THE A N T I D O T E - WA I T E SMITH MOTION PICTUR E TA RO T D E C K FOLIO EDITION with AN EXAMINATION OF THE GREATER ARCANA and offered for the edification and improvement of the film-related professions and also The general public, with Divinatory Meanings included antidote books new york city 2006 THE A N T I D O T E -WA I T E SMITH MOTION PICT UR E TA ROT DECK FOLIO EDITION T h i s F olio c onta in s P i c to r i a l Rep r e s entation s of “ T he Greater A rcana and their Di v inatory M eanings ” antidote books new york city 2006 SHORT I N T RODUCT ION TO T h e A n t i d o t e - WA I T E - S m i t h To request your copy of M o t i o n P i c t u r e Ta r o t D e c k The Antidote-Waite-Smith Motion Picture Tarot Deck folio edition email or write to: Executive Vice-President of Divination and Business Affairs antidote international films, inc. 200 Varick Street, chambre 502 New York, NY 10014 To download a full-color PDF of this book, go to This work is published under the creative commons attribution-sharealike 2.5 license The methods and practices of foretelling the future through divinatory application is the Art, and here it is given, in brief, the symbolic significance of the Trumps Major. The records of the Art are ex hypothesi the records of findings of the past experience; as such, they are a guide to memory and those who can master the elements may still ex hypothesi give interpretations on their basis. It is an official and automatic working. On the other hand, those who have gifts of intuition, of second sight, of clairvoyance—call it as you choose and may—will supplement the experience of the past by the findings of their own faculty, and will speak of that which they have seen in the pretexts of the oracles. THE DIR ECTOR Folly, inspiration, guidance, ego, mania, extravagance, intoxication, delirium, frenzy, bewrayment. R e v ersed Indulgence, negligence, absence, delegation, carelessness, apathy, nullity, vanity. aka The Fool [ ] T H E PRO DUC E R Skill, diplomacy, address, subtlety; sickness, pain, loss, disaster, snares of enemies; self-confidence, will. R e v ersed Magus, mental disease, incompetence, bankruptcy, disgrace, disquiet. aka The Magician [ ] T H E PRO DUC T ION D E S I GN E R Secrets, vision, constructiveness, the future as yet unrevealed; silence, tenacity; mystery, wisdom, science. R e v ersed Passion, moral or physical ardour, conceit, surface knowledge, myopia. aka The High Priestess [ ] T H E P U B L IC I S T Fruitfulness, action, initiative, length of days; the unknown, clandestine; also difficulty, doubt, ignorance, reification. R e v ersed Light, truth, the unravelling of involved matters; according to another reading, vacillation. aka The Empress [ 10 ] T H E S T U D IO H E A D Power, protection, realization; a great person; also aid, authority, conviction and will. R e v ersed Benevolence, compassion, credit; also confusion to enemies, obstruction, insanity, immaturity, punishment. aka The Emperor [ 12 ] THE EDITOR Marriage, alliance, captivity, servitude; by another account, mercy and goodness; inspiration. R e v ersed Society, good understanding, concord, overkindness, enigma, enervation, weakness. aka The Hierophant [ 14 ] T H E AC T O R S Attraction, love, beauty, trials overcome, inner radiance, perquisite packages, exposure, idolatry. R e v ersed Failure, foolish designs, vanity, irrelevance, desperation, publicly indecent. aka The Lovers [ 16 ] THE FIRST A S S I S TA N T D I R E C T O R Succour, control, providence; also war, triumph, expedition, presumption, vengeance. R e v ersed Riot, quarrel, dispute, litigation, defeat, disorder, tardiness. aka The Chariot [ 18 ] THE DIR ECTOR OF PHO T O G R A PH Y Power, energy, action, courage, munificence, magnanimity; also complete success and honours; the Sun. R e v ersed Despotism, abuse of power, false lights, weakness, discord, blindness, voyeurism, sometimes even disgrace. aka Strength [ 20 ] THE WRITER Prudence, circumspection, solitude, dialectical; also and especially treason, dissimulation, roguery, corruption. R e v ersed Concealment, disguise, policy, plagiarism, glossoholic, unreasoned caution, obsolescence. aka The Hermit [ 22 ] WO R L D PR E M I E R E Destiny, fortune, success, elevation, luck, felicity, extravagance, boffo B.O., superf luity. R e v ersed Bomb. aka The Wheel of Fortune [ 24 ] T H E AT T O R N E Y Equity, rightness, probity, execution, obfuscation; triumph of the deserving side in law. R e v ersed Law in all its departments, excessive complications, wronging rights, bias, excessive severity, damages punitively. aka