October - December 2012 - Central Dakota Humane Society


October - December 2012 - Central Dakota Humane Society
Upcoming Events
Oct. 13 & 27, Nov. 10 & 24, Dec. 8 & 22 – Dog
walking classes
Oct. 15, Nov. 19, Dec. 17 – CDHS membership
Oct. 11 – Beer Fest for CDHS
Nov. 10 – Santa Paws Pet Photos at
Dec. – CDHS Phantom Ball
Focus on
all Fours
October-December 2012
A publication for friends of the Central Dakota Humane Society
Bacardi’s better now
By Sue Buchholz
Photos by Jolene Podoll
Hello all! I am going to trust that if you
care enough to read our newsletter, you
never tire of hearing about our success
stories! I know these cases are what fuels the
staff and volunteers on difficult days, so it is
in the feel-good spirit that we share Bacardi’s
story with you.
Bacardi came to us as an unexpected
arrival on April 4. A kind man who lives
in Hazen was traveling “in the middle of
nowhere just across the North Dakota/
South Dakota state line” when he spotted her
beside the roadway.
(Now, another reason our shelter is so
fortunate is that our volunteer photographer
extraordinaire, Jolene Podoll, stops out
almost every day we are open to photograph
animals. Her photos are second to none and
Jolene’s labor of love has helped us feature
and rehome hundreds of animals. Jolene has
been documenting Bacardi’s recovery and
it’s so rewarding to look back and see how
far we are able to rehabilitate some of these
worthy furry friends.)
As I said, Bacardi arrived unexpectedly,
and after one look at her, we knew she
desperately needed our help. The man was
very concerned that the dog was so ill that
she needed to be humanely euthanized. He
said he hoped that was not the case, but he
understood if that was the decision. Now the
fact that this man was willing to get involved
and take in such a pathetic looking creature,
without a thought for what skin condition
she may or may not have, makes him a gem
continued on page 2
Bacardi doing great ...
Continued from page 1
in my book! The photos of her first day at CDHS show her physical condition, but her eyes
show her beaten spirit. She was gentle and accepting of us, but you can see in her eyes she was
discouraged, depressed and close to giving up. Who can blame her? Her advanced skin disease,
open bleeding sores and severe itching had been plaguing her for a year or more! I can only
imagine how she suffered. How did she find food to survive? How did she not freeze to death?
How many people saw her and looked the other way? Those questions I cannot answer, but I can
tell you about her time with us.
She was diagnosed with Demodex mange and a secondary skin infection. Her ears and
body were infested with ticks. She weighed less than 15 pounds. What remained of her matted
coat was more dirt and plant material than hair. Thus began the medicated dips to combat the
mites. She needed these toxic dips once every two weeks. These dips require gloves, gowns
and protective eyewear for the people, and made Bacardi’s sensitive skin turn flame red and
sometimes bleed, but it’s what we had to do. She endured these dips every two weeks until July
17, when our vet said her skin scrape finally showed no mites! During that time her antibiotics
continued and she received medications to heal her ear infections. On July 17, her weight had
increased to 20 pounds.
Look at her photo to see how she looks today! She is a happy, healthy energetic little clown
of a girl! Bacardi is healed emotionally and physically and ready to begin the ‘cushy’ rest of her
life worry free! She fought long and hard, and the fates brought her to us to begin a new chapter
in her life. Your support made her recovery possible, and your continued support will allow us to
handle many more ‘unexpected arrivals’ as they find us or we find them.
Photos for a Cause
Nov. 10, 2012
Noon to 5 p.m.
4615 Ottawa St.,
N. Bismarck • Just off Hwy 83
Get your Christmas pictures taken this
year while helping shelter pets!
Starting at just $20, you get professional quality shots of your family
with a holiday-themed backdrop.
Central Dakota
Humane Society
Central Dakota Humane Society
• You’ll receive one 4x6 print and a cd
with all your digital photos.
• You can pose with or without pets and
with or without Santa.
• Enjoy refreshments and browse Plant
Perfect’s holiday decorations and
displays while you wait.
• $20 for first pet or person, $5 for
each additional, $40 maximum.
Five reasons why
old dogs rock
1.What you see is what you get. Older dogs
are open books—from the start, you’ll know
important things like their full-grown size,
personality and grooming requirements.
2. Seniors are super-loving. Adopted dogs
already in their golden years are devoted
and grateful. They create an instant bond
that cannot be topped!
3. They settle in quickly. Older dogs have been
around the block and already learned what
it takes to get along with others and become
part of a pack. They’ll be part of the family in
no time!
4. Seniors enjoy easy livin’. Couch potato,
know thyself. Consider adopting a laid-back
canine retiree rather than a high-energy
young dog who needs constant monitoring.
5. They’re CUTE! Need we say more?
• Monetary donations
• Gasoline cards
•HP940XL color & black ink cartridges
• HP950 black ink cartridges
• HP51 color Ink cartridges
• Cat Litter (non-clumping)*
• Booklets of Forever Stamps
• Canned squeeze cheese (used for
giving medicine to animals.)
• Heavy duty sheet protectors
• Accordion file folders
• Paper towels
• Rubber backed rugs
• Fleece (should be new - will be used to
make blankets to sell.)
• Dog toys
• Soft dog treats
• Tall kitchen garbage bags
• Wild bird food
• Good condition enclosed 4- or 6-horse
• HE liquid laundry detergent
* Always in short supply.
Bismarck-Mandan’s No-Kill Shelter
Dog Days Deals helps
support the dogs (and
Planning for the future
By Sue Buchholz, Shelter Director
The Dog Days Deals Rummage Sale was
another great success, raising nearly $15,000.
The weather was fantastic (thank you,
Mother Nature) and shoppers had a great
time under our big tent, picking out new (to
them) treasures and trinkets.
Our fundraising events are definitely expanding and require more
planning, attention to detail and more volunteers than ever. Our
Bene-Pet was a big hit in March. It usually kicks off our year after the
Christmas season and the Phantom Ball fundraiser. Then soon we
are accepting items for our Rummage Sale, which takes a lot of staff
time and rubber walls for your generous donations. This year our
rummage sale brought in close to $15,000! That’s a lot of good stuff
re-homed or re-purposed! We re-home animals, and we re-home your
gently used donations to generate money to care for animals in need.
We also happily accept cast-off aluminum cans to care for cast-off
cats and dogs.
We are open to any fundraising ideas you can offer, and always need volunteers to help plan and
execute those events. The Shaggy Shuffle/Raging Rivers Family Fun Day was huge fun for everyone
on a beautiful sunny day. Fundraising events are a revolving door that moves in tandem with the
revolving door of animals that need our services. I have mentioned this before, I know, but I have
to stress again that my favorite thing is to get in a new animal. Turning animals away is one of the
hardest parts of this job, and one I have never gotten used to. One has to accept the limitations
our facility presents us with. There are only so many we can safely house, provide proper medical
attention, etc. Many factors play into the balance of keeping our residents happy and healthy.
Izetta’s smiley face greeted shoppers at
the sale.
I have answered a few questions from individuals lately that maybe I can address to a larger
1) Why are we moving out of Mandan? The answer is, staying at our present location was
always our first choice. This land is bought and paid for and our first home. We have invested
18 years here. Our present land simply cannot sustain us. We looked for suitable land in
Mandan and surrounding areas for the last several years. No land in Morton County fit our
needs. The land in Bismarck was affordable and met our special requirements. We take in
animals from Bismarck/Mandan and the surrounding areas now and that will not change in
our new location. The plan is to be able to help even more animals than we help now!
2) Why do you want to have a larger facility? The answer is, because the demand for our
services continues to grow, and we want to be able to say “yes” instead of “no room.” Saying
“yes” fulfills our mission, being forced to say “no room” is bad for everyone. With hundreds of
requests to take in dogs and cats, we are trying to better meet the demands placed on us.
3) When is your new building going up? That question makes me smile for a couple reasons.
The first is, people are aware of what we are doing, are curious and interested. That’s
wonderful! The second reason I smile is…in my head I think… “you must think we are rich!” I
know we have been fortunate over the years and that is due to our generous supporters. As
I said, we own our land in Mandan and we were able to pay cash for the land in Bismarck.
We own both free and clear. Now the campaign will soon officially start to raise funds for the
new building. The amount we need to raise is not yet clear. We will soon have these details
and will share our plans with the public, but in reality, we are still in the very early stages
of this project. The world turns on money and nonprofits face the same challenges as any
other business. We work very hard every day to pay the bills, watch costs and budget like any
business or household must. Where we are today is the culmination of decades of hard work
and sacrifice, and we will have years of the same ahead of us. It is an exciting time for us and
we will face many challenges, but we will rise to meet those challenges! The animals need us,
and we need to be here for them! They deserve our best efforts and ask for little in return. But
what they give to our lives is priceless.
Shoppers had lots of ‘inventory’ to pick
from at the rummage sale.
Volunteers Ani and Megan did a
great job selling beverages and food
to the hungry shoppers.
“Doing great things for pets and people.”
Focus On All Fours
Working together to help
the animals
By Cameo Skager, CDHS Board President
It is a fantastic feeling to know we are an organization that has
captured the heart of our community. We have a great relationship
with our local press, who always covers our events and prints our
news releases. Youth groups, church groups and schools are always
raising money for us. Local businesses encourage their employees
to donate at special fundraisers and jean’s days. We are honored to be the recipient of so much
love – and donations!
One of my favorite things is when we have a fundraiser where we collaborate with a local
business. So many businesses support us, but some go that extra step and welcome us into their
space to meet the community and raise money. We’ve been invited to many meet and greets at
local stores, where the public gets to meet our shelter residents and gets to donate to our need’s
list. Not only do we get donations, but we meet the community and more people learn about our
mission and where they can adopt a loving pet.
Two of the fundraisers stand out to me – Shaggy Shuffle at Raging Rivers and Santa Paws
at Plantperfect. It seems like our organization’s events fit perfectly into the spaces that these
businesses provide to us.
Anyone who attended this year’s Shaggy Shuffle and Family Fun Day at Raging Rivers
knows what a great fit it was. The Raging River’s staff and the Mandan Park Board were so
accommodating in allowing us to have a fun day at their facility, while raising money for the
shelter. People and pets got to have fun in the water after the end of the waterpark season. We
had room for all our activities and an indoor space for vendors. And Raging Rivers was able
to make some money by having their concession stand open – something our attendees really
loved. (I know that’s where my family had lunch that day!)
Our next big event is Santa Paws at Plantperfect. The Plantperfect staff is so welcoming.
They are happy to help us find the right location to take the photos, and find just the right
Christmas decorations for our backdrop. While people wait for their turn to visit Santa they can
browse the beautiful Christmas merchandise at Plantperfect.
I like the collaborations so much because we are benefiting, and the businesses are
benefiting. Hopefully some of the people who attend our events come back to those businesses
as customers and partake of their products and services.
My wish is for more of these win-win relationships to happen. If you have any good ideas for
a business that we can collaborate with or a new fundraiser that would bring CDHS together
with another organization, please let us know. We have a long way to go to get our new building
built, and when we kick off our capital campaign in the coming year, we are going to need to
build lots of new relationships to help us fund our dreams. Dog Walking Classes
Dog walking classes are now being held
twice a month – on the second and fourth
Saturdays. Classes require pre-registration. If
you plan to attend, please call the shelter at
667-2020 and leave a message for Mandy or
email her at cdhsvolunteers@midco.net.
Central Dakota Humane Society
Become a
Facebook Fan
Like us on Facebook!! And
tell all your friends. The CDHS
fan page is a great way to stay informed
about all our upcoming events, get a peek
at our furry shelter residents and find out
about the success stories of adopted pets. If
you have adopted from us, be sure to post a
picture and an update. Seeing those happy
pets in loving homes is one of our favorite
Tours & Thanks
& Things
 Thank you to McQuade’s Distributing
for their donation to CDHS. And thank
you SO MUCH to the CDHS volunteers
who persevered and cleaned up the ball
diamonds after the tournament softball
games. It is never a fun task and we
greatly appreciate your willingness to do
it for the animals.
 Thank you so much to the employees of
North Wal-Mart. They’ve done several
fundraisers for CDHS over the summer,
including raising money through jean’s
day and a potluck meal, working at the
Pita Pit for a portion of the proceeds and
donating a gift card and supplies. Thank
you to Wal-Mart employee and CDHS
volunteer Marilyn Opperude for bringing
our two organizations together.
 Gracias to Aetna! They held an employee
taco-in-a-bag fundraiser, with the
proceeds going to CDHS.
 Thank you to the group of volunteers
from the U.G. with the Church of Evangel,
who helped tie blankets to be used in our
Shaggy Shuffle incentive prize packs.
 Hurray for Shellie Nelson, owner of InDog-Neat-O. She donated a motorized
grooming table for use at the shelter. It
makes it SOOO much easier for us to help
out our shelter residents when they need
a haircut or trim.
 A BIG shout out and a THANK YOU to
Laurie Morse-Dell, who has been working
on CDHS’s website for the past few years.
She has kept all our animal pictures
up-to-date and helped edit the site. She is
moving on to a new venture. AND, a big
HELLO to Kim Sauter, who will be taking
over the web editing duties. The Internet
and our website are such important tools
in how we communicate with the public,
and how we work to help the animals.
Laurie and Kim, we so appreciate all
your techie knowledge and expertise! We
couldn’t do it without you.
 Thank you to Jane Halvorson for funding
a sponsorship sign for CDHS at the
Business and Professional Women’s golf
tournament this summer. Another way to
get CDHS’s name out into the community!
 They’re out of this world! Thanks again to
Space Alien’s for sponsoring a fundraiser
continued on page 14
Bismarck-Mandan’s No-Kill Shelter
Tami Charvat
How long have you been volunteering with
CDHS? I have been volunteering for 1 year.
What volunteer work do you do? I spend time with
the cats and dogs and I have helped with some of
the events.
What is your
favorite thing
about the shelter
or volunteering?
Besides spending time
with the cats and dogs,
I think my favorite thing
about the shelter is
that I have met people
who feel the same way
I do about animals and
they are willing to go
the extra mile for them.
I love that I’ve made
Tami hangs out with shelter
new friends, people and
resident Caleb during her
pets included.
volunteer time.
Who is your favorite shelter animal (past or
present) and why? My favorites are obviously
Keely Jo, China and Midnight as they are all part of
my family now. But I would like to tell you about my
favorites that are presently at the shelter. Dyson is my
favorite kitty. She plays so goofy, she will make you
laugh and when she is sweet and wants to cuddle
with you, she will melt your heart. As for my favorite
dog, there are two, Caleb and Sanders. They are both
nervous dogs that are so sweet and wonderful if you
just give them a little patience. Sanders is such a
snuggler and Caleb will give you unending kisses.
What would you tell people who are thinking
of volunteering at CDHS? I would tell them that is
a very worthwhile way to spend your time. You get
to play with great dogs and cats and help them get
ready for their forever homes. Getting to see them get
adopted and go home is a wonderful feeling.
A shelter employee had this to say about Tami:
Tami has been involved in fundraising events, is a
wonderful critter companion and was a foster care
home for two of our older cats. She has gotten her
entire family involved with fund raising activities.
Tami is just such a joy to be around, her kindness
radiates and warms those of us that are around her
on a regular basis. I just can’t say enough about how
much I appreciate Tami. She has a heart of gold and
will do anything to help the furry critters at CDHS.
She truly understands the mission of CDHS and
helps with anything (almost before she is asked). I
wish we had 100 Tami’s!
Thank you, Tami, for all you do for CDHS’s pets
and people!
Fundraiser successful due to many
By Mandy Schaaf, Volunteer Coordinator
Looking out into the parking lot at Raging
Rivers it seemed like the parking lot was full,
but the event hadn’t even started? Where did
all those cars some from? All those cars were
driven by all those people. All those people
were the dedicated volunteers who helped make
this awesome event happen. My emotions of
gratitude honestly brought tears to my eyes when
I looked out into the parking lot that Sunday
morning of the Shaggy Shuffle/Raging Rivers
Family Fun day.
Let me give you an idea of what you did for
the event. Starting from the top, and I mean
actually sitting in the balcony overlooking the water park, announcer and Master of Ceremonies,
Norleen Conitz, brought humor and great attitude and enthusiasm, as well as the mascot for the day,
a stuffed parrot. Rita O’Neill brought common sense and organization, taking over a huge burden by
taking charge of the registration tables. Helping Rita was Cindy Kluck, Lil Sinkula, Helen Kavonius,
Kiki Schatz, Jane Halverson, Jami Hanson, Jessica Burger, Jason Shipman and the University of Mary
students, Cindy Rohrick, Paige Pederson, Amy Rask and Jennifer DeForest. Mary Jo Sogge helped
distribute prizes for the Shaggy Shuffle walk.
Cathie Thill and husband Fran drove the route at least three times, delivered signs to mark the
Shaggy Shuffle route and picked them up to close the loop again. Robin Martin made the games
fun and offered the children that came to the event the opportunity to use their creativity. Robin’s
helpers were Michelle and Katie Leary, Jennifer Morin and Brenda Conway – they did an awesome
job all day! Shelly, brought face painting artists to again add a sense of excitement for the kids.
Laura Lee and Lindsey Milliken hung out at the front of the building where the vendor fair was being
held and offered to hold dogs so shoppers could visit the vendor fair in the lobby. Colleen and Gary
Garland picked up the items from the shelter to be sold at the vendor fair and set up the night before
the event, as well as worked the event from start to finish, packing up boxes, transporting back to
the shelter and keeping track of inventory and cash from the CDHS items sales. Annette Bjornstad
helped to man the watering station, supplying refreshments for people and pets. Dan Lyons really
stepped up when he heard us talking at the shelter one Saturday about transporting tables, boxes
etc., to the Raging Rivers location and offered to bring a trailer from his moving company, Hometown
Moving Inc. for our use. Family Nikki and children got recruited to help whether they wanted to or
Tana Pendergast, along with Katja Weiand and Tami Charvat, did a superb job of contacting
vendors for the vendor fair inside the building, setting up the night before the event and running that
portion of the event. I can’t tell you how much work that was and CDHS sure does appreciate your
efforts. James Weiand, thank you so much for your help with the apparatus you built to catch the cat
and dog water duckies at the end of the race and allowing us to use your vehicle for transporting the
many boxes of “stuff” from the event back to the shelter. Wow, you always step up when we ask and
I ask often. A special thank you goes to the Brothers Keepers Motorcycle club for helping to ensure
the street crossings were uneventful and safe.
The Girl Scout group – leaders Cynthia Feland and Sheila Herman showed up at the shelter
Saturday, took on the project of getting the clothing ready for the event, helped load the trailer and
then manned the first break station for the walk. These girls really were a great help and one that we
hadn’t planned on Saturday. Boy are we glad you showed up! Thank you to the entire Skager family.
Cameo is the president but her whole family often gets involved in events and projects. North Skager
single handedly sold the most raffle tickets for the cat and dog water fight. Shae and Cameo sold
more tickets at the event to help raise even more money. Kiel and Cameo numbered the cats & dogs
and then took over the actual race which was an enormous help. The Skagers also took more than
750 photos at the event!
Paige Mattson and dear friend, Brenda Bergan, helped with set up and ran the DYPhotobooth,
continued on page 14
“Doing great things for pets and people.”
Focus On All Fours
See more CDHS adoptable pets on the
web at www.cdhs.net/adoptablepets.htm
Adoptable Pets
Anna Mae
Unspayed Female,
Calico short hair,
Date of birth: May
18, 2012
Origin: Born at
Neutered Male
Pekingese Cross
Approximate date
of birth: March
Origin: Rescue
Neutered Male
Neutered and
declawed male,
Black and white
short hair
Spayed and declawed
female, Orange
and white short
Approximate date of
birth: 2007
Origin: Abandoned
Approximate date of
birth: 2007
Origin: Abandoned
Neutered Male
Basset Hound / Yellow
Lab cross
Spayed Female
Calico; long hair
Spayed Female
Miniature Pinscher
Approximate date of
birth: October 2002
Origin: Rescue
Approximate date of
birth: February
Origin: Abandoned
Approximate date
of birth: October
Origin: Owner
Approximate date of
birth: September
Origin: Unclaimed
Unspayed female,
Grey and white
short hair
Date of birth: May 18,
Origin: Born at CDHS
Date of birth: May
18, 2012
Origin: Born at
Central Dakota Humane Society
Unspayed female,
Black and white
short hair
Spayed and declawed
male, Orange and
white short hair
Unspayed Female
Mixed Breed
Approximate date of
birth: 2007
Origin: Abandoned
Approximate date of
birth: March 2012
Origin: Abandoned
Bismarck-Mandan’s No-Kill Shelter
Shaggy Shuffle and Family Fun at Raging Rivers
Another great fundraiser and another
unbelievably beautiful day. Thanks again,
Mother Nature! Shaggy Shuffle and Family
Fun Day at Raging Rivers turned into a
raging success and helped bring some
much needed funds into the shelter. Thanks
to all who helped and all who participated.
And thanks to all who sold and purchased
dog and cat water fight raffle tickets. This
year’s winner was a DOG! The winners were:
1st place – Geri Gietzen - $300 cash
2nd place – Rita O’Neill – Kindle Fire
3rd place – Shelly Roth - $100 iTunes
gift card
“Doing great things for pets and people.”
Focus On All Fours
cheese snack’ every day. We don’t tell her that the crunchy center
is her anxiety pill. The only thing that really upsets her now is loud
unexpected noises outside and thunderstorms.
Thank you so much for taking such good care of us while we were
at CDHS, and Mommy and Daddy say thank you very much for letting
us come live with them!
Zuri and Kimba
Tails of
Bravo (formerly Braeburn)
While I LOVE the computer as you
can see from one of my pictures, I’m
still improving my typing skills, so
my Mom is helping with this letter.
I am doing great and growing like a
weed. I play hard, purr loudly, and
love to cuddle. The pictures Mom
has attached show me with my new
big brother, Maestro. He is the best
big brother in the world. We touched
noses on day one, and have been
best buddies ever since.
Even though when I met Maestro
he was still very sad from the loss
of his twin brother Divo, he opened his heart to me from the start. He
teaches me, lets me follow him everywhere, and is very patient with
me. He bathes me often, gives me lots of kisses and lets me pounce
on him and chase him. One of my favorite things to do is to cuddle
with my big brother in the cat bed. Even though there are two cat
beds, I mostly like to be in whichever one my brother is already in.
I also love the computer. In the picture Mom attached, I am
watching Dr. Larry Skogen and Clay Jenkinson in their humanities
lecture at Bismarck State College! I love my Mom and she loves me.
Every other week or so, she gets all dressed up in black and white
clothes that look like me! I love her music and I dance to it, help her
with her score study, and I love to walk across the piano keyboard. I
am very happy and healthy and so grateful to you all at the CDHS for
giving me a great start that led to the perfect home.
With lots of purrs,
Bravo Everett
After waiting for over a month to bring Raul home, I finally got to at
the end of December. His playful
kitty nature has kept me on my
toes! He is always full of energy
and ready to play. Even though
he has plenty of energy to spare,
he also enjoys curling up on my
lap and watching TV with me
at night. I love Raul and am so
happy he is a part of my life!
Attached are a few pictures.
- Kalyn
Kimba and Zuri
Hi there! You might not remember us. We’re Kimba and Zuri, a pair
of Shih Tzu sisters that lived at CDHS for a little bit last year. We’re
doing very well. We have settled in nicely, and spend most of our time
lounging around, though we’re very good about taking care of our
chores, which consist of being cute, getting petties and picking on our
brother, Loki.
We’ve learned so many things! We’ve figured out going potty
outside, Loki taught us to enjoy car rides (though the McDonald’s
hamburger we all share once in a while was pretty convincing, too),
and we like to go to the dog park.
Zuri’s specialty is being very good at teasing Daddy when he’s
sitting in on the couch by wandering by juuuust in range for petties,
and then dancing away after a few strokes, and Kimmy sits on the
arm of the couch, taking in all the petties she can get. Mom says Zuri
is the princess, and Kimba is the diva, and Loki, as always, is the
troublemaker. Boys.
We get to sleep on the bed
with Mommy, Daddy and Loki,
and Mommy says Kimba snores
like a buzz saw. Kimmy swears
up and down it’s not her, it’s
Zuri had a little bit of a tough
time with anxiety, though she
says she’s doing much better
now that she gets her ‘crunchy
Central Dakota Humane Society
From the second Jubilee jumped on my lap while visiting the
Central Dakota Humane Society, I knew she would be the purr-fect cat
for me. She found all the good hiding spots in my house right away
when I brought her home, including drawers in the bathroom and
kitchen. After a couple days, there was no more hiding as she had the
house to herself. Jubie loves to play with her catnip banana that was
given to her when she left the humane society. Even though I bought
her a cat tree and a million other toys, there’s nothing like her banana.
Every morning when I wake up, I’ll find toys in my bedroom that she
has brought in and most of the time her banana is included.
I love coming home to Jubie waiting for me by the door ready to
Bismarck-Mandan’s No-Kill Shelter
Charlie (formerly Harold)
play and hang out together.
I wanted Jubie to have a
friend, so we got a new
addition to our family. Olivia
was adopted from PetSmart.
Jubie was so excited to have
someone to play with and
help keep her company
while I’m at work. Thanks to
the Humane Society, my family is now complete!
- Jenessa
Harold, now known as Charlie, was adopted into our family about
five weeks ago and he is the sweetest little thing. The first hour home
was spent exploring his surroundings and then he promptly laid down
in his pet bed to take a nap.
He is a city dog, but oftentimes accompanies us to our farm, where
he has been introduced to a variety of
other animals. He didn’t like the cows and
bulls at first, but is much better around
them now.
We tried getting his haircut by a dog
groomer, but after 30 minutes we were
called and informed that it wasn’t going
well. I, of course, raced to rescue him.
They got the backside done, but the front
remained pretty long and fluffy. He looked
like a miniature black lion, which was a
comical sight since he is still about 5-6 lbs. My husband loved his new
look, but I convinced him that he needed to be evened out.
It took him a couple of hours to slowly trim the rest of his fur with
a scissors. I’ve tried to take his picture, but he moves so quickly that
I haven’t gotten a good one yet. That’s why I used the CDHS picture,
so you would remember who he was. He has a very different look with
shorter hair, which I love because I can see his handsome face now.
He is our little sweetheart and we just want to thank you for taking
such good care of him until he could come live with us. The Central
Dakota Humane Society does an amazing job with these helpless
- Kolleen and Darrell
Hi all. The attached picture
is of Sasha at Grandma and
Grandpa’s house. I think she
was helping Grandma make the
bed. She just loves Grandpa cuz
he puts a pupperoni stick in his
pocket and she gets to take it
out. As you can also see, she
went from long haired ears to a
cute bob.
She is doing very well. For
about the last month, she plays with the toys. The cat toys are much
more fun to destroy. Sasha and her sister Snaffy (formerly Scarlet)
chase each other. You’ll hear Sasha coughing only to see a tuff of cat
hair hanging out of her mouth. Haven’t been able to get that video…..
We’ve all adjusted very well. Things are going great ! I will keep you
posted. Sasha has been a great addition to our family. Thank You.
Ariel and Kline
We’ve had Ariel and Kline a year
now and are so happy with them. Ariel
is our danty little princess. She greets
us at the door, loves to be petted and
follows us around the house. Kline
has grown into a handsome adult cat.
He is a cuddler, loves to be held and
played with. They were in different
areas at the Humane Society but have really bonded since we adopted
them. They sleep together, clean each other and it is so fun to watch
them play together. We followed the “don’t de-claw” suggestion and
are amazed at how they shred the scratching post and scratching toys
but they don’t scratch our furniture or anything they shouldn’t. People
comment on how friendly they are. We tell everyone to go to the
Humane Society for pets because they can help match the animals
personality with what you are looking for in a pet.
Vinney is doing really well! He likes car rides and running in the
yard. We took him to the vet for the heartworm check (negative) and
his bordatello vaccine. Betsy the dog trainer is coming to our house
this Thursday and we are
signing up for her Sept. class.
Vinney has had many visitors
stopping by in the last few
days. He behaves great with
everyone. The only ones who
aren’t impressed with Vinney
are our cats... see the picture
of Dixie attached (Kainani). We
hope she forgives us soon!!
- Dale, Angela & Karly
To read more Tails of Success and view pictures of
CDHS pets in their forever homes, go to www.cdhs.net
and click the Success Stories link.
“Doing great things for pets and people.”
Focus On All Fours
CDHS New Members, Generous Donors, Memorials and Honors
Listings reflect memberships, adoptions and donations from 06-16-12 to 09-15-12 ONLY
Mark & Lisa Aamodt
Tiff and Lori Achtenberg
Dr. & Mrs. Boyd Addy
Michael & Greta Adler
Aetna USHC Employee Charity
Wendell Albert
Connie & Ken Albrecht
Scott & Brenda Allan
Jeff Allen
America’s Charities Distribution
Arthur Anderson
David & Peggy Anderson
Sherry & Craig Anderson
Susan Anderson
Marvel Bailey
Melissa Barth
Basin Electric Power
Cassie & Jeremy Bauer
Damian Bean
Jarrod & Shannon Keller Becker
Linda Beckler
Diane Beelman
Kenneth & Naomi Belohlavek
Lloyd & Marlinda Bender
Brittney Bercier
Pamela & Rick Berge
Cheri Berger
Todd & Michelle Bergman
Mark & Kim Bieber
Sage Blickensderfer
Kim Boettcher
BisMan Bombshells
Joel Boon
Darrel & Patty Bosch
Pat Bosch
Allen & Linda Boushee
Leslie (Jack) & Carma Branch
Mariann Brandt
Laiken Bren
Julie Brendel
Rachelle Brewer
Denise Brown
Chris & Jodi Brown
Thomas Brown
Sue Buchholz
Estate of Wayne Burslie
Lindsay Bush
Sue & Dave Clark
Ben Carlson
Orrion Castro
Central Dakota Human RA
Central Market – We Care
Century 21 Morrison Realty, Inc.
Doug & Sharon Cerkoney
Alissa Chamberlain
Neil & Tami Charvat
Janis Cheney
Brian & Tamra Churchill
Mercedes & Roger Clark
Mandi Clausnitzer
Janet & James Connolly
Edison Crow Eagle
Adrian Crow Feather
Jan & Terry Daffinrud
Deanna Dailey
Dakota Dust Tex, Inc.
Dakota Family Chiropractic
Clinic, PC
Dakota Pharmacy
Darlene & Dennis Danielson
Kurtis Decker
Jennifer DeForest
Lee & Carol DeForest
Daniel & Anne DeKrey
Kennedy DeLap
Laurie Morse- Dell
Department of Public Instruction
Norman & Barbara Deschene
Diana Despres
Jerry & Terry Diekman
Bailee Anderson & Jeffrey
Joseph & Linda Dietrich
Bernardine Digby
Digitally Yours, LLC
Donald & Kathleen Dobrowski
Maddison Dockter
Renea & Randolph Dockter
Mike & Judy Donahue
Lorraine Dopson
Rebecca Dorwart
Eastern Star
Jeffrey & Dawn Ebel
Larry & Kathy Ellingson
Energy Tech Systems
Mary Engel
Rodney & Pam Erhardt
Ron & Marlene Erickson
Blaine Ernst
Karin Ernst
Dr. Barb Espe
Beverly Ewine
Robin Fallgatter
Rose Fandrich
LoEtta Feigert
Donald Feimer
Valerie Feist
Bonny Fetch
First Community Credit Union
Kim Fischer
Neal & Lyn Fischer
Mark & Mera Fisher
Nicole Fitzgerald
Fern & Richard Fleck
Dan Flemmer
Paula Huey Fox
Scott Fradenburgh
Donald, Kelley & Will Franklund
Michael & Nancy Friesz
Gary & Karla Gabriel
Gary & Colleen Garland
T. Neal & Momoe Garland
Santanah Gerhart
Rick & Janice Germain
Dave & Louayne Gertz
Rita Gilbert
Vonnie White & G.R. Gilbreath
Geraldine Glade
Cheryl Glasser
Marci Goldade
Barbara Grauman
Michael Graves
Brian & Libby Gravning
Daryl & Diane Gronfur
Sandra Gugel
Central Dakota Humane Society
Lisa Gunderson
Linda & Joel Gutensohn
Harvey & Vonadean Haakenson
Nancy Haas
Jo & Myles Hafner
Chelsie Hagel
Cindy & Dennis Haider
Nancy Haider
Alice & Stan Halling
Jan Hamilton
Kara Hanson
Mark Hanson
Rick Hanson
Troy & Lauri Hanson
Ron Harnden
Larry & Gloria Hassebrock
Arlys Haus
James & Sharon Hawley
David & Marlene Helbing
James & Tami Helmers
Bill & Pam Helphrey
Debra Hempler
Eldon Herman
Marcia Herman
Doug Hinkel
Kathy & Everett Hinnenkamp
Kent & Connie Hjelmstad
Connie & Tiffany Hodge
Irene Hoff
Michele Hoff
Steve & Sue Hoffman
Karen L. Holman
Micheal & Karen Holman
Cheryl Holst
Prairie Holzer
Gary Hotchkiss
George Howard
Beverly Howe
Rebecca Hoyt
Robert & Sandra Hruby
Lee & Debra Huber
Patricia Huber
John Huddleson Sr.
Carolyn Huff
Rita & Jerry Huffman
Trish & Don Hulm
Carol & LeRoy Humann
LaVonne & Lauren Hunze
Ideal Concrete Contractors Inc.
ING Employee Giving Campaign
Robin Inman
Interiors by France
James & Connie Isaak
Jeff & Rhonda Jacobs
Chris Jacobson
Richard & Susan Jensen
Cheri Jessen
Brendan & Sara Jochim
William & Karen Johner
Anna Johnson
Cary & Peggy Johnson
Dawn Johnson
Jennifer Johnson
Joshua & Melissa Johnson
Anne Jones
Conrad & M. Ann Jordheim
Traci Juhala
Clarence Jundt
Connie Jupka
Renee Kaikkonen
Doug & Nora Kane
Jeanine & Tim Karch
Karen Mueller, MSW
Jeanne Karhoff
Helen Kavonius
Gerald & Shirley Keating
Clifford & Sharon Keller
Patricia Keller
Amy Kelsch
Mary Kae Kelsch
Mandy Kendall
Dane & Lisa Keplin
Daryl & Virginia Kerzman
Wesley & Alyce Kessler
Lacy & Cory Kilber
Lyle & Sharon Kirmis
Ginger & Curtis Kjelland
KK Bold
Carole Klebe
Branden Klein
Darrell & Rose Klipfel
Breezy Kohls
Carrie Kraft
Judy & James Krance
Carol Krause
KT Animal Supply
Vivian Kuipers
Beverly Kukowski
Joe & Wanda Kuntz
Shawn Kuntz
Burnie Kunz
Erin & Carter Kunz
Kupper Chevrolet
Lady J’s Catering, Inc
Carl & Rene Lafferty
Lynn Lahren
Dawnalytah Lappegaard
Craig & Shelly Larson
Kristin & Larry Larson
Klaudia & James Lawson
Laura Lee
Kay Leier
Janel Leingang
Mick & Torie Lenhardt
Don Lenhart
Arta Leno
Lesmeister Transportation, Inc.
Beth Lessard
Pamela & Kim Link
Irene Linseth
Erik Lips
Linda Litt
Sheldon & Mary Loftsgard
Kathryn Longo
Ramona Redding Lopez
Gene & Joan Lorenz
Craig & Elaine Lorntson
Brian & Shelley Lubiens
Rebecca Lucia
David & Lanette Ludwig
Lunn’s Kennel Club
Blaine & Mary Lutz
Vicki Magill
Howard & Lori Malloy
Dorothy Manley
Maggie Martin
Robin & Roger Martin
Mike Martz
Karen McBride
Sue McClenning
Jan McCormack
Eileen McNalley
MDU Resources Foundation
Colette Meier
Ione Melling
David & Patricia Messinger
Mid Dakota Clinic, P.C.
Barbara Middaugh
Dennis & Lynda Miller
James & Marie Miller
Jennifer Millner
Betty Mills
Diane Milner
Natalie Mischel
Cheryl & Andy Moch
Erv & Rachel Monson
Tessa & Cory Monzelowsky
Annette Moos
Joan & Dave Morton
Leslie & JP Moszer
Dana & Leila Mount
Lynn Nagel
Dr. Ray Napierkowski
Ella & Leroy Nayes
April Nelson
Kraig & Marie Nelson
Robert & Roberta Nelson
Shellie & Jack Nelson
Katherine & Myron Netzer
Tonya Newcomb
Jean Neumann
Jeanette Nickisch
Joycelyn Noakes
North Dakota State Penitentiary
Kevin & Hildy Oberlander
Patrick & Julie O’Dell
Deb Olsen
Derek & Jamie Olson
Mark, Lindy & Leandra Olson
Rita & Tom O’Neill
LaVilla Opp
Marilyn Opperude
Richard Ott
Susan & Dennis Owen
Erin Patton
Michele Paul
Sandra Paulus
Jo Ann Payne
Paige Pederson
Thomas & Susan Pederson
Darla & Russ Pelton
John & Tana Pendergast
Linda Penry
Eleuterio & Malissa Perez
Wesley & Linda Perman
Donna Peterson
Kathy Peterson
Colleen Pfau
Stephanie Piatz
Steve & Dianna Piper
Pita Pit
Lee & Jolene Podoll
Florence Porsborg
Mary & Tom Probst
William & Laura Prokopyk
Ramkota Hotel
Bismarck-Mandan’s No-Kill Shelter
Michael & Meri Rauser
Alyce Reasland
Tom & Patti Regan
Karen Regner
Jennifer Reinbold
Ardyce Reisenauer
George & Kris Reisnour
Shawn & Cody Remboldt
MB Ressler
Hannah Riehl
Mike & Bonnie Ripplinger
Bill & Peggy Robinson
Mary & Richard Robinson
Lela & Jairo Rodriguez
Rodney & Barbara Rosborough
Michelle Rose
Bill & Marian Rosenberg
Neal & Shelly Roth
Ken & Kay Royse
Evelyn Russell
Terry Schaefbauer & Karen
Trista Rychlik
Ed & Judy Ryen
Richard & Angela Sabot
Arlene Sackman
Jane Sahli
Lisa & Scott Sailer
Wilhelm Sandberg
Shane Sanders
Tammy Sanders
Vicky & Matt Sanderson
Paul & Patricia Sandness
Wayne & Mary Jane Sanstead
Evangeline Sauter
Kyle & Cydra Solberg Sauter
Ramona & Cleaton Sayler
Craig & Mandy Schaaf
Danielle Scharnowske
Robert & Linda Schiermeister
Richard & Robin Schimke
Karen & Keith Schindler
Dannie & Rhonda Schmaltz
Amanda Schmidt
Bonnie Schneider
Thomas Schneider
Karen Schramm
Dennis Schwartz
Georgia Schulz
Karen & Harold Schulz
Fr. Patrick Schumacher
Jim Grasl & Bobbi Schumacher
Larry & Theresa Schumacher
John & Glenda Klipstein Sevcik
Josette & Robert Severson
Terry & Cindy Severson
John & Mary Shaffer
Kari Shea
Mel Binstock & Patricia Seibel
John & Glenda Klipstein Sevcik
LeAnn Severson
Vicki Sherman
Larry Silbernagel
Jim & Marci Silrum
Charles Simmons
Lillian Sinkula
Shelly Sizer
Craig & Peggy Sjoberg
Jay Skabo
Cameo, Kiel, Shae & North
Tanya Skurupey
Sara Small
Richard & Orla Smith
Duane & Beverly Sorby
Carl & Beverly Sorensen
Clay & Ramona Sorneson
Neil Souther
Space Aliens Grill & Bar
Glennis Spier
Karla & Monty Stack
Kasie Stadig
Susan Starck
Bonita Steiner
Jamie Stephens
Maudie Stoller
Matthew & Jane Stone
Sherry Stroh
John Stumpf
Darrel & Eunice Suchy
David & Jodene Suko
Tait & Jennifer Sundstrom
Sharon & Craig Taylor
Lila Teunissen
Tara & Dustin Theurer
Donna & Kenneth Thiede
Cathie & Frances Thill
Erin Thomas
Leellen Thomason
Alice Thompson
Eric & Susan Thompson
Kelvin & Valarie Thompson
Milo & Lyla Thompson
LeeAnn Thorstenson
Paulette Trego
Connie Udby - Mobile Paw Spa
Kylee Utter
Brandi Valnes
Mary & Nicholas Van
Kathy VanBrocklin
Georgia & Al VanVoorhis
Grant & Angel Veen
Jennifer & Brent Veil
June & Allen Veit
John & Marlys Verwey
Frank & Susanne Vetsch
Matthew & Jolene Vidal
Gertrude Vold
Scott & Tammi Volkert
Larry Vondall
Jennifer Vos
Margo & Gregory Vranna
Darlina Wagner
Susan Wagner
Vicki Wagner
Donnita Wald
Wal-Mart Supercenter #3648
Holly Watts
Christopher Weiand
James & Katja Weiand
Scott & Stephanie Weisz
Kim Welder
Ron & Bonnie Wenaas
Marianne & Don Wenzel
Vernie Werner
Merry Wetsch
Teresa Wetsch
Janine Wetzel
Jodie & Loren White
Michelle & Tim Wiedrich
Bill Willis
Nancy Willis
Ryan & Michelle Wintermeyer
Shirley Wohl
Tracy Wolf
Renae Wolff
Patty & Larry Wood
Kristina Woodall
Joe & Nancy Woodmansee
Julie & Douglas Woodworth
“Doing great things for pets and people.”
Nicole Wright
Lyle & Jackie Zachmeier
Christy & Scott Zainhofsky
Bonnie & Terry Zander
William & Ruth Zerr
Jeff, Lexi & Charlie Zhorela
Reuben & Ellen Ziegenhagel
Gwen Zingg
Deb Zodrow
Adopter Members
Adam & Nicole Anderson
Kaylor & Nancy Baker (2)
Georgia Ballard
Alison Beckler
Ivan & Donna Blackcloud
Karen Boehm
Neil & Tami Charvat (2)
Jessica & Rob Dowd
Morgan Edmundson
Elaine & Tim Entzel
Alyssa & Joel Feik
Andrew Fors
Donald, Kelley & Will Franklund
Heidi Herrington & Matthew
Kari Gladson
Anne & Martin Green
Antoinette & Bradley Heier
Chris Hendrickson (3)
Aaron & Danielle Hoesel
Stacie & Michael Iken (2)
Jodi Johnson
Mark & Juli Johnson
Melissa Johnson
Kelsy Yunker & Tim Kallis
Kalvin & Valerie Kingsley
Mark & LaRue Klein
Kolleen Koppinger
Brenda Kraft
Michael & Kari Kramer
Erin & Carter Kunz
Keith & Michele Larson
Michael & Sarah Miller
Susan & William Mitchell
Kelsy Moffit
Thomas & Arlyce Mohr
Tiffany & Andrew Moriarity
Allen & Diane Nelson
Jennifer Palenberg
Joe & Angela Pittman
Michael & Theresa Porter
Wendy & Norman Ruud
Mike & Tanya Sampson (2)
Todd & Sandra Schulz
Cameron & Callia Scott
Roxanne Scott
South Dakota Canine Center
- Kellee & Stephen (Tim)
Brenda Tachenko
Kathie Thiel
Rebecca & Shawn Tibke
Nate Wiedrich
People to Remember:
In loving memory of Doug &
Matthew Asbridge, Dennis
Berger, Ernold & Aletha
Rauser, and Daisy Rauser
from Michael & Meri Rauser
In memory of Byron Bohrer
from Connie Udby
In loving memory of Alexandra
“Sacha” Boon from Joel
In loving memory of Jack
Branch from Carma Branch,
Lindsay Bush, Connie &
Tiffany Hodge, Doris Omdhal,
Betty Mills, Traci Juhala,
Merry Wetsch
In loving memory of Wayne
Burslie from Thomas Brown,
the Estate of Wayne Burslie,
Ella & Leroy Nayes, Daniel
& Anne DeKrey, LeAnn
Severson, Carol & Leroy
In loving memory of Helen
Dietrich from Joseph &
Linda Dietrich
In loving memory of Brett
Dvirnak from Valerie Feist
In loving memory of my dear
parents; George & Cora
Fisher from Georgia Schulz
In loving memory of Chris
Howe, son of Scott & Kathy
Howe of Bismarck, ND. From
Hildy, Kevin, Nicholas, Quinn
& Tyne Oberlander.
In memory of Cote Fugere
from Donald & Kathleen
In loving memory of Veronica
Gregoire from LaVonne
In memory of Rev. Wilfred L.
Hanson from Sue & Dave
In loving memory of Anita
Jochim from Van Sauter &
In loving memory and honor of
George Keller from Atwater,
CA. From Joan & Gene
In loving memory and in honor
of Virgil Kottsick of Lillian,
Alabama from Karen &
Harold Schulz.
In loving memory of Charles
Krause from Darrel &
Eunice Suchy
In loving memory of Daryl
Kunz from Burnie Kunz
In memory of Stanton O.
Lee from Ron & Marlene
In loving memory of Clara Leno
from Becky Steckler, Carol
In loving memory of Joseph
Linnertz from Bill & Marian
In loving memory of Jim “JD”
Marti, beloved father,
father-in-law and grandfather.
He was a renowned dog
breeder and trainer and his
line of English Setters has
no parallel. From Lela, Jairo,
Hunter & Rebecca Rodriguez,
Karen & Dr. Keith Schindler,
Janet & James Connolly,
Wayne & Mary Jane Sanstead
In loving memory of Mike
McClenning from Sue
In loving memory of Jan
McCormack, a very special
pet sitter who helped us so
much with our diabetic cat.
From Daryl & Diane Gronfur.
In loving memory of Jan
McCormack. She took care
of our pets for many years.
From Mike & Judy Donahue.
In loving memory of Jan
McCormack from Klaudia &
Ray Lawson, Susan & Dennis
Owen, Deb Zodrow. In loving
memory of Jan McCormack,
a true friend to all animals.
From Carl & Rene Lafferty. In
memory of Jan McCormack,
devoted friend and caretaker
from Dennis Schwartz.
In loving memory of Peggy
McMenamy from Joel Boon,
Mandi Clausnitzer, North
Dakota State Penitentiary
In loving memory of Helen
Miller from Paula Huey Fox,
Lee & Debra Huber, Mel
Binstock & Patricia Seibel,
her family & friends
In loving memory of Garrett
Monzolowsky from the
Regan Family
In loving memory of Nadine
Moszer from Brian & Libby
Gravning. In loving memory
of Nadine Moszer. She truly
loved her many pets and they
loved her. From J.P. & Leslie
Moszer, Emily Knopik, Joann
Hansen, Jerry, Jan, Judy Rick
& the Moszer Family, Scott
& Tammi Volkert, Barbara
Middaugh, Arlys Haus, Joe
& Nancy Woodmansee, G.R.
Gilbreath & Vonnie White,
Cliff & Sharon Keller, Tiff and
Lori Achtenberg
In loving memory and in honor
of Georgia Nelson. She
loved her granddogs. From
Shellie & Jack Nelson, Helen
In memory of Noel Noakes from
Michelle & Tim Wiedrich
In loving memory of Marty
Olsen from Deb Olsen
In loving memory of Mary
Plante from Daryl & Diane
In loving memory of Don
Russell from Evelyn Russell.
In memory of my classmate,
Corinne Savelkoul from Jeff
& Rhonda Jacobs
In loving memory of Kay
Severson, mother of Rob &
Josette Severson from Linda
& Joel Gutensohn
In memory of Arlis Simmons
of Bismarck, from Charles
Focus On All Fours
In loving memory of Wilbert
Wegner from everyone at
Energy Tech Systems.
In loving memory of Cliff
Weigum from Richard & Orla
Pets to Remember:
In loving memory of my faithful
feline companion of 18 years;
Alex, my dear, sweet boy.
From Shelly Sizer.
In loving memory of Annabelle,
the shy but lovable
coonhound at CDHS that
had a second chance at life
and love. We hope she is
snuggling with Pony Boy on
their couch in heaven. From
Lee & Jolene Podoll.
In loving memory of Jeanne
David’s beloved horse,
Ashes, from Troy & Lauri
In memory of Garth, beloved
feline pet, who died August
2011, at the age of 19. From
Jeanette Nickisch.
In memory of Gussie, our
beautiful girl and companion
of Bob & Sandy Hruby.
In memory of Honey, precious
pet of Erv & Rachel Monson.
From Bonnie Steiner.
In loving memory of my faithful
companion, Jackson. From
Karen Regner.
In memory of Jake, the Wetch’s
faithful companion. From
Jeanine Karch.
In memory of Jay, beloved
canine companion of John &
Lorrie Muckenhirn from Joan
& Dave Morton.
In loving memory of Kirby, my
companion for 15 years.
From Beverly Kukowski.
In memory of Lady, beloved
horse of Pat & Jess Balvitsch
from the Bergman Family.
In memory of Leo, beloved dog
of Mary & Bob Post, Marideth
& Melanie. Leo had a unique
personality and will be
missed by his family. From
Carole Klebe.
In memory of Madi, loving
gray kitty of Tom & Amber
Sandness. From Paul &
Patricia Sandness.
In memory of Mario Aristotle,
beloved canine. From Fr.
Patrick Schumacher.
In loving memory of Jan & Bob
Hubal’s beloved little girl,
Missy. From Erv and Rachel
Monson. In memory of Missy,
beloved canine companion of
Jan & Bob Hubal.
In loving memory of Mittens
from Dave & Peggy Anderson
In loving memory of Molly, the
fun loving stray who is deeply
missed by Nick Wead. From
Joycelyn Noakes.
In memory of Lynette & Greg
Painter’s beloved cat, Mona.
From Mary & Tom Probst.
In memory of Nipper, the RCA
dog look-a-like and beloved
canine companion of Ed
Kehrwald and Chris Kuchler.
From Erv and Rachel
In loving memory of Lois Berg’s
faithful canine companion of
15 years, Penny “Piglet” - we
will all miss you. From Mark,
Lindy & Leandra Olson.
In memory of Saffron, beloved
feline companion of Doran
& Sara Eberle from the
Bergman Family.
In memory of Shauna, K.C. and
Mac, beloved Airedales of
8900. From Thomas Brown.
In memory of Taz O’Neil,
a feisty dachshund and
companion of Pat & Peggy
O’Neil and their children. He
will be missed. From Myron
& Katherine Netzer.
In loving memory of Tomas
from Tait & Jennifer
In loving memory of Wombat,
our treasured feline, special
needs boy with the heart of
a lion. From Tom & Susan
Memorials from Dr Barb
In loving memory of Alex,
beloved feline companion of
Shelly Sizer
In loving memory of Annabelle,
beloved canine at CDHS
In loving memory of Asia,
beloved feline companion of
Tammy Charvet
In loving memory of Baby,
beloved feline companion of
Wanda Guenthner
In loving memory of Booker,
beloved canine companion of
Craig & Deb Smith
In loving memory of Bud,
beloved canine companion of
Duane Buechler
In loving memory of Chandler,
beloved feline companion of
Angela Uhlich
In loving memory of Charlie,
beloved canine companion of
Jim & Sherry Hawley
In loving memory of Charlie,
beloved canine companion of
Mary Ann Schaaf
In loving memory of Cleaphus,
beloved feline companion of
Tim & Belinda Garey
Central Dakota Humane Society
In loving memory of Daisy,
beloved canine companion of
Kelley & Don Franklund
In loving memory of Daisy,
beloved feline companion of
Mike & Meri Rauser
In loving memory of Dottie,
beloved canine companion of
Jackie & Walter Buck
In loving memory of Dusty,
beloved feathered companion
of Kathy Kautzman
In loving memory of Dux,
beloved feline companion
of Char Binstock and Joe
In loving memory of Edith Ann,
beloved feline companion of
Rita & Dan Miller
In loving memory of Emma,
beloved feline companion of
Harvey VanHill and Mary Lou
In loving memory of Gwennie,
beloved feathered companion
of Kathy Benesh
In loving memory of Gypsy,
beloved feline companion of
Susan & Martin Schwartz
In loving memory of Honey,
beloved canine companion of
Rachel & Ervin Monson
In loving memory of Isis,
beloved feline companion of
Rebecca Doll
In loving memory of Jack,
beloved canine companion of
Daren & Lori Goodman
In loving memory of Jessie,
beloved canine companion of
Terry Schmidt
In loving memory of Luke,
beloved canine companion of
Rod & Rachelle Bakken
In loving memory of Maggie,
beloved canine companion of
Kelly & Curtis Jundt
In loving memory of Mandy,
beloved canine companion of
Nancy Hanel
In loving memory of Minnie,
beloved feline companion of
Craig & Deb Smith
In loving memory of Misty,
beloved feline companion of
Tim & Lynell Thueson
In loving memory of Nekita,
beloved canine companion of
Colleen Lervik
In loving memory of Pepper,
beloved feline companion of
Jim Walton
In loving memory of Pumpkin,
beloved feathered companion
of Jackie Baglivio
In loving memory of Sadie,
beloved canine companion of
Dawn Moore
In loving memory of Scout,
beloved feline companion of
Julie & Timothy Kuennen
In loving memory of Snowflake,
beloved canine companion of
Sarah & Brian Heinert
In loving memory of Socks,
beloved feline companion of
Stefanie Muth
In loving memory of Sophie,
beloved feline companion of
Marlyss & Larry Wittmayer
In loving memory of Thor,
beloved canine companion of
Daniel Flemmer
In loving memory of Thor,
beloved feline companion
of Matthew Veith & Natasha
In loving memory of Tiny,
beloved canine companion of
Heidi Fredrickson
In loving memory of Tootsie,
beloved feline companion of
Kay & Ken Royse
In loving memory of Walley,
beloved feline companion of
Marilyn Johnson
Memorials from Lunn’s
Kennel Club:
In loving memory of Aisha,
beloved dog of Jim & Shirley
In loving memory of Bee Jay,
beloved dog of Bev Smith
In loving memory of Dakota,
beloved dog of Larry & Carol
In loving memory of Darla,
beloved dog of Tom & Katie
In loving memory of Gem,
beloved dog of Mike & Shelly
In loving memory of Hunter,
beloved dog of Lisa Hay
In loving memory of Jaimee,
beloved dog of Tim & Delynn
In loving memory of Jed,
beloved dog of Scott &
Charlotte Reuppel
In loving memory of Kitty,
beloved cat of Jan & Tony
In loving memory of Lillie,
beloved dog of Steve &
Tammie Windish
In loving memory of Tuffy,
beloved dog of Mary &
Clarence Diebel
In loving memory of Wiggle,
beloved dog of Alexis
In honor of Gary Garland’s
birthday. Happy Birthday
from Larry & Patty Wood.
In honor and memory of Elmer
& Evelyn Klipstein from
John Sevcik & Glenda
Klipstein Sevcik.
In honor of Monte Rogneby &
Adele Geiger’s wedding.
Congratulations from Valerie
In honor of Alex & Angie
Schafer’s 65th wedding
anniversary. Happy
Anniversary from Denise
In honor of Sue Jacobson,
a leading real estate
professional with Century 21
Morrison Realty. Way to go!
From Century 21 Morrison
In honor of our granddaughter,
Ashten Anhorn’s June 16th
birthday. Happy Birthday
from Rodney & Barbara
In honor of Dr. Larry Wohl’s
birthday. Happy Birthday
from Shirley Wohl.
In honor of Dave Schaaf’s
birthday. Happy Birthday
from Larry & Patty Wood.
In honor of Susan Pederson,
one of CDHS’s wonderful
foster mothers. She took in
our Foxy & Pedro after they
ran off fearful of fireworks.
She took such good care
of them and made several
phone calls to track us down.
A lovely woman who would
take nothing for her help but
instead suggested a donation
to the humane society. Thank
you so much for everything!
From Robin Fallgatter.
In honor of Allison Riegel’s
birthday. Happy Birthday
from Karla & Monty Stack.
In honor of Julie Roswick, in
appreciation for nine years
of dedication helping us
feel fit, energetic, happy and
more peaceful. Thank you for
everything you do! From your
Yoga friends.
In honor of Rose Stoller’s
birthday. Happy Birthday
from Sheldon & Mary
Loftsgard, Maudie Stoller.
In honor of the marriage of
Pam Campbell & Gary
Kreutsberg. Congratulations
from Marcia Herman.
In honor of Wilbert Wegner
from Robin Fallgatter.
In honor of Art Sjogren’s
birthday. Happy Birthday
from Larry & Patty Wood.
In honor of Rusty Elmer, the
loyal companion of the
Brenda Karch family. From
Jeanine Karch.
Bismarck-Mandan’s No-Kill Shelter
50 Haircuts Tour
helps CDHS
Patrick Lomantini once again embarked
on his effort to travel to all 50 states within
50 days and perform 50 haircuts in each
state, with all the proceeds going to local
animal shelters. Patrick stopped in Bismarck
on Sept. 3 and completed several haircuts
at the City Looks salon in Kirkwood Mall.
Although Patrick didn’t reach his goal of 50
haircuts in Bismarck, several people enjoyed
a new ‘do’ and CDHS enjoyed the donations.
Patrick ended up doing 1,834 haircuts and
raising $49,316 across the United States.
CDHS volunteer Shae Skager took advantage
of Patrick’s expertise, and asked for a
dramatic change to her look. Here she is
before, during and after her hair cutting
session. Beautiful! And it still only took him
15 minutes!
“Doing great things for pets and people.”
Puppy Tales: What’s the Problem?
by Danielle Hanna, CDHS employee
“It takes all sorts to make the world go ’round,” my co-worker Nancy wisely advises me.
Then with rapid blinking and a cheesy smile, she adds, “And on Saturdays, we see them all.” The
standard zoo-like atmosphere at the shelter can turn into an all-out circus on Saturdays. I can’t
remember if the following incident happened on a Saturday, but it could have.
She was a tall, well-dressed lady. She strolled up and down the aisle, studying each dog
carefully. Once, she stopped and knelt beside Viho, a Shepherd cross. I knew something was
wrong when Viho snarled at her. He adores attention. He wouldn’t shun anyone unless, like
any dog, he sensed something he didn’t trust. Even though I usually believe a dog’s instincts, I
apologized to the woman for his behavior.
After studying every dog individually, she finally asked if she could meet Sniper, our Jack
Russell Terrier. I told her I’d get him and meet her in the lobby. Sniper was one of my favorites.
He nosed his way into my heart within two minutes of his arrival. He was happy-go-lucky and
very proficient at fetch. Every time I walked by his kennel, he would shove a toy through the
gap under his door and smile at me until I tossed it back to him. His sense of humor could really
brighten my day.
I put Little Sniper on a leash and brought him to the lobby. I was pleased to see that the
woman wasn’t above sitting on the floor to get at the dog’s level. She was also very gentle and
patient and treated the dog respectfully. As I visited with her, I learned she had two dogs, and
she appeared to be very dog-knowledgeable in general. But her attitude still left me wondering.
She had established a gulf between herself and every dog at the shelter that was so obvious,
even a human like me could detect it. Not even Sniper’s big smile bridged the gap.
I was surprised when she suddenly put words to the situation. “I’m hesitant about getting a
shelter dog because the problem dogs all end up here.”
I stared at her, dumbfounded. Problem dogs? Sniper??? Was she really talking about the same
pets we affectionately refer to as “the kids?”
The vast majority of dogs at CDHS are strays. And like Little Sniper, the vast majority of them
are wonderful family pets, home-ready. Their biggest “problem” is that their previous owner
couldn’t keep a gate closed and an ID tag on the dog’s neck. Nor did the dog’s “problem person”
put a lot of effort into finding their lost dog again. For the hundreds of dogs and cats I’ve met, I
can personally remember all of three times that the owners came looking for their pets.
What might we call “problem behaviors?” Digging, chewing, barking, jumping, snarling,
chasing after the mailman … That’s just a dog acting like a dog. Heck, the finest-bred pooch in
the world with a mile-long pedigree is perfectly capable of lifting a leg on your furniture. The
real problem is that the owner never got around to teaching the dog acceptable standards of
living with humans – standards that don’t come automatically to dogs.
CDHS doesn’t exist as a service for people wanting to dump their problem animals. We
keep so busy with strays and rescues that the waiting list for a pet surrender out of a home
stretches one to two YEARS. Ultimately, shelters and pounds exist for one simple reason: there
are more dogs and cats in the world than homes willing to take them in. Unplanned litters and
irresponsible breeding are to blame. Look at Sapphire, for instance, a shepherd mix who came
to our door recently. She was found on a dirt road near the shelter, tied to a crate containing her
six pups. Personal opinion, but I don’t think Sapphire was the one who had a problem.
Human beings have a big responsibility toward the cats and dogs who look to us for food,
shelter, love, and attention – and sometimes we don’t appreciate how important our role is. Most
pets end up at shelters because human beings failed them.
When a new cat or dog arrives at CDHS, lonely and afraid and confused, I often find myself
kneeling down next to their kennel and whispering to them, “It may not seem like it now, but
coming here is the best thing that’s ever happened in your life. We’re going to find a forever
home for you, and no one’s ever going to treat you badly again. I promise.” Seeing that promise
come true – seeing a dog or cat become a happy and whole pet with a problem-free person – is
what makes this job so grand.
Focus On All Fours
From Mandy...
More Tours & Thanks & Things
which was a fun addition to the event. Connie Udby’s Mobile Paw Spa
hung out in the parking lot, trimming dog’s toenails and donated part of
the proceeds back to CDHS. Danielle Hanna brought her dog Molly and
they offered cart rides throughout the park. Danielle and her family ran
this portion of the event quietly and efficiently and those kiddies that
participated had a blast. The volunteers that brought dogs from the
shelter allowed our CDHS dogs to have some fun that day as well. Thanks
Larry Nytz, Pat Bosch, Kathy Hagel, Chris Hendrickson and Jolene Podoll
(who also happened to be the largest fund raiser for the Shaggy Shuffle
Walk bringing in over $3000 in pledges!) Darryl Njos showed up to help
with tear down and clean up.
I want to shout out a big thank you to Carrie and Sue. You guys take
the brunt of everything during these events and help with planning,
discussing, decision making, last minute complications and step up to pick
up whatever I have forgotten or need at the last minute and last but not
least clean up and aftermath. The shelter often looks like a cyclone hit the
administrative building the day after the event and you guys have to clean
up, calculate, do inventory and keep up with your own daily work. I can’t
possibly tell you how much I appreciate all you do!
My last thank you goes to Reid Katzung, Manager of Raging Rivers,
who is also a volunteer that needs to be recognized and thanked, as
well as Mandan Parks & Recreation. Reid gave us the fund raising idea,
helped us with all the details, kept water in the Lazy River after the park
had officially closed for the season, was at Raging Rivers the entire day
working his heart out during the entire event and was still there when the
event was over the and the last car left the parking lot. Throughout all he
never said, “No that won’t work.” It was always, “OK, let’s get it done.”
Reid, we just can’t say thank you enough as this fundraiser wouldn’t have
been possible without your facility and your help.
night for CDHS. A percentage of the day’s meal tickets went to CDHS. A
great way to help fund the shelter.
 Thank you to the employees and residents at Edgewood Vista. After
CDHS employee Mandy Schaaf visited the residents with her personal
pets, they dropped off several need’s list items at the shelter as a way to
thank us.
 First Community Credit Union did a great job with their “Paws for a
Cause” fundraisers. They brought in cash and need’s list items for the
shelter animals.
 Hats off to the staff members at Dakota Pharmacy for choosing CDHS
as one of their Community Day recipients. Employees donated to CDHS
and Dakota Pharmacy matched those donations. Awesome!
 Thank you to Kennedy and Sage for holding a lemonade stand and
donating the proceeds to CDHS. They raised $54. That’s a lot of lemons!
 Bravo to the Ramkota. They allow guests to have animals in their
rooms, but charge a small fee to cover any extra cleaning that’s needed.
They have donated the extra fees to CDHS as a donation for our
animals. Super!
 Central Market rocks! The Bismarck location held a chuckwagon
fundraiser and donated the proceeds to CDHS!
 Thank you to the Central Dakota Human Resource Association for
selecting CDHS as one of their charities of the year. We appreciate the
 Thank you to Santanah for donating her birthday money to CDHS!
 Yeah! Basin Electric employees chose CDHS as the recipient of their
jean’s day funds. Thank you!
 Yahoo for TJ Maxx! They held a special jeans day and donated all the
proceeds to CDHS. Thank you!
continued from page 4
continued from page 5
Please support these businesses that display CDHS donation canisters
A Buck or So
All Pets Veterinary Clinic
Barney’s Tesoro – Mandan
Birds out on a Limb – Bismarck
Bismarck Animal Clinic
Butcher Block Meats
Cappucino on Collins
Captain Jack’s Liquor – Mandan
Captain Jack’s Liquor – North
Captain Jack’s Liquor – South
Cashman Nursery
Cenex – Mandan
Cenex – East Broadway
Cenex Convenience Store/Hot Stuff
Pizza – Wilton
Central Market – Mandan
Central Market – Bismarck
Clothes Mentor – Bismarck
Cozy Creek Coffee & Gifts
Creative Clay
Crown Butte Kennels
D’Fine Tanning & Hair Salon
Dakota Pharmacy
Doc’s Vet Clinic
Central Dakota Humane Society
Little Caesar's Pizza
Little Caesars Pizza – North
Little Cottage Café
Little Dukes (Cashwise gas station)
M&H Gas
M&M Sausage and Meats
Mandan Public Library
Marshall Lumber Company – Mandan
Midway Lanes
Midway Liquor
Missouri Valley Vet Clinic
Mocha Momma’s – Mandan
Norleen Conitz – State Farm Insurance
– Mandan
Northwind Home & Garden
Pinehurst Veterinary Clinic
Plato’s Closet – Bismarck
Plaza Drug
Polar Package
Red Trail Petro & Pizza
Rock’N 50’s Café
Rolling Hills Restaurant – Mandan
Runnings Farm & Fleet – Bismarck
Runnings Farm & Fleet – Mandan
Dollar Store – Mandan
Expressway Amoco
Expressway C-Store
Fiesta Villa
Five Nations Arts
Four Paws Inn
Gas Plus
Gourmet Doggy Diner
Hair 2000
Healthy Dog Center
Heart River Animal Hospital
Hey Ocean – Bismarck
Home Run C-Store
Interstate Vet Clinic
Jay's Pawn Shop – Bismarck
Jay's Pawn Shop – Mandan
KT Animal Supply
Katherine's Consignment & More
Kirkwood Tesoro
Kroll’s – North
Lander’s Interstate Conoco
Latitudes Gallery & Gifts
Lewis & Clark Animal Hospital
Schneider’s Flowerama
Schwartz Chiropractic Center –
Scotty’s Drive-In
Season’s Café
Simonson's North
Space Aliens Grill & Bar
StaMart – Bismarck
Stockman’s Supply Group
Taco Del Mar – South
Taco John’s – Mandan
Taco John’s – North
Taco John’s – South
Taco John’s/Good Times – Bismarck
The Bird House
The Purse Store – Mandan
Treasures of the Sea & Earth
Uni-Stop – Mandan
Uniform Center & Embroidery –
West Dakota Meats
Western Unlimited
Bismarck-Mandan’s No-Kill Shelter
Central Dakota Humane Society
2104 37th Street, Mandan, ND 58554
on Dakota Media Access - Channel 12,
with host Rig Olsen
Monday, 12 noon & 7:30 pm
Tuesday, 5:30 pm
Wednesday, 12 noon
Thursday, 7:30 pm
Friday, 11:30 am & 5 pm
Saturday, 12:30 pm
Mon. – Fri., 4:30 am
Also available online
at dakotamediaaccess.org
and cdhs.net.
Produced by Central Dakota Humane
Society and Dakota Media Access
Shelter Director, Sue Buchholz
Office Manager, Carrie Kirkaldie
Volunteer Coordinator, Mandy Schaaf
Board of Directors:
Cameo Skager, President - 2014*
Rita O’Neill, Vice President - 2013*
Karen Schwan Holman, Treasurer - 2014*
Cathie Thill, Secretary - 2014*
Cassie Bauer - 2013*
Jessica Burger - 2014*
Anne Jorgenson Green - 2013*
Robin Martin - 2013*
Charlene Seifert - 2014*
(* Date term expires)
Become A CDHS Member Today!
Memberships include a newsletter subscription. You will receive a complimentary
one-year membership if you adopt a pet from the CDHS shelter. Memberships are taxdeductible to the extent of the law.
Membership Categories (check one):
____$10 - Junior (under 18)
____$150 - Pet Fanatic
____$20 - Individual (1)
____$500 - CDHS Builder
____$30 - Family (2+)
____$1000-$1999 - Lifetime Member
____$50 - Dog Lover
____$2000-$4999 - Lifetime Benefactor
____$50 - Cat Lover
____$5000+ - Lifetime Leader of the Pack
____$100 - Business
____ Hush Puppy (Anonymous)
Tax-Deductible Donation Categories:
____$12.50/month - kennel sponsor (one-year commitment)
____$25 - Adopt-A-Pet ad, published monthly in the Bismarck Tribune
____$ _________ - monthly donation (CDHS will send an authorization
form for your signature.)
____$__________ - additional donation amount
State:______ Zip Code:___________ E-mail:_______________________
Gift Given By:________________________________________________
Pay using (check one):
_____ Check/Money Order ____
Amount Enclosed: $_______________
Credit Card #:____________________________Exp. Date:___________
Send to:
CDHS, 2104 37th Street, Mandan, ND, 58554-8230 or call 667-2020.
“Doing great things for pets and people.”
667-2020 / cdhs@btinet.net / www.cdhs.net
CDHS is a nonprofit organization.
October - December 2012 (Issue 4, Volume 52)
Focus On All Fours is the official publication of
CDHS and is published quarterly. Editor: Cameo
Skager, Designer: Paige Mattson
CDHS Shelter Hours
Tuesday through Saturday
1 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Sunday and Monday
CDHS Mission Statement
Purpose: The purposes for which the
Corporation is organized are:
1. To provide for, house, rehabilitate, and
relocate lost, strayed or homeless animals.
2. To provide appropriate medical services.
3. To foster and promote humane treatment for all
4. To encourage proper responsibility by owners of
animals in their care, training or control.
5. To cooperate in the enforcement of laws that
protect animals from cruelty or neglect.
6. To promote spaying and neutering of companion animals to avoid unwanted litters.
7. To help bring about a time when no more
abused and/or abandoned animals will be
destroyed anywhere.
8. To do such acts and exercise such powers within the law - as may be necessary,
desirable or incidental to the carrying out of
the purposes specified above.
Focus On All Fours
Focus on all Fours
Central Dakota Humane Society
2104 37th Street
Mandan, ND 58554-8230
“Doing great things for pets and people.”
The Amazing Callahan!
By Sue Buchholz
Callahan came to us August 29 via Bismarck Animal Control.
He was picked up as a stray and obviously was one sick little
dude. We immediately got him medical attention to start his road
to recovery and he has been a very good patient! Callahan, had
a SEVERE eye infection, pneumonia and ear mites so thick they
filled his ear canals. Since he needed oral antibiotics and eye
medications six to eight times a day, he became my overnight
guest for about a week or so. His lethargic and depressed state
soon morphed into a playful little character who was rabbit kicking toys, and wreaking general
mayhem and havoc with my own furry gang. He ate everything with gusto until his belly was about
to burst and he tried to break the record of the ‘how far can I fling
kitty litter when I am spinning around in my box’ game.
We soon knew he would survive, but we weren’t sure if he
would have sight or be able to keep his eyes. Thankfully, the
medicine and his immune system worked together and while he
will have permanent scarring in his eyes, he has vision and the
scarring is minimal. He was a gruesome little sight to behold for
sure when we first met, but he beat the odds and will be a great
little companion for someone who is looking for an active addition
to their feline family. In hindsight we think maybe we should have
named him Everest because he LOVES to climb to the highest
point he can find and just hang out. Or maybe he just climbs up
high to ponder how far he has come, and the great life he has
ahead of him now. We hope so buddy!
Central Dakota Humane Society
Samples of funny photos taken during the Shaggy Shuffle event. Thanks to DYphotobooth for
supporting CDHS. Check out their website for more photos taken during the event.
Bismarck-Mandan’s No-Kill Shelter