Fall 2014 - Institute of Power Engineers
Fall 2014 - Institute of Power Engineers
! FALL 2014 Institute of Power Engineers National Newsletter Contents President’s Message 2 Vancouver Branch 3 Sarnia Branch 4 Novia Scotia Chiefs Conference 5 Ontario Chief’s Conference 7 Practical Skills Record 12 Membership Form 14 Canadian Branchs 16 T ! http://www.nipe.ca/index2.html 1 PAGE I recently came across the Five Key Characteristics of an Effective Team on www.piworldwide.com by Nancy Martini and it made me think about what we have accomplished in the last few years with the Institute of Power Engineers. 1. Meaningful Common Purpose: We were able to establish the Code of Ethics on every IPE website across Canada. Included in the Code are “Objects” or objectives. To promote business relations, social activities and mutual understanding among Power Engineers, to protect the interests and to assist in the advancement of the members, to co-operate in the interests of the Profession with other technical associations and with Municipal, Provincial and Federal authorities, to formulate and promote a professional code of ethics, and generally, to assist the Power Engineer in the discharge of his or her technical and civic duties. I hope everyone is beginning to collectively understand and commit to this purpose. It is my job as National President to help make this happen. 2. Clear Performance Goals: What does success look like? Over the last couple of years our goal of getting representatives of the IPE out to every event involving Power Engineers is a clear goal that members agree with. Often it costs a few dollars, but we are learning how to come up with the resources to do it. 3. Diversity of Skill and Personality: Fortunately for us, we have members who can offer different skills and perspectives that help to drive creativity and innovation. We must continue to learn new ways to involve these members. 4. Strong Communication and collaboration: National Directors now communicate by telephone conference call each month. This sets the foundation for collaboration. 5. Trust and Commitment: One of the key building blocks of successful teams is a strong sense of shared trust among team members. As we get to know each other better, this will continue to develop among members right across the country. I believe the Institute of Power Engineers is changing and growing into a strong team. Eric Steinson, PE National President, Institute of Power Engineers INSTITUTE OF POWER ENGINEERS—VANCOUVER BRANCH Issue 18 November 10, 2014 New Group of Educators at 4th Collaboration Day in B.C. on October 30, 2014 We held our fourth Collaboration Day in B.C. on October 30 at BCIT and there were some new collaborators in attendance. A group of participants from the Vancouver School Board joined us. They have been working for several years to put trades in the high schools, but haven’t worked with Power Engineers. We looked at a program at the Catholic High School in Fort McMurray where the students took Power Engineering starting in Grade 10 and graduated with a 4th Class certificate. It was an interesting discussion. We also had a group from the refrigeration industry in attendance who gave us feedback on the Refrigeration Operator training materials currently available that are supported by IPECC and SOPEEC. Hopefully we can work together to get their feedback to the IPECC Committee. We are currently putting a presentation together to share with industries that are not legislated to hire Power Engineers. We hope to present this at the 2015 Symposium of the Industrial Application of Gas Turbines. The draft presentation came in handy when describing Power Engineers to the high school educators. We have been in discussion with the Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training since Executive Director, Shannon Baillie attended our last Collaboration Day in June. The Ministry provided us with powerpoint slides that we presented on how the Labour Market Partnership program may be of help to us. We broke into groups to decide how best to proceed and each of the groups was in favour of applying to the program to gather labour market intelligence on the future demand for Power Engineers in B.C. Some of us feel strongly there will be a huge demand for Power Engineers in the LNG industry, but others don’t share that view. Results from a properly funded survey would help us tremendously. We will work with government to get that Labour Market Partnership program application underway. As in previous Collaboration Day events, we shared information on the 4th Class Practical Skills Record and a few participants filled out surveys to help us improve the book. We will continue to work at improving these log books. Inside this issue: High school educators Refrigeration reps IAGT presentation Ministry of Jobs Practical Skills Record Special points of interest: • New Collaborators • Applying for