MSOT update_June 2015 - Manitoba Society of Occupational


MSOT update_June 2015 - Manitoba Society of Occupational
June 2015
Volume 21 Issue 3
Manitoba Society of
Occupational Therapists
Enabling Ability by Building the Occupational Therapy Community.
Connect I Enable I Grow
In This Issue:
p.2— CAOT Conference
p. 3-5—Occupational
Therapy Celebration
p.6—U of M Award
p. 7—Independent Study
p. 8—Call for Fieldwork
p. 9—Thank You
Intermediate II
p.10—Thank You MOT
Admission Interviewers
p.11—Spotlight on OT
p. 12—Professional
May was a great month for occupa3onal therapists in Manitoba! We were honoured to co-­‐host the na3onal Canadian Associa3on of Occupa3onal Therapist’s conference in Winnipeg, MB from May 27-­‐30, 2015, where over 500 occupa3onal therapists were welcomed to our province’s capital. We learned and grew from sharing our unique knowledge and experiences, strengthening OT as a profession. Stay tuned for pictures and further memories of the conference in future newsleNers! As MSOT President, I met with the presidents and execu3ve directors of other provincial associa3ons at the CAOT Conference. This year, we dedicated 10 full hours to discussing challenges and successes across the country. The issues that challenge occupa3onal therapists within Manitoba are also seen across Canada; and as a collec3ve of leaders and associa3ons, this group will be working to develop strategies to address these common issues. As such, if there are issues addressing your clinical prac3ce that you would like addressed, please do not hesitate to contact myself or any MSOT Board member. Our Board is working to distribute a preliminary copy of our updated strategic plan to gather your feedback on the priori3es of MSOT. We look forward to con3nuing to engage with you - both in addressing the issues that maNer to Manitobans, and in celebra3ng our successes. One thing is certain, Manitoba con3nues to be seen as a leader of occupa3onal therapy across Canada. We are home to many respected scholars, clinical experts, and student MOT leaders. We are recognized for our strength in developing and implemen3ng new areas of clinical prac3ce. In addi3on, MSOT has also been recognized for its strengths in advoca3ng for the profession. Our focus on engaging with members through social media; our successful events including the annual OT Celebra3on Night; our Team-­‐OT ini3a3ve; and our celebra3on of Na3onal OT Month are all things to be proud of! Have a wonderful summer, Ka3e Kitchen MSOT President 1
June 2015
Volume 21 Issue 3
2015 CAOT Conference
Reflections from a MOT2 student…
The life of a graduating student occupational therapist is already an amazing and rewarding experience; so
imagine how great it was that the class of 2015 is graduating the year that the annual CAOT conference was
in our province!
My experience at the conference was memorable: Firstly, I walked around with a cute little button pinned to
my conference badge indicating that this was my first-year at a CAOT conference; I won’t easily forget when
Lisa Mendez told me the button was a universal sign for “Help me! This is my first time!”
Secondly, I had the pleasure and honour of meeting a
number of respected and well-recognized occupational
therapists from around the world, including Clare
Hocking, Helene Polatajko, Elizabeth Townsend; and
Bonnie Kirsch, who delivered the Muriel Driver Lecture
this year. These individuals, among many others, are
OTs that guided our academic material and influenced
OT practice. When introducing myself to these amazing
OTs, I was a bit awestruck and humbled by their amazing
Randi Vandale, Amanda Deslauriers, Lana Hochman (MOT2 students)
Thirdly, the lectures and poster presentations were impressive; whether they were delivered from an
upcoming or recent graduate, or an OT practicing for 30+ years. The atmosphere was energetic and
inspiring; as OTs from all practice areas, varying experience levels, and from around the world, explored
and discussed different aspects of occupational justice.
Finally, the conference reminded me of the strength and
influence of the OT community across Canada; and that when
we come together we can impact change on a larger scale as
we learn from and with one another. I am already looking
forward to booking my tickets and preparing my presentation
for the 2016 conference in Banff!
