June 26, 2016 - St. Vincent de Paul | Houston, TX
June 26, 2016 - St. Vincent de Paul | Houston, TX
ARCHDIOCESE OF GALVESTON-HOUSTON HIS EMINENCE DANIEL CARDINAL DINARDO ST. VINCENT DE PAUL CATHOLIC CHURCH 6800 BUFFALO SPEEDWAY, HOUSTON, TEXAS 77025 713-667-9111, FAX 713-667-3453, WWW.SVDP-HOUSTON.ORG June 26, 2016, Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Pastor Rev. Msgr. William Young Parochial Vicar Rev. Phong Nguyen Deacons Gus Camacho, Dan Pagnano Business Administrator, Meredith Wyzik, 713-663-3549 Director of Music, Daryel Nance, 713-663-3539 Director of Liturgy, Laura Rivera, 713-663-3528 Director of Faith Formation, Nick LaRocca, 713-663-3565 Director of Communications, Mary Gosline, 713-663-3546 Parish School, 713-666-2345 Fax 713-663-3562 Principal, Carolyn Sears MASS SCHEDULE Weekdays: 6:45 AM and 12:10 PM Saturday: 8:15 AM, Vigil Mass at 5:00 PM Sunday: 7:00 AM, 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM and 1:00 PM Spanish Mass: Sunday, 3:00 PM Life Teen Mass: Sunday, 5:00 PM Young Adults Mass: Tuesday, 7:00 PM except No First Tuesday 7 PM Mass EUCHARISTIC ADORATION in the Church Adoration Chapel, 24 hours, Monday, 7 AM through Saturday, 8 AM CONFESSIONS: Tuesdays, 6-7 PM and Saturdays, 3:30-4:30 PM or call 713-667-9111 for an appointment HEALING AND ANOINTING OF THE SICK second Wednesday of the month after 12:10 PM Mass 1 June 26, 2016, Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Letter From The Pastor Dear Parishioners: According to St. Paul, “Brothers and Sisters: For freedom Christ set us free; so stand firm and do not submit again to the yoke of slavery” (Gal. 5:1). St. John writes, Jesus then said to those Jews who believed in him, “If you remain in my word, you will truly be my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (John 8:32-3). God’s dream for us is to enjoy true freedom. Freedom can mean different things. We ought to be able to enjoy certain kinds of freedom “from.” We can so choose to live that we will be free from lying, stealing, cheating, etc. We make a mistake, however, when we try to live free from any law, rule, restriction, etc. I do not have the freedom to lie, steal, murder, commit adultery, be irresponsible, lazy, etc., etc., etc. When a dad watches his daughter go out with the boy next door and tells her to be home by 11:30 P.M., she has no freedom to stay out until midnight. She does possess the power to exercise her free will and come in at 12:30 A.M., but not the freedom. Free choice and freedom are NOT the same. You and I do not have the freedom to disobey God for example. If God were to give you or me the freedom to sin, there could be no hell, no punishment, etc. for even the murderer could act without culpability or fear of consequences. Either I am free to make whatever choice I want (resulting in chaos] or I am bound by at least some law or rule. Of course, the physical laws of nature bind us. Even if I were to self-identify as a bird, when I try to fly off the ledge of a building, I will slam into the ground [it’s that reality thing]. In the realm of truth, there is freedom of thought. In the realm of truth, our world is round not flat; gravity pulls things down; I am my mother’s son; etc. We know many such things and they are true no matter what I may think. Facts are facts! When Paul, inspired by God, wrote, For freedom Christ has set us free. Stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery. (Gal. 5:1) He was not talking about the physical realm of the universe, but the moral, ethical realm. In this realm as well, there are those pesky facts again; we are made in the image of God as male or female; all persons enjoy a God-given dignity; some choices are good [kindness, truth, generosity, etc.] and some evil [cohabitation before marriage, murder, cruelty, etc.]; this physical world is not all there is. Our greatest freedom is more a freedom “for” rather than a freedom “from”. Each of us is free to do what is good, what is right. We have the power to do wrong, but not the freedom. The laws of truth in the realm of truth bind me and that is where true freedom leads us to live and love. For example, I am not my own man — I am a son (of God and of Bill and Jane Young), I am a brother to Frank, Rick and Mary Beth, I am a friend to many, and I am a priest to all of you. My freedom lies in being the very best, son, friend, brother, priest that I can be. It is not in going my own way. Therefore, if I desire to be free, I must learn how to obey not because someone wants simply to exercise a power over me, but because his wisdom and love is greater than mine and knows how the correct choice will give me greater freedom. I am more than myself and living that “moreness” enhances who I am. Our freedom is saying, “Yes,” to God’s loving will. The greater the freedom we possess, the less we will ask, “What’s the least I can do?” — “Do I have to?” — “Is this an actual order?” God desires each of us to have magnanimity of heart and soul. So many live such smallness