From Feral to Friendly - Central Dakota Humane Society


From Feral to Friendly - Central Dakota Humane Society
Upcoming Events
May 12, June 9, July 14 – Dog walking classes
May 21, June 18, August 20 – CDHS
membership meetings
May 11 – Band Night Parade
May 12 – Rub-A-Dub-Doggie Dog Wash at
May 19 – BisMan Bombshellz Roller Derby Bout
June 14 – Wine Tasting at Harvest Grill in
August 16-18 – Dog Days Deals Rummage Sale
September 1 – 50 Haircuts/50 Days/50 States
Focus on
all Fours
April - June 2012
A publication for friends of the Central Dakota Humane Society
From Feral to Friendly
By Sue Buchholz
Photos by Jolene Podoll
Ok, so I admit that this article may be a
bit of a contradiction. For the most part, I
have come to believe that feral (wild) cats
do not belong in shelters. I believe in TNR,
(trap, neuter and release) programs that
are used in many communities and have
proven effective. These colonies do require
a caretaker – someone to provide food and
shelter from the harsh elements. However,
our severe climate and lack of someone
willing to manage these colonies often makes
TNR impossible. So this story will focus on a
few cases where we have been successful in
winning these tough nuts (feral cats) over to
our way of thinking.
It takes time – a ton of time. It takes
unending patience, and again, it does not
always work. But let me share with you a few
of the happy times when we have reached
our goal.
Sunshine was one of our first big
successes! He came to us in September
2003. He was live trapped. The people who
discovered him were having a hard time
ignoring him because of the huge abscess
on his cheek, a hazard of his free and easy
lifestyle that truthfully is not so easy at all.
Sunshine started out with us like they all
do – angry, afraid, withdrawn, defensive,
hissing, hiding, a combination of all of the
above and more. We think he was saying, “I
don’t want no help, I don’t need no help!”
We beg to differ. And so it began, the ‘ignore’
therapy we call it. We clean their litter box
daily, carefully slide fresh food (with cleverly
continued on page 2
McClintock! - then
Faris -then
Continued from page 1
McClintock! - now
hidden medicine) and water in their
direction, never taking our eyes
off the slitty eyed daggers staring
back at us. We let them hide for a
while – sometimes a long while.
We speak softly to them, touch
them with feathers or gloves, give
them irresistible catnip toys or
canned food, searching for whatever
weakness we find in their streetsmart facade. Then the day comes
when they are no longer hissing
and hiding. They are curiously
watching us as we go about our daily
business with their neighbors. They
soon expect that something good
is coming their way, be it canned
food, warm chicken and broth or a
chin scratch that ends up to be quite
pleasurable for all. Remember when
I said it takes time? In Sunshine’s
case he lived with us until January 2009! Yes, he was adopted!
Faris came to us in April 2009, in a similar manner as Sunshine – live trapped and not happy
about it. We nursed him through ear mites, pneumonia, continued upper respiratory infections,
all the while doing our best to convince him that there was a better life ahead than the one he
was forced to live on the street. He eventually agreed and was adopted in July 2010. We continue
to get letters and updates of his new life as a pampered house cat – a friendly, snuggly family
member who is very much loved. Wow, what a transition!
Fiona came to us in October 2009. She was a petite, leery, tabby girl who was ready to be
adopted in November 2010. Either we are getting better, or the cats are giving in easier, or we
just get lucky sometimes, I can’t say for certain.
Currently residing at the shelter are Snowpea, who came to us in September 2011 and
McLintock!, who arrived January 2012. Snowpea has graduated to living in Carrie’s office where
she is gaining confidence every day and likes to playfully rush out from under a chair, swat an
oblivious lobby cat or two and zip back to her hidey hole. Her developing sense of humor and
confidence is a true delight to see.
McLintock!, our handsome cover photo star, is still a work in progress, but what progress
we have seen so far! In our attempts to live trap a stray dog foraging at the Bismarck landfill, we
baited a trap that one day had a crouching and unhappy Mclintock! inside. And so it began again.
He is not yet ready for a family but I absolutely know he will be some day. While he is slow to
trust, he has progressed a great deal in a few short months. He is not ready for lap sitting yet, but
he loves to have his chin scratched and will drool a river when someone he trusts spends time
scratching him all over. Like the others, he is not vicious, just very, very afraid.
Now there have been cases where our brand of magic was met with nothing but resistance,
and those few are now barn cats with caretakers. Some have been on their own for so long, or
have had no human contact ever, or negative human experiences. We do the best we can with
each one, and count our successes
Faris- now
one life at a time. It takes a lot of
time, and does tie up kennel space
for an extended period, but to our
way of thinking, it might not be
easy, but the happy results speak
for themselves.
Central Dakota Humane Society
Girl Scouts
Girl Scout Troop #83014 collected needs
list items and toured the shelter. Thank you
for thinking of CDHS and our wonderful
Dog Walking Classes
Dog walking classes do require preregistration. If you plan to attend, please call
the shelter at 667-2020 and leave a message
for Mandy.
• Monetary Donations
• Gasoline Cards
• HP 940 XL Black or Color Ink
• Copy Paper
• Cat Litter (non-clumping)*
• Booklets of Forever Stamps
• Canned Squeeze Cheese (Used for
giving medicine to animals.)
• Heavy Duty Sheet Protectors
• Accordion File Folders
• Paper Towels
• Rubber Backed Rugs
• Fleece (Should be new - Will be used to
make blankets to sell.)
• Cat and Dog Beds (Washable)
• Dog Toys
• Soft Dog Treats
• Tall Kitchen Garbage Bags
• Wild Bird Food
• Good Condition enclosed 4- or 6-horse
• HE Liquid Laundry Detergent
* Always in short supply.
Bismarck-Mandan’s No-Kill Shelter
Fun-Raising Events
The Alley Cats and Dogs Bowling
Tournament held in April raised more
than $700 and got some really nice
donations from our needs list. Here is a
picture of the most experienced bowlers
– 172 years of experience among them.
Plans are being made for another
tournament to be held March 9, 2013.
Meet and
Robin Martin
snuggles with
shelter resident,
Horatio, at a TJ
Maxx Meet and
Greet event.
Bake sale
The Fort Lincoln Elementary School
Student Council held a bake sale during
parent/teacher conferences to raise
money for CDHS. The bake sale was a
huge success and raised $197.36 for the
“Doing great things for pets and people.”
Planning for the future
By Sue Buchholz, Shelter Director
reetings friends! We are entering into an exciting time in CDHS
history to be sure. In 1994 our small but determined group
of animal lovers took a huge leap of faith and purchased our
current property three miles north of Mandan. I recall we (barely)
scraped together $25,000 for a down payment, and had a 10-year
mortgage on the balance.
We jumped feet first into daily animal rescue, sheltering and care,
and we did it with the approval of a dedicated Board of Directors,
hard-working employees, the support of a generous community, and
many local veterinarians whose contributions and guidance has been
invaluable. We were able to pay off our 10-year mortgage early, in three short years, and have continued
to forge ahead every day. Our rewards have come in the shelter and rescue of nearly 4,000 animals!
Another impressive number comes from our Spay/Neuter Assistance Program (SNAP). To date,
CDHS has financially played a part in more than 11,000 animals in our communities being spayed and
neutered. 11,000! Imagine the litters that have been prevented; it boggles my mind!
As most of you probably already know, we have outgrown our current location. Septic issues and the
age of our original buildings have made it impossible to expand on this site. However, after two years of
looking at many options, we found a piece of property that we could afford, is in an excellent location,
and is double the size of our current four acres. These are some big positives!
There are some hurdles too, as there always is. The land we purchased is just off Bismarck
Expressway on Yegan Road (just southeast of the State Penitentiary). Our land sits very low and actually
has small pockets considered to be wetlands. Therefore, the soil makeup is not the best quality for
constructing a building. The type of soil and the amount of fill that we need to raise the elevation for
building and parking is an issue to be addressed, but make no mistake – it can be done!
We are doing all due diligence to make sure we are planning correctly for our needs. We are
working with local architect Jeff Ubl, who also partners with Animal Arts out of Colorado. Animal Arts
has the shelter experience and know-how we were looking for, yet Ubl’s guidance will keep mostly local
components to our project. We are currently working on a building design and hope to have a schematic
to share with our supporters soon, as an official kick off to our Capital Campaign.
We are not yet sure of the final estimations of what this entire project will cost and how much money
we will need to raise to make our dreams a reality, but we will share this as soon as we have hard facts.
We know we have a lot of money to raise, but again, we also know in our hearts it can be done!
Looking back, we have taken on some challenges in the past that seemed almost impossible, but
we learned that nothing is impossible. The need to care for homeless animals in our community is still a
great need, according to the number of people contacting us every day for assistance. The animals we
care for (and quickly grow to love) just keep coming, and until the day comes that our services are no
longer needed, we must continue to meet those
needs. It is our privilege, honor and responsibility
to do so. We encourage everyone to support our
efforts as you are able, and make our community
a better place for people and animals alike. We
are humbled and honored to partner with you!
Focus On All Fours
CDHS always working to stop
animal cruelty
By Cameo Skager, CDHS Board President
Many of our supporters have been asking us where CDHS stands
on the new animal cruelty initiated measure that is being introduced
in North Dakota. We obviously support stronger animal cruelty laws.
We have been a vocal proponent of the need for North Dakota to
have a felony animal cruelty law for many years.
After much long and hard consideration, discussions, attending
meetings and more discussions, your board of directors voted
to stand neutral on this particular initiated measure. We felt the
initiative language, as drafted, did not address the types of cruelty we see most often – that of
puppy mill situations, starving animals and the ability to address cruelty to all animals.
We truly are fighting for a stronger cruelty law, and to that end, we have continued our efforts
in working on a draft of new legislative language that could be presented at the next legislative
session. (Prior to the last legislative session, CDHS was very involved with a working group that
drafted an animal cruelty bill. We succeeded in coming up with language that was acceptable to
the entire group, but the group was unsuccessful in finding the appropriate sponsors for the bill,
and the bill subsequently failed.)
We have re-joined forces with this working group and are again working on a legislative
bill draft to strengthen the state’s animal care laws and provide a better, more comprehensive
strategy – including definitions of animal abandonment, cruelty and neglect, and including Class
C felony provisions.
