September 28 Ohio - We Don`t Sell Advertising We Sell Results
September 28 Ohio - We Don`t Sell Advertising We Sell Results
FREE Volume 3 No. 39 • OWNED BY MILLER PRINTING & PUBLISHING • 4177 RT. 19, PERRY HWY. COCHRANTON, PA 16314 • SEPTEMBER 28, 2013 OHIO AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 SEPTEMBER 28, 2013 235/70R16 All Season $89 724-66 2-3483 MERCER TIRE SALES MAYSV ILLE FENCE High Tensile Woven Wire Horse Cote Horse Rail Game Fence Free Estim ates 724-5882299 Customer Satisfaction is Our Goal! MOBILE HOMES Financing for owners or realtors, parks or private land:for qualified buyer s. Super Loan Originators at Romar Homes. 7249 27 -6 3 41 . NMLS #323651. BUYING Blocking logs. Paying $ 90 0 pe r lo a d fo r mixed hardwood logs 8” and up delivered to H am b u rg R oa d Gree nvill e, PA. Ca ll Cl inch Tite Co rp. at 724-376 -7315. NORTHWESTERN PA, MERCER & CRAWFORD COUNTIES: •90 acres, mostlywooded,gas & oil rights included.$360,000. •165 acre farm w/2 houses, 2 barns, fencing,stream,pasture, tillable,wooded •77 acres, wooded,cleared •28 acres, wooded •112 acre farm,wooded,cleared, pasture,tillable •Other parcels ofvacantland that can be subdivided into less acreage.Call fordetails. FARMETTE: MERCER, PA: 3BR brick ranch on 11.19 expertlylandscaped acres w/heatpump/central air,appliances,well/ septic, 4 stall barn w/water,electric/standard fencing,pasture,riding arena,equipmentshed, 2 carfinished/heated garage, blacktop drive, manyextra features. $265,000 LORENO REAL ESTATE 724-588-2770 BINGO Cli nton vill e Vo l. Fire Dept. 503 Eml enton St. Clintonville. Every Mon d a y 7 :00 PM doors open at 5:00PM kitch en al s o a va il able. ARMY & NAVY STORE J.Amato & Son 814-33 3-8299 L o ca te d i n th e Me ad vi ll e D ow n tow n Ma l l a cros s from Dollar General. We h a ve vi n ta g e L evi ’ s, L ee ’ s a n d Wrangler jeans size 3 1 to 7 2 wa i s t VERY CHEAP! Also h ave Bi b ove ral l s a nd coa ts -g rea t sizes. See our large se lection of shou ld er b ag s , d u ffl e b ag s an d ba ck packs. We print military d og ta gs . We have a large selection of 550 paracord; ma ny different co lors. Military surplus a nd col l e cti b le s . New and used:Adult a nd you th , l a te s t s tyl e s o f s tree t ca mo, shorts, fie ld ja ckets, s we aters, a n d EMT p a nts . Combat an d jungle boots . Huntin g and military knives, cots, s l ee p i ng b ag s , socks, gloves, caps, h el me ts , b la nkets and more. MRE’s by the case of package. Gas masks and filters. We alsobuymilitary items from individuals and estates. ATTENTION SNOW PLOW PROFESSIONALS We ha ve b ul k rock saltavailable at a reasonable price. We’re also runni ng a s ale o n s l ag . Ke n n ed y L an d sca pe Su p pl y 814-42 5-7903 225/60R16 All Season $65 724-66 2-3483 MERCER TIRE SALES MILLER’S METAL ROOFING & SIDING Stacking semi loads of baked on enamel pa inte d me tal, 8’ to 16’ R ainbow $ 1 per lineal feet, some 8’ to 20’ #3 painted metal $1.15 to $1.18 per LF. L im ited col ors an d a mo u nts . 8’ to 26 ’ galvalume $1.50 per lineal foot, 15 colors 8’ to 20’ painted metal $1.80 lineal feet.Also a va i l ab l e p a i nte d galvalume 40 yr. warranty $1.95 per lineal feet, G-100 40 yr. warranty $2.25 per lineal fe et, ma de to ord er hu nter g ree n, b lu e, red or gray $1.50 per LF. 1½”x19½” standing s eam $2.8 7 per li neal fee t, w e ha ve everything for a metal roof!! Mostly roll form trim . Stain less s teel painted snowguards $ 2 e a ., C up o l a’ s , w e at h e r van e s , coilstock $65 per roll, 3 ’ x8 ’ to 1 6’ cle a r skilite $3.50 per LF. A full line of Cannonball track $2.50 per ft. and qu ick do or fra min g. Ope n 8 to 4 :3 0 M, Tue., Wed., Fri. 8 to 1 Sat., ClosedThurs. & Sundays. 1 mile north ofAtlantic, PAon 9730 Laird Rd., Hartstown PA or 3780 Miller Dr. No cards accepted. E-Z BRICKS C om p re ss e d s aw dust bricks burn hotter and cleaner than firewood. 100 shrink wrap pe d pa ckag es per ton $200 per ton, delivery available for a d di ti on a l ch a rg e . Call 724-946-8608 CIANCI TIRE Mon th ly ti re d e a ls . Ove rsto cks, cl o se outs. Cianci Brothers Tire Clearance Wareho use. Acros s from th e Gree n vil l e Wal m a rt 7 24 -5 88 6096 COOLEY’S OIL UNDERCOATING New undercoating oil for ca rs & p ickup s $50. Call for price on other vehicles. Let us h e lp s to p th e ru s t from ruining your vehicle investme nt.We accept used oil. 814547-1 825. YOUR AD COULD BE HERE!! PAGE 2 WANTED Ol d En gli sh , Ita li an and Specia l Inte rest cars an d parts! Top D o ll a r Pa i d! L oca l Buyer! Call Bill 724712-3 337. FISHERMAN Fish for Trophy Lake Eri e Jum b o Pe rch . C a ll Fis h -N -Fu n Charters in Conneaut Ohio. 440-221 -9592 cal l no w fo r be s t dates. STEEL SHINGLES MOUNTAIN RUN FORESTRY LLC IS A BUYER OF STANDING TIMBER & TIMBER LAND. If you have any timber on your land, we invite you to contact us!! TOP $$$ PAID FOR CH, RO, WO, HM, SM, POP & WALNUT. SELECT OR CLEAR CUT 1-440-319-2449 WANTED Pu ll Rite s up erg li de 16,000 lb. fifth wheel hitch under truck bed fram e mo u n ti n g brackets model 3345 and pins to lock hitch for 1999-2010 GM ¾ ton. 814-786-8389 JMS SALES & SERVICE Anthracite coal $330 p er s ki d . Gre en e team pellets $225 per ton . D e li ve ry ava il able. Call for h ours. 724-253-3584. 3828 Hadley Ro ad Clarks Mills, PA 16114 A.R.E.truck caps, running boar ds, bug shields, rain guards, bedliner s, mud flaps, hitches, nerf steps, floor mats. Erie, PA, I-90 Exit 32 1-800-957-0000 Stone Coated Steel Shingles Giving You The Look of Architectural Shingles With the Durability of Steel. IN STOCK AVAILABLE NOW EASTERN STATES METAL ROOFING Your Premier Metal Roofing Supplier. 716-355-4374 OHIO AREA SHOPPER The Area 814-425-7272 Shopper SEPTEMBER 28, 2013 PAGE 3 AUCTION GUIDE THE FOLLOWING AUCTIONEERS ARE MEMBERS OF THE STATE & NORTHWESTERN PA. AUCTIONEER’S ASSOCIATION JOHN HUEY BAK ER & BELLIS SIMONETTA TAMMY LOUCKS NICOLLS & AUCTIONS Member of NAA, PAA AUCTIONEERS AUCTI ONEER AUCTION SERVICE 814-333-1988 Slippery Rock, Pa. BILL BELLIS, JR. 814-683-5120 www.nicanda PATRICK SIMONETTA PHONE 814-671-1978 fax 814-425-2386 814-282-7746 724-79 4-4737 www.bba TRACE AUCTIONSERVICE 814-382-2922 w w w Full Service & Computerized 814-336-4160 MOWRY AUCTION SERVICE REIMOLD BROTHERS CRESSWELL AUCTION Charles P. Mowry Auctioneer AUCTION SERVICE SERVICE Specializing in Real Estate Auctions BOB REIMOLD & ASSOC. 724-37 6-2122 724-25 3-3493 724-64 6-1771 or 724-699-0912 Licensed in PA and Ohio Visit: Code #15093 DAVIDAPHELPS AUCTIONEER 814-425-3927 or 814-720-3870 814-42 5-7276 or 814-425-7779 RICHARDA. ROBERTS AUCTIONEER 724-679-1168 LICENSEDINPA EMLENTON, PA KEVIN WHEELER 814-734-9839 814-602-7457 LIC. #AU005522 HARDY OUTDOOR WOOD STOVES Sal es a nd Servi ce . Heatilator Indoor Pellet Stoves. Wood Pellets. Hot Water Heaters • In Floor Heating Systems • Forced Air & Electric Furnaces & Boi lers . License d & Insured. PA014648. 814-42 5-2278 JUNK WANTED R e cycl in g cars , trucks , va ns , etc. Need not be towable, tilt bed service availa bl e . Pl e as e ca l l Moe. 724-376-3810. We wa nt yo ur jun k, thank you! RT. 19 PRODUCE AUCTION MUMS AUCTIONS EVERY TUESDAYS & FRIDAYS AT 10 AM CAN NIN TO M AT G OES Rt. 19 Cochranton, Pa 16314 DIRECTIONS: From Meadville, PA take Route 19 south approx. 9 miles auction on right, fromMercer, PA take Rt. 19 north approx. 20 miles, auction on left. TOMATOES, ZUCHINNI, SQUASH. PRODUCE AS IT COMES IN SEASON Term s: Cash, check, credit card, 3% buyers premium w aived if paying cash. ROUTE 19 PRODUCE AUCTION KEVIN MILLER AU-005084-L ANDREW D. BAKER AA019366 724-456-3632 HOME FOR SALE Goddard State Park, 3 be droom , 2 ½ baths, 3 car garage, L-ShapedRanch, .85 acre,handicap ramp around porch. Must see home. ½ mile to Mar ina. Call 77 2 919-1711. No rent to own.Price $169,900. FOR SALE Farmall ACulti-Vision tra ctor, gra d in g b la d e , 1 6 ’ b o tto m plow, culti vator, buzz saw, new clutch and pressure plate. New front and re ar tire s. As king $1 000 . 72 4588-8 291. FOR SALE International 574 gas tractor $4500. CaseIHC 8 33 0 ha yb in e $ 29 0 0 . N H 3 5 4 grinder mixer $2000. Hay and grain elevator $1250. 724-9 918934. FOR SALE 1971 Cama ro Street Stri p, 477 big bl ock, TH400 , 12 bolt, ladd er b ars , 4 w he e l disc brakes, etc, 9.90 car. Very solid and all new $20k. 2005 Big Bear Venom Chopper, 11 0 R e vte ch, 6 speed, soft tail , 470 m il e s , $ 1 5k. 81 4 573-0488 HOUSE FOR SALE BY OWNER Re du ced -R edu ce dReduced. 4 bdrm, 2 baths, 3 car detached garage, 3 acres with gas rights, fruit trees a nd g ra p e a rb or, beautiful location between Grove City and The Outlet Mall and Vo la n t. Grove Ci ty Sch o o l D i st. Wa s $8 9,00 0 redu ced to $8 0,0 00. Apprais ed a t $ 1 07 ,0 00 . 72 4 421-5230 AKC REGISTERED ANATOLIAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES 2 females, verylarge do gs, goo d g uard, herding, and house dogs! asking $800. 724-37 6-7183 FOR SALE Cu ttin g to rch set w/ tan ks $ 225, Lincoln 225/AC welder $175, Craftsman floor d rill press $175 , i nsid e, outs ide, d epth m ics fo r sa le , al um in um powerglide transmission $175, 305 Chevy e ng i n e $ 40 0 , fl oo r j ack $2 5 , Po rte r Cabl e roofing na iler $9 5, reed pip e vi se $2 5, rache t b inde rs $ 2 0 e a b a th ro o m sink $5, 30x60 maple tabl es $20 ea. 7 24992-1557 FOR SALE 25 year old fuel oil furn a ce . Co m p l ete , make good back up source of heat. Volant boiler $170. 814-3336747. 96 Chevy 305 motor,tranny, transfer case,$350. 50”snow plow, $95. 5’ Kubota fro n t m ou nt bru sh , $600. KEVIN MILLER HEATING COST TOO HIGH! Ca ll th e Alternative, yo ur l oca l C e n tra l Bo il e r d e a le r. Ch oo se from wo od b u rn e rs, d ue l fu e l stoves or corn & pelle t bu rnin g m odel s. Th erm ope x, in flo or h ea t su p p li e s a n d stove parts in stock. Located 1 mile north of the Courthouse Rt. 62 mercer. Call for an a pp o i ntm e nt 7 24 977-3 785. SCHIESTLE’S AUCTION CENTER AH00 1848 537 N PERRY HWY MERCER, PA. 724-30 1-0623 Weekly Friday night sales beg inning at 5:00. We buy entire estates or complete ho use hol ds. Co nsignments taken on Mondays from 11-4 b y a p p oi n tme n t on ly. Ha ul in g se rvice is available.Anti q u e /C o l l e ct i b l e Sales are the third Frid a y o f ea ch month. BUY YOUR SHINGLES at Oakes & McCle lland in Greenville and ge t a roofing n ail er Rent Free for a day. 1 -8 0 0 -2 2 2 - 8 7 3 6 . Reservations please. MEADVILLE LIVESTOCK REPORT 9-18-13 Cows Good 70.00 to 85.00.Medium 55.00 To 69.00. Common 55.00& down.Bulls 70.00 To 96.50. Feeders 75.00to 140.00 .Calves Back ToFarmBulls 90 To 130lbs. 75.00To 157.50,BacktoFarm Heifers90 to130 lbs.50.00 to 100.00. Little Pigs 12.00 to 67.50.Str Hogs 69.00 To 75.00.Sows35.00 to69.00.Males 18.00 to43.00.Lambs 80.00 To 115.00. Sheep 20.00 to 32.50. Goats 35.00 To 320.00.Kids 10.00 to 50.00.Top Horse 440.00.Square Hay1.90 to 4.50a Bale.Round Hay12.00to50.00 a Bale. Square Straw2.00 to 3.25 abale. EarCorn 3.00 to 5.25 a bag.Shelled Corn 8.50a bag.Cracked Corn 10.00 abag. Oats 6.75 to 9.25 a bag. Wheat9.00 a bag. Speltz9.50 a bag.Total Head:353. MOTORCYCLE 1989 Yamaha 1100cc Virag o . Se l li n g be cause of health problems. Aski ng $1100. 81 4-72 4-30 06 , as k for Ken. SIMON MILLER BETH C. HILLMAR AUCTIONEER MERCER, PA 724-662-4039 LICENSED IN PA & OHIO CUSTOM PRESS CIDER Starting Saturday October 5th. Call for details 814-853-2561 or 7 24 -9 27 -6 50 0 . H icko ry Gro ve Orchard, Espyville, PA BUYING Stand ing Timbe r. 10 acres and up. Paying top dollar in advance. C al l C TC Lo gg i ng , LL C an d s et u p an appointment with our buyer today. You’ll be happ y you did! 7 24376-7315 TRACTORS Int. SuperAwith front, snow blades $2600. 7½’ front blade off Int. 484 $385. 5) 5’ front blades offInt. SuperA o r 1 4 0 $ 3 85 . 37 ) 100lb. weights off Int. A or 140 $50 each. 2) 100 lb. weights off Int. C ub $ 50 e ach . 8 ) front weights off Int. A or 140 $50 each.724662-4607 FOR SALE 24’ Coachman travel trailer, all appliances, w o rk/AC, e xce l le n t con d i ti o n , $ 3 75 0 . 4 1 2-9 9 2-8 6 7 3 o r 724-25 3-3925 FARM EQUIPMENT 8N Ford converted to 12 volt $2000. Attachm en ts a va il a b le . 1987 Case backhoe 580 Super E full cab $ 10 ,00 0 . 7 2 4-8 66 110 0 or 7 24 -3 01 1181 OHIO AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 SEPTEMBER 28, 2013 PAGE 4 OHIO AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 ABSOLUTE AUCTION MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 AT 5:00 PM BE ON TIME!!! 135 WATER STREET, CONNEAUT LAKE, PA Lot and building. Lot size 14x70 with a 12x20 office or small store front with restroom. Endless possibilities for the right person!! City water, city sewage, 100 amp electric service. Taxes approx. $250.00.On main drag in Conneaut Lake BE YOUR OWN BOSS OR RENTAL PROPERTY! FOR VIEWING OR MORE INFO CONTACT KEVIN MILLER, AUCTIONEER 724-456-3632 TERMS:$2500.00 down dayof auction nonrefundable,balance due in 30 days upon deliveryofdeed. $1000.00 Buyer’s Premium added to final bid to determine selling price. OWNER: BILL TIBI MOVING AUCTION SUNDAY OCT. 6, 2013 10 AM LOCATED: 11686 Oakview Dr., Conneaut Lake, PA, 16316 (East Side) Rt. 322, North on Rt. 18, 1.4 Miles, Turn Left onto Oakmont, 3/10 Mile to Oakview.Auction on Left. Be Cautious where you park! BASS FISHINGBOAT: Skeeter SS90,1997 w/Yamaha 90 HP Outboard and Trolling Motor, Sw ive l Seats a nd Tra iler. SN: STEF149J697. GOLF CART: E-Z-Go BatteryPower, NewerBuilt in Charge System. HOME FURNISHINGS: Very Nice.Dining Room Table & 4 Chairs; Matching Full Size and Love Sofas; Modern Coffee & Lamp Table Set; Recliner; Swivel Recliner; Massage Chair& Ottoman;Youth Bunk Bed;Pine Chest of Drawers; Small Appliances; Home & Kitchen Wares; Balboa 2Person H ot Tu b (ne eds repairs). WOODTOOLS:DeWaltRadialArm Saw (Built in);Dust Collector; Homecraft Joiner; Wood Clamps; MISC.: Arien 6 HP, SP Snow Blower; Central Tractor RotoTiller; Ladders; Hand Truck; Various Long Handled Tools;Fishing Rods &Reels;WaterSport Items;Weight Machine; Window AC Unit; Pet Carrier; more misc. TERMS: CASH, Checks by PRIOR Approval. Credit Cards: MC/Visa, Discover 3% Buyers Premium, Waived of Paying byCash or Check. NOTE: All Items must be Removed Auction Day. Photos on Web: OWNERS: Rick and Lorrie Morow (814) 382-2922. PA LIC. # AU1620-L. csallenauct MOVING AUCTION Sat. Oct. 5, 2013 9 AM Located:6974 Dutch Hill Road, Meadville, PA 16335. Turn South (@ Sheetz) onto Kennedy Hill Road, 1/4 Mile, Turn Left on Mercer Pike, 3 1/4 Miles, Turn Left onto Dutch Hill Road, 1 3/4 Miles to Auction CLASSICTRUCK:1962 Ford F-100,Step Side,292 V8, 4 Sp.,Street Ready.VAN:2001 Ford Windstar,SESport. BOAT-TRAILERS:Sears 14 ft.Alum.Boat w/Trailer(NJ); Flat Trailer, Tandem Axle (Low Profile), 7x12 ft.; Mobility Elec. Cart/Chair. YARD EQUIP.:JD 318,Ride Mower w/ Hyds.;Snowblower; Roto-Tiller; Storage Building;Step & Ext. Ladders; Camping Items; Lawn-Garden-Hand Tools; Log Splitter w/Gas Motor on Wheels; Bal. of Firewood;(3) Wood Stoves. HOMEWARES:Pool Table; Shuffleboard; CrosleyWasher; Whirlpool Elec. Dryer; Upright