Nov/Dec 2010 - Canadian Morgan Horse Association


Nov/Dec 2010 - Canadian Morgan Horse Association
Photo by Christine Heintz
Publications Mail Agreement #41953512
November/December 2010
Triagn Midwatch
Available for Purchase
and Standing at Stud
This 2005 Cremello Stallion is under the
direction of Kelly Kraegel Varner.
Standing for 2011 at Cottonwood Creek Ranch.
Interested parties should enquire at:
Triagn Farm Morgans
Tel: 352.351.1082 • Anthony, Florida. •
Features Departments
Battle of the Breeds
New Members
Zone Profile
Distance Riding
Saddle Seat Winners
President’s Message
Administrator’s Message
Directors’ Listing
Who’s on the Front Cover
Alberta Owners Listing
Ontario Owners Listing
B.C. Owners Listing
Affiliated Morgan Horse Clubs
Morgan Marketplace
Stallion Showcase
Thank you to our Advertisers:
Oaklea Morgans ....................Front Cover
CyanStar Morgans....................Inside Front Cover
Coulee Bend Morgan Farm......Page 3
Dawnville Farms......................Back Cover
Double Z Acres........................Inside Back Cover
Triagn Farm Morgans..............Page 4
Maple Wood Stables.................Page 7
Butte Morgans..........................Page 8
Sanche Performance Horses.....Page 9
The Dixon Family.....................Page 10
Tamrac Ranch...........................Page 12
Hobby Horse Farm...................Pages 14 & 15
Dawnville Farms......................Page 27
Orlando Martens.......................Page 28
Dawnville Farms......................Page 29
Dawnville Farms......................Page 31
Bob & Cec Watson...................Page 32
Dawnville Farms......................Page 33
4 Hearts Ranch.........................Page 34
Double Z Acres........................Page 35
Butte Morgans
Joy Photography
Cyan Star Morgans
Belle Coulée Morgans
WorkWize Morgans
GNR Morgans
Porter’s Equine Centre
Elnoresh Morgans
Canabar Farm
Sunny Acres Morgans
Carlton Morgans
St. John Performance Horses
Circle S Morgans
Double Z Acres
Johnsen Tree Farms
From the editor’s desk
s I write this, it is drizzling
rain outside and the temperature probably won’t make
the forecasted high of 11°
Celsius. Yes, it definitely is fall outside,
and you know what follows that, don’t
you! Yes, that’s right... riding in the arena
for what will seem like an eternity until
spring comes along again—and that’s if
you’re lucky enough to have access to
one. For others, it means real winter riding with all the cold weather gear that
goes along with it, the only sound breaking the winter silence being the crunch of
the snow under your horse’s feet. Sounds
peaceful, actually... which brings me to
the crux of my editorial.
This is the November/December issue
and what better time to be thankful for the
horses in our lives and the people we’ve
met because of them, than now. Whether
it’s through trail riding in the mountains
(which I used to do in Alberta) or through
showing (which I do now) it doesn’t matter what you do with your horse as long as
you do it. There’s no reason to “take sides”
on whether you show or don’t show... as
long as you enjoy and respect your horse.
Ultimately, it’s a matter of choice as to
whether we focus on what sets us apart, or
what brings us together. So, in the spirit of
the season, I say, let’s put our differences
aside and focus on what’s really important: our love of horses and the Morgan
breed. Be thankful this season.... and have
a very merry Christmas.
Happy riding... and reading!
Sales / Editorial / Subscriptions Office:
Canadian Morgan magazine
Publisher/Editor, Cindy Dickson
83 Charles Street, Port Hope, ON L1A 1S6
Tel: 905.885.0525 / Fax: 905.885.7690
Reproduction of any materials without written permission from the editor
is prohibited. Opinions and statements expressed in this publication are not
necessarily those of the editor or publisher.
Canada Post Customer Number 7108067
Mail Agreement Number 41953512.
Canadian Morgan
Victory in Battle Again!...
by Bob Watson
fter an unexpected, very emotional
Battle of the Breeds win in September 2009, Team Morgan was poised
and in good position to repeat as
champions in 2010. They had a veteran team,
or so they thought, but mishaps and misfortune
dogged them and only three horses and two riders
returned from the victorious 2009 team. Ten-year
Team Morgan captain, Cec Watson, broke her
left wrist about two weeks prior to the event and
would be unable to compete so she went to
work and recruited a long-time friend and
reinsman to fill in driving for her.
The 2010 battle had 12 teams entered
and Team Morgan consisted of Debra
Clary riding and driving TLR Night
Image, Pat Crema driving JMF Beam
Walker, Kathryn Duke riding Blue
Diamond Dancer and Kristen Burton
riding Oaklea French Mist and JMF
Beam Walker.
The first event Thursday morning
was Compulsory Skills (Dressage),
which requires the first teammate to
ride the test and the second teammate to drive the test. Katy riding
Dancer and Pat driving Blackie performed extremely well and placed first.
Jeopardy Jumping was in the afternoon with Katy first up riding Dancer. She did
very well and finished with a very competitive score that had the team in good position
for a top-six ribbon. Kristen, our second rider,
is experienced but her mount, Misty, is an inexperienced jumper and, as so often happens to new
team members, they had problems and Team
Morgan finished a respectable eighth.
On Friday morning, the third event was
November/December 2010
Precision Driving (Obstacle Driving), which
historically we have done well in. With Deb
driving Image and Pat driving Blackie, we had
four veteran competitors so we expected to place
high in this event and we did. Pat’s bout of nerves
from day one had settled down and she tied for
the high score, Deb was tied for the second highest score and both finished with no time faults.
This tremendous performance by both Pat and
Deb was rewarded with a first place ribbon.
Friday afternoon was Barrel Racing with a
four-barrel configuration instead of the usual
All photos courtesy
of Christine Heintz.
three. Our team was Katy and Dancer and Kristen
and Misty. They both had very good times and
had a shot at the top six, but misfortune struck
and Misty knocked over the first barrel for a
five-second time fault so they finished in
ninth place. Katy’s time was faster than
last year and one of the better times
Team Morgan has had in the past ten
It all came down to Saturday
morning and the Trail competition
as it had in 2009. Team Connemara
was in first place with 40 points,
Team Morgan second with 39
points and Team Quarter Horse in
third with 34 points. Trail is another
strong class for us historically and,
if we finished first or second in Trail,
Team Morgan would be crowned
champions of the Battle. Kris was the
first of our team and the sixth scheduled
competitor so our destiny rested on the
shoulders of 18-year-old Kristen Burton
and 24-year-old JMF Beam Walker. Kris did
well so we decided to gamble and go for the 100
bonus points. If you are successful with the bonus
obstacle you have 100 points added to your
score; if you fail, 100 points is subtracted from
your score.
The bonus obstacle was two telephone booths
about 25-feet apart with a water hazard in
between. The objective was to lean into the first
...We Win in 2010!
Opposite Page: The winning team parade!
Opposite Page: Kathryn and Blue Diamond Dancer at Jeopardy Jumping.
Left: Kristen and Oaklea French Mist run the Barrels.
