Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church
Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church
October 23, 2016 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time O UR L ADY OF F ATIMA Catholic Church ...aEucharistic communitylivingthe GoodNewsdaily. 105 N. La Esperanza | San Clemente, CA 92672 | 949-492-4101 MASS CLERGY CONTACT SAT 8:30 AM, 5:30 PM (Vigil) SUN 7, 9, 11 AM, 1 PM (Span) FR. JIM RIES Pastor PHONE 5 PM, 7 PM (Span) MON 8:30 AM TUE 8:30 AM, 6:30 PM (Span) WED 8:30 AM THU 8:30 AM FRI 8:30 AM 949-492-4101 ext. 111 jries@olfchurch.net ONLINE 949-492-4101 www.olfchurch.net FR. SAL LANDA Parochial Vicar EMAIL fa ma@olfchurch.net TWITTER 949-492-4101 ext. 104 slanda@olfchurch.net @Fa maChurchSC 2 October 23, 2016 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Thank you for your generosity Godhasgivenusallwehave,letus rejoiceandbeglad.Pleaseuse envelopesorconsidergivingonline. Calltheparishof icetolearnhow. LIVING AS STEWARDS TheFirstReadingtodaycomestousfromtheBookofSirach,whichwas onceknownastheWisdomofSirach.AsisthenormwithSirach,hegets righttothepointinthe irstverseofthereading:“TheLordGodisaGod ofjusticewhoknowsnofavorites.” October 16, 2016 OFFERTORY $19,163 Gracias por su generosidad Dios nos ha dado todo lo que tenemos, gocemonos y alegremonos. Utilice sobres o considere la posibilidad de donar en línea. Usted puede llamar a la O icina Parroquial para solicitar sobres o para aprender más sobre las donaciones en línea. Weareallfamiliarwiththeideaoffavorites:wemayhaveafavoritecol‐ or,orafavoritefood,orafavorite lower.However,itiscomfortingto knowthatGodhasnofavorites.WeareallHischil‐ dren.ThisfactisreinforcedoverandoverintheBi‐ ble. Considerthefollowing:“Forthereisnofavoritism withGod.”(Romans2:11);“FortheLordyourGodis theGodofgods…whofavorsnopersonandaccepts nobribe.”(Deuteronomy10:17);StPeteropeneda sermonwiththesewords:“Intruth,IseethatGod showsnopartiality.”(Acts10:34).Wemaysense thatGoddoesnothavefavorites,thatHelovesusall equally,thatweallcanbesaved,butwealsoneedto notethatGodcannotbebribedorbought. WhatGodexpectsofusisforustobedisciples,tobegoodstewards,to liverighteouslives.Ifwesincerelydothat,ifwepursueholinessaswe arecalledtodo,thentrulyastheLordtellsusintoday’sGospel, “Whoeverexaltshimselfwillbehumbled,andtheonewhohumbles himselfwillbeexalted.”Godisgood—toallofus. Formorere lectionsandinformationonStewardshippleasevisit http://www.thecatholicsteward.com. Paralatraducció nenespañ olverlapagina5. Daily Readings can be found at www.usccb.org/bible/index.cfm SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION (Confessions) Saturday 4 pm—5 pm EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Mon—Fri 9 am—9 pm Saturday 9 am—5:30 pm PARISH OFFICE HOURS Mon—Fri 9 am—12 pm; 1 pm—6 pm SUNDAY 10/23 READINGS/LECTURAS Sir35:12‐14,16‐18;Ps34:2‐3,17‐19,232 Tm4:6‐8,16‐18;Lk18:9‐14 INTENTIONS/INTENCIONES 7am MisaProPopolo 9am JosephShirvinski+ 11am 1pm JosePrimitivoAlcala+ 5pm RobertMoro+ 7pm MONDAY 10/24 READINGS/LECTURAS Eph 4:32 — 5:8; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 13:10-17 INTENTION/INTENCION 8:30am LaurieWard+ TUESDAY 10/25 READINGS/LECTURAS Eph 4:32 — 5:8; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 13:10-17 INTENTIONS/INTENCION 8:30am 6:30pm JosephMurphy+ 