The working group represents a broad spectrum of North Dakota animal interests and
includes Central Dakota Humane Society, Dakota Zoo, Fargo-Moorhead Humane Society, North
Dakota Farm Bureau, North Dakota Farmers Union, North Dakota Stockmen’s Association and
North Dakota Veterinary Medical Association. The working group also has received input from
the State Board of Animal Health and the North Dakota Department of Agriculture.
The working group strongly supports the proper care and treatment of all animals, and its
members work to provide that care every day in their respective capacities. We are optimistic
and hopeful that this diverse group will provide the unshakable foundation upon which a
strengthened North Dakota Humane Treatment of Animals law can be built.
We will continue advocating for a stronger animal cruelty law in North Dakota, and once that
has been achieved, we will continue to speak for and defend the animals who cannot speak for
Tours & Thanks
& Things
 Thank you to Solheim Elementary
third graders for donating their
Christmas gift exchange items to
 Thank you to Sam’s Club for the
donated food and cat litter.
 Thank you to Cashwise for their
gobbling good donation!
 Hats off to the Flasher Family Career
and Community Leaders of America
chapter (FCCLA)! They held hat day
and sold cookies to raise money for
 Thanks again to Space Aliens for
hosting a fundraiser day for CDHS. We
made more than $500!!
 Thank you to Precision Small Engine
Repair for giving us a discount on a
tune-up on our lawn mower. Yep, it’s
that time of year again!
 Thank you to Mort Bank for his
donation through Security First
National Bank of North Dakota.
 Hurray for the Ramkota Hotel. They
donated to help our shelter animals!
 Pizza! Pizza! Thanks to Little Caesars
for donating their Jean’s Day
collections to CDHS.
 Thank you to Denise Forte-Pathroff,
M.D, P.C. and her employees for
donating their Jean’s Day collections
to our critters!
Thanks to Mitzi for donation
Thank you to Mitzi Philbrick for the incredible gift of a stock trailer. Wow! This is Mitzi’s
second vehicle donation to CDHS and we are very grateful. If you have a vehicle to donate,
please follow Mitzi’s lead and send it our way. If we are unable to use the vehicle, we can sell it
and turn it into cash to help our shelter pets. Thanks again, Mitzi!!
Be cautious when landscaping
The landscaping material, cocoa mulch, can be dangerous to animals, especially dogs,
who may want to eat the mulch materials. The mulch contains a chemical called theogromine,
and also caffeine. Low doses can cause mild gastrointestinal upset (vomiting, diarrhea, and
abdominal pain). Higher doses can cause rapid heart rate, muscle tremors, seizures and death.
Although updated versions of cocoa mulch are being labeled as safe for pets, it may be best to
use cedar or another type of mulch in your landscaping projects.
Central Dakota Humane Society
Bismarck-Mandan’s No-Kill Shelter
During the Bene-Pet
event, CDHS honored
some outstanding
volunteers and
Those honored included:
President’s Award – The President’s Award
went to Rita O’Neill and Robin Martin. These two
ladies are a shining example of what it truly means
to love CDHS and love the animals. Both are longstanding board members and hard-working and
dedicated volunteers. For many of our volunteers,
helping CDHS is just a part of their life. It is not
an imposition and not a heartache to put in their
hours. It is simply something that is a part of the
weekly schedule, something that they do because
they care. Congratulations to Rita and Robin!
Volunteers are priceless
By Mandy Schaaf, Volunteer Coordinator
Volunteers were recognized at BenePet for their hours of donated time and
I’d like to acknowledge them in this
newsletter as well.
Shining Star Award - The Shining Star Award
goes to a young person or young people who
are helping the animals in a profound way. This
year’s award went to the third-grade classes at
Lewis and Clark Elementary School in Mandan.
These students are in charge of the school-wide
collection of aluminum cans, with the money going
to CDHS. Also, instead of a holiday gift exchange
among themselves, they all bring donations for
CDHS. The teachers helping to encourage these
youngsters to have a generous and kind outlook
are Miss Amber Wickham, Mr. Kelly Rexine and
Mrs. Boriana Huck. Congratulations to the Lewis
and Clark third-graders!
continued on page 14
“Doing great things for pets and people.”
Kathy Hegel and Pat Bosch usually work
in a team and try to walk as many dogs
as they can on Saturdays. They help me
often with meet & greets where adoptable
dogs are taken to a business location
and we let them experience a little of the
world around them.
Marg Smith who hates being in the limelight, teaches the dog walking class once a month.
This class is required for each and every dog walker at the shelter. She makes the class fun,
is encouraging and even after the same volunteer has asked 10 questions that have nothing
to do with the dog walking class.
Jan Moser – our “couch sitting and dog hugging extraordinaire” takes her time with the
scared dogs we have at the shelter, sitting with them on the couch in the dog building for
hours letting them learn how to be loved for the first time.
Darryl Njos, or as some of us call him, the Dog Whisperer, has a knack of putting dogs
together that haven’t really liked each other in the past but seem to somehow know that
Darryl will introduce them in neutral territory and spend the time letting them get to know
each other.
Katja and James Weiand, also work together as a team and assist greatly with most of the
meet & greets in Bismarck/Mandan. They generally are assigned the “big boys” because
even though most of the dogs outweigh Katja by 50 pounds she is feisty and makes them
listen (James too).
Marilyn Opperud and Laura Lee-also work in a very nice pair and generally take our more
long term and often smaller dogs for meet & greets. I’ve seen Marilyn literally put her
finger in a dogs mouth at a meet & greet when the dog had lost his patience and was a little
overwhelmed by an overenthusiastic visitor so that if he snapped Marilyn would feel the
Jolene Podoll is our CDHS photographer and is constantly repeating that she is not a
professional photographer and we just laught at her! Her photos can bring you to tears. The
most precious gift of her photos is truly worth ten thousand words.
Gary Hanson has been our regular “Pitty” walker for quite some time. We have three pit
bulls and two of them (although they are very nice dogs) might appear a little intimidating
when you first meet them. That doesn’t keep Gary and Kristina from walking them every
time they get the chance.
Mary Jo Sogge is a regular visitor to the both the dog and cat building. She spends time
with the special needs cats that need love too.
Sandy Gugel and her team, Camie O’Conor and Janelle and Eric Heninger, pick up and
count and maintain the canisters that are located all over Bismarck/Mandan and some even
in outlying areas. Sandy and her group use their own money for gas and their lunch hours
and whatever spare time they can give to pick up or drop off canisters that are located in
over 100 businesses. We are able to bring in around $1500 a month just through the canister
Lindsey Milliken helps with Meet & Greets whenever she is available, and hangs out at
the shelter on a Saturday with the cats and she can also do a very realistic impression of a
continued on page 14
Focus On All Fours
See more CDHS adoptable pets on the
web at
Adoptable Pets
Spayed Female
Dilute Tortoise Shell;
short hair
Spayed Female
Neutered Male
Orange Tabby; short
Approximate date of
birth: July 2009
Origin: Stray
Approximate date of
birth: June 2006
Origin: Unclaimed
Spayed Female
Black/Tortoise Shell;
short hair
Neutered Male
Pit Cross
Spayed Female
Shepherd Cross
Approximate date of
birth: July 2009
Origin: Stray
Approximate date of
birth: December 7,
Origin: Abandoned
Approximate date
of birth: October
Origin: Stray
Neutered Male
Lab Cross
Unspayed Female
Brown Tabby &
White; short hair
Unspayed female
White and grey
Siamese cross
Approximate date of
birth: September
Origin: Unclaimed
Approximate date of
birth: April 2011
Bismarck impound
Unneutered male
Retriever/lab cross
Unspayed female
Pit cross
Approximate date of
birth: April 2010
Origin: Bismarck
Approximate date of
birth: Dec. 2011
Origin: Abandoned
Unspayed Female
White with gray
tabby spots;
medium hair
Neutered Male
Neutered male
Shep/Rottie Cross
Approximate date of
birth: February
Origin: Stray
Approximate date of
birth: April 2008
Origin: Bismarck
Approximate date of
birth: June 2010
Origin: Stray
Central Dakota Humane Society
Approximate date of
birth: April 2011
Origin: Unclaimed
Approximate date of
birth: March 2010
Origin: Unclaimed
Bismarck-Mandan’s No-Kill Shelter
&on appetizers
for the
at Central Dakota
Humane Society
308 West Main Street, Mandan
Thursday, June 14
Tickets: $45 in advance
$50 at door
They can be purchased at the
Shelter 667-2020 or online
Thanks to everyone who
volunteered to help make our
annual Bene-Pet dinner and
auction a successful evening.
Thank you to Robin Martin for her
incredible efforts in organizing this
massive event, and thank you to all
the businesses that donated goods
and services to the silent and live
“Doing great things for pets and people.”
Shelter merchandise available for sale.
Chris Koski, handcrafted jewelry, will
donate 20% of sales to the Shelter.
Central Dakota
Humane Society
List of Wines:
Woodbridge Riesling
Gallo Moscato
Da Vinci Pinot Grigio
Bogle Chardonnay
Apothic Red - blend
Red Rock Merlot
MacMurray Ranch
Pinot Noir
A-mano primitivo
red zinfandel
Robert Mondavi
Pinot Noir
Decoy Cabernet ‘
Decoy Merlot
Malbec Gascon
Louis Martini Cabernet
Food menu:
Parmesan encrusted
pork tenderloin
Sirloin Kabob
Roasted Pineapple
Shredded spicy beef
mini sandwiches
Focus On All Fours
Tails of
Sofie (Chena) is doing
great! She has adjusted to our
house very well. She loves
to play with her new sister,
Chloe, and is doing really
well with her potty training,
and will even sit and come
when she is called. She
also actually likes to
snuggle, which I really
love too! She will come
up to me and bump me with her nose when she
wants some love. She is still a bit shy (barky) around new people but
she is making tons of progress. She has learned so many tricks, and
LOVES treats. She is such a special addition to our family and I cannot
even remember what life was like without her! Thank you!
