Spirit of Adoption
Spirit of Adoption
Our Mission: To Evangelize God's People, beginning with the Gift of the Holy Eucharist A Stewardship Parish ST. JOSEPH’S CATHOLIC CHURCH 1813 Oakdale Road • Modesto, CA 95355 Office (209) 551-4973 • Fax: (209)551-3213 • www.stjmod.com • facebook.com/stjmod May 31, 2015 Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity Holy Eucharist Sunday Mass: Saturday Vigil: 5:30pm Sundays: 7:30am, 9am (Traditional Latin), 10:30am 12:00 pm 1:30pm (Español) 5:30pm 7:30pm Daily Mass: 8:00am & 5:45pm; Saturdays 8:00am Traditional Latin Mass, Fridays at Noon Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration: Chapel access code available in office Children’s Services: Liturgy of the Word (CLOW) Sunday Mass 10:30am, 1:30 pm Spanish Sacrament of Reconciliation: Monday thru Thursday 5-5:30pm Fridays 6:30-7:30pm Saturdays 8:30-9:30am & 4-5pm Homebound please call 551-4973 for a priest to visit you by appointment. From the Pastor’s Laptop “Spirit of Adoption” Father Mark Wagner Our second reading from St. Paul is wonderful. If we understand this short passage we will understand the entire Letter of St. Paul to the Romans. Paul uses a short phrase which in itself summarizes the whole of our Christian faith: “Spirit of Adoption.” Paul says that the Holy Spirit is the “Spirit of Adoption.” These three words (two words in Greek) help us to understand the whole mystery of the Trinity. Paul is saying that there is a Father who has only one Son, but that it is possible for us to be included in God’s family because there is a “Spirit of Adoption.” There is another little phrase in today’s epistle which is also packed with meaning: “joint heirs with Christ.” With this pithy statement, Paul describes the amazing reality of salvation and of heaven. If we are children of God, then we are entitled to the same inheritance that the Son receives! We are “joint heirs” and we will experience the same heavenly glory as Christ. Paul reminds us that we must be like the son by “suffering with him,” but afterwards we will be “glorified with him!” Today is the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, and it is also the last day of May, the month of Mary. What a joy, that according to our religion, we are not orphans but children of God’s family, with God as our Father, Jesus as our brother, and Mary as our mother! Clergy: Fr. Mark Wagner, Pastor Fr. Francis Joseph, OCD, Assoc. Pastor Fr. Hamilton Suarez, Assoc. Pastor Rev. Mr. Ken Ochinero, Deacon Rev. Mr. Ernest Ciccarelli, Deacon RCIA Inquiries: Please contact John & Nichole Sablan: 209-581-8477 MODEST DRESS IN CHURCH With the hot weather here, we need to remind everyone of the importance of dressing appropriately in the house of God. Please avoid short dresses or shorts, spaghetti straps, and any other immodest attire which does not cover the shoulders, back, and cleavage. We ask that men avoid wearing shorts or sleeveless shirts. Thank you for wearing your Sunday best! Welcome to St. Joseph’s Questions? To make an appointment with a priest or deacon or to register at St. Joseph’s, please stop in or call our parish office at 551-4973. . We’re glad you’re here! Mass Intentions Sunday, May 31 (The Most Holy Trinity) Parish Office Hours Monday-Friday: 8:30am-6:30pm except Wednesday: 1-6:30pm 7:30a Weekend Maintenance (209) 602-6062 How can we help? 209 551-4973 9:00a Ext. Espanola Altar Servers Buildings and Grounds Children / Teen Catechesis Choirs and Cantors Events and Activities Financial Services Giving to St. Joseph’s Parish Lending Library Parish Ministries Parish Registration Rosario Svetlana Tammy