Below: Kristen and JMF Beam Walker at Trail.
booth while mounted, pick up a phone book and transfer it to the second
booth. It was a very difficult obstacle. Kris did well until the second booth
when she dropped the book. The competitors were allowed to dismount if
this happened, place the book in the booth and remount within the allowed
time frame. The grass was wet and Kris’s slippery boot sole kept sliding out
of the stirrup (she was riding hunt seat) as she tried to remount. We were
all dying a thousand deaths when at the last split second she swung into the
saddle, both feet in the stirrups, and earned 100 bonus points.
Our second competitor was our veteran Deb Clary who always has a
strong performance in Trail. Deb and Night Image came through again and
tied for the third highest individual score that, combined with Kristen’s
tie for the sixth highest individual score, guaranteed Team Morgan second
place in Trail and first place overall with six competitors still to go.
The win was very, very exciting, unexpected and almost anti-climactic,
but… “Team Adversity” did it and WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS. CM
maple wood stables
Congratulations to Lorna MacKay
on her purchase of MWS Northern
Alert, Reserve Champion at the
2010 Ontario Morgan Classic!
Photo by Lynn Cassels-Caldwell
Canadian Morgan
More Battle Action!
Clockwise from Above:
Debra and TLR Night Image at Trail.
Pat driving JMF Beam Walker, with Debra.
Kathryn and Blue Diamond Dancer at
Compulsory Skills.
Debra and TLR Night Image with the
TELUS ball.
November/December 2010
Sanche Performance Horses
Wishes to thank all of their wonderful clients,
for yet another successful year!
Photo by: Ja’nie Inspirational Photography
Lisa Keizer
Isabell Light
Michaela Taylor
Joan & Kathryn Reader
Rae Roulston: RR Acres
Stephanie Brown & Family
Tara Bavaro and Mary Lou Dodd
Pat Spencer
Keltie Coburn
Colleen McKenzie
Walde Warminiec
Karin Irish
Dawn Keiller
Darren Enders
Special Thanks to Stacie Doyle of Back on Track Equine Chiropractic & Message Therapy &
Janie Doyle of 3D Equestrian Center.
Sanche Performance Horses * Sandra Fenstad-Sanche, Trainer *
53107 Range Road 212 Ardrossan, Alberta T8G 2E1
Cell. 780-983-6280 Home. 780-922-6280
Performance Horses
Equine Chiropractics by: Back on Track Stacie Doyle
Thank You!
from the Dixon Family
he Dixon family would like to send out a very big THANK YOU to Aldona, Barb and
Betty Tracey for all that you do for us. To Lana for all you did for us during the year,
THANK YOU. You are Riley and Austin’s new best friend. To anyone who helped us out this
year by brushing, picking out tails, taking down tails as we were heading to the arena, helping
get the kids ready, THANK YOU!! To the people we even show against, THANK YOU
make it fun.
To Kathy Padgham and Northern Exposure (Robin), Austin say’s a huge THANK YOU!!
Riley would like to give big hugs and a THANK YOU to DU ABSOLUTELY COURAGEOUS
(Henry) for all the safe rides this
year. (Du Absolutely Courageous
is owned by the Dixon and the
Phillips Family of Wetaskiwin, AB,
and trained by Bar B Ranch, Barb
Tracey of Leduc, AB).
Hope to see you all in 2011.
President’s Message
Working Together
n early October, Cec and I decided we needed a little vacation
together. Our trips are usually horse related and often separate as
someone has to stay home to do chores (a lot of you can identify
with that). We decided to attend a portion of the World Championship Morgan Horse Show in Oklahoma City. It was great to see all the Canadians in attendance from Nova Scotia to British Columbia, both showing
and as spectators.
While there, we also attended some meetings, in particular, the Rule
Change Proposal meeting and a Town Hall meeting regarding bylaw
changes. The AMHA has been the defendant in a lawsuit for a couple of
years or so. The plaintiffs, about 47 in number, are trying (among other
things) to force a bylaw change regarding electing directors to the board.
They are using the same argument I have heard for years in Canada: an “Us
vs. Them,” “Non-show vs. Show People” concept and want to elect “Show
Horse directors” and “Non-Show Horse directors.” It got me thinking about
how divisive this is.
We all claim to be Morgan horse supporters, but many of us are so busy
pointing fingers and gossiping that we forget about the most important part:
the Morgan horse. We are going to end up destroying the breed we love if
we continue on this path.
The Morgan is a versatile horse. Believe it or not, show horses are ridden
on trail rides sometimes with their show shoes on and blend in pretty well.
There is a much smaller percentage of owners who show than those who
do not. Take the time to learn about “others” and appreciate the differences
exemplified by our Morgan horses. Cheer for each other and stop the pet-
The show people
are willing to pay for
their bragging rights:
both with money paid
to trainers and show
entries, as well as their
support through advertising in the Morgan
magazines, both in
Canada and stateside. Our magazines would not survive without them!
The backyard and pleasure horse members, who seldom advertise their
animals in our magazines, please appreciate those who do. I have been
encouraging members to place a half page or full page ad in our magazine.
Tell us what you do with your horse, even if it is only to pet and love. If
everyone pitches in, it will help keep the Morgan known and appreciated
for their beauty, intelligence and versatility.
My vision as President is that we put aside our differences and appreciate
each other and all Morgan horses. Working together, what we can conceive
and believe, we can achieve. Team Morgan’s win at this year’s TELUS
Battle of the Breeds at Spruce Meadows proves what teamwork can do.
Talk is cheap, action is real—a hand offered in friendship goes a long
way towards understanding the other person and ensuring the future of the
Morgan breed.
Administrator’s Message
states Susan Stewart, Equine Canada Breeds & Industry Division, Coordinator, Export Market Development. “Historically,
Canada regards horse breeding very seriously and, for more than
a century, equine pedigrees have been recorded through rigorous
pedigree tracking according to standards legislated under Canada’s Animal Pedigree Act.
The Government of Canada passed the Livestock Pedigree
Act, a federal government statute that defines the legal framework under which breed associations can be established, in 1900.
Since its revision in 1988, the new Act, known as the Animal
Pedigree Act (APA), has gone a step further by clearly defining
the genetic ground rules for registering animals and it includes
new ideas and knowledge pertinent to the equine breeding sector. Under the Act, animals may only be registered by national
authorities, thus ensuring a high level of accountability and
assurance. The basis of this federal act is to ensure that accurate
pedigree information is recorded and preserved on a national
basis, thereby improving animal breeds and livestock in general.
Secondly, by developing consistent national standards for the
representation of an animal’s genetic background, the integrity
of the information for domestic and foreign trade purposes is
increased and it provides protection to buyers of breeding stock.”
I think it is worthy of note that Susan Stewart uses the term “historically”
when referring to Canadian breeders taking their breeding seriously and
recording pedigrees. The CMHA has always taken the breeding of Morgan
horses seriously and encouraged everyone to register their animals. But of
late, registrations have fallen and breeders do not place as high an importance on registering their animals. I think it is time for breeders to look to the
past as we move forward in the world of horse breeding, horse ownership
and horse identification. Register your Morgan as a Morgan and give your
Morgan a place in history.
read with great interest
the last President’s message in the September/
October issue of the
Canadian Morgan. If you have
forgotten what it was all about,
I would encourage you to pick
up that issue and re-read it. He
discusses the upcoming Equine
ID and traceability that will affect
all horse owners and how your
breed registration number will be
a significant part of your horse’s
ID and VALUE. Do not underPhoto by Joy Photography
estimate the power of a recorded
Editor’s Note: Nancy Kavanagh is
pedigree. Canadian breeders are
pictured above with Frankie (Hip
very fortunate to have legislated
Heath Avalon) who, at age 26 and
standards for breed associations
fully retired, still looks for treats!☺
such as the CMHA and the Animal Pedigree Act.