because they are not able to grow in generous freedom. We are invited to go further in and higher up. Freedom is an awesome gift to us. License (doing just what I want) is a most dangerous trait because it leads me to choose evil for myself and thus enslaves me to things I seek rather than freedom which is my divine birthright. The Blood of the Christ, King of the Universe, sets us free. Never, never, never, surrender to sin. We know better? Pax et bonum, 2 Msgr. Bill Mass Intentions for the Week Taizé Night Prayer June 27 to July 3 Sunday Night-Prayer of the Roman Church using the beautiful music of the Community of Taizé, in France. Monday June 27, Weekday 6:45 AM - Jim Hughes †, Msgr. Frank Rossi 12:10 PM - Tony & Mary Fazzino † Tuesday June 28, St. Irenaeus, Bishop & Martyr 6:45 AM - St. Jude League 12:10 PM - Vay Kay †, Howard Burkhalter † 7:00 PM - Dayle Williams †, Bruce Rearns † Next Sunday, July 3, 7:30 P.M. First Sunday of the Month Here at St. Vincent de Paul Church Wednesday June 29, Sts. Peter & Paul, Apostles 6:45 AM - Jim Hughes † 12:10 PM - Richard Faust †, Jim Hughes † We will offer Night Prayer (Compline) of the Roman Church, using the beautiful music of the Community of Taizé in France. Lasting just over a half-hour, it is a beautifully peaceful prayer experience with which to conclude one’s Sunday night in contemplative song. Thursday June 30, Weekday 6:45 AM - Evelyn Berges † 12:10 PM - Avioli and Taylor Families † Fernando Jack Contreras † Friday July 1, Weekday 6:45 AM - Rebecca Mendoza †, James & Marie Hobizal † 12:10 PM - John & Laura Barbato †, Thomas Tran Thang † Saturday July 2, Weekday 8:15 AM - McCarins Families †, Nancy Keating † 5:00 PM - Donald J. Pierini † Join our newly organized Greeters We are a group of parishioners committed to welcoming everyone into our Community United in Faith. Individuals and entire families can join this ministry. Go to: http://www.signupgenius.com/ go/60b0c45a8af2ba75-greeters Choose a Mass time that works for you and your family and sign up for the Mass of your choice. We need YOU!! If you have any questions, please call, Mary Gosline 713-663-3546 or email mgosline@svdp-edu.org. Sunday July 3 FOURTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 7:00 AM - Cathy Lamper † 9:00 AM - Those seeking help from the intercession of Blessed Frederic Ozanam † 11:00 AM - Parishioners 1:00 PM - Helen & Matt Matrisciani † 3:00 PM - Msgr. Bill Young 5:00 PM - Jerry Idstein † Stewardship Offering Peter’s Pence Special Collection This Weekend, June 26, 2016 In poor dioceses where many are dependent on the Church for social and pastoral support; in regions where Catholics are persecuted for their faith and in nations overloaded with refugees and victims of war and natural disasters, the works done by the Holy Father help the Church extend charity to those most in need. Our gifts to the Peter’s Pence Collection gives us the opportunity to be pilgrims of charity around the world. Please give generously to this collection for the charitable works of the Holy Father. He depends on our support. June 19, 2016, 12th Sunday of Ordinary Time Offertory: $40,912.01 Other Charitable: $ 237.00 Total Contributions: $41,149.01 Please pray for the repose of the souls of: =================================== Soonnam (Anna) Lee =================================== First round baskets passed are for the Offertory and the second rectangular baskets are for the Second Collection. May she rest in the peace of Christ. 3 Elementary Faith Formation Registration for CCE and LDP is now open for the Fall. Registration Packets are available at the Greeter's Station in the Narthex of the Church, at the Parish Office, or Online. Registrations should be returned to the parish office. Life Teen – High School Youth Ministry Sundays, 5pm - LIFETEEN Mass, join us! We sit together front left in the Church. SVdP Youth Ministry meets during the School Year on Sundays, 6:30-8pm in the Family Center, upstairs, Youth Room. All High School Students are welcome. LDP - Lord’s Day Program is a faith formation program for children 2 years old through 5 years old. You may choose the 9:00 AM-10:00 AM or the 11:00 AM-12:00 PM class, and they meet in the Primary School Building. "The World Promises you comfort, but you were not made for comfort. You were made for greatness" - Pope Benedict XVI St. Vincent de Paul Life Teen's Mission is to bring teens into a relationship with Christ and his Church. We seek not merely to educate about the faith but to create Missionary Disciples for the Kingdom of God. Through our focus on prayer, the Sacraments, and fellowship through relational ministry, we seek to brings teens into the fullness of Christ and to put them on the path to becoming the person that Christ created them to be. CCE Program - Continuing Christian Education provides faith formation for children in grades 1 through 8. We also have a class for children with special needs. CCE meets 10:30AM - 12:00Noon in the Primary, Intermediate and Middle School Buildings