July 31, 2016 - St. James Catholic Cathedral


July 31, 2016 - St. James Catholic Cathedral
St. James Cathedral
215 N. Orange Avenue, Orlando FL 32801
www.stjamesorlando.org Phone: 407-422-2005 Fax: 407-422-2009
July 31, 2016
Bishop of Orlando
Most Reverend John Noonan
Reverend John McCormick
Parochial Vicars:
Rev. Serge Pardo
Rev. Martin Nguyen
David Gray , Carlos Sola &
Patrick McAvoy
School Principal:
Dawn Helwig
Years ago, an evangelist recalls that a friend of his invited him to go to his home village,
which was a spot in the road town about 60 miles from Rio de Janeiro. When they arrived to
the family home where he had been raised, Sebastao introduced the missionary to his father
Don Jose. Pretty much everything was still very country and untouched by modern comforts.
There was no running water. The kitchen was separate from the house, the wife cooking
beans and rice. You get the picture. Sr. Jose made his way to the creek and undressed. He
explained that it was Saturday and he had to be clean for the Lord’s day. As he made his way
into the water, he asked the evangelist, "Where are you from, and what do you do?” The
evangelist replied, “I am from the USA, and I am a missionary.” An hour later, and back at the
house, Sr. Jose remarked, "Your job is pretty easy. I have worked these two acres, plowed and
tilled for over 37 years and know every corner. I have raised and fed 14 children. After what I
have seen God do with my two little acres, I HAVE NO DIFFICULTY BELIEVING IN
In our lives, as the days unfold one after the other, I have to confess that I have never
thought of my belief in God as easy pickings. Sure, in the birth of a newborn baby, the safe
return of a son from war torn lands or sunrise or sunsets over the river with an early morning
cup of coffee or an afternoon martini, God’s presence can be easy to detect. But in the drill of
the office from nine to five, broken family relationships, sadness or rejection in love, many
people may find it hard to think of my
relationship with God as easy. Our
mothers and grandmothers taught us
back when that God is everywhere. That
would include the closed ramps of I-4,
the worry of the job interview that never
materialized, the grown child that seems
to have wandered off the beaten path. I
often mention that I wonder if everyone
leaves Mass with homework. As you
leave Mass at St. John Vianney here in
Orlando, look up over each door. This is what you will read: YOU ARE NOW ENTERING
God Bless,
We received word this week that
Fr. Frank J. Mutsko died on July
15, 2016 at the age of 71, from a
heart related illness. Fr. Frank
served at St. James as well as St.
Timothy in Lady Lake. He retired
from active ministry and moved out of the area in November
of 2007. Mass will be offered for the repose of the soul of Fr.
Mutsko on Tuesday, August 2 at 12:10 PM. Kindly keep his
family in your prayers.
All children not in Catholic
school should be registered
for religious education
classes. Registration will be
held in the Atrium
following all morning
Masses on August 7 & 14.
A copy of a baptismal record will be needed for
new students.
St. James Cathedral is now
accepting registrations for
boys and girls entering
grades 1st – 4th for the
Children’s Choir, and those
entering grades 5th and up
for Jubilate Youth Choir.
The Choirs sing approximately once per month and
lead the singing at Mass. In addition to preparing the
music for Mass at their weekly rehearsals, the
Children and Youth Choirs use the curriculum of the
world-renowned Royal School of Church Music,
whose purpose is to foster good choral and
individual singing. The students have the option to
earn achievement medals as they follow RSCM’s
Curriculum. You can find the registration in the
Parish Office or online.
Please remember in your prayers
our parishioners who are ill,
Drane Zadrima, Phyllis Sanborn,
Mercy Liebner, Dennis Carreon,
Dr. Colin Condron
A Way Of Life For A Grateful Disciple
“Take care to guard against all greed, for though one may be
rich, one’s life does not consist of possessions.” Luke 12:15
The Gospel message today is so contrary to our
modern culture, where advertising continually tries to
convince us that our value lies in the things we
possess. Jesus showed us that our true value lies in the
way we live our lives. He challenges us to not store up
or hoard material possessions, but rather to live a
grateful and generous lifestyle.
Stewardship July 23 & 24 $22,573.01
For your convenience, electronic funds transfer and credit
card giving is available at stjamesorlando.org.
Thank you for placing God first!
If you are getting married at St.