Maria Svetlana Tammy Barbara Tammy Bertha Patty 110 200 207 218 200 207 108 207 208 202 102 Religious/Adult Ed John 203 Room Reservations Rosario 110 Volunteering Bertha 202 Website Ramon 213 Youth Ministry Nathan Pastoral Council: Finance Council: Building: Development: Stewardship: 12:00a 8:00a 8:00a 8:00a 1:30 Sp. Int. Daniel E. Hernandez 5:30p Diane Vallon Floriberto Paim Michael Shawn McKenna Maria Spruyt-Tromp Sp. Int. Jessica Sweredoski Sp. Int. Vito Raspatella All St. Joseph’s Parishioners Thomas Pao 5:45p All Souls in Purgatory Sp. Int. Leslie Mendoza Joel Flores Thursday, June 4 8:00a 5:45p Sp. Int. Ramon Espinosa Charlotte Papa Friday, June 5 8:00a John D. Flynn 12:00p Jim Trevillyan 8:00a Rodrigo Torres Sp. Int. John LaFlamme Tb 1:3, 2:1a-8; Mk 12:1-12 5:45p Dan Martin Saturday, June 6 7:30a Wednesday: Tb 3:1-11a, 16-17a; Mk 12:18-27 Thursday: Tb 6:10-11, 7:1bcde, 9-17, 8:4-9a; Mk 12:35-37 Friday: Tb 11:5-17; Mk 12:35-37 Saturday: Tb 12:1, 5-15, 20; Mk 12:38-44 Sunday: Ex 24:3-8; Heb 9:11-15; Mk 14:12-16, 22-26 Felix Oliveros Francisco Rios Raymundo Campos Gregorio & Maria Gallo Emil Carney 1:30 9:00a Albert Mendonca 3:30p Indian Mass 10:30a Jim Trevillyan 5:30p All St. Joseph’s Parishioners 12:00a Harry Case Fred Pitner Ardis & Jane Coogle John & Florence Rusk 7:30p Roy Ottoboni Tuesday: Tb 2:9-14; Mk 12:13-17 8:30p St. Joseph’s Memorial Mass Sunday, June 7 (The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ) Monday: 7:30p Emil Carney Monday, June 1 Fr. Tony Chacko Lucia Krukiel All Souls in Purgatory 5:45p Angela Joe Strauch Winston Quiaoit Tuesday, June 2 Lisa Arellano Jordy Almgren 5:45p Marilyn Cajator Marietta Eway Sp. Int. Marcelina Barajas Wednesday, June 3 206 Gary Nelson Phyllis Walden Rick Dinubilo Daniel Del Real Rose LaMont Readings 10:30a Dolores Diaz Roberto Madrigal Carmen Ontiveros Mendez Sp. Int. Chavez-Madrigal Family James Teixeira Altar Flower Donation Remember a special day or person Call Rosario at 551-4973, ext. 110 RCIA Inquiry classes are for people who want to learn more about Catholicism, but aren’t necessarily sure they want to become Catholic. The RCIA process is also for Catholics who have not yet completed their sacraments of Confirmation or Holy Communion. To start the process call John and Nichole Sablan 581-8477 to make an appointment. News Religious Education Not everyone can lector at a Mass, not everyone can teach catechism, or sing in the choir. BUT…all can walk with God. Every man, woman and child can indeed stand with Christ, their Triumphant, Eucharistic King! Why? Because we all love Him! We stand and walk together in faith knowing we are all called to follow Him. We are all called to a vocation through Him to bring His Kingdom to fruition. Each of us - young, old, healthy, ill, married, single, strong, weak, religious or living in the world each with various abilities and gifts are called to speak for Him while on this earth. We are to be His hands and feet to care for His children; to right wrongs and teach values; to follow Him. How do we do this? Through His love, and by sharing Him! Come discover the power of sharing Him in love and justice with others. Walk with your brothers and sisters in faith in the Corpus Christi Procession. Share the Truth simply by embracing the Truth, walking beside Him in love and unity and express that Truth with others in a most public declaration. Show others that Christ, the Eucharistic King, in His most Real Presence, is here for them as well, and through your expression of faith in this most public declaration of love and kinship they, too, will see a most exquisite glimpse of Heaven! We