Freezer; (2) A.C. Units; Sofa; Organ; TV; Dressers; Patio Set; (3) S.S. Sinks; Misc. Home Furnishings and Wares; Craft Items; Collectibles: Die CastNascar Models;McDonald Land Collectibles; (4) Ice Cream Ch airs ; Glas sware; Gla ss Basket Collection; Art Prints. OWNERS: Blaze & Donna Riordan. TERMS:CASH,CHECKSbyPRIORApproval. Credit Cards: MC/Visa, Discover with 3% Buyers Premium waived if paying byCash or Check. Photos on Web site. Refreshments Job Johnny (814) 382-2922. PA LIC. # AU1620-L. csallenauct TELL ‘EM YOU SAW THEIR AD IN THE AREA SHOPPER!!! SEPTEMBER 28, 2013 MILDRED F. FRITERS ESTATE AUCTION SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2013 @ 9:30 AM 117 WILLOW RD, KARNS CITY, PA 16041 BUTLER CO. * FAIRVIEW TWP LOCATED: 1 3/10 MILE EAST OF PETROLIA, PAON MAIN HILL RD, TURN SOUTH ON WILLOW RD TOAUCTION. WATCH FOR HUEY AUCTION SIGNS. REAL ESTATE ** ACERAGE ** DOLL COLLECTION ** GLASSWARE ** COINS ** ANTIQUES * TOOLS * BOAT * CAMPER & MORE. REAL ESTATE SELLS @ 12:00 NOON PARCEL #1 - 3.83 AC W/ 3 BEDROOM SINGLE STOR Y BRICK H OME W/ 2 BATHS - EAT IN KITCHEN – LIVINGROOM – FAMILY R OOM – FR ON T & BAC K POR C HES-FUL L C EMEN TED BASEMENT W SINGLE CAR GARAGE – OIL FORCED AIR HEAT – CENTRAL AIR – WELL & SEPTIC – BLACK TOP DRIVE ON ABEAUTIFUL SPACIOUS YARD. AL SO INCLUDES 24’ X 32’ CEMENTED GAR AGE /WORKSHOP & 16 ’ X 12’ SHED W/ CEMENT FLOOR. THIS IS AREALLYNICE HOME IN GOOD RU R AL L OCATION , READY TO MOVE INTO CONDITION. TAXES: $1244.00. SELLS W/ ALL MINERALS – GAS & OIL FOR MOR E INFO OR APPT TO VIEW CONTACT AUC TIONEER JOH N R H UEY II @ (7 24) 7 944737 TERMS ON PARCEL # 1 : $10,000.00 DOWN DAY OF AUCTION (NON REFUNDABLE) BALANC E IN 30 TO 45 DAYS OR UPON DELIVERY OF DEED. PARCEL # 2: SELL S TO H IGH BID D ER 8 .5 +/- AC RES WOOD ED ACR ES W/ FR ON TAGE ON WILLOW RD (SELLS W/ MINERALS, GAS * & OIL RIGHTS) SELLS TO HIGH BIDDER * NO R ESER VES. PL AN N OW TO COME TAKE ALOOK. TAXES: $ 184.00 YR. TERMS ON PARCEL #2: $7 ,500 .00 DOWN D AY OF AUCTION (NON REFUNDABLE) BALANCE IN 30 TO 45 DAYS OR U PON D EL IVER Y OF D EED . KEEP WATC H IN G FOR FUL L LISTING OR L OG ONTO AU C TION ZIP.COM TO VIEW PH OTOS AND FUL L LISTINGS. USE AU ID # 1361 JOHN R HUEY II AU-001588-L SUE ANN WEIDNER AU-001781-L SLIPPERY ROCK, PA (724) 794-4737 REAL ESTATE AUCTION MONDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 14TH STARTING @ 5:30 PM 1138 SKUNK RUN ROAD, MERCER, PA, 16137 FAIRVIEW TWP ** MERCER CO. LOCATED: APPROX 5 Miles North Of Mercer, Pa. or 4/10 Mile South Of I 79, Exit 121 On Rt 62, Turn North on North Cottage Rd 3 5/10 Miles to Auction. Watch For HueyAuction Signs. SELLING 2.5 +/-ACRES w / older stone front home & out bldgs, horse barn w/ pasture, nice Secluded setting, Excellent getawayor hunting camp. Sells w/ All Gas, Oil & Mineral Rights. Sells Subject to Owner confirmation. Taxes: $1200.00 yr. NO BUYERS FEE. TERMS: $7500 .00 DOWN DAY AUCTION (NON REFUNDABLE) BALANCE IN 30 DAYS OR UPON DELIVERY OF DEED. OWNER: RUDY J HOSTETLER CALL AUCTIONEER FOR MORE INFO. JOHN R HUEY II AU-001588-L SLIPPERY ROCK, PA (724) 794-4737 FOR SALE 4’ pul l brusho g, e xcellen t conditio n not 3pth, great for small tracto r $ 4 00 . 72 4 406-0 230. FOR SALE 2001 Chevy Cavalier, e xce l le n t s h a pe , runs great, 30 mpg, i ns p ecte d ti ll 8 /14 , $ 3 00 0 OBO. 72 4 977-9 502. Brumbaugh Estate & Family Trust Auction 805 & 807 Elk St., 310 Eighth Street & Vacant Lot Corner of 8th & Elk St. Franklin, PA 16323 Saturday, October 19, 2013 * 9:00 Real Estate Sells at 12:00 Noon Open House for Real Estate Tuesday, October 1, 2013 * 5:00-7:00 PM REAL ESTATE * LARGE ESTATECOIN COLLECTION 2004 BUICK RENDEZVOUS * PERSONAL PROPERTY * MILITARY ITEMS EQUIPMENT, CAR & MOTORCYCLE PARTS FROM THE FORMER ABC CYCLE SHOP Directions: Fro m Venang o County Courtho use, take Rt. 322 East. Follow to auction. Watch for Baker and Bellis Auctioneers Signs. Real Estate Info:Unique opportunityto buy4 properties at one time at auction. Main house on Elk Street has vinyl si di ng a nd rep la ce men t wi nd ow s. The o th er stru cture on El k Stree t wa s a hou se -s to ra ge building for former cycle shop. The house on Eighth Stree t was use d as a ren tal prope rty, whil e the other vacant lot on the corner is currently being use d as parki ng. The bu ildi ngs a re in vari ous states of condition. All the properties need work but have excellent potential. Elk Street has many beautiful homes located on it and this could be another. Parcel Numbers : 10,106.-053, 10,106.057, 10,10 6.-058 , 10,1 06.-05 9. Term s on Real Estate: $6500 cash or PA check non-refundable down payment day of auction. Balance due in 30 days at closing. Auctioneer’s Note: Real Estate being sold upon confirmation. Trustees are from out of area & state. They say property must sell. Very motivated. Plan to atte nd. Watch for fu ture complete listing of vast coin collection and other personal propertyin future ad or watch our website. Bill Bellis, Jr. 814-67 1-1978 PAA, CAGA~AU003805-L Any auctioneer can sell at auction, but doing it right is what we do best. www.BBA PAGE 5 OLDER COMICS WANTED Pre-1 980 , C oll ector lo okin g to b uy. To p Price s paid. No colle ctio n too la rg e or s ma l l . C a ll D ave , 814-881 -6963. BRING IN THIS COUPON and get 10% off your n e xt i n-s tore pu rcha s e a t Oa ke s & McClelland in Greenville, Pa. 1-800 -2228736 GUNS R em . 30 -0 6 mo de l 7600 with 4x40 Tasco scope $585. Smith & Wesson 20 ga. 2¾ or 3” mag model 1000M $ 40 0 . 3 0 -40 Kra i g 1 9 02 ful l s to ck $ 10 00 . Wi n ch es te r model 12-12 ga pre 6 4 $4 8 5. 72 4-6 62 4607 FOR SALE 2001 Hardside truck camper, 8’, all applian ce s work $2 45 0. 4 1 2-9 9 2-8 6 7 3 o r 724-25 3-3925 FOR SALE 1985 Harley dresser black, 45,000 miles, ex. cond., just tuned u p, m an y extras , $ 8 00 0 . 7 2 4 -86 6 110 0 or 7 24 -3 01 1181 APPLE CIDER McIn tos h , Gi n ge r Gol d , Em p ire , REAL ESTATE AND CONTENTS AUCTION Cortland, Honeycrisp SAT. OCT. 5TH, 2013 @ 9: A.M. Located: 14315 Beagle Rd. Linesville, PA., from and Gala Apples--Hot Linesville take Rt. 6 E out of town to Harmonsburg o r Sw ee t Pep pe rs Rd. , go 2 miles to Beagle Rd. OR/ from Rt. 18 & Open Daily 9am-6pm Harmonsburgh Rd. ,follow Harmonsburg Rd.west cl ose d We dne sda y. 3 miles to Beagle Rd. , watch for Auction signs. H icko ry Gro ve OrREAL ESTATE: 4.6 + or - ac. , 2 bedroom mobile ch ard , Espyvill e, PA home w/ full addition. Sun room, kitchen, dining Call 814-853-2561 or area, living room, 2 bathrooms, lg. master bed- 724-92 7-6500 room. 22’ x 22’ garage, 8’ x 10’ storage building, COMBINES/HEADS paved drivew ay. Nice setting with room to grow. Several JD 9500’s – 490’ Road frontage, on site septic & water well. JD 4420-JD 4400-JD Grea t s tarte r h ome , dow n sizing o r s eas on al home. Summit twp., few minutes from Conneaut 6600. Gleaner K2-IH with rock trap Lake and Pymatuning area. Lots of wildlife. Call 1420 JD 920Auctioneer for R. E. Packet and / or viewing. R. E. Grainheads: 9 1 8 -9 1 5 -2 1 3 -2 1 5 TERMS: 10% Deposit Auction day, balance with in plus others. IH 820 & 45 days with deed transfer. Also selling HOUSE1020- 15’, 16.5’,17.5’, HOLD: Newe r Whirlpool Refrig erator &prop ane 20’, 2 5’--AC: Lo ts of sto ve; Kenmo re mi crowa ve; Whirl pool wash er; 13’, 1 5’, 16’, 1 8, 20’ Cro sley e lec. d ryer; Basse tt di ning room ch ina for F-M-L -R com cabinet & server; Sleeper sofa; recliner chairs; TV b in es . Co rnh ea ds stand & end tables; dining room table w/ 6 vinyl JD 6 4 3 -4 4 4 -44 3 covered chairs; kitchenette set w/ 2 chairs ; dbl. 3 43 -2 4 4 – IH 8 63 door cedar wardrobe; blond oak Br. set; modern 843-1063-1083 – AC Br. set, bed, chest & dresser w/mirror; night stand; 2-3 -4-6 row. Lots of “seated: blanket box; lamps; Bionix exercise ma- n ew h ea d e r ca rts chine; Paintings - Oil on canvas 1988 & 1987 Artist 1 5 ’ - 2 0 ’ - 2 5 ’ - 3 0 ’ C. Mackey wildlife; GENERAL H.H. SMALLS: Life- $2000. & up – Loads time pans; dishes, kitchen ware; linens; wall deco, of new & used parts WM Rogers plated flatware; glass & china ware; fo r co mb i n es & FEW COLLECTIBLES: Li ghters, hu nting knives, hea ds. Huge invenco mm on wa tches ; etc.; Woo de n a dv. cra te s; crocks #4 & #8; shop vac; ALSO SELLING: Ou t- to ry o f ti n wo rk fo r heads. New doorpatio bar w/4 chairs;(2) air conditioners; small combine 11L x 15 8 ply Ameriyard deco; misc. L. H. Tools; SHOP ITEMS: NEW can Farme r wa go n Industrial gasoline generator Mod. 8500M and In- ti res $85./ea . BOAK dustrial Mod. T.P.-300 trash pump 3 x 3; EQUIP: 5’ FAMILY FARMS, LLC 3 pth. Woods Dixie Mod. M5 Brush hog; Dearborn – FU L L TIME 3 pth 2 B plows; 3 pth. disk; 3 pth. 5’ Land Pride FAR MER / D EAL ER roto tiller; truck short bed made in to trailer - farm N EW C ASTL E, PA use only- no title; 10 x 28 tractor tire and rim; LAWN HOURS BY PRE-ARAND GARDEN: Murray16.5 hp riding mower w/ 42” RANGEMENT ONLY. cut; sm. dump cart; weed trimmer; Kemp chipper CALL B4 U DRIVE!! shredder; Sears 12 hp riding mower w/ front blade C LOSED SU ND AY and wheel wts; Ariens 3 1/2 hp 5 s peed s now 724-924-2 396 CALL blower; Misc. Sears rear end w/transmission, (2) BEFORE 9 P.M. B & S elec. start engines, tractor belt pulley; Used - shallow well pump w/holding tank, (7) tela post, FOR SALE 100 0 btu Ol son nat. gas furnace ; 5” flu e pi pe; 1 9 90 D od g e 6”round furnace pipe & register boots; misc. lights; Ramcharger LE, auTV cable; vinyl windows, doors and door casing; tomatic, injected 360, 11’ basement steps - wooden; Note:R. E. Sells @ a ir con d i ti o n in g , 12 noon, Personal property starts @ 9: a.m., Lg. p o we r wi n d ow s , appliance & furniture after R. E., Come prepared power door locks, reto remove all items purchased Auction day. P. P. m o te s ta rt, d e lu xe TERMS: Cash. Known or pre approved checks w/ stereo with CD player, current proper ID. 4 ” s u sp e ns i o n l i ft, OWNER: VIRGINIA DUBRAWSKY 33x12.50-15 tires on MickyThompson aluAUCTIONEER: TAMMY LOUCKS minum wheels, dual LADY AUCTIONEER LLC s ta in l es s s te e l exPA AU 3595-L 1-814-683-5120 h au s t. In e xce l l en t www.the ladyauctione con d i ti o n . $ 6 50 0 . Phone 814-763-1124 FOR SALE FOR SALE Air handle rs, combiFOR SALE 2000 Plymouth Neon, nation hot water heat 20 03 Ca ravan, 9 4K 121,000 miles, many e xch a ng e r a n d a i r mil es, AC, CD, new new parts, includes 4 conditioner evaporafront tires, clea n, instud ded sn ow tires, tor, ideal for wood fired spected, $4500. 814i ns p e cte d, bo d y i n bo il ers, $3 00 . 81 4425-7 704. goo d sh ape, $15 00 282-4 274. OBO. 814-572-3291. OHIO AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 MOVING AUCTION REAL ESTATE & CONTENTS Auction Service LOG HOME THURSDAY OCT. 3RD 4 P. M. 12351 MCFADDEN RD., GUYS MILLS, PA. 16327 Directions: From Meadville take Rt. 27 East 6 miles turn left at Hunters Inn onto Freymouth Rd. to Guys Mills, go through stop sign in Guys Mills to Rt.198 East 1.3 miles turn left on McFadden Rd. Follow Cresswell Auction Signs. Featur ing: A Ch arming L og Home w/additi on, 3 BR, LR, eat-in kitchen with cathedral ceiling, bath, a/c, bas emen t w/ 2 car garage,1 acre woo ded setting. Close to Game Lands - Wildlife Refuge. Only 12 mi. to Meadville or 17 mi. to Titusville. Terms on R.E.: $8500.00 non-refundable deposit day of auction balance in 45 days or at closing. For information or to view home call Auctioneer Larry Porter 814-382-0003. COLLECTABLES – HOUSEHOLD – APPLIANCES PELLET STOVE - HOT TUB – J.D. MOWER – KAYAK Collec ta bles : Wa ln ut wa sh sta nd ; wo o d fi re d en amel co ok s tove; Oak desk; cedar ch est w/ needlepoint top; rocker; carved bear/eagle bench; crocks ; C a mp b e ll p otte ry; co s tum e je w e lry. Household: 5 pc. Sha ker s tyl e be dro om su ite; leather sofa w/recliners; Oak end tables; Country style hutch; buffet w/hidden table; table w/chairs; kitchen island; flat screen TV; oak dresser; CD’s; lam ps; sweep er; humi difie r; l ap to p co mputer; printer; Lifetime cookware; kitchenware; shelving; cabinets. Appliances: ref/freezers; glass top elec. range; washer/dryer; freezer; Other Items:Harman Pe lle t Stove; 1 ton of woo d p ell ets ; Marq uis 3 person hot tube; 15 HP John Deere riding mower; sn ow blo wer; l awn sw eep er; roll er; al um. ext. ladde r; picnic table; Cra ftsman to ol chest; bike; g a rd e n ca rt; p orch s w i ng & m o re. Ka ya k : Perce ption 13 ft. Go to website for full ad and pictures. Terms on Contents: Cash or Pa. Check w/Photo ID, Visa, Master Card or Discover same as cash. CRESSWELL AUCTION SERVICE We Specialize in Real Estate Sales at Auction AUCTIONEERS: DON CRESSWELL AU2938L DARLENE BULLOCK AU5406L LARRY PORTER AU2927L 814-382-0003 Cresswell Cresswell Auction Service ABSOLUTE AUCTION REAL ESTATE & CONTENTS SAT., OCT. 5TH 10 A.M. 580 NORTH ST. MEADVILLE, PA. 16335 Featuring: Beautiful 2 story 4 BR home, 2 baths, oak kitchen, DR , LR, offi ce, oak floors, fin ished attic, basement, a/c, 2 car detached garage w/4 rooms.Amust see home.Sells at Absolute Auction to the highest bidder. Tom & Marsha Smith owners. Ter ms on Re a l Es ta te : 1 0% no n -refu nd a bl e deposit day of auction b alance in 45 da ys or at closing. A 10% Buyers Fee applies to real estate only. For info call Auctioneer Larry Porter 814382-0 003. ANTIQUES - COLLECTABLES(700) ZIPPO LIGHTER COLLECTION APPLIANCES - HOUSEHOLD - TOOLS Ant. & Coll.; Oak Ice bo x; 2 pc. Oak Store back display case; Oak DR table; pie safe; wash stand; display cases; East Lake mirror; Oak dresser w/ mirror; oak drop leaf table; mantel clocks; Carbide la mp ; W. German cha in p urse ; Oak firep la ce mantel; Violin; crocks; jugs; trunk; Hoosier table; tin toys; radios; cameras; Army A.F. leathe r pilot helmet; Militaryscrapbook; service pins; postcards; stamps (Hitler, Harley Davidson, others); political books; Chicago World’s Fair items; Talon pins & book; Allegheny yearbooks; Humphrey Cleaners watercolor; Pie Birds (1940-50); Mister Peanut jar; old toys; Richardson Root beer dispenser; Lenox b ird s; co ll e ctor pl a te s; oi l l am p s; Co lu m bi a Grafonola; Die Cast cars 1956-57 Nomad, 1957 Studebaker Golden H; 1939 N.W. Firemen book; printers box& stamps; mustache cup & razor; Jim Beam decanters; baseball cards; pocket watches; jewelry; pocket knives; Scout items; & more. (700) Zippo Lighter Colle ction: (3 & 5 barrel, vi ntage, sl im s & othe rs) WWII Bl ack C ra ckl e, Sterl in g, Harley, Military, Meadville F.D., Joe Camel, Elvis, Beatles, Sports, Lionel, Firearms Co., Case & lots of others; displays, boxes & more. Appliances:ref/ freezer.; gas rang e; wa she r/d ryer. Hous ehold: leather lo ve seat; worm y ches tnut ca binet; Oak Chest of drawers; mission oak stand; dressers; TV; Bose spe ake rs; co ok boo ks; pots p ans & dishes; other items. Tools: Honda push mower; Ryobi cordless tool set; chain saw; power & hand tools; smoker; garden wagon; plus lots more. Go to ww w.cres sw el la ucti o m fo r fu ll a d an d pictures. Terms on Contents: Cash or Pa. Check w/Photo ID, Visa, M.C. or Discover same as cash. CRESSWELL AUCTION SERVICE We Specialize in Real Estate Sales at Auction AUCTIONEERS: DON CRESSWELL AU2938L DARLENE BULLOCK AU5406L LARRY PORTER AU2927L 814-382-0003 CHERRY LUMBER FOR SALE Two dollars a board foot. Call 724 -7946362 evenings. GOLDEN COMET PULLETS FOR SALE 16 weeks old, ready to lay, only35 left $10 each. 724 -588-3037 no Sunday calls. Cresswell Auction Service SEPTEMBER 28, 2013 SPORTSMAN AUCTION SAT. NOV. 2ND AT 10 A.M. 3185A PERRY HWY. HADLEY, PA. 16130 20 guns already consigned. Call to consign your guns, am mo, bow, new hu nting clothes, fishing items, snowmobiles, 4 wheelers, snow blowers or oth er sports or outdoor items. Call 72 4-2533493 to consign items. CRESSWELL AUCTION SERVICE We specialize in Real Estate Sales at Auction AUCTIONEER: DON CRESSWELL AU2938L 724-253-3493 LOUCKS WHOLESALE TRACTOR CONSIGNMENT AUCTION SEPTEMBER 28, 2013, 9AM LOCATED: 1 62 1 8 Sta te H ig h w ay 1 98 W, Saegertown, PA 16433, ½ mile west of I-79 Combine: Case IH 1660, Duals, 4wd, 6800 eng. hrs, rock trap , field tracker; specialty rotor, field ready; Case IH 1020 20 ’ flex he ad w/ Jo hnson Rock Guard w/ header cart; Case IH 863 6 row corn head w/ poly rebuilt last year. Dump Trucks: 198 7 Mack Si ngle Axle dump truck; 19 93 Ford F250 4wd auto, western plow, 10k win ch, 131k mi, good sticker; Tractors: 1975 International 1066 4wd w/ cab 8200hr new clutch/torque 200hrs ago; (2) Al lis Chalmers WD’s 1 wid e, 1 narrow front end. Equipment: NH 310 sq. baler w/ thrower; Int 1 row corn picker; (2) gravity wagons; Int 7’ sickle bar mower; 3pth baler carrier, carry-all, log splitter, pto buzz saw, N H 2 ro w corn head; New R ock bucket and Step Thru pallet forks. 