July 24, 2016 - St. Vincent de Paul | Houston, TX
July 24, 2016 - St. Vincent de Paul | Houston, TX
ARCHDIOCESE OF GALVESTON-HOUSTON HIS EMINENCE DANIEL CARDINAL DINARDO ST. VINCENT DE PAUL CATHOLIC CHURCH 6800 BUFFALO SPEEDWAY, HOUSTON, TEXAS 77025 713-667-9111, FAX 713-667-3453, WWW.SVDP-HOUSTON.ORG July 24, 2016, Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Pastor Rev. Msgr. William Young Parochial Vicar Rev. Phong Nguyen Deacons Gus Camacho, Dan Pagnano Business Administrator, Meredith Wyzik, 713-663-3549 Director of Music, Daryel Nance, 713-663-3539 Director of Liturgy, Laura Rivera, 713-663-3528 Director of Faith Formation, Nick LaRocca, 713-663-3565 Director of Communications, Mary Gosline, 713-663-3546 Parish School, 713-666-2345 Fax 713-663-3562 Principal, Carolyn Sears “Lord teach us to pray…” Luke 11:1-13 MASS SCHEDULE Weekdays: 6:45 AM and 12:10 PM Saturday: 8:15 AM, Vigil Mass at 5:00 PM Sunday: 7:00 AM, 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM and 1:00 PM Spanish Mass: Sunday, 3:00 PM Life Teen Mass: Sunday, 5:00 PM Young Adults Mass: Tuesday, 7:00 PM except No First Tuesday 7 PM Mass EUCHARISTIC ADORATION in the Church Adoration Chapel, 24 hours, Monday, 7 AM through Saturday, 8 AM CONFESSIONS: Tuesdays, 6-7 PM and Saturdays, 3:30-4:30 PM or call 713-667-9111 for an appointment HEALING AND ANOINTING OF THE SICK second Wednesday of the month after 12:10 PM Mass 1 July 24, 2016, Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Letter From The Pastor Dear Parishioners: This week, July 24 – 30, we celebrate Natural Family Planning Week. Our Catholic faith teaches us that the Death and Resurrection of Jesus the Christ transformed all of creation. In part, the Paschal events returned you and me to the original unity and freedom possessed by our first parents, Adam and Eve. This restoration and renewal is not only our souls, but also our very bodies. Human sexuality is good, beautiful, fruitful, divinely directed to unity and fruitfulness. One of the problems with this teaching is that so many do not understand the truths that accompany the teaching. So many people think the Church is more about the, “Do not do this or that!” rather than saying, “Yes,” to everything. Well, that’s not really the case. The Church does indeed say, “No,” sometimes. We MUST remember, however, that behind EVERY, “no,” is a profound, “Yes!” The command, “Thou shalt not kill,” is written because every life is valuable and may not be taken without a justifiable reason. Human life is made in the image and likeness of God and must be respected. To affirm murder ultimately reduces a human life to another’s whim or permission. When our Church teaches us about sexual morality she begins from the premise that … we can deduce that man became the image and likeness of God not only through his humanity, but also through the communion of persons which man and woman form right from the beginning, … man becomes the image of God not so much in the moment of solitude as in the moment of communion (St. John Paul II, TOB Nov. 14,1979). The coming together of husband and wife in the intimate sexual union of self-donation in a covenant of free, faithful, fertile love is so beautiful and good that outside of that covenantal love is a sin. Once we separate the unitive and procreative aspects of the marriage, we break the image of God in this elementary expression of the union of persons reflecting the Holy Trinity in our midst. This is one of the reasons we celebrate Natural Family Planning Week this week. NFP is a natural way of managing couples’ fertility that is 99.5% effective with perfect use and a typical use rate of 96.5% effective. That compares to birth control pill rates of 99.5% with perfect use and 90-96% with typical use. Another blessing that comes with Natural Family Planning is a more successful rate of achieving pregnancy for those couples who struggle with infertility. Hilgers, M.D.; (The Naprotechnology Revolution p.12). This is accomplished within a deeply respectful approach to human sexuality, marital dignity, knowledge of the teaching of the Church and Scripture and the recognition that every human being is made in the image and likeness of God from the moment of conception for all eternity. The divorce rate for couples using NFP is about 4% to 6% while the national average is a bit above 40%. One of reasons behind this is that NFP requires a shared vision and approach in the husband – wife relationship. It goes far beyond the sexual side of the issues. NFP builds a greater understanding of another and requires a commonality of language and appreciation. Here at SVdP we require engaged couples to attend classes in this holy approach to fertility management in their relationship. It builds trust levels by opening more doors of understanding and behaviors. The United States Catholic Council of Bishops has much more complete details about Natural Family Planning at its web site, http://www.usccb.org/issues-and-action/marriage-and-family/natural-family-planning/index.cfm. Check out the latest research and information about NFP. People my age may remember the promise of just how wonderful