6:30 pm
6:30 pm
AGENDA SCHOOL DISTRICT OF MANAWA BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING DECEMBER 17,2012 I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. II. Call to Order - President Kreklow - 6:30 pm - Board Room Pledge of Allegiance - Lead by Grade 2A Students Roll Call Presentations: a. Stump Speech Video - M. Yeska / C. Ziemer b. Catapult Demo - M. Yeska / R. Sanderfoot c. WIAA Sportsmanship Summit - K. Morrin Verify Publication of Meeting Consent Agenda: a. Approve Minutes from November 19, 2012 Board Meeting b. Treasurer's Report/Approve Expenditures & Receipts 1. Donations: I. Sacred Heart Catholic Church $100 2. Jeff & Tori Wepner, $100 for 2A Classroom c. Resignation - Julie Patri, HS Secretary Public Comments: (Register to Speak Prior to Start of Meeting / Guidelines on Reverse) Correspondence: Reports: a. Principals: Data Report - M. Yeska / K. Morrin b. HS Principal: Block Scheduling, ACT Comparisons c. District Admin: WASB Delegate Assembly Resolutions, Miles Tumer - Update, Explanation for Board Member Term of Appointment, IRS Mileage Rate 2013 Board Comments Committee Reports: a. Curriculum Committee: (C. Zielke) i. Jf High School Block Schedule for 2013-2014 ii. Cross Country for 2013-2014 b. Finance Committee: (P. Stunn) i. Wage Increase Support Staff, Bus Drivers for 2012-2013 12. Unfinished Business: a. 2nd Reading - Approve SeclusionlRestraint Policy 447.11 b. 2nd Reading - Approve Abuse & Neglect Policy 454 13. New Business: a. Approve Request for Early Graduation on January 21, 2013 b. Approve Cross Country as WIAA Sanctioned Sport in 2013-2014 c. Approve a 3.16% Wage Increase on Base Rate for Non-Contracted Support Staff Effective 12/31 /2012 14. Next Meeting Dates: a. Policy Committee - Wed. Jan. 9, 2013 - 6:30 pm - Board Room b. Curriculum Committee - Wed. Jan. 16,2012 - 6:30 pm - Board Room c. Regnlar BOE Meeting - Mon. Jan. 21, 2013 - 6:30 pm - Board Room d. Transition Team - Wed. Jan. 30,2013 - 6:30 pm - Board Room IS. Adjourn and Reconvene in Closed Session Pursuant to the Provisions of Sections 19.85(l)(c)(f) and 118.22, Wis. Stats., for the Purposes of: Discussing the Employment Status of Employees Over Which the Board Has Jurisdiction or Exercises Responsibility I) Preliminary Teacher Non-Renewal Notices and 2) Administrator Evaluations 16. After Reconvening in Open Session the Board of Education May Act on Items Discussed in Closed Session a. Approve Preliminary Teacher Non-Renewal Notices PLEASE NOTE: Any person with a qualifying disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act that requires the meeting or material to be in accessible fonnat, please contact the Di strict Administrator to request reasonable accommodation. TIle meeting room is wheelchair access ible. SCHOOL DISTRICT OF MANAWA 185 PUBLI C PARTICIPATION AT BOARD MEETINGS The Board is pleased that the public is interested in educational issues. and the Board is interested in the public 'S comments and concerns about the District. There will be a lime indicated on the agenda during which members of th e public may address the Board. Indi vidual s who li ve or work within the School District of Manawa may address th e Board. Others may address the Board at the di scretion of the Board. In order for the meeting to flow smoothly, anyone wishing to address the Board of Education should adhere to the following guidelines: Indi vidua ls who reside or work within the District should raise their hand to be recognized, stand, and give their name and address (or place of employment) for the record. Comments or suggestions shall be limited to five minutes or less. Comments and suggestions on the District are welcome. Personal criticism of Board members or District employees is out of order. The BoaTd may discuss citizen input. If there is a need fOT any answer or a response to a concern or issue, the District Administrator or one of the other administrators will contact the individual within the next week. If an indi vidual concern requires Board action, it may be placed on the next month's agenda. LEGAL REF.: CROSS REF .: APPROVED: REVISED: Section 19.83 Wiscon sin Statutes 171.2, Agenda Preparation and Dissemination May 17, 1993 February 15, 1999 Minutes of the November 19, 2012 Board Of Education Meeting Meeting was called to Order by President Kreklow at 6:00 pm in the MES Board Room. Present from the Board: Kreklow, Artz, Stunn, Zielke, Strebe, Flynn. Clerk Zielke verified proper Publication of Meeting notices. The Board began the process of filling a Current Board Vacancy for the Town of S1. Lawrence I Village of Ogdensburg for a term that runs through April 2013, One candidate was present, Randy Rosin. Upon roll call vote: Voting aye: Strebe, Artz, Kreklow, Stunn, Flynn, Zielke. Clerk Zielke delivered the Oath of Office and Mr. Rosin was sworn into office and joined the Board at the table. Move by Flynn/Artz to approve Consent Agenda Items as follows: • Minutes from October 29, 2012 Rcgular Board Meeting and October 29, 2012 Annual Meeting • Treasurer's Report: Total Expenditures of $3 79,983.44 and Cash Receipts of $160,640.55 for October 2012. Motion carried. Correspondence: • Thank you from the family of Harley Splitt for flowers provided at his passing. Mr. Splitt' s family has been generous through the years with scholarship donations. District Administrator's Report : Three current board members, Zielke (Zone 5 - Townships ofRoyalton/Mukwa), Artz (Zone 6 - Townships of Bear Creek/ Lebanon) and Sturm (Full District) are currently up for reMelection. Non-cand idacy paperwork deadline for current members is by 5pm on the 2nd Friday preceding the deadline for filing ballot access documents. These can be delivered to the district office or Board Clerk. Declaration of Candidacy from current Board members or new candidates seeking election must be filed in the District Office no later than 5pm on 112/13. Mr. Dombrowski shared details about the Annual School Board Convention coming to Milwaukee in January and encouraged all Board members to attend. Board members should notify Mr. Dombrowski by 12111112. Committee Reports: Curriculum committee: The committee researched schools in the conference and surrounding area and found that no other schools are offering credits for Driver's Education. Committee recommends that no credit should be given for Driver' s Education when said instruction begins after June 1, 2013. Finance Committee: Discussion about Fund 80 and what that fund is used for. Also known as the Community Service Fund, this fund is financed 100% by the taxpayers in the district. It is also not part of the district's revenue limit. Currently in the fund: Midd le School Sports, Drama Program, STEP Program. The fund previously included the Police Liaison position. The committee discussion revolved around which programs were appropriate for utilization of these funds. One finding was that the programs offered be age-appropriate to the individuals it is being offered to. Current budget proposal approximately $40,000. A full Jist of proposed expenditures will be presented to the full Board for final approval. Policy & Personnel Committee: IS! Reading of Policy 447.11 Seclusion and Physical Restraint on Pupils. This is a WASBapproved pol icy. 1st Reading of Child Abuse/Neglect Policy #454. Mr. Dombrowski is also contacting the county requesting guidelines (pamphlets) for our staff to assist with training. District Head Lice Policy was discussed, however morc information was necessary, so the 1st Reading is expected at the December 17th Board Meeting. Old Business: Mr. Randy Rosin (newest Board Member) was appointed by President Kreklow to Pol icy/Personnel Committee, Buildings & Grounds Committee and Finance Committee. New Business: • Move by Strebe/Zielke to approve the removal of.5 (half) credit for completion of Driver's Education (classroom phase). No credit should be given for Driver's Education when said instruction begins after June 1, 2013. Motion carried. Move by Flynn/Artz to Adjourn at 6:41 pm. Motion can-ied. Board Workshop presented by Mr. Miles Turner was postponed to a later date. Corinne Zielke, Board Clerk SCHOOL DISTRICT OF MANAWA 3frdtlOl. p 05 . 12 . 10 . 00 . 00-10 . 2 -010 0 73 BATCH CHECK NUMBER ~V~END~~ O~ Rc- ____________ NUMBER 69434 COLLIGAN , TYLER DANN 69435 DECKER, MARK 4 : 02 PM 1 2 /13/ 1 2 December 17, 2012 Chec klist (Dates : 11/ 16 /12 - 12 /13/12) DAWN CHECK INVOI CE ACCOUNT D~A~T~E,-____ DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION 11/19/2012 JV BOYS BASKETBALL OFFICIAL 11/19 / 2012 VARSITY BOYS BASKETBALL 1 PO NUMBER AMOUNT o 41. 00 Totals for 694 34 41 . 00 o 45.34 GENERAL FUND/PERSONA GENERAL FUND/PERSONA OFFICIAL 69436 DEY, DOUGLAS DAWN 11/19/2012 FRESHMAN BOYS BASKETBALL Totals for 69435 45.34 GENERAL FUND/PERSONA o 41.00 GENERAL FUND/PERSONA o - 41.00 OFF ICI AL 69436 DEY, DOUGLAS 112912 11/29 / 2012 FRESHMAN BOYS BAS KETBALL OFFICIAL 69 437 ENDREAS, MIKE DAWN 11 / 19/ 2012 VARSITY BOYS BASKETBALL Totals for 69436 0 . 00 o 45.3 4 GENERAL FUND/PERSONA OFFICIAL 69438 ERICKSON & ASSOCIATE DAWN 11/19/2012 FINAL BILLING - AUDIT Totals for 6 9437 45 . 34 o 5,800 . 00 Totals for 69 438 5,800 . 00 o 755.00 Totals for 6 9439 755.00 o 4 1. 00 Tota l s for 6 94 40 41. 00 GENERAL FUND/PERSONA o 41. 00 GENERAL FUND/PERSONA o -41.00 GENERAL FUND/PERSONA FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 6 /30/2012 69439 GRAICHEN SANITATION DAWN 11/19/2012 OCTOBER 2012 - CONTAINER GENERAL FUND/OPERATI SERVICE 69440 HASS, MARK 6 9 441 JADIN, RICHARD DAWN DANN 11 /19/2012 JV BOYS BASKETBALL OFFICIAL 11/19 / 2012 FRESHMAN BOYS BASKETBALL GENERAL FUND/PERSONA OFFICIAL 694 41 JADIN, RICHhRD 112912 11 / 29/201 2 FRESHI·1AN BOYS BASKETBALL OFFICIAL SPECIAL EDUCATION 69442 JOURNAL COMMUNITY PU DAWN 11/19 / 2012 AD 69442 JOURNAL 11/1 9/2012 JULY 2012 Totals for 6944 1 0.00 GENERAL FUND/PRINTIN o 34.00 GENERAL FUND/PRINTIN POSITION 6944 2 JOURNAL COMMUNITY PU DAWN 11/19 / 2012 AUGUST 2012 - BOARD I'IINUTES GENERAL FUND / PRINTIN o o 165 .26 69442 JOURNAL COMMUNITY PU DAWN 11/1 9 / 20 12 10/18/ 12 & 10/25 / 12 - ANNUAL GENERAL FUND/PRINTI N o 547. e 0 GENERAL FUND/PRINTIN CO~ruNITY PU DAWN BOARD MINUTES 207.13 DISTRICT MEETING/BUDGET NOTICE 69442 JOURNAL COMMUNITY PU DAWN 6 944 3 I-URMAN, PAUL DAWN 11 / 19 / 2012 AD - SNOW RE f>10VAL o 34.00 Totals for 69442 988.19 o 45.34 GENERAL FUND/PERSONA 11/19/2012 VhRSITY BOYS BASKETBALL OFFICIAL 69 444 PITNEY BOWES INC DAWN 11 / 19/2012 DIST OFFICE - QUARTERLY 69444 PITNEY BOWES INC DAWN 11/19/2012 HS - QUARTERLY POSTAGE METER Totals for 69443 45. 3 4 GENERAL FUND/POSTAGE o 105.00 GENERAL FUND/POSTAGE o 105. 00 POSTAGE METER RENTAL CHARGE RENTAL CHARGE 69445 WAUPACA COUNTY OEPAR DAWN 11/19/2012 NOV 20 1 2 (50) FLU SHOTS $20/EA - (40 EMPLOYEES, 7 (~ Totals for 69444 210.00 o 1,000.00 Totals for 69445 1,000.00 o 68 . 00 Totals f or 69446 68.00 o 6 8.00 GENERAL FUND/SELF FU SPOUSES , AND 3 RETIREES) 6944 6 DEY , DOUGLAS DAWN 11/20/2012 VARSITY GIRLS BASKETBhLL GENERAL FUND/PERSONA OFFICIAL 6 9447 FREEI.IAN, PAUL DAWN 11 / 20/2012 VARSITY GIRLS BAS KETBALL GENERAL FUND/PERSONA OFF I CIAL 69448 HASS, LUKE DAWN 11/20/2012 JV GIRLS BASKETBALL OFFICIAL Totals for 69447 68.00 o 41.00 Totals f or 69448 41.00 GENERAL FUND/ PERSONA 3frdtlOl.p 05 . 12 . 10.00 . 00- 1 0.2-010073 CHECK NUMBER "V~END"",~O~R,-_ _ _ _ __ 69 44 9 STEINGRABER, ANGELA SCHOOL DISTRICT OF MANAWA December 17, 2012 Check l ist (Dates: 11/ 1 6 / 1 2 - 12/13/ 1 2) BATCH CHECK NUMBER ~D~A~T-=E,---__ ~D-=E~S-=C~R~I~P~T~I-=O~N,---_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~D-=E-=S~C~R~I~P~T~I-= O~N,---_ _ __ DAWN 11/20 /20 1 2 JV GIRLS BASKETBALL OFFICIAL 69451 HOUGHTON MIFFLIN HAR DAWN INVOICE ACCOUNT 11/20/2012 !1EGAN YESKA - MATH 4 : 02 PM 1 2/ 1 3/ 1 2 PAGE : 2 PO GENERAL FUND/PERSONA NUMBER AMOONT o 41 . 00 Totals for 69449 41.00 GENERAL FUND/TEXTBOO 800 1 200005 385.88 GENERAL FUND/TEXTBOO 8001200005 464.10 GENERAL FUND/TEXTBOO 8001200005 2, 184 . 21 GENERAL FUND/TEXTBOO 8001200005 912 . 12 Totals for 69451 3, 946.31 EXPRESSIONS ACTIVITY BOOKS, TEACHER EDITIONS, TILES, TEACHER ASST. & RESOURCES (GR . K-6 ) 69451 HOUGHTON IUFFLIN HAR DAWN 11 / 20/2012 MEGAN YESKA - HATH EXPRESSIONS ACTI VITY BOOKS, TEACHER EDI TIONS, TILES , TEACHER ASST . & RESOURCES (GR . K-6 ) 69451 HOUGHTON MIFFLIN HAR DAWN 11/20/2012 MEGAN YESKA - MATH EXPRESSIONS ACTIVITY BOOKS, TEACHER EDITIONS, TILES, TEACHER ASST. & RESOURCES (GR. K- 6) 69451 HOUGHTON '-tIFFLIN HAR DAWN 11 / 20/2012 MEGAN YESKA - MATH EXPRESSIONS ACTIVITY BOOKS, TEACHER EDITIONS, TILES, TEACHER ASST. & RESOURCES (GR . K-6) 69452 RESEARCH PRESS CO., DAWN 11 / 2 0 /2012 MIKE BREEN - MEDICATION FACT SPECIAL EDUCATION FU 271 200033 175 . 78 SHEETS REFERENCE BOOK 69454 SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC DAWN 11/20 / 2 012 JULIE PATRI - HS OFFICE Totals f or 69452 175 . 78 GENERAL FUND/GENERAL 4001200 011 35.1 9 GENERAL FUND/ GENERAL 1 011200003 205.90 GENERAL FUND/ GENERAL 4 00 12 00011 1,075 . 74 GENERAL FUND/GENERAL 4 001200011 7 . 09 GENERAL FUND/ GENERAL 101120 0003 998.44 Totals for 6 9454 2,322.36 o 618.75 SUPPLIES 65'454 SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC DAlo1N 11 /20 / 2012 CORRIE ZIEMER - PHY ED SUPPLIES 69454 SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC DAWN 11/2 0/2012 JULIE PATRI - HS OFFICE SUPPLIES 6 9454 SCHOOL S PECIALTY INC DAWN 11/20 / 2012 JULIE PATRI - HS OFFICE SUPPLIES 69 4 54 SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC DAWN 11/20 /201 2 CORRIE ZIEMER - PHY ED SUPPLIES DAWN 69455 A. C.T . 11 /2 6/2012 CINDY KELM (55) PLAN GENERAL FUND/TEXTBOO REPORTING PACKAGES Totals f or 694 55 61 8.75 GENERAL FUND/ELECTRI o 4 , 078. 9 0 HS ELECTRIC GENERAL FUND/ELECTRI D 6 . 2 15.27 NEW SIGN GENERAL FUND/ ELECTRI o 25.12 CONCESSION GENERAL FUND/ ELECTRI D 10.55 Totals for 69456 10,329 . 84 1 1 /26/2012 1 2 /13 CONTRACTED SERVICES S PECIAL EDUCATION FU o 3 , 74 9 . 83 Totals for 69 457 3,749.83 144.12 1 1 / 2 6 / 2012 OCTOBER 2012 ES ELECTRIC DAWN 1 1/26 /20 12 OCTOBER 2 012 DAWN 11/26/2012 OCTOBER 2 012 69456 ALLIANT ENERGY DA\~'N 6945G ALLIANT ENERGY 69456 ALLIANT ENERGY ELECTRIC 69456 ALLIhNT ENERGY DAWN 11 / 26/201 2 OCTOBER 2012 STAND ELECTRIC 69457 C.E.S . A . # 5 DAWN (WAUPACA CO CHARTER SCHOOL) NOV 2012 - 2ND P~YMENT 69459 CTL COMPANY, INC. DAWN 11 / 26/2012 HS CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES GENERAL FUND/ GENERAL o o o 69459 CTL COMPANY, INC. DAWN 11 / 26 /2012 HS CUSTODI AL SUPPLIES GENERAL FUND/GENERAL o 82 . 