bringing okotoks residents together
bringing okotoks residents together
OCTOBER 2015 delivered monthly to 11,000 households your okotoks Bringing okotoks Residents Together SCHOLARSHIPS SMALL CLASS SIZES ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE Alberta’s only Grades 1 – 12 full IB independent school. OUTDOOR EDUCATION What is different about Strathcona-Tweedsmuir School? CITY-WIDE BUSING EVERYTHING. Open Houses 1 - 3 p.m. Grades 1- 6 October 14 Grades 7-12 October 15 The Town of Okotoks 5 Elizabeth Street Okotoks, Alberta T1S 1K1 Phone: 403.938.4404 Elected Official Mayor Bill Robertson Town of Okotoks 5 Elizabeth Street Okotoks, Alberta T1S 1K1 Phone: (403) 938-8904 Fax: (403) 938-2766 Email: Your Community Events 9 Reuniting You and Your Pet 10 Are Your Child’s Eyes Ready for School? 16 Your Community Business of the Month 18 Wayne Anderson MLA Highwood Unit 5, 49 Elizabeth Street Okotoks, AB - Canada T1S 2C1 Phone: (403) 995-5488 Fax: (403) 995-5490 Email: NEWSLETTER AD SALES Great News Publishing Ltd. 403.720.0762 | 403.263.3044 | Great News Publishing has been proudly serving OKOTOKS for 3 years! OKOTOKS I OCTOBER 2015 3 Pic-A-Pix Puzzles OKOTOKS CLUBS created by Diane Baher ea t-n e Ed Co ito nt ria en l t ws .ca The latest Japanese logic puzzle is here! A picture will evolve as you complete the puzzle. Start with the largest numbers or combination of, color in squares and proceed to work back and forth between columns and rows. The 3 basic rules are: •Numbers represent how many squares you color in to form a group or block. •Leave at least one square between these blocks. •The sequential order of the numbers is the order of the blocks, ie, top number for a column is the top block, and left-most number for a row is the left-most block. The “logic count method” shown below will be very useful: gr 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 5 of st fo ea m r th ch o iss nt e n mo ue h’s ex nth t ne ws @ 6 4 3 2 1 The clue at the left of row is 6, so count 6 squares from the left to right and then count 6 squares from right to left. Confidently shade in the overlapping squares. This is spatial reasoning. Even one shaded square can lead to others. This same method can be applied even when there is more than one number, remembering to allow one empty square in-between groups or block. Use a 2nd color for elimination of background squares, this is critical for solving. Remember – no guessing, try using your best number logic. RBC Dominion Securities Inc. Okotoks Newcomers Club Ladies, are you new to Okotoks in the past three years? Looking for new friends? Monthly evening meeting, monthly lunch outing, walking, coffee, Mah-jongg, Bridge and Canasta groups. Call Trudy 587-364-2278. October 6, November 3 and December 1. offers support to caregivers in the Foothills with the goal of a higher level of quality child care. We organize regular meetings, workshops and children’s’ events at the library, gymnastics, playgrounds and more. Families seeking care are welcome to contact us also. Complimentary Workshop for Business oWners oCtoBer 26 at 5:30 p.m. Join a panel of top tax, estate and business owner planning professionals from RBC and discover: ■■ Creative tax planning ideas Embrace Your Community Your Host: Become a Volunteer! The Town of Okotoks Volunteer Registry can help connect you to a person or non-profit organization that needs your help. Volunteers complete an application form, are interviewed and then connected with a volunteer opportunity that will fit in with their schedules and utilize their skills. There are many ways to be involved in the community. If you don’t see a position under the Volunteer Opportunities section that interest you, call and we will find one to suit you. Okotoks Volunteer Services can be reached at 403-9388936 or via email at ■■ Strategies to maximize business value MicHael Martin ■■ Retirement and estate planning tips Investment Advisor RBC Dominion Securities ■■ U.S. planning strategies To RSVP, or for more info, call 403-299-5282 or email It Takes a Village Do you or someone you know need baby items for an upcoming baby? It Takes a Village offers baby boxes filled with essential baby items to families in the Foothills that are facing hardships. Please visit www. for more information. YOUR PLUMBING & HEATING SPECIALISTS Winter is here. BOOK YOUR FURNACE SERVICE $129.95 FREE WiFi Thermostat for all furnace replacements this month. authorized dealer RBC Dominion Securities Inc.* and Royal Bank of Canada are separate corporate entities which are affiliated. *Member-Canadian Investor Protection Fund. RBC Dominion Securities Inc. is a member company of RBC Wealth Management, a business segment of Royal Bank of Canada. ®Registered trademarks of Royal Bank of Canada. Used under licence. © RBC Dominion Securities Inc. 2015. All rights reserved. 15_90701_RHD_004 4 ~Solution on page 13~ OCTOBER 2015 I Great News Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities 403-460-8906 • OKOTOKS I OCTOBER 2015 5 Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, Nobody by Elisabeth Fayt At work, I have this little story posted on the wall, about four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody: There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did. Somebody got angry because it was Everybody’s job. Everybody thought Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn’t. So it ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody, when Nobody did what Anybody could have done. For me, it’s a great reminder of the power of initiative. In my life, I’ve always found that the most successful people around me were those who were quietly getting things done, while others stood by watching, avoiding or griping. I coach people to stop talking about what they don’t have time to do, and just do it. So much time is wasted in negative talk, “If only I had more time, I would…” Enough! Stop talking and start enjoying. You’ll find you have more than enough time to do all you want to do. If you think back to any unproductive day you’ve had, it often stems down to being scattered, starting tasks but not finishing them, like picking up the same piece of paper three times without actually dealing with it. It’s like a rocking chair—a lot of movement, but not much distance. Grades 7 to 12 Open House Oct. 29, 2015 7 p.m. So, what have you been putting off because you haven’t had the time? Just do it! Health Sciences Business & Engineering Institutes Advanced Placement Fine Arts Leadership International Studies French Immersion & French and Spanish as a Second Language Be Bold Be Brave Be Ready And next time you see something that needs to be done, whether it’s your job or not, you be the one. There will always be someone standing in the wings watching, avoiding or griping, but nothing will outweigh the sense of accomplishment of being the Somebody who got it done. Own Your Future NEW PowerView Motorization. ™ Intelligent shades that simplify your life. FREE TABLET with selected window shadings. † Offer runs from September 1st to December 18th, 2015. † Purchase a minimum of 4 Silhouette®, Pirouette®, Luminette®, Vignette® or Duette® Window Shadings with PowerView™ Motorization and receive a tablet. Valid at participating retailers only. For full details, visit Mention this ad and receive no GST on your order. 6 OCTOBER 2015 I Great News Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities 403.255.5300 7410 Blackfoot Trail SE OKOTOKS I OCTOBER 2015 7 YOUR COMMUNITY EMS: Halloween Safety The members of Calgary’s Halloween Partners for Safety: Calgary’s Child Magazine, AHS EMS, Calgary Police, Fire, PSC (9-1-1), Bylaw, Transit, and Shaw Communications would like to remind parents and trick-or-treaters of some Halloween safety tips, as October 31st approaches. Partners for Safety vehicles will be out patrolling communities on Halloween night to provide a visible safety resource for parents and trick-or-treaters. Trick-or-Treaters •Remember: all regular pedestrian rules still apply. Be sure to cross the road at marked cross walks, or well lit corners only. It is safest to work your way up one side of the street, and then cross once to the other side. •Stay away from houses that are not well lit. Do not accept rides from strangers, or enter any home you feel is unsafe. •Let your parents know where you are going to be at all times and advise them if you will be late returning. Costumes •Consider sending your children with a flashlight for additional safety and increased visibility. •When purchasing, or making costumes, look for materials and accessories that are labeled flame-resistant. •All costume accessories, such as sticks, rods, or wands, should be soft and flexible, with no sharp edges. •Consider using hypoallergenic make-up kits instead of masks that may impair breathing, or vision. •Be sure costumes are loose enough to be worn over warm clothing, but not so long that they become a tripping hazard. Costumes should not be longer than your child’s ankles. •Ensure your child is wearing adequate foot wear that takes into consideration weather conditions and walking. •Choose bright colored costumes that are highly visible. Adding reflective tape to costumes further increases visibility. Parents •Be certain that young trick-or-treaters are accompanied by an adult. Older children should stay in groups. •Advise children not to eat anything until they return home. Dispose of any items that appear to have been tampered with, or that are not properly wrapped. •Pre-determine boundaries to trick-or-treat within and establish a firm time to return home. 8 OCTOBER 2015 I Great News Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities for detailed information visit COMING UP ON THE CALENDAR Activ8 Teen Drop-In Art Night Join us for this fun, FREE drop-in event for teens. Are you a fan of manga? Have you ever wanted to learn more about it? Learn the basics of manga art, including some of the best known artists and characters, as you explore drawing in the style itself. Friday, October 16, 2015 - 8:30pm to 10:00pm Okotoks Youth Centre Rock A Billy Presents Halloween Bash Want a night out? Come on out to the Halloween Bash. Prizes for the best costume, cash bar, live music. Friday, October 30, 2015 - 6:00pm Foothills Centennial Centre Rocky Horror Picture Show Get ready, set... let’s do the time warp again! Dress up, win prizes at the costume parade and howl the night away! Vendor Affair Family Market - Fall Into It! Winter is just around the corner, and what better way to get all your holiday shopping done than in one place! Be sure to check out what our vendors have to offer to keep you warm, fashionable and cozy around the home. From Direct Sales to Artisans to Small Businesses and Crafters, there is sure to be something for everyone here. Sunday, November 8, 2015 - 10:00am to 2:00pm Legacy Regional Field House Guided Tour of the Field of Honour Join Karen Peters of the Okotoks and District Historical Society for a free, informative tour of the Field of Honour. Wednesday, November 11, 2015 - 2:00pm Okotoks Cemetery Friday, October 30, 2015 - 9:00pm Rotary Performing Arts Centre Harald Hubner - CIR REALTY Are you Selling or Buying? Our Professionalism Will Move You Call Harald for Your Complimentary Home Evaluation (403) 861-9554 • Erin Friesen Professional Corporation, CGA Personal and corporate taxes, corporate year-ends (notice to readers), financial statements, GST, tax planning, consulting and business start-up help. Quickbooks and Simply. 587-350-7493 311 Chapalina Gardens SE OKOTOKS I OCTOBER 2015 9 BY THE LIGHT OF THE MOON Reuniting You and Your Pet Gardening by the phases of the moon Many years ago I remember a noted veterinarian in the United States saying one of the most important advancements in animal care at the time was the new microchip technology to identify pets and return them home. Nothing is more devastating to an owner than losing a loved pet and the consequences to the lost pet, especially if it is injured, could be grave. Humane societies, animal control units, and veterinarians will do what they can to treat and alleviate suffering in a lost and injured animal. Unfortunately decisions with injured pets might be made contrary to an owner’s wishes. Also humane societies and animal control units will extend the time an animal is held before adoption procedures start if the pet has a means of identification, even if untraceable. Most cities have a tattoo system incorporated in their spay and neuter programs (Alberta cities do). A person who found a lost animal can phone a local clinic and give the numbers and letters in the ear. Most clinics and rescue groups have a master sheet that can trace the pet to the specific clinic that spayed or neutered the pet and from there to the owner. Calgary Herald recently carried a story of a woman reunited after years with her Pug that was stolen through the tattoo in his ear. Again the system relies on a readable tattoo and up to date records at the clinic in question. The nice part of this system is the pet occasionally is returned to a home around the block by the finder. This summer I lost my first dog and paid my first pound fee of my life. In Port Hardy we left our Papillon in the truck with all the windows perfectly set for her safety in cloudy overcast weather and went for dinner. We normally only pick restaurants we can watch our vehicles from when we travel, but choices are limited in Port Hardy. As dinner progressed we observed all the Bald Eagles circling in over the water. As we walked away from the truck one of the opposite windows completely opened before the locking mechanism kicked in and she jumped out. A lady and child from Montana rescued Momo from the Bald Eagles and hotel reception called the local pound lady. Amidst tears, shaking, and our world almost ending we picked up one really annoyed Papillon princess for $50 an hour and a half later. We would have got her back after a terror filled night as she is tattooed and microchipped. The clinic staff would have traced the microchip the next morning, but even the most conscientious owners in the world can have accidents happen. I still tear up as I relate the story to friends and clients. Dog licenses and personalized tags are great but collars can be lost and collars can be dangerous on cats running at large. The city of Calgary cat licenses required cats to be identified by a tattoo or microchip. 10 Microchips are injected under the skin between an animal’s shoulder blades. The chip is permanent and is read like a bar code in the store. Few veterinary clinics or animal shelters do not have the scanner to read the chips. This means your pet can be traced to you in most civilized areas of the world twenty-four hours a day year round if information is current. Databases can include alternate contacts if you are on holidays as well as medical records. Reuniting you and your pet no matter what type of identification or combination of identification you use is only as good as the information on it. Keep all your information current. October 4 Last Quarter (waning) Decreased gravitational pull and moonlight. A resting period. Take cuttings from plants you wish to propagate. Dry herbs, flowers and fruit. If you want to control growth or encourage rooting, perform the necessary activities during the waning moon. October 12 New Moon (waxing) Increasing moonlight, lunar gravity pulls water up encouraging plant growth and proliferation. Grafting, transplanting, re-potting, and watering. Gather herbs used for essential oils. Oil content is more concentrated at this time. THE BRITISH CHIPP Y LTD ServingTraditional TraditionalFish Fishand andChips Chips Serving Organic Potatoes Wild Caught Fish Battered Sausage Traditional Meat Pies British Style Mushy Peas British Curry Sauce NON GMO Oil and NO Artificial Colours or Flavours. We offer restaurant service or take-out Please phone ahead for Take Out Lunch Discounts Wed & Thur - Seniors 10% Fri 10% - Fire, Police, Nurses, EMS, Teachers TWO LOCATIONS - OPEN WED- SUN • Bridlewood2335,162AveSW,Calgary 403.256.1156 • Okotoks94ElizabethStreetOkotoks October 20 First Quarter (waxing) Moonlight is strong, encouraging leaf growth. It is a good time for planting, especially two days before the full moon. Take cuttings from plants you wish to propagate. Fertilize as close to the full moon as possible. October 27 Full Moon (waning) As the moon wanes, the energy is drawing down. Strong gravitational pull but moonlight is decreasing putting energy into the roots. NEW HOME CONSTRUCTION & RENOVATIONS 587.757.9995 SAFETYSYNC ONLINE SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM “An effective health and safety management system can help prevent losses, reduce costs and provide evidence of due diligence.” Enform IRP 9 (Revised) 403.668.6402 CONTACT BOB MCQUITTY (403) 651-0643 Jennifer L. Scott, D.V.M. OCTOBER 2015 I Great News Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities OKOTOKS I OCTOBER 2015 11 you about your medications and how to take care of yourself. In other words, they will help you get well, be well, and stay well. October 17th from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm 14500 Bannister Rd. SE | Calgary, AB Learn more at L A N D S C A P I N G C U S TO M E R S AT I S FA C T I O N G U A R A N T E E D We specialize in all forms of landscape and Construction ·· Custom·Decks ·· Fences· ·· Retaining·Walls ·· Irrigation· ·· Stamped·and· Exposed·Concrete Free Estimates 403.256.9282 12 OCTOBER 2015 I Great News Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities Nurse Practitioners Are Coming To Your Neighbourhood! By Donna Clare MN NP What is a Nurse Practitioner? A Nurse Practitioner is an experienced Registered Nurse with a Master’s degree and additional intensive training to be able to diagnose, treat, and manage many health conditions. Where do they work? They work in the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, the USA and Canada. They have been in Alberta since 2002. Why would I want to see a Nurse Practitioner? There are still thousands of people in Calgary without regular health care. Nurse Practitioners can be your health care provider and take care of annual physicals and screening tests, prenatal care, contraception, baby and child check-ups and advice. They can also take care of illness if you or your family get sick, and they can manage chronic diseases like asthma, diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. They can also provide counseling with lifestyle issues like smoking cessation or weight loss. Numerous studies also show that patient satisfaction with Nurse Practitioners is very high. Are they safe? YES! Over 200 studies have proven that Nurse Practitioners are safe and effective health care providers in every setting. They are a regulated profession which means they have to meet stringent education and licensing requirements to practice. Pic-A-Pix Solution You may find Nurse Practitioners in hospitals, urgent care clinics, specialty clinics, family practice clinics and in assisted-living and continuing care facilities. How are they different from Registered Nurses? Nurse Practitioners can diagnose, prescribe medications, order and interpret tests. They can perform physical exams and procedures like pap smears, simple suturing, or ear wax removal. And when required, Nurse Practitioners are able to refer you to a specialist. How are they different from physicians? Nurse Practitioners bring their nursing skills into play. That means that they have a large focus on illness prevention and health promotion. They are known for their listening skills and for creating partnership with the patient to work on health goals. They are also able to connect you to community resources and educate OKOTOKS I OCTOBER 2015 13 B Y Here comes the sun. Here’s how to control it. M A D I C O BUSINESS CLASSIFIEDS For Business Classified Ad Rates Call Great News Publishing at 403 263-3044 or EXPERT ADVICE AVAILABLE: Many businesses don’t have access to the expertise available to larger corporations. I have that expertise and will review your business at no cost. What I offer for sale is the report on what savings are available and how to achieve them. Call Richard at 403-301-4703. • Protects your furnishings from harmful UV rays, which can cause fading • Reduces energy bills • Minimizes glare • Prevents glass from shattering from a storm or accident • Warrantied as long as you own your home Contact us for a complimentary estimate. Hi-Calibre Graphics Ltd. (403) 470-2821 CONCRETE CUTTING FOR BASEMENT WINDOWS, DOORS & FLOORS: New openings or enlargements cut into foundation for basement windows and doors. Enlarge your existing basement windows to meet fire code for bedrooms, from cutting basement windows, doorways to supply and install quality windows, window-well, weeping-tile, core drilling, excavation and anything concrete cutting. Call 403-570-0555 or text 403-680-0611. Email: NEIGHBOURHOOD CONFLICT? Community Mediation Calgary Society (CMCS) is a no cost mediation and conflict coaching service that can help you resolve problems and restore peace! We help neighbours be neighbours again!, 403-269-2707. HOLISTIC HEALING: Lose weight, quit smoking, gain confidence, release stress and use the power of your mind with Clinical Hypnotherapy. Balance your health with iridology, nutritional analysis, BodyTalk, EFT, NLP, psychological kinesiology, sound therapy, Touch for Health, reiki and more. Be your best! Call 403-801-1582 or visit Combine one cup of shredded, white Cheddar cheese, ¼ of a roasted red bell pepper diced, and a ½ cup of mayonnaise as filling to make four of your favourite grilled cheese sandwiches using country white bread. 14 Combine equal amounts of grated, well aged Cheddar with Monterey Jack, (approximately ½ cup each) and ¼ cup crumbled, pre-cooked bacon for a fabulous filling using French bread. Makes four. Use one cup of your favourite Cheddar (shredded), and a ¼ cup of sautéed mushrooms and a ¼ cup of diced, pre-cooked bacon to fill whole wheat bread slices to make four sandwiches. Fill cinnamon raisin bread slices with slices of medium Cheddar and thinly sliced apples. Use approximately 4 slices of cheese and a ¼ of an apple per sandwich, to make four servings. OCTOBER 2015 I Great News Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities PERSONAL & PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT FOR BUSINESS, INDIVIDUALS, ORGANIZATIONS: Apply Foundational Success Principles to improve any area of your life or business - health, relationships, income, productivity; goal-setting; team-building; leadership training. Book Lunch & Learns, Workshops, Presentations or register for Mentoring Programs and MasterMind Groups. Contact Karen - 403-305-0762 or admin@ Eavestrough cleaning/repairs/installs Gutter clean & fix/Fascia/Soffit Downspouts/Drip-edge/Leak repairs DOUBLE DIAMOND PLUMBING AND HEATING LTD: A 24 hour residential service company. As qualified journeyman plumbers, we are here to address any issues for you. We are your neighbourhood plumbing and heating experts - call us first and let our service shine! Call 403-875-0166 or Email: EMMA PAINTING’S MISSION: Is to provide the best quality, clean and on time service. A father and son team with more than 25 years of painting experience in Calgary and surroundings with over 2,000 homes painted. We do all kind of interior painting, staining, or spraying. Please call Eric at 403-870-0326 or visit www.calgaryabpainting Thank you. PARKVIEW VILLAGE SUITE RENTALS: Remodelled 1, 2 and 3 bedroom suites with fireplace and underground parking! Laundry on every floor. Steps to LRT and Fish Creek Park. Available from 995.00/month. 111-146th Ave.S.E. Call 403-2566777 for viewing today. Mention this ad for discount on security deposit. ZANELLA AUTO REPAIR: Dominic and sons Vincent and Charlie - In business since 1986. 258082 16 St. West DeWinton. Family owned and operated. Most makes/models worked on. MC, Visa, American Express, and Debit. Licensed Out of Province Inspection Facility. A member of AMVIC, BBB. Do business where you live. Call 403-938-7937 for an appointment. ~continued on page 17~ OKOTOKS I OCTOBER 2015 15 Are Your Child’s Eyes Ready for School? Dr. Andrew Chan, Bsc(Hons), OD Dr. Debbie Luk, Bsc(Hons), OD, FCOVD As a parent, bringing your child to the optometrist when they appear to be doing well may not immediately come to mind. You may be concerned that they are too young to see the optometrist or you may feel confident that they see well and don’t need an examination. Many may not realize that a child’s first eye exam is recommended to be at six months of age. Further, your child may have 20/20 vision yet still have a vision problem. This is one of the many reasons it is important to maintain routine eye exams. Vision is an integral part of a child’s learning process, and beginning routine eye care early is recommended to ensure that your child has the visual system required to excel. With 80% of a child’s learning coming from their visual processing of the world, and exams covered by Alberta Health Care, it is an easy choice to add yearly visits to the eye doctor to your child’s routine care. Did you know? •Alberta Health Care covers the cost of children’s annual eye exams until the age of 19. •Alberta’s Eye See Eye Learn Program covers the cost of a pair of spectacles for children attending Kindergarten. •Without a full eye examination, it is not always possible to know if your child is having vision problems. Many conditions may even be missed by school screenings. •Vision is more than just seeing 20/20. Good vision means being able to read efficiently and comfortably for an extended period of time. It’s is the ability to interpret and visualize information so we can discriminate similar looking shapes and letters to succeed in reading comprehension, math and abstract concepts. Many children who have difficulties in school often have vision problems. If your child is falling behind in school, these fundamental visual skills can be acquired with Vision Therapy. •Glasses, visual hygiene, and/or vision therapy may be prescribed. •Vision Therapy is an individualized program of neuro-optometric exercises performed both in-office and at home. Condition Signs Lazy Eye Asymptomatic. Develops during infancy/childhood; early detection improves prognosis. (Amblyopia) Eye Tracking Skipping words, losing place or using finger/ruler as a guide when reading, difficultly (oculomotor) following or catching a ball. dysfunction Eye Focusing Headaches around the eyes, intermittent blurry vision, trouble copying from the board, (accommodative) holding books close to the face. dysfunction Eye Teaming Eyestrain, double vision, eye turns, rubbing of eyes, leaning on desk when doing homework, (binocular) tilting of paper when writing. dysfunction Visual Perceptual Reversal of letters/words, difficulty in spelling, math, abstract thinking, Deficits and reading comprehension. 16 OCTOBER 2015 I Great News Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities BUSINESS CLASSIFIEDS For Business Classified Ad Rates Call Great News Publishing at 403 263-3044 or CHRISTMAS LIGHTS snow removal 403-265-4769 YARDBUSTERSLANDSCAPING.COM HARDING’S SERVICES: offers “Peace of Mind Solutions” for all of your painting, cleaning, window washing, ceiling texturing and renovations needs. Please call us today for your free estimate at 403-254-4726 or visit our website at www. JOURNEYMAN CARPENTER FOR HIRE: Residential construction and renovations including basement development, decks, fences, flooring, baseboards, etc. Reasonable rates. Call Kevin at 587-216-7540 / K2 BOOKEEPING: Are you too busy to keep up with your bookkeeping? Experienced bookkeeper now accepting new clients. Specializing in small to medium sized businesses. Twelve years of experience with QuickBooks and Simply Accounting, GST, Payroll, WCB Filing, T4 Filing, and competitive rates. Phone Katie 403-870-0737. MASONRY CONCERNS? UGLY FIREPLACE? Contact Harry for all stone and brick repairs, old-new renovations, remodeling, flooring, landscapes, interior and exterior, etc. 30 year Journeyman. Contact Harry at 403-256-1991 or email at harekat@ K9 BED BUG DETECTION: Fast and accurate, in your home or business. Had house guests lately? Been travelling by airplane or bus? Itchy re-occurring rashes? Let Night Night Sleep Tight Inc. help you with answers and peace of mind! Don’t wait lets talk! Call 587-899-BUGS (2847) or visit NO MESS NO STRESS: is now taking on new clients for weekly, biweekly, Move ins and outs. We clean with great detail and will assure your satisfaction. Quotes are available Mondays and Fridays. To set up an appointment please call Sabine 403-6188970 or email RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY MONITORING: Are you a Snowbird? Going on Vacation? We handle long and short-term Monitoring. Our mature team has been providing Residential Property Monitoring in Okotoks since 2011. We monitor and maintain inside and out plants, snow removal, yard care. Very reasonable rates. References on request. Call 403660-9119. TILE AND STONE INSTALLATION: 15 years of experience in residential and commercial tile installation, grouting, and water proofing. Quality service and very reliable. Free estimates. Fully insured and WCB. Please visit or contact 403-619-9962. For Business Classified Ad Rates Please Call Great News Publishing at 403 -263-3044 or OKOTOKS I OCTOBER 2015 17 Evergreen Solutions & VerdeChem Technologies Okotoks E vergreen Solutions and sister company Verdechem Technologies are proud to call Okotoks the new home for their respective corporate headquarters. Overlooking the banks of the pristine Sheep River Valley where Highway 7 meets the QEII, the newly built 50,000 sq.ft. facility houses corporate offices, state of the art research and development laboratories, extensive warehousing and production facilities. If these companies are new to you, allow me to enlighten. Evergreen Solutions is a world leader in the design and fabrication of sustainable, green industrial chemistry solutions. Evergreen replaces toxic, dangerous, ozone depleting chemicals with dynamically engineered solutions that are safe for people and the environment. As corporate leadership considered options for the location of its new facility, Okotoks quickly became the obvious and clear choice. If you are reading this you are more than likely a resident or some form of stakeholder in the Okotoks area and are well aware of the tremendous benefits that this vibrant community offers. With most of the amenities of a large city, a young and talented work force, a world class infrastructure and strategic location immediately adjacent to western Canada’s primary north/south artery, Okotoks offers progressive companies like Evergreen and Verdechem a tremendous platform to operate and build a business. If you are in the area please drop by our new facility and say hello. We look forward to getting to know our neighbours! Our chemical solutions are used for a wide range of applications such as safely removing rubber from some of the world’s largest airport runways; cleaning commercial aircraft, oil rigs, mining equipment, city busses/trains, etc with non hazardous, readily biodegradable cleaning compounds; organic dust suppression solutions for municipal road ways, industrial yards and mining stock piles; nontoxic lubricants and heat dispersants for the automotive industry; non-toxic releasing agents used in the paving industry; and the list just goes on. A few very short years ago Verdechem Technologies was a start-up oil and gas chemical solutions provider specializing in the engineering of highly effective green chemistry designed to enhance the production of existing oil and gas wells. In partnership with Evergreen Solutions, Verdechem has quickly become a respected entity in an industry that is under ever growing pressure to clean up its environmental image domestically and globally. Verdechem provides practical, economical and proven solutions that positively impact the bottom line for energy producers. Verdechem currently provides its range of green and conventional chemical solutions and technical services to many of Alberta’s most respected energy firms. 18 Our Business is ‘Alternative Chemistry’. We are committed to the continuous development of product technologies that deliver safe substitutes for products whose performance qualities rely on hazardous substances. Our focus is product safety and performance. Customer satisfaction is our driving force. Head Office 64210, 393 Loop East Okotoks, Alberta, Canada T1S 0L1 Phone: 403-273-8000 Toll Free: 800-610-5907 Fax: 403-273-8944 / OCTOBER 2015 I Great News Publishing I Call 403-263-3044 for advertising opportunities Location Map Are You Exposed To Paying U.S. Estate Tax? Ask an Expert Q We are currently looking at purchasing a recreational property in the U.S. Is there anything we should be concerned about by owning assets in the U.S.? A Canadians who own U.S. assets or spend a substantial amount of time south of the Canadian border may be exposed to U.S. estate taxation. Without the proper protective measures in place a Canadian may lose up to 40% of their estate’s total value to U.S. estate taxes upon death. Uncle Sam may have a few unpleasant surprises for the unprepared. Spending too much time in the U.S., owning a U.S. vacation property or U.S. investments, even within a RRSP/RRIF, may result in an excessive U.S. tax liability. Fortunately, utilizing specific estate planning mechanisms may minimize U.S. estate tax. Contrary to the United States, Canada does not have a formal estate tax. However, when Canadian residents pass away, they are deemed to have disposed of all of their worldwide assets at fair market value. Consequently, a Canadian resident who owns U.S. real estate or investments may have a large “deemed” Sheri MacMillan, Senior Trust & Estate Practitioner, CEO of MacMillan Estate Planning Corp. and Host of The Strongroom on QR77 capital gain in addition to a U.S. estate tax liability. The combination of Canadian tax and U.S. estate tax could significantly reduce an inheritance’s value. Ultimately, your assets both inside and outside of Canada require careful planning. In order to avoid paying unnecessary tax, it is vital to use the most qualified experts available. Always consult with a professional who specializes in U.S. estate tax to ensure you are properly protected. MacMillan Estate Planning Corp. will be hosting a complimentary Wine & Cheese Seminar on Wednesday, October 21st at 7:00 PM and Wednesday, November 25th at 7:00 PM to register, please visit or call 403 266 6464
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Okotoks - Great News Publishing
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