PRMH Newsletter 2011 Volume 2


PRMH Newsletter 2011 Volume 2
VOL. 2 2011
messages of hope
Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House
Serving Families
for Over 37 Years
3925 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Left to right: Rosemary Fabian, 18, of Reading, PA, Bianca Cotto, 14, of Reading, PA, and Gabriel Pozo, 17, of
Bethlehem, PA.
Teens Living with Cancer
Finding Refuge and Forming Friendships at the Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House
When Rosemary Fabian was visiting her
cousin Bianca Cotto, who was receiving
treatment for osteosarcoma (a form of bone
cancer) at St. Christopher’s Hospital last May,
she never imagined she too would be treated
as a cancer patient there just months later.
Rosemary describes her first visit to the
Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House as
ironic. “When I came to visit Bianca at the
House, I already had cancer and I didn’t even
know,” she said. Rosemary was diagnosed with
Hodgkin’s lymphoma in November of 2010 and
has been staying with her family at the Front
and Erie House, off and on, ever since.
“I am able to count the times I have been
home to Reading since I was diagnosed,”
Rosemary said, when asked how often she
has come for treatment over the past six
months. “Yeah, we spend a lot of time here
together,” said Bianca. Whether it’s having
dinner together at the House during inpatient
treatments or spending all evening at the
House, hanging out in the game room and
playing pool, during outpatient treatments, the
girls value the time they spend together – just
being teenagers.
Through the House, the girls have also formed
a new friendship with seventeen-year-old
Gabriel Pozo, who has been receiving
treatment for leukemia since his diagnosis last
September. Now in outpatient treatment,
Gabriel spends about one night each week at
the House. “I like staying at the House because
we don’t have to drive an hour and a half from
Bethlehem every day,” said Gabriel. He also
enjoys the company of Bianca and Rosemary
while staying at the House and if either Bianca
or Rosemary is in treatment, you will most
likely see them hanging out together. Just like
forming a group of friends at school over
similar interests and commonalties, Bianca,
Rosemary, and Gabriel have formed that bond
and perhaps a much stronger one than that.
“There are a lot of things that I can’t tell my
friends (at home) because they just won’t
understand,” said Rosemary. “Yeah, like when
I say: I need to get my BROVIAC® – they are
like what is that?” Bianca said, referring to the
temporary IV line used during treatment. Just
having one another to relate to helps make it
easier to cope with their current situations.
When both Bianca and Rosemary were first
diagnosed, they didn’t want anyone to know
they had cancer. “I felt like it was very serious
and I didn’t want to share it with anybody,” said
Rosemary. “I was like that in the beginning
too. I was in my own little world,” said Bianca.
However, through time Bianca has become
more used to living with cancer and has even
helped younger oncology patients deal with
their hair loss, inspiring her cousin Rosemary.
“Now I don’t really care; I’ll just walk around
with a bald head,” said Rosemary.
Bianca, Rosemary, and Gabriel also find
inspiration from their encounters with the
House volunteers. “One volunteer told me
For more information, visit
about her daughter, who had the same type
of cancer as me. She now climbs ladders and
everything! It’s just really nice to hear,” said
Bianca. “There is one volunteer who always
asks my Mom how I am doing and sometimes
he sends things over to the hospital for me,”
said Rosemary. The volunteers have inspired
Rosemary to explore opportunities for getting
involved and helping the House when she is
feeling better. “I really want to volunteer here.
I want to give back,” said Rosemary.
All three teens are anxious to get back to
school in the fall. Rosemary will be starting
her senior year again in September and has
plans to attend college afterwards. Gabriel
is currently in a home school program, and
having been an honors student, is looking
forward to the challenge of his honors courses
among classmates when he returns. He is
also excited to get back to his job at Wal-Mart
so he can begin earning money again and
start planning for college. Bianca is also
anxious to begin school in the fall because she
is bored at home and misses spending time
with her friends.
Bianca, Rosemary, and Gabriel still have
a long road of treatment and recovery ahead,
but the friendships they have formed with one
another will surely last through all of that.
Please visit to read other
family stories and to find out how you can
help support children like Rosemary, Bianca,
and Gabriel.
Message From The President
Every time I am at the House and see all the volunteers that devote so much time
and effort to the families, I see the satisfaction on their faces knowing that they have
done such wonderful acts of kindness where every small one is needed and much
appreciated. It’s that special hug that you get from a parent who has one of their needs
taken care of by you, while their mind is on their sick child, which makes your work so
“Our fingerprints don’t fade from the lives we touch.” I heard that line somewhere and
know how true it is when applied to our House. I am so honored to work with all of you.
Please keep the families of the Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House on your mind
during the summer as we continue to serve them everyday and take no vacation from
our responsibilities. Regardless of where your travels take you, we hope that you will
stay connected with us through our website and our Facebook page
Marlene Weinberg
President of the Board
Join us for the
3rd Annual
Southwest Airlines
Plane Pull to Benefit
the Philadelphia Ronald
McDonald House
Sunday, September 25, 2011
7:30am to 10:30am
The Plane Pull is a giant tug-of-war between your
team of 20 and a hefty Southwest Boeing 737.