77 69 459 CTL C01·1PANY , INC. DAWN 11/26 / 201 2 HS CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES GENERAL FUND / GENERAL o 21. 69459 CTL COMPANY, INC. DAWN 11 /26/2012 HS CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES GENERAL FUND/ GENERAL CTL CONPANY , INC. DAWN 11 /26 / 20 12 HS CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES GENERAL FUND/GENERAL 6945~ 21 . 5 0 43 . 00 50 SCHOOL DI STRICT OF MANAWA 3frdt l 01. p 05 .12. 10 .0 0 . 00-10.2-010073 CHECK NUMBER 4 : 02 PM December 17, 2012 Checklist (Dates : 11/16 / 12 - 12/13/ 1 2) BATCH ______________ NUMBER ~V~ END~~O~R CHECK ~D~A~T~ E ______ I NVOICE ACCOUNT =D~E~S~C~R~I~P~T~I~O~N,- NUMBER _ ________--'A= MO~UN=T o o o 80 . 25 Totals f or 69459 5 05 .96 DMiN 11 / 26 / 2012 HS CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES GENERAL FUND/GENERAL 69459 CTL COl'IPANY, I NC . OAWN 11 / 26/2012 HS CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES GENERAL FUND/GENERAL 69459 CTL COI·1PANY, INC . DAWN 11/26/2012 HS CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES GENERAL FUND/ GE NERAL DAI·IN 69461 HODEL'S PLtn·lB ING & H DAWN 11/26/2012 ES - (6) STOPPERS FOR DOORS 11/26/2012 HS/ES - F ILTERS 3 PO _________________ DESCRIPTION 69 4 59 CTL COMPANY, I NC. 69460 DECKER INC 12/13 /1 2 PAGE ; 59.00 53.82 o 37.01 Totals for 6946 0 37.01 GENERAL FUND/GENERAL (ES - 420) GENERAL FUND/GENERAL o 1,574.40 (ES - 4 20 ) GENERAL FUND/GENERAL o 1,8 90 . 00 Tot als for 6 9461 3,464.40 o 745.74 AND (HS - 408) 69461 HODEL'S PLUMB I NG & H DAWN 11/26/2012 HS/ES - FILTERS AND (HS - 408) 69462 JOSTENS INC. DhWN 11 /26/2012 HS - (51) DIPLOHAS, BLACK COVERS, PURPLE COVERS, (55) 8X6 GENERAL FUND/GENERkL (4) 6.5 X 4.25 (10) VALEDICTOR IAN STICKER SEALS, (1) HONOR PACKAGE 69463 JR'S WAUPACA TRUE VA DAlofN 1 1 /2 6 /2012 JEFF STEVENS - HS /ES Totals for 6946 2 745.74 GENERAL FUND/GENERAL o 2 2 . 49 GENERAL FUND/GENERAL o 22.4 9 GENERAL FUND/GENERAL o 9.45 GENERAL FUND/GENERAL o 9 . 44 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES 69463 JR'S WAUPACA TRUE VA DAWN 11 /2 6/2012 JE FF STEVENS - HS / ES CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES 69463 JR'S WAUPACA TRUE VA DAWN 11/26 / 2012 JE FF STEVENS - HS / ES CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES 69463 JR 'S WAUPhCA TRUE VA DAWN 11 / 26 /20 12 JEFF STEVENS - HS /ES CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES 69464 LWHS STUDENT COUNCIL DAWN 11 /26/2012 FALL 2012 - FOOTBALL FIELD To tals for 69463 63. 8 7 o 2 00 . 00 GENERAL FUND/PERSONA hND STAND CLEAN UP 69465 MENARD'S WEST DAWN 11/:<6/2012 BUSES - CORDS TO PLUG BUSES Totals for 69464 200.00 GENERAL FUND/GENERAL o 76 . 96 o o 34.64 Totals f or 6946 5 146 . 24 o 13.95 IN 69465 MENARD ' S WEST DAWN 11 / 26 / 2012 HS/ES CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES GENERAL FUND/GENERAL 6 9465 HENARD'S WEST DAWN 11/26 / 2012 HS/ES CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES GENERAL FUND/GENERAL 6946 6 MORTON SAFETY DAWN 11/26/2012 HEALTH COACH - TRAINER GENERAL FUND/SE LF FU 34.64 SUPPLIES 69467 OFFICEMAX INCORPORAT OANN 11/26 /2012 HEALTH COACH - OFFICE Totals f e r 69466 13.95 o 91.14 GENERAL FUND/SELF FU SUPPLIES 69469 PITNEY BOWES INC DAWN 11/26/ 2012 DIST OFFICE / HS OFFICE - To tals for 69467 91.14 o 427 . 08 Totals for 69468 42 7 . 08 o o 37.50 GENERAL FUND/POSTAGE QUARTERLY RENTAL - POSTAGE NETERS ($ 213.54 EACH METER) 69469 ROHDE, MkTTHEW DAWN 11/26/2012 CONFERENCE BASKETBALL STATS GENERAL FUND/PERSONA 6 9469 ROHDE, MATTHEW DAWN 11/26/2012 CONFERENCE BASKETBALL STATS GENERAL FUND/PERSONA 37.50 Totals for 6946 9 75. 00 o 41. 00 Totals for 69470 41 . 00 o o -80. 00 69 470 J ADIN , RICHARD DMB 11 / 27/2 012 J V BOYS BASKETBALL OFF ICIAL GENERAL FUND/PERSONA 69471 KORTH, TRAVIS DMB 11/27 / 2012 VARSITY WRESTLING OFFICIAL GENERAL FUND/PERSONA 69471 KORTH, TRAVIS 12 1112 12/11/2012 VOID LOST CHECK - VARSITY GENERAL FUND/PERSONA 8 0 . 00 WRESTLING OFFICIAL 69472 MAVES, ELLEN DMB 11 /27/2012 7/8TH BOYS BASKETBALL To tals f or 69471 0.00 o 60.00 Totals for (;9472 60.00 CONHUNITY SERVICE FU OFFICIAL SCHOOL DI STRICT OF MANAWA 3frdt l 01 . p December 1 7, 05 . 1 2 . 10 . 00 . 00-10 . 2-010073 CHECK NUMBER "V~END~~O~Rc-____________ 69473 REW, J AMES 2012 Checklist 4 : 02 PM (Dates : 11 / 16/12 - 12 / 13/12 ) BATCH CHECK INVOICE NUMBER eD~A~T~Ec-____ D~E~S=CR~I~P~T~I=ON~ ACCOUNT Dr-1B 11/27/2012 VARSITY BOYS BASKETBALL 12 / 13 / 12 PAGE : 4 PO __________________ DESCRIPTION GENERAL FUND / PERSONA NUMBER AMOUNT o 68 .0 0 OFFICIAL 6 9474 ROBERTS, GENE DMS 6 9475 SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIR Dt-m Totals for 69473 68 . 00 o 41. 00 11 / 27/2012 JV BOYS BAS KETBALL OFFICIAL GENERAL FUND/PERSONA 11/27/ 2 01 2 ES BOOK FAIR - GENERAL FUND/OBJECTS #W3023159BF) (INV To t als for 69474 41.0 0 o 2,67 9 .64 Totals for 69475 2,679.6 4 o 68.00 MONEY DEPOSITED IN GENERAL FUND TO COVER THI S INVOI CE 69 47 6 SCHULTZ, DAVID DI-IB 11 / 27/2012 VARSITY BOYS BASKETBALL GENERAL FUND/PERSONA OFFIC I AL 69477 STEINGRABER, ANGELA D!·18 11 / 27/2012 7/8TH BOYS BASKETBALL Totals for 69476 68 . 00 o 60.00 CO!·1MUNITY SERVICE FU OFFICIAL Totals f or 6 9 477 60 . 00 o 2 74.46 Totals for 6 9478 274.46 o 60 . 00 Totals for 69479 60.00 o 60.00 69478 WISCONSIN SCTF P9 11 / 30/2012 Payroll accrual GENERAL FUND/GARNISH 69479 AUSTRENG, THONAS DAWN 11/29/2012 7/8TH BOYS BASKETBALL COlo1MUNITY SERVICE FU OFFICIAL 69480 MAVES , ELLEN DAI'1N 11 / 29 / 2012 7/ 8TH BOYS BASKETEALL COMI-IDNITY SERVICE FU OFFICIAL 69481 WSMA DAWN 11/29/ 2012 HS - CHORUS/BAND - 12/1 3 6 9 4 8 1 WSMA DAWN 11 / 29/ 2 012 HS - CHORUS/BAND - 12/13 Totals for 6 9480 60.00 GENERAL FUND/DISTRIC o 180.00 GENERAL FUND/DISTRIC o 180.00 Totals for 69481 360.00 o 41.00 MEMBERSHIP DUES MEMBERSHIP DUES 69482 BEYER, J'.l.J'.N OMS 12/04 / 2012 JV BOYS BASKETBALL OFFICIAL GENERAL FUND/PERSONA Totals for 69482 41. 00 o o 1,986.48 Totals for 69483 3,276 . 41 o 38.13 Totals for 69484 38. 13 o 41 . 00 6 9483 CENTERPOINT ENERGY S DlolB 12/04/201 2 OCTOBER 2012 HS GAS GENERAL FUND/GAS FOR 69483 CENTERPOINT ENERGY S DMB 12/04 / 2012 OCTOEER 2012 ES GAS GENEN\L FUND/GAS FOR 69484 C.E .S .~. #8 OMS 12 / 04/2012 LORI MILLER - (1) SPECIAL EDUCATION FU 1 ,28 9.93 TEACHER/MENTOR MANUAL FOR CHARTER SCHOOL 69485 COLLIGAN, TYLER Dl\lB 12 / 04/201 2 FRES Hl\1AN BOYS BASKETBALL GENERAL FUND/PERSONA OFFICIAL 6948 6 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS c o DMB 1 2/04/2012 NOVEMBER 2012 - r'!ONTHLY Tota ls for 6 94 8 5 41.00 o 103 . 50 Totals for 69486 103 . 50 o 41.00 GENERAL FUND / OTHER E ADMINISTRATION FEE 69487 HACKBARTH, GERALD DMB 12/04/2012 FRESHMAN BOYS BASKETBALL GENERAL FUND/PERSONA OFFICIAL 69488 PITNEY BOWES INC DMS 12/04 / 2 012 HS/ES - RED INK CARTRIDGES Totals for 69487 4 1 . 00 o 244. 76 GENERAL FUND/POSTAGE FOR POSTAGE METERS 69489 PURCHASE POWER DMS 12 /0 4/2012 10/29/12 - POSTAGE ADDED TO Totals for 6 9488 244 . 7 6 o 546.00 Totals for 69489 546.00 o 68.00 Totals for 6 9490 6 8 .00 GENERAL FUND/POSTAGE HS POSTAGE METER 69490 SANKEY, LONNIE DMS 12/04/20 1 2 VARS I TY BOYS BASKETBALL GENERAL FUND/PERSONA OFFICIAL SCHOOL DISTRICT OF MANAWA 3frdtl01.p 05 . 1 CHECK NUMBER "V~END~~O~Rc-____________ BATCH CHECK NUMBER eD~A~T~Ec-____ eD~E~S~C~R=I~P=T=I~O~Nc-_________________ DESCRIPTION 12 / 04/2012 WRESTLING TOURNAMENT GENERrlL FUND/DISTRIC 69491 SCHOOL DISTRICT OF h DMS 69492 STEINGRABER, ANGELA 69493 TRZINSKI, JIM 4:02 PM December 17, 2012 Checklist (Dates: 11/1 6/ 12 - 12 / 13/12) DJ.lB DMB INVOICE ACCOUNT 12/04/2012 JV BOYS BASKETBALL OFFICIAL 12/04 / 2012 VARSITY BOYS BASKETBALL 12/13 / 12 PAGE : 5 PO NUMBER __________-"AM~O~UNT~ o 100 . 00 Totals for 69491 100.00 o 41.00 GENERAL FUND/PERSONA Totals for 69492 41.00 o 68 . 00 GENERAL FUND/PERSONA OFFICIAL Totals for 69 4 93 68.00 o 500 . 00 Totals for 69 4 94 500.00 6949 4 BALDWIN , BRITTANY DAWN 12/04/2012 2010 • STURM SCHOLARSHIP PRIVATE BENEFIT TRUS 69495 BLOCK, WILLIAM DAWN 12/04/2012 2009 . STUR].! SCHOLARSHIP PRIVATE BENEFIT TRUS o 500 . 00 Totals for 69495 500.00 o o 150.00 69496 BONIKOWSKE, CLARA DAWN 12/04/2012 2012 PEPSI SCHOLARSHIP PRI VATE BENEFIT TRUS 69 4 96 BONIKOWSKE, CLARA DAWN 12/04/2012 2012 PATRIC K WADE PRIVATE BENEFIT TRUS 500.00 SCHOLARSHIP Totals for 69496 650.00 o 500.00 69497 BRAUN, ASHLEY DAWN 12/04 / 2012 2009 • STURH SCHOLARSHIP PRIVATE BENEFIT TRUS 69498 BRAUN, KRISTA DAWN 12/04/2012 2012 . DORIS HEINKE PRIVATE BENEFIT TRUS Totals for 69497 500.00 o 1,065 . 85 Totals for 69498 1,065.85 o 500 . 00 SCHOLARSHIP 69499 DAILEY, AMANDA 69500 DEARTH, KENNETH JR DAWN DAWN 12/04/2012 2011 . STURI<1 SCHOLARSHIP 12/04/2012 2012 . '·IANAWA COWBOYS PRIVATE BENEFIT TRUS Totals for 6J4 99 500 . 00 o 500.00 Totals for 69500 500 . 00 PRIVATE BENEFIT TRUS SCHOLARSHIP 65501 DOMAN, ~1ANDA 69502 DRAEGER . BRIANA 6~503 DRAEGER, KALI 69504 DUSEL, JOSEPH DAWN DAWN DAWN DAWN 1 2 /04/2012 2012 . STURM SCHOLARSHIP 12/04/2012 2009 . STURM SCHOLARSHIP 12/04/20 12 2012 . STURH SCHOLARSHIP 12/04/2012 2012 • DAN NOLAN I-1EloIDRIAL o 500 . 00 Totals for 6 9 501 500.00 PRIVATE BENEFIT TRUS o 500 . 00 Totals for 69502 500.00 o 500 . 00 PRIVATE BENEFIT TRUS PRIVATE BENEFIT TRUS Totals for 69503 500 . 00 o 500.00 Totals for 69504 500.00 PRIVMTE BENEFIT TRUS SCHOLARSHIP 69505 EKLUND, ELLIOT 69506 FERG, DANIELLE DAWN DANN 12 / 04/~012 2012 . CORA JONES SCHOLARSHIP 12/04 / 2 012 2012 • BEV CARL MEMORIAL o 500.00 Totals f or 69505 500.00 PRIVATE BENEFIT TRUS o 500.00 PRIVATE BENEFIT TRUS o 150.00 PRIVATE BENEFIT TRUS SCHOLARSHIP 69506 FERG, DANIELLE DAWN 1 2/04/2 0 1 2 2012 . JACK J. SCHMI DT SCHOLARSHIP 69507 INGERSOLL , TRW·IAN Totals for 69506 650.00 o 500.00 12/04/2012 2012 - PEPSI SCHOLARSHIP PR IVATE BENEFIT TRUS 12/04/2012 2011 . BEV CARL MEr·lORIAL PRIVATE BENEFIT TRUS Totals fOl 6 9 508 JOHNSON, KAYLA DAWN 6~507 500.00 o 500.00 Totals for 6 9 508 500.00 o 150 . 00 Totals for 6 9509 150.00 o 500.00 Totals for 69510 500 . 00 SCHOLARSHIP 69509 KEMPF, RODNEY DAWN 12 / 04i2012 2012 . JACK J. SCHMIDT PRIVATE BENEFIT TRUS SCHOr...::.RSHIP 69510 KOEHN, OLIVIA 69511 KOWALESKI, LINDSAY 69512 LEVEZOW, OLIVIA 695 1 3 REMINGTON, ASHLE Y DAWN DAWN DAWN DAWN 12/04/2012 2012 . PEPSI SCHOLARSHIP 12/04/2012 2012 • STURM SCHOLARSHIP 12/04 /2012 2012 - PEPSI SCHOLARSHIP 12 / 04/2012 2011 - STURI'I SCHOLARSHIP PRIVATE BENEFIT TRUS o 500 . 00 Totals for 69511 500.00 PRIVATE BENEFIT TRUS o 500 . 00 Totals for 69512 500. 00 o 500 . 00 PRIVATE BENEFIT TRUS PRIVATE BENEFIT TRUS 3frdtl01 . p 05.12.10,00.00-10,2-010073 CHECK NUMBER ~V~END~O~R~ _____________ SCHOOL DISTRICT OF MANAWA December 1 7, 20 12 Check lis t BATCH CHECK ~ ~DA~T~E DAWN 1 2/ 04/2012 2012 - STURM SCHOLARSHIP ______ 4: 02 PM I NVOICE _________________ DESCRIPTION NUMBER __________~AM~O~UNT~ Totals for 6951 3 69514 REMINGTON, TAYLOR 69515 RETZKE, KIMBERLY DAWN 12/04/2012 2012 - ~~EL KRUEGER PRIV~TE 6 PO ACCOUNT :D~E~ S~C~R~I~P;T;I~O~NC- 1 2/13/12 PAGE : (Dates : 11/1 6 / 12 - 12/13/12) BENEFIT TRUS 500 .0 0 0 500.00 Totals for 69514 500.00 PRIVATE BENEFIT TRUS o 500 . 00 SCHOLARSHIP 69516 RIESENBERG, JORDAN 69517 SMILES , JESSICA 69518 SHILES , MARIA Totals for 69515 500.00 o 500.00 Totals for 69516 500.00 o 500.00 DAWN 12/04/2012 2010 - STURM SCHOLARSHIP PRIVATE BENEFIT TRUS DAWN 12 /0 4 / 2012 2012 - STURM SCHOLARSHIP PRIVATE BENEFIT TRUS DAWN 12/04/2012 2010 - STURM SCHOLARSHIP Totals for 6 9517 500. 00 o 500.00 PRIVATE BENEFIT TRUS Totals for 69518 500.00 o 500.00 69519 STREBE, ADAM DAWN 12/04 / 2012 2011 - STURN SCHOLARSHIP PRIVATE BENEFIT TRUS 69520 WILZ, KATRINA DAWN 12/04/2012 2012 - PEPSI SCHOLARSHIP PRIVATE BENEFIT TRUS 69521 ACCURATE LABEL DESIG DAWN 1 2/ 05/2012 ES - (1 , 000) VISITOR NAME Totals f or 69519 500. 0 0 o 500.0 0 Totals for 6 9 520 500.00 o 103.95 GENERAL FUND/GENERAL TAGS WITH HOLDER 69522 BADGER SPORTING GOOD DANN 12/05/2012 BORTLE - BOYS BASKETBALL Totals for 69521 103.95 GENERAL FUND/OTHER S o 3 09.89 COMHUNITY SERVICE FU o 2 , 250 . 00 SUPPLIES - SLIP NOTT RBPLACEI·1ENT PAD, SCOREBooKS, (3) (6) TFIOOO LEGriCY BhSKETBALLS 69522 BADGER SPORTING GOOD DAWN 12/05/2012 BORTLE - (50) SETS '..,ENS TRACK UNIFORI·IS (TOPS/SHORTS) 695L3 CARROT-TOP INDUSTRIE Dh~m 12/05/2012 JE FF STEVENS HS/ES - (2) Totals for 69522 2 ,559.89 GENERAL FUND/ GENERAL o 79 . 7 !J GENERAL FUND/GENERAL o 79.78 Tota ls for 6 9523 159 . 56 o o o o o o o o 153 .4 5 POLYESTER U.S . FLAGS FOR EMCH 6 9523 CARROT-TOP INDUSTRIE DAWN 1:/05/2012 JEFF STEVENS - HS/ ES - (2) POLYESTER U. S. FLAGS FOR EACH 69525 CINTAS CORPORkTION # DAWN 12/05/2012 HS/ES FLOOR 1'!hT SERVICE GENERAL FUND/OPERATI 6 9 525 CINTAS CORPORATION # DAWN 12 /05/2012 HS/ES MOP SERVICE GENERAL FUND/OPERATI 69525 CINTAS CORPORATION # DAWN 12/05 / 2012 ES CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES GENERAL FUND/GENERAL 69525 CINTAS CORPORATION II DAWN 12/05/~012 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES GENERAL FUND/GENERAL 6 9 525 CINTAS CORPORATION II DAWN 12/05/2012 HS/ES 69525 CINTAS CORFORATION II DAWN 12/05 / 2012 HS/ES 69525 CINTAS CORPORATION # DAWN 12/05 /2012 HS CUSTOD IAL SUPPLIES GENERAL FUND/GENERAL 69525 CINTAS COR PORATION 12/ 05/2012 ES CUSTODIAL SUP PLIES GENERAL FUND/GENERAL DAWN HS FLOOR MAT SERVICE GENERAL FUND/OPERATI MOP SERVICE GENERAL FUND/OPERATI Tota ls for 69525 69526 DAVIS & KUELTHAU, SC DAWN 69527 FOLLETT SOFTWARE CO. DAWN 12 /05/201 2 OCTOBER 20 12 - LEGAL SERVICES 12/05/2012 12/13 - LIBRARY AUTOMATION 57 . 30 4 01. 76 259.60 153.4 5 57.30 870.24 476. 32 2,42 9 .42 o 6,083 . 74 Totals for 69526 6,0 83 .7 4 GENERAL FUND/PERSONA GENERAL FUND/ COMPUTE o 2,880.00 SOFTI'/ARE 69528 INTEGRATED SYSTEHS C DAWN 12 /05/2012 DECEMBER 2012 - SKYWARD Totals for 69527 2,880.00 o 360 . 00 GENERAL FUND/ PERSONA HOSTING SERVICES Totals fo r 69528 69529 JOHNSON CONTROLS, IN DAWN 12/05/2012 HS - 10/26/12 INSPECT (2) GENERAL FUND/t·IAINTEN 36 0 . 00 0 1,544 . 00 Totals for 69529 1 , 5 44 . 00 o 25.69 BOILERS - ANNUAL I<tAINT AS PER THE OWNER ' S HANUAL ON BOTH BOILERS-RETURNED 10/30/12 TO FINISH 69530 MANAWA AUTO BUto1PER T DAWN 1 2/ 05/2012 HS/ES - OIL AND OIL FILTERS GENERAL FUND/ GENERAL SCHOOL DISTRICT OF MANAWA 3frdtl01 . p 05 . 12 . 1 0 . 00.00 - 10 . 2- 0 1 00 73 CHECK NUMBER December 1 7 , BATCH "V~E~ND~O~Rc- ____________ NUMBER CHECK eD~A~T~E ______ 20 12 Checklist 4 : 0 2 PM (Dates : 11 / 1 6/12 - INVOICE ACCOUNT eD~E~S~C~R~I~P~T~I~ON~ 12/13/12 PAGE : 12 / 1 3 / 12) 7 PO __________________ DESCRIPTION NUMBER ___________AM~O~UN~~T FOR EMERGENCY GENERATORS 69530 MANAWA AUTO BUMPER T DAWN 12/0 5 /2012 Hs /ES - OIL AND OIL FILTERS GENERAL FUNDI GENERAL o 25.69 FOR EMERGENCY GENERATORS 69531 ~~AWA TELEPHONE CO. DAWN 12/05/201 2 DECEMBER 2012 - ALL SCHOOLS Totals for 69530 51.38 GENERAL FUNDI COMMUNI o 200 . 