I would like to quote from the September 24 press release from Equine
Canada on Canadian-bred horses competing at the World Equestrian
“Nineteen Canadian-bred horses were short-listed to the
Canadian Equestrian Team for the 2010 Alltech FEI World
Equestrian Games, which is nearly 30% of the total horses shortlisted. “Canada has solid breeding practices along with skilled
producers, trainers and competitors and it produces horses of
more breeds than just about any other country in the world,”
Administrator’s Message
continued on Page 12
Canadian Morgan
Administrator’s Message
continued from Page 11
With that in mind, the CMHA board has agreed to offer a new moratorium on registering Morgans two-years-old and older. The previous moratorium expired on June 30, 2010, however, a motion was passed at a recent
conference call to allow owners the chance to register a Morgan two-yearsold and older at a discounted rate of 25% less than the current fee schedule
until the end of 2011.
We thank everyone who registered their older Morgans, we saw a good
number of horses become registered Morgans and take their place in the
herd book. It is our desire to see this trend continue.
On behalf of the CMHA board, I wish to extend our deepest condolences to Ferne Gudnason and the family of Don Salmon. Don passed away
suddenly on August 28. Don was a 20-year member of the CMHA and bred
Morgans under the Tazara prefix. I met Don when he was the director for
Alberta and at the AGM in Montebello, QC. Don became someone special
to me: It was at an auction and an “army”-type knife came up for bid. I was
bidding on it for my son, David, who was around eight at the time. I lost out
on the bidding and moved on. The next morning, a hotel employee knocked
on the room door and gave me a package. It was the knife. I had no idea
who had bought it the night before or how it landed on my doorstop, but
what a moment it was for an eight-year-old boy! I later learned that day that
Don had bought the knife and someone had told him I was also bidding on
it for David. He generously gave it to us anonymously and without fanfare.
I, of course, did find out about Don and thanked him for his generosity. It
was a very sweet thing to do and we still have that knife! It goes with us
everywhere we go with the horses as it is packed in the tack box. Thank
you, Don, you will be missed.
Nancy Kavanagh, Office Administrator
Canadian Morgan Horse Association News
Membership/Fee Schedule Revisions:
Starting January 1, 2011, the fee schedule for Morgan/part-Morgan
Connie Manning-McNicol
Tamrac Ranch
Thank you Connie, for your coaching,
your mentorship, and your friendship.
—Parents and riders at Tamrac Ranch.
horses will be revised. All fees will be increasing 10%. This includes memberships and a $10 magazine mail surcharge added onto annual and junior
memberships. Life members and junior affiliated members are not affected
by the mail surcharge.
The CMHA is pleased to be able to offer a NEW form of membership;
The CMHA will offer a 10-year membership for $500 plus taxes. The 10year term for this membership will expire December 31, 2020, and the mail
surcharge will not apply to this membership.
Registry News
The CMHA board is so pleased with the amount of older Morgans being
registered, due to the previous moratorium, that the board has created a
new moratorium to continue registering older Morgans at a discount. The
CMHA will accept Morgans two-years-old and older into the registry at a
25% discount of the current fee schedule until December 31, 2011.
Director/Vice Director Nominations
The following zone positions are up for renewal:
Director and Vice Director for British Columbia, Ontario and Manitoba.
Please contact the office for a nomination form. Nomination forms must be
returned to the office by November 30, 2010.
The new terms will become effective after the 2011 AGM and each term
runs three years.
The Quebec zone is also looking for a vice director. Please contact the
office if you are interested!
Tag Line Contest
Don’t forget about our newest contest – we are looking for a tag line for
the CMHA and we need your support and creativity. The contest is open to
all members and submissions will close November 30, 2010. Recently, the
AMHA introduced a new tag line, “The Horse That Chooses You” and it appears on their magazine masthead, Web site etc. The CMHA has never had
a tag line and it’s time we did! Send your submissions to the CMHA office,
Box 286, Port Perry, ON L9L 1A3 or email Good
luck! For more information, please contact the CMHA office. CM
New Members!
Keith & Melissa Little of Calgary
Ron Tkachuk of Rocky View
Evelyn Pochylko of Red Deer
Gina-Mae Merriman of Eckville
Brydelle Wardley of Alix
Stacie Doyle of Sherwood Park
Elaine Newman of Sooke
Jim & Veronica O’Connor of Nelson
Mario Gauthier of Danville
Gail McNaughton of Huntington
Heather George of Regina
Ruth Black of Vanscoy
November/December 2010
Justin Coffey of Corbyville
Harley Van Dam of Pontypool
Canadian Morgan Horse Association
CMHA Office Administrator:
Nancy Kavanagh
Tel: (905) 982-0060 Fax: (905) 982-0097
Mail to: Box 286, Port Perry, ON L9L 1A3
Courier to: 18555 Highway 12, Greenbank, ON L0C 1B0
CMHA Officers
President: Bob Watson
Box 660, Duchess, AB T0J 0Z0
(403) 378-4323 Fax: (403) 378-4322
West Vice President: Laurie Ann Lyons
Box 3254 A Stn. Terminal M.P.P.,
Kamloops, BC V2C 6B8 (250) 571-9419
East Vice President: Andre Laurin
22 Du Parc
Saint-Constant, QC J5A 1Z5
(514) 232-9900
Treasurer: Candas Rolls
1238 Wascana Highlands,
Regina, SK S4V 2J6
(306) 545-2652
Past President: Lyle Dietz
Box 128, Galahad, AB T0B 1R0
(780) 583-2128
CMHA Directors
Director: Karen Abel
Site 4, Box 2, RR #2,
Leduc, AB T9E 2X2
(403) 986-3185
Vice Director: Open to Volunteer
Director: Melissa MacKenzie
63 McManus Street,
Passekeag, NB E5N 7S3
(506) 832-5515
Director: Laurie Ann Lyons
Box 3254 A Stn. Terminal M.P.P.,
Kamloops, BC V2C 6B8 (250)
Vice Director: Dana Bewza-Ward
#38 – 1760 Copperhead Drive,
Kamloops, BC V1S 2B4
(250) 572-7357
Director: Cathy Braun
Box 851, Winkler, MB R6W 4A9
(204) 331-4571
Director: Tina Collins
2685 Concession 4, RR#1,
Loretto, ON L0G 1L0
(905) 729-4317
Vice Director: Blair Kidd
P.O. Box 44, Miniota, MB R0M 1M0
(204) 567-3823
Vice Director: Sandra McGinty
361 Stafford Avenue,
Port Elgin, ON N0H 2C5
(519) 832-6564
Director: Andre Laurin
22 Du Parc,
Saint-Constant, QC J5A 1Z5
(514) 232-9900
Director: John Beaver
725 McTavish Street
Regina, SK S4T 3T8
(306) 533-7619
Vice Director: Tina Porter
Box 303
Stewiacke, NS B0N 2J0
(902) 639-2832
Vice Director: Candas Rolls
1238 Wascana Highlands,
Regina, SK S4V 2J6
(306) 545-2652
Vice Director: Open to Volunteer
CMHA Directors Emeritus
Margaret McDonald
Site 4, Box 5, RR#2,
Leduc, AB T9E 2X2
(780) 986-6652
Jack Reeves
RR#2, Uxbridge, ON
L9P 1R2
(905) 852-7085
Eldon L. Bienert
Site 4, Box 5, RR#2,
Leduc, AB T9E 2X2
(780) 986-6652
Committee Chairs
Charlene Dalen-Brown - Registry
85 Ashwood Drive
Saskatoon, SK S7T 1B9
(306) 373-8200
Pat Crema - Constitution/Bylaws
Box 210
Pritchard, BC V0E 2P0
(250) 577-3218
Lisa Kavanagh - Youth
Box 46
Port Perry, ON L9L 1A2
(905) 985-0691
Canadian Morgan
Hobby Horse Farm presents
Two Special Mares
Jalna Copycat
(Jalna Playboy
x Kenmona Little Spot)
Jalna Jestacat
(Jalna Playboy alius “Firecat”
x Kenmona Little Snip)
Photo by Anne McLeod
Copycat and Emma Foote competing at Hobby Horse Trials in September
where they won their division.