Amanda Deslauriers
MOT 2 student and MSOT Representative
Stay Tuned!! More Photos and updates from the 2015 CAOT
conference to come in future editions of the MSOT update…
June 2015
Volume 21 Issue 3
Occupational Therapy Celebration Night
This years’ annual Occupational Therapy
Celebration Night (OTCN) brought a lot of laughs,
thanks in large part to our amazing host: Ace
Burpee from 103.1 Virgin Radio. Ace worked the
crowd and even donated $45 dollars to the
Crohn's and Colitis Association.
Even through all the fun and festivities, the OTCN
had a purpose; To honour our most distinguished
and welcome our newest colleagues.
The following individuals were honoured:
The Team OT MVP Award: Amanda Deslauriers
The Excellence in Fieldwork Award: Breanna Carey
MSOT’s 25 year Members: Maureen Hamonic,
Karen Mazur, Diane Rawluk, & Gina Kirchmann
The MSOT Research Fund Awards: Lisa Mendez,
Margaret Anne Campbell-Rempel, Teresa Platt,
& Karen Penner
The draw for the first ever Professional
Development Award was also held: Kayla Maubert
was the lucky recipient of this $200 prize towards
professional development education.
Outstanding fieldwork educators who
were nominated to the Fieldwork Roster
of Honour (listed on page 5).
This years’ graduating Occupational
Therapy students from the College of
Rehabilitation Sciences (picture on left).
Continued on page 4…
June 2015
Volume 21 Issue 3
Occupational Therapy Celebration Night
We heard updates from our key stakeholders and enjoyed an evening
of food, beverage and amazing prizes. Thank you to all those who
attended and our amazing sponsors (Access Store, Anderson House,
Canadian Healthcare Products, Medichair).
Platinum Sponsors:
Silver Sponsors:
Item Sponsors:
We hope to see you again next year for the celebration of MSOT's 52nd year!
Submitted by:
Karley Van Den Bussche,
MSOT Special Events Coordinator
Nicole Brinkman,
MSOT Nominations and Awards
MSOT Board Members
June 2015
Volume 21 Issue 3
Occupational Therapy Celebration Night
Fieldwork Educator Roster of Honour
At the MSOT Celebration Night on April 30, 2015, the University of Manitoba Department
of Occupational Therapy and Master of Occupational Therapy Class of 2015 presented
the "Fieldwork Educator Roster of Honour" award. Award recipients were nominated by
graduating students who felt their fieldwork educator had made an outstanding
contribution to their development as a Student
Occupational Therapist. Congratulations to this year’s recipients:
David Ambrose
Marlee Chancy
Catherine Bryden Dueck
Jesse Dziad
Emily Ewert
Glen Gray
Kendra Huot
Dawn James
Kym Kaufmann
Nicole Lavoie
Katelyn Maruca
Adriana Moreno
Blayze Perreault
Julie Roth
Sheryl Singer
Nicole Suhkbir
Samantha Taylor
Thank you for contributing your time and
knowledge in assisting MOT students as they
transition into occupational therapy practice!
Submitted by: Lorilee Neufeld & Lana Hochman
MOT 2 Students
June 2015
Volume 21 Issue 3
University of Manitoba Award Recipients
2015 Distinguished Alumni Award, Service To The University Of Manitoba Award
Recipient— Juliette (Archie) Cooper
After more than 40 years in the classroom at the U of M, professor emeritus Juliette (Archie) Cooper
still looks forward to coming to work every day.“I love to teach,” she says. “I love the interactions
with the students. Why would I give it up?”
That passion for sharing knowledge only partly explains Cooper’s longevity at the university. Early in
her career, she discovered how volunteering—as a fundraiser and as a key contributor to the senate
and board of governors—could open up a whole new appreciation for the campus community she
called home. Though she spent most of her professional career with the College of Rehabilitation
Sciences, her influence is today felt across the entire institution.
Cooper’s service to the U of M today benefits more than the generations of occupational therapists
she’s mentored over the years. She is a respected name on both campuses as an administrator; Cooper
was director of the then School of Medical Rehabilitation as well as interim dean of the Faculty of
Music. And she is an exemplar to everyone at the U of M of how one person giving above and beyond
the duties of her job can help propel the institution towards success.