00 GENERAL FUND/TELEPHO o 1 , 547 . 04 PHONE SERVICE 69531 MANAWA TELEPHONE CO. DMlN 12/05/2012 DECEMBER 2012 - ALL SCHOOLS PHONE SERVICE 69533 MASTER ELECTRICAL SE DAWN 12105/2012 REPL SCHOOL ZONE LIGHT Totals for 69531 1,747 . 04 GENERAL FUND/oPERATI o 257 . 1 5 GENERAL FUND/GENERAL o 149 . 07 GENERAL FUND/GENERAL o 1 4 9.07 GENERAL FUND/ MAINTEN o 368 . 04 GENERAL FUND/MAINTEN o 220.00 Totals for 6 9533 1,143 .33 o 744.70 CONTROL BOX ON 4TH STREET 69533 t·IASTER ELECTRICAL SE DAWN 12 / 05/2012 HS / ES - (60) SYL CF26 / DD/8 4 1 COMPACT FLUORESCENT BULBS 69533 MASTER ELECTRICAL SE DAWN 12/05/2012 HS/ES - (60) SYL CF26 / DD /8 4 1 COMPACT FLUORESCENT BULBS 6 9 533 MASTER ELECTRICAL SE DAWN 12/05/2 0 12 ES - N.E. OUTSIDE LIGHTS NOT WORKING-REPL PHOTO EYE & RESET BREAKER; NEW DATA CABLE - KITCHEN PHONE TO STORE ROOM HUB 6 9 533 j\\ASTER ELECTRICAL SE DAI'lN 12/05/2012 ES-BREAKER TRIPPING FOR OUTSIDE LIGHTS - OPENED EVERY LIGHT , FOUND NUMBER OF BAD WIRES INSIDE THE BOXES 6 9 534 MECA SPORTSNEAR DAWN GENERAL FUND/ GENERAL 12105 / 2 0 12 BORTLE - ATHLETIC CERTIFICATES 6 9 5 3 5 NORTHEAST \'1I TECHNIC DAWN 1 2 ,'05/2012 HS (3) MEDICAL TERI"lINOLOGY STUDENTS 6 9 536 NORTHEAST WI TECH - DAWN (f' Totals for 69534 744.70 o 1 , 141.05 Totals for 69535 1 , 141.05 o 69 6.90 GENERAL FUND/TRANSFE $380.35 EACH (2) 12 / 05/2012 HS STUDENTS BOOKS GENERAL FUND/TEXTBOO MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY AND (4) RACE ETHNIC & DIVERSITY Totals for 69536 6 96.90 INCORPORAT DAWN 12/05/2012 DIST OFFICE ST':;PLER GENERAL FUND/ GENERAL o 29.88 6 9 537 OFFICEt·1AX INCORPORAT DAWN 1 2 /05 / 2012 DIST OFFICE STAPLES GENERAL FUND/GENERAL o 3.69 69537 OFFICEMAX INCORPORAT DAWN 1 2 /05/2012 TITLE I - JENI MURSAU GENERAL FUND/ GENERAL o 63.26 FOOD SERVICE FUND/SU o 139.8 2 69537 O FFI C E~ffiX STACKABLE FILE BOY. AND (2) BOXES HANGING FOLDERS 69537 OFFICEJ.lAX INCORPORAT DMlN 12/05/2012 FOOD SERVICE - (2) BOXES ENVELOPES 69538 PACKER CITY INTERNAT DAWN 12 / 05 / 2012 1118 - ENGINE LIGHT COMES ON Totals for 69537 236. 65 GENERAL FUND/OPERATI o 151. 30 GENERAL FUND/O PERATI o 81. 96 REPL DEFECTIVE COOLANT CAP ; REPL LOWER LEFT BRAKE LAMPS ON BOTH SIDES 6953 8 PACKER CITY INTERNAT DAWN 12/05/2012 1118 ENGINE LIGHT COHES ON REPL DEFECTIVE COOLANT CAP ; REPL LOWER LEFT BRAKE LAMPS ON BOTH SIDES 69541 SUEHS MOTORS, INC . DAWN 12/05/2012 1997 DODGE VAN CHECK BRAKES - REAR BRAKE SHOES FULL OF SLUDGE - REPL BRAKE SHOES AND DRut·lS Totals for 69538 233 . 26 o 161 . 3 0 GENERAL FUND/OPERATI 3frdt l01 . p 05 . 1 2 . 10 . 00 . 00- 1 0 . 2 - 010073 CHECK NUMBER V~END~~O~Rc-____________ " 69541 SUEHS MOTORS, INC. SCHOOL DISTRICT OF MANAWA 4 : 02 PM BATCH CHECK INVOICE ACCOUNT NUMBER "D~ A~ T~EC-____ DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION DAWN 12/05/2012 # 1 5 - ADJUST PASSENGER SIDE 12/13/12 PAGE : ' December 17 , 20 1 2 Checklist (Dates : 1 1 / 1 6/12 - 12 / 13/12) 8 PO NUMBER __________~AM~OUNT~ GENERAL FUND/OPERATI o 10 . 00 GENERAL FUND/OPERATI o 100 . 00 GENERAL FUND/OPERATI o 48 . 00 GENERAL FUND/ OPERATI o 80.00 GENERAL FUND/O PERATI o 12 6 . 88 GENERAL FUND/OPERATI o 75.00 GENERAL FUND/OPERATI o 56 . 60 o o 97.15 GENERAL FUND/GENERAL o 12 3 . 36 GENERAL FUND/OPERATI o 40.00 WIPER ARt-1 6 9 541 SUEHS MOTORS, INC. DAWN 12/05/2012 #1 3 - UPPER RED LIGHT INOP REPL BOTH UPPER REAR RED LAMP ASSYS 69541 SUEHS [·IOTORS , INC. DAWN 12/05/2012 #13 UPPER RED LIGHT INOP - REPL BOTH UPPER REAR RED ~-1 P ASSYS 69541 SUEHS MOTORS, INC. DAWN 12/05 / 2012 #17 - REPL BUZZER IN "NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND" ALARH 6 9541 SUEHS MOTORS , INC. DAWN 12/05 / 201 2 #17 - REPL BUZZER IN "NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND " ALARM 6 9541 SUEHS ["lOTORS, INC. DAWN 12/05/2012 #15 - CHANGE OIL/FILTER, INSPECT, GREASE 69541 SUEHS !-10TORS, INC. DAWN 12 / 05/2 0 12 #15 - CHANGE OI L/FILTER, I NSPECT, GREASE 69541 SUEHS MOTORS, INC. DAWN 12/05/ 2 012 #18 - BULB - VERNON INSTALLED GENERAL FUND/OPERATI 69541 SUEHS !-10TORS, INC. OAWN 12 /0 5/2012 #7 - CHANGE OIL/FILTER, SPECIAL EDUCATION FU 6954 1 SUEHS MOTORS , INC. DAWN 1 2 / 05/2012 BUSES - 69541 SUEHS MOTORS, INC . DAWN 12/05/2012 #15 - CHECK PULL & TIRE WEAR 6 . 00 INSPECT, GREASE (12) ADDI TIVE - TIRE PSI LOW - ADJ PRESSURE TO SPEC AND TEST DRIVE 695 4 2 THEDACARE AT WORK DAWN 12 /0 5/ 2012 11/ 2/ 1 2 - STEP 2 - EMPLOYEE Totals for 69541 92 4.29 GENERAL FUND/PERSONA o 19 .00 GENERAL FUND / SELF FU o 2,14.4.00 GENERAL FUND/ SELF FU o 3,14 9 . 00 GENERAL FUND/PERSONA o 89.00 Totals for 69542 5,401 . 00 o 232.84 TB SKIN TEST 6 9542 THEDACARE AT HORK DAWN 12 / 05/2012 r-tONTHLY - ONSITE PH HEALTH COACH 69542 THEDACARE AT WORK DAWN 12 / 05 / 2 0 1 2 11/2 / 12 AND 11/9/12 - PHA BLOOD DRAW 69542 THEDACARE AT WORK DAWN 12/05 / 2012 11/13/12 BUS DRIVER PHSICAL, TB SKIN TEST 6 9543 TRANE U . S . INC OAWN 12/05/201 2 HS - THERMOSTAT NO POWER GENERAL FUND/!I1AI NTEN WH EN EVENT IN GY!'!, UNIT TURNED OFF WHEN BURNER IS BURNING, FAN CAN'T GET RID OF HEAT, THE SWITCH WILL TRIP ON OVER TEMP 69544 US CELLULAR DAIW 69545 UW OSHKOSH - CASHIER DAWN 12/05/2012 HS - FALL 2012 Totals for 69543 232 . 84 o 144 . 97 GENERAL FUND/TELEPHO 12/05/2012 DISTRICT CELL PHONES (20) CAPP Totals for 6 9544 144. 9 7 o 13 ,3 8 0 . 00 Totals f or 69545 13 , 380.00 o 1 25 . 00 Totals for 69546 125 . 00 o 1 5.0 0 Totals for (; 9547 15 . 00 o 38.45 To t als for 695 48 3 8 . 45 GENERAL FUND/ TRANS FE COLLEGE ENLISH I G $401.40/EA AND (8) CAPP SPAN I SH Ii,. $669/EA 69546 WAEA - WI ART EDUCAT DAWN 12/05 / 2012 HS - VISUAL ARTS CLASS I C GENERAL FUND / DISTRIC (ENTRY FEE FOR ART TEAM) NANCY ZABLER 69547 WISCONSIN ASSOC OF S DAWN 12/ 05 /2012 10/3/12 - PHONE CONSULTING GENERAL FUND/PERSONA SERVICE WITH BRIAN 69548 WISCONSIN TAXPAYERS DAWN 12/05/2012 RENEWAL - SCHOOL FACTS 12 GENERAL FUND/GENERAL SCHOOL DISTRI CT OF MANAWA 3frdtl01 . p 0 5 . 12 . 10.00 . 00-10 . 2-01007 3 CHECK NUMBER "V~E~ND~O~Rc-____________ 69549 COLLIGAN, TYLER 69550 HACKBARTH, GERALD 4 : 02 PM December 17, 2012 Checklist (Dates : 11 / 16 /12 - 12 / 13 /12) BATCH CHECK NUMBER "D~A~T~Ec-____ "D~E~S~C~R='~P=T='"ON~__________________ DESCRIPTION DAWN 12 / 06/2012 J V BOYS BASKETBALL OFFICIAL GENERAL FUND/PERSONA DAWN INVOICE ACCOUNT 12/06 / 2012 FRESHr-1rlN BOYS BASKETBALL 12/13/12 PAGE : 9 PO NUMBER ___________AM~O~UN~~T o 4 1.00 Totals for 69549 41. 00 o 41. 00 Totals for 69550 41. 00 o 41 . 00 GENERAL FUND/PERSONA OFFICIhL 69551 HASS, !-1ARK 69552 REPINS KI, MARK DAWN DAWN 12/06/2012 J V BClYS BASKETBALL OFFICIAL 12/06/2012 VARSIT'1 BOYS BASKETBALL GENERAL FUND/PERSONA Total s f or 69551 41. 00 o 68.00 Total s f or 69552 68 . 00 o 41. 00 GENERAL FUND/ PERSONA OFFICIAL 69 55 3 ROBERTS , GENE DAWN 12 /06i2012 FRESHMAN BOYS BASKETBALL GENERAL FUND/PERSONA OFFICIAL 69554 SANKEY, LONNIE DAWN 12 / 06/2012 VARSITY BOYS BASKETBALL Totals for 6 955 3 41 . 00 o 68.00 GENERAL FUND/PERSONA OFFICIAL 6 9555 CITY OF ~~AWA DAWN 12 / 06/2012 20 12- (16) STEP VOLUNTEERS-SEE Totals for 69554 68 . 0 0 o 5 , 801 . 2 6 Totals for 695 55 5,801.26 o 429.00 Tota l s for 69556 429.00 o 429.00 cor,n'JUNITY SERVICE FU DETAIL IN ATTACHED LETTER PLEASE APPLY APPROPRIATE N1T TO INDIVIDUALS TAX BILL 69556 TOWN OF HELVETIA DAWN 12 / 06/2012 2012 - (1) STEP VOLUNTEER-SEE COMl1UNITY SERVICE FO DETAIL IN ATTACHED LETTER PLEASE APPLY APPROPRIATE AMT TO INDIVIDUAL TAX BILL 6 9557 TOWN OF LEBANON DAWN 12/ 06/2012 2012 - (1) STEP VOLUNTEER-SEE COMMUNITY SERVICE FU DETAIL IN ATTACHED LETTER PLEASE APPLY APPROPRIATE A}IT TO INDIVIDUAL TAX BILL 69 5 5 8 TOWN OF LITTLE WOLF DAWN 1 2/0 6/2012 2012 - (18) STEP VOLUNTEERS-SEE Totals for 6 9557 4 2 9.00 o 5,947 . 52 Totals for 69558 5,947.52 o 323 . 38 COMMUNITY SERVICE FU DETAIL IN ATTACHED LETTER PLEASE APPLY APPROPRIATE N ·lT TO INDIVIDUh LS TAX BILL 69559 TOWN OF MUJ(WA DAWN 12/06/2012 2012 - (2) STEP VOLUNTEERS-SEE CQf-lMUNITY SERVICE FU DETAI L IN ATTACHED LETTER PLEASE APPLY APPROPRIATE A1-IT TO INDIVIDUALS TAX BILL 69560 TONN OF ROYALTON DAWN 12 / 06/2012 2012- (3) STEP VOLUNTEERS - SEE Totals for 6 9559 3 23.38 o 1,215.50 Totals for 69560 1,215.50 o 1,287.00 Totals for 69561 1,287.0 0 o 1 ,920.76 Totals for 69562 1,920.7 6 COI-1toIUNITY SERVICE FU DETAIL I N ATTACHED LETTER PLEASE APPLY APPROPRIATE AMT TO INDIVIDUALS TAX BILL 6 9561 TOWN OF ST LAWRENCE DAWN 12/06/201 2 2012 - (4) STEP VOLUNTEERS-SEE CONMUNI TY SERVICE FU DETAIL IN ATTACHED LETTER PLEASE APPLY APPROPRIATE AMT TO INDIVIDUALS TAX BILL 69562 TOWN OF UNION DAWN 12/06/2012 2012- (8) STEP VOLUNTEERS - SEE COMMUNITY SERVICE FU DETAIL IN ATTACHED LETTER PLEASE APPLY APPROPRIATE AMT TO INDI VIDUALS TAX BILL SCHOOL DISTRICT OF MANAWA 3f r d tl 01 . p 05 . 1 2 . 1 0 . 00 . 0 0-10 . 2-0 1 00 7 3 CHECK NUMBER De c e mber 17 I BATCH ,V~END~~O~Rc- ____________ NUMBER 69566 C . E.S . A . /lG DAWN CHECK =D~A~T~EC- INVOICE ____ 4 : 02 PM 2012 Chec klist (Da t.es : 11 / 16/12 - 1 2 /13 / 12) ACCOUNT 10 PO ___________________ DESCRIPTION NUMBER _______-"AM""O"'1JNT~ =D~E~S~C~R=I~P=T=I~O~N 12/07/2012 NOV 2012 - t-1EGAN YESKA - 1 2/13 / 12 PAGE : GENERAL FUND/DISTRIC o 25.00 SPECIAL EDUCATION FU o 300.00 GENERAL FUND / DISTRIC o 900 . 00 GENERAL FUND/TRANSFE o 1,060.00 GENERAL FUND/DISTRIC o 4 , 800 . 00 GENERAL FUND/ PERSONA o 5 ,4 08.00 SPECIAL EDUCATION FU o 4,248.00 10 /12/12 BYOC - BUILD YOUR OWN CURRICULUI'I STATE USERS GROUP MEETING 69566 C.E.S . A. #6 DAWN 12/07/2012 NOV - "ARE YOU SLD RULE MI KE BREEN & KI!-I READY" GRIESBACH ($ 6 00 / EA) (10/ 1 2 /1 2, 11/28/12, 2/1/13 , 4/19/13) 69566 C . E.S.A. #6 DAWN 12 / 07 / 2012 NOV - "ARE YOU SLD RULE READY" - !'IIKE BREEN GRIESBACH ($600 / EA) & KIM - (10 / 12/12, 11/28/12, 2 / 1/13, 4/19 / 13 ) 69566 C . E.S . A . #6 DAWN 1 2/07 / 2012 NOV 2012 LIBRARY HEDIA SPECIALIST 69566 C.E.S.A. #6 DAWN 12/07 / 20 1 2 NOV 2012 - EPIC EFFECTIVENESS PROJECT IMPLEMENTAT I ON COACHES-TRAINING, SYSTEM SETUP, ETC. (ED AND LI NDA PIERRON) 695 6 6 C.E.S.A. #6 DAWN 12/07/2 012 NOV 2012 DISTRICT TECHNOLOGY SERVICE 69566 C . E.S . A. #6 DAWN 12/07 / 2012 NOV 2012 - SPECIAL ED LEADERSHIP 69566 C.E . S . A. #6 DAWN 12/07 / 2012 NOV 2012 AUDIOLOGY SPECIAL EDUCATION FU o 230.22 69566 C.E . S . A . #6 DAWN 12/07/2012 NOV 2012 HEARING ITINERANT SPECIAL EDUCATION FU 411.11 69566 C.E.S.A . #6 DAWN 12/07/2012 NOV 2012 "ARE YOU SLD RULE GENERAL FUND/DISTRIC o o 1,200.00 GENERAL FUND/TRANSFE o lC3.28 GENERAL FUND/ DISTRIC o 150 . 00 Totals for 69566 18,895.61 o 200 . 00 READY" - JENI loJURSAU &; !-!ICHELLE POPPY ($600/EACH) (10 / 12/12, 11/28/12, 2/1/13, 4 /19/13 ) 6 9566 C.E.S.A. #6 DAWN 12/07 / 2012 NOV 2012 - WAPT SCREENING (1) 69566 C . E . S . A. #6 DAWN ES STUDENT 12/07 / 2012 NOV 20 1 2 MARY BONIKOWSKE 10 / 11/12 & 21 5 /13 - I SES/CWCS NETWORK MEETING 6 9567 FEE, BERNADETTE DAWN 12/07 / 2 0 12 ZUI·IBA CLASSES 11/2 9 /12) (11 /1 /12 THRU 8 SESSIONS C01'lMUNITY SERVI CE FU r~ $25 / EACH 695 69 PAMPERIN, KARYN DAWN 12/07/2012 STURM GRANT PROP COSTUMES, Totals for 69567 200.00 Special Re v enue Trus o 75.7 7 Special Revenue Trus o 44 .00 Specia l Rev enue Trus o 47.87 Sp ecia l Revenue Trus o 4 .50 Special Revenue Trus o 2 ;- . 99 HATS, CLANPS - RAY'S CWSE OUTS 69 5 6 9 PAr·1PERIN, KARYN DAWN 1 2 /07/2012 STURM GRANT - CURTAIN RODS FOR STAGE - F~-! ILY DOLLAR ; AND RENTAL FEE FOR COSTUMES 69569 PAMPERIN, KARYN DAWN 12/07/2012 STURM GRANT - JULIE PICKED UP COSTUf.lES - FLEET FARJ'I 695 6 9 PAMPERIN, KARYN DAWN 12 / 07/2012 STURI-! GRANT PROPS & COSMETICS - DOLLAR GENERAL 69569 PAJ.1PERIN, KARYN DAWN 12/07/2012 STURN GRANT (1) GALLON PAINT FOR THE FLATS - FLEET FARM 3frdtlOl.p SCHOOL DISTRICT OF MANAWA BATCH CHECK NUMBER ______________ NUMBER ~V~E~ND ~O~R 69570 ZIfoll-lERMAN, CHARLES 4 : 02 PM December 17, 20 12 Checklist (Dates : 11/16/ 1 2 - 12/13/12) DAWN CHECK INVOICE ACCOUNT "DA~T~E______ DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION 12/07/2012 SAT. 12/8 / 12 - SETUP SOUND 12 / 13 / 12 11 PAGE: PO NUMBER AMOUNT Totals for 69569 202.13 o 200.00 Totals for 69570 200.00 Special Re v enue Trus SYSTEM FOR THE SCHOOL PLAY 69571 APPLETON WEST HIGH S DANN 69572 LEWIS, LANCE 69573 STAEGE, TIMOTHY 6 957 4 STEINKE, DOOG DAWN DAHN DAWN 12 / 11/201 2 WRESTLING TOORNAMENT o 225 . 00 Totals for 69571 225.00 GENERAL FUND!DISTRIC 12 / 11 /2 012 JV GIRLS BASKETBALL OFFICIAL 12/11/2012 J V GIRLS BASKETBhLL OFFICIAL 12/11/2012 VARSITY GIRLS BASKETBALL o 41. 00 Totals for 63572 41.00 o 41. 00 GENERAL FUND/PERSONA GENERAL FUND/PERSONA Totals for 69573 41. 00 o 6S.00 Totals for 69574 68.00 o 70.00 GENERAL FUND/PERSONA OFFICIAL 69575 STRATFORD PUBLIC SCH DAWN 6 9 576 WOODS, MICHAEL DAWN 12 / 11 / 2012 JV WRESTLING TOURNAMENT 12/11/2012 VARSITY GIRLS GENERAL FUND/ DISTRIC a~KETBhLL Totals for 69575 70 . 00 o 68 . 00 GENERAL FUND/PERSONA OFFICIAL 69577 KORTH, TRAVIS 121112 12/11/2012 REISSUE LOST OFFICIAL CHECK Totals for 69576 68.00 o 80.00 GENERAL FUND/PERSON;'" VARSITY WRESTLING OFFICIAL 69579 COUILLARD, TIf.t DAWN Totals for 69577 SO.OO o SO.OO 12 /13 / 201 2 VARSITY WRESTLING OFFICIAL GENERAL FOND/ PERSONA 11 / 29/:012 WEGA SHARE; MILEAGE - 9/7/12 GENERAL FUND/ EI'1PLOYE 0 87.69 GENERAL FUND/ EMPLOYE D 91. 0 : GENERAL FUND/EI'lPLOYE o 57 . 69 Totals for 6957 9 1213 0 0042 ADESSO, BRIAN eo.oo NEWASBO MTG !10 GREEN BAY; 11 / 1/12 & 11/2/12 SIRMC BOARD MTG 121300 0 42 ADESSO, BRI~ DAWN ~ CESA6 OSHKOSH 11 / 29/2012 MILEM.GE - 9/7/ 12 NEWASBO MTG € GREEN BAY; 11 / 1 & 11/2 SIRI·IC BOkRD MTG \& CESA6 . 10/19/12 IPAD SCREENS IN FOR REPAIR @ APPLETON; 11/7/12 PICKUP IPADS & AUDIT REPORT; 11/ 9 /1: GIFT CARDS FOR INCENTIVE 121300042 ADESSO, BRIAN D;"'WN 11/29 / 2012 MILEAGE \j P~ NEW LONDON 9/7/ 12 NEWASBO MTG ..:) GREEN BAY; 11/1 " 11 / 2 SIRI.,C BOARD MTG 18 CESA6; 10/19/12 IPAD SCREENS IN FOR REPAIR ~ APPLETON ; 11/7/12 PICKUP IPADS & AUDIT REPORT; 11 / 9 / 12 GIFT CARDS FOR PHA INCENTIVE 121300043 BONIKOWSKE , MARY DAWN ~ NEW LONDON 11/29/2012 I'l!LEAGE - 9/22/12 THRU Totals for 121300042 266.40 GENERAL FUND/ EMPLOYE o 143.75 GENERAL FUND/EMPLOYE o 55.50 To t als for 1 2 1300043 199.25 o 54.77 Totals for 121300044 54.77 o 62.74 11/17/12 - TRAVEL TO NEW LONDON FOR TRAINING 121300043 BONIKOWSKE, 1·1ARY DAHN 11/29/2012 MILEAGE - 10/11/12 ISES/CWCS NETWORKING MEETING Q CESAG, OSHKOSH 121300044 EKLUND, TRACY DAWN 11/29/2012 ES - BAND CLASSRool·1 SUPPLIES GENERAL FUND/GENERAL FROM OFFICE f.\AX 121300045 HOLUlAN, JOANN DAWN 11/29 / 2012 10/20/12 - COLORED COPY PAPER - OFFICE 1-1AX GENERAL FUND/ GENERAL SCHOOL DISTRI CT OF MANAWA 3frdtl01 .p 10 .2-010073 CHECK NUMBER !V"E"ND"°"R"--_ _ _ _ __ December 17, BATCH CHECK ~ D"A~T~E 121300046 KELM, CYNTHIA _ __ 2012 Checklist (Da tes : 4 ,02 PM 11/16/12 - 12/13 / 12) INVOICE ACCOUNT D"E~SC"R~I~PT~IO"N "-_________ DESCRIPTION 11/29/2012 MILEAGE - 10 / 15/12 WAICU 12 / 13 /12 PAGE : 12 PO NUMBER AMOUNT Totals for 121300045 62 . 