You’ll compete to see which team can pull the
plane 50 feet with the fastest time.
Located at Atlantic Aviation, next to the
Philadelphia International Airport, at
8375 Enterprise Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19153.
Free on-site parking.
It’s fun, wacky, and best of all, raises vital
funds for the families we serve. Prizes will
be awarded for Overall Fastest Pull, Top Team
Fundraiser, Top Individual Fundraiser, and
best team theme. Each team member is asked
to raise a minimum of $125, or $2500 per team.
Participants must be 18 years of age or older.
Questions? Contact Chris Callanan at
215.387.8406 or
For more information, visit
Have a safe and healthy summer,
An Inspiration: Kim Hill
In Honor of Her Life, August 11, 1966 – March 5, 2011
Kim Hill was born August 11, 1966 to
Fred and Fran Hill. Fred was a tight end
for the Philadelphia Eagles in 1969, when
he and his wife were given the news that
Kim had acute lymphatic leukemia. It was
this courageous little girl’s battle that
inspired her parents, neighbors, and the
Eagles to begin fundraising. Their efforts
led them to Dr. Audrey Evans at The
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, who
had the vision of a home where families
could stay while their children were
receiving treatment. McDonald’s agreed
to donate the proceeds of its Shamrock
Shake promotion and The Philadelphia
Ronald McDonald House was born on
October 15, 1974.
twenty years, Kim underwent brain
surgeries to treat the tumors. Family
and friends were amazed at her positive
attitude, spirit, and strength. She was
a loving mom to her son, Andrew, and
was also survived by her parents and
two sisters.
Her battle inspired the creation of the first
Ronald McDonald House in the world.
There are now 307 Houses worldwide
in 30 countries.
Kim Hill defied the odds and beat
leukemia. The Hill family resided in
California where Kim went on to enjoy
an active childhood; riding horses with
her sisters, singing in the choir and running
cross country in high school. Fred and Kim
Hill attended several openings of Ronald
McDonald houses including riding a float
in the Rose Parade on the charity's 10th
anniversary in 1984.
Kim studied cosmetology and worked
for her dad at one of the McDonald’s
restaurants he owns, becoming a shift
manager. Sadly, in 1991 the radiation that
treated Kim’s leukemia caused large brain
tumors to form. Over the course of the last
Pictured above are Co-founder Jimmy Murray
and Kim Hill at the opening of the Philadelphia
Chestnut Street House, on May 19th, 1981.
Celebrating 25 Years of Camp
We would like to extend a huge thank you
to the Inn at Penn who hosted and donated
the venue, food and service for our 25th
Anniversary Camp Reunion in March. Their
generosity and attention to detail created a
fabulous event for 200 camp family members
and counselors to enjoy. A special thank you
to All Around Entertainment for providing great
entertainment and enthusiastic staff who
encouraged everyone onto the dance floor!
Our dedicated camp counselors, led by
Maria Jacobs, added their own special touch
by building gingerbread camp cabin houses
as decorations for our celebration. Special
thanks to the 25th Anniversary Camp
Committee for helping to organize the event
and to Taryn Kutish for putting together
a memorable slide show highlighting our
camp history.
Ronald McDonald Camp creates friendships
that last a lifetime. Hugo Saballette and Steve
Billingsley, former campers and current camp
counselors, reflected to the audience on what
camp meant to them as campers and how it
has impacted their lives into adulthood.
The Birth of a Summer Camp for Children with Cancer
By Dr. Audrey Evans
When the Philadelphia Ronald McDonald
House was still at the Children’s Hospital
on Bainbridge Street, we had two dreams
about how we could improve the care
of children with cancer, beyond finding
a cure. The first dream was to create
a place for parents to stay while their
children were seeking treatment in the
Hospital. The second was to arrange
for patients to attend a summer camp.
Those dreams soon became a reality
when the first Ronald McDonald House
was established and, soon after, when
the Philadelphia Ronald McDonald
House Camp was first launched.
In the early 1970s, Dr. Hope Brooks,
a pediatrician on the oncology service,
had a family who ran a summer camp
in Cape Cod. Dr. Brooks saw no reason
why our patients could not attend that
camp. Although many of the children
were well, it seemed risky for them to be
so far away from emergency help. We
agreed to a trial run and Dr. Brooks took
three of our children to her family camp
on Cape Cod. It was the first time an
oncology service arranged for their
patients to go to camp.
After a few years of running the summer
camp, with increasing numbers of
patients, the Philadelphia Ronald
McDonald House decided to provide
and staff a camp of our own. We worked
with an established summer camp
organization to create a week-long
summer camp for our oncology patients.
This camp became the first Ronald
McDonald House Camp. The number
of camps has since grown, with the
Los Angeles Ronald McDonald House
creating