1 - Town of Wytheville
1 - Town of Wytheville
AGENDA Wytheville Town Council Monday, June 22, 2015 7:00p.m. Wytheville Municipal Building 150 East Monroe Street Wytheville, Virginia 24382 A. INVOCATION-VICE-MAYOR JACQUELINE K. KING B. CALL TO ORDER-MAYOR TRENTON G. CREWE, JR. C. ESTABLISHMENT OF QUORUM-MAYOR TRENTON G. CREWE, JR. D. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE-COUNCILMAN WILLIAM B. WEISIGER E. CONSENTAGENDA 1. F. Minutes of the regular meeting of June 8, 2015 PUBLIC HEARING 1. Consider various appropriations to the budget for Fiscal Year 2014-15 G. CITIZENS' PERIOD H. OLD BUSINESS-TOWN MANAGER C. WAYNE SUTHERLAND, JR. I. COMMITTEE REPORTS 1. 2. Budget and Finance a. Action on the public hearing regarding amendments to the Fiscal Year 2014-15 budget b. Recommendation for amendment to the proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2015-16 Public Works a. Proposed amendments to the service agreement regarding the New River Regional Water Authority b. Request of West End United Methodist Church for additional handicapped parking spaces J. K. L. M. ORDINANCES/RESOLUTIONS 1. Ordinance No. 1297, the Budget Ordinance for Fiscal Year 2015-16, on third and final reading 2. Resolution approving an amendment to the service agreement among the New River Regional Water Authority, Carroll County, Wythe County and the Town of Wytheville APPOINTMENTS 1. Appointment or reappointment of a Council member to the District Three Governmental Cooperative for a one year term (term expires June 30, 2015) 2. Appointment of a member to the Wytheville Planning Commission to fill the expired term of Mr. Kenny W. Ervin (term expired March 2, 2015) OTHER BUSINESS 1. Recommendation from the Planning Commission regarding amendments to the Town of Wytheville Zoning Ordinance, Article XI-A Business District B-2 DT General Business District- Downtown, Section 11-2A Use Regulations, to include the uses of "Brewery, Craft or Pub; Brewery, Micro" and "Farmers' Markets" as permitted uses 2. Recommendation from the Planning Commission regarding an amendment to the Town of Wytheville Future Land Use Map 3. Recommendation from the Planning Commission regarding the request of Ms. Jackie Armbrister and Mr. G. C. Dunford for the subdivision of property located on Country Lane, which is located on the southeast side of Peppers Ferry Road between Nye Road and Granite Acres Road, in an R-3 Residential District 4. Consider the issuance of a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity during 2015 for Richardson Ambulance Service, LLC for the operation of public vehicles ADJOURNMENT G:\COUNCIL\COUNCIL AGENDAS\2015\060815.doc WYTHEVILLE TOWN COUNCIL AGENDA INFORMATION Meeting Date: Monday, June 22, 2015 Item Name: Public Hearing Item Number: F-1 Subject: Various appropriations to FY 2014-15 Budget SUMMARY: A public hearing has been scheduled to consider various appropriations to the Town's current budget for Fiscal Year 2014-15. Town Treasurer Stephens is requesting the Town Council to amend the Water/Sewer Budget in the amount of $454,000; the Main Street Program Budget in the amount of $80,000; and, the General Fund Budget in the amount of $975,000. Action on this matter will be taken later during the regular meeting. 2014-2015 BUDGET AMENDMENT DEBIT TOWN COUNCIL $240,000.00 POLICE DEPARTMENT $200,000.00 STREET CONSTRUCTION $110,000.00 CONFERENCE AND COMMUNITY CENTER $250,000.00 JOINT IDA $175,000.00 CREDIT GRANTS $240,000.00 REIMBURSED COST $175,000.00 USE OF RESERVES $560,000.00 TOTAL GENERAL FUND $975,000 WATER/WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION $175,000 WATER/WASTEWATER UTILITIES $279,000 GRANTS TOTAL WATER/SEWER FUND $975,000 $454,000 $454,000 $454,000 EVENTS $25,000 USE OF RESERVES $55,000 MAIN STREET PROGRAM $80,000 TOTAL MAIN STREET PROGRAM $80,000 MOTION- AMEND AND APPROPRIATE THE 2014-15 WATER/SEWER BUDGET IN THE AMOUNT OF$ 454,000, THE MAIN STREET PROGRAM BUDGET IN THE AMOUNT OF$ 80,000 AND THE GENERAL FUND BUDGET IN THE AMOUNT OF$ 975,000. $80,000 WYTHEVILLE TOWN COUNCIL AGENDA INFORMATION Meeting Date: Monday, June 22, 2015 Item Name: Committee Reports Item Number: 1-1 Subject: Budget and Finance Committee SUMMARY: The Budget and Finance Committee will report on the following matters: a. Action on the public hearing regarding amendments to the Fiscal Year 20142015 budget b. Recommendation for amendment to the proposed budget for Fiscal Year 201516 BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT JUNE 22, 2015 1. Earlier this evening, a public hearing was held to consider amending the budget for Fiscal Year 2014-15. In general, the revisions to the budget reflect the appropriation of funding for projects that had not been included in the budget or the addition of grant funds to be used for the projects. In the General Fund, the larger projects include the purchase of the Hobert N. Grubb building for the Farmers' Market, the construction of curb and gutter on Main Street between Fourth and Twelfth Streets and the expansion of a storage area at the Community Center. The Water/Sewer Fund was for the payment for a waterline on Community Boulevard, as well as some outstanding bills for the 20" Waterline Project. The funding available equals the value of the projects, and, therefore, the budget remains balanced. As a related topic, it has been the practice of the Council for many years to authorize the Town Treasurer to make line item revisions to the current budget, which allow him to use funds from categories from left over revenues for categories where revenues may have been short. It is the recommendation of the Budget and Finance Committee that we amend the budget as requested by the Treasurer and reviewed at the public hearing, and that we authorize the Treasurer to make line item revisions to the current budget. 2. At the last meeting of Council, the proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2015-16 was amended to the extent that it added additional funding for marketing activities for the Town's Department of Tourism. Subsequently, we met with Mrs. Rosa Jude, who is the director of this department, to discuss future marketing efforts. Mrs. Jude noted that if marketing funding was available to provide her with $100,000, it could be sufficient leverage to access other grant funding. Mrs. Jude has been very successful through the years in getting grants, and we believe providing her this opportunity with additional funding will stimulate yet additional funding for these marketing activities. When the budget is considered later in the meeting, it would be the recommendation of the Budget and Finance Committee that the budget be amended to reflect the line item for Marketing Funds be revised to $100,000 and that the budget be approved on third and final reading. Jacqueline K. King William B. Weisiger H:\COUNCIL\BFCOMMIT.RPT\2015\BFJUNE22.doc 2 2014-2015 BUDGET AMENDMENT DEBIT TOWN COUNCIL $240,000.00 POLICE DEPARTMENT $200,000.00 STREET CONSTRUCTION $110,000.00 CONFERENCE AND COMMUNITY CENTER $250,000.00 JOINT IDA $175,000.00 CREDIT GRANTS $240,000.00 REIMBURSED COST $175,000.00 USE OF RESERVES $560,000.00 TOTAL GENERAL FUND $975,000 WATER/WASTEWATER ADMINISTRATION $175,000 WATER/WASTEWATER UTILITIES $279,000 GRANTS TOTAL WATER/SEWER FUND $975,000 $454,000 $454,000 $454,000 EVENTS $25,000 USE OF RESERVES $55,000 MAIN STREET PROGRAM $80,000 TOTAL MAIN STREET PROGRAM $80,000 MOTION- AMEND AND APPROPRIATE THE 2014-15 WATER/SEWER BUDGET IN THE AMOUNT OF $ 454,000, THE MAIN STREET PROGRAM BUDGET IN THE AMOUNT OF $ 80,000 AND THE GENERAL FUND BUDGET IN THE AMOUNT OF$ 975,000. $80,000 WYTHEVILLE TOWN COUNCIL AGENDA INFORMATION Meeting Date: Monday, June 22, 2015 Item Name: Committee Reports Item Number: 1-2 Subject: Public Works Committee SUMMARY: The Public Works Committee will report on the following matters: a. Proposed amendments to the service agreement regarding the New River Regional Water Authority b. Request of the West End United Methodist Church for additional handicapped parking spaces PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE REPORT JUNE 22, 2015 1. At their meeting this past Thursday, the New River Regional Water Authority reviewed information about refinancing the vast majority of the debt used for the construction of the Water Treatment Plant. Mr. Webster Day, who serves as the attorney to the Authority, gave an overview of the matter noting that the refinancing of the existing debt would eventually save the Authority nearly $1 million over the life of the loan, or about $58,000 per year in loan payments. Subsequently, the Authority then adopted a resolution authorizing the issuance and sell of the revenue refunding bonds. As a part of this refinancing package, it is also required that each of the participating jurisdictions adopt a resolution authorizing this refinancing, as well as amend the Service Agreement that exists between all three of the participating jurisdictions. It would be the recommendation of the Public Works Committee that the Council adopt both of these documents that authorize the Authority to move forward. When the roll call is taken on these votes, we would request that it be an individual, voice vote. 2. We have received a request from West End United Methodist Church to install two handicapped parking spaces on the east side of 181h Street between North and Spiller Streets. The spaces requested would be directly across the street from the entrance to the church. This location is the side yard of a dwelling, and we believe that the permanent installation of handicapped signs at this location could be 1 detrimental to the residential dwelling. We do believe that the handicapped spaces could be helpful, but we would recommend that the approval of the handicapped spaces be predicated on the installation of "sleeves," whereby these handicapped parking signs can be placed when church functions are going on. Otherwise, the signs should be removed, and the spaces could be used for regular parking. Therefore, it is the recommendation of the Public Works Committee that we permit the installation of "sleeves" to accommodate these handicapped parking signs. H. Judson Lambert Thomas F. Hundley H:\COUNCIL\PWCOMMIT .RPT\2015\PWJUN22.doc 2 WYTHEVILLE TOWN COUNCIL Meeting Date: Monday, June 22, 2015 Item Name: Ordinances/Resolutions Item Number: J-1 Subject: Ordinance No. 1297 AGENDA INFORMATION SUMMARY: Please find enclosed Ordinance No. 1297, which is before the Council on third and final reading. The Budget and Finance Committee has recommended that the line item for new marketing activities be increased from $75,000 to $100,000. These funds will be transferred from the "Infrastructure Improvements" line item, therefore, the total dollar amount of the budget will not change. ORDINANCE NO. 1297 At a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Wytheville, Virginia, held in the Council Chambers on the 26th day of May 2015, at 7:00P.M. Present: Absent: Ordinance No. 1297 concerning the budget for fiscal year beginning July 1, 2015, and ending June 30, 2016. AN ORDINANCE setting the tax rate of $0.16 per $100 valuation of Real Estate, $0.28 per $100 valuation of Machinery and Tools, and $0.28 per $100 valuation of Personal Property, excluding household goods and personal effects and including the property separately classified by Sections 58.1-3200 and 58.1-3503 of the Code of Virginia, the Personal Property Tax Relief Act as authorized by Section 58.1-3523 of the Code of Virginia in the amount of sixty-one and forty-four one hundredths per centum (61.44%), and a Bank Franchise Tax as authorized by Section 58.1-1209 of the Code of Virginia in the amount of eighty per centum (80%) of the State rate of taxation for each one hundred dollars ($100) of net capital of banks located in the Town. For such banks which have offices outside the corporate limits of the Town, the tax is to be apportioned as provided in Section 58.1-1211 of the Code of Virginia. The total rates as shown are for municipal purposes. The funds as indicated are appropriated for the administration and operation of several departments in the Town of Wytheville for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2016. Be it ordained by the Council of the Town of Wytheville that the amounts, as listed herein, be appropriated from the estimate of revenues and funds on hand for the fiscal year. H:\ORDINANC\BUDGET ORDINANCE NO. 1297.doc TOWN OF WYTHEVILLE REVENUE SUMMARY BY DEPARTMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2015-2016 REVENUE BY DEPARTMENT 1. REAL ESTATE TAXES 1. PUBLIC SERVICES TAXES 1. PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES 1. MOBILE HOME TAXES 1. MACHINERY AND TOOL TAXES 1. PENALTY AND INTEREST 2. STATE SALES TAX 2. CONSUMER UTILITY TAX 2. FRANCHISE LICENSE TAX 2. MOTOR VEHICLE LICENSES 2. BANK STOCK TAX 2. TOBACCO TAX 2. LODGING TAX 2. MEALS TAX 2. REFUSE DECALS/TAGS 2. CONSUMPTION TAX 2. BUSINESS LICENSES 3. PERMITS 4. FINES 5. INTEREST ON INVESTMENT 5. USE OR PROPERTY 5. SALE OF MATERIALS 6. FIRE SERVICES 6. REIMBURSED COST 6. ANIMAL CONTROL 6. STREET ASSESSMENTS 6. MOWING/REFUSE ASSESSMENTS 6. RECREATION FEES 6. MUSEUMS FEES 6. MEETING CENTER 6. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 7. MISCELLANEOUS 7. INTERGOVERNMENTAL TRANSFER 8. LOANS 8. NON CATEGORICAL AID 8. CATEGORICAL AID 9. SALE OF PROPERTY TOTAL GENERAL FUND 2014-2015 2015-2016 BUDGET PROPOSED INCREASE (DECREASE) $1,215,000 $50,000 $154,000 $1,700 $145,000 $8,000 $440,000 $1,225,000 $50,000 $163,500 $1,700 $105,000 $12,000 $500,000 $235,000 $235,000 $13,000 $125,000 $13,000 $125,000 $300,000 $300,000 $1,225,000 $2,776,000 $225,000 $300,000 $1,000,000 $2,275,000 $52,000 $75,000 $52,000 $1,100,000 $66,600 $60,000 $259,600 $28,400 $3,600 $26,000 $136,470 $600 $1,225 $11,500 $918,455 $64,400 S165,100 $1,500 $151,230 S1,405,920 $1 '100,000 $67,600 $105,000 $259,600 $28,400 $6,600 $26,000 $312,345 $600 $1,225 $11,500 $919,455 S63,550 S165,100 S1,500 S211,230 S2,435,072 S538,000 $3,357,900 S27,500 S14 602,700 S541,000 S5,396,623 $40,000 so so $22,000 $18,832 600 $10,000 $0 $9,500 $0 ($40,000) $4,000 $60,000 $0 $0 $0 $75,000 $0 $225,000 $501,000 $35,000 $0 $0 $1,000 $45,000 $0 $0 $3,000 $0 $175,875 $0 $0 $0 $1,000 (S850) so so S60,000 S1,029, 152 $0 S3,000 S2,038,723 ($5,500) $4,229,900 TOWN OF WYTHEVILLE • GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS • FOR FISCAL YEAR 2015-2016 2014-15 INCREASE (DECREASE) 2014-15 PROPOSED BUDGET TOWN COUNCIL $539,805 $1,122,315 TOWN CLERK $462,930 S242,&75 COMMISSION MEMBERS $582,510 ($220,255) $14,310 $14,300 TOWN MANAGER $147,052 s153.501 $6,449 ASSISTANT TOWN MANAGER $5,400 ($10) $121,870 $127,270 LEGAL SERVICES $11,030 $11,030 so INDEPENDENT AUDITORS $45,000 $45,000 so TOWN TREASURER'S OFFICE $196,146 $204,418 $8,272 AUTOMOTIVE POOL $228,930 $235,170 $6,240 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT $262,095 $3,627,552 $3,365,457 HUMAN RESOURCES $126,614 $136,084 S9,470 COMPUTER OPERATIONS $236,280 $266,695 $30,415 CLERK OF COURT POLICE DEPARTMENT FIRE DEPARTMENT so $2,000 $2,000 S2,218. 105 $2.479,435 $261,330 $451,730 $492,285 S40,555 INSPECTION-BUILDINGS S81,860 S102, 170 S20,310 ANIMAL CONTROL S50,875 S&5,635 S14,760 PUBLIC TRANSIT $27,416 $27,416 $119,785 $76,385 ($43,400) S2,587,875 S954, 970 ($ 1,632, 905) so $680,000 S680,000 SNOW AND ICE REMOVAL S140,230 S116,220 (S24,010) TRAFFIC SIGNS AND SIGNALS S552,205 $523,490 (S28,715) STREET CONSTRUCTION $395,330 S636,640 S241,310 PUBLIC WORKS ADMINIS. MAINTENANCE OF STREETS DOWNTOWN MAIN - CDBG STREET AND ROAD CLEANING REFUSE COLLECTION LANDFILL WEED CONTROl- MOWING GENERAl PROPERTIES TOWN HAll so S47,555 $41,750 (S5,805) $178,220 S147,800 ($30,420) S95,090 S115,470 S20,380 S134,730 s168,&45 S33,915 S92,475 $1&5,345 S309,715 S205,005 S72,870 (S104,710) sr.ooo 4TH STREET CIVIC CENTER S17,100 S18, 100 PARKS/SPORTS COMPLEXES S76,265 S79, 995 S3,730 $495,085 S548,785 $53,700 $56,650 S63,750 $7,100 S5.050 S5,050 S87,685 $77,&80 ($ 10,005) CONFERENCE AND COMMUNITY CENTER EMERGENCY SERVICES BlDG. ANIMAL SHELTER E lEE TRINKLE VISTOR CENTER MEETING CENTER so $471,220 S493,406 $22,186 COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES - REIMBURSEMENT S5,385 s17,225 $11.840 TAX RELIEF FOR ELDERLY S9,000 S9,000 so so $74,810 $74,810 $365,309 $402,555 $37,246 S80,660 $99,770 $19,110 FITNESS INSTRUCTION RECREATION ADMINISTRATION COMMUNITY PROGRAMS OUTDOOR SWIMMING POOl ATHLETIC PROGRAMS NEW COMMUNITY PROGRAMS $48,595 $54,600 S6.005 $109,762 $123,055 S13,293 $14,655 S14,550 INDOOR SWIMMING POOL S222,380 S266,860 YOUTH/TEEN CENTER S115,083 S13&,478 S21.395 FITNESS CENTER S197,070 $150,130 ($46,940) ($105) $44.480 S6,375 so (S6,375) S93,728 $84,630 (S9,098) CEMETERIES S230,500 S202,&80 (S27,820) MUSEUMS S225,510 $235,660 S10, 150 HERITAGE EDUCATION PROG. S130,952 S118,990 (S11.962) FITNESS INSTRUCTION FIT FOR LIFE HOMESTEAD MUSEUM TOURISM AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT S50,780 S55,805 S5.025 S298,755 $967,800 S669,045 so S1&4,115 S164,115 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE S108,380 S136,230 S27,850 HORTICULTURE S112, 155 $115,945 $1,093,353 S928,275 s14,602,700 s18,832,600 JOINT IDA DEBT RETIREMENT TOTAL GENERAl FUND S3,790 ($165,078) S4,229,900 TOWN OF WYTHEVILLE WATER AND SEWER REVENUES BY DEPARTMENT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2015 - 2016 DEPARTMENT 1. GRANTS, LOANS & CONTRIBUTIONS 2014-2015 2015-2016 BUDGET PROPOSED INCREASE (DECREASE) S344,600 S231,300 S575,900 S3,275,000 S3,275,000 2. WATER CONNECTIONS S30,000 S30,000 2. MISCELLANEOUS WATER CHARGES Sll,OOO S11,000 so so so S2,490,000 S2,690,000 S200,000 5. SEWER CONNECTIONS S20,000 S15,000 5. MISCELLANEOUS SEWER SERVICES S30,000 S30,000 so 6. PENALTY /INTEREST $40,000 $47,500 S7,500 S6, 127,300 S6,674,400 $547,100 2. REVENUE FROM WATER SERVICES 5. REVENUE FROM SEWER SERVICES TOTAL I (S5,000) TOWN OF WYTHEVILLE *WATER/SEWER FUND APPROPRIATIONS* FOR FISCAL YEAR 2015 - 2016 DEPARTMENT 2014-2015 BUDGET 2015-2016 PROPOSED INCREASE (DECREASE) $1,411,536 $1,364,855 ($46,681) $959,090 $902,425 ($56,665) $1,103,235 $1.447,965 $344,730 $549,955 $567,255 $17,300 3. WASTEWATER SYSTEM MAINT. $57,770 $46,980 ($10,790) 3. WASTEWATER PRETREATMENT $71.426 $92,305 $20,879 4. WATER CONSTRUCTION $66,098 $75,800 $9,702 4. WASTEWATER CONSTRUCTION $15,380 $15,365 4. WATER/WASTEWATER UTILITIES $661,585 $935,225 5. DEBT RETIREMENT $1,231,225 $1,226,225 TOTAL WATER & SEWER FUND $6,127,300 $6,674,400 1. WATER/WASTEWATER ADMINIS. 2. WATER TREATMENT PLANT 2. WASTEWATER TREAT PLANT 3. WATER SYSTEM MAINTENANCE ($15) $273,640 ($5,000) $547,100 TOWN OF WYTHEVILLE WALL OF HONOR FUND FOR FISCAL YEAR 2015-2016 DEPARTMENT 2014-2015 2015-2016 INCREASE BUDGET PROPOSED (DECREASE) *APPROPRIATIONS* MONUMENT TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS S2,000 S2,000 S2,000 S2,000 S2,000 $2,000 $2,000 S2,000 so so *REVENUES* DONATION/INTEREST TOTAL REVENUES so so TOWN OF WYTHEVILLE OPEB FUND FOR FISCAL YEAR 2015-2016 DEPARTMENT 2014-2015 2015-2016 INCREASE BUDGET PROPOSED (DECREASE) *APPROPRIATIONS* MEDICAL INSURANCE TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $18,000 $24,000 $6,000 $18,000 $24,000 $6,000 $18,000 $24,000 $6,000 $18,000 $24,000 $6,000 *REVENUES* CONTRIBUTIONS/INTEREST TOTAL REVENUES WYTHEVILLE TOWN COUNCIL AGENDA INFORMATION Meeting Date: Monday, June 22, 2015 Item Name: Ordinances/Resolutions Item Number: J-2 Subject: Resolution for New River Regional Water Authority Service Agreement SUMMARY: Please find attached the resolution approving amendments to the service agreement for the New River Regional Water Authority. The approval of the resolution and the amendments to the service agreement are needed due to the Authority's revenue refunding bond being issued to the Virginia Resources Authority, and these proceeds will be used to refund a portion of the initial bonds as defined in the service agreement. RESOLUTION APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE SERVICE AGREEMENT AMONG THE NEW RIVER REGIONAL WATER AUTHORITY, CARROLL COUNTY, WYTHE COUNTY AND THE TOWN OF WYTHEVILLE It is RESOLVED that: 1. The Service Agreement dated June 1, 2006, as amended by Amendment dated June 1, 2008 (the "Service Agreement") among the New River Regional Water Authority (the "Authority") and the County of Carroll, the County of Wythe, a~d the Town of Wytheville, and consented to by the Carroll County Public Service Authority, should be amended by a Second Amendment (the "Second Amendment"), the form of which has been presented at the meeting at which this resolution is adopted and is hereby approved. 2. Each of the Mayor and Vice Mayor is authorized to execute and deliver the Second Amendment, with such changes, insertions or omissions as may be approved by the officer executing the Second Amendment, whose approval shall be evidenced conclusively by the execution and delivery of the Second Amendment. 3. Each such officer is authorized to execute and deliver such other instruments, documents or certificates, and to do and perform such things and acts, as he shall deem necessary or appropriate to carry out the transactions authorized by this resolution or contemplated by the Second Amendment, and all of the foregoing, previously done or performed by such officer, are in all respects approved, ratified and confirmed. 4. This resolution shall be effective immediately upon its adoption. The undersigned Clerk of the Council of the Town of Wytheville, Virginia, certifies that the foregoing constitutes a true and correct copy of a resolution adopted at a meeting of the Council of the Town of Wytheville, held on June 18, 2015. I further certify that such meeting was a regular meeting, duly called and held, and that during the consideration of the foregoing resolution, a quorum was present. I further certify that the minutes of such meeting reflect how each member of Council voted with respect to the adoption of the foregoing resolution as follows: Member Trenton G. Crewe, Jr. Jacqueline K. King H. Judson Lambert Thomas F. Hundley William B. Weisiger Attendance Vote Clerk, Town of Wytheville SECOND AMENDMENT TO SERVICE AGREEMENT This Amendment is dated as of August 1, 2015, by and among CARROLL COUNTY ("Carroll"), WYTHE COUNTY ("Wythe"), and the TOWN OF WYTHEVILLE ("Wytheville"), political subdivisions of the Commonwealth of Virginia (collectively, the "Localities"), and the NEW RIVER REGIONAL WATER AUTHORITY, a public body politic and corporate of the Commonwealth of Virginia (the "Authority''). Background Statement The Localities and the Authority have previously executed a Service Agreement dated as of June 1, 2006, as amended by Amendment dated June 1, 2008 (the "Service Agreement"). The Authority and the Localities desire to amend and supplement the Service Agreement as set forth in this Amendment, in order to recognize that the "Initial Bonds," for purposes of the Service Agreement, shall include the Authority's revenue refunding bond to be issued to Virginia Resources Authority, the proceeds of which will be used to refund a portion of the Initial Bonds as defined in the Service Agreement. Agreement NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the mutual benefits to be derived under this Agreement, the receipt and sufficiency of which are acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: 1. The definitions of "Initial Bond Documents" and "Initial Bonds" in the Service Agreement are amended in their entireties to read as follows: "Initial Bond Documents" means any resolution, trust agreement or other agreement adopted, approved or executed by the Authority, under which the Initial Bonds are authorized and issued, including but not limited to the following agreements between VRA and the Authority and any amendments to them: Financing Agreement dated as of June 1, 2006; Financing Agreement dated as of June 1, 2008: and Local Bond Sale and Financing Agreement dated as of June 25,2015. "Initial Bonds" means the Authority's (a) $13,565,000 Water System Revenue Bond, Series 2006 (b) $2,090,000 Water System Revenue Bond, Series 2008, and (c) $ Water System Revenue Refunding Bond, Series 2015, and any bonds issued by the Authority to refund or refinance any of them in whole or in part. 2. This Amendment amends and supplements, and is made a part of, the Service Agreement. As amended and supplemented by this Amendment, the Service Agreement is ratified and confirmed and deemed to be in full force and effect. 3. Carroll County Public Service Authority executes this Amendment to evidence its consent and agreement to the terms and provisions hereof and to acknowledge the binding effect thereof. 4. Virginia Resources Authority has consented to the terms and provisions of this Amendment, as evidenced by its written consent attached to this Amendment. [Remainder of Page Intentionally Left Blank- Signature Pages Follow} 2 SIGNATURE PAGE TO AMENDMENT TO SERVICE AGREEMENT Town ofWytheville (SEAL) Attested By: By: ------------------------Nrune: ----------------------Title: Mayor Clerk 5 WYTHEVILLE TOWN COUNCIL AGENDA INFORMATION Meeting Date: Monday, June 22, 2015 Item Name: Appointments Item Number: K-1 Subject: District Three Governmental Cooperative SUMMARY: The term of Councilman William Weisiger to the District Three Governmental Cooperative will expire June 30, 2015. It will be necessary for the Council to make an appointment or reappointment of a Council member to serve as well as an alternate. Councilman Hundley currently serves as the alternate. Pinding a way... DISTRICT THREE GOVERNMENTAL COOPERATIVE 4453 Lee Highway, Marion, VA 24354-4270 June 9, 2015 JUN .· 1 1m~ Mr. Wayne Sutherland Town Manager P.O. Drawer 533 Wytheville, Virginia 24382-0533 Re: District Three Board Membership Dear Mr. Sutherland: According to our records, Mr. William Weisiger's term as a member of our Board of Commissioners expires June 30, 2015. Please ask the Council to reappoint Mr. Weisiger or make another appointment. The Council should also designate an alternate for any meetings the member is unable to attend. Our Board has determined that alternates should be either a member of your governing body or an appropriate staff representative. Terms of appointment are for one year. Our board meets on the third Thursday of every other month and in called meetings as necessary. Generally, the meetings last no more that an hour and a half. Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, 114JJo Mike Guy Executive Director rmp pc: file Phone (276) 783-8157 Fax (276) 783-3003 Email: district-three@smyth.net Serving the Counties of Bland. Carroll, Grayson, Smyth, Washington, and Wythe and the cities of Bristol and Galax, Virginia WYTHEVILLE TOWN COUNCIL Meeting Date: Monday, June 22, 2015 Item Name: Appointments Item Number: K-2 Subject: Planning Commission AGENDA INFORMATION SUMMARY: Mr. Kenny W. Ervin's term on the Planning Commission expired March 2, 2015. Mr. Ervin has continued to serve until his successor was appointed. Please find enclosed an application from Mr. Bradley Tate for appointment to the Commission. As the Council will recall, Mr. Tate was interviewed for this position. The appointment would be for a four year term that would expire March 2, 2019. Date Received: Town of Wytheville I ...--...... ~ ~~~:~~ ·~~ ~~~' fv\_a.,'::J. ~~ ~0\-S' I Date Appointed: I --~- I Please type or print in pen clearly: Name: IFirst I Bf2..P>t ()t-v~ LastiiA-IE IM.I.I }-{ I Mr., Mrs., Miss, Rank Home Mailing Address: 225 FA:r:et-Jt:"JY Business Name and Mailing Address \-luttt ~ Pe.oFF=:;;-1] ::r.uc_ LJ/ (if appropriate): 350 s. 4 r~1 Sl • Communications: Phone {day): n {evening): 3- f3"4 2.. /} ') E-mail:l Fax: f??HP' h!!arip-w Vocation/Profession: ~<VD sv {>_ ./r'Otf._ Education/Qualifications/Job Experience(s): - JDfl f!_~ :Jd£~ ~ 8::J:.a:?::n..,;:;;;:e - £.n.(J£.~ c:.' rJY I-Ii Jf/IZ_~ CL.:I::~7BU:' :z /J./:&7?-l-L.L - vtre ' S' ; ..2A/ C,,p.-.,h) j/,VX: C.,q 'r'.;£. 0 J ftQ? i...AA-A> 1./:S~ ;::'£.1)-v-'1/f"'-"'?- 2. Interests/Community Service Activities: AtVVIH;:t:A./{- t> t..rrC>ocfl. ~ Town Committee Application Page 2 of 2 Boards/Commission(s) You Wish To Serve 0~ 1st Choice: f'J-Ait//V.t:-vb- ~"""",4-1:;:::..,~.,:, 2"d Choice: 3rd Choice: Others: Current Member of a Town Board/Commission? / I IYES I /INO If Yes, please list: / Previously Served on a Town Board/Commission? / I IYES i'( I IYES 1/ JNO If Yes, please list: Have you ever worked for the Town of Wytheville? / INO If Yes, please list dates and names of departments: /' _L Are you related to any Town employee or appointee? I IYES I . I INO If Yes, please indicate name and relationship: ~ou aj;/' tat financial disclosures may be required annually? YES , NO Are you aware of any potential conflicts of interest? / I !YES 1/ / Are you aware of the time commitment involved? LL J YES I INO I NO What do you see as the objectives and goals of the board/committee(s) to which you seek appointment? G£1 :z;,vV"~V/ .D w~..,-J.I 7"¥/ "'TbJV~ PvBLL L PL,.,JVIV.f"··""'?. / SLR.V~ What special qualities can you bring to the board/committee(s)? €AC-I!.G-~~)vvoLQ. Sii•-vo.$.J( ~-rl/- ZLJ.v:r/1./b- / o.e.o.r:~~J"J I hereby certify that the above information is correct to the best of my knowledge. ffJ ~PJ/t Signature y t7( v· Date ..., or --z.. z -l :> Please Mail Your Completed Form To: Office of the Clerk Town of Wytheville Post Office Drawer 533 Wytheville, Virginia 24382 We thank you for your interest in serving on a Town board or commission. H:\FORMSLET\town committee application.wpd WYTHEVILLE TOWN COUNCIL AGENDA INFORMATION Meeting Date: Monday, June 22, 2015 Item Name: Other Business Item Number: L-1 Subject: Planning Commission Recommendation -Zoning Ordinance Amendments SUMMARY: Please find enclosed the recommendation from the Planning Commission regarding the amendments to the Zoning Ordinance to include the uses of Craft or Pub Brewery; Micro Brewery, and Farmers' Markets as permitted uses in the B-2 General Business District - Downtown. The Planning Commission would recommend that the Town Council approve these revisions. It will be necessary to set a public hearing to consider this matter, which could be held at the July 13 Town Council meeting. WYTHEVILLE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION TO COUNCIL Request: Consider amendments to the Town of Wytheville Zoning Ordinance, Article XI-A Business District B-2 DT General Business District - Downtown, Section 11-2A Use Regulations, to include the uses of "Brewery, Craft or Pub; Brewery, Micro" and "Farmers' Markets" as permitted uses. Recommendation to Town Council: After conducting a public hearing and no citizens attended the meeting to express concerns, the Planning Commission would recommend amending the Town of Wytheville Zoning Ordinance, Article XI-A Business District B-2 DT General Business · District - Downtown, Section 11-2A Use Regulations, to include the uses of "Brewery, Craft or Pub; Brewery, Micro" and "Farmers' Markets" as permitted uses. G:\PLANCOMM\Recommendations\temporary sign permit requirements and banner installation timeframe recommendation to town council. doc Micro Brewery Use and Farmers' Market Use Addition to the B-2 DT General Business District Staff Report Background At the last Planning Commission meeting, a brief discussion was held in regard to the addition of the use "Micro Brewery" and "Farmers' Market" to the B-2 DT General Business District. It was decided to advertise a public hearing to add these uses in the B2-DT Zone at the June Meeting. Micro breweries have become very popular. They have become successful alternatives to the traditional businesses in downtown, and they are a component of the "economic restructuring" of downtowns. Economic restructuring is the replacement of the traditional downtown businesses with new and different businesses. The Department of Housing and Community Development has recognized the popularity of micro breweries and has had a conference to promote micro breweries in downtown revitalization efforts. The topics include ways to encourage micro breweries to locate in your community. Many micro breweries are developed in conjunction with bars or restaurants and boost downtown traffic and the downtown economy. Local examples include Bull and Bones in Blacksburg, Foggy Ridge in Dugspur, Parkway Brewing Company in Salem, Rai/house in Roanoke, The Damascus Brewing Company in Damascus, The River Company Restaurant and Brewery in Fairlawn, Wolf Hills Brewing Company in Abingdon, Blacksnake Meadery in Dugspur and the Creek Bottom Brewery in Galax. The present definition of a "micro brewery" is located in the Definitions section of the Zoning Ordinance and presently reads: Brewery, Craft or Pub; Micro Brewery: A facility for brewing ales, beers, meads, or similar alcoholic beverages whose capacities are less than 15,000 barrels annually, and may include facilities that brew on premises that may be operated in conjunction with a bar or restaurant as an accessory use. Farmers' Markets have traditionally been downtown businesses, and Wytheville, presently, has a Farmers' Market downtown. Ultimately, the location will be changed to the former Hobert N. Grubb Warehouse located on Spring Street. The Heritage Walk will, also, be completed along the Second Street right of way making this location accessible to both vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Staff felt that this use should be included in the uses permitted in downtown since it presently exists there. 1 Discussion and Considerations The success stories of micro brewery bars and restaurants in other localities make the use in downtown very attractive. While there may be some detractors, it appears that these uses bring people downtown to eat, drink and socialize, all the things that help to revitalize a downtown. It is likely that a "micro" or "craft" brewery could be requested along with, or a part of, a specialty restaurant. In fact, there have been those preliminary discussions with at least one restauranteur who was considering a micro brewery as a part of a proposed restaurant. The trend toward micro breweries becoming part of a restaurant or partnering with a restaurant makes it very likely that the attempts to recruit restaurants may result in a request to permit a micro brewery. Placing micro breweries as a permitted use in the B-2 DT General Business District improves the chances for the recruitment of restaurants. Farmers' Markets are also businesses that bring traffic downtown. The present Farmers' Market has been very successful during the growing season. The new location at Spring Street should help to extend the season into the colder months since portions of the market are proposed to be indoors. Farmers' Markets, as a permitted use, complement what is presently being practiced in the downtown and further recognizes the importance of Farmers' Markets in the downtown economy. G:\PLANCOMM\Staff Reports\Micro Brewery and Farmers' Market Use Addition to the B-2 DT General Business District- JUNE 2015.doc 2 point of the boundary line of another adult use, residentially zoned use, or agriculturally zoned use. 9 11-2.34A Brewery, Craft or Pub; Brewery, Micro 79 11-2.35A Farmers' Markets 11-3A AREA REGULATIONS None, except for off-street parking as required by this Ordinance. 11-4A SETBACK AND FRONTAGE AND YARD REGULATIONS None, unless such are considered as necessary by the Design Committee of Downtown Wytheville, Incorporated. 11-5A 84 HEIGHT REGULATIONS Buildings may be erected up to seventy five (75) feet in height from grade. 67 11-6A CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS REQUIRED TO CONSTRUCT, RECONSTRUCT, ALTER, RESTORE OR RAZE A BUILDING OR SIGN 84 In order to promote the general welfare through the preservation and protection of buildings of historic and architectural interest and to promote the improvement and the general appearance of all buildings within the Downtown Wytheville District, the Town hereby establishes an incentive program that will waive building permit fees and sign permit fees for all work that conforms to the recommendations of the Design Committee of Downtown Wytheville, Incorporated (OWl) and receives a Certificate of Appropriateness from the Design Committee of Downtown Wytheville, Incorporated. 84 6 XI-A- BUSINESS B-2 DT WYTHEVILLE TOWN COUNCIL AGENDA INFORMATION Meeting Date: Monday, June 22, 2015 Item Name: Other Business Item Number: L-2 Subject: Planning Commission Recommendation - Future Land Use Map SUMMARY: Please find enclosed the recommendation from the Planning Commission regarding a revision to the Future Land Use Map. This revision is necessary due to the rezoning of the Fairfield Glade property, which is located adjacent to Stafford Umberger Drive. As the Town Council will recall, this property was recently rezoned from R-3 Residential to M-1 Industrial, therefore, it is necessary to revise the Future Land Use Map to reflect this rezoning. It will be necessary to set a public hearing to consider this revision, which could be scheduled for the July 13 Council meeting. WYTHEVILLE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION TO COUNCIL Request: Consider an amendment to the Town of Wytheville Future Land Use Map. Recommendation to Town Council: After conducting a public hearing and receiving no comments from concerned citizens, the Planning Commission would recommend amending the Town of Wytheville Future Land Use Map to reflect the rezoning of the Fairfield Glade property, located adjacent to Stafford Umberger Drive, from residential to industrial use. G:\PLANCOMM\Recommendations\future land use map recommendation to town council2015.doc Future Land Use Map Amendment for the Fairfield Glade Subdivision Area Staff Report Background As the Planning Commission is aware, a portion of property owned by The Fairfield Glade Company was recently rezoned from R-3 Residential to M-1 Industrial. An industry has expressed an interest in locating on approximately 16 acres of their land, which is adjacent to Stafford Umberger Drive, and the Fairfield Glade Company asked for a rezoning of this property to M-1 Industrial to accommodate this industry. Town Council approved the rezoning request at their meeting on April 13, 2015. The Future Land Use Map in the Comprehensive Plan must be revised to reflect each rezoning so that that the Future Land Use Map will be consistent with what may develop as a result of the present zoning map. Consideration and Discussion As the Planning Commission is aware, the Future Land Use Map is a planning tool to identify the expected future zoning and development of the community. If the present zoning map and the Future Land Use Map are not consistent, there is the potential to create conflict between present land uses and future land uses. While it may be of concern that the property in this area has been rezoned several times in the past years, it should be noted that this was in an undeveloped, transitional area, and the development of Fairview Industrial Park and the major correction of the economy during this time had significant impact on how to best develop this property. These factors make it reasonable that this property could be developed either as industrial or residential. The Planning Commission should act to revise this rezoned area on the Future Land Use Map. G:\PLANCOMM\Staff Reports\Future Land Use Map Amendment Fairfield Glade Area.doc 1 ® . . . Town of Wytheville Future Land Use Map May 2015 Future_Land_Use N Residential - Medical Arts - Agriculture - Business Industrial 0 _ Conservation & Recreation - Education 0 .25 0.5 1 •••-===:::~•••••-Miles Exhibit 4 644· ""-, 24A-1-25 ""'-, ..... 24-67 ... ~ ~ ..,. ..~-..,-· ~-1-27 ., ., ~-·~...,.. "'· "' ... " _,.....::.. 24A-1·28 100 25-6-P .. ~ 24A-1-24 ~1. ,? ' 25-6-0 24A-1-29 - I 2~ 25-6-L 2516Yo 255 25-6-M / >/ 25-6-A 25-6-N 25-26C WYTHE COUNTY, VIRGINIA Default View 24A-1 -44A 0 340 l ( ) l ) I -•.•nteradlveGIS.com 820 1,640 ft Printed o•. ' __ , WYTHEVILLE TOWN COUNCIL AGENDA INFORMATION Meeting Date: Monday, June 22,2015 Item Name: Other Business Item Number: L-3 Subject: Planning Commission Recommendation Armbrister/Dunford Subdivision SUMMARY: Please find enclosed the recommendation from the Planning Commission regarding the request of Jackie Armbrister and G. C. Dunford for the subdivision of property located on Country Lane, which is located on the southeast side of Peppers Ferry Road between Nye Road and Granite Acres Road, in an R-3 Residential District. The Planning Commission would recommend the approval of this subdivision since it meets the stipulations of the Subdivision Ordinance, and it has been reviewed and approved by the Engineering Department. WYTHEVILLE PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION TO COUNCIL Request: Consider the request of Ms. Jackie Armbrister and Mr. G. C. Dunford for the subdivision of property located on Country Lane, which is located on the southeast side of Peppers Ferry Road between Nye Road and Granite Acres Road, in an R-3 Residential District. Citizens Attending the Planning Commission Meeting Regarding this Request: None Recommendation to Town Council: After careful consideration of the request, it would be the recommendation of the Planning Commission that the Town Council approve the request of Ms. Jackie Armbrister and Mr. G. C. Dunford for the subdivision of property located on Country Lane, which is located on the southeast side of Peppers Ferry Road between Nye Road and Granite Acres Road, in an R-3 Residential District. G:\PLANCOMM\Recommendations\Armbrister and Dunford Subdivision Recommendation June 2015.doc Dunford and Armbrister Subdivision Request Staff Report Mr G. C. Dunford and Ms. Jacquelyn Armbrister for the subdivision of property located to the southeast of Peppers Ferry Road between Nye Road and Granite Acres Road. General Mr. G. C. Dunford and Ms. Jacquelyn Armbrister submitted an application for a subdivision into six lots on an approximate 1. 75 acre tract of property that runs parallel to Country Lane and is approximately 194 feet deep. The subdivision proposes to divide the property into six lots with approximately 62.5 feet of frontage each, with the exception of lot 1 which contains an existing home. The subdivision appears to comply with the subdivision requirements. Since these lots are being subdivided along existing streets, there are no requirements for infrastructure development, with the exception that sewer will need to be installed along the northern part of the lots, and a 20 foot utility easement has been reserved in the appropriate location. Zoning The tracts proposed for subdivision are zoned R-3 Residential. It is apparent that the intent is to use the individual tracts for residential development. Property Characteristics The property is relatively level. With the exception of the existing dwelling, the property is undeveloped. Water service is available along Country Lane from a 12 inch water line. Sewer availability is limited to a sewer line along Peppers Ferry Road. However, an easement is provided that would allow a sewer line extension to a sewer manhole on Peppers Ferry Road. Property to the north and east is Zoned A-1 Agricultural, and property to the south and west is also R-1 Residential, although only approximately one lot deep. Discussion The potential for single family residences is likely the greatest unless multiple lots are purchased which may allow multiple family dwellings to be built. The proposed subdivision could be approved subject to conformance with all technical requirements of the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances. G:\PLANCOMM\Staff Reports\Dunford subdivision on Country Lane June 2015.doc 1 1 ' TOWN OF WYTHEVILLE, VIRGINIA APPLICATION FOR SUBDIVISION NAME OF SUBDIVISION County Lane ----~-------------------- DATE 05-06-2015 NAME OF OWNER (S) Jackie Armbrister & G.C. Dunford ADDRESS 7296 Peppers Ferry Road Max Meadows Va. 24360 PHONENUMBER_2_7_6-_6_3_7-_6_6_00_______________ NAME AND ADDRESS OF PERSONS TO CONTACT (Surveyor and Attorney) Billy Anderson LS, Pillar Inc. PHONE NUMBER 276-223-0500 ------------------------------------------------- NUMBER OF EXISTING LOTS 1 ----------------------------------------NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS 6 --------------------------------------LOCATION OF PROPERTY Virginia Secondary Route 705 "County Lane" PROPOSED USE OF SUBDIVIDED PROPERTY (single-family dwellings, townhouses, condominiums, industrial, commercial, etc.) Single Family Dwellings PRESENT USE OF PROPERTY Single Family Dwelling --~----~----~~---------------------- CONFORMING OR NONCONFORMING USE ..:.y_e_s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ OTHER REGULATORY AGENCIES INVOLVED (Health Department, Water Control Board, Etc.) non WATER SUPPLY: INDIVIDUAL Town ------- CONNECT TO EXISTING TOWN SYSTEM SEWAGE DISPOSAL: SEPTIC DISPOSAL Town CONNECT TO EXISTING TOWN SYSTEM ZONING CLASSIFICATION,_R_3_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ MINIMUM LOT AREA._12_1_1_2_0_.0_0_S.....;q~._Ft_.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MINIMUM SETBACK 12' (side) ·--~-~----------------------------------------- MINIMUM LOT WIDTH 62.50' ----------------------------------------------- IS PROPERTY CURRENTLY UNDER LAND USE CLASSIFICATION? _n_o_ _ _ _ _ __ ZONING CHANGE REQUIRED _n_o_n_e_______________________________ ARE ANY PORTIONS IN FLOOD PLAIN? _n_o_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ WILL ON-SITE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT BE PROVIDED? _n_o_ _ _ _ _ _ __ ARE ALL NECESSARY UTILITY EASEMENTS SHOWN? ..;..y_e_s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ARE ALL STREET RIGHTS OF WAY ADEQUATE (50' OR GREATER)? _n_o_ _ _ _ __ IS DEDICATION AND CONSTRUCTION OF A PUBLIC STREET INVOLVED? _n_o_ _ __ DOES PROPERTY CONFORM TO ALL APPLICABLE ZONING ORDINANCES? -"-y..;...es_ __ REQUIRED PLAT OF PROPERTY IS A~ SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT/AGENT-~........,"-""'-.:....------'~-===---------- -==:::_ NOTE: _ _ I understand that the Planning Commission, as set forth in Section 6 of the Subdivision Ordinance, requires the submittal of a plat including the lot, street and utilities layout The Planning Commission may, at its discretion, require additional information for clarification of the final plat which may include information concerning the correlation of abutting properties, rights of way, utilities, etc. OFFICE USE ONLY· Received by s~<OI1 Application Fee (2 lots) $10 for each additional lot Total Fee H:\FORMSLEnSUBDIV.APP.doc \j Date Received \ $ 300.00 r\K· bo ) 5 $ J~t:>b ,"'))::;; 0/\ s-' WYTHEVILLE TOWN COUNCIL AGENDA INFORMATION Meeting Date: Monday, June 22, 2015 Item Name: Other Business Item Number: L-4 Subject: Certificate of Public Convenience and NecessityRichardson Ambulance Service, LLC SUMMARY: Please find enclosed the request of Richardson Ambulance Service, LLC for the issuance of a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for the operation of public vehicles for calendar year 2015. Two matters to be reviewed by the Council in the course of issuing the certificate include an evaluation of the vehicles and evidence of the appropriate liability insurance. Enclosed is the evaluation from the Police Department noting the vehicles that are acceptable for use by the company. Also, enclosed is the certificate of insurance. PERMIT TO OPERATE PUBLIC VEHICLES IN THE TOWN OF WYTHEVILLE, VIRGINIA Date June 22. 2015 TO: Kelly Richardson OPERATING AS Richardson Ambulance Service, LLC The Town Council has authorized operation by you of the following listed public vehicles as applied for during 2015. 2005 1999 2011 2008 2005 2005 2002 2005 2005 2006 2006 2009 2007 2008 2006 2009 Jeep Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Dodge Ford GMC Ford Dodge Liberty Taurus Fusion Van Ambulance Ambulance Ambulance Ambulance Ambulance Ambulance Ambulance Ambulance Ambulance Silver Silver White White This permit is issued in accordance with the provisions of the Town Code and may be revoked for cause. C. Wayne Sutherland, Jr., Town Manager Authorization must be secured from the Town Manager to substitute any vehicle for one listed above. This is not your Business License to operate public vehicles. G:\SHERRY\Taxicab-Limo\Permits\RICHARD AMBULANCE SERVICE, LLC PERMIT 2015.doc DATE: May 19, 2015 APPLICATION HAS BEEN MADE BY THE FOLLOWING OWNER TO OPERATE PUBLIC VEHICLES AS INDICATED IN THE TOWN OF WYTHEVILLE DURING THE YEAR 2015 Operating Under the Name of Richardson Ambulance Service. LL C Name of Owner Kelly No. of Each RichardsorM·I.l~ -11 2005 Jeep Liberty- Silver.o~ ~~~-j -rz 1999 Ford Taurus- Silver ..-~</,/.£" Rt1. s -;-:_1 2011 Ford Fusion- WhiteiK_j·'""<:v A.4.S / j jt,_,:c._ I I! ~ ~ ,> -Vt.i< 1 2008 Ford Van- White o K r-~ 2005 Ford Ambulance ur. /tt'Z 2005 Ford Ambulance Dh J J.. 2001 Ford Ambulance tH<'/4~- .; 2005 Ford Ambulance ____: 1.:.. 2005 Ford Ambulancel),k 2006 Ford Ambulance o~ /-·-:r;.:..; j:L·~; j r v' £ 2006 Ford Ambulance '-- r:/ , .... ~ ·/_ 2009 Dodge Ambulance()~~<;;..-// 2010 Ford Ambulance ~ <E"flK -r•fl!'; II lj' ,(AL, 1(-IG 2009 Ford Ambulance- ~ •r ~ . ~ 1 r 2007 Ford Ambulance c, ,. __, ~.0 Tt"-(5b/' - j'<-z/ RA5-- ~ 1Z 2008 Ford Ambulance K. .~ _s - .R I~ 2008 GMC c- . - /:;;;_.\.f ~·\~ - R f ~ ).,CCt· fu•'- ( or;.' t-f: / K_tts. ··('\o '1 1-·c. [(.-I Dt<~7._<-- o ~ r_;·~ ~ j I know of no reason why a permit to operate the public vehicles as listed herein should not be approved, except as listed below. H\\ ve.h!c.\e~ lwo 'bv1 Dfle.. h>Y~ ti\J ~tt~ (~I 0 ve-k~d4.\ £!,}4-r~ ,'"11sj>ecsJed, b~.J- ~ec.teoL Fl,gb ~mbu\~Acf.,) ol"'(. Jo ·hre.<. ( 2-0o~ FPtt> ~M-kkce., UJ0l1 H4> ~,bvhnet!). ~ lky k~ tJaJ.- re Jvt,e~ J.o b~ teJ't-t.Cf&-feo}. vv~ /.! q kfe:d of tfut.e ~~~k~~h~~+~~=~~~~~~f~~~~~~~~~~~~-~-~- G:'SHERRY\TaxJcab-Limo'Application Letter' richardson ambulance service mspect1on 5-2015.doc APPLICATION TO OPERATE PUBLIC VEHICLES WYTHEVILLE, VIRGINIA Date 05/15/2015 TO: Town Council, Town of Wytheville, Virginia. 1. Application to operate Taxicabs/Limousines/Public Vehicles is hereby made by: NAME Richardson Ambulance Service, LLC. HOME ADDRESS 1111 South Main Street Marion, VA 24354 1111 South Main Street Marion, VA 24354 BUSINESS STREET ADDRESS BUSINESS MAILING 2. ADDRESs~<SoLL.f(M.!...L-=~--------------- Financial ability and responsibility of applicant (Show evidence of adequate insurance, indicating liability limits, and company.) Richardson Ambulance Service has motor vehicle coverage through TrustPoint insurance with minimum limits of $1,000,000. RAS also has general liability coverage with limits of $1,000,000/$3,000,000. Professional Liability through Virginia Medical Malpractice Act. 3. Name and address of person lending money or furnishing capital to applicant. NA 4. Number of vehicles, kind, seating capacity, body type, year model, and color for each vehicle. YEAR MODEL 12005 !1999 §o11 §ooa I I I MAKE I peep Liberty I jFord Taurus I jFord Fusion I I II II BODY TYPE CAPACITY jsport Utility ~ Passener FD Sedan ~Passenger Fo @Passenger Sedan COLOR I I 5. Conviction or pleas of guilty for any violation of the law? t/ IF YES, HOW MANY? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ YES NO 6. Reason why applicant believes public convenience and necessity require granting of application. We currently are given business through Logisticare which is a government funded agency. They route us to trips in the Wythe County area. Operating under Company Name of R i c h a r d s o n = w Sign~~ G:\FORMSLET\PUBLIC VEHICLES APPLICATION.doc 05/18/2015 14:53 2753780515 RICHARDSON AMBULANCE 1. 2005 Ford Ambulance 2. 2005 Ford Ambulance 3. 2005 Ford Ambulance . 4. 2005 Ford Ambulance 5. 2005 Ford Ambulance 6. 2006 Ford Ambulance 7. 2006 Ford Ambulance 8. 2009 Dodge Ambulance 9. 2010 Ford Ambulance 10. 2009 Ford Ambulance 11. 2007 Ford Ambulance 12. 2008 Ford Ambulance 13. 2008 GMC MRY-18-2015 02:51PM From: 2763780516 ID:TOWNOFWYTHEVILLE PAGE 03/13 ACORD® ~ ' I CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE (MMJDD/YYYY) 5/18/2015 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER =~CT Jamie Rock, CIC r.~.t .,...,. Trustpoint Insurance, LLC 425 State Street Suite 307 Bristol VA 24273 lFAX iAJc Nol: (276) 466-4484 (276> 466-4699 ~~~~~.jrock@trustpointins.com NAIC# INSURERISI AFFORDING COVERAGE - Arch Insurance Company - Star Net Insurance Co. INSURER A :MCN INSURED INSURER B :KEY Richardson Ambulance Service, LLC 1111 s. Main Street INSURERC: INSURERD: INSURERE: Marion 24354 VA INSURERF: CERTIFICATE NUMBER·14-15 MASTER COVERAGES w/ WC Update REVISION NUMBER· THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR LIMITS TYPE OF INSURANCE lt;aMg~ It=~<{,~ ~~~ri POUCY NUMBER LTR GENERAL LIABILITY 1,000,000 $ EACH OCCURRENCE 1: A r-~ I-- COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY 0 CLAIMS-MADE [i] OCCUR MAPK08373501 1/9/2014 9/9/2015 I-- =~~-;,e~nce) $ MED EXP (Any one person) $ 5,000 PERSONAL & ADV INJURY $ 1,000,000 $ 2,000,000 I$ 2,000,000 GENERAL AGGREGATE r-- PRODUCTS- COMPIOP AGG @'L AGGnE LIMIT APnS PER: POLICY ~~ LOC AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY r---- A x x - ANY AUTO ALL OWNED AUTOS HIRED AUTOS $ ~~'::~~~~~SINGLE LIMIT BODILY INJURY (Per person) - SCHEDULED AUTOS NON-OWNED ' - - AUTOS MAPK08373501 9/9/2014 9/9/2015 EXCESS LIAB HOCCUR CLAIMS-MADE B ;p~?~~-z; 1~AMAGE $ Uninsured motorist combined $ EACH OCCURRENCE $ AGGREGATE I I RETENTION$ OED WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY YIN ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE NIA OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? (Mandatory in NH) If yes. describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below $ $ 1 000 000 1 000 000 BODILY INJURY (Per accident) $ x UMBRELLA LIAB 100,000 $ $ X IT~;;~T~,¥;,1 D jOJ~- E.L. EACH ACCIDENT 992000001096114 $ 500 000 0/27/2014 110/27/2015 E.L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYE! $ 500 000 E.L. DISEASE - POLICY LiMIT $ 500 000 i I DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS I VEHICLES (Attach ACORD 101, Additional Ramarlts Schedule, if more space is required) CANCELLATION CERTIFICATE HOLDER SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. Town of Wytheville 150 E. Monroe St. Wytheville, VA AUTHOR~DREPRESENTATIVE B Robertson, n1 ~~ JZtt:=:- © 1988-2010 ACORD ACORD 25 (201 0/05) INS0251?n1nn~l CIC/JAMR Tho Arngn n~rna ::anti lnnn :::~ra. ra.nit:.:tc.rorl nu•rlcc:. nf Ar:n~n CORPORATION. All rights reserved. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE WYTHEVILLE TOWN COUNCIL HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON MONDAY, JUNE 8, 2015, AT 7:00 P.M. Members present: Trenton G. Crewe, Jr., Jacqueline K. King, William B. Weisiger, H. Judson Lambert, Thomas F. Hundley Others present: Town Manager C. Wayne Sutherland, Jr., Assistant Town Manager Stephen A. Moore, Town Clerk Sharon G. Corvin, Town Attorney Robert P. Kaase, Imogene Orfield, Don Orfield, Marie Bishop, Danny Gordon with WYVE-AM/WXBX-FM/WLOY-AM, Police Officer Brandon Smith RE: CALL TO ORDER, QUORUM, PLEDGE Mayor Crewe called the meeting to order and established that a quorum of Council members was present. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilman Lambert. RE: CONSENT AGENDA Mayor Crewe presented the consent agenda consisting of the minutes of the regular meeting of May 26, 2015, and the request of the Wythe-Bland Animal Welfare League to conduct a 5K Run on Saturday, September 12, 2015, at 9:00 a.m. He inquired of the Council if there is a motion to approve the consent agenda together or as separate items. A motion was made by Vice-Mayor King and seconded by Councilman Weisiger to approve the consent agenda consisting of the minutes of the regular meeting of May 26, 2015, and the request of the Wythe-Bland Animal Welfare League to conduct a 5K Run on Saturday, September 12, 2015, at 9:00 a.m. Mayor Crewe inquired of the Council if there is any discussion on the motion to approve the consent agenda. There being none, the motion was approved with the following voting in favor and there being no oppositions: For: Trenton G. Crewe, Jr., Jacqueline K. King, William B. Weisiger, H. Judson Lambert, Thomas F. Hundley. Against: None. RE: PUBLIC HEARING – BUDGET ORDINANCE Mayor Crewe advised the meeting constituted a public hearing (due notice having been given) to consider Ordinance No. 1297, the Budget Ordinance for fiscal year beginning July 1, 2015, and ending on June 30, 2016. He noted the ordinance would be considered, on second reading, later during the meeting. Mayor Crewe stated there is no one listed on the sign in sheet who noted they wished to address the Council in regard to the budget, however, if anyone would like to address the Council in regard to the budget now is the time to do so. There being no one who desired to address the Council, Mayor Crewe reserved the right to revisit the public hearing if someone comes in later during the meeting who wishes to address the Council in regard to the Budget Ordinance. Mayor Crewe declared the public hearing closed, and he proceeded with the agenda. RE: CITIZENS’ PERIOD Mayor Crewe advised the next agenda item is Citizens’ Period. He noted that Mr. Don Orfield indicated on the sign in sheet that he wished to address the Town Council. Mayor Crewe asked Mr. Orfield to step forward to the microphone so that the minutes could be properly recorded. He thanked both Mr. and Mrs. Orfield for attending the Town Council meeting. Mr. Don Orfield was recognized and stated that he resides at 1050 Fisher Road in Wytheville. He noted that he heard on the radio this morning that the Town Council is considering installing “no parking” signs on Fisher Road between Mountain View Drive and Valley Street. Mr. Orfield commented that, in his opinion, this would be undesired, however, he cannot speak on behalf of the other residents. He noted that he is not sure that the other residents are even aware of this. Mr. Orfield explained that there is a row of townhouses located at the top of the hill on Fisher Road. He noted that those buildings and the real estate have been assessed at a little more than $1.5 million on the tax tickets. Mr. Orfield stated this number can be verified. He remarked that he is not sure why the Council is considering “no parking” signs on Fisher Road. Mr. Orfield explained that Fisher Road is exactly, to the inch, 25 feet wide. Mayor Crewe clarified that Mr. Orfield is stating the pavement is 25 feet wide. Mr. Orfield stated that is correct from curb to curb. Mr. Orfield advised that, occasionally, there will be a car that parks on the street. He noted that a week or so ago, the people who live across the street from him had guests, and the parking spaces in their driveway were filled, therefore, the guests parked on the street. Mr. Orfield explained to the Council that he does not feel there is a problem with parking on Fisher Road. He noted that the pavement is certainly wide enough to accommodate the parking. Mr. Orfield commented that most vehicles are six feet wide or less, and this pavement is 25 feet wide. He remarked that if anyone who lives on that street has company of more than two guests, those people have no place to park other than to park parallel on Fisher Road. Mr. Orfield explained that if the residents have any kind of social event, there is no place to park except for a couple of cars in the residents’ driveways, and the rest of the people would have to park on Fisher Road. He reiterated that the pavement is certainly wide enough based on the passing of cars, traffic, etc. Mr. Orfield advised that he sees no reason to place the “no parking” signs on Fisher Road. He reiterated that when a car tops the hill on Fisher Road, there is sufficient time to slow down until traffic clears. Mr. Orfield explained that before he purchased his home, he studied this example. He reiterated that residents along Fisher Road will not be able to house more than two guests with vehicles at one time because there will be nowhere for the guests to park. Mr. Orfield advised this is his objection to the signs because there are no mishaps as far as traffic is concerned, and there are lots of other places in town other than this where it is a concern. He remarked that by placing a “no parking” sign in this location, it will not alleviate any situations that already exist. Mayor Crewe inquired, and noted if he has directions correctly, in being northbound on Fisher Road when a person passes Mountain View Drive at the crest of the hill, if there is any sight distance or traffic problems going northbound as opposed to going to southbound. Mr. Orfield noted that there is no difference. Mayor Crewe inquired if there is any parking issue on the west side of the street versus the east side because there are more houses on the east side of the street. Mr. Orfield noted that he sees no difference. He advised that their next door neighbor moved in a few years ago. He stated that he has lived at his residence for five years, and he has seen no mishaps. Mayor Crewe commented that he told Mr. Orfield this afternoon that he thinks the Town has a report of one accident. He advised that he may be incorrect in this. Mr. Orfield noted that there have been accidents at the corner of Mountain View Drive and Fisher Road, and at the other intersection, but this is after a person comes across the hill. Mr. Orfield pointed out that he sees no reason for “no parking” signs to be on either side of the street. Mayor Crewe remarked that Mr. Orfield will hear this matter in a few minutes from the Public Works Committee in their discussions about this matter. He noted that the Town received a request to review this location, and this is where the Council is with this matter. Mayor Crewe advised that Mr. Orfield is correct, and this is the first time the Council has had it on their agenda to be discussed. He thanked Mr. Orfield for attending the meeting. Mr. Orfield stated he appreciates being able to address the Council. He advised that he thinks the Council should take into consideration how changing it to “no parking” will cause the property values to go down, but not the assessed values. Mayor Crewe inquired if Mr. Orfield is stating this because a person will not be able to have more than two vehicles at their house because no one will be able to park on the street if the Town enacts the “no parking” at this location. Mr. Orfield stated that is correct. Mayor Crewe inquired if anyone on Council has any questions or comments for Mr. Orfield. Councilman Hundley stated as far as the parking on the street, there is approximately one space between each condominium for additional parking on the street. Mr. Orfield noted that is correct. He advised that there would be room between his neighbor’s house and his house. Mr. Orfield pointed out that one of them could have one car parked there. Councilman Hundley advised that if he is not mistaken, there are two houses across the street. Mr. Orfield stated that is correct, and he noted one of those homeowners had one vehicle parked a week or so ago on the street overnight. He commented that he knows of no mishaps as a result of this vehicle parking overnight. Mr. Orfield advised that on Halloween when there are trick-or-treaters who come by, vehicles park on both sides of the street, and traffic passes through because there is 25 feet of pavement. Mayor Crewe noted that there should be room for two cars to park, with one on each side of the street, as well as two moving vehicles to pass one another. Mr. Orfield noted that is correct. He pointed out that in this scenario, the vehicles would be close to one another, but it is possible if they are traveling 25 MPH, and there would be no problem. Mr. Orfield pointed out that two tractor trailers may have a problem. Mayor Crewe stated that there should not be two tractor trailers in that neighborhood, but it is possible. Town Manager Sutherland advised that if the Council is thinking about reconsidering this matter, they may want to consider a centerline. He noted that each vehicle should stay on their side of the street. Mr. Orfield noted that he thinks this street would benefit from a centerline. He explained that this would give each side 12.5 feet. He noted when he states 12.5 feet, he knows this because he measured it. Mayor Crewe stated this is why he asked Mr. Orfield about the pavement width because the right of way is wider than 25 feet, but noted that the pavement would be 25 feet. Mr. Orfield noted that is correct. Mayor Crewe inquired if anyone else has any questions or comments. Councilman Lambert noted that if there are four vehicles in this area, this is 24 feet approximately, so there is only one foot of room. He noted that he could see where this could be a problem if there is parking on both sides of the street. Mr. Orfield noted that, normally, there are not vehicles parked on both sides of the street. He noted that he has lived on Fisher Road for five years and he has seen a car parked overnight on the street less than twelve times. Mr. Orfield remarked that the people just respect this. He commented that he feels like if the Council makes it final with “no parking” signs, it is going to create problems and lower the value of the properties. Mr. Orfield stated that there is an empty, $250,000 building for sale on Fisher Road, and if the Town installs “no parking,” signs, it will make the property even harder to sell. Mayor Crewe noted the parking signs would be addressed later in the meeting. Mr. Orfield thanked the Town Council for allowing him to speak. Mayor Crewe thanked Mr. Orfield for speaking. Mayor Crewe advised that in looking at the sign in sheet, there is no one else listed to address the Council during Citizens’ Period, however, if there is someone else who wished to speak, now is the time to do so. There being no one else to address the Council during Citizens’ Period, Mayor Crewe proceeded with the agenda. RE: OLD BUSINESS Under Old Business, Town Manager Sutherland reported the following: 1. The regularly scheduled Council Work Session will be held on Tuesday, June 9, 2015, at 7:00 a.m. 2. The Wytheville Planning Commission will meet on Thursday, June 11, 2015, at 6:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers. 3. The New River Regional Water Authority will meet on Thursday, June 18, 2015, at 9:30 a.m., in the Council Chambers. 4. The Council Personnel Committee will meet on Friday, June 19, 2015, at 9:00 a.m., at the Wytheville Police Department. Vice-Mayor King and Councilman Hundley will serve as the Council representatives for the Committee. 5. Town Treasurer Stephens is coming up on the end of the year to close out the books. He has requested that the Council set a public hearing for the June 22, 2015, Council meeting, in the event that there are amendments needed for the budget for fiscal year 2014-15. Mayor Crewe inquired if there is any objection to scheduling this public hearing. He noted that Town staff would do so by way of advertisement. Town Manager Sutherland inquired of Mayor Crewe if the Council would make a motion to set this hearing. Mayor Crewe inquired if there is a motion to set a public hearing for the June 22, 2015, meeting to consider various appropriations to the budget for Fiscal Year 201415. A motion was made by Councilman Lambert and seconded by Councilman Hundley to set a public hearing for the June 22, 2015, meeting to consider various appropriations to the budget for Fiscal Year 2014-15. Mayor Crewe inquired of the Council if there is any discussion on the motion to set the public hearing. There being none, the motion was approved with the following voting in favor and there being no oppositions: For: Trenton G. Crewe, Jr., Jacqueline K. King, William B. Weisiger, H. Judson Lambert, Thomas F. Hundley. Against: None. RE: BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT Councilman Weisiger, reporting for the Budget and Finance Committee, stated that at the last meeting of Council, local hotel owners, who collect the lodging tax, suggested that more of the revenues being derived from the tax increase should be directed for marketing purposes. He noted that the meals and lodging tax increases were approved at the last meeting and will become effective August 1, 2015. Councilman Weisiger remarked that after that meeting, the Budget and Finance Committee did, in fact, review the budget with the potential for adding additional marketing dollars to the Department of Tourism. He commented that the Budget and Finance Committee agrees that the marketing efforts of Director Rosa Jude have been very effective and giving her additional marketing dollars can do nothing but generate additional meals and lodging taxes. Councilman Weisiger stated, currently, the budget, as drafted, allocates $57,000 for new marketing activities. He advised that the Budget and Finance Committee would recommend that when the budget is considered on second reading, it be amended to the extent that this line item for new marketing be revised to $75,000. Councilman Weisiger commented that these additional funds will be taken from the line item noted as “Infrastructure Improvements” with the net of this amendment being zero. He remarked that when the budget is considered later in the meeting, it would be the recommendation of the Budget and Finance Committee that the budget be approved with this amendment. Councilman Weisiger also reported that Chapter 5 of the Town Code establishes the regulation for the administration and operation of the Town’s cemeteries. He stated that Section 5-9 of this chapter specifically sets forth regulations with regard to firearms being permitted in the cemetery. Councilman Weisiger noted that the regulations specifically provide that the discharge of firearms in the cemetery will be permitted only for military funerals or other appropriate activity approved by the Town Manager’s Office. He commented that this section, also, prohibits firearms from being allowed in the cemetery by anyone other than for military funerals and being worn by authorized officers of the law. Councilman Weisiger remarked that recently, the Town was contacted by the Virginia Citizens Defense League noting that the law now permits possession of a weapon anywhere, provided that it is not concealed or treated in a reckless or haphazard manner. He explained that it is correct that the law does now allow for the possession of firearms in places that the Town feels inappropriate. Councilman Weisiger stated in any event, to be in compliance with the law, the Council will consider an ordinance later in the meeting that will remove that section of language from the cemetery regulations. He noted that when the ordinance is presented, it would be the recommendation of the Budget and Finance Committee that it be approved on first and final reading. A copy of the Budget and Finance Committee report is attached and made part of these minutes. RE: PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE REPORT Councilman Hundley, reporting for the Public Works Committee, stated the Town has received several inquiries about sight distance and safety matters on Fisher Road between Mountain View Drive and Valley Street. He noted that when cars are parked on either side of the street in this section, approaching vehicles have a sight distance problem and this creates an unsafe situation with vehicles approaching each other. Councilman Hundley explained that this is especially true for vehicles proceeding south on Fisher Road, approaching Mountain View Drive. He remarked that the crest in the hill requires vehicles traveling in this direction to go around a parked car putting them, essentially, in the northbound travel lane, so there is no sight distance. Councilman Hundley commented that the Public Works Committee thinks this is a situation that needs to be corrected. He advised that it would be the recommendation of the Public Works Committee that both sides of Fisher Road between Mountain View Drive and Valley Street be posted with “No Parking” signage. Mayor Crewe stated the motion from the Public Works Committee is to post “No Parking” signs on both sides of Fisher Road between Mountain View Drive and Valley Street. He commented that if he is misinterpreting the motion wrong, to please correct him, otherwise, this is the motion from the Committee. Mayor Crewe inquired if there is any discussion on the motion to post the signs. Councilman Hundley stated in hearing Mr. Orfield’s comments, he thinks the Council should reconsider the signage. He advised that the Town should add a centerline to Fisher Road, instead of posting “no parking” signage and see if that will suffice. Mayor Crewe stated that if he is interpreting Councilman Hundley correctly, then the Public Works Committee is withdrawing the motion that both sides of Fisher Road between Mountain View Drive and Valley Street be posted with “no parking” signage. He explained if he is correct, there is simply no motion on the table and nothing to be tabled. Mayor Crewe advised that there is simply no action taken. He noted if the Committee wants to make a motion to add a centerline on Fisher Road, this can be made by way of a motion. Mayor Crewe stated this could be done at the next meeting, if the Committee would like to discuss it further at the next Council Work Session. He commented that he is not trying to tell the Committee what to do, however, he is only giving them options. Councilman Hundley inquired of Councilman Lambert what his thoughts were in regard to the motion. Councilman Lambert suggested discussing this issue further at the next Council Work Session in order to have something in place that works well for everyone. He noted then the Committee can report back to the Council at the next meeting. Mayor Crewe advised this is 100 percent of the Public Works Committee who is wanting to withdraw the motion and take no action. It was the consensus of the Council to continue to study the request for “no parking” on both sides of Fisher Road between Mountain View Drive and Valley Street. Mayor Crewe stated since there is no motion to be considered, Councilman Hundley can proceed with his report. Councilman Hundley also reported that this week at the Council Work Session, the Public Works Committee had the opportunity to review a schematic of the work to be performed in the downtown area. He remarked that this schematic drawing was prepared by Hill Studio, the consultant who is developing the design work for the downtown area. Councilman Hundley stated that the schematic illustrates where the new brick sidewalk and curb and guttering will be installed, as well as the new stamped brick crossings at all of the crosswalks. He noted that it, also, depicts where new landscaping is to be installed and where new light fixtures will be located. Councilman Hundley explained that at the last Council Work Session, the Public Works Committee agreed that the new lamp posts should be black with a fluted exterior. He commented that the Public Works Committee would ask that this schematic be publically displayed in both the Municipal Building and the Community Center so that citizens have the opportunity to look at these planned improvements. Councilman Hundley stated another part of the activities in the downtown area involves the development of a Farmers’ Market. He noted that in late 2014, the Town purchased the old Hobert N. Grubb warehouse building located at the corner of Spring and Second Streets. Councilman Hundley explained that this building was purchased by using