(Author not listed, originally published in UM Today on May 4, 2015,
U Of M Emerging Leader Award Recipient—Amanda Deslauriers
Since it was first introduced in 2006, the University of Manitoba Emerging Leader Award has
recognized the outstanding contributions of U of M students to the university and the community.
This year, second year Occupational Therapy student Amanda Deslauriers is one of the deserving
recipients of this award.
For Deslaurier, a personal commitment to helping others is something that informed her decision to
pursue a career in occupational therapy. “As far as I can remember I believed that my career path
would involve helping people in the area of health and wellness,” she says. “However, it was at the
College of Rehabilitation Open House that I truly connected with the profession of occupational
therapy. I am excited to be part of a profession that collaborates with the individual, the family or at
the community level to help people overcome barriers to living to their fullest potential.”
Deslauriers also says she is grateful to join such an elite group of award recipients. “The U of M
emerging leaders are a diverse group of individuals, each with a unique story, background, and vision
of the future,” she says. “Being part of this group of emerging leaders is inspiring and makes me want
to reach even further into my ambition to make a difference in our communities.”
(Marshall Wiebe, originally published in UM Today, April 15, 2015, available at
June 2015
Volume 21 Issue 3
NOTE: Even if you aren’t in Winnipeg and/or are unable to attendyou can still live stream the keynote address at noon.
12 P.M. - 12:45 P.M.
Topics include:
Exploring the work-life balance of Manitoban occupational therapists
Occupational therapy role in primary care
The perspective of occupational therapists on wheelchair service delivery
in Manitoba.
Client-centred goal setting with individuals with intellectual disabilities
And many more evidence-informed and professional issues topics!
For more information visit:
Dr. Distasio’s speech will be livestreamed on June 25th at:
June 2015
Volume 21 Issue 3
We are currently recruiting for Basic, Intermediate 1 and Intermediate 2 placements (CLICK HERE
TO OFFER NOW). A request for Advanced placement offers will be sent out early in 2016.
Contact a member of the fieldwork team if you would like more information.
Basic Fieldwork (4 weeks) - November 16 – December 11, 2015
First year students who have completed 12 weeks of academic studies as well as a previous undergraduate degree including pre-requisite courses.
Intermediate Fieldwork II (8 weeks) - January 4 - February 26, 2016
Second year students who have completed one and a half years of academic studies, one - 4 week
and one - 8 week fieldwork placement.
Intermediate Fieldwork I (8 weeks) - May 2 - June 24, 2016
First year students who have completed one year of academic studies and one - 4 week fieldwork
Advanced Fieldwork (6 weeks) - June 27 - September 9, 2016
Second Year students who have completed all academic requirements , one - 4 week and two - 8
week placements. Placement dates flexible within June 27 and September 9th.
Fieldwork Educators Workshop: October 2015
The Occupational Therapy Department at the University of Manitoba will be hosting a Fieldwork
Educators Workshop in October 2015. This full-day workshop focuses on developing basic skills
required by Occupational Therapy Fieldwork Educators.
We will be posting the date and time of the workshop on our website and circulating an email
throughout the OT community in the coming months. If you would like further information, please
contact Jennifer Ham at or 204-789-3757.
Hope to see you there!
June 2015
Volume 21 Issue 3
The Occupational Therapy Department at the University of Manitoba would like to
thank the following educators for their contributions to fieldwork for the Intermediate II
Placement (January 5 - February 27, 2015).