assistance to gather labour market intelligence Eric Steinson, PE National President Institute of Power Engineers Check the website, www.ipevancouver.ca for the 2014 Schedule of Meetings. Do not hesitate to call or email Eric for more information. You can call Eric at 604-880-7472 or email esteinson@hotmail.com 3 SARNIA BRANCH On November 1, 2014, Lambton College held their annual open house for prospec>ve student. Guests walked around and were able to see all the different programs available, including the CPET and PETC programs. To help support the college and programs, the Sarnia Branch of the IPE had a display booth. Over the course of the day, we had the opportunity to talk with many students about power engineering and being involved with the IPE. In the picture there are (L-‐R) Adrien Bradt (PETC, Student IPE Treasurer), the Lambton Lion, Sherida Ranson (CPET, Student IPE Secretary) and Craig MaQhews (IPE Sarnia Branch Secretary) NOVIA SCOTIA CHIEF CONFERENCE The 2014 Annual Chief Power Engineers/Chief Operators Conference hosted by the Nova Sco>a Branch of the Ins>tute of Power Engineers was held on October 22nd and 23rd at the Holiday Inn Harbourview in Dartmouth, Nova Sco>a. Sponsors for the Conference included Fossil Power Systems Inc., PanGlobal Training Systems Ltd., Mari>me Pressure Works Ltd., Maynard Reece Engineered Solu>ons, and Oland Breweries (LabaQ’s). Delegates registered, about 60 from across Nova Sco>a, to the Conference were treated to a busy schedule of presenta>ons on Wednesday and a great meal that evening with presenta>on of awards for those that achieved First Class Cer>fica>on in Nova Sco>a in the past year. (See photo) Presenters taking direc>on from MC Branch Secretary David Horne included NIPE Na>onal Secretary Fred Billard with a presenta>on and survey on the Prac>cal Skills Record Book, presenta>ons from the Nova Sco>a Department of Labour and Advanced Educa>on regarding QC when hiring contractors, Risk Management Formula update for Power Boiler and Refrigera>on plants registra>on, and Boiler Rentals: What you should know! Gary Codner of PanGlobal Training Systems gave an update on educa>onal materials; Joe Simms gave an update from SOPEEC/IPECC on examina>on stats and accredita>on of power engineering programs. Jim Muzzerall gave an update on the Nova Sco>a Community College Power Engineering programs. Aber the banquet several of the delegates aQended the evening hospitality suite sponsored by Maynard Reece and LabaQ’s and were served by the ever capable Past President Earl McMullin. Thursday was another busy day with several presenta>ons by NSL&AE including Contractor Licensing and Permieng, welding, Compressed Natural Gas update, and Boiler and Power Engineering inspec>on Incidents and Findings. There was also a presenta>on by Barrie Fiolek on Nova Sco>a Power’s First Class Program and one from David Bligh of Efficiency Nova Sco>a on their programs to reduce energy consump>on that are available to industry. Together with a Trade Show with a total of 16 booths that were visited during the coffee breaks and lunch there was lots for everyone at the Conference plus door prizes for the lucky ones. MC David Horne thanked the sponsors, aQendees, trade show par>cipants, presenters and organizers from the IPE for yet another successful Conference. He also advised the aQendees that next year’s conference will be held in September in conjunc>on with the IPE Na>onal Conven>on. From leb to right; David Horne NS Branch Secretary, award winner Jeremy Beaton, 1st Class Power Engineer, Joseph Simms, Chief PE Examiner for the province of NS and Daniel Wagner of the NSIPE. (Photo Courtesy of Jude Rankin) Respechully submiQed by, Jude Rankin PE Nova Sco>a Branch President Ins>tute of Power Engineers Ontario’s First Chiefs’ Conference ! Mike%Adams%from%the%TSSA%presented%a% presentation%which%was%well%received%with%a% captive%audience.%The%slide%to%the%left%is%Titled% TSSA$working$with$the$IPE%Institute%of%Power% Engineers.% Some%of%the%highlights%were%as%follows:% • Number%of%Register%Plants% • The%Engineer%by%class%of%certificate.% • The%looming%shortage%of%operating% Engineers% • The%standardization%of%plant%ratings% across%Canada% • Number%of%new%installations% • Activities%inching%toward%updating% Ontario’s%Operating%Engineer%Regulation% % The$IPE$working$with$the$Colleges%to%reach%out%to% industrial%plants%in%order%to%provide%assistance%to% the%students%that%are%coming%out%of%the%colleges% % ! % Trade show floor ! The!trade!show!got!very! good!reviews!from!the! vendor‘s!such!as!they!really! liked!on!how!the!morning! was!dedicated!to!the!trade! show.!Verse’s!others!doing!a! split!between!the!guest! speakers.!Venders!of!the! trade!show!got!great! exposure!to!the!guest! speakers.! Mike%Adams%%%T.S.S.A% Norm%Keith%% Health'&'Safety'Liabilities' Louis%Carvalho,P.Eng.%% Steam'Purity' Drew%Everett,%P.Eng.'' Energy'Conservation' John%McLay,%P.Eng.