06/26/2016 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time


06/26/2016 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time
404 Charles St., Coatesville, Pa. 19320
St. Stanislaus Kostka Worship Site
209 W. Lincoln Highway, Coatesville, Pa. 19320
Rev. Eder Estrada Muñoz, FM. Pastor
Rectory: (610) 384-0360
Fax: (484) 288-8030
E-mail. SJRectory@comcast.net
Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
"He said to another man", "Follow me." But he replied, "Lord, let me go first and bury my father." But he
answered him, "Let the dead bury their dead. But you, go and proclaim the kingdom of God." (Luke 9, 5960).
0239- St. Joseph-
Saturday, June 25th
4:00 p.m. Confessions until 4:45 p.m.
5:00 p.m. Sue Dunlap, 9th Anniversary
(Godchild Andy Levenite)
Sunday, June 26th Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary
7:00 a.m. Parishioners
8:45 a.m. Ann Hennessy (Marie & Sam
10:15 a.m. Joanne & Lynn Marie Proudfoot
(Bob & Maryann Lasak)
12:00 p.m. Mass in Spanish
Monday, June 27th
9:00 a.m. Intention of the Priest
7:00 p.m. Mass in Spanish
Tuesday, June 28th
9:00 a.m. Ann Hennessy (The Arasin Family;
Eleonor, Sue & Chris
2:00 p.m. Monthly Mass at the Harrison
Senior Living Residence
7:00 p.m. Mass in Spanish
Wednesday, June 29th Solemnity of SS. Peter &
Paul Apostles
9:00 a.m. Intention of the Priest
7:00 p.m. Mass in Spanish
Thursday, June 30th
9:00 a.m. Intention of the Priest
7:00 p.m. Mass in Spanish
Friday, July 1st Feast of the Birth of St. John the
9:00 a.m. Stacy McManus Wood (Jack &
Judy Fitzpatrick)
7:00 p.m. Mass in Spanish
7:30 p.m. Eucharistic Holy Hour with hearing
of confessions.
Saturday, July 2nd
9:00 a.m. Anne Reshey (Maryanne IllesRever) Followed by the Miraculous Medal
4:00 p.m. Confessions until 4:45 p.m.
5:00 p.m. Helen Yankech (Joe & Shirley
Sunday, July 3rd Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary
7:00 a.m. Parishioners
8:45 a.m. Intention of the Priest
10:15 a.m. Jody-Ann Cialini (Andy Levenite)
12:00 p.m. Mass in Spanish
We are trying to keep our Sick List as current as
possible. If someone's name does not appear and should be
listed, or to include the name of your Sick please contact
the Rectory Office at 610/384-0360.
In the charity of your prayers, please remember
the sick: Joseph Yankech III, George Chenger, Margaret
Toth, Joseph Bryan, Joseph Sandoski, Betty Nikodemski,
Ruth Ortiz, Richard Smith, Judy Rice, Mary Ambroziak,
Mary Richey, John Toth, Frances Shesko, Roxanne Barnes,
Joey D'Angelo, Ann Cigas, Tammy Holt, Michael Soroka,
Mya Hostutler, Lucy Byerly, Dana Gabriel, Joseph Wade,
Susanne Towbar, Patty Tyndall, Edward Pacana, Violet
Pacana, Frank Kusnierczyk, Charlie Ambroziak, Ray
Pawlowski, Mary Jane Lasak (Winkie), Robert Reeder and
Zayn Kempest.
Among the recently deceased, we remember
Monsignor Bernard E. Witkwski and George Chenger.
Also we extend our prayerful support to all
persecuted Christians worldwide, especially in Iraq and
Syria. And too, we pray for the safety and well-being of
our U.S. Military forces serving abroad, especially in the
Middle East.
Collections of week June 19, 2016
Weekly envelopes
Loose money
Other parish Collections
$ 2,744.00
$ 778.00
$ 727.00
$ 4,249.00
Total Envelopes
# 156
Update your information
Are you new to the area and need to register?
Are you recently married?
Have you moved, changed your address, phone
number or email address or made any other changes
in your household?
Have you stopped receiving envelopes?
Please call the rectory at 610-384-0360 to have your
records updated.
Thank you!
0239- St. Joseph-
9, 59-60)
Christ’s posture towards family or other great human
values which claim an important place in the heart of
man isn’t easy to understand, nor explain. In fact,
while some fall on one extreme-of separating for
everything and don’t love anyone as if God was
jealous of human loves-, others fall in the opposite
extreme and put these legitimate loves before the love
of God, which goes to second place.
God has the right to rule our heart. Demand the first
place. He deserves to be loved more than anyone:
family, country, work, health. But He doesn’t want to
be the only one. We must reconcile all the legitimate
loves, which will be possible if God is first. The
primacy of God in our heart puts the rest of our loves
and interests in their correct places. When this doesn’t
happen, everything is out of place and out of order: if
one loves work disproportionately or idolizes the body
or adores entertainment or even loves family so much
that they are willing to commit whatever transgression
to aid.