- Teri
I wanted to send you an
e-mail to let you know how I
am doing and say thanks for
talking such good care of
me. I know I was somewhat
“challenging” to find a
home for but when you
picked one for me you
sure did find a good one!
Now rather than running
around frantically in my kennel
all day I get to go to work.
When we aren’t at work, I get to go for walks and lots of
car rides. After work and a walk with mom, we go home and I watch
TV with my new dad. Where has American Idol been my whole life?
Also, I get the best spot in the family room, behind the footstools
and up against the couch. With my parents on either side of me I am
protected from any danger that may enter the family room. But the
very best part is my orange blankie – I love my orange blankie and
will go anywhere it goes!
I also have a new grandma who baked me an organic chicken!!
Can you believe it? My very own chicken! I am not a big eater and a
girl has to watch her figure but I had it mixed in with my dinner and
boy was that tasty! So things are going well here in the big city and I
am settling in nicely. Give my love to everyone!
- Priscilla
Here’s an update on Julius, who was in your care from November
2008 to Dec. 3, 2011. When I first started looking at cats I didn’t
notice him, but when I did I thought he looked so sad and found out
he’d had a tough life and those were two of the reasons I wanted
to adopt him. He has really changed! It only took him a few days to
adjust to our home and we found that he is a very happy cat that
loves to play with his toys
and sit in my lap. We
bought him a toy chirping
bird and we’ll hear it
going “cheep, cheep”
when he’s playing with
it in the middle of the
night. He is a lot of fun
to have around and
we’re very glad we
adopted him.
- Greg and Elaine
Roxi and Redneck
(formerly Redmon and Ramona)
This father-daughter team have settled in great in Dickinson. They
have brought so much love and happiness into our lives. Each night,
they greet Jerry at the door with wagging tails and kisses. They enjoy
the big fenced-in yard and all the love and attention we give them and
the never ending supply of toys. We are truly blessed they chose us
and feel as if it was truly meant to be! Thank you!
- Elizabeth
Central Dakota Humane Society
Bismarck-Mandan’s No-Kill Shelter
Piper is a wonderful
addition to our family. He is
the self-appointed cat spat
referee. He breaks the cats
up any time he even thinks
they are going to fight.
He has gained about five
pounds and the vet says
he is perfect! We let his
hair grow out all winter,
but I took him to the
groomer this week. She
made him look great! Thanks
- Laura
I thought I should
let you know how Razi’s
doing now. She was
started on ear drops.
She was put on an oral
antibiotic since her
teeth were so bad. On
March 13, Razi had
her first “beauty salon”
day. She was bathed,
blown dry, cut, and had
her nails trimmed. Razi used to be so scared of people, but she was
pretty good at the salon as long as I stood by her. When I leave a
room for over 10 minutes, she starts barking and doesn’t stop until I
come back. She will “come” most of the time when I call her, and by
watching her, we know when she has to go potty. She gets along fine
with Tia, my German Shepherd--adopted from you also, and with all
five cats.
I think she’s doing great and is learning fairly fast. AND SHE
LOVES TV. The first night I brought her home, and turned on the TV
(42 inch) she stood completely motionless and stared for 20 minutes.
Honestly! I timed it. It was so funny. She watches the Weather Channel
every morning. I could go on and on about how much we love her.
Thank you for letting us adopt her. She makes our home feel “like a
home” again.
- Sharon
Leopold and Stotch
Here’s an update on, and a few pictures of, Leopold (Tarraco) and
Stotch (Nolan), which we adopted from the CDHS earlier this year. They
LOVE to lounge on the bed together and watching Animal Planet (like
in the picture attached), chasing each other all around the house and
have adjusted to their new home extremely well – in fact, I think it’s
more their home than ours? Thanks for being so easy to work
with, we are so happy with our choice to adopt!
- Savannah and Stephen
Godiva is doing fine. She
has gotten used to stairs, TV,
mirrors and closed patio
screens. She is making
progress with meeting
strangers but still is afraid
of barking dogs and large
dogs. We go for a two-mile
walk, weather permitting,
three to five times a week so she can
meet people and other dogs. She still doesn’t bark but
this week I have heard a few “yips” when she is sleeping. She has
learned to play with her toys. Loves to chase tennis balls, shake her
“Fox Tail”, etc. She is such a clown and such a joy to have around.
- LeRoy
To read more Tails of Success
and view pictures of CDHS pets
in their forever homes, go to and click the
Success Stories link.
“Doing great things for pets and people.”
Focus On All Fours
CDHS New Members, Generous Donors, Memorials and Honors
Listings reflect memberships, adoptions and donations from 12-16-11 to 3-15-12 ONLY
New Members &
Generous Donations
Mark & Lisa Aamodt
Abbott Laboratories Employee
Giving Campaign
Aetna USHC Employee Charity
Wendell Albert
Cynthia & Robert Albrecht
Scott & Brenda Allan
Ruby Altringer
America’s Charities Distribution
Arthur Anderson
David & Peggy Anderson
Elaine Anderson
Sherry & Craig Anderson
Susan Anderson
Melanie & Tore Angell
Cathy & Mike Arneson
Lisa & Ron Arth
Brian & Susan & Samuel Artz
Connie Assels
Jeffrey Avery
Rocky & Tami Babel
Randall & Shannon Bakke
Dallas & Jackie Bakken
Marvel Bailey
Steven & Hannah Balaban
Renae & Mike Baltzer
Noreen Bartlett
Ericka Barnick
Cassie & Jeremy Bauer
Nancy & Ridge Baumeister
Ryan, Sabrina & Brayton Bear
Susan Bednarz
Diane Beelman
Tekla Bekkedal
Kenneth & Naomi Belohlavek
Jody Belverstone
Joan Bentz
Pamela & Norman Berge
John & Rose Berger
Lorraine Berger
Best Western Ramkota Hotel
Angela Bettenhausen
Ruth & Thomas Bettenhausen
David & Sue Bickel
Mark & Kim Bieber
Chuck & Jean Bingert
Kathleen Birrenkott
Jackie, Levi & Alec Bischof
Greg & April Bishop and Caden
Bismarck Senior High School Mrs. Johnson’s Sophomore
English Class
Don & Mary Bitz
Brian & Karen Bjella
Annette Bjornstad
Susan Blaney
Dale & Jeanne Blasewitz
Paul Bleth
William Bleth
Arnel Blood
Lorraine Boehler
Donna & DuWayne Boehm
Joann & Jason Boehm
Kim Boettcher
Marvia Boettcher
Dennis & Jennifer Mees-Boger
Eleonore Bollinger
Joel Boon
Darrel & Patty Bosch
Lucille Bosch
Matthew Bosch
Pat Bosch
Shelly & John Botsford
Fred & Judy Bott
Allen & Linda Boushee
Leslie (Jack) & Carma Branch
Daryl & Donna Braun
Edward & Rochelle Breckel
Paul Breiner
Laiken Bren
Linnae Brew
Rachelle Brewer
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
Sheila Brorby
Chris & Jodi Brown
Denise Brown
Mr. Hobson Brown
M.C. & Beth Ann Brown
Trea Bruning
Bryant Clinic of Chiropractic &
Kjerstin Buboltz
Lavern & Kristine Buchholz
Sue Buchholz
Fred Buchwitz
Marsha & Gary Buchwitz
Paul & Lorraine Buehler
Traci Buescher & Brad Keith
Jessica & Jon Burger
Jay & Linda Buringrud
Wayne Burslie
Butzon, Suzanne
Capital Credit Union
Karl & Sarah Carlson
Greg & Mercy Carkuff
Willa Carlson
Amanda Carson
Joshua & Myra Castleberry
Central Market – Bismarck
Doug & Sharon Cerkoney
Bonnie Chandler
Chesak Seed House
Sharon Chrest
Roger & Mavis Christianson
Brian & Tamra Churchill
Dave & Sue Freier Clark
Mercedes & Roger Clark
Kat & Matt Clinton
Pat Cochran
Audrey Keaveny-Coggins
Patrick & Jo Conmy
JoDee Cook
Maurice Cook
Bill & Karol Cossette
Coteau Properties Company
Credit Collection Bureau
David & Beverly Cross
Adrian Crow Feather
Walter Culham
Jan & Terry Daffinrud
Corey & Kimberly Dahl
Dr. & Mrs Phillip Dahl
Myrna Dahl
Edie Dahlen
Dakota Community Bank
Dakota Dust Tex, Inc.
Dakota Pharmacy
Edward & Carlise Brown-Dalpe
Robert & Andrea Davis
Kurtis Decker
Ken & Michele Dees
Dr. Terry & Marilyn Deeter
Annette DeForest
Rebecca Deichert
Michael & Shawn Deisz
Bruce & Jeanne DeKrey
Central Dakota Humane Society
Delta Kappa Gamma Phi Chapter
Denise Forte-Pathroff, M.D., PC
Bonnie Dever
Marcy Dickerson
Bryan & Renee Diebel
Stan & Peggy Diede
Jerry & Terry Diekman
Jeffrey Dietrich & Bailee Anderson
Bernardine Digby
Joseph & Deb Dilger
Donald & Kathleen Dobrowski
Megan Dockter
Renea & Randolph Dockter
Lynn Dodge
Cecelia Doll
Lorraine Dopson
Dvorak Motors Inc.