would be the rewards of contraception for women, marriage, children. They still have not arrived. So much of what chemicals promised has disappointed. NFP demonstrates that what is desired has been found and the blessings are many. This week find out more about Natural Family Planning and how its blessings can be yours. God knew exactly what he was doing when he designed this universe and those of us who live in it. Pax et bonum, Msgr. Bill 2 Mass Intentions for the Week July 25 to July 31 Monday July 25, St. James, Apostle 6:45 AM - Frances Oberdorf † 12:10 PM - Sean, Kitty & Geo Moquin †, Deceased Member of the Barrett Family † Tuesday July 26 Sts. Joachim & Anne, Parents of the Blessed Virgin 6:45 AM - St. Jude League 12:10 PM - Canonization of Blessed Frederic Ozanam †, Hilda Mata 7:00 PM - Jim Hughes † Wednesday July 27, Weekday 6:45 AM - John Oberdorf, Sr. † 12:10 PM - John Fazzino †, The Demello Family Loving Embrace Infertility Support Group Thursday July 28, Weekday 6:45 AM - Jack Stevens †, Can Huynh † 12:10 PM - Joyce Purfey †, Jim Hughes † September 15, 2016, 7:30-9:00PM St Vincent de Paul Catholic Church, Msgr Jamail Family Center, Room 202 The meeting will feature Guest Speaker Brooke Jemelka, MD, Obstetrics and Gynecology. Dr. Jemelka is one of three practitioners with Caritas Women’s Care, part of CHI St. Luke’s Medical Group Sugar land. Caritas is dedicated to providing holistic, comprehensive, and restorative services for women from adolescence through menopause. Honoring womanhood and the sanctity of human life, Caritas Women’s Care offers on-site education about natural family planning and infertility in a loving, faith-based environment. Contacts: Shannon Lassen, 832.978.6716 / infertilitysupporthouston@gmail.com or Janel Greig, 713.586.9567 / jgreig@stlukeshealth.org Friday July 29, St. Martha 6:45 AM - Frank L. Chesser † 12:10 PM - Richard Faust †, Luisa Mata Saturday July 30, Weekday 8:15 AM - Ravi Gunaratne †, Matthew Bishop Gray † 5:00 PM - Tony & Mary Fazzino † Sunday July 31, EIGHTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 7:00 AM - Doris Dyer † 9:00 AM - Susie Magdaleno † 11:00 AM - Parishioners 1:00 PM - Helen Nguyen 3:00 PM - Nicholas Veedell and Margarita Gardea 5:00 PM - Vincent & Caroline Caltagirone Year of Mercy Prayer Breakfast ST. ANNE’S SOCIETY St. Vincent de Paul’s Sister Parish, St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church invites all to their Prayer Breakfast, Saturday, August 6, 2016, 9am-12 noon, donation $10, at the Deacon Clarence Johnson Hall, 6220 LaSalette Dr., 77021. Theme: Merciful Like the Father, Our Responsibilities in the context of Misericordiae Vultus in the Jubilee Year of Mercy. Speaker: Rev. Faustinus Okeyikam, MSP, Pastor of St. Peter the Apostle Church. Please RSVP to: Janell Nelson, janellnelson50@gmail.com or 281-467-4575 or Annette Batiste abatiste1943@gmail.com / 713-985-9841. For more info: stpeterhouston.org/ or 713-747-7800. Norma L. McLellan St. Anne's Society Book Club Wed., August 10, 7pm, MJFC Room 208B. We will discuss "A Town Like Alice" by Neville Shute. Reserve your children's spot in the nursery 48 hrs in advance when you RSVP at www.stannessociety.org Stewardship Offering July 17, 2016, Sixteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time Offertory: $43,256.01 Other Charitable: $ 880.00 Total Contributions: $44,136.01 First round baskets passed are for the Offertory and the second rectangular baskets are for the Second Collection. 3 Elementary Faith Formation The Lord’s Day Program is a faith formation program for children 2 years old through 5 years old. You may choose the 9:00 AM or the 11:00 AM class, and they meet in the Primary School Building. Life Teen – High School Youth Ministry Sundays, 5pm - LIFETEEN Mass, join us! We sit together front left in the Church. SVdP Youth Ministry Meetings start Sunday, August 7th, 6:30-8pm, in the Family Center, upstairs, Youth Room. All High School Students are welcome. The CCE Program provides faith formation for children in grades 1 through 8. We also have a class for children with special needs. CCE meets 10:30AM - 12:00Noon in the Primary, Intermediate and Middle School Buildings and the Msgr. Jamail Family Center. We will be going to the Lifeteen Inspiration Conference at the Six Flags in San Antonio, TX, Saturday, August 6th! We will spend the day riding roller coasters, making friends, and spending time in worship growing closer to God and each other. We will be leaving at 6:00 AM and returning at 1:00 AM the next day. The cost is $75 per person. See, email, or call the youth minister Pat Gunning to sign up and with any questions. pgunning@svdp-edu.org or 713-663-3524. FIRST HOLY COMMUNION PREPARATION: In order to be ready to start preparation for First Holy Communion, students must complete one full year of Catholic Education, beginning no sooner than First Grade. This requirement may be satisfied by attendance at CCE, Catholic School, or Home School (provided the curriculum consists of daily Catholic Education). For more events and information see August Calendar on page 8 of this Bulletin. "The World Promises you comfort, but