74 o 199.70 Totals for 1213 00046 128.70 o 138.75 Totals for 121300047 138 .75 o 38.85 GENERAL FUND/EMPLOYE COUNSELOR MTG G CARROLL UNIV ; 10 / 26 /1 2 WI CAREERS PATHWAYS "rrG 121300047 MURPHY, HARlE DAWN Iiy FVTC APPLETON 11/29/2012 MILEAGE - 11 / 7 / 12 DPI NEN GENERhL FUND/EHPL()YE SCHOOL NORSE ORIENTATION TRAINING - 2ND SESSION 121300049 PATERS, COLLEEN DAWN 11/29/2012 MILEAGE - 11 / 16/12 GEDO-2 GENERAL FUND/EMPLOYE STUDENT TESTING @ APPLETON 121300049 PATRI, JULIE DAWN 11 / 29 / 2012 10/25 / 12 - SKYWARD Totals for 121300049 38.95 o 13 .32 Totals for 121300049 13.32 o 38 . 85 GENERAL FUND/EMPLOYE COLLABORATION MEETING t·· NEW LONDON 121300050 ROENZ , CARL DAWN 11 / 29 / 2012 r.1ILEAGE - 10/1 2 / 12 GENERAL FUND/EMPLOYE ARTICULAT ION MEETING 0 FVTC 121300051 ROENZ, r.t,ARY DANN 11/29 / 2012 INK CARTRIDGES FOR WKCE DATA Totals for 121300050 38 . S5 o 48.97 GENERAL FUND/GENERAL LINKED TO NAEP; BOOKS TO THE CONNON CORE" ~PATHWAYS & "ASSIGN!·lENTS MATTER: MAKING THE CONNECTIONS THAT HELP STUDENTS MEET STANDARDS" 121300052 SANDERFGOT, ROSEANNE DAWN 11/29/2012 NOVEI·1BER 2012 - CLASSROOH Totals for 121 3 00051 48.97 o 53. 9 3 GENERAL FUND/GENERAL SUPPLIES - SCHOLASTIC BOOKS, WAU1ART, WALGREENS 121300053 SHOCKLEY , CATHERINE DAWN 11/29/201 2 OCT 2012 - lo1ILEAGE/PARKING SKYWARD USER GROU P CONF DELLS; I..!) Totals f o r 121300052 53 . 9 3 o 413.55 GENERAL FUND/EI.1PLOYE WI (2) DPI TRAININGS - 6 CENTS CERT & GREAT BEGINNINGS 121300054 SUEHS, MOLLY DAWN 11 /2 9/ 2012 TECH EQUIP & FABRIC WA1J.1ART; Totals for 121300053 413.55 GENERAL FUND/GENERAL o 172 . 95 GENERAL FUND/GENERhL o 129.93 Totals for 121300054 302.88 o 233.1 0 FlJI.5H DRIVES, DVD SLEEVES, ETC - WALGREENS; FABRIC GLUE - MICHAELS 121300054 SUEHS , MOLLY DAWN 11/2 9/2012 OCT 2012 ~ RECORDER KARATE BELTS - HOBBY LOBB?; AND FELT & GLUE FOR CHRISTMAS PROGRAM WALMART 121300055 WESENER, CARI·lEN DAWN 11/29/2 012 MILEAGE - 11/5/12 DPI r·1ENU GENERAL FUND/ EMPLOYE TRAINING G FENNHtoRE 12130005 6 YESKA , MEGAN DAWN 11/29/2012 MILEAGE - 9/26 / 12 EEP @ OSHKOS H; DAWN 11/2 9/ 2012 11/2/12 - 233.10 o 111.00 Totals for 121300056 111. 00 o 24. 00 Totals for 1213000 5 7 24. 00 10/11/12 TITLE I DATA ANALYSIS 121300 0 57 ZIEMER, CORRIE Totals for 1213000 55 GENERAL FUND/EMPLOYE ~ OSHKOSH VOLLEYB~LL STATE GENERAL FUND/GENERAL TICKETS (10 AM, 1 PM, AND 4 Pr.!) SCHOOL DISTRICT OF MANAWA 3frdtlOl.p 05.12 .10.00.0 0-10 .2 -010073 CHECK NUMBER BATCH ~V~E~ND~O~Rc- 4 : 02 Pfl.l December 17, 2012 Che c kl ist (Dat es : 11/16/ 1 2 - 12/ 1 3 /12) ____________ NUMBER 201200085 HARTFORD INSURANCE C P9 CHECK eD~A~T~Ec- INVOICE ____ eD~E~S=C~R=I~P=T=I~O~N ACCOUNT 13 PAGE : PO ___________________ DESCRIPTION 11 / 30 / 2012 Payroll accrual 1 2 / 13 /12 NUMBER __________~AM~O~UNT~ GENERAL FUND/HARTFOR o 570 . 00 Totals for 20 1 2 00085 570.00 25 3.5 9 201200086 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 11 /30/2012 Pay roll accrual GENERAL FUND/FEDERAL 201200086 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 11/3 0/2012 payroll accrual SPECIAL EDUCATION FU 201200086 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 1l/30/2012 payroll accrual FOOD SERVICE FUND/FE 201200086 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 11/30/2012 payroll accrual EMPLOYEE BENIFIT TRU 201200086 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 11 / 30 /2 012 Payroll accrual E~1PLO Y EE 201200086 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 11/30 / 2012 payroll accrual GENEF~L 20120008 6 INTERNAL RE VENUE SER P9 11 /30/2012 Payroll accrual SPECIAL EDUCATION FU 201200086 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 11/ 3 0/ 2012 Payroll accrual FOOD SERVICE FUND/FE o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 20120008 6 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 11/30/2012 payroll accrual CO[.JMUNITY SERVICE FU o 4. 82 201200086 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 11/30/2012 Pay roll accrual EMPLOYEE BENIFIT TRU o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 97.87 20120008 6 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 11/30 / 2012 Payroll accrual GENERAL FUND/FICA (S 201200086 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 1l/3 0/2012 Payroll accrual SPECIAL EDUCATION FU 20120008 6 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 11 / 30 / 2012 Payroll accrual COr·1MUNITY S ERVICE FU 201200086 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 11 / 30/201 2 payroll accrual GENERAL FUND/FEDERAL 201200086 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 11/30/2012 payroll accrual SPECIAL EDUCATION FO 201200086 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 11/30/2012 Payroll accrual CO~1MUNITY 201200086 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 11/30/2012 Payroll accrual GENERAL FUND/FICA (5 201200086 I NTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 11 /30/ 20 1 2 payroll accrual SPEC I AL EDUCATION FU 201200086 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 11/30 / 2012 Payroll accrual FOOD SERVICE FUND/FI 201200086 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 11/30/2012 Payroll accrual COMr-mNITY SERVICE FU 201200086 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 1l / 30/2012 Payroll accrual EMPLOYEE BENIFIT TRU SERVICE FU 201 2 00 0 86 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 11 / 30/201~ payroll accrual GENERAL FUND/FICA (S 201200086 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 11/30/2012 Payroll accrua l SPECIAL EDUCATION FU 201200086 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 11/30/2012 Payroll accrual FOOD SERVICE FUND/ FI 201200086 INTERNAL RE\"ENUE SER P9 1 1/30/2012 payrol l accrua l COMIolUNITY SERVICE FU 201200086 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 11/30/2 012 Pay roll accrual Et·1PLOYEE BENIFIT TRO BENIFIT TRU FUND/FEDERfiL 2012000 8 6 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 11 / 30/2012 Payro ll accrual GENERAL FUND/ FICA (S 2012 0 0086 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 11/30/2012 payroll accrual SPECIAL EDUCATION FU 20120008C INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 11/ 3 0/2012 pay r o ll accrual FOOD SERVICE FUND/ FI 201200086 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 11 / 30 / 2012 Payroll accrual COI·1MUNITY SERVICE PU 201200086 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 11 /30 / 20 1 2 payro ll accrual EMPLOYEE BENIFIT TRU 201200086 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 11 /30/2012 Payroll ac crual GENERAL FUND/FICA (S 201200086 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 11/30/2012 Pay roll accrual SPECIAL EDUCATION FU 20120008 6 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 1lj30 / 2012 pay roll accrual COMHUNITY SERVICE FU 201200086 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 11 / 30/2012 Parroll accrual GENERAL FUND/FEDERAL 201200086 INTERNhL REVENUE SER P9 11 / 30/2012 payro ll accrual GENERAL FUND/FICh (S 201200086 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 11/30 / 2012 payroll accrual SPECIAL EDUCATION FU 201200086 INTERNAL REVE NUE SER P9 11/30 /20 12 Payroll accrual COMMUNITY SERVICE FU 20 1200086 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 11 / 30/2012 pay roll accrua l GENERAL FUND/F ICA (S 201200086 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 11/30/2 012 Payroll accrual SPECIAL EDUChTION FU 2012000 86 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 11/30/2012 Payroll accrual COMMUNITY SERVICE FU 201200086 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 11/30/2012 payroll accrual GENERAL FUND/FICA (S 201200086 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 11/30/2012 Paj"roll accrual SPECIAL EDUCATION FU 201200086 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 11 / 30/2012 Payroll accrual FOOD SERVICE FUND/FI 201200086 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 11 / 30/2012 payroll ac crua l COMMUNITY SERVICE FU 201200086 INTERNAL REVENUE SER P9 1l / 30/2012 Payroll accrual EMPLOYEE BENIFIT TRU 201200087 WEA TAX SHELTERED AN P9 1 1/30/2012 payroll accrual GENERAL FUND/WEA TRU 201200087 WEA TAX SHELTERED AN P9 11 / 30 / 2012 Payroll accrual 201200087 WEA TAX SHELTERED AN P9 201200087 WEA TAX SHELTERED AN P9 2 . 60 2 98.33 2.36 0 . 00 1 ,8 75 . 08 405.1 8 84 .28 2.72 36.85 1,875.08 4 05.18 84.2 8 2.72 36 .85 428.55 2 0.00 59. 0 0 50.00 23 . 0 9 11,809.60 2 ,2 31.70 277.02 5,431.31 1,173.6.) 244 . 10 7 . 88 10 6 . 69 8 9 . 66 8 .56 0.90 5.00 89.66 8.56 0 . 90 3 83.2 0 36.58 3. 84 8,017.72 1,732.44 360.34 1l.62 157 . 4 2 Totals for 201200086 38 ,267. 54 SPECIAL BDUCATION FU o o 100.00 11/30 / 2012 pay roll accrual GENERAL FUND/WEA TRU o 2,012.50 1l/30 / 2 0 12 Payroll a ccrual SPECIAL EDUCATION FU o 455. 00 Totals for 2012 00087 2,6 92 . 50 o o 10 7.37 2012 0 0088 WEA MEl>IBER BENEFIT T P9 11/30/2 012 payroll accrual GENERAL FUND/ WEA TRU 20120008 8 WEA MEMBER BENEFIT T 11 / 30/2012 Payrol l accrual GENERAL FUNO/ WEA TRU P~ 24.78 125 . 00 4 6.18 3frdtl0 1 . p SCHOOL DISTRI CT OF MANAWA CHECK NUMBER 4 : 02 PM December 1 7, 2012 Checklist (Dates: 11/16/1 2 - 12/13/12) 05 . 12.10.00 .00- 10.2 - 010073 CV~E~ND ~O~RC-____________ BATCH CHECK NUMBER D~A~T~'______ =D~E~S~C~R~I~P~T~I~O~NC-_________________ INVOICE 1 2/ 13/12 PAGE : 14 PO ACCOUNT NUMBER __________-"AMo=0~UNT~ DESCRIPTION 2012 0 0088 WE;" NEMBER BENEFIT T P9 11/30 / 2012 Payroll accrual SPECIAL EDUCATION FU o 33.26 201200088 WEA f-tENBER BENEFIT T P9 11/30/2012 Payroll accrual GENERAL FUND/WEA TRU 465.00 201200088 WEA MEI'1BER BENEFIT T P9 11 / 30 / 2012 Payroll accrual SPECIAL EDUCATION FU 20120008 8 WEA MEMBER BENEFIT T P9 11 / 30 / 201 2 payroll accrual GENERAL FUND/WEA TRU o o o 201200089 iHSCONSIN DEPT OF RE P9 11/30/2012 Payroll accrual GENERAL FUND/STATE I 201200089 WISCONSIN DEPT OF RE P9 11/30/ 2012 Payroll a c crual SPECIAL EDUCATION FU 201200089 WISCONSIN DEPT OF RE P9 11/3 0/2012 payroll accrual COMMUNITY SERVICE FU 201200089 WISCONSIN DEPT OF RE P9 11/3 0 / 2012 payroll accrual GENERAL FUND/STATE I 20120008 9 WISCONSIN DEPT OF RE P9 1 1/30/2012 Payro ll acc rual S PECIAL EDUCATION FU 201200089 WISCONSIN DEPT OF RE P9 11 / 30/2012 payroll accrual GENERAL FUND/STATE I 201200089 WISCOHSIN DEPT OF RE P9 11 / 30 / 2012 payroll a c crual 201200089 WISCONSIN DEPT OF RE P9 11/]0/2012 Payroll accrual 201200089 WISCONSIN DEPT OF RE P9 11 /3 0/ 2012 Payroll accrual Cma·1UNITY SERVICE FU 201200089 WISCONSIN DEPT OF RE P9 11 /30 /2012 pay roll accrual EMPLOYEE BENI F IT TRU 201200090 WISCONSIN RETIREf·[ENT R9 11/30/2012 Payr oll accrual GENERAL FUND/WI RETI 201200090 \HSCONSIN RETIREHENT R9 11 / 30/ 2 012 Payroll accrual SPECIAL EDUCATION FU 201200090 WISCONSIN RETIREI"IENT R9 11/30/2012 payroll accrual COMflolUNITY SERVICE FU 2012000 9 0 WISCONSIN RETIREMENT R9 11/30 / 2012 Pay rol l accrual GENERAL FUND/WI RETI 201200090 WISCONSIN RETI REMENT R9 11/3 0/20 12 Payroll accrual S PECIAL EDUCATION FU 11/30 / 201 2 payroll accrual COfolMUNITY SERVICE FU o o 21. 25 201200090 WISCONSIN RETIREMENT R9 201200090 WISCONSIN RETIREr-IENT R9 11/30 / 2012 Payroll accrual GENERAL FUND/ WI RETI o 7,624 . 3 7 201200090 WISCONSIN RETIREMENT R9 11/30 /:012 Payroll accrual SPECIAL EDUCATION FU o 1,360.75 201200090 WISCONSIN RETIREMENT R9 11 /3 0/2012 payroll accrual FOOD SERVICE FUND/WI 337.61 2012000 9 0 WISCONSIN RETIREl-1ENT R9 11 / 30 / 2012 Payroll accrual co[·n'lUNITY SERVICE FU o o 2012000 90 WISCONSIN RETIREII/ENT R9 11/30/201 2 Payroll accrual GENERAL FUND/N! RETI 7,624.37 201200090 WISCONSIN RETIREMENT R9 11/30 /20 12 Payroll accrual SPECIAL EDUCATION FU o o 1,360.75 201200090 WISCONSIN RETIRENENT R9 11/30/2012 Payroll accrual FOOD SERVICE FUND/WI o 337 . 61 201200090 WISCONSIN RETIREro1ENT R9 11/3 0/ 2012 Payroll accrual CO!<\MUNITY SERVICE FU o 2.51 Totals for 2012000 9 0 1 8 ,82 6 .94 60.0 0 10.72 Totals for 201200 0 88 722.53 o o 166.05 3.23 o o 10 . 00 o o 6 ,5 1 0.67 SPECIAL EDUChTION FU o 1,280.51 FOOD SERVICE FUND/ST o o o 197.99 Totals for 20 1200089 8 , 213.12 o o 21.25 o o 63 . 32 Jf- 'xC 'Dffi~Lt I-H-b.o.tll.d 0.00 10 . 00 2.63 32.04 63 . 32 3.66 .6 6 2 . 51 2012 00091 SMa I1AS'I'ERCARD DAWN 11/28/2012 NOV 2012 MASTERCARD PAYMENT GENERAL FUND/ COMPUTE o 263 . 53 2012 0009 1 BHO MASTERCARD DAWN 11/28/2012 NOV 2012 MASTERCARD PAYMENT GENERAL FUND/ COMPUTE 201200091 SNO MASTERCARD DAWN 11 /28/2012 HOV 2012 MASTERCARD PAYMENT GENERAL FUND/COMPUTE o o 245. 00 2012 00091 BNO HASTERChRD DAWN 11/28 / 2012 NOV 2012 I'oIASTERCARD PAYMENT GENERAL FUND/cor·1PUTE o 41 . 73 201200091 BMO ro1ASTERCARD DAWN 11 / 28 /20 12 NOV 2 012 MASTERCARD PAyr-IENT GENERAL Ff]ND/ COMPUTE o 1 7 3.68 201200091 SMa HASTERCARD DAWN 11 / 28 / 2012 NOV 2012 MASTERCARD PAYMENT GENERAL FUND/ EQUIP/V o 7,957 . 00 201200091 BMO MASTERCARD DAWN 11/28/2012 NOV 2012 r·1ASTERCARD PAYHENT GENERAL FUND/CONPUTE 201200091 B"'O HASTERCARD DAWN 11 /: 8/2012 NOV 2012 ~~STERCARD PAYMENT GENERAL FUND/COMPUTE o o 165. 00 201200091 SMa MASTERCARD DAWN 11/28/2012 NOV 2012 !-IASTERCARD PAYHENT GENERAL FUND/PERSONA o 338.00 201200091 El"-lO MASTERCARD DAWN 11/28/2012 NOV 2012 f".1ASTERCARD PAYJo'lENT GENERAL FUND/ SELF FU o 6 2 9.70 201200091 SMO MASTERCARD OAWN 11/28/2012 NOV 2012 MASTERCARD PAYMENT GENERAL FUND/COMPUTE 2 01200091 SMO HASTERCARD DAWN 11/28/2012 NOV 2012 I4ASTERCARD PAYMENT GENERAL FUND/EQUIP/V o o 4,967.58 201200091 BMa MASTERCARD DAWN 11/28/2012 NOV 2012 MASTERCARD PAYMENT GENERAL FUND/GENERAL o 367.2 6 2012000 9 1 SMC MASTERCARD DAWN 11 / 28 / 2012 NOV 201 2 r'IASTERCARD PAYMENT GENERAL FUND/GENERAL o 367.26 201200091 BI'o10 MASTERCARD DAWN 11/28 / 2012 NOV 2 012 MASTERCARD PAYlo1ENT GENERAL FUND/GENERAL 201200091 Blo1O f·1A$TERCARD DAWN 11/28/20 12 NOV 2012 MASTERCARD PAYI'1ENT GENERAL FUND/GENERAL o o 100.00 2 0 1 200091 SHO HASTERCARD DAWN 11/28 / 2012 NOV 2012 MASTERCARD PAYMENT GENERAL FUND/ GENERAL o 7.45 201200091 BMO 1-1ASTERCARD DAWN 11 / 28/2012 NOV 2012 ~~TERCARD PAYMENT GENERAL FUND/ GENERAL o 329.98 201200091 BMO MASTERCARD DA\'lN 11/28/2012 NOV 2012 MASTERCARD PAYMENT SpeCial Revenue Trus 201200091 SMO MASTERCARD DAWN 11/ 2 8/2012 NOV 2012 MASTERCARD PAYMENT GENERAL FUND/EMPLOYE o o 105 . 32 201200091 81·10 MASTERCARD 201200091 8MO fo1ASTERCARD 20120 00 91 BMO f-1A$TERCARD 201200091 SMO MASTERCARD 201200091 SMO f1ASTERCARD \ ~:: 4 0.00 4 6 .88 176.62 2 . 