James, the next music session will be
held on Saturday, August 6
immediately following the 4 PM
Mass in the choir loft. Please email
ejennings@stjamesorlando.org if you plan on
St. James Cathedral is a Catholic grade school
(accredited by the Florida Catholic Conference) across
from beautiful Lake Eola. They have a dedicated staff
and offer a challenging curriculum in a Christian
environment. We are proud of the small class sizes
with a maximum of 27 students per class in grades
kindergarten through 8th. We believe that each child
has the unlimited potential to live in the fullness of the
human spirit and we are dedicated to assisting each
child in realizing that potential.
Married Couples, would you like a special
weekend at San Pedro where you will find
a peaceful and God-Centered atmosphere
for you and your spouse? The next
Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend
will be August 19 - 21. For further information and
to register, call Bob & Sheila at 407-647-4289 or
wwme.org. You will be glad you did!
(Saints on a Road Youth Ministry for 7th - 12th Graders)
August 6 & 7 Peer Ministry Retreat for
high school students. Take a leadership
role in your faith. RSVP to
nwebb@stjamesorlando.org before July 28.
August 7 & 14 SOAR Youth Ministry
Registration following the 9 and 10:30 AM Masses.
Forms can be found on the website. Cost is $25. If
you have any questions, email
Saturday September 10 ROCK THE
UNIVERSE! A night of soul-stirring songs from
Christian music’s hottest stars, alongside awesome
rides and attractions. Tickets are $90 and include
admission and a fast pass. Annual passes are blacked
out. RSVP to nwebb@stjamesorlando.org by
August 26.
Sunday, September 26 SOAR KICK-OFF! Save
the date!
Follow us on Instagram at sjcsoar.
Exposition and Adoration of
the Blessed Sacrament is held in
the Chapel at St. James Monday
through Friday from 7:30 AM
until noon. A Pro-Life Holy
hour is on Wednesday evenings at 6 PM.
The Mission Office of the Diocese of Orlando needs
your help to complete three major construction
projects in our Sister Diocese in the Dominican
Republic. We need help with concrete, carpentry,
painting, stucco, plumbing and electrical. All
missions are one week. For a complete listing of
dates, contact Emmett at esapp@orlandodiocese.org
or visit the website at www.orlandodiocese.org/
MONDAY August 1
7:00 AM
David Smyth †
12:10 PM
TUESDAY August 2
7:00 AM
Anthony Garrido †
12:10 PM
Reverend Frank J. Mutsko †
7:00 AM
Camilo Michael Moore †
12:10 PM
7:00 AM
12:10 PM
Eliza Coba †
FRIDAY August 5
7:00 AM
12:10 PM
Jean Oreste Zamor †
8:00 AM
Abeba Teklemariam †
4:00 PM
Irene Connors †
SUNDAY August 7
7:30 AM
Anne Leblanc †
9:00 AM
Bobby Croft
10:30 AM
John Giessuebel †
12:15 PM
Matias Salazar †
5:00 PM
Barbara & Jim Bozeman †
Vigil (Saturday) 4 PM, Sunday: 7:30 AM, 9 AM, 10:30 AM, 12:15 PM (Spanish),
5 PM, 6:30 PM (Kreyole)
Weekdays: 7 AM, 12:10 PM Saturdays: 8 AM
Confessions: Monday-Friday: 11:30 AM Saturdays: 3 PM, Spanish: Sunday, 11:45 AM
Adoration and Exposition: Monday-Friday: 7:30 AM-noon Pro-life Holy Hour Wednesday 6 PM
Whether on Election Day, during early voting or by absentee ballot, casting your vote
responsibly requires you to be informed.
When it comes to marking your ballots, reconciling politics with the values of the Gospel and the
tenets of your Catholic faith can be difficult. If we take the time to become familiar with the
candidates' positions on key issues, we are better prepared to address this challenge.
The Florida Conference of Catholic Bishops has long conducted the Candidate Questionnaire Project
to assist Catholics and the broader community with the obligation to become informed voters.
Knowing where the candidates stand on matters concerning human life and dignity and the
advancement of the common good is essential to responsible, faithful citizenship.