Shelly Doyle & Tom Marple
Marion & Charles Eastgate
Jeffrey & Dawn Ebel
Robert & Candice Eckert
Charles & Julie Eder
Carol Edstrom
Andrea Edstrom & Paul Frank
Mary Eggebo
Jefferie Ehman
RozAnn Ehreth
Joe & Marge Ellefson
Rick Emter
Energy Tech Systems
James & Pamela Engelhardt
Diane “Franky” & Ward Enger
Lois Erickstad
Sandra Erickstad
Dr. Barb Espe
Larry & Janice Etherton
Jerry & Elizabeth Eubank
Beverly Everett
Beverly Ewine
Gail Fahlgren
Ronald & Rachel Fedorenko
LoEtta Feigert
Feil Orthodontics
Donald Feimer
Valerie Feist
Cathleen Feland
Florence E. Wall Ferderer
Jade Ferullo
Bonny Fetch
Teri Finneman
Jerry & Shirley Fischer
Leland & Valerie Fischer
Neal & Lyn Fischer
Pat & Lloyd Fischer
Nancy & Patrick Fitzsimmons
Robert & Dawn Fix
Vicki & Marshall Flagg
Flash Printing
Lori Flaten
Rodney & Sandra Foss
Linda & Jerry Fossum
Nordean & Duane Frank
Patricia Frank
Dr. Walter & Carolyn Frank
Ward & Barbara Fredrickson
Davina French & Gigi Wilz
Tina Fricke
Len Friedt & Karla Buzick
Jessica & Matt Fullerton
Gary & Colleen Garland
T. Neal & Momoe Garland
David, Melody, Madelyn & CoCoa
Marcy & Michael Gensburg
Spencer & Lorri Giddings
Steve Gilbert
Geraldine Glade
Sherri Glass
Cheryl Glasser
Sharon Goehring
Marci Goldade
Sylvia Golke
Sandy Gonzales
Melea Grabinger & McAyla Hegre
Jennifer Grant
Barbara Grauman
Anne & Martin Green
Robert & Leigh Ann Gregoire
Susan & Douglas Grenz
Daryl & Diane Gronfur
Paula & Brian Grosinger
Keith & Phyllis Grosz
Dolly Gugel
Sandra Gugel
Lisa Gunderson
Vickie Gunsch
Mona Haadem
Harvey & Vonadean Haakenson
Jo & Myles Hafner
Gene & Kari Haga
Kathy Hagel
Vernie & Richard Hagestuen
Alice & Stan Halling
Eileen Hamann
Jan & Ruby Hamilton
Betsy Hamkens
Nancy Hanel
Danielle Hanna
Eileen Hannu
Joann Hansen
Judy Hansen
Gwyn Hansey
Mark & Lynae Hanson
Troy & Lauri Hanson
Keith Happel
Jerry Harmon
Sharon Hartmann
Johna Hartnell
Larry & Gloria Hassebrock
Marlene & Donald Hastings
Anne Hausauer
Brenda Hausauer
Joshua, Melissa, Jaxon and Caden
Kristi & Kevin Hawk
James & Sharon Hawley
Carmen Hay
Jackie & Kevin Hay
The Minneapolis Hays
Heart River Animal Hospital, Dr.
Neil & Francine Heinle
David & Marlene Helbing
Greg & Donna Helgeson
Bill & Pam Helphrey
Lynette & Robert Hendrickson
Roswell & Mary Henke
Eric & Janelle Henninger
Eldon Herman
Vicki Hertz
Thomas & Carolyn Hesford
Dan & Gayle Heskin
Angela & Scott Hetland
Verda Heupel
Terry & Laurel Heyd
Oscar & Pat Hillius
William Hodny
Irene Hoff
Michele Hoff
Steve & Susan Hoffman
Helene Hollingsworth
Coleen Holm
Karen L Holman
Micheal & Karen Holman
Cheryl Holst
Dr Robert & Lu Anne Honkola
Horizon Middle School
Heidi & Daryl Hornbacher
Jerry & Sheryl Horner
Marie Horning
Virgil & Judy Horst
William & Kerry Horton
Gary Hotchkiss
Amy Lou Howard
Beverly Howe
Doug & Susan Howie
Robert & Sandra Hruby
Jan & Bob Hubal
Kari & Wade Huber
Patricia Huber
John Huddleson
Carolyn Huff
Rita & Jerry Huffman
Elizabeth Hughes
Holly Huizenga
Trish & Don Hulm
Carol & LeRoy Humann
Craig & Kathy Hummel
Jim & Karla Huncovsky
Sommer & Jon Hunke
ING Employee Giving Campaign
James & Connie Isaak
J&R Vacuum & Sewing
Carl & Susan Jacobson
Peter & Lisa Jahner
Jake’s Auto Glass
Linda James & Greg Machart
Michael & Cherie Jensen
James & Juanita Jeromchek
Cheri Jessen
Virginia Jestnes
Nancy & Blaine Johanneson
William & Karen Johner
Anna Johnson
Darrin & Kylee Johnson
Deanna Johnson
Holly & Jason Johnson
JoAnn Johnson
Marian & Dick Johnson
Mary Ann Johnson
Nancy Johnson
Sonya Johnson
Stephanie & Tom Johnson
Thomas & Diane Jones
Linda & Curtis Juhala
Beverly & Paul Jundt
Connie Jupka
Gary & Connie Kalanek
Susan Kamerzell
Maury & Kay Kamins
Doug & Nora Kane
Jeanine & Tim Karch
Karen Mueller, MSW
Jeanne Karhoff
Patricia & Richard Karlgaard
Jean Kautzman
Gaylord & Cindy Kavlie
Helen Kavonius
John & Christiane Keaveny
Beverly & Philip Keesey
Patty & Kent Keidel
Richard Kellam
Tim & Brenda Kellar
Patricia Keller
Ruthe & Mike Keller
Kelly Inn
Mary Kae Kelsch
Rose Kenny
Bismarck-Mandan’s No-Kill Shelter
Daryl & Virginia Kerzman
Wesley & Alyce Kessler
Robert & Donna King
Tim Kingstad
Thomas, Beth & Dakota Kirk
Lyle & Sharon Kirmis
Mary Sue & Bill Kist
Ron Kittleson
Debbie & Dale Klein
James Klinger
Darrell & Rose Klipfel
Melissa Klocke
Judy Knoell
Bill & Sherry Knox
Karen Kobilansky
Al Kohl
Corwin & Ronda Kohler
Michelle & Clinton Kohler
Breezy Kohls
Dawn Kopp
Sharon & Gayler Korsmo
Al & Bonnie Kosir
Kevin Kosse
Annette & Ken Kost
Deb Kovash
Paul & Marnie & Alayna Kraft
Ronald & Sally Kraft
Earl Kramer
Michael & Kari Kramer
Tina & Kenneth Kramer
Judy & James Krance
Carol Krause
Catherine & William Krein
Kimberly Krogen
Curtis & Judith Kroh
Kevin Kruckenberg
Edward & Yvonne Kubis
Christine Kuchler & Ed Kehrwald
Bernie & Bill Kuhlmann
Christine Kujawa
Sherry Kulish
Joe & Wanda Kuntz
Sheila Kurtz & Franklin Barnes
Tom & Tammy Lamphear
Fred Landgrebe
Melvin & Sherleen Lang
Neva Lang
Dawnalytah Lappegaard
Brady Larson
Craig & Shelly Larson
Sharron Lasher
Arloene Laskowski
Klaudia & James Lawson
Jeremy & Heidi Lee
Laverne Lee
Randy & B. Lehmann
Kay Leier
Signy & Terry Leischner
Jim & Barb Lennington
Arta Leno
Delores Leno
Lesmeister Transportation, Inc.
Lewis & Clark Elementary
Delcie & William Light
Terry & Diana Lincoln
Denise & Chris Lindbo
Line X of Bismarck/Mandan
Irene Linseth
Laurie Linz
Linda Litt
Lauren Little
Little Caesars – Mandan
Mickie & Adeline Lloyd
Kendra Loch
James & Mavis Loeppke
Sheldon & Mary Loftsgard
Kathryn Longo
Ramona Redding Lopez
Gene & Joan Lorenz
Brian & Shelley Lubiens
David & Lanette Ludwig
Marcella Lund
Pam & Monte Lund
Chris & Steve Lunn
Lunn’s Kennel Club
Laure Luykx
Orlin Lyng
Daniel & Nikki Lyons
Jo Lysne
Jerry & Deb Maddock
Vicki Magill
Keith & Mary Magnusson
Belinda Maher
Clark Maier
Roger & Esther Maier
Howard & Lori Malloy
Mandan Eagles Club - Ladies’
Auxiliary Social Fund
Kathleen & David Mangskau
Violet & Todd Marshall
Christopher & Janell Martin
Pat Martin
Robin & Roger Martin
Brian & Jeanne Masseth
Katie & Wade Mathern
Verna & Michael Matthews
Daniel & Kathy Mayer
Pat Mayer & Larry Schmidt
Betty & Don McCommon
Marlyn & Sheila McDonald
Rita & Dale McKnight
Karin McNamee
Sheila McNee
Jackie McNeil
Kris Meidinger
Dick & Linda Melchior
Ione Melling
Dawn Mertz
Edwin & Anna Mertz
Cathy & Dave Metz
David & Patricia Messinger
Rick & Leilani Meyhoff
James & Marie Miller
Jeanette Miller
Jill Miller
Larry & Sally Miller
Betty Mills
Tammy & Lance Mills
Diane Milner
Robert Mindt & Cathy Jo Savenko
Betty Mohler
Sonja Moilanen
Mark & Judith Monasky
Ervin & Rachel Monson
Lorraine Montgomery
Randy & Jacki Monzelowsky
Mrs. Leonard Moore
Mildred Moore
Dianne Moore & Peter Traynor
Sara Anderson- Moore
Stephanie, Steve & Marcine Moore
David & Judith Moritz
Christine Morrin
Morton County States Attorney
Joan & David Morton
Karen Mosbrucker
Leslie & JP Moszer
Karen & Melvin Mueller
Carmel Mutschler
Gladys Myatt
Judy & Dale Nabben
Lynn Nagel
Dr. Ray Napierkowski
Valerie Naylor
ND Department of Labor
Harold & Barbara Neameyer
April Nelson
Elroy Nelson
Robert & Roberta Nelson
Katherine Netzer
Shirley & Clarence Netzer
Harry Neuhardt
Jean & Nicholas Neumann
Leanne & Neil Niemuth
Michael & Lori Nitsch
David & Alice Nix
Darrell & Della Njos
Joycelyn Noakes
“Doing great things for pets and people.”
