Upcoming Events - Tripoli Shrine
Tattler Vol. 23, NO. 3 Upcoming Events March 2016 March 19: Bunny Brunch March 27: Easter Brunch Extravaganza April 1 & 2: Family Night April 1-4: Tripoli Shrine Circus Tattler March 2016 Potentate’s Message IT’S CIRCUS TIME and “It’s The Most Wonderful Time of the Year” for Tripoli Shriners as we continue to focus our efforts on membership and in making dreams come true at our twenty-two (22) Shriners Hospitals for Children. Our membership Co-chairmen, Joe Brunk and Matt Wright, enthusiastically reported on our membership efforts at the February meeting, “stressing the need for every Noble to be involved in membership recruitment.” Matt also obligated four new Nobles, Jeffrey Brenner, Matthew Hanchek, Lawrence A. Wegner, Jr., and Gabe Winzenried as they traversed the cold sands. Welcome to our New Nobles and thanks to Bill Hahnfeldt (2), Larry Wegner, Sr. (Chief Rabban), and Matt Wright for recommending them to membership as their “Top Line Signers.” Regarding membership, our DeMolay Unit has also been reactivated under the leadership of PGM Allan Iding and Bob Lijewski. Our first meeting was held on February 15th to promote membership within DeMolay and Tripoli Shrine and future meetings are planned to coincide with the “Craft Club” meetings being held on the 4th Friday of every month. At our March 9th Stated Meeting we will include the Ladies, once again, as we have invited Michael Hartzer, Board Member of the Galveston Shriners Hospital for Children, to speak on the special work and the strides being made in Pediatric Specialty Burn Care. Mike will make his presentation at 7:00 p.m. with the Ladies present. The Ladies will retire to the Melham Parlor following the presentation for a “Sparkling Surprise” (no crafts). On March 22nd your Divan and their Ladies will represent Tripoli at the annual Divan Day being held at the Chicago Shriners Hospital for Children. Additionally, the Women’s Auxiliary and the Potentate and his Lady will be venturing to the Twin Cities Shriners Hospital for meetings from April 17-19. All Nobles and their Ladies are invited to aTwin Cities Hospital “Gala” on May 20th and the Twin City Hospital Day (9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.) on May 21st. Details are just being formulated and we will forward them to you as we receive them. Our Chicago Hospital Day is Sunday, June 5th and we will provide transportation from the Shrine Center. Please contact the office for any interest you may have in attending these hospital programs. We need your support. Our Valentine’s Day Brunch was a huge success. Special thanks to Chef Robert and Terry Lea for the presentation and quality of all menu items. The entire staff truly worked well together and because of their efforts we are already Continued on page 15 Tattler Official Publication of TRIPOLI SHRINERS 2016 Elected Divan Illustrious Potentate Doug Winter (Melinda) H: 414-282-1676 C: 414-213-8580 dougmelwinter@sbcglobal.net Chief Rabban Larry Wegner (Sue) H: 262-251-5534 C: 262-844-5468 l.wegner@sbcglobal.net Assistant Rabban Keith Sargeant (Karen Schmit) C: 414-881-7060 wisarge@yahoo.com High Priest & Prophet Dan Bast (Nancy) H: 920-474-3438 C: 414-333-1412 dbast@wi.rr.com 2 Oriental Guide Bob Capen (Jan) H: 262-512-1191 C: 414-235-1279 bobcapen@sbcglobal.net Treasurer John Bugajski (Nancy) H: 414-282-7279 C: 414-491-1728 treasurer@tripolishrinecenter.com Recorder James Christie, PP (Sherry) H: 262-574-1699 C: 414-305-8274 recorder@tripolishrinecenter.com Elected Board of Trustees Fritz Jorgenson (Maggie) H: 414-281-7329 C: 414-313-9329 mjorgenson6@wi.rr.com Joe Schoner (Linda) H: 414-543-2178 C: 414-416-3847 mpd110retired@sbcglobal.net Ken Wilcox (Lanie) H: 414-483-3489 C: 414-852-1786 lanieken@aol.com 2016 Appointed Divan Ceremonial Director Bob Manders (Kathy) H: 414-228-8344 C: 