God is first, and as such, is telling us every minute
where we are deviating. At times we will hear his
voice that says we have forgotten family, while on
other occasions he will call our attention because we
have done well our job, or attended our friends,
country or the whole good. As well, frequently, when
God is relegated after other things, with the excuse that
they are more important because they are good, what
ends up happening is that these things are then
relegated for others which are not so good.
Intention: So that God is first spend more time for
Him. And later work accordingly, or at least, feel
guilty each time you don’t
Email: consultas@frmaria.org
Evangelization Training Camp – Aug 8-12
Join the team at Evangelical Catholic for 5 days of
spiritual growth accompanied by the best and most
practical evangelization training tailored to your
unique ministry or apostolate. August 8-12 at
Malvern Retreat House, Malvern, PA. For more
information, visit: www.evangelicalcatholic.org/etc
1. What is the plan of God for man?
God, infinitely perfect and blessed in himself, in a plan
of sheer goodness freely created man to make him
share in his own blessed life. In the fullness of time,
God the Father sent his Son as the Redeemer and
Savior of mankind, fallen into sin, thus calling all into
his Church and, through the work of the Holy Spirit,
making them adopted children and heirs of his eternal
Malvern Family Festival
Malvern Retreat House will hold a Family Festival
on Sunday, June 26 from 1pm-6pm on its 125-acre
grounds. This afternoon event will kick off with
Sunday Mass at the Our Lady of Lourdes Grotto.
After Mass, there will be performances by Rev.
Kevin McGoldrick and Grammy-Nominated
Singer/Songwriter Marty Rotella, children's games &
crafts, and food, such as water ice, pretzels, popcorn,
hot dogs, and hamburgers. The cost will be $25/per
car. To register, please visit
malvernretreat.com/register or call 610-644-0400 for
more information.
Abbey Fest
Save the Date! The 3rd Annual AbbeyFest: Faith, Music and
Family all-day music festival will be held Saturday,
September 24, 2016 on the grounds of Daylesford Abbey in
Paoli from 11am-9pm. Come and join us at this faith-filled
event that features Music bands/Christian artists, Speakers,
Mass, Confessions and Eucharistic Adoration. Last year,
AbbeyFest drew close to 3,000 attendees of all ages,
including many parish families. So grab some friends,
family, a blanket…and make a day of it! In addition to
music, there will be food, craft vendors/exhibits, and games
for kids. The 2016 music line-up include award-winning
bands such as: Sidewalk Profits, Stars Go Dim, The Josh
Blakesley Band, and many more! Catholic author and
speaker Jeff Cavins will give the keynote. More Information
and Tickets on sale now at: www.theabbeyfest.com. Any
questions, please check the website or contact Jim or Lia
Gorman (610)296-2330
(email: jimliagorman@comcast.net)
0239- St. Joseph-
“Savio Boy Choir Concert:
The Savio Boy Choir will be hosting the worldrenowned boy choir of Les Petits Chanteurs Du
Mont-Royal of Montreal, Canada. They will sing a
combined Mass with the Savio Boy Choir of
Philadelphia on Saturday, July 2, 2016 at 4:15 PM
with a concert to follow. The concert will take place
at Sacred Heart of Jesus Church at 3rd and Reed
Streets in Philadelphia, PA.
Free Admission, Free Will Donations Graciously
For more information on the choir, the concert, or to
make a contribution, please visit our website at
2016 Catholic Women's Conference
You’re invited to step away from everyday life for a
day of inspiration and renewal at the Catholic
Women’s Conference,
Mother of Mercy: Make Our Hearts Like Yours!
Saturday, October 29, 2016 - 8:30am-4pm
National Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa
Doylestown, PA
Nine dynamic speakers address all facets of the
feminine genius and a woman’s mission of mercy in
the family, the Church, and the world. This special
day includes something for every woman, married,
single and consecrated, featuring presentations in
English, Spanish, American Sign Language and a
track for young women in high school and college.
For more info, visit
Benedicta Women's Leadership Conference
& Women of Grace
Malvern Retreat House is hosting two retreat
opportunities in July with well-known retreat director
Johnnette Benkovic. On July 7-8 the Benedicta
Women's Leadership Conference will train women to
be active leaders and mentors. This conference will
be followed by the Women of Grace weekend retreat
on July 8-10. This retreat will include four
noteworthy speakers and a focus on the theme "Hail,
Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy: Our Refuge on the
Battlefield of Life." To register, please visit
malvernretreat.com/register or call 610-644-0400 for
more information.
Young Adults: Summer Lovin’: Part One
Are you a young adult in your 20s or 30s? If so, join
the Catholic Young Adults of Chester County
(CYACC) this Wednesday, June 29, 2016 at 7:30 PM
at Ss Peter and Paul in West Chester for our first
night focusing on The Four Loves by C.S.