40 49.89 11/28 / 2012 NOV 2012 j·1ASTERCARD P';YJ.1ENT Special Revenue Trus o 1 6 .94 11/28 / 2012 NOV 2012 NASTERCARD PAYMENT GEN8RAL FUND / [·~EDICAL o 40.76 DAWN 11/28/201 2 NOV 2012 MASTERCARD PAyr-lENT GENERAL FUND/ GENERAL o 499.40 ~: 11/28/2012 NOV 2012 t,~STERCARD PAYMENT SpeCial Revenue Trus o 57 . 17 11/28/2 012 NOV 2012 r·1ASTERCARD PArr-lENT GE NERAL FUND/GENERAL o 105.98 SCHOOL DISTRICT OF MANAWA 3frdtl01 . p 05 . 12 . 10 . 00.00-10 . 2-010 073 CHECK NUMBER !V;END~~O~RC-________C-__ 201200091 BMO MASTERCARD 20~,200091 BI.10 (t.l '\-a'U MASTE~CARD \ ~ Y" ACCOUNT BATCH CHECK NUMBER OD~A~T;EC-____ =D~E~S~C~R~I~P~T~I~O~NC-_________________ INVOICE 12/13/12 15 PAGE : PO NUMBER __________~AM~O~UNT"' DESCRIPTION DAWN 11/28/2012 NOV 2012 MASTERCARD PAYMENT GENERAL FUND/GENERAL DAWN 11/25 / 2012 NOV 2012 MASTERCARD PAYMENT GENERAL FUND/DISTRIC DAWN 11 / 30 / 2012 HEALTH CLAIMS f-.\~"'-Q Ws \ ) 201200092 AUXIANT 4 : 02 PM Dec e mbe r 17 , 2012 Check l ist (Dates : 11 /16/ 1 2 - 1 2 / 1 3 / 1 2 ) o o 15 . 00 40.00 Totals for 201200091 17 , 149.53 (10/29/12 THRU EIIlPLDYEE BENIFIT TRU o 2 , 109 . 30 (10/29/12 THRU GENERAL FUND / SELF FU o 12 , 148.30 (10 / 29/12 THRU ENPLOYEE BENIFIT TRU o 3S1 . 02 (10 1 29/12 THRU GENERAL FUND/SELF FU o 14 , 392 . 04 EMPLOYEE BENIFIT TRU o 1 , 813.52 HEALTH GENERAL FUND/SELF FU o 22,765 . 97 Totals for 201200092 53,62 0 .15 11/30 / 2012 NOVEHBER 2012 - DENTAL EMPLOYEE BENIFIT TRU o 25 . 86 GENERAL FUNDI SELF FU o 262.91 (11/1/12 THRU Et·IPLOYEE BENIFIT TRU o 66 9 . 00 (11/1/12 THRU GENERAL FUND/SELF FU o 5 , 292.96 GENERAL FUND/VISION o 663.83 11/26/12) 201200092 AUXIANT DAWN 11/30/2012 HEALTH CLAIMS 11/26/12) 2 0 1200092 AUXIANT DAWN 11 /3 0/2012 RX CLAIJo!S 11 / 26 / 12) 201200092 AUXIANT DAWN 11 / 30 / 2012 RX CLAIMS 11/26/12) 201200092 AUXIANT DAWN 11 / 30/201 2 NOVEMBER 2012 - HEALTH PREMIUMS 201200092 AUXIANT DAWN 11 /3 0 / 2012 NO VEMBER 2012 PREMIUMS 201200093 DELTA DENTAL OF WISC DAWN PREMIUI·IS 201200093 DELTA DENTAL OF WISC DA~m 11/30 / 2012 NOVEI-1.BER 2012 - DENTAL PREMIUMS 201200093 DELTA DENTAL OF IUSC DAWN 11 / 30/2012 DENTAL CLAINS 12/S/12) 20120009 3 DELTA DENTAL OF WISC DAWN 11 / 30/2012 DENTAL CLAHIS 12 / 5/1 2 ) 201200093 DELTA DENTAL OF WISC DA~~ 11 /3 0/2012 DECEMBER 2012 - VISION PREMIUM 201 2 00094 Ef'.IPWYEE BENEFITS CO DAWN 11/3 0 /2012 AUTO DEBIT TO EBC FOR (1 1 / 12 Totals for 2012000 9 3 6, 9 14.56 GENERAL FUNDI FLEX PL o 818.42 GENERAL FUND/FLEX PL o 77.2 1 GENERhL FUND/FLEX PL o 146 . 68 GENERAL FUND/FLEX PL o 1,07 6.06 GENERAL FUND / FLEX PL o 1 , 048 . 4 6 MED $818.42) WITH EFFECTIVE DATE 11 / 8 / 12 201200094 EMPWYEE BENEFITS CO DAWN 11/30/2012 AUTO DEBIT TO EBC FOR (12/13 ].IED $77. 21) WITH EFFECTIVE DATE 11/15 / 12 2 012 0 0094 Ef'.1PLOYEE BENEFITS CO DAWN 11/30 / 2012 AUTO DEBIT TO EBC FOR (11 / 12 ]-lED $1,076.06) AND (12/13 HED $146.68) WITH EFFECTIVE DATE 11/26 / 12 201200094 El"lPLOYEE BENEFITS CO DAWN 11/30/2012 AUTO DEBIT TO EBC FOR (11 / 12 MED $1,076.06) AND (12/13 ],IED $146.68) WITH EFFECTIVE DATE 11/26 / 12 2 01200094 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS CO DAWN 11/3012012 AUTO DEBIT TO EBC FOR (11/12 1·1ED $1,048 .46) WITH EFFECTIVE DATE 11/29/1 2 20 1 200095 HE;;LTH PAY!<lENT SYSTE DAWN 11 / 30/2012 HEALTH CLAIMS (10/29/12 THRU Totals for 2 01200094 3 , 166.83 EMPLOYEE BENIFIT TRU o 2,362 . 22 GENERAL FUND/SELF FU o 5 8 , 165.42 Totals for 201200095 6 0,527 . 64 o 6.00 1l/2 6 /12) 201200095 HEALTH PAYI-1.ENT SYSTE DhWN 11 / 30/2 0 12 HEALTH CLAI!IlS (10 / 2 9 /12 THRU 11/26/12) 201200096 MAGIC WRIGHTER INC DAWN 11 / 30/2 0 12 OCTOBER 2012 - (IS) INTERNET GENERAL FUND/ PERSONA PAYMENT TRANSACTIONS 201200097 UNUM LIFE INSURANCE DAWN 11/30/2012 NOVEloffiER 2012 201200097 UNUI'! LIFE INSURANCE DAWN 11/30/2012 NOVEMBER 2012 - VOLUNTARY Totals for 20120009 6 6.00 GENERAL FUND/ LIFE I N o 245 . 33 GENERAL FUND/LIFE IN o 1,552 . 58 LIFE LIFE & LTD SCHOOL DISTRI CT OF MANAWA 3frdtlOl.p 05 . 1 2 . 10 . 00 . 00-10 . 2-01 0073 CHECK 4 : 02 PM December 17, 2012 Checklist (Dates : 11/ 16 / 12 - 12/13/12) BATCH NUMBER "-VEND""'"°"'R"---_ _ _ _ _ _ NUMBER CHECK INVOICE ACCOUNT ~DA "T""E"-_ _ ~D~E~S=C"R='~P=T='~O~N_ _ _ _______ 12/13 / 12 16 PAGE : PO DESCRIPTION NUMBER ______~AM~O~UN~To EI'IPLOYEE BENEFIT 20 1 200097 UNUM LIFE INSURANCE DAWN 11 /30/2012 NOVEMBER 2 012 LIFE & LTD o 9 57 . 00 Totals for 201200097 2,754.91 Totals for checks 354,3 2 1 . 11 GENERAL FUND/LTD INS EMPLOYEE BENEFIT 3 aprpt01-: p SCHOOL DISTRICT OF MANAWA 05 . 12 . 10 . 00 . 00-10 . 2-010062 AP Invoic e Listing Report VEN-KEY VENDOR NAME INVOICE # ACH VOID DOWNLOAD DISCOUNT DESCRIPTION REP C~A~T~ALO~~G"- CREDITCA001 BMO MASTERCARD ____________ "1) e{C\.~ PO NUMBER BATCH BANK DISC AMT DESCRIPTION 4·-: 10 PM LQ ~ ADJUSTMENT DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION o DAWN BNKO NOV 2012 - MASTERCARD £ NET AMOUNT ADJ AMT CHECK NBR INVOICE AMOUNT INV DATE DUE DATE ------La NOV12-MASTERCARD 1 2 /13 / 12 PAGE : QTY H LINE AMOUNT 11 /28/2012 11/28 / 2012 W $17,149.53 PAYMENT 201200091 $17,149 . 53 10 BRIAN HARD DRIVE - COW 1.00 $263.53 20 BRIAN POWER SUPPLY FOR PROMETHEAN 1. 00 $40.00 $245 00 BOARD - cow 30 BRIAN PENS FOR PROMETHEAN BOARD - COw 1. 00 40 BRIAN TONER FOR 1.00 $41 73 50 BRIAN TONER FOR 4 -6 GRADE PRINTER - 1.00 $173.68 (28) HS LAB COMPUTERS - COl 1.00 $7 , 957.00 1.00 $46.88 HE~LTH COACH - cow CDW 60 BRIAN - COMPUTER DEALERS 70 BRIAN - t-IEf40RY FOR CONNIE SELL CONPUTER - COW cow 80 BRIAN (3) WINDOWS 8 " 1.00 $165.00 90 BRIAN REPAIR BROKEN IPADS - SOUND 1. 00 $338.00 (6) VISA GIFT CARDS - FOR STAFF 1. 00 $629.70 WORLD 100 BRIAN DRAWING - PARTICIPATING IN PHA BLOOD DRAW - PURCHASED AT WALGREENS 120 BRIAN (2 ) IPAD CASES - Cow 1.00 $176.62 130 BRIAN (2) CISCO NETWORK SWITCHES AND 1. 00 $4, 967.5 8 140 ED - 1. 00 $73 4. 52 1.00 $2.40 1. 00 $100 . 00 SWITCH ADAPTER - cow (98) BAGS ASPEN SNOW AND ICE MELTER - WI BUILDING SUPPLY , APPLETON 150 ED - LETTER/NUMBER STENCIL KIT TO ~~K PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT - MENARDS 160 ED - GIFT CARD FOR (10) DRIVERS SMITH'S lo1ANAWA STBAK HOUSE 170 ED 180 KARL - WKCE TESTING CALCULATORS AND BOARD RETREAT SNACKS - KWIK TRIP 1. 00 $7.45 1. 00 $329.98 1.00 $49.89 1. 00 $105.32 SUPPLIES - WALMART 190 KARYN PAMPERIN - BEARD, BLACK WIG, AND WIG CAP - THE COSTUMER 200 JEFF BORTLE - BAL DUE ON ROOM WHILE ATTENDING "WI ATHLETIC DIRECTORS ASSOC IITG" KALAHARI RESORT, WI DELLS 1 3 aprpt 01 . p SCHOOL DISTRICT OF I<1ANAWA 05 . 12 . 1 0. 0 0 . 00 -10 . 2 -0 10 06 2 AP Invo ic e Listing Re p ort VEN- KEY VENDOR NAME ,',NV'-'O""',C,E'-'#'--_____ ACH VOID DOWNLOAD DISCOUNT DESCRIPTION REF DESCRIPTION CATALOG CREDITCA001 BMO MASTERCARD PO NUMBER BATCH BANK DISC AMT __ _- - ,2 / .:1 ":' , n PM PAGE : DESCRIPTION LQ ADJUSTMENT DESCRIPTION LO NOV12 - MASTERCARD INV DATE £ NET AMOUNT ADJ AMT CHECK NBR DUE DATE INVOICE AMOUNT OTY LINE AMOUNT 1. 00 $16.94 1. 0 0 $40.7 6 1. 00 $4 99 . 40 1.00 $57.17 1. 00 $105.98 1.00 $40.00 1.00 $15.00 ** * *** CONTINUED ****** KARYN PAMPERI N - CLASSIC TRIBAL TATTOO 210 ~ ,3/,2 2 SLEEVES - BEWILD . COM MARIE MURPHY - 220 (1 ) CASE DISPOSABLE PILLOW CASES (100/CASE) WILLIAM MACGILL & CO TRACY EKLUND - PURCHASED 1 0 LYON 230 GUITARS AND RCVD 1 FREE - LYONS MUSIC KARYN PAMPERIN 240 I~KEUP AND SPONGES - NORCOSTCO JULIE - 250 (2) CASES l1X17 WHITE PAPER FOR GRAPHICS DEPT - OFFICE l·lAX AMY ANAYA - 260 (1) YR LICENSE FOR SCHOOL ACCOUNT - CONJUGUEMOS JEANNE FRAZIER - 12 / 5/ 12 OPEN 270 ENROLLMENT WORKS HOP @ GREEN BAY - DPI TOTAL NUMBER OF HISTORY INVOICES: $17,149 . 53 1 1 WIRE TRAN CHECK INVOICES TOTAL INVOICES : BANK TOTALS: LIQUIDATION STATUS (LQ) CODE LEGEND: L _ LIQUIDATION PENDING C CLOSED PO/NOT RECEI VING p F FULL LIQUIDATION PARTIAL LIQUIDATION BLANK NO LI QUIDATION ************************ End of report ************************ BANK BANK ACCOUNT # BNKO " A 711100 $17,14 9 .53 $17,149.53 1 INVOICE AMOUNT NET AMOUNT $17,149 . 53 $17,149.53 SCHOOL DISTRI CT OF MANAWA 3frdtl02 . p - 10 . 2-010031 Name WEPNER FARMS, LLC Ca sh Rec eipts (Dates : 11 /01/2012 - Re f erenc e Tran s Da te Desc ripti on WEPNER FARMS 1 1 /01/2012 PURCHASED LAND 4:07 PM 11 / 30 / 201 2) Pos t Date 11/30/2012 Totals fo r 16754 MES ACTIVITY ~CCOUNT ES TRIP TO MADISON 11/01/2012 10/17/1 2 - CLASS TRIP TO MADISON RETIREE INS 11/02/2012 NOVEMBER 2012 - RETIREE INS DISTRICT WIDE FOOD SERVICE 11/06 / 2012 FOOD SERVICE $ 537.50 11/02/2012 3,544.68 537 . 50 3,5 44.68 11/30/2012 3,150 . 40 11/30/ 2012 3,097. 25 Totals for 16756 FOOD SERVICE 11 /09/2012 FOOD SERVICE $ 3 ,15 0 .40 Totals fo r 16757 LITTLE WOLF HIGH SCH HS 11/ 1 3/2012 HS - STUDENT FINES LITTLE WOLF HIGH SCH HS -ST PAUL hTHLETICS 11/13/2012 ST PAULS STUDENTS - ATHLETIC FEE 3 , 09 7.25 11/30 / 2012 3 .0 0 11 / 30/20 1 2 30.00 25S .5 0 Totals for 16758 33.00 ST PAULS LITTLE LA LITTLE LAMB BUS TRIP 11/14/2012 8 / 15/12 f·1ULBERRY FAR"IS - HILBERT 11 /30/ 20 1 2 ST P;"ULS LITTLE LA LITTLE LAMB BUS TRIP 11 / 14/2012 8/29/12 BAY BEACH, GREEN BAY 11/30/201 2 Totals for 1 6759 ROEN Z , MARY S. MARY ROENZ - INS 11/15/2012 NOV 2012 - INSURANCE MARLA-FLOYD FLU SHOT 11/15/2012 FLOYD FLU SHOT 11/30/2012 FOOD SERVICE 11/16/2012 FOOD SERVICE $ 916 .61 916.61 11/30/201 2 20.00 11/30 / 2012 2,717 .05 Totals for 16761 DISTRICT WIDE 273 . 6 3 532.13 Totals f or 1 6760 GERL, I<!ARLA 137 , 715 . 00 137 , 715 . 00 Totals for 16717 DISTRICT WIDE Amount 11/30 / 2012 Totals for 16 755 FIRST STATE BANK OF 1 2/13 / 12 PAGE : 20.00 Totals for 16762 2,717.05 DEPT OF PUBLIC INSTR DPI AIDS REGISTER 11/19/2012 SPEC ED hND SCHOOL AGE PARENTS 11 / 30/2012 3 3,513 . 00 DEPT OF PUBLIC INSTR DPI AIDS REGISTER 11/19 /2012 SEPT 2012 COJ.1MODITY HANDLING CHARGE 11/30/20 12 -4 , 851.0 1 DEPT OF PUBLIC INSTR DPI AIDS REGISTER 11 / 1 ~/ 2012 BREAKFAST AID 11 / 30/20 1 2 2 , 16 4.07 DEPT OF PUBLIC INSTR DPI AI DS REGISTER 11/19 / 2012 SEPT 2012 LUNCH AID 11 / 30 /2012 1 2 ,34 4 .83 DEPT OF PUBLIC INSTR DP! AIDS REGISTER 11 / 19/2012 SEPT 2012 MILK AID 11/30/20 12 SEPT 2012 Totals for 16753 MANAWA ELEMENThRY SC ES - BOOK FAIR 11 /27/2012 ES BOOK FAIR - DIST HA.ILED CHECK TO SCHO 11 / 30/2012 Totals for 16763 OCONTO UNIFIED SCHOO OCONTO-WRESTLING 11/27 / 2012 1/5/ 13 - WRESTLING INVITE 11 /2 7/2 012 11 /1/12 - STUDENT COUNCIL SHAKE SALE 2,67 9 .64 2 ,6 79 . 64 11 / 30/201 2 Totals for 1676 4 LWHS ACTIVITY ACCOUN SHAKE SALE 24. OS 43,194 . 97 150.00 150 .00 11/30/2012 226. B2 LWHS ACTIVITY ACCOUN REllo1B SCHOOL CR CARD 11/27 / 2012 CLAS S 2013 - HOI.JECOMING QUEEN TIARA 11/30/201 2 53.9 4 LWHS ACTIVITY ACCOUN REII1B SCHOOL CR CARD 11 / 27/2012 CHORUS 11/30 / 2012 SHIRT & TIE Totals for 16765 LITTLE WOLF HIGH SCH FOOTBALL PLAYOFF BUS 11/27/2012 STUDENTS PAID TO RIDE MANAWA BUS TO PLAY 11/30 / 2 01 2 Totals for 16766 DISTRICT WIDE FOOD SERVICE DI STRICT WIDE E-FUNDS 11 /2 8/2012 FOOD SERVICE $ Totals for 1 6 767 JOE ISHA/"l 11 /30/20 12 PYMT #2 - LIQUIDATED DAMAGES 11/30/2012 10 / 26 / 12 - CUFF'S IN HORTONVILLE 11/30 / 2012 HS - BATHROOM MACHINES 11/30/2012 FOOD S ERVICE 11/ 30/201 2 FOOD SERVICE $ 11/30/201 2 Total for Cash Receipts 4. 50 4.50 11 / 30/201 2 Totals for 16771 52 .5 0 52.50 Totals for 16770 DISTRICT WIDE 750.00 750 . 00 Totals for 16769 LITTLE WOLF HIGH SCH HS MACHINES 580.00 580 . 00 11/30/2012 Totals for 16768 ST PAUL LUTHERAN SCH ST PAULS BUS TRIP 4,575 . 00 4 , 575 . 0 0 11/30 /2012 Totals for 16752 ISHAN, JOSEPH 280.00 2S0.00 11/30/2012 11 /30 /2012 NOV 2012 - EFUNDS FOR FOOD SERVICE 57 .00 337 .76 1,116.50 1,116.50 205,984 .4 9 1 SCHOOL DISTRICT OF MANAWA MONTHLY BUDGET UPDATE GENERAL FUND 10 AS OF NOVEMBER 30,2012 2012-2013 BUDGET REVENUES OPERATING TRANSFER IN LOCAL SOURCES INTERDISTRICT PAYMENTS INTERMEDIATE REVENUE STATE REVENUE FEDERAL REVENUE SALE OR LOSS OF ASSETS OTHER REVENUE $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ TOTAL REVENUES $ UNDIFFERENTIATED CURR. REGU LAR CURRICULUM VOCATIONAL CURRICULUM PHYSICAL CURRICULUM CO-CURRICULAR PUPIL SERVICES INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF SERV GENERAL ADMIN ISTRATION BUILDING ADMINISTRATION BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION CENTRAL SERVICES INSURANCE & JUDGMENTS DEBT SERVICES OTHER SUPPORT SERVICES INTERFUND TRANSFERS GENERAL TUITION PAYMENTS ADJUSTMENTS MONTH TO-DATE $ $ $ $ 4,758,356 $ 184,753 $ 140,400 $ 25,000 $ 7,718,352 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ TOTAL EXPENDITURES NET TOTALS YEAR TO-DATE BUDGET BALANCE 137,715 750 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 36,600 32,683 350 667,882 240 137,715 17,924 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ (2 ,349,957) (190,603) 350 (4,090,474) (184,513) (2,685) (7,076) $ 143,424 $ 893,393 $ (6 ,824 ,959) 1,866,625 1,425,359 200,194 131,929 229,996 177,644 203,365 264,000 322,825 1,237,100 236,915 100,970 363 95,000 602 ,245 481,494 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 228,064 192,061 25,210 16,937 29,170 22,398 16,268 28,702 42,544 113,031 22,967 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 540,670 429,194 57,270 38,284 58,770 50,314 46,434 121 ,387 135,426 434,163 112,783 90,592 $ 1,517 $ 1,619 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,325,955 996,165 142,924 93,645 171 ,226 127,330 156,931 142,613 187,399 802 ,937 124,132 10,378 363 93,484 602,245 479,875 $ 7,576,024 $ $ 2,118,423 $ 5,457,601 $ 142,328 $ (1 ,225,030) 2,386,557 223,286 4,959 EXPENDITURES 737,351 Sacred Heart Catholic Church PO Box 10 Manawa, WI 54949 Little Wolf Jr/Sr High School 515 E. Fourth St. Manawa, WI 54949 December 7, 2012 Dear Mr. Morrin, On behalf of Sacred Heart Catholic Church, I would like to thank the School District of Manawa for allowing us to use the High School for our annual Holiday Craft & Gift Show. We had a wonderfully successful day. Please accept the enclosed donation with our appreciation . We look forward to working with the district again next year. Sincerely, JoAnn Schuelke Sacred Heart Parish Secretary 2. $100 donation from Jeff & Tori Wepner- to Mrs. Sanderfoot's Class 2A November 19, 2012 Mr. Ed Dombrowski, District Administrator Board of Education School District of Manawa 800 Beech Street Manawa, WI 54949 Mr. Dombrowski and Board of Education: After dedicating myself for over 13 years to the students of my alma mater, this is my formal notification that I am resigning my position as Little Wolf Jr/Sr High School Administrative Assistant. My last day with the School District of Manawa will be December 14, 2012 . It is my understanding that I will be paid for all of the compo time that I have banked, any vacation time will be paid out on a prorated basis and any sick leave remaining after December 14, 2012, will not be paid