Photo by Patrick Foote
Jesty and Carrie Wood also competing at Hobby Horse Trials.
Hobby Horse Farm
P.O. Box 295, Coldbrook, Nova Scotia B4R 1B6
November/December 2010
Photo by Jeff Newbery
Jalna Jestacat ridden by Leslie Wade at a Hunt Pace in September. Leslie and Jesty took part in several competitive
trail rides this year. Following in Firecat’s tradition, Jesty competed in Parrsboro where her sire did the 100-miler in
Hobby Horse Farm
P.O. Box 295, Coldbrook, Nova Scotia B4R 1B6
Canadian Morgan
Zone Profiles
A look at our Canada-wide zones and their directors
This issue: Quebec
Andre Laurin
Zone Director, Quebec
here do you live and
I have lived on the
south shore of Montreal
for decades and have to cross the bridge to
get into the city every morning and night.
It is amazing how many people wake up
at the same time as me every morning to
join me for the ride. I am in traffic for one
hour on the way into work and sometimes
longer when I come back at night. But,
I’m very patient, so I’m used to it.
How many Morgan horses do you own?
I am the proud owner of a lovely Morgan mare. Since I won my bid at
the stallion contest two years ago, I sent the mare for breeding and, after
a few months of trying, the mare was never in foal. So, I decided to breed
her the next year. She is finally in foal now and should give me a foal next
spring. I will see what I’ll do with the foal once it’s born, whether it will do
shows, or do cross country carriages, we’ll see. I really love this breed.
What made you want to be on the board?
I was a member of the association and noticed for several months that
there was always a director missing for the Quebec zone. I phoned the
administrators office and spoke with Nancy Kavanagh. The way she talked,
I could feel her love for the breed. The most important thing she said to me
was, “You’re going to meet new friends who will remain lifetime friends
from all over Canada.” I’ve been hooked now for more than four years.
What are the challenges for your specific zone?
I think the challenge is the same everywhere. We have to face the recession and also the fact that people are getting older and that, after some years
into an association, a lot of fans or members lose their enthusiasm and don’t
participate in as many activities as they used to. We have to survive through
this. We have fewer people, fewer shows, fewer prizes, fewer sponsors and,
finally, a lack of interest from members. If we don’t make the effort to keep
the association alive, it will melt like ice in the sun.
The people who began the association did something very important and
something that they were proud of, and should be proud of. Their efforts
were valuable and we need to save what they did and keep on going. If we
could convince our critics to stand beside us and help us turn the wheels
around, we could work miracles. But, if one remains in his own corner and
doesn’t move except to criticise others who work, this is not really a winDirector
continued on Page 24
Who’s on the Front Cover?
n the cover of this issue is JMF Beam Walker
(Whispering High Beam x TS Atlantic Ebony) being driven by Pat Crema. JMF Beam Walker was
born June 5, 1986, and is owned by Bob and Cec
Watson. He was bred and foaled by the Janzen’s (Will, Dorothy
and Bruce) at Tofield, Alberta, and sold as a yearling to Albert
and Joanne Lensink and, later, to two different owners at Camrose. In his early years, he was trained to ride and drive and I
believe he was a yearling when he severely injured his left front
shin in a culvert accident. He was used as a stallion, producing
11 registered foals when he lived at Camrose.
He was used primarily as a jumper in his early years and our
first encounter with him was as a 12-year-old on the Battle of
the Breeds team at Spruce Meadows when Cec joined the team
in 1998. Dieneke van der Voort rode him competing in Jumping and Barrel Racing for Team Morgan. Two years later, Team
Morgan, which included JMF Beam Walker, was crowned
champions of the Battle of the Breeds. The Team repeated in
2001, but he wasn’t on the team that year. Dieneke, his owner,
subsequently got married, started a family and reluctantly
decided to sell him.
November/December 2010
We purchased him October 18, 2003, to keep him on the
Battle team. Known to his friends, age 5 to 85, as “Blackie” he
has led a very full life. After he came to live with us, he really
went to work to earn his keep. He became Cec’s primary lesson
horse as a 17-year-old stallion and, although he caused no problems, we decided to geld him a year or two after we got him.
We started showing him at Morgan shows, open shows and
4-H shows as well as demonstrations and booth duty at the
Calgary Stampede and, of course, he remained a strong member
of Team Morgan at Spruce Meadows.
His duties on the team changed with us and he has been
competing in Driven Dressage, Obstacle Driving and Trail and
he replaced Ruetama Lady Reanne when Cec retired her. With
his teammate, he has finished first, second or third out of 12 or
more teams 12 times out of 15 the past five years. Recently, he
has become a lesson horse in the therapeutic riding program for
handicapped youth and, of course, he was a member of Team
Morgan in their back-to-back battle wins in 2009 and 2010.
We wish to thank the Janzens of JMF for breeding this versatile Morgan gelding, small in stature, big in heart, he truly is a
credit to the Morgan breed. CM
Alberta Morgan Owners & Breeders
To be placed on this list contact:
Zone Director: Karen Abel
(403) 986-3185
Vice Director: VACANT
VW - Visitors Welcome (call ahead)
SS - Stallion(s) at Stud
ST - Semen Transport
FST - Frozen Semen Transport
FS - Horse(s) For Sale
BD - Horses Boarded
TR - Training
LS - Lessons Given
Larry & Marg Armfelt
Box 2070, Athabasca, AB T9S 2B6
Ph/Fax: (780) 675-5168
Baptiste Captain Navy (Crm)
Renegade Commando (Pal)
René & Aura Pombert
Site 5, Box 11, RR #2
Leduc, AB T9E 2X2
(780) 986 - 1446
Triple S Chinook (Pal)
Sunnyridge Porter (Pal)
Baptiste Chey Tre Pal (Pal)
Margaret and Jack Devetten
Site 11, Box 23, RR #1
Okotoks, AB T1S 1A1
(403) 995-4656
Bredwel’s Solor Flair (Pal)
Vern Baron & Ann de St. Remy
Site 5, Box 66, RR #4, Lacombe, AB T4L 2N4
Ph/Fax: (403) 782-3856
Eldon & Betty Bezaire
21166 TWP Road 542
Fort Saskatchewan, AB T8L 3Y9
Ph/Fax: (780) 998-7215
CLM Cocoa’s Cavalier (Pal)
The Penningtons
Box 1574, Drumheller, AB T0J 0Y0
(403) 823-5086 / Cell: (403) 334-1792
JMF Hot Ice Mystery
Eldon Bienert & Peggy McDonald
Site 4, Box 1, RR #2, Leduc, AB T9E 2X2
(780) 986-6652 / Fax: (780) 986-6281
Century Destiny’s Child (Bay)
Lynn Danyluk
PO Box 382, Main Station, Waskatenau, AB
T0A 3P0, (780) 656 0406 /
Cas-sel Canadian Classic (Blk)
Sir William Barr (Amer Crème)
Robert & Cecila Watson
Box 660, Duchess, AB T0J 0Z0
(403) 378-4323 / Fax: (403) 378-4322
Ivan & Sandy Chrapko & Family
Box 2697 Pincher Creek, AB T0K 1W0
(403) 627-5696 / Cell: (403) 627-8074
Fax: (403) 627-5699
Bessia’s Tatanka (Homozygous Blk)
Todd and Yvette Taylor
Box 9, Site 15, RR #1, Bowden, AB T0M 0K0
(403) 224-2644 /
MLF Midado
Robert, Bea & Samantha Dixon
267 – 52061 Range Road 215
Sherwood Park, AB T8E 1B2
(780) 922-3882 / Fax: (780) 922-2010
Baccarat’s Extra Flair (Blk)
e at Four Hearts Ranch
would like to pay tribute to
a great little mare, Just'N
Case (Glori Del-Sir John x Dawson’s
Cheeky Lass) who died of a heart
attack in July at the age of 22 years.
“Casey” was a stocky palomino mare
who could do it all. She would tackle
any terrain and if she hesitated, it was
not safe to go through. She carried
hunters on long trail rides through the
mountains and packed their game out
When she came to our ranch five years
ago, she was our most trusted horse and was iin charge
off th
the bbeginner
id who
h had
never been on a horse before. For many people, she was their first contact with a horse,
easy to catch and safe to lead and brush and always looking for a gentle hand with a
cookie in it.
Casey was one of those honest, quiet horses who just do their job and carry on with their
lives. We miss her --- a lot.
Canadian Morgan
November/December 2010
Morgans help win team bronze
at the 2010 Distance Riding
by Sherri Wilson
010 is the year that the Canadian Distance Riding Championships returned to Ontario. A phone call from long-time Morgan
owner/supporter Nancy Beacon alerted me to this fact. I have
been away from distance riding for a number of years (not
enough hours in the day). Consequently, I haven’t been paying much attention to what’s been happening in this world. Nancy was looking for sponsors for Morgan awards: the Canadian Morgan Horse Association sponsored
a Top Morgan award, while the Ontario Morgan Horse Club sponsored a
Top Part-Morgan award.
The championships involved Endurance, Competitive and Ride and Tie
and took place July 1 to 4 in New Lowell, Ontario. Riders came from all
over the world to compete in the 100/75/50-mile events, most borrowing
local horses to compete.
For those who aren’t familiar with the different disciplines, Endurance is
a race with mandatory vet checks and rests, with the first one across the line
the winner. Competitive is about completing the course within a prescribed
time period with time faults for being early or late, while losing the fewest
number of points for condition and how well you looked after the horse on
the trail. There are mandatory vet checks as well. Ride and Tie involves two
riders and one horse. At the start, the horse/first rider combination are off
with the second rider running along behind. Along the trail, the first rider
will jump off and tie the horse to whatever is handy and run off up the trail.
The second rider will then come running along, find the horse, jump on and
ride past the first rider and tie the horse somewhere along the trail ahead.
They must continue to change riders along the way; they aren’t allowed to
have one person ride the entire distance with the other running. As this is a
race as well, the first complete rider/horse team to cross the finish line wins.
Vet checks are also required. Deana did a few of these and quite enjoyed
them. I did not—which is why we never partnered and she did more of
them than me!
July 1 was cool. Travelling with my mom, Deana, we arrived long after
the riders were out on the trail—the 50-milers headed out at 5:00 a.m.,
while the 75- and 100-milers headed out at 5:30 a.m. We arrived around
11:00 a.m. Bundled into coats to keep warm, we tracked down the finish
line and Nancy Beacon.
Nancy was tracking the riders coming across the line for the 50-miler.
The grounds were fabulous with plenty of room for all the trailers and
camping out space for the horses along with the vetting areas and food tent.
All photos by Sherri Wilson
Above: (l-r) Claudia Harper, Deama Wilson amd Nancy Beacon.
Below: “Camp Manitoba.”
Bottom: The ride site.
It was all very well organized.
After meeting with Nancy, we set out to find some of the Morgan people
at the site. The first person we found was Claudia Harper from B.C. Claudia
was pit crewing as opposed to riding. Prue Critchley from Manitoba was
rumoured to have come with Ffort William and another part-Morgan.
We tracked down the office and were able to persuade them during a
slight lull in their busy day to put together a list of all the Morgans (3) and
continued on Page 21
Canadian Morgan
British Columbia Morgan Owners & Breeders
To be placed on this list contact:
Zone Director: Laurie Ann Lyons
(250) 571-9419
Vice Director: Dana Bewza-Ward
(250) 572-7357
VW - Visitors Welcome (call ahead)
SS - Stallion(s) at Stud
ST - Semen Transport
FST - Frozen Semen Transport
FS - Horse(s) For Sale
BD - Horses Boarded
TR - Training
LS - Lessons Given
Registered Morgans
Susan & Andre Patry
4220 Highway 5A South, Box 1148,
Merritt, BC V1K 1B8
(250) 378-6520 / Fax: (250) 378-3498
Dr. H. Sawatzky
637 Enderby-Grindrod Road,
Enderby, BC V0E 1V4
(250) 838-7454 / Fax: (250) 838-0237
AfterSchock Dot Com
Jill & Gordon Bewza
RR#2, S-25, C-45, Chase, BC V0E 1M0
(250) 679-8226 /
Brian & Sonja Halliday
Box 2065, Dawson Creek, BC V1G 4K8
(250) 843-7181 /
JMF Leprechaunn (Blk)
Registered Morgans
Roma H. Tingle
2765 Denicola Crescent,
Prince George, BC V2K 5C7
(250) 963-7309 / Fax: (250) 963-7301
Gerald & Rachel Sdoutz
RR#2, S-23, C-8, 1576 Chase-Falkland Road,
Chase, BC V0E 1M0 / (250) 679-1175
DM Teacher’s Top Mark (Blk)
Gunther & Dagmar Funk
4280 Schubert Road, Armstrong, BC V0E 1B4
(250) 546-2891
Trophy’s Julio
Ed & Debora Morgan and Alyssa Neufeld
4684 Black Enderby Road
Armstrong, BC V0E 1B8
(250) 546-8058
WF Royal Mist’s Kurik (Blk/Brwn)
Dan & Pat Powell
Box 634, Valemount, BC V0E 2Z0
(250) 968-4474
Howard Fowler
Box 59, Virginia Road, Coombs
Vancouver Island, BC V0R 1M0
(250) 248-3882
Island Conquest (16hh Ches)
Island Grand Duke (15.3hh Pal)
Kris & Inge Johnsen
13616 – 232 Street, Maple Ridge, BC V4R 2R5
(604) 463-2571 /
tarting January 1, 2011, the fee schedule for Morgan/part-Morgan horses will be revised.
All fees will be increasing 10%. This includes memberships and a $10 magazine mail
surcharge added onto annual and junior memberships. Life members and junior affiliated
members are not affected by the mail surcharge.
The CMHA is pleased to be able to offer a NEW form of membership; The CMHA will offer a 10year membership for $500 plus taxes. The 10-year term for this membership will expire December
31, 2020, and the mail surcharge will not apply to this membership.
November/December 2010
Adriane & Philip Wiebe
15362 Blackwater Road,
Vanderhoof, BC V0J 3A1
(250) 570-9246 /
TWMR Flash
Dora Gagne
Box 420, Pritchard, BC V0E 2P0
(250) 577-3199 /
Tom & Lee Nobles
Box 73, Crandlemire Road,
Grindrod, BC V0E 1Y0
(250) 838-2228 /
Noble-T Desperado (Blk)
Ramulus Justin (Bay) frozen semen
Registered Morgans
Lisa Linnemeyer & Darcy Elliott
990 Airport Road, Creston, BC V0B 1G2
(250) 428-8723 /
Ron & Teresa Born
P.O. Box 42, Rose Prairie, BC V0C 2H0
(250) 827-3501 /
Pat & Renz Crema
Box 210, 2067 Martin Prairie Road
Pritchard, BC V0E 2P0
(250) 577-3218
CMHA Virtual
Foal Futurity
The entries for the Virtual
Foal Futurity have been received and will be forwarded
to the judge soon. We will
have the results for the next
issue of the magazine—stay
Lyle Dietz, Chairman
Stallion Service Auction
continued from Page 19
part-Morgans (6) competing over the weekend. This was not an easy task
as they had to go through the entries for each ride to see which ones had
Morgans and/or part-Morgans entered. All the part-Morgans found were
We toured around for awhile, waiting for the 50s to finish coming in. It
is amazing how quickly they finish. It seemed that the 75- and 100-milers
were also travelling very quickly, at least the top horses. It never ceases to
amaze me what we ask of our horses and how willingly they comply and
are happy to do it.
The riders trotting out the horses for the judges were looking a little
rough, but the horses were going great. The winning 100-miler finished
with a time of 9:38:45, the winning 50-miler time was 4:43:54.
We tracked down Prue Critchley and the gang from Manitoba. Two
Two-thirds of Team Manitoba. Left is Prue Critchley and Ffort Wilpart-Morgans, Ffort William and In the Limelight, made the trip out and
liam and on the right is Aime St. Vincent with In The Limelight. At
both had finished the 50-miler. Debbie Wilson with her Morgan, Misty
the finish-line vet check, 50 miles. Dr. Art King is vetting In The
Vale Remington, also finished quite high up in the 50. The 100-miler had
one Morgan and one part-Morgan
competing. Crystal Woodhouse
The mother/son team of Prue and
with her Morgan, P.R.’s Miss-TChristopher Critchley headed out on the
Moonlite, completed the 100 with
trail with In The Limelight and were the
flying colours. Dagmar Downes
silver medallists finishing with a time
and her part-Morgan, Nazbes Obiof 3:17. That was a lot of hard work for
Wan Gunobi, were unable to finish
Prue and In The Limelight as both had
the ride.
competed in the 50-miler the day beMorgan owners Debbie Buick
fore. Another part-Morgan, Angel, with
and Teresa Finnerty were competPhyllis Pecille rode as a sponsor for the
ing on non-Morgans in the 100fourth place team in a time of 4:26.
mile and 50-mile rides respectSaturday was even warmer as the
ively. Tanya Ament was found to
first day of the two-day 70-mile Combe pit crewing for Yvette Vinton.
petitive Championships got underway.
It was interesting to see how many
Christian Valois was competing on his
Morgan owners, past and present,
Morgan, Vigil Flash, for Quebec Team
were at the ride.
2. Monica Grundmann rode her partIt was great to see all the people
Morgan, Excalibur Legend, winning
from back in the ‘90s when Deana
the 25-mile Novice Competitive. Aime
Bronze medal winners for 50 miles: Team Manitoba.
and I both competed still around
St. Vincent on In the Limelight comdoing their thing. This is one
pleted the course hors concours. In The
discipline where age doesn’t matLimelight completed a total of 95 miles over three days in three different
ter. In fact, some people were remarking that their horses were better than
competitions and finished sound!
ever at 15 to 17 years old. Vets that I have known for years were still there
Sunday was day two of the 70-mile Competitive Championships with
such as Stan Alkemade and Art King, and OCTRA members were still
there—it truly is a lifetime sport.
continued on Page 23
Friday was the Ride and Tie Championships. The day was sunny and
warmer than the previous one, with the wind not blowing hard and cold.
The husbands also helped out pit crewing for their wives. Above,
Rodney Wilson holds Debbie’s horse.
Crystal Woodhouse & P.R.’s Miss T. Moonlite, the day after their
100- mile ride.
Canadian Morgan
Affiliated Morgan Horse Clubs of Canada
President: Sherri Wilson
971 Scugog Line 12
Uxbridge, ON
(905) 852-9406
Secretary: Sandra McGinty
361 Stafford Avenue
Port Elgin, ON N0H 2C1
(519) 832-6564
British Columbia Interior
President: Pat Crema
Box 210, 2067 MarƟn Prairie Rd.
Pritchard, BC V0E 2P0
(250) 577-3218
43 Carrobie Rd, East Village, RR #1
Londonderry, NS B0M 1M0
(902) 668-2284
Bev Young
19 Lacy Anne Avenue
Enfield, NS B2T 0A5
(902) 883-9908
Melissa MacKenzie
63 McManus Street
Passekeag, NB E5N 7S3
(506) 832-5515
Dawn Brown
4095 Schubert Road
Armstrong, BC V0E 1B4
Ph/fax: (250) 546-8973
222 Route 870
Collina, NB E5P 1P8
(506) 433-5725
President: Yannick Laflamme
4580 Rang des Soixante, St. Jean Baptiste, QC J0L 2B0
(450) 467-2732
Secretary: Melanie Parenteau
4580 Rang des Soixante, St. Jean Baptiste, QC J0L 2B0
(450) 467-2732
November/December 2010
Jenny Best
Secretary: Karen Wilkie
The Morgan Horse Club of Nova Scotia
Congratulations OEF Saddle Seat Champions!
by Susan Hawkshaw
I have never seen two such perfectly ridden circles,” commented
one judge. Congratulations to our Ontario riders! What an evening! The 2010 Ontario Equestrian Federation Provincial Saddle
Seat Equitation Championships were graciously hosted by the
Royal Canadian Riding Academy in Newmarket on September 24. With
show organizer Andrea Lehman at the helm and Amanda Shikendanz in
the office, our championships found a most suitable venue to present our
talented riders in an exciting evening competition.
It was very well attended this year with all three divisions represented by
eight very capable riders. Each was required to qualify at sanctioned competitions throughout the show season in order to compete in this prestigious
competition. Our judge, Janet Keesling from Noblesville, USA, took the
pattern right from the rule book, but required each rider to determine how
they would individually execute the elements.
A very enthusiastic crowd gathered in the stands to watch the gifted riders and cheer them on. The results were in for the 13 and Under division.
Our champion tri-colour ribbon went to Carley Browning and the reserve to
Rachel Breen.
Our seasoned adult riders were up next. Natalie Martens picked up the
gold, Lisa Kavanagh the silver and Emily Rice took home the bronze.
Then to the last class of the evening, the finale, our 14 to 17-year-old
teen riders. Ashlyn Moore, Ally Bianchi and Lexi Benson were awarded the
gold, silver and bronze medals in that order.
Thanks to our generous sponsors, the girls were awarded much more
than trophies, medals and ribbons. A custom designed belt buckle was
awarded to our champions along with a cast stone sculpture by local artist
Ann Clifford, gift certificates from Stage Coach Boutique and beautifully
crafted rosette neck sashes by Gloria Moore and Donna Martens. Our
reserve champions received neck sashes, custom embroidered suit bags and
buckets loaded with supplies from North York Farmers. Our runners-up
were awarded cast stone sculptures along with their ribbons and medals.
continued from Page 21
Christian and Vigil Flash heading out down the trail. The weather was hot,
but Christian, Vigil Flash and their crew worked extremely hard and pulled
off a fantastic finish to a gruelling weekend.
Here are the results of this one, very awesome, event.
100 Mile Endurance Open:
15th place: Crystal Woodhouse and P.R.’s Miss T. Moonlite in 13:26:15.
Dagmar Downes and Nazbes Obi-wan Gunobi did not finish.
Silver Team Medal – Ontario - Crystal and Dagmar were both on the
medal winning team.
50-mile Endurance Open:
8th place: Debbie Wilson and Misty Vale Remmington in 5:38:02
19th place: Prue Critchley and Ffort William in 6:43:08
20th place: Aime St. Vincent and In The Limelight in 6:43:09
Bronze Medal Team - Prue and Aime were both on the medal winning
20-mile Ride and Tie Championships:
Silver - Prue and Christopher Critchley and In The Limelight in 3:17:00
Sponsor - Phyllis Pecille and Angel of 4th place team in 4:26:00
70-mile, Two-Day Canadian Trail Ride Championships:
5th Overall, 2nd Heavy Weight Division, Bronze – Quebec Team 2:
Christian Valios and Vigil Flash
25-mile Competitive Novice:
1st: Monice Grundmann and Excalibur Legend
Hors concours: Aime St. Vincent and In The Limelight
25-mile Mileage Ride:
Susan Timbers and Nanjo’s Traverston
Top Morgan (sponsored by the Canadian Morgan Horse Association):
P.R.’s Miss T. Moonlite, Crystal Woodhouse. CM
Winners (l-r): Carly Browning, Rachel Breen, Ashlyn Moore, Emily
Rice, Ally Bianchi, Lexi Benson, Natalie Martens and Lisa Kavanagh.
We are very grateful for our generous sponsors, our dedicated exhibitors
and their very supportive families.
In appreciation, we were very pleased to host an exhibitor party
following the last class upstairs in the lounge at RCRA. Around 60
exhibitors and guests attended and were treated to wine, cheese, finger food
and some great conversation.
Congratulations and thank you to all for a very enjoyable and
entertaining evening.
Our Platinum Sponsors
AJD Data Services, Inc. Peter Darbyson, Markham, Ontario
Victory Mechanical Ltd. Roy Nicolucci, Vaughan, Ontario
Willow Springs Winery, 5572 Bethesda Road, Stouffville, Ontario
Our Gold Sponsors
Rodeo Fine Homes, Newmarket, Ontario
Susan Hawkshaw and family, Orono, Ontario
Bob Vansickle, St George, Ontario
Mary Ruth and Doug Moore, Bowmanville Ontario
Bianchi’s Painting & Wallpaper Newmarket, Ontario
New Era Farms, Uxbridge, Ontario
A Special thank you to:
Donna Martens and Gloria Moore for supplying the beautiful neck
Cyan Star Morgans – Nancy Kavanagh and family, Port Perry, Ontario,
for sponsoring our trophies
Stagecoach Equestrian Boutique – Andrea Lehman
RCRA, Newmarket, Ontario
Glen Heath, Barrie, Ontario
Susan Benson, Newmarket, Ontario
North York Farmers, Newmarket, Ontario
Longo’s Food, Aurora, Ontario
Vince’s Country Market, Newmarket, Ontario
Our riders will be representing Saddle Seat in the OEF Spirit Ring at the
RAWF on November 13 and 14. Keep watching our Saddle Seat Canada
Web site atn for updates and news. CM
January/February &
March/April 2011
Start the New Year off with a BANG!
Canadian Morgan
continued from Page 16
ning method.
This reminds me of a story: You are on your way to work on a crappy
morning when it’s minus 25 and you stop at a traffic light when suddenly
your engine stops. Then, after a never-ending minute, the light turns green.
Your underarms are soaked, you curse at the weather, the car—you get
mad. To make the situation worse, the car doesn’t want to start even if you
are twisting the key into the ignition switch with all your weight and are
biting your teeth at the same time. You do all you can and the guy behind
you begins to honk his horn at you and makes you crazy. He is mad at you
because you will make him late. And, as if you didn’t have enough problems, no one will even come and help you. You could have a fight with the
person honking their horn at you... or take solution B.
You get out from your car, you walk towards the guy, you open his car
door and you say politely: “Dear friend, we’ll change places, if you don’t
mind! Come start my car and I’ll get into yours and, believe me, I will
blow your horn until it burns. So you will see my side of the story.”
What are your goals for the future of your Morgan?
I want to see what will be possible next spring with my upcoming foal.
I want to take part in the game by participating myself. Not just sit in the
audience and criticize the show. I mean really participate.
In your first bit of time on the board, what have you enjoyed the most?
I have met people from all over Canada at the AGMs. It is wonderful
how horse people can be friendly. I am invited everywhere in all provinces.
If you could say anything to the entire association, what would it be?
Nowadays, everywhere you go, whether you are at the bank, the grocery
store, the garage, the sidewalk or even sitting at home, you are solicited by
people for everything and every charity whether it’s for cancer, children,
disabled persons or other associations. Everybody begs for money. I think
people get tired and bored with all of this begging so they sometimes listen
for a bit, and then close their door. But, worst of all is when they don’t
show any interest at all and never even answer the door because then that’s
it and nothing can be done. We are not in any worse financial situation than
any other association, but we need people who will do something. If we all
stand alone, each in their own corner of the country, then our directors are
like the person who can’t start their car in the story. We cannot move at all,
but all the others honk at us!
When did you own your first Morgan?
Since I bought my first horse in 1983 I owned three Quarter Horses
in a row. I knew friends who owned Morgans and, after I tried one for a
trail ride, I fell in love with the breed. A couple of years later, I joined the
Morgan Association and I had my first Morgan four years ago. And, as
mentioned before, next spring I will own two. If horses are like chips, you
can’t have just one.
What do you see for the future of the Morgan breed?
It will take a lot of people like me, who will take part in the show and do
something, not just talk about it, but move towards a solution.
What can Morgan owners and breeders do to help create a positive
There is only one answer and it is so easy to understand. It is like this
simple question: When is the best day in a whole man’s life to plant a tree?
The answer is: 20 years ago or today. Anyone still want to wait to see what
will happen?
It was wonderful talking with you, Cindy. I would like to take this opportunity to give great thanks to all Quebec directors who were here before
me representing our province. I am proud and thankful and respect all of
the work they did during all those years of volunteering.
I hope to see you all at the Morgan shows!
Andre Laurin
November/December 2010
Don Salmon
t is with great
sadness that
the family of
Dr. Donald
Frank Salmon announce his sudden
passing at the Red
Deer Hospital on
August 28, 2010, at
the age of 59 years.
Don is lovingly
remembered and
deeply missed by his
wife, Ferne Gudnason. Don was born
in Birtle, Manitoba,
to Harold and Lillian
(nee Deans) Salmon. Don is also survived by his mom, Lillian Salmon, his
brother and sister in law, Ray and Sandra Salmon and their son Tyson (all
of Stonewall, MB). Don shared a very special bond with Tyson who was
his nephew and godson.
Don had a deep love of horses, which was shared by his late father,
along with his brother and nephew. Each of them have had horses all of
their lives. Don’s breed of choice was the Morgan. He served for many
years as the ring master at the Morgan horse shows in Alberta and was
Zone Director for the Canadian Morgan Horse Association.
Don received his Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, as well as his PhD
in Plant Breeding and Genetics from the University of Manitoba. This is
where he met Ferne. After graduating, Don was employed by the Saskatchewan Wheat Pool, first as a wheat breeder in Zambia, Africa, and then in
Watrous, SK.
“Dr. Don” began his career with the Field Crop Development Centre
in Lacombe in 1980, focusing on the development of new and improved
varieties of winter and spring triticale and winter wheat. He was instrumental in raising the profile of these crops in Alberta and across Canada.
Don was highly respected within the international scientific community
for his knowledge and efforts to increase utilization of triticale. He helped
form strong bonds with breeding programs in Oregon, Mexico, Australia
and others around the world. The germplasm he developed is in use around
the world and contributes to the effort to provide a stable food source
globally and is truly part of the “Green Revolution.” Don’s breeding efforts
produced nine varieties of triticale that have been grown across Canada
and internationally. The newest of his triticale varieties are highly productive reduced-awn types that should have big impacts in the production of
livestock feed and forage, food and fuel as ethanol feedstocks. These high
performing varieties were derived from crosses made within his breeding program beginning in 1984, showing that his work was a life-long
endeavor. Don also was highly regarded by the seed producers of Alberta
and other growers of triticale. He openly shared his knowledge with them
and supported them in their efforts to improve their crops.
Don’s contributions to the agriculture industry will not be forgotten. He
will be missed by those in the industry and especially by his co-workers
with the Field Crop Development Centre for his knowledge, his practicality, his sense of humor and, most importantly, his friendship.
At Don’s request, no funeral services will be held. In lieu of flowers,
donations can be made to the Equine Foundation of Canada a registered
charity that provides donations to equine research at each of Canada’s veterinary universities and provides scholarships to veterinary students pursuing careers in equine medicine. Details can be found at Mailing address: The Equine Foundation of Canada, c/o Susan J.
Nelson, RR #2, 326 Dyke Rd., Falmouth, Nova Scotia, B0P 1L0.
Don will be sadly missed by his family, friends, neighbors, colleagues
and “Kelly-Cocker” his most special and faithful dog.
Don’s family may be contacted at:
Morgan Marketplace
place to find your Morgan and a great place to sell your Morgan! Web site
is updated on a regular basis. Visit to view the
listing. For more info call (905) 985-0691 or
the quarterly magazine that
gives voice to the living tradition
of Canadian horse farming.
New Canadian Draft Horse & Oxen Farming Videos
Contact: Ruth Freeman, 9310 Addison/Greenbush Rd. ,
ON K0E 1A0 - 613-924-9354 -
Member of the BC
Interior Morgan
Horse Club
Canadian Morgan
A Great Gift Idea!
You love your Morgans!
Why not share them
with your friends and
family this holiday
Canadian Morgan is Canada’s
only magazine devoted to this
wonderful breed, with a new
look and greater frequency
(6 times a year) it’s the ideal gift
that others can enjoy all year!
An entire herd of young breeding mares that go back to Beamington,
Waseeka Command and Downer Hill Don Royal breeding.
All pasture exposed to Perlino Stallion Baptiste Captain Navy.
Resulting foals will give you colour!!
Please call Orlando Martens
(306) 784-2962.
Main Centre, Saskatchewan.
November/December 2010
Make Your Dreams Come True
For Stud Service
Servic and Sales visit:
Tim & Wendy Inch
R.R.1 St.Thomas ON N5P 3S5
Standing in 2010
Royal Rum
(HMSTD Rum Runner x Two J Baby Cakes)
2008 smoky cream colt
Elnoresh Morgans
Elizabeth Robb
620 Concession 3
Vankleek Hill, ON K0B 1R0
Congratulations Team Morgan
2010 Champions
Telus Battle of the Breeds
Th 20
010 champions
off T
Team M
Morgan (l
) D
b Cl
ht IImage, P
Patt C
Beam W
lk K
t D
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Bl Di
Dancer, Kris Burton/Oaklea French Mist and Team Captain Cec Watson (in front, waving).
Well done Team!
Bob & Cec Watson
Oaklea Morgans & Calypso Training Stable
Good News Sarah
(Good News Joshua x Meredith Jessica)
Sarah was used as a Pony Club horse jumping 2’6” and going
nicely in cross country. She also placed in many flat classes.
Since coming to Canada she has been used as a trail horse and as a
broodmare. She is 14.1 hh and 15 years old. Lots of fun to ride!
Four Hearts Ruby
(Morquito’s Carpe Diem x Karenza Ariadne)
5 year old bay mare, 14.2 hh, Ruby is lightly started under saddle and
has been ridden on several trail rides.
Karenza Ariadne (in foal)
(Karenza Centurian x Mira Vista Melissa)
Ari is a 14.2hh, 11 year old broodmare. Ultrasounded in foal for 2011
to Hillcreek Sampson, our black Lippitt stallion.
Four Hearts Daisy
(Nemeha Hill My-T Atticus x Valamar Primrose)
Yearling bay filly, she has a very expressive and spirited way of
going. She should mature around 14.1hh .
Four Hearts Zippy
(Hillcreek Sampson x Good News Sarah)
Zippy has excellent ground manners and is ready to be trained for
driving or under saddle. 3 year old gelding, 14.3hh.
Four Hearts Hotshot (pending)
(Karenza Centurian x Karenza Daphne)
5 month old colt with traditional good looks and a kind, loving
personality. Will be weaned and halter broke soon.
For more information and a complete sales list, contact:
Kay Gibson (250) 397-2670, 100 Mile House, B.C., Canada
November/December 2010