July 3, 2016 - Sacred Heart Church
July 3, 2016 - Sacred Heart Church
July 3, 2016 Fourteenth Sunday Ordinary Time Page 1 SACRED HEART CATHOLIC CHURCH 10800 HENDERSON RD., VENTURA, CA 93004 (805) 647-3235; FAX (805) 647-8087 Visit us on the WEB at: www.sacredheartventura.org Email us at: rectory@sacredheartventura.org Parish Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30AM - 4:30PM Saturday 8:30AM - 2PM & Sunday 7:30AM - 11:45AM SACRED HEART SCHOOL 10770 Henderson Rd., Ventura, CA 93004 (805) 647-6174 OUR SHARED MISSION We are called to be an unconditionally loving and welcoming community. We have been called by our Baptism, into the body of Christ, and we celebrate our relationship in Word, Sacrament, and family celebration. Al Ezeonyeka, Administrator Rev. Carlos Macias, LC, Associate Pastor Rev. Daniel O’Sullivan, Pastor Emeritus Deacon John Barry Deacon Fernando Flores Deacon Phil Conforti Deacon Humberto Guzman BAPTISMS: Parents & godparents are required to attend a class focused on their responsibilities & the meaning of the Sacrament prior to the ceremony. Classes are held on the 3rd Wednesday of the month. Call the parish office to set an appointment. After the initial interview the office will call you to schedule the class and the Baptism. MARRIAGES/QUINCEAÑERAS: They need to be arranged at least six months prior by calling the parish office & scheduling an appointment with a priest or deacon. VOCATIONS: If you think that God might be calling you to serve God as a priest, a brother, or sister contact: Fr. John Love at (805) 968-1078 or frlove@gmail.com. UPCOMING AT SACRED HEART • • • • Independence Day - Parish Office Closed Theology-On-Tap Visit from Our Lady of Zapopan Welcome for Fr. Al July 4 July 5 July 10 July 17 Vivian Nichols, Business Manager Karen Oishi, Office Manager Marion Inglis, Bulletin Editor Aurora Gonzales, Secretary Sr. Margaret Mary, SND, DRE Justin Wilburn, Youth Ministry Christine Benner, Principal Don Mulville, Maintenance; Sp. Events Coord. RELIGIOUS SERVICES (SERVICIOS RELIGIOSOS) WEEKEND EUCHARIST: Saturday and Eves of Holy Days: 5:30 p.m. Sundays: 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m. 12:00 noon (Español), and 5:30 p.m. DAILY MASS SCHEDULE: Monday - Friday: 7:00, 8:30 a.m. Saturday: 8:30 a.m. CONFESSION SCHEDULE: Friday: 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Saturday: 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. DEVOTIONS Morning Prayer: Monday - Friday 6:40 am, 8:15 am Rosary: Monday—Friday 6:25 am 9:00 am Saturday 6:00 am Sunday 7:00am Holy Hour: Friday 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm First & last Friday of the Month 7-8 p.m. (Español) Divine Mercy Chaplet & Rosary: Friday 3 p.m. Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 2 Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 3, 2016 May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. — Galatians 6:14 A MESSAGE FROM OUR NEW ADMINISTRATOR... My name is Fr. Aloysius Ezeonyeka, OSB. I feel truly blessed to have received Christ Jesus in my life at a young age of 21. That conversion experience became a turning point in my life. Five years later, in 1992, I joined the Benedictines and became a monk. Since then, I have studied in Nigeria, Ireland, France, the United States and Costa Rica. As a layperson, monk and priest, I have been in different leadership positions. Prior to moving to the United States, I served in a leadership role in our monastery (St. Benedict’s Monastery, Ewu Ishan, Nigeria). For most of my religious life, I have been teaching, counseling, giving spiritual directions, retreats and seminars. Vocationally, I am a priest, but professionally, I am a counselor and a spiritual director. I have gained a wealth of knowledge working in different parishes within the Los Angeles Archdiocese including Corpus Christi in Pacific Palisades, St. Frances of Rome in Azusa, Holy Family in Wilmington. Presently, I am the Administrator of Holy Spirit and St. Mary Magdalen Parishes in Los Angeles. I am a very passionate Catholic priest. And so with the Psalmist, I can truly say that ‘I rejoice when I hear them say, “let us go to God's House.”’ Ps 122:1 I have heard so many wonderful things about the great community of Sacred Heart Parish. And so I feel blessed and honored to be called to serve among you. And so with the help of God, I feel enthused and hopeful for the future. And in the words of St. Paul, I say to you all: “I long to see you so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to make you strong— that is, that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other's faith” (Rom. 1:11-12). TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — Rejoice and be glad for I will spread prosperity over Jerusalem like a river, and the wealth of nations like an overflowing torrent (Isaiah 66:1014c). Psalm — Let all the earth cry out to God with joy (Psalm 66). Second Reading — May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ (Galatians 6:14-18). Gospel — Jesus sends his disciples out in pairs to bring his peace and proclaim the kingdom of God (Luke 10:1-12, 17-20) [1-9]. Reflections by Fr. Carlos I want to share an article from Sister Colleen Therese Smith, A.S.C.J. She is the director of vocations for the US Province of the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and speaks about how to know if God is calling you to the religious life. This time I give two points. 1. A peace like no other Saint Ignatius of Loyola teaches in his Spiritual Exercises that when your own will is aligned with God’s will, you shall know great consolation. God’s will is completely directed toward allowing you to know God and being able to love God in return. Thus, Ignatius writes, “Our only desire and our one choice should be this: I want and I choose what better leads to God’s deepening life in me” (no. 23). God would not call you to consecrated religious life and then not somehow reveal that vocation. Rather than some sort of external sign, the Ignatian tradition says that a deep inner peace is the truest one. Over and over I have seen young women feeling a great sense of unrest in their discernment process, but when they finally surrender and say “yes” to what their heart tells them is God’s plan, they experience a profound peace. The pivotal moment comes when discerners recognize that God is not calling them to be anyone other than their best selves. One woman described this sense to me when she said, “I feel like I just came home to myself.” A peace like no other or, as Jesus says, “a peace the world cannot give” (John 14:27), is the first “sign” that you have found God’s will. 2. Your deepest desire The second sign is also integral to the Ignatian spiritual tradition: your own deepest desires do in fact reflect God’s deepest desires for you. A young woman tearfully once said to me: “I so hope God is calling me to religious life! I want nothing more than to give my life completely to Him!” “So why are you still so conflicted?” I asked. “Because,” she sighed, “what if that’s not where God is calling me?” Ignatius assures us that God has placed God’s deepest desires for us within our own hearts. Ask yourself: “Would I be disappointed if God were not calling me to religious life?” In order to know what you really desire, moreover, you have to get beyond all the cultural messages that tell you what “should” make you happy. You might need to get beyond your family’s expectations of who you “could” be. Through silence and prayer, you will gradually come to hear that quiet voice within and, with God’s grace, have the courage to trust that these deep inner longings are really from God. July 3, 2016 Page 3 Youth Ministry News During the summer there is a lot of opportunity to spend time with family. Whether it’s the 4th of July watching fireworks and having a BBQ, or going on a vacation to visit family or maybe even just get away. These are all great things but sometimes we forget we have multiple families. Not just your family that you are related to by blood or marriage, but maybe you have a group of friends who are like family, maybe a sports team, and even a church family. A lot of times during the summer our core team will go out after mass on Sunday to catch a movie or grab food or even just hang out somewhere fun. Most of us when we come to church have people that we always sit next to or have friends we know at mass, but usually we see them, say hi, and once mass is over we go our separate ways. One thing I challenge our teens to do during the summer is to do something post mass with people who you just went to church with. At many other churches in other denominations they have a coffee hour after church where people come together and socialize after church. We need to get away from this mentality of coming in and doing our time and getting out. We need to grow with our brothers and sisters, in and out of the mass. So I challenge you, the next time you go to mass, try doing something with people you know at church after mass. Talk about the mass and what the priest said, and grow with each other, even if its just over coffee. This is how the church grows and becomes stronger, and is what we need especially during the summer when the masses are lighter than usual. Sr. Margaret Mary E-Mail: re@sacredheartventura.org 1. Registration forms for September classes can be obtained from our website sacredheartventura.org under “faith formation” or from the religious education office door (located behind the church and central to the school). Please FOLLOW the directions on the back of the form. We have classes for children 4 years old through 8th grade, including First Communion preparation. 2. Our religious education office will be CLOSED during the month of July. We will re-open Sunday, July 31st. 3. Reminder to parents of students entering the second year: Please use children’s envelopes each time your child goes to Sunday Mass during the summer break. 4. Save the date: Santa Barbara Regional Congress will be held Saturday, September 24th at Saint Bonaventure High School. Registration information will be available soon. RESPECT LIFE SUNDAY We’re all humans aren’t we? Every human life is worth the same and worth saving. ~ J.K. Rowling THEOLOGY-ON-TAP Calling all Young Adults age 18-39! Join us for our first week of Theology on Tap this Tuesday, July 5th. Our speaker is Patrick Rivera and his talk is entitled. “The Curious Story of Vulnerability: How Stories of the Marginalized Can Influence Our Faith”. Doors open at 7pm and the event ends at 9pm. There is no cost for this event however we do check ID at the door so please be sure to bring one with you. Food and beverages will be provided and a free will offering will be available. We hope to see you there! Stewardship: “Is heart work!” “Use your God given gifts to serve others.” ~1 Peter 4:10 OFFICES CLOSED The Parish & Ministry offices will be CLOSED on Monday, July 4th in observance of Independence Day. Only the 8:30AM Mass will be celebrated on that day. Wishing you a happy & safe holiday! POPE’S PRAYER INTENTIONS FOR JULY Universal: That indigenous peoples, whose identity and very existence are threatened, will be shown due respect. Evangelization: That the Church in Latin America and the Caribbean, by means of her mission to the continent, may announce the Gospel with renewed vigor and enthusiasm. Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 4 EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Every Friday Friday 9 a.m. — Saturday 8:30 a.m. The roots of Eucharistic Adoration originated from the early Christian practice of Eucharistic reservation. Eucharistic reservation meant that after the celebration of Mass, a small portion of the Hosts consecrated at Mass were saved (reserved) so the Sacrament could be taken to those who were sick. Naturally, the same reverence given to Jesus, truly present in the Hosts consecrated at Mass, was transferred to the Hosts that were kept to communicate the sick. Eventually the practice developed where adoration was offered to Christ, present in the Sacrament. The worship due to God was offered to Jesus present in the Blessed Sacrament. (Fr. Richard Poblocki) We need Substitute adorers for all hours during the Summer months. Please call Huguette 620-0958. This week’s vocal Holy Hour in English @ 7p.m. is for Respect Life. VISIT FROM OUR LADY OF ZAPOPAN In Guadalajara, Mexico there is a shrine of Our Lady of Zapopan who is the patroness against thunderstorms and epidemics, she is considered a miracle maker. Our Lady of Zapopan will be visiting Sacred Heart on Sunday, July 10th. Welcome will be at 10AM in Biedermann Hall; Procession at 11:30; Mass at 12PM. There will be food & music. All are welcome! THE TIDINGS IS BECOMING ANGELUS NEWS Intenciones de la Semana (†)Deceased (-)Intentions Sunday, July 3 5:30 pm (Sat) † Dominick Ciuffetelli 7:30 am † Ted & Lynn Kretchmer 9:00 am - Parishioners of Sacred Heart 10:30 am - Larry Pelayo 12:00 pm - Adrian Olivera 5:30 pm † Maria Thin Nguyen Monday, July 4 8:30 am - Don Mulville Tuesday, July 5 7:00 am - Ralph & Carmne Berg 8:30 am - Lynn & Ted Kretchmer Wednesday, July 6 7:00 am - Fr. Daniel A. O’Sullivan 8:30 am † Nancy Henry Thursday, July 7 7:00 am † Sylvia Sailer 8:30 am - Ralph & Carmen Berg Friday, July 8 7:00 am † William Raymond, Sr. 8:30 am † Al & Rose Vitrano Saturday, July 9 8:30 am - Ted & Lynn Kretchmer INTERCESSIONS PLEASE PRAY FOR…. On July 1 The Tidings transformed and became a multi-media platform: Angelus News. The new presence will include a weekly magazine, a website (Angelusnews.com), social media channels and a daily