Appendix K - Hatboro-Horsham School District
Appendix K - Hatboro-Horsham School District
GOOD EARTH CHARTER SCHQ4L Five Year Profarma FYE 2017-2021 Page ~-5 Assumptions at 100°Io enrolim~nt s-'~ Five Year Rrafarma Summary X100°Io) 8 9 ~0 11 12 ~3 ~4 Supporting Wc~rksMee#s ZQ16-2017 -Employee Worksheet 20172018 -Employee 1Nvrksheet 2018-2019 -Employee Wor~sh~et 2019-202 -Employee Wt~rksheet 2~2~-Z021 =Employee WorksheQt Medical ~ Dental expense assumptions Charter School Lease Reimbursement assumption w~ K 1-6 IC 1-T 2919-292D 2019.2020 203f1-2Q21 X020.2027 42 27B 4~ 234 191 a7 42 149 a2 706 B4~ 8 48 8 41 34 a 8 28 Swaial Ed 8 19 Tom{ 50 325 $p 275 225 so 50 17S ~ 12S . an tR~e Flalboroaiorslfrn School Ftxt~p is Smad an tRe xhools repCrted eexolhnaM fDr Raqulx Education anE 2017-20'F8 Sehod RepulsrEd Spedai Ea Reg4larEd Speaal Ed R~gularEd Sp~tlN Ed Regular Ed Sperm Ed ReQufarEd SpadaF Ed 2017-2078 2017-2018 201&2D79 2618-201§ 20192026 2019-2020 2D30-421 ZCZO-2047 318 5T E75 278 +19 326 2sa .233 42 19i 3~ R~6 f18 27 176 5tudenrt PoR+lrlion (M6 for Spedsl Ed. Pragrom E~rotFon Z0162a17 20T8~~~T Year Proptam ~irtlede0 w~rofir~rhl Obi for RepW~r Ed arKl ~,a~r,aas.~e 2.84,004.40 i 1,D06,b72.OB S 2,136,35+1.00 i 789.964:80 S ~,~~,2~II.eO 1.~i,667:~ S 6d5.6~.~ S 2,~1,E47.~ i 5 Page 1 3,732,167.40 i 1 39S e04.48 S 3,127.763.!6 11,736.38 2!,494.29 11,b1Q09 2d,18Z,80 11,433,62 23,824,34 11,194.58 23.234.28 iQ.783.16 2431,10 Annual Px Pupil i 3,20d;3BI.DD S 1.184,947.?D S S f4]69,326.20 s S i S i i $ S f Toms Amuel Payment M the 6 yNr pro/om~s,k is ~asumsC Visa vrNl be 7Q0%arrWlmsnt Uxo~phatR Rhe year, The Tutbtnp r~sera based an Ihs2'D15~76 PDE appmved PDE-363 rents fatued bar each SiM~kt. k fa as~anad tlro rimes wiq mnderalaly Iaosne.0% Tor DoEli ragulx arW epaehl ed atudeMs Mra~ghoi~t Mte tWa Xwrs. Local Rewmw!- The batfirxlnp b t KlntlergarMn sludenia vvpl be b91ed et s had day. 5D students would be 4e billed at halfthe YeBrIY rate for Re9u~rc education and Spiel education. K 1-S 2018-2019 K i~ 2G~7-241E ?t117-2418 zo~rs•za~~s K 1-3 ErE~ 2016-2617 207$+2Q17 TM sehoW plansio operate a K Ihouph a eehooi. In yew one,tl+e school plain to operele grades K~3, In grade R,tl~e sludeMs will go to ae~eool Tor ha~rd~rjee~iorn: 2s in ais mom~np arw 28 aa,den~a ~ aye anan,oion,. ~f predas7 and z,the sdwo~ vrill ne e so studmds par yade and 25~ In gads3. EecA yaariM &diool will add an ad~Uonsl 50students. Total enroAme~t for K~9 xMl be 450students. i00li 6KolhnuR ooaoErutnrcrua~ ~sr...~..sor, H~oraFbrafrem Ha~oro+lanMm FN~OrPFIOnhlm Flalboro~bmham FlMboro-Honhrm NlIEOrGH01lhCrtl Haltiom~HaeeF~em 7~9 a2 797 i2 2~4 12 27E 85'K 84li ~i6 84% 85X Q4% 85% 28 S 34 S 47 E 48 f59L 18°i 15% 1B'~r tb9i 1896 f5% The sdmW plena M obbafn ~e HeaRh care reimbursement The esflamted reknbursemaM b eortservaUvey forecasted at15.000 per year. 5tafie fixidhp [s tarscasUed Por Qre Ch~sr School Lease Relmbursemant. TTro Chutar Sehool Leaae reimEuraerntM vaaa bash on the fortnu#aa used on the POE-418 end PDE-418. zosaza2~ Za77-2418 2018-2018 2015-2019 2019-2C2b 2079-2028 Z0~-2021 s s 5 ear sa 1.26E Y~1 ~ rs.rts.00 ,,.s~s.00 YMr2 ~3aso.00 Si.~,e2s 32.00.06 Yar3 ~.sao.oa it oe~.~, aO.tOG:QD Ypri 7.d0o.aa 5AG0:06 vMr2 eloo.00 i,~0.~ X~J ,o.oeooG 9,G~O,OG PoNtlonTltla 1. Clef E7l~CtAfv!OIIfCK AO~dM1~ii~TMtl1Ms 9.. I~'!T!~lkrt LL Taediar S. AAwieTaelrr T 7. Cemes3ktoremantTeaeher B. 9. EG D6lCROr 70. Ed. 71. C~tMKdtk~11; 12. 13.. AOnk~Oragra/4r~uM 14. CudOtlf01.l Mi~11ED1Nl~ce StaRhip`and beginning eNniss anrn falbwa M yrr 1: S+gfhnieg A+nrp~ Sal t7 ZD:000 66, 0 ~Y1A00, {6i00U' 46 X0900 id~AdD sb ~C00 SS.tlOD 3S~OOD.. X3.500 Y~ar2 Nun~rof Pa~Wons 1.~ 6.00 3.00 r.00 O.SC 0.50 2.~ 1.09 2.W 1,OQ t:o0 t.00 1.00 Y~ar'i Nanb~rof PosiMon~ t fl4 6.~G0 2.40 1.90 0.50 0.l~ 2.90 1.00 ?.~ 1.00 t.OG. 1.Oa 1..00: page 2 Yrx3 MumE~rd' Rositioes 1.00 iD:OG 3',40 1.06 1.00 't. t.oa '2.00 t.00 7.W 1.Ob t.tl0 tA0 2,00 apse nef[x to 6~re ye~Ay~ far Use lotat salary and beneFib bn~akdawn. Amual eialary inaeaaea of 376 per yeW are piarmed. ~~ry aW Ben~lih ~xesna Rwenw 8ewi~~ Su+d~nt Fun The stAaol vr~ nm variousfimdralserS fsrouyhout tl1e Year• The Plan esNmgtes tundrsisilg to be X5.006 Per Yea[. Student Activity revenue is Torecasted to be revenue neutral. Monier tamed wi be used for frtld bipa. classroom adwRies,fiekf esrs. ete. Ogxr reveiwes cansbt of stu~tlent aetfvll~r revenue.fimdroainy,and misr+elWFteous income. R~rwwsSoue~ r~tlr r Funs Tine n F SEA Ygr4 NmMarof Posftlon. 1.00 12.00.. iAD i.li0 ' 1.00 1;DQ vm 3.00 t.(q 3:00 1:00 2.00 ' 2.OD rsa1 t ose>oo S,OOG.00 Ypr4 Yaaya.eo t2 azs.ri 60,480.00 IDEA funds arc Conmval~rey eatYnakd baseQ on fic Pievbus yesfs apcela!education numbers muRlPAed by S1.2 0 Per adr~enL Feda~al Fatlsral Entldernentt~rarKs ~s~skulsteA ata per aNdent rate of3867 per ad~ntfor TMk I and 585.00 persiudentfor TRIe It. Based an tha student pa~htlon,~e s~ooEiefo~adng Io be SeF~ool~Wi~e vareus Ta~geMd Asaf~eetl. 1'. i'_ sioou ~+ueT~_cx~rE Ftwv...w.Me~.n.3m: 100 EiwgMmwk Ygr3 Nun~Ea~of Fosiiio~s 1,Od f a:90 i.00 LDG 1.00 1.06 ,.ua 2,00 1:00 3.D0 1:170 i.Op 2.00 Z.90 Year5 ,asfs.~D S.OdC.fM Year S SE.gOpoO AB 363.80 289,880.20 2.100144.20 263.890.E 9A0.490.80 a90.~ 3.A68,Z71.2Q 363.80 283.860.20 144:ZQ 263894.21? 490.80' 2E E6d~2Q 3,46B.Z77.2G 1 6B+t636.18 684638.76 10b.32B.64 105.326:54 .4t .44 1Q5329.64 105318,68 1.079.618.58 107Y818.56 106828,04 105 64 1 40278:84 1,290,275;84 ~9 566:20 6:283.10 12,588;20 6283.10 12.566.20 8:383.7Q 12,596:20 26:332.16 73.~f, 26332:i$ 13.166.08 28.332.1~g 13,169;Q~ 26.332.16 .1~ ic.r.u~ ~l ~Z:500 21.00 22.00 t.00 ~.OQ ffi.Oli t,Otl 37.0 X1.00 2.D0 x.90 X6.00 2.D0 __ 5mg1! E S.t77.6T S 75,078.36 3 3S4.OQ GB1.9Q 58.05 1#7.29 4~.