out. Julie L. Patri Page I of 1 Manawa School District Mail - Block Karl Morrin< kmorrin@manawa.k12.wi.us> Block 1 message Jeff Bortle < jbortle@manawa.k12 .wL us> To : Karl Morrin <kmorrin@manawa.k12.wLus> Tue, Dec 11 ,201 2 at 4:26 PM I dug through myoid files for scheduling and adapted a little. Here was a tentative ms block. Feel free to throw it away, but I figured I would send it to you. Teacher/class Block 1 Block 2 L2L Block 3 Block 4 Bortle Sth Math 7th Math Prep Sth math ad Gast 8\h Language Sth Language Pre 8\h Language 7'h Language ih science- Sth sciencesem Prep sem ih 55-8em Sth ss-sem Prep 8\h sst 8th sc 7'h language 7th specials S\h specials O'Brien Pari Eck . o 8th math Jeff Bortle Manawa Athletic Director jbortle@manawa.k12.wLus (920)986-4009 7'h math q(J/ Block 1 Block 2 7:55-9:25 9:31-10:56 Block 4 Block 3 12:10-1:35 10:56-11:31 Block 5 1:41-3:06 11:31-12:0' J.H. lnch H.S. lnch H.S. WolfTime J.H. WlfT. 7B Gast Prep/CPT 7A Pari Prep/CPT 7B 7A O'Brien Prep/CPT 8C 8B 8A Bartle A.DTime 8A 8C 8B S/M Prep/CPT 8B 8A 8C Murphy 7A Krause 7B Koeller 8A Zabler 8B Cordes 8C Ekland Band Trepasso Music qb· Pre-ACT Planned Explore 2014 2015 2016 Science 16.21 17.71 17.87 18.23 15.81 17.87 16.1 18.05 15.48 16.34 15.64 17.66 Camp. 16.87 16.55 17.44 English Math Reading 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 WISCONSIN ASSOCIA TIONOF SCHOOL BOARDS, INC. Madison, Wi scons in November 28, 2012 REPORT TO THE MEMERSHIP ON 2013 RESOLUTIONS WASB Policy & Reso lutions Committee Nancy Thompson, Waterloo School Board, Chair 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Resolution 13-01: Educational Technology Initiative Create: The WASB supports a state educational technology initiative to ensure that school districts have the technological capacity for students to succeed in the 21 SI century and to meet state requirements, such as online adaptive testing, the state accountability system, curriculum and instructional standards aligned to college and career readiness, and rigorous teacher and principal evaluation systems . Rationale: The committee advanced this resolution to allow the membership to decide whether it wishes to support creation of a new state educational technology initiative. 22 Resolution 13-02: Achievement/Opportunity Gaps 23 24 25 26 27 Amend 2.06 (c) as follows: (e) Revision s in the school finance formula must give weight to equity issues (including, but not limited to, efforts to provide equal educational opportunities for all children by channeling greater resources to disadvantaged or at-risk children to address and narrow achievement gaps), issues of local control and all aspects of the current formu la must be reviewed and revised ; 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Rationale: The committee advanced this resolution to allow the membership to decide whether existing policy regarding revisions to the state schoo l finance formula should give weight to efforts to provide equal educational opportunities for all children by channeling greater resources to disadvantaged or at-risk children to address and narrow achievement gaps. Narrowing gaps between different subgroups of students is one of the criteria on which schools are judged under the new state accountabi lity system and on which schools and districts receive points for purposes of state report cards. 38 39 Resolution 13-03: Revenue Limit Exemption for Capital Expansion Funds 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 Create: The WASB supports legislati on exempting from revenue limits any monies appropriated pursuant to the capital expansion fund statute for the purpose of maintenance of school facilities. Rationale: The committee advanced thi s resolution to allow the membership to decide whether it wishes to support legislation exempting from revenue limits any monies appropriated pursuant to the capital expansion fund statute for the purpose of maintaining school facilities. 1 Resolution 13-04: Student Academic and Career Plans 2 3 4 5 Create: The WASB supports the recommendation that all Wisconsin students have an academic and career plan beginning in the middle school grades, provided that any state policy, guidance and/or legislation addressing academic and career plan s reflect sufficient flexibility to the school district to ensure that student and school needs are met in implementing this recommendation. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Rationale: The committee advanced this resolution to allow the membership to decide whether it wants to recommend requiring each student to have an academic and career plan (ACP) starting in the middle school grades, provided that any state policy, guidance and/or legislation addressing ACPs reflect sufficient flexibility to the school district to ensure that student and school needs are met in impl ementi ng this recommendation. 13 14 16 Resolution 13-05: State Funding of Tests Used for Accountability Purposes at the High School Level 17 18 Create: The WASB supports state funding to enable local school districts to make the ACT su ite of tests and/or other comparable standardi zed tests available to all students free of charge. 15 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Rationale: The committee advanced this resolution to allow the membership to decide whether to endorse state funding to enable local school districts to make the ACT suite of tests and/or other comparable standardized tests available to all students free of charge. In both the Department of Public Instruction ' s (DPI's) No Child Left Behind Act flexibility waiver request, which was granted by the U.S. Department of Education , and in the DPl's 20 13- I 5 state budget request, State Superintendent Evers has proposed use of the ACT suite of tests and/or other comparable standardized tests to measure college- and career-readiness at the high school level and to provide a measure of student growth. 30 31 Resolution 13-06: Scholarship Tax Credits 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 Amend existing resolution 2.70 as follows: The WASB opposes the use of federal and state tax monies to subsidize nonpublic schools or nonpublic students/parents through a voucher system , scholarship tax credit, tuition tax credit or deduction plan or other similar arrangements. Rationale: The committee advanced this reso lution to allow the membership to decide whether it should establish a poli cy in opposition to so-called " scholarship tax credits," which are state corporate income tax credits provided for donations by corporations to School Tuition Organizations (STO's)--privately run nonprofit organizations that in turn distribute private school scho larships to students with low to moderate incomes. Corporate taxpayers contributing to STO ' s in other states claim a tax credit equal to their contribution. Scholarship tax credits could siphon valuable dollars from the general fund , via tax credits, that could otherwise be used to fund state aid to public schools. Such tax credits also primarily, if not exclusively, benefit corporate enterprises that give money to private schools. 1 Resolution 13-07: "Parent Trigger" Laws 2 3 4 5 6 7 Create: The WASB opposes measures (such as so-called "parent trigger" laws) which allow parents, through a petition process, to lessen school board oversight and control of public schools that fail to meet certain performance criteria and, in some cases, allow parents to hand management of those schools over to private charter school management companies or to offer affected students private school vouchers, on the basis that such laws usurp the responsibility and authority of locally elected school boards to oversee the operation of local public school districts. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Rationale: The committee advanced this resolution to allow the membership to decide whether it wants to establish a policy in opposition to measures (such as so-called "parent trigger" laws) which allow parents, through a petition process, to remove from school board oversight and control public schools that fail to meet certain performance criteria and, in some cases, allow parents to hand management of those schools over to private charter school management companies or to offer affected students private school vouchers. 18 Resolution 13-08: Supplemental Aid to Districts with Significant Tax Exempt Lands 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Create: The W ASB supports legislation to provide additional state assistance or relief, such as supplemental aid, to those school districts where a given percentage of the acreage of real property in the school district is exempt from full property taxation (e.g., owned or held in trust by a federally recognized American Indian tribe, owned by the county, state or federal government or taxed as forest croplands or managed forest lands). The WASB supports increasing the appropriation for such supplemental aid as additional districts become eligible for this aid so that supplemental aid payments to existing recipient districts are not reduced. 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Rationale: The committee advanced this resolution to allow the membership to decide whether it wishes to support additional state aid or relief to those districts in which the property tax base is significantly diminished because a large percentage of the acreage ofthe real property in the school district is exempt from full property taxation (because, for example, it is owned or held in trust by a federally recognized American Indian tribe, owned by the county, state or federal government or taxed as forest croplands or managed forest lands) and to support increasing funding for such supplemental aid so that payments of such supplemental aid to existing recipient districts are not reduced as additional districts become eligible for this aid. 36 37 38 Resolution 13-09: Technical Education and Work-Based Learning Opportunities 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 Create: The WASB supports increasing the availability of technical education and work-based learning opportunities in high schools and urges the Legislature and the Department of Public Instruction to thoroughly examine and modify, as needed, all existing programs, statutes and standards designed to prepare students for career oppOltunities. Rationale: The committee advanced this resolution to allow the membership to decide whether it wishes to go on record in support of increasing the availability of technical education and work-based 1 2 3 4 learning opportunities in high schools and urging the Legislature and the Department of Public Instruction to thoroughly examine and, as needed, modify al l existing programs, statutes and standards designed to prepare students for career opportunities. 5 6 Resolution 13-10: Transcripted Credit 7 Create: The WASB supports state policies that increase the availability oftranscripted credit programs offered by technical colleges or other post-secondary institutions , which provide, at no cost to students, both high school and college credit for courses taken in high school. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Rationale: The committee advanced this resolution to allow the membership to decide whether it wishes to go on record in support of state policies that increase the availability oftranscripted credit programs offered by technical colleges or other post-secondary institutions that provide, at no cost to students, both high school and college credit for courses taken in high school. 18 Resolution 13-11: Dual Enrollment 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Create: The WASB supports state financial incentives, such as state funding for professional development of high school teachers participating in the state's dual enrollment programs, to enable schools to offer more dual credit classes through articulation agreements with institutions of higher education or the state's dual enrollment programs. Rationale: The committee advanced this resolution to allow the membership to dec ide whether it wants to support state financial incentives, such as state funding for professional development of high school teachers participating in the state's dual enrollment programs, that would enable school s to offer more dual credit classes through articulation agreements with institutions of higher education or the state's dual enrollment programs. 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Resolution 13-12: Modified School Calendar Models (including Year-Round Schooling Models) Create: The WASB supports removing the current barriers to modified school year calendars (including year-round schooling models) as a way to increase student achievement. The WASB recommends that a state model for funding such modified school year calendar approaches be developed by the Department of Public Instruction, the Legislature and school board representatives. 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 Rationale: The committee advanced this resolution to allow the membership to decide whether it wishes to support removing barriers to modified school calendar models (including year-round schooling models) as a way to increase student achievement and to recommend that a state model for funding such modified school calendar approaches be developed by the Department of Public Instruction, the Legislature and school board representatives. 1 Resolution 13-13: Open Enrollment Applications During Window Period Only 2 3 4 5 6 7 Create: The WASB supports requiring that all open enro llment appl ications be submitted within the statutory window period. Rationale: The committee advanced thi s resolution to a llow the membership to decide whether to support requiring all open enrollment application s to be submitted within the statutory window period. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Resolution 13-14: Shortage of Speech Language Pathologists and Other Special Education Service Providers Create 4.61 (a) as follows: To address shortages of licensed providers of certain special education services (such as speech and language pathology, occupational therapy, physical therapy, etc .), the W ASB supports creation of a license pathway for persons who hold a bachelor's degree and have received specified additional training that would lead to a mid-level licensure that would enable the holder of such a mid-level license to provide such specialized services under the supervision of a licensee in the area of such specialized service. Rationale: The committee advanced thi s reso luti on to all ow the membership to decide whether to endorse the creation ofa license pathway for persons who hold a bachelor's degree and have received specified additional training in the provi sion of certain special education serv ices (such as speech and language pathology, occupational therapy, physical therapy, etc.) as a mean s to address current shortages of licensed providers of such specia l education services. Persons licensed to provi de such specialized services under this new licensure pathway would practice under the supervision of a licensee in the area of such specialized service. 