newsletter. Look for more national & worldwide reporting. As the largest archdiocese in the United States, we have a great story to tell. Our parishes and community of faith are the core of our story. We are proud of our past, but looking to the future. The Sick of our Parish — Enfermos de Nuestra Parroquia: Fr. Paul Wolkovitz, Colette Youse, Don Dudley, Teresa Beebe, Evelyn Clifford, Kevin Natale Died in Christ — Murio en Cristo: Helda Schmith, Antonio Mena, Donald E. Haskell, Ruth Gallagher LEAVE A LEGACY Parish Support:$11,629.95 School Support:$145.00 Capital Improvements:$272.00 SVdP:$187.00 Children’s Env:$21.00 Archdiocesan Coll:$341.00 An important part of one’s stewardship is to have a valid up-to-date will. Is God’s will in your will? Honor our Lord by remembering your church in your will or trust. WEEKLY COLLECTION SUNDAY, June 26, 2016 COLLECTION TOTAL COLLECTION: $12,595.95 Thank you for your continued support! WORDS OF WISDOM… “God doesn’t want something from us. He simply wants us. ~ C.S. Lewis July 3, 2016 Page 5 MISA DEL MEDIODÍA, 12 P.M. UN MENSAJE DE NUESTRO NUEVO ADMINISTRADOR Mi nombre es P. Aloysius Ezeonyeka, OSB. Me siento verdaderamente bendecido de haber recibido a Cristo Jesús en mi vida a la temprana edad de 21 años. Esa experiencia de conversión se convirtió en un momento decisivo en mi vida. Cinco años más tarde, en 1992, me uní a los benedictinos y me hice monje. A partir de entonces, he estudiado en Nigeria, Irlanda, Francia, Estados Unidos y Costa Rica. Como laico, religioso y sacerdote, he estado en diferentes posiciones de liderazgo. Antes de trasladarme a los Estados Unidos, serví en un papel de liderazgo en nuestro monasterio (Monasterio de San Benito, Ewu Ishan, Nigeria). La mayor parte de mi vida religiosa, he estado enseñando, aconsejando, dando direccion espiritual, retiros y seminarios. Vocacionalmente yo soy cura, pero profesionalmente, soy consejero y director espiritual. He adquirido una gran cantidad de conocimiento trabajando en diferentes parroquias de la Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles, incluyendo Corpus Christi en Pacific Palisades, Santa Francisca Romana en Azusa y Sagrada Familia, en Wilmington. Actualmente, soy el administrador de las parroquias Espíritu Santo y Santa María Magdalena en Los Ángeles. Soy un sacerdote católico muy apasionado. Así, con el salmista, puedo decir con eso me regocijo cuando escucho decir, "vamos a ir a la casa de Dios." Salmo 122: 1 He escuchado tantas cosas maravillosas acerca de la gran comunidad de la Parroquia del Sagrado Corazón. Así que me siento bendecido y honrado de haber sido llamado a servir entre vosotros. Con la ayuda de Dios, me siento entusiasmado y lleno de esperanza para el futuro. Y en las palabras de an Pablo, digo a todos ustedes: "anhelo verles para impartirles algún don espiritual que los fortalezca, es decir, que nos animemos mutuamente por nuestra fe "(Rom. 1: 11-12). Reflexiones del Padre Carlos Algunos de ustedes se han preguntado cómo saber si Dios llama a una persona a consagrar su vida. Quiero compartirles un artículo de la hermana Colleen Therese Smith, A.S.C.J. es la directora de vocaciones para la Provincia de los EE.UU. de los Apóstoles del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús que habla sobre algunas señales para saber si Dios está hablando a una persona a consagrar su vida. Pidamos a Dios por más vocaciones. 1. Una paz incomparable San Ignacio de Loyola enseña que su deseo y nuestra única opción deben ser esto: Yo deseo y yo elijo lo que mejor me conduzca a la vida de Dios que se profundiza en mi” (no. 23). Dios no te llamaría a la vida religiosa consagrada y luego dejaría de revelarte de algún modo esa vocación. En vez de algún tipo de señal externa, la tradición ignaciana dice que una profunda paz interior es la señal más verdadera. Una y otra vez he visto a jóvenes mujeres que sienten una gran inquietud en su proceso de discernimiento, pero cuando finalmente se rinden y dicen “sí” a lo que su corazón les dicta que es el plan de Dios, sienten una profunda paz. El momento crucial llega cuando quienes disciernen reconocen que Dios no los está llamando a ser ninguna otra cosa que lo mejor de sí mismos. Una mujer me describió esta sensación cuando me dijo, “me siento como quien recién ha llegado a su propio hogar.” Una paz incomparable o, como dice Jesús, “una paz que el mundo no puede dar” (Juan 14:27), es la primera “señal” de que has encontrado la voluntad de Dios. 2. Tu deseo más profundo La segunda señal está también integrada con la