23 de octubre, 2016 30º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario FROM OUR PASTOR DearParishionersandFriendsofOurLadyofFatima, Abouttwoweeksfromnowmanyofuswillbewaitingforresultsfrom Election2016.Inbetweennowandthenmanyofyouwilltakepartinour votingprocess.IhopeyoureadPart1fromourbishops. Mistletoe and Holly WehavePart2availabletoday.Becausecandidatesareallowedto changetheirminds,ourCaliforniaBishopsdonotendorsecandidatesby name,buttheydoweighinonsomepropositions.Thisyeartheysupport Prop57&62andareopposedtoProp66.Youmayalsovisittheirweb‐ siteformoreinformation:www.cacatholic.org.PleasevisittheUnited StatesBishopssiteaswellatwww.usccb.organdlookfortheFaithfulCit‐ izenshiparea. Funeralscon’t. Aretherecitationoftherosaryandotherwakeprayerservicespermit‐ ted? TheVigilistheof icialprayerdesignatedbytheChurchforthisoccasion andisfoundintheOrderofChristianFunerals.Itincludesprayersforthe deceasedandrecognizestheperson’sChristianlife.Therecitationofthe rosaryandotherprivatedevotionsarepermittedbutshouldbeheldata timeotherthantheVigilandshouldnevertaketheplaceoftheof icial Vigil. Whatopportunitiesarepresenttosharememories? TheVigilandthevisitationareappropriatetimesforfamilyandfriends tosharestoriesandremembrancesofthedeceased.TheVigiloughttobe scheduledatatimewhenfriendsandacquaintancescanattend. ThursdayNightConfessions(nearpier):October27(yes) November3&10(yes) Godblessyouall! Fr.Jim A family evening of holiday entertainment with The Master Chorale of Saddleback Valley. Saturday, December 10th McGowan Hall Preconcert Social 6:30 p.m. Concert 7:00 p.m. Tickets available at the church of ice or online at https://olf.ticketleap.com $15 Adults / $12 Students and Seniors Under 12 FREE with Paid Adult Paralatraducció nenespañ olverlapagina8. WEDNESDAY 10/26 FRIDAY 10/28 READINGS/LECTURAS READINGS/LECTURAS Eph 6:1-9; Ps 145:10-14; Lk 13:22-30 Eph 2:19-22; Ps 19:2-5; Lk 6:12-16 INTENTION/INTENCION INTENTION/INTENCION 8:30am 8:30am CorrineShahid+ THURSDAY 10/27 RobertMoro+ SATURDAY 10/29 READINGS/LECTURAS READING/LECTURAS Eph 6:10-20; Ps 144:1b, 2, 9-10; Lk 13:31-35 Phil 1:18b-26; Ps 42:2, 3, 5cdef; Lk 14:1, 7-11 INTENTION/INTENCION INTENTION/INTENCION 8:30am PatriciaJarbeck+ 8:30am 5:30pm GhassanKateb+ MarkMikulics SUNDAY 10/30 READING/LECTURAS Wis 11:22 — 12:2; Ps 145:1-2, 8-11, 13-14; 2 Thes 1:11 — 2:2; Lk 19:1-10 INTENTIONS/INTENCIONES 7am HalleyShelton+ 9am MisaProPopolo 11am 1pm 5pm 7pm 4 October 23, 2016 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time We pray for all the sick NEWS, EVENTS Oremos por los enfermos Today is World Mission JimHasson MikeFuerbringer DebMallrave GhadaSacher FritzSacher JeanMigchelbrink WallySchauer EliseEvans GuyGansel MarkMikulics ElizabethLopez MichaelHouska KurtSchneider LeoBlock AidaPerales ElbaJohnston JaniceCooper HoldenZimmerle KathyMitchell ArthurFlores ColeWilkins DonReese and our beloved dead. y por nuestros queridos. JosephShirvinski LoisThompson JenniferHarrigan GhassanKateb DionicioAngeles DoloresAngeles JosephMurphy CorrineMcDermot EdRobbins AnaHernandez BeatriceDi Giovanni RalphTancredi JaneEnquist HerlindaAlvarez PatriciaLee MaryHattan AdaleneMoothart LeeHeersema AntonioMendoza andallvictimsof warandviolence. PARISH CALENDAR/ CALENDARIO PARROQUIAL Ourparishcalendarisonline!Visit