grant funds from the Wythe-Bland Foundation. He remarked that the Town has now executed a contract for the removal of the steel shelving and other items within this building and are preparing to bid services, such as interior and exterior painting of the building. Councilman Hundley explained that Town forces will install new interior lighting. He stated this Farmers’ Market will have both interior and exterior space for the sale of agricultural products. Councilman Hundley commented that the building, also, has the distinct advantage of being located adjacent to the new Heritage Walkway that will be constructed later this year. He noted, subsequently, the Town wants to apply for Rural Development funding so that additional work can be performed to the structure. Councilman Hundley advised, finally, the Public Works Committee would like to note that Downtown Wytheville, Incorporated is working on various economic stimulus activities in the downtown, including a “Shark Tank” activity that will award funding to the successful business for a new venture that will be provided in the downtown area. He remarked the Council members realize that some of these activities may cause certain inconveniences while improvements are being performed, however, in the long term, the Council believes that it is a very important project for the town. Councilman Hundley advised that there is no action required by the Council at this time, but the Public Works Committee did want to inform everyone about the ongoing activities. A copy of the Public Works Committee report is attached and made part of these minutes. Mayor Crewe advised that the consequence of the withdraw of the earlier motion is that nothing is being done about “no parking” on Fisher Road, however, it is under consideration and may be on the agenda at the next Town Council meeting. He noted that “no parking” signage would not be erected at this time. Town Manager Sutherland advised that Town staff would contact Mr. Orfield if the topic is placed on the next Council agenda. RE: ORDINANCE NO. 1297 Mayor Crewe advised the next agenda item is Ordinance No. 1297, the Budget Ordinance for Fiscal Year 2015-16. He stated that the Budget and Finance Committee is recommending that the line item for new marketing activities be increased from $57,000 to $75,000. Mayor Crewe noted that is in the budget before the Council. He advised that the Budget and Finance Committee’s motion is that Ordinance No. 1297, the Budget Ordinance for Fiscal Year 2015-16 be adopted as amended to include the $75,000 figure. Mayor Crewe explained that the third and final reading of the budget will be held at the June 22, 2015, Town Council meeting. A motion was made by Councilman Weisiger and seconded by Vice-Mayor King to approve Ordinance No. 1297, the Budget Ordinance for Fiscal Year 2015-16, on second, but not final, reading, as amended. He inquired if there is any discussion on the motion to approve Ordinance No. 1297, the Budget Ordinance for Fiscal Year 2015-16, as amended, to increase the tourism dollars. There being none, the motion was approved with the following voting in favor and there being no opposition: FOR: Trenton G. Crewe, Jr., Jacqueline K. King, William B. Weisiger, H. Judson Lambert, Thomas F. Hundley AGAINST: None ABSTENTIONS: None Ordinance No. 1297 was approved on second, but not final, reading, as amended. RE: ORDINANCE NO. 1298 Mayor Crewe advised the next agenda item is Ordinance No. 1298, an ordinance amending and reenacting Chapter 5, Cemeteries, Section 5-9. Firearms, of the Code of the Town of Wytheville, Virginia. He noted the Budget and Finance Committee’s motion is to adopt Ordinance No. 1298 on first and final reading to be effective immediately. Mayor Crewe explained that the ordinance, basically, states firearms can be carried in the cemetery but only discharged for military funerals or other activities as approved by the Town Manager’s Office. A motion was made by Councilman Weisiger and seconded by Vice-Mayor King to suspend the rules and adopt Ordinance No. 1298, an ordinance amending and reenacting Chapter 5, Cemeteries, Section 5-9. Firearms, of the Code of the Town of Wytheville, Virginia, on first, and final, reading. Mayor Crewe inquired if there is discussion on the motion to approve Ordinance No. 1298. There being none, the motion was approved with the following voting in favor and there being no opposition: FOR: Trenton G. Crewe, Jr., Thomas F. Hundley, H. Judson Lambert, William B. Weisiger, Jacqueline K. King AGAINST: None ABSTENTIONS: None Ordinance No. 1298 was adopted on first and final reading. RE: ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to be discussed, a motion was duly made, seconded and carried to adjourn the meeting (7:24 p.m.). Trenton G. Crewe, Jr., Mayor Sharon G. Corvin, Town Clerk G:\COUNCIL\Minutes\2015\Council Minutes 060815.doc BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT JUNE 8, 2015 1. At the last meeting of Council, local hotel owners, who collect the lodging tax, suggested that more of the revenues being derived from the tax increase should be directed for marketing purposes. The meals and lodging tax increases were approved at the last meeting and will become effective August 1, 2015. After that meeting, we did, in fact, review the budget with the potential for adding additional marketing dollars to the Department of Tourism. We agree that the marketing efforts of Director Rosa Jude have been very effective and giving her additional marketing dollars can do nothing but generate additional meals and lodging taxes. Currently, the budget, as drafted, allocates $57,000 for new marketing activities. We would recommend that when the budget is considered on second reading, it be amended to the extent that this line item for new marketing be revised to $75,000. These additional funds will be taken from the line item noted as “Infrastructure Improvements” with the net of this amendment being zero. When the budget is considered later in the meeting, it would be the recommendation of the Budget and Finance Committee that the budget be approved with this amendment. 2. Chapter 5 of the Town Code establishes the regulation for the administration and operation of the Town’s cemeteries. Section 5-9 of this chapter specifically sets forth regulations with regard to firearms being permitted in the cemetery. The regulations specifically provide that the discharge of firearms in the cemetery will 1 be permitted only for military funerals or other appropriate activity approved by the Town Manager’s Office. This section, also, prohibits firearms from being allowed in the cemetery by anyone other than for military funerals and being worn by authorized officers of the law. Recently, we were contacted by the Virginia Citizens Defense League noting that the law now permits possession of a weapon anywhere, provided that it is not concealed or treated in a reckless or haphazard manner. It is correct that the law does now allow for the possession of firearms in places that we feel are inappropriate. In any event, to be in compliance with the law, the Council will consider an ordinance later in the meeting that will remove that section of language from the cemetery regulations. When the ordinance is presented, it would be the recommendation of the Budget and Finance Committee that it be approved on first and final reading. Jacqueline K. King William B. Weisiger H:\COUNCIL\BFCOMMIT.RPT\2015\BFJUNE8.doc 2 PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE REPORT JUNE 8, 2015 1. We have received several inquiries about sight distance and safety matters on Fisher Road between Mountain View Drive and Valley Street. When cars are parked on either side of the street in this section, approaching vehicles have a sight distance problem and this creates an unsafe situation with vehicles approaching each other. This is especially true for vehicles proceeding south on Fisher Road, approaching Mountain View Drive. The crest in the hill requires vehicles traveling in this direction to go around a parked car putting them, essentially, in the northbound travel lane, so there is no sight distance. We think this is a situation that needs to be corrected. It would be the recommendation of the Public Works Committee that both sides of Fisher Road between Mountain View Drive and Valley Street be posted with “No Parking” signage. 2. This week at the Council Work Session, we had the opportunity to review a schematic of the work to be performed in the downtown area. This schematic drawing was prepared by Hill Studio, the consultant who is developing the design work for the downtown area. The schematic illustrates where the new brick sidewalk and curb and guttering will be installed, as well as the new stamped brick crossings at all of the crosswalks. It, also, depicts where new landscaping is to be installed and where new light fixtures will be located. At the last Council Work Session, we agreed that the new lamp posts should be black with a fluted exterior. We would ask that 1 this schematic be publically displayed in both the Municipal Building and the Community Center so that citizens have the opportunity to look at these planned improvements. Another part of the activities in the downtown area involves the development of a Farmers’ Market. In late 2014, the Town purchased the old Hobert N. Grubb warehouse building located at the corner of Spring and Second Streets. This building was purchased by using grant funds from the Wythe-Bland Foundation. We have now executed a contract for the removal of the steel shelving and other items within this building and are preparing to bid services, such as interior and exterior painting of the building. Town forces will install new interior lighting. This Farmers’ Market will have both interior and exterior space for the sale of agricultural products. The building, also, has the distinct advantage of being located adjacent to the new Heritage Walkway that will be constructed later this year. Subsequently, we want to apply for Rural Development funding so that additional work can be performed to the structure. Finally, we would like to note that Downtown Wytheville, Incorporated is working on various economic stimulus activities in the downtown, including a “Shark Tank” activity that will award funding to the successful business for a new venture that will be provided in the downtown area. We realize that some of these activities may cause certain inconveniences while improvements are being performed, however, in the long term, we believe that it is a very important project for our town. There is no action required by the Council at this time, but we did want to inform everyone about the ongoing activities. 2 H. Judson Lambert Thomas F. Hundley H:\COUNCIL\PWCOMMIT.RPT\2015\PWJUNE8.doc 3