you were not made for comfort. You were made for greatness" - Pope Benedict XVI DOES YOUR CHILD NEED TO BE BAPTIZED? If your child is over 7 years or older and needs to be baptized, we have an RCIA program adapted for children. In addition to the Sunday CCE classes from 10:30am to 12:00noon, we will meet once a month on a Monday night from 5:30pm to 6:30pm. Please talk to Monica for more information about classes. St. Vincent de Paul Life Teen's Mission is to bring teens into a relationship with Christ and his Church. We seek not merely to educate about the faith but to create Missionary Disciples for the Kingdom of God. Through our focus on prayer, the Sacraments, and fellowship through relational ministry, we seek to brings teens into the fullness of Christ and to put them on the path to becoming the person that Christ created them to be. For further information please contact Monica Aquila at 713.663.3509 or maquila@svdp-edu.org Literacy Initiative for Today Program You’re Invited to a Free Cub Scout Summer Activity! Volunteers are needed to teach English-As-A-SecondLanguage on Saturdays in a successful, ongoing program offering low-cost classes for anyone in the Houston area. The program, LIFT (Literacy Initiative for Today), was created at the University of St. Thomas, where classes will be held beginning in September and continuing for 10 weeks. No experience is required, but prospective teachers should send a resume immediately to David Godwin at dgodwin977@aol.com or call 713-301-7276. Bring your family and learn about scouting! Designed for boys entering grades 1-5, Cub Scouts is an exciting program that combines outdoor activities, sports, academics and more while helping instill values such as honesty, good citizenship and respect. Water Balloon Monsoon, Sunday, August 14, 2pm St. Vincent de Paul Athletic Fields (date & location subject to change) Always EPIC!! The Water Balloon Monsoon is a Scout Favorite! Scouts are suggested to bring 50 or more pre-filled water balloons. You can’t have too many. Refrigerated balloons are chilling!! Houston Aggie Catholics! Please join us for an Aggie Catholic Maroon Mass to welcome our new Aggie Catholic freshman, transfer students and their families and learn about all of the great things happening at St. Mary’s! Saturday, July 30, Mass at 5pm, at the Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, 1111 St. Joseph Parkway, 77002. Light dinner and program will follow at Cathedral Centre. RSVP to Beth Ogden 979846-5717 ext 110 or bogden@aggiecatholic.org If you are thinking about joining us for this event, please send us a note so we can have enough food and beverage and keep you up to date on any changes. For this, or any additional information, contact Bill Macey at billmacey@gmail.com or Gene Silva at genesilva2@gmail.com 4 As members of St. Vincent de Paul's Young Adults (SVDPYA), we strive to live out our Catholic faith in both word and deed. We achieve this goal through our service, spiritual formation, and social events in support of one another, our community, and the Church as a whole. Together, we take up the call of bringing Christ into the world! SVDPYA is centered around a 6:30pm praise and worship, 7pm Mass, and dinner every Tuesday evening (except for the 1st Tuesday of the month), along with an array of social and spiritual events. Come join us at one of our upcoming events, or find our group on Facebook by searching "SVDPYA" or email svdpya@gmail.com to get involved. 5 5 Adult Life Ministries Bus Trip for August 10 The next senior bus trip will be to the National Weather Service in Dickinson for a free explanation of how the forecasters know when it will rain or when a hurricane is developing and where it will hit. Then we shall go on to San Leon to have lunch at the Top Water Grill and tour the Railean Distillery. In the event the weather center will not be able to take us because of a dynamic weather condition, we shall go, instead, to the Air Terminal Museum at Hobby Airport. Because a prepayment is not required, there will be no money needed to sign up. For this reason you may sign up at the reception desk in the main lobby of the MJFC. Boarding for this trip will be at 8:30am. Spiritual Direction For an appointment with a spiritual director call: Sandy Marcello at 713-529-8162, Eileen Meinert at 713-363-1961, or Elaine Caldwell at 713-663-3564. English Classes (ESL) English as a Second Language meets at 9:30am in the Monsignor Jamail Family Center, Room 202. You may register when you come to the class for the first time. Other Activities Continuing Through the Summer Free and Open to Adults All are held in the MJFC Centering Prayer: Tuesdays at 10:00 in 206. Christian Meditation: Wednesdays at 7:00 pm in 206. Share the Word Bible Study: Thursdays at 10:30 in 206. Teresians: Mondays at 11:00 in 208B. SVdP Book Club: Second Wednesdays at 10:30. Opening Doors: Call 713-663-3564 for current schedule. Cards (Canasta): Thursdays at 1:30 in 206. Mah Jongg: Every Monday & Thursday at 12:30 in 206. Mexican Train Dominoes: Thursdays at 1:00 in 206. English Class (ESL): Tuesdays at 9:30 in 208A. Italian I: Wednesdays at 10:00 in 