www.olfchurch.net/calendar.html forthemostup‐to‐dateinformationon eventsandactivities. ¡Nuestrocalendariodelaparroquia está enInternet!Porfavorvisite www.olfchurch.net/calendar.html paralainformació nmá sactualizada sobreeventosyactividadesennuestra parroquia. & OPPORTUNITIES misión. La colecta de hoy ayudará a los misioneros para que ofrezcan a los pobres Sunday de estas zonas ayuda prác ca, ya que Inannouncinghisdecisiontodeclare comparten la misericordia de Dios. Con aHolyYearofMercy,PopeFrancis ello se garan zará el desarrollo de las said,“Dearbrothersandsisters,I diócesis locales, y apoya el trabajo de los haveoftenthoughtabouthowthe sacerdotes, religiosos y laicos líderes que Churchmightmakeclearitsmission sirven a los que están marginados y en la ofbeingawitnesstomercy.” mayor necesidad. Amplíe su misericordia a Supportingtheyoungchurches todo el mundo a través de su donación en throughouttheworldwithyour la colecta de hoy por la Sociedad para la prayersandgenerousgiftsisindeeda Propagación de la Fe! mercifulwitnessofthismission.The collectiontodaywillhelp Consoling the Heart of Jesus missionariesofferthepoorofthese areaspracticalhelpastheysharethe On-Site or Do-It-Yourself Retreat mercyofGod.Itwillensurethe Mondays through November 21 developmentoflocaldioceses,and supporttheworkofpriests,religious 9:30am / McGowan Hall andlayleaderswhoservethoseon (on-site op on) themarginsandinmostneed.Extend It’snottoolatetojoinFr.Jimandothers yourmercifulwitnesstothewhole forasmall‐groupretreatthatdelvesinto worldthroughyourgiftintoday’s thesimplicityandgrandeurofconsoling collectionfortheSocietyforthe spirituality.Thisretreatisbasedonthe PropagationoftheFaith! popularbookbyFr.MichaelGaitley, MIC,“ConsolingtheHeartofJesus.” Hoy es el Domingo Mundial Oryoucanoptforthe“do‐it‐yourself de las Misiones retreat”bygoingtoFormed.organd Al anunciar su decisión de declarar el readingthebookdailyelectronicallyand Año Santo de la Misericordia, el Papa watchingthevideosonyourownor Francisco dijo, "Queridos hermanos y withyourfamilyrightathomeforfree. hermanas, he pensado a menudo sobre Theelectronicformatofthebookis availablefreeatFormed.orgoryou cómo la Iglesia podría dejar en claro su couldpurchaseapapercopyonlineat misión de ser tes go de la Amazon.TouseFormed.orgpleaseenter misericordia." El apoyo a las iglesias ourParishCodeGHGPY3attheir jóvenes de todo el mundo con sus website. oraciones y generosos regalos es de hecho un tes go misericordioso de esta Become an Altar Server! Saturday, Oct. 29 9am in the Church Childreningrade4andaboveandwho havemadetheirFirstCommunionare invitedtotheministryofAltarServer. Trainingfornewserverswilltakeplace onSaturday,October29at9aminthe church.Formoreinformation,contact JoeMargrafatjmargraf@ford.com. Children’s Choir It’s not too late to join! Childreningrades3–8areinvitedto joinourChildren’sChoir.Ourchoir singsmonthlyatour9amMass.Re‐ hearsalsareheldMondays,3:30‐ 4:45pm.Formoreinfo,contactPhil Arkfeldat492‐4101x116orpark‐ feld@olfchurch.net. 23 de octubre, 2016 30º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario knit,crochetorsewandcreate Refexión de la beautifulprayershawlsforthosewho “James: Pearls for Wise Living” needtofeeltheloveofChristwrapped Corresponsabilidad Thursdays beginning Nov. 3 aroundthem.Forinformationabout howtogetinvolvedinthePrayer 9:30 am / McGowan Hall - A Laprimeralecturadehoynosllega ShawlMinistry,orifyouknow $20forthis11partseries($26bookis desdeellibrodelEclesiá stico,queuna someonewhowouldbecomfortedby optional).CallMaryMcMenaminat vezfueconocidacomolaSabidurı́ade receivingashawlimmersedinprayers 388‐8806formoreinformationandto Sirac.Comoeslanormacon ofhealingandcomfort,pleasecontact signup. Eclesiá stico,vadirectoalpuntoenel AmberLoyerataaloyer@gmail.com. primerversodelalectura:"ElSeñ or DiosesunDiosdejusticiaqueno Knights of Columbus Family Teen Confirma on conocefavoritos." Pot Luck Dinner C2: Oct. 23, 6-8pm / McGowan Hall Todosestamosfamiliarizadosconla October 30, 6pm / McGowan Hall BringyourBibleandDecisionPoint ideadefavoritos:podemostenerun Allparishionersarewelcometobring Workbook. colorfavorito,ounacomidafavorita, adishtoshareandlearnalittlemore C1: Nov. 6, 6-8pm / McGowan Hall ouna lorfavorita.Sinembargo,es abouttheKnightsofColumbus.Bring BringyourBibleandDecisionPoint reconfortantesaberqueDiosnotiene yourthinkingcapsandtryyourluckat Workbook favoritos.TodossomosSushijos.Este thetriviagame‐thereisamystery Formoreinformationaboutour hechosevereforzadounayotravez prizeforthewinner!PleaseRSVPto programvisitourYouthMinistry enlaBiblia. DaveFinamoreat webpageatOLFchurch.netorcontact Considerenlosiguiente:"Porqueno dave inamore@yahoo.com. CateGirskisCgirskis@olfchurch.netor hayfavoritismoconDios."(Romanos 492‐4101x117. 2:11);"PorqueelSeñ ortuDiosesel Respect Life / How Are We Diosdelosdioses...quenofavorecea Supposed to Vote? Confirmación de ningunapersonaniaceptasobor‐ Thesearedif icultandconfusing no."(Deuteronomio10:17);SanPed‐ Adolescentes times,especiallywithapresidential ro,abriendounsermó nconestas C2:23deoctubre,6‐8pm/Saló n electionverynear.Pleasevisit palabras:"Enverdad,veoqueDiosno McGowan olfrespectlife.comandclickonthe favorece."(Hechos10:34).Podemos TraigansubibliaylibroPuntode linkstabforlinkstoseveralCatholic sentirqueDiosnotienefavoritos,que Discusió n. websitesthatcanbeagreatresource C1:6denoviembre,6‐8pm/Saló n Elnosamaatodosporigual,queto‐ forunderstandingvotingdecisionsin dospodemossersalvados,pero McGowan contextwithGod'splanforus. tambié nnecesitamostenerencuenta TraigansubibliaylibroPuntode queDiosnopuedesersobornadoo Discusió n. Work of Our Hands Prayer comprado. Paramasinformacionsobrenuestro LoqueDiosesperadenosotrosesque Shawl Ministry programa,visitenuestrapaginadel seamosdiscı́pulos,serbuenosadmin‐ MinisteriodeAdolescentesen November 3, 9am - 10am / istradores,paravivirunavidarecta.Si OLFchurch.netollameaCateGirskis McGowan Hall - E sinceramentehacemoseso,sise‐ Cgirskis@olfchurch.neto492‐4101 Joinothers,regardlessofskilllevelto x117. guimoslasantidadcomoestamos llamadosahacer,entoncesciertamen‐ tecomoelSeñ ornosdiceenelEvan‐ Fa ma Café—THIS SUNDAY Fá ma Café— ESTE DOMINGO geliodehoy:"Elqueseenalteceserá después de las Misas de 9am, a er the 9am, 11am, 1pm, and humillado,yelquesehumillaserá 11am, 1pm y 7pm ensalzado."Diosesbueno‐contodos 7pm Masses nosotros. Fá timaCafé estará vendiendoburritos FatimaCafé willbesellingbreakfast despuesdelasmisasde9amy11am,y burritosafterthe9amand11amMasses Paramá sre lexionessobrelacorre‐ enchiladasdespuesdelasmisasde1pm andenchidalasafterthe1and7pm