Lewis. We'll discuss Storge (Affection), which is the
most natural, emotive, and widely diffused of
loves. For more info check us out on Facebook or
email us at cyacc1@gmail.com.
Jubilee Year of Mercy – The Spiritual Works
of Mercy
Jesus said “Blessed are the merciful, for mercy shall
be theirs” (Mt 5:7), which makes the practice of the
spiritual works of mercy a win-win for everyone!
When we instruct the ignorant and counsel the
doubtful, we’re forced to brush up on our own faith
in order to properly inform others. How many
misunderstandings about Church teaching could be
prevented if we understood not just what she teaches,
but why!
Admonishing sinners isn’t about judging someone’s
heart; it’s about those everyday moral decisions about
right and wrong that we make whenever we decide
not to steal, gossip, lie, etc. When we admonish
sinners with love, we reaffirm our own convictions
and make this world more civil and loving.
To bear wrongs patiently not only impresses those
who offend us, it makes us stronger in body, mind
and spirit. Paybacks might feel good, but they also
introduce discord and division into our world. When
we bear wrongs patiently, we become channels of
Scripture and science agree that forgiving offenses
willingly, letting go of grudges and bitterness, makes
people happier, healthier, and better able to meet the
challenges of everyday life.
Comforting the afflicted brings the merciful touch
of God to those most in need. Our own faith is
reinforced when we see how God’s presence can
strengthen a soul in the midst of suffering.
Praying for the living and the dead unites us to the
full Body of Christ – both in heaven and on earth –
and invites the power of God into the lives of our
living and deceased loved ones. When we give
God’s mercy to others, it becomes a blessing to us
-Susan Brinkmann, O.C.D.S., Catholic Life
Institutes, Bedminster, PA
0239- St. Joseph-
“A otro le dijo: ‘Sígueme’. Él respondió: ‘Déjame primero ir a enterrar a mi padre’. Le contestó: ‘Deja que los muertos
entierren a sus muertos; tú vete a anunciar el Reino de Dios” (Lc 9, 59-60).
Horario de Misas en Español
Lunes 27 a jueves 30 - 7:00 p.m. Misa en San José
La actitud de Cristo ante la familia o ante los otros
grandes valores humanos que reclaman un puesto
importante en el corazón del hombre, no es fácil de
entender, ni de explicar. De hecho, mientras unos caen
en un extremo -el de cortar con todo y no querer a
nadie como si a Dios le dieran celos los amores
humanos-, otros caen en el extremo contrario y
anteponen esos legítimos amores al amor a Dios, que
pasa así a ocupar un lugar secundario.
Viernes 1 de julio -
Domingo 3 de julio -
7:00 p.m. Misa en honor de la
Virgen de la Nube en San
12:00 del Mediodía Misa en
San José.
6:30 p.m. Misa en Ntra.
Señora de Consolación en
Rezo del Santo Rosario
De lunes a viernes a las 6:30 p.m.
Todos los días, 45 minutos antes de la Santa
1. ¿Cuál es el designio de Dios para el hombre?
Dios, infinitamente perfecto y bienaventurado en sí
mismo, en un designio de pura bondad ha creado
libremente al hombre para hacerle partícipe de su vida
bienaventurada. En la plenitud de los tiempos, Dios
Padre envió a su Hijo como Redentor y Salvador de
los hombres caídos en el pecado, convocándolos en su
Iglesia, y haciéndolos hijos suyos de adopción por
obra del Espíritu Santo y herederos de su eterna
Dios tiene derecho a reinar en nuestro corazón. Exige
el primer puesto. Merece ser amado más que a nadie:
familia, patria, trabajo, salud. Pero no quiere ser el
único. Hay que conciliar todos los amores legítimos,
lo cual sólo será posible si Dios es el primero. La
primacía de Dios en nuestro corazón pone el resto de
los amores o de los intereses en su puesto justo.
Cuando esto no sucede, todo se descoloca y se
desordena: se ama exageradamente al trabajo, o se
idolatra el cuerpo, o se adora la diversión o incluso se
ama tanto a la familia que se está dispuesto a cometer
cualquier delito para favorecerla.
Dios es el primero y, como tal, nos estará diciendo en
cada momento en qué nos estamos extraviando. A
veces oiremos su voz que nos dice que hemos olvidado
la familia, mientras que en otras ocasiones nos llamará
la atención por no haber atendido lo suficiente a
nuestro trabajo, a nuestros amigos, a la patria o al bien
colectivo. Además, con frecuencia, cuando a Dios se
le relega en función de otras cosas, con la excusa de
que éstas son más importantes porque son buenas, lo
que termina por pasar es que a esas cosas también se
les termina relegando por otras que no son tan buenas.
Propósito: Para que Dios sea el primero, empezar por
dedicarle más tiempo. Y luego obrar en consecuencia
o, al menos, tener sentido de culpa cada vez que no lo
hacemos así.
Email: consultas@frmaria.org
0239- St. Joseph-