Anacortes Communicator Anacortes Communicator


Anacortes Communicator Anacortes Communicator
Anacortes Communicator
A Newsletter of the Anacortes Chamber of Commerce
Volume 15 / Issue 8
August 2005
August 4
Chamber Ambassador Lunch 11:45
Anacortes Chocolate Factory
August 5
First Friday Gallery Art Walk
August 5-7
Anacortes Arts Festival
August 9
D.D.A. Promotions meeting, 3 p.m.
D.D.A Board meeting, 4 p.m.
August 11
Economic Restructuring meeting, 4 p.m.
August 13
Critter Ride Motorcycle Poker Run
August 16
Executive Board, 2:30 p.m.
Combined Board, 3:45 p.m.
August 19-21
Annual Eagle Bar-B-Que, 293-3012
August 25
Business After Hours & Ribbon-Cutting,
Majestic Inn & Spa
5:30 - 7 p.m.
August 27
Fidalgo Bay Day “ Exploring Our Saltwater
World, 293-7003
August 27-28
San Juan Challenge Kayak Race & Expo
Chamber Mission
The Anacortes Chamber of
Commerce is dedicated to
improving the business and
community life of Anacortes.
Jazz Festival September 16 - 18
Clock is ticking on reservations
for Jazz kickoff dinner and brunch
Call today for Anacortes Jazz Festival reservations, especially if you plan to attend the
September 16 Kickoff Dinner Gala or Sunday
Brunch/Concert on the 18th.
The 6 p.m. dinner, with tables for eight or
10 at $45 per seat, will feature festival headliner Ernestine Anderson. Sunday’s 10 a.m.
Gospel Brunch, with tickets at $27, will once
again star the talented Miss Edna and friends.
Committee Chairman Bill Berry reports
that all performers have been signed for
what he describes as a “blockbuster event”
for regional jazz fans at Curtis Wharf on the
Guemes Channel.
Anderson will perform at the Kickoff
Dinner Gala at the Port Warehouse, and again
on the Main Stage at 6:30 p.m. Saturday.
Others scheduled to perform are Jovino
Santos Neto, David “Fathead” Newman, the
Jessica Williams Trio with Mel Brown, the
Floyd Standifer Group and the Marc Seales
Quintet. Among local artists will be Dillinger’s Clambake and Trish Hatley.
Also on the program will be the 17-piece
Seattle Repertory Jazz Band and the Mount-
Renowned jazz singer Ernestine Anderson
lake Terrace High School Jazz Band, which
finished 2nd in a national jazz band competition. The Anacortes American will publish a
beautiful program that is destined to become
a commemorative item.
New membership directory coming soon
Look for the Anacortes Chamber’s new
Membership Directory, which is due out this
The directory will be organized in phone
book style and is meant to make it easier for
Chamber members to shop first with other
Chamber members.
Within the directory will be a special
“Member 2 Member” discount section where
participating Chamber members have offered
a discount to other members and their employees. This list will also be available at the
Chamber’s web site,
Special Chamber membership cards will be
provided to to all members and their employees, who simply need to show the card at
participating member businesses to receive
the discount offered by that businesses.
The membership directory and corresponding discount program will good for a
six month period (this first one from August
through January), when a new directory and
set of discount offers will be published.
For questions about the program, or to
indicate interest in the next directory, contact
the Chamber office at 293-7911. It’s a great
819 Commercial Ave. Anacortes, WA 98221 Ph: (360) 2937911 Fax: (360) 1595 E-mail: Web site:
The President’s Message
Now is the time for all Anacortes businesses...
Anacortes is looking good and NOW is a participate and be more visible in commugood time to invest in and partner with the nity forums and speak up in support of our
local businesses and the economy.
Anacortes Chamber of Com4) Increase awareness within the
merce. Meet members of your
business community of business’
Anacortes business community
role in improving the economy and
and build relationships with
steering the island into its future.
them and your civic leaders by
Our newly formed Government Afjoining us with your time and
fairs and Economic Development
investment. Our members take
committees are working to provide
the time to assist one another
you with information on current
through our various committees
local and state issues.
and networking opportunities.