David Ambrose
Julie Bell
Carolyn Bergen
Denyse Blanco
Joanne Brakel
Catherine Bryden Dueck
Simone Buisse
Corey Chambers
Renee Delorme
Lisa Diamond-Burchuk
Monique Ducharme
Marlies Dyck
Emily Ewert
Patricia Flavel-Loraas
Donna Glasgow
Susan Hales
Danielle Harling
Eric Hepner
Leah Hes
Ana Holowaychuk
Pat Horbal
Kendra Huot
Jelena Hurma
Dawn James
Janet Kumka
Megan Land McMarthy
Patti Lausman
Nicole Lavoie
Katelyn Maruca
Kayla Maubert
Melissa McPherson
Julie McVicar
Kellie Milloy
Adriana Moreno
Whitney Mushumanski
Christina Nichol
Julie Putnam
Cynthia Puttaert
Diana Quass
Jillian Quigley
Amanda Rogala Golden
Alisia Roos
Ginette Sabourin
Lisa Salter
Margaret Schinkel
Sheryl Singer
Tanya Swanson
Karley Van Den Bussche
Maryveve Vermette
Stephanie Warren
Mary Watkins
Julie Watters
Lori White
Melanie Yusmin
Here is a snapshot of what the placement block looked like:
There were 53 students on placement.
There were five Manitoba sites offering fieldwork for the first time: Aboriginal Health & Wellness, Megan Land
McCarthy Occupational Therapy, Manitoba Public Insurance, Pembina Trails School Division, and Centre la Petite
Five placements utilized the collaborative fieldwork model (one educator with two students). Three of the
educators offered placements with their own case load; two provided the fieldwork supervision while being
off-site (to an organization/clinic that does not currently have an occupational therapist on staff.
Students experienced a variety of inpatient and outpatient hospital placements including acute care medicine,
emergency, surgery, pediatrics, and mental health to name a few.
There were a wide variety of community settings, including wellness and resource centres, primary care clinics, a
city department, a day hospital, an insurance agency, private practices, schools, and long term care facilities.
We had one student in the Yukon, four in Alberta, two in Saskatchewan, and one in Ontario. We also had
placements in Winkler/Morden, Selkirk, and Steinbach. The remainder of Manitoba placments were in Winnipeg.
There were at least 11 people who were first time educators!
June 2015
Volume 21 Issue 3
A total of 201 people applied to the Masters of Occupational Therapy program at the University of
Manitoba for the 2015-2016 school year. This is our second highest number for the MOT program to date!
Of these 201 applicants, 88 were interviewed in 3 separate interviewers (by a student, a clinician, and a
faculty member).
The incredible support from the occupational therapy community is very much appreciated. Thank you to
the following students, clinicians, faculty, and support staff who made this day possible:
Agata Ostrycharz
Akash Abedin
Alexandria Simms
Alisia Roos
Alix Tessler
Allison Robinson
Angela Romanyshyn
Archie Cooper
Brittany Boult
Cara Brown
Cherry Nixdorf
Chris Friesen
Christopher Thiessen
Daniel Doerksen
Ed Giesbrecht
Erika Hunzinger
Erin O’Reilly
Eunice Song
Gayle Restall
Georgia Belanger
Jaclyn Panaro
Jacquie Ripat
Jane Nzeribe
Janessa Thorne
Jillian Neusitzer
Joanna Quanbury
Julie Brown
Katelyn Elliot
Kayla Maubert
Kelli Krause
Kendall Wilson
Lana Hochman
Laura Martens
Leanne Leclair
Leslie Johnson
Lisa Diamond-Burchuk
Liz Forbes
Lori Muzychka
Lorilee Neufeld
Margaret Anne Campbell-Rempel
Natalie Patenaude
Natasha Niedzielski
Nelson Oranye
Pam Wener
Patty Stefanyshen
Randi Vandale
Robyn Bonnell
Robyn Taylor
Shawna Klapecki
Stacey McRuer
Susan Hales
Teresa Allison
Theresa Sullivan
Val Cornejo
Interested in interviewing next April?
Keep an eye out for our call for interviewers in the January/February
edition of the MSOT Update newsletter.
Submitted by: Lisa Mendez, Chair Occupational Therapy Admissions and Selections Committee and
Kristen Stefanson, Admissions/Recruitment Officer, College of Rehabilitation Sciences
June 2015
Volume 21 Issue 3
Spotlight on OT…
Esther Hawn, South Winnipeg Hospital Home Team
My name is Esther Hawn, and I am the Occupational Therapist for the South Winnipeg Hospital
Home Team. The South Winnipeg Hospital Home Team (HHT) is a new program offered through
the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority, that has been up and running since September 2014. Our
catchment area is Fort Garry and River Heights. There are 2 other teams in the city, including the
Winnipeg West and Access River East Hospital Home Teams.