~1 50.2 Tc~dMs t. 5.830.83 f 13,8.74 Ed Services sue• u~ilon rid CorMraal~d s - Sates ~nsurane~ iiw~al SWd~M d~ LNbiH snO D60 # YNrc 1 Ysar7 2~.000 Sl1.OdP 5.000 5:250 5000 b,25C} OOQ S Q0.li00 Page 3 YeaR 3 5,x;300 9:St3 5.513 8 S Year• 55.125 5 788 ' 5788 701 : This Nx~udes L~eneral Liab}i~Y, 8ludent Aaddent. Di~edas and OlFcers k~uai+oie and Welders Co+r~SnseHon irqurence. The school will ensure it rns~ls lfN Ofstrld's ►aquMwe~eMs. h~awano~ is aaAlm~Md to inaMp appraadrtulNy6% por y~r in pwrtiturt costs, Ysu6 67 B81 6.Oi8 6.018 ?O,OS6 zss~a zits a~z zw ese W []awfeeenem - TfK ror~ta~F DuE9ets E35.000 In ypr ane tw waworf o-ah~,p +br as.mpToyees. In y~aars two mraigh tve. tr,. buapN raeca9t s1s,~a per yex. Mwranc~ for 732d5 15,000 2a~a 17.364 36, 8t1 4. Y Yur6 86550 15.000 2~~2 16538 ,729 ,4E}3 4 f 1 Yau4 S7.Q0 X7.00 3.00 60.500 15.000 z c~a 16,75Q 330 72 15,000 1 Y~tt3 as are apeseE,, oewpa~ronsl u»rapy, vy~etbleslat. ana a~ azs s r s ;OOG 15,f~0 z,sxs 1 1b,00~ U Year2 'v0 35. a, 30 B~. 1 ~~ Yur1 so.dr Ea seiwoss - SpseiN EA~61or► s~rtvtors wad ee prsmea~a on a~en s6~raarns TEP. s«,~assso be4nviorai'~paaNists- Tf~s b not ae ineNnwsemd vr~1! he reWswetl'as Ells IEPS aro ►eeelred. T~ T Beu~sat Services Peohiplonal $wYle~s ~~ This ineduds~ ft1s ups e~ oublds eeYrioe pro+~iders thah fiw a~tldpsted for Via tpoominp +y~ra E~~q°► Gceed~R~lHon Rasa 2016-20'17 5,Of1°~6 2017-2498 5.9D76 ZOf8.20f9 S.W°16 7019•ZEf20 5.Od°k 2~4Z421 5:00% 2021.2022 5.dOw,6 OM1er DeneRt! ansi3b ofUfa fatlowinp: FICA / AAedkare. UrnmpbymsntComp.rM C)Ihar PSERs! It~Wwmn!Ran The CheRr achOoF r~l Ds opting irri0 tAe altsmeM retirement plan.. Based on oompera6le d~ertx xhool0. the xhao~ witl uae a 59L eoMn'butian. A 17% k~aeesa in ~e f~tth ~d ~Itebea isforecasted in years lwo 9+rayh flue. Der~i V'iai0n 3T/tTOisabiNty6l.Ye AAadkNlDenttl Beneflb Medical& Dsnlel tienaflb an ~a~latetl byirsnp a LeHgh VNtey Charter ~d~oN's201S2075 ~tatasfior Single and Fa~rdy mcr~d tar projected 3Q'IB~t017 gates. Part-tkne workers eb no »o,h'e healllr rid darnel baroHts, The ~tlm~t~d ZGtB-2017 yearly yles Ma aslblfours: 7aW~ 7oW StaRf 45. Counwlors 1~ lies Yw 7 ZO,OOD 30.000 2Q;000 78000 Ya~r2 2L}8p0 30.900 30, 81800 S Year3 21,275 31.827 401000 90.OR6 f Ypr 4 21.855 32T82 SOOD4 1 83~ 3 22510 33983 G0000 776 5 1reN b I ex. s f Ihs Luikfirtg an a daily boss. ,d1aNi.oYbinBb, rapier laesi9,fax Rledfifle, tB180~1 compe,~ers oaalstaoortquaers,na peen ro►m..tlnas4ratian. rrSao mantles. e~.eoo s sOG 50 ODQ 1{100D 20~ Ysar2 e~aoo s 500 50. 1000p 2Q OOD Years 1.583 6 OSa 2.42D d,84Q 1 f Yar ~ k itnrorms~ ar system. tidy bQuipme►rt, e[C. sz aoo s 2.600 SQ.OdO 10.OG0 20 U00 Y~4 YsR4 1,9~r3 B,8S5 F.8B2 5,324 1 ~4 Yer6 Year5 Ccet[ Costs /Ymr ao~ FootMenen~ i.~e F ........ ~...r.......,~n nm r.:w. hw~M:~ a7w e» w.w a Mer.e~e6.e ltae eer ver: 5 s ~000 5 18f}.00D 2040Q X5,00 3 Yw1 T2~D OOO S 44.000 ~18;oD i Yawl Page L 756,90Q 3 516 A0.000 i8.9G Z Yea►3 793. 0 S x0.000 18.96 8 5~4 Ypr4 5"K 4Si 000 ZC.Ba s;roc 2r00 50.00D 70000 20.000 2441 7321 2.928 5858 7 i 833.490 Ye~rS 1'he cf,w~x salao~ perto u~ moeWr uniteIn p.rr on.n ■ ly h euNt in ~s Hamuro~Florahsm school ~abi~t. n,.rar~lity le pNxx~sd a be"wm r~e~+'. N~ Yqr aelimeled aquaesioofape'~ 20.000sq 1k st 575.00PK ~4~P~ ode to se~tMie modulars aR totaHnp 5180000. In year lwo. tl~ school wiH ~r fib Cosh ace s 26,OOC' f 000 SG.Wa 30.000. Y~rrt Year 1 Yqr3 7 Ofip 1.350 5.000 8.56Q 2 000. 2.200 40pp 400 12,000 f 13,76G f hkga usetl to complete a daceroom. 7Ms kid~desitems aucA as desks,dwairs.~Nrs;carpets, M~rkerrnce s4ulpr~wrt ~ndlldls kame uqd of OKk!equipRlerM h~dlldai. ~Isssroom agitlpm~nt ~naista of a!P dw CA.~ E~d~.EfbWillO,!!G Gods Gaserpom p1ry0i AAeIrNa~at Tae F lndu0e~ clarsrcom hXnihxa,oa+~fws,o~fiea tumiMe ~d egiNpmerK kris, mint Otead~feu Totals 7rayll/ Mea1s ether oulrl~d ~S oonelsl ofeapenmea as~Mad witlf llfescNooltl~et are not d'Kectly atsodatsd wiMi sluderAs: These costs include: w~loA eead~inn rtr9pdso~ lan+mptus~s ort boaka in me larar9~~a.whkl+ hudts in reEuo~d erPerrcea in'Mls crY in trw eaAY ya~rs ofths eriart~r hrtn. Year1 Yar2 Yep3 Y~a4 YES Books tS,QOp 15.OW 7Q.000 70.000 10000 Ttlfals 13000 75 OD0 OIL 7p OQQ 70 Utl0 JIaAl~lralws kf~ruCtlorW 61DEA ToW CnrrM These are wpgllas~tera used rt~ a gf~ran s~hoa Year bM s~udsrRs.teachers ar+d office Peraor+nel. FirsY~Pm~ann201 f00% Enrellrnant i r N M N N M ra jr r a ~D V~pp iR0 ~~ 6 Year Proforma Fecal Year Ending: Enrollment: Regular Ed~ation speaa~ Educatw~ 06130/17 176 S ~~ Charter School Lease Reimbursement Heskh Care Reimbursement TitlB I Title II IDEA Student Revenue Fund Raising --- OBl3~/18 2Y6 06/30/18 2i6 06l30/2D 326 DBl30/21 976 1,585.907 S 601.840 2.136,254 ~ 788;865 2.884.094 S 1, 0.622 3.204.381 i 1,1!11,947 8,434 S,OOD 9,D08 5,900 11,681 5,000 17,211 5,000 19,7b5 5,000 116,725 71,975 - 53,35p 71,776 ~ 32,400 33,350 12.068 40.800 39,350 12,430 50.4D0 33,350 12.803 58,800 10,0 b~~ _ 12,096 4,~ 14,575 6,4D0 7,OOD . __ __ ~ $ 8;400 5,~_ 3,73,181 1,395.899 Total Revenue S 2,8b3,0a1 ; S,D87,OY9 S 8,792,436 5 ~,624,~B13 ~ b,277,018 Total Persannel Cats % of Reverie ~ 1,183,173 = 48.939E 1,1161,206 S 47.8896 1,800,988 f 52;95Sir 2,391,687' ~ 52.93% ~,748,B69 b2.d5Xa 30,OOD BB,000 75,~b 15,000 2,60D 1S,i100 31,500 69,300 15,000 15,450 2,57b Y5.750 33.078 72.?66 15,400 15,974 2,653 16,b38 34.729 78.+W3 i5,OD0 16.391 2.732 Contracted Services: ~t I~Bg~ Su~~ess S~rv~ces Substitute Servf~es TBc~►nobgy Sewicea I~ayra~l Services ~Speael Ed Servicres(Evaluatiomsnd Prpfessional Development Sub 7otsl SI of Raverwe Insurance Gef~erel Property8 Liability Student Accident, and D &0 WOfrGBfS CW11~'~Sa11011 Sub Toisl xa COnsumabbe Suppfise Atlmini~trstive Instructional Special Ed ~ IDEA supplies 11.969 'J6,465 eQ,2Z8 75,000 78,883 2,874 soaoo ~s,400 so,soo eB.sso ~a,z~ 35.00D 21S,60D 9.156 i5,~D0U 219,126 1.276 16,004 230,E56 6.19f 1b~000 24a,S~2 5.4"k 151000 246,964 4.84k 25.000 S,~D 5,D00 36,090 1.576 60,OUD 5,2bD 5,250 60,bOD 2.D76 62,500 5,613 5,513 68,62b 1.791 65,126 5,788 b,789 88,70! 7.596 57,881 6,078 6,478 70,O~b 1.SS6 20,000 30,000 20.00D 7`0,000 3.Q96 ,2o,6Dp 30,9DD 30,DU0 l7,~i0Q Z.7% 21,xta 31.827 40000 i3,D45 2.676 21,SSS 32.782 b0.OD0 1046 2.3% 22,510 33.785 80.000 7lE,~76 y.Z+K Page 6 b Year Proforma 06/30/17 17S Fecal Year Ending: ~ Enrollment tlBl30N8 22b o~a~e or~or~o osr~arz~ 275 X26 376 /Software 96 of RBv~nuB tither Overhead hosts Marketing Trevel /Meals Pasla~e Dues8 Fees % d Rwarwe Classroom I Offics ,Sub Total !6 d R~r~ue SHB CGats Building Lease InIpfGWe1119f1t8 J8~11~181 ut~~ues - E~~~ &cis Telephone 8 IMemet Maintenance d. Repairs Equipment Rental Sub Total Ka,~ Student Activities 94#Rtus 16,600 0.8'6 16,D00 0.696 70,000 d.9y6 f0,~0 1.556 70,~p 1.391 1,ODQ 6,000 2,DQ0 4,000 12,4Q0 O.b96 1.250 5;500 3,200 4~4D0 1,360 0.696 1.bb3 B.O50 2,42a 4,840 11,873 0.656 1.853 6,855 2.662 5,324 16,6i1~ d.T46 2,441 7,321 2.928 5,$56 18,647 0,9lS 100,OOD 50,000 30,000 Sb,OpO 10,D00 20,000 60.bDQ 10,000 20.000 50,DOD 10,000 20,000 60,OQD 10,000 20.000 25.OD0 2D6,RDD 8.7'ri6 2.500 8R,b00 2.716 2.600 b1,600 2296 2.SOD 82,6Q0 1.8% 2.500 82,600 1.6li ~b0.000 180,ODD 730,004 7b8,0~ - 793,8UQ 833,49D +z.000 za,000 2s,2oo 2s,~so 2~,~e3 b0.00D 100.QD0 105,000 110,2bQ 115,763 ~,~ie s,00a ~,Qoa ~,~so 240 7,SOD 6B4,Bp0 21,8% ?b,iD~O 7875 883,!76 3$.296 28.250 8,269 928,D8i Y~.b96 27,3 86B2 Y74,4T2 21.556 40;p0p 9;11 b 1,034,256 19.671 3,7b0 0.2% 3,750 0.196 8.7b0 O.t96 3,7b0 D.1~76 3,760 0,196 e,~o3 Total Dfsbursa~ents ~ 2,3x1,928 ~ 2,810,506 ; 3,156,606 S 3,956,893 S 4,399,181 Annual Net Surplus prior to Debt Serv7ce i 51,158 s ZTO.SB7 ; 315,831 i 567,8Y2 i 877,838 51.1b8 146,Q38? b.120 220,581 {140.525) 86,781 918,831 1179.330) 227.781 567,922 {1iD7.8451 597.858 877,838 (219.9591 Interest expense DebtSeruloe Co~nerape Rego eginrong Net Surplus after Debt Service nnual Net Surplus after Deb!Set~vice eservei~ Cpntingerices ndlnAFund balance Surplu~(sAartage PagB 7 GOOD EARTH CHARTER SCHOQL Employes Summary 06!30!17 Average .Sala. Position Title 1. Chief F:~teCutive Officet 2.Academic Teac~ere 'el Ed Teacher 3. 4. S rush /ELL Teacher 5. Music Teacher 6. Ha~dvvoAc 7eac~r 7. Games8 Movement Teacher 8. Classroom Su orl al Ed ~redor 9. S 1{f.S vial Ed Su port 11. Curriculum S 'alist 12. Mugs$ 13. AdminlstretiveAssistant 14.'Custodial f AAaintenance 15. Cnunselnrs Totrl~ Tut~l StAff R atri 85,000 42.50D 45.00D 45,000 4~,000 40.000 40,OW 33,000 55,ODCf 33>000 42,500 42,5D0 27,50Q 25,D00 42,500 Berelltt Number of Positions Cast of Medical Insurance' Total Sala Retlrement Plan 8.fl0946 1;00 $ 6,00 2,00 1.00 0.50 0.6U 3.00 1.Op 2.00 1,00 ...1.00 1.OD 1.00 1.D0 65,~U $ 255,U00 90,000 45,UQ0 20,Df10 ZD,ODO 66,000 55.E104 66,U00 42,5D0 42,50D 27,500 25,D00 42,500 7, 12 $ 48,874 15,825 7,$12 7.812 7,81 15,626 7,812 15,625 7,812. 7,812 7.812 7,$12 7,81 3,250 ~ 92,'754 4,5D0 2,250 1,000 1,{100 21.00 ~ 7.~.~00 861,4G0 S 171,873 3 4$.'100 S 3,300 2.750 3,300 2,125 2,125 1,78 1,25U 2,125 FICA and all other benefits* Total Cost ~f P,psiiph 8,500 $ 25.500 9,000 4,500 2,OD0 2,OD0 6,500 5,500 6,6~Q 4,250 . 4,250 2.750 2,500 4,254 82,5fi2 340,124 119,1.25 58,562 30,812 30,812 91,525. 71,062 91,625 56,687 .56,687 39,437 316,562 58,6$1 8$,200 ~ 1,163,173 ~m io ee benefit Breakdown Single Rate °Io Forecasted Med[cal f Giants) Insurance Family Rate 21 22 1 Number of Employees ~ utal Number of Employees r~celvtng Benefits Hsslth Den~1 5,177.87 354.00 70% 300 9re ofSipgle En1pl0yeea 4~6 of Family Employees % of Part lime Employees not receiving Benefits 14 6 20 10090 Total Cost 15,036.38 Bfi1.92 77,443.38 94,429.88 77,443.38 84,429.88 171,873.b6 Toil # of employees 22.0 $ Averngs Gpst (Including medical, dental,vision &prescription plans.) Please note this varies greatly depending on Marital status, number of dependents,and choice of medical plan.. Other Benefits: FICA/MEDICARE Unemployment Compensation Dtlfer 10.0~0°i6 7.65°Ia $ 2.~5% 0,10%0 65,943 19,385 862 ~ 66 200 Cost of Employee 6eneflta Page 8 7,812,41 GOOD EARTH CHARTER SCHO+DL employee Summary OG/3fl118 Position Title 7.43 Average $ala 1. Chief E~oecutive Officer 2. Academic Teachers 3. S fal ~d fieacher 4. $ nlsh I ELL T~Ac~iar 5. MuBk Te~Cher 8. Hendwol'k TBaCher 7. Games8 Movement Teacher 8. Classroom Su ort 9. 5pecfal Ed Director 10. Sp9Cfel Ed Su ~i 11. Curriculum Specialist 12. Nurse 18. AdminiBtrAtivBA~si~tairt 14. Custodial /Maintenance 16. Cour~aelors Number of Positfans 1.~0 S 8.00 B.OD 1.(f0 O.Sb 0.5D 2,00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.04 1.06 1.OQ 1.00 68,960 43,775 46,860 46,35D 41,200 41,?OD 41,200 33,990 56,850 33,990 43,775 43,775 28,325 25,150 43,775 24.00 3 26.00 Tot#la Tolal Stiff R u7rio Benetila Cost of Medical Insurance• Total Sa1~i 88,95D S 350,200 199,05D 46,35D 2U,800 20,BQ0 67.880 56,650 67,980 13,775 43,776. 28,525 25,75D 93,775 1,021,760 i 11,047 i 88,378 33,142 t 1,047 11,047 11,047 22.095 11,047 .22,095 11,047 11,047 11,047 11,047 11,047 278,783 S PSERS Per PDE 5.00°,6 3,348 S 17.510 6,953 2,31@ 1,030 1,030 9.399. 2,838 9,399 2,189 2.189 1,16 1,288 2,189 51,085 E FICA and all other benefits* Total Cost of Portion 6,895 ; 35,020 13,905 4,635 2,064 Z,O60 6.798 5,885 6,798 4,378 4;578 2,883 7,575 4,378 102,176 i 88,D40 481,1Q8 199,D49 64,35D 3I737 3,737 100,272 76;:105 100,272 61,359 61,889 43,821 40,660 Q1,389 1,4b1,206 Employe Benefit BreAkdown Single Rate 96 Forecasted Medical![3ental Insurance 24 25 Total Number of Endlayers Total Number of Empiayees receiving Benefits ~h .~I 8213 425 y6 of Single Employees X of Family Employees •~6 of Part Time Employees not recehr ng Benefits 6796 3896 Total Cost Total.#of Employees 16 9 1p62~8 25 106,208.00 Average Cost (including medical,dental, vlsipn d~ prescriptbn plans.) Please Hate this varies greatly depending on Marital status, number of dependents,end choice of medical plan. Other Benefits: fICAlMEDIGARE Unemployment Companaafion thher Family ttafe 18092 7~1 168974 1fi9,974.00 276,182.00 25 ; 11,047.28 10.0096 7.659fo $ 2.25% 0.1096 ; Total Cost of E~loyee geneflts Page 9 78,165 22,980 1,Q22 142,776 G000 EARTH CHARTER SCHOUL Employee Summary 06/3/18 Position Title 1.03 Average Sala 1. Chief ExeCut3ve Officer 2:Academic Teachers 3. Special Ed TeflCfier 4. Spanish!ELL "teacher 5. Music Teacher 8. Handwork Teacher 7. Camera6 Movement Teacher B. CI88sroom Su 9: S 1 Ed Dlreclor 10. Special Ed SuppoR 11. Curriculum SpeCiBfisf 12. Nurse 73. AdminiefrativeAssisterd 14. Custodial/ RAeir~enanoe 1b. COunsebfs Number of Positions 68.959 45,088 47,741 47,741 d2,d36 42,A36 42 438 35.010 59,354 35,010 95,D!!b 45,flB8 29,175 26,523 45,D88 Totr)s Total St~tfR nirin Benefits Cost of Medical Insurance' Total Sala PSF~t.S Par PDE S.00'~ FICA and all other benefits" Total Cost of Portion 1.00 ~ 1 D.OD 3:00 1.q0 1.00 1.00 1.Q0 2.00 1.00 2.00 1:00 9.00 2.00 2.00 2.0~ 68,958 S 450,883 143,222 47,14/ 42,436 42.436 42,436 7QU19 58,356 7U,019 45,bB8 ~15,DB6 58,350 53,045 80,177 14.503 S 146,034 43,810 14,803 94,603 14,643 1A,8U3 29,2Q7 1A,603 29,207 94,603 74,6 29„207 2B,2p7 28,207 3,448 ~ 22,544 7,161 2,387 2,422 2,122 2122 3,bD1 2,917 3,501 2.264 2,254 2,917 2,852 4,508 6.896 S 4b,088 14,322 4,774 4,2A4 4.244 4,244 7,D02 5,835 7,OD2 4,5 9 4,609 5,83fi 5,305 8,018 93,6 664,548 206,515 .69,605 B3,405 63,4A5 63,A05 108,729 81,705 108,729 66,455 88,455 98,9D9 80,248 132,810 51,00 3 81.00 1,328,247 ¢ 4527x4 ¢ 66412 S 192,825 S 1980,166 Ewnployee Benefit Breakalawn Singly liar ~6 Forecasted Medkal /Dental Insurance 31 31 Total Number of En~ldysns Total Number of Employees receiving Bene~+ts !h :.,gal 7,456.00 51D.D0 0.35 0.45 °A~ of Single Employees X of Family ~xnpbyees '~ of Part Time Empbyses net receiving Benefits 17 14 Average Gost (Including medical, dental, v~ion 8 prescr9pt~on plans.) Please Hots this varies greatly depending on Marital status, number of dependents,and choke of medical plan. 21,710.04 953.00 135,422:00 317,282.00 1.35,422.00 Total Cost Total # of Employees Other Benefits: FICA/MEDICARE Unemployment Compensation Other F~mi1y Rate 317,282.00 452,704.OD 31 E 10.n0°r~ 7.6596 $ 22596 0.1096 101.fi11 29,888 1,328 s 132,825 Total Cost of EmplayeQ Benefits Page 10 14,503.35 GOOD EARTH CHARTER SCHOOL Employee Summary Ofi/30/20 1,03 Average Sala Position Title 1. Chief Executive Officer 2. Academic Teacher8 I Ed Teac~~er 3.3 4. 3perdshlELLTiaBdle~ 6. MusICY~her 6. li~ndwork Teacher 7. Games & Movemerri leacher 8. Ciessroom Su eCial Ed Dirodor 9. 10. Special Ed rt 14. Cu~um SpeCia~st 72. Nurse 13. AdministrativeAeeiste~r~t 74. Cust4t~81!M1t8fie►iDe 15. Cou~sabrs . T01HIs Total Sfaff R uir# Number of Positions. 7'x,027 46,441 49,773 48,173 43,709 43,709 48,709 38,0 6U,1OQ 36,080 46,441 46,441 30,050 27,318 46,441 i.OD S 12.U0 4.90 1:OU 1,(!0 1.DD 1:OD 2.00 1.00 3.Ob 1.00 1.Ob 2.00 2.0~ 2.QR ~S.OG S 95.00 BRneiifs +Cost of Medical Insurance" Total Sala 71,02] S .557,291 198.691 49,178 43,7Q~ 43,709 43,709 72.120 BD,10Q 108,180 46,44 4B.MA 80,100 54,536 92,8$2 i,b46,2118 S P8ERS Per PDE 5.D0°k ~A and all other benefits* 17,822 . ; 211,460 70, 87 17,622 '!'~,62~ 17,822 17,632 35,243 17,622 52,585 17;622 17,622 95,243 35,243 33,243 3,551 s 27,85 9,835. 2,458 2,7$5 2,t85 3,1&1 ' 3.606 3,005 b,d09 2,322 2,322 3,005 2,732 #,64d 618,T67 ; 77,310 ; Total Cost of Postlon 7,103 ~ 55.729 19,669 4,917 4,'Jr9 X1,871 4,371 7,212 6,010 ' 10,81& 4;644 4.644 8,010 5,484 9,28$ 1b~1,$21 S 98,303 852.3A4 296,G87 74,170 67,887 67,887 67,887 118,1b1 x,737 177,27 71,029 71,029 104,558 98.076 142,057 2,394,897 Employee BeaeSt Breal~own dingle Rate °~ Forecasted Medical / eental Insurance Total Number of ~rnployees Total Dumber of Empbyses receiving Benefifs !th ~er~tal 35 35 8,94?.OiD 612.00 5496 466 96 of Single Emplayecs °L of Family Err~ployeea 96 0# Part Tires Employees n+ot reasiving Bsne#its 19 16 Average Cost (Including medical, dental, vision 8 prescription plans.) Plsaae Hots this varies greatly depending on Marital status, number of dependen#s,and choke of medical plan. 2fi,052.00 7,144.pp 181,621.00 435,136.00 181,621.00 Total Cost Total ~ of Employees Other Benefits: FICA!ME~CARE Unemployment Compensation Other Family Rats 435,136.00 616,757.00 35 g 10.0096 7.8596 $ 2.2896 0.~09b 178,285 34,79D 1,545 S 15~1,62~ Totat Cost of Employes benefits Page 91 f7,621.63 GDOD EARTH CHAFiT~it SCM~aI. Employee Summary 06130!21 1..03 Average Sala Position Title 1. Chief Executive t)ffiCBr 2.Acedertdc7e~dters I ~d 7eaaher 3. 4. S 6lnish /ELI,TeeFher 5. Muafc Tepcfi~ B. HarWwork Teacher 7. Gsmea ~ lNovemen(Teacher 8. Classroom S 9. Special Ed Dirador 10. S ' I Ed 11. Cwriculum 3 Est 12, Nwss 13. AdministretiveA+eslstalM 94. Custodial / AfEainten~ncp 15~ moors". Totala Totwl Stafl'R Number of Positions 73.158 97.834 54,848 bQ,848 4b,~0 45,020 45,020 37.142 61.903 37,142 ' 47,b34 47.834 3U,851 28,138 47,834 1.00 S 74.00 4.00 1.OD 1.00 1.U0 1.00 2.00 1.00 3.Q0 1..00 1.flb 2.00 2.OD 2.OD 3T.00 $ 31.00 ulrin Benefits ~~t of Medical Msurance' Total Sala 73.158 ~ 21.766 ; 6.678 304,781 87.066 2D2,592 50,848 29,7 6 +Id,020 21,766 45,020 21,766 45,020 21 788 74,284 43;533 81,903 21,786 111,425 65,299 21,788 47,834 47.834 21,786 43.638 81,803 56,27543,533 95,668 A3.b33 1,688,283 s 8Q6,364 ; PEERS Per PDE 5.0 96 FICA and all other benaflts* Total Cost of Postion 3.658. S 39.484 10,130 2,532 2.251 2,251 2.25 3,714 3,495 5,571 . 2.392 2,392 3, 85 2,'814 4,783 7,91fi S 66.868 2.259 x,065 4.502 4,602 4,502 7.428 6.190 17,143 4,788 4,788 6,190 6,828 B,58i 705,898 1.074,660 320,046 80,012 73,60 73,&40 73,540 128.959 92.856 193,439 78.776 76,778 11x.721 iD8,250 753,551 84,473 5 168 8Y8 S Z,74B,B83 Employee Benefit Bre~akd+~wo % Forecasted IIA~dicaf 1 C]eratgl Insurance Total Number of Employees Total Number of Employes receiving Benefits +l~ ,sl Family Rate 10,736.Q0 ?34.00 31,2B2.OD 1,373.00 37 37 94 of Single Empbyees 9G. of Family Employees °~6 of Part Time Employees not receiving Benefits 5196 4996 19 16 Total Cost Total# of Employees 217,930.OU 587,430.pQ 217,93D,00 Average Cost (Including rt~dical,dermal, vlsi~ 8 prescription plans.) Please rotsthis varies greatly depending on AAorifal eteWs, number of dependents,and chatce of medical plan. OtherBeneflb: FICA!MEWCARE Unemployment Comper~ation Other Single Rate 805,360.00 37 587,430.00 $ 10.00°+6 7.6596 ~ 2,25°~b 0.1096 Tobsl Cost of Employes Benefits ; Page 12 129,152 37,8186 1,688 168,826 21,766.49 Avg Health Benefit Tat~l Employees Total HeaI~S BenefiEs ; $ 5.22 41.11 Disability ~ Lifoe - Family l year Qisabilityr $Life -Single!year 8,72' 8Z ~ 2Q '~7d,4'16.38 $ 95,584.74 78,831.62 142.29 58.Q5 Vision -Family Bert~fit /year Yson -Single Benefit!year Family Benefit extended Singh Benefit emended 661.92 3~4Aa Dentail -Family Benefit/year Dental -Single ~nefitI year 15,076.36 $ 5,177,67 $ Health -Single BenefrtJyear Heater -Family Benefit /year 6 1~4 20 Family Employees Single Employees Total fmployee~ FY ending ~'[T Page 13 11,206.60 $ 25 280,165.00 $ 172,053.00 108,112.00 60.00 49.Od 171.04 70.QQ 794.00 425.00 6,213.00 18,Q92.00 $ 1fi 25 9 14,806.87 y 31 459,013.0 $ 321.,180.00 137,$53.00 72.00 59.Q0 X05.00 84.00 953.0 510.00 7,456.00 21,710.OU $ 17 31 14 GOOD EARTH CHARTER SCHOOL Projected Medi~ai Casts ll'EARS 'I THROUGH 5 FY ending FY ending 2EF1$ 2019 19 3v 16 17,888.77 S 35 625,337.00 $ 440,448.00 184,889.00 86.Op T1 AO 246.00 101.00 1,144.00 612.n0 8,947.0 26~052.Q0 ~ ~`Y ending 302.0 19 37 18 22,065.89 37 816,438.00 594,594.00 221,844.0 ~ 03.OQ 8x.00 295.00 121.00 1,373.00 734.00 10,736.00 31,262.00 FY ending 2Q21 GOAD EARTH CHARTER SCHOOL RENT REiMBUR3EMENT CALCULATION YEARS 11`HROUGH 5 Grades K-6 Yr1 Yr2 Yr 3 Y~ 4 Yr5 125 $ 175 225 30d 35D 16p $ 160 160 18D 1S0 2U,000 28,000 36,000 48,000 5G,000 Grades 7.12 Yr 1 Yr2 Yr 3 Yr 4 Yr 5 b 0 0 25 25 $ $ ~ S ~ 22Q 220 220 220 220 Max Relmb. Gross 'temp Relmb. Annual Least Percent Amount Enrollment Yr 1 Yr 3 Yr 3 Yr 4 Yr 5 125 175 225 325 375 Year 1 Total Lease Cost Liss: Income from other sources Eligibfe Lease Costs Reimburseable °~6 Total eligible Amt Charter School Market Value Aid Ratio Total Reimburseable Casts 5,500 5,500 ; 20,000 28,000 3fi3OD0 53,500 fi1,500 Year 2 Year 3 300,000 720,000 756,00 793,800 833,A9D Ysar g Q.07 (f.0~4 0.05 0.07 ~A7 Year 6 300,000 300,000 7% 2U,000 720,000 720,000 496 28,000 756,000 756,000 596 36,000 793,800 793,800 i°~6 53,~aU0 833,490 833,490 7°Jo 61,500 U.3217 0.3217 0.3217 0.32.17 0.3217 6,434 ~ 9,008 ~ 11,687 ~ 17,211 ~ 19,786 Page 14 CS MY Aid Ratio 0.3217 0.3217 0.3217 0.3217 0.3217 PenSery PenSery Plan Services, lnc. LETTER OF INTENT This Letter of Intent and any attached schedules,amendments, etc.(collectively "Letter") confirm that the employer referenced below ("Employer") wishes and intends to engage PenSery Plan Services, Inc.("PenServ") to provide the services set forth in the attached Schedule of Estimated Fees and Services ("Schedule"). Employer acknowledges and agrees: a. Employer must enter into a Services Agreement within sixty("60") days from the Date of Offer specified below, when the offer expires ("Expiration Date"). b. That PenSery shall begin the initial conversion process once a Services Agreement has been entered into and executed by the parties. c. PenSery will not be liable for any consequences and or related costs and or expenses,in the event the Employer does not provide timely, accurate,and complete data to PenServ. d.That in the event a Service Agreement has not been executed by or before the Expiration Date,unless agreed upon in writing by PenSery to provide an extension to this Letter,and the Date of Expiration:(i) the Commitment Fee below, wI11 be non-refundable; (ii) PenSery will cease to perform further work for the Employer,and shall have no obligation whatsoever to the Employer; and (iii) the Employer agrees to compensate PenSery for the services rendered under this Letter, beyond the $500 paid in Commitment Fees. e. PenSery is not a provider of tax, accounting or legal advice. General. a. Limitation of Liability. in no event shall either party be liable for loss of profits, revenue,data or use or for any indirect,incidental, special or consequential damages,however caused,even if advised of the possibility ofsuch damages. b. Confidentiality. PenSery and the Employer agree that each will keep confidential and not disclose or permit its employees or representatives to disclose information received from the other or otherwise use such information,except as contemplated under the Letter, or as maybe authorized by the party whose information is to be disclosed,or as such disclosure maybe required by law. c. Term and termination.The term of this engagement shall begin on the Date of Offer setforth below,and unless agreed to otherwise in writing by PenServ,shall expire sixty ("60")days from the Date of Offer, or terminate,as soon as a Services Agreement has been entered into by the parties, whichever is sooner. d. Confidentiality and indemnification obligations shall survive the termination or expiration of the Letter. Commitment Fee: $500.00 (Check payable to PenSery Plan Services, Inc., to be returned with this Letter to the address below.) Plan Name Name and 7Yde Authorized Signature Effective Date Accepted: PenSery Plan Services,lnc. Yvonne C. Kepler Chief Operations Officer By: Signature This Agreement shall expire on: Attachments: Plan Questionnaire Original Fee Proposal Upon receipt of this Letter of intent along with the Commitment Fee,the Services Agreement and takeover documents will be forwarded to the Contact indicated above. For questions or assistance, please contact our Conversion Group PenSery Plan Services,Inc. Conversions,Team 75 lOZ Trade Zone Drive West Columbia,SC 29170 Phone(803)791-4923 PenSery ,STIMATED FEES PER PROPOSAL Standard Employer Fee Schedule NonERISA 403(b) Services PSERs Alternative for Charter Schools Initial(One Time) One time Set-up Fee/One time Take-over Fee (Includes Document Review and Plan Design) $1,800.00 Annual Base Fee $ 850.00 s Non-FRIBA 403(b) Sure "' Participant Fees" Recordkeeping and Compliance Receive and qualify contributions from all sources, Reconcile exceptions, track annual contribution and Maintain records for audit purposes. Review, qualify and Monitor participant loans, hardship distributions, Minimum distributions, account transfers. $40/year/participant Distribution and Loan Fees $70 per transaction Custodial Fee .06% of assets Additional Services (Optional) Internal Compliance Reviews for EmployersNendors Assistance in Plan corrections or the Employer. The one*Participant flees and the Custodial fee can be paid by the Participants ction fees are paid by timefee and the Base fee however are to be paid by the Employer. Transa from mutual funds. Participants. All fees will be reduced by any revenue sharing received ~~----- ~03~b) Plan Q~r~stiohn~ire . -- — for Ch~~te~r 5c~tool~:iin per~nsy~lv~~hia. Employer's Name: Good Earth Charter School 800 Welsh Road Business Address: ---------___---------.------____ ______.__e__~_~~_~ -------_.V___de: ~ State: PA ~ 19044 City: Horsham Employer EIN #: 47-4588510 Phone Number. 215-612-2339 _ _______1_ ---------- ----- - ------ -' - _--_ - — ----~ Contact Person's Name and Title: Thomas Taylor III, CPA, Business Manager Phone Number: 215-755-7603 Email• ttaxlor~u Who will administer the Plan? ~ A designated Third Party Administrator (please specify): PenSery Plan Services. Inc. MAN Y` ~ ~A~►r oN' ti j When is the plan year? ~ The plan year is the calendar year (most commonly used). i ❑The plan year is a 12 month period starting on each (month, day) Current 403(b) Plan ❑Yes (this will be an amendment) Enter the initial effective date of the Plan: i .(This will be on your existing Adoption Agreement) ❑ No (this will be a new 403(b) Plan) Effective for new hires hired on or after: IF new hires after the date above were participating in PSERs prior to being hired then such Employees: D will; or ~ X will not; have a choice to select either to remain in PSERs or participate in this 403(b) Plan. How much will employees be permitted to contribute to the plan as a pre-tax salary deferral? ~ The maximum permitted each year by law ($17,500.00 !n 2014) %(not to exceed the maximum permitted by law) j ❑ A percentage of pay equal to Will the plan offer the age 50 catch-up election to allow employees age 50 or older to ~ ❑ No i ~ Yes make additional deferrals? Note: The following option may only be selected by Employers who are: an educational organization; a hospital; a church related or religious organization described in section 414(e)(B)(ii); a home health services agency; a health &welfare agency (defined as medical services such as hospice, the prevention of cruelty to children or an adoption agency, or an agency that provides services to the needy.) an/mals, ~---~ -T---------~._.._-- -------------Will employees with 15 or more years of service be permitted to make a special catch- ~ ~ Yes ~ ❑ No ~ up contribution of up to $3,000 more per year or $15,000 lifetime? ~T Will Roth 403(b) post_tax elective deferrals be permitted? __ ❑Yes ~ ❑ No (Enter the date that If Roth Deferrals will be permitted, the effective date to allow Roth contributions Is: Roth contributions may or did begin, even if prior to establishing this plan. Default is 1-1-09 for plans effective on or before that date.) Employee Mandatory Contributions: Employee Mandatory Contributions under the Plan will be required at 5 %. (PSERs has approved 5%, can be more.) These Mandatory contributions will apply to Employees hired after the date above. -- ~-- -- These ~~ntlprs are ~i ~ App~oved~VehdBrs`an hnr~inil fn re~nl~e nnn idols; Address Name of Vendor i t ~~cha1~ ~~ ~►il~ b~ ~fih~itted {gyp. ~h~ olloV~(pg V~~ rte' `~ ~ Q S~ V~ o~~ i~ ~blld~i i~ .~i~~do~~'~~ DoE rec~lve':Exc~~nges ar1d~~'f~~rfg' ~~ ,~.~~~~ ,,~dss' t.,~ t`~ ~~~ .. y_. ~__ L6a1~~~~rs~$~I~ ~stribt~ti~~~~_ .- i Contact Person 1 i i -_ -- -------_ — ---------------- - _ —~------~` Name of Vendor _ _,_ _— ___.r_ ' A'ddress ble; ~r ~ ~~~ - ~ t~C~,~1~►1~r ~~r Phone and Email Specify the following procedures for Transfer/Exchanges: (the default shall be $0). • The minimum amount for Transfers/Exchanges shall be $ • Exchanges will be permitted between all Approved Vendors and from Deselected Vendors unless otherwise restricted. Please specify any restrictions here: at any time unless restricted as follows: • Transfers/Exchanges are permitted ---~— — be permitted? Will hardship withdrawals _—__--- --.. _---------__ _ Will loans be permitted under the plan? ----__ _-----------_.._ r-----__ j U Yes __~_ l ❑Yes ~ RI vow uric c..,.,~..~.e. r...,r.:ti.~f~,,.,~ he .,,~~e +., ~►,~~ .,i~..~ RteuttoH~ ~x N o x No z ,-; p No it res, cnecK the type~s~ or employer contnoutions ~o oe mane: ~ PSERs Alternative Contribution: Employer contributions shall be made only to those Participants who are i ' ', contributing to the Plan Mandatory Employee Contributions and such Employer contributions shall be 5 % of compensation. (PSERs has approved 5°r6, can be more) ❑ Other (specify the amount of cor+tribution and how it is allocated to participants): ~MPLOYER.CO 'TACT IH~~RIdA7XON Questionnaire? Who in your office should we contact fn the event we have questions about the---------- ---- — ----------------- ---------- ---------i Name: Thomas Taylor -----------1 -----— ----------------—~ ~ Email: ~ 'Phone Number: 215-755-7603 ~ — ~_ i Please name ,the individual who is to receive the completed documents and be responsible to sign the Adoption Agreement and any other legal forms. ❑Same as above; or Name: Elaine Powers 'Email: I Phone Number: 215-612-2339 The completed questionnaire should be faxed to: Plan Document Services at(215)444-9813 or mailed to: Plan Document Services c/o PenSery 420 Dresher Road, Suite iG0 Horsham, PA 19044 or emailed to: PenSery NonERISA 403(b)PLAN DOCUMENT FOR PUBLIC SCHOOLS,COMMUNITY COLLEGES, AND PUBLIC UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES ADOPTION AGREEMENT The undersigned Employer hereby adopts a section 403(b) plan in the form ofthe 403(b) plan attached hereto, and agrees that the following terms, definitions, and elections shall be part ofsuch 403(b)Plan. Where applicable, certain Items have a Default Provision indicated below the Item number that will apply if no election is made by the Employer. PART I:(All Employers complete this part.) EMPLOYER INFORMATION 1 (a)Narne &Address of Employer: Good Earth Charter School, 800 Welsh Road, Horsham PA, 19044 (b)Name of Contact Person: Thomas Taylor, Business Manager (c) This Plan ❑ is ~ is not a Multiple Employer Plan. If"Yes", name ofthe Plan Sponsor is: 2. Phone: 215-612-2339 3. E1N #(Tax ID number): 47-4588510 4. The Plan shall be administered by: ❑ (a) The Employer; ❑ (b)Jointly with the Vendors; (c) A designated Administrator (Specify): PenSery Plan Services, Inc. 5. Naine ofPlan: Good Earth Charter Schoo1403(b)Plan 6. Plan Year: (a)The calendar year; or ❑ (b)The 12-consecutive month period beginning on 7. The Employer has completed and signed this Adoption Agreement in order to: (a) Establish a new 403(b)plan with an Effective Date of:7/1/2016. ❑ (b) Amend a 403(b)plan previously adopted by the Employer with an initial Effective Date of: by making a different choice in the Adoption Agreement, with an Effective Date ofthe amendment of: 8. This Plan shall be governed by the laws ofthe State or Commonwealth of: Pennsylvania.(Enter the name of the Commonwealth or State where the main office or location ofthe Employer is maintained.) C`nntrnl 40'~h NonF.RISA dnc f 10/131 y. The Plan shall accept the following contribution types:(check all that apply and complete the corresponding sections): Contribution T e a Pre-Tax Elective Deferrals b) Post-T~ Roth Elective Deferrals c Mandato Em to ee Contribution d) Em to er Nonelective e Em to er Matchin Rollovers ( Transfers from other 403 b Plans Check if "Yes" Com lete: ~ Items 11-15 ❑ Item 16 Item 19 Item 28-29 ~ Item 28-29 ~ see Items 20-23 ~ N/A 10. Forms of benefit payments shall be made pursuant to the Individual Agreements as elected by the Participant and/or Beneficiary. PART II:(Complete this Part if Employees may elect to make Elective Deferrals.) ELIGISILTTY ANI)PARTICIPATION - TLFCTIVE DEFERRALS 1 l.The following Employees shall be eligible under the Plan to make Elective Deferrals(Check(a)or (b)): (a) ❑ (b) All Employees ofthe Employer. All Employees ofthe Employer except the following category (ies): ❑ 1. Nonresident aliens who receive no earned income from the Employer which constitutes income from sources within the U.S. ❑ 2. Employees who normally work less than 20 hours per week. ❑ 3. Employees who are participants in an eligible deferred compensation plan within the meaning of section 457 ofthe Code;a 401(k)qualified cash or deferred arrangement ofthe Employer or another custodial account or annuity described in section 403(b) ofthe Code. ❑ 4. Employees who are students and regularly attend classes at the. Employer institution during the calendar year. 12. The Entry Date ofa Participant with respect to Elective Deferrals shall be: ❑ (a) On the first day of the next Pay Period beginning after the Employee completes any necessary applications) and the Salary Reduction Agreement. ❑ (b) On the first day ofthe next month beginning after the Employee completes any necessary applications) and the Salary Reduction Agreement. (c) Other (Specify): On the date of hire. l ontrnl 403h NnnERISA doc f 10!131 3. Employees are permitted to make Elective Deferrals to the Plan as follows: (a)Elective Deferrals of up to the maximum amount permitted under sections 403(b)and 415 ofthe Code are permitted. % ofa Participant's Compensation are permitted. ❑ (b)Elective Deferrals of up to 14. Age 50 Catch-up Contributions:(Choose one.) (a) shall apply; or ❑ (b) shall not apply. l 5. The Special Catch-up Contributions after I S years of Service:(Choose one.) (a) shall not be permitted; or ❑(b) shall be permitted. 16.(a) Roth 403(b) Elective Deferrals: (i) sha11 not apply. ❑ (ii) shall apply to contributions after .(Enter December 31,2005 or a later date). (b)Excess Deferrals will first be corrected from the: (i)~ regular Pre-tax Elective Deferral Account; or (ii)~Roth Elective Account. 17. Automatic Enrollment: If an eligible Employee fails to make an affirmative election not to participate in the Plan with respect to Elective Deferrals, the percentage or amount in Item 18 below: (a) shall not apply ❑ (b)shall be automatically withheld and contributed to the Plan as an Elective Deferral only for the following Employees: ;and ❑All Employees hired after: (i) ❑All Employees hired after: (ii) ~ ; or (iii) ❑All Employees effective on: (iv) ❑Other(specify): (Caution: An Employer should determine whether automatic enrollment is permitted under the applicable State taw prior to adopting this provision.) 