The Burgee - Riverside Yacht Club


The Burgee - Riverside Yacht Club
Riverside Yacht Club
The Burgee
Lat. 41˚ 01’25” N
Long. 73’35’30” W
From the Commodore
Merl Baker
Log of Yacht Amandine II
Saturday, June 20th
Two buses and one van deliver Riverside crews
from Dubrovnik to marinas from Split to Agana. After
technical and weather
briefings, provisioning
and settling aboard, the
fleet departs for various
Sunday, June 21st
Spectacular reach to
Komiža on the island
of Vis, punctuated by
gusts over 30 knots by mid-afternoon in bright sun. Plenty of mooring drama as crews acquaint themselves
with unfamiliar hardware. Docktails on the quay for
RYC boats able
to tie up, dinner
ashore for those
daring (or foolish)
enough to launch
their dinks into
the blow.
Monday, June 22nd
No wind but big swells from the west, fleet embarks
for the Pakleni Islands where slips await. Sea state
settles throughout the day. Cruise dinner on St.
Klement overlooking the Uvala Vinogradišće.
Tuesday June 23rd
Lay day on St.
Klement with water
taxis to Hvar Town,
tour 15th and 16th
century churches and
monasteries followed
by an excursion across
the island to Stari Grad. July 2015
Sweeping views
of the Adriatic and
fields. Crews
throughout Hvar
for rowdy dinners,
probably attracting
the attention of
local authorities.
Wednesday, June 24th
A violent thunderstorm roars through the marina at
0800 disrupting departure plans, rain continues through
the morning as crews study charts and negotiate with
captains. Fleet scatters for skippers’ choice of harbors,
to reconvene tomorrow night. Amandine II reaches
south to Vis Town in bright sun and a freshening breeze.
Consensus so far: prettier than Oyster Bay, more
interesting than Port Jeff! Next port: Maslinica on
Fleet Captain’s Report
Randy Bourne
What? A tennis photo in a sailing column??!!
Thanks to Peter Simpson
who helped ressurect the
Luff ‘N Lob after too
many years. Beautiful early
morning of tight races. Midday round robin tennis.
6-team sellout. Thanks to
all who participated.
Paige & Brad
Tennis winners
Annie & Bill
Ya Really Missed it #2:
Gregg Clark PowerBoat &
Docking Clinic
Thanks to Skipper Clark
for once again making
our waters and boats safer
around RYC.
Ya Really Missed it #3: Dave
Perry Match Racing Clinic
North U. and the YRA
provided a grant to bring Dave
Perry for two days to RYC to
lead a match racing clinic both
on & off the water. “The best
run clinic I’ve ever attended” was the common theme heard
from sailors. Thanks Dave.
Can’t get enough Dave?
Old Greenwich has invited RYC members to join a Dave
Perry On the Water Race Clinic on July 6th, from 4to9pm.
This event is geared to One Design and PHRF Intermediate
& Advanced level racers. Dave will provide real-time feedback on the water and
be focusing on tactics and strategies. Non-OGYC members
must make arrangements to provide Ideal 18s for their use at
this event, including tow service to and from OGYC. Please
speak to Nicky Souter, the RYC Sailing Director if interested.
Please contact Lou Casolo of OGYC at
or 203-273-5672 to register.
Congrats to our Blue Water Sailor of the Season to Date:
Tom O’Connell, aboard his
Beneteau 36 Finale, competed
in the 480 mile Annapolis to
Newport Race earlier this month
in the Double handed Division.
According to Tom, the race turned
out to really be three events in one:
a 50 hour delivery to Annapolis
mostly in fog! The race itself that took about 86 hours and
then a leisurely sail home-all double handed.
According to Tom the race started with an easterly blowing
up to 26 knots, and had them promptly reaching at 11
knots. “Sanity soon prevailed”, they went to a #3, exited
Chesapeake Bay the next morning at 5:00 am beating into
lumpy easterly all day . “On Friday night had a tanker pass
our stern 30 yards off in light fog - so much for the AIS.”