Kristen Northrup
Del Novak
John & Julie Nuss
Larry Nytz & Renae Glatt
Bob & Joyce Oatfield
Kevin & Hildy Oberlander
Bertha O’Connor
Camie O’Connor
Johnelle Odegard
Patrick & Julie O’Dell
Dennis Ogroske
Linda Okerson
Shirley Olgeirson
Patricia Olsen
Beth Olson
Fran Olson
Richard & Jackie Olson
John & Linda Olsrud
Richard Olwell
Rita & Tom O’Neill
Marilyn Opperude
Sally Oremland
Daniel & Andrea Ortega
Keith & Brenda Osborn
Kathi Osteen
Richard & Doris Ott
Bo Otwell
Susan & Dennis Owen
Wayne & Christi Papke
Dave & Claudia Park
Cathy & Bernie Parkhurst
Mary & Paul Patera
Erin Patton
Michael & Roberta Patton
Michele Paul
Sherri & Vickie Paxon
Kari Pearson
Paige Pederson
Robert & Kathryn Pederson
Darla & Russ Pelton
John & Tana Pendergast
Todd & Terry Perman
Wesley & Linda Perman
Dean & Valerie Peterson
Dennis & Rocksanne Peterson
Donna Peterson
Jessica Peterson
Colleen Pfau
Adam Pfliger
Mitzi Philbrick
Lindsey & David Phillips
Angela Pinizzotto
Antonella Pippia
Lee & Jolene Podoll
James, Laura & Karl Podrabarac
Bette & Richard Poppe
Florence Porsborg
Michael & Theresa Porter
Prairie Rose Family Dentist
Dorothy Preabt
Dorothy Fetch Preabt
Pride Inc.
Tocker & Melanie Pudwill
Margaret & Cyril Puetz
Dorothy Puklich
Cheryl Purdy
David & Doreene Pusc
R.M. Quanrud
Scott & Mickey Radig
Norma Ralston
Curtis & Debbie Rath
Michael & Meri Rauser
Tom & Patti Regan
Jeanette Rehberg
Marlys & Jerry Reichenberg
Henry & Mabel Reichert
Ardyce Reisenauer
Marilyn Reiswig
Larry & Cindy Renner
Kalyn Retterath
Peggy Reuther
Jay & Marjorie Coenen- Rice
Kim & Brian Ritter
R.K. Electric
Mary & Richard Robinson
Robi’s Repair Inc.
Lee Ann Roehrich
Linda Roehrich
Lyla Roehrich
Katie & Casey Rogstad
Dorothy Rolfstad
Lonnie & Jennifer Romsaas
Miguel & Melissa & Hadley Rosales
Rod & Bonnie Rosene
Jessica & Travis Rossow
Lutene Roth
Eileen Mack-Rouse
Laurie & Bill Rowe
Ken & Kay Royse
RS Investment Group, Inc.
Marvin & Phyllis Rudolf
Merlin & Beverly Rudrud
Runway Express Mart, Inc.
Tera Rutten
Richard & Angela Sabot
Arlene Sackman
Jane Sahli
Kevin & Cheryl Sailer
Maure & Sharon Sand
Wilhelm Sandberg
Tracey Wiese Sander
Evangeline Sauter
Judy, Adam & Ryan Sauter
Kyle & Cydra Solberg Sauter
Ramona & Cleaton Sayler
Craig & Mandy Schaaf
Mary Ann Schaan
Steve Schadler
Cindy & Darin Schafer
Nick & Deanna Schaff
Danielle Scharnowske
Karen Schatz
Steven & Kelly Scherr
Robert & Linda Schiermeister
Richard & Robin Schimke
Julie Schirado
Tina Schloss
Robert & Celia Schmaltz
Cheryllyn Schmidt
Connie Schmidt
Laurie & Kevin Schmidt
Paul & Pat Schmidt
Shawn Schmidt
Vicky Larson- Schmidt
Brittney & Hayley Schmit
Eileen Schnaidt
Bonnie Schneider
Thomas Schneider
Sonja & Tim Schoch
Lester & Laura Schoenberg
Thomas & Deborah Schoffstall
Karen Schramm
Sandy Schulz
Allen & Robin Schumacher
Janice Schwartzbauer
John & Erin Schwartzmann
Robert & Carol Schwan
Viola & Dennis Schwind
Tracy & Myrt Scott
James & Jani Seifert
Barb & Wally Siegel
John & Glenda Klipstein Sevcik
William & Joan Severin
Terry & Cindy Severson
Jocelyn Sevre
Sheet Metal Specialties
William & Cheryl Shelbourn
Cullen Shiffrin
Dallas Shipley
Jim & Marci Silrum
Lillian Sinkula
Shelly Sizer
Cameo & Kiel Skager
Tanya Skurupey
Iva Slag
Peter & Annemarie Slemmer
Marj Smith
Beverly Solberg
Solheim Elementary School
Duane & Beverly Sorby
Carl & Beverly Sorensen
Clay & Ramona Sorneson
Neil Souther
Glennis Spier
Karleen Spitulnik
Catherine Stack
Karla & Monty Stack
Walter & Donna Stack
Russel & Shirley Staiger
Carrie Stanley
Brad & Jocelyn Starck
Susan Starck
Starion Financial
Kelly Steckler
William & Darla Steidler
Bonita Steiner
Lucia & Jim Stellick
Margie Stellwag
Ronald & Karla Stenberg
Arlene Stephenson
Dan & Sandy Stephenson
Michelle Stevier
Patricia Stockdill
Deon & Karin Stockert
Evangeline Stockert
Maudie Stoller
Rose Stoller
Matthew & Jane Stone
Sherry Stroh
Randell Strom
Tim & Germaine Stroup
Paul & Brenda Stubbs
John Stumpf
Gregory & Stacy Sturm
David & Jodene Suko
Colette Sukut
Anne Summers
Carol Sundby
Tait & Jennifer Sundstrom
Len & Joan Swanson
Mary Beth & Sandy Swenson
Sandra Tabor
William & Coleen Tallman
Bonnie & Tim Tate
Harry & Charlotte (Chuck) Tatro
Glenn & Brenda Tepler
Lila Teunissen
The Falkirk Mining Company
Donna & Kenneth Thiede
Rebecca Thiem & Glenn Smith
Cathie & Frances Thill
Marie Thill
Allan & Patti Thomas
Erin Thomas
Alice Thompson
Tom & Barbara Thorson
Craig & Robin Thorstenson
LeeAnn Thorstenson
Barbara Tietz
Chelle Timmreck
Gordon & Judy Tofte
Sherri Toman
Dennis Torgerson
Cheryl & Stuart Tracy
Philip & Mary Tron
Jim & Marlene Tschaekofske
Faye L. Tschosik
Lois & Dean Tveter
Connie Udby
Kim & David Ukestad
Ron & Glenda VanderLinden
Lisa Van Heukelom
David & Nicola Vasbinder
Erica Veil
Jennifer & Brent Veil
June & Allen Veit
John & Marlys Verwey
Frank & Susanne Vetsch
Vida’s Collectibles
Robin Vilhauer
Vision Source! - Dr. Little’s Office
Focus On All Fours
Pearl Voegele
Abby Voigt
Laurie Vokal
Gertrude Vold
Scott & Tamra Volkert
Alicia Vollmers & Jackson Lofgren
Maureen & Myles Vosberg
Jesse & Rebecca Vossler
Gail & Lance Wachter
Dale & Nancy Wagner
James & Melissa Wahlman
Donnita Wald
Jason & Jessie Wald
Steve Wallick
Thomas & Sandy Wallner
Debbie Wanner
Karen Wanner
Kim, Daniel & Duffy Wassim
Holly Watts
Richard Weber
James & Katja Weiand
Al & Lisa Weigel
Darlene Weigel
Kevin Weigel
Arlon & Arlene Weiss
Gracie Mae Werner
West Central Service Center
Western Steel & Plumbing
JoAnn Wetsch
Janine Wetzel
Wesley & Sandra Wiedenmeyer
Pete & Deanne Wiens
Dixon & Konnie Wightman
Terrie & Tracy Wildeman
Bill Willis
Nancy Willis
W. Kenneth & Cynthia Willmann
Deanna & Ladel Wilson
Holly & Lloyd Winterberg
John & Delores Witt
Shirley Wohl
Renae Wolff
Joe & Dyan Wood
Patty & Larry Wood
Woodmansee’s Inc
Julie & Douglas Woodworth
Nicole Wright
Millie Yantis
Kevin Yeager
Stephanie Yoshikawa
Lyle & Jackie Zachmeier
Audrey Furness Zahm
Christy & Scott Zainhofsky
Terry & Bonnie Zander
Dustin & Deann Zaun
Tracy Zeeb
Reuben & Ellen Ziegenhagel
Marcie Gunsch
Duane Hart
Tom & Kelsey Hennessy
Jan & Bob Hubal
David & Paula Jesser
Stephanie & Peter Jones
Eugenie Lang
Renae Lange (2)
Michael & Kristin Luckenbill
Daniel & Nikki Lyons
Marge Magnuson
Shari & William Masse
Shannon Masseth
Joshua McCall
Heather & William McCoy
Linda Mees
Cathy & Dave Metz
Lisa Edholm- Moch
Robert & Linda Morrell
Zach Nevland
Ryan & Jennifer Nordlund
Patricia Olsen
Beth Olson
Kylie Osborn
Abbi Pierce
Joe & Angela Pittman
Diane Rasset (2)
Melissa & Matthew Reed
Tim & Anita Reed
Julie Reim
Kalyn Retterath
LeRoy Sattler
Kiki & Scott Schatz
Suzann & Ryan Scheid (2)
Karen Schindler
Julie Schirado
Jaylene & Sherry Schlecht
Dale & Deb Schneibel
Becki Schulz
Viola & Dennis Schwind
Cathy & Bob Spangelo
Michelle Stevier
Ryan & Stephanie Sticha
Vic & Daralyn Stiefel
Holly Suko
Roger & Dawn Thompson
LeeAnn Thorstenson (2)
Emily & Michael Ulmen
Claudia Volk
Melanie Vollmers
Joel & Judy Wack
Angela Walters
Brenda Weinberger
Zac Weinberger
Jena Weller
Dan & Nancy White
Jane Wolforth
Adopter Members
People to Remember:
Lorelei & Mike Anderson
Ruby & Devin Barten
Robert & Sarah Bennett
Kim Bethke
Lynn & Shawn Boehm
Eleonore Bollinger
Mike & Kim Chaussee (2)
Dana & Welly Chou
Emily Code
Allan & LeeAnne Cook
Shanna Cotton
Steve & Savannah Elkins (2)
Monte & Teri Ell
Kristi Eng
Karin Ernst
Dean Espe
Beverly Everett
Kelly Falcon
Myron Falk
Carmen & Daniel Ferguson
Carmen & Troy Fitchner
Jeff Graner
Mildred Graner
Sharon Gray
In loving memory of Shara
Adams from Doc & Arloene
In loving memory of Eunice
Anderson from Daryl & Diane
In memory of my dear friend,
Eunice Anderson’s sister.
From Terry & Bonnie Zander.
In memory of Irvin Bauer from
Meri & Michael Rauser.
In loving memory of Alexandra
“Sacha” Boon from Joel Boon.
In loving memory of Charlotte
Brink from Bonnie Chandler.
In loving memory of my aunt,
Doris Dale from Monty &
Karla Stack.
In loving memory of James (Jim)
Dornheim from friends at
the Morton County State’s
In loving memory of Robert
Central Dakota Humane Society
Feigert from LoEtta Feigert.
In memory of Fina Gamble from
Lil Sinkula.
In loving memory of Lorraine
Gunlikson from Daryl & Diane
In loving memory of Sharon
Kohler from Terry & Signy
In memory of Michael J. Knoll
from Willa Carlson.
In loving memory of Mildred
Kuffenkam from Johnelle
Odegard, Ron & Glenda
VanderLinden, Wesley &
Sandra Wiedenmeyer.
In memory of Katelyn Lee from
Line X of Bismarck/Mandan.
In loving memory of Clara Leno
from Jane Summers, Cy &
Peggy Puetz.
In memory of Charlie Lloyd from
Mickie & Adeline Lloyd.
In loving memory of Eileen
Martin from Edward &
Rochelle Breckel, Terry &
Diana Lincoln.
In loving memory of Sandy Mees
from Dennis & Jennifer MeesBoger.
In memory of Joe Miller from
Peggy Reuther.
In loving memory of Carole
Montgomery from Daryl &
Diane Gronfur.
In loving memory of Garrett
Monzolowsky from the Regan
In loving memory of Mary J.
Nelson from Elroy Nelson.
In memory of Noel Noakes, who
was a true friend to animals.
He loved his ShihTzu, Troubles
who always took naps with
him. He is missed by his dog
and Joycelyn and the Noakes
In memory of Merwyn Oksendahl
from Shelly Sizer.
In loving memory of Lottie
Retzlaff from The Bakken
In loving memory of Marlys
M. Saxvik from Patricia &
Richard Karlgaard.
In loving memory of Helen
Schlafmann. Love and miss
you Grandma. Merry Christmas
from Frank & Susanne Vetsch.
In loving memory of Walter
Schreck, father of Dan
Schreck. He had a small brown
dog who was his constant
companion. From Katherine
In loving memory of Bud
Schwinden of Fargo, ND from
Shelly Doyle & Tom Marple.
In loving memory of Joyce
Schwinkendorf from Lorraine
Boehler, Pat & Lloyd Fischer,
Linda Okerson and her family
and friends.
In loving memory of Kathy Spiss
of Tucson, AZ from Helen
In loving memory of Frank
Szymanski from Jim & Marci
In loving memory of William
Tallman from Coleen, Robert
& Becky Tallman.
In loving memory of Samantha
Lynn Vogel from Millie Yantis.
In loving memory of Gertrude Vold
of Bismarck, ND from Helen
In loving memory of Grace
Wellman from Marj Smith.
In loving memory of James
Zwarych and his mother,
LouAnn, who gave many
volunteer hours to CDHS. Our
thoughts and prayers are with
you all. He will be missed very
much. With love from Jim’s
aunties: Millie, Shirley and
Joyce and their families.
Pets to Remember:
In memory of a sweet little dog
named 8-Ball, who is sorely
missed by the Folmer/Wald
Family. From Sheldon & Mary
In loving memory of 8-Ball, the
tough, but sweet, old man kitty
at CDHS. He had a personality
that was unique and lovable.
We will all miss him. From Lee
& Jolene Podoll.
In loving memory of Abbie.
In loving memory of Abbie
& Puck, long time feline
companions of Kate Pole.
Abbie & Puck died in a house
fire late in 2011. They had a
wonderful home and many
great years with Kate and are
sadly missed. From Mary Ann
In memory of Angus, my little
Tiger Duck. No one can fill
your paw prints. I love you.
From Danielle Hanna and
Molly Girl.
In loving memory of Annebelle.
The fun loving stray who died
of cancer too young. Also,
in memory of Dog, the Lab,
Doberman or whatever he
was. He was a really lovable
companion to my son, Brad,
who rescued him from a
pound. He lived to be 17 years
old. Both Annebelle and Dog
were loved and cared for by
Brad & Chris Stephenson.
From Arlene Stephenson.
In memory of Annie & Marty,
beloved kitties from Andrea
In memory of Bill, beloved canine
companion of Marj Smith.
From Lee & Jolene Podoll.
In loving memory of my beautiful
babies, Bill, Callie & Scout
from Marj Smith.
In loving memory of Bill, Buddy
(Lil Bud), Baker, Frisbee,
Pony Boy, Miss Celie, Lumpy
Cole and all other beloved
CDHS alumni lost in 2011.
From Marj Smith.
In loving memory of Brit, a
German Shorthair that had
been a family and hunting dog
for nine years for the Schulz
family. From Orlin Lyng.
In memory of Callie, beloved cat
of Jennifer DeForest from
Annette DeForest.
In memory of Callie Allie, age
3, the sweetest girl - gone too
soon. From Lori Flaten.
In memory of Casper, beloved cat
of Doris Sand. From Maure &
Sharon Sand.
In loving memory of Charles
(20 yrs), Chester (20 1/2 yrs)
& Kitty Katherine (12 yrs),
beloved cats of Teryl Tatro,
of Forsyth, MT. From Harry &
Charlotte Tatro.
In memory of Chipper, beloved
dog of Chad & Crystal
Riedinger & family from
Rebecca Nitsch.
In memory of Copper, beloved
friend and companion to
Angela Magstadt for over 17
years. Copper was very loved
and will be greatly missed by
Angela and her family; Sean,
Faith and Ella Magstadt. From
Rich, Angela and Deacon
In memory of Daisy, beloved dog
of John & April Laskowski
from Doc & Arloene
In loving memory of Dakota,
beautiful & treasured member
of the Johnsen Family from
Frank & Susanne Vetsch.
In loving memory of our beautiful
Dakotah, who passed away
in his momma dogs arms at
the old age of almost 17. He
sure tried everything to stay
with me. Adopted from CDHS
in August 1995. From Tim &
Brenda Kellar.
In memory of Dana, beloved feline
companion of Jo Bickert. From
Pat Olsen.
In loving memory of Divo (cat)
from Beverly Everett.
In loving memory of Divo from
Valerie Naylor.
In memory of our beloved cat,
Dmitri, from Paul, Marnie, and
Alayna Kraft.
In loving memory of my special
kitty, Fox – 1995 to 2012. From
Janice Schwartzbauer.
In memory of Gretzke Sandness,
beloved feline companion of
Patty & Paul Sandness from
Debbie & Dale Klein.
In memory of Hannah, beloved
dog of Dave & Mary Rennich.
From Maure & Sharon Sand.
In loving memory of Homer &
Toby from Anne Summers.
In memory of Jingles, beloved
and special cat of Janel Nelson
from Patricia Huber.
In memory of Kita, beloved dog of
the Vern & Pauline Dickerson
Family. From Ed Kehrwald &
Christine Kuchler.
In loving memory of Kopper, lucky
and loved member of the Kraft
Family from Frank & Susanne
In memory of Little Bud, beloved
canine companion of Andrea
Hoffman. From Lee & Jolene
In memory of Logan, beloved
Sheltie of the Donna & Greg
Pfleger family. Logan went to
be with all the other family
pets on Friday, January 13th
and will be greatly missed by
all who loved him. From Kay &
Maury Kamins.
In memory of Merlin, beloved
Bismarck-Mandan’s No-Kill Shelter
canine of the Ridenhour Family from
Christine Kujawa and Eric Stroshane.
In loving memory of Mickey from Joe, Jill
& Charlie.
In memory of Misty, age 16, she did
everything her way - and made sure
everyone else did too! From Lori Flaten.
In memory of Misty & Callie Flaten,
beloved companions of Lori Flaten. From
Brian & Paula Grosinger.
In loving memory and in honor of Mocha,
dearly departed Husky of Reed &
Roberta Unterseher from Dallas Shipley.
In loving memory of Molly, a sweet,
beautiful chocolate lab family member of
Ron & Donna Emter. She was a favorite
of mine when I went for my walks always greeted me with a woof and a
tail wag. She was a great little dog who
brought a little sunshine into my day.
From Bette Poppe.
In loving memory of Mr. Chips, January
10, 1998 - November 22, 2011. Best little
pal a person could ever have... putting a
little sunshine into every day of our time
together. From Dean & Valerie Peterson.
In loving memory of Bonnie Dever’s beloved
pets; Norman, Abby, Bill, Missy and
In loving memory of Oscar, a Shih Tzu
companion who is deeply missed by
Nick Wead.
In memory of our one in a million dog cat,
Sally. From Joan & Dave Morton.
In loving memory of Rocky from Audrey
In memory of Sasha, age 17, the most laid
back cat ever. From Lori Flaten.
In loving memory of my granddog,
Savannah from Bernadine Digby.
In loving memory of Shady, sweet lady
and family member of the Skubals from
Frank & Susanne Vetsch.
In memory of the coolest bulldog ever,
Sherman, beloved dog of the Kevin
Oberlander family from the staff at
Dakota Pharmacy & Dakota Natural
Health Center.
In memory of Smokey, beloved cat of Gwyn
Herman & Laverne Johnson from Shelly
In loving memory of Spunkers, cherished
family member of the Tod & Patti Baer
from Frank & Susanne Vetsch.
In loving memory of Tripod, our cat, who
had cancer. From Patricia Huber.
In loving memory of Tripod, our special guy.
From Walt & Donna Stack.
In loving memory of our Basset Hound,
Tucker for his 10 years of life - 7 with us,
his forever family. From Lyle & Jackie
In loving memory of Whoopie. She was
lucky to have CDHS as her home to help
her deal with her various health issues.