202. French I: Wednesdays at 9:30 in 208A. Spanish I and II: Tuesdays at 1:00 in 208A. Stitch ’n Time: Tuesdays at 12:30 in 208B. Sugar Sticks: Wednesdays at 1:00 in AB. Bridge: Tues.1:00, Wed.1;30, Fri. 1:30 in 206. Tai Chi: Fridays at 5:00 pm in MJFC. Bus Trips: As scheduled. John XXIII Study Group Deciding to take off the remainder of July, this group will begin meeting again on August 1. On that date they will continue the regular schedule of meeting at 10am, Mondays, MJFC 208A. Walk-ins are welcome, as topics frequently originate within the group as they address them in light of church doctrine found in the documents of Vatican II and other papal publications. Current world problems and remarks of church hierarchy provide ample topics for discussion. Your Invitation to Volunteer in Adult Life Ministries If you are interested in helping in any of these opportunities, please contact Elaine at ecaldwell@svdp-edu.org Teaching French I and another for French II Teaching Italian II (volunteer discerning at present) Teaching/coordinating a program in art and/or music appreciation. Wedding Anniversary Jubilee Special bilingual (English/Spanish) annual masses celebrated by His Eminence Daniel Cardinal DiNardo for couples residing in the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston. The Archdiocese celebrates the powerful gift of Marriage to those who are commemorating their 50th or 25th anniversary years of married life in the 2016 calendar year; and recognize their wonderful commitment to the importance and permanence of this sacred sacrament. 25th Silver Anniversary Sunday, Aug. 14, 3pm, Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, 1111 St. Joseph Parkway. 50th Golden Anniversary Sunday, Sept. 25, 3pm, Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, 1111 St. Joseph Parkway. Whether or not a couple attends the ceremony, they are eligible to receive a special recognition. Reserved seating will be limited. For more information contact Regina Vasquez, with the Office of Family Life Ministry, 713-741-8720. Register at www.familylifeministryhouston.org 6 CELEBRATE THE 100TH ANNIVERSARY OF FATIMA 12 DAY PILGRIMAGE TOUR. SHRINES OF PORTUGAL SPAIN - FRANCE - ITALY - FATIMA - ALBA DE TORMES SALAMANCA - ZARAGOZA - LOURDES - ROME - ASSISI MAY 11 - 22, 2017, $3590.00 PER PERSON FROM HOUSTON (Includes round trip air fare from Houston, first class hotels, double occupancy, two meals a day, full breakfast, and dinner, English speaking tour guides, all entrance fees and sightseeing as per itinerary, airport taxes and fuel surcharges. Tips to guides and drivers) Tour Coordinator: Lucie Gardea, contact: 832-413-2746 UH Catholic Newman Center Retreat 2016 Archdiocesan Prayer Breakfast July 28, 2016 “Calling Future Coogs! Whether you’re a freshman or a transfer student, join us for the Fresh Retreat at the UH Main Campus, Catholic Newman Center, 4805 Calhoun Rd, 77004, on Saturday, August 27, 10am-6pm. The day retreat will be filled with games, food, dynamic talks and personal stories of transitioning and staying close to the Catholic Faith in College. Meet other freshmen and transfer students, gain insight from current Catholic Coogs, and hang out with our Director Fr. John Paul Bolger, C.C. and Campus Minister Mrs. Claire McMullin. Please contact Claire at c.mcmullin2003@gmain.com or check out www.facebook.com/CatholicCoogs/ find Fresh in the events. Speaker: Most Rev. Michael Sis Bishop of San Angelo Hilton Americas 1600 Lamar St. Houston, 77010 7am check in, Program begins 7:30am sharp To purchase tickets go to www.archgh.org/prayerbreakfast For more information, please contact the Development Department at 713-652-4417 Society of St. Vincent de Paul Some “Enchanted” Summer Evenings In today's Gospel, Jesus teaches us that God is our “Father” and just as a parent’s love for his children is unlimited, God’s love and care for us is unlimited. This week, as you give your gift to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, know that you are showing the poor and suffering that God loves them and that He is indeed their “Father.” In the month of June, through your gifts, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul was able to assist 45 families and single persons, including 65 children, providing $13,440.84 in rent and lodging, $163.99 in utilities, $134.80 for food, $52.20 for transportation, and $600 for international twinning- support of a Society of St. Vincent de Paul conference in India. Thank You! Requests for assistance continue to be very high and we are grateful for the support of the parish and individual donors. Donations made directly to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul are appreciated. Call 713-664-5350 for help, or if you are interested in membership in The Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Please use the organization link in the Church website (http://svdp-houston.org/ society-of-st-vincent-de-paul) to access more information on the Society. The St. Jude Chapel Poor Box proceeds are used by the Society of St. Vincent de Paul to benefit those in need. Donations may be made at any time. Come and spend eight summer evenings learning and singing 2,000 years of faith in liturgical song of the Mass and psalms. St. Basil’s School of Gregorian Chant invites you to the 8th annual Summer Learning Schola, at the Univ. of St. Thomas. Dates are W’s & Th’s: Session I, Aug 3-4, 10-11: Session II, Aug. 1718, 24-25. Tuition is $195.00 for both sessions, or $125.00 for session I or II. We will close singing and praying all we learned at a special Mass. Visit our website: www.chantschool.org/slsust. or call Lowell Davis at 281-855-2358. Save Lives — Help Sort Medical Supplies Help Medical Bridges fulfill its mission of closing the Healthcare Gap worldwide. Sort and categorize donated medical supplies that will be shipped to organizations in desperate need in more than 85 developing countries worldwide. To Volunteer contact Veronica Bucio, 713766-6554 or vbucio@medicalbridges.org or apply online at www.medicalbridges.org. 7 p88 NEEDED EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION TO ASSIST OUR PRIESTS IN OFFERING THE PRECIOUS BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST TO FELLOW CATHOLICS. The requirements to serve the Lord in this rewarding Ministry are that you be at least 18 years of age or a senior in High School, be a practicing Catholic, registered at St. Vincent de Paul, who has received the Sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation, and that your life is lived in conformity with the teachings of the Catholic Church, including the teachings on Sacramental Marriage. NEXT TRAINING SESSION WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3 FROM 7:00 – 9:00 PM, IN THE CHURCH For Information: Alan and Rina Vennix (713-660-8245) 9 Saints and Special Observances OPEN YOUR HEART AND HOME to a Catholic Exchange Student from Spain or Germany Volunteer host families (with or without children) as well as single parents are needed to provide food, a bed and a loving home for the coming 2016-17 school year, one or two semesters, starting in August. EMF students have medical insurance, spending money for their personal expenses and expect to share their host family’s daily life including household responsibilities. They speak English, are wellscreened and eager to experience life in America. Their stay here is sponsored and supervised by EMF (Educational Merit Foundation), a non-profit, educational exchange program. For more information, please call Marie-Claude Dijoud now at 1-800-4678363 or visit our web site at www.emfusa.org Sunday: Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Monday: St. James Tuesday: Ss. Joachim and Anne; World Youth Day, Krakow, Poland Friday: St. Martha Saturday: St. Peter Chrysologus; Blessed Virgin Mary Today’s Readings First Reading — Abraham bargains with God to spare the city (Genesis 18:20-32). Psalm — Lord, on the day I called for help, you answered me (Psalm 138). Second Reading — Buried with Christ in baptism, we were also raised with him; all our transgressions are forgiven (Colossians 2:12-14). Gospel — Jesus speaks of God’s sure response to those who pray (Luke 11:1-13). KEEP PRAYING St. Monica, whose feast we celebrate in August, is often known as “the persistent mother.” She watched her oldest son, Augustine, turn his back on his Christian faith. Monica was exasperated. For years she gave up talking directly to her son on the advice of a local bishop, who told her that it was better to talk to God about Augustine then to Augustine about God. The mother never gave up praying for her son. Eventually Augustine gave up his wild ways, was baptized, and later ordained and named bishop of Hippo. St. Augustine went on to become one of the Church’s greatest scholars. Today’s readings address the importance of persistent prayer. Abraham, in spite of trepidation that he is bothering the Lord, continues to ask about the fate of Sodom and Gomorrah. Jesus, in Luke’s Gospel, tells his disciples to “ask and you will receive; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you” (Luke 11:9). This is our charge: keep praying. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. Monday: Tuesday: Readings For The Week 2 Cor 4:7-15; Ps 126:1bc-6; Mt 20:20-28 Jer 14:17-22; Ps 79:8, 9, 11, 13; Mt 13:36-43 Wednesday: Jer 15:10, 16-21; Ps 59:2-4, 10-11, 17-18; Mt 13:44-46 Thursday: Jer 18:1-6; Ps 146:1b-6ab; Mt 13:47-53 Friday: Jer 26:1-9; Ps 69:5, 8-10, 14; Jn 11:19-27 or Lk 10:38-42 Saturday: Jer 26:11-16, 24; Ps 69:15-16, 30-31, 33-34; Mt 14:1-12 Sunday: Eccl 1:2; 2:21-23; Ps 90:3-6, 12-14, 17; Col 3:1-5, 9-11; Lk 12:13-21 SVdP Book Club The SVdP Book Club will meet Wed., Aug. 10, in MJFC 206, 10:30am —Noon. The August selection is The Collaborator of Bethlehem by Matt Beynon Rees. Here's a brief description about it: The murder of a leader of the Palestinian Martyrs Brigade leads to the arrest of George Saba, a Palestinian Christian accused of collaborating with the Israelis. Omar Yussef, a modest history teacher at a United Nations school in the West Bank, is impelled to investigate the murder to exonerate his former pupil, who he knows is innocent. As he struggles to save George, Omar Yussef is drawn into a complex plot where it is impossible to tell friend from enemy. Availability: Houston Public Library has 9 copies with no holds; Harris County Public Library has 3 copies and no holds. It is available from Better World Books for $3.48 and other online and retail booksellers. Also available in various electronic formats. Contact Mary Ann Beachler at 713-665-0086 or mary.a.beachler@gmail.com for more information. TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION Sometimes when bishops are consecrated, they are not given the care of a diocese as an “ordinary.” A very old tradition, however, assures that they are invested with a “see,” a link with a local church. Many hundreds of places around the world were dioceses at one time, but are no longer. In England, for example, some of the historic dioceses such as London, Salisbury, and Manchester ceased to be Catholic at the Reformation and their cathedrals passed to the Church of England. The reestablishment of the Catholic Church in the nineteenth century meant that new dioceses had to be created, such as at Liverpool and Westminster. Similarly, in Scandinavia the ancient Catholic dioceses vanished under Lutheranism. In North Africa, tiny dioceses disappeared under the sands or were swept away by Islam. In the United States, some original dioceses never really developed as population centers, such as the old dioceses of Bardstown, Vincennes, Sault Ste. Marie, or Walla Walla. The tradition of “titular sees” assures that the ancient churches are always held in prayer, as the bishop celebrates Mass in its memory a few times a year. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. 10 Next Coffee & Donuts in the Family Center Parish Information Following: 7, 9, 11a.m. & 3pm Masses Sunday, August 7, 2016 Hosted by the Ushers Sacrament of Baptism: Children, age 6 or younger requirements: parents registered parishioners, attended baptism class within 3 years and completed forms before baptism can be scheduled. For info and forms contact Paulette, pblackburn@svdp-edu.org/713-663-3515. If your child is over 7 years old and not baptized, contact Monica Aquila, 713-663-3509 or maquila@svdp-edu.org. Sacrament of Matrimony: Six to eight months are required for marriage preparation. Please call the Parish Office, 713667-9111 for an appointment with the marriage coordinator. Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick: Please call the Parish Office as soon as you or someone in your family schedule surgery, hospitalization or suffer serious illness or injury. Sunday Nursery Available Children 1-24 Months. Let them play while you pray during the 9am and 11am Masses. Ground floor, Monsignor Jamail Family Center. No Fees ============================================================== Altar Servers: Contact Tom Green, svdpaltar@gmail.com Bulletin:. Deadline is 9am, Thur., 10 days before date of bulletin, holiday bulletins at least 1 week earlier. Email to TTamborello@svdp-edu.org, or drop off articles at the Parish Office. Announcements before or after Mass will not be allowed unless submitted to the church office no later than Wednesday before the weekend of the scheduled event for approval to Laura Rivera, 713-663-3528 / LRivera@svdp-edu.org. Facilities Request: Request deadline: two weeks prior to event. Contact Megan at mdoherty@svdp-edu.org or 713-663-3561. Can’t Get to Church? If you or someone you know would like to receive Communion, but are home bound, or in a nursing or retirement residence and unable to get to Mass, call 713-667-9111. Nursery: Ages birth to 2 years during Sunday 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM Masses at the Monsignor Jamail Family Center. St. Jude League Enrollment Membership Cards are available in the Church by the St. Jude Shrine. Teen RCIA: Teens who desire to become Catholic and have not been baptized or received the sacraments, call the Youth Office, 713-663-3565. CCSC is helping equip 6,500 students for the academic year? WOW! HOW CAN I HELP? 1. Sponsor a student! CCSC’s greatest need for the Back To School program is financial backing. It costs only $45.00 to provide each child with a comprehensive packet of academic supplies and new clothing/ shoes in line with each campus’s uniform requirements. Please consider giving or organizing a drive to fund this much-needed service – at your place of business, worship, recreation center or anywhere you have community relationships that care about children. Donations of any amount can be contributed by: Donate online! Our secure website is a convenient way to give, and your gift can be designated to Back To School: www.ccschouston.org Donate by mail! Simply send a check (payable to CCSC with “Back To School” in the note section) to CCSC, P. O. Box 27924, Houston, Texas, 77227. ============================================================== New Parishioners: To register, complete and return the Parish Registration Form available at the Parish Office, the Greeter’s Station in the Church Gathering Space or online at http://www.svdp-houston.org/new-parishionerregistration-form 2. Volunteer! It takes 700 volunteers to make Back To School a success! You can contribute your time and energy to this worthy cause or help inspire others to volunteer. LOCATION: Faith Lutheran Church, 4600 Bellaire Blvd @ Ave. B (just inside Loop 610). Sort & Set Up Saturday, July 30, 7:30am to 12:30pm, Help prep and organize supplies! Distribution (2 Day Option) Friday, Aug. 5 - 7:30am-1pm Saturday, Aug. 6 - 7:30am-1pm, Help parents/students as they pick up supplies and more! Parking is limited on Distribution days! If possible, please park across the street at Crosspoint Church (in the back parking lot): 4601 Bellaire Blvd. Thank you for your involvement and support! Questions? Contact 713-961-3993 ext. 215 or seasonal@ccschouston.org Join Our Newly Organized Greeters We are a group of parishioners committed to welcoming everyone into our Community United in Faith. Individuals and entire families can join this ministry. Go to: http://www.signupgenius.com/ go/60b0c45a8af2ba75-greeters. Choose a Mass time that works for you and your family and sign up for the Mass of your choice. We need YOU!! If you have any questions, please call, Mary Gosline 713663-3546 or email mgosline@svdp-edu.org. The mission of Christian Community Service Center is to serve the poor, hungry, disabled and otherwise needy while respecting their religious, ethnic, or cultural differences 11 Decimoséptimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 24 de julio de 2016 REGATEO CON DIOS En nuestra primera lectura de hoy, tomada del libro del Génesis, escuchamos una de las escenas de regateo más largas de toda la Biblia, entre Dios y un ser humano. Fue esa clase de osadía –la de atreverse a regatear con el Todopoderoso– lo que le ganó a Abraham la reputación de ser un hombre de una fidelidad sin miedo, un hombre que cumplió fielmente su parte de la alianza y que, con fe y confianza ilimitadas, le exigió al Señor que también cumpliera la suya. Se dan ejemplos en otras religiones de la antigüedad de seres mortales que se atrevían a regatear con sus dioses. Pero el que un mero hombre se pusiera a rebajar poco a poco las exigencias de su Dios y a frenar la mano airada del Señor por causa de unos pocos inocentes –eso era algo nuevo e insólito. Con Abraham comenzó una trayectoria que había de culminar en Cristo crucificado, cuya fe en el poder de Dios (véase Colosenses 2:12) lo llevaría a no pensar en cuántos inocentes habría o no habría, sino a ofrecerse en sacrificio para que a todos los culpables se les perdonaran sus crímenes y pudieran entrar en la vida eterna. UN TRATO ESCALOFRIANTE Cuando Jesús enseñó a sus discípulos a rezar, les dio una frase que nos debe asustar bastante: “Perdónanos nuestros pecados, porque también nosotros perdonamos a todo el que nos ofende” (Lucas 11:4). No es difícil © J.S. Paluch imaginar a Jesús mirando a su alrededor con una mirada penetrante a cada uno de ellos mientras dice esas palabras, tal vez arqueando las cejas y recalcando la frase “a todo el que nos ofende”. Esto es un trato escalofriante, pues estamos invitando a Dios (o tal vez retándolo …) a que nos perdone de la misma manera y en el mismo grado que nosotros perdonamos a los demás. Tal vez contamos conque el Señor cumplirá su parte del trato y nos perdonará, aun si nosotros no cumplimos la parte nuestra. Parece, por lo tanto, que no creemos del todo que Dios puede reservarse el derecho de aceptar nuestra invitación y dejarnos sufrir las consecuencias. Un buen barómetro para medir nuestra sinceridad al hacer esta invitación a Dios, podría ser el ver si estas palabras producen escalofríos en nosotros al pronunciarlas. ¿Podemos contar con que Dios siempre es misericordioso y perdona? ¡Sí! ¿Podemos asimismo contar conque Dios cumple todos sus tratos? Pues, ¡también, sí! Lecturas de hoy: Génesis 18:20–32; Salmo 138:1–3, 6–8; Colosenses 2:12–14; Lucas 11:1–13 Copyright © 2006, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. PEREGRINACIÓN CELEBRANDO EL CENTENARIO DE FÁTIMA Peregrinación a Portugal, España, Francia e Italia Fátima-Alba de Tormes-Salamanca-Zaragoza-Lourdes-Roma-Asís Fechas: mayo 11-22, 2017 Costo: $3,590, partida de Houston. (Incluye viaje de ida y vuelta desde Houston, hoteles de primera clase, en habitación doble, dos comidas al día, desayuno y cena, guías de turismo, todas las entradas y visitas turísticas de acuerdo al itinerario, impuestos de aeropuerto, propinas para los guías y conductores.) Coordinadora del tour: Lucie Gardea; Contacto: 832-413-2746 12 une al poder divino que rige el universo. Entre las culturas andinas se encuentran mitos religiosos que muestran la importancia de este enlazamiento. Según la mitología Inca el universo esta compuesto por tres mundos: el cielo (Janan pacha), la tierra (Cay pacha) y el bajo tierra (Ucu pacha). Estos tres mundos están unidos por dos grandes serpientes, Yacú-mama (ríos) y Sacha-mama (árboles), símbolos de la fecundidad. Muchos piensan que los mitos son leyendas cuya función es el entretenimiento. En realidad los mitos no son fábulas, son historias que explican la verdad profunda del universo. Nos muestran como unirnos y enlazarnos para vivir una vida fecunda. En esta época de secularización, los cristianos no podemos olvidar ni la religión ni la mitología si queremos dar fruto como Jesús nos lo pide. —Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Te gustaría ser parte del equipo del próximo retiro de ACTS en español? El retiro se llevará a cabo del 10 -13 de Noviembre. Las reuniones de equipo comenzarán el Miércoles 10 de Agosto del presente año. El único requisito es haber tenido la oportunidad de asistir a un retiro de ACTS. Anímate a ser parte de esta linda experiencia que te ayudará a crecer en Dios y a compartir en comunidad con hermanas en Cristo. Para cualquier información comunicarse con Clara Blankenship 804-878-1479, Marta Irizarry 713-254 -5951 o Sabina Varela 713-501-6037. Los bautismos en español Las pláticas de preparación bautismal en español se ofrecen el primer sábado de cada mes con la excepción de julio. Nos reunimos a las 9:00 a.m. en la biblioteca del Centro Parroquial (segundo piso). Para más información, hablar con Lucie Gardea después de la Misa de español los domingos o al correo lgardea@svdp-edu.org. Requisitos: La familia deber estar registrada en la parroquia. Ambos padres deben asistir las pláticas. Se requiere una copia de la partida oficial de nacimiento del niño. Se requiere una copia de un documento oficial de identificación Se requiere un/una padrino y/o madrina. Los padrinos deben ser católicos completamente iniciados en la Fe. Deben ser mayores de 18 años. Si son casados, deben estar casados por la Iglesia. Los padrinos deben llevar una vida congruente con la Fe y la misión que van a asumir. La cuota para las pláticas es $25 para las familias registradas en la parroquia. Si no son parroquianos, el costo es $50. La cuota para personas tomando las clases como padrinos es $10. LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — Por el bien de los diez no destruiré la ciudad (Génesis 18:20-32). Salmo — Te damos gracias de todo corazón (Salmo 138 [137]). Segunda lectura — Enterrados con Cristo en el bautismo, también fuimos resucitados con él, todas nuestras transgresiones son perdonadas (Colosenses 2:12-14). Evangelio — Pidan y recibirán, el Padre da el Espíritu Santo a los que se lo piden (Lucas 11:1-13). Salmo responsorial: Leccionario II © 1976, Comisión Episcopal de Pastoral Litúrgica de la Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano. Usado con permiso. Todos los derechos reservados. LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: 2 Cor 4:7-15; Sal 126 (125):1bc-6; Mt 20:20-28 Martes: Jer 14:17-22; Sal 79 (78):8, 9, 11, 13; Mt 13:36-43 Miércoles: Jer 15:10, 16-21; Sal 59 (58):2-4, 10-11, 17-18; Mt 13:44-46 Jueves: Jer 18:1-6; Sal 146 (145):1b-6ab; Mt 13:47-53 Viernes: Jer 26:1-9; Sal 69 (68):5, 8-10, 14; Jn 11:19-27 o Lc 10:38-42 Sábado: Jer 26:11-16, 24; Sal 69 (68):15-16, 30-31, 33-34; Mt 14:1-12 Domingo: Eccl 1:2; 2:21-23; Sal 90 (89):3-6, 12-14, 17; Col 3:1-5, 9-11; Lc 12:13-21 Jóvenes de Luz St. Vincent de Paul Somos un grupo de jóvenes adultos interesados en profundizar en nuestra fe a través de la formación espiritual, el servicio, y actividades sociales que nos permitan crecer en comunidad buscando imitar el ejemplo de Jesús y las virtudes de nuestra Madre María. Como jóvenes adultos, nos esforzamos en ser luz siendo testigos de nuestra fe y así dar a conocer el mensaje del Reino de Dios desde nuestra vida cotidiana. Nos reunimos todos los jueves a las 7:00 PM en el segundo piso del centro parroquial. Si desean agregarse a nuestra lista de contactos para recibir información acerca de nuestros eventos, pueden enviarnos un correo a pjauniversitaria@gmail.com. ¡Los esperamos! LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS CELEBRACIONES Domingo: Decimoséptimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Lunes: Santiago Martes: San Joaquín y santa Ana; Jornada Mundial de la Juventud, Cracovia, Polonia Viernes: Santa Marta Sábado: San Pedro Crisólogo; Santa María Virgen TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE Por siglos, Latinoamérica ha desarrollado una larga tradición religiosa con mitología espléndida. La palabra “religión” del verbo latín religere significa “atar” o “enlazar”. Su función es unir seres humanos, los unos con los otros, con lazos de caridad y justicia. Una vez enlazados en comunidad, la religión los Misa de sanación Se celebra una Misa de Sanación el segundo miércoles de cada mes as las 12:10 p.m. Inmediatamente después de la Misa, se celebra el sacramento de la Unción de los Enfermos. La próxima fecha de la celebración será el 10 de agosto 2016. 13 With Hearts and Voices Songs and Prayers of a Faithful People More than 80 traditional Catholic songs and prayers familiar to our moms and dads. Large print for older eyes. Book ($3), Four-CD Music set ($49.95), Spoken Prayers CD ($17.00) A Full Service Salon Ave Maria Gregorian Chants conducted by Lucien Deiss, CSSp Available on CD ($17) Men • Women • Children Inside Original HAIRHUT 800-566-6150 World Library Publications the music and liturgy division of J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. www.wlpmusic.com 3907 N. Braeswood 713.666.5975 Cell 832.651.3281 800-566-6150 World Library Publications the music and liturgy division of J.S. 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