Saturday we were visited by dolphins. Had a squall pass over
that had little effect on us but de-masted at least one boat
that went further east. “We finished under full sail Monday
morning 12:30 am.. The welcome beer never tasted so good.
We had sailed 4 hours on and four off for 4 days; I lost about
8 lbs weight during the trip. Would we do again ? Yes and yes!”
Teen Fun Ideal Race- Who says parents
should have all the fun on Friday Night
Ideals! Susie Lukens is cooking up some
cool plans for this July 7th- event. Don’t let
your 13-19 year olds miss it!
YRA Sunday PHRF Day- Sunday, July 12-one day only;
casual racing with spinnakers; really good practice.
Member-Guest Crab Fest Chase & Ideal Race- July 18thgreat opportunity to bring your friends and share the RYC
RYC Harbor Stand Up Paddle RegattaJuly 19th-Catch a wave, or wake, or….
join fellow RYC’ers for a casual harbor
tour or our first around the buoy paddle
race events; not saying, but it could
become the battle of the paddle!
J105 Demo Day – July 25th- Come down to the fuel dock and
grab a sail on one of the most popular onedesign racer/cruisers of all time. Great for
local family overnight cruising, and there
are still 15-20 105’s that show up to a dozen
Western LIS events over the summer. We
now have four at RYC and soon to be more.
Vespers Racing
Bernard Armstrong, Event Chairman
PHRF Fleets
The 2015 Vespers season got off to a
good start. As of the Burgee cutoff date we
had good winds for all six nights.
Team Zombie, skippered by Andrew
Scrivan, leads the pack
with 28 points, followed
closely by John Barry’s No
Escape in with 23 points
and Hurricane, led by John
Schinto, with 18 points.
Vespers uses a high point
scoring system with the Team Zombie jumps
finals based on a boat’s “best out at the start
eight” race scores. Eight
races are needed to qualify. It will be mid –August before
the finalists will come in clearer focus. Right now it’s wide
Blue Mouse, skippered by Mark Parry, is at the top of
Division II with a whopping 38 points, followed closely by
Strange Brew with 33 points and co-skippered by Randy
Bourne and Eben Walker, with Ken and Drew Hall with 33
points in Nevermore.
Finn Ratoon, helmed by Bob Coulson, leads Division III
with 15 points followed closely by Buxtahuda, skippered
by Rear Commodore Don
Friedman with 12 points Hurricane
and Pipe Dream (Steve
Kinner) in 3rd place with
4 points. Division III has
some late comers this year
so look for this to change
over the season.
Also 2 new boats have joined the fleet. Wave Rider
(Division I), skippered by Benoit Ansart, is a Farr 30 with
a 51 PHRF. Steve Kinner has entered his Pipe Dream
(Division III) which is a Cape Dory 22 with a 291 PHRF.
Overall 27 boats have raced this season so far.
We are now moving into the “meat and the heat” of the
racing season with 10 races left. Still plenty of time for
things to change.
Ideal 18 Vespers
The Ideals also race every Thursday night averaging 3-4
races each week depending on tides and winds. The Ideals
have run 19 races so far. Michelle Brendel is in first place.
Lawrence Mc Grath in second place and Franklin Bloomer
in third place. Skippers need 15 races to qualify. Franklin
Bloomer has qualified with 17 races and the team of Chris
Streit and Jeff Orum has qualified with 15 races and are in
fourth place.
Ideal 18’s
Michele Brendel
For the lady sailors of RYC, please think about sailing
in the Constellation Cup on Saturday, August 8th at 9 am.
It will be wonderful to have all six boats on the line for
this regatta. It is followed by a lovely lunch on the deck at
RYC. Call Michele Brendel at 637-0151 if you have any
questions or need a partner to sail.
For all sailors, Wednesday, July 22nd will be a racing clinic
right off the gas dock at 6 pm (the cost of the clinic is $15).