tradición espiritual ignaciana: tus propios deseos más profundos de hecho reflejan realmente los deseos más profundos de Dios para ti. Una joven, llorando, me dijo una vez: “¡Deseo tanto que Dios me esté llamando a la vida religiosa! No deseo ninguna otra cosa que entregar mi vida completamente a Él.” “Entonces, ¿por qué estás tan conflictuada todavía?” le pregunté. “Porque,” me dijo suspirando, “¿qué pasa si no es allí a donde Dios me está llamando?” Ignacio nos asegura que Dios ha puesto los deseos más profundos de Dios para nosotros dentro de nuestros propios corazones. Pregúntate: “¿Me sentiría desilusionado si Dios no me estuviese llamando a la vida religiosa?” Para saber lo que realmente deseas, por otra parte, tienes que ir más allá de todos los mensajes culturales que te dicen qué “debería” hacerte feliz. Tal vez necesites ir más allá de las expectativas de tu familia en cuanto a quien “podrías” ser. A través del silencio y la oración, gradualmente vas a llegar a escuchar esa tranquila voz interior y, con la gracia de Dios, tendrás el valor de confiar en que estos profundos anhelos internos son realmente de Dios. OFICINAS CERRADAS VIRGEN DE ZAPOPAN Todas las oficinas de la iglesia estaran CERRADAS el lunes, 4 de Julio en honor al Día de la Independencia. La Virgen de Zapopan de visita en el Sagrado Corazón el domingo, 10 de Julio. Bienvenida en el salón a las 10AM. Procesión 11:30AM ~ Misa 12PM. Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 6 LITURGICAL MINISTRIES SACRED HEART PARISH OFFICES SACRED HEART SCHOOL: Christine Benner, Principal RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE: Sister Margaret Mary Scott, S.N.D., Director HISPANIC MINISTRY (Ministerio Hispano): Deacon Fernando Flores, Director YOUTH MINISTRY: Justin Wilburn PLANT MANAGER: (Cell) Don Mulville SCRIP OFFICE: Shaune Ramirez 647-6174 647-3235 Ext. 306 647-3235 Ext. 311 647-3235 Ext. 313 797-4474 647-0713 ORGANIZATIONS BIBLE STUDY BOY SCOUTS Bob Camarillo BLUE ARMY OF OUR LADY OF FATIMA Huguette Johnston CHARISMATIC PRAYER GROUP Blanca Macias CUB SCOUTS Therese Palmisano DETENTION MINISTRY Rick Goulette EUCHARISTIC APOSTLES OF DIVINE MERCY Bob & Zaida Worthley Vicky Spicer (Divina Misericordia) FAMILY TO FAMILY Nita Perkins FINANCE COUNCIL Cindy Fanning GUADALUPANAS Amelia Mijares HOMELESSNESS COMMITTEE Patrick Manning ITALIAN CATHOLIC FEDERATION Carol Eller KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Mike Kipp, Grand Knight PARENT TEACHER COUNCIL Anna Jordon, President POLISH COMMUNITY Ed Osiadacz RESPECT LIFE Wilhelmina Stoll SAFEGUARD THE CHILDREN Liz Hoffman SENIOR ASSISTANCE Barbara Rodriguez ST. VINCENT DE PAUL Person on call WELCOMING MINISTRY Dcn. John Barry JOVENES ADULTOS PARA CRISTO 647-3235 377-7840 620-0958 647-9385 ALTAR SERVERS MINISTRY: Sandie Dominguez EUCHARISTIC MINISTRY COORDINATOR: Fred Baskin INFANT BAPTISMS: Dcn. Phil Conforti LECTOR COORDINATOR: Joann Abing LITURGY COORDINATOR: MARRIAGE COORDINATOR: Carmen Gomez Lee MINISTRY TO THE SICK: Sandie Dominguez, Facilitator USHERS MINISTRY: Joe Lee MUSIC COORDINATOR: Sarah Hardcastle CHILDREN’S CHOIR: Katie Manning R.C.I.A. ADULT ED: 647-3086 202-9555 650-8557 659-3839 647-1609 647-3206 659-2255 795-1512 647-6174 LECTORES: Jose Cancino MINISTROS DE EUCARISTIA: Maria Lopez Roberto Sanchez UJIERES: José Arambula SERVIDORES DEL ALTAR: Alicia Mendez MINISTERIO DE MUSICA: Dcn. Fernando Flores CORO: Hector Reyes BAUTIZOS: Dcn. Fernando Flores RICA (Iniciación Cristiana): Rosa Flores 659-3751 647-1842 216-2787 794-3623 889-3376 (Young Adults for Christ) Gabriel Rodriguez, Coordinator Read bulletin online at the Sacred Heart Church website: www.sacredheartventura.org. Please email all bulletin announcements by Fridays at 5 p.m. (10 days before bulletin is distributed) to bulletineditor@sacredheartventura.org. 382-6816 644-4586 647-3235 647-4843 525-0010 647-4843 279-7595 766-1380 647-3235 525-4327 433-1944 448-9965 647-1351 701-9406 647-3235 Ext. 311 701-2253 647-3235 Ext. 311 701-7753 PARISH REGISTRATION OR CHANGE OF ADDRESS 647-7306 647-3235 671-9911 CORDINADORES DE LITURGIA 647-5641 340-3983 525-0010 If you are new in our Parish Community, in Jesus’ name we welcome you and hope along with us you will experience the touch of Jesus. If you have a new address or phone number please complete this form and place it in the collection basket or return it to the parish office so we can stay connected. The parish needs you; be counted. NAME ADDRESS CITY ZIP PHONE □ Moving Out of Parish □ New Registration □ Change of Address/Phone Number