28 29 30 Resolution 13-15: Definition of School Under the Gun-Free Schools Law 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 Create: The W ASB supports adding "kindergarten " (prekindergarten, 4K and 5K) to the definition of "school" for the purposes of the gun-free school zone law. Rationale: The committee advanced th is resolution to all ow the membership to decide whether to go on record in support of adding " kindergarten" (prekindergarten, 4K and 5K) to the definition of "school" for the purposes of the gun-free school zone law so that kindergartens located in freestanding schoo l facilities are included under that prohibition the same way that faci lities where grades I throu gh 12 are conducted are currently included . Resolution 13-16: Costs Associated With Open Records Requests Create: The W ASB supports legi slation to allow a public records authority to charge a requester for all of the actual, necessary and direct costs associated with complying with requests under the Public Records Law. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Rationale: The committee advanced this resolution to allow the membership to decide whether to go on record in support of allowing public records authorities, including school districts, to charge a requester for all of the actual , necessary and direct costs associated with complying with requests under the Public Records Law. (A recent Wisconsin Supreme Court decision held that public record s authorities are not authorized to charge a requester for the costs of redacting nondisclosable information contained in otherwise di sclosable public records.) Standard Mileage Rates for 2013 http://www.irs.gov/uac/2013-Standard-Mileage-Rates-Up- I-Cent-per. .. fJlIRS News Essentials What 's Hot News Releases IRS - The Basics IRS Guidance Med ia Contacts Facts & Figures Problem Alerts Around the Nation e-News Subscriptions The Newsroom Topics Mult imedia Center Noticias en Espanal 2012 Radio PSAs Tax Scams The Tax Gap 201 2 Fact Sheets 2Q 12 Tax Tips Armed Forces Latest News Home Standard Mileage Rates for 2013 The Internal Revenue Service today issued t he 2013 opt ional standard mileage rates used to calculate the deductible costs of operating an automobile for business, charitable, medical or moving purposes. Beginning on Jan. 1, 2013, the standard mileage rates for the use of a car (also vans, pickups or panel trucks) will be : 56.5 cents per mile for business miles driven. 24 cents per mile driven for med ical or moving purposes. 14 cents per mile driven in service of c haritable organizations. The rate for business miles driven during 2013 increases 1 cent f rom the 2012 rate. The medica l and moving rate is also up 1 cent per mile from the 2012 rate. The standard mileage rate for business is based on an annual st udy of the fixed and variable costs of operating an automobile. The rate for medical and moving purposes is based on the variable costs. Taxpayers always have the option of ca lculating the actual costs of using their vehicle rather than using the standard mileage rates. A taxpayer may not use the business standard mileage rate for a vehicle after using any depreciation method under the Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System (MACRS) or after claiming a Section 179 deduction for that vehicle. In addition, the business standard mileage rate cannot be used for more than four vehicles used simultaneously. These and other requirements for a taxpayer to use a standard mileage rate to calculate t he amount of a deductible business, moving, medica l, or charitable expense are in Rev. Proc. 2010-51. Notice 2012-72 contains the standard mileage rates, the amount a taxpayer must use in calculating reduct ions to basis for depreciation ta ken under the business standard mileage rate, and the maximum standard automobile cost that a taxpayer may use in computing the a llowance under a fixed and variable rate plan. Follow the IRS on New Media Subscribe to IRS Newswire Page Last Reviewed or Updated: 12-Dec-2012 1 of 1 12112/20 123:20 PM Minutes of the Finance Committee Meeting - December 12, 2012 The meeting was called to order at 7 :30 p.m. in the Board Room . Present from the Board: Sturm, Flynn, Rosin. Others present: E. Dombrowski and B. Adesso. The committee discussed the Support Staff hourly wage increase for 2012-2013. Three options were presented. (with 1 without back payor equity increase in lieu of back pay). A history of the Support Staff wages for new member Rosin. The committee's recommendation to the full Board on 12/ 17112 will be to go with Option I: no back pay and to recommend a 3.16% hourly increase on the base rate for all non-contracted support staff effective 12/3112012. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Ed Dombrowski, Recording Secretary Finance Committee Meeting 12/12/12 Option 1: No Back Pay • Effective for staff that are working on or after Jan 1" , 2013 • Increase base pay by 3.16% for Support Staff according to 2010-2011 Salary Schedule as of 1/15/2013 payroll. Option 2: Equity Increase • Effective for staff that are working on or after board adoption • Utilize gross pay from July 1" , 2012 to December 31" , 2012 payroll • 3.16% on the gross pay equals -$10,200 • Pay utilizing the one-time equity increase method • Increase base pay by 3.16% for Support Staff according to 2010-2011 Salary Schedule as of 1/15/2013 payroll. Option 3: Back Pay • All staff get paid that worked between July 1", 2012 to December 31" , 2012 payroll • Increase base pay by 3.16% for Support Staff according to 2010-2011 Salary Schedule as of 7/1/2012 . • • WRS interest payment due if not completed by January 1", 2012 o Based upon State of Wisconsin Investment Board (SWIB) data o Rate of return - Oct 31" 10.8% $4,000 o One year look back September 16.6% $6,350 Total Cost $10,200 + $5,224 (average of two amounts)=$15,224 Minutes of the November 28, 2012 Transition Team Meeting The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm. Members of the team present were: From the Board: C. Artz, D. Strebe, P. Sturm. Others present: E. Dombrowski, J. Roenz, C. O' Brien, C. Shockley, K. Wegener and J. Frazier. Rules of the meeting: Open communication, all ideas are good ones, Listen to others without interruptions, dialogue. History: Last hourly increase for Support Staff: Non union - 2009; Union members - 2010. Union dissolved after Act 10. At will employees. Pumose: To develop a fair compensation and reward system for Support Staff Open Discussion: What are we trying to do? Find a direction that Support Staff and the BOE agree upon. Who will be involved? BOE, Support Staff, Administration When? (timeline) Expedite any increase in compensation to allow time to develop a program by April 1,2013. Where will this eventually take us? Equitable Compensation for Support Staff employees. How? Evidence based - Presented CWC comparables, met with Amanda Welch, Dir. Human Services at Waupaca County, Census from Economic Support Mtg., Local business comparables, City of Manawa comparables. Open Discussion: Covered the meeting with Mandy Welch from the County: handed out the notes. The County was merging 4 unions with 170+ positions and approximately 440 employees. Very complex system with many more variables than what the district has. C. Shockley - Support staff feel rush: asked to do more and more. Admin agreed - things have changed. Asking for an increase on the hourly wage until a plan is in place. Cost of living has increased. Evaluations: process has been sporadic. Historically raises were across the board. C. Artz - observation from comparables Manawa is in the mid line of pay scales. P. Sturm - disappointed how the last meeting unfolded. Need a system that is transparent. Would like to see that we when comparing schools Manawa falls somewhere in the middle. Move away from seniority based to a performance based system. Include realistic goals on job descriptions. Work to establish performance goals. Link the performance goals to the job description. Who does performance evaluations? The County does it with immediate supervisor. Suggest using input from other staff (i.e. , Aides working for a teacher). Use the evaluation tool employee has to answer to the job description / rate themselves. J. Roenz suggested a step tier (when they reach a certain level they would be eligible for a raise). E. Dombrowski: There is an established (scale) starting rate for each position now. Base increases on that starting rate. Develop a system of performance evaluations; would that be a fair approach? D. Strebe: under the assumption that the raise in Sept (for teachers) was for all staff. E. Dombrowski: the district is bound by caps (thru the state) P. Sturm : to get this right will take time. Consider a 3.16% increase on the base and establish a time line to update job descriptions, performance plan by April 2013. How do the other board members feel? Develop a Frame to Move Forward: Job Descriptions - Updated Performance Standards Bonus / Rewards Goals: Fair Compensation for Support Staff To BOE in December - proposed increase / supported by tax payers Transparent system C. Artz: 3.16% - have seen it all over. Performance evaluation as important and consider future career advancement for Support Staff, i.e., tiers or classes to advance. Need feedback from your job description, what are you doing right, how to strive towards a higher level, where to improve. It's critical to know what to do to meet perfonnance standards. C. O'Brien: Can we say pending Board approval Support Staff will receive a 3.16% base wage and establish a plan by April 2013 using the 3 areas: update job descriptions, set performance standards, establish a bonus or reward system? C. O' Brien: Is the raise retroactive? (to beginning of school year) E. Dombrowski - Board would have to approve it as retroactive. D. Strebe: wants to see it retroactive. C. Artz: is there a policy on performance evaluations? A performance evaluation is a very useful tool. P. Sturm: In agreement and also requested that Mr. Dombrowski find out from the Dir. of Finance the implications on the budget regarding proposed pay increase / back pay for Support Staff, and suggested taking the most recent posting (HS Secretary Position) and take it all the way thru the process as an example. (recently updated the job description) Consensus of all in attendance was to take this to the Finance Committee at their next meeting, prior to the December Board Mtg. Next meeting date is January 23, 2013 at 6:30 pm. The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m. Jeanne Frazier, Recording Secretary SCHOOL DISTRICT OF MANAWA SUPPORT STAFF APPOINTMENT TO: Date: June 8, 2012 Jane Doe The Board of Education has authorized the following appointment on your behalf for school year: the 2012-2013 POSITION WAGE BENEFIT Bus Driver $12,438.00 2 days paid sick leave If you accept this appointment, please SIGN AND RETURN BOTH COPIES to the District Office by June 14,2012. If you have any questions regarding the above, please feel free to discuss them with the District Administrator. I accept the assignment(s) as noted above. (Signatures) Employee FOR THE BOARD: President Clerk Treasurer Ref: Wis. Statute 121.52(2) School District of Manawa 447.11 Seclusion and Physical Restraint on Pupils The Manawa School District supports the statutory provisions regarding the use of seclusion and physical restraint on pupils within the school distri ct . Wisconsin Act 125 defines seclusion and physical restraint and sets forth conditions on their use as well as reporting and record keeping requirements related to the use of seclusion and physical restraint . Current law permits Manawa school personnel to use reasonable and necessary force under certain circumstances (e.g . to quell a disturbance or prevent an act that threatens physical injury to any person) and addresses the removal of pupils from the classroom; however, it does not expressly address seclusion and physical restraint. Use of Seclusion and Physical restraint Under Act 125 Under Act 125, a "co vered individual " ma y use seclusion o r ph ysical rest raint on a pupil only under specified conditions. Act 12 5 defines " co vered individuals " as all of the following : A. An individual who is employed by a school board or governing body of a charter school, or under contract with a school board or the governing body of a charter school as an independent contractor, to provide services for the benefit of the schoo l governed b the school board or governing body; B . An individual who is employed by a person under contract with a school board or governing body to provide services for the benefit of the school governed by the school board governing body ; and C . An individual who is engaged in student teaching under the supervision of a person who is employed by or under contract with a school board or governing body to provide services for the benefit of the school governed by the school board or governing body. A " cove red individual " does not include a member of a governing body or a law enforcement officer who is authorized or designated by the governing body to enforce laws or to maintain physical security and safety of a public school . SECLUSION Act 125 defines "s eclusion " as the volu ntary con finement of a pupil , apart from other pupils, in a room or area from which the pup i l is physically prevented from leaving . Under ACT 125, a covered individual may use seclusion on a pupil at school only if all of the following apply: • • The pupil' s behavior presents a clear, present and imminent risk to the physical safety of the pupil or others and seclusion is the least restrictive intervention feasible . A covered ind ividual maintains constant supervision of the pupil, either by remaining in the room or area with the pupil or by observing the pupil through a window that allows the covered individual to see the pupil at all times. • • • • The pupil has adequate access to bathroom facilities, drinking water, necessary medication, and regu l arly schedu l ed meals. The room or area in which the pupil is secluded is free of objects or fixtures that may injure the pupil. The duration of the seclusion is only as long as necessary to resolve the clear, present, and imminent risk to the physical safety of the pupil or others. No door connecting the room or area in which the pupil is secluded to other rooms or areas is capable of being locked . PHYSICAL RESTRAINT Act 125 defines " p h ysical restraint " as a restriction that irrunobi lizes or reduces the ability of a pupil to f reely move his or her torso, legs, or head. Under Act 125, a covered individual may use physical restraint on a pup i l at school only if all of t h e following apply: • • • • • • The pupil' s be h a vior prese nts a clear , pre sent, and imminent risk to the physical safety of the pupil or others and physical restraint is the least restrict i ve intervention feasible . There are no medical contradictions to its use. The degree of force used and the duration of the physical restraint do not exceed the degree and duration that are reasonable and necessary to resolve the clear, present , and imminent risk to the physical safety of the pupil or others. None of the following maneuvers or technique s are used : (a) those that do not give adequate attention and care protecting the pupils head; (b) those that cau se chest compression by placing pressure or weight on the pupils chest, lungs, sternum, diaphragm, back or abdomen; or (c ) those that place pressure or weight on the pupi l s neck or throat or an artery, or on the back of the pupils head or neck, or that otherwise obstruct the pupils circulation or breathing . It does not constitute corporal punishment, as defined in current law. The covered individual does not use a mechanical or chemical restraint on the pupil. The use of supportive equipment to properly align a pupils body, a s sist a pupil to maintain balance , or assist a pupil' s mobility, under the direction and oversight of appropriate medical or therapeutic staff, does no t constitute the use of mechanical restraint. TRAINING REQUIRED FOR USE OF PHYSICAL RESTRAINT Act 125 provides that no covered individual may u s e physical restraint on a pupil at school unless he or she has received training in the use of physical restraint that includes the components set f o rth in the Act, including a requirement that he or she demonstrate proficiency in administrating physical restraint . Und e r Act 125 the s c hool Board or g overning body o f a charter scho ol must ensu r e that at lea st one covered i n dividual has r eceived training in the use of physical restraint in each school that i t opera tes in which physical restraint is used. Act 125 further requires each school to maint a i n a record of t he training received by t he covered individual. A covered individual who has not received training may u se physica l restraint on a pupil a t school only in an emergency a n d only if a c overed individual who has received training i s not immediately available due to the unforese e n nature of the emergency. REPORTING AND RECORD-KEEPING REQUIREMENTS Act 125 provides that , whenever seclusion or physical restraint is used on a pupil at school, the school principal or his or her designee must notify the p upil' s parent of the incident as soon as practicable, but no later than one business day after the incident. Within two business days after the incident and after c onsulting with the covered individuals present during the incident, the principal or his or her designee must prepare a written report containing information regarding the incident. These reports must be retained by the school and made available for review by the pupil' s parent within 3 business days of the incident . Annually by September 1, t he principal of each school or his or her designee shall submit to the school board or the governing body of a charter school a report containing: the number of incidents of sec l usion and of physical restraint in the school during the previous school year; and the total number of pupil' s \vho were involved in the incidents and the number of children with disabilities who were invo lved in the incidents. CHILDREN WITH DI SABILITIES Id an individu alized edu cation pro gram team for a child with a disability determines tha t the use of seclusion or physi c al restraint may reasonably be anticipated for th e child , Act 125 requ i res the child' s individualiz e d education plan (IEP) to include appropriate positive interventions and supports and other strategies that address the behavior concern and that comply with the following: the interventions, supports, and other strategies are based upo n a functi o nal behavior assessment of the behavior concern; the interventions , s u pports, and other strategi e s incorporate the use of the term "seclusion" or "physical rest r aint U ; and the interventions , supports , and the strategies include positive behavioral supports. The first time that seclusion or physical restraint is used on a child with a disability , the child' s IEP te am must convene as soon as practicable after the inci d ent . The child' s te a m must review the child' s IEP to ensure th a t it contains appropriate positive behavi oral interventions and supports and other strategies to address the behavior of concern and must revise the IEP if necessary . CONSTRUCTION Act 125 specifies t h at the Act does not prohibit a covered individual from doing any of the following at school if the pupil is not confined to an area from which he or she is physically prevented from leaving: • Directing a pupil who is disruptive to temporarily separate himself or herself from t he general activity in the classroom to allow the pupil to regain behavioral control and the covered individual to maintain or regain c lassroom order; • • Directing a pupil to temporarily remain in the classroom to complete tasks while the other pupils participate in activities outside the classroom; or Briefly touching or holding a pupil's hand, arm, shoulder, or back to calm, comfort, or redirect the pupil . School District of Manawa 454 Child Abuse/Neglect Policy The District shall provide a supportive environment within the school for assisting families and community child protection agencies. As a part of that commitment, the District requires all District employees to report any threatened or suspected child abuse or neglect in accordance with state law and established procedures. No administrator or other District employee may prevent or attempt to prevent another District employee from making a report of alleged child abuse or neglect. Further, no administrator or other district employee may require, or attempt to require, that another District employee desiring to make a report of suspected child abuse or neglect be required to change any aspect of that report. The District shall not take any disciplinary action against an empl oyee who makes a report of suspected child abuse or neglect. Disciplinary action may result from the failure of a District employee to report suspected child abuse or neglec t of which he/she has knowledge. All information pertaining to a suspected child abuse or neglect report shall be confidential and only shared with those individuals provided for under state law. The District shall conduct review sessions for all staff regarding this policy as needed. All district staff will be given a copy of the child abuse and neglect reporting procedures annually. Procedure 1 . Definitions a . " Abu se" includes physical in jur y , sexual abuse and e motional damage. b. " Physical inj u ry " me an s i njur y i nflicted on a child by other than accidental means. Physical injury includes, but is not limited to, lacerations, fractured bones, burns, internal injuries, severe or frequent bruising. c. "S exual abuse " includes sexual interc ours e or contact , sexual exp l oitation or permitting, allowing or encouraging a child to engage in prostitution. d . " Emotiona l dama g e " means harm t o a chil d s ps ych o l ogical or inte l lec tua l functioning which is exhibited by anxiety, depression or aggression. Emotional damage may be demons tra t ed b y observab le changes in the child' s beha vior or in emotional responses or le ar ning incompatible wi th the child' s age or stage of development. e. " Negle ct" is t he ref us al or inab i lity b y the chil & s parent , l egal guardian or other person exercising temporary or permanent control over a child, for reasons othe r than poverty, to provide necessary care, food, clothing, medical or dental care or shelter so as to seriously endange r the physical health of the child. f. All district employees are mandated reporters. 2. Reporting Child Abuse or Neglect Any mandated reporter having reasonable cause to suspect that a child seen in the course of professional duties has been abused or neglected or having reason to believe that a child has been threatened with abuse and that abuse will occur, shall make a report as follows: a. He / she shall immediately report all such actual or suspected child abuse or neglect situations to the Waupaca county Human Services Department . If a report to that department is not possible, then District staff shall report child abuse or neglect to the Waupaca Coun t y Sh e rif f ' s Department o r the mu nic i p al police depa r t ment . If the c hild' s a buse or neglect i s li fe threatening, the staff member is first to make a report to the law enforcement agency and request an immediate investigation. Upon making the report, the District staff member shall also immediately report the law enforcement referral to the Human Services Department. 3. When maki ng a report, a staff member shall provide as much of the following information as possible a . The staff member' s name , posit i o n, r elationship t o the c h ild a nd school phone number. b. The name , horne address and age of the child suspected of being abused or neglected c. The name, home address, work place, home phone number of the alleged vi cti m' s parent( s ) g uardian d . The names and ages of the allege d victi~ s si b lings (if approp r iate) . e. A brief description of why the staff member believes the child has been abused or neglected or has been threatened with abuse or neglect; statements that the child made to the reporter or others; and, any surrounding circumstances or conditions of which the reporter is aware . 4 . District staff who wish may request consultation from other District staff members, such as pupil se r vice staff, prior to making a report but may not delay the report beyond the time the student leaves the supervision of school staff on the day that the suspicion of abuse or neglect or threatened abuse or neglect occurs . At all times, it shall be the aim of the Dist rict staff member to make the report of his/her concerns to the appropriate child protection agency as quickly as possible . Any delay would not be in the best interests of the child and is not the policy of the District. 5. District staff making a child abuse or neglect report shall inform their building principal, or appropriate administrator, of their intention to do so . The building principal or such other administrator that the staff member making the report contacts, shall support the staff member in hiS/her action and shall not attempt to delay, modify or prevent any report of suspected child abuse or neglect. 6. The fact that a report of suspected child abuse or neglect has been madei including the name of the reporter, the name of the alleged victim, and the content of the report, shall be kept confidential from all staff and other persons not authorized under state law to have that information. Staff members who divulge such information to an unauthorized person or persons are liable for disciplinary action from the District as well as the penalties provided by law . LEGAL REF . : Sections 48 . 981 Wisconsin Statutes Exhibits, No Exhibits School District of Manawa 800 Beech Street I Manawa, WI 54949 I (920) 596-2525 District Fax (920) 596-5308 I Elementary Fax (920) 596-5339 I JRJSr High Fax (920) 596-2655 Monday, December 10, 2012 Mr. Kurt Kreklow, School Board President School District of Manawa 800 Beech Street Manawa, WI 54949 Dear Mr. Kreklow, Colton Cable, an 18 year old senior at Little Wolf JrlSr. High School, has submitted a request for early graduation. By the end of first semester - January 21, 2013, Colton will have completed 27.5 credits, including all course requirements (4 English, 3 math, 2 science, and 3 social studies, plus 15 .5 electives ). Additionally, Colton has a business opportunity that he woul d like to pursue, working as a subcontractor for Schley Buildings, Clintonville. At the end of first se mester, Colton will meet all requirements for early graduation. Sincerely, (!~<J}e ~~ Ms. Cindy Kel;i,scho;raunselo; cc E. Dombrowski K. Morrin Enclosures Ed Dombrowski Karl Morrin Megan Yeska District Administrator edomhrowski "f muna wn.k 12 .wi. U s (920) 596-2525 JRISR Hi gh Principal Elementary Principal Business Manager kmorri n ' !1 munawn.kl~.wi.us myeskuli manawa.k12.wLus bucit::s"lck mani:lwa. k 12. wi. us (920) 596-2524 (920) 596·22 38 (920) 596·533 2 Brian Adesso December 6, 2012 Board of Education School District of Manawa 800 Beech Street Manawa, WI 54949 Dear Board of Education : I am submitting this correspondence as my official request for your permission to graduate after first semester in January, 2013. I will have completed everything to meet Little Wolf High's requirements, and I have a job opportunity that I would very much like to pursue at Schley Buildings. I would be a sub contractor building pole barn sheds, installing steel roofs and bending steel trims for the pole barn sheds. Thank you for considering my request. Sincerely, 1/.jft ~ U" //y " v Colton Cable ·~J:.I~ltj Clintonville Three Lakes (715) 823-6109 (715) 546-3634 www.schleybuildings.com El0885 Eulrich Road Clintonville, WI. 54929 Three Lakes, WI 54562 1895 Maple Lake Dam Road 12/5/12 Little Wolf High School 800 Beech St Manawa, WI 54949 To Whom It May Concern: Colton Cable will be working as a Sub Contractor with Schley Buildings LLC, Schley Steel Roofing, & Metal Trim Folding as soon as he is finished with school. Between the three companies we expect to have work for him on a daily basis. Thanks -.-2-:- ~ Tim Schley Schley Buildings LLC