Justice [ 26 ] T H E A S S I S TA N T Diligence, circumspection, discernment, trials, sacrifice, intuition, recordation, devotion, prophecy. R e v ersed Selfishness, error prone, dyslexia, schmooziness, dis-ordered, false reward. aka The Hanged Man. [ 28 ] THE EXECUTIVE PRO DUC E R End, mortality, destruction, corruption; also the loss of a benefactor, many contrarieties, espresso. R e v ersed Inertia, sleep, lethargy, petrifaction, somnambulism; hope destroyed, half-caf skim latte. aka Death [ 30 ] THE L I N E PRO DUC E R Economy, moderation, frugality, management, accommodation. R e v ersed Things connected with churches, religions, sects, guilds and Unions; also disunion, unfortunate combinations, competing interests, kickbacks. aka Temperance [ 32 ] T H E TA L E N T AG E N T Ravage, violence, vehemence, extraordinary efforts, force, fatality, arrogance, pomposity; that which is predestined but is not for this reason evil; death from a thousand cuts. R e v ersed Evil fatality, weakness, pettiness, vengeant, assassinator, enlightened. aka The Devil [ 34 ] T H E S T U D IO Misery, distress, indigence, adversity, calamity, disgrace, decay, deception, ruin; unforeseen catastrophe. R e v ersed According to one account, the same in a lesser degree; also oppression, imprisonment, tyranny. aka The Tower [ 36 ] THE OV E R H E A D DEAL Hope and bright prospects; another reading says loss of self-respect, theft, privation, abandonment. R e v ersed Arrogance, haughtiness, subservience, impotence, self-abnegation. aka The Star [ 38 ] THE D E V E L O PM E N T PRO C E S S Hidden enemies, danger, calumny, darkness, terror, deception, occult forces, error. R e v ersed Instability, inconstancy, silence, lesser degrees of deception and error. aka The Moon [ 40 ] T H E AC A D E M Y AWA R D S Material happiness, contentment, fortunate marriage, prospects, white teeth, effulgence. R e v ersed Thievery, snub, rip-off, obscurity, schadenfreude. aka The Sun [ 42 ] A F T E RWO R D * by pat robertson god’s humble protector Q. Where does it say in the Bible that God is against tarot card readings? A. I would look at the book of Isaiah, particularly where it talks about the ‘spirits that peep and mutter.’ You can look in the book of Deuteronomy and Leviticus, particularly, and you can see the prohibitions against witchcraft and sorcery. Tarot cards are part of the sorcerer’s tools. God said, ‘Should not a people turn to the Living God and not to these spirits that peep and mutter?’ There is a prohibition against those who engage in witchcraft. As a matter of fact, in the Old Testament, they were * stoned to death. It is wrong. It was executable by stoning in the Old Testament regimes, so this is not exactly something that God approves of. All these—the Chaldeans, the magicians, the astrologers, the soothsayers—they are all part and parcel of the same thing. They are demonically oriented. t e x t u a l i n s p i r at i on Arthur Edward Waite, oct. 2, 1857 – may 19, 1942. He was an occultist, scholar, are a widely recognized weirdo. A.E. Waite joined the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn in 1891 and also entered the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia in 1902; in 1915 he formed the Fellowship of the Rosy Cross. Waite was a prolific author of occult texts on subjects including divination, Rosicrucianism, freemasonry, black and ceremonial magic, Kabbalism and alchemy; he also translated and reissued several important mystical and alchemical works. His chief claim to fame is authoring the Rider-Waite-Smith deck of tarot cards with illustrator Pamela Colman Smith. pictorial inspiration Pamela Colman Smith, feb. 16, 1878 – sept. 18, 1951. She was an artist, illustrator, and writer. She studied art at Pratt Institute under the noted artist teacher Arthur Wesley Dow. She graduated four years later, moved to England in 1899 where she became a theatrical designer for a miniature theatre and an illustrator. She joined the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn in 1903, and met Waite. Her chief claim to fame is designing the Rider-Waite-Smith deck of tarot cards with writer Arthur Edward Waite. colophon This text was set Perpetua, designed in 1929–30 by Eric Gill of Brighton, England. The display text was set in Bodoni Old Face, based on an original 1798 design of Giovanni Battista Bodoni of Turin, Italy. Printed on [paper]. Printed by Darby Litho, Branchburg, NJ book designer Claire Lin and Sam Potts new york city font of knowledge Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia that Anyone Can Edit