7.5’ heavy duty snow plow; (4) new 11L-15 tires on rims; pr 30.532 tires on case rims; (4) header cart tires/rims pr 16.9-24 tires/rims loaded; pr 18.4-26 tires/rims pr 13.6-38 tires Lawn & Garden: JD 1435 Diesel mower 72 ” Cut, 1095 hrs. Other misc mowers, chain saws ect. Misc. Like new Lincoln 225 welder; FMC Tire machine; Wisc. V-4 eng.; Air guns and ra tche ts ; Ho g fa rrow in g crate; Sta in le ss h og feeder; Several piles of splitfirewood;275 gal plastictotes.And much more Ertl Toys: From one man’s collection still in the b oxes. Tractors and equip. JD, Case , Ford, Minn.-Moline; Farmall, Massey; Oliver. Muzzleloa der: Rem ington 7 00ML 50cal Inline muzzleloader w/ scope. PLEASENOTE:THIS ISASHORT AD,JUST TOUCHING ON SOME HIGHLIGHTS, MORE COMING IN DAILY PLEASE VISIT WEBSITE FOR COMPLETE LISTING AND PHOTOS. TWOAUCTIONEERS STARTING 9AM.Terms of Sale: CASH ,KNOWN CHECK OR BANK LETTER OF GUARANTEE. Mastercard, Visa and Discove r. 3% Buyers Premi um wai ved fo r cash or check. Driver’s license/photo ID will be required. ACCEPTING CONSIGNMENTS ONE WEEK PRIOR TO AUCTION, CALL BEFORE YOU HAUL! Call: Chad Loucks for details & information Regarding Sale. (814) 763-2020 CELL: (814) 282-4155 AH-001941 For current listings visit our website daily PUBLIC AUCTION OCT 5TH AT 10 AM 2855 LAUSH RD, COCHRANTON, PA 16314 From Rt 285 in Cochranto n, turn onto Stein Hill Rd, then left onto Laush Rd Possible owner financing. Nice home located on 10 acres. Fea tures 3 b edrooms, 2 bathrooms, open kitchen/sitting room with propane fireplace, laundryroom, Step-up into dining room, living room & bedro oms. Has 30x40 detached gara ge with heat in floor & hot water, 1 out building & outside wood burner & wood shed. R.E. Terms:Selling at noon: 5 % buyer’s premium added to determine final price. $7,000 non-refundable depo sit auction day. Settlement within 45 days. All household is in like new condition: Round maple table w/4 chairs, dining room table w/6 chairs & 2 leaves, drop lea f table w/4 chai rs stored under leaves, curio cabinet, oak coffee & end stands, sofa/love se at/ otto man , oa k kin g si ze b edroo m su ite, queen size bedroom suite, dbl bed/chest, drum table 3bar stools, upright freezer, tea pots, wine glass es, tea cups & sa ucers, la mps, afa gans, small trailer, tool box, air compressor (Campbell “Farmhand” 5hp 28 gal) other misc. Auctioneers n ote : Ve ry h i gh q ua l i ty furn i tu re . C h eck ww w.a uctio nzi or trace auctio m for photos. Food & facilities. TERMS: Photo ID to register. Cash; check; Visa; MasterCard. 3% buyer’s premium waived for cash. No out of state checks without prior approval. TRACE AUCTION SERVICE DAN TRACE Pa License # AU-003588-L / RY-000255L GARY KING AU-005132-L 13348 Calvin St, Meadville, Pa 16335 814-33 6-4160 When you come to a crossroad in your life Think of us to point you in the right direction FABIAN’S APPLIANCE REPAIR Fast reliable in home service on Washers, Dryers, Ranges, Refrigerators and Dishwashers. Quality Service at a great Price. 26 years experience. 7 2 4-2 5 3-3 6 3 8 o r 724-699 -7045. EXCELLENT BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Pizzeria R estaurant, n ew e r e q u ip m e nt, seats 40 indoor and 40 outdoor, high traffi c, Mai n St., Vo lan t, PA. Th is i s a m us t s ee ! On l y $ 4 9 ,9 0 0 OBO fo r mo re i nfo. 724-977 -5040. LOOK!!! ITEMS ADDED!!! ABSOLUTE SANKEY’S FEED MILL CONSIGNMENT AUCTION SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28TH, 2013, 10:00 AM SANKEY’S FEED MILL 1568 PLAIN GROVE RD., VOLANT, PA 16156 JD 7 7 20 C om b i ne , JD 6 60 0 Combi ne, JD 44 3 Cornhea d, JD 4400 Combine Diesel 3100 hrs – 13’ grain head, MF 750 Combine 15’ grain head - 6 row 63 model co rn h ea d . MF 10 8 0 N e w Firestones on rear MassySuper 90 diesel tractor. Oliver 66 restored – rebuilt. A-C WD. NH LS 180 Skid Loader. JD 450 C Crawler Loader. Fiat-Allis 7G Crawler Loader. Case 5 8 0C b ackh oe . N H – S6 7 6 Ta nd em ma nure sprea der n ew web. NH Forage wagon on tandem gear. Gehl hi-throw blower. NH 477 H aybi n e. N H 1 62 fo ur s p in ne r te dd e r. N H ro l l -a -b ar rake . Kvernland 3 pt bale squeezer. JD 85 0 4x4 comp act u ti lity w/ ca b, mow er, sn ow plo w, etc. Farm all Su pe r C w / n e w w o o ds b el l y mow er. Cub Cade t ze ro turn w/ ba gg er. Cu b Ca de t 10 45 . Cu b Cadet tractors restored. Massey Furguson 7’ finish mower. Kubota T1560 riding mower. Wheel Horse 111-5. 10’ snow plow. 2000 Club Car golf cart w/ 2011 batteries – verynice. Bearcat 12’ cultimulcher. JD 7000 6 row corn planter. JD 6 row rotary hoe. White 256 19’ wing disc. Ho lland 1 row tran splanter w/ tank. IH 42 0 3 b tm 1 6” 3 pt mounted plow. MF 3 btm mounted plow. IH 350 12’ disc. Oliver 4-14’ drag plow. Oliver 2-14’ drag plow. Ke nt 1 2’ fiel d finis her. 1 6’ Batw ing bru sh h og Howsen 10’ 3pt brush hog. Bush hog 306 6’. 3 pt sickle bar mower. JD 3 pt cutter bar mower. 3 pt blade. 3 pt scoop. 3 pt post hole digger. Kewanee 30’ hay & grain elevator. GT 570 grain dryer. NI 2 row corn picker. 40’ Skele ton hay e levator. 40’ Mayrath hay & grain elevator. NI 31’ hay & grain elevator. H&S Forage wagon. IH #10 – 100 bushel auge r wagon. Steer Stuffer. 18” & 2 4” grain bin fans. IN bin grain distributor. GT grain cleaner. 8’ bin sweep. Horsetrailers: ’86 Cherokee 3 horse sla nt w ith dres sing room goo sene ck. 2 ho rse straight load gooseneck. Call to consign: Sale Manager Lenny Stewart 724-674-3718 or Duke Whiting at 724-301-0319 PAGE 6 LOOKING FOR LUMBER d rywa ll , i ns u la ti on , e tc. i n Gre e nvil l e ch eck out Oakes & McC l e ll a n d 1 -80 0 222-8736 FOR SALE 1 9 98 Inte rna ti on a l 9300 Eagle; 3 406E475 hp C AT; 13 o ver tra n s mi s s io n ; 3 5 4 rears on LP11R22.5 tire s ; a b ou t 20 0 m il es on o ve rha ul . New steer tires; 70% or better d rives; alumi num out/ste el i ns id e ; tw i n ch ro m e s ta cks; ne w s ta in less ¼ fenders; alum i nu m he a d ach e rack. In excellent condition, ready to workn e ed to re ti re $ 16 ,50 0 . 8 1 4-7 63 1124 WANTED Us ed e lectric pol es w ith i n re as o n ab l e distance of Townville als o fa ll b arle y wi th g oo d ge rm in a tio n also commercial dehumidification unit no Sunday calls please 814-96 7-3406 ESTATE SALE BUTLER Fi ne Anti q u es & Household Tag Sale, 133 Wi nte rwo o d D ri ve , Bu tl e r, PA 16001, Oct 4 & Oct 5 9 am -4 pm , Al l hi g h end items. Very Fine Anti q ue s , C o u ntry jelly cupboard, hanging corner cupboard, ch ild ’s si ze bl anket box child’s size Emp i re che s t, co rn e r ch im ne y cu pb oa rd , cou n try She ra to n che st, sm a ll e ig htdrawer grain painted apothecarychest with lab els, tru nks, early s po o n ra ck, o pe n AUCTI ONEER s h el f/cu p b oa rd fo r Complete Auction Service p e wte r, En g li s h 305 EASY ST., NEW W ILMINGTON, PA 16142 n e ed l e wo rk sa m (724) 301-0319 p le rs , tw o Staffo rd PENNA. LICENSE AU-033437-L OH. LICENSE 57-96-7020 and #8930 sh ire Span iel dog s, early brass skimmer SPECIAL - SPECIAL - SPECIAL HORSE & TACK AUCTION ladl es, min iature oil 1ST & 3RD FRIDAY EVERY MONTH 7:00 PM l a mp s , b ra cke t BRING CONSIGNMENTS EARLY. l am p s a nd o th e rs , TERMS: CASH, CR. CD. GOOD CK. W/PROPER ID Flow Blue china, EnDARN GOOD TASTY FOOD gl is h "Woo ds wa re " Wi ll ow d in ne rw are, AUCTI ONEER Ada m s "C a ro l ynn " Complete Auction Service pattern Engl ish d in305 EASY ST., NEW W ILMINGTON, PA 16142 n e rw a re, Sp on g e (724) 301-0319 ware, Ironstone, basPENNA. LICENSE AU-033437-L OH. LICENSE 57-96-7020 kets , linen s, pew ter, and #8930 pa ttern gl as s co mp otes , to l e pa in te d BLOOMFIELD LIVESTOCK AUCTION INC. trays, cast iron match The #1 Livestock Auction in Northeast Ohio s afes , co p pe r pa il , and Western PA! Ma jo li ca col le ctio n, 2211 St Rt 87 N. Bloomfield, Ohio Located ½ mile R ockin g ha m g l aze west of Rt 45 on Rt 87 South side To by, Ga ud y mu gs , BI-ANNUAL DAIRY HEIFER CONSIGNMENT Sterling s poons and AUCTION hand mirro r, Fenton, WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 2, 2013 etc. Fin e Prints and (NEXT DAIRY HEIFER AUCTION lithographs: Currier & WEDNESDAY APR 2, 2014) Ives (la rg e fo l io ), 1:00 P.M. Ke llog g, Fis her, si lSelling all types of Dairy Cattle from newborn to ho ue ttes , Th eo re m lactating cows. styl e pi cture, tin se l CONSIGNMENTS COMING IN DAILY This will be an opportunity to buy and sell quality pictures, and others. breeding stock and replacement cattle. Facilities HUGE ESTATE/ are available to feed and water animals for the MOVING SALE buyers and sellers. Veterinarian will be on hand. Eve ryth ing m ust go. Bred animals will be checked. Oct 4-5-6, 8-5. House DON’T MISS THIS AUCTION is bein g don ated to NOTICE: Send your Dairy Heifers to this auction Jeffe rs on Tw p. Vol . where competitive bidding will bring the highest Fire Dept. for training. price. Support your local market. Co rn er of H igh la nd Upco ming Au ction: Fall Fee der Auction Mo nday an d La mor R d., 13 October 28, 2013 Highland Rd., Mercer, FOR INFORMATION CALL: PA. 15,000 BTU gas PETE HOWES – OWNER/AUCTIONEER furn a ce 5 yrs. o ld , Auction Barn: 440-685-4487 Ke nm o re a p pl i Home: 440-272-5489 ances , Maytag dishVisit washer, 8 piece dinto view our auctions online ing room set, 6 piece Licensed by the Dept. of Agriculture and Bonded be droom s ui te, n uin favor of the State of Ohio #57-197824979, PA m ero u s d res s e rs , #AU002 575-L ste el b ed an d steel de sk, Mag na vo x TV with stand, assorted kitch en i te m s a n d READ THE AREA rati o ns , al l SHOPPER ON LINE AT: dwoeco odw ork and wi now s, too mu ch to dlist. OHIO AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 CONTENT AUCTION TOYOTA TACOMA - TRUCK -TOOLS ELECTRONICS - HOUSEHOLD CONTENTS LAWN TRACTOR - HAND GUN - AIR RIFLE SNOW BLOWER SATURDAY OCTOBER 12, 2013 AT 10:00 AM 3543 TIMBER LANE, HERMITAGE PA 16148 2009 Toyota Tacoma Truck (4 Dr, 42,487 miles, 4x4, Extra Clean), Honda HS520 Snowblower, Cub Cadet 2164 Lawn Tractor (42" Deck, Snow Blade, Leaf Attach. Like New), Sig Sauer P229 Stainless Hand Gun, Ingersoll 4.4 Air Compressor, Craftsman Tool Chest, Hand Tools, Wrench Sets, Socket Sets, Floor Ja ck, Omak Tool Che st (5 Dra wer), Stihl 029 Super Chain Saw (Like New), Remington 16" Electric Chain Saw, DeWalt Drill Driver/Hammer Drill, Stanley Wood Chisel Sets, Screw Kit, Bit Se ts , Skil Jig sa w, C om pa ct Wre nch, D re me l Sawmax, Reciprocating Saw, Roto Zip Spiral Saw, New 32" Steel Doors, DeWalt Wood Cutting Saw, DeWalt Tool Bag (New) Rockwell Versacut Saw, Craftsman Sander,Appliance Dolly,Workmate 400 Stand, Shop Lights, Delta 16" Scroll Saw, Nailer Kit, Alu. Ext. Ladder, Golf Caddy, Golf Mat, 6 Like New Golf Bags, Schwinn Bike, Treated Posts, Air Rifle, Pixma-Pro Canon Inkjet Photo Printer (New In Box), FaxMachine/Copier, HP Laptop, File Cabinet, Office Chairs, Desk, HP Monitor/Server/Printer, Sony 52" Flat Screen TV, Fire Place TV Stand, Art Table, Ovation Electric Guitar,AlverazAcoustic Guitar,Amplifier GenzBenz,Kenmore Apt. Fridge,Electric Heaters, Art Supplies, Sewing Machine, Zvox Surround Sound Bar,House Hold Content, Dishes, Decorations, Kitchen Table Chairs,Antique Rocker, Antique Dining Light, Old Quilts, Quilt Racks, Invicta Watches, WWII Army Uniform, Cameras (Canon EOS5D New) Old Cameras, Coats, Garden Tools, Old License Plates, Hunting Clothes, Oriental Rug Runners, And Much More Misc. Everything Is ExtremelyClean, Like New,For More Information And Pictures Go To Under Hillmar Auctions Or #6558 Or Contact Auctioneer At 724662-4039 Or Cell 724-967-4039. Plan To Attend And Bring AFriend! Everything Under Tents Come Rain Or Shine! Dress Warm For Weather! BETH C. HILLMAR, AUCTIONEER Phone 724-662-4039 or Cell724-967-4039 LIC. #AU005081 REAL ESTATE, VAN AND CONTENTS AUCTION SATURDAY OCTOBER 5, 2013 AT 10:00 AM @ 116 8TH AVENUE GREENVILLE, PA 16125 A beautiful split-level on a nice size lot in a great location rea dy to move in! A 3 bedroom, 2 bath, eat-in kitchen, dining room, living room, large family room with fireplace, laundryroom, large basement and lots of storage, 2 car attached garage, 1 out shed. Averywell kept home, exceptionally clean in Hempfield Township. Greenville School District, Mercer County. Ci ty Sewer/Wa ter. TERMS: 1 0% NON-REFUNDABLE MONIES DOWN day of auction and the balance in 45 days or sooner. Call Auctioneer for viewing and more details on Real Es tate . Van 2 005 Dod ge Gran d Ca rava n wi th 44914 miles (clean), HOUSEHOLD CONTENTS: 2 (like new) leather sofa/recliners, 2 ceramic/glass top end tables, sofa table, kitchen table 4 chairs 1 boa rd, di ning room s uite (glass dinin g tabl e 6 chairs, server& china), king size bedro om suite (verynice) (bed, 2 nitestands, dresser/mirror,wardrob e), full size bed (dre sser/mirror, nite sta nd, chest), Single bed (Oak) dresser/mirror/chest, recliners, wing chair, knee hole desk, sofa& matching love seat, gossip bench, computer desk, oak stand, lamps , baskets, pictures, TV’ s, rugs, microwave hutch, pots & pans, dishes, misc glassware, Dyson Vac, Oak bookcas e, copper b oiler, butcher block, 8 gun cabinet, 32 gun cabinet, kraut kutter, slice rs, cedar chest, brass b ucket, brass fire extinguishers, hand tools, wooden tool boxes, hand too ls, decanters, garden tools, Toro S200 snow blower, red wagon,Stihl chain saw,Homelite chain saw, ext. ladders, battery charger, gas cans, lime spreaders, push mower, Snapper lawn tractor, Rotohoe tiller, blowers, tree trimmers, sump pu mp, Patio tabl e/4 cha irs , Frigi daire w ashe r, Ke nmore el ectric rang e, Kenm ore refrige rato r, chest freezer, HUNTINGBOOKS ( gun value books, g un di g es t, fi re a rm s b o oks , kni ve s b oo ks), KNIVES; Buck Knife, Old Timer, Boars Head, Work Ho rse, Scout, WL Ham mon d” The McC ormi ck De erin g Li ne, Roug h Ri der, Se ars Craftsma n, White Mountain Hunter, Gym equipment (like new), Pilates (new in box), weights. Much more misc to go through. This is all exceptionally clean like new furniture and contents. For more information and photos go to under Hillmar Auction or #6558. Everything under tent, Plan to attend and bring a friend!!!! Terms:Cash or Check with proper ID. BETH C. HILLMAR, AUCTIONEER Phone 724-662-4039 or Cell724-967-4039 LIC. #AU005081 AKC LAB PUPS Re ady to go now, shots, wormed 2x, dew s re m oved, 5 generations on site, e x c e l l e n t tem per m ent, yellow s only, r e fe r e nc e s a va ila ble . 