Know the contents - Miami Virtual School
Know the contents - Miami Virtual School
1° Unit two 1 The fable 2 Fable "the child and the teacher ' 4 The myth 5 The Legend 6 Article 8 Concordance between the article and the noun 9 The adjective, genre and number 10 Poems and couplets 11 Couplets 12 Simple and Compound Words 14 Narrating an anecdote 15 The comma 16 The fax 17 Content Know the contents Application Guide Unit two Know the contents The Gimnasio Virtual San Francisco Javier, presented through textbooks for elementary education and the sequence program of Spanish language content, enriched with several videos and additional topics. With this text handling you acquire attitudes, skills, abilities and ideas that allow you to expand your worldview. Your content are grouped into four units containing four sessions of topics and subtopics of several pages. Each topic begins with a title, a series of questions, whose purpose is to arouse your interest in the contents, you can use the questions at the end of a topic to find your learning. Find images related to the concepts and themes, videos, diagrams, concept maps with didactic sense. The virtualitos will help you travel through this adventure of knowledge. When you find this icon you will know that there are many unanswered questions, which you can use at the end of a topic to find what you have learned. When you find this icon you will have to perform the activities for each topic or subtopic. Art is part of your activities, giving a personal touch when you go to color. Now you are the artist! Virtualito invites you to learn more about the topic, research new things. It is interesting to know! Did you know that….? Find fun facts that invite you to learn about other related topics. 1 Unit two The fable The characters in fables convey feelings and talk like humans. Personification is widely used in fables. The fable is a narration that leaves us a lesson or moral. His characters are animals or things that talk and think like humans. 2 Unit two Fables and apologists, since before the Middle Ages, have been reported with moral and didactic intentions, with maximum and advice, and although they are narratives, may be in prose or verse. Many of them have at the end, a moral exemplary. In others, teaching is unwritten but explicit. This fiction short and precise taught in an entertaining and moralizing, and many modern and contemporary authors have taken this genre to delight readers giblets. Jean de la Fontaine (1621-1695). It is believed he was born on July 8, 1621, Château-Thierry, and studied at the University of Reims. This produced a French writer most famous fables of modern times. It was a literary salons frequented the courts between nobles, and from there I always had a patron who allowed his dedication to literature. He was a lawyer and practiced his profession, while composing his poetry. His main published work was an adaptation (1654) of Eunuch, the Roman playwright Terence, but his true literary fame got it especially with their tales and stories in verse (1644). La Fontaine died on April 13, 1695 in Paris. 3 Unit two The child and teacher In this fable vain attempt to demonstrate presumption of a fool: When I was playing on the banks of the Seine, a child fell into the water, but by divine grace was there a willow tree whose branches are saved with the small. Passed by a teacher of little understanding, and the infant cried - Help I'm drowning! Given these cries, the teacher turned, and recklessly and out of state, began to preach to the infant: - Look how naughty, where he has led his madness! Spend your hours watching this kind of offspring! Parents Woe, woe to them at all times ensuring this unwieldy mob! How should suffer, and how sorry your destination! After this talk, He take the child from the water. Blame here many more than you imagine. Talkers and picky and pedantic be reflected in the previous letter, each of them forms a numerous people, no doubt the Creator blessed the prolific breed. There is no subject on which to exercise their chatter do not think! Always have a review to do! But friend, save me the trouble first, and then release your tongue! Before pointing out the mistakes of others, better to first help them to improve their situation 4 Unit two The myth Lee the following text, then answer the questions. What are you talking Sogamoso text and Ramiriquí? Was there light on Earth? How light appeared? Who created it? What do you think are Sogamoso and Ramiriquí? Sogamoso y Ramiriquí Al amanecer, sólo existían el cielo y la tierra. Lo demás era oscuridad. El sol y la luna no existían. En la tierra, se encontraban solos el cacique de Ramiriquí y el cacique de Sogamoso. Entre los dos hicieron a los demás indios chibchas. A los hombres de tierra amarilla. A las mujeres, de una hierba alta y ahuecada en el medio. Pero la tierra continuaba en la oscuridad. Entonces, el cacique Sogamoso mandó al de Ramiriquí, su sobrino, que subiera al cielo, para convertirse en el sol. Y así fue. Pero al ver al cacique Sogamoso que no bastaba la luz de Ramiriquí, el sol, decidió subir también al cielo. Allá se convirtió en la luna. Así la noche se aclaró. Por eso el pueblo de Tunja, adoraba al sol y ala luna. Porque eran sus padres. Porque les dieron la luz. Taken from«Érase una vez entre chibchas». Alfredo García Giraldo. As you can see, the story tells of the light source on Earth, that is what we call day. But the origin of the Moon. The possibility that this will happen is not the product of some natural phenomenon or created in a laboratory. Is a product of the imagination of our ancestors. 5 Unit two The Legend Read the following text: El Hojarasquín del monte Los campesinos de las montañas colombianas cuentan muchas historias acerca del hojarasquín del monte. Más de uno dice haberse encontrado con este espíritu protector de la naturaleza que habita en la oscuridad de los bosques tropicales. Los que lo han visto coinciden en que se trata de un árbol-hombre cubierto de musgo, ramas y flores, que camina rápida y furtivamente entre el follaje, en medio de un atronador ruido de hojas secas. Su aparición causa verdadero espanto, sobre todo a los taladores de bosques y a los cazadores, a quienes nunca se les muestra de frente sino que se les acerca por la espalda, como si lo siguiera. Esto sucede por lo general cuando el cazador apunta con su arma a un venado indefenso, o cuando el leñador levanta su hacha para derribar un árbol. El que susto que se llevan es tan grande que no les quedan ganas de volver por allí, o no por lo menos a matar animales o cortar árboles. Un respeto profundo se apodera de ellos desde entonces, como si comprendieran que con la naturaleza no se puede jugar ni se le puede hacer daño porque sí, sin necesidad, sólo por diversión. 6 Sin embargo, y a pesar de su aspecto aterrador, el hojarasquín es un ser de buenos sentimientos que conduce amablemente hacia la salida del monte a los caminantes que se pierden en él. La única condición es que el caminante extraviado sea de su agrado. El problema está en que no es fácil simpatizarle. Legend of the Colombian Andes . Unit two Reading skills Interpretative: Indicates who is the main protagonist of this story and what it does. Argumentative: Explain why you think the Hojarasquín is named and where it lives. Propositional: Write legends learned from older people. Identifies the experience and write. The legends explain the customs, beliefs and traditions of a people. The legends have elements of fantasy and realistic. The legends, which generally are the product of the popular imagination, are transmitted from generation to generation through oral tradition. Each time a person going to a legend by adding or removing information. In all countries of the world there are legends and myths. Some are very similar. Sometimes we find different versions of the same event, depending on the region or country. 7 Unit two Article These are the words that go before nouns and are classified as: Defined. They are those that refer to something or someone known, el, la, los, las. Undefined. They are those that refer to something or someone that is not known or not mentioned above : un, unas, unos, unas. Example: Defined article. El vecino de la casa de la esquina es Pacho Undefined article.. Un vecino vive en la casa de la esquina. Activity 1. Colours according to the key. Defined 8 Undefined la el unos las un un las una el la una uno los uno el unos los una las un Unit two Concordance between the article and the noun In every sentence the words relate to each other and must to agree in gender and number. In each expression, both the article and the noun are in the same gender and number. Read and watch: El hombre se quedó meditando. artícle noun Activity 1. What genre and number is the article and the noun of the sentence? 2. Read and join the article with the noun in question. Write it. 9 Un animales El ciudad Una conejos La hombre Los árbol Unos casa Unit two The adjective, genre and number The adjective qualified. It is a word that names characteristics of an object, person or animal. What adjectives have the same number and gender of nouns to which they refer. Example: Number Male Female Singular Alto Alta Plural Altos Altas 1. Place the items corresponding to the illustrations. 10 Unit two Poems and couplets Conjuro contra muchos males Agua de panela Para el dolor de muela. Agua de limón Cura el corazón. Agua de cereza Si te duele la cabeza. Para evitar el catarro Prueba el masaje de barro. Jarabe de granadilla Te sanará la rodilla. Un poco de ajonjolí Siempre es bueno para ti. Irene Vasco Reading Comprehension Describe: According to the poem, what good is the brown sugar, lemon, cherry and passion fruit? Discuss: A rhyme that carries the poem is the one that ends in. Cold-mud. Quote others. Invent: Invent a small spell to cure poverty. 11 Unit two Couplets El amor es un bichito Que por los ojos se mete, Cuando llega al corazón Estalla como un cohete. Ayer de tanto estudiar Los ojos se me nublaron La cabeza me dio vueltas Y mis narices moquearon. Se va el caimán, se va el caimán. Se va para Barranquilla. Se va el caimán, se va el caimán. Se va para Barranquilla. Reading Comprehension Answer: Why intonation is important in poetry? How do you convey the couplets in the villages? In family: Ask your parents to teach you a couplet. 12 Unit two Recognize the song and poetry Poems and couplets are written in verse, there the words are combined in a special way to express what reality musicality. The poem expresses in verse the feelings and ideas of an author or author. The couplet expresses the customs, beliefs, humor and way of thinking of a people. The song can be expressed in the form of dialogue or sung. Activity 1. Help the poet to complete the following verses using the words of the boxes. Jugando en el Un alegre escapar bajar Bajo el caluroso Entonaba una sol árbol canción copetón Cansado de subir y De mucho ir y El oso decidió no Y a la presa dejar 13 insistir venir Unit two Simple and Compound Words Simple words. They consist of a single term that generally refers to an action or a noun. Compound words. They form when joining two simple words. Activity 1. Complete the scheme. Words Can be Simple Formed by One term For example 14 Unit two Narrating an anecdote Anecdotes should narrate in an orderly, indicating what happened first, what happened next, how it ended, who was involved in the situation and, above all, must mention the situation funny fact. Activity 1. Choose a type of experience you want to tell. Cheerful Funny Sad 2. Organize the presentation and answers: Where did it happen? What happened? What did you learn? 3. Draw and write the experience. 15 Unpleasant Unit two The comma The comma (,) is a punctuation mark that is used to write to make sense and clarity to the text, indicates a pause to read. Generally used to separate list elements in a sentence. Activity 1. Write the words neatly in the place and tinkling with red the commas. Nadar Mariela Diego Sábado yo El ____________, ____________, Miguel, _____________ y iremos a ___________________. 16 Unit two The fax It is a telecommunication system that sends copies of documents remotely, generally using the phone line. The fax name is an abbreviation of the Latin word "fac simile" which means something like "do well" or "well done". Literally implying that the receiver makes a copy of the transmitter. Currently, Fax technology is still in force and although there are modern technologies, by custom, law, or cultural custom comfort, do not rule their use and is almost inconceivable to think of a business or public office without a fax machine. Originally its use was journalism, today is more focused on the transmission of legal documents, commercial, etc. showing the signature of the sender to the receiver to have a signed copy of a document while receiving the document was actually signed in the hand and letter of the issuer. 17