5) We are working hard to
The Chamber board and staff
ties and create a posihave been working hard this
Pam Allen, President
tive working relationship with all
year looking to the future of Anaelected and appointed officials in our local
cortes with broad strategies that include:
1) Growing membership by enhancing
6) We have continued to build on our
the value quotient of membership in the
partnership with the DDA (Destination
Chamber organization. Look for our Shop
Downtown Association) to increase the
Members First signs and information in
traffic to the downtown merchants in the
this publication about our newest ACC
historic area. Check out the new Arch and
program, “Member-to-Member Disdowntown streetscape!
counts.” We want to excel at identifying
7) We coordinate community events that
our Chamber members as the best busishowcase members to other businesses
nesses in town.
as well as to the community at large. We
2) Continued efforts to build relationhope you’ll join us at these fun occasions
ships and create working alliances with
that never fail to combine business with
other leadership entities in both the public
pleasure while linking members to the
and private sectors.
3) Strengthening the credibility and vis8) We have provided the Chamber
ibility of the Chamber as the “Voice of the
Business Community.” We have pledged to members with Educational Seminars on
relevant business topics and we have more
great ones planned for the future.
9) Our monthly networking events are
attended by business leaders and decision
makers of our industries. If you’re looking
for potential clients and the best people to
do business with in Anacortes, attend one
of our Breakfast Networking Sessions,
AM Anacortes programs, Festival Events,
President’s Luncheons and our After
Hours mixers.
Members of the Anacortes Chamber of
Commerce represent a diverse cross-section of the island’s business community.
We are united by our commitment to build
a strong, healthy and resilient economy
and a better quality of life for Anacortes
citizens. Our approach to resolving issues
is one of collaboration and consensus
building. We feel it is our role to facilitate
and coordinate efforts to serve as a catalyst
working together with government, public
and private institutions and all businesses
to find opportunity and capitalize on them.
I extend my personal invitation to you to
join the Anacortes Chamber, and if you’re
already a member, get the most from your
membership through participation. The
future is becoming bright and clear in
Anacortes and we are excited to be one of
the key organizations shaping that future.
Take advantage of crowds during Arts Festival
Thousands will descend on this community for the 2005 Anacortes Arts Festival
from August 5-7, so make plans now to
seize the opportunity to attract crowds to
your business.
With a bit of planning, you can share
the success of this wonderful weekend
festival. One business, for example, opted
to run a red carpet from the street to the
front door. A nice “invitation,” don’t you
think? Incidentally, this will be an exciting
year of both looking back and looking
forward for the Art at the Port Invitational
Exhibition. NuArt 05: Juror’s Choice was
chosen by a prominent group of past Festival jurors from Washington and Oregon
including museum directors and curators,
gallery owners and art educators. Each of
them was asked to recommend artists who
they felt represent the “Nu” northwest
temperament in art. What has evolved is
an incredibly diverse and significant show
that includes work of 22 artists.
The Festival will also partner with local
galleries in presenting the annual Friday
evening Gallery walk. In addition to Art at
the Port, and extended Main Stage entertainment, several galleries will participate
in the event August 5 from 6 – 9 pm. See for details.
Is there any place quite like Anacortes
on a beautiful summer day? We enjoyed
sunny blue skies and light breezes on
July 17 for the Anacortes Car Show. One
hundred and thirty eight show cars lined
Commercial Ave. from 8th Street to 4th
Street, making it the
biggest car show in
Anacortes history.
Congratulations to
Majestic Glass Corvette Club and North
Cascade Street Rod
Association for a job
well done! The car
clubs organized, publicized and executed
Cheryl Kuhn
the actual car show
piece of the event, while the Destination
Downtown Anacortes group was responsible for the poker run, sock hop and poker
walk. Thank you to all of the many volunteers from the clubs and the Chamber who
made the show happen!
Special thanks to our Car Show
Parts Plus Piston Service – Staging
Gere-A-Deli - Sock Hop Sponsor
Donatello – Sock Hop Décor
San Juan Lanes – Poker Run
Host Sponsor
Laurie Gere and the deli staff were
wonderful hosts for the Saturday night
Sock Hop. Gere-A-Deli provided delicious
appetizers and sweets and the perfect
venue for a ‘50s and ‘60s style gathering.
Every seat in the house was full and we
saw plenty of action on the dance floor,
including a twist contest!
Thank you to the following participating Poker Walk merchants who donated
fabulous prizes and welcomed more than
fifty “poker players” into their businesses:
Boxes & Bears, Ana-Cross Stitch, Anne
Martin McCool Gallery, Bayside Sweets
& Treats, Reflections Antique Mall,
Johnny Picasso’s, Maison et Jardin, Star
Bar Café, Donatello, and Cheesecake
We had an eye-catching and very popular poster for the first annual Anacortes
Car Show, thanks to Catherine Bearce
of Bearce Design. Catherine designed a
fantastic logo that was put to use on the
poster and all of the printed marketing materials. Jan Hersey of Biz Point Communications provided invaluable assistance in
making my printed materials look professional and slick. Thank you both for your
many hours of help!
Now for a bit of personal news. This
will be my last article as Director of Destination Downtown Anacortes, but not the
end of my involvement with the Chamber.
My husband and I have been brainstorm-
ing on a retail concept for several years.
The ideal opportunity to begin such a
venture recently presented itself and we
realized it is probably “now or never!” So,
I’ll join you as a Chamber member business very soon. Stop by and see us at 2216
Commercial while we’re preparing the
store this summer.
Many, many thanks to Michael and
the wonderful ladies in the office for
teaching me the ropes over the past several
months and supporting me in my new
(and sudden!) project. Thanks to ALL of
the DDA committee chairs and dedicated
committee members for your commitment
to the program and countless hours volunteered. I look forward to working with
everyone as a business owner for many
years to come! And of course I’ll still See you Downtown!
Shipwreck Day, Car Show draw thousands
It was a weekend to remember on July 16 and 17 as thousands gathered for
back-to-back days of fun and shopping on Commercial Avenue. A record number of vendors participated in Shipwreck Day and Flea Market, a perennial favorite among bargain hunters. Temporary morning showers did not deter determined shoppers on Saturday morning, and the sun broke through shortly after
market opening. The Anacortes Car Show was a hit, from Saturday’s Poker Run
and Saturday night’s Sock Hop to the show on Sunday. There were smiles all
‘round, from participants to classic car admirers.
Featured Business
Walgreens is pleased to be a member
of the Anacortes Chamber of Commerce.
Guided by a tradition of trust and since
1901, Walgreen Company is committed to
being the most convenient and technically
advanced provider of pharmacy services
Walgreens on Commercial Avenue.
and basic needs. Founder Charles R. Walgreen Sr. spent almost 40 years discovering new and better ways to serve drugstore
customers. That innovative spirit continues
today as we strive to provide the highest quality healthcare and convenience to
more than four million customers nation-
Anacortes customers to refill prescriptions
wide every day.
at any of our thousands of stores across the
“We enjoy serving such a wonderful
community and we’re excited about build- country.”
ing a relationship with the Chamber of
Commerce,” said manager Kony Dengel.
“We have an outstanding staff whose
focus has been delivering exceptional customer service since we opened in September, 2002. We believe people appreciate
the level of convenience they find here.”
Walgreens carries more than 25,000
everyday items, including medications,
fine fragrances and cosmetics,
Hallmark greeting cards, soft
drinks, dairy products, frozen
foods and snacks. Customers can
find a selection of cameras and
Anacortes Walgreens Manager Kony Dengel (left), and
film in the photo department
staff members.
along with convenient services
Walgreens customers can also take
such as instant passport photos
of the drive-through pharmacy
and one-hour photofinishing. Waland
a system that will mark
greens photo specialists can also
to be refilled autoturn your pictures into greeting
sends an e-mail to
cards, calendars, mouse pads and
is ready for
Walgreens’ advanced pharmacy system,
Intercom Plus, links all of its pharmacies,
sheets for the visually impaired and prekeeps customer records and helps the
scription labels in 14 languages.
pharmacist prepare prescriptions.
Walgreens is the nation’s largest and
“The system allows the pharmacist to
growing drug store chain, with
spend more time counseling patients,”
in 45 states and Puerto Rico.
said Dengel, “and it makes it possible for
Speaker offers defense against ID theft
Naval investigative officer Lowell
Shuster drew a crowd on July 28 with
a presentation including tips on how to
avoid identification (ID) theft.
Banks and retailers as well as account
holders are victimized when a criminal
uses accounts they are not entitled to use
legally. The holder of an account, even
though protected by insurance or credit
card reimbursement provisions, may have
to go through a difficult, expensive and
time-consuming process to re-establish his
or her credit.
Shuster noted that the Privacy Rights
Clearinghouse offers tips for resolving
problems associated with financial fraud.
That telephone contact is 619-298-3396.
Follow these steps to reduce the likelihood of becoming an ID theft victim:
* Know the person or company to
whom you give information;
* Ask what the person will do with the
* Err on the side of caution - keep an
eye on your financial picture so you will
recognize any irregularities;
* Remember: although you may not
have to pay fraudulent bills, it will be your
responsibility to correct errors and restore
your financial rating.
ID theft expert Lowell Shuster speaks in Anacortes.
Majestic Inn & Chrysalis Spa opens doors
for After-Hours and ribbon-cutting celebration
It will be a combined Business
After Hours and ribbon-cutting event on
Thursday, August 25, 5:30 - 7 p.m., at the
Majestic Inn & Chrysalis Spa, 419 Commercial Avenue.
Mike Keenan is a partner in Regal
Hospitality LLC, owner of the Chrysalis Inn and Spa in Bellingham. He has
partnered at the Majestic Inn & Spa with
Anacortes residents Bob Morand and Guy
The first floor of the Majestic, which
had been closed since a fire in 2001, will
contain an upscale restaurant and a “pub”
bar. A 3,800-square-foot salon and spa
will be on the second floor.
Chrysalis Spa will have four rooms for
body treatment and massage, one water
room for mud wraps and exfoliations,
two pedicure and two manicure stations,
two shampoo areas and three areas for
to network. Please RSVP to the Chamber
hair styling. The spa area will also have a
by email at or by call“sanctuary” for 12 people to have drinks
ing 293-7911.
and lunch while they wait for treatments.
The top three
floors will house
a 21-room hotel,
which Keenan said
will cater to the
mid-week business
travelers. Midweek spa packages
will also be part
of the offerings.
The upstairs will
include a fitness
The evening
will include hor
d’oveuvres, beverages, door prizes
and an opportunity With restaurant and lounge open, rooms and spa will follow at the Majestic Inn.
Special Thanks to...
Chamber Directors Dick Irwin of Burlington (left) and Kristen Whitener of Mount Vernon present Skagit Speedway owner Steve Beitler with a community support award on
behalf of the seven Chambers of Commerce in Skagit county. Hundreds of Chamber
members from around the county turned out to claim their free tickets to “Chamber Night
at the Speedway” on Saturday, July 23.
The Anacortes Chamber of Commerce
extends thank-yous to the following for
their contributions of door prizes at the
Business After Hours hosted by Allan
Schroeder and his team at Portalis Homes
on July 21:
Bill Berry of KLKI Radio, Tamara
Willis of Allstate Insurance, Jane Albee
of Local Starz, Courtney Pestarino of
AllData Shredding Inc., Linda Bishop
of Express Personnel Services and Tracy
Rodgers & Brandy Burr of Burlington
Athletic Club.
Thanks also for door prizes donated for
the Business Connection Breakfast: Puget
Sound Business Systems Inc., Express
Personnel Services, Chinook Enterprises and ALLDATA Shredding.
New Members
American Gold Seafoods, LLC
PO Box 669 Anacortes, WA 98221
Cherie Callero
Grower of high quality Atlantic Salmon in net pen systems
in/around Puget Sound.
Best Western Inner Harbour
412 Quebec Street Victoria, BC V8V1W5
1(888)383-2378, (250)384-5122
Joanne Mills, Director of Sales
Beautiful Inner Harbour hotel ideally located in Victoria, BC.
100 percent non-smoking. Deluxe continental breakfast.
Island Medical Spa
3110 Commercial Ave. Suite 105 Anacortes, WA 98221
Trish Archibald
Cosmetic dermatology medical spa, providing hair removal,
photo facials, botox, cosmetic fillers, peels, sclerotherapy.
Majestic Inn and Spa
419 Commercial Avenue Anacortes, WA 98221
299-1400, (877)370-0100
Guy Davidson
Offering elegant accommodations, fine dining and a luxurious full service spa & salon.
Piston Service (Parts Plus)
1020 -12th Street Anacortes, WA 98221
Patrick Mooney
Auto/marine parts, machine shop, auto paint supply, hydraulic hose.
Puget Sound Business Systems, Inc.
2204 Riverside Dr., #240 Mount Vernon, WA 98273
Jana Bare
Office equipment sales, service and supplies. Print, copy,
fax, scan, shred and network equipment in your office.
Dakota Creek Christens Vessel
Dakota Creek Industries owner Dick Nelson (right) launches the
high-tech marine research vessel RV Hugh M. Sharp, which his
company built for the University of Delaware. Joining Dick were
representatives from the U of D and close to 100 onlookers including representatives from the Port, the City, the Chamber and
the Economic Development Association of Skagit County.
Featured Ambassador
Karelene Lagerwey and her husband Micah own Glass Illusions, a glass installation company in Anacortes, specializing
in difficult and custom installations and leak detection. Karlene
was born and spent her early years in
Anacortes, and is thrilled to have recently
moved back to the area. In addition to
Glass Illusions, she wears several other
professional hats: she is a senior beauty
consultant with Mary Kay Cosmetics,
has an Associates degree in applied science as an electrician, and is active with
many Chamber activities. Between them,
Karlene and Micah are the parents of
three boys. Karlene stays active with the
Fidalgo Elementary PTA (the same school
she attended as a child) and is a room parent in not one, but two classrooms. When time allows, she enjoys
getting together with friends and working around the 3½ acres
surrounding their first home, which they recently purchased.
Member Renewals
Affordable Health Insurance
Anderson’s General Store
Anacortes Cinema
Anacortes Interiors
Anacortes Log & Bulk
Anne Martin McCool Studio/Gallery
Art Shotwell
Autumn Leaves Bed & Breakfast
Bayside Sweets & Treats
Chinook Enterprises
Compass Wines LLC
David L Olausen, DDS
Edward Jones
Express Personnel Services
Fidalgo Island Rotary
Flounder Bay Café
Garner’s Northwest, Inc.
Homeplace Special Care Center
Island Express Charters, Inc
Island Outfitters
Islands Inn
Lake Campbell Lodging
Lakeside Industries
Land Title Company
Mystic Sea Charters
Pacific Design
Pacific Party Canopies
Prudential Skagit Realtors
Rockfish Grill / Anacortes Brewery
San Juan Airlines
Ship House Inn
Skipper Cress Yacht Sales
and Service, Inc
Smuggler’s Villa Resort
Soroptimist International
of Fidalgo Island
The Donut House
Tokyo Japanese Restaurant
Trident Seafoods, Inc.
After-Hours at Portalis
Enjoying the great surroundings of the Portalis residential project at the July
Business After Hours are (l. to r.) Mayor Dean Maxwell, Tracy Rodgers and
Brandy Burr of the Burlington Athletic Club (new Chamber members), Ron
Paulk of Paulk Homes (builder at Portalis) and event host Allan Schroeder of
Chamber News Notes
Win A Free Whale Watch Trip
Join Donatello and Mystic Sea Charters
in celebrating the 2005 Anacortes Arts
Festival. Spend $25 or more at Donatello’s
during the Anacortes Arts Festival (August
5-7) and enter to win a free whale watch
ticket aboard the 100 ft. Mystic Sea. The
drawing will be held at Donatello’s Sunday,
Aug. 7 at 4 p.m. Three tickets will be given
away! If you have any questions please call
Mystic Sea Charters at 360-466-3042 or
Donatello at 360-293-4816.
Fidalgo Bay Day, August 27
“Exploring Our Saltwater World” is the
theme of this year’s Fidalgo Bay Day. Activities near the Bay at Seafarers’ Memorial
Park include a saltwater aquarium, video
MACROscope, paddleboats in a pool and
rubber stamp art for kids. For the older
folks a series of presentations in the adjacent ESD building will include Jim Trask
giving an overview of the “Ships 2 Reefs”
program, Jim Ramaglia with his amazing
underwater photography of the creatures
of the Salish Sea, and Shane Aggergaard
with an fine slide show featuring Orca
families. Many other groups from around
Puget Sound will be there, too! Plan on
barbecued salmon for lunch, grilled on the
spot by Bill Bailey and Rosie Cayou of the
Samish Nation. This event is sponsored by
the Anacortes Community Maritime Center.
Hours will be 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more
information call Pat Steffani at 293-7003.
San Juan Challenge Kayak
Race and Expo, August 27, 28
For those who want the challenge and
distance, this is the race for you. A 2-day
combined race of Cypress & Guemes islands with a distance of more than 40 miles
will take participants through spectacular
waterways. Contact www.sjcraceandexpo.
org, email:,
telephone: 360-299-2300.
Visit us on the web at
VIC Statistics
Arch dedication draws a crowd
Thank You, Volunteers!
June 2005
Visitors 2148 (1701 - 2004)
Phone Calls 571 (535 - 2004)
Information Request 85 (83 - 2004
Relocation Request 38 (47 - 2004)
Web Sessions 25,076 (23,621 - 2004)
Chamber Officers
Executive Board
Pam Allen / Anaco Bay Inn
Bill Berry / KLKI AM 1340
Jean Fantini / Donatello Flowers & Gifts
Vince Oliver / Island Hospital
Arch Dedicated on 4th of July
Immediate Past President
The city’s new Downtown Arch was dedicated on the
4th of July. Minutes after Chamber representative Cory
Hunter “deeded” the arch over to Mayor Dean Maxwell
(left), townspeople gathered under the span for the
annual “Town Photo” taken by the Anacortes American.
Randy Burgess / Ace Hardware
Executive Director
Michael Broome
Board of Directors
Shane Aggergaard
/ Island Adventure Charters
Chris Borgen / Anacortes School District
Mike King* / City of Anacortes
Robin Pestarino / AllData Shredding
John Pope / Tesoro Refining & Marketing Co.
Nate Scott / Windermere Real Estate / Anacortes
Dan Stahl* / Port of Anacortes
Dave Storkson
Chamber of Commerce
819 Commercial Ave., Suite F
Anacortes, WA 98221
/ San Juan Lanes & Stork’s Restaurant
Nels Strandberg / Strandberg Construction
Carol Van Iterson / Horizon Bank
Graeme Wilson / Cap Sante Marine
Tom Wood* / Shell Puget Sound Refinery
* Ex-officio
Executive Director
Membership Services
April Conger
Kristi Daniels
Michael Broome
Sue Keller
Your Chamber newsletter is printed by
Newsletter Editor
Steve Berentson
25th & Q St./ Anacortes, WA 98221 / 299-0990
Permit No. 44