814-72 0-7470 FOR SALE OR TRADE 1 9 92 Inte rna ti on a l 9370 cab & chassis truck. 425hp Cat mecha n ica l mo tor. 1 3 speed transmission. Tandem axle. 22 feet o f fram e $5 0 0 0 o r trade for dump truck or Farmall Cub tractor 330-503-8850 SEPTEMBER 28, 2013 BERNICE E. WOLBERT “REAL ESTATE AND CONTENTS” AUCTION 29030 RT. 66, LUCINDA, PA 16235 (SNYDERSBURG) THURSDAY OCTOBER 3, 2013 AT 4:00PM LOCATED: Approx. 2 miles North of Lucinda, PAon Rt. 66 in the village of Snydersburg. 3 miles South of Leeper. Watch for BEICHNER auction signs. REAL ESTATE – ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES HOUSEHOLDS – LAWN TRACTOR – MISC REAL ESTATE TO SELL AT 6PM: Verynice 2 story 4 bedroom home on lot. Large kitchen , 2 livi ngs, l au n d ry, 1 b a th . Ba s e me n t. En cl o s ed fro n t porch.Citywater and onlot septic. Detached 1 stall garag e. North Clarion Schools. Ve ry nice family home/re ntal. TERMS: $5,0 00.00 Do wn (Non -refundable) balance due at closing. Shown by appointment, call 814-354-2290. Sells w/owner confirmation. Come Prepared to Buy!! ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES: Spinning wheel and Yarn winder; Coffee grinder; Butter bowl and paddle; Candl e mold; Apple pee ler; New Haven m antle and Session Regulator clocks; United Roosevelt clock; old alarm clocks; Round oak pedestal table and 4 pressed chairs; 3 nice old oak rockers; Plank btm chairs; Nursing rocker; Oak dresser w/harp mirror; Double Wedding Ring quiltand others;WWII military uniform and some badges; Several Germa n Na zi Reicht Coin s; Crock j ugs and oth er crocks ; Min ers d in ner p ail ; Cream can; Kra ut stom pe r; Atl as b la sting b ox a nd Pre mi er Oat Cakes box; Old butcher knives; Vintage hats; Fur coat; Jewel box & costume jewelry; Old Pictures & frames; Old buttons & sewing notions; Griswold #2 grinder in box; Griswold #9 & Wagner #8 skillets and others; Water bench. FURNITURE & APPLIANCES: Frig ida ire w as her an d ele c. drye r; Kelvinator 20 cu.ft. chest freezer; old GE refrigerator; Tappan gas range; Sofa and side chairs; Sofa table & misc stands; 3 pc. Bedroom su ite; Odd dressers; Lane cedar chest; Table & floor lamps; Orion TV; Filter Queen canister sweeper; Franklin sew ing ma ch; Misc kitchen uten sils and sm all appliances; Kitchen Kraft bowls; Pots and pans; Pyrex bake ware; Cannonsburg dishes; Bedding & l inens ; Chen ille bed s pread s; Utility cabin et; Canning jars; Holiday decorations; misc. LAWN AND GARDEN: Cu b Ca de t 1020 Hydro lawn tracto r w/ 32” deck; Wizard 5hp tiller; 2 push mowers; garden cultivator; misc garden tools; few h a nd too l s ; w a sh tub s ; Werne r 5’ alu mn. step ladder; misc items. NOTE: Nice ol d es tate auctio n. Bring a ch ai r. N o lu n ch. TERMS: Cash or Check w/ID PUBLIC AUCTION REAL ESTATE AND CONTENTS SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5TH - 10:00 AM 9955 JACKSON RUN RD (RT# 69) SUGAR GROVE, PA REAL ESTATE: We will offer this 25 plus acre farm with three bedroom house, beautiful old barn and out buildings. This one story house has a basement, sun porch, 1 bath, kitchen, dining room, living room, natural gas forced air furnace, recently new roof, good water well and city sewage. Situated between Sugar Grove and Chandlers Valley. Warren Co. Sugar Grove Twp. Approximate annual taxes: $1,000.00, Deed book# 2229, Page: 167 TERMS: 10% Down dayof auction balance at closing within 45 days FROM THE BARN:Ford Jubilee tractor, Farmall Cub tracto r, Gravel y mow er w ith a ttachme nts, h ay wagon, farm carts, trailers, Dearborn circle mower, 18hp lawn tracto r, sing le bottom pl ow, wo oden wheel wa gon, silage bl ower, double w heel gas engine, vast assortment of farm tools, farm collectibles, l umber, scrap metal, an d much more. (barn is full) FROM THE HOUSE: Hoosier cupboard, flat to wall cupboard,oak dressers, wash stands, an attic that is full, crocks, jugs, quilts, glassware, 48 pieces Damass Rose sterling flatware set, trunks, beds, man tle cl ocks, chai rs, Ge rman accordion “The Pitzschler” By Universal, many other antiques to be discovered, household furnishings, appliances, cookware, and much much more. NOTE: Due to the volume o f merchandise there will be 2 auctioneers selling simultaneously. TERMS ON CONTENTS: All sales must be paid for auction day. CASH OR KNOWN CHECK COX FAMILY AUCTION CO. Professional Service-Your Place or Ours 18551 ELGIN ROAD - CORRY, PA 16407 (814)66 4-7526/(814)6 64-7073 www.cox Jeff Cox (AU-002010-L) Al Cox (AU-001715-L) NEW WILMINGTON VOLUNTEER FIREMEN’S 59TH ANNUAL AUCTION SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 2013 GIANT FLEA MARKET & BAKE SALE WILL BEGIN THE DAY AT 9:00 AM TILL 3:00 PM Auction will start at 5:00 PM till 11:00 PM LOCATION: ROUTE 158 NORTH, OPPOSITE OF DOLLAR GENERAL AT NEW WILMINGTON LIVESTOCK AUCTION. Come to the largest Fire Department fund raiser in the area! Amish hand made items , Antiques, Collectibles, Whole Hog Sausage. Plan to spend the day! LOCAL AUCTIONEERS - #AU1938L PAGE 7 HOUSEHOLD AUCTION JEAN MUSCHICK WINGER SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 28, 2013 10:00 AM LOCATION: 32 5 Rob erts Rd ., Sa ndy L ake , PA 16145.Approx2 miles north of Sandy Lake turn left onto Roberts Rd. Sale on right. Watch for Mowry Auction signs. FURNITURE-- HOUSEHOLD-- DECORATIONS-EXERCISE EQUIPMENT--MISC TERMS: Cash, check with ID, out of state check needs bank letter proof of funds. Food/drink available. Not responsible for accidents. Photos and complete listing at ID#18762 CHARLES P. MOWRY AUCTIONEER LICENSE PA AU-005264 KARI L. MOWRY APP AUCTIONEER LICENSE PA AA-019232 PHONE: 724-376-2122 OR 724-699-0912 GARAGE CONTENTS & TOOLS AUCTION NELLIE M. CARYL YOCHUM SATURDAY OCTOBER 12, 2013 10:00 AM LOCATION: 24 4 D eckards Ru n R d, Utica , PA 16362. From Cochranto n take RT 322 south, 5 miles to Deckards Run Rd. Watch for Mowry Auction signs. ANTIQUES: Forsythe scale 60#, lrg cast iron bell, collection of Dodger pins, Syracuse Copper Electric Easy Vacuum w ashing machine 1912, milk cans, 2 iron kettles, flexible flyer runner sleds (like new), cu ltivator, hand p low, rope pulle ys, ammo boxes, hand tools, was hboard, snowshoes and more. TOOLS: Bissell Pro Heat 12 amp carpet scrubber, 5hp boat motor MW Sea King, Craftsman 212 jig saw, Homeli te chain saw 240, Craftsman chain saw, Champion drill press, new Craftsman 6300 watt generator, organizers, metal cutting band saw, Craftsman 3 pc tool box, lrg anvil, battery charger, ext cords, MW aircompressor,high pressure hose, car ramp s, 2 wheel barrows, 2 shop va cs, milk strainer, tool boxes, shovels, rakes, hand saws, 2 step ladders, New S&K and Craftsman tools, tree trimmer, sockets & wrenches, and more. EQUIPMENT: Craftsman gas weed eater, Cub Cadet H DS 2145 (312 hrs), lawn mo wer cart (like new), Craftsman weed eater/cutting blade, and 2 wheel wooden trailer. MISC: Camping equip—canopy, 2 hammocks, life jackets & Co leman lantern, fishing equip, snow boards, new plastic sleds, wooden toboggan, bicycles, ammunition, casings and reloading equipment, 500 plus canning jars, kraut cutter, blue plastic barrels, shelving units, tires two 2575R16, and lots not listed. SCRAP: Piles of scrap, dealers welcome! AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: This is the first of two sales. Household & furniture sale will be Oct 26. TERMS: Cash, check with ID, out of state check needs bank letter proof of funds. Food/drink available. Not responsible for accidents. Photos and complete listing at ID#18762 CHARLES P. MOWRY AUCTIONEER LICENSE PA AU-005264 KARI L. MOWRY APP AUCTIONEER LICENSE PA AA-019232 PHONE: 724-376-2122 OR 724-699-0912 AUCTION SALE 7916 HAYES ROAD, WILLIAMSFIELD, OHIO 44093, ASHTABULA COUNTY FRIDAY – OCTOBER 4, 2013 – 12:01 P.M. CARS – LAWN TRACTORS - CUB TRACTOR – COLLECTIBLES – SOME NEW ITEMS Directions: 4 miles west of Williamsfield, Ohio or 1 mile east of Wayne Center (Corner of Route 322 & Hayes Road, just west of Antique Engine Club Grou nds) Vehicles: 1928 Olds Landau 4 door sedan, 6 cyl., everything seems to be with car, very restorable; 1964 Chevy Bel Air, 6 cyl., 4 door, standard, 47,000 miles, stored inside, restorable; 1981 ChevyCustom Deluxe 10 Fleetside pickup truck, standard, 6 cyl ., 53,000 mi les, n eeds very li ttle w ork; 1 985 C he vy C a p ri ce 4 d oo r, s m a ll V-8 , 10 0 ,00 0 miles.Partial listing only, full ad on #17695. Auctioneer ’s Note: Mr. Hart is 88 years old, he was born & raised in this house, seems he kept everything. Collectibles scattered throughout the buildings. Terms: Cash or Good Check Day of Sale. Owner: Lester E. Hart. Food & FacilityAvailable AUCTIONEERS: TIM HUNT, 440 563-5840 OH LIC. NO. 57197106799 PA LIC. NO. AU-002344-L GARY SHIDEMANTLE, 814 734-3372 OH LIC.NO. 57200082539; PA LIC. AU-839-L BOB FINK, OH LIC. NO.57196804679 FOR SALE Second cut mixed hay 50 to 60lb bales, no rai n, ve ry ni ce. 3 30448-4126 $4 a bale. AKC BLOODHOUND PUPPIES Ve t ch ecke d a n d cleared to rehome 1st s ho ts g i ven , ki d raised, blanket black an d tan $6 00. 81 4783-0123 FOR RENT 4 bdrm 2 bath home in Barkeyville on a 1 acre lot just off of I-80 cl os e to Grove Ci ty outl ets. N o pets , no s mo kin g , n o H UD , $6 50 a mon th pl us utilities, 1st month & se curity d epo si t required. Call 814-78675 75 avail ab le Oct. 1st. WALL PANEL MACHINE for sal e at Oake s & McClelland - call 1800-22 2-8736 OLD ADVERTISING ITEMS WANTED Sig n s , l i gh ts , ti ns , p os te rs , etc fo r p etro le u m , b e er/ alcoh ol, Coke/Pepsi & other soda, coffee, a irl i ne , to b a cco , railroad, dairy, sports, rock & rol l , a u to & m oto rcycl es . Ca l l MacKi nnon & Strella at 724-946-8617 BEEF FOR SALE $ 2.2 0 /l b ha n g in g weig ht; ra ised n atura ll y at Mil ky Wa y Mea d o ws w /o h ormones antibiotics etc fo r h e al th y e a tin g , free ze r s a m pl e s a va il ab le s oo n. N o Sunday calls please 814-96 7-3406 HORSE SHOW CONGRATULATIONS To our students placi ng 1 st o r 2 n d a t WPR D-Sep t 1 4/15 : Becky C a l le n , C ou rten a y D o d ge , El le n Mo rri so n , Ama n d a Schw a rtz, Ryan Young, Al so to Abby Morrison-6th at 4-H District in WalkTrotPleasure and Eq. Also to Jan Smith-1st i n W-T-W Ple as ure a nd Eq at C o ch ra n to n -9 /2 2 . H ob b s H o l lo w, Me ad vi ll e , PA Le s s o ns , Bo a rd in g , Tra i n in g Do ro th y Zi rkl e , L e e Kraft, C hri s Bo rne m a nn , Amanda Schwartz. CAR FOR SALE 2002 Chevy Cavalier 6 5,00 0 mi le s, 2 .2 L Eco Tech en g i ne , auto , aski ng $40 00. Would make a great 1st car for someone, goes very well in the snow. 814-786-7053, 724-421 -9466. FOR SALE 13 yearold Reg. quarter horse mare, 15.2 hands, sorrell, good ranch horse, great on trails, veryquiet good h ors e fo r a n yon e $1500 OBO. 3 female l la ma s , h ave b ee n used for petting zoos and herd g uard animal s, $20 0 each or $500 for all, no reas o na b l e o ffe rs re fu se d . 7 2 4 -65 1 5294. SILO’S DEMOLISHED Don’t get hurt doing it yourself, l et us d o it fo r yo u. For Sal e : 1992 Ford F-250 XLT dies el 4x4 stand ard shift, very nice conditio n , o n e o w n er, $ 46 0 0 . Fo r Sa le : Vo lvo/Wh ite da ycab tande m road tra ctor, very low miles, good con d i ti o n , $ 9 00 0 . 814-725 -6459. GRAPES C on co rd $ 15 a b u sh e l , a l rea d y p icke d, $ 10 a b us h e l p i ck you r own. Klen z Farms, Northeast, PA 814725-1 393. ATV’S FOR SALE H on d a Fo rem a n 45 0cc, 12 00 mi le s, very good condition, n ew w in ch , $ 27 00 . Honda Foreman 450 cc, 1500 miles, good condition, $2300. Arcti c C at 40 0cc 4WD, fu lly au toma tic, 8 00 miles, new winch and s po tl ig h t, e xce ll en t con d i ti o n , $ 2 70 0 . 814-282 -9358. OHIO AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 SEPTEMBER 28, 2013 PAGE 8 NOW OPEN AUTO EXPRESS SUPERSTORE ON PEACH ST. CALL 814-464-0220 • VISIT 9070 PEACH STREET WEB: 2010 MERCEDES BENZ GLK350 Stk. #AW0106 4Matic, leather, moonroof. 26,995 or $ 349/mo. $ 2013 KIA SPORTAGE 4x4 “LX” 2013 FORD ESCAPE SEL 22,995 or $ 295/mo. AWD, Nav., moonroof, leather. 23,995 or $ 309/mo. 25,995 or $ 339/mo. $ 2010 MERCEDES BENZ C-300 4x4, Bluetooth, new body style $ 2010 ACURA RDX TECH Leather, 4x4, frosted glass. $ 2010 LEXUS ES350 4Matic, Sport pkg., leather, moonroof. 27,995 or $ 359/mo. $ 2002 MAZDA PROTEGE. .................................................. $3,995 2012 TOYOTA COROLLA LE ................. $14,995 or 2002 VOLVO V70 XLC AWD WAGON . ....... $7,995 or $125/mo. 2013 HYUNDAI ELANTRA GLS . ............ $15,995 or 2005 HYUNDAI SANTA FE moonroof, V6 ..... $7,995 or $125/mo. 2010 SUBARU IMPREZA AWD low miles . $15,995 or 2003 CHEVY S-10 CREW CAB 4x4 . ........... $8,995 or $149/mo. 2012 VW JETTA SE leather . .................... $15,995 or 2008 FORD ESCAPE XLT 4x4 moonroof ... $10,995 or $155/mo. 2008 FORD RANGER XLT SUPERCAB 2011 MITSUBISHI LANCER ES . ............. $12,995 or $189/mo. 4x4 only 39,000 miles ........................... $16,995 or 2013 MAZDA 3 5 DR. TOURING . ................ $16,995 or 2006 MINI COOPER “S” only 49,000 mi., leather, roof .......................................... $12,995 or $189/mo. 2012 CHEVY CRUZE LT . ........................ $16,995 or 2012 NISSAN VERSA SV ....................... $12,995 or $189/mo. 2011 CHEVY EQUINOX AWD . ................ $17,995 or 2012 TOYOTA CAMRY LE Stk #AW025 ... $17,995 or 2008 SUZUKI XL7 LIMITED low miles, 2010 SUBARU LEGACY sunroof, htd seats . $17,995 or leather, Navigation. ............................... $12,995 or $189/mo. 2013 VW BEETLE low miles, new body style .. $17,995 or 2010 DODGE AVENGER SXT. ................. $13,995 or $199/mo. 2010 CHRY. TOWN & COUNTRY TOURING .$17,995 or 2011 CHEVY IMPALA LT . ....................... $13,995 or $199/mo. 2011 NISSAN JUKE SV AWD moonroof. ... $18,995 or 2011 MAZDA 6 SPORT ........................... $13,995 or $199/mo. 2012 KIA FORTE EX ............................... $13,995 or $199/mo. 2012 JEEP PATRIOT 4x4 only 9,000 miles .$18,995 or 2010 NISSAN ALTIMA 2.5S . .................. $13,995 or $199/mo. 2010 VOLKSWAGEN TIGUAN AWD low mi$18,995 or $215/mo. $229/mo. $229/mo. $229/mo. $249/mo. $249/mo. $249/mo. $259/mo. $259/mo. $259/mo. $259/mo. $259/mo. $277/mo. $277/mo. $277/mo. Leather, moonroof, low miles! 24,995 or $ 319/mo. $ 2013 CHEVY MALIBU LT New body style. $19,995 or $289/mo. 2012 HYUNDAI SANTA FE AWD ............. $19,995 or $289/mo. 2012 HYUNDAI GENESIS CPE. Turbo ...... $20,995 or $269/mo. 2010 HONDA CROSSTOUR EXL AWD loaded!$21,995 or $279/mo. 2013 HYUNDAI VELOSTER. Turbo, must see . $21,995 or $279/mo. 2012 SUBARU IMPREZA SPORT 5 DR . . $21,995 or $279/mo. 2010 BMW i28 COUPE Sharp! .................. $22,995 or $295/mo. 2011 TOYOTA RAV-4 LTD only 19,000 mi. $22,995 or $295/mo. 2012 NISSAN XTERRA S 4x4 . ............... $22,995 or $295/mo. 2013 DODGE JOURNEY SXT AWD 3rd row ... $22,995 or $295/mo. 2013 VOLKSWAGEN CC R-LINE loaded! .. $23,995 or $308/mo. 2012 CHEVY CAPTIVA LTZ AWD leather, sunroof........................................ $23,995 or $308/mo. 2011 JEEP GR CHEROKEE 4x4 . .............. $26,995 or $349/mo. 2013 CHEVY SILVERADO CREW CAB 4x4. .. $28,995 or $375/mo. 2012 HONDA PILOT EX-L . .................... $30,995 or $399/mo. 9070 Peach Street, Waterford, PA 16441 814-464-0220 AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . AUTO EXPRESS . . . WHEN DEPENDABILITY M ATTERS . . . AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 SEPTEMBER 28, 2013 PAGE 9 OHIO AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 HUGE ABSOLUTE ESTATE AUCTION (DAVID MCCAFFERTY ESTATE) OCTOBER 12, 2013 9:00 A.M 3990 HOFFMAN NORTON RD. WEST FARMINGTON, OH 44491 Hit and Miss Engines: 7 HP GallowaySer.#44584, 5 HP Gallo way Ser.#13 638 , 2 1/2 HP Sand ow Ser.#605 37, 2 1/2 HP (Bran d Unknown) Ser. # 91944 Antique Horse Dra wn Eq./Mis c. Antique Items: Nice Show Wagon, several boblseds, Carriages, Wagons, Horse Drawn Hay Rake, Horse Drawn Sickle Mower, Horse Drawn Cultivator, Steel Rim Shrinker,Several Corn Shellers, Landis No. 3 Harness Stitcher, Several Buggy & Carriage Wheels, Buggy Sh afts & Tongues , Buggy Jacks, Tons of Wagon and Carriage Parts, Buggy Lamps, Sickle Blades,Several Rolls ofImplement Belts, LeBlone Regal Lathe, Several Antique Pulleys, Gas Heaters, Several Antique Corn & Potato Planters, Several Collector Beer Signs, Antique Scale, Collector The o -A-Ko ch s Ba rb er Ch a i r, Wes ti ng h o us e Refridgerator, White Star Antique Stove , Anti que Lanterns,Tins, Bottles, Railroad Lanterns, Leather Fly Knots, Blacksmith Forge, Walk in Freezer, Several Stacks of misc. Barn Beams and Lumber, Antiqu e Pot Belly Stove, La rge Ke ttle, Antique Fire Extingu ishers Far m Equipment/Trailers/Tr actors : Goo sene ck Stock Trailer, Double Axle Pintle Hitch Trailer, Tandem Axle Pintle Hitch Trailer(No Floor), Single Axle Utiltiy Trailer, Gravity Box, Killbros Running Gear, Tandem Axle Manure Spreader, Chain Drag Harrow, 3pt. Log Splitter, Front Wheel Loader Bucket, 3pt. Post Hole Digger, 3pt. Bale Fork, (4) Antique Road Graders, 3pt. Side Arm Boom Rotary Mower, (2 ) N ew Hol lan d 2 73 Bal ers for Parts, Gravi ty Wagon,Antique HayRakes, Portable Air Compressor,Antique Cultivator,Antique Square Baler (Runs an works), 8ft. Wheel Disc, John Deere A Tractor (Not Running), Minneapolis Moline U Tractor (Not Running, Fifth Wheel Hitch, 93' Chevy1 Ton 4x4 w/ Front Snow Plow, 3pt. 6ft. Box Blade, Shaver 3pt. Pos t D ri ve r, Ki ng Ku tte r 6ft. 3p t. Brus h H og , Cultipacker, Wooden Feed Bins, Big Water pump w/Gas engine (Runs), pl us much More!! This is only a partial listing!! Too Many Items to list!! Photos on ID # 13617 Te rms of Paym ent- Ca sh or go od che ck wi th proper ID. No Credit Cards. Lunch Stand Available 330-88 3-8029 AUCTIONEER: JASON MIRANDA LIC#200 500216 LICENSED AND BONDED IN FAVOR OF THE STATE OF OHIO PUBLIC AUCTION Having sold property, selling contents of barn and trailers. Located just south of Buells Corners on R t. 8 9 Sp a rta n sb u rg, PA (1 0 m i le s no rth o f Titusville, or 8 miles south of Spartansburg). Watch for sign. SATURDAY OCTOBER 5TH 10:00 AM Farmall tractors, parts and antiques, Farmall BN tractors (2- one will run), McCormick Deering 1020 tractor on steel (needs TLC), McCormick Deering 056 orchard, 40’ stainless steel semi trailer/wheel & tires , 40’ enclos ed semi trai ler box, 20’ insulated trailer box (2), fast hitch 2X plows, MD lime spreader, air compressor, valve grinding machine, oil tank, hand winch, Farmall hoods and grills, F12 s te el w he els , F-30 g as tank, 10 20 s po ke wheels a nd tires and other parts, F-12 & 13-30 tires and rims, 16.9 X 30 & 14x28 tires, Farmall M engine and parts, wagon seat, tractor seats, RR jack, old mini bike, block and tackle, antique floor ja ck, Che lto n b ooks, tractor ch ain s, 2 wa lki ng pl ows , m ilk ca ns, Wa rm Mo rni ng woo d s tove. 3’x3’x4’ steel safe, 4” planking, old Coke flat top cooler and tin sign, oak side/side, square & round oak table/leaves, piano stool, mirrored oak buffet, Rayo lamp, oil lamps, square china cabinet, milk jugs, large crock, trunks, small roll-top desk, sewing machine, wishing well, violin, advertising items, glass top display, many items to unpack, neat old farm auctio n. Te rms : fu ll pa yment of cash, approved local check, credit cards. Out of state cashcredit cards. CHESLEY AUCTIONEERING DOUG CHESLEY AUCTIONEER, AU-000146-L JEFF BENNETT AUCTIONEER, AU-003059-L PH. 814-725-8238 www.che sleyauctioneer UNION CITY LIVESTOCK RT. 6 UNION CITY, PA~814-438-3481 ~ UPCOMING SALES ~ FALL FEEDER AND BEEF COW SALE SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5TH AT 1:30 50 Head Ang us-Limo cross already consigned. Several groups of W/F steers/hfrs. 20 head Holstein steers. Consignments welcome - watch for upcoming ads. ****** ********** ****** DAIRY SALE MONDAY OCTOBER 7TH AT 1:30 8 Hol. 500# hfrs. 9 Hol/Jersey crosses. 11 Hol./ Jerse y Springe rs. Plus other con signments . All vet checked. ****** ********** ****** HORSE SALE SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12TH TACK AT 10:30 HORSES APPROX. 5:00 ****** ********** ****** TOY SALE - FRIDAY, NOV. 1ST AT 6:30 ****** ********** ****** MISC. AUCTIONS EVERY MON. AT 10:00 LIVESTOCK AUCTION AT 1:30 SEPTEMBER 28, 2013 PAGE 10 CHALKERS CONSIGNMENT MACHINERY AUCTION SATURDAY OCTOBER 5, 2013 5000 HERNER COUNTY LINE ROAD SOUTHINGTON OH 44470 DIRECTIONS: 7 MILES NORTH OF INTERSTATE 80( EXIT 209) 30 MILES NE OF AKRON-45 MILES SE OF CLEVELAND-60 MILES WEST OF NEW CASTLE, PA LODGING: HOLIDAY INN (330) 872-6000 MENTION AUCTION AND RECEIVE DISCOUNT RATE $89.00 PLUS TAX Starting Time 8:30 Sharp! 2nd Annual Antique Tractor Auction (in Conjuction with regular Auction) Partial Listing of Antique/Collector Tractors/Hit & Miss Eng.& Eq.: Alli s Chalmers B. Cas e 310 Gas Crawler w/Ldr. & Ripper. Case 430 Gas w/ Po we r Stee rin g. Farmal l F-20 (Not R un ni ng ). Farmall Super C. Farmall H. 39' Ford 9N. 52' Ford 8N. Ford 80 0 Gas L oader Backhoe . Ford 1801 Diesel Loader Backhoe. Ford 2000 Diesel Offset (Restored). Graham Bradley 43HP w/Side Shields & Cultivators (Rare). Minneapolis Moline UB (Not Running). Mi nneapolis Moline VI (N ot Running). Minneapolis Moline 5 Star (Not Running). Minneapolis Moline 670 Diesel. Minneapolis Moline 602 (Not Running). Minneapolis Moline G1000 Diesel w/Cab #30601045. 29' John Deere GP. John Deere 820 Diesel. John Deere 2010 Diesel Dozer. Oliver 77 Diesel Row Crop/Narrow Front. Oliver 770 Gas w/3pt./Pwr. Steering/Wide Front/Original.Cushman Hit and Miss Engine. Fairbanks 2 HP Hit and Miss Engine. Hercules 1 1/2 Hp Hit and Miss Engine. International Hit and Miss Engine. Majestic Hit and Miss Engine. Stover 2 H p Hit an d Miss En gine. Oliver Grain Drill on Steel Wheels. Steel boxWagon on Steel Wheels. Antique Horse Drawn Carriage. Antique Horse Drawn Sleigh. 28' Chevy Pickup w/ Fields Body. Walk behind 1 btm. Plow. Partial Listing of Tractors:Agco Allis 4650 4x4 w/ ldr. 88' Cas e 1594 4x4 w/Ldr. (3500 hrs./97HP). Case 2294 4x4 w/Cab. Case IH 5130 2wd w/Side Arm Mower . DeutzAllis 7120 4x4 w/Cab.Ford 1720 4x4 w/Ldr. (900 Hrs.). Ford 2600 w/Ldr. Ford 3415 2wd. Ford 5 000 Die sel. Fo rd 5600 2wd w/Ford Ldr. (Nice/Original). Ford 6710 4x4 w/Cab (AS IS/ Engine Stuck). Ford 7600 2wd w/Cab. Ford 8730 Pwr. Shift 4x4 w/Cab & Duals. Ford TW-35 4x4 w/ Cab. Ford TW-35 4x4 w/Cab. IH 1086 w/Cab. IH 1486 w /Cab. IH 5 088 w/Cab. John Deere 1050 4x4 w/ldr. & Backhoe. John D eere 2 950 4x4 w/ CHA. John Deere 4230 2wd w/Cab. John Deere 4630 2wd w/Cab. John Deere 6400 4x4 w/CHA/JD Se lf Leve lin g L dr./Onl y 1 500 Hrs ./1 of a Kind !! Kubota B6000 2wd w/Belly Mower. Kubota L2000 2wd (1100 Hrs.). Kubota L3300 4x4 w/Ldr. (1300 Hrs.).Kubota L3350 4x4 w/Ldr.Kubota M8200 2wd. Long 610 4x4. MasseyFerguson 283 2wd w/ROPS. Massey Ferg uson 1135 w/Cab/Dual s. New Holland TC 35D 4x4 w/Ldr./Super Steer (1 owner/Only 138 Hrs!!/Immaculate!) New Holland TM120 4x4 w/CHA. White 2-85 2wd w/Bush Hog Ldr. Partial Listing of Construction Eq. Bobcat 341 Mini Excavator w/Cab/Heat/Air/Hyd. Thumb. 03' Bobcat 334 Mini Excavator w/Cab/Heat/Hyd. Thumb/3 buckets. Gehl GX30 Mini Excavator. Kobelco 35SR Mini Excava to r. H a ni x SB8 00 Excava tor w/C ab /H yd . Thumb. Terex HR16 Mini Excavator. Case 480 C 2 wd L oa de r Ba ckho e. In te rn atio na l 60 6 Ga s Loader Backhoe. 00' Vermeer 1230ADiesel Chipper (1048 Hrs.). Minuteman QT 6ft. Rototiller. Minuteman QT Backfill Auger. New Lowe QT Post Hole Digger w/12 & 18in. Augers. New Lowe QT Post Hole D igger w/9 & 12in. Aug ers. New L owe QT Post Hole Digger w/12in. Auger. New Stout 72 & 84in. Grapple Buckets. New Stout 72in. QT Bucket. Severa l Skidsteer QT Pallet Forks. QT Make up Plates. QT Tree Spade (New/Never used). (New) 12 x16.5 & 10x16.5 SS Tires. Combines & Heads Gleaner F3 Hydro Diese l Combine. John Deere 6620 Combine 4wd. John Deere 7720 combine 2wd. John D eere 7720 Combine 4w d. 91' John Deere 9500 Combine (3000 eng hrs/2200 Sep. Hrs./10' Series Update). John Deere 9500 combine (3600 Eng hrs./2600 Sep Hrs.). (2) Case IH 1640 Combines. Gleaner 430 Corn Head black. IH 844 Corn Head. IH 863 Corn Head. (2) John Deere 643 C orn He ads. Jo hn Deere 343 Corn Head. John Deere 693 Poly Corn Head. Gleaner 13ft. Grain Head. Gleaner 313 Grain Head. John Deere 213 Grain Head. Lawn and Garden: AgriFab 6ft. Pull behind Gas Finish Mower. Partial Listing of Hay Equipment: Case IH 3450 Round Baler. John Deere 435 Round Baler w/net. John Deere 447 Round Baler. New Idea 4865 Round Baler w/ Net Wrap. John Deere 24T Square Baler. Gehl DE 2412 12ft. Discbine Hydra Swing. New Holland 408 Di scbi ne. M & W 7 ft. 3pt. D isc Mowe r. NH 4 88 Haybine. NH 492 Haybine. Case IH 1300 9ft. 3pt. Sickle Mower. (2) IH 1300 7ft. 3pt. Sickle Mowers. John Deere 350 3pt. Sickle Mower (Nice). (3) New Holland 451 7ft. 3pt. Sickle Mowers (Nice). NH 256 Rake. NH 56 Rake. (2) (New) KK 4basket Hyd. Fold Tedders. New Holland 4 basket Pull Tedder. (New) 2 ba sket Ted der. (4 ) Flatbe d Hay Wagons. 2 4ft. Skeleton Hay Eleva tor. Partial Listing of Tillage Equipment: Kent 21ft. Soil Finisher. Krause 18ft. Soil Finisher. 12ft. Soil Finisher. Brillion 9 shank Soil Saver. (3) Glencoe 9 shank Soil Savers. Landoll 7 sha nk Soil Sa ver. White 7 sh ank Soi l Save r. Glencoe 5 shank Soil Saver. (2) Krause 1900 & 14 22ft. Hyd. Fold Discs. (2) Kewanee 21ft. Hyd. fold Discs. Krause 14 21ft. Hyd. Fold Disc. (2) Kewanee 1010 18ft. Hyd. Fold Discs. IH 475 18ft. Hyd. Fold Disc. Krause 18ft. Hyd. Fold Disc. Kewanee 16ft. Hyd. Fold Disc. Kewanee 15ft. Wheel Disc. Krause 15ft. Wheel Disc. White 14ft. Wheel Disc. Case IH 475 12ft. Wheel Disc. IH 370 12ft. Wheel Disc. JD KBA9ft. Drag Disc (1 owner/Super Nice!). Ford 201 7ft. 3pt. disc. Bush Hog 7ft. 3pt. Disc. Ferguson 6ft. 3pt. Disc. Ford 5ft. 3pt. Di sc. IH 7 10 5btm. ARS Plow. John Deere 5btm. 2600 Plow. Salford 5btm ARS Plow. AC 3btm. 3pt. Plow. (2) Ford 101 3btm. 3pt. Plow (Spring Trip). International 420 3btm. 3pt. Plow. International 710 3btm. ARS Plow. JD 3btm. 3pt. Plow. Ford 101 2x14 3pt. Plow (Spring Trip). (5) Ferguson 2x14 3pt. Plows.International 310 1 btm. 3pt. Plow. 3pt. 1 btm. Plow. Kongslide 6ft. 3pt. Danish Cultivator. Brady700 8 shank Pull Chisel. International 55 10 shank Pull Chisel. Dunham 14ft. Harrowgator w/Wings. 2 section 8ft. Drag harrow. 5 s h an k V Ri pp e r. Bri ll i on 15 ft., 1 3ft. & 1 2 ft. Cultimulchers. Brillion 20ft. Hyd. Fold Packer. 9ft. Tran s p ort Cu l tip a cke r. (2 ) 8ft. Si n gl e Ro l l cultipackers. (New) KK 7,6,5 & 4ft. Rototillers.Agric 70 in. 3pt. Rototiller. Woods 7ft. 3pt. Rototiller. Partia l Listing of Corn Picke rs/Grinder Mixers/ Grain carts/Gravity Boxes & Wagons: New Idea 325 2 row NR Corn Picker (Nice). NH 352 Grinder Mixer. Gehl 120 Grinder Mixer. Gehl 100 Grinder Mixer. Gehl 95 Grinder Mixer. 70' F-600 Grain Truck. Brent310 Grain Cart.Bradford Grain Cart. DMIGravity Wagon . EZ Trail 3400 Gravity Wag on (Ne ver U se d/L ike N ew ). Hu ske e Gra vi ty Wa go n . (2 ) Killbros 350 Gravity Wagons. Killbros 375 Gravity Wagon. (2) Killbros 385 Gravity Wagons. 25+ Variety of Gravity Wagons. 30ft. PTO Grain Auger. Several Running Gears. Several Gravity Boxes. Partial Listing Misc. Equipment: Befco 3pt. Post Hole Digger. Ford 907 3pt. Post Hole Digger. New H ol la nd 3 pt. Po st H ol e D ig ge r (N ever u se d). Danuser FH 8ft. Back Blade. MF 7 & 6ft. 3pt. Back Blades . Semi Load of New 3pt. Eq. (Box Blade, Ba ck Bl ad es, R ock R ake s, Bo om po le s, Ba le Spears, brush hogs, Land Pulverizer,Land Levelers, & much More, All sells a bsolute!) SnowCo Grain Cleaner. Eureka Separator Mill. IH 100lb. & 75lb. Suitcase Weights.Ford Wheel Weights. John Deere Wheel Weights. Several Farm Gates of all Sizes. Bale Feeders. Mowers: John Deere 1517 Ba tw in g Mow er (54 0 PTO). Woo ds 31 80 1 5ft. Batwing Mower (1000 PTO). Bush Hog 3168 14ft. Mower. Schulte 10ft. Single Wing Batwing. Woods 315 Single Wing Batwing. Woods 3pt. Ditch Bank Mower (VerySharp). New Holland 410 11ft.Batwing Finish Mower (Never Used). Rhino 11ft. Batwing Finish Mower. Manure Spreaders H & S 125 PTO. H & S 125 PTO (Same as New/Nice). Lancaster 25 GD. Massey Ferguson 160 PTO. Pequea PTO. New Idea 17 GD. New Idea 3622 PTO. New Idea 217 PTO (Sharp). Planters & Drills IH 900 8 row Planter. Allis Chalmers 2 row Pull Planter. MasseyHarris 2 row 3pt. Planter. Great Plains 15ft. No Till Grain Drill. Tye 10ft. No Till Drill w/Grass. Tye 7 1/2ft. No Till Drill w/Grass. International 5100 18 hole Grain Drill w/Gras s. John Deere Van Brun t 16x7 Grain Drill. Sprayers 200 Gal 3pt. PTO Sprayerw/Booms. Potato Equipment Lockwood 4 row Potato Digger. 2 ro w Po ta to D ig ge r. L ockw oo d 4 ro w Po ta to Planter. Lockwood Potato Stacker. Trailers 95' 24ft. Trail Boss 10 ton Tandem Trailer w/Pintle Hitch. (New) 6x12 Tilt Trailer. Cant make it to the auction? Bid Online!! Powered by www.Equipme ANYQUESTIONS: 330 898 3419 OR 330 883 8029 Auctioneers: Jason Miranda & Associates EMAIL: WW.CHALKERS44470@HOTMAIL.COM WEBSITE: WWW.CHALKERS.NET Trucking Available* Payment terms: Cash or check. Credit Card w/4% administration fee. Licensed and bonded in favor of the state of ohio OK AUCTIONS (see on 4 Railroad St., Stoneboro, PA 16153 (beside the park) Every Saturday - 3:30 - 7:30 p.m. Larry Helsel, Auctioneer AU-36736 Consignments every Tuesday 12:30-4:30 p.m. or call 724-376-4542 ***Antique/Collectible Sale this week: Sept. 28, 2013 AUCT ION WAM PUM HOME IMPROVEMENT SAT. OCTOBER 5th, 10 AM FOR SALE Pureblood & percenta g e Bo er g o ats , some billies, F1 120 d u mp tru ck 19 9 6 $2 0,00 0 ob o. Saw dust deliveryfor horse bedding & log splitter rental. Mercer & surroun ding a rea. 7 24967-4736 1968 JEEP CJ5 FOR SALE 235 CID 4 speed with overdrive 2 i nch lift, h ig h b ack bu ckets , lo ts o f e xtras ! Mu st see!Call to come and see $7000. 