%% Plant'Turn'around' Tim%Byrne%Babcock%&%Wilcox% How'to'prepare'for'emergency'' Shut'downs' ! '' ' Tes5monials ! Dear Delegates: As a Regulator for Ontario’s Opera>ng Engineer Safety Program, I would like to take this opportunity to welcome all par>cipants to the IPE Ontario Chief’s conference 2014. As the regulator for Ontario, we are working closely with the ins>tute of power engineers in addressing the issues that face us all. In par>cular, though the TSSA opera>ng Engineer Advisory Council, of which IPE is a member, we regular access what is going on in the industry and what can be done to address iden>fied issues. On that note, I have the privilege of kicking off the topics of interest with a regulatory update on the state of opera>ng engineer safety program in Ontario as well as the broader boiler and pressure vessel safety program. The fact these two dis>nct programs intersect is a cause for some confusion in industry, which will be one of the topics that will be covered in the TSSA kick off presenta>on. For those of you who are undecided regarding aQending the Chief’s Conference, I strongly encourage you to par>cipate and, just as important, provide feedback to the conference organizers on what worked, what didn’t and what was missed. With your par>cipa>on and feedback, we can make this annual event an extremely worthwhile one which will benefit Ontario’s Opera>ng engineer community and the safety of Ontario opera>ng plants overall. Aber all, that is why we are all here. Cheers, Michael Adams M.Eng. P.Eng. PMP Director, Boilers Pressure Vessels & Opera5ng Engineers ! ! The!2014!IPE!Chief’s!Conference! delivered!exactly!what!it!promised,!an! opportunity!to!discuss!applications!with! high!level!Chiefs!that!are!passionate! about!their!profession!and!improving!the! work!environment!around!them.!! ! I!look!forward!to!future!attendance! during!their!continued!growth.! ! ! ! Thanks! ! Matthew Marion H2Flow Equipment Inc. ! ! ! Georgian,!along!with!most!of!the!other! approved!colleges!in!Ontario,!attended!the! IPE!Provincial!Chief’s!Conference!in! September.!IPE!events!are!always!worth! attending,!opportunity!for!service! providers!(like!us)!and!operating! engineers!to!connect.!We!got!to!“strut!our! stuff”!to!an!interested!and!supportive! group!of!power!engineers!who!are! passionate!about!improving!the!industry.! All!in!all,!the!Ontario!Chief’s!Conference! was!a!great!event.!It!is!very!exciting!to!see! the!IPE!growing!and!evolving!into!a! relevant,!forwardIthinking!and!effective! organization,!thanks!to!the!leadership!of! the!Ontario!and!National!directors.!! ! Lise%Mollon% Co+op%Education%Consultant% Georgian%College% ! ! The Organizing CommiGee We wish to thank everyone who made this event a success see you next year A number of Kingston members aQended the Chief's Conference, last week, in Toronto. Kingston was very well represented, Thank you guys for your support and interest in this important forum. Hopefully the first of many, the event was very well organized and no details were overlooked Excellent, high caliber presenters covering current and important topics. This, I'm sure, required a tremendous effort by a number of people. On behalf of the IPE, Kingston Area Branch, I would like to thank the organizing commiQee for all their work. The commiQee consisted of Mr. Ralf Klopf, Ontario Director, Mr. Randy Purves, President of the Owen Sound Branch, Mr. Gilles Leclair who is well known to us all, Gilles is the Chair of the Educa>on CommiQee for Ontario, Mr. Steve Rajah, the school liaison with Mohawk College and Mr. Allan WheQer, Branch President, OQawa/Ga>neau Area. Sincerely, thanks guys. Pete Chamberland IPE Kingston Branch POWER ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGIES SUPPORTING THE NEXT GENERATION Power Engineering Technology students will be the next generation of Powers Engineers. Help them get a great start by accepting a student for placement in your workplace today! St. Clair College provides WSIB and liability insurance for students on unpaid placements at no cost to you. St. Clair College is committed to providing students with the tools they need to excel in their field, however, we cannot do that without your help. By providing 4th class steam time to our students you are not only helping them achieve their goals but also helping sustain the profession of Power Engineers in Canada STUDENTS ARE AVAILABLE FOR 3 MONTHS STARTING MAY 1, 2015 If you have any questions on the program or to further explore placement opportunities please contact: Dave Belanger Professor/Coordinator Power Engineering Technology Phone - (519) 972-2727 ext. 4757 E-mail – dbelanger@stclaircollege.ca energize your career Ideal for students of Power Engineering at Colleges across Canada The book is designed as a task validation record for Power Engineering students during their college program, co-op placements and upon graduation. It is the documentation of their learned craft. It should be noted that the book is aligned with the SOPEEC syllabus for topics, titles and order. For convenience it also cross-references to PanGlobal’s PE textbooks. 18/02/14 The Institute of Power Engineers (IPE) has formed a partnership with colleges and is promoting the Practical Skills Record. With that in mind, feedback from the colleges is essential. The IPE would like to propose that the colleges include the Practical Skills Record in their tuition fee and implement it into their program. This is a formed partnership with the colleges where future editions would have the college’s input. The IPE hopes that all Power Engineering students will eventually get sign-off on the Practical Skills Record to compliment their learning experience and validate their completed tasks. The Practical Skills Record is available at: PanGlobal Training Systems Toll Free: 1-866-256-8193 Or Online at: www.powerengineering.org The Purpose of the Practical Skills Record This Practical Skills Record book was requested by Power Engineering Trainees and Chief Engineers. Its purpose is to provide organized management and validation of Trainee tasks while acquiring 4th Class ‘steam time’. It may also be used by the Trainee as a permanent and transferable record of tasks and work history. The manual is endorsed by the Institute of Power Engineers (IPE) and was developed by members of the IPE, in consultation with industry, learning institutions, and individuals across Canada. Manual Organization The book is organized into topics, directly aligned, in title and order, with the topics in the SOPEEC 4th Class Power Engineering Syllabus and cross-referenced with the Pan Global 4th Class Power Engineering textbooks. Each topic is divided into sub-topics (called “Criteria”) and each Criteria has a list of tasks that the Trainee is expected to demonstrate. Each set of criteria tasks has a section for signatures and there is a section at the back for validation of additional tasks. MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM PROCEDURE : If you clicked on OPEN, go back, click HERE then click SAVE. This will save form to your computer as an MS Word file. Type in required information and save it on your computer. Print a copy and mail it and payment to the address at end of form. 1) Date: YYYY/MM/DD ARE YOU APPLYING FOR (Check one only): New Membership (full Member) Associate Membership 2) IDENTIFICATION: First Name: Surname: Credentials: Birth: DD/MM/YYYY Address: P.O. Box # (if applicable): Bldg #: Street: City: Apt. #: Province: Country: Canada Postal Code: or: Home Phone #: Fax # : E-Mail Address Prim: Sec : 3) EMPLOYMENT: Company Name: Position or Title: Address: P.O. Box # (if applicable): Bldg #: Street: City: Country: Canada Work Phone #: Province: Postal Code: or: Fax # : Page 1 of 2 4) POWER ENGINEERING STATUS a) Are you a Power Engineer? Yes No b) If yes, do you currently hold a valid Certificate of Competency? Yes No Yes No c) If so, issued in what jurisdiction? d) Is your Certificate interprovincially recognized? e) Provincial Jurisdiction File Number: f) If not, then to what allied trade or profession do you belong? 5) BRANCH SELECTION Please select which Branch you would like to be affiliated with. If you are unsure which Branch is closest to you, then you may check the website "AREA MAP" for Branch locations. Applicants from remote areas, or from outside of Canada, may select the Branch of their choice. If you have no preference for a specific branch, you are invited to select the York Branch. French-speaking applicants may select the Montreal Branch for French language service, or the Ottawa Branch for bilingual service. Note : All membership applications are subject to Branch approval. Calgary Edmonton Hamilton Kingston London Montreal Newfoundland/Labrador Nova Scotia Ottawa Saguenay Sarnia Sault Ste-Marie Sudbury Toronto Vancouver Victoria Windsor Winnipeg York 6) DUES PAYMENT Please note that dues payment in the form of a cheque or money order payable to the INSTITUTE OF POWER ENGINEERS must accompany this application which is to be mailed to the National Office. The dues amount is $115.00 and includes a one-time initiation fee of $10.00. Future annual dues of $105.00 will be invoiced annually on the anniversary date of your membership acceptance, and are subject to a $10.00 discount if paid within 30 days. The mailing address is: Institute of Power Engineers PO Box 878 Burlington, Ontario, L7R 3Y7 Please also note that the dues constitute an Income Tax deduction if you live in Canada. For further information : Website: www.nipe.ca 15 Branches of the Institute of Power Engineers British Columbia -Vancouver -Victoria Alberta - Calgary - Edmonton Manitoba -Winnipeg Ontario -Hamilton -Kingston -Lakehead -London -Ottawa -Sarnia -Sault Ste Marie -Sudbury -Toronto -Wellend -Windsor Quebec - Montreal - Saguenay Maritime -Nova Scotia Newfoundland 16