Call Lita to reserve a spot. All other Wednesdays in July
you may participate in Indian Harbor’s Wednesday night
racing in Captain Harbor. An RYC instructor will tow you
there and back if the wind is light. Call the dockhouse to
reserve your boat for those evenings.
The last of the Saturday morning clinics for adult
beginners and non-racers will be on July 18th. It will be
9–11:30 am and sign-up will be limited to twelve people.
The fee for the session is $30. Please sign up by calling Lita
at the front desk at RYC.
This summer’s ladies’ sailing class for beginner,
intermediate, and recreational levels will be taught by our
sailing director, Nicky Souter. There will be four classes on
Wednesday afternoons from 1:30-4:00 starting July 1st
(July 1, 8, 15 and 22). This class will be a great way to begin
sailing and/or to continue learning and honing your skills.
Each class is $30 per session.
There will be a ladies sailing clinic on Friday, July 10th
from 6-8 pm (the cost of the clinic is $15).
Everyone is welcome on August 7th at 6 pm to sail the
last Friday night Summer of Love series. This is a super
casual setting (you might have to sail backwards) of sailing
off the gas dock where rum drinks are served--so no serious
racing here!
Ideal 18 & Paddleboard
Open to all rising High School students
No sailing experience necessary.
under the Junior Tab/
Regatta Registration
Questions or additional information
Please contact Suzy Lukens at
2015 Captain Harbor Friday
Night Series (CHFNS)
Bernard Armstrong
PHRF boats
Friday June 5th launched the 2015 CHFNS races.
Good winds and a clear evening. Thirty Two yachts
competed in the first night of a 4 race series. In division
I Team Zombie, skippered by Andrew Scrivan, took first
place and Impromptu, skippered by Brian Warner, got a
third place.
No RYC skippers got silver in Division II but most
noteworthy are Strange Brew (Randy Bourne and Eben
Walker) and Nevermore (Ken & Drew Hall) taking
third and fourth respectively. RYC had only one entry
in Division III, Alliance skippered by Bill Lewis in sixth
place. Forty one yachts registered for this regatta and 32
competed in the first night. The June 19th races were
cancelled due to the lack of wind.
Nineteen Ideals raced on June 5th. John Hoekman
took third place and Nick Sheppard took fourth place.
John Hoekman is the defending champion from the
2014 series.
There are 2 race nights remaining in the series. July
17th will be hosted by the Belle Haven Club and July
24th by the OGYC.
Hello RYC Families! As you know,
Riverside Yacht Club is hosting the
Junior Sailing Association of Long Island
Sound (JSALIS) Opti Championships
this August 9-10, 2015. We are looking
for families to host 1 or 2 Opti Sailors
(ages 10-13) for two nights, Saturday
and Sunday August 8 & 9. RYC is
honored and excited to be hosting this
regatta and we need your help to make
this event a success! Please consider
hosting a junior sailor.........we look
forward to hearing from you, Thank You!
Please contact either Kate Gildersleeve
( or Sara Keller
General Letter to Members
from Admissions Committee
Carisa and Mac Sykes, Rene and Steve Chronert,
Meg and Jerry Cole, Cricket and John Dyment,
Patty and Eben Walker
It has already been an exciting year for the RYC Admissions
Committee, which has been very busy meeting new candidates
and processing new applications. As customary, the Admissions
Committee would like to remind the broader membership that the
club’s criteria for membership has not changed over the club’s rich
history: We are looking for sailors, first and foremost, who have
a demonstrated love of the water and nautical activities, often
indicated by boat ownership. In addition, the club has always
looked for candidates who have a strong sense of community in
terms of personal ethics, volunteerism and engagement. Lastly
the applicant(s) should be well connected to the RYC community,
demonstrated by a healthy endorsement of personal letters as well
as tangible interactions with other members.