724-5106417 Address: 3422 State Rt. 18 Wam pum, PA 16157 Relocation Hardware and Inventory Sale. 1992 GMC flatbed. See our website for details. #AY184L 124 Blackhawk Road, Beaver Falls, PA 15010 AUCTIONEERS & REALTORS, INC. 724-847-1880 www.leehostette BOAK’S ORCHARD Apples-Cid er-PearsWi nte r Sq u as h Pumpkins-CabbageGrapes.All while supp l y l a sts . Ca l l fo r a va i la b il i ty. Ho u rs Weather Pe rmitti ngMonday thru Friday 1 -5 p.m. Saturday 9-5 p.m. Closed Sunday 72 4-92 4-2 39 6. 2 14 Boa k Rd ., N e w Castle, Pa. 16101 FOR SALE 1992 Prowler camper tra i l er, 24 -foo t bumperpull. All applian ce s, refri ge ra to r/ fre e zer, g a s s to ve / oven, microwave are in proper working orde r. Sle ep s 6. H as he at an d a ir co nd itioning, both in proper wo rkin g orde r. H as s h ow e r a n d to i le t, also working properly. Ve ry ni ce con di tio n. 330-692 -0181. FOR SALE 1990 23’ Thompson Boat with trailer setup for Lake Erie fishing, h as Big Joh n downrigge rs, 2 GPS 2 Way radios, asking $1 2,0 00 OBO. 81 43 82 -9 88 1 or 8 14 720-4 712. FOR SALE 2003 Mercury Sable, exce ll ent cond itio n, m oo n ro o f, 1 0 6K, lea ther interior, new in sp ectio n, ch ro me w h ee l s , p re mi u m sound system, price $3 950 . Pho ne 72 4253-4 126. WANTED Pre -1 95 0 an ti qu e g as p um p s i n an y condition, from junkto restored. Also buying other old gas station m em ora bi li a . i w il l come to you and pay cash. Call or text 814671-9 574. MOVING SALE Was her $150 , dryer $ 5 0, s ofa $ 10 0 , tre a d mi l l $ 1 25 , al l like new. Many other household items including a 50’s stereo con s o le . 72 4 -66 2 2707, 724-662-4560. FOR SALE 19 97 14 x80 mo bi le home, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, new roof, including dining room table and 6 chairs, washer & dryer, living ro om suit plus 22x26 carport and 10x12 shed. Call 724-376-4401. FOR SALE Beautiful Appaloosa/ R an g e rb re d m a re , red roan, double regis tere d, very cl ass y, 14 hands, 13 yrs old, com p l ete l y b roke tra i l ho rs e $ 7 00 . Dapple Gray big pony m are , co m pl e tel y broke trail pony, very loving, great with kids, b rid l e & h a lte r i n cl ude d, $4 00. 19 74 Ch evy Sho rtb ox 4 x4 p roj e ct tru ck, bo th southern & new sheet metal $1400. Clayton woodstove forced air go od s ha pe , $5 00 . Chevrolet 350 motor 5000 miles $750.115 vo lt e le ctric cha i n hoist $275. (6) 8 foot flourescentlights $20 ea. 814-694-3029 FOR SALE 2001 Subaru Legacy w a go n , 1 5 3 ,0 0 0 m il e s , d a il y dri ver, $ 2 20 0 ob o . 20 0 2 Ford Crown Victo ria L X Sp ort, 8 9 ,00 0 m il e s , e xce l l en t $4250 obo. 814-7892581 OHIO AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 DEWALT AUCTION 5.25 ACRE FARMETTE WITH GAS/TIMBER & MINERAL RIGHTS. SATURDAY OCTOBER 5, 2013 AT 10AM. Loc ated-11 562 So uth C ana l R oad , Con nea ut Lake PA 16316. From Conneaut Lake-follow Rte 6 West approx. 4 miles to South Canal Road, turn south approx 1/2 mile to auction. Watch for signs. Plenty of off road parking. REAL ESTATE-5.25 (+/-) acres that consist ofseparate parcel s that will be offered all-to gether. All mineral, gas, and timber rights will be included. On the main floor the house is the kitchen, separate dining room, 1 full bath, two bedrooms, and a beautiful rustic style step-down den with a function al stone firepl ace and beautiful hand hewn exposed rafters, and en closed rear porch. Main floor has all hardwood floors. Upstairs is one bedroom and the attic. Basement is approx. the same size as the house with cement floor and plenty of good work space. Built in the early 1950's.Fuel oil heat with wood burner back-up. Also on the property is a 40'W x 32'L building currently used as a wood shop and garage. 16' of the width is used as a garage. At the back end of the property is a hand made 16'x16' log barn that would make a great small barn. There are 3 other usable small storage buil dings behind the house . Estimated total taxes for 2013 are approx. $1900. This is a great opp ortunity for a o nce-in-a-lifetim e investment purchase located between Conneaut Lake and Pymatuning Lake. The sellers are extremely motivated to sell-come prepared to buy. Real Estate offered at 12:30. REAL ESTATE TERMS-Five (5%) buyers premium added to the final hammer price to determine the FINAL selling price. NONREFUNDABLE down payment is ten (10%) of the final selling price and it is due the day of the sale. Accepted payment methods are-Cash, PACheck, Visa, Master Card, Discover Card same as cash. Clo sing a nd del ivery of a clear deed within 30 days. Closing handled thru estate atty. REAL ESTATE OPEN HOUSESUNDAY SEPT 29 FROM 1-4PM. CONTENTS- Beautiful early mahog case Eli Terry & Sons clock w/wooden gears & ship theme, other burl walnut case mntl clock, early 16-glass pane corner cupd, stepbackcupd, Hepplew hite chest, horse-drawn sleigh, nice Vict walnut couch, cherry was hstand , few other nice vict p cs incl settee, loveseat, and chairs. exceptional Windsor chair & others, sm oak 12 drwrcabinet, o pen frt corner cupd, 18 76 Crwfrd Co His torical Atlas, photo of Sh erm a ns vi ll e ba s e ba l l te a m (1 9 30 's ? ), Conneaut Lake ice hous e pic & others , 15 pcs sterlin g silverware , other olde r silverware , "The Reunion" prin t by Robert Griffing, other prints & pictures, 2 gal blue design crock, wooden bkt, few old canes, ol d scale i n glass case, hum pback trunk, Griswold #80 & #9, spinning wheel, glassware, handmade pottery, early milk pitcher, nice selection of lamps incl-2 w/cranberry shades, converted hanging oil lamp, Juno Banquet lamp w/ oplscnt shade & others, many pewter items, wkr se wi ng ba ske t, su ga r type ches t, de co rativeAmericana items, set of 6 cubed-stem glasses, china pcs, Avon mermaid & few others, sm select of furs, vntgchilds wool Jantzen swim suit, household/kitchen items, sewing items, 2 Pennash bats (roug h), chi lds sl ed w/w hee ls, few mi sc toys, Christm as d ecos, sel ect of o ld bo oks, uni que Dobson Favorite wooden churn set up, & more. GE upright frzr, other applncs, Troy-Built 33" walk behind mower, 4x6 cvrdtrlr, older sail boat w/mast &trlr, other wooden sided trlr, few pcs scaffolding, and MUCH more. GUNS- 1930's highly engraved Colt Officers Model 38 #566981 revolver, J Stevens & Co 22 cal pistol #5292, Ithaca Mod 37-(12ga) pump shotgu n. LUMBER- Ap prox leng ths-1 800 board ft of good quality, air dried, roughsawn cherry boards-1 to 4 inches thick, 250 board ft of air dried rough sawn maple-1 to 3 inches thick, 150 board ft of selected short lengths cherry& figured maple, small stock of veneer & burls. 50 pcs of ornate antq framing molding, 200 board ft of short length 4x4 maple, cherry, and walnut turning stock, 2000 board ft of mixed lumber species, 400 board ft of cherry 1 in boards, 60 board ft of cherry 4x4, and othe r lumber. Some ruff cut & some not. Ap pliances, general household, PLUS MUCH MUCH MORE !!! Terms-Cash, PAcheck ONLY(NO OUT OF STATE CH ECKS ACC EPTED), Visa , Ma sterCard , Di scover ca rds-SAME AS CASH. Fo od & restroom avai lable. Please vi sit www.jeffpen nauction s or ID #12854 for photos & complete listing. JEFF PENNINGTON AUCTIONEER AUCTION SERVICE NEW CASTLE PA 16101 724-657-4413 PA LiC #AU005490/RY000961 "If I Can Yell It I Can Sell It !" FOR SALE 2 left hand compound bows, complete, (12) n ew a rro w s, 2 -re l ea s e s, h ard ca s e and more, ready for hu ntin g $2 25 . 72 4866-1100 FOR SALE 2005 Ford G-350 4x4 D RW La ria t di e se l truck, about 240,000 mile s, new er motor, $9500, leave a message. 724-588-1393 FOR SALE 90 F700 Ford dump tru ck, g oo d s ha pe , run s go od, ready to w ork, $ 4 5 00 . 81 4 438-3384 MUST SELL 2 bdrm 1 bath house on 2.25 acres in Kinsman Ohio. Has new septic, great home for you a nd a few a ni mals. For more info call 440-858-5344 SEPTEMBER 28, 2013 ESTATE AUCTION REAL ESTATE & CONTENTS THURSDAY OCTOBER 3RD @ 4 PM 8382 PLATZ RD. FAIRVIEW, PA. REAL ESTATE:One Storyranch w/ 1296 sq. ft. consisting of LR, K/DA, 4 bedrooms, bath, full basement, 2 car detached garage all situated on a 2 lots of 2.3 acres total in Fairview Twp. Real Estate sells at 5 PM. TERMS: $5000.00 down day of sale Balance in 45 days CONTENTS:Ford 1710 tractor ( w/4wd, loader,2314 hrs.), Ford 9N tractor, 3 pth. King Kutter 4 ft finish mower, 3pth 6ft. back blade, 3 pth sub soiler, stack to ol bo x, wren ch es, s ocket se ts ., ha nd to ol s, Huskee rototiller, Craftsman rear tine tiller, ladders, grinder, vise, air compressor, garden tools, Gas stove , refrig erator, washer, dryer, n ew power lift chair, s ofa, stands, dre ssers, pots, pan s, misc. household. NOTE: Go to for photos. TERMS:Payable in full dayof sale Cash, Check, Major credit cards accepted. AU CTIO N S & APPRAISALS AU-2352-L / AU-5037-L PH. 814-476-1217 CELL 814-449-3162 MACHINE SHOP AUCTION SPRING TOOL COMPANY OCTOBER 10TH AT 10 AM 155 GRANT ST., CAMBRIDGE SPRINGS, PA 16403 REAL ESTATE: 40’x6 0’ block bl dg. covere d with steel an d i nsu lated. Re stroom , s tee l b eam 4 crane, man door, overhead door, windows, Buss electric, 3ph electric, next to police bldg. across from Cord’s. 75’x120’ lot. Zoned manufacturing. City water and sewer. REAL ESTATE TERMS: Real Estate to be offered with owners co nfirmation . Property sold “As-Is” as of day of closing. $15,000 down day of auction and balance at closing. Deposit is nonrefundable if the bid is accepted. MACHINES: C l au s i n g C o l chester 13” lathe, 48” Series I 2 hp Bridgeport mill with power feed and MIitutoyo read out. 42” Se rie s I Brid gep ort mi ll wi th read out and power feed, Journeyman band saw with welder/ cutter 11” power feed and 12½’ cl ea ra nce. Mi ll er Syncro wa ve 20 0 with foo t contro l, Di-Acro hydra po wer press brake 5’, 2 Harig 612 grind ers with power fee ds, Su per 61 2 gri nder w ith p o we r fe e d , s e t o f to rche s , Roper-Whitney8 ton deep throat hydralic press, Di-Acro notcher No . # 1 h and , coil wi nde r, WA Whitney hydramic notch er with ben der, Di-Acro Spa rtan rol ler N o. # 1, D i-Acro 24 ” be n d er, Lindberg/BlueKi ln, Cress electric furn ace, Pe rkin s m achi ne press, Rousselle No. #1 press, Perkins Junior press, Everett cut off saw, Federa l press, RoperWhitneyhand press, Di-Acro No. #1 hand notcher, Gary Mills H.K. 1 50 p arts cl e an e r/w a s he r, Econoline sand blaster, Emglo 1½ hp ai r comp re sso r, Sea rs table saw, Jon es and L amson optical comparator Model TC-14, 2 H a rig N o. # 1 g rin d -al l , C l errvie w Ra d i -An g le w he e l dresser, Brown & Sharpe height gau ge, block and pin gaug es, Sta rrett 1 8”x2 4 ” an d 1 2”x1 8”. L ots of s u pp ort to ol i ng , ri gh t angle chuck, vises, turn tables, an d steel sto ck, ste el s heets, copper coils, copper and brass scrap. MOTORCYCLES: 197 2 500 Triumph Tiger motorcycle, needs w ork. H o nd a 50 m oto rcycle , ne ed s w ork. Lots of pa rts for these bikes. GUNS: Winchester Model 12 Pre 1964, Win. Model 50 12 gauge, Re ming ton 760 30-06, 2 Wi nche s te r Mo de l 94 30 -30 Pre 1964, 2 Winchester Model 75 22 target Pre 1964, Savage single shot 30-30. For sale by owner: S&W 44 mag SS, S&W 38 Spl., S&W 38 Combat, Model 1914 Colt 45 ACP, 1913 U.S., Walter Mpp 32 auto. TERMS ON PERSONAL PROPERTY:Cash or good check. A 10% buyer premium will be charged on Real Estate and personal property. HOWARD & REIMOLD AUCTIONS PO BOX 331, TRANSFER, PA 16154 724-646-2100 R.J. REIMOLD AUCTIONEER - AU000754-L LAND FOR SALE Mos tl y w o od e d , 4 acres,land outside of Grove Ci ty, a s ki n g $ 37 ,00 0 . 7 2 4-9 62 3217 PAYING TOP DOLLAR for junk cars, trucks, farm eq u i pm e n t & s cra p , $ 2 50 & u p . Avai lable 24-7. 330979-1490 ESTATE AUCTION MODEL A’S & PARTS SATURDAY OCTOBER 5TH @ 10 AM 10234 STATION RD. NORTH EAST, PA From I-90 exit at PA430 (exit # 32 ) onto Station Rd. travel south 5 ½ miles to auction. The entire collection of Model A’s,parts and accessories from the RayNietupski Estate will be sold at public auction to include the following: AUTOS: 1935 Ford 5 window coupe, 1931 Model Aroadster, 1931 Model A2 door sedan, 1932 Model Apick up, 1932 Ford wrecker, 1948 Willey’s, 1986 Ford Econoline Van ( 1 owner, 11k miles ), 2003 Buick LeSabre ( 1 owner 78k Miles )Autos sell at 1 PM PARTS: Numerous Model Abodies & cars in various stages of restoration, Frames, motors, transmis sions , axl es, h ubs, doors, ho ods, fende rs, light bars, h eadlights, radiators, rad iator shells, s te erin g co lu mn s, d as h es , hu b ca ps , mo to r meters, hood ornaments, frames, wheels, tires, oil cans, gas pumps, large adv. Signs, plus much more to be discovered. NOTE: Go to www.roccoa uction for 10 0’s photos. Bid live online at Notaryon site auction day, off street parking available. This is an all day sale plan now to attend. Call with any questions 814-449-3162 TERMS: Payable in full day of sale Cash, Check, Major credit cards accepted. AU CTIO N S & APPRAISALS AU-2352-L / AU-5037-L PH. 814-476-1217 CELL 814-449-3162 BEACHY’S PUBLIC AUCTION 40 KITCH RD. GREENVILLE, PA 16125 (WATCH FOR AUCTION SIGNS.) SAT., OCT. 12TH , 2013 STARTING AT 9:00 AM FREEZER & COOLINGUNIT:10’ x23’ Walk in freezer & cooling unit-8’ cooler-10’ freezer run by 13 HP electric start Ho nda Thermo King coolin g compressor (works good). SHOP TOOLS & EQUIPMENT: 5.5 Ingersoll Rand air compressor (twin tank), 11 HP N orth Star pressure washer w/cat pump, Honda 2000 watt inverter/generator w/12 volt cha rger, Honda 300 0 psi pressure washer, Paslode spiker & stapler, Bostitch framing nailer, 64 wattsolar panel & controller,large storage cabinet,Hitachi electric miter saw,shelves,4/4 airdried hickory lumber, rolling ladder, 48” ceiling fan, 130 cfm s crew air compress or on whe els, five 500 gallon air tanks, 300 gallon Overhead fuel tank, 175 Overhead fuel tank, 50’ ½” hose & reel, Rigid pipe vise, Rigid pipe threader, drill press, 10’ & 6’ Werner stepladders, Jo nsered 38CC chainsaw, Prime Mover pallet jack, coppertubing, lots of hand tools, and more. BUGGY & LAWN/GARDEN ETC.: Single seated buggy (led lights-storm front-rubber wh eels-hydrau lic brakes), 100 gallon stock tank, 4 ’X7’ trailer, buggy jacks , 22” cut se lf propelled Honda lawnmower (good condition), lawn & garden tools, hand tools, a nd more. HOUSEHOLD: 2 Maytag washers (set up for hydraulic), 2 single Maytags, #32 meat grinder & mixer (set up for hydraulic), 5.5 HP H onda hydra ulic unit (by Georgetown Portable),American natural gas stove, Magic Chef natural gas stove, 15 cubic ft. Crystal Cold n atural gas refrigerator, Domestic s ide by side 9 cubic ft.natural gas refrigerator, gas brooder heater, Enterprise sausage stuffer, 3 Singer treadle sewing machines w /cabinets, 12 volt 20” Freedom fan, Endle ss Bre eze fans, s mall fireproof safe , 3 bedroom sui tes, 2 recliners (1 is open arm Lazy Boy), air powered Bosch mixer & vita mix combo, freezer cont., large SS baking pans w/lids, lots of canning jars, New Humphreygas light, new hand w oven rugs, wind-up ma ntle alarm clock, cast iron propane hot plates, Ridgeway grandfather clock, HL Huble grandfather clock, lots & lots of boxlots. SPORTINGGOODS-GUNS-OLD COINS: Mi nn kota b ow mo unt trol li ng motor, u sed 2 4” scooters, 1 cent-5 cent & more coins, model 1871 H&R 12 gau ge 3” magnum shotgun , model 12 Wi nche ste r 1 2 ga uge , m odel 12 0 Winch ester R an g e r 1 2 g au g e , 5 0 ca l. Tra d iti on s i n l in e muzzle loader w/s cope, two m odel 200 Stevens bolt action 30-06 w/scope, Mossberg Trek 243 w/ scope, Westernfield model XNH565H 12 gauge, Sea rs m od e l 2 00 by Wi nch es ter 12 ga u ge , Mossberg 100 ATR 30-06, model SB1 single shot 20 gauge, and more. TERMS: Cash, Check, Debit Card, Visa or Mastercard with proper I.D. 5% Buyers Premium on all sales. 