She did enjoy letting us know when she
wanted attention. From Lee & Jolene
In memory of my beloved cat, Zoe from Neil
Memorials from Dr. Barb Espe:
In loving memory of Angel, beloved feline
companion of Dana Herman.
In loving memory of Ariel, beloved bunny
companion of Allison Olsen.
In loving memory of Bill, beloved canine
companion of Marj Smith.
In loving memory of Brandee, beloved
canine companion of Kevin Kautzmann.
In loving memory of Cassie, beloved feline
and Buster, beloved canine companions
of Leah & Lance Diehl.
In loving memory of Cecil, beloved canine
companion of Chad Boyko & Vanesa
In loving memory of Cole, beloved canine
companion of Doneen & Brittany Zinnel.
In loving memory of Deacon, beloved canine
companion of Laura & Jeffrey Rust.
In loving memory of Diesel, beloved canine
companion of Jacob Benz.
In loving memory of Elliot, beloved
canine companion of Vonnie & Harvey
In loving memory of Emmy, beloved feline
companion of Patti & Jason Pfeifer.
In loving memory of Holly, beloved canine
companion of Clay Starck.
In loving memory of Jasmine, beloved
canine companion of Kristin Kitko &
Karen Van Fossan.
In loving memory of Kasper, beloved feline
companion of Pat Olsen.
In loving memory of Kirby, beloved canine
companion of Theresa & Tim Leer.
In loving memory of Lauren, beloved feline
companion of Janice Schwartzbauer.
In loving memory of Little Bud, beloved
canine companion of Andrea Hoffman.
In loving memory of Logan, beloved canine
companion of Donna Pfleger.
In loving memory of Marty, beloved canine
companion of Warren Granfor.
In loving memory of Max, beloved canine
companion of Ervin & Cheryl Kuchynski.
In loving memory of Max, beloved canine
companion of John Okeefe.
In loving memory of Mister Molly, beloved
feline companion of Eloise Bernhardt.
In loving memory of Misty, beloved feline
companion of Lori Flaten.
In loving memory of Moe, beloved feline
companion of Katie & David Schimetz.
In loving memory of Molly, beloved canine
companion of Clay & Ramona Sorneson.
In loving memory of Moonshadow, beloved
feline companion of Lori Baumgartner.
In loving memory of Mr. Chips, beloved
canine companion of Valerie & Dean
In loving memory of O’Kitty, beloved feline
companion of Jeanne & Dale Blasewitz.
In loving memory of Oliver, beloved feline
companion of Deb Klemmer.
In loving memory of Peanut, beloved canine
companion of Sandra Thompson.
In loving memory of Piper, beloved feline
companion of Mary Harris.
In loving memory of Sadie, beloved canine
companion of Sheila Hohbein.
In loving memory of Sammy, beloved canine
companion of Karen & John Jensen &
Julie Jensen.
In loving memory of Samson, beloved feline
companion of Dean Espe.
In loving memory of Shasta, beloved canine
companion of Kim & Steve Ellison.
In loving memory of Skittles, beloved feline
companion of Sue & Carl Jacobson.
In loving memory of Spunky, beloved canine
companion of Peggy Carufel.
In loving memory of Teddy, beloved canine
companion of Jennie Wills.
In loving memory of Tony, beloved dog of
Lisa & Scott Kadlec.
In loving memory of Wiley, beloved dog of
Chad & Stacey Hanson.
In honor of Cameron Seifert. Merry
Christmas from Frank & Susanne Vetsch
In honor of Angie & Randy Evans. Merry
Christmas from Bob & Lyn Hendrickson.
In honor & in loving memory of Joe
Neuenschwander from Denise Brown.
In honor of Virginia & Daryl Kerzman’s
birthdays. Happy Birthday from Larry &
Patty Wood
In honor of Tani & John Keaveny. Merry
Christmas from Audrey Keaveny-Coggins
In honor of Connie Udby from Eide Dahlen.
In honor of Maudie Stoller’s birthday.
Happy Birthday from Sheldon & Mary
In honor of Jayden, Ethan and Dawson
Frantsvog. Merry Christmas from
Grandma and Grandpa Entzel
In honor of Larry & Patty Wood. Thank
you for being such wonderful Parents
and Grandparents. Deaglan & Tigris
couldn’t have picked a better Grammy
and Grandpa!! We really appreciate all
you do for us. We love you!! From Joe,
Dyan, Deaglan & Tigi Wood.
In honor of Kyle & Cydra Solberg from
Beverly Solberg.
In honor of Jan & Bob Hubal. Thanks for
taking care of us. From Izzy & Talli.
In honor of Candy & Lonnie Kulseth.
Merry Christmas from Monty & Karla
In honor of the Feil Smiles Charity Club;
Abby Voigt. She has decided to give
back to her community and organizations
that had an impact on her. From Feil
In honor of Shelly Kohler’s birthday. Happy
Birthday from Clinton Kohler
In honor of Jordan Seifert. Merry
Christmas from Frank & Susanne Vetsch
In honor of Sunny & Louie from Suzanne
Butzon & James Cole.
In honor of Virginia (Ginn) Jestnes, who
was my cat sitter for my Persian, Lili
when I was away. Lili adores Ginn and
waited for her each day. They played
with some toys, watched cars go by and
etc. Ginn gave me a cat sitter account
each day. I so appreciated her help! From
Lorraine Montgomery.
In honor of Ernie White’s birthday. Happy
Birthday from Larry & Patty Wood
In honor of Lynette & Greg Painter from
Denise & Chris Lindbo.
In honor of Tim Riegel. Merry Christmas
from Monty & Karla Stack
In honor of Clark Maier. Merry Christmas
from Toby & Linus
In honor of Zach Seifert. Merry Christmas
from Frank & Susanne Vetsch
In honor of Larry Wohl. Merry Christmas
from Shirley Wohl.
In honor of Bubba from Connie Assels.
In honor of Sharon Finneman. Merry
Christmas from Greg & Stacy Sturm
In honor and memory of Elmer & Evelyn
Klipstein from John Sevcik & Glenda
Klipstein Sevcik.
In honor of Maudie Stoller’s birthday.
Happy Birthday from Rose Stoller
In honor of Lois Erickstad and Jake from
Sandra Erickstad.
In honor of Amanda Skubal. Merry
Christmas from Frank & Susanne Vetsch
Memorials from Lunn’s Kennel
In loving memory of Kochka, beloved cat of
Mike & Shelly Seifert.
In loving memory of Max, beloved dog of
Dave & Judy Moritz.
In loving memory of Rocky, beloved dog of
John & Barb Dwyer.
In loving memory of Shadow, beloved dog
of Laurie Kirby & Earl Pomeroy.
“Doing great things for pets and people.”
In honor of Janelle Thomas’s March 12th
birthday. Happy Birthday from Tanya
In honor of Judi Johnson-Mackie. Merry
Christmas from Bonny Fetch
In honor of Allison Riegel. Merry Christmas
from Monty & Karla Stack
In honor of Dr. Espe. Thank you for taking
such good care of us. From Izzy, Talli
& Tiki.
In honor & in loving memory of Shara
Adams from Denise Brown.
In honor of Chelsea Skubal. Merry
Christmas from Frank & Susanne Vetsch
In honor of Connie Zarndt from Arlene
In honor of Elizabeth Kennel’s birthday.
Happy Birthday from Larry & Patty Wood
In honor of all the Doctors of Veterinary
Medicine and Veterinary Clinics
in the Bismarck-Mandan area and
the surrounding communities at the
following clinics that we have the
privilege to work with: Heart River
Animal Hospital, Lewis & Clark Animal
Hospital, Bismarck Animal Hospital,
Pinehurst Veterinary Hospital, Missouri
Valley Veterinary Clinic, Interstate
Veterinary Clinic, All Pets Veterinary
Clinic, Johnson’s Veterinary Clinic,
Doc’s Veterinary Clinic, New Salem
Veterinary Clinic, Knife River Veterinary
Clinic, Garrison Veterinary Services
and Elgin Veterinary Services. Thank
you from Dakota Pharmacy and Dakota
PrecisonRX Labs.
In honor of Bert & Debbie Patterson.
Merry Christmas from Monty & Karla
In honor of our granddog, Bailey. From
Keith & Mary Magnusson.
In honor of Sophia & Celia’s 9th birthday.
Happy Birthday from all your friends!
In honor of Nathan & Dawn Hendrickson.
Merry Christmas from Bob & Lyn
In honor of Ruby’s 7th Anniversary
Adoption Day from Jan & Ruby
In honor of Sue Buchholz. Just because you
are awesome!
In honor of June & Allen Veit from Jessica
In honor of Amanda Miller, Tanja Toman,
Jess Hegel, Nicki Westerlind, Lee &
Jolene Podoll from Sonja Moilanen.
In honor of Janet Stockert. Merry
Christmas from Monty & Karla Stack
In honor of Mary Loftsgard’s birthday.
Happy Birthday from Sheldon Loftsgard,
Rose Stoller, Maudie Stoller, Colette
In honor of Carol Sundby. Merry Christmas
from Frank & Susanne Vetsch
In honor of Kadyn Mason. Merry Christmas
from Grandma and Grandpa Entzel
In honor of Michelle Kohler. Merry
Christmas from Corwin & Ronda Kohler.
In honor & in loving memory of Richard
Karlgaard from Denise Brown.
In honor of Carmen Hay. Merry Christmas
from Kevin, Jackie, Zach, Ashley, Kallie
Aubrey, Chelsea & Matt Hay; Josh,
Melissa, Caden and Jaxon Hausauer,
Bill & Laurie and Billy Rowe; Catie and
A. Jay Poeppel; Dirk, Brenda and Drew
Hausauer, Caitlin Threadgold, Nikki and
Andy Lutz; and The Minneapolis Hays
Focus On All Fours
From Mandy...
continued from
page 5
continued from page 5
gentleman who wanted to leave nine boxer-cross pups with Sue at 5:45 p.m. on a Saturday
afternoon. The last time I saw Sue’s face that pale was at her 50th Surprise Birthday party.