18. Amount of Automatic Elective Deferral: IfItem 16(b)is elected, the following percentage or amount shall be automatically deducted from the Employee's compensation and contributed to the Plan as an Elective Deferral• (a)N/A, Automatic Enrollment does not apply. ❑(b) ❑ (c) %,with automatic increases each subsequent Plan Year of ❑ ~d)$ ,with automatic increases each subsequent Plan Year of$ ❑ (e)$ compensation. Control 403h NonERISA.dce (10/13) or % of ROLL4~ERITRANSFI,R AND OTHF,R EMPLOYEI:CONTRIBUTION PRnVISI~NS 19. If Mandatory Employee Contributions are elected in Item 9(c) above,complete this Item l 9. Mandatory Employee Contributions shall be required to be made by the following Employees: (a) 5% of each eligible Employee's Compensation if such Employee was hired on or after: 8/1/2014; and and ❑(b) % ofeach eligible Employee's Compensation ifsuch Employee was hired on or after: was a participant in PSERs but after receiving a choice has elected to participate in this Plan. 20. Direct Rollovers: The Plan will accept a Direct Rollover of an Eligible Rollover Distribution from:(Check each that applies or N/A.) ❑ (a) N/A. The Plan will not accept Direct Rollovers from any plan. (b) a qualified plan described in section 401(a) or 403(a)of the Code, excluding after-tax employee contributions. ❑ (c) an annuity contract described in section 403(b)ofthe Code,including after-tax employee contributions. (d) an annuity contract described in section 403(b)of the Code, excluding after-tax employee contributions. (e) an eligible plan under section 457(b) ofthe Code which is maintained by a state, political subdivision of a state, or any agency or instrumentality of a state or political subdivision of a state. 21. Participant Rollover Contributions from Other Employer Plans: The Plan will accept a Participant contribution of an Eligible Rollover Distribution from:(Check each that applies or N/A.) ❑ (a) N/A. The Plan will not accept Rollover Contributions from any employer plan. (b) a qualified plan described in section 401(a) or 403(a)ofthe Code,excluding after-tax employee contributions. (c) an annuity contract described in section 403(b)ofthe Code, excluding after-tax employee contributions. (d) an eligible plan under section 457(b) ofthe Code which is maintained by a state, political subdivision of a state, or any agency or instrumentality of a state or political subdivision of a state. 22. Participant Rollover Contributions from IRAs: The Plan:(Choose one..) (a) will ❑(b)will not accept a Participant Rollover Contribution ofthe portion ofa distribution from an individual retirement account or annuity described in section 408(a)or 408(b)ofthe Code that is eligible to be rolled over and would otherwise be includible in gross income. 23. Effective Date of Direct Rollover and Participant Rollover Contribution Provisions: Items 20-22 above shall be effective: 1/1/2002(Enter a date no earlier than January 1, 2002.) l4. Employees ~(a)are ❑(b)are not permitted to make Transfer Contributions to or from this Plan. 25. Employees ~(a) are Q(b)are not permitted to make Exchanges as outlined in the Plan Vendor Attachrrtent. C`nntrn140'36N~mRRISA_dnc !10/13) 1 ~ tote: Ifelected below,Hardship Distributions and Loans shall only apply to contributions other than the Mandatory Employee Contributions and the Employer Contributions made on behalf of the Participants who are making Mandatory Employee Contributions. 26. Hardship Distributions: ❑ (a) shall be permitted; or (b)shall not be permitted. 27. Pursuant to the Individual Agreements, Loans to Employees: ❑ (a) are; (b) are not available. PART III:(Complete this part only if the Employer wishes to make Employer Contributions.) ELIGIBILITY AND l'ARTICiPATION - EMPL,OYCR CONTRIBUTION 28. Employer Contributions: ❑ (a) shall not be made; or (b)shall be made. 29. If28(b)is checked, the following type ofEmployer Contributions) shall be made(check all that apply): ❑ (a) Employer Contributions shall be made in accordance with any applicable collective bargaining agreements or employment contracts as shall be determined from time to time by the Employer. ❑ (b) Employer Post Employment Contributions shall be made. ❑ (c)Employer Matching Contributions shall be made under the following formula: (d) Other (specify the type ofEmployer Contribution and the method of allocation: Ernplovees hired on or after 07/01/2016 where such Emvlovees are contributing the Mandatory 5% Employee Contribution, shall receive an Employer Nonelective Contribution of5% of Compensation. 30. Vesting of Employer Contributions: Each Employee shall: (a) be 100% immediately vested in the Employer Contributions; or ❑(b)become 100% vested with respect to Employer Contributions after one yeaz ofparticipation in this Plan. A Participant shall be considered vested on the first day ofthe second year ofactive participation,as provided in Article XI of the Plan. AUTHOR1ZCll SIGNATUNI; The Employer acknowledges that it is an eligible public educational institution under Section 170(b)(1)(A)(ii)ofthe :ode and is authorized to offer a program under Section 403(b) ofthe Internal Revenue Code. Signature ofEmployer: Print Name of Signer: Contro1403bNonERISA.doc (10/13) Date: Title: PenSery ESTIMATED FEES PER PROPOSAL Standard Employer Fee Schedule NonERISA 403(b)Services PSERs Alternative for Charter Schools Initial(One Time) One time Set-up Fee/One time Take-over Fee (includes Document Review and Plan Design) $1,800.00 Annual Base Fee (includes MG Trust as Vendor) $ 850.00 Annual Fee for PSERs Compliance Review Census Verification Separate Accounting for vesting Tracking sources Tracking hours and years of service $ 800.00 s Non-FRIBA 403(b) Sure '" Participant Fees* Recordkeeping and Compliance Receive and qualify contributions from all sources, Reconcile exceptions, track annual contribution and Maintain records for audit purposes. Review, qualify and Monitor participant loans, hardship distributions, Minimum distributions, account transfers. $40/year/participant Distribution and Loan Fees $70 per transaction Custodial Fee .10% of assets Additional Services(Optional) Internal Compliance Reviews for EmployersNendors Assistance in Plan corrections • Fees can be paid by the Participants, the Employer, ar the Vendors)**, if applicable. Transaction fees are paid by Participants. All fees will be reduced by any revenue sharing received from mutual funds. *kSome Vendors will not pay administrative fees.