Since the beginning of the current fiscal year in October, a
total of 19 new members have been admitted including 14
actives and 5 juniors. Ten of the new members had some kind of
historic connection to the club whether as junior sailors, legacies
or both. On average, each application had greater than ten letters
(above the minimum of 5). Of course, not every application
includes offshore yacht racing and in those cases, the Admissions
Committee focuses on other nautical experiences and the desire
to continue to build on those experiences as members. We
look for volunteerism and engagement in community activities
as a sign of willingness to engage in our club if admitted as
members. Lastly, we pay particular attention to the letters
written supporting a candidate. These letters help us gauge
whether the writer really knows this candidate. The letters help
support the application as well highlight new information that
may not have been previously known. As we all know there are
a tremendous number of ways candidates can get involved in the
club before they become members such as Vespers, RDDA, Race
Committee, regattas, lessons, attending special events, having
kids in the summer programs etc. and we look for participation in
these types of activities before and during the application process
as further support for a desire to actively participate in the club.
All the members of the Admissions Committee are available to
help answer questions. Here is a brief reminder of the procedures:
Before an application can be submitted, all forms must be signed
and completed by the Candidate, Proposer and Seconder and
at least five recommendation letters must be included. New
applicants are then contacted for an initial meeting with the
Admissions Committee as well as posted in the Burgee for a
minimum thirty-day comment period. Following those events
the applications are put in a hierarchy by strengths outlined above
and then potentially put forth for recommendation to the Board
when availability exists. Additional meetings or interactions
may occur before recommendations are made to the Board, who
ultimately approve all new members. Further specifics as well as the forms can be found on the
website. Thank you for the opportunity to meet so many great
people and help bolster the strong ranks of membership today.
4th Annual Team Race Regatta
Saturday June 6th
Andy Taylor
Over the last four years, The RYC Team Racing
Regatta has grown into a signature Team Racing event
in the area. This year, seven teams from local yacht clubs
participated in the all day event, including a team from
RYC that featured Ty Anderson, Joby Breck, and Barry
Parkin as skippers. Forward crew for the RYC team
consisted of Chris Kinner, Vice Commodore Andree
Pruett, Nick Sheppard, and Andy Taylor.
The event was competed in Ideal 18s, with a total of
12 boats in the rotation. The racing format featured an
opening round of 21 races, the results of which were
used to calculate seedings for the championship and
consolation rounds later in the day.
The RYC team finished the opening round in second
place and went on to claim Second Place for the overall
event! Larchmont Yacht Club took first place overall with
only one loss in 9 races.
The day started with hazy conditions and a shifty
northerly in a range of 2 to 6 knots. Breeze lines across
the course alternated with wide swaths of dead air. In an
early race against Noroton Yacht Club, the RYC team
was in a losing combination as they rounded the weather
first mark. All of our skippers were able to play the shifts
in the final beat to come away with a win! This was the
second of 5 wins for the RYC team in the first flight of 6
Later in the day, the breeze intensified to 8 to 12
knots, and stayed out of the north.
Event PRO Ellen Quinn and her RC Team of Phil
Alexandre, Rick Grellier, Will Morrison, Mark Parry,
Robert Parry, and Rob Wilson kept the ‘Digital N’
course square and the races moving along briskly. After
30 races and several “heated” on-water protest hearings,
competitors were back at the Clubhouse by 4:30pm for
awards and refreshments.
RYC Sailing Director Nicky Souter orchestrated the
event from start to finish. She arranged loaner boats from
other clubs, and set the schedule of race pairings for the
three rounds of the regatta. Throughout the day, she
provided thoughtful coaching tips to the RYC team and
advised the RC on mark adjustments to keep the course
square. Her expertise was critical to the success of the
Team racing continues throughout June with Tuesday
night racing at RYC commencing at 6pm. Contact Bill
Baxter for more details on this opportunity.
1st – Larchmont Yacht Club
2nd – Riverside Yacht Club
3rd – American Yacht Club
4th – New York Yacht Club
5th – Noroton Yacht Club
6th – Indian Harbor Yacht Club
7th – Stamford Yacht Club
What: Stand Up Paddle Board Event
When: Sunday, July 19 at 2pm
Where: RYC Beach
Who: Anyone that wants to paddle (kayakers
too)...we are very beginner friendly
Part 1: Join us on a tour of our great harbor at high tide.
Find islands you did not know existed, spook striped bass
in the eel grass or peak into your neighbor's windows. ~45
Part 2: Participate in a short race on the far side of the
harbor. The glory of winning will last forever and you may
win a milkshake or rum punch. ~15 minutes
*Please let the RYC Front desk know if you would like to
join and if you will need a paddle board.
Annual Crab Fest
Mark your calendars Saturday 18- July is
the annual Crab Fest Member-Guest Chase
& Ideal Race. Get your group together early,
and plan for a fun family day on the water,
BEFORE the smash- and- grab feeding frenzy
on the lawn. Don't have a boat, but want to
join the fun? Grab you water cannon's and
super-soakers, and take an Ideal-18! Don't
think you want to skipper-your-own way
around the Island? Email me, orepenning@
Women in the Water
Join us Thursday, July 23
Ladies Sailing Lunch and Friendly "invitational"
with OGYC: Thursday afternoon July 23
All levels are welcome.
Series of friendly races with coaching with
the women's Sailing Group from OGYC.
Lunch at RYC at noon.
Dockhouse meeting and chalk talk 1:30
Back on dock by 4 pm
No charge but your lunch
RSVP to Barbara Bellafiore
203-698-1395 or and we'll get you and your group
matched with a fun boat to get the day off to
a great start. We already have several boats
volunteering to take additional revelers on
board, just BYO water-balloons. We'll look
forward to seeing all of you on the water!
Mark the Date to Volunteer!
On Saturday, July 11, RYC will again host its annual
Optimist Regatta at which we will have over 90 junior
sailors participating. Volunteer your time and your
smile and you will be well rewarded by the joy of the
competitors. This particular regatta is a Long Island
Sound favorite!
Volunteering is easy just please contact Elizabeth
Schinto ( or 203-253-6896) if
you would like to volunteer. High Schoolers this is an
easy way to get some community service hours!
Parking lot Navigation - helping to unload optimists
and getting them down on the docks - 7:45 am - 9:30
am and also an afternoon shift as competitors come
back and helping the load the optimist on cars from
2:30pm - 4:30pm.
On-land safety check in station(check in sailors as
they come off the water) - 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm.
Sunday, July 19th Greenwich Laser Racing
(GLR) will be hosting a demo day at RYC.
Come down to your very own gas dock Sunday late afternoon
(about 4/4:30) and have a look at the Laser dingy in action, or
better yet hop on and give it a whirl! Laser sailors will be happy to
show you how simple and fun these boats can be. The GLR fleet
sails every Sunday afternoon off the beach at RYC. If you have
ever wondered if you could do that too, come talk to us about it,
and see how the easy it is!
About the boat
(source: )
The Laser is a single-handed racing dinghy. The biggest attraction
of the Laser dinghy is that it is protected by strict one-design
class rules, which means that no changes are allowed to the boat
unless they are specifically permitted in the rules. The result is
that all Laser boats are virtually identical
whether they are brand new or 10 years old,
making it the sailor that wins the race, not
the boat. The Laser is a challenging boat
that rewards athleticism, subtle steering
and trimming techniques, as well as
tactical excellence. It is a singlehanded
Olympic class boat for both men
and women and is sailed at the club,
national and international levels. With
over 200,000 boats in 140 countries, it
is clearly the world’s most popular adult
and youth racing sailboat.
Recent Admissions
Richard M. Benincasa Jr.
Proposer: Edward and Jean Larkin
Seconder: Jeff Gildersleeve
Richard joins the junior ranks this month and brings aboard a solid resume of home town sailing. As
a young town resident, Richard learned how to sail at Greenwich Community sailing on Tod’s Point.
He enjoyed the experience and organization so much that later on contributed as an instructor. In
total, he spent seven hot summers on Greenwich’s most famous coastal location. More recently he has
crewed with Allen Lovejoy on Heart’s Desire and on Steve Chronert’s J-109, Zuma. When he is not on
the water, Richard has an affinity for coaching young people as part of Greenwich Youth Lacrosse and
volunteering time to MyFace, an organization dedicated to helping those with facial deformities who do
not necessarily have access to treatment.
Alexandra “Lexie” Hearn
Proposer: Peter and Ann Simpson
Seconder: Catherine Kramer
Another lifer to join the club recently, Lexie is proud to come home after growing up in the community
as the child of Gervais and Paul Hearn. She brings a competitive spirit and a nautical background
including having participated in the Junior program as a young opti sailor and moving up to 420s. As
part of her tenure, she represented RYC at the 2003 US Junior National Championships. Following
that she got her Level 1 Sailing Instructor designation and taught at Greenwich Community Sailing.
In addition she has remained active in sailing through Vespers, cruising with other RYC families and
crewing for her mother on Ideals. Away from the water, Lexie is a strong athlete and mentor having
captained the Gettysburg Women’s Lacrosse Team and more recently bringing her coaching skills to
Greenwich Youth Lacrosse.
Nicholas and Whitney (Meyers) Keyes
Proposer: Christopher and Susan Mill
Seconder: Tim Baker
Another legacy member, Whitney (Meyers) Keyes has brought her lovely family to the RYC
community. She participated in the Junior Program at the club, while boating with her parents and
other club members. Her husband Nick grew up in the Boston area before moving to Riverside
ten years ago and spent his summers boating in Watch Hill on Herreshoff 15’s. Most recently
they purchased a new power boat with the Bakers (Tim & Nina). Their children, Wrigley (7) and
Sebastian (5) will be participating in the RYC Junior Program this summer. In other community
activities, Whitney is a class mother at Old Greenwich School and volunteers at St. Saviour’s.
Albert and Kathleen Laverge
Proposer: John and Lennie De Csepel
Seconder: Kent and Cathy Whitaker
The Laverge’s are unique in bringing both terrific domestic and international boating
experiences to the community. Albert spent his summers in Holland sailing small boats and
Lasers, while operating a fleet of his family owned water launches. Moving to the United
States, he was a part of his Prep School crew team. Kathleen grew up in the community
and spent her time on the water with her parents who are members of IHYC. Rounding
out the family are two great young children in Alexandra “Allie” (6) and Charles (2). Albert
continues to spend time helping his local Maritime Museum (Scheepvaartmuseum), while
Kathleen is an active volunteer at Allie’s school. In keeping with family tradition, the Laverge’s recently purchased a new classic
sailboat which should make its way to the Riverside Cove this summer.
FOR SALE: 11' Boston Whaler Sport With 25 HP Yamaha
Electric Start Engine. Galvanized Trailer and minimal hours
on the engine. Perfect and Ready to Go! Let's talk price.
Contact Tucker Edmundson Cell 203-561-0837
FOR SALE: Dahon Folding Bike, buy 1, get 1 free,
plus travel bags, $75.
St. Croix stainless steel ladder for inflatable, $75.
Bill Cleworth 203-637-3832
Clubhouse Events
Saturday, July 4- Independence Day
Family Picnic 1200-1400
Check the website and Pool for additional
events scheduled during the day
Sunday, July 12
Poolside Family Luau 1730
Saturday, July 18- 25th
Annual Crab Fest
RYC Riptides and New Juniors Members
Last Voyages
Barbara McSpadden
Phillip M. Skidmore
Clockwise from the top-left - Martelle Simpson,
Chase Kreuter, Erin Keleher, Courtney Bell,
Tom (the swim coach) and Lexie Hearn.
Burgee info
•Deadline for submissions, both words and pictures,
is the 20th of the month preceding. Please submit
•Address is, Attn: Sandra
•Committee chairs, please submit one complete article,
rather than many sub articles.
•Photos are welcome!
Felix and Melissa Rovelli, Editors