hope to see you on June 7th . We will gather at 2:15pm in the plaza and begin the procession at 2:30pm. Respect Life Do you still have a Baby Bottle? If so, the Parish Office will be collecting them, or you can just drop them off at the Modesto Pregnancy Center. Address: 2801 Coffee Rd, Ste A5, Modesto, CA 95355 Phone: (209) 526-1734 THE RESPECT LIFE COMMITTEE AND MODESTO PREGNANCY WOULD LIKE TO SAY TO ALL OF ST. JOSEPH'S PARISHIONERS: “THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!” Page 3 – May 31, 2015 Parish Events and Activities First Time at St. Joseph`s! Summer Music Camp for Children ages 7-15 July 16-17, Thursday-Friday, with Fr. Mark, MD Svetlana and our music ministers. Kids will learn Sacred music basics, Gregorian Chant, Christian songs, music notation, solfege, play music games and much more. Registration forms at the office May 31-July 3, fees $15, including T-shirt and snacks. Call Svetlana for details: 551-4973, Ext. 200. Monday, June 1, 2015 10:30 A ESL - Tutoring JP4 6:00 PM Boy Scouts Hall Tuesday, June 2, 2015 9:00 AM Senior Strength Training JP6 10:30 A Light Weigh JP8 10:30 A ESL Tutoring JP4 11:30 A English for Citizenship Class JP4 ALL-NIGHT PRAYER VIGIL – June 12-13, 2015 Please join the All-Night Prayer Vigil for Priests beginning with the 5:45pm Mass on June 12 and concluding with the 8:00am Mass on June 13. Each hour is hosted by a different apostolate in our parish. You are welcome to attend one or more hours to pray for all priests, without whom we would not have Our Lord present to us in the Sacraments and in our Tabernacles. “The priesthood is the love of the Heart of Jesus. May their loving devotion to Jesus in the Eucharist and to Mary, His Mother, be the Twin Fountains of fruitfulness for their ministry” (St. John Vianney). The Bookstore will be running a Father's Day Special during the weekend of June 7th with 20% off on all books, DVD's and CD's! There will be a special table of 50% off merchandise special for Dad. Vacation Bible Retreat 2015 “All Are Called” Join us for VBR June 22-26th, 8:30am-noon in Father O’Hare Hall. Ages 4-12 welcome. Adult helpers needed. Forms available in the parish office. Call Kayte RV for information 557-0297. 6:00 PM English for Citizenship Class JP2 6:00 PM Beginning English Class JP4 6:30 PM Legion of Mary JP4 7:00 PM Like us on Facebook and stay connected with your parish family www.facebook.com/stjmod Please remember St. Joseph’s Church when planning your estate. Call 551-4973, ext. 207 for more information. JP7 Wednesday, June 3, 2015 6:30 AM Serra Club Mass Chur 11:30 A Intermediate English Class JP4 2:00 PM Widow & Widower Bible Study JP5 5:30 PM Courage To Be Me JP8 5:45 PM Principles Study Group JP5 5:45 PM Path to Serenity JP10 Thursday, June 4, 2015 9:00 AM Senior Strength Training Hall 12:00 P Lunch Bible Study JP5 Friday, June 5, 2015 6:00 PM Al-Anon Spanish 6:30 PM Save Trees! Call the parish office to find out about online offertory gifts. Charismatic Prayer Group (Spanish) Children's Adoration & Confession JP10 Chur Saturday, June 6, 2015 Militia Immaculata - Spanish JP7 8:45 AM M. I. Prayer Village JP5 8:30 AM 9:00 AM Language of the Heart (Women) JP4 Sunday, June 7, 2015 10:00 A Children's Liturgy of the 3:00 PM Indian Mass JP6 Chur Parish Events and Activities Please come and join our newest family members as the newly baptized and confirmed journey through the Acts of the Apostles in a weekly Bible Study led by Gary Nelson. Sessions will begin on June 1st through July 6th and held in JP 5 from 7pm to 8:30pm. Please bring your Bibles! Any questions please contact John Sablan. PERPETUAL EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Could you not keep watch for one hour?” (Mark 14:37) SACRED HEART NOVENA June 4-12 Please join us for the Parish Novena to The Most Sacred Heart beginning June 4 to June 12, the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. MOM Group Presents book study "Momnipotent" by Danielle Bean. This study is set up to help mothers find peace, balance, and joy in motherhood. Join us Wednesday nights at 6:30pm for gathering; book study starts at 7:00pm in JPII room 8. Dates: June 17th and 24th July 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th August 5th Please contact Dawn Powers by June 10th to place your book order: 209.604.8082 As always, nursing babies welcomed! Consider spending an hour a week with our Lord. To sign up please contact David and Monica at 527-4920. You will receive many blessings from Our Lord! In the Diocese... Now Enrolling for 2015-2016 School Year St. Stanislaus Catholic Preschool Saint Stanislaus Preschool offers a fun faith-filled environment with developmentally appropriate curriculum, teaching your child the skills needed to start Kindergarten. We are now enrolling fully potty-trained children between the ages 2.9 to 6 years old for our Fall School Year. We offer 4 schedules: 5 days, 4 days (M-TH), 3 days (MWF), or 2 days (TTH). We also offer a morning program or full day. For more information please call (209) 524-3428 or email abates@ststanscc.org and ask for April. Spaces are limited. Now Hiring Now Hiring qualified part-time teachers and substitute teachers for the 2015-2016 School Year. St. Stanislaus Catholic Preschool in Modesto is now hiring qualified part-time Teacher and Substitute teachers to join our wonderful preschool family. Please email abates@ststanscc.org for a link to apply. All applicants must have at least 12 Early Childhood Development units or 9 units working towards obtaining 12 units. MARRIED COUPLES-Are you willing to spend a few minutes to find out about an experience that can make your good marriage even better? The next Marriage Encounter Weekend is Oct. 2-4 in Modesto. Early registration is highly recommended. For more information visit our website at: stocktonwwme.org or contact John and Angelica Angarita at applications@stocktonwwme.org or 209-691-0603 Page 5 - May 31, 2015 THE POPE'S PRAYER INTENTIONS June’s Intentions Universal: IMMIGRANTS AND REFUGEES That immigrants and refugees may find welcome and respect in the countries to which they come. Evangelization: VOCATIONS That the personal encounter with Jesus may arouse in many young people the desire to offer their own lives in priesthood or consecrated life. Parish School of Religion : Updates and Announcements Are you interested in working with children ages 3-5? PSR will be starting the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd For the year 2015-2016 We invite you to join us for our formation course June 15-20, 2015 (beginning with 8am Mass until 4pm) Registration and Fees We have two different rates: In-house catechists (must agree to teach in the CGS program at St. Joseph’s for at least 1 year) $200. All others: $450. Our fees include the fee for the CGS certificate. Brochure and registration forms can be picked up in the front office. For more information, contact Maria at 551-4973 ext. 218. What is the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd? CGS is a Montessori-based Catholic faith formation program where children can grow in their relationship with God through a deep engagement in Scripture and liturgy. Youth Ministry Tuesday Mass and Breakfast begins June 9th. Center