In South Winnipeg, we are an interdisciplinary team made up of Home Care Case Coordinators,
Nurse Practitioners, Pharmacy, Physiotherapy, Rehab Assistant and Occupational Therapy. A unique
component of our team is that the OT position is a full time, whereas PT is currently here 2 days a
The goal of our program is to target the “frequent fliers” in and out of hospital, as well as clients who
are at risk for a decline in their health status which may result in a hospital admission. We are a shortterm, intensive case management service. Some clients have required only a few weeks of
intervention, while others go beyond the 60 day guideline, depending on the needs of the client. We
try to ensure clients are linked to services that will be able to provide long term support. For example,
linking with a family doctor/nurse practitioner, PRIME, sustain them until they can attend Day
Hospital, etc.
The OT position is unique in that I support clients with both medical and mental health needs. I have
time to provide intervention (mental health intervention, transfer training, ADL retraining, life skills
etc.) because of the way the program is designed. Under the umbrella of South Winnipeg Integrated
Health and Social Services, the HHT OT position falls under the Allied Health Team at the Victoria
General Hospital. Through this integration, I also support the weekend rotation at VGH. As such,
there is opportunity for development of community and acute care skills. I also am a team member of
the VGH Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) group. Currently, I lead the skill development group,
and meet weekly with the larger DBT group for case conferences. I also provide consultation to
Corydon Primary Care. I enjoy the diversity of the position, and the ability to work in various
components of the vast OT scope of practice.
Submitted by:
Esther Hawn, OT Reg. (MB)
South Winnipeg Hospital Home Team
June 2015
Volume 21 Issue 3
Professional Development
CanadInns Polo Park:
Prairie Seating Workshop 2015, November 2 & 3, 2015.
Registration opening July 2015 at For further information, contact Corinna or Angie at or 204-612-0399.
Psychealth Theatre PX236
2nd Occupational Therapy and Adult Mental Health
Networking Day, October 13, 2015 from 1-4 (telehealth
For more information and to register please contact: Amy
Collins—204-477-3125 or Marie Duscina—204-787-7895.
Victoria Inn & Convention Centre
Canadian Conference on Developmental Disabilities
and Autism—June 2 & 3 (details at
Out of Province….
Denver, Colorado—RENSA New Frontiers in Assistive
Technology; June 10-14th register online at
June 2015
Volume 21 Issue 3
2015 MSOT ADVERTISING RATES All submissions are due on the 10th of the month prior to the month of publicaTon. Please email submissions to * PLEASE NOTE ADVERTISING RATES HAVE CHANGED *
Please contact MSOT to discuss your advertising needs. Email:
or call (204) 957-1214, Ext. 21
1) Email blast to all MSOT members : $100
2) Newsletter: full page $200, half page $100, small ad $25
3) Web post (in members-only area of website): $200/mth
4) OT Celebration Night (annually in May): full page $300, half page $150
1) Email blast package: $250 (pkg. of 3 within a 6 month period, same ad)
2) Email blast + web post: $250
3) Email blast + web post + full page newsletter ad: $350
Editorial Policy… The Update is published 6 =mes a year and is distributed the first week of February, April, June, August, October and December. Statements, claims and opinions made in ar=cles and adver=sements are those of the author or adver=se and do not necessarily reflect the views of MSOT members or execu=ve. Submissions are also subject to editorial changes. Submissions: Should be no longer than 500 words and submi_ed in digital file (Word preferred)
and a printed hard copy to:
Are you working in a new OT position?
Perhaps in a new position that is not
specifically for OT, but OT is a great fit?
Do you know someone who is
contributing to Manitoba’s OT
community through new and innovative
strategies? Or maybe you just want to
share your experience as an OT in
Manitoba with MSOT members?
Submit your story to: