Ichabod and Icarus - Fixing them up


Ichabod and Icarus - Fixing them up
Upcoming Events
February 11, March 10, April 14 – Dog walking
February 20, March 19, April 16 – CDHS
membership meetings
February 20 - Space Alien's Fundraiser
February 24-26 – CDHS at the Bismarck
Tribune Sports Show
March 23 – Bene-Pet Dinner and Auction
April 14 – Alley Cats and Dogs Bowling Fun
Focus on
all Fours
January - March 2012
A publication for friends of the Central Dakota Humane Society
Ichabod and Icarus - Fixing them up ...
By Sue Buchholz
Photos by Jolene Podoll
These two German Shepherd-cross
puppies were found alongside a rural road
by a compassionate traveler. The woman
saw the dogs were in need of medical
attention, loaded them into her vehicle and
took them to Missouri Valley Vet Clinic in
The staff at Missouri Valley took them
in and then contacted CDHS to see if we
could play a role in their recovery and
eventual placement. The fates were in
our favor and we had kennel space for
them. The vet clinic wanted to keep them
overnight for observation, so it was not
until the following day that I had a chance
to stop at the clinic and meet my newest
charges. When I saw them I could see that
they had some medical issues that needed
to be addressed. The clinic staff had given
them a medicated bath and de-wormed
them, and while they looked bright-eyed
and active, their skin and coats were in
terrible condition. They were estimated
to be only 8 weeks old! Their bellies were
huge, even with the first dose of wormer
on board, and both looked like they had
been in a lifelong battle with moths and
were not faring so well. They had missing
patches of hair right down to their skin
and open sores all over. One of the puppies
had a bad gash on the top of his head,
and a big patch of skin missing from his
elbow area. In spite of their itching and
restless gnawing on each other, they were
continued on page 2
Icarus - before
Ichabod - before
Continued from page 1
... and making them well
obviously happy, playful, social puppies. No big surprise, I liked them a lot! Dr. Carlson
recommended they stay at the clinic a few more days to make sure they did not break
with Parvo which seemed to me to be an excellent idea! So I left them in good hands and
Missouri Valley started a little more aggressive treatment regimen of flea and tick products,
antibiotics, vaccinations and more baths.
Thankfully, they did not develop any signs of
additional illness, so they came to our shelter
a few days later.
Their progress has been steady and they
seem to be visibly better every single day.
They are always cheerful, happy to have
each other and appreciate a steady diet of
nutritious food. For the first few days they
were desperate for food and would act like
they had not eaten for a very long time. After
a few days we began to notice they would
both eat their fill and there would still be a
little food left over. They started to understand
that dinner
would be coming around again
Ichabod - after the treatment received.
and they became much less frantic at feeding
time. They discovered toys for the first time, and learned that sometimes brothers can be
bossy. We added fish oil to their diet and kept their wounds clean. Their worried expressions
changed to the devilishly playful look in their eyes we see all the time now. Their physical
wounds are healing, and they thankfully do not seem to carry any emotional baggage.
Perhaps because they had each other they kept their spirits up and survived together as best
as they could.
While all symptoms and appearances would
diagnose them with some type of mange, we
could find no evidence of this with any skin
scrapings that were done at the clinic. They
could have been suffering with a skin infection,
flea or lice infestation, or any combination of
the above. We continue to treat them with a
broad variety of antibiotics and medicated
baths, and that seems to be working just fine.
They are not quite the healthy vibrant puppies
they were meant to be, but they are well on
their way! Good food, clean surroundings, a
little medicine and a lot of love has turned
their future from bleak to boundless, not
unlike their energy! Many thanks to the staff
at Missouri Valley Vet Clinic who observed
Icarus - after the treatment received.
them for several days and got them started on
the road to recovery. When I went to pick them up I fully expected a bill for boarding and
medications, but they all just thanked me for taking them and said there was “no charge!”
We can’t do this work alone. We need each other – veterinarians, shelter staff and financial
supporters – to make this all happen. When we all work together, we truly can do great
things for pets and people.
Central Dakota Humane Society
Board of Director
elections to be held
in March
Elections for the CDHS board of
directors will be held March 19 at the
general membership meeting, 6 p.m. at the
Broadway Conference Center in Bismarck.
There are five general board positions open,
plus we will hold elections for all executive
board positions. Any CDHS member may vote
at the election. Members wanting to apply for
a board position must have been a member
for 30 days and must submit their intent in
writing (e-mail is fine) to CDHS President,
Cameo Skager, by March 7. Contact Cameo
at 663-1965 or cksn@bis.midco.net.
• Monetary Donations
• Gasoline Cards
• HP 940 XL Black or Color Ink
• Copy Paper
• Cat Litter (non-clumping)*
• Booklets of Forever Stamps
• Canned Squeeze Cheese (Used for
giving medicine to animals.)
• Heavy Duty Sheet Protectors
• Accordion File Folders
• Paper Towels
• Rubber Backed Rugs
• Fleece (Should be new - Will be used to
make blankets to sell.)
• Cat and Dog Beds (Washable)
• Dog Toys
• Soft Dog Treats
• Tall Kitchen Garbage Bags
• Wild Bird Food
• Good Condition enclosed 4- or 6-horse
• HE Liquid Laundry Detergent
* Always in short supply.
Bismarck-Mandan’s No-Kill Shelter
Holiday Celebration
Heart River veterinary staff had their
annual holiday celebration, where they
purchase supplies and treats for CDHS
instead of getting gifts for themselves. We
are so blessed to have these angels on our
Gift wrapping at
Barnes and Noble
Volunteers Paige Pederson and Shae
Skager wrap gifts for shoppers at Barnes
& Noble on Christmas Eve. All donations
from the fundraiser went to shelter pets.
Thank you to Susan Pederson for all her
hard work on this event!
Dog Walking
Starting in February volunteers
interested in taking the dog walking
class will need to pre-register by calling
the shelter at 667-2020 and leaving
a message for Mandy. Check out our
website for information about the
changes to our dog walking class.
“Doing great things for pets and people.”
What a year!
By Sue Buchholz, Shelter Director
Our business is, almost literally, a revolving door. Sad but
true. January 2011 – our first animal of the new year was XL, a
really big cat who was unclaimed, from the Bismarck impound.
What a big love he is! He still lives with us in a bachelor pad of
4 FIV (Feline Aids) positive boys, so he is a special needs guy.
He’s not sick and loves a lap to sit on, even if long term it might
cut off the circulation in your legs. XL currently weighs in at 21 pounds! We all think most of
that is heart and charm.
Morton County strays, Bismarck/Mandan strays, Burleigh County strays and injured
animals all came in during January and February; March too. Precious few are ever
reclaimed by their people, another sad fact of this work. Occasionally we accommodate an
‘owner surrender’ animal, depending on their circumstances and ours at the time. So many
to help with limited resources.
May 2011 flooding challenged our entire state. So many people and animals displaced
and CDHS helped wherever we could. We took in dozens of animals, and staff and several
volunteers traveled to Minot for many days to help since they were worse off than many in
our area. We fostered some animals from Minot, and accepted some to place through our
facility to ease their extreme overcrowding. It was a trying time to be sure and it still is for
many of our neighbors who are still displaced today.
Some days we arrive in the morning to find a kennel of kittens left by the front door,
or a dog tied to the railing. Am I glad they are left here? I am glad they are safe, yes; but
abandonment of animals is a crime, and our property is monitored by video surveillance. We
prosecute these abandonment cases, in accordance with the law. If a big part of our mission
is education, ignoring this illegal behavior would be remiss. We cannot “make” people care,
but I believe we have to set a higher standard of care and treatment for animals in North
Dakota. That is our mission, as well as housing animals until their forever home is found.
Sometimes the cardboard box punched with holes left at our door is empty. We search, but
never find who was abandoned here. Sad, but true.
Occasionally we have legal seizures of animals who have been living in terrible
conditions. They become a priority because of their immediate medical and emotional
needs. Stepping in and turning life around for these cats and dogs is extremely satisfying for
all of us. It’s an addiction I think – the good feeling we get when we can take pain and worry
away from a scared animal and have them melt into our arms.
October brings 30 dogs from a breeder who claims to be “going out of business.”
Stopping the litters of these breeding machines and retiring the adults feels really good too.
Pet stores that sell cats and dogs, backyard breeders and Internet puppy sales are almost
always a bad deal behind the scenes. Humans created this market, humans must stop it. We
have the power, but must continue to speak out for the animals to really make lives better
for them all.
The last animal to come in December 30 was a Puggle from the pound, and the first of
2012 was a stray dog from the Standing Rock Reservation. The revolving door revolves
another day, except that each animal we meet is an individual and is treated as such. We fall
in love with them, usually in about the first five minutes or so, and get a bit protective of the
rest of their lives. It’s emotionally taxing, sometimes physically exhausting, exasperating
often, but rewarding always. We say it often but can never say it often enough. It’s thanks
to our supporters we can change one life, let alone the thousands we have impacted. Thank
you for revolving with us! And look for much more lifesaving to come.
Focus On All Fours
When we build it, will you come?
By Cameo Skager, CDHS Board President
As you may know by now, we have purchased of plot of land in
east Bismarck, across the Bismarck Expressway to the east of the
State Penitentiary and just down the road from the south Wal-Mart.
This will be the new home for Central Dakota Humane Society. The
lot is 8 acres, pie-shaped and has access to the city water and sewer
system (Hurray!). Although it will be sad to eventually say good-bye
to our Mandan home, we truly believe that the Bismarck location
will be more convenient and will allow us to serve more animals and
Our building committee has begun working with Kadrmas, Lee
and Jackson (KLJ) engineers to have the lot surveyed and tested. Along with the engineers,
we hope to contract with a local architect who has worked with another animal-shelter. We
feel it is important to work with an architect who has built shelters before and will be able to
design things that work for the animals and the people caring for them. We need to have an
environment that is comfortable and healthy for the animals, easy to clean, safe and aesthetically
As soon as winter is over we will likely be in need of a lot of fill dirt. The lot needs to be
raised since there is some water in the area. (Hay Creek runs directly behind the lot, but has not
flooded the area, even in the recent wet years.)
After our plans for the shelter are completed, we will begin our capital campaign. This will
be the time when we’ll need our supporters and everyone in the community to step up and help
us make this new building a reality. We will be holding many fundraisers and asking everyone
for donations of time and money. I guess there is no way to put it delicately. We estimate that we
will need approximately $3 million to complete the size and kind of shelter that is needed. And
we will be doing a lot of asking.
Stay tuned for updates on our progress. We will know more about our plans and the amount
of money we need to raise in the next few months.
We have no doubt that our supporters and our community will come through. We are a
valued resource in our community and we have the best supporters around. We work hard to
do the right thing, and we will continue working hard to raise the money necessary to give our
project wings.
Spay Day USA 2012
CDHS will recognize Spay Day USA in February 2012 by offering $15 spay/neuter assistance
certificates to help people spay or neuter their pets. People can call the shelter at 667-2020
to request their certificates. Certificates can be redeemed at all local and several central North
Dakota veterinary clinics.
Spay Day USA is sponsored by the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) with the
primary goal of increasing the number of pets being spayed and neutered and decreasing the
number of unwanted puppies and kittens born each year. Thank you to our generous donors
who make the Spay/Neuter Assistance Program possible.
Phantom Ball success
Thanks to all who “attended” our Phantom Ball fundraiser. Your “presence” (or presents)
made for a great event! Due to an error at our mailing center, some of the invitations were sent
out late. Have no fear, though, if you received a late invitation, there is still plenty of time to
donate to the event.
Tours & Thanks
& Things
 Thank you to the donor who graciously
donated $133,000 for the purchase of
our new land. You have provided the
foundation upon which we will be
building our future!
 Thank you, thank you to Lewis and
Clark Elementary third-grade students.
They toured the shelter before
Christmas and brought loads of needs
list item for the shelter pets. You guys
 Thank you to Horizon Middle School
seventh graders “Team Quest” and
instructor Baron Blanchard, who held
a holiday carnival and raised money
for CDHS with ticket sales, a silent
auction, selling raffle tickets and selling
items from their “food room.” Team
Quest donated $612.53 to CDHS.
 Thank you to Brady, Martz &
Associates, P.C. for letting us use their
meeting room for our membership
meetings. Your generosity is a great
 Hip, hip, hurray to Horizon Middle
School – the students raised $1,580 and
MDU Resources pitched in to make the
total an even $2,000!
 Thank you to McQuade Distributing
for their annual donation from the
McQuade Softball Tournament. Even
though, due to flooding, part of the
tournament was cancelled – and
part of it was rained out – they still
came through with donations to area
 Wow! Central Dakota Human Resource
Association designated CDHS as
one of their charities to honor with a
donation. Thank you!
 Thank you to Daryl Braun. He
performed a magic show for a birthday
party. His payment was a donation to
charity and he chose CDHS. A top-class
 Darleen Kautzman, an employee at
Dougherty & Company Financial,
chose CDHS as her charity of choice.
Her employer submitted a matching
gift in her name. Thank you!
More on page 14
Central Dakota Humane Society
Bismarck-Mandan’s No-Kill Shelter
Lee says
she’s been a
volunteer for
so long with
CDHS and has
been having
so much fun
she can’t even
when she
Laura Lee poses with
shelter resident, Picante.
One of
the most
experiences I’ve had with Laura was one
day she walked into the shelter and looked
like she was about to pass out. I said,
“Laura, are you okay?” Laura gasped, “I
need water.” I was just at a Meet & Greet
and it is really hot but I was so busy talking
to people I didn’t have a chance to drink
anything.” After downing a bottle of water,
Laura said, “Okay, I’m good now, I’m going
to go visit Chippee and Tucker.” Now that is
Laura has worked registration at Santa
Paws, is a regular volunteer taking dogs
to Meet & Greets, walks dogs and is a
dedicated critter companion with both the
dogs and cats at the shelter.
When Laura was asked about her
favorite thing about the shelter or
volunteering she said, “I love seeing
how the animals are so well cared for
and the progress that puppy mill dogs
make, emotionally and physically, when
treated properly. My favorite thing about
volunteering is that as a person owned by a
cat, I get my “dog fix” at the shelter.”
Laura’s favorite CDHS fundraiser is
Santa Paws. She says, “I love working the
registration desk so I can see the critters
when they first come in. Sometimes they
are so excited that they are almost dragging
their people inside – others not so much.”
Besides all her furry friends at the
shelter Laura is owned by a Flamepoint
Himalayan cat named Charlie.
If you are considering volunteering for
CDHS Laura says, “JUST DO IT!”
“Doing great things for pets and people.”
Reasons to volunteer
By Mandy Schaaf, Volunteer Coordinator
“When kids volunteer it tells others that
they don’t have to be perfect or famous or
even grown up to make a difference.”
- Shared by a young lady who is 7 years old!
Wow, that quote is out of the mouth of
babes but so perfect for both adults and
children alike! Make 2012 the year you make a
difference for Central Dakota Humane Society
and in your community.
Top reasons to volunteer at CDHS in 2012
1. Be part of the solution. You’ll join a network of hundreds of thousands of people working to
make the world safe and more humane for all living creatures. You’ll make the jobs of everyone
working for animals a little easier by lending a hand and spreading the message of responsible pet
ownership and animal protection.
2. Get warm fuzzies and wet kisses. You’ll never find a more grateful and accepting comrade than
an animal you’ve comforted.
3. Keep good company. You’ll make lots of new friends – and not just the four-legged kind. Working
side by side with people who share similar interests can forge lifelong friendships.
4. Meet the new you. You’ll discover skills you never knew you had, and you may be surprised at
what you’re capable of achieving.
5. Gain a new career, build your resume or get school credits by volunteering. You’ll learn things
that may lead you to the career – or career change – of your dreams. Employers and college
admissions officers look favorably on time spent in volunteer service. Some high schools and
colleges now require volunteer hours for class credits.
6. Enjoy a wagging tail, a purr and a smile. Didn’t someone once say that the best things in life are
7. Give a friend an outing or a walk and get your workout at the same time. Hey isn’t “getting in
shape” one of the top New Year’s resolutions? You can get some fresh air, a great work out and
give a dog a much needed outing.
Whether you walk dogs at our shelter, stuff envelopes for a mailing or assist with a
fundraising event, you can make a difference in the lives of the animals that reside at our shelter.
Working with the animals and events that support our cause may just give you back even more
than you give.
Volunteers Needed
If you are looking to get more involved in the shelter as a volunteer there is an opportunity
for someone to assist in the dog building a few hours a week on an ongoing basis. If you like
talking to people, greeting visitors to the dog building and have the following experience, please
contact our volunteer coordinator, Mandy Schaaf, at the shelter.
1) You must be 18 years of age.
2) You must have taken the dog walking class and have been walking dogs at the shelter on
a regular basis.
3) You would need to be able to work a minimum of three hours a week. For example, every
Tuesday from 1-3 or Friday from 3-6 etc. on an ongoing basis.
Focus On All Fours
Adoptable Pets
See more CDHS adoptable pets on the
web at www.cdhs.net/adoptablepets.htm
Neutered Male
Black and White;
short hair
Unneutered Male
German Shepherd
Approximate date of
birth: August 2011
Origin: Stray
Approximate date of
birth: September
Origin: Stray
Unspayed Female
Pointer Cross
Neutered Male
Tabby with Orange;
short hair
Unneutered Male
Approximate date of
birth: March 2011
Origin: Unclaimed
Unspayed Female
German Shepherd
Approximate date
of birth: October
Origin: Stray
Approximate date of
birth: August 2011
Origin: Stray
Approximate date of
birth: February
Origin: Rescue
Unneutered Male
Unneutered Male
Unspayed Female
Border Collie Cross
Approximate date of
birth: October 2009
Origin: Owner
Approximate date of
birth: December
Origin: Unclaimed
Approximate date
of birth: October
Origin: Stray
Unspayed Female
Calico; short hair
Spayed Female
Tortoise Shell; short
Spayed Female
Black and White;
short hair
Approximate date of
birth: September
Origin: Unclaimed
Approximate date of
birth: May 2007
Origin: Owner
Approximate date of
birth: June 2008
Origin: Stray
Neutered Male
Black and White; long
Unspayed Female
Tabby/Calico; short
Approximate date of
birth: July 2011
Origin: Stray
Approximate date of
birth: August 2011
Origin: Stray
Unspayed Female
White with Grey
Tabby Spots; short
Central Dakota Humane Society
Approximate date of
birth: September 2010
Origin: Rescue
Bismarck-Mandan’s No-Kill Shelter
Central Dakota Humane Society
Central Dakota Humane Society
Alley C ts
and D gs
Bowling Fun Day
Location: Midway Lanes
Date: Saturday, April 14, 2012
1:00 pm sharp
Friday, March 23, 2012
Seven Seas Hotel and
Water Park, Mandan
Entry fee per team is $100.00
• Bring an item from our
needs list and get a
small token from CDHS.
5:30 p.m. Social Hour
6:30 p.m. Dinner
• All proceeds go
to CDHS.
Early Bird - $25 each
After March 1, 2012 - $30 each
To register call Central
Dakota Humane Society
at 701-667-2020
For tickets contact:
Central Dakota Humane Society
2104 37th St., Mandan, ND 58554
Ho, ho, ho – we love Santa Paws
We could not have had more fun with Santa and Mrs. Claus! About 100
people visited PlantPerfect in Bismarck in early November, bringing pets
and children to meet the big guy and get a family picture. Thanks so much
to PlantPerfect for hosting us, to In-Dog-Neat-O for sponsoring the event, to
Santa Jerry and Mrs. Claus, our photographer Kiel Skager and all the other
volunteers who worked so hard to complete another successful fundraiser.
,February 20 2011, 
“Doing great things for pets and people.”
Focus On All Fours
Tails of
Sykora loves the outdoors
Hard to believe it’s been six months since we adopted Sykora from
CDHS. As you recall we needed a companion for Lizzy after Scout
passed away. With lots of love and patience, she has come out of
her shell. Though still leery of visitors, she is most comical. She likes
to jump on the back of our legs as she follows out to potty. It’s an
expression of her excitement. She loves outdoors with Lizzy. They are a
pair. Sykora is often Lizzy’s shadow.
- Steve & Gail
Pete, Paul and Keith
eat together
Another milestone, I can now
pet all three cats without food and I
think they love it! Patience and the
power of canned cat food!
- Happy Trails, Joan
Truly best friends
We wanted to let you know that
the two cats we adopted this year,
Gracie and Betty (Aphrodite and
Opal) are doing great! We adopted
Gracie in April and enjoyed her
companionship so much that we
decided we wanted another cat
in October. When we brought
Betty home we had to keep them
separate for a while because they would hiss and
swat at each other. That changed quickly and soon they were
tolerating each other. Now they are truly best friends! They sleep in
the same cat bed and will eat their food out of the same dish at the
same time. They groom each other and even share their toys with
each other. They have brought so much joy to our lives and we feel
very lucky to have them. Thanks for the great work that you do!
- Jordan and Whitney
Very best friends
Bill and I adopted Ralphie
(a.k.a.Bonnie) in September.
She’s let us know we’re her “very
best friends.” She loves walks,
loves to cuddle, loves her food,
and loves all people. It’s just a
pleasure to have such a sweet
dog, and she’s quiet and
already house trained.
As you can see, we’ve let
her hair grow over her eyes; reason being,
we don’t have to look into those soulful eyes when she’s beggin’ to
climb up on the furniture or into our bed. After all, she does have nice
comfortable dog beds nearby to curl up in.
- Nancy and Bill
Let Clara be Clara
We thought you might like to hear how our lovable Clara, the
Coonhound, is doing. She has three favorite pastimes:
1) Romping through the pasture. That coonhound loves to run,
and miles and miles of walking on the leash was no life for her. So,
every morning, she gets to
go off-roading, off-leash.
2) Eating. Burning extra
calories means LOTS of dog
food down the hatch. Her
intestinal issues seemed to
have disappeared, too.
3) Sleeping. Then it’s
time for the couch, where
she lounges around most of
Kirkwood finds a home with Sneakers
My name was Kirkwood but my new family, Shawn and Chris,
renamed me Mr. X. I have an older
brother named Sneakers. He has
been showing me some of the ropes
around here. He is a good guy to me.
We play together and share a bed. I get
to sleep indoors, and go for walks. I
have been very, very shy since coming
here and there have been so many
new things in my life that I haven’t
experienced. I have learned to come
Central Dakota Humane Society
and to sit on command. I am working on learning to shake hands.
I like to watch this thing called a TV at times, especially when my
people put the Animal Channel on, and I see pet shows. I bark if I
hear dogs on there. I am still a little nervous with some new noises,
and new people make me nervous but I am getting better and
accepting these things. My family is going to do Foster Care so I am
hoping I can help humans to be okay here too.
- Sincerely, Mr. X.
Bismarck-Mandan’s No-Kill Shelter
Dunakroo has been a
the day. She doesn’t beg for attention, but seems content.
As someone at the shelter said when we adopted her, “Let Clara be
Clara.” So, Clara’s living out her life on her own terms. Her people are
glad to be a part of that.
- Luann
I just wanted to send you a
couple pictures of our beautiful boy
Dunkaroo. His older dog brother
Buddy just loves him! They do
everything together from eating,
playing, sleeping and walking side by side
during walks. Our main reason for adopting Dunkaroo
was companionship for Buddy. And what a blessing Dunakroo has
been! Buddy is no longer sad when we leave for work/school. Plus, our
family loves him so much and he provides lots of joy for all of us.
- Tami
Mr. Magic is a wonderful addition
We adopted “Al” right after the Labor Day weekend. Within an
hour at home, he jumped in my husband’s lap. Since then, he has
been renamed to Mr. Magic because of his situation – being a rescue
kitty from the Minot flood. He is a wonderful companion and such a
lap kitty. If he is not in my lap, he is talking to us, telling his story. I
recently had surgery and have to stay home for several weeks. He is
constantly in my lap or trying to help me do things like stitch or work
on my computer. Mr. Magic is a wonderful addition to our house.
- Mary and Bill
She ambushed
our hearts
Roger is adjusting well
to his forever home
I thought I would send an
email to tell you how Sharee,
who we re-named Ambush
because she ambushed our
hearts, is doing with her new
family. She has made a lot of
progress in her first week with
The night we brought her
home, she met our other three
dogs in the back yard. Almost immediately she followed them around,
using her nose – and her tail even came up a little bit. She has slowly
progressed from having to be carried outside and then back in, to
walking out on her own without being carried.
She still wants to hide too much, and we let her for a little bit, then
we bring her back to where we are and have her sit by us or lay by us.
She is starting to follow the other dogs around in the house a little
more all the time.
This morning she was snuggled in bed with my husband and all the
rest of the dogs. When I came in to get them and take them outside,
Ambush actually stretched out towards me and wagged her tail! It was
so amazing! She still backed up when I reached to pet her, but for a
moment she forgot to be scared. She is getting better every day.
We are so thankful for everyone who took care of her and got her
ready to come to us.
- Paula Jo
A Roger (formerly Pudge) update: We are so happy to have been
selected for his adoption. He is such a wonderful dog and he’s
adjusting so well to his forever home. He scratches to go outside
when nature calls and he knows how to sit and is working on shaking
and he showers us with kisses. He also chases his tail less and less
so his anxiety level seems to be decreasing. Our only concern when
we adopted Roger was that he would try to mark in our house as he
was a freshly neutered 4-year-old dog, and since we already have a
male (neutered dog) at home, we thought there may be an issue with
territorial marking. I kept him leashed and next to me the first two
days we had him home and gave the command “no potty” with a tug
on his leash to stop the leg lifting (which he tried to do several times).
We seemed to have broken the habit in just those two days. Yay! He’s
eating well and loving life and we couldn’t have asked for a better dog.
Also….his snoring is adorable!
- Rona
Scout is
settling in
Your former ward
“Sunflower” is enjoying
settling in with me and the
other big girls.
She has now divulged to
me her true name and it is
- Janelle
“Doing great things for pets and people.”
Focus On All Fours
CDHS New Members, Generous Donors, Memorials and Honors
Listings reflect memberships, adoptions and donations from 9-16-11 to 12-15-11 ONLY
New Members & Generous
Mark & Lisa Aamodt
Abbott Laboratories Employees
Abbott Laboratories - Employee
Giving Campaign
Robert & Tamie Aberle
Mary Adams
Pam Adams
Dr. & Mrs. Boyd Addy
Aetna Foundation
Aetna USHC Employee Charity
Wendell Albert
Charles & Tracey Allen
Leola Allen
America’s Charities Distribution
Arthur Anderson
David & Peggy Anderson
Gary & Donna Anderson
James & Gail Anderson
LLoyd & Susan Anderson
Loran & Jaime Anderson
Marva Anderson
Susan Anderson
Viola & Elaine Anderson
Justin & Maren Askim
Patty Baer
Marvel Bailey
Jo Anne Balas
Arlean & Robert Balkowitsch
William & Gail Baron
Melissa Barth
Noreen Bartlett
Cassie & Jeremy Bauer
Frank & Joann Bavendick
Ryan, Sabrina & Brayton Bear
Jarrod & Shannon Keller-Becker
Todd & Tammy Becker
Linda Beckler
Diane Beelman
Dan & Jackie Belohlavek
Lloyd & Marlinda Bender
Brittney Bercier
Pamela & Norman Berge
Cheri Berger
Todd & Michelle Bergman
Eloise & Jim Bernhardt
Calvin & Jodene Berry
David & Carolyn Bertch
Beverly & Jack Bettenhausen
Pam Buelow
Marsha Beylund
David & Sue Bickel
Shane & Janelle Biggs
Jennie Birdsell
Jackie, Levi & Alec Bischof
Donna & DuWayne Boehm
Ed & Marsha Boehm
Lisa & Troy Boehm
Lynn & Shawn Boehm
Gerald & Judy Bondy
Joel Boon
Ronald & Janice Boon
Pat Bosch
Fred & Judy Bott
Allen & Linda Boushee
Joanne Boyer
Leslie (Jack) & Carma Branch
Mariann Brandt
Teri Brandt
Daryl & Donna Braun
Jo Brekke
Laiken Bren
Rachelle Brewer
June Brinkman
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
- Employee Giving Program
Bruce Britton
Diana Brooks
Megan Brothers
James & Kennetta Brousseau
Andrew & Amy Brown
Chris & Jodi Brown
Denise Brown
Elaine Brown & Ardis Zietlow
Patrick & Doreen Brown
Ruth Brown
Sara Bubel
Sue Buchholz
Walter & Jacqueline Buck
Pamela & Gary Buelow
Traci Buescher & Brad Keith
John & Diane Bullinger
James & Christina Cailao
Capital Credit Union
Centennial Elementary
Central Dakota Human RA
Central Market – We Care Program
Neil & Tami Charvat
Merete Christianson
Mercedes & Roger Clark
Norleen Conitz - State Farm
Patrick & Jo Conmy
Caroline Conrath
Corwin Churchill Appliance
Adrian Crow Feather
Jan & Terry Daffinrud
Corey & Kimberly Dahl
Dakota Dust Tex
Dakota Eye Institute
Dakota Pharmacy
Darlene & Dennis Danielson
Kurtis Decker
Jennifer DeForest
Janice DeKrey
Chris Delzer
Norman & Barbara Deschene
Jennifer Dettling
Bryan & Renee Diebel
Bernardine Digby
Jessica Dillavou
Christine & Jason Dirk
Madison Dockter
Doll’s Studios
Michael & Judy Donahue
Lorraine Dopson
Rebecca Dorwart
Jeffrey & Dawn Ebel
Pat Ehlis
Jefferie Ehman
Joe & Marge Ellefson
Kent & Jacqueline Flynn- Ellis
Patricia Emil
Christopher Enderle
Mary Engel
James & Pamela Engelhardt
Julie & Drew Engelman
Shannon & Joshua Ennen
Sandra Erickstad
Karin Ernst
Anne Escontrias
Norma Eslinger
Dr. Barb Espe
Beverly Ewine
Denise & Don Faber
Arlene Faiman
Fargo Moorhead Kennel Club Inc.
Nancy Fehr & Missy Benson
Central Dakota Humane Society
Feil Orthodontics
Donald Feimer
Bonny Fetch
The Estate of Helen Fetch
Pete, Kathy, Hank & Hannah Fettig
Teri Finneman
Tony & Sharon Finneman
Lynn & Cletus Fischer
Neal & Lyn Fischer
Gerard (Gerry) & Sharon Fisher
Nicole Fitzgerald
Vicki & Marshall Flagg
Lori Flaten
Fern & Richard Fleck
Karen & Leonard Fleck
Mike Fluharty
Kelli Folk & Tyrell Murrey
Kathy Sayler Forrest
Breanna Foster
Nordean & Duane Frank
Amy & Curt Frey
Michael & Nancy Friesz
Michael Funston & Cindi Gaylord
Darryl Galt
David, Melody, Madelyn & CoCoa
Marlene & Garyl Gartner
Gary & Colleen Garland
Stephen Geisinger
Tina & Jess George
Rick & Janice Germain
Tiffany & Troy Gieser
Geraldine Glade
Halley Orthmeyer- Glass
Cheryl Glasser
Marci Goldade
Darlene Graner
Barbara Grauman
Anne & Martin Green
Daryl & Diane Gronfur
Sandy Gugel
Tracy Gullickson & Jeffrey Jordahl
Lisa Gunderson
Joe & Linda Gutensohn
Harvey & Vonadean Haakenson
Marlan & Barb Haakenson
Tom & Diane Haan
Nancy Haas
Chelsie Hagel
Mike & Charlene Hager
Gail Hagerty
Hubert & Darlene Haider
Alice & Stan Halling
Jan Hamilton
Danielle Hanna
Gary Hanson
Kara Hanson
Rick Hanson
Rosemary & Robert Hanson
Harter’s Landscaping
Amanda & Wade Haseleu
Larry & Gloria Hassebrock
Earl & Jodi Hathaway
Traci Haugan
James & Sharon Hawley
Diane Heck
Warren & Jane Heidenreich
Diane Heidrich
Susan Heidrich
Rose Heiser
David & Marlene Helbing
James & Tami Helmers
Carol Hendrickson
Lynette & Robert Hendrickson
Roswell & Mary Henke
Gwyn Herman & Laverne Johnson
Tim & Leora Herrmann
Laura Hermanson
Delbert & Barbara Herner
Dan & Gayle Heskin
Angela & Scott Hetland
Terry & Laurel Heyd
Kathy & Everett Hinnenkamp
Steven & Deborah Hinrichs
June Hintz
Kent & Connie Hjelmstad
Michele Hoff
Andrea Hoffman
Steve & Susie Hoffman
Kenneth & Carol Hogue
Angela & Kevin Hollatz
Micheal & Karen Holman
Ron & Darlene Holtz
Prairie Holzer
Hometown Moving
Darlene Hoovestol
Rick & Lynnette Horn
Heidi & Daryl Hornbacher
Scott & Sina Horst
Gary Hotchkiss
Beverly Howe
Rebecca Hoyt
Robert & Sandra Hruby
Jan & Bob Hubal
Patricia Huber
John Huddleson Sr.
Rita & Jerry Huffman
Trish & Don Hulm
Jim & Karla Huncovsky
LaVonne & Lauren Hunze
ING Employee Giving Campaign
Inland Oil & Gas Corporation
Robin Inman
Ronnie & Sherry Isaak
Brad & Janel Jacobson
Chris Jacobson
Leo & Pam Jahner
Laura & William Jensen
Virginia Jestnes
Matthew & Kristine Monson-Jobe
Corrine Jochim
Grace & Sara Jochim
John A. Kozel Charitable Trust
Francine & Steve Johnson
Jennifer Johnson
Joshua & Melissa Johnson
Mark & Charlene Johnson
Sharen Johnson
Sherman & Jan Johnson
Beverly & Paul Jundt
Just Give.org
Renee Kaikkonen
Maury & Kay Kamins
Doug & Nora Kane
George & Helen Kary
Raymond & Darlene Kautzman
Dwight & Susan Keller
Patricia Keller
Sara & Michael Keller
Amy Kelsch
Mary Kae Kelsch
Neil & Eileen Kelstrom
Jerry & Cindy Kemmet
Phyllis Kemmet
Mandy Kendall
Rose Kenny
Daryl & Virginia Kerzman
Wesley & Alyce Kessler
Lacy & Cory Kilber
Thomas, Beth & Dakota Kirk
Lyle & Sharon Kirmis
Ginger & Curtis Kjelland
Carole Klebe
Scott & Kristin Kleinjan
Joan Klemer
Emily Knopik
Lela Knudsen
Mary & Ronald Knutson
Bonnie & Henry Kobilansky
Karen Kobilansky
Blake Koble
Kalie Koble
Allen Koppy
John & Anna Kormos
Al & Bonnie Kosir
Dorothy & Kelvin Kosse
Patricia Kostelecky
Deb Kovash
Judy & James Krance
Carol Krause
Dalles & Marilyn Krause
Karen & Bob Krause
Catherine & William Krein
Tod & Linda Kringstad
Kevin & Mary Kubitz
Vivian Kuipers
Christine Kujawa & Eric Stroshane
Joe & Wanda Kuntz
Burnette Kunz
Eastynn Kurtz
Nancy Lach
Debbie LaCombe
Kayla & Robin Lacy
Jan & Jim Lahman
Fred Landgrebe D.D.S.
Stacey & Mitch Lang
Janet Langseth
Beverly Patch Larson
Earl & Marlene Larson
Fred Larson
Robert & Laurie Larson
Robin & Sylvaine Latham
Laura Lee Enterprises
Klaudia & James Lawson
Larry & Sharon Lee
Laura Lee
Laverne Lee
Kay Leier
Mick & Torie Lenhardt
Arta Leno
Lesmeister Transportation, Inc.
Rhonda Lewellyn
Cheryl Liebler & Rodney Irwin
David & Roseann Lindell
Orville Lindseth
Laurie Linz
Shannon Lipp
Linda Litt
Sheldon & Mary Loftsgard
Kathryn Longo
Ramona Redding Lopez
Gene & Joan Lorenz
Craig & Elaine Lorntson
Brian & Shelley Lubiens
David & Lanette Ludwig
Lunn’s Kennel Club
Laure Luykx
Daniel & Nikki Lyons
John Maddock
Clark Maier
Marlene Magilke
Vicki Magill
Russ & Darla Magnuson
Melodie & Craig Malm
Kathleen Mangskau
Deron Manseau
Bismarck-Mandan’s No-Kill Shelter
John Markel Jr.
Becky & Daniel Markel
David & Mary Maring
Christopher & Janell Martin
Robin & Roger Martin
Yvonne Martin
Mike Martz
Dr. June Janelle Masters
Joy Matthews
Pat Mayer & Larry Schmidt
Rachel & Terry McCleary
Robert & Sharlene McCulloch
Jack & Connie McDonald
Lynette & George McDonald
Gordon & June McFarland
Mary McGuyvr
Rita & Dale McKnight - McKnight
McQuade’s Distributing
MDU Gas Supply Department
MDU Resources Foundation
Cindy Meeks
Gary & Sandy Meidinger
Colette Meier
Darlene Meier
Rolland & Corky Messmer
Midcontinent Foundation
Karen Miller
Kyren Miller
Robert & Joleen Miller
Tanner Miller
Diane Milner
Gene Mitler
George & Cheryl Huber Mizell
Ervin & Rachel Monson
Tessa & Cory Monzelowsky
Sara Anderson- Moore
Doug & J. Joan Mork
Mary Morrell
Samantha Morrell
Jody & Tammy Mosbrucker
Laurie Mosbrucker
Desirae & Jesse Moser
Leslie & JP Moszer
Dave & Ellie Motl
Mary Ann Mousel
Judy & Dale Nabben
Lynn Nagel
Ray Napierkowski
Valerie Naylor
Alexander & Sandra Neigum
April Nelson
Brian & Heather Nelson
Steve Nilles
Darrell & Della Njos
Melissa Ness & Tyler Huber
Jake Neubauer
Jean & Nicholas Neumann
Jean & Gerald Newborg
Tonya Newcomb
Darrell Brackel & Cindy Niemann
Michael & Lori Nitsch
Bob & Cynthia Norland
Kristen Northrup
Kevin & Hildy Oberlander
Camie O’Connor
Dennis Ogroske
Janice Oihus
Patricia Olsen
Derek & Jamie Olson
Karen Olson
Lynn & Lee Olson
Richard & Jackie Olson
Rita & Tom O’Neill
Kenyon & Linda Opp
LaVilla Opp
Marilyn Opperude
Denise Opsta
Kathi Osteen
Richard Ott
Mary Kay & Richard Ottenbacher
Betty Ovellette
Susan & Dennis Owen
Dale Patrick
Erin Patton
Michele Paul
Jo Ann Payne
Paige Pederson
Thomas & Susan Pederson
Eleuterio & Malissa Perez
Wesley & Linda Perman
Beth Peterson
Donna Peterson
Dorothy Peterson
Jessica Peterson
Sabin Peterson
Vickie Pfaff & Jen Vos
Colleen Pfau
Genevieve Pfliger
Joe & Angela Pittman
Lee & Jolene Podoll
Marjorie Pokladnik
Bette & Richard Poppe
Florence Porsborg
Amanda & Adam Powell
Aaron & Kimberly Preabt
Dorothy Puklich
Ramkota Best Western Hotel
David & Helen Rask
David & Lynette Raymo
Alyce Reasland
Tom & Patti Regan
Henry & Mabel Reichert
Carol Reinhardt
Shawn & Cody Remboldt
Larry & Cindy Renner
Tammy & Wes Renner
Mary Bridget Ressler
Jay Rice & Marjorie Coenen-Rice
Ericka Richardson
Margaret Riehl
Michele Rae Ripplinger
Mike & Bonnie Ripplinger
Ryan & Sarah Rixen
Lacey & Joshua Roberts
Monte Rogneby
Cindy Rohrick
Tim Rohrscheib
Michelle Rose
Susanne Rose
Julie Roswick
Lutene Roth
Ken & Kay Royse
Eileen Mack- Rouse
Milton III & Diane Farnsworth Rue
Runnings - Mandan
Paul Rusch
Don & Evelyn Russell
Robert Ruston
Robert & Caryl Rutten
Trista Rychlik
Richard & Angela Sabot
Arlene Sackman
Jane Sahli
Teresa Sahli
Lisa Sailer
Rosellen Sand
Vicky & Matt Sanderson
Paul & Patricia Sandness
Kyle & Cydra Solberg Sauter
Judy, Adam & Ryan Sauter
Craig & Mandy Schaaf
Arlene Schamberger
Myra & Steve Schanandore
Cora Schantz
Danielle Scharnowske
Tim & Lois Scharnhorst
Wayne Schatz
Carrie Scheett
Jordan Kate Schell
Robert & Linda Schiermeister
Richard & Robin Schimke
Linda & Eldon Schlosser
Amanda Schmidt
Carrie Schmidt
Connie Schmidt
“Doing great things for pets and people.”
Joyce & Darld Schmitz
Bonnie Schneider
Pamela Kennedy- Schneider
Sonja & Tim Schoch
Thomas & Deborah Schoffstall
Karen Schramm
Douglas & Jane Schulz
Georgia Schulz
Karen & Harold Schulz
Bobbi & Jim Grasl Schumacher
Judy & Gerald Schumacher
Larry & Theresa Schumacher
Gayle & Rick Schumann
Pam & Dale Schwartz
Janice Schwartzbauer
Craig & Wendy Schweitzer
Ilia Schweitzer
Taegan Schweitzer
Tracy & Myrt Scott
Paul & Cynthia Seado
Sears - Gateway Mall
Courtney Seedorf
James & Jani Seifert
Marilyn Seira
Lannon & Linda Serrano
John & Glenda Klipstein Sevcik
Josette & Robert Severson
Terry & Cindy Severson
John & Mary Shaffer
William & Cheryl Shelbourn
Becky & Don Silva
Simle Middle School
Charles Simmons
Lillian Sinkula
Cameo & Kiel Skager
Linda Skogen
Tanya Skurupey
Iva Slag
Peter & Annemarie Slemmer
Frederic Smith
Duane & Beverly Sorby
Carl & Beverly Sorensen
Clay & Ramona Sorneson
Neil Souther
Glennis Spier
Steven & Joy Spotts
Walter & Donna Stack
Kasie Stadig
Mitch & Darla Stafford
Kathleen Staples
Susan Starck
Kelly Steckler
Kara Steier
Pamela & Michael Stein
Margie Stellwag
Jamie Stephens
Jennifer & David Stiefel
Evangeline Stockert
Maudie Stoller
Rose Stoller
Matthew & Jane Stone
Marvin & Carol Strobel
Randell Strom
Kay & Berk Strothman
Gregory & Stacy Sturm
Tom Szymanski
Harry & Charlotte (Chuck) Tatro
Sharon & Craig Taylor
Kathy & Keith Telenga
Glenn & Brenda Tepler
Jim Ternes
Lila Teunissen
The Estate of Eileen Martin
The Tom & Frances Leach
Donna & Kenneth Thiede
Sandy and Terry Thiel
James Thiele
Cathie & Frances Thill
Leellen Thomason
Alexander Thompson
Eric & Susan Thompson
Kelvin & Valarie Thompson
Martin & Nancy Thompson
Milo & Lyla Thompson
Mitchell & Renee Tjaden
Theresa Tober
Tanja Toman
Jerilyn & Elroy Tomanek
Bob & Linda Tonolli
Bonnie Torrance
Cheryl & Stuart Tracy
Sue Tracy & Sharon Masseth
Lois & Dean Tveter
Jennifer Vaage
Kathy VanBrocklin
Grant & Angel Veen
Jennifer & Brent Veil
June & Allen Veit
John & Marlys Verwey
Frank & Susanne Vetsch
Matthew & Jolene Vidal
Frances Vobr
Gertrude Vold
Adam & Sandra Volk
Scott & Tamra Volkert
Margo & Gregory Vranna
Gail & Lance Wachter
Charles & JoAl Wagner
Darlina Wagner
Jim & Monica Wagner
Vicki Wagner
Al & Mary Wahl
David & Sharon Wahl
James & Melissa Wahlman
Donnita Wald
Jason & Jessie Wald
Wal-Mart Supercenter #3648
Clinton & Cheri Wanek
Holly Watts
Kory Weneel
Susan & Robert Wefald
Ardella Weiand
Kelly & Nicky Weiand
Neal & Myra Weiler
David & Katherine Weisenberger
Kim Welder
Donna Eggen & Darcy Wentz
Cheri & Don Wenzel
Marianne & Don Wenzel
Vernie Werner
Janine Wetzel
Dixon Whightman
Melissa Whitney
Max & Janice Widenhoefer
Bill Willis
Nancy Willis
Deanna & Ladel Wilson
Mary Winbauer
Ryan & Michelle Wintermeyer
Doug & Denise Wiseman
Lynn & Jeanne Wolf
Renae Wolff
Dennis & Charlotte Wondra
Patty & Larry Wood
Kristina Woodall
Nicole Wright
Linda Wurtz
Greg Wysk & Elaine Martinmaas
Young Professionals - Bismarck
Mandan Area Chamber
Lyle & Jackie Zachmeier
Christy & Scott Zainhofsky
Arthur & Crystal Zander
Terry & Bonnie Zander
Conradine Zarndt
William & Ruth Zerr
Reuben & Ellen Ziegenhagel
Gwen Zingg
Adopter Members
Diane Amsterberg
Patty Baer
Kyle & Jennifer Baltrusch
Eloise & Jim Bernhardt
Lynn & Shawn Boehm
Dale & Lois Bornemann
Pat Bosch
Janell Cole
Jeff & Sharilyn Duppong (2)
Patricia Emil
Jerry & Elizabeth Eubank (2)
Lynn & Cletus Fischer
Kimberly Fix
Grant & Penny Gorden
Barbara Grauman
Carol & Elroy Haadem
Judy Hansen
Ryan & Jessica Hansen
McKenzie Heasley
Jill & Keith Helmuth
Renee Herman
Michele Hoff
Bobbi Holzworth
John Jackson (2)
Sandy Johnson (3)
Mike & Donna Kraft
Tom & Jody Kraft
Christine Kujawa & Eric Stroshane
Stacey Loula
David & Susie Luedtke
Yvette Matthews
Ashley & Kyle Mauch
Julie McNeill
Lindsey & David Phillips
Jacqueline Quisno
Michael & Lindsey Reisenauer
Peggy Reynolds
Shelton & Alicia Rhodes
Rob Sandness (2)
Kelly & Jean Schafer
Jodi & Marvin Schlosser (2)
Bernice Schmidt
Rona Schmidt
Kelli Schroeder
John & Erin Schwartzmann
Cameron & Callia Scott
Doreen Sevenson
Tim Nordstrom & Vicky Sommer
Neil Souther
Carrie Stanley
Shane Stenson
Kim Stevenson
Becky & Brian Stroh (2)
Darin & Karmen Svihovec
Tom Szymanski
Bonnie & Tim Tate
Neal & Myra Weiler
Whitney & Jordan West
Martha Willand
Nancy Willis
Greg Wysk & Elaine Martinmaas
People to Remember:
In loving memory of our mother,
Ann Benrud. She was a dog
lover and will be missed by
many. From Jeanne Wolf and
Anne Kalianoff
In loving memory of Sacha
Boon. From Robin & Sylvaine
Latham, Becker, and the
Staples Team, Kyren Miller,
Dennis & Charlotte Wondra,
Ronald & Janice Boon, the
Young Professionals. In loving
memory of Sacha Boon from
her many friends and family.
She will be deeply missed. In
memory of my darling niece,
Sacha Latham Boon. From Joy
Matthews. In loving memory
of Sacha Boon. Dedicated,
Reliable, Caring, Energetic,
Intelligent, Thoughtful,
Persistent - You Inspired
by Example. From Abbott
Focus On All Fours
In loving memory of Charlotte
Brink from Iva Slag
In memory of Robert P. Broekstra,
beloved father of Robin Martin.
From Francis & Cathie Thill,
MDU Gas Supply Department,
Mark & Charlene Johnson,
Jeremy & Cassie Bauer, Cameo
& Kiel Skager, Robin & Roger
Martin, Mike & Karen Holman
In loving memory of Bob Brooks
from Diana Brooks, Janet
In loving memory of Angie Deavy
of Reeder, ND. She was a lover
of all animals. From Harry &
Charlotte (Chuck) Tatro.
In loving memory of Doris Feimer
from Mr. W. Seibel, Mary Jane
Carlson, Anton Biel, Rodney
In loving memory of Loren
Geiszler, a very special
brother-in-law. You will always
be missed. From Karla & Jim
In memory of Neil Heitkamp of
Wahpeton, ND. From Joan &
Gene Lorenz
In memory of Jeff Kadlec from
Jean Schmitke & Beth Kirk,
Denise Brown, Joanne & Frank
In loving memory of Al Klein.
From Paul & Patricia Sandness
In memory of Tim Koch from
Susan & Dennis Owen
In loving memory of Joe & Mavis
Laber from Fred and Judy Bott
In loving memory of Arnold
Landgrebe from Jacqueline
& Kent Ellis, Doug & Denise
Wiseman, Marsha Beylund,
Beverly Patch Larson, Mary
Winbauer, Nancy Lach, Jerilyn
& Elroy Tomanek, David &
Carolyn Bertch, Doug & J. Joan
Mork, Dalles & Marilyn Krause,
Fred Landgrebe
In loving memory of Karen
Larson from Fred Larson
In loving memory of Eileen
Martin from Steven & Deborah
Hinrichs, David & Mary Maring,
Marilyn Seira, Carole Klebe,
The Estate of Eileen Martin,
Burnie Kunz, Tim & Leora
In loving memory of Garrett
Monzolowsky from the Regan
In loving memory of my cousin,
Anita Panos from Arta Leno
In loving memory of Marie
Pederson from John & Diane
Bullinger and Jim & Monica
In loving memory of our mother,
Maggie Renner and our son,
Jon Renner from Larry &
Cindy Renner
In loving memory of Ellen Russell
from Iva Slag
In loving memory of Robert Scott
from Daryl & Diane Gronfur
In memory of my mother, Elsie
Schlenker and her two cats,
Mickey & HoChing. From
Karen Krause
In loving memory of Henry
Schlosser and his dogs;
Schroeder, Max & Major, whom
he loved and greatly missed
them when they died. From
Darlene Graner. In loving
memory of Henry Schlosser
from Kevin & Angela Hollatz
In memory of Joyce
Schwinkendorf, a cat lover,
who died 11-08-11. From Vivian
Kuipers, Arlene Schamberger,
Elaine Brown & Ardis Zietlow
In loving memory of my sister,
Audrey Sims, a cat lover who
past away two years ago of
lung cancer. From Beverly
In memory of Hazel Srtromberg.
From Mary Knutson
In memory of Milford Stephenson
from Nordean & Duane Frank
In memory of Wilma Thomas
from Eldon & Linda Schlosser
In memory of Arlene Wetzel from
Lil Sinkula
Pets to Remember:
In memory of our lost puppies
and cats. From Ginger &
Curtis Kjelland
In loving memory of Annie & Zoe
from John & Sandra Erickstad
In loving memory of Bakken. He
was such a quiet and gentle
boy and he never really got
to enjoy the life that we all
wanted for him. From Lee &
Jolene Podoll, Dr. Barb Espe.
In loving memory of Bakken.
He earned his wings. From
Marilyn Opperude.
In loving memory of Barley,
faithful companion of my son,
Charley & Lori Werner. He had
a good life and lived to be 17
years old. From Vernie Werner
In loving memory of Bill, beloved
canine companion of Marj
Smith. From Andrea Hoffman
In loving memory of Billie from
Todd, Michelle Bergman &
In loving memory of Buddy,
best friend and pet of Scot,
Rachelle, Afton & Tayah Ross.
From Jan & Sherman Johnson
In memory of Callie, beloved
feline of Marj Smith. From
Andrea Hoffman, Dr. Barb Espe
In loving memory of Callie &
Scout Smith, much loved
companions of Marj Smith.
From Sue Buchholz
In loving memory of Chance.
Sadly missed and loved by Jan
& Sherman Johnson.
In loving memory of D.D., Amber
Crow & Whitey, my beloved
canine companions. From
Frances Vobr
In memory of my beloved cat,
Finbar. From Neil Souther
In memory of Fritz, beloved
feline of Bill & Kerry Horton.
From Erv & Rachel Monson.
In memory of Fritz, special cat
friend of Bill and Kerry Horton.
From Leellen Thomason
In memory of Fritz, beloved cat
of Fran & Cathie Thill. From
Jeremy & Cassie Bauer
In loving memory of Hrisa &
Kasper from Gwyn Herman &
Laverne Johnson
In loving memory of Joan
Morton’s, Izzy. Faithful gopher
Central Dakota Humane Society
hunter and patient therapy dog.
From Bill & Gail Baron
In memory of Jack, our dear
friend’s, Chris & Keri
Schneider, Golden Retriever
~ a truly gentle giant. We will
miss Jack at our backyard
fence. From Bonnie & Terry
In memory of Jaczper, beloved
Cocker Spaniel of the Dannie &
Rhonda Schmaltz Family. From
Kevin & Hildy Oberlander
In memory of Jelli, beloved feline
companion of Barbara Larson.
From Sabin Larson
In memory of Kasper, beloved
companion of Pat Olsen from
Jan Hamilton
In loving memory of Kelly, our
beloved Chessie. We know
you are having fun up there
swimming and chasing
pheasants. We miss you. From
Sandy and Terry Thiel. In
loving memory of Kelly from
Joanne Boyer
In loving memory of Lacey,
beloved dog of Doug and Jane
Schulz. From Earl & Marlene
Larson, Arlene Faiman. In
loving memory of our beautiful
Sheltie, Lacey from Doug &
Jane Schulz
In loving memory of Lady from
Marjorie Pokladnik
In loving memory of our two
Doxies, Lovey & Lucy. From
Richard & Jackie Olson
In loving memory of Maggie,
devoted companion of Rita &
Tom O’Neill
In memory of Manfred & Mopsie
from Leola Allen
In memory of Midnight, beloved
dog of Red Schmidt. Midnight
was such a sweetheart and I
was saddened to learn of her
demise. From Donna Thiede
In loving memory of Mooch from
Mary Engel
In loving memory of Murray,
beloved cat of Hollis
MacKintosh & Chad Heid.
From Melissa Ness & Tyler
In loving memory of our dog,
Oscar. He will forever be
missed by his humans; Richard,
Angela and Deacon Sabot, and
his best friend, Ali.
In loving memory of Pony Boy. He
was loved by many and will be
greatly missed, From Loran &
Jaime Anderson
In memory of Pumpkin, beloved
pet of Gen Pfliger from Ervin &
Rachel Monson.
In memory of Romance, beloved
companion of Jill & Drake
Carter. From Earl & Marlene
In loving memory of Sadie &
Masie from Reuben & Ellen
In loving memory of Scout,
beloved canine friend of Marj
Smith. From Andrea Hoffman.
In memory of Smokey, beloved
feline companion of Gwyn
Herman and Laverne Johnson.
From Pat Olsen, Gwyn Herman
& Laverne Johnson
In memory of a true friend,
Spunker. This scrawny little
kitten walks into my yard one
night looking for someone to
fall in love with her. I looked
at her knowing I could not
keep her, wondering why she
had to pick my yard! Well, we
found out why. She found the
most perfect home at the Baer
residence. For not long enough,
she had them in stitches. From
jumping off the ironing board
onto the older cats backs, to
tight rope walking along the
back of the tub while it was
in use, to actually teaching
herself manners and using the
toilet! She will so be missed
and left an empty spot in the
hearts of the ones that loved
her, but I know that heaven is
enjoying her company. From
Kelly Scherr.
In loving memory of our kitty,
Spunker, who was taken away
from us too soon. You brought
us companionship, love and
laughter. We will miss you and
you will always have a special
place in our hearts. From Tod
& Patty Baer. R.I.P. Spunker:
9-11-11. I loved you like my
own. I will miss you always
and remember you forever.
P.S., tell my Roxi hi. From your
sitter Jen.
In loving memory of Suka from
Kristen Northrup
In memory of my brother’s
Labrador Retriever, Toby,
who had to be put to sleep last
week. She was a great dog and
her friend, Bo, will really miss
her. From Doug & Jane Schulz
In memory of Tuco, beloved feline
companion of Gus Lindgren
and Kristen Northrup. From
Eric Stroshane & Christine
In memory of Xena, the true
princess warrior cat, of Kent,
George, Deanna & Mark
Anderson. From Virginia
Memorial Donations from Dr.
Barb Espe:
In loving memory of Bitsey,
beloved canine companion of
Stephen & Melissa Oberhausen
In loving memory of Cali, beloved
feline companion of Jennifer
In loving memory of Clark,
beloved canine companion of
Vernie & Richard Hagestuen
In loving memory of DeDe,
beloved canine companion of
Lyle & Vicki Paulson
In loving memory of Dixie,
beloved canine companion of
Ken & Pam Tokach
In loving memory of Furr Ball,
beloved feline companion of
Kaye & Rory VanWyk
In loving memory of Hiney,
beloved canine companion of
Dan & Josie Woodard
In loving memory of Imp, beloved
feline companion of Debbie &
Clayton Johnson
In loving memory of Jack, beloved
canine companion of Chris &
Keri Schneider
In loving memory of Jaycee,
beloved feline companion of
Karen & Perry Urbanec
In loving memory of Levi, beloved
canine companion of Mike
Martin & Kristi Peltier
In loving memory of Millie,
beloved canine companion of
Brenda Tachenko
In loving memory of Nicky,
beloved canine companion of
Steve & Malinda Schneider
In loving memory of Oreo, beloved
canine companion of Carla &
Aundrea Olson
In loving memory of Puzzles,
beloved feline at CDHS
In loving memory of Rosco,
beloved canine companion of
Kayla & Travis McCloud
In loving memory of Sebastian,
beloved feline companion of
Eileen Ereth
In loving memory of Shadow,
beloved feline companion of
John & Julie Borner
In loving memory of Smoky,
beloved feline companion
of Gwyn Herman & Laverne
In loving memory of Soda,
beloved canine companion of
Scott & Linett Schmidkunz
In loving memory of Summer,
beloved guinea pig companion
of Lakken Remmick
In loving memory of Tigger,
beloved feline companion of
Julie McNeill
In loving memory of Tuco, beloved
feline companion of Kristen
Northrup & Gus Lindgren
In loving memory of Ty, beloved
canine companion of Julie
Memorials from
Lunn’s Kennel Club:
In loving memory of Buddy,
beloved dog of Tori McCormick
In loving memory of Chester,
beloved dog of Dave & Lisa
In loving memory of Daisy, beloved
dog of Donna & Darcy Wentz
In loving memory of Gizmo,
beloved dog of Marian
In loving memory of Klay, beloved
dog of Mark & Sheila Sandness
In loving memory of Leo, beloved
cat of Jan & Tony Tello
In loving memory of Molly,
beloved dog of Jean & Charles
In loving memory of Princess,
beloved dog of Richard & Tina
In loving memory of Sampson,
beloved dog of Don & Kari
In loving memory of Sherman,
beloved dog of Kevin & Hildy
In loving memory of Teka, beloved
dog of Allan & Deb Roffler
In loving memory of Tucker,
beloved dog of Anne & John
Bismarck-Mandan’s No-Kill Shelter
In honor and memory of Elmer & Evelyn
Klipstein from John Sevcik & Glenda
Klipstein Sevcik
In honor of Gary & Colleen Garland. Merry
Christmas from Larry & Patty Wood
In honor of Spencer Burch’s birthday.
Happy Birthday from Daryl & Virginia
In honor of Dan’s Supermarket in North
Bismarck. From Donald Feimer.
In honor of Larry & Patty Wood’s
birthdays. Happy birthday from Daryl &
Virginia Kerzman
In honor of the Feil Smiles Charity Club;
Ryder Erman, Garrett Walsh, Nicole
Hust, Dezaray Hultin, Katie Brown,
Tristen Sailer and Shelby Wittenberg.
They have decided to give back to their
community and organizations that had an
impact on them. From Feil Orthodontics
In honor of Ernie & Judy White. Merry
Christmas from Larry & Patty Wood
In honor and in loving memory of our
loved ones and our beloved pets;
Merle Kenny, Paul Ovellette, Derryck
Ovellette, Arlis Simmons. We miss our
family and our beloved pets. From Rose
Kenny, Phyllis Kemmet, Betty Ovellette &
Charles Simmons.
In honor of Billie Stanton’s birthday.
Happy Birthday from Wendy Schweitzer
In honor of Colleen Garland’s birthday.
Happy Birthday from Daryl & Virginia
Kerzman and Larry & Patty Wood
In honor of Lucky (previously named
Jethro). I think Lucky and Red will take
good care of each other for years to
come. From Donna Thiede
In honor of my grandparents, Marvin &
Wendy Frieze. From Grace Jochim.
In honor of Sheldon Loftsgard’s birthday.
Happy 80th Birthday from Maudie
Stoller, Rose Stoller, and Mary Loftsgard
In honor of Bev Keesey’s birthday. Happy
Birthday from Larry & Patty Wood
In honor of Mary Loftsgard’s birthday.
Wishing you a Happy Birthday on your
special day! From Donna Anderson.
In honor of Jim & Carol Beazley’s
anniversary. Happy Anniversary from
Daryl & Virginia Kerzman
In honor and in loving memory of all the
pets who have provided us with joy,
comfort and company; and for those who
have not yet found their forever home &
family. From Marilyn Opperude
In honor of Art & Carol Djogren. Merry
Christmas from Larry & Patty Wood
In honor of Deb Levchak’s birthday. Happy
Birthday from Bob & Cynthia Norland. In
honor of Deb Levchak’s birthday. Happy
60th Birthday from a group of your
friends that promise not to refer to “old
dogs” in connection to this gift!
In honor of my mother, Clara Leno, on her
97th birthday. Happy Birthday Mom from
Arta Leno
In honor and in celebration of Dr. Gerard
Koorbusch’s 20th Anniversary with
Face & Jaw Surgery Center from Dakota
In honor of Allan & Elizabeth Kennel.
Merry Christmas from Larry & Patty
In honor of Delores Friedt’s birthday.
Happy Birthday from Daryl & Virginia
In honor of my beloved Sadie’s 2nd
birthday! From Karen Olson.
In honor of Daisy, our beloved family
member & pet. From Darcy Wentz &
Donna Eggen and family.
In honor of Pat & Oscar Hillius from
Marlene Magilke.
In honor of Buck and Doris Buckley and
their pets, Bob, Snowy, Pammy and Taffy.
From Jo Brekke
In honor of Bev & Phil Keesey. Merry
Christmas from Larry & Patty Wood
In the name of Sue Nagle from Arlean &
Robert Balkowitsch
In honor of Kodiak Gutensohn. One of the
sweetest dogs to ever walk the Earth.
We’ll miss him very much. From Josette
& Robert Severson.
In honor of Virginia & Daryl Kerzman.
Merry Christmas from Larry & Patty
In honor of Gary & Colleen Garland’s
Anniversary. Happy Anniversary from
Daryl & Virginia Kerzman
In honor of my very special cousin and her
husband, Carol & Bob Guler. From
Sharen Johnson
In honor of Micheal Vick getting sacked
many times.
In honor of Daryl & Virginia Kerzman’s
anniversary. Happy Anniversary from
Larry & Patty Wood
Puppy Tails: The Haunted House
By Danielle Hanna, CDHS employee
The night of December 5th, I found myself
in a basement meeting room at the City County
Building in Bismarck, gaining a first-ever
glimpse into the inner workings of county
After two hours of heated debate on issues
I’d never heard of, I decided this place made
absolute monarchy look appealing. But as
time dragged by, I and the 20 or so others from
CDHS were bound and determined to stick
it out. A big step in the future of our shelter
hung in the balance. That night, the county
commission could either make our dreams
come true, or send us back to square one.
The county was selling eight acres of land
in southeast Bismarck. It was a great location
for a new shelter. But the commission had put
off the sale. In addition to having a recordbreaking flood to deal with, they seemed a
little hesitant to let their land “go to the dogs.”
I might not have attended the meeting if not
for the fact that I’ve been working in the cat
building at CDHS for the past several months.
The lobby floor was at one time blue, another
time gray, and is currently a peeling morass
of both, with islands of bare cement mixed in.
Not a big deal, I guess – except that it tends
to camouflage dried dog poop. (Annabelle
doesn’t always wait to be let outside.) The
former dog wing, a narrow, dim hallway with
faded wallpaper and chewed door frames,
vaguely reminds me of an era when skeletons
were chained to dungeon walls. My coworker
Nancy explained that they’re afraid to pull out
“Doing great things for pets and people.”
a certain nail that always catches on the mop,
because the whole building might collapse
on top of us. The back door (employees only)
leads to outdoor kennels constructed of wood,
concrete, and chain link, used only during
emergencies in favorable weather. Every time
I go out there, I feel like I’ve walked onto the
setting for a horror movie. I believe the spider
webs are the only thing holding the place
The whole building carries an odd aroma
of wintergreen-scented sanitizer, Febreze, dog
and cat pee, and mildew. In the background,
a floordrain glugs ominously. The bathroom
kinda works if you know the tricks – which
include knowing when NOT to use it. At
noon, when morning cleaning is done and
we’re draining the sinks, the toilet turns into a
I’ve loved the cat building from the first
day I worked there. Can your workplace boast
such adventures?
We’ve learned to work with what we’ve got,
and I think we’ve developed a healthy sense
of humor because of it. When dreaming about
features of the new building, “Bathroom that
works,” always tops the list.
I’m not sure what wonders may be in store
for me as an employee at the new building. (A
bathroom that really, truly works!) But one
thing I knew as I sat at the county commission
meeting that night: whether or not the county
sold us the land, the CDHS board wasn’t going
to give up until we’d found a new home for our
cats and dogs.
Other business thoroughly threshed, the
commissioners finally turned to the topic we’d
been waiting for. For this, they adjourned to a
private room.
And I thought Alfred Hitchcock was
suspenseful. CDHS board members, staff, and
volunteers congregated more closely, chatting,
trying to predict which way the vote would
go. That night, we would either take a big step
forward, or be right back where we started,
looking for a place to build.
Every now and again, someone popped
out of the private room and consulted with
one of the board members about this or that
clause in the proposed contract. Finally during
one of these discussions, it became evident
that the commission was going to sell us the
land. Someone asked Sue if she’d brought the
checkbook. She whipped it out of her pocket.
The commissioners emerged from their
chamber and resumed their seats. We all sat
and put on our best faces – like when your
dog knows you’re going to give him a treat and
he suddenly becomes very well-behaved. The
commissioners announced in official language
that Burleigh County was going to sell the land
to the Central Dakota Humane Society.
A cheer went up, big and loud and
rambunctious. Somebody had let all the dogs
And now, I can pull splinters from my hands
and unhook the mop from the nail and tell the
drain not to flood, all with a smile on my face
– because someday down the road … we’re
going to have a bathroom that works!
Focus On All Fours
More Tours & Thanks & Things
 Hats off to United Printing! They donated
the printing of our Shaggy Shuffle posters.
 Thank you to 10-year-old Grace Jochim for
her selection of CDHS as the place to give
her donation monies. Every $10 helps.
 Dakota Eye Institute employees chose to
donate their fundraising monies to CDHS.
We can see why they would do that!
 Courtney Seedoff was surprised at church
when the pastor handed out envelopes
with $100 and asked the congregation
to do something good with the money.
Courtney’s family doubled the money and
donated to four different organizations.
CDHS was a lucky recipient. Thank you!
 Woop! The Centennial Elementary sixth
graders held a rummage sale and gave the
proceeds to CDHS.
 The Jeanette Myhre Elementary Cadets
is a service group made up of students
in grades four to six. They made fleece
blankets for the shelter pets. What a bunch
of ambitious and caring kids!
 Thank you to the Linz Family Charitable
Fund for their donation to the CDHS pets!
 During December, Dvorak Motors
sponsored a charity sales event. Fran
Meet and Greet
Knoll-Knapp named CDHS as her charity
and $250 was donated to us in her name.
Thank you!!
 Another great group of kids! Mrs.
Chaussee’s fifth-grade class at Highland
Acres Elementary chose CDHS to benefit
from their holiday community project. We
are so happy!
 Mrs. Jochim’s sophomore English class
at Bismarck High School held a needs list
drive and gave the proceeds to CDHS.
Head butts and tail wags to all!
 Pride, Inc. held a white elephant auction
and gave the proceeds to CDHS. Pride,
Inc. says, “We appreciate the partnership
that has been created with the shelter in
allowing consumers to volunteer their time
to help fulfill Pride’s mission statement of
‘People Helping People.’ ”
 Happy Birthday to Celia and Sophia
Brekken. They donated their birthday loot
to CDHS!
 Linda James and Greg Machart hold an
annual nut/chocolate/taffy sale for their
family and friends, and once again, CDHS
reaped the reward. What a sweet thing!
Marilyn Opperud and Laura Lee,
and their close friends, hang out
at KT Animal Supply during
a public Meet and Greet event.
Marilyn and Laura introduced the
dogs to the public and answered
questions about the shelter.
Please support these businesses that display CDHS donation canisters
A Buck or So
All Pets Veterinary Clinic
Barney’s Tesoro – Mandan
Bismarck Animal Clinic
Bo-he-gy – Mandan
Butcher Block Meats
Cappucino on Collins
Captain Jack’s Liquor – Mandan
Captain Jack’s Liquor – North
Captain Jack’s Liquor – South
Cashman Nursery
Cenex-East Broadway
Central Market – Mandan
Central Market – Bismarck
Clothes Mentor
Cozy Creek Coffee & Gifts
Creative Clay
Crown Butte Kennels
Cycle Hutt
D’Fine Tanning & Hair Salon
Dakota Pharmacy
Doc’s Vet Clinic
Central Dakota Humane Society
Little Caesar's Pizza
Little Caesars Pizza – North
Little Cottage Café
Little Dukes (Cashwise gas station)
M&H Gas
M&M Sausage and Meats
Mandan Public Library
Midway Lanes
Midway Liquor
Missouri Valley Vet Clinic
Mocha Momma’s – Mandan
Norleen Conitz – State Farm Insurance
– Mandan
Northwind Home & Garden
Pinehurst Veterinary Clinic
Plato's Closet
Plaza Drug
Polar Package
Red Trail Petro & Pizza
Rock’N 50’s Café
Rolling HIlls Restaurant
Runnings Farm & Fleet – Bismarck
Runnings Farm & Fleet – Mandan
Dollar Store – Mandan
Expressway Amoco
Expressway C-Store
Fiesta Villa
Five Nations Arts
Four Paws Inn
Gas Plus
Gourmet Doggy Diner
Hair 2000
Healthy Dog Center
Heart River Animal Hospital
Home Run C-Store
Interstate Vet Clinic
Jay's Pawn Shop – Bismarck
Jay's Pawn Shop – Mandan
KT Animal Supply
Katherine's Consignment & More
Kirkwood Tesoro
Kroll’s – North
Lander’s Interstate Conoco
Latitudes Gallery & Gifts
Lewis & Clark Animal Hospital
Schneider’s Flowerama
Schwartz Chiropractic Center –
Scotty’s Drive-In
Season’s Café
Simonson's North
Space Aliens Grill & Bar
StaMart – Bismarck
Stockman’s Supply Group
Taco Del Mar – South
Taco John’s – Mandan
Taco John’s – North
Taco John’s – South
Taco John’s/Good Times – Bismarck
The Bird House
Treasures of the Sea & Earth
Uni-Stop – Mandan
Uniform Center & Embroidery
Urban Girl
West Dakota Meats
Western Unlimited
Bismarck-Mandan’s No-Kill Shelter
Central Dakota Humane Society
2104 37th Street, Mandan, ND 58554
on Dakota Media Access - Channel 12,
with host Rig Olsen
Monday, Wednesday
& Friday –11:30 a.m.
Thursday – 7:30 p.m.
Friday – 5:00 p.m.
Saturday – 12:30 p.m.
Also available online
at dakotamediaaccess.org
and cdhs.net.
Produced by Central Dakota Humane Society
and Dakota Media Access
Become A CDHS Member Today!
Memberships include a newsletter subscription. You will receive a complimentary oneyear membership if you adopt a pet from the CDHS shelter. Memberships are tax-deductible to the extent of the law.
Membership Categories (check one):
____$10 - Junior (under 18)
____$150 - Pet Fanatic
____$20 - Individual (1)
____$500 - CDHS Builder
____$30 - Family (2+)
____$1000-$1999 - Lifetime Member
____$50 - Dog Lover
____$2000-$4999 - Lifetime Benefactor
____$50 - Cat Lover
____$5000+ - Lifetime Leader of the Pack
____$100 - Business
____ Hush Puppy (Anonymous)
Tax-Deductible Donation Categories:
____$12.50/month - kennel sponsor (one-year commitment)
____$25 - Adopt-A-Pet ad, published monthly in the Bismarck Tribune
____$ _________ - monthly donation (CDHS will send an authorization
form for your signature.)
____$__________ - additional donation amount
State:______ Zip Code:___________ E-mail:_______________________
Gift Given By:________________________________________________
Pay using (check one):
_____ Check/Money Order ____
Amount Enclosed: $_______________
Credit Card #:____________________________Exp. Date:___________
Send to:
CDHS, 2104 37th Street, Mandan, ND, 58554-8230 or call 667-2020.
“Doing great things for pets and people.”
667-2020 / cdhs@btinet.net / www.cdhs.net
Shelter Director, Sue Buchholz
Office Manager, Carrie Roth
Volunteer Coordinator, Mandy Schaaf
Board of Directors:
Cameo Skager, President - 2012*
Rita O’Neill, Vice President - 2013*
Karen Schwan Holman, Treasurer - 2012*
Cathie Thill, Secretary - 2012*
Cassie Bauer - 2013*
Jessica Burger - 2012*
Anne Jorgenson Green - 2013*
Robin Martin - 2013*
Charlene Seifert - 2012*
(* Date term expires)
CDHS is a nonprofit organization.
January - March 2012 (Issue 1, Volume 52)
Focus On All Fours is the official publication of
CDHS and is published quarterly. Editor: Cameo
Skager, Designer: Paige Mattson
CDHS Shelter Hours
Tuesday through Saturday
1 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Sunday and Monday
CDHS Mission Statement
Purpose: The purposes for which the
Corporation is organized are:
1. To provide for, house, rehabilitate, and
relocate lost, strayed or homeless animals.
2. To provide appropriate medical services.
3. To foster and promote humane treatment for all
4. To encourage proper responsibility by owners of
animals in their care, training or control.
5. To cooperate in the enforcement of laws that
protect animals from cruelty or neglect.
6. To promote spaying and neutering of companion animals to avoid unwanted litters.
7. To help bring about a time when no more
abused and/or abandoned animals will be
destroyed anywhere.
8. To do such acts and exercise such powers within the law - as may be necessary,
desirable or incidental to the carrying out of
the purposes specified above.
Focus On All Fours
Focus on all Fours
2104 37th Street
Mandan, ND 58554-8230
“Doing great things for pets and people.”
Out running some errands and ended up rescuing a dog
By Tana Pendergast, shelter employee and volunteer
The tree was decorated, the stockings
were hung, and we were waiting for our
families to arrive later in the day. Katherine
(my daughter-in-law) and I decided to take
advantage of the time and do a couple
errands. While traveling on Highway 83
Katherine pointed to a little dog running
on the road. After I pulled over, Katherine
jumped out and we made numerous attempts
to coax the dog over to us. He didn’t care
if we had the best doggie treats ever. He
took off running and disappeared. We drove
around and finally pulled over to watch. Our
biggest concern was that he not make it back
to the highway. He showed up walking through a parking
lot and Katherine slowly got out and tried
to coax him over for a treat. He stopped and
watched her for a while and took off at full
speed so I did my best Dale Earnhardt and
cut him off on the corner. He did a quick turn
and ran under a van. Yikes! – reverse lights
on! I jumped out and held my hand up to stop
them. The passengers jumped out and scared
Central Dakota Humane Society
him to the other side and the driver did a
quick pin and capture. We got him! Yahoo! We got him in the car and discovered he
had an ID tag. Another Yahoo! We called the
number (thank goodness for cell phones). His
people papa answered and I did say the pup
was OK and we had him. What???? He was
supposed to be in the hotel room where they
were staying. They had asked the cleaning
staff to not clean because Harley was in
the room while they were out doing some
errands. Apparently, someone didn’t get the
memo and had opened the door to clean and
out he ran.
Harley’s family was at Cracker Barrel
eating breakfast. We drove to the restaurant
and when we pulled into the parking lot it
was clear the guy on the porch was Harley’s
papa. Harley’s little tail wagging answered
that he was happy about the reunion. Frank,
Harley’s papa decided that he could hang
out in the truck while they did errands
today. Harley is a rescue dog which helped
explain why he would not come near us. I did
thank them for tagging him. That was the best
hanging ornament Katherine and I saw during
Christmas of 2011.
Please remember to
put identification
tags on your
This is not the dog that
was lost.
Bismarck-Mandan’s No-Kill Shelter

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