he wanted what
was best for the dog and hoped to provide a
loving home for him. We kept Radar for a few
days at the shelter while the owner visited
daily and got reacquainted with him. The day
he took him home, Radar was eagerly coming
to him and giving him kisses so we felt better
that a bond had started between the two of
them. Many people called and inquired about
possibly adopting him, but he really never
was our dog, we just provided a rest and
recuperation place. Really that’s what CDHS is
all about anyway. Radar may have spent time
on the Heritage Center steps in the freezing
rain, but the prayers of many concerned
animal lovers were answered and his new
heritage is a life with his new Dad. We wish
them both a long and happy life together.
Focus On All Fours
Pet Personals
See more CDHS adoptable pets on the web at
“I’m a sweet, sensitive kitty... a precious little
scaredy cat who came to live at CDHS with my
brother, Repete, when our family moved and
didn’t take us with. Repete and I are the
bestest buddies and that’s the way it’s always
been. Is there someone who could love us
both? We’d be sad without each other.”
“I’m a handsome fella with a super sweet
smile! I’m a very strong boy with lots of
energy. It would be awesome to find a loving
home with lots of space so I can run & play all
day! In exchange, I would give you all of my
“I’m in need of a little vacation. I just raised
my two kittens and they are ready to venture
out on their own. I’m hoping to avoid the empty nest syndrome by finding a caring person to
take me in and shower me with affection!”
“I’m an amazing little bundle of energy who
loves people! I’m quite the friendly gal. I’m
even friendlier when I get treats! I also like
to go for walks. There is a lot of speed in this
little body! Come on out and meet me, we can
go for a stroll.”
“I’m interested in meeting new people and
getting to know them. All I need is an inviting
family with a little spare time to share their
love with me.”
“I love to show off my fancy footwork when
people come to meet me. It looks like I’m tap
dancing, but I’m simply just excited to see people! My previous home didn’t provide me with
any social skills, but I’m working on them. I’m
looking for that special someone who has love
& kindness to share with me.”
Spayed Female ~ Unclaimed Impound
Brown Tabby; short hair
Approx. Birth Date: May 2010
Spayed Female ~ Rescue
Approx. Birth Date: Aug. 2008
“I’m a fun-loving little lady who loves to play!
I’m very energetic and am easily amused,
especially with my toys. I also like to cuddle
and would make quite the comforter. I might
just be the cure for what ails you.”
“I’m hoping to find a nice, loving family who
can give me the love and attention I deserve.
I’m quite an easy-going gal. I do love to jump,
so a high fence would probably be in everyone’s best interest. I also prefer to live in a
cat-free household. Their independent nature
is just so opposite of mine.
Neutered Male ~ Owner Surrender
Orange Tabby; short hair
Approx. Birth Date: Sept. 2007
Unneutered Male - Rescue
Approx. Birth Date: Aug. 2009
“My left ear is a bit misshapen, but that is what
gives me my unique and distinctive appearance! I’m still in the process of getting to
know everyone here at the shelter, so I tend
to be a little on the shy side. Give me a little
time and I will be just as outgoing as the rest
of the bunch!”
“I’m quite shy, but I’m making progress each
day. The more people who come out and visit
me, the better my social skills become! I can’t
wait for the day I get to go to a loving, caring
Neutered Male ~ Abandoned
Flame Point Siamese cross - short hair
Approx. Birth Date: April 2005
Neutered Male ~ Owner Surrender
American Bulldog
Approx. Birth Date: Oct. 2007
Spayed Female ~ Unclaimed Impound
Gray & White; short hair
Approx. Birth Date: June 2009
Spayed Female ~ Rescue
Miniature Pinscher
Approx. Birth Date: Aug. 2006
Neutered Male ~ Unclaimed Impound
Orange Tabby; short hair
Approx. Birth Date: Aug. 2008
Central Dakota Humane Society
Neutered Male ~ Rescue
Lhasa Apso
Approx. Birth Date: June 2008
Bismarck-Mandan’s No-Kill Shelter
Get your Christmas pi
taken this year while
at just
shelter pets! Star ting
nal quality
$20, you get professio
with a
shots of your family
holiday-themed back
• You’ll receive one 4x6 print and a cd with all your digital photos.
• You can pose with or without pets and with or without Santa.
• Enjoy refreshments and browse Plantperfect’s holiday decorations
and displays while you wait.
• $20 for first pet or person, $5 for each additional, $40 maximum.
for pets andof
To see
last year’s photos and for more
details visit Sponsored by In-Dog-Neat-O.
Focus On All Fours
My family adopted Wheatsworth about 3 weeks ago. He
now answers to Roman. He is a
fun loving little guy with a lot of
energy and craves the attention
he is a regular hold me monster.
Tails of
I just wanted to update you all on Beulah. We have named her
Bailee. She is the biggest sweetheart. She gets along w/ our cats just
great and Toby our Chihuahua is having fun with his new sister.
Everyone that meets her falls in love with her. I know she is SO
happy and will enjoy the rest of her life getting loved unconditionally
every day.
Thank-you so very much for choosing us, we appreciate it.
- Brenda & Family
Smokey and Cascade
Cascade rules the roost
Thank you for bringing a wonderful little imp into our lives. We
adopted Cascade in June and our lives have not been the same since.
This little girl has no fear. We already had a 13 pound, 10 year old
grey cat Smokey and a 100 pound, 9 year old Black Lab Dozer. But
Cascade, our kitten, rules the roost. Our son, Tyler, loves her too.
She gets along so well with our other pets especially playing with
Smokey. Our older cat had been very reclusive since he lost his other
cat friend about five years ago. Now Smokey is out most of the time
and plays with Cascade every morning. We had to break Cascade of
sitting by the dog dish when we fed Dozer and pushing the dog out of
the way to get a drink of water. Thankfully, Dozer is mellow enough to
deal with a kitten as a nuisance instead of a threat.
Thank you for everything you do.
- Tim & Kerri
Archie is at home
I wanted to update you on Archie (formerly Garfield). He is doing
really, really well. Today he got his distemper booster, and the vet was
very impressed with my 15 pound big boy. The vet doesn’t think he
can see much out of the injured eye, or that he doesn’t have much
depth perception, but it doesn’t seem to affect him much. He does
want to get outside pretty badly, or at least have access to a screen
porch, which I don’t have…maybe I’ll have to add one next summer!
Archie was a little timid with the other cats at first, like he didn’t
trust them. But now he is getting along well with Freyja (formerly
Cloves) and Bode (formerly Pepper), the two cats I got nearly 2 years
ago from you. He also gets on with my old cat Keisha. Archie spends
a lot of time following me and lying at my feet or next to my computer.
He is such a loveable guy, and I feel SO lucky to have him! Thank you
to everyone there for taking such good care of Garfield/Archie for the
year he was there!
- Colleen
Fun with Funyuns
Just wanted to let you know how much I love Funyuns and how he
has brought tons of love and happiness to our family. Funyuns can be
so silly. Funyuns and his brothers Tiggerz and Spazz definitely bring a
lot of love to our home. Couldn’t imagine life without them.... Thank u
for letting us adopt Funyuns because he is a perfect fit.
- Rachael
Central Dakota Humane Society
Bismarck-Mandan’s No-Kill Shelter
s and
TV stars
Hello to our friends at the shelter. We just love our new
mommy and daddy, and the nice big house to run and play in. We were
renamed after our new grandpa’s favorite show. We like to get into
mischief and then give kisses to stay out of trouble. We miss you and
hope our brothers and sisters went to good homes.
- Festus and Miss Kitty (formerly Folgers and Costa)
Bullet named Companion
Pet of the Year
I wanted to share an update 4 1/2 years later. I rescued “Bon” and
renamed him Bullet. He was named Companion Pet of the Year by the
North Dakota Veterinarian’s Association. Bullet has titles in agility and
his rally excellence. He is my therapy dog and enjoys visiting schools,
nursing homes and the V.A. Hospital in Fargo. He is wonderful, obedient, happy and always willing to please. Thank you and your staff for
the fabulous rescue and care work you do for our four-legged friends.
- Brenda and Cordel
Petting Zoo attraction
Bobby Flay has been renamed Teddy Bear Trhlik. He is growing fast
and is healthy. He loves everyone and made many friends in Ellendale.
He is a real show-stopper and was invited to be part of a petting zoo
for Discovery Day at the fairgrounds. He is a wonderful addition to my
life and I love him dearly! He will always have a good home with me.
He loves to go walking every evening. Thank you for letting me adopt
- Adrienne
Traveling companion
Remember me? I have been doing better since my forever family
adopted me in 2008. I’ve become a very good walker. My family took
me on a trip to Texas to visit relatives and then the Tetons. We went
hiking and to hear a string quartet in a small amphitheater. Mom
was so proud of me. Then I took a nap with dad in the cabin. I am
doing very well and am a happy girl.
- Raven
Thank you
It’s been one year since I went to my
forever home. Thanks for saving my
life. Without all of you I wouldn’t be
here today.
- Ronny
“Doing great things for pets and people.”
View Success Stories, at
Focus On All Fours
Shaggy Shuffle shines on
Another fundraiser that brought a smile to
our faces – human and animal alike! Shaggy
You should
Shuffle walkers braved the “iffy” weather
have been
conditions and showed up in full-force to was
enjoy the walk and CDHS’s 50th Anniversary
so much fun
This year’s walk included inflatables for
the kids, food for all, music, face painting,
Mrs. Giggles and balloon animals. And, of course, our favorite –
everyone turned out with their best canine buddies to enjoy the day.
Thanks to everyone who helped make the day a success. Every
volunteer was needed and appreciated.
Rummage Sale – success
under the big top
The fall rummage sale was another
smashing success, with people shop, shop,
shopping under the big top tent at the CDHS
shelter. We received so many wonderful
donations and shoppers left with bargains
galore. Anyone who donated items will be
happy to know that not only did their items
benefit CDHS, but many of the leftover
household items were taken by the Solen
Good Heart Community Center to be
distributed and sold to residents in that area.
The Community Center is a gathering place
used for birthday parties, holiday meals and
other needs of community members. Money
from the sale of items is used to support
the community center. So, just like CDHS,
rummage sale donors were “Doing great
things for pets and people!”
Shaggy Shuffle walkers top the charts
Several Shaggy Shuffle walkers brought in
more than $1,000, earning themselves the choice
of a Wii entertainment system or a $200 gas card,
along with all other incentive prizes offered. Our
top earners included:
Shellie Nelson - $1805
Sandy Thiel - $1355
Ginger Stolz - $1236
Jolene Podoll - $1210
Madison Roth - $1050
Virginia Kerzman - $1000
Which way
did he go?
Hi there, so
nice to meet
you. Are you a
Who turned on
the cold air?
Central Dakota Humane Society
Bismarck-Mandan’s No-Kill Shelter
CDHS New Members, Generous Donors, Memorials and Honors
Listings reflect memberships, adoptions and donations from 06-16-10 to 09-15-10 ONLY
New Members & Generous
Mark & Lisa Aamodt
Valerie & Keith Abrahamson
Aetna USHC Employee Charity
Wendell Albert
Charles & Tracey Allen
Scott & Brenda Allan
Ruby Altringer
America’s Charities Distribution
Arthur Anderson
Bailee Anderson
David & Peggy Anderson
James & Gail Anderson
Sara Anderson
Susan Anderson
Denise & Elerth Arntson
Sam Artz
Lillian & Leonard Bachmeier
Marvel Bailey
Jo Anne Balas
Connie Barden
Mike & Rebecca Barnhart
Noreen Bartlett
Basin Electric Power Cooperative
Cassie & Jeremy Bauer
Tom & Donna Baumgartner
Todd & Tammy Becker
Diane Beelman
Dan & Jackie Belohlavek
Lloyd & Marlinda Bender
Todd & Michelle Bergman
Roxanne & Manuel Bernal
Kathleen Birrenkott
Arnel Blood
Clark & Mary Bormann
Allen & Linda Boushee
Janice Boyd
Norma Boyd
Leslie (Jack) & Carma Branch
Kathleen Braun
Jo Brekke
Laiken Bren
Rachelle Brewer
Leonard & Bonita Brilz
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
Chris & Jodi Brown
Denise Brown
Patrick & Doreen Brown
Barbara Bruce & Peter Griffith
Sue Buchholz
Tim & Kerri Burrows
Wayne Burslie
Rhonda Butschat
Capital Credit Union
Capital Trophy
Deborah Carpenter
Central Market - Mandan
Century 21 Morrison Realty, Inc.
Doug & Sharon Cerkoney
Bonnie Chandler
Janis Cheney
Richard & Carolou Chowen
James & Jane Clinkenbeard
Norleen Conitz - State Farm
Caroline Conrath
Dian Cooper
Bill & Karol Cossette
Roger & Mavis Christianson
Joseph & Janet Cresswell
Adrian Crow Feather
Crown Butte Kennels - Dean &
Pamela Beckler
Jan & Terry Daffinrud
Corey & Kimberly Dahl
Dr. & Mrs Phillip Dahl
Dakota Pharmacy & Wellness
Kurtis Decker
Annette Deforest
Timothy & Lucinda Degraff
Gary & Heide Delorme
Bryan & Renee Diebel
Judy Diede
Bernardine Digby
Lynn Dodge
Dollar Store - Mandan
Lorraine Dopson
Dutch Mill Florist
Jeffrey & Dawn Ebel
Dennis & Sandy Edinger
Amanda Edwards
Mary Eggebo
Jefferie Ehman
Joe & Marge Ellefson
Diane “Franky” & Ward Enger
Shannon & Joshua Ennen
Lois Erickstad
Dr. Barb Espe
Estate of Albert Breitbach
Expressway C-Store
Famous Daves
Donald Feimer
Lavyrl Feland
Florence E. Wall Ferderer
Bonny Fetch
Marcus & Margaret Fiechtner
Perry & Michelle Finck
Abagayl Fix
Vicki & Marshall Flagg
Lori & Ronny Flaten
Shirley Fox
Nordean Frank
Sandy Fritz-Kelly
Kent & Monica Gainsforth
Gary & Colleen Garland
T. Neal & Momoe Garland
Tara Garland
Bennett & Madeline Giebels
Liz Glass
Cheryl Glasser
Marci Goldade
Gold Label Feeds
Barbara Grauman
Krista Gray & Levi Evans
Ann Griffin
Paula & Brian Grosinger
Deb & Gary Grueneich
Sandra Gugel
Tracy Gullickson & Jeffrey Jordahl
Harvey & Vonadean Haakenson
Jo & Myles Hafner
Cindy & Dennis Haider
Alice & Stan Halling
Jan Hamilton
Susan Hamilton
Lindsey Handel
Randee, David, Josh & Maggee
Terry & Jackie Harm
Ron Harnden
Larry & Gloria Hassebrock
James & Sharon Hawley
Carmen Hay
David & Marlene Helbing
Sydney Helgeson
Gwyn Herman & Laverne Johnson
Marjo & Jim Hewitson
Stephanie Hickman
“Doing great things for pets and people.”
Bruce & Peggy Hill
Bryce & Maxine Hill
June Hintz
Kent & Connie Hjelmstad
William Hodny
Brenda Hofer
Irene Hoff
Michele Hoff
Andrea Hoffman
Tara Hogue
Micheal & Karen Holman
Wendi & Shawn Holz
Darlene Hoovestol
Gary Hotchkiss
Halle Hovde
Jan & Bob Hubal
Patricia Huber
Rita & Jerry Huffman
Trish & Don Hulm
Dorothy Huss
Ideal Concrete Contractors Inc.
Interiors by France
James & Connie Isaak
Darrin & Kylee Johnson
Sonya Johnson
Brian Jones
Greg & Anne Jones
Thomas & Diane Jones
John Kaelberer
Jeanine & Tim Karch
Doug & Nora Kane
Sharon Kehl
Patricia Keller
Mary Kae Kelsch
Daryl & Virginia Kerzman
Wesley & Alyce Kessler
Norma Keys
Ginger & Curtis Kjelland
Kidder County Steele High School
Kim & Renee Klaudt
Carole Klebe
Darrell & Rose Klipfel
Karen Kobilansky
Michelle & Clinton Kohler
Al Kosir
Dorothy & Kelvin Kosse
Deb Kovash
Ronald & Sally Kraft
Tina & Kenneth Kramer
Judy & James Krance
Karen & Bob Krause
Catherine & William Krein
Roger & Cherie Krueger
Christine Kujawa
Joe & Wanda Kuntz
Burnette Kunz
Ray & Karen Larson
Robert & Laurie Larson
Robyn Lawler
Klaudia & James Lawson
Kay Leier
Greg Lemke
Mick & Torie Lenhardt
Arta Leno
Lesmeister Transportation, Inc.
Cheryl Liebler
Line X of Bismarck/Mandan
Laurie Linz
Linda & Ken Litt
Lindsey Lock
Sheldon & Mary Loftsgard
Kathryn Longo
Ramona Redding Lopez
Brian & Shelley Lubiens
Michelle Lukens
Eldora & Leonard Lundberg
Lunn’s Kennel Club
Vicki Magill
Howard & Lori Malloy
Kathleen Mangskau
Christopher & Janell Martin
Eileen Martin
Pat Martin
Robin & Roger Martin
Anita Matties
Paige Mattson
Pat Mayer & Larry Schmidt
Brenda McBain
Gordon & June McFarland
MDU Employer Charity Match
MDU Resources Foundation
Mid Dakota Clinic, P.C.
Betty Mills
Diane Milner
Missouri Valley Veterinary Clinic
Betty Mohler
Mark & Judith Monasky
Ervin & Rachel Monson
Gary & Shirley Monson
Gavin Monzelowsky
Morgan Monzelowsky
Randy & Jacki Monzelowsky
Mor-Gran-Sou Electric Cooperative
Paul & Sheryl Morrow
Dana & Leila Mount
Gladys Myatt
Diana Nagel
Lynn Nagel
Walter Nagel
April Nelson
Kraig & Marie Nelson
Shellie Nelson
Darrell & Della Njos
Northland Financial
Northridge Elementary School
Kristen Northrup
Joe & Norma Novak
Camie O’Connor
Kim Ogden
Martin & Deborah Olsen
Patricia Olsen
Lindy & Mark Olson
Sibyl Olson Family
Rita & Tom O’Neill
LaVilla Opp
Marilyn Opperude
Denise Opsta
Tara & Derrick Orr
Kathi Osteen
Richard Ott
Michele Paul
Jo Ann Payne
Paige Pederson
Darla & Russ Pelton
Wesley & Linda Perman
Don & Coranne Perri
Donna Peterson
Dorothy Peterson
Kathy Peterson
Lee & Jolene Podoll
Florence Porsborg
Prairie Knights Casino & Lodge
Ken, Janel & Caden Redinger
Tom & Patti Regan
Luella Reich
Colleen Reinke
Ressler Chevrolet
Jackie & Brian Ressler
Risk Management Office - City and
County of Denver
R.K. Electric
L.R. Roehrich
Monte Rogneby
Cindy Rohrick
Ken & Kay Royse
Karen Runge
Shirley “Sheryl” Rutter
Richard & Angela Sabot
Arlene Sackman
Jane Sahli
Paul & Patricia Sandness
Evangeline Sauter
Judy, Adam & Ryan Sauter
Kyle & Cydra Solberg Sauter
Craig & Mandy Schaaf
Maryann Schaaf
Danielle Scharnowske
Robert & Linda Schiermeister
Connie Schmidt
Brittney & Hayley Schmit
Bonnie Schneider
Pam Schwartz
John & Glenda Klipstein Sevcik
Terry & Cindy Severson
Shirt Shack
Lillian Sinkula
Cameo & Kiel Skager
Tanya Skurupey
Marj Smith
Duane & Beverly Sorby
Carl & Beverly Sorensen
Clay & Ramona Sorneson
Rachael Southam
Neil Souther
Space Aliens Grill & Bar
Glennis Spier
Haleigh Springan
Steve & Kathy Springan Family
Walter & Donna Stack
Stan Puklich Chevolet
Billie Stanton
Susan Starck
Holly Stastny
State Street Global Advisors
Arianna & Katrina Steele
Mike & Pam Stein
Jan Steiner
Margie Stellwag
James & Norma Stenslie
Arlene Stephenson
Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, Inc.
Patricia Stockdill
Maudie Stoller
Ginger Stolz
Micki & Bernie Stolz
Matthew & Jane Stone
Brianna Strahm
Chad & Debbie Stroh
Sherry Stroh
Gregory & Stacy Sturm
Tait & Jennifer Sundstrom
Lila Teunissen
Donna & Kenneth Thiede
Cathie & Frances Thill
Marie Thill
James & Kathy Tobolt
Theresa Tober
Dennis & JaneMarie Torgerson
Cheryl & Stuart Tracy
Paulette Trego
Dawn Tucker
Unistop Inc
Jennifer & Brent Veil
Ramona Veil
John & Marlys Verwey
Heather Vigesaa
Focus On All Fours
Frances Vobr
Gertrude Vold
Kevin VonHunke
Margo & Gregory Vranna
Kathleen Wachter
Charles & JoAl Wagner
James & Melissa Wahlman
Donnita Wald
Wal-Mart Foundation
Wal-Mart Supercenter #3648
Bernice Walton
Holly Watts
Edward & Adeline Weiand
Myra Weisenburger
David & Deb Weiss
Scott & Stephanie Weisz
Susan & Jeff Welch
Janine Wetzel
Barbara Wetzstein
Michelle & Tim Wiedrich
Sommer Wild
Anita Wilson
Sandra & Vincent Williams
Nancy Willis
Renae Wolff
Patty & Larry Wood
Woodmansee’s Inc
Nicole Wright
Lyle & Jackie Zachmeier
Christy & Scott Zainhofsky
Terry & Bonnie Zander
Dustin & Deann Zaun
Alice Zerr
Adopter Members
Amber & Michael Bain
Carol Barahona
Tara & Dan Brooke
Su Brown
Mercedes & Roger Clark (2)
Darryl & Melissa Crow
Timothy & Shena Cunningham
Dave & Helen Cupido
Megan Dockter
Francis Elwood
Clint & Ferlice Evenson
Chelsea Fetch
Marvin & Berdina Fettig
Ernie Fusco
Yvette & Jim Ganje
Rick & Janice Germain
Don Gienger
Dan Haakenson
Jerry Haas
Gerard & Loretta Hegstad
Darwin Heinitz
Brenda Hofer
Micheal & Karen Holman
Ronnie & Sherry Isaak
Linda Katsoulis
Cheryl King
Terry Kist
Michelle & Clinton Kohler
Lynelle Kraft
Laura Krenelka
Scott & Kay Lang
Jessica & Paul Lawson
Lauren Little
Tarah & Craig Madsen
Yvette Matthews
Priscilla & Brian Morley
Paul & Sheryl Morrow
Jenifer Nelson (2)
Pam Overbeek
Angie Sayler Peterson
Luella Reich
Colleen Reinke
Jennifer Remmick (2)
Neal & Shelly Roth
Teresa Sahli
Albert & Betty Sayler
Sandy Schaner
Gayla & Damus Schill
Chad & Mary Schmidt
Kensington Schmidt
Steve & Shari Schmit
Janet Seaworth
Holly Stastny
Julie & Steve Stockert
Margaret, Kelly & Peggy Suchy
Jessica Tester (2)
Adrienne Trhlik
Deb & Charlie Tweet
Connie Udby
Steve & Belinda VanDyke
Frank & Brenda Voeller
Sara & Aaron Yantzer
People to Remember:
In memory of Bruce Bair from Rob,
Laurie, Grant & Diana and Drew
Larson, Clark & Mary Bormann
In loving memory of Agnes Delores
Boyd from Steve & Kathy
Springan & Family, Norma Boyd,
Sibyl Olson & Family and Haleigh
In loving memory of Charlotte
Brink from Bonnie Chandler
In memory of Doris Buckley from
Jo Brekke
In memory of Steve Cochrane,
a friend and former Executive
Director of the ND State
Investment Board. From State
Street Global Advisors.
In loving memory of Art Digby from
Bernadine Digby
In memory of Wilfred Dolajak
from Jim & Marjo Hewitson
In loving memory of Gus Giddings
from Anne & Greg Jones
In loving memory of Bev Hanson
form Greg & Anne Jones, Don &
Coranne Perri
In loving memory of Jenifer
Hanson from Denise & Elerth
Arntson, Deborah Carpenter,
Dorothy Huss, Roger & Cherie
Krueger, Bernice Walton
In loving memory of Nina
Holstrom, daughter of our
friends, Terri & Kevin Holstrom.
From Terry & Bonnie Zander
In memory of Genevieve Horner
from the Ed Glass Family
In loving memory of Fred Kist
from Doug & Sharon Cerkoney.
In loving memory of Fred Kist.
Our prayers & thoughts are with
you. From Terry, Jackie & Parker
Harm & the Jahraus Family
In loving memory of Emily Larson
from Anita Matties and her
In loving memory of Billie Lipp
from her family
In loving memory of Garrett
Monzolowsky from the Regan
In memory of Harry Moos from
Arta Leno
In memory of Katharine Murray
of Palmdale, California, passed
away July 18, 2010. She was
always concerned about her
dogs. From Lois Erickstad, Betty
In memory of Walter “Waldo”
Nagel and his love of animals,
especially strays. From Karen
Kobilansky, the family of Walt
Central Dakota Humane Society
In memory of Barb Ostman of
Sweden from Kathleen Wachter
In loving memory of Dr. Dunc
Perry from Dr. & Mrs Phillip
In memory of Stan Puklich from
Line X of Bismarck/Mandan
In loving memory of Janette
Reynolds from Dian Cooper
In loving memory of Lucille Sahli
from Lillian Sinkula, Ervin &
Rachel Monson. In memory and
in honor of Lucille Sahli from the
Risk Management Office of the
City & County of Denver.
In loving memory of my mother,
Elsie Schlenker, who died at
the age of 92. She was a lover of
cats all of her life. From Bob &
Karen Krause.
In memory of Nancy Snitker - you
are missed! Your forever friend.
In memory of our friend and cat
lover, Shirley Stugelmayer.
We will miss you. From Ray,
Karen and Faith Larson.
In memory of Lucy Sund. Special
friend to Cindy & Shane from
Curtis & Ginger Kjelland.
Pets to Remember:
In loving memory of Aggie from
Paul & Patty Sandness
In loving memory of Ajax, who
brought so much joy to his family
and friends. From Monica & Kent
and CDHS
In memory of Ally from Paulette
In memory of Baxter, beloved dog
of Ginger Stolz, and in honor of
Ginger for rescuing him. Rest in
peace sweet boy. From Cindy
In memory of Blaze Berry, beloved
cat of the Jean Berry Waterford
Retirement Community from
Christine Kujawa
In memory of Breeze, Steve & Betsy
Hamkens’ special dog from Ervin
& Rachel Monson
In memory of Chloe, beloved canine
companion of the Sheldon’s.
From Holly Stastny
In memory of Cinny from Larry &
Patty Wood
In loving memory of CoCo, beloved
therapy cat of Cindy Rohrich.
From Ginger Stolz
In loving memory of “CoCo,” my
sweet, beautiful Siamese cat.
For me, there will never be
another like you. You chose me
as your mom, and it was one
of the greatest gifts I’ll ever
receive. You came to the shelter
as a very sick kitty, but managed
to still be a sweet charmer
while you recuperated. Your
personality was much bigger than
your size. You loved everyone
unconditionally, and forgave
easily. Your gentle nature and
patience were always present.
You were the one who always
took over “parenting” new
kittens. You loved to go places
and visit people with your mom,
and were a joy to many. For you,
Pet Therapy was the opportunity
to have many people petting you,
and you couldn’t get there fast
enough. You were t he epitome
of the spirit and love that lies in
animals, and a shining example
of the quality of animals we see
in shelters, rescues, etc. Rest
in peace, my precious “Teddy
Bear.” In memory of CoCo, Cindy
Rohrick’s awesome pet therapy
cat from Ervin & Rachel Monson
In loving memory of Crow from
Frances Vobr
In loving memory of Cruise,
beloved Schipperke of Dwight
& Barbara Sauter, Las Vegas,
NV. He would come by plane,
in his carrier, to visit family in
ND. We will miss his visits and
sassy temperamental ways. He
was loved and is missed. From
Grandma Van.
In memory of Dakota, A Pyrenees
from Jack & Carma Branch
In memory of Don & Denise Faber’s
beloved dog, Duke. From David
& Peggy Anderson
In memory of Eboni, beloved
companion of Mike, Amy, Naomi
& Whitney Gross from Dawn
In memory of Fred, beloved canine
friend of Debbie & Greg Klebe
from Carole Klebe
In memory of our beloved cat,
Ginger, who died May 2010 at
the age of 16. He is deeply missed
by all of us. From Mark & Judith
In loving memory of Harvarti,
beloved kitten at CDHS that
was taken away before he had a
chance to enjoy life. From Lee &
Jolene Podoll
In loving memory of Hector
Horatio Humphry from Jack &
Carma Branch
In memory of our granddog, Jack,
faithful companion to Matt and
Heather Skogen. From Marlys &
John Verwey
In memory of Jay from Diana Nagel.
In memory of Jazzy, beloved dog of
Kay & Dave Nilson from Janet &
Joe Cresswell
In memory of Jerry, beloved canine
friend of Justin & Nikki Sackman
from Lindy & Mark Olson
In loving memory of Joy, beloved
dog of Richard & Phyllis Gies
from Denise Brown
In memory of Kiki, Dr. Barb Esp’’s
feline family member from Ervin
& Rachel Monson
In memory Kodiak Bear, of the
beloved pet/cat of Kyle & Cydra
Sauter from James & Kathy
Tobolt. In loving memory of our
beloved cat Kody (Kodiak) Bear.
For 18 years, he was a constant
source of affection and funny
& uniquely entertaining antics.
From Kyle & Cydra Solberg
Sauter. In loving memory of
our Kody, beloved cat of Kyle
& Cydra Sauter. We so miss his
good natured and gentle loving
ways. He would entertain himself
by opening and closing cupboard
doors. He was loved and is
missed. From Grandma Van.
In loving memory of Lady from Ron
& Sally Kraft
In memory of Pat Hirvela’s long-time
friend, Maggie from Francis &
Cathie Thill
In memory of Mario, beloved feline
companion of Sue Buchholz.
From a friend.
In memory of Mister, beloved feline
who owned Michelle, Dan Isaac,
Eden, Averi & Estee Schmidt.
They will always love & miss
thee greatest cat. From Terry &
Bonnie Zander
In loving memory of Pookie, our
beloved cat who died on July 23.
From Walter & Donna Stack
In memory of Raven, beloved
canine companion of Kelly &
Tim Spilman & Family from the
Bergman Family. So sorry to hear
Raven passed away.
In memory of Robin, beloved
miniature dachshund of Todd &
Lunette Sando. A very small dog
with a very big heart. Baby Robin
touched the lives of many. From
Cindy Rohrick
In loving memory of Tucker. He,
just as his sister, Sophie, was
an amazing friend, companion,
and member of the family.
From Darrell & Rose Klipfel.
In memory of Tucker, beloved
companion of Rose & Darrell
Klipfel from Terry & Bonnie
In memory of Willow & Lucy from
Chris & Jody Brown
In memory of Zoie, beloved dog of
Gwen & Scott Bishop from Jan &
Bob Hubal
Memorials from
Dr. Barb Espe:
In loving memory of Brandy,
beloved canine companion of
Linda & Mike Laszewski
In loving memory of Chance,
beloved feline companion of Pam
& Mike Stein
In loving memory of Cody, beloved
canine companion of Duane
In loving memory of Dixie, beloved
canine companion of Jackie
In loving memory of Haley, beloved
feline companion of Denice &
Bryan Haag
In loving memory of Happy, beloved
feline companion of Linda
In loving memory of Hurricane,
beloved feline companion of Paul
In loving memory of Jezzabel,
beloved canine companion of
Nichole & Chuck Doppler
In loving memory of Jonesy,
beloved feline companion of
Paula & Brian Grosinger
In loving memory of Mack, beloved
feline companion of Linnea
In loving memory of Missy, beloved
feline companion of Nikki Miller
In loving memory of Patches,
beloved canine companion of
Sandra Thompson
In loving memory of Reddy, beloved
canine companion of Donata &
Gary Mormann
In loving memory of Sonny, beloved
canine companion of Jamie Buck
Bismarck-Mandan’s No-Kill Shelter
In loving memory of Stubbs,
beloved canine companion of Jim
& Nancy Legerski
In loving memory of Tom, beloved
feline companion of Sue Johnson
& Dale Ott
In loving memory of Tricksey,
beloved feline companion of Jim
Memorials from
In loving memory of Alsatia,
beloved Standard Poodle of Tom
& Karen Kelsch
In loving memory of Babe, beloved
Toy Poodle of Gena Davidson
& Family
In loving memory of Brandy,
beloved Shih Tzu of Ardis Zietlow
& Elaine Brown
In loving memory of Breeze, beloved
Aussie of Steve & Betsy Hamkens
In loving memory of Carmel,
beloved Chihuahua of Ross
Tolstedt & Family
In loving memory of Coco, beloved
therapy Siamese cat of Cindy
In loving memory of Cooper,
beloved Toy Poodle of Terry &
Vera Woebler & Family
In loving memory of Henry, beloved
Westie of Travis & Beth Jacobson
& Family
In loving memory of Jake, beloved
Miniature Schnauzer of Linda
In loving memory of Josie, beloved
Bichon of Gene & Carol Edstrom
In loving memory of Laci, our
golden girl of Andrea Frank &
In loving memory of Lacy, beloved
Westie of Terry & Dorinda Sailer
& Family
In loving memory of Lexi Lynn,
beloved Toy Poodle of Linda
In loving memory of Mocha, beloved
Standard Poodle of Mary Haynes
In loving memory of Nikki, beloved
Westie of Al & Bonnie Kosir
In loving memory of Quincy,
beloved Nova Scotia Duck Tolling
Retriever of Jon & Joan Gravning
In loving memory of Rachi, beloved
Shih Tzu of Karen Traeholt &
In loving memory of Satch, beloved
Maltese of Marlys Hopfauf
In loving memory of Scruffy,
beloved Lhasa Apso of Steve &
Janice Cleveland
In loving memory of Teddy, beloved
Yorkie cross of Angie Untershere
& Family
In loving memory of Tucker,
beloved Shih Tzu of Darrell &
Rose Klipfel
Memorials from Lunn’s
Kennel Club:
In loving memory of Cody, beloved
dog of Rich & Sarita Turman
In loving memory of Doyle, beloved
dog of Jack & Kathy Russell
In loving memory of Hank, beloved
dog of Darrin & Dianne Lee
In loving memory of Jasmine,
beloved dog of Brenda & Scott
In loving memory of Kernal,
beloved dog of Laurie & Dennis
In loving memory of Suntan,
beloved dog of David & Marlene
In honor of Chopper. He was a
really neat guy and I am so sorry
for your loss. Love, Annette
In honor and in memory of Elmer
& Evelyn Klipstein from John
Sevcik & Glenda Klipstein Sevcik
In honor of Greg & Margie
Enerson’s 25th wedding
Anniversary. Happy Anniversary
from Denise Brown
In honor of “Her Highness” and
Wayne Burslie’s recent 80th
birthday. Happy birthday Wayne!
In honor of Sue Jacobson, in
recognition of her outstanding
service to her clients and being
one of the most successful
real estate professionals. From
Century 21 Morrison Realty.
In honor Georgie Schaaf. Welcome
to your new family! From
Annette DeForest
In honor of Reece’s 2nd birthday.
Happy Birthday from Mom & Dad
In honor of Bev Hanson’s memory
from Deb & Gary Grueneich
In honor of Smoky from Janelle
In honor of Willie Fetch’s memory
from Marjo & Jim Hewitson
In honor of Stephen Mallery’s
birthday. Happy Birthday from
Cooper Hill
In honor of Sonja BeazleyBurch’s birthday. Happy
Birthday from Daryl & Virginia
In honor of Lacey & Nikki, beloved
pets of Al Kosir
In honor of Rose Stoller’s birthday.
Happy Birthday from Sheldon &
Mary Loftsgard, Maudie Stoller
In honor of the newlyweds, Valerie
& Ted Moody, of their shared
love for their pups and nature.
From Michelle Lukens
In honor of Kiel Skager’s volunteer
photography from the April
2010 Ice Storm. We are forever
grateful for the quality photos
we received. From Mor-Gran-Sou
Electric Cooperative.
In honor of Ruby, from Pat Olsen
In honor of Nancy Fehr, Lynda
Miller and Missy Benson. A
huge thank you for taking such
loving care of my cat, Bear while
I was out of town. When he got
ill, you made him feel better and
checked on him every hour that
night and kept a close eye on him
the next day also. Bear is doing
alot better and I can not thank
my friends and neighbors enough
for the excellent care they gave
In honor of Richard Gies’s 75th
birthday. Happy Birthday from
Denise Brown
Paw-some Volunteer
Danielle Hanna is an outstanding CDHS volunteer and also an aspiring writer. She has spent the
summer helping the dogs at the shelter and writing
about her adventures as well. (Take a look at her
great story, “Puppy Tails: Biking Zaire” on page 14
of this newsletter.
Here is some information about Danielle, in her
own words.
CDHS: What volunteer work do you do at
Danielle: I help with the dogs – walking them,
biking them, socializing them with both people and
other dogs. But I’ve always been fascinated with
training. It amazes me what dogs can do, and the
level of communication a person can develop with
them. I studied dog training voraciously when I was
still just a kid, but never had a dog to try it out on.
Now I’ve got more dogs than I can work with! And
I’ve found out that they teach me every bit as much
as I teach them – especially patience, love, persistence, and tolerance for imperfection. Two of the
biggest lessons I’ve learned is that training really
opens a two-way communication, and that no two
dogs learn the same way. The needs of each new
dog provide me with plenty of mental exercise!
CDHS: How did you find out about CDHS?
Danielle: My dad and I used to visit the Humane Society when I was little, because I couldn’t
have a dog of my own. Then last summer, my mom
and I considered finally adding a dog to the family.
We went to CDHS and promptly fell in love with a
Great Dane. However, we weren’t the only ones
“Doing great things for pets and people.”
who applied to adopt this beautiful dog, and we
ended up being amongst the broken-hearted. I
guess our loss turned out to be CDHS’s gain. This
summer I came back, this time to volunteer. (Did
you guys plan that? Just kidding.)
CDHS: Do you have any pets of your own?
Danielle: I have a small black cat named
Angus. She’s about 13, but nobody’s told her that!
I took her in when a friend of mine moved into assisted living. Angus has a new sister now, too. I’ve
just adopted Molly from CDHS. She’s a German
Shepherd/Rottweiler. Molly and I fell in love this
summer and eventually, my family and I realized
we just couldn’t imagine life without her!
CDHS: Do you have a favorite CDHS fundome Vo
raiser or event?
r – Da
Danielle: So far, I’ve only experienced the
June rummage sale and the Shaggy Shuffle. I loved
Any final thoughts
them both! But the Shaggy Shuffle really blew me
about the shelter, the animals or
away. I loved the mass dog walking. I’ve never
your experiences at CDHS that you would like to
seen anything like it. It was a joy for me to bring
Zaire, one of the shelter dogs, and show her off to
Danielle: Nothing brightens my day like walking
interested adopters. (Zaire loved the event, too, but
I don’t think she quite realized that the whole thing into the shelter and seeing dozens of tails wag
while happy puppy eyes beg, “Take me first! Take
was for her and her shelter friends!)
me first!”
CDHS: What do you think about CDHS staff
The quality of care that the pets receive at
and volunteers?
Danielle: I really enjoy the company of both the CDHS amazes me. The shelter isn’t fancy, but it’s
spotless. And I can see that the dogs love their
CDHS staff and the other volunteers. What better
place to find a pack of cat and dog lovers? And the temporary home. Good food, clean bed, constant
eye on their health, lots of people every week
happy attitude of the animals tends to rub off on
(staff, volunteers, and visitors) who treat them like
all of us.
royalty, and no end of canine pals.
Focus On All Fours
Puppy Tails: Biking Zaire
By Danielle Hanna, CDHS volunteer
Zaire has her own version of “stay.” “Zaire,
sit.” Tail hits ground. Eyes transfix cookie
above nose.
“Stay.” She squirms left. Wiggles right.
Scoots forward. Kinda like … e’hm … like a
kid that really, really has to go. Sooner or later,
she ends up sitting right on top of my shoe.
“Good stay.” Good enough for Zaire,
anyway. She gets her cookie.
Tons of energy. One little Black Lab cross.
She’d travel the world over for her cookie.
And she has only one fault of which I’m aware:
she’s timid about new situations. Still, all that
energy … I had to try it—The Bicycle.
I love biking the dogs. They run. I sit.
Smart, huh?
Zaire’s training started out on the ground
with the “heel” command. Once she had
mastered that, I introduced her to the bicycle
slowly. (Lots of cookies.) We walked around
the CDHS parking lot a bit. (Cookies, cookies,
cookies.) Soon, I felt she was comfortable
enough with the outlandish contraption to
attempt a long jaunt—dog on my left, bike on
my right. Get her used to the sound of it. The
motion. And—oh yeah—I had to teach her the
“stop” command.
I wasn’t going to get on my bike and ride
that day. But Zaire was doing so well. Three
or four treats, and she had learned to stop on
a dime. Her tail flipped back and forth above
her back. She glanced at me eagerly every
time I said her name. Hardly a thought did
she appear to give to the spinning wheels and
whirring chain.
Okay. We’ll try this. “Zaire, sit. Stay.” (Right.
“Stay.” Ha-ha. Gotta work on that.) I buckled
on my helmet. (Bright idea.) Threw my leg
over my bike. Checked carefully up and down
the quiet country road for cars. The coast was
Zaire cocked her head, ears perked. This is
different. Whatcha doin’? Do I get a cookie?
“Yes, you get a cookie. Good stay. Okay.
You ready for this, girl? … Zaire, heel.”
I pushed off. Zaire bounced up and walked.
Suddenly, her eyes darted to the bicycle—a
giant instrument of torture and death, grinding
asphalt and loose stones beneath its rotating
teeth. Eek! It moves!
She pulled left. The bike swerved with her.
With a twist of the handlebars, I re-established
the full and upright position. Balancing a bike
with a dog in tow is a highly skilled art. Really,
I think I’m going to start a guild.
For several yards, we zigged and zagged
down the street. It rather reminded me of
Zaire’s unique interpretation of the “stay”
command. Finally running out of methods
to escape that bicycle, Zaire slowed down a
moment to collect her thoughts and devise
a new strategy. In that moment, the leash
slackened, and the bike rolled in a straight
“Good girl, Zaire!”
At the sound of her name (which, in her
dictionary, means “cookies”), she glanced up
at me.
“Good girl!” Oh! Does that mean I’m doing
it right?
“Yes, Zaire. Perfect!”
We biked a few more yards, lots of “good
girls” all the way. (I still haven’t figured out
how to feed cookies while riding a bike.) At
the end of the ride, we tried that new “stop”
command. Perfectly executed. I dismounted,
and Zaire got a few treats and lots and lots of
hugs—which she enthusiastically returned
with puppy kisses.
For the rest of the day, I trumpeted Zaire’s
great achievement to everyone I knew. “Zaire
ran beside my bicycle!” Now if only we could
get that “stay” figured out …
(This story may not be reproduced
without the permission of Danielle Hanna.)
Please support these businesses that display CDHS donation canisters
A Buck or So
All Pets Veterinary Clinic
Animal Kingdom
Bismarck Animal Clinic
Butcher Block Meats
Cappucino on Collins
Captain Jack’s Liquor – Mandan
Captain Jack’s Liquor – North
Captain Jack’s Liquor – South
Cashman Nursery
Cenex-East Broadway
Central Market – Mandan
Central Market – Bismarck
Creative Clay
Cozy Creek Coffee & Gifts
Crown Butte Kennels
Cycle Hutt
D’Fine Tanning & Hair Salon
Dakota Pharmacy
Doc’s Vet Clinic
Central Dakota Humane Society
Lewis & Clark Animal Hospital
Little Caesar's Pizza
Little Caesars Pizza – North
Little Cottage Café
Little Dukes (Cashwise gas station)
M&H Gas
Mandan Public Library
Midway Lanes
Midway Liquor
Missouri Valley Vet Clinic
Mocha Momma’s – Mandan
Norleen Conitz – State Farm
Insurance – Mandan
Northwind Home & Garden
Pinehurst Veterinary Clinic
Plaza Drug
Polar Package
Red Trail Petro & Pizza
Rock’N 50’s Café
Runnings Farm & Fleet – Bismarck
Runnings Farm & Fleet – Mandan
Dollar Store – Mandan
Expressway Amoco
Expressway C-Store
Fiesta Villa
Five Nations Arts
Four Paws Inn
Gas Plus
Gourmet Doggy Diner
Hair 2000
Healthy Dog Center
Heart River Animal Hospital
Home Run C-Store
Interstate Vet Clinic
Jay's Pawn Shop – Bismarck
Jay's Pawn Shop – Mandan
KT Animal Supply
Katherine's Consignment & More
Kirkwood Tesoro
Latitudes Gallery & Gifts
Sally’s Hair Care
Schneider’s Flowerama
Season’s Café
Simply Salads
Space Aliens Grill & Bar
StaMart – Bismarck
StaMart – Mandan
Stockman’s Supply Group
Taco Del Mar – South
Taco John’s – Mandan
Taco John’s – North
Taco John’s – South
Taco John’s/Good Times –Bismarck
The Bird House
Treasures of the Sea & Earth
Uni-Stop – Mandan
Urban Girl
Village Mart
West Dakota Meats
Bismarck-Mandan’s No-Kill Shelter
Central Dakota Humane Society
2104 37th Street, Mandan, ND 58554
on Dakota Media Access - Channel 12,
with host Rig Olsen
Monday, Wednesday
& Friday –11:30 a.m.
Thursday – 7:30 p.m.
Friday – 5:00 p.m.
Saturday – 12:30 p.m.
Also available online
Produced by Central Dakota Humane Society
and Dakota Media Access
Become A cDHS memBer ToDAy!
Memberships include a newsletter subscription. You will receive a complimentary
one-year membership if you adopt a pet from the CDHS shelter. Memberships are
tax-deductible to the extent of the law.
Membership Categories (check one):
____$10 - Junior (under 18) ____$150 - Pet Fanatic
____$20 - Individual (1)
____$500 - CDHS Builder
____$30 - Family (2+)
____$1000-$1999 - Lifetime Member
____$50 - Dog Lover
____$2000-$4999 - Lifetime Benefactor
____$50 - Cat Lover
____$5000+ - Lifetime Leader of the Pack
____$100 - Business
____ Hush Puppy (Anonymous)
Tax-Deductible Donation Categories:
____$12.50/month - kennel sponsor (one-year commitment)
____$25 - Adopt-A-Pet ad, published monthly in the Bismarck Tribune
____$ _________ - monthly donation (CDHS will send an authorization
form for your signature.)
____$__________ - additional donation amount
State:______ Zip Code:___________ E-mail:_______________________
Gift Given By:________________________________________________
Pay using (check one):
_____ Check/Money Order ____
Amount Enclosed: $_______________
Credit Card #:____________________________Exp. Date:___________
Send to:
CDHS, 2104 37th Street, Mandan, ND, 58554-8230 or call 667-2020.
“Doing great things for pets and people.”
667-2020 / /
Shelter Director, Sue Buchholz
Office Manager, Carrie Roth
Board of Directors:
Cameo Skager, President - 2012*
Rita O’Neill, Vice President - 2011*
Karen Schwan Holman, Treasurer - 2012*
Robin Martin, Secretary - 2011*
Monica Gainsforth - 2012*
Anne Jorgenson Green - 2011*
Mandy Schaaf - 2011*
Charlene Seifert - 2012*
Cathie Thill - 2012*
(* Date term expires)
CDHS is a nonprofit organization.
October-December 2010 (Issue 4, Volume 50)
Focus On All Fours is the official publication of
CDHS and is published quarterly. Editor: Cameo
Skager, Designer: Paige Mattson
CDHS Shelter Hours
Tuesday through Saturday
1 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Sunday and Monday
CDHS Mission Statement
Purpose: The purposes for which the
Corporation is organized are:
1. To provide for, house, rehabilitate, and
relocate lost, strayed or homeless animals.
2. To provide appropriate medical services.
3. To foster and promote humane treatment for
all animals.
4. To encourage proper responsibility by owners
of animals in their care, training or control.
5. To cooperate in the enforcement of laws that
protect animals from cruelty or neglect.
6. To promote spaying and neutering of companion animals to avoid unwanted litters.
7. To help bring about a time when no more
abused and/or abandoned animals will be
destroyed anywhere.
8. To do such acts and exercise such powers within the law - as may be necessary,
desirable or incidental to the carrying out of
the purposes specified above.
Focus On All Fours
Focus on all Fours
2104 37th Street
Mandan, ND 58554-8230
“Doing great things for pets and people.”
Gwen’s going home
In Need Of:
Gwen, the black lab-coonhound cross has
had an interesting summer. We can only guess
at all the stories she could tell about her efforts
to survive on her own.
Gwen had spent most of her life at the shelter
before she was adopted and didn’t know much
about the outside world. She ran away from
her new owners shortly after they adopted her
and spent three months on the run. Her timid
personality played a large part in her eluding her
would-be rescuers.
Every day, at least six to eight shelter volunteers and employees spent a bit of time looking
for Gwen. Workers at Kist Livestock, Royce’s
Produce and the Southside Mandan Fire Station
all joined in by keeping their eyes open and calling with any new information.
A live trap was set in an effort to catch Gwen.
Whenever someone would call in with a sighting
of her, the trap would be moved to that area.
In early October, Gwen took the dog food bait,
landed in the trap and was finally rescued.
Gwen’s family, who had never given up looking for her, is ecstatic at her being found. They
will be taking her home after she spends a bit more time at the shelter, recuperating from her
summer on the run.
Central Dakota Humane Society
Someone with a truck or trailer
willing to haul our aluminum cans to the
recycling center a couple times month.
We are blessed to have many people
donate cans. Now we just need someone
willing to haul them away on a regular
basis and we can turn the cans into cash!
Kittens everywhere
Bismarck-Mandan’s No-Kill Shelter

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