2015 – January - Tripoli Shrine
2015 – January - Tripoli Shrine
Tattler Vol. 21, NO. 12 January 2015 9 Upcoming Events January 1: OFFICE CLOSED January 14: Stated Meeting January 3: Open Installation January 21: Women’s Auxilliary Tattler January 2015 Potentate’s Message Dear Nobles, I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. It hardly seems possible that a year has gone by since I was elected Potentate. It has been a very rewarding year for me and I enjoyed all of it. This will be my last article and I want to thank everyone that supported me during the year. A special thanks to the office staff, Gigi and Becky, for making things run smooth “behind the scenes.” Our elections are behind us and I wish Potentate-Elect, Pete Hennig, and his Divan, the best for 2015. I know that they will continue to support Tripoli to the fullest. Just a reminder that the Open Installation is January 3, 2015. Please join us for a fun evening. At our last stated meeting Greg Zarse was presented with a plaque from the Hospital for their donations from the State Fair concessions stand and hospital booth. We appreciate all the hard work that Diane and Greg put in over the years. We also welcomed Nicholas Sobon, a new member who was obligated in a cold sands ceremony. The Red Fez Children’s Christmas party was a huge success. It was well attended with approximately 300 people present. The kids were all thrilled with Santa and the gifts they received. Thank you to the Clown and Animal units for their participation. They go a long way in entertaining the children. As I close, I again want to thank everyone for your help this past year. It has been an honor to serve as your Potentate. Fraternally yours, Rick Loch, Potentate 2014 Elected Divan Illustrious Potentate Rick Loch (Darlene) C: 414-406-8230 rloch86376@aol.com Chief Rabban Pete Hennig (Carol) H: 262-723-1270 C: 262-689-0837 pfhennig@hotmail.com Assistant Rabban John Werner (Amanda) H: 262-354-1541 C: 262-510-5626 genral1@yahoo.com 2 Tattler Official Publication of TRIPOLI SHRINERS Treasurer John Bugajski (Nancy) H: 414-282-7279 C: 414-491-1728 treasurer@tripolishrinecenter.com Fritz Jorgenson (Maggie) H: 414-281-7329 C: 414-313-9329 mjorgenson6@wi.rr.com Recorder James Christie, PP (Sherry) H: 262-574-1699 C: 414-305-8274 recorder@tripolishrinecenter.com Ceremonial Director Bob Manders (Kathy) H: 414-228-8344 C: 414-380-3333 bobmanders1@hotmail.com Elected Board of Trustees 1st Ceremonial Master Dan Bast (Nancy) H: 920-474-3438 C: 414-333-1412 dbast@wi.rr.com High Priest & Prophet Larry Wegner (Sue) H: 262-251-5534 C: 262-844-5468 l.wegner@sbcglobal.net Don Kuehn H: 414-281-7331 donaldk@usfamily.com Oriental Guide Keith Sargeant (Karen Schmit) C: 414-881-7060 wisarge@yahoo.com Joe Schoner (Linda) H: 414-543-2178 C: 414-416-3847 mpd110retired@sbcglobal.net 2014 Appointed Divan 2nd Ceremonial Master Bob Capen (Jan) H: 262-512-1191 C: 414-235-1279 bobcapen@sbcglobal.net Orator Neil Laack (Shari) H: 414-761-0998 C: 414-801-4538 spike6770@att.net Marshal Jack Love (Dori) H: 414-425-5272 jack-love@att.net Captain of the Guard Greg Barg C: 414-241-9827 grebes84@yahoo.com Outer Guard Mark Norville C: 414-460-1290 minnesotamark@gmail.com Chaplain John Bennethum (Rosemarie Tapper) H: 414-427-5646 jbennethum@wi.rr.com Tattler January 2015 Just the Facts... The Banquet and Catering report for December is complete. We had 11 non-Shrine events for the month of November with a net profit of $17,366.96. There were 4 Shrine related events with a net profit of $4,035.78. Our total net profit for the month was $21,402.74. Doug Winter and John Bugajski finished our budget for 2015. Doug presented the budget at our November stated meeting and we would like to thank him for his dedication and hard work. The budget will be voted on at the January stated meeting for approval. We anticipate a net operating income of $75,000.00 for next year. In addition, Doug forecasts an income on our investment account of $12,000.00. The method of reporting 2015 income and expense for our banquet and catering operation in the budget has been modified. In the future all expenses will be charged off to the respective events rather than including them in the general expenses accounts of the center. This will give us a more accurate determination as to what the banquet and catering operation actually nets. The 2015 budget will report the circus revenue in a different manner. We now receive an annual guarantee of $230,000.00 for the next five years. This would be paid for the summer and winter circuses. Bill Cunningham will have complete control of those operations under this new agreement. We will be paid our guarantee regardless of any unforeseen circumstances including inclement weather. In addition, we can receive additional revenues from the circus for such items as noble ticket sales, our family circus nights and other noble related events. We continue to have a very successful year. We will present the summary of our annual financial report in next month’s Tattler. We anticipate a very large net income. With the controls put in place by our Treasurer, John Bugajski, our Temple is operating at paramount efficiency. Thank you John for your outstanding work. Our future has not been this optimistic in many years. continued on page 10 Tattler (USPS 641-800) ISSN 1075-4024 Chaplain’s Corner What Time Is It? By Chaplain John One of my favorite passages in the Old Testament is the 12th Chapter of the Book of Ecclesiastes. “Remember your Creator in the days of your youth, before the days of trouble come and the years approach when you will say, “I find no pleasure in them”---before the sun and the light and the moon and the stars grow dark (vision), and the clouds return after the rain (depression); when the keepers of the house tremble (legs) and the strong men stoop (back); when the grinders cease because they are few (teeth) and those looking through the windows grow dim (eyes); when the doors to the street are closed (ears) and the sound of the grinding fades (hearing); when men rise up at the sound of birds (sleep), but all their songs grow faint (hearing); when men are afraid of heights and of dangers in the streets (fear of falling); when the almond tree blossoms (white hair) and the grasshopper drags himself along and desire no longer is stirred (sex). Then man goes to his eternal home (heaven) and mourners go about the streets. Remember him---before the silver cord is severed (thread of life) or the golden bowl is broken (head/heart) before the pitcher is shattered at the spring, or the wheel broken at the well (heart), and the dust returns to the ground from which it came and the spirit returns to God who gave it….Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: FEAR GOD and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil.” As we begin a new Shrine year, may we live with these thought in mind. All of us walk on this journey of time. What time is it in your life? Remember your Creator. Congratulations and best wishes to our newly elected leadership. See you at Tripoli! -Chaplain John, jbennethum@wi.rr.com Official publication of Tripoli Temple, Tripoli Shriners, 3000 W. Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53208. Phone (414) 933-4700; Fax (414) 933-1591. Email info@tripolishrine.com. Published monthly, except combined issue, July/August. Periodicals postage paid at Milwaukee, WI. Subscription rate: $10.00 per year. POSTMASTER: Please send changes of address to Tattler, 3000 W. Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53208. Layout and printing of the Tattler provided by: Hometown Publications-Express News, Germantown, WI Email info@tripolishrine.com 3 Tattler January 2015 4 Tattler January 2015 5 Tattler January 2015 6 Tattler January 2015 7 Tattler January 2015 8 Tattler January 2015 Peter Hennig, Potentate-Elect I would like to thank the members of Tripoli for electing me to serve as Potentate for 2015. It is a major highlight of my Masonic service. We have a strong group of Divan officers that are all dedicated to the continued success of Tripoli and are all working to make 2015 a great year. I know this year will be a success with their help and most importantly with your help and support. Together we can have a year for Family, Friendship, and Fraternity. I was born in February of 1952 in Green Bay and graduated from Green Bay West High School. I had one brother, who passed away this past summer. I attended Michigan Technological University in Houghton, MI and received a degree in Electrical Engineering. My lady Carol and I were married in 1973 and have 3 children Sarah, Ryan, and Kimberly. Sarah and her husband, Andy, have 2 children, Mia and Nathan and live in Alexandria, VA. Our son Ryan and his wife Whitney also live in Alexandria and Kimberly is serving in the Navy and stationed in San Diego, CA. We moved to the Port Washington area after my graduation from school in 1973 and worked for the Oster Corp. In 1977 I worked for Lesson Electric in Grafton until 2004 when I moved to Pentair located in Delavan. At that time we moved from Saukville to Elkhorn where we currently reside. My Masonic background begins when my brother-inlaw, Noble John Christensen, introduced me to Masonry through Ozaukee Lodge in Pt. Washington. I received my Master Mason Degree there in March of 1975. I continued through Scottish Rite Valley of Milwaukee in fall of 1975 and crossed the hot sands of Tripoli in December 1975. I joined the Provost Unit and served as Secretary for 2 years. I had the honor of serving as Master of Ozaukee Lodge in 1983. Later I became Lodge Secretary for about 10 years. During that time, Carol was active with Job’s Daughters and with 2 daughters; it wasn’t long before I became involved. After all it’s only 1 or 2 days a month! Carol served as Bethel Guardian and I as Associate Guardian of Bethel 60 in Pt. Washington. In 1997-98, I had the privilege of serving as the Associate Grand Guardian of Job’s Daughters in Wisconsin. I am still a member of the Tripoli Provost Unit and served as Chief in 2007. I am also a member of the Animal Unit as Scooby Doo. I was appointed to the Divan in 2007 by Past Potentate Ed Rudolph. It has been a challenging and exciting journey to this point and I am looking forward to a great year for Tripoli in 2015 with your help and support. The Potentate’s trip details are being worked out at this point. There have been some requests for a few ladies programs in conjunction with the stated meeting. Watch the Tattler for notices on these and other events throughout the year. Some other dates for the year are as follows: • Feb 21 Tripoli Beach Party • Feb 26 – Mar 1 Circus • Mar 27 Sportsman’s Night • Apr 11 Tripoli Murder Mystery Dinner • June TBD Tripoli Golf Outing • July 6 – 9 Imperial Session – Houston, TX • Aug 19 - 23 Hillbilly National Convention (Milwaukee) • Sept TBD Fall Color Gambling Junket • Oct 24 Tripoli Ladies Fashion Show • Oct 27 All Faiths Night (at Tripoli) • Nov 14 Ceremonial & Potentate’s Ball • Dec 12 Red Fez Children’s Christmas Party • Dec 31 New Year’s Eve 9 Tattler January 2015 Units USHERS NEEDED!!! Do you remember your first circus? You sat on the edge of your seat and watched the elephants, the high wire acts and the cotton candy. By volunteering as an usher you can be part of a child’s first circus memory. The school children’s circus performance is on February 27, 2015. The show is in the morning and you’ll get a complimentary lunch afterward. Give the Temple or the circus office a call and find out how to relive the past, or call Jerry Stein at 262-642-2081 or Neil Laack at 414-761-0998. -Jerry Stein Provost Unit Provost Chief, Doug Jaskolski – 414-380-3684 Our Christmas party was shared with Whitnall Park Shrine Club and friendship was renewed and a good time was had by all. Once again, the Unit wants to say “thank you” to the past officers. Not just this year, but all the years past. Peter Hennig was elected Potentate for the 2015 year. He was one of a number of Chiefs who was a Potentate that was the Past Chiefs who guided this Unit. We will need at least four Unit members to act as part of the Honor Guard for Pete’s Installation. The Unit Installation will be January 28, 2015, and that event will take the place of our regular meeting night. Watch your newsletter for place, cost and time. It will also be Whitnall Park’s Installation. To one and all Seasons Greetings and may it be overflowing with peace and good health. See you in church, Jerry Stein Just the Facts... continued from page 3 Nobles help us with advertising in our Tattler. Contact friends and family and suggest Tattler advertising to them. This is a good source of revenue. Remember submit any questions or concerns that you have to our committee at the main office. We appreciate any suggestions or recommendations from our members about the operation of the finance committee. Thank you to those nobles that have already done so. -Fraternally Yours, The Finance Committee Support Your Units and Shrine Clubs 10 Animal Unit Now that 2014 is over, we have to get ready for 2015. In November we had our election of officers and they will be installed on January 30, 2015. Our Installation will be at Breaking Bread, 6451 S. Business Dr., Sheboygan. Social hour is at 6:00 p.m. and dinner is at 7:00 p.m., with the program at 8:00 p.m. If you are coming from Milwaukee, turn off the first exit to Sheboygan (OK-Waldo), turn right and go about six blocks. It is on the right side of the road (pink building). There is a church across the road. The menu is deli salads, broasted chicken, baked ham and mashed potatoes w/gravy. It includes rolls, coffee, tea or milk and the cost is $25.00 per person. Please RSVP by email to ronegustafson@yahoo.com or phone at 920-627-4107 by January 20. Animals to be installed are: Director, Ron Gustafson; Assistant Director, Steve Belongie; Treasurer, Robert H. Ferguson; Secretary, Aaron Ferguson. I hope that everyone had a Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year! Ron Gustafson, Animal Director Tattler January 2015 Clubs Lake Shore Shrine Club Happy New Year everyone from the officers and members of Lake Shore Shrine Club. The January meeting of Lake Shore Shrine Club will be held the fourth Wednesday of January, our usual meeting night, at the Spring Garden Restaurant on Layton Avenue. Social hour begins at 6:00 p.m., dinner will be served at 7:00 p.m. and our program will be at 8:00 p.m. At our December meeting the following were installed as officers of Lake Shore Shrine Club for the year 2015: President, Warren Kramer; 1st Vice President, Larry Mueller; Secretary, Bert Sjostrom; Treasurer, Glenn Gruenewald. We wish these officers a very successful and rewarding year. As always, reservations are required. Please call Warren at 414-762-8092 with yours by Monday, January 26, 2015. Bert T. Sjostrom, Secretary Norwaukee Shrine Club Greetings! Our December meeting was really not a meeting but a nice social luncheon. Arnie Garber won the door prize. At our next meeting on Thursday, January 8th, we are hoping to have a speaker from our zoo. All are welcome! 11:30 am at Aliota's on HWY100 & Burleigh (call Ron for reservation ). Please remember our dues are due this month. $10 for the Noble, $5 for our widows. Our treasurer PP Ron Hurst is collecting. His address is 12655 Falcon Dr., Brookfield, WI 53005. 262-786-8683 On behalf of Norwaukee, we would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a safe New Year. Fraternally, West Allis Shrine Club Our new President, Glen Jones, has called a meeting for Wednesday, January 28th, 2015, to be held at the BRASS KEY RESTAURANT, 4952 W Forest Home Avenue. Libations at 5:30pm, Dinner from the Menu at 6:30pm with our meeting to follow. RESERVATIONS PLEASE to Glen Jones at 1-317-452-2455 or glenbones@hotmail.com before 01-23-15. -John Bennethum, Secretary Whitnall Park Shrine President, Dave Schaber – 414-422-1367 Seasons Greetings to one and all and our thoughts are with Dave and his family at this Christmas time. Our Christmas party was a very good outing and the music got our feet moving to a good beat. Our next get together will be January 28, 2015. We will be sharing our Installation with the Provost Unit on that night. Our February meeting will be at Alioto’s Restaurant at noon, February 28, 2015. There will be a short business meeting that day. Remember January 3, 2015, we will be saying hello to a new Potentate and so long to a Past Potentate. To the Past Potentate “well done,” and to the new Potentate, “we will be there to help.” A thought at Christmas time: When you’re lonely, we wish you love; when you’re down, we wish you joy; when you’re troubled, we wish you peace; when things look empty, we wish you hope. See you in church, Jerry Stein Support Your Units and Shrine Clubs Tom Schlicht PP 11 Tattler January 2015 Red Fez Children’s Christmas Party 12 Tattler January 2015 13 Tattler January 2015 Stated Meeting December 10, 2014 The meeting was opened in due form by Ill. Potentate Richard Loch in due form @ 7:00 pm. All Officers present per register EXCEPT P.P., Tom Schlicht sat in as Assistant Rabban and the guards had stand-in members. The Potentate led the Pledge of Allegiance. Chaplain John Bennethum offered an opening prayer. Before starting the business of the month a Cold Sands Obligation was performed by Doug Winter for Nicholas Sobon. The Ill. Sir then proceeded with introductions. No new Nobles present except for Nick Sobon. Six Past Potentates present and it was nice to see Jon O’Connell from the Mini Model T’s (Chippewa Falls) with us. Minutes: Recorder Jim Christie moved for the Adoption of the minutes as printed in the Tattler, it was seconded and unanimously approved. The Recorder then read the petition of Kurtis E. Wehr of Thiensville. A ballot was ordered and, when completed, the Potentate declared Kurtis elected. Correspondence: Recorder Jim Christie read his list of correspondence for the month and highlighted an article on a Father who rode his bike almost 2,000 miles over 45 days to raise money for our Hospitals. He visited 7 Hospitals on his journey and donated $1,000.00 at each one. Demits: None this month. Suspensions: Jim noted the 26 Nobles up for suspension as he informed us last month. These men will be suspended. Reinstatements: Jim noted the reinstatement of Myron A. Polzin and welcomed him back to the flock. Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer John Bugajski reviewed the P & L as well as the balance sheet. Andy Pachefsky asked About the drop in Banquet and Catering and John explained how he has changed his method of applying costs in a more equitable manner. Black Camel: HP&P Larry Wegner read the list of departed Nobles (7) since our last Stated Meeting and the Chaplain offered a prayer. Chaplain John Bennethum then reviewed the Sick and Visitation list. Finance Committee: Doug Winter presented the proposed 2015 Budget, answered some questions and noted it will be laid-over to our Annual meeting next month and then voted upon. There was no Trustees report tonight. Scimitar: Bruce Nelson noted that donations are required and then questioned why the Scimitar had been removed from the Stage curtain. Jim Christie tried to explain that it had come down for an event and that it is to be repaired before going back. Bell Ringing: Saturday is our day at the Kettles and Frank Foti up-dated information on this. Ron Johnston came forward to ask for donations 14 to Transportation. The Ill. Potentate then called Noble Greg Zarse forward and presented a Plaque for the hard work Greg and Diane have done for 13 years to advertise the Hospitals and to raise money for same. Donations: Tripoli Animals: $1,000.00 for Transportation, $100.00 for Sportsman’s Night, $500.00 for the investment account, $500.00 for the Shrine Hospital and $100.00 for a Circus ad. Antique Auto Unit: $300.00 for Hospitals, $300.00 for general fund and $300.00 for Transportation. Jim Mahaney then gave a circus report. Our Shrine Circus will run Feb. 26th thru March 1st. Jim’s goal is to raise $250,000.00 and he proceeded to explain the “Circus Program, with two circus tickets” which he is going to try this year. The Potentate, having completed all other business, moved to the election of Officers. We had 77 members present and voting. Here, in brief and concise manner are the results of the election; Potentate: P.P. Peter Salza nominated Peter Hennig. There were no other nominations. Result of the ballot was 74 members for and 3 against. Pete Hennig, Potentate elect then explained John Werner’s resignation from the Divan and read his letter. Chief Rabban: The only nomination was for Douglas Winter and the ballot showed 77 for and none against. Assistant Rabban: Larry Wegner was nominated and there were no other nominations. Ballot was 77/0. High Priest and Prophet: Nominated Keith Sargeant, no other nominations, ballot 77 for / 0 against. Oriental Guide: Dan Bast was nominated with no other nominations. Ballot showed 77 for to 0 against. Treasurer: Again, the only nominee was John Bugajski and the ballot was unanimous for John. Recorder: Not to be outdone by others, P.P. Jim Christie was nominated and elected unanimously. Trustee: Joe Schoner was elected to another term by a vote of 76 to 1. Imperial Representatives: We are allowed 4 and normally elect the three principal officers plus one. Nominations were made by Recorder Jim Christie and those officers as well as P.P. David Gutknecht were unanimously elected. Having completed elections, the Potentate called for raffle results. The Vince Lombardi Plaque was won by Fritz Jorgenson. Second place award of $25.00 went to Wally Lukitsch and, after the meeting, Wally donated that money to Transportation. Rick then proceeded to close at 8:45 PM. Respectfully submitted, James B. Christie, P.P. Recorder Tattler January 2015 Grebe’s Bakeries Wisconsin’s Largest 51st and Lincoln, Milw. (414) 543-7000 All Sentry Food Stores All Speedway Convenience Stores And other fine Convenience Stores and Supermarkets terry@tripolishrinecenter.com 15 Tattler January 2015 16 Tattler January 2015 Support Your Units and Shrine Clubs 17 Tattler January 2015 18 Tattler January 2015 19 Tattler January 2015 (262) 238-6397 Fax: (262) 242-9450 Printing & Mailing Services • Graphic Design • Business Cards • Letterheads & Envelopes • Flyers • Brochures • Newsletters printing@discoverhometown.com • Promotional Items • Logoed Apparel • Signs & Banners • Print & Insert in Express News • Direct Mail • Newspaper Advertising W130 N10437 Washington Drive • Germantown, WI 53022 20 Tattler January 2015 Ladies Activities Daughter’s Of The Nile Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays! Happy Hanukkah! I hope everyone enjoys the holiday season and has safe travels. We are trying some morning sessions with a lunch after so that you may have the rest of the day . If everyone likes this we will need to have bylaw change. At our December session there was at least 30 that attended lunch. January 10 session will again start at 10 a.m. with a lunch after. Please let Pr. Nancy Ryburn know if you are attending as she is handling the meal this month. PQ Jane Wiese will be filling in for me as we will be returning from our cruise. February 14 we will meet at our normal time and seeing that it is Valentine's Day please wear RED. The Queens lunch will be February 28 I am hoping to have it at the Shrine Center Pr. Tirzah will have more information on this. But do please save the date. March 14th is a stated session we will celebrate St. Patrick's Day Please wear GREEN this is also the time that we have election of officers. Please consider taking a station or starting the line. It is a experience that you will never forget. I attended the Hospital Auxiliary party at the Wisconsin club where PQ JoAnn DeKoning's neighbor talked about her daughter being at the Chicago hospital. I am hoping to have her daughter come and talk about being the patient at the hospital talk at the Queens Lunch. Thank you to all that helped with the Cookie Sale we made over $600.00 at that sale. Also to those that purchased Wreaths and Poinsettias. I think that Gena might have a couple of Entertainment books left if anyone is still interested. Now that we are at the Shrine Center lets try to get some of the wives of Nobles to come and join us. Please try to find a replacement for your officer if you cannot make sessions. If you cannot find some one to do your station please give me a call. Once again have a Blessed Holiday and stay safe. Nile Love, -Cheryl Grover,Queen Women’s Auxiliary November meeting was well attended and the pull tabs came in abundance. Donna Smith brought pull tabs that came all the way from Ireland! Nancy Ryburn had a full 5 gallon bucket and Verna Aschauer brought two huge bags filled with collections from her lodge. What a great job ladies getting the word out to others that want to help and just need to be told what they can do! Special thanks to those that brought premium prizes to the November meeting for the Annual Holly Luncheon. It makes a world of difference setting up to have as much as possible in advance. New officers for 2015 installed by Potentate elect Pete Henning at our December meeting. Jody Hale – Chairman, Diana Kifer – Vice Chairman, Geri Lorberter – Gifts, Memorials and Honoraria Chairman, June Herman – Financial Secretary, Vicki Kuharske – Recording Secretary Evonne Hurst – Treasurer , Nancy Cole – Trustee, to join Diane Spasoff ,and Diane Zarse – Trustees. Congratulations to all of the new officers. The Holly Luncheon held Wednesday December 3rd at the Wisconsin Club was a great success. The weather was wonderful. With gratitude to each and every member: inviting spouses, friends and family to attend, your generosity to a good cause, premium prize donations which were bountiful, helping hands attending to tickets and tables, runners, beautiful tables and wonderful entertainment thank you Sherry and pulling it all together Evonne. A good time was had by all, and every member helped make this event a success. The event pull tab contest winner was Lorraine Terpstra. Thank you to all that participated in the challenge, you all are winners. The Auxiliary is open to all women, no Masonic affiliation is required and the dues are only $5.00 a year! Remember $2.00 goes directly to the Wheel Chair Fund. The January meeting will be Wednesday the 21st. Bring in baby dolls and trucks. Meeting lunch reservations call into Mary Ann before Monday the 19th at (414) 352-2527). Come join us in the Melham parlor to socialize and shop for delicious nuts, candies, knives and talent table items. Lunch is served at 12:00 noon, followed by our meeting. Received a gift recently although well intended, just not a good fit for you? We are eager to take your re-gifted items now for others to enjoy. Help our cause and remember to bring these items to our next meeting along with any hand crafted items for our sales/talent table. For toy donations the need is for cars, trucks, baby dolls and coloring books. Clothing need is elastic waist shorts in all sizes. Memorials, honorariums and gifts send to our Memorial Chairman Gerri Lorberter, 7979 W Glenbrook Rd, #6020, Milwaukee, 53223. For the love of a child! - Jody B. Hale (262) 490-1336 jodybhale@yahoo.com 21 Tattler January 2015 Tripoli Contact Information Office: Phone: 414-933-4700 Fax: 414-933-1591 office@tripolishrinecenter.com TRIPOLI SHRINE CENTER CONTACT INFORMATION 3000 W. Wisconsin Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53208 Rentals/Special Events: Terry Lea Phelps 414-659-7368 terry@tripolishrinecenter.com www.tripolishrinecenter.com Advertising/Tattler: Phone: 414-933-4700 tattler@tripolishrinecenter.com Open to the public: Mon. - Fri. 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Circus: Jim Mahaney H: 262-367-6929 C: 414-651-2777 jimnjanmaha@yahoo.com Onion Sales: Tom Schlicht C: 414-852-3214 taschlicht@aol.com Larry Wegner H: 262-251-5534 C: 262-844-5468 l.wegner@sbcglobal.net Mark Norville C: 414-460-1290 minnesotamark@gmail.com Building closes at 10:00 p.m. for Unit meeting nights. Administrative Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. TO KEEP IN TOUCH UNITS ANIMALS: RON E. GUSTAFSON (920) 627-4107 ANTIQUE AUTO: ANDY PACHEFSKY 414-687-7646 LEGION OF HONOR: RICHARD VANDE SANDE (262) 763-6797 LONG RIDERS: JAMES J. BURTON (414) 462-4493 MARSHALS: LEIGHTON R. TIMM (262) 257-0474 BAND: ARNIE GARBER (414) 352-2527 MOTOR CORPS: BRIAN GRAFF (262) 617-7157 CHIPPEWA MINI Ts: ROBERT E. HUDSON (715) 382-4998 NEXGEN: URAL (PATRICK) JACKSON (414) 467-3669 CLOWNS: RON DANIELSON (262) 470-1004 NORTHWOODS JACKS: SCOTT KELLOG (715) 545-2004 CRUSADERS: MIKE CLINNIN (414) 294-0238 DEMOLAY: ROBERT E. LIJEWSKI (414) 422-9452 DIRECTOR’S STAFF: GREG BARG 414-241-9827 HIGHLANDERS: JACK A. LOVE (414) 425-5272 HILLBILIES: DON ADAMS (414) 378-9131. 22 PHOTO CORPS: DENNIS WILSON (414) 588-0855 PROVOST: DOUG JASKOLSKI 414-380-3684 RITUALISTIC DIVAN: RICK GEISS (262) 554-6229 TILERS: ROBERT ADAMS (414) 462-0800 TRANSPORTATION: RON JOHNSTON (414) 416-0700 CLUBS CHIPPEWA FALLS: JON O’CONNELL 715-726-1345 FOND DU LAC: GEORGE WEIGEL (920) 921-0122 HARBORVIEW: PATRICK JACKSON (414) 467-3669 KENOSHA: JIM GENAME (262) 909-7034 LAKE SHORE: WARREN KRAMER 414-248-3346 NORTHWOODS: SCOTT KELLOGG 715-545-2004 NORWAUKEE: TOM SCHLICHT (414) 852-3214 SHEBOYGAN: RON GUSTAFSON 920-627-4107 TRI-COUNTY: JOHN NOBLE 262-210-8454 WAUKESHA: JOHN MAROTTA (262) 549-5841 WEST ALLIS: FRANK FOTI 414-940-5632 WHITNALL PARK: DAVE SCHABER 414-422-1367 WINNEBAGOLAND: BILL HESSER (920) 379-9886 ALLIANCES SOUTHWEST FLORIDA: CARL WUSSOW (863) 420-1839 DAUGHTERS OF THE NILE CHERYL GROVER 262-352-0420 WOMEN’S AUXILARY: JODY HALE 262-490-1336 Tattler January 2015 23 Periodicals Postage Paid at USPS Milwaukee USPS 641-800 ISSN 1075-4024 terry@tripolishrinecenter.com
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