and the Msgr. Jamail Family Center. Info or Signup? Email Nick LaRocca, nlarocca@svdp-edu.org FIRST HOLY COMMUNION PREPARATION: In order to be ready to start preparation for First Holy Communion, students must have completed one full year of Catholic Education, beginning no sooner than First Grade. This requirement may be satisfied by attendance at CCE, Catholic School, or Home School (provided the curriculum consists of daily Catholic Education). A second year of Catholic education occurs in conjunction with their First Reconciliation and First Communion preparation. First Saturday Devotion July 2 "I promise to help at the hour of death, with graces needed for salvation, whoever: On the first Saturday of 5 consecutive months shall confess and receive Holy Communion, recite 5 decades of the Rosary and keep me company for 15 minutes, while meditating on the mysteries of the Rosary with the intentions of making reparation to My Immaculate Heart." Rosary and Chaplet of Mercy in song will follow after the July 2, 8:15 AM Saturday Mass. DOES YOUR CHILD NEED TO BE BAPTIZED? If your child is over 7 years or older and needs to be baptized, we have an RCIA program adapted for children. In addition to the Sunday CCE classes from 10:30am to 12:00noon, we will meet once a month on a Monday night from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM. Please contact Monica Aquila about classes. For further information please contact Monica Aquila at 713.663.3509 or maquila@svdp-edu.org Summer Fun and Learning! We are pleased to announce a continuing partnership with Writers in the Schools! A Houston institution for over 30 years, WITS offers summer workshops at a number of campuses in the city. SVdP will now be a workshop site, with a 2 week course offering this summer from July 11-22. Classes meet daily from 9-12 for students grades 1-8. The workshops, supervised by Mrs. Zimbaldi, will host 3 Writers-inResidence from WITS. The cost for the 2 week session is $300 and payment must accompany registration. This summer we are opening registration to SVdP Parish Members and registration forms are available through the school office. Questions regarding the program may be sent to kzimbaldi@svdp-edu.org. Don’t miss out on this wonderful writing opportunity for your students! 4 ST. ANNE’S SOCIETY Norma L. McLellan St. Anne's Society Book Club Wed., July 13, 7pm, MJFC Room 208B Norma L. McLellan St. Anne's Society Book Club Wed., Aug. 10, 7pm, MJFC Room 208B As members of St. Vincent de Paul's Young Adults (SVDPYA), we strive to live out our Catholic faith in both word and deed. We achieve this goal through our service, spiritual formation, and social events in support of one another, our community, and the Church as a whole. Together, we take up the call of bringing Christ into the world! SVDPYA is centered around a 6:30pm praise and worship, 7pm Mass, and dinner every Tuesday evening (except for the 1st Tuesday of the month), along with an array of social and spiritual events. Come join us at one of our upcoming events, or find our group on Facebook by searching "SVDPYA" or email svdpya@gmail.com to get involved. Reserve your children's spot in the nursery 48 hrs in advance online when you RSVP. Go to: www.stvincentcatholicchurch.org > Organizations > St. Anne’s Society. Invitation to Pack 505 free Summer Activities with the Cub Scouts! Please be our guests at these free summer events. Bring your family and learn about scouting! Designed for boys entering grades 1-5, Cub Scouts is an exciting program that combines outdoor activities, sports, academics and more while helping instill values such as honesty, good citizenship and respect. Cub Scouts provides a positive peer group that creates fellowship, promotes diversity, and teaches duty to God and Country. Help your son learn the value of his own worth, and watch his self-esteem and confidence grow. Pack 505 is an active group of families and students from several area schools including St. Vincent de Paul Catholic School and Roberts Elementary. Come be part of the adventure with us! July Event -- Movie/Picnic Night Thursday evening, July 14th 6pm – 9pm St. Vincent de Paul (date & location subject to change) Join us for Grilling, Chilling and Thrilling!! Enjoy the evening with our families as we watch a kid-friendly movie and share hot dogs and cold drinks. August Event -- Water Balloon Monsoon Sunday, August 14th at 2pm. St. Vincent de Paul Athletic Fields (date & location subject to change) Always EPIC!! The Water Balloon Monsoon is a Scout Favorite! Scouts are suggested to bring 50 or more pre-filled water balloons. You can’t have too many. Refrigerated balloons are chilling!! If you are thinking about joining us for these events, please send us a note so we can have enough food and beverage and keep you up to date on any changes. For this, or any additional information, contact Bill Macey at billmacey@gmail.com or Gene Silva at genesilva2@gmail.com . UH Catholic Newman Center Retreat “Calling Future Coogs! Whether you’re a freshman or a transfer student, join us for the Fresh Retreat at the UH Main Campus, Catholic Newman Center, 4805 Calhoun Rd, 77004, on Saturday, August 27, 10am-6pm. The day retreat will be filled with games, food, dynamic talks and personal stories of transitioning and staying close to the Catholic Faith in College. Meet other freshmen and transfer students, gain insight from current Catholic Coogs, and hang out with our Director Fr. John Paul Bolger, C.C. and Campus Minister Mrs. Claire McMullin. Please contact Claire at c.mcmullin2003@gmain.com or check out www.facebook.com/CatholicCoogs/ find Fresh in the events. Eucharistic Apostles of the Divine Mercy Monday, 7 pm, (no meeting 7/4) in the MJFC Library (2nd Floor) to enhance your knowledge of the Divine Mercy message, deepen your faith, and much more. St. Vincent Catholic Church Mobile App 3 ways to get the app 1. Scan the QR code 2. Search in the app store 3. Go to www.parishsolutionsco.com/vincenttx If you have any questions, please contact: Almanubia Cespedes, 713-662-2110. 5 Catholic Chaplain Corps Pastoral Assistants Formation Training Parish Blood Drive This Sunday June 26 Our Blood Drive is this Sunday, June 26, 8:00am until 2:30pm, in the School Cafeteria. As we head into the summer vacation season, there is more need for blood and sometimes fewer donors. Please give if you are able! To schedule an appointment visit www.giveblood.org, log in to Digital Donor then enter sponsor code 0014 or contact Margaret at margmwelch@yahoo.com or 713-623-8175 or Mary Ann at mary.a.beachler@gmail.com or 713-665-0086. Walk-ins are also welcome. Before Masses is usually less crowded than after Masses. Make a date to give blood—give life! The Catholic Chaplain Corps (CCC) of the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston provides pastoral and sacramental ministry for patients in the Texas Medical Center and Houston area hospitals. The PA formation process is four months in length. If you feel called to minister as a Pastoral Assistant call Rebecca Carrum, BCC, 713-747-8445. Upon request an application form will be sent to you via email or post. Return the completed form to the CCC office by August 1, 2016. Interviews will be scheduled upon receipt of the Application. Classes begin Aug. 27, 2016. Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Meets every Mon. 7–8pm, Art Rm, Middle School Building. All are welcome who think they or someone they know may have a problem with drinking. Adult Life Ministries Next Trip – July 13 On this trip we shall see the special exhibit in the Museum of Natural Science displaying items and artifacts from the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City. Arrangements have been made for everyone in the group to get a coupon to be used when you individually pay the group price of $15 as you enter the museum. The price not only includes the special exhibit but also all of the regular exhibits in the museum. After lunch at the Merida Mexican Restaurant we shall visit Our Lady of Guadalupe Church which has a Holy Door. Then we shall go to the place where the Missionary Sisters of Charity work and hear from them about their work in the Houston area. Boarding for the bus will be at 8:15 am. English Classes (ESL) English as a Second Language meets at 9:30am in Room 208A of the Monsignor Jamail Family Center. If you are interested in joining the class, please notify Elaine at 713-663-3564. John XXIII Study Group This group meets on Mondays from 10:00 – 11:00 am in Room 208A of the MJFC to re-visit and study the treasures of the Catholic Church as they relate to current issues that challenge us in today’s world. Currently they are concentrating on the Vatican II Document, Lumen Gentium. Spiritual Direction For an appointment with a spiritual director call: Sandy Marcello at 713-529-8162, Eileen Meinert at 713-363-1961, or Elaine Caldwell at 713-663-3564. Classes Continuing through the summer French I / Italian I / Spanish I and II English as a second language (ESL) Young at Heart Meeting This Sunday, June 26th Please come and join our amazing senior's group (50 years plus). We meet once a month on Sundays from 2:15 pm-4:00 pm in the Monsignor Jamail Family Center for movies, religious or health related talks, bingo, and other inter-active activities. As a member, you will enjoy your Sunday afternoon with food, drinks, door prizes and camaraderie among fellow parishioners and friends from St. Vincent de Paul and surrounding parishes. It’s only $5.00 a year to join! You have nothing to lose and only friends and fun to gain. For more information on joining, or if you would like to volunteer to give the group a talk, please contact Marissa Garcia at 713-201-9740 or marissa@marissagarcialaw.com. All are welcome and encouraged to join! Our meeting is this Sunday, June 26, 2016 at 2:15 PM. SVDP's SUGAR STIX will be performing for our annual Fourth of July celebration. Hot dogs and ice cream with all the fixings will be served. Special thanks to Dianne Cooper with the Belmont Village for a great talk in May on "Finding Joy in Each Season of Your Life" and an amazing Ice Cream Sunday Party! 6 Society of St. Vincent de Paul 2016 Archdiocesan Prayer Breakfast July 28, 2016 In today’s Gospel we see how Jesus, on his way to Jerusalem, sent “messengers on ahead of Him.” To be the messengers of God, we must know well what it is God wants to say and do through us, as he sends us out to bring his love to others. In the month of May, you were the “messenger of God” in bringing hope to the poor. Your gifts enabled the Society of St. Vincent de Paul to assist 44 families and single persons including 72 children, providing $12,403.41 in rent and lodging, $931.24 in utilities, $593.00 in furniture, $516.88 in transportation, $50.00 in spiritual care, and $41.36 in food. We thank you for allowing us to help so many families and children. This was one of the highest months in assistance; many persons were affected by flooding, which not only affects their dwellings, possessions and transportation, but their ability to work and carry on in a reasonable way with their lives. Call 713-664-5350 for help, or if you are interested in membership in The Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Please use the organization link in the Church website (http://svdp-houston.org/society-of-st-vincent-de-paul) to access more information on the Society. The St. Jude Chapel Poor Box proceeds are used by the Society of St. Vincent de Paul to benefit those in need. Donations may be made at any time. Speaker: Most Rev. Michael Sis Bishop of San Angelo Hilton Americas 1600 Lamar St. Houston, 77010 7am check in, Program begins 7:30am sharp To purchase tickets go to www.archgh.org/prayerbreakfast For more information, please contact the Development Department at 713-652-4417 SVDP Book Club Upcoming Meeting The SVDP book club will meet on Wednesday, July 13, from 10:30 a.m. until Noon in MJFC 206. The selection for July is The Road to Character by David Brooks. This book is available in the public libraries and at most retail and online book stores. New members welcome! For questions contact Mary Ann Beachler at 713-665-0086 or mary.a.beachler@gmail.com LORD TEACH US TO PRAY Archdiocesan Day of Prayer Sponsored by Prince of Peace ACTS Featuring Speakers: Rev. John Keller, Pastor Prince of Peace Michael Gormley, Coordinator of Evangelization St. Anthony of Padua Dcn. Tom Vicknair, Director of Pastoral Life St. Anthony of Padua 7 8 9 Saints and Special Observances HOW IS GOD, IN HIS INFINITE LOVE, CALLING YOU? Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: The top five happiest professions, according to University of Chicago researchers, include (numbers 5 through 2), special ed teachers, authors, physical therapists, and firefighters. Who’s number 1? The clergy! What would it be like to make the choice to live a celibate life? Sister Julie, in the blog “A Nun’s Life Ministry,” recalls what her mentor told her when Julie fell in love with someone as she discerned a religious vocation. “If we lose the capacity to fall in love,” the mentor said, then we lose the ability to truly open our hearts to God, to the people with whom we live and minister, with God’s beautiful creation.” Falling in love doesn’t mean, Sister Julie came to understand, that we have to act on it. Catholic priests in Australia discussed their choice with a journalist this way: “It gives me plenty of time to deal with people who come to me for help; more time for my work. It also allows me an intimacy with Jesus in the sense that He is the only one I come to as my ultimate, intimate companion; rather than any non-divine person.” “We discussed celibacy a lot in the seminary. We looked at it not as a giving up, but a giving for. Pray for Vocations! Brought to you by the SVDP Vocations Committee. Friday: Saturday: Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Cyril of Alexandria St. Irenaeus Ss. Peter and Paul The First Holy Martyrs of the Holy Roman Church Blessed Junípero Serra; Canada Day; First Friday First Saturday Readings For The Week Monday: Am 2:6-10, 13-16; Ps 50:16bc-23; Mt 8:18-22 Tuesday: Am 3:1-8; 4:11-12; Ps 5:4b-8; Mt 8:23-27 Wednesday: Vigil: Acts 3:1-10; Ps 19:2-5; Gal 1:11-20; Jn 21:15-19 Day: Acts 12:1-11; Ps 34:2-9; 2 Tm 4:6-8, 17-18; Mt 16:13-19 Thursday: Am 7:10-17; Ps 19:8-11; Mt 9:1-8 Friday: Am 8:4-6, 9-12; Ps 119:2, 10, 20, 30, 40, 131; Mt 9:9-13 Saturday: Am 9:11-15; Ps 85:9ab, 10-14; Mt 9:14-17 Sunday: Is 66:10-14c; Ps 66:1-7, 16, 20; Gal 6:14-18; Lk 10:1-12, 17-20 [1-9] Today’s Readings First Reading — The Lord tells Elijah to anoint Elisha as prophet to succeed him (1 Kings 19:16b, 19-21). Psalm — You are my inheritance, O Lord (Psalm 16). Second Reading — Use your freedom in Christ to serve one another through love (Galatians 5:1, 13-18). Gospel — While journeying to Jerusalem, Jesus speaks of the costs of discipleship (Luke 9:51-62). FOCUS ON THE MISSION “There are so many things to do.” “We have so little time.” How many variations of these statements have you heard or even said yourself? Actually neither statement is completely true. There are many things to do in this life, but really few things that are vitally important. Working, searching, conniving, and worrying our way to “gratify[ing] the desires of the flesh,” as Paul relates in today’s second reading, are really non-productive. So little time? When we take on the freedom that Christ offers us, we have all the time we need in this world, and even more in the next. Elisha, the prophet Elijah’s chosen servant, was slightly befuddled about what he should do. When Elijah called, he returned to bid farewell to his parents and provide food for his people. Only then did he follow. Jesus demands something different, something more of his disciples. He calls us to a single-minded determination to drop everything and follow him. Now, not later. TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION An old and still vital treasure in our tradition is a document called the “Apostolic Traditions,” giving us a snapshot of church life in third-century Rome. Its author, Hippolytus, describes the liturgical life of the church and records the actual texts of the prayers. The way he explained the various “orders” of the church was the basis for a major reform of the rites of ordination by Pope Pius XII in 1947, and later for the Second Vatican Council. Hippolytus tells us that a bishop had to be elected by the entire people, and that ordination had to take place on a Sunday in the presence of the people, the presbyters, and neighboring bishops. The bishop-candidate is ordained by the other bishops, who impose their hands on his head while everyone else keeps a profound silence, awaiting the outpouring of the Spirit. There is a prayer of blessing said by one of them, on behalf of all, asking for the Spirit and describing his ministry. Later centuries layered new features on top of this liturgy, including the requirement for three bishop consecrators. Today, whenever a new bishop is announced (election by the people is no more), a kind of genealogy is provided, tracing his pedigree through the consecrating bishops down through the centuries to Peter and the first body of believers. Every bishop today can trace his office through his consecrators back to the beginning in a tradition called “apostolic succession.” Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. 10 Next Coffee & Donuts in the Family Center Parish Information Following: 7, 9, 11a.m. and 3pm Masses Sunday, July 17, 2016 Hosted by Sunday Mass EM Team 2 Sacrament of Baptism: Children, age 6 or younger requirements: parents registered parishioners, attended baptism class within 3 years and completed forms before baptism can be scheduled. For info and forms contact Paulette, pblackburn@svdp-edu.org/713-663-3515. If your child is over 7 years old and not baptized, contact Monica Aquila, 713-663-3509 or maquila@svdp-edu.org. Sacrament of Matrimony: Six to eight months are required for marriage preparation. Please call the Parish Office, 713667-9111 for an appointment with the marriage coordinator. Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick: Please call the Parish Office as soon as you or someone in your family schedule surgery, hospitalization or suffer serious illness or injury. Nursery Closed Sunday, July 4th Weekend Summer Sunday Nursery Schedule Children 1-24 Months. Nursery available during Summer months for Sunday 9am Mass only, excluding Holidays. Ground floor, Monsignor Jamail Family Center. No Fees. ============================================================== Altar Servers: Contact Tom Green, svdpaltar@gmail.com Bulletin:. Deadline is 9am, Thur., 10 days before date of bulletin, holiday bulletins at least 1 week earlier. Email to TTamborello@svdp-edu.org, or drop off articles at the Parish Office. Announcements before or after Mass will not be allowed unless submitted to the church office no later than Wednesday before the weekend of the scheduled event for approval to Laura Rivera, 713-663-3528 / LRivera@svdp-edu.org. Facilities Request: Request deadline: two weeks prior to event. Contact Megan at mdoherty@svdp-edu.org or 713-663-3543. Can’t Get to Church? If you or someone you know would like to receive Communion, but are home bound, or in a nursing or retirement residence and unable to get to Mass, call 713-667-9111. Nursery: Ages birth to 2 years during Sunday 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM Masses at the Monsignor Jamail Family Center. St. Jude League Enrollment Membership Cards are available in the Church by the St. Jude Shrine. Teen RCIA: Teens who desire to become Catholic and have not been baptized or received the sacraments, call the Youth Office, 713-663-3565. Catholic Radio for Houston Radio for your soul!!! KSHJ 1430 AM, www.grnonline.com, 24 hours every day! Listen and Learn! Catholic Websites What is happening in the Archdiocese? Who is the patron saint of Air Travelers? How can I take a Virtual Reality Tour of the Sistine Chapel? To find the answers to these and many more questions go to the following websites: Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston www.archgh.org Catechism of the Catholic Church www.vatican.va/archive/ENG0015/_INDEX.HTM Daily Readings and Reflections www.usccb.org/nab Travelers Church Locator & Mass Times www.masstimes.org Saints & Angels www.catholic.org/saints Texas Catholic Conference www.txcatholic.org U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops www.usccb.org The Vatican www.vatican.va ============================================================== New Parishioners: To register, complete and return the Parish Registration Form available at the Parish Office, the Greeter’s Station in the Church Gathering Space or online at http://www.svdp-houston.org/new-parishionerregistration-form No Parking Zones Volunteer Interfaith Caregivers Southwest Please be sure that you park in a legal parking zone in St. Vincent de Paul parking lots. It is frustrating to not be able to find a spare spot at the church. However, our buildings are each surrounded by Fire Lanes and Handicap Spaces. The police have no choice but to ticket a car that is illegally parked. Please take the time to be sure that you are parked legally. Thank you. We strive to build community through living faith, by helping frail, elderly and health-impaired people in the southwest Houston area remain independent, seek health care and preserve their quality of life. It is easy to become a VIC volunteer! Whether on a regular basis or occasionally, there are a variety of volunteer opportunities: Transportation for medical appointments or Shopping Trips / Minor Home Repairs / Garden and Yard Work / Telephone reassurance / Visitation. Contact VIC to Volunteer: 713-772-8181 / info@vic-sw.org / www.vic-sw.org 11 Décimotercer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 26 de junio de 2016 LA LIBERTAD CRISTIANA Nuestra segunda lectura de hoy, tomada de la carta a los Gálatas, se enfoca sobre la libertad. Esta palabra puede significar distintas cosas para distintas personas. En este país nos sentimos orgullosos de que gozamos de la libertad, garantizada por la constitución. Para algunos, ser libre significa poder hacer siempre lo que desean. Por el bautismo, los cristianos vivimos la libertad de los hijos e hijas de Dios. Y nuestra manera de vivir esa libertad cristiana es el tema central de las lecturas bíblicas de este domingo. El corazón de la verdadera libertad cristiana se expresa en la segunda lectura, donde san Pablo nos dice que “toda la ley se cumple, si se cumple este solo mandamiento: Amarás a tu prójimo como a ti mismo”. (Gálatas 5:14) La libertad, en el sentido cristiano de la palabra, mira hacia adelante. Es verdad que en el bautismo quedamos libres de pecado, pero también quedamos libres para algo. Y ese “algo” es el amor a nuestro prójimo. ¿CÓMO PASAMOS NUESTRO TIEMPO LIBRE? © J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. La primera lectura y el Evangelio de hoy nos cuentan historias sobre personas que querían vivir en el pasado. Pero la libertad cristiana significa que, el pasado, pasado es, y que avanzamos hacia un futuro donde la libertad se usa para amar a nuestro prójimo. Hoy día nos vemos bombardeados con anuncios que tratan de decirnos exactamente cómo debemos usar nuestra libertad. Nos dicen que debemos pasar nuestro tiempo libre en un centro comercial. Que debemos gastar nuestro dinero en automóviles deportivos, en lanchas de motor, en comprar una casa más lujosa, o en comprar una televisión de pantalla más grande. Que deberíamos pasar nuestro tiempo libre viajando a lugares exóticos. Pero la libertad cristiana significa algo muy distinto de esos valores, abrazados por tantos en nuestra sociedad. Hoy las Escrituras nos llaman a usar nuestra libertad para hacer un mundo mejor para los pobres y los necesitados. Este domingo es uno de esos días en que el mensaje de Cristo aparece claro, conciso y nada difícil de comprender. El reto no es entenderlo, sino ponerlo por obra. Lecturas de hoy: 1 Reyes 19:16b, 19–21; Salmo 16:1–2, 5, 7–11; Gálatas 5:1, 13–18; Lucas 9:51–62 Copyright © 2006, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. Taller en español: "Hijo: Ahí tienes a tu Madre” (Jn 19, 27) Taller en español: "Hijo: Ahí tienes a tu Madre” (Jn 19,27) El objetivo de este taller es crecer en amor a nuestra Madre María conociendo su papel fundamental en la historia de nuestra Salvación. La charla tratará sobre la importancia de María en la historia de nuestra Salvación a la Luz de las Sagradas Escrituras. Se enfatizará en el hecho de que Dios contó con María para salvarnos y nos la entregó como Madre para que contemos con Ella como ayuda para alcanzar nuestra salvación. Presentadora: Verónica López. Dónde: Salón Grande, MJ Centro Parroquial. Cuándo: jueves 30 de junio, 7:00 PM. 12 LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS CELEBRACIONES Domingo: Decimotercer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Lunes: San Cirílo de Alejandría Martes: San Ireneo Miércoles: San Pedro y san Pablo, apóstoles Jueves: Los Primeros Santos Mártires de la Iglesia Romana Viernes: Beato Junípero Serra; Día del Canadá; Primer viernes Sábado: Primer sábado CONCÉNTRATE EN LA MISIÓN “Hay tantas cosas que hacer”. “Tenemos tan poco tiempo”. ¿Cuántas variantes de estas afirmaciones has oído o incluso dicho tú mismo? En realidad, ninguna de las dos es completamente verdadera. Hay muchas cosas que hacer en esta vida, pero realmente pocas cosas que son de vital importancia. Esforzarse, buscar, actuar en convivencia y preocuparse en pos del “desorden egoísta del hombre”, como nos dice san Pablo en la segunda lectura de hoy, no es en absoluto productivo. ¿Tan poco tiempo? Cuando tomamos la libertad que Cristo nos ofrece, tenemos todo el tiempo que necesitamos en este mundo y aún más en el que sigue. Eliseo, el sirviente elegido del profeta Elías, estaba un tanto aturdido sin saber qué debía hacer. Cuando Elías lo llamó, regresó a despedirse de sus padres y a darle comida a su gente. Sólo después lo siguió. Jesús nos pide algo diferente, algo digno de sus discípulos. Nos pide una determinación absoluta para dejar todo y seguirlo. Ahora, no después. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE El último sábado de junio o el primero de julio en un ayuntamiento de Valcidacos, España, se pone en escena el Miserere escrito por Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer (1836-1870). Esta obra relata como un músico llega de noche a la Abadía de Fetero pidiendo posada. Los hermanos del monasterio lo invitaron a pasar la noche. Allí él les contó su vida pecaminosa y su deseo de encontrar un Miserere (Salmo 51) digno de expiar sus pecados ante Dios. Le contaron del Miserere del Monte que cantaban durante la noche los monjes difuntos de un Monasterio que había sido destruido siglos atrás. El músico afanado por encontrar su Miserere, corrió a la montaña donde escuchó aquel lamentoso y bello canto. Al regresar a la Abadía intentó escribir la música de aquel Miserere, pero lo único que logro fue volverse loco. Aquel pobre hombre murió sin reconocer que cada quien debe entonar a su manera su propio y pobre Miserere mei (piedad de mi). Dios no nos perdona por la belleza o la fuerza de nuestra confesión, sino por su amor y su misericordia. —Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — El Señor le dice a Elías que unja a Eliseo como profeta para ser su sucesor (1 Reyes 19:16b, 19-21). Salmo — Enséñanos, Señor, el camino de la vida (Salmo16 [15]). Segunda lectura — Usa tu libertad en Cristo para servirse unos a otros mediante el amor (Gálatas 5:1, 13-18). Evangelio — Mientras viajaban a Jerusalén, Jesús reprocha a los discípulos que querían que bajara fuego del cielo sobre una aldea samaritana (Lucas 9:51-62). Salmo responsorial: Leccionario II © 1976, Comisión Episcopal de Pastoral Litúrgica de la Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano. Usado con permiso. Todos los derechos reservados. LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Am 2:6-10, 13-16; Sal 50 (49):16bc-23; Mt 8:18-22 Martes: Am 3:1-8; 4:11-12; Sal 5:4b-8; Mt 8:23-27 Miércoles: Vigilia: Hch 3:1-10; Sal 19 (18):2-5; Gal 1:11-20; Jn 21:15-19 Día: Acts 12:1-11; Ps 34 (33):2-9; 2 Tm 4:6-8, 17-18; Mt 16:13-19 Jueves: Am 7:10-17; Sal 19 (18):8-11; Mt 9:1-8 Viernes: Am 8:4-6, 9-12; Sal 119 (118):2, 10, 20, 30, 40, 131; Mt 9:9-13 Sábado: Am 9:11-15; Sal 85 (84):9ab, 10-14; Mt 9:14-17 Domingo: Is 66:10-14c; Sal 66 (65):1-7, 16, 20; Gal 6:14-18; Lc 10:1-12, 17-20 [1-9] Jóvenes de Luz St. Vincent de Paul Somos un grupo de jóvenes adultos interesados en profundizar en nuestra fe a través de la formación espiritual, el servicio, y actividades sociales que nos permitan crecer en comunidad buscando imitar el ejemplo de Jesús y las virtudes de nuestra Madre María. Como jóvenes adultos, nos esforzamos en ser luz siendo testigos de nuestra fe y así dar a conocer el mensaje del Reino de Dios desde nuestra vida cotidiana. Nos reunimos todos los jueves a las 7:00 PM en el segundo piso del centro parroquial. Si desean agregarse a nuestra lista de contactos para recibir información acerca de nuestros eventos, pueden enviarnos un correo a pjauniversitaria@gmail.com. ¡Los esperamos! El Rezo del Santísimo Rosario Rezamos el rosario antes de la Misa en español todos los domingo empezando a las 2:20 p.m. Misa de sanación Se celebra una Misa de Sanación el segundo miércoles de cada mes as las 12:10 p.m. Inmediatamente después de la Misa, se celebra el sacramento de la Unción de los Enfermos. La próxima fecha de la celebración será el 13 de Julio 2016. Teléfonos celulares Pedimos atentamente que apaguen o cambien la señal de sus teléfonos durante la Misa para no interrumpir los ritos. 13 With Hearts and Voices Songs and Prayers of a Faithful People More than 80 traditional Catholic songs and prayers familiar to our moms and dads. Large print for older eyes. 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