sponsabilidadvisite y7pm.ElCafé está patrocinadopor http://www.thecatholicsteward.com/ Masses.TheCafé isbeingsponsoredby nuestrosgruposdeMinisterioHispanos. ourSpanishlanguageministrygroups. Lorecaudadoayudará acumplirla Proceedswillhelpful illtheministries’ promesadelosMinisteriosHispanosala ForChristForevercampaignpledgeas campañ aParaCristoSiempre,yalas wellassupportactivitiesintheparish. actividadesdelaparroquia. New Bible Study CUSTOM PAINTING San Clemente and HOME REPAIR Veterinary “Type A” work for “Type A” customers Hospital Bob “DOC” Dougherty 260 Avenida Vista Montana Apt 26C San Clemente, CA 92672 Call Me for a Free Market Analysis of your Home. Selling or buying I can help. BRE# 01937508 (949) 282-8418 Active Parishioner Since 1998 krgodbout@tarbell.com John Agostini, D.V.M. 423-488-2103-C • 949-388-2987 EXTERIOR • INTERIOR PRESSURE WASHING ALISO AIR, INC. 492-5777 1833 S. El Camino Real San Clemente Air Conditioning & Heating (949) 589-2021 www.alisoair.com LIC. 526420 If You Live Alone You Need LIFEWatch! 24 Hour Protection at HOME and AWAY! ✔Ambulance Solutions as Low as ✔Police ✔Fire FREE Shipping ✔Friends/Family FREE Activation $1a Day! ntracts NO Long Term Co CALL NOW! AL D E R E T E CONSTRUCTION 800.393.9954 POOLS • SPAS LANDSCAPE (949) 492-7289 www.alderetepools.com BRE#00826766 OC COASTAL REALTY J. Sean Dumm, Esq. Local Parishioner TWO FATIMA GENERATIONS Karen Conley Corrine Conley 949-584-2018 949-463-3044 CONLEY COASTAL PROPERTIES BUYING • SELLING • PROPERTY MGT PLAN AHEAD BEAT INFLATION • MINIMIZE FAMILY DISTRESS YOUR BELIEFS, YOUR WISHES, YOUR FAITH The Law Offices of J. Sean Dumm A Professional Corporation info@jsdlawoffice.com Telephone: (949) 276-5095 Fascimile: (949) 606-8624 www.JSDlawoffice.com Business Law, Contracts, Litigation, Wills, Trusts, Probate & Real Estate PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH ........... (949) 837-1331 www.occem.org 24/7 HELP ........... $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 Mention this ad for a $500 Discount at Ascension Cemetery for EXP 12/31/16 Advance Plan of Casket Interment Call Today to Find Out More TALK *First Three Months BRIAN J. RICE, D.D.S. NINA BASTI, D.D.S. Cosmetic, Family, Implant Dentistry, Invisalign Parishioner New Patient Discount • Se Habla Español 150 Avenida Del Mar, Ste. C San Clemente 492-0330 Traditional & Personalized Funerals, Memorials, & Advance Planning Our Family Servicing the Community Since 1898 Laguna Hills Chapel and Crematory FD 1293 Irvine & San Juan Capistrano Arrangement Offices Catholic Family Owned • Se habla español 667850 Our Lady of Fatima Church (B) www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED FD-0232 640 South El Camino Real LESNESKI MORTUARY www.LesneskiMortuary.com JOHN M. MINNOTT 653 Camino de los Mares #113 ATTORNEYS AT LAW LAS GOLONDRINAS Mexican Food Products and Tortilleria 27124 Paseo Espada • San Juan Capistrano 240-3440 949-492-1717 Se Habla Español S.V. Fukuman, D.D.S. FAMILY DENTISTRY 248-7772 San Clemente, CA Ellen J. Glynn, DDS MDS 655 Camino de los Mares Suite 119 San Clemente 9 4 9 - 4 8 8 - 0 6 0 0 LANGE AND MINNOTT www.glynnorthodontics.com Certified Specialist in Living Trusts, Wills, Probate & Trust Administration, Estate Planning 492-3459 Parishioner Fine Dining LIVING