• Some call her JoAnne, some call her the chicken lady and some call her Mommy – JoAnne
Deringer, Sue’s mom, is at the shelter every day from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. washing, drying,
sorting, folding, washing, drying, sorting, folding and then does it again for five hours.
JoAnne put in 1800 hours in 2011. 1800! That’s a lot!
• Three of our long term board members – Cameo Skager, Cathie Thill and Karen Schwan
Holman have been not only on our board for many years (among the three of them) but
they also volunteer for many events, Cathie is in charge of the Annual Phantom Ball and
Karen handles the finances (or lack of sometimes) and Cameo does many, many, many
things that we aren’t even aware of.
They say it takes a village to raise a child. It takes a whole lot of volunteers to keep CDHS
in business.
Become a Facebook Fan
Membership Meetings
Like us on Facebook!! And tell all
your friends. The CDHS fan page is a
great way to stay informed about all our
upcoming events, get a peek at our furry
shelter residents and find out about the
success stories of adopted pets. If you
have adopted from us, be sure to post
a picture and an update. Seeing those
happy pets in loving homes is one of our
favorite things!!
Meetings are held at the
Broadway Conference Center at
207 E. Broadway Ave., Bismarck
at 6 p.m.
June 18
August 20
September 17
Call 667-2020 for more info.
Volunteers of the
Year (two awards) Tana
Pendergast has been
a volunteer with CDHS
for about four years and
during that time has been
a tremendous help to the
shelter staff. She has
taken on any and all tasks
that are sent her way,
and all with a smile. She
runs errands, organizes
the photo books, picks up
supplies, helps decorate for parties and events, helps
with the yard work, helps with Shaggy Shuffle, the
Bismarck Tribune Sports Show, and meet and greets.
She also volunteers several afternoons a week at the
shelter, helping staff and customers. Tana seemed
to enjoy volunteering at CDHS so much that we
eventually asked her to come to work at the shelter.
She now works a few mornings a week, cleaning cat
Paige Mattson has been a volunteer with CDHS
for about three years and is one of those people
who works in the background. You may not see her
too often, but she is always busy helping with our
events. Paige uses her expertise in design to create
colorful and interesting posters for our events. She
also does the layout and design of our newsletter.
For the last two years Paige has designed a beautiful
wall calendar, and has been instrumental in getting
donations of printing costs from printing companies.
Congratulation to Tana and Paige!
Please support these businesses that display CDHS donation canisters
A Buck or So
All Pets Veterinary Clinic
Barney’s Tesoro – Mandan
Bismarck Animal Clinic
Bo-he-gy – Mandan
Butcher Block Meats
Cappucino on Collins
Captain Jack’s Liquor – Mandan
Captain Jack’s Liquor – North
Captain Jack’s Liquor – South
Cashman Nursery
Cenex – Mandan
Cenex – East Broadway
Cenex Convenience Store/Hot Stuff
Pizza – Wilton
Central Market – Mandan
Central Market – Bismarck
Clothes Mentor – Bismarck
Cozy Creek Coffee & Gifts
Creative Clay
Crown Butte Kennels
D’Fine Tanning & Hair Salon
Dakota Pharmacy
Central Dakota Humane Society
Lewis & Clark Animal Hospital
Little Caesar's Pizza
Little Caesars Pizza – North
Little Cottage Café
Little Dukes (Cashwise gas station)
M&H Gas
M&M Sausage and Meats
Mandan Public Library
Midway Lanes
Midway Liquor
Missouri Valley Vet Clinic
Mocha Momma’s – Mandan
Norleen Conitz – State Farm Insurance
– Mandan
Northwind Home & Garden
Pinehurst Veterinary Clinic
Plato’s Closet – Bismarck
Plaza Drug
Polar Package
Red Trail Petro & Pizza
Rock’N 50’s Café
Rolling Hills Restaurant – Mandan
Runnings Farm & Fleet – Bismarck
Doc’s Vet Clinic
Dollar Store – Mandan
Expressway Amoco
Expressway C-Store
Fiesta Villa
Five Nations Arts
Four Paws Inn
Gas Plus
Gourmet Doggy Diner
Hair 2000
Healthy Dog Center
Heart River Animal Hospital
Home Run C-Store
Interstate Vet Clinic
Jay's Pawn Shop – Bismarck
Jay's Pawn Shop – Mandan
KT Animal Supply
Katherine's Consignment & More
Kirkwood Tesoro
Kroll’s – North
Lander’s Interstate Conoco
Latitudes Gallery & Gifts
Runnings Farm & Fleet – Mandan
Schneider’s Flowerama
Schwartz Chiropractic Center –
Scotty’s Drive-In
Season’s Café
Simonson's North
Space Aliens Grill & Bar
StaMart – Bismarck
Stockman’s Supply Group
Taco Del Mar – South
Taco John’s – Mandan
Taco John’s – North
Taco John’s – South
Taco John’s/Good Times – Bismarck
The Bird House
Treasures of the Sea & Earth
Uni-Stop – Mandan
Uniform Center & Embroidery –
Urban Girl
West Dakota Meats
Western Unlimited
Bismarck-Mandan’s No-Kill Shelter
Central Dakota Humane Society
2104 37th Street, Mandan, ND 58554
on Dakota Media Access - Channel 12,
with host Rig Olsen
Monday, Wednesday
& Friday –11:30 a.m.
Thursday – 7:30 p.m.
Friday – 5:00 p.m.
Saturday – 12:30 p.m.
Also available online
Produced by Central Dakota Humane Society
and Dakota Media Access
Become A CDHS Member Today!
Memberships include a newsletter subscription. You will receive a complimentary
one-year membership if you adopt a pet from the CDHS shelter. Memberships are taxdeductible to the extent of the law.
Membership Categories (check one):
____$10 - Junior (under 18)
____$150 - Pet Fanatic
____$20 - Individual (1)
____$500 - CDHS Builder
____$30 - Family (2+)
____$1000-$1999 - Lifetime Member
____$50 - Dog Lover
____$2000-$4999 - Lifetime Benefactor
____$50 - Cat Lover
____$5000+ - Lifetime Leader of the Pack
____$100 - Business
____ Hush Puppy (Anonymous)
Tax-Deductible Donation Categories:
____$12.50/month - kennel sponsor (one-year commitment)
____$25 - Adopt-A-Pet ad, published monthly in the Bismarck Tribune
____$ _________ - monthly donation (CDHS will send an authorization
form for your signature.)
____$__________ - additional donation amount
State:______ Zip Code:___________ E-mail:_______________________
Gift Given By:________________________________________________
Pay using (check one):
_____ Check/Money Order ____
Amount Enclosed: $_______________
Credit Card #:____________________________Exp. Date:___________
Send to:
CDHS, 2104 37th Street, Mandan, ND, 58554-8230 or call 667-2020.
“Doing great things for pets and people.”
667-2020 / /
Shelter Director, Sue Buchholz
Office Manager, Carrie Roth
Volunteer Coordinator, Mandy Schaaf
Board of Directors:
Cameo Skager, President - 2014*
Rita O’Neill, Vice President - 2013*
Karen Schwan Holman, Treasurer - 2014*
Cathie Thill, Secretary - 2014*
Cassie Bauer - 2013*
Jessica Burger - 2014*
Anne Jorgenson Green - 2013*
Robin Martin - 2013*
Charlene Seifert - 2014*
(* Date term expires)
CDHS is a nonprofit organization.
April-June 2012 (Issue 2, Volume 52)
Focus On All Fours is the official publication of
CDHS and is published quarterly. Editor: Cameo
Skager, Designer: Paige Mattson
CDHS Shelter Hours
Tuesday through Saturday
1 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Sunday and Monday
CDHS Mission Statement
Purpose: The purposes for which the
Corporation is organized are:
1. To provide for, house, rehabilitate, and
relocate lost, strayed or homeless animals.
2. To provide appropriate medical services.
3. To foster and promote humane treatment for all
4. To encourage proper responsibility by owners of
animals in their care, training or control.
5. To cooperate in the enforcement of laws that
protect animals from cruelty or neglect.
6. To promote spaying and neutering of companion animals to avoid unwanted litters.
7. To help bring about a time when no more
abused and/or abandoned animals will be
destroyed anywhere.
8. To do such acts and exercise such powers within the law - as may be necessary,
desirable or incidental to the carrying out of
the purposes specified above.
Focus On All Fours
Focus on all Fours
Central Dakota Humane Society
2104 37th Street
Mandan, ND 58554-8230
“Doing great things for pets and people.”
By Sue Buchholz
Bacardi is a dog who came to us about a
month ago. A compassionate traveler from
Hazen was, in his words, “in the middle of
nowhere just across the ND/SD state line,”
when he happened upon a small dog beside
the highway. Thankfully he cared enough
to stop and give her a helping hand. As you
Central Dakota Humane Society
can see, her physical condition was horrible.
He brought her to our shelter, and we are so
thankful he did!
We immediately took her to a veterinarian
where she had a full examination and a skin
scraping. Besides the obvious lack of care
and nutrition, Bacardi suffered from (based
on the vet’s report) “ears filled with ticks, face
and legs hyperkeratosis, alopecia, crusting,
hyperpigmentation, mousy smell, minimal
puritis, numerous ticks all over body and a skin
scrape positive for Demodex (a type of mange)
and pyoderma.”
We took her back to the shelter and began
to care for her as instructed. We shaved her
patchy fur as close as we could, and applied
Revolution to combat the ticks and fleas that
she may be harboring. The next day we gave
her a bath, and we started oral antibiotics to
fight her skin infection. We are feeding her and
building up her strength. Then we will begin the
Mitaban dips once every two weeks to battle
the mange. Thankfully, this type of mange is
not contagious, so that will help the process
Bacardi has a long road of recovery ahead
of her, probably many months of medicated
dips. Our vet said that to get to this point she
must have had this condition for a very long
time, probably since she was a puppy. In spite
of all this Bacardi is a happy, energetic dog
that craves to be touched. She is showing
improvement already, and it is our hope to
chronicle her recovery in the months to come.
It’s too early to say if we will have the happy
ending we are striving for, a healthy dog
adopted into a loving home, but we pledge to
give her our best efforts to make that happen.
We will keep you posted as the rest of her story
Bismarck-Mandan’s No-Kill Shelter

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