for Lay Apostolates Profiles in Stewardship By: Tammy Menezes FOCUS ON LEADERSHIP: Our Plaza Refreshments are hosted today by our Militia Immaculata Ministry. Parish Stewardship — a way of life With gratitude to our Stewardship Committee, who provides the leadership for our popular parish movie nights! Peter and Nadine Chacon FREE Parish Movie Night “…..in sickness Saturday, June 13 7pm Popcorn, Lemonade and Coffee will be provided Bring cookies to share and your favorite blanket to spread! Join our parish family in Fr. O’Hare Hall and in health, until death do us part…” These words are those that the priest asks the bride and groom to repeat as they declare their consent. Peter and Nadine Chacon lived those words until Peter’s recent death, which was followed by a beautiful funeral Mass and reception at St. Joseph’s. I felt called to provide a profile of both husband and wife because of the witness they provided, daily, to our parish community. It is easy for many to arrive and walk into Mass. For others, including Peter as he was assisted by Nadine, this process was a labor of sacrificial love. Instead of demonstrating frustration, they both demonstrated their love for the Mass and just how much they would sacrifice to participate. Nadine shared with me at the funeral reception that she will be able to help more at the church now. Truly, a profile in Stewardship. New to the Parish? Wondering where to start?? Call the Center for Lay Apostolates 551-4973, ext. 202 Page 7– May 31, 2015 INTENCIONES DE ORACIÓN DEL SANTO PADRE Intenciones del junio Universal Migrantes y refugiados. Para que los migrantes y los refugiados encuentren acogida y respeto en los países donde llegan. Por la Evangelización Vocaciones. Para que el encuentro personal con Jesús suscite en muchos jóvenes el deseo de ofrecerle la propia vida en el sacerdocio o la vida consagrada. Boletín Parroquial en Español! DEL LAPTOP DEL PÁRROCO, Padre Mark “Espíritu de Adopción” Padre Mark Wagner Nuestra segunda lectura de San Pablo es maravillosa. Si entendemos este breve pasaje, entenderemos la carta entera de San Pablo a los Romanos. Pablo usa una frase corta la cual resume completamente la fe cristiana: “Espíritu de Adopción.” Pablo dice que el Espíritu Santo es el “Espíritu de Adopción.” Estas tres palabras (dos palabras en griego) nos ayudan a entender el misterio complete de la Trinidad. Pablo está diciendo que hay un Padre que tiene un solo Hijo, pero que es posible para nosotros ser incluidos en la familia de Dios porque hay un “Espíritu de Adopción.” Hay otra frase corta en la epístola de hoy que también está llena de significado: “coherederos con Cristo.” Con esta declaración concisa, Pablo describe la realidad increíble de salvación y del cielo. ¡Si somos hijos de Dios, merecemos la misma herencia que recibe su Hijo! Somos “coherederos” y experimentamos la misma gl oria cel es tial que MODESTO VESTIDO EN IGLESIA Con el calor, tenemos que recordar a todos la importancia de vestir apropiadamente en la casa de Dios. Por favor evite vestidos cortos o pantalones cortos, y cualquier otro atuendo inmodesto que no cubre los hombros, la espalda y escote. Pedimos que los hombres eviten usar shorts o camisetas sin mangas. Gracias por usar sus mejores ropa. Cristo. Pablo nos recuerda que debemos de ser como el Hijo al “sufrir con Él,” pero después seremos “¡glorificados con Él!” Hoy es la Solemnidad de la Santísima Trinidad, y también es el último día de mayo, el mes de María. ¡Qué alegría que de acuerdo a nuestra religión, no somos huérfanos sino hijos de la familia de Dios, con Dios como nuestro Padre, Jesús como nuestro hermano, y María como nuestra madre! Esta Semana Lunes, Junio 1, 2015 Martes, Junio 2, 2015 Ingles Intermedio y Ciudadanía JP4 Intermedio 6:00PM Ingles y Ciudadanía JP2 6:00 PM Ingles para Principiantes JP4 de Oración 7:00 PM Grupo Carismática JP7 12:00 P Miércoles, Junio 3, 2015 12:00 P Ingles Intermedio 7:00PM Comité Hispano JP4 JP4 Jueves, Junio 4, 2015 Todos Somos 7:00PM Taller: Llamados JP7 Viernes Junio 5, 2015 6:00 PM Al-Anon en Español JP10 6:30 PM Adoración y Confesiones Iglesia Sábado Junio 6, 2015 8:30 AM Milicia Inmaculada JP 7 Leer, Meditar, Orar y Vivir Nuestra vida habla de nuestra Fe Trinitaria Padre Hamilton Suarez Hoy la Iglesia nos llama a detenernos en la contemplación del misterio íntimo de Dios. Toda nuestra vida está envuelta por El. Nuestra vida Cristiana se inició en el nombre de las tres divinas personas, a las que invocamos continuamente en la liturgia y la oración. Los creyentes somos misteriosamente involucrados en la vida de Amor que une al Padre, al Hijo y al Espíritu Santo, en el baño regenerador del Bautismo, por este sacramento hemos sido vinculados a la vida divina de la Trinidad: hijos de Dios Padre, Hermanos de Dios Hijo y templos vivos del Espíritu Santo. Buena oportunidad tenemos hoy para preguntarnos: ¿De qué manera estamos conservando y fortaleciendo nuestra relación cotidiana con la Trinidad?, muchos de nuestros gestos, hablan de la fe trinitaria, el primero y más común, que tal vez ya lo hacemos de manera muy mecánica el LA SEÑAL DE LA CRUZ con la que iniciamos nuestras oraciones y las celebraciones litúrgicas. Este es un signo externo, que dice mucho, primero, me recuerda que he recibido la vida divina, y segundo, que la he recibido para darla. El amor y la gracia que la santísima Trinidad me participa y que cultivo con la vida de oración y la vida de los sacramentos, está en mí para ti, para dejarla obrar y renovar todo en mí y en ti. No la detengas, déjala obrar. Nosotros, como Iglesia, debemos ser capaces de proclamar al mundo, con el anuncio y con el testimonio de la vida, que Dios ha amado de tal manera a su pueblo que no solo le revela el misterio de su vida más íntima, sino que lo admite a participar, ya ahora, de esa misma vida. Hoy, en esta fiesta, se nos llama a levantar la mirada a Dios ya su misterio de vida íntima. Allí se nos revela su amor, y a su luz y calor, se hace también más comprensible nuestra vida. CORRESPONSABILIDAD (STEWARDSHIP) Por: Tammy Menezes Peter and Nadine Chacon “…en la salud y en la enfermedad, amarte y respetarte todos los días de mi vida…” Aquellas palabras son las que el sacerdote les pide a los novios que repitan al declarar su consentimiento. Peter y Nadine Chacón vivieron aquellas palabras hasta la muerte reciente de Peter, la cual fue seguida por una misa fúnebre y una recepción en St. Joseph’s. Me sentí llamada a proveer una reseña de los dos esposos por el testigo que proveyeron diariamente a nuestra comunidad parroquial. Es fácil para muchos llegar y caminar a la Misa. Para otros, incluyendo a Peter que fue ayudado por Nadine, este proceso fue una labor de amor sacrificial. En vez de mostrar frustración, los dos mostraron su amor para la Misa y cuánto se sacrificarían para asistirla. Nadine compartió conmigo en la recepción del funeral que ahora va a poder ayudar más ahora en la iglesia. En realidad ella es un ejemplo de la corresponsabilidad. Página 9 - Mayo 31 del 2015 “The Quick & Easy Way To Get The Cash You Need From The Credit Union You Trust” 209-948-6024 • www.fccuburt.org Federally insured by NCUA 18 S. CENTER ST., STOCKTON • 435 W. BENJAMIN HOLT DR., STOCKTON • 4603 N. PERSHING AVE., STOCKTON • 206 E. YOSEMITE AVE., MANTECA • 200 S. SCHOOL ST., LODI Commercial and Residential Store Front Glass Door • Hollow Metal • Garage • Roll Up • Installation & Repairs 525-8589 Jose Robles Manager/Parishioner Lic. #819185 CA FD Lic. #1392 Tuxedo Rentals - Men’s Wear Parishioner 2625 Coffee Rd. Western Plaza www.lakewoodhughson.com 521-6181 SEAN F. MULLINS, D.D.S. at McHenry and Briggsmore (in front of Rite AID) Call (209) 578-1533 Hablamos Español Tagalog din po S P E C I A LT I E S Precise Mechanical Care for Mercedes-Benz ★ BMW ★ Volvo Prompt Personal Attention Reliable Work Schedule-based Prices 820 No. 9th St. 522-8011 Dale Langhout, Owner 900 Santa Fe Avenue Hughson 209-883-4465 www.lakewoodmemorialpark.com Name Brand Mattress Outlet LOW CO$T $ LEEP 209-545-1539 Family Dentistry New Patients Welcome 521-2566 90 DAYS 1316 Coffee Rd., Suite B-4 Modesto SERTA QUEEN ALL MATTRESS MATTRESS SETS SETS 50-75% 199 $ OFF SAME AS CASH HASSLE FREE FINANCING 5668 PIRRONE RD. SALIDA, CA 95368 Parishioner PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE l H e lai ctihoyu & e s! D PUSH TALK ........... 24/7 HELP O’Brien’s Market ........... $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH 10% discount-Sundays only Must present coupon Not valid with any other discount coupon ...the best place for fresh! a great place for savings! ➢ No Long-Term Contracts SPORTSMEN OF STANISLAUS “The Premier Athletic & Social Club” ➢ Price Guarantee 839 West Roseburg 524-9234 6331 Oakdale Road 869-9050 4120 Dale Road 545-8100 Reasonable Rates • Event Planning Indoor & Outdoor Facilities for 20-600 people • Extensive Menus ➢ American Made Established in 1957 Beautiful Location Overlooking Dryden Golf Course Call Shanale Phipps at 209-578-5801 or catering@sosclub.com TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. 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B Modesto, CA 95354 (209) 548-4000 571 Tully Rd. 577-3858 Se Habla Español Theresa Martinho Parishioner Eu Falo Portugues Voted Modesto’s Favorite Lawyer YOU DESE RVE A G REAT SM I LE! 209.530.2632 3525 Coffee Road, Modesto Theresa.martinho@goaaa.com EFRAIM S. FLORENDO DDS, FICOI, FAAIP 3219 McHenry Ave. Suite E Modesto, CA 95350 accepting new patients www.florendodds.com call us 209-322-3429 Parishioner Walk-In Welcome Salon De Manila By: Melanie 121 E. Orangeburg Ave., Suite 4 Modesto, CA 510.449.1316 Andy Su Cristal Silveira Attorney At Law Legal Assistant Hablo Español Ling & Su, LLP Immigration Attorneys Fine Italian Cuisine 619 14th Street Modesto, CA 95354 1000 Kansas Ave. 209-622-0938 By Appointment Only 209-622-1216 Gifts of Faith Parishioner Bel Piatto Cucina Italiana La Panaderia Gifts for all the Sacraments. Rico Pan Mexicano Pasteles Para Toda Ocasion $1.00 OFF Dz. 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Orthodontist Board Certified Orthodontic Specialist 524-8381 / Parishioner SALAS BROTHERS FUNERAL CHAPEL PROPER CARE PEST CONTROL Professional Service & Great Prices 209-341-1610 Forethought • Preplanning Se Habla Español 10% OFF with Ad 419 Scenic Drive • Modesto • 523-5646 www.propercarepc.com RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL PEST CONTROL 209-312-9980 TERMITE INSPECTIONS & REPAIR Like us on Facebook & Twitter Locations: Locations: Sisk Road McHenry Ave. Vintage Faire Mall Oakdale Rd. MODESTO GROCERY & DELI 523093 St Joseph Church (A) Asian Produce, Fish & Lechon 1800 Prescott Rd., Modesto Open 7 days 9 AM - 6 PM 10% Discount on Sundays Only 524-7186 Not Valid with any other Discount Coupon www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 Rated Rated PG PG