414-380-3333 bobmanders1@hotmail.com 1st Ceremonial Master Brian Graff (Rebecca) C: 262-617-7157 brian.graff@ge.com 2nd Ceremonial Master Rick Kingstad (Bonnie) H: 414-425-9481 kingstad@sbcglobal.net Orator Neil Laack (Shari) H: 414-761-0998 C: 414-801-4538 spike6770@att.net Marshal Jack Love (Dori) H: 414-425-5272 jack-love@att.net Captain of the Guard Joe Brunk H: 414-526-8216 joseph.brunk@gmail.com Outer Guard Matthew Wright (Catherine) H: 262-392-4192 trowel80@hotmail.com Chaplain John Bennethum (Rosemarie Tapper) H: 414-427-5646 jbennethum@wi.rr.com Tattler March 2016 Just the Facts... The Banquet and Catering report for January is complete. We had 6 non-Shrine events for the month of January with a profit of $11,524.34. In addition, we had 11 Shrine events with a profit of $541.71. Our total profit for the month of January was $12,066.05. One area that must be addressed is the payment of dues by our Nobles. Dues payments have been lax. Remember our largest fund raiser, the winter circus, which normally occurs at this time of the year is delayed. We need your dues payments to help run our operation until we receive the circus revenues. Please get your dues in on time. Help support the Scimitar Foundation Sportsman’s night. This event raises funds for the improvement of our building. In addition, we need your help raising funds for the winter circus. We have an opportunity this year to make additional revenue from this event. Nobles help us with advertising in our Tattler. Contact friends and family and suggest Tattler advertising to them. This is a good source of additional funds. Remember submit any questions or concerns that you have to our committee at the main office. We appreciate any suggestions or recommendations from our members about the operation of the finance committee. Thank you to those nobles that have already done so. -Fraternally yours, The Finance Committee KENOSHA SHRINE CLUB BLOOD DRIVE Donate all year long at your local blood center. The big draw is November and April to benefit the shortage of blood at your local hospital and clinic. Blood drive code for Kenosha Shrine Club is: 000000725 Jerry Slagoski, Jr., Chairman Kenosha Shrine Club Blood Drive 262-694-6385 Tattler (USPS 641-800) ISSN 1075-4024 Chaplain’s Corner What Happened to Passover? By Chaplain John MARCH 2016 brings with it the conclusion of LENT for the Christian and the celebration of Holy Week and the Festival of Easter. Normally the Jewish Nobles celebrate Passover during Holy Week. If you examine your calendar this year, you find that Passover does not coincide with Holy Week but is not celebrated until April 22nd. What happened to Passover? In trying to follow Exodus 12:2, 13:3-4, 7-10 and Numbers 9: 2-3, Judaism says that Passover, which they celebrate on Nisan 15 (month) rather than Nisan 14, must not fall before the northern hemisphere spring equinox (Tekufot Nisan). The spring equinox establishes the first day of spring. It is a solar, not a lunar, phenomenon. But current Jewish calendar procedures periodically conflict with the use of the equinox to establish the first month of the religious year. In 2016, Nisan 14 (Passover) can fall on March 22, the first opportunity for the 14th day of a Biblical month to occur after the equinox. But the Jewish calendar sets Nisan 14 at April 22nd. Why? Because the Jewish year 5776 (the spring months of 2016 fall within the Jewish year 5776) happens to be the 19th year of a 19 year calendar year cycle and is then, by Judaic definition, a leap year (a 13th month must be added) This forces the first month to begin one month later than it normally would. So that is the explanation of where Passover went this year. A leap year causes it to fall one month later than normal! Traditions and rituals that give meaning to our lives. As Shrine-Masons we recognize each others faith and celebrate our own traditions. If you are a Christian Noble, may you have a Blessed Easter. And if your are a Jewish Noble, you will have to wait until April 22nd to celebrate the Passover this year. May you have a Blessed Passover in April. Chaplain John jbennethum@wi.rr.com Official publication of Tripoli Temple, Tripoli Shriners, 3000 W. Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53208. Phone (414) 933-4700; Fax (414) 933-1591. Email info@tripolishrine.com. Published monthly, except combined issue, July/August. Periodicals postage paid at Milwaukee, WI. Subscription rate: $10.00 per year. POSTMASTER: Please send changes of address to Tattler, 3000 W. Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53208. Layout and printing of the Tattler provided by: Hometown Publications-Express News, Germantown, WI Email info@tripolishrine.com 3 Tattler March 2016 4 Tattler March 2016 5 Tattler March 2016 February Stated Meeting 6 Tattler March 2016 Installation of Officers Tripoli Motor Corps 7 Tattler March 2016 Stated Meeting - February 10, 2016 The meeting was opened in due form by Ill. Potentate Douglas Winter @ 7:00 pm. Chaplain John Bennethum offered an opening prayer. The flag was presented by the legion of honor and the Potentate led the pledge of allegiance. The Ill. Potentate then welcomed the Past Potentates present. Cold Sands: Noble Matt Wright obligated new Nobles Jeffrey L. Brenner, Gabe R. Winzenried, Lawrence A. Wegner, Jr. and Mathew Hanchek in a cold sands ceremony. At this time, the Ill. Sir called on Gerry Arnholt, President of Scimitar Found. Gerry displayed two special rifles which will be part of Sportsman’s Night this year and pushed for Corporate Tables. He further mentioned the hall remodel, the new Lodge Room and the Garage. Introductions: Getting back to business as usual, Potentate Doug asked all new Nobles beyond the 4 just obligated to stand and introduce themselves. Noble Mike Fredrichs was warmly welcomed. The ll. Sir then introduced 7 Past Potentates present and proceeded to Trustees, Shrine Club Presidents, Unit Heads and Emeritus members. Minutes: Doug noted that the minutes had been printed in the Tattler and Recorder Jim Christie moved for the adoption of those minutes. The motion was seconded and approved. Correspondence: The Recorder noted two items of correspondence which are available for review. Petitions: Jim Read the petition of Robert Mead Byrne and the Potentate ordered a ballot be spread. Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer John Bugajski discussed his report which had been placed on the tables. John particularly noted restricted circus funds of $49,103.53 on the balance sheet. He also noted the purchase and installation of a Steamer in the kitchen. Another item of interest was account #2351 which is for deposits on rentals = $46,965.00. John then explained the extra sheet which notes dates and what event is scheduled. A motion was made, seconded and passed to approve his report as presented. Black Camel: HP&P Dan Bast reported two deaths; Elmer Wokosin and Warren Krueger. Chaplain John offered a prayer. Sick & Visitation: Chaplain John Bennethum noted that he had e-mailed the list to the office, but it never arrived, therefore no list for your review. See the office. Trustees: Joe Schoner asked that, if we see anything in need of repair, please let them know. Otherwise he feels kind of “caught-up”. He did note the offer of an 8 organ for the Lodge Room. The Potentate now spoke of the “terrorist situation”, signage being put-up, etc. Doug then called on P.P. Pete Salza and was told that we are in “good shape” financially. Bell Ringing: We received a Plaque from the Salvation Army for our great performance and Doug will present it to Frank Foti when Frank is present. Doug the thanked all who had been helpful in getting things “up and running so well”. Back to the ballot, the Rabbans as well as the Potentate declared the ballot clear and Doug stated that Robert Mead Bryne was elected to become a Noble. Circus: Jim Mahaney gave “a brief report” stating that “all is in order”. Having no guaranteed min. income we must work diligently at making our circus successful. Please buy “Daddy Books”. Under the current contracts, we must pay $247,000.00 out of our investments up-front. It will be repaid. Hospital: Noble Rob Beyer reported on Hospital events. “Love to the Rescue”. There will be a Hospital meeting on Stated Meeting Nights ! May 20 and 21st is the Gala at the Twin Cities Hospital and the visitation. June 5th we will visit the Chicago Hospital. Valentine Brunch is Sunday Feb. 14th it will be great. Bunny Brunch is Saturday, March 19th. Membership: Joe Brunk and Matt Wright reported on the need for new members and suggestions made at the Seminar. They are both very enthusiastic and Matt suggested, for instance, the Animal Unit visiting a lodge, speaking of the Shrine and offering help with degree work if needed. Matt also said “every Noble should be involved in membership recruitment” Go to your Lodge ! How about each Unit or Club recruiting for their Unit ? The Potentate then presented P.P. Pete Hennig his bound book of Tattlers from 2015 and the Photo Corps presented his album of pictures. Good of the Order: Barry Hersh asked a question on security following the Terrorist threat. Doug stated that, as far as Concealed Carry, “not by guests”. We will discuss with security firm and with the MPD. Vidalia Onions: P.P. Tom Schlicht stated arrival of onions on April 28th. The first meeting on onions will be 3/7/16. 50/50 Raffle: Collected $555.00, half goes to Transportation and the lucky winner for tonight was Jeff Brenner. The Ill. Potentate proceeded to close at 8:40 PM. Respectfully submitted, James B. Christie, P.P., Recorder Tattler March 2016 9 Tattler March 2016 Units Hillbilly Clan 50 Unit Director Staff Howdy Cuzzins Here it is the Middle of February and I have been busy getting Our Calendar together. The next Stated Meeting for the Hillbilly Clan 50 is scheduled for MARCH 16, 2016 At the SHRINE CENTER starting 6:00PM. If anyone would like to become a Member or are waiting for their former INITIATION please come to the Meeting that includes Our Hillbilly Gals. The new officers for 2016 are Joe Brunk, President and Rick Turtenwald, Vice-President, Ken Wilcox, Secretary, Jerry Robison, Treasurer, Jerry Hennarichs, Historian. We had a good turnout of our members at the fish Jamboree at AJs where we did very well on our raffles. We made lots of money that will go into our SDA fund. Our next big event is the Circus, April 1-4. As you all know by now, we will not be selling tickets for the rides. There will still be the walk-on before the shows. We will help the circus committee in whatever capacity that is needed. Some of the members are headed to Massachusetts for the SDA in April. They will set up a hospitality room to promote the 2017 SDA in Milwaukee. We will need all the members to help serve on committees for this event. We need your support at the meetings so you can sign up to serve on a committee. We hope to make this convention as great or greater than the convention In 2008. March Birthday greetings to the following Nobles: Free Beyer, 17th; Dale Graeven, 11th; Richard Kolo 8th; Don Kuehn, 4th; Steve Kuehn, 23rd; Bob Kuspa, 1st; Bob Manders, 11th; Pete Salza, 14th; Joe Schoner, 20th; Jeffery Schwartz, 24th; Dick Turtenwald, 24th. Our Upcoming Events For March 2016: • March 12, 2016, ST PATRICK’S DAY PARADE, 68th and Bluemound Rd., Wawautosa Parade Begins at 3:30 PM. I will have Hillbilly Staff car in Tripoli Parking lot 2:30 PM and depart for the Parade 2:45 PM (please contact me for further details) • March 16, 2016 HILLBILLY CLAN 50 STATED MEETING & INITIATION NIGHT, Tripoli Center 6:00 PM. For those who want to be Members and waiting to receive the Degree, including the Ladies, please contact me and let me know you’re coming ASAP. Hillbilly Joe Raban Donald L Kuehn, Tattler Writer 414-281-1905 Animals Unit Provost Unit Neil Laack, Provost Chief – 414-761-0998 February was a busy month for the Unit birthday boys, a total of five. May their day be a fun time. Remember, you are only as old as you feel. The Shrine Center will be having some new outings and will need the Unit members to lend a helping hand, so look forward to saying yes when asked. Looking over our roster we find some of our members have moved but are still located in the area, so drop them a call. They may need some help or a kind word. Everyone needs a smile to brighten their day. Did you know that experience is what you get when you didn’t get what you wanted? 10 See you in Church, Jerry Stein, Secretary We had our animal installation of the Tripoli Shrine Animals in January. The animals that were installed were Director Ron Gustafson, Assistant Director Steve Belongie, Treasurer Bob Ferguson, and Secretary Aaron Ferguson. I want to thank Raymond for helping out on the Assistant Director for that night. Ray could be our next Cookie Monster for the animal unit. We have our first parade for 2016. It's the St.Patrick’s Day parade on Bluemound Road on Saturday, March 12, 2016. Time of the parade is 3:15. We meet at the Shrine Temple at 2pm so I need to know who will be attending the parade by March 5th. Our Spring meeting will be in May sometime. Details will be in the May Tattler. Animal Director, Ron Gustafson Tattler March 2016 Clubs Whitnall Park SC Dave Schaber, President – 414-422-1367 Happy birthday to everyone who shares a birthday this month. Remember, we just mellow, cheese is the only thing that ages. A reminder, we are back at Alioto’s Restaurant. Lunch at noon, same price of $20.00 a person. Reservations are nice, but if you came without ne, we would say “Hi, sit and enjoy our Club.” You could also help us sing the Loving Cup Song. When we sing, it sounds like our heads are in the rain barrel. In March the Shrine Center is going to need our help on some of the projects they have lined up. We could give Dave and Doug a raise, but they are at the top rung of the ladder now. They do a good job. Someone said “In Youth we learn, in old age we understand.” Remember, your dues are your obligation. See you in church, Jerry Stein, Treasurer Waukesha County SC Our February meeting was to be held at The Lakeside (Burke’s Landing), however, with several calls of concern and a weather forecast of heavy snow for the area, I decided to cancel our meeting. Thirty of us had to stay home – rather safe than sorry. We welcome all Shriners in the Waukesha County area and their Ladies to come and become a part of our Club – call me for additional details – 262.968.2734. Our next meeting will be on March 2nd at the Machine Shed restaurant. Once again, I can’t make any promises about the weather, but we know the food served family style will be hot and delicious. The menu will be Pot Roast, Chicken, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, a tossed salad, green beans, dinner rolls and more. And the company – well now, as always, it will be Great! If you would like to join us, give me a call to make your reservations by February, 29th. Stay warm! Steve Winters, President Lakeshore SC West Allis SC The Lakeshore S.C. meetings are held on the 4th Wednesday of the month at the Spring Garden Restaurant located at 1731 W. Layton Ave. The officers received a number of suggestions for 2016 meeting agendas. The suggestions have been reviewed and a final (hopefully) 2016 calendar will be “hammered out” during the March meeting. The April 27th & May 25th meeting agendas have been established and should prove interesting. More info on that in the next Tattler. Per a consensus of our attendant membership at the January meeting, we will now meet at 5:30 pm for socialization and chow down off the menu choices at 6:00 pm. Plans currently call for conducting an open meeting during the 6:00+ phase of the evening. All Nobles and their ladies are invited to the meetings. To promote harmony with the restaurant management, we ask that you contact the Secretary relative to the your number of attendees. Thank You WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30th; (the Wednesday after Easter), is the date of the next meeting of the West Allis Shrine Club. We will be meeting at FILIPPO'S ITALIAN RESTAURANT, 6915 West Lincoln Avenue, West Allis. Order off the menu. 5:30pm social hour; 6:30 dinner, meeting to follow. Please RSVP to Glen Jones, President, at 1-317-452-2542 or masonbonesws@gmail, or via our Facebook page. Gary Parker, Secretary 414-421-0314 (leave a message) gjparker@wi.rr.com John Bennethum, Secretary Norwaukee SC Greetings! At our last meeting we had our officers installed, a great meal, and good comradery. Our next meeting is Thursday Mar 10th at Aliota's. We'll have Bingo, so be ready for some fast games and great prizes. Please call Ron Hurst for reservations and food choice at 262-7868683. Happy St. Paddy's Day Tom Schlicht, President 11 Tattler March 2016 Valentine Brunch 12 Tattler March 2016 13 Tattler March 2016 14 Tattler March 2016 Potentate’s Message Continued from page 2 receiving reservations for the Easter Brunch on March 27. Sportsman’s Night is scheduled for March 11. I cannot say enough about the efforts being made by President Gerry Arnholt and the Scimitar Board in preserving our Tripoli Shrine Center. Sportsman’s Night is critical to their program and the success of Tripoli Shrine. Please support their efforts and join us on Friday, March 11. Breakfast with the Bunny and the Tripoli Animals will take place on Saturday, March 11. Curt Campagna, Grand Chaplain and Sovereign Prince of the Wisconsin Scottish Rite Bodies, will emcee the program which includes breakfast, a decorated basket contest for four age groups, a magic show presented by Noble Bruce Nelson, and an Easter Egg Hunt. Reservations are required so that we have enough special eggs on hand. Our Red Fez is sponsoring the event, but donations would be greatly appreciated. On with the Tripoli Shrine Circus, April 1-4. Chairman Jim Mahaney has planned a great four days with the school program being held on Monday, April 4, at 10:30 a.m. We are in need of volunteers to make the school program one of the greatest experiences for our area children. On Saturday morning at 10:00 a.m. we are in need of volunteers to assist with children of all ages, young and old, with special needs. Our Chief Rabban, Larry Wegner, has directed the Saturday morning program for many years. Please support the Circus as a volunteer and with the Daddy Book and Family Night and Luncheon Programs. Your support is critical to our success. Your Divan and their Ladies have been extremely active installing the Officers of 22 Shrine Clubs and Shrine Units. We have traveled from Chippewa Falls to Sheboygan in the North and from Kenosha to Burlington in the South. We are currently planning the installations for Northwoods and our Clown Unit. Thank you to all the officers of our Clubs and Units for their dedication and support. Please don’t forget our onions, April 29th and 30th. Cochairmen, PP Tom Schlicht and Mark Norville, are hard at work to make 2016 even bigger and better. We need your unit pre-sales. Wishing you and your family a Blessed Easter and Passover (April 22). God Bless!! “Celebrating 130 Years of Service to God ? Country ? Humanity” Yours in the Faith, Doug Winter Potentate, Tripoli Shriners 15 Tattler March 2016 16 Tattler March 2016 Grebe’s Bakeries Wisconsin’s Largest 51st and Lincoln, Milw. (414) 543-7000 All Sentry Food Stores All Speedway Convenience Stores And other fine Convenience Stores and Supermarkets From Your Recorder- ! 2016 Dues were due by January 1, 2016. If you have not done so yet, please be sure to send in your payment. Thank You, Jim Christie, P.P. 17 Tattler March 2016 18 Tattler March 2016 19 Tattler March 2016 PARK AT THE SHRINE CENTER FOR THE CIRCUS! There are numerous parking facilities downtown near the US Cellular Arena. However, as a service to those attending the Circus, free parking is available at the Tripoli Shrine Center located at 3000 W. Wisconsin Ave. (North side of street). After parking, you will board a school bus (free) that will take you and your guests to the front door of the Arena. Following the show, these specially marked “Shrine Circus” busses will pick you up at the same location and return you to the Shrine Center. These busses go to & from the Shrine Center to the Arena every 20 minutes or so; thus allowing you a more flexible schedule either before or after the Circus! HAVE FUN & ENJOY! Overflow Parking: NOT AVAILABLE at the church on Saturday the 2nd. AVAILABLE at the church on Friday the 1st or after 12 noon on Sunday the 3rd. 20 "Who do you know wants to buy a circus ad?" Tattler March 2016 Ladies Activities Daughters of the Nile Hello Readers, I would like to introduce myself. I am Princess Helen Shue, I will soon be the new Queen of Shelomoth Temple Daughter of the Nile. I will be installed as Queen on Saturday March 12th at 2 P.M.at Tripoli Shrine Center. Everyone is welcome to attend. I have a lot of nice things planned for my year so that we may support the Shrine Hospitals. We will be having a Bunco Party in the fall, with a lunch before. A Post-Holiday Party in January which will include a nice lunch and Premium Prize raffle. These things along with a few others hopefully will raise needed funds which the hospital can use for the children. We look forward to working with the Shiners in whatever capacity we can. In Nile Love, Helen Shue, Queen elect Shelomoth Temple Daughters of the Nile Women’s Auxiliary Time to register for the 93rd annual meeting in Twin Cities held Monday and Tuesday April 18th and 19th Registration is $50.00 covering all of your meals including the banquet Monday night and a wonderful lunch buffet closing the event Tuesday at the auxiliary building Consider going this year for a life changing experience. For reservations, don’t delay, contact Evonne Hurst at 262) 786-8683 Hotel is $91+tax per night, single & double occupancy, if made before April 3rd. Tradition has been to drive up Sunday, check in, and dash off to a dinner theatre. Tickets to the theatre for a group need to be purchased early, call Evonne now, don’t delay. Leadership and dedication of all Past Presidents will be honored at our March meeting on Wednesday the 16th. Social time begins at 11:00 am, luncheon at 12:00 noon, followed by our monthly meeting at 1pm. Bring someone with you. We enjoy having guests who can enjoy a nice meal and learn about what we do. The cost for lunch is $10.00, most delicious and delightfully prepared by Chef Roberts. Make your reservation by calling Mary Ann Garber at (414) 352-2527 no later than Sunday the 13th. Mittens are needed for the mitten tree at the hospital. Afghan sizes large (50 x 72) and medium (40 x 60) supplies are running low Hospital Day is Saturday May 21st at Twin Cities Hospital from 9am – 1pm, Lunch is served 11-1pm. Trout pond and rodeo on the front lawn, families are welcome. Gather up aluminum pull tabs from beverage cans (found also on some cat food cans) and bring them along to support our ongoing project to the Twin Cities Hospital wheel chair fund Tax deductible gifts, memorials and honorariums for special occasions can be sent to our Memorial Chairman Gerri Lorberter, 7979 W Glenbrook Rd, #6020, Milwaukee, 53223. Are you up to date with us? Contact June Herman (414) 462-2817 with updates to your address, phone number, sunshine & distress. Your dues should be up to date, remember $2.00 of your dues goes directly to the wheelchair fund. For the love of a child – Jody B. Hale (262) 238-6397 Fax: (262) 242-9450 Printing & Mailing Services • Graphic Design • Business Cards • Letterheads & Envelopes • Flyers • Brochures • Newsletters printing@discoverhometown.com • Promotional Items • Logoed Apparel • Signs & Banners • Print & Insert in Express News • Direct Mail • Newspaper Advertising 8990 N. 51st Street • Brown Deer, WI 53223 21 Tattler March 2016 Tripoli Contact Information Office: Phone: 414-933-4700 Fax: 414-933-1591 office@tripolishrinecenter.com TRIPOLI SHRINE CENTER CONTACT INFORMATION 3000 W. Wisconsin Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53208 Rentals/Special Events: Terry Lea Phelps 414-659-7368 terry@tripolishrinecenter.com www.tripolishrinecenter.com Advertising/Tattler: Phone: 414-933-4700 tattler@tripolishrinecenter.com Open to the public: Mon. - Fri. 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Circus: Jim Mahaney H: 262-367-6929 C: 414-651-2777 jimnjanmaha@yahoo.com Onion Sales: Tom Schlicht C: 414-852-3214 taschlicht@aol.com Larry Wegner H: 262-251-5534 C: 262-844-5468 l.wegner@sbcglobal.net Mark Norville C: 414-460-1290 minnesotamark@gmail.com Building closes at 10:00 p.m. for Unit meeting nights. Administrative Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. TO KEEP IN TOUCH UNITS ANIMALS: RON E. GUSTAFSON (920) 627-4107 ANTIQUE AUTO: ANDY PACHEFSKY 414-687-7646 BAND: ARNIE GARBER (414) 352-2527 CHIPPEWA MINI Ts: ROBERT E. HUDSON (715) 382-4998 CLOWNS: LARRY PFEIFFER (262) 960-2535 CRUSADERS: MIKE CLINNIN (414) 294-0238 DEMOLAY: PGM, AL IDING 414-258-6481 DIRECTOR’S STAFF: JOE SCHONER 414-416-3847 HIGHLANDERS: KEVIN MCGOWAN (AMY) (262) 343-5335 HILLBILIES: DON ADAMS (414) 378-9131. 22 LEGION OF HONOR: ROBERT E. LIJEWSKI (414) 422-9452 LONG RIDERS: PATRICK JACKSON 414-467-3669 MARSHALS: LEIGHTON R. TIMM (262) 257-0474 MOTOR CORPS: RON HACK 414-732-0144 NEXGEN: URAL (PATRICK) JACKSON (414) 467-3669 NORTHWOODS JACKS: SCOTT KELLOG (715) 545-2004 PHOTO CORPS: DENNIS WILSON (414) 588-0855 PROVOST: NEIL LAACK (414) 761-0998 PURVEYORS: GLEN JONES (317) 452-2455 RICK GUTOWSKI (414) 807-0584 RITUALISTIC DIVAN: RICK GEISS (262) 554-6229 TILERS: ROBERT ADAMS (414) 462-0800 TRANSPORTATION: RON JOHNSTON (414) 416-0700 CLUBS CHIPPEWA FALLS: DAVID GUTKNECHT, P.P. 715-720-8632 FOND DU LAC: GEORGE WEIGEL (920) 921-0122 HARBORVIEW: PATRICK JACKSON (414) 467-3669 KENOSHA: JIM GENAME (262) 909-7034 LAKE SHORE: DON ADAMS 414-378-9131 NORTHWOODS: SCOTT KELLOGG 715-545-2004 NORWAUKEE: TOM SCHLICHT (414) 852-3214 SHEBOYGAN: RON GUSTAFSON 920-627-4107 TRI-COUNTY: BILL HAHNFELDT 262-812-6570 WAUKESHA: STEVE WINTERS (262) 968-2734 WEST ALLIS: GLEN JONES 317-452-2455 WHITNALL PARK: DAVE SCHABER 414-422-1367 WINNEBAGOLAND: BILL HESSER (920) 235-5356 ALLIANCES SOUTHWEST FLORIDA: CARL WUSSOW (863) 420-1839 DAUGHTERS OF THE NILE HELEN SHUE 414-466-0203 WOMEN’S AUXILARY: JODY HALE 262-490-1336 Tattler March 2016 23 Periodicals Postage Paid at USPS Milwaukee USPS 641-800 ISSN 1075-4024 terry@tripolishrinecenter.com
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advertising to them. This is a good source of revenue.
Upcoming Events - Tripoli Shrine
John Bugajski (Nancy)
H: 414-282-7279
C: 414-491-1728
James Christie, PP (Sherry)
H: 262-574-1699
C: 414-305-8274
TattlerLayout Feb 2015
of December with a net profit of $6,501.29. We had 9
Shrine related events with a net profit of $1,704.85.
Our total net profit for the month was $8,206.14. We
would like to thank Larry Wegner and ...