TRUSTS • WILLS Estate Planning San Clemente, CA 34069 Doheny Pk. Road • Capistrano Beach Southern 240-8659 27981 Greenfield Dr. • Laguna Niguel Mexican Food 400 B Camino de Estrella • San Clemente 30011 IVY GLEN DR., 1925 S. El Camino Real STE. 112 369-5111 240-9011 949-851-9210 Full Bar New Elegant Interior 362-1913 Law Offices of MICHAEL T. WALSH www.langeminnott.com 1201 Puerta del Sol Parishioner LAGUNA NIGUEL, CA 92677 TOM REESE Reese Insurance Agency Parishioner ROHAN & SONS INC. Darlene Jamroz Realtor® Buying or Selling? 949-363-3825 Parishioner www.DarleneJamroz.com Darlene@DarleneJamroz.com AIR CONDITIONING & HEATING (949) 545-6777 Auto • Home • Life • Business • Workers Comp • Health SPECIALTY Flood, Earthquake, Mobile Homes, Boats, Motorcycles Commercial & Residential WE ALSO BUY/SELL GOLD,SILVER, DIAMONDS,CURRENCY,WATCHES 24422 Del Prado #1 Dana Point, CA 92629 Augie & Gus Giordano Ask for Augie LIC #461076 949-492-1361 www.rohanandsonsinc.com “Serving South Orange County Since 1973” GIORDANO ELECTRIC Residential - Commercial c (949) 370-2116 Parishioner since 1993 3 Monarch Bay Plaza, Suite 106 Monarch Beach, CA 92629 Office 949.218.2105 treese@farmersagent.com Lic.# 0E25828 Brian or Sally, coordinators Lic. # 275384 t (949) 498-4086 860.399.1785 CST 2117990-70 an Official Travel Agency of Apostleship of the Sea-USA www.CatholicCruisesAndTours.com Margaret’s Cleaning Service Serving So. Orange County SATISFACTION GUARANTEED JORGE GARCIA PAINTING ALL SERVICE Married Polish Couple Local Parishioners • Experienced • Weekly/Bi-Monthly Monthly • References • Free Estimates • Reasonable Rates www.margaretscleaningservice.com (949) 310-6073 jgpiceno@gmail.com Licensed, Bonded & Insured LIC. NO. 996653 PLUMBING Parishioner AND REPAIR • Water Heaters • Leak Detection FREE ESTIMATES PAUL M. REISCHL, DDS Family and Appearance Dentistry 657 Camino De Los Mares Suite 245 - San Clemente 949.201.5528 492-0166 Parishioner SAFETY • COMFORT • SUPPORT If you or a loved one is struggling with drug or alcohol addiction, WE CAN HELP! Lic#309710 FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED SINCE 1961 www.NewStartDetox.com Parishioner 949-492-3558 www.billmetzgerplumbing.com Three Locations to Serve You San Clemente 492-1853 The Courtyards at Talega 940-0200 Laguna Niguel 495-3031 www.GriffinOptometric.com 667850 Our Lady of Fatima Church (A) CALL NOW! 877.546.4819 www.jspaluch.com WINDOW CLEANING • Excellent References • Reasonable Prices • 15 Years Experience • Licensed & Bonded • Weekly • Bi-Weekly • Monthly • Residential • Commercial • Free Estimates Polish Married Couple 949-701-7494 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 8 PARISH SCHOOL NEWS October 24: Red Ribbon Week Kick-Off Parade, 3:30pm Avenida Del Mar Come and support us! Channel Islands Explora on October 23, 2016 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time QueridosparroquianosyamigosdeNuestraSeñ oradeFá tima, Dehoyendossemanasvariosdenosotrosestaremosesperandolos resultadosdelaseleccionesde2016.Deaquiaentoncesvariosdeustedes tomaranparteennuestroprocesodevotació n.Esperoquehayaleı́dolaParte 1denuestrosobispos. HoytenemoslaParte2disponibles.Debidoaqueloscandidatosseles permitecambiardeopinió n,nuestrosObisposdeCalifornianollamanalos