In early July, all US Congressional and Florida legislative candidates appearing on the ballot in the
Primary and/or General Elections were invited to participate in a questionnaire. Candidates have been
asked to identify whether they support or oppose a range of issues that are important to your faith
community. The topics include religious freedom and conscience protection, environmental
stewardship, respect for life, choices in education, consumer protection, immigration reform,
international assistance, nuclear arms reduction, human trafficking prevention, parental empowerment
and priority for the poor. Although the questionnaires do not address every area of concern, care has
been taken to identify those issues likely to be acted on by lawmakers during the coming term. In
addition to their positions on the issues, candidates will be given the opportunity to include brief
comments on each question.
Candidate responses can be viewed on the Florida Conference of Catholic Bishops website:
www.flaccb.org/2016-election-candidates. This website will be updated on a regular basis as the
candidates continue to send responses to the survey. Summaries of candidate responses will be posted on
the website on Thursday, August 4 for the primary election and on Thursday, October 13 for the general
Candidate positions on issues are gathered for informational purposes only and are not used
for endorsement of any candidate or political party.
La vida de un misionero hecha fácil
Hace años un evangelista recuerda que un amigo lo invitó a su pueblo natal que era un lugar en el
pueblo de carreteras aproximadamente a seis millas de Río de Janeiro. Cuando llegaron a la casa de la familia,
Sebastao le presentó a su padre Don José. Casi todo estaba como campo, intocable por las comodidades
modernas. No había agua corriente, la cocina estaba afuera de la casa, su esposa cocinando las habichuelas y
el arroz, ya te lo puedes imaginar. El señor José fue al arroyo y se desvistió explicando que era sábado y que
había que estar limpios para el día del Señor. Entró en el agua y le preguntó al evangelista, “¿de dónde eres y
qué haces?”. Él contestó, “de los Estados Unidos y soy misionero”. Una hora más tarde, y ya en la casa, el
señor José remarcó, “tu trabajo es fácil. Yo he trabajado estos dos acres, arado y cultivado, criado y
alimentado catorce hijos, conozco cada esquina de esta tierra. Después de haber visto lo que Dios ha hecho
con mis dos acres, no tengo ninguna dificultad en creer en Dios”. En nuestras vidas con los días pasando
uno tras otro, tengo que confesar que nunca había pensado en mi creencia en Dios como algo fácil. Claro
que cuando nace un niño, cuando un hijo regresa de la guerra o en el amanecer o atardecer cerca de un río
junto a una taza de café en la mañana o un Martini en la tarde, se puede detectar la presencia de Dios
fácilmente. Pero en la oficina de nueve a cinco, relaciones familiares rotas, tristeza, el rechazo del amor,
muchas personas encuentran difícil el pensar en la relación con Dios como algo fácil. Nuestras madres y
abuelas nos enseñaron que Dios está en todas partes. Eso incluye salidas cerradas en la I-4, la preocupación
de la entrevista de trabajo que nunca se materializó, el hijo que parece que se sale del camino correcto.
Muchas veces me pregunto si todos salen de la Misa con tarea. Al salir de la Misa en St. John Vianney aquí en
Orlando fíjense que en cada puerta, dice: Usted está entrando territorio misionero.
Dios los bendiga,
Padre John
usted es
Un misionero
Corresponsabilidad una forma de vida para un
discípulo agradecido
Colecta: 24 de julio……$1,912.15
¡Gracias por colocar a Dios primero!
El Proyecto del Cuestionario de los Candidatos es
un esfuerzo apoyado por los Obispos de la
Florida para ayudar a los católicos y a la
comunidad en general a convertirse en votantes
informados. Estar familiariza dos con la posición
de los candidatos sobre cuestiones que envuelven
la vida y la dignidad humana y el bienestar común, es esencial para una ciudadanía responsable y fiel.
Preguntas sobre cuestiones de política pública son presentadas a todos los candidatos para el congreso, la
legislatura estatal, y el puesto gubernativo de la Florida y tienen que ver con asuntos que le conciernen a la
Iglesia que se espera les sean presentadas a los legisladores en el próximo término. Se cubre un amplio
ámbito de temas, tales como: el aborto, la investigación sobre células madre embrionarias, la pena de
muerte, el matrimonio, personas con discapacidades, la educación, inmigración, la protección de la
conciencia, la libertad religiosa, energía alternativa y armas nucleares. Las preguntas y las respuestas
recibidas de los candidatos para el congreso y el estado están disponibles en www.flaccb.org. Posiciones de
los candidatos sobre temas están reunidos para fines informativos solamente y no se utilizan para la promoción de ningún candidato o
partido político .