5% waived for cash or good check. Beachy and Auctioneers not responsible should any accidents occur. Lunch stand by Green Meadow School. Port-A-Johns on site. Preview of merchandise on Friday October 11th, or by appointment.Call: 724-588-1728 or call Aden (Auctioneer): 724-992-3517. OWNER:Abraham & Clara Beachy. Auctioneer’s Note: Come the day befo re & mark your items. Bring a chair da y of auction, and enjoy. We will be starting at 9:00 AM Sharp with trailer load of shop hand tools. AUCTIONEERS: ADEN SCHLABACH AU005706 & CRIST F. MILLER AU005457 PAGE 11 AL’S MELONS FARM MARKET H o n e yc r i s p , Cortland, Macintosh, Gala, and Sour Crisp apples are here! This we ek: Virgin ia H am $3 .99l b. a nd Provolone cheese $2.99lb. We h a ve o u r o w n m um s, co rns ta l ks , s tra w, p u mp ki ns , g ou rds an d in d ia n corn. Conneaut Lake 8 1 4-3 8 2-3 1 5 2 o r Me ad vi ll e 81 4-33 73133 DEMO CREW LOOKING FOR BIDS Iam looking for a crew to get the inside of a house inEdinboro, PA. I need the inside tore down to the studs. I want the debris separatedinto 2 dumpsters one burnable and the other landfill material. Icanget the dumpster or if you have your own. Job pays when done andmust be willingtosign contractfor work. Paid in cash. Conta ct me bir ddog9 3 @ ya or 81 4547-1696 FOR SALE AKC Rottwe iler puppies, tails, dew claws rem o ve d , w orm ed , g oo d bre ed i ng , al l males, $60 0. Also 2 yr old puggle female, spayed, very friendly, $75. 724-475-4684 FOR SALE BY OWNER 2008 Ford F350 4x4 d rw cre w ca b XLT 1 72 ” wb style s i de , exterio r d ark s ton e, i n te ri or m e di u m ston e cloth, 41 ,0 00 miles, excellent condition, includes 6.4L d ie s el , 5 s p d a uto trans , trai le r towi ng package, shift on the fly, 1 3 00 0 l b GVWR p a cka g e, ca mp e r pa ckag e, tow b os s package, 4.30 limited slip rear axle, am/fm/ 6 disc CD with steerin g wh ee l con trol s, 17” forged aluminum wheels, tailgate step, to w co mm an d system, chrom e tubular cab steps. Located at 1 2 06 1 La y Rd ., Edi n b oro , PA $ 31 ,90 0 . 8 1 4-4 50 5 47 4 or 8 14 -7 34 1849 RR MILLER TIRE & AUTO 02 Pont. Montana van V6, auto, loaded, new inspection, rust free, $ 3 80 0 . 0 3 C he vy Tahoe , 4.8 V8, auto, 4 x4 , l oa de d, su pe r cle a n , i n sp e cte d , $ 5 50 0 . 0 1 H on d a CRV,AWD, 4 cyl,auto, l o ad e d , n e w ti re s , new inspection, great cond., $480 0. All vehi cles w/4 ,50 0 mi /3 mo warranties. More to ch oos e from . R t. 6 2 b etw ee n Sa nd y Lake and Polk 8 144 37 -7 37 3 or 8 14 657-8124 HOUSE FOR SALE 2 22 R ace St, Me ad vi ll e , 2 s tory, 3 BR , 1BTH , o ven , refrig., washer, dryer, microwave, $52,000. 814-72 0-7712 FOR RENT Linesville 114 South Mercer St. 2 story, 3 bdrm, 1½ bath, laund ry ro o m, n o p e ts , $700 a month negoti ab l e , s e c. d ep ., lea se. Willi amsfi eld Ohi o . Effici e ncy g rou n d l e vel , la ke fro n t, a l l u til i tie s , $600/per month. 440293-7104 OHIO AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 SEPTEMBER 28, 2013 PAGE 12 JACOB SHEEP FOR SALE Ra m-pu reb red , so ft h ai re d, $ 75 . Ew e s $50. Ram lambs $75. Ew e l a mb s $7 5 . Yearling ewes $100. Nice flock of purebred 2 h o rne d Ja co bs . Horne Farms Atlantic, PA 8 1 4 -3 8 2 -80 3 2 leave message. WANTED Own e r o p e ra to r & com p an y d ri ver fo r flatb ed or van, must have 2 yrs.experience & CDLA. Good starting pay. Home weekly a nd on we e ke n ds . Fo r m o re i nfo ca l l 7 2 4-6 9 9-0 9 0 7 o r 724-49 6-4657 SAMS STARTER & ALTERNATOR SERVICE is your starter making troubl e or your alternatorhaving issues, bring them to me . I offe r qu al ity starter & alternator repair and remanufa cturing service s. 608-63 9-0083 FOR SALE 20 07 Suzu ki Boul evard 1500cc, 10,000 miles, front and rear b ack re s t, s a dd l e bags , lugg age ra ck, cras h ba r, Battm an fairing, p ower C ommander Cobra pipes shaft drive , excellent condition,$6200 firm. 814-79 5-2217 FOR SALE John Deere model 45 s qu a re b a ck com b in e wi th 3 13 corn h e ad . Al s o Jo h n D e ere 45 s q ua re b ack co mb i ne w ith 1 0 ’ fl oa ti ng g ra i n he ad an d 2 34 co rn head. 724-992-3765 REAL ESTATE & CHATTEL AUCTION OCTOBER 5, 2013 AT 10:00 A.M. 6353 RT. 534N, WINDSOR, OHIO 44099 CHATTEL IS ABSOLUTE 1000+ Dolls: 60+ Barbies & clothes, 30+ Porcelain, 15+ Boxes of doll clothes, Some dolls will be in boxes & others will be by the piece, Tiny Tears American Character 60's & 70's, Timeless Treasures: Vanes sa co llection, Ang elina coll ecti on, Ashton Drake Dolls, Diana World's Beloved Rose, Princess Diana Birthday, Diana Princess ofWales, Coca Cola C arhop Madam Alexandra , Elizabeth Clark Megan, 13- Crissy Dolls, 1972 Ideal Shirley Temple & Clothes, The Jackie , Little Pri ncess, First Lady Gown Peries byBrinns, Jackie Kennedy Character by Furga of Italy 1960's,Praying Hands #8, Queen Mint Porcelain Dolls w/tea & table, Dynasty Doll Collection, Willie Talk, Punkey Bruster, Tina, Kimberley, & Doll Furniture, plus much more. Glass kitchen table w/4 chairs, Dining room table w/4 chai rs, Dressers, C hest of drawers , Childs wood table w/4 chairs, Oak desk, Oak office chairs, Maple dresser, Sewing machine & cabinet, White treadle sewing machine w/cabinet, Glass display cabinet, End tables, Chairs, Curio cabinet, Maple desk, Birds eye maple dresser, Jewelry stand, Full size beds, Bissel power steamer, Emerson microwave, Old Silvertone radio, Steel cabinets, Filing cabinets, Cast iron benches, Jewelry, Sewing supplies, Glassware, Fishing lures, Crocks: #2, #3 & #4, Cookware, Kitchen Aid mixer, Figurines, For information call: 330-980-6476 “MORE DETAILED AUCTION LIST NEXT WEEK” AUCTIONEERS NOTE: We will be selling in 2 rings most of the day. All dolls will be selling in one ring at 11:15 a.m. until finished.Antique furniture, glass & box lots will be in a seperate ring. Go to website for more complete list & pictures. REAL ESTATE IS WITH RESERVE @ 1:30 p.m. 47.18 acres tillable and wooded, house with 24X40 garage. Terms:$10,000 down day of auction, Certified/ Guaranteed funds (non-refundable ). Balance due at closing, a 5% buyer’s premium will be added to final bid price to constitute purchase price. Property sold “as is”. To view Real Estate ca ll Mike D avi s 4 40-749 -08 60. Bu yers Agen ts need to register 48 hours prior to auction Auctioneers: Mike Davis, Heath Davis & Aaron Mast TERMS: Cas h, Ch eck, Master Ca rd & Visa 5% buyers premium. Lunch Stand Available MIKE DAVIS AUCTIONEERS, LTD NORTHWOOD REALTY SERVICES 15067 HAYES ROAD MIDDLEFIELD, OHIO 44062 440-63 2-5586 “WHAT WE SELL IS SERVICE” Email: POWER UNIT Fo rd 6 00 In du stri al power unit with Rockfo rd clu tch, $ 60 0 . 814-88 1-8365 MOBILE HOME FOR SALE 14x70, central air, remod eled bathroo m, i n cl u d es s he d , wa sher, dryer, dis hwasher, needs some w ork, $ 3 0 00 o bo . C l in to nvi l le a re a . 814-38 5-1310 NOTICE We will be pressing apples every Monday a n d We dn e s d ays . Oth e r d a ys b y a p pointment. Will have cider and apple butter to sell. Also Terrier and Shih-Tzu pups, 8 w ee ks o ld . Sam A. Ma st, 381 R od ge rs Rd.,New Wilmington, PA 16142 FOR SALE 20 10 JD Gato r 4x4, g as po w ere d , w el l kep t, e a s y h o urs , m us t se l l , $ 6 50 0 . 817-78 9-1332 FOR SALE Yearling brown laying chi cken s $2 e ach . Al so 9 6 As tro va n , 190,000 miles, body poor, $1000 obo. No Su nday sa les . 81 482 7-33 71 Ti tu svil le area. WHY BUY NEW, whe n used will do? Sho p ch e a p a t Mi c h a e l a n g e l o ’ s Sunday Fle a Market, 6am-3pm! Sell inside $10+! Fall cleaning is here, sell used goods a n d m a ke e xtra CASH!724-652-6244 READ THE UPCOMING AUCTIONS ONLINE @ WWW.THEAREASHOPPER.COM FOR SALE 1994 Chevrolet 1500, 4.3, runs good, body a n d fram e s ol i d $ 3 00 0 ob o . 3 h p Gam e Fi s h er b oa t motor $250. Rem. A10 ta kedown 1 2 ga. $300, Beretta Pocket 2 2 cal . M21 in bo x nice $325. Sig P220 45 auto SS $800 obo. Remin gton 700 222 R e m Ma g, rare , m a de fro m 1 96 2 1968 $1200. 275 gallon steel caged poly w ate r co n ta i n ers $125. Savage model 99 cal. 308 $450. Full tu rkey mo un t $ 12 5. To ro s no w b l ow e r $3 00. Artley cla rin et $75.95,000 BTU front n ozzl e w /ve rti ca l & horizontal luvers, retu rn a ir d uct wo rk $3 00 . 15 ft. do ub le wa ll s tain less ste el e xh au s t pi pe . 7 24 253-1 751. FOR SALE C o ne s tog a w ag o n (17 3 0 -1 7 7 0 e ra). Great displayfor busine ss fron ts , m us eums, Historical Societies, riding arenas, etc. Co mm ercia l or resi dential, full s ize, cus to m b u il t, e ye ca tch e r. Mus t se e . 724-85 1-1778 OHIO AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 SEPTEMBER 28, 2013 HOSTETLER CONSTRUCTION PICKUP & SUV $80 TRACTION COOPER TIRE REBATE SALE! SALES 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE • Commercial Buildings • Garages • Horse Barns • Farm Buildings • Residential • Churches • Post Frame Buildings 17” & 18” BLOWOUT SPECIALS FLE XI BLE T O FI T YOUR DE S I RE S Monday-Friday (8-5) Saturday (8-1) Call: 814-425-7965 - Pete Wagler 724-662-3483 MERCER TIRE SALES Be tte r Bu ild in g s a re b y... Borkh older #PA040598 POLE BUILDINGS H orse ba rn s, da iry buildings, riding arenas, agriculture building s, ga rage s, ro ofing, decks. Hostetler C on s tru ctio n . 8 14 4 25 -7 96 5 ta l k to Pete. FABIN’S TRAILER SALES Featherlite Valley Cam Aluma Continental Cargo Erie I-90 Rt. 430 Exit 32 814-899-6636 FINANCING AVAILABLE Mob i l e h o me s fo r sale, owner or Realto r, p arks o r priva te l a nd : fi n a n ci n g fo r qualified buyers. Super Loan Originators a t Ro Mar Ho m es . 724-927-6341 NMLS #323651 PYMATUNING LAKE DRIVE-IN FLEA MARKET Open until the end of October.EverySaturday &Sunday6:00 am-3:00 pm.Andover Ohio. Info: 440-293-7757. BOAT REPAIR Certified mecha nic doing boat & motor rep a ir on Mercury Johnson Evinrude & Yamaha Outboards & Mercruiser I/O’s in the Conne aut Lake area.Call Dave 724456-1527 FOR AS LITTLE AS $15 A WEEK YOUR CLASSIFIED AD COULD BE HERE!! CALL US @ 814-425-7272 WANTED TO BUY Antique & Collec tibles Old Paper Goods Cleaning an attic or ba se me nt? Liquidating an estate or have items to sell? Good price s paid for ite ms prior to 1 96 0 : fur niture , glassware, pottery, lighting silver, clocks, advertising, linens , toys, fire man, railroad, photographs, marbles, m ilitar y, politic al, fraternal, sporting, c hildr e n’s ite ms , W or ld’s Fair and othe r s ouve nirs ; books , brochures, c ale nda r s , c a ta logs , m aga zines , ma ps , pos tca rds, pr ogram s, sc ra pbook s, sheet m usic. Ca ll 7 24-94 68617. MIKES HYDRAULIC SERVICE Can repair hydraulic cylinders, log splitter cyli n d ers , b a tte ry ch arg e rs , p orta p o we r ra m s a n d pumps, air cylinders and pallet jacks, 4623 Perry H ig hw a y (Rt. 19) Vola nt, PA. 7 24530-7 396. BUYING GUITARS Old a m ps , b an j os , s axop h on es , d ru m s ets , a ccord i on s , synth esizers, h orns, and most older mus i ca l in s tru m e nts . Mike 330-367-7100 DRIVEWAY LOOK A MESS? Well we have you covered! We carry limestone,2B gravel, slag and other material to fi x th at m es s of a TRACTOR driveway. Wholesale FOR SALE Fa rm a l l M tra cto r, o r R eta il ! Ken n ed y $ 1 30 0 OBO. 44 0 - L an d sca pe Su p pl y 814-425 -7903. 813-5 592. WESTERN HARVEST FESTIVAL SOUTH RIDGE CHRISTIAN ACADEMY 924 CENTER RD., CONNEAUT, OHIO 440-593-5840 CHICKEN DINNER OCTOBER 3rd, 2013 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM ADULTS $9.00 • CHILDREN (9 AND UNDER) $5.00 GAM ES RN W ESTEALL PAINTB T! OU SHOOT Y SPECIALT AUCTION E DUC PRO HARVEST FESTIVAL FREE ADMISISON OCTOBER 4th & 5th, 2013 Fri., Oct. 4th 11 am-10 pm Sat., Oct. 5th 11 am-9 pm MADE HOMEOD FO FUN CRA FTS SIL AUC ENT TIO N STAGE C ADVER OACH TU HAY R RE IDE Entertainment ...and so much more HERSHBERGER FENCING Qu al i ty l i ve s tock/ resi dentia l fences. Wi ll re move fen ce and clear. 10 years e xp e rie n ce. C us to mer sa ti sfa cti on g u ara n te e d . 4 ½ miles east of Kinsm a n Oh io . Ca l l John 724-588-2550 FOR SALE Tw o Po rs ch e 91 4 cars for restoration. Bo th h ave cle a r ti tl es , 19 70 1 97 3, 1970 good bodynot running, 1973 runs but has front damage. More info and p h oto s Eri e Craigslist 440-5992121 HORSEBACK RIDING at Rawhide Ranch in Me rcer. Gu id ed o ns i te o ne h o ur tra i l rides . Open dai ly by a pp o i ntm e nt o nl y. Beautiful horses, excel l e nt tra i l s. C al l D o nn a 72 4 -85 4 0150. Come ride our happy trails! FOR SALE Pu re b red p o ll e d He reford bu ll, go od herd bull, very gentle. 814-75 5-3403 FOR SALE L og C ab i n 1 2 ’ x1 8 ’ with 6’ porch. Green metal roof. Fin ished interior. Liva ble. D iffere n t s i ze s an d styles available. From Meadville take Rt. 77 east to Little Cooley. Take Rockdale Road n o rth 5 m i . Va ll e y Vie w Lo g Ca b i ns , 2 4 07 7 Ro ckda l e R o ad , Ca m b rid g e Springs, PA 16403. TROYER CIDER PRESS Custom apple pressi ng . Ope ni ng Se pt. 20 . Pres si ng Tue sdays and Fridays thru Octo ber. C ontain ers a vai l a bl e . 890 Wil l i am s o n R o ad , Mercer, PA. PAGE 13 2 STORY HOMES STARTING AT $140,000 Including Excavating & Basement WARNER’S Reg. # PA001873 HOMES and 407 S. Erie Street • Route 19 South • Mercer, PA 724-662-4600 • 1-888-412-9209 Mon.-Fri. 9-5, Saturday 10-3 & Evenings by Appt. VILLAGE ACRES MOBILE HOME PARK in Clintonville. 3BR, 1 BA, 14 x7 0, very nice home, all electri c $ 3,0 00 d o wn , $450 a month. 2BR, 1 BA $10 00 do wn $37 5 a m onth. No H UD o r H o od lums....and rememb er i f yo ur h om e d oe s n ’t h ave wheels you paid too much!!! Ca ll or text 814-221 -1360. MOTOR HOME 200 1 Bo under 36ft., 3 1,00 0 mi le s, V10 , one super slide w/o queen bed hyd jacks, cu rre nt licens e a nd in sp ection , six n ew ti re s, goo d worki ng co nd itio n, $2 3,00 0. 814-33 3-2531 APPLES APPLES APPLES H on e y cri sp , Ga la , McIn tos h , o th ers . Fres h cide r, don uts, chees e, vegeta bles, pumpkins,jams, and more. Apple Castle, Rt 18 New Wilmington, PAOpen Mon-Sat 9-8, closed Su nd ays. 7 24 -6 52 3221 MEAT CHICKENS FOR SALE Are fed no antibiotics, steroid or feed additives are grown natura l a s p oss ibl e a re excellent quality if you FOR SALE wa nt che mi ca l free 9 5 Do d ge Intrep id , poultrytry these. 8143.3 motor, runs good, 786-7368 Sagullas. i ns p ecte d ti ll 3 /14 . Fu lly lo aded . Everythi n g w o rks , go o d condition $1850 obo. Call after 11 am 814425-7730 FOR SALE 460 Farmall, 61hp, 3 p o in t hi tch, p ow e r s te e rin g , e xce l l en t tires, runs great, with 7 fo o t Wo o ds tra i l brush hog, 6 foot back bla de and 2 bottom d ra g pl o w, $ 6 70 0 . Also 149 Cub Cadet la wn m owe r, hydros tati c, ru ns g oo d , great deck with front b la d e , $ 7 50 . Ca l l 724-253-4118. Leave m es s a ge , w i ll cal l back. IMPROVEMENTS “The Area’s Largest Custom Modular Home Builder” FLAT ROOF SPECIALISTS GARAGE DOORS RV’s,motor homes, AND REPAIR Do es your gara ge tr aile rs, ca mper s. your d oo r ne e d re - Sche dule pai red? Or do you m otor hom e als o for roof restoration n e ed a n e w in Ja nuary or Febe n tra n ce d oo r, g a ra g e d o o r o r ruar y, indoor fa cilo pe n e r? C al l ity. 724-301-8470 Ma rvi n a t M. C . FOR SALE Overh ead Door for 4 year old gelding trafall your door needs. fi c sa fe a nd soun d, 814 282 9242 or double gaited, $1800 OBO. Jacob Byler,106 PA# 52610 Do dge Rd ., Ha dle y, PA 16130. GARAGE SALE COMMODORE PERRY SCHOOL DISTRICT WILL BE HOLDING A GARAGE SALE ON SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5TH FROM 8 AM UNTIL NOON AT THE SCHOOL MAINTENANCE GARAGE. THE FOLLOWING ITEMS WILL BE UP FOR SALE 208 volt 3 phase kitchen steamer. 208 volt 3 phase booster heater. 220 volt single phase kin. Plastic tool kaddie. 18” metal stools. 4’x8’ chalk boards. 6’ and 8’ heav y w ooden tables. Wall mount metal cabinets. 40 cases 7 gallon garbage bags. HP Design Jet 450C Plotter. HS & elementary desks. Wood shop tools. FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL RANDY LAMOTTE AT 724-253-3255 EXT. 222 OR 724-456-5189 LOWE JET BOAT FOR SALE 6 0/4 0 Jo h ns o n j e t m oto r, 5 5l b . th rus t e le ctri c mo to r, l ive w el l , s wi vel se a ts , tw o ba tte ri es, b il ge pump, ready to fish, $7200 obo. 814-6736661 FOR SALE 2004 Pontiac Grand AM, 4 dr. sedan with 80,00 0 miles; beige with spoile r, 4 cylinder; clean and in good s ha p e , a s ki n g $ 4 20 0 ; 8 1 4 -57 3 9 32 6 mu s t s e e R a ym o n d D r. Meadville. FOR SALE 4 -5 b o lt 20 01 15 ” a l um i n um D od g e wheels $200. 4 new 1 5 ” D o ug l a s m /s tire s 1 8 5 /6 5 R /1 5 $175. Sold as sets only. 724-662-2347 YOUR AD COULD BE HERE!!! WELL MAINTAINED ONE OWNER FIFTH-WHEEL TRAVEL TRAILER LOADED WITH THE RIGHT STUFF!! 13,500-BTU ducted A/C, Side Patio Awning,Fu ll bath/shower, Stabilizer Jacks, Easy Lube Axles, AM/FM/CD/DVD Home theater surround sound, Carpet/Vinyl Flooring,Gas Range/Oven, Double Bowl Sink with cover, Microwave, Dual Fridge, Gas Hot water/6 gallon tank, Exterior Ladder, Lots of storage, 30,000BTU Gas Furnace, 50 gallon fresh water tank,30 gallon gray water tank, 30 gallon black water tank, Double Bed, Fold out couch, dinette, 3 bunks, 4 wheel electric brakes, Overall height 11 feet 9 inches, 10,000 GVW, Unit is winterized and ready for storage, however there is still time to use it!! NADAAVERAGE RETAIL $ 17,59 0, NADA LOW RETAIL $14,6 00, PRICED TO MOVE AT $13,990, Plus sales tax and plate fees, Call George Zeljak at Donovan and Bauer Auto Group(814)827-1881 or 1800-38 6-8111 OHIO AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 SEPTEMBER 28, 2013 VICTORY TOWNSHIP is taking bids for a 1 9 83 F70 0 Fo rd dump truck. A western 12ft. snow plow a n d a n a p p roxi mately2 yr. old highway ci nd e r/sa l t sp re ad er th at w as rarely use d. Selling as one unit or separate. The Tow nship reserves the right to rej e ct a ny an d al l b id s. For i nforma tio n , p l e as e ca l l Fra nk a t 8 14 -6 71 6206. If n o answer, l ea ve a m es sa ge . Bids will be received at the regular meeting of the Board of Su pe rvis o rs on Mo nd a y, Octob e r 14th at 6:30pm atthe To wn s h ip R e cre a tio n Bu i l di n g l o ca te d at 2 79 4 Ol d R ou te 8 , Po lk, PA 16342 PAGE 14 PRICES ARE FALLING FASTER THAN LEAVES!!! TRAVEL TRAILERS 5TH WHEELS 2014 Sydney 34 ft. w/bunks/3 slides 2013 Terrain..............27 ft. w/slide 2009 Sportster ..... 33 ft. Toyhauler 2013 Hideout.......... 27 ft. w/bunks 2009 Sundance .... 29 ft. w/3 slides 2011 Riverside ..........25 ft. w/slide 2011 Cruise Lite 28 ft. w/slide/bunks 2009 Laredo.......... 315 w/2 slides 2009 Springdale .........29ft/ w/slide 2008 Montana ...... 29 ft. w/3 slides 2005 Open Road . 36 ft. w/3 slides PARK MODELS 2005 Laredo..............29 ft. w/slide 2011 Resi d ence .........38 ft . w/3 sl i des 2005 Coachmen ........27 ft. w/slide 2006 Cavalier ..............30 ft. w/bunks TENT CAMPERS 1992 Franklin ................ 38 ft. w/slide 2009 Fleetwood ............. Bayside 1989 Terry .............................. 32 ft. 2008 Fleetwood .......Williamsburg 1988 Holliday Ram................... 32 ft. 2003 Coleman ................ Niagara 1986 Sportsmen....................... 35 ft. Extended Hours! M-F 8am-5pm, Thurs. 8am-7pm, Sat. 8-noon TRUCK 329 Mill Street ACCESSORIES Bedcovers $225, Bug Saegertown, PA s hi e l ds $ 50 , be d (814) 763-5645 liners $125, step bars $180, trailer hitches; goose-neck hitches; mu d fl ap s; run ni ng b oa rd s. Buy/Sel l / SELL, MOVE AND SUFFOLK SHEEP INSTALL HOMES Trad e , tru ck cap s . 6 -8 m on th s. R am s YOUR AD No lf’s Tru ck Acce s- W e don’t just s ell a n d e w es , fa rm COULD BE sories 814-382-0395 home s , w e move ra ise d feed ers Ho l. HERE!!! a nd ins ta ll pur ste ers 250-4 50 l bs. SMITHS ANTIQUES cha sed else wher e. 814-547 -8885. & CRAFTS W e insta ll w her e Autumn Ha ppeni ng, others fear to tread. Sat. & Sun. Sept. 28th Know how , e quip& 2 9th 1 0a m -6 pm , ment, licensed and 2 4 00 6 Bl ys to n e insured to haul and R o ad , Ca m b rid g e install in Ohio andPA. SATURDAY, Spri n gs . Re fres h - RoMar Homes, 888ments & door prizes, 255-8 191. Oct. 5, 2013 info. 814-398-1155. GUN BOW BLIND & 1st Sat. of Th om p s on C e nte r Every Month Impact, 50 cal. inline muzzle loader, camo thru May * USING NEW BAR & CHAIN OIL* s tock ne w $ 30 0 , • BRONCS OVER 30 YEARS Pa rke r co m p ou n d G IN EXPERIENCE! bo w hu nt rea dy a rGETT IN ALL • BULLS E OIL AL rows quiver sight drop M OR E CRITIC N restrelease 55 to 70# • BARRELS A CALL MATT TH E AS TH $ 3 50 , ba rron e t ARE NE IN TH 724-988-8586 7:30 PM ! O S g ro u n d b l in d Y S N E A Leave IN $12.00 ADULT S • $7.00 KI DS grounder 250 new in BUS message box $125. Call 8 14673-0 338. USED UNITS SHOP 24/7 ON THE WEB AT RODEO PORT A POTTIES Lawrence and Merce r Cou ntie s. Di sco un t fo r Ve te ra ns Firemen and Policemen. Call JW Whiting 724-699-8935 FOR SALE Team of 11 yea r old Ha fl in ge r g el di ng s. Ha ve be en in mo st farm machinery, nice big horses. Albert E. Byler, 221 Small Rd., Fredonia, PA 16124 FOR SALE N a tu ra l fi re p e ll e t stove $400. 8 ft. truck cap $12 5. Wrang ler soft top off 2009 $300. Chai n link dog kennel, 2 gates $50. Ph. 724-588 -6347. FOR SALE Sawdust or grain bin 4’ 6” x 5’ 6” x 16 ’, a ll steel $550 or best offe r. H arvey O. Byle r, 2 69 6 Co tton R d., New Wilmi ngton, PA 16142. TREE PROBLEMS? We can help. Specializing in trimming, rem oval s a nd stum p grinding. Nicols Tree Servi ce h as b ee n b ui lt o n s afety an d expe rie nce. Pl ea se call today, we would like to add you to our list of satisfied custom e rs. 8 14 -7 20 2666. VMC SALVAGE PRODUCTS has quality building products a t fantastic p rices. 100 ’s of entrance doors, 2/6, 2/8, 2 /10, 3/0 , 3/6, d o ub l e d o o rs & sidelight units, wind o ws , la m i na te flo o rin g , ce ram i c tile,vanities, kitchen cabinets, carpet, inte ri o r d o o r u n its , b i f o l d s , co unte rto ps, shu tters , a l l i n s to ck. 724-376 -4093. UNDERCAR OILING FOR SALE Bla ck m e tal fra m e d ayb e d w /tw o tw i n m attres s e s; w hi te bathroom cabinet w/ b l ack gra n ite to p ; bra ss p late d qu een he ad bo ard; cre am / burgundy 9x12 a rea rug; Lexmark copier/ fa x/prin te r.20 3-57 79070 FOR SALE 20 05 Ch evy Im pa la 184 k mi les in g ood co nd itio n, ti re s li ke new, inspected til 09/ 20 14 m ovi ng out of state mustsell to sati sfy lo an . 8 14 -7 20 1457 FOR SALE 2007 Ram 1500 with hemi. All decked out w ith ch ro me a uto ma ti c tran s. All o ptions, matching 2012 ca rg o tra i le r wi th chro m e. 8 14 -7 20 FOR SALE 1953 Ferguson T 30, 6957, 814-573-0234 run s , b a ck b l ad e , call anytime, priced to $ 22 5 0 . Wh ite lo g sell. sp li tte r, 27 to n, li ke new, $1150 . 4 chain s a ws w ith e xtra b l ad e s , o i l, a n e w e l ectric cha i n s a w s ha rp en e r, n e w i n box. Mig 170 wire feed we ld er, mi g or Fl ux Core Arc. $250. Wite auto darking h elmet $275 all new in box. 814-33 6-8963 SMILE!!! CONCEALED CARRY CLASS Permithonored in 36+ States including Ohio Utah and Arizona non-resident CCP SEPTEMBER 27TH AT THE AMERICAN LEGION IN ERIE, PA OCTOBER 12TH AT THE FAIRFIELD INN IN BUTLER, PA OCTOBER 29TH AT THE HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS IN MERCER, PA NOVEMBER 23RD AT THE STONEBORO VOL. FIRE DEPT. IN STONEBORO, PA COST OF CLASS IS ONLY $85 FOR UTAH AND $95 FOR UTAH & AIRZONA. Photo & fingerprinting services available. FOR MORE INFOMATION OR TO REGISTER CONTACT (724) 376-2373 OR SUNDANCE ARENA 310 FREDONIA RD., FREDONIA, PA bullr idemania .com 724-475-2939 SAVE $2.00 O N EACH ADVAN CE TICK ET AT Boot Box-Meadville & Grove City Agw ay - Herm itage & Grove City Mercer Hardw are • Elders - Stoneboro Oakes & McClelland - Greenville TSC - Greenville & Meadville, PA OHIO AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 SEPTEMBER 28, 2013 RECONDITIONED Refrigerators, washers, and dryers. Gas and electric ran ges. Also store wide s ale on all new appliances and TV’s. Fry’s TV & Appliance, 217 Main, Greenville, PA 16125 724-588 -6270. LICENSED GUNSMITH & FIREARM SALES Tam a rack Arm o ry. Worki ng on all firearms. All bran ds of fire a rm s i n s to ck. Bu y - Sell - Trad e. 2 08 1 7 Al d en St., Meadville, PA 814-33 6-2688 PRICE CRUSHERS ARE BACK Lim ited tim e, 2 on display:family room, 3 bed 2 baths and 4 big bedroom and 2 ba ths, lar ge k itchens. RoMa r Homes, 888-255 -8191. w w w SNOW DOGG STAINLESS STEEL PLOWS Starting at $3700 installed. FABIN’S 814-899-6636 NOTICE We a re s ch ed ul in g dryw al l and d rywa ll repa ir work for Dec. Ja n. Feb . C all 72 4301-8470 leave message. VETERAN STEEL COIL HAULERS-WE NEED YOU! Nee ding m or e : Home time ? Pa y? Dedicated Routes? Join Jaro We offer he alth ins ur ance , 401K, vacation pay, monthly s afety bonus , we e k ly pay. Call Laurie at 888636-5 276. 265/70R17 All Terrain $115 724-66 2-3483 MERCER TIRE SALES AC SECOND HAND STORE Lots offurniture at disco unt prices. Tool s, a pp li a nces , g la ss w are , l i n en s , n e w items weekly. We buy e sta tes . 40 Kitch Road, Greenville, PA. 7 2 4-5 8 8-3 3 4 4 o r 724-589-5992. Bring this ad for 10% discount. GRAPES PICK YOUR OWN STARTING SEPT. 18TH. NICE CROP. PANGRATZ FARM 2 miles west of Fairview, PA on Rt. 20 NO SUNDAY SALES 814-774-4448 3 ITEMS 2 0 09 H a rl e y Davidson Ultra Classic, only 9225 miles, 1 o w n er, $1 8 ,00 0 OBO. 20 0 9 H a rle y D avi d so n 12 0 0 Spo rtste r cu s to m , 9 50 m il e s , $ 9 00 0 OBO. Bo th g a rag e kept. 1993 5th Wheel Prow l e r, a s ki n g $ 50 0 0 OBO. Al l i n go od condi tion , ca ll for more details. 724496-5 421. INSULATION BOARD PANELS Exte ri or g ra d e , R value 9.5, closed cell, po lyure th an e foa m, face w/w hi te fi b erg la s s s ki ns . co m pressive strength 3540 ps i. (8 0”x2 2”x1 .75”) wg t. 1 9l b s . $3 ea. (6 4”x2 2”x1 .75”) wg t. 14 l bs . $2 e a. D el . a vai l . w h s le . 44 0 224-0669. Best time to call 7am-7:30am. TRUCK BEDS Al umi num or ste el tra i l ers , s to ck, dump, flat. 724-6998935 FOR SALE Lane 2 blade lumber e dg e r $ 17 0 0. Ne w H ol l a nd 7 17 corn chopper, new bottom blower pan, useable $900. 814-964-2718 BATHROOM VANITIES are now in stock at VCM Salvage Products. 24x21, 30x21, 3 6x2 1 , 3 7 x2 1 , 4 2x2 1 , 4 8 x2 1 , 60x21. These vanities have solid hardwood fronts with plyw o od s id e s , n o t particle board. All at fan ta sti c p ri ce s . 724-37 6-4093 ARCTIC CAT SNOWMOBILES 2013 and 2014 mode ls a t pr e-s e as on sale prices. Factory re bate and 3.9% financing (with credit a ppr ova l) on ‘1 3 models. Best prices now for pre-season buyers. Large inventory pa rts , ArcticWear clothing a nd a cc e s sor ies . Fletcher ’s Sales & Service, Hadley, PA. Ph. 7 2 4-2 53 -3 2 25 . www.fletcherssalesse rvic e.c om Arctic Ca t-share our pa ssion. PAYING TOP DOLLAR Bu yi ng cars-tru cksvans. Paying $250 & u p wi th title s , l ittl e less without. Call today 3 30-727-1185 7 days a week. PAGE 15 Open 24/7 at COMMERICAL PROPERTY H e rm i tag e , PA. 40’ x100 ’ in sula ted stee l bu ild in g, (2) 14’ overhead doors, 2 00 a mp e le ctri c se rvice, ci ty w ater a n d s e we r, g a s heat, 14’x20’ office, 5 ’ x8 ’ ba th roo m , 100’x300’ fenced in co n cre te /a s p h a l t lot, $129,000. 724699-1 008. SINCE 1993 62 HADLEY ROAD, GREENVILLE, PA Mon. & Thurs. 9-7; Tues., Wed., Fri 9-5:30; Sat. 9-1 724-58 8-6443 LIKE US Jim Greenfield Ron Moyer Roger Wasser 08 JEEP 03 KIA 04 JEEP GR. 07 TOYOTA PATR IOT SPEC TRA CHER OKEE RAV 4 $ 159 per mo.* $117 per mo.* $170 per mo.* $213 per mo.* $ Sport, loaded. GS, 44,000 miles. 11 CHEVY AVEO LT 04 HYUNDAI 09 DODGE SANTA FE NITRO 4x4, 4 cy linder 05 FORD EXPED ITION 176 per mo.* $215 per mo.* $239 per mo.* $229 per mo.* 1 owner, 34,000 mi. GLS, 4WD, 60K 07 JEEP GR. 07 SUBARU CHER OKEE OUTB ACK $ 4x4, Laredo 1 owner, loaded. 08 SCION XD EddieBauer, 4x4,DVD 03 FORD F150 213 per mo.* 192 per mo.* 208 per mo.* 170 per mo.* $ $ $ 4x4 Laredo AWD, loaded. 56K, 1 owner Reg. Cab, 8’ bed. 11 FORD FIESTA SES 04 CHEVY AVEO 09 FORD FUSION SE 04 PONTIAC VIBE Sunroof , 40K 62,000 miles. Sunroof . AWD $ 229 per mo.* $146 per mo.* $175 per mo.* $170 per mo.* Open 24/7 at STEEL BUILDING FOR SALE C om me rci al grad e clear span steel truss system.Partially insulated. Includes doors, lig hting , etc. Approx. 1 5 yrs o l d, s ize 5 0’ x7 0’ x1 7’ . Go o d con di tio n . Re m ove fro m si te. $2 3 ,50 0 obo. 724-588-7711 FOR SALE 400+ ceramic molds, some new, must take a ll , ma ke a n o ffer. Phone 724-253-2023 i f no an sw er le ave mess age. DUMP TRUCK FOR SALE 1995 Dodge 3500 (1 ton). V8 Ma gnum, 360 cu. in. engine, 4 x4 a utom atic tr a ns m is s io n, 48,800 mile s. Mechanica lly sound. Dump bed in rough condition, working hydr aulics $ 45 00 obo. 814-758-3578 ask for Guy. MILLER’S CIDER MILL Op en for cu sto m pressing each Friday and Saturday, 80¢ per ga ll on . Gal lo n ju gs 4 0¢ . Ci d e r $ 4 .0 0 . 2 3 77 4 Ro ckda l e R o ad , Ca m b rid g e Spri n gs , PA 1 64 0 3 North of Little Cooley. WANTED STANDING TIMBER Good saw timber or lo w grad e bl ocki ng CALL US timb er, co nventi onal FOR ALL YOUR ADVERTISING logging or on site milling. 814-694-6446. NEEDS!!! OHIO AREA SHOPPER 814-425-7272 SEPTEMBER 28, 2013 PAGE 16