candidatosporsusnombres,perosı́intervienenenalgunasproposiciones. Esteañ oseapoyalaProposició n57y62yseoponenalaProp66.Pueden tambié nvisitarsusitiowebparamá sinformació n:www.cacatholic.org.Por favor,visiteelsitiodeObisposdeEstadosUnidos,enwww.usccb.orgy busquenlazonadeciudadanos ieles. Theentire7thgradeclassrecently enjoyedspendingthreedayswiththeir scienceteacher,Mrs.Iyer,and enthusiasticchaperone,Fr.Sal, exploringthe"GalapagosIslands"ofthe NorthernHemisphereoffofthecoastof Ventura,California.Thisunique ield studiesopportunityinvolvedthe celebrationoftheMassandtourofthe BonaventuraMission,studyingthe scienceoftheChannelIslands'native andendemicorganisms,introduced species,geology,theendemicChannel Islandfox,andthesurroundingrich marinediversity.TheSocialScience topicsincludedthecultureofthe islands'inhabitants,theChumash Indians,archaeologicalsites,explorers, andtheranchingperiod. Informació nsobrefuneralescontinua ¿Sepermitelarecitació ndelrosarioyotrosserviciosdeoració n? LaVigiliaeslaoració no icialdesignadoporlaIglesiaparaestaocasió nyse encuentraenelRitualdeExequias.Incluyeoracionesporlosdifuntosy reconocelavidacristianadelapersona.Elrezodelrosarioyotrasdevociones privadasestá npermitidas,perodebemantenerseenunmomentodistintode laVigiliaynuncadebetomarellugardelaVigiliao icial. Partner with OLF School's Fundraising Program IN OUR COMMUNITY Wehavepartneredwithscripsense™, thepremiereonlineinteractive fundraisingprogram.Everytimeyou shoponlineorbuyeGiftcardsonour privatescripsensesystem,apercentage ofeachpurchasewillgotowards variousfundraisinggoalswehave established.Email supportolf@olfschool.nettoreceive sign‐upinstructions.Pleasecallthe schoolof ice492‐7320ifyouhaveany questionsorneedtechsupport. ¿Qué oportunidadesestá npresentesparacompartirrecuerdos? LaVigiliaylavisitació nsonlosmomentosapropiadosparaquelafamiliay amigospuedancompartirhistoriasyrecuerdosdelosfallecidos.LaVigilia debeserprogramadaenunmomentocuandolosamigosyconocidospuedan asistir. JuevesNochedeConfesiones:(cercademuelle):27deoctubre(sı́); 3y10deNoviembre(sı́) ¡Dioslosbendigaatodos! PadreJim San Clemente Military Family Outreach: Salute to Military Stars Annual Fundraiser Nov. 4, 6pm / Talega Golf Club Thisannualfundraiserhelpsprovide inancialassistanceandmoraleboosting eventsforMarineandmilitaryfamilies stationedatCampPendleton.Proceeds fromthefundraiserwillbene it1,000 familiesonCampPendletonatour annualThanksgivingTurkeyGiveaway. Thethemeforthisyear’sdinneris Accep ng Applica ons SalutetoMilitaryStarsandtheevent TransitionalKindergarten(TK)and willhonorthesacri iceoftheMarines Kindergartenthrough8thgrade.For moreinformation,contactKrisWindes, andfamiliesinourcommunity.There atkwindes@olfschool.netor492‐7320. willbeasocialhour,dinner,recognition ofmilitaryhonorees,musicbyCheryl Andcheckoutourwebsite‐ Silverstein,andasilentauction.Tickets www.olfschool.net. are$60andcanbepurchasedat www.militaryfamilyoutreach.com.For additionalquestions,pleasecontact DaisyNuevaat952‐202‐9546. Cornelia Connelly School Open House November 6, 12:00 - 3pm Meetourenthusiasticstudents, teachers,parentsandalumnaeand learnaboutalltheprogramsoffered. Visitourwebsite, connellyschoolanaheim.org,call714‐ 776‐1717x221,oremail admissions@connellyhs.orgformore informationortoscheduleaShadow Dayforyourdaughter.