Saint Joseph Catholic Church Iglesia Catolica San Jose Iglesia
Saint Joseph Catholic Church Iglesia Catolica San Jose Iglesia
Saint Joseph Catholic Church Iglesia Catolica San Jose Welcome to Visitors & New Members You are welcome to worship with us at any time. If you are new to Randolph County area, may we invite you to register as a member of the parish? Registration forms are available in Parking Lot Vestibule or call the office 336-629-0221 512 West Wainman Avenue Asheboro, NC 27203 Ph: 336-629-0221 E-mail: Website: Sacrament of Reconciliation Para Confesarse Saturday at 5:00pm / Wednesday at 5:30 pm or by appointment Pueden confesarse los sábados a los 5:00pm y Miercoles a los 5.30 pm de la tarde o puede llamar al Párrocco, para una cita especial Eucharistic Adoration / Adoracion Eucaristica First Frida- Mass Schedule / Horario de Misas Saturday/Sábado 4:00pm English , 6:00pm Español Sunday/Domingo 9:00 am, 4:00 pm in English 12:00 pm en Español Daily Masses: Monday and Friday: 8:15am, Wednesday: 6:00pm, Thursday: 12:15 Holy Days: 7 pm Vigil 8:15, 12:15 & 7 pm Espanol Holy Days: 7:00pm Vigil / 8:15am, 12:15pm, 7:00pm (Español) Parish Staff Fr. Philip Kollithanath: Pastor, Email: Jean Hyatt: Parish Secretary; Maricruz Palma: Office Assistant Colette Estes Music Coordinator Jason Kroeger Faith Formation Coordinator (English) Manuela Torres: Hispanic Faith Formation Coordinator Rosemary Chriscoe: Parish Council; Scott Harris: Finance Council Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 24, 2016 You were buried with him in baptism, in which you were also raised with him through faith in the power of God, who raised him from the dead. -- Colossians 2:12 2 PARISH OF ST. JOSEPH 07/24/2016 From the desk of Father Philip In the Catholic Spiritual tradition, we are reminded about the importance of patience in the fight against concupiscence. The affluence of our times and the pervasiveness of liberal media with unchristian and immoral exposures as normal and standard are confusing younger minds these days. The sense of inappropriate and guilt are bluntly being ignored. In such a world the idea of concupiscence becomes irrelevant. With the psychological propaganda against any discipline for children, even the sense of guilt is disappearing from our midst. We cannot stress enough the importance of keeping a moral awareness and a clean conscience among our children. The habit of striving for the sense of holy should be cultivated before children are exposed to the immoral and the pervasively mundane. Liberal propaganda invades the minds of children and keeps them addicted through cartoons and games which the parents profusely use to keep the kids occupied. The Christian values are already filled with. This counter culture is killing the Christian spiritual information of our children which we do not address effectively. Considering the fact that there are many adversities in life, patience is very necessary in every aspect of life especially in the matters concerning spirituality. We make a lot of plans for peaceful living but life is not free from struggle and sorrow. It is easy to wish freedom from temptations. We must be aware of the occurrence of temptations. We must learn to find peace when we are tormented with many tribulations and tried with many adversities. Tired of sufferings we soon develop a negative attitude. If we cannot suffer much, how will we bear the fire of purgatory? Therefore to escape the everlasting punishments to come, we have to bear present evils patiently for the sake of God. There are people who enjoy many pleasures and follow their own wishes in the world. Such a life does not last too long. Even in this life they do not find rest in these pleasures without bitterness, weariness and fear. Their sorrow comes from what they enjoy unrestrained. These worldly pleasures are brief, unreasonable, and shameful. In their drunken blindness men do not understand this, but like brute beasts incur death of soul for the miserly enjoyment of a corruptible life. Therefore we must not pursue our lusts but turn away from it. We are reminded in the Psalms (37:4) to find you delight in the Lord who will give you your heart’s desire. To make progress in spiritual life we have to develop an aversion to worldly things and base pleasures. This withdrawal should be reinforced with a progressive intimacy with the Lord. Instead of the solace of the creatures we will find a sweeter and stronger comfort in the Lord. In the initial stages of spiritual discipline there is sadness, toil and conflict. Old habits will resist you which has to be overcome with better habit. The flesh will murmur against you but it will be bridled to fervor of spirit. The old serpent will stink and trouble you. Prayer will put him to flight and by steadfast and useful toil the way will be closed to him. God Bless you all. Sacrament of Baptism—Baptism is a highly sacred event and deserves careful and complete readiness. Please contact the church office (336-629-0221 to register for the Baptism Preparation Class, which is done on a regular basis. Parents must be registered and participating members of our parish community. Sacrament of Marriage - Couples should contact the Pastor (336-629-0221) at least 6 months prior to the wedding date for necessary preparation. Ministry of the Sick— Please call the church office (336-629-0221) to inform us of an illness or hospitalization of a family member. Federal Privacy Law prohibits the hospital from giving room numbers, so we must have prior knowledge of a patient’s room number before we visit the hospital. The Sacrament of Anointing is done upon request prior to surgery or a illness. Prayers for our Military—please call the office (336-629-0221) to notify us of their Military Status St. Joseph Catholic Church July 24, 2016 WEEKLY OFFERINGS - Offertory _______________$ MASSES FOR THE WEEK OF 7/24/2016 July 23 - Report for week end of 7/17/2016 4,439.00 Needed: _________________$ 15,527.00 Sun 24 Year to Date ___________$ 19,500.00 Over/Under ___________ $ (3,973.00) Total Goal: $1,500,000.00 Reached Goal $1,500.000.00 Liturgical Ministers for Spanish Mon. 25 Tues. 26 Wed. 27 Thur. 28 Fri. 29 Sat. 30 Sun. 31 7/30 Saturday Ana & Gustavo Ruiz, Maria & Silverio Sanchez, Juanita Flores Lectores: Maria Plata, Olga Avila , H ospitalidad: Jorge Rodriguez, Luna Corona, Beatriz Sanchez Eucaristia: 07/ 31/16 Sunday Eucaristia: Jose & Altagracia Grullon, Jose Flores, Blanca Castro, Guadalupe Xinaxtle Lectores Felicitas Aylon Faustino Uribe Anuncios: Isidra Fuentes Peticiones: Francisca Muro Liturgical Ministers 7/30 Eucharistic, Lectors: Hospitality: Marty Hornyak, Carol Rich Kim Price Michael Leach , Larry Kastner Lynn Hyatt ,Michael Leach 7/31 Acolytes: Ricard Pincus, David Appel Eucharistic : Rosemary Chriscoe, Pat Knudsen, Dan Higgins Lectors: Joan Sloyan, Ruth Scanlan Hospitality: Rosemary Chriscoe, David Poupore Wayne Dawson,Georgia McCollom 12:00 noon Baptisms 1:00 pm Quinceanera – Anodelmes Sosa † 4:00 pm English Jose Hofman & Hugo Saavedara req.Maritza Dulac 6:00 pm Spanish 9:00 am English Jack P. Smith req. Monica Fruchtnicht † 4:00 pm Eirfemia Mulles – Req. Mulles Family 8:15 am no mass – rosary group at 1 pm 5:30 Confessions, 6:00 pm Mass 12:15 Mass 10:30 Quinceanera Monserat Garcia † 8:15 Ginny Roberts req. Irene Chavis 3 yr presentation ElijahC. Rodrigues † 4:00 Elsie Howland req. Irene Chavis 9:00 am Jackie & Jessice – Matthew & Jack req. Monica Fruchtnicht (not Deceased) BIRTHDAY LIST FROM 7/28 7/28 Steven Allred, Juan Alvarado , Alon Arellano, Kim Benford Diana Rico, Gabrel Santanella, Anthony Santaolaya Mora, Octavio Senra, Nicolas Yuarez Morales 7/29 Faustino Cortees, Michael Gordon, Thalia Jaimes, Elzabeth Osorio, Reynaldo Romero, 7/30 Jayden Aleman, Maria Celeste Garcia, Franklin Lara, 7/31 Shereline Garrido, Nicholas Heerschap 8/1 8/2 8/3 8/4 Maria Aquino, Alejandro Ramos, Abel Rodriguez, Ariana Garcia Perla Castillo Marmolejo, Paulette Cercega, Jessica, Matthew & Michelle Leach, Iteel Leon Barahana, Virginia Luna, Kevin Rodriquez, Salinas Vargas Lisbeth Dominguez, Joseph LaFrance, Emanuel Perez, Gerardo Rodriguez, Antonio & Noel Santos McKenna Reed, Sindy Solis, CATHOLIC CHARITIES Catholic Charities offers Immigration Consultations at: 627 West Second Street, Winston-Salem, NC 27101. The fee for all consultations is $50. To schedule an appointment please call 336-727-4745. Call soon because appointments fill fast. 3 God Bless all of you! Have a very Happy & Blessed Birthday 4 St. Joseph Church PARISH FESTIVAL; (KERMES) is coming up in August., The date will be August 21st Anyone interested in helping out please contact Rene 336-460-8455 Money raised will go to our New church KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS 7/24/2016 PLEASE TAKE MOMENT TO PRAY FOR OUR PARISHIONERS WHO ARE ILL & our young men serving our country and have requested prayers: Christopher Gardner, Grace Gizze, Lillian Hazelwood & Roamona Shepard, , Colleen Greene, Flora Smith, Gary & Marilyn Hutchins , Ralph Evans, , Jose Espiallet Amy Hills, Angie Monroe Patterson, Monica Smith, Patrick Guarion, Raphael Guriel , Josephina Arellano, , Laurie Wills, Ralph Evans had a recent stroke.. Military: Adolfo Angel Vasquez, — Matthew Bryant The Knights are looking for some men to join the If there is anyone you would like to add to the prayer list Knights of Columbus . They meet once a month and do please call the office &let us know. 336-629-0221.Please projects to help out with Church needs and other pro- pray for all deceased members of the parish. grams. If you would like to get more information please call Steve Gage at 301-318-7736 or Chuck Lyon at 336 BOX TOPS: -736-4139. ******************* Columbiettes are having a drive for new members we will leave applications on the back table of the Church. Please take one if you are even slightly interested. We are trying to recruit our younger & older generation of women to join. We do a lot of charity work and fund raisers. Once or twice a year they have conventions in different areas of NC. Whether you are English, Spanish, Philippine or any other background we would love to have you join our group. We also work hand in hand with the Knights with some of their projects. If you have any questions you can stop by the office and Jean or anyone of us can explain more. We would like to have a 1st Degree sometime in August if we have enough people interested. Fill out a application and put it in the basket on my office door. God Bless you all Please bring in your BOX TOPS for the Sisters who run the Academy for Pre-Schoolers. You can put them in the mail slot of the office door. Thank you for your help. Marriage Encounter So many times we are like Martha, “anxious and worried about many things”, we forget the most important thing – Jesus. Learn how to make Jesus a part of your marriage. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekends are: Sep 30 Oct 2, 2016 in Myrtle Beach, SC and Nov 4-6, 2016 in Atlantic Beach, NC. Early sign up is recommended. For more information visit our website at: or contact us at or 704-315-2144. FAITH FORMATION REGISTRATION IS BEGINNING: YOU WILL NEED A COPY OF YOUR CHILD’S BIRTH , FIRST COMMUNION AND BAPTISM CERTIFICATES—IF THEY WERE DONE HERE AT ST. JOSEPH’S JUST LET US KNOW WHAT THE DATES WERE. EACH CHILD NEEDS A SEPARATE APPLICATION. FEE FOR REGISTRATION IS $30.00 AND $40.00 FOR CONFIRMATION STUDENTS. OFFICE IS OPEN 8-5 DAILY FOR YOU TO REGISTER YOUR CHILDREN. Classes begin on August 21st. Be sure to register your child or children before this date. Times and Classes will be announced PARISH OF ST. JOSEPH TODAY’S READING First Reading — Abraham bargains with God to spare the city (Genesis 18:20-32). Psalm — Lord, on the day I called for help, you answered me (Psalm 138). Second Reading — Buried with Christ in baptism, we were also raised with him; all our transgressions are forgiven (Colossians 2:12-14). Gospel — Jesus speaks of God’s sure response to those who pray (Luke 11:1-13). TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION Sometimes when bishops are consecrated, they are not given the care of a diocese as an “ordinary.” A very old tradition, however, assures that they are invested with a “see,” a link with a local church. Many hundreds of places around the world were dioceses at one time, but are no longer. In England, for example, some of the historic dioceses such as London, Salisbury, and Manchester ceased to be Catholic at the Reformation and their cathedrals passed to the Church of England. The reestablishment of the Catholic Church in the nineteenth century meant that new dioceses had to be created, such as at Liverpool and Westminster. Similarly, in Scandinavia the ancient Catholic dioceses vanished under Lutheranism. In North Africa, tiny dioceses disappeared under the sands or were swept away by Islam. July 24,2016 5 SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Friday: Saturday: Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time St. James Ss. Joachim and Anne; St. Martha St. Peter Chrysologus; Blessed Virgin Mary THE MARK OF THE MAKER If things created are so full of loveliness, how resplendent must be the One who made them! The wisdom of the Worker is apparent in such handiwork. —St. Anthony of Padua READINGS FOR THE WEEK 2 Cor 4:7-15; Ps 126:1bc-6; Mt 20:20 -28 Tuesday: Jer 14:17-22; Ps 79:8, 9, 11, 13; Mt 13:36-43 Wednesday:Jer 15:10, 16-21; Ps 59:2-4, 10-11, 17 -18; Mt 13:44-46 Thursday: Jer 18:1-6; Ps 146:1b-6ab; Mt 13:47 53 Friday: Jer 26:1-9; Ps 69:5, 8-10, 14; Jn In the United States, some original dioceses never really developed as population centers, such as the old dioceses of Bardstown, 11:19-27 or Lk 10:38-42 Vincennes, Sault Ste. Marie, or Walla Walla. The tradition of Saturday: Jer 26:11-16, 24; Ps 69:15-16, 30-31, “titular sees” assures that the ancient churches are always held in 33-34; Mt 14:1-12 prayer, as the bishop celebrates Mass in its memory a few times a Sunday: Eccl 1:2; 2:21-23; Ps 90:3-6, 12-14, year.—Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. 17; Col 3:1-5, 9-11; Lk 12:13-21 KEEP PRAYING St. Monica, whose feast we celebrate in August, is often known as “the persistent mother.” She watched her oldest son, Augustine, turn his back on his Christian faith. Monica was exasperated. For years she gave up talking directly to her son on the advice of a local bishop, who told her that it was better to talk to God about Augustine then to Augustine about God. The mother never gave up praying for her son. Eventually Augustine gave up his wild ways, was baptized, and later ordained and named bishop of Hippo. St. Augustine went on to become one of the Church’s greatest scholars. Today’s readings address the importance of persistent prayer. Abraham, in spite of trepidation that he is bothering the Lord, continues to ask about the fate of Sodom and Gomorrah. Jesus, in Luke’s Gos- pel, tells his disciples to “ask and you will receive; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you” (Luke 11:9). This is our charge: keep praying Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Monday: Retrouvaille Lifeline for Marriage Thinking about Separation or Divorce? – Is your marriage or that of a relative or friend heading for divorce? Do you feel helpless to do anything about it? Retrouvaille is designed to help troubled marriages regain their health by helping spouses rediscover the love, trust and commitment that originally brought them together. The program is highly successful in saving hurting marriages, even bringing reconciliation to couples who have already separated or divorced. For confidential information or to apply to attend the program beginning with a weekend on September 16th call 800-470-2230 or email: or visit the web site at 6 Iglesia De San Jose July 24,2016 De la oficina del padre Felipe En la tradición Espiritual Católica, se nos recuerda de la importancia de la paciencia en la lucha contra la concupiscencia. La abundancia y penetración de los medios de comunicación con exhibiciones no cristianas e inmorales que las exponen como normal y como modelo a seguir están confundiendo las mentes más Jovenes de hoy en dia. El sentido de inapropiado y de culpa se ignoran. En un mundo como este la idea de concupiscencia se vuelve irrelevante. Con la propaganda psicológica en contra de la disciplina de los niños, inclusive de nosotros se está desapareciendo el sentido de culpa de nuestras mentes. No se puede enfatizar la importancia de mantener presentes la moral y una conciencia limpia entre nuestros hijos. El hábito de mantener la santidad es algo que debe cultivarse en nuestros hijos antes de ser expuestos a la inmoralidad y perversidad mundana. La propaganda liberal invade la mente de los niños y los mantiene adictos a través de caricaturas y juegos los cuales los padres usan para mantener a los niños ocupados. Los Valores Cristianos y principios que se les enseña a los niños despues en su vida son filtrados por las ideas con las que ya se llenaron. Esta cultura de mostrador está matando la formación espiritual Cristiana de nuestros hijos la cual no contraatacamos efectivamente. Considerando que hay muchas adversidades en la vida, la paciencia es necesaria en todos los aspectos de nuestras vidas especialmente en los asuntos espirituales. Hacemos muchos planes para tener una vida de paz, pero la vida no esta libre de luchas o dolor. Es fácil anhelar libertad de las tentaciones. Debemos estar conscientes de las tentaciones. Debemos aprender a encontrar paz cuando estamos atormentados con muchas tribulaciones y probados con muchas adversidades. Al cansarnos de los sufrimientos pronto desarrollaremos actitudes negativas. Si no podemos sufrir mucho ¿cómo soportaremos el fuego del purgatorio? Así que, para prevalecer, debemos hacerle frente al diablo por causa de Dios. Hay personas que disfrutan de muchos placeres y siguen su propio deseo en el mundo. Tal vida no durara mucho tiempo. Aun en esta vida no encuentran descanso en sus placeres sin amarguras, cansancio y miedo. Su dolor viene de su desenfreno a las cosas de este mundo. Los placeres mundanos son breves y vergonzosos. En su ceguera espiritual los hombres no entienden estas cosas, pero como la bestia le toco sufrir la muerte del alma por la miserable vida de gusto en lo corruptible. Por eso no debemos seguir nuestras codicias sino alejarnos de él. En el salmo 37:4 se nos recuerda “regocíjate en el Señor quien te dara lo que tu corazón desea.” Para progresar en nuestra vida espiritual de vemos desarrollar un rechazo a las cosas del mundo y sus placeres. Este retiro debe de ser reforzado con una intimad progresiva con el Señor. En las primeras etapas de la disciplina espiritual hay tristeza, afán, y conflicto. Los viejos hábitos se resistirán a ti y se deben vencer con mejores hábitos. La carne se quejará contra ti, pero será reprimida por el espíritu fervoroso. La antigua serpiente te picara y te atormentara. La oración lo pondrá a correr y con firmeza y esfuerzo el camino se le cerrará. Que Dios los bendiga. FORMACIÓN DE FE DE REGISTRO SE principio: Usted necesitará una copia de nacimiento de su niño, primera comunión y el bautismo CERTIFICADOS-si hubieran tenido aquí en San. JOSÉ apenas sepamos cuáles fueron los FECHAS. CADA NIÑO NECESITA una solicitud por separado. Cuota de inscripción es de $ 30.00 y $ 40.00 para ESTUDIANTES DE CONFIRMACIÓN. Oficina está abierta de 8-5 diario para que registre sus hijos. Caridades Católicas ofrece consultas de Inmigracion en: 627 West Second Street, Winston-Salem, NC 27101. El costo de todas las consultas es de $50. Para hacer una cita por favor llame al 336-727-0705. Llame pronto por que las citas son limitadas. Festival Parroquial; (KERMES) está subiendo en agosto., Vamos a mantener informados a los detalles. Este será un evento para recaudar fondos para nuestra nueva iglesia. Más información a seguir. July 24, 2016 Iglesia De San Jose LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — Por el bien de los diez no destruiré la ciudad (Génesis 18:20-32). 7 LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA 2 Cor 4:7-15; Sal 126 (125):1bc-6; Mt 20:20- 28 Jer 14:17-22; Sal 79 (78):8, 9, 11, 13; Mt 13:3643 Salmo — Te damos gracias de todo corazón (Salmo 138 [137]). Miércoles: Jer 15:10, 16-21; Sal 59 (58):2-4, 10-11, 17-18; Mt Segunda lectura —Enterrados con Cristo en el bautismo, tam 13:44-46 bién fuimos resucitados con él, todas nuestras Jueves: Jer 18:1-6; Sal 146 (145):1b-6ab; Mt 13:47-53 transgresiones perdonadas (Colosenses 2:12-14). Viernes: Jer 26:1-9; Sal 69 (68):5, 8-10, 14; Jn 11:19-27 o Lc 10:38-42 Evangelio — Pidan y recibirán, el Padre da el Espíritu Santo a los Sábado: Jer 26:11-16, 24; Sal 69 (68):15-16, 30-31,33-34; que se lo piden (Lucas 11:1-13). Mt 14:1-12 Domingo: Eccl 1:2; 2:21-23; Sal 90 (89):3-6, 12-14, 17; Col 3:1-5, 9-11; Lc 12:13-21 LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS CELEBRACIONES Domingo: Decimoséptimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Lunes: Santiago Martes: San Joaquín y santa Ana; Jornada Mundial de la Juventud, Cracovia, Polonia Viernes: Santa Marta Sábado: San Pedro Crisólogo; Santa María Virgen SIGUE REZANDO Santa Mónica, cuya fiesta celebramos en agosto, se conoce generalmente como “la madre persistente”. Ella vio como su hijo mayor, Agustín, le daba la espalda a su fe cristiana. Mónica estaba exasperada. Durante años se dio por vencida de hablar directamente a su hijo siguiendo el consejo de un obispo de la región que le dijo que era mejor hablar con Dios sobre Agustín que con Agustín sobre Dios. La madre nunca dejó de rezar por su hijo. Finalmente, Agustín abandonó su rebeldía, fue bautizado y luego ordenado y nombrado obispo de Hipona. San Agustín se convirtió en uno de los eruditos más importantes de la Iglesia. Las lecturas de hoy destacan la importancia de la oración persistente. Abraham, a pesar de temer molestar al Señor, continúa preguntándole sobre el destino de Sodoma y Gomorra. Jesús, en el Evangelio según san Lucas, le dice a sus discípulos “pidan y se les dará, busquen y encontrarán, toquen y se les abrirá” (Lucas 11:9). Esta es nuestra tarea: seguir rezando. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Lunes: Martes: LA MARCA DEL HACEDOR Si las cosas creadas están tan llenas de hermosura, ¡cuán esplendoroso ha de ser el Creador! La sabiduría del Obrero se hace presente en su obra.—San Antonio de Padua TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE Por siglos, Latinoamérica ha desarrollado una larga tradición religiosa con mitología espléndida. La palabra “religión” del verbo latín religere significa “atar” o “enlazar”. Su función es unir seres humanos, los unos con los otros, con lazos de caridad y justicia. Una vez enlazados en comunidad, la religión los une al poder divino que rige el universo. Entre las culturas andinas se encuentran mitos religiosos que muestran la importancia de este enlazamiento. Según la mitología Inca el universo esta compuesto por tres mundos: el cielo (Janan pacha), la tierra (Cay pacha) y el bajo tierra (Ucu pacha). Estos tres mundos están unidos por dos grandes serpientes, Yacú-mama (ríos) y Sacha-mama (árboles), símbolos de la fecundidad. Muchos piensan que los mitos son leyendas cuya función es el entretenimiento. En realidad los mitos no son fábulas, son historias que explican la verdad profunda del universo. Nos muestran como unirnos y enlazarnos para vivir una vida fecunda. En esta época de secularización, los cristianos no podemos olvidar ni la religión ni la mitología si queremos dar fruto como Jesús nos lo pide.—Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS St. Joseph Church #000033 512 W. Wainman Avenue Asheboro, NC 27203 TELEPHONE 336 629-0221 CONTACT PERSON Jean Hyatt EMAIL: SOFTWARE MSPublisher 2003 Adobe Acrobat 8 Windows Vista PRINTER Epson 720 TRANSMISSION TIME Tuesday 10:00 AM SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION December 16, 2012 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 8