CollectorStrums Up Business
CollectorStrums Up Business
June 18, 2014 - Volume 30, Issue 25 The Molokai Dispatch Ukulele Strums T h e i s l a n d ’s n e w s s o u r c e s i n c e 1985 Collector `Ohana Adds Maui and Oahu Flights Photo ccourtesy of Hawaiian Airlines Up Business By Bianca Moragne | Staff Writer T odd Ragsdale, a boat builder, musician and fervent collector, wanted to try something different after retirement. Six months ago, he fused his passion for music and fondness for collecting ukuleles into a business to share both his hobbies with Molokai. Thus was born Molokai Music Maker, where he sells handmade and vintage ukuleles from Hawaii, the mainland, Indonesia and beyond. “It’s like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich,” said Ragsdale, a Honolulu native, while plucking one of his many ukuleles, improvising a melody at Hotel Molokai’s weekly Friday market. “You can’t have the peanut butter without the jelly. You come to Hawaii, you should have a ukulele.” Ragsdale began collecting a decade ago, and has continued his quest while starting his business. He began selling ukuleles at Hotel Molokai’s Christmas Sale last year and decided to turn his hobby into a lucrative avenue after a positive response from the community. You can find him behind a table scattered beautifully with polished, rich ukuleles every Friday at Hotel Molokai Kupuna Friday Nights from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. He also sets up shop at the weekly Saturday Kaunakakai Market from 9 a.m. to noon. Many local ukulele talents join Ragsdale at his booth on Saturday mornings for an impromptu jam session full of seasoned aunties and uncles and novice keiki. “I like the novice, beginner to inter- Ukulele Continued pg. 2 Photos by Bianca Moragne This Week’s Dispatch Lawsuit Filed in Loretta Fuddy's Death By Bianca Moragne | Staff Writer T Catching the Summer Swell Pg. 4 2nd Annual Grassroots Benefit Concert Pg. 2 he brother of former state Department of Health Director Loretta Fuddy said in a lawsuit filed last Monday that a faulty engine is to blame for the Makani Kai plane’s ocean landing off Kalaupapa last December that caused his sister ’s death. According to The Associated Press (AP), Lewis Fuddy Jr. is suing engine manufacturer Pratt & Whitney Canada Corporation over the Dec. 11 crash that killed his sister. The pilot and seven other passengers on the flight survived without major injuries, but Loretta Fuddy died in the water after exiting the sinking Cessna Grand Caravan. Autopsy results concluded she died of cardiac arrhythmia, or irregular heartbeat, following the crash. A federal investigation of the accident by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) has yet to be released on what exactly caused the plane crash. However, Richard Fried, the Honolulu attorney representing Fuddy's family and estate, claims Pratt & Whitney Canada knew about a fault in the engine’s turbine blades and did nothing to correct the problem. According to the AP, the lawsuit contends the manufacturer was aware of a tendency of the turbine blades to stretch when heated, which then causes the engine to lose power, but neglected to take action. A preliminary NTSB report confirms engine loss of engine power. “The pilot stated that shortly after takeoff, a loud bang was heard and there was a total loss of power,” states the NTSB report, adding that the pilot, Clyde Kawasaki, then glided the aircraft into the water. “All the passengers put on their life preservers and Lawsuit Continued pg. 4 By Catherine Cluett | Editor-In-Chief A fter three months of operations on Molokai, `Ohana by Hawaiian is expanding its flights from Molokai to include a daily flight to Maui and a fourth flight to Honolulu this summer. Beginning July 8, `Ohana will offer a round trip flight to Kahului, scheduled to depart from Molokai to Maui at 8:33 a.m., and returning from Maui to Molokai at 4:41 p.m. The airline is also adding an additional round trip to Honolulu for the summer period only. Currently operating three flights daily since its launch of Molokai and Lanai services in March, `Ohana will add a flight departing Honolulu for Molokai at 7:45 a.m., and from Molokai to Honolulu at 5:30 p.m. “Since launching `Ohana by Hawaiian earlier this year, we’ve received overwhelmingly positive response and robust demand for more service between the islands to connect our communities,” said Hadden Watt, `Ohana by Hawaiian managing director. “We are excited to answer the call for more service from our customers, offering them more convenience and flexibility when planning their neighbor island travel.” In addition, the company -- whose flights aboard three ATR-42 aircraft are operated by Empire Airlines -- will also begin service between Kahului, Hilo and Kona. In an announcement last week, `Ohana stated it plans to connect more islands and offer kama`aina and visitors more options and flexibility for neighbor island travel. Molokai Dispatch Facebook commenters had positive feedback for the airline’s announcement. “Perfect, thank you `Ohana,” wrote Vicki Underwood, while some others expressed the hope the airlines would keep their airfare down. “I think it's great!” commented Laura Sharp. “I hope they keep the prices affordable to the average person!” Maryann Manintin echoed the sentiment. “I love [the news] and don't forget us on Kauai, we want to go Molokai too… let’s see some favorable prices.” One-way flights between Molokai and Honolulu on `Ohana average between $70 and $115, while airfare on Molokai’s other airlines runs cheaper -$50 for Makani Kai and between $49 and $90 on Mokulele. Still, `Ohana offers some benefits. Its larger aircraft afford easier wheelchair and handicapped accessibility and no passenger weight restrictions, while HawaiianMiles members can redeem and accumulate miles on the neighbor island flights. Why I Fly with Makani Kai. When asked why she flies Makani Kai, Lauri cited several reasons, “I like the airplane…those windows make it almost like a tour…the pilots are nice and there’s a sense of hospitality here that’s very calming.” One of ten siblings, Lauri was first exposed to Makani Kai when her family chartered one of our aircraft and she came away impressed by the experience. “I appreciate the aloha here,” she says. $50 online fare, every seat, every flight, every day. | (808) 834-1111 The Molokai Dispatch P.O. Box 482219 Kaunakakai, HI 96748 Lauri Pico Molokai born & raised Community News The Molokai Dispatch • June 18, 2014 • OHA Trustees to Hold Meetings on Molokai Molokai Energy Assessment OHA News Release Sust`aina ble Molokai News Release Native Hawaiians on Molokai will get an opportunity to provide feedback to the Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA) at a community forum as well as a regular meeting scheduled by the Board of Trustees. The community meeting is designed for OHA officials to listen to concerns and highlight efforts to improve conditions within Hawaiian communities. Both meetings are open to the public. The community meeting will be Wednesday, June 18 at 6:30 p.m. at Kulala `Oiwi Halau, while the Board of Trustees will meet on Thursday, June 19 at 9 a.m. at the same location. For more information, visit, or call OHA’s office on Molokai at (808) 5603611. 2nd Annual Grassroots Benefit Concert 2014 Grassroots Committee News Release This year’s second annual Grassroots Benefit Concert on Saturday, July 5 at Duke Maliu Park from 6 to 10 p.m. will promote a health environment and lifestyle on Molokai through aloha `aina. Bring a hali`i or lawn chair and enjoy amazing music under the stars all night long! Featuring Molokai’s own Mel Hanohano and I-land Flavah (Keaka Kaiama, Edwin Mendija, Hi`i Kanuha and Kui Han), Napua Greig and Kamakoa Lindsey-Asing, Jamaica Osorio, Koa Hewahewa and Kapu System. Be among the first 20 individuals or families to arrive at the entrance and get a free watermelon donated by the Davis Farm. Concert bracelets, distributed to each adult, will also be randomly marked. If given a marked bracelet you may receive a gift set from Nutiva or Newman’s Own Organics, a MOM Hui trucker hat or a gardening book. Also receive a free sample of Dr. Bronner’s organic skin lotion, while supplies last. Check out our `ono food, fresh drinks and local-sustainable-organic farm vendors and the Mauli Ola booth for acupuncture or massage demonstrations. The event will also feature a “Fun 4 Keiki” tent with educational activities for keiki age 3 to 12 focused on aloha ‘aina, growing food, honey bees and more! Keiki who participate in atleast eight different activities receive yummy, organic chocolate donated by the Equal Exchange Fair Trade Co-op and will automatically enter our free gift giveaway drawing. Tickets are $5, pre-sale, available at Mana`e Goods & Grindz, Paddlers Inn, Something for Everybody and Kualapu`u Market, and $10 at the gate. One hundred persent of the ticket proceeds benefit The MOM Hui’s Ho`ola Hou Scholarship Fund – a community supported financial assistance program to support individuals interested in pursing a degree focused on health, environmental studies, or sustainable farming. For more information contact: Mercy Ritte at Mahalo to our generous sponsors and event supporters! Hawaii SEED, The MOM Hui, Hawaii Ocean Project (The Molokai Ferry), Nutiva, Barking Deer Farm, Mana`e Goods & Grindz, Bringing It Home, Bonnie Bonse and Natasha Florentino. Molokai Acupuncture & Massage, Alu Like’s Ho`ala Hou Program, Molokai Community Health Center’s S.P.A.M Youth Program, Hawaii Health Connector, Molokai Bee Keepers, Hawaii Tropical Fruit Growers, `Aina Pulapula, Molokai Nei Organics, Molokai Food Forest, Pu`u O Hoku, Davis Farm, Wonini Farm, `Aina Kulani Grown, Molokai Gold, Pualani O Molokai Mana`e Grown Farm, `Ohana Farm, Molokai Ice House, Inc., Sust`ainable Molokai, Friendly Market Center, Kualapuu Market, Newman’s Own Organics, Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soaps, and Equal Exchange Fair Trade Co-op. The Molokai Dispatch at your service! Business cards Passport Photos Copies Subscriptions $15 $30 $15 $20 $5 $.20 $.75 $91 $49 $39 $20 50 cards 100 cards one time set up fee 2 pictures for additional pictures Black & White Color 12 Month First Class USPS 6 Month First Class USPS 12 Month Email 6 Month Email You can bring in your own design or we can help build your business card. Display & Classified ads • Call for details or email 808.552.2781 • Distribution Locations KAUNAKAKAI OHA, Rawlins Chevron, Molokai Public Library, Misakis, Molokai Wines and Spirits, Molokai Fish & Dive, Friendly Isle Realty, Imports Gift Shop, Friendly Market, Sundown Deli, Molokai Community Health Center, Kuha`o Business Center, Molokai Visitors Association, Molokai Realty, Molokai Dispatch, Molokai Pizza Café, Takes Variety Store, Molokai Mini-Mart, Paddlers’ Inn, Hotel Molokai, UH Maui College Molokai. CENTRAL MOLOKAI Ho`olehua Airport, Hikiola Cooperative, Ho`olehua Credit Union, Molokai High School, Molokai Middle School, Kualapu`u Market, Kualapu`u Cookhouse, Coffees of Hawaii Coffee Shop, Swenson Realty. WEST MOLOKAI Maunaloa General Store, Big Wind Kite Factory, Ke Nani Kai, Molokai Land & Homes, and A Touch of Molokai EAST MOLOKAI Wavecrest Condos, Kilohana School, Mana`e Goods & Grindz. Newspapers arrive Wednesdays at The Molokai Dispatch Office at 10 a.m. The Molokai Dispatch The Island’s News Source The Molokai Dispatch is operated on the belief that media can inspire positive change and empowerment within small communities. This is precisely why you’ll find news in the Molokai Dispatch that focuses on youth, culture, history, leadership and community voice – the foundation of a healthy community. President Editor -In -Chief Graphic Designer Sales Manager Staff Writer Subscriptions Distribution Todd Yamashita Catherine Cluett Laura Pilz Laura Pilz Bianca Moragne Our Philosophy: The Molokai Dispatch serves as the voice of the island by gathering and disseminating information, inspiring new ideas, and encouraging dialogue which will result in empowerment and action of community and the accountability of our leaders thus perpetuating Molokai’s unique cultural legacy. Bianca Glenn Davis, Renato Watanabe & The Dispatch Crew Opinions expressed in articles, letters, and advertisements are those of individual writers and advertisers, and may not reflect the view of the establishment. New Regime Press, Inc.All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited by federal copyright law. The Dispatch is not responsible for any claims made in advertisements printed in this publication. The Molokai Dispatch P.O. Box 482219, Kaunakakai, Hawai`i 96748 Phone: (808) 552-2781 | Fax (808) 552-2334 w w w. T h e M o l o k a i D i s p a t c h . c o m Scan this QR Code with your smart phone to be taken directly to Sust` aina ble Molokai has published the second piece in our Molokai-pedia project the Molokai Energy assessment. This assessment follows Agricultural Needs Assessment that helped to inform the needs in the community for food security and farmer economic security. Due to the information gathered, we are able to pursue the development of a Molokai Food hub that will be able to help local farmers gain access to local markets on island, help our students by gaining access to local food through the cafeteria and eventually establishing off island markets for our farmers long term economic security. It is our intent that the Energy Assessment, in the same way as the Ag Assessment has, help to inform community and other stakeholders on the needs of Molokai as it relates to energy. As a resource with historic, baseline and survey information, we hope it will be a starting point for discussion. We are now ready to move forward to the next step of building an energy-secure community by bringing the assessment to the community in a series of meetings, working groups where it can be ukulele 2 used as a road map to help create successful small and large scale renewable energy projects for our community. The assessment is available through our office in Ho`olehua, please call 5605410 for a copy of the Molokai Energy Assessment. They are also available at the Kuha`o Business Center Library to be borrowed, and we will be giving them to community members at the meetings. We would like to say mahalo and extend our appreciation to our community on Molokai who helped us by taking over 300 surveys, participating in 40 individual interviews and focus groups, countless grocery store and post office conversations in the past two years. The next meeting is to be determined in the next few weeks and we will post flyers around the island, as well as post it in the Dispatch calendar as soon as the next date is set. Please do not hesitate to call Emillia Noordhoek with questions, suggestions and comments or to request your energy assessment. You can download a copy of the Ag assessment on our website, mediate, those are my favorite people because they’re the ones that have that twinkle in their eye and always want to learn,” Ragsdale said. “They learn at such a fast rate and then after that it’s the endurance of practice.” For Ragsdale, the ukulele can be learned at any age. As a musician himself, who plays the keyboard, trumpet and harmonica, Ragsdale said he wants to diminish the stigma that you have to be musically gifted to play an instrument and encourages customers to “learn something new, especially when it can be lots of fun.” “I feel that the ukulele is the perfect instrument,” he said. “From its petite size and Hawaiian musical history as a primary accompaniment to the songs and dances of our islands, to its versatility in today's worldwide musical applications, with virtuosos like Jake Shimabukuro and Aldrine Guerrero.” ukulele is a 1920s Jonah Kumalae, still in mint condition. Ragsdale said he primarily markets on Molokai and won’t travel off island to sell -- only to buy handmade instruments. “The difference between hand and factory-made ukuleles is that with handmade you have to some guy working on the instrument from start to finish,” Ragsdale said. “That craftsman develops a personal connection to the instrument. Ultimately, you get better quality control.” Molokai Music Maker has a wellrounded supply of ukuleles, from the standard sized soprano and intermediate sized concert, to the full sized tenor. He also carries complimentary accessories such as strings, cases, tuners and amplifiers. His ukuleles start at $40 for the most basic and simplest model, and peak to several hundred dollars for a performance level instrument. He offers rentals, a consignment program and a copy of Israel Kamakawiwo`ole’s “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” to new customers. In addition to selling ukuleles, Ragsdale sells violins for $50 to $100. The Business of Music Music in the Making Ragsdale said he averages about two dozen ukulele sales per month between Molokai and on Ebay. “I’m always offering a fresh look with something new in stock every week,” Ragsdale said. “I change at least 25 percent of my ukuleles weekly, so everybody has a reason to stop by and take a look.” Ragsdale has a collection of about 50 traditional, advanced design acoustic or electric and special vintage collector ukuleles, some dating more than 70 years, on display at the Molokai Music Maker table. His inventory includes ukuleles in an extraordinary array of shapes, colors and sizes, including a dowdy one, with a brass casing and a red rose delineated on the front panel, which looks like banjo. The ukuleles are fashioned out of combinations of mahogany, Hawaiian Koa wood, spruce and other hardwoods. The spruce and mahogany combination ukuleles deliver a bright and cheery sound when strummed, whereas solid mahogany reverberates with warm and melodic sounds, he said. Ragsdale has secured several sources for his ukulele supply, from major suppliers that stock over 4,000 ukuleles, to builders and state sales. He carries close to a dozen Kamaka ukuleles, his favorite brand, in stock, starting from 1930 with a ukulele made in each succeeding decade through 1980. Ragsdale’s oldest playable Despite making a hobby of collecting ukuleles long ago, Ragsdale said he only started learning to play the instrument a last year and has just begun experimenting with constructing himself. His cigar box ukulele, a creative variant that isn’t for sale, is Ragsdale’s only creation so far. However, he said he will start making traditional ukuleles next summer when the wood is prepared. It can take six months to several years for the wood to cure, or preserve. Once the wood is cured it can take an additional two to three months to build the instrument. Add on another several weeks to apply coats of the polish, roughly two coats per day for 10 days to achieve a basic shine, said Ragsdale. After drying, strings can be applied to the ukulele. He carries three different kinds of string ranging from premium nylon, floral carbon and synthetic gut. The one thing Ragsdale wants his customers to walk away with after visiting his sales booth is self confidence in making music and starting a new instrument. “It’s something new and fun, it’s like Christmas every day when you start the ukulele or a new instrument,” Ragsdale said. “The ukulele is such a simple instrument. It can bring such amazing joy and is fun to play at any level from pre-beginner to very advanced.” Continued From pg. 1 HALE MA HAO L U Home Pumehana HOUSING APPLICATIONS for the 84-unit elderly Section 8 rental housing complex located at 290 Kolapa Place, Kaunakakai, Molokai, are available at all Hale Mahaolu site offices, 8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS AT TIME OF APPLICATION: 1. Age: At least 62 years old 2. HUD income Limits: One Person: $45,250 Two Persons: $51,700 3. Capable of achieving an independent living status. FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 553-5788 (Molokai) HALE MAHAOLU IS A PRIVATE, NON-PROFIT CORPORATION Community News The Molokai Dispatch • June 18, 2014 • $9.7M for DHHL MOLOKAI BICYCLE New group home for individuals with developmental disabilities in Maunaloa now available for resident enrollment! Please contact Suzie Holtzman at 808-558-0408. Licensed by Department of Health Services supported by: Dept. of Human Services, Dept. of Health and HUD BIKE SALES, REPAIRS AND RENTALS Sen. Brian Schatz News Release Wed 3-6 pm, Sat 9 am-2 am OR CALL FOR APPOINTMENT The Hawaii Department of Hawaiian Home Lands (DHHL) has been approved to receive a Native Hawaiian Housing Block Grant (NHHBG) totaling $9.7 million from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), under the Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act (NAHASDA). U.S. Sen. Brian Schatz announced these funds can be used for a variety of eligible affordable housing activities, including new construction, acquisition, modernization or rehabilitation of rental or owner¬ occupied housing, housing services, crime prevention, safety, or model activities as described in the recipient's Native Hawaiian Housing Plan. DHHL says it will use the $9.7 million for projects in Kona and Keaukaha on Hawaii Island, Kalamaula on Molokai, Waimanalo on Oahu, and Anahola on Kauai. DHHL’s priority is to deploy a portion of the resources for homeowner and developer financing for various sweat equity, home repair, turnkey, and rentals-with-option-to-purchase projects in communities statewide. DHHL will also expend NAHASDA resources allocated this fiscal year for infrastructure development in East Kapolei, Oahu for 50 single-family units. “Native Hawaiian families face unique barriers to adequate housing and over the last decade, federal funding has helped make a positive difference,” said Schatz. “The Native American Housing and Self-Determination Act is a landmark statute with programs that have proven very effective in addressing housing disparities faced by native communities. In Hawaii, I have witnessed the success of the Native Hawaiian Housing Block Grant and loan guarantee programs first hand – how they have benefitted the Native Hawaiian community, increased homeownership, improved living conditions, and changed lives.” To qualify for a NHHBG, the DHHL is required to submit proposed activities in an annual Native Hawaiian Housing Plan to HUD for review. Grant funds are then made available to the DHHL by HUD to be used in accordance with the housing plan. (808) 553-3931 | (800) 709-BIKE WWW.MAUIMOLOKAIBICYCLE.COM Your Local Source for Healthy, Gourmet Foods Fresh From the Field! ~ • Organic, Fresh Produce • Gourmet Farm Products Farm to Table Summer Specials KUMU FARMS ORGANIC PRODUCE 15% OFF PAPAYAS (STRAWBERRY/SUNRISE) 1 FREE $10 MINIMUM PURCHASE PAPAYA GIFT BOX $3 OFF SHIPPED NATIONWIDE Bring this Coupon for SUMMER SPECIALS VALID UNTIL7/31/14 CAll us (808) 351-3326 OPen HOurs Tuesday to Friday 9 am - 4 pm Get faster Internet Whether you’re checking Facebook, watching pet videos on YouTube™, shopping online or playing the latest video game, you can do it all with Oceanic Time Warner Cable Internet. Now Available on Molokai! Faster speeds up to 10 Mbps Standard Internet 29 $ 3 95 /mo for 1 year plus equipment & fees Call 643.2337 Offer expires 10/18/14 and is available to residential customers who sign up for Standard Internet (up to 10 Mbps); offer may not be combined. Additional charges apply for equipment, including modem, installation, taxes, fees and activation fee. After promotional period, regular monthly rates will apply. All services may not be available in all areas. Not all equipment supports all services. Actual speeds may vary. Subject to change without notice. Some restrictions apply. Time Warner Cable and the eye/ear logo are trademarks of Time Warner Enterprises LLC. Used under license. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. ©2014 Time Warner Cable Enterprises LLC. All rights reserved. Community news The Molokai Dispatch • June 18, 2014 • Catching the Summer KukaKuka, Let’s Talk Story Swell 4 Community Contributed No stress, jus bless Opinion by Rick Baptiste No Stress Jus Bless. What’s that all about? Thriving as a community has a lot has to do with our small island community “living large.” I don’t mean “living large” as in urban city life but as an uberisland, meaning, “an outstanding or supreme example” and in our case, a happy, blessed, community that thrives because of the Aloha lifestyle that feeds on itself. Let’s first take a look at “stress.” According from what I read when I Googled, “stress and effects on health”, you may think illness is to blame for that nagging headache, your frequent insomnia or your decreased productivity at work. But stress may actually be the culprit. The article said that stress effects your body in the form of headaches, muscle tension, chest pain, fatigue, upset stomach, and sleep problems. Stress can have effects on you mood in the form of anxiety, lack of motivation, irritable, anger, sadness, and depression. Stress can also affect your behavior, like overeating/under-eating, angry outbursts, drug /alcohol abuse, and social withdrawal. Do you see any of these symptoms on our island? Have you ever heard the phrase, “misery breeds company.” I have, and although I believe it is a true statement, I think “happiness is contagious” is also true. So, choose to be happy. Choose to be friendly, choose to smile, open the door for someone, help Aunty carry her groceries, pick up the trash that is staring at you on the ground. Guess what? If you are doing something nice and blessing somebody, then you are not making trouble or causing problems. Hint of the day: If you have a choice of being right or being kind, choose to be kind! Science says that good vibes gets passed around when you are kind that it has a ripple effect. According to one article, “seeing—or even just reading about—others' courage, compassion, or generosity can not only make us better people but increase the likelihood we'll do good works of our own.” Science basically states that when you do an act of kindness, you will be blessed, they will be blessed, others that see it happening will be blessed and even those that just hear about it or read about it are blessed. No stress, jus bless! Community Contributed Tips from the Vet for Your Pet: Leptospirosis By Stewart Morgan, Ph.D., D.V.M. refuse to eat, be lethargic, have a fever, Leptospirosis is a disease that can make both people and their pets sick and can result in death. It is found worldwide and is present on Molokai. Leptospirosis is spread by a bacterium (species of bacteria) that infects animal kidneys. The bacterium is released in the urine of infected animals. People and most common pet and farm animal species can catch this disease; cats are one species that is resistant to leptospirosis. Animals and people can become infected with the disease through cuts in their skin, or through oral (mouth) or venereal (sexual) contact. Eating food contaminated with leptospirosis bacteria (like raw meat) or being bitten by an animal with leptospirosis can also spread the disease. Leptospirosis bacteria are most stable in moist warm environments; any river, stream, pond or source of water that may become contaminated with urine from infected animals is a possible source of infection. It is impossible to diagnosis leptospirosis just by a physical examination because the clinical signs (symptoms) can be similar to many other diseases. Animals that have leptospirosis can vomit, urinate a lot and drink a lot or not urinate at all, can have diarrhea, and have pain in their abdomen. Liver disease can result from leptospirosis infection. In some animals, abortions or infertility may be the only things that indicate infection with leptospirosis. The best way of diagnosing leptospirosis is through testing blood and urine for signs of infection. In dogs and farm animals, vaccinations are the best defense against leptospirosis, other than keeping animals completely away from any sources of infection (which is close to impossible!). Vaccines protect animals from the most common types of leptospirosis, called serovars. These vaccines protect against disease from serovars (but not others) for up to a year, so need to be given annually. Rodents, such as rats and mice, are major carriers of leptospirosis. Eliminating populations of these vermin from around your residence and workplace and keeping them away from your animals is important in preventing leptospirosis. Wearing gloves when dressing game such as pig and deer is also helpful in preventing the spread of this disease. The Molokai Dispatch Want to be a part of our news team and serve the community at the island’s only newspaper? The Molokai Dispatch has two part time positions opening this summer. 1) Graphic designer/layout artist. Primary duties include working with our advertisers to design ads and layout the weekly newspaper in inDesign. Familiarity with the program and a degree/experience in the field is a must. 2) sales manager. Primary duties include working with current and prospective advertisers, and managing accounts and payroll. experience required. These positions require working 20 hours/ week each during set hours. Can be combined into one full-time opportunity for the right person. Serious inquiries only; please stop by the Dispatch office or email resume, cover letter, references and applicable work samples to with subject line “designer/sales application.” Mahalo • Toll Free Number 888.787.7774 • Maui 808.879.0998 •Fax 808.879.0994•Email Dozens of Molokai youth gathered last weekend at Waialua Beach for the first Keiki Surf Meet of the summer series. The next meet will be held on Saturday, June 28, with registration starting at 9:30 a.m. Photo by Clare Mawae. lawsuit Continued From pg. 1 exited the airplane. U.S. Coast Guard and Maui Fire and Rescue personnel recovered the passengers approximately 80 minutes later.” Several passengers sustained injuries, and Fuddy died in the water. "We purposely did not name the pilot, because there's no basis that he did anything wrong," said Fried, quoted by the AP. The AP report states that Makani Kai Air, is, however, named in the suit, but it is unclear at this time what claims are being made against the airline. Makani Kai owner Richard Schuman was unavailable for comment but told the AP last week that he wasn’t aware of the lawsuit. PHOTO BY KATHY BENNETT S T O N E WA R E & P O R C E L A I N White stoneware slab jar with ash glaze, cobalt blue overglaze, 14 in tall. Private showings by appointment. Studio in Kalae. 567-6585 Electricity for $0.08-$0.20 per kWh! THERE ARE A LOT OF COMPANIES OFFERING SOLAR ON MOLOKAI, SO SHOP AROUND BEFORE YOU LOCK YOURSELF INTO A CONTRACT! SunRun and Rising Sun Solar have been on Molokai for over 3-years, have built over 150 systems on island, and have 3 full time on-island employees. Our program gives you 20 years of solar power and guaranteed maintenance and repairs at rates between 8 cents to 20 cents per kWh depending on the payment option you choose! We even have a $0 down option that can cut your monthly electricity bill by 60%...for nothing upfront! Do yourself a favor, get a free estimate today. Contact Matt Yamashita at or call 553-5011. Tell him that the DISPATCH sent you and get a $50 gift certificate at the Kualapuu Cook House when your system is installed! WHEN IT COMES TO TRACK RECORD, QUALITY, SERVICE, AND PRICING SUNRUN AND RISING SUN SOLAR IS MOLOKAI’S #1 CHOICE! The Molokai Dispatch • June 18, 2014 • PH 808-553-3666, 1-800-600-4158, Fax 808-553-3867 Web site: Email: In the heart of Kauankakai Town ~ 75 Ala Malama FAirwAy suBdivision home Cheerful 3 bedroom 2 bath home w/garage. Beautiful landscaped grounds. Ocean view. Short walk to Kepuhi Beach. Must see to appreciate. Offered at $499,500 for information call please call Susan Savage RB 808-658-0648 wAvecrest oceAnFront A-202 One bedroom 1 bath condo sold with furniture. 3 island views.Beautiful tropical grounds with oceanfront pool, barbecue and tennis. Offered at $199,500, Suzanne O’Connell RB 558-8500 west moLoKAi resort 2224 Very nice upgraded studio with loft. Enjoy sunset ocean views from covered lanai. Walk to barbecue, oceanfront pool and beach. Sold with furniture. Asking $164,900 wAvecrest oceAnFront A-108 Lovely 1 bedroom furnished condo. Well groomed grounds with pool, barbecue and tennis. Offered at $139,000 Call Mickey O’Connell RB 808-336-0588 KAweLA pLAntAtion Lot 173 Two acres with outstanding ocean views. Good buildable Lot. Enjoy common area with 5,500 acres including oceanfront 3 acres for home owners. Offered at $290,000 For information call Pearl Hodgins RA at 808336-0378 KAnoA BeAch suBdivision Lot This highway lot enjoys a wide connection to beach. 13,554 sq.ft. Located about 4 miles east of town. Offered at only $120,000 moLoKAi shores oceAnFront c-230 Upgraded one bedroom 1 bath condo. Great oceanfront sunset views from covered lanai. Enjoy tropical grounds with gated pool and barbecue area. Offered at $125,000 5 moLoKAi BeAch suBdivision Lot 10 Highway lot with 8,660 square feet asking only $65,000. Beach access included. Call office for more information mAunALoA north side home Lovely custom built 3 bedroom 2 bath home. Enjoy ocean views from covered back deck, Located on Kaana st.. Offered at $354,900, call Susan Savage RB at 808-658-0648. VACATion And lonG Term renTAlS We have a large selection of oceanfront and ocean view condos, also long term home rentals available CAll 808-553-3666, 800-600-4158 180 hoAiKAne st. mAunALoA Fairly new 3 bedroom 2 bath 2 story home with Carport. Enjoy ocean views. Close to shopping and Maunaloa elementary school. Offered at $212,000. Please call Kui Lester RA 658-0134 VieW All our liSTinGS online AT Kalaupapa Airport • kALAUPAPA Mo`omomi Phallic Rock Kalaupapa Trail/Lookout 480 kaluakoi hO`OLEHUA hOMESTEADS 460 west end beaches 470 Halawa Valley Pu`u o Hoku kALAE Ironwoods Golf Course • kUALAPU`U tOWN Kamakou Ko`olau Ho`olehua Airport • Maunaloa Town Molokai Ranch The Lodge • kAUNAKAKAI tOWN 450 kAUNAKAKAI Molokai Shores hARBOR Hotel Molokai Manae Wavecrest Hale O Lono Harbor TrOPICAl IslAnD PrOPerTIes, llC dba sWensOn reAl esTATe Church Services Topside Molokai UCC Churches Kahu Napua Burke | 553-3823 | Waialua - 11:00am Kalaiakamanu Hou - 9:30am | Ho`olehua - 8 am Kalua`aha - 12:30am (4th Sunday, only) Seventh-day Adventist Church Pastor Robin Saban | 808-553-5235 | 1400 Maunaloa Hwy, Kaunakakai, HI | 9:15 am Adult and Children Sabbath School | 11:00 am Worship Service Saint Damien Catholic Parish Father William Petrie | 553-5220 St. Damien, Kaunakakai , 6 pm Sat, 9 am Sun; Our Lady of Seven Sorrows, Kalua’aha, 7 am Sun; St. Vincent Ferrer, Maunaloa, 11 am Sun; St. Joseph, Kamalo, No weekly services Kaunakakai Baptist Church Pastor Mike Inouye | 553-5671 | 135 KAM V HWY Kaunakakai | 9 am adult Sunday school | Worship service 10:15 am Heart of Aloha Church 1st Sunday - Kilohana Community Ctr 10:30 am | 2nd Sunday - Maunaloa Community Ctr 10:30 am| Other Sundays - Lanikeha Community Ctr 10:30 am Pastor Cameron Hiro, website: phone: 808-658-0433 Polynesian Baptist Church Pastor Rev. Bob Winters | 552-0258 South of Elementary School, Maunaloa Town Sunday School & Adult Worship Service,10 am, Sunday • • 808-553-3648 • Mobile 808-336-0085 • Fax 808-553-3783 GENERAL & COSMETIC DENTISTRY ORTHODONTICS • BRACES New Patients Welcome • Emergencies accomodated ASAP • Most Plans Honored now taking Ohana Liberty Dental 553 - 3602 DR. CHRIS CHOW DDS Kaunakakai to Lahaina Lahaina to Kaunakakai DePArTure 7:15 A.M. 6:00 P.M. ArrIvAl 8:45 A.M. 7:30 P.M. sundays nO morning runs to or from lahaina Effective March 1, 2014 the Molokai Ferry price increased due to mandated fuel charge changes. FAres - One WAy Adult: $70.24, Child: $35.12 book of six: $324.84 Monthly fuel charge rates may vary and are subject to change. Toll Free: 800-275-6969 | reservations (808) 667-6165 MAIN LOADING DOCK, LAHAINA HARBOR, MAUI | WWW.MOLOKAIFERRY.COM Mon-Wed-Fri 10am-4pm Grace Episcopal Church Father Jim Loughren | 567-6420 | | 2210 Farrington Ave | Mass at 9 am Wed, 10 am Sun | All are welcome Baha’i Faith Open house every third Sunday of the month Mile 14 east | 3pm | Discussion and refreshments | All are welcome | For information: 558-8432 Email: | Molokai Shekinah Glory Church Pu’ukapele Avenue, Hoolehua (drive all the way down) 10 AM Worship Service | Senior Pastor Isaac Gloor, Pastor Brandon Joao | “We Welcome All” To add or update information for your church, email Support faith on Molokai - sponsor this listing today for $150/mo. Call 808-552-2781 today. Moloka’i Porta Potties • Portable toilet rental • Grease trap • Cesspool & septic pumping Brent Davis - 553-9819 Molokai Princess Molokai-Maui Daily Ferry schedule DePArTure ArrIvAl 5:15 A.M. 7:00 A.M. 4:00 P.M. 5:30 P.M. First Assembly of God King’s Chapel Kahu Robert Sahagun | 553-5540, Cell: 646-1140 Maunaloa, Sunday 9 am, Kaunakakai, Sunday 10:30 am, Sunday Evening 6 pm, Tuesday Evening 6:30, Mana’e, Sunday 6 pm KAMAKANA Sat 8am-1pm STORE & LOCAL ART New Look New Hours New Products Happy Fathers Day Molokai Sea Salt…Kiawe Honey…Local Carved Woods Our amazing Chocolates 15% Off Molokai Acupuncture & Massage 553-3930 W.A. Quality Masonry • Concrete • Block • Rock Free Estimates! “Professional Services At Reasonable Prices” Wiliama Akutagawa, Lic. # C-26379 Ph: 558-8520 | Cell: 658-0611 | Fax: 558-8540 WICKES ENTERPRISES CARPET & UPHOLS TERY CLEANERS • RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL • DEEP SOIL REMOVAL • FLOOD WATER REMOVAL • RUG CLEANING We’ll pick up your area rug, clean it and return it. Just give us a call. www. HEALING CENTER & SPA Deep tissue, lomi lomi, sports therapy, prenatal & hot stone massage, acupressure, and nonsurgical face lifts. Call for an appointment. 553-3448 Community news The Molokai Dispatch • June 18, 2014 • 6 Community Contributed Black Twig Borers By Glenn I. Teves | County Extension Agent, UH CTAHR One of the obvious long-term impacts of drought on plants and trees is stress that can lead to death of branches or even the entire tree. Older trees are especially susceptible since they’re weaker due to age, and they lack vigor or juvenility. Insects will zero in on them and attack stems and eventually heartwood. Older wood is harder and dryer, and are especially attractive to insects, especially beetles. When you see symptoms such as dead branches, the damage had already occurred months earlier. One cue of this problem on Molokai is dying branches of Eucalyptus trees in the mountains. Along the mauka edge of Iron- wood Hills Golf Course, branches of Eucalyptus have been dying back for some time now from insect damage. There are many culprits sensing that plants are under stress and attack. Of these, the Black Twig Borer, also known as the Coffee Twig Borer, is notorious for its ability to kill large trees. A black beetle about 1/8inch long, it can bring giant trees down and even attack large healthy trees, but stressed plants are more susceptible. Belonging to a group known as Ambrosia beetles, they bore into dead and weakened trees and release spores of a fungus on which they feed on. This same fungus will clog the plants water intake system, killing branches and whole trees. First found in Hawaii in 1961, the Black Twig Borer is native to Asia and has spread to all coffee growing areas of the world. The black twig borer has a very wide host range and will attack over 200 species of plants and trees including orchids, anthuriums, citrus, coffee, cacao, paper bark, lychee, macadamia, mango, koa haole, Christmas berry, guava, kukui, hibiscus, pikake, mahogany, Surinam cherry, and numerous Eucalyptus species, among others. We have been receiving reports of dying trees, and this would be the most obvious culprit. Female black twig borers will tunnel into woody twigs, leaving pin-sized entry holes. Once inside, they will excavate gal- leries and lay eggs. It is here where they also introduce a fungus, including the Fusurium fungus, known for clogging the plants water intake system leading to decline and death. Males will stay in the galleries, while females will breed and exit the pin holes, establishing a new gallery elsewhere, including in an adjacent tree. The key to disease and insect control is to grow a healthy plant. Maintaining trees by adequately watering and feeding, and also pruning dead and diseased material, is essential to keeping plants and trees healthy. For more information on this pest, you can download at publication at COMMUNITY CALENDAR WEEKLY EVENTS M - Monday, T - Tuesday, W - Wednesday, Th - Thursday, F - Friday, S - Saturday, Su - Sunday T,Th Na Pu’uwai Fitness Center 9-10a.m. Wednesday Hump Day Happy Hour Yoga every Adult “Aqua Jogger Class” Oct. 15 – Dec. 19 Wednesday from 4:45 - 5:45 p.m. under the banyan T, Th 9 a.m. at Cooke Memorial Pool 553-5775 tree at MCHC. Call 553-3930 for more info. Advanced Zumba with Preciouse Senica, 553-5848 Yoga Class open to students, families and the community. T,Th Na Pu’uwai Fitness Center 9-10am TH Kilohana cafeteria from 2:30 – 3:45 p.m. T,Th, F Na Pu’uwai Fitness Center 5-6pm Yoga class focused on individual form, internal Aikido Class at Soto Mission behind Kanemitsu Bakery. practice, Call Karen at 558-8225 for info M, W, F, 5-6 p.m. 552-2496 or visit Zumba Basic with Christina K. Aki, 553-5402 T, Th Home Pumehana 9 a.m. Aloha Yoga every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 12 - 1 p.m. at MCHC. Call 553-3930 for more info F Home Pumehana 9 a.m. Kilohana Rec Center 5 p.m. Beginning Hula with Valerie Dudoit-Temahaga Zumba Gold with Christina K. Aki, 553-5402 W Home Pumehana 10 a.m. T, Th Mitchell Paoule 10:30 a.m. Th Kaunakakai Gym 10 a.m. F Home Pumehana room #2 10:30 a.m. Hula: Ka Pa Hula `O Hina I Ka Po La`ila`i SPORTS & RECREATION M Hula Wahine, 4:30-5:30 Advanced @ MCHC Aunty Pearl’s Ukulele Class M Home Pumehana, 9:45-10:45 a.m. 5:30-6:30 Beginners W Home Pumehana, 9-10 a.m. T Papa Oli (Chanting) 4:30 – 5:30 p.m. Open to all. For more info call 553-5402 Intermediate Hula with Valerie Dudoit-Temahaga Molokai Archery Club Indoor Shoot W Home Pumehana 11 a.m. TH Mitchell Pauole Center, 7 p.m. Open to public. Th Kaunakakai Gym 11 a.m. Molokai Swim Club Personal Training with Elias Vendiola M, T, W, Th : Cooke Memorial Pool, 4:30 to 6 pm M,T,W,Th,F Na Pu’uwai Fitness Center 553-5848, by Pick-up Soccer appointment only, Elias Vendiola 5am-1:30pm Quit Smoking Na Pu’uwai Program Learn ways to quit W Duke Maliu Regional Park., 5pm Recreational Paddling with Wa`akapaemua Canoe with less cravings. Mondays 11:45 a.m. Na Pu’uwai Club. Call 553-3999 or 553-3530. All levels and abilities conference room. 560-3653. Individual sessions welcome. available. Th 7:30 to 8:30 am at Hale Wa`akapaemua. Svaroopa Yoga with Connie Clews M Home Pumehana, 7:45 a.m. Youth in Motion SUP, sailing, windsurfing and T Home Pumehana, 5:15 p.m. kayaking. Tues. & Thurs 3:30-5:30 p.m., Malama Th Kualapu`u Rec Center, 5:15 p.m. Park. Call Clare Seeger Mawae at 553-4477 or clare@ F Home Pumehana, 7:45 a.m. Call 553-5402 for info. Turbo Fire Class with Kimberly Kaai/Ceriann Espiritu MUSIC M, T, W, Th, F Na Pu’uwai Fitness Center 4-5p.m. Na Kupuna Hotel Molokai, Fridays 4-6 p.m. 553-5848 Na Ohana Hoaloha Music & Hula, Paddlers, Sun. 3-5 p.m. HEALTH & FITNESS UPCOMING EVENTS WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18 ► Kawela Moku Meeting at 5 p.m. on June 18 and July 3 at the Alii Fishpond: Ka Honua Momona Hale . The objective is to identify inshore marine resources and give community members an opportunity to contribute their manao. ► OHA Board of Trustees Community Meeting at 6:30 p.m. at Kūlana ‘Ōiwi. For more info visit, or call OHA’s office on Moloka‘i at 560-3611. THURSDAY, JUNE 19 ► OHA Board of Trustees Meeting at 9 a.m. at Kūlana ‘Ōiwi . For more info visit, or call OHA’s office on Moloka‘i at 560-3611. forms and more. MONDAY, JUNE 23 ► Summer Reading Program “Fizz Boom Read”: Sing Along with Uncle Wayne and the Howling Dog Band on Mon, June 23 at 10 a.m. “Be Kind to Animals” with the Molokai Humane Society will be held Mon, June 30 at 10 a.m. Both at the Molokai Public Library. Call 5531765 for more info. TUESDAY, JUNE 24 ► 30- Hour Substitute Teacher Class from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Participants without a BA are welcome to attend. Contact Carole at 553-1723 with questions. ► Annual Molokai Humane Society Board Meeting on Tues, June 24 at 5:30 p.m. at the Kaunakakai Gym Conference Room. ► UHMC Molokai Community Outreach Day at Maunaloa General Store from 2 to 5 p.m. The UHMC will discuss the ► Hawaiian Community Assets Molofall 2014 course schedules, UH Applicakai Community Workshop on “Undertions, program brochures, financial aid standing Your Kuleana as a Lessee” at the THE BULLETIN BOARD MOLOKAI HIGH SCHOOL ► Enrollment To enroll at Molokai High School please go call Lori Kaiama at 5676950 ext. 228 or Julia De George at ext. 229 to set up an appointment for enrollment. Please go to the following Hawaii MEETINGS AA Hot Bread Meeting, Tues. & Fri from 9-10 p.m. Kaunakakai Baptist Church. 336-0191. AA Meeting Mana`e Meeting, Ka Hale Po Maikai Office upstairs (13.5 miles east of Kaunakakai on the Mauka side of the road), Wed. & Sat. 5:30–6:30p.m. Ahahui Kaahumanu Chapter VIII meetings. 2nd Wednesday of every month at 4:30 pm at Kalanianaole Hall. Alcoholics Anonymous Friendly Isle Fellowship Molokai General Hospital (around to the back please), Mon. & Thurs. 7-8 p.m. Alu Like Kupuna Mon & Thurs, 9:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. OHA/ DHHl. Wed, 9:30 a.m.- 1 p.m. at Lanikeha. 1st and 2nd Tues. each month at MAC Special field trips on Fridays. Al-Anon Meeting, a weekly meeting to help family and friends of alcoholics, every Monday at Grace Church Community Hall in Hoolehua at 5:30 p.m. ArtAloha! Moloka‘i Summer Art for kids and open studio for adults every Wednesday 1-5 p.m. Contact Heather Williams at 658-0124, artalohamolokai@ or Art Aloha on facebook. Families Against Bullying meets every 3rd Tues at Home Pumehana Conference Room from 3:30 to 5:00p.m. Contact Shrene Naki at 553-4225 or Female Sexual Abuse Meetings, Seventh Day Adventist Church with a group of inter-denominational Christian women. Second and fourth Thursday of each month at 6 p.m. For more info, call 553-5428. HI Seed Savers, Green Gorilla Growers meet every fourth Monday at 5 pm for a potluck. Call for location at 336-1566. Home-School Connection First Thursday of every month. Support in homeschool academic, creative curriculum and extracurricular activities. Meet other homeschool families and teachers. Call Heather 658-0124 Ho`olehua Hawaiian Civic Club 2nd Wednesday of every month at 5:30 pm at Kalanianaole Hall. I Aloha Molokai, alternative energy solutions for Lanikeha Community Center from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. HCA is also offering FREE oneon-one financial counseling sessions on both Tues, June 24 and Wed, June 25. Call 587-7655 to set-up an appointment. 24 HOUR SEXUAL ASSAULT HOTLINE 808-213-5522 SAVE THE DATE ► Community Band Class open to students and adults. Every Thurs at MHS Library from 5 to 7 p.m. Brass and woodwind loaner instruments available. For more info call Bob Underwood at 646-0733. ► Mohala Na Pua Summer Intersession Program with Molokai Youth Center runs from June 9-July 25 at 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sign up today at the Youth Center. ► Molokai Planning Commission Meeting at 11 a.m. on July 9 at the Kaunakaki School Cafeteria to discuss ordinance #3941 regarding short-term rental homes ► Learn to Swim Program every Monday and ordinance #3611 regarding bed and breakfast homes. and Wednesday from June 16th to July 16th. Preschool meets Mon from 9 to 9:45 ► Read to Me Family Night at the Moloa.m. and Wed from 10 to 10:45 a.m. Level 1 kai Public Library every first Wednesday & 2 Swimmers meet from 10 to 10:45 a.m. of the month from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. There Level 3 & 4 Swimmers meet from 11 to will be stories, crafts and free books. Call 11:45 a.m. Sign up at Cooke Memorial Pool. 553-1765 for more info.HANA DOE website to see what documents will be needed for enrollment. register/index.htm p.m. Participants without a BA are welcome to attend. Register with Carole at (808) 5531723. Deadline to register is June 10. ► 30- Hour Substitute Teacher Class on June 25, 26 and July 1, 2, 3 from 9 a.m. to 3 ► Free Monthly Rummage Sale. Every second Saturday, we can help you get rid of unwanted junk and treasures. Call us at Coffees Espresso Bar for more info, 567-9490 ext. 27. OPPORTUNITIES & SERVICES Molokai. First Monday of every month, 6 pm at Kulana Oiwi. Go to for schedule or location changes. Kingdom of Hawaii II monthly meetings. Third Thursday of every month, 6-8 p.m. at Kaunakakai Gym conference room. Living through Loss, Support group for anyone who has experienced the loss of a loved one. Third Thursday of every month at 10 -11:30 a.m. or 4:30 -6 p.m. at Hospice Office in Kamoi Center. Call Barbara Helm at 336-0261. MAC Ceramics Class at Coffees of Hawaii. 9 - 11 a.m. Molokai Community Children’s Council Every second Thursday. Home Pumehana, 2:30-4 p.m. 567-6308 Molokai Humane Society meets the third Tuesday of every month, 5:30-6:30 p.m. in the Kaunakakai Gym Conference Room. Molokai Inventors Circle meets Wednesdays 2-4 p.m. at the Kuha’o Business Center. Contact John Wordin at 553-8100 for info. Molokai Lions Club meets 1st and 3rd Saturday of every month at 8:30 am at Paddlers Inn. Molokai Walk Marketplace Arts and Crafts Fair down the lane between Imports Gifts and Friendly Market, Mon. & Fri., 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Narcotics Anonymous (No Fear Meeting) Tuesdays and Thursdays at Kaunakakai Ball Field dugout, 8 to 9 a.m.Open meeting. For more info, call Rodney at 213-4603. Plein Air Molokai - Art Outdoors painting, drawing, photography and more. First Friday every month plus special dates with ArtAloha! Contact Heather at 6580124 or Read to Me at Molokai Public Library First Wednesday of the month, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Call 553-1765 Tūtū and Me Traveling Preschool at MCHC Mon. and Wed. at 8:30-10:30a.m., and the Kaulapu’u Community Center Tues. and Thurs. at 8:30-10:30a.m. Call 560-5642 for enrollment forms. ► Visitor Paddle, Hawaiian Outrigger Cultural Experience. Thursdays 7:30 to 8:30 am with Wa`akapaemua. Donation requested. For more info call 553-3999 or 553-3530. Upon request, special events such as weddings, scattering of ashes, etc. can be arranged. Hey Molokai! Want to see your upcoming event or activity posted here -- FOR FREE? Let us know! Drop by, email or call us with a who, what, when, where and contact information to editor@themolokaidispatch. com or call 552-2781. Calendar items are community events with fixed dates, please keep between 20-30 words; community bulletin items are ongoing or flexible events, please keep between 50-60 words. MEO Bus Schedule & Routes West Expanded Rural Shuttle Service Kaunakakai to Maunaloa Route 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 Route Snack-n-Go New Bus Schedule as of January 3, 2012 Moloka’i General Store Kulana Oiwi 5:25 AM 7:35 AM 9:25 AM 11:35 PM 1:35 PM 3:45 PM Hikiola / Mkk Airprt 5:35 AM 7:45 AM 9:35 AM 11:45 PM 1:45 PM 3:55 PM Kaluakoi Villas 5:55 AM 8:05 AM 9:55 AM 12:05 PM NA NA Maunaloa PO/School 6:10 AM 8:20 AM 10:15 AM 12:20 PM 2:10 PM 4:15 PM Maunaloa to Kaunakakai Sponsored by Kamo’i MPC / Misaki's 5:20 AM 7:30 AM 9:20 AM 11:30 PM 1:30 PM 3:40 PM 2-1a 2-2a 2-3a 2-4a 2-5a 2-6a Maunaloa PO/School 6:10 AM 8:20 AM 10:15 AM 12:20 PM 2:10 PM 4:15 PM Kaluakoi Villas NA NA NA NA 2:25 PM 4:30 PM Hikiola / Mkk Airport 6:30 AM 8:40 AM 10:35 AM 12:40 PM 2:45 PM 4:50 PM Kulana Oiwi 6:40 AM 8:50 AM 10:45 AM 12:50 PM 2:55 PM 5:00 PM MPC / Misaki's 6:45 AM 8:55 AM 10:55 AM 12:55 PM 3:00 PM 5:05 PM Entertainment astrology Free Will The Molokai Dispatch • June 18, 2014 • 7 for growth rather than as distractions. From my astrological perspective, you Virgos are currently prime candidates to serve in this capacity. You will continue to have special powers to do this type of work for months to come. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): In accordance with the astrological omens, you are hereby granted a brief, one-time-only license to commit the Seven Deadly Sins. You heard me correctly, Libra. As long as you don't go to extremes, feel free to express healthy amounts of pride, greed, laziness, gluttony, anger, envy, and lust. At least for now, there will be relatively little hell to pay for these indulgences. Just one caveat: If I were you, I wouldn't invest a lot of energy in anger and envy. Technically, they are permitted, but they aren't really much fun. On the other hand, greed, gluttony, and lust could be quite pleasurable, especially if you don't take yourself too seriously. Pride and laziness may also be enjoyable in moderate, artful amounts. ARIES (March 21-April 19): If you were alive 150 years ago and needed to get a tooth extracted, you might have called on a barber or blacksmith or wigmaker to do the job. (Dentistry didn't become a formal occupation until the latter part of the 19th century.) Today you wouldn't dream of seeking anyone but a specialist to attend to the health of your mouth. But I'm wondering if you are being less particular about certain other matters concerning your welfare. Have you been seeking financial advice from your massage therapist? Spiritual counsel from your car repair person? Nutritional guidance from a fastfood addict? I suggest you avoid such behavior. It's time to ask for specific help from those who can actually provide it. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Scorpio novelist Kurt VonTAURUS (April 20-May 20): "My music is best understood negut rebelled against literary traditions. His stories were by children and animals," said composer Igor Stravinsky. A often hybrids of science fiction and autobiography. Free-form similar statement could be made about you Tauruses in the philosophizing blended with satirical moral commentary. He coming weeks: You will be best understood by children and could be cynical yet playful, and he told a lot of jokes. "I want animals -- and by all others who have a capacity for dynamic to stand as close to the edge as I can without going over," he innocence and a buoyant curiosity rooted in emotional intel- testified. "Out on the edge you see all the kinds of things you ligence. In fact, those are the types I advise you to surround can’t see from the center." He's your role model for the next yourself with. For now, it's best to avoid sophisticates who four weeks, Scorpio. Your challenge will be to wander as far overthink everything and know-it-all cynics whose default as you can into the frontier without getting hopelessly lost. mode is criticism. Take control of what influences you absorb. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): "Make a name for the You need to be in the presence of those who help activate dark parts of you," writes Lisa Marie Basile in her poem "Paz." your vitality and enthusiasm. I think that's good advice for you, Sagittarius. The imminent GEMINI (May 21-June 20): "Nikhedonia" is an obscure future will be an excellent time to fully acknowledge the English word that refers to the pleasure that comes from shadowy aspects of your nature. More than that, it will be a anticipating success or good fortune. There's nothing wrong perfect moment to converse with them, get to know them with indulging in this emotion as long as it doesn't interfere better, and identify their redeeming features. I suspect you with you actually doing the work that will lead to success or will find that just because they are dark doesn't mean they good fortune. But the problem is, nikhedonia makes some are bad or shameful. If you approach them with love and tenpeople lazy. Having experienced the thrill of imagining their derness, they may even reveal their secret genius. victory, they find it hard to buckle down and slog through the CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Pet mice that are kept in gritty details necessary to manifest their victory. Don't be like cages need to move more than their enclosed space allows, that. Enjoy your nikhedonia, then go and complete the ac- so their owners often provide them with exercise wheels. If complishment that will bring a second, even stronger wave the rodents want to exert their natural instinct to run around, of gratification. they've got to do it on this device. But here's a curious twist: a CANCER (June 21-July 22): Boston's Museum of Fine team of Dutch researchers has discovered that wild mice also Arts has a collection of Japanese art that is never on display. enjoy using exercise wheels. The creatures have all the room It consists of 6,600 wood-block prints created by artists of to roam they need, but when they come upon the wheels in the ukiyo-e school, also known as "pictures of the floating the middle of the forest, they hop on and go for prolonged world." Some are over 300 years old. They are tucked away in spins. I suggest you avoid behavior like that, Capricorn. Somedrawers and hidden from the light, ensuring that their vibrant time soon you will find yourself rambling through more spacolors won't fade. So they are well-preserved but rarely seen cious places. When that happens, don't act like you do when by anyone. Is there anything about you that resembles these your freedom is more limited. pictures of the floating world, Cancerian? Do you keep parts AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): It's transition time. We will of you secret, protecting them from what might happen if you soon see how skilled you are at following through. The innoshow them to the world? It may be time to revise that policy. vations you have launched in recent weeks need to be fleshed (Thanks to Molly Oldfield's The Secret Museum for the info out. The creativity you unleashed must get the full backing referred to here.) of your practical action. You will be asked to make good on LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): In the next two weeks, I hope you the promises you made or even implied. I want to urge you don't fall prey to the craze that has been sweeping Japan. not to get your feelings hurt if some pruning and editing Over 40,000 people have bought books that feature the pho- are required. In fact, I suggest you relish the opportunity to tos of hamuketsu, or hamster bottoms. Even if you do man- translate fuzzy ideals into tidy structures. Practicing the art of age to avoid being consumed by that particular madness, I'm ingenious limitation will make everything better. afraid you might get caught up in trifles and distractions that PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): It's always important for you are equally irrelevant to your long-term dreams. Here's what to shield yourself against our culture's superficial and sexist I suggest: To counteract any tendency you might have to ne- ideas about sex. It's always important for you to cultivate glect what's truly important, vow to focus intensely on what's your own unique and soulful understandings about sex. But truly important. right now this is even more crucial than usual. You are headed VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Writing at, into a phase when you will have the potential to clarify and Himanshu Saxena suggests that businesses create a new po- deepen your relationship with eros. In ways you have not sition: Chief Paradox Officer, or CPXO. This person would be previously imagined, you can learn to harness your libido to responsible for making good use of the conflicts and contra- serve both your spiritual aspirations and your quest for greater dictions that normally arise, treating them as opportunities intimacy. week Word of the Support Molokai’s only newspaper by supporting our generous advertisers. When you patronize our local businesses, let them know “The Molokai Dispatch sent you.” Call now to advertise 808-552-2781 By Kala’i Vaughn-Helm Hawaiian: ‘a’ahuapo’o • Definition: Kekahi papale kaua • TRANSLATION: Armored helmet • EXAMPLE: Hana I ka hui pu’alikoa I ka ‘a’ahuapo’o no ka hele ‘ana I ke kaua no ka palekana o ke po’o. • TRANSLATION: Warriors use helmets in battle to protect their head. By Dispatch Staff English: Garish • Definition: Marked by strident color or excessive ornamentation; gaudy, loud and flashy. • EXAMPLE: The clown wore garish makeup during his show for the child’s birthday party. Pidgin: Dem • DEFINITION: Them. You can also use this word to describe a group of people without naming them all. • EXAMPLE: Eh brah, wea Stan dem stay? • Translation: Hi there, do you know where Stan, La`a, Greg, and Ikaika are? Puzzle Answers on Page 10 Tide, Sun & moon Calendar Th F Sa brought to you by Su Friendly Market Center M T W Classifieds Services ATTORNEY AT LAW ISLAND OF MOLOKAI Maria Sullivan - Wills & Trusts, Family Law, Civil Matters. (808) 553-5181 / DUSTY’S POWER EQUIPMENT SALES, SERVICE & REPAIR. Buy new, service, or sharpen chainsaws, weed-eater, mowers, & small-engine machines. At Mahana Gardens Nursery (at the base of Maunaloa on left, mile marker 10 West). 213-5365 Levie Yamazaki-Gray, MA, LMHC Counseling ~ Neurofeedback Most insurances accepted Call 336-1151or 5538609 for more information or a consultation LEVIS SERVICES REPAIRS • Tractors (Industrial/Farm) • Trucks • Fork Lifts • Welding • Buses • Tires • Keeping you in business is our business Call 567-6012. LICENSED ARCHITECT Rich Young - Doing business in Maui County since 1979. Online portfolio at richyoungarchitect. com. 553-5992 Molokai Frame Shop & Gallery The Molokai Dispatch • June 18, 2014 • 4 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom, Spacious, Fenced House with Carport, Fruit Trees & Solar,Available now. Section 8 Approved. 3360830 or 567-6333 east End home 3 bed/1.5 bath home east end. $1100 plus Utilities. Call 553-8334 Molokai Vacation Real Estate sales, Property Management 8 Hio Place, Kaunakakai. HI 96748 BEACH FRONT 2 or 3 Bedroom Units Available now! 4 miles east of Kaunakakai.Furn or Unfurn. Long or Short Term. SECT. 8 WELCOME. Dep req $995-$1595. 602-980-5070 and 808-553-3736 The Fishpond Cottage Quiet, comfortable newly renovated seaside home. 2bd, & 1 ½ baths, sleeps 4, parking, close to town. Air, computer, Internet, flatscreen cable TV, teak furn, marble floors & counters. $175/nt, weekly & monthly discounts – snowbirds welcome. www. or 808-646-0542 oceanfront home Used Molokai Cars, trucks, 4x4s, Vans. Blend in on Molokai. Nice rooms and private VIP island tours also available.Donations only. Please call 213-5544 located in kawela fully furnished $1800.00 a month utilities not included. Call 553-8334 Molokai Vacation Properties. Real Estate sales, Property Management 8 Hio Place, Kaunakakai. HI 96748 Pacific Frames Kualapuu Studios Call for appointment 336-1151 or 553-8609 Molokai Style Borrow-A-Car Custom Picture Framing 553-5890. Ask for Jeff Painting & Powerwashing Reasonable Rates. Contact Dave Schneiter (H) 808-553-9077 (C) 808-205-7979, PARR & ASSOC. - ARCHITECTURE commercial & Residential Commercial & Residential Arthur H. Parr, AIA Licensed in California, Nevada & Hawaii 808-553-8146 | Rug Cleaning We’ll pickup your rug, clean it and return it. Call 553-3448 SunRun Solar PV Sales Local crew and on-island support. On Molokai since 2010. Rising Sun Solar is Maui’s #1 solar company - Matt Yamashita 553-5011 Waialua Permafarm Home delivery Wednesdays Fruits, Vegetables, and Duck Eggs custom packed, Huge variety 35 years of Permaculture soil building Unequaled Flavor and Nutrition 558-8306 For Rent For Vacation Rentals Visit 8 118 Kahinani Rental 3 bed, water included $950/month. Studio #550/month includes water and electric. Both units require first month rent plus deposit. No pets please. Call (808) 285-4683. FOR RENT - $900.00 2 Bed / 1 Ba house on a quiet street near Kilohana Kai School. Water Included; & no sewer expense. Well maintained with a nice yard, very good condition. Small pet possible upon approval. $900.00/mo + deposit. Call John @ 558-0011, 805-7721262 or 800-396-9050; or Mickey at 3360588; or write: Kepuhi Beach Resort Studio Peaceful, modern, fully furnished Studio at Kepuhi Beach Resort. Ele, Water, Phone, Swimming Pool included. Cable / Internet not included. $1400 per month, plus deposit. 357-0139 For Sale Community Contributed Veterans Corner By Jesse Church Aloha my fellow veterans and residents of Molokai, old Jesse here with all the veterans’ news and upcoming events. The U.S. Marines stand sentry outside the White House, which is considered the “highest post in the land,” according to the Marine Corps website. Four Marines guard outside the West Wing lobby whenever the President is inside working or when he arrives or departs. The post is reserved for Marines in the infantry because they symbolize “what every Marine stands for, honorable service in defense of our nation and its interests,” according to Marines are also responsible for guarding more than 100 U.S. embassies overseas, protecting ambassadors and representing American culture abroad. How many people got the correct answer for the question in the last column, what wonder of the world was introduced at the World’s Columbian Exposition, held in Chicago in 1893? The answer is the Ferris Wheel. Organizers had wanted a feat to rival the Eiffel Tower, which debuted at a world’s fair four years earlier in Paris, France. The new question is, in June 1933, Camden, New Jersey introduced a brand new way of watching movies. What was it? Gen. Eric Shinseki addressed the National Coalition for Homeless Veterans on May 30, and an hour later, resigned as VA secretary. Shinseki was commissioned a Second Lieutenant in 1965 after he graduated from U.S. Military Academy at West Point, the son of Japanese immigrants in Hawaii. He was wounded three times in Vietnam, earning Purple Hearts for injuries ranging from mortar shrapnel to his chest to a landmine that destroyed most of his right foot. He went on to become Army vice chief of staff in 1998, and chief of staff in 1999. Shinseki was nominated for VA secretary in December 2008, and was the longest-serving VA head. When he took office, he made broadening compensation for Vietnam-era veterans a top priority, along with reducing veteran homelessness and cutting the claims backlog. In those efforts, the department has seen some success. Shinseki added one million veterans to the department’s compensation and health benefits rolls with veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan as well as older veterans previously shut out of VA care. It is my opinion that Shinseki did his best to improve VA health care and compensation. The issues with medical scheduling systems have been known since before he took office. The VA inspector general has been reporting on long wait times and schedule problems for almost 10 years. Let us all support our active duty service men and women stationed around the world, especially those in harm’s way, and our veterans at home. For all you do, we send a big mahalo. Old Jesse sends a big mahalo to Gen. Shinseki for what I consider a job well done. Let the bureaucracy in Washington clean their office or departments before they bad mouth someone else’s. If you have a question or news, please give old Jesse a call at 553-3323. I hope everyone has a terrific couple of weeks, and remember, old Jesse loves you all. Teak Furniture Blowout Tables, chairs, armoirs, hutches, display cabinets, garden benches. New | Reconditioned | Floor Samples. Available now at Beach Break - the new shop at Holomua Junction. Look for the surfboard fence. Open 10-4 Mon - Sat help wanted Signs 558 8359 by Doc Mott ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS: Kumu Farms is accepting applications for parttime field workers. Harvesting, packing, and crop care. Must have farm experience. Come by 9 Hua Ai Road, in the Molokai Ag Park. Molokai Occupational Center MOC is accepting applications for part time Direct.Support Workers with 6 months experience or more. Call 5533266 or come by Molokai Occupational Center for more information & application. $100 cash plus $25 money order for state fee No insurance, Medicare, HMA, HMAA, and Kaiser subject to an additional $25 (808) 934-7566 Proudly serving Molokai since 2009, we are the Local Ohana connection, buy local! Next clinic day will be July 26, 2014 WALK INS WELCOME UNTIL 2PM The Office of MATTHEW BRITTAIN, LCSW is accepting new & return patients for the purpose of coordinating M.D. Services for the Medical use of Marijuana. QUALIFYING MEDICAL CONDITIONS INCLUDE: Cancer, HIV/AIDS, Glaucoma, Wasting Syndrome, Severe Pain, Severe Nausea, Seizures, Severe Cramping, Severe Muscles Spasms, including Asthma. We are not a dispensary. We are not government employees or contractors. LEGALLY POSSESS 3 OUNCES OF MARIJUANA AND GROW 7 PLANTS! WWW.DOCTOR420.COM (MUM) MEDICAL USE OF MARIJUANA Weekly Puzzle Answers Sandwiches, Salads & Soups • Cate r i n g • B ox Lu n ch es • G i f t Ce r t i f i cates • H o l i d a y Pa r t y Tra y s f e aT u r InG: F re n c h D i p Tr i p l e D e c ke r C l u b Re u b e n Co r n c h owd e r Po r t u g e s e B e a n S o u p O r i e nta l Ch i c ke n S a l a d Ch i c ke n Ce a s a r S a l a d Located ac ros s f ro m th e Vete ra n’s M em o r i a l Pa r k i n Ka u n a ka ka i Accept i n g V I SA a n d Ma s te rca rd O pen: M o n - F r i 10 a m -2p m summer Is here! CheCk In for seasonal speCIal s 553-3713 Try our “Grab n’ Go” ITems ! made fresh daIly. su n d ow n d e l i V i P sa n dw i c h c a r d - B u y 10 sa n dw i c h e s g e t 1 fr e e ! Letters & Announcements Community Contributed ArtAloha! Summer Art Activities By Heather Williams Open Studio and Keiki Art Classes will be held every Wednesday from 1 to 5 p.m. Projects of focus for June and July are painting murals of the ocean life and natural/found object mosaic murals with focus of malama for the ocean. Collaborative and individual works of artistic techniques and concepts will be developed. The art show of the Global Art Project for Peace opening will be held on Friday, June 27 from 11 a.m to 3 p.m. with art activities and pupus. Stop by on your way to the beach! The art will be on display every Wednesday 1 to 5 p.m. and as requested through July 12. The artwork of inspiring and uplifting visions, thoughts and dreams of peace and positive diversi- The Early Childhood Education program at University of Hawaii Maui College, Molokai (UHMCM) is designed to prepare students to work with young children from birth to age 5 and their families. The curriculum is organized around a core of courses that provide skills and knowl- edge needed by early childhood educators. Students can earn an Associate in Science (AS) degree in Early Childhood Education that articulates into the UH West Oahu’s Bachelor in Social Science degree, Early Childhood Education concentration. Come to the college for full details or call us at (808) 553-4490 option 5. Become a Contributor The Molokai Dispatch is operated on the belief that media can inspire positive change and empowerment within small communities. This is precisely why you’ll find news in The Molokai Dispatch that focuses on youth, culture, history, leadership and community voice – the foundation of a healthy community. Advertisement: A paid advertisement in the paper goes a long way – it lets residents know of your business or event in a bold way. Ads are purchased and can run for as many weeks as you’d like. Request an ad rate sheet (size and prices) from sales@themolokaidispatch. Letter to the Editor: 350 word max A letter to the editor can include expressing your opinion, responding to a story printed in the Dispatch, or a community mahalo. Anonymous letters will not be considered for publication. Births, Obituaries & Announcements: 250 word max Whether you’re celebrating the birth of a new son or daughter, memorializing the passing of a loved one, or making an important announcement to the community – The Molokai Dispatch has you covered. News Release: 450 word max A news release is an official announcement to the media or public from an organization, business or department. It favorably highlights and briefly describes the who, what, when, where and why of an event or product. Don’t forget to include the name of your group or organization for the by-line. Opinion: 400 word max An opinion piece is a well-formed view or belief relevant to the Molokai community. Even if the information presented is factual, but expresses some opinion on the material, it fits in this section. Columns: 400 word max Mahalo Project Grad Supporters 9 ty has been created by adults and children from Molokai and globally. We received art from Morocco, Germany, California and Michigan. Anyone who would like to display artwork in any media showing a vision of peace or diversity may enter in the art show. Private and group lessons, art events and art curriculum are available for adults and keiki. Examples include figure drawing, night photography, color pencil drawing, printmaking, mosaics and painting. For more information please contact ArtAloha! Molokai by Heather Williams at 658-0124,, and Art Aloha on Facebook. Early Childhood: Career & Tech Ed UHMCM News Release The Molokai Dispatch • June 18, 2014 • A column is a regular, themed contribution by a community member or organization. The information must be factual and relevant to the public, and ideas may be discussed with the editor. Community contributed story: 500 word max This type of story is factual, well-written and provides objective information about a newsworthy issue or event. Please provide the sources of your information within the story (said so-and-so, according to such-and-such). Story ideas may be discussed beforehand with the editor. Photos: Photos to accompany a story are always encouraged, and will be printed space permitting. Please include a brief caption that describes the photo, names of people in the photo from left to right, and photographer credit. You may also submit stand-alone photos that have their own story to tell. Please email all photos in the highest quality version JPG file form. We can also scan hard copy photos depending on their quality. General guidelines: Please remember the power of the written word. Take responsibility for your words, and be aware of the impact they could have on others. We will not print anything that personally attacks a group or individual, or could directly cause harm in the community. All submissions are printed at the discretion of the editor, and content may be edited before print. We DO NOT accept anonymous letters or submissions. Edits may include content, grammar and length. Email is the best way to submit your contribution – send to – but feel free to stop by our office in the Moore Center, 2 Kamoi St, Suite 5. We, the committee and seniors of the Class of 2014, would like to thank our families, friends and everyone in the community who helped to make our Project Graduation event such a big success. We appreciate all of the donations and support you all gave us. Much mahalo, The Committee and Seniors of Project Graduation 2014 Community Contributed Glyphosate, A Dangerous Chemical Opinion by Artice Swingle Glyphosate is the most prevalent chemical used on Molokai and it’s almost impossible to avoid contact with it. It is readily available on Molokai for home purposes, and is the main ingredient in Round-up. It is heavily used by state and county departments and the local biotech industries. As data suggests, glyphosate is bioaccumulative, building up in people’s bodies over a period of time. Earth Open Source Research Director Claire Robinson said, “Regulators and industry always say it is the dose that makes the poison, and even the increasing levels of glyphosate in food, feed and the environment are not a problem. However, that argument only holds true if glyphosate doesn’t build up in the human body and is excreted as fast as we take it in. The breast milk results suggest that glyphosate may bio-accumulate. That means that our body tissues might be exposed to higher levels than the so-called safe levels set by regulators. So the regulations are not protecting us.” According to Zen Honeycutt, director of Moms Across America, the initial testing for glyphosate was done using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) tests and due to a high minimum detection level in breast milk and urine, it is possible that even those samples which tested negative contained “worrying” levels of the chemical. “…Breast milk should still be the number one choice for mothers and certainly preferred over GMO soy formula ingredients,” according to Honeycutt. “All mothers are urged to eat as organic as possible, especially avoiding meat, dairy, oils and grains that are sprayed with glyphosate at harvest as a drying agent.” Extremely low levels of pesticide exposure can cause significant health harms, particularly during pregnancy and early childhood. M olokai M iddle S chool H onor R oll 2013- 2014 school year qtr 4 Adachi, Ciara-Jade, 3.4, Grade 7; Adolpho, Rockwell, 3.4, 8; Afelin, Ainsley, 4, 7; Afelin, Buck, 3.4, 7; Akina-Sumarnap, Keakealani, 3, 8; Aquino, Gabrielle, 3, 8; Arce, Kauluhinano, 3.2, 7; Augustiro, Chevy, 3, 7; Bounlangsy, Kobelynn, 4, 7; Brown, Heavenly, 3.8, 7; Bukoski, Mason, 3.4, 7; Campos, Marianna, 3.6, 8; Cariaga, Althea, 3.6, 8; Davis, Makanilealea, 3.8, 7; Davis-Mendija, Anuhealani, 3.6, 8; DeRouin, Kaitlin, 3.8, 7; Donnelly, Susan, 3.8, 8; Dudoit, Chelsea, 3.4, 7; Dudoit, Zahya, 3, 7; Dudoit Gamit, Shayani Lee, 3.8, 8; Duvauchelle, Kawohikukapulani, 4, 7; Esteron, Micaiah, 3.4, 8; Fiesta, Derlina Jhane, 3.8, 7; Galam, Sarai, 3.6, 8; Haase, Evelyn, 4, 7; Hart, Makena, 3.6, 8; Kaahanui, Stasia, 3.2, 7; Kaalekahi, Payton, 3.6, 7; Kaapuni Hirata, Azhlyn, 3, 7; Kahale, Nainoa, 3.2, 8; Kahalewai, Cameryn Rae, 4, 7; Kaili-Kalua, Melody, 3, 7; Kamelamela-Dudoit, Keli`iokalani, 3.8, 8; Kee, Paaaina, 3.2, 7; Kikukawa, Genevieve, 3.4, 8; Lalim-Rillon, Jasye, 3, 7; Ledesma, Camille-Paige, 3, 8; Lorico-Cuello, Lelia, 3, 8; Maioho, Kau`i, 3.8, 8; Maroto, Paula Nicole, 3.6, 8; Mawae, Josephine, 3.2, 8; McGuire, Michelle, 3.8, 8; McGuire, Tashia-Lyn, 3.2, 8; Mowat, Taye, 3, 7; Naeole, Kaytlin, 3.2, 7; Nakayama, Talia, 3.4, 7; Nakihei Rubin, Crystal, 3.8, 7; Oamil, Allen, 3, 8; OswaldKalawe, Kaydence-Lee, 3.4, 8; Pa-Gutierres, Kaleipunahele, 3, 8; Pa-Kala, Meleana, 3, 7; Poaha-Kaohi, Ronnie, 3.4, 8; Poaipuni, Hauoli, 3, 7; Powell, Marion, 4, 7; Ragonton, MA Cassandra, 3.8, 8; Rawlins-Manuel, Lorralynn-Shai, 3.2, 8; Reyes, Acey, 3.2, 7; Ringor, Mary Rose, 3.8, 7; Ringor, Mary Grace, 3.4, 7; Rowe, Matthew, 3.6, 7; Sibayan, Abraham, 3, 7; Starkey-Ahyee, Kamalei, 3.2, 7; Tancayo, Cameron, 3.6, 8; Tancayo, Camilla, 3.2, 7; Tengan-Adolpho, Tyreen, 3, 8; Tuisamatatele, Solen, 3.4, 8; Willing, Cullen, 3.6, 8; Yasso, Kolealono, 3.8, 8; MEO ACCEPTING HEAD START APPLICATIONS Maui Economic Opportunity’s Head Start is accepting applications for 2014-2015 school year. Classroom Hours are from 7:30 – 2:00 p.m. and 7:30 – 3:00 p.m. Head Start is a federal program that provides early childhood development services to families meeting federal poverty guidelines and selection criteria. Children who are or will be 3 or 4 years old by July 31, 2014 are eligible for enrollment. Parents or legal guardians will be required to bring the child’s birth certificate and two forms of documentation of household income (for instance, 2013 W-2 forms or 2013 tax returns and four to six current pay stubs or TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families printouts). Applications must be completed in the office between 7:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. Mondays through Fridays, with the exception of all federal and state holidays, at the MEO office located at 380 Kolapa Place in Kaunakakai. For more information, contact MEO’s Head Start office at 553-9805 The Molokai Dispatch • June 18, 2014 • Molokai Land & Homes 808.552.2233 Make it Molokai ENCHANTING OLD HAWAII CONDOMINIUMS • KEPUHI BEACH RESORT 1172 Newly remodeled unit Light & airy. $99,995 1201 One bedroom unit completely remodeled with excellent ocean A-306 Top floor oceanfront unit w/ rental views. $160,000 history Leasehold $169,850 1146 Remodeled studio unit. $99,000 • MOLOKAI SHORES A-207 Nicely furnished well-maintained unit with rental history. $115,000 HOME SITES COMMERCIAL COTTAGE #2-B OCEANFRONT 2B/2B unit with excellent rental history. $450,000. • KE NANI KAI 114 Beach & ocean view unit. Good rental history. $160,000 • MAUNALOA Lot E-08 Corner lot on the main Road Excellent opportunity to build a business on Molokai $149,500 Lot E-09 Adjacent to Lot E-08 $142,500 • KAWELA PLANTATIONS Honouliwai Bay with views of 3 islands. Survey & Deeded location close to Dixie Maru Lot 54 SUPERB 3 island access available. $160,000 Beach. $775,000. views $199,000 Lot 132 20 acre lot in Lot 90 Unobstructed 3 island •KAUNAKAKAI SODr.LD$144,750 1527 Puili Place close Papohaku Ranchlands with views on Onioni sweeping ocean views. to town w/ ocean views. Lot 225 on Makanui Rd. $199,000 Nice ocean views with partial $57,960* Lot 55 5+acres of beautiful sunrise & sunsets. $135,000 1531 Ocean view lot close to vacant land at anLincredibly low town. $72,960* D O S price! Seller’s motivation is your Lot 252 Makaiki Rd. Views *1527 & 2531 ARE SOLD of Lanai & west Molokai. gain! $105,000 TOGETHER Partial sunsets. $194,980 Lot 79 Incredible unobstructed ocean views from this hill top RESIDENTIAL property. Diamond Head & • EAST END awesome sunsets.$239,000 Lot 3250 Kaluakoi Rd. Ocean front 5+ acre lot with cottage. Peace & quiet. $1,095,000 • MAUNALOA VILLAGE LOTS D-97 Level lot ready to build. Nice views of the rolling ranchlands. $59,500 D-17 Ocean view residential lot. $63,000 • PAPOHAKU RANCHLANDS Lot 27 Level land of 5.1ac with fabulous views of Diamond head and the ocean. $220,000 Lot 237 Second tier oceanfront $294,850 146 Completely remodeled & painted. Sold w/ high end furnishings. Unit is well maintained. Ptivate garden views$199,500. Jill McGowan Realtor ~ Broker ABR Certified Real Estate Consultant| 808-552-2233 Direct|808-552-2255 Office Lot 199 Oceanfront private 10 “EXPERT ADVICE & PERSONAL SERVICE you can TRUST” O f f i c e : ( 8 0 8 ) 5 5 3 - 4 4 4 4 | C e l l : ( 8 0 8 ) 6 4 6 - 0 8 3 7 | E m a i l : e d. m o l o k a i @ ya h o o. co m 2 K a m o ` i S t r e e t , S u i t e # 1 B | P. O. B ox 1 5 9 K a u n a k a k a i , H I 9 6 7 4 8 Manila Camp: $169,000 (fs) 3 bed/1 bath home with great ocean views from the lanai h om e S East End: $326,000 (fs) 3 bedrooms / 2.5 bath, home in the heights. covered garage with a spacious screened lanai Kalae: $245,000 (fs) IN ESCROW Manila Camp: $188,000 (fs) Kalae: $479,000 (fs) Ranch Camp: $89,000 (fs) 3 bed/1 bath home with awesome mountain views. Heights: $279,000 (fs) 3 bed/1 bath, private and clean. Many upgrades including deck and carport. Photovoltaic system installed to reduce utility costs. Ranch Camp: $225,000 (fs) 3 bed/1 bath, with large double carport, roofed lanai with ocean views and solar water heater. Kanoa Beach: $489,000 (fs) 2208 sf duplex with individual water & electric. Plenty of storage area with private beach access. l An d Great ocean views. Water meter installed. Close to schools, town and hospital. 1 bed/1 bath custom built home in cool Kalae. West Ohia: $479,000 Rare find in Kalae. 2 bed/2 bath home with fantastic ocean views. 2 lots consisting of 6.156 acres. Prime location with great mountain views. Kalae: $270,000 (fs) IN ESCROW Heights: $96,000 (fs) Heights: $255,000(fs) Halawa: $140,000 (fs) Kualapuu: $79,000 (fs) IN ESCROW Kalae: 145,000 (fs) IN ESCROW 1 bed/1 bath wth detached studio. Awesome ocean views. 10,477 sf lot in the heights Co m m e rC i A l Kepuhi Beach Resort: $139,000(fs) IN ESCROW Kaunakakai: $399,000(fs) Molokai Shores: $80,000 (fs) IN ESCROW Kaunakakai: $150,000(fs) Studio unit #2214 with loft. Enjoy nice ocean views just steps away from the beach. Papohaku: $350,000 (fs) Lot #121, large parcel 21.184 acres of gentle sloping land. Across the street from Pophaku. Unfurnished ground floor unit 123, upgraded kitchen & bath 16,306 sq. ft., This is a prime commercial property, in the heart of Kaunakakai town. Commercially zoned with two installed water meters. Fenced with gate. Great opportunity. Wavecrest B-207: $149,900 (fs) Gently sloped lot on a quiet cul-desac. Wonderful ocean views. Totally upgraded, beautiful island condo. Ready to move in. w w w.molok Rare find. 1/2 acre lot with installed water meter. Fixer-upper plantation home 2 bed/1 bath REAL ESTATE: NEW Naish Stand Up Paddle Boards Rentals, Sales & Tours Steps to the Water’s edge. Located 3.5 miles east of town next to the Fishpond. $639,000 HEIGHTS - A Great Fixer Upper! Bank owned partial ocean view. 3 B/2 B on a large lot. Spacious covered lanai greatly increases outdoor enjoyment, while carport and utility shed provide storage. $169,000 EQUIPMENT RENTALS KAYAK, BODY BOARD, SURF BOARDS (808) 633-8700 | (808) 553-4477 MOLOKAI-OUTDOORS.COM KHM International Two adjoining lots with a total of 13,626 sf. Located on the corner and ready for building. Sold as a set. Ranch Camp: $99,500 (fs) 2 full acres, beautiful untouched land. 1272 sf 3 bed/2 bath home. Good ocean views. Maunalo: $22,500 each (fs) Co n d o S EAST END - Rare Find: One acre of land about 13 east of town. Large Kaiwe trees for shade and wild basil through out $125,000 Mauka side of the road 3miles from town. 3B/2B with carport. Across the street from ocean $385,000 Kamiloloa/One Ali`i Homestead Community Work Day! WEST SIDE COTTAGE - Live in your cottage while you build your dream house that sits on 5.59 acres on this ocean view parcel. Garage under cottage.Total Solar. Priced to sell at $449,000 KAWELA PLANTATION 217- Great ocean view from this 2 acre parcel. Very close to town. See Sunrise and Sunset from this affordable lot. Priced to sell at $114,000 KAWELA AREA - Over an acre of land on the water. Paddle in and out every day of the year! $399,000 Our Meyer Building office has all the listing of our long term houses and condos available or a rental application. FOR VACATION RENTALS: Call MVP @ 800-367-2984 Located in the Meyer Building off the Wharf Road: Mon - Fri 8 to 4:30 Visit or call our office at 553-8334 Ka Honua Momona invites you to a Community Work Day at Kalokoeli Fishpond Saturday, June 21 Time: 9 am - Noon Kualapu`u Cookhouse Molokai’s Eating Landmark Hwy 470 & Uwao St Kualapu`u, HI 96757 We will be focusing on Mangrove & Gorilla Ogo removal at Kalokoeli Fishpond. Poluck lunch to follow, Meet at Ali`i Fishpond 8:45 am Please bring gloves, tabis/closed-toed shoes, water bottle and hat/rashguard/sunblock. 808-567-9655 EARLY BIRD DINNER Country Fried Chicken with Rice & Mac $10.95 3 - 4 pm | Take out only EARLY BIRD BREAKFAST Single pancake and bacon - $6.99 7 - 8 am | Dine in only Daily Breakfast & Lunch Specials – Call for take-out – 808-567-9655 Dinner Schedule Monday 7 am - 2 pm, Tues - Sat 7 am - 8 pm Now open on Sundays from 9 am – 2 pm with breakfast all day Catering available - CALL FOR INFO Breakfast: 7 am - 11 am | Lunch: All Day Mahalo to Molokai Youth Center, Sierra Club and other volunteers for your kokua in May’s Community Work Day. Awesome job in helping to remove tons of invasive mangrove, big and small, from Kalokoeli Fishpond! Ka Honua Momona’s mission is to be a model of sustainability mauka a makai (from the mountains to the sea) and we believe Molokai can again return to abundance. We accomplish our mission by developing indigenous education systems by revitalizing natural and cultural resources, perpetuating traditional knowledge and stewardship and evolving with modern technology, which we believe will result in a self sufficient model for all nations. For more information please contact KHM at (808)553-8353 or Office Hours: Mon - Fri, 8:30 am - 1pm W E D N E S D AY NORMAN DECOSTA & KIMO PALEKA FRANKLIN & PRIEST SEAFOOD SPECIALS eVerY ThurS, AFTer 5Pm kArAoke @ 9 PM BACK YARD ACOUSTIC JAM 4Pm FridAY BrinG Your inSTrumenTS And Come enJoY The Fun PA D D L E R S I N N B A R & R E S TA U R A N T T H U R S D AY ITALIAN DISHES TGIF SATURDAY JENNIFER AIONA FolloWed BY 6 - 8 PM diSCo CHEF SPECIALS FolloweD BY DISCo @ 9 S U N D AY M O N D AY T U E S D AY NA OHANA HOALOHA BENNY & DOUG 6PM PRIME RIB SPECIAL CHINESE NIGHT LONO noW oFFerinG CATerinG SerViCeS CHICKEN DINNER VENISON POT ROAST WITH ROOT VEGGIES “Serving the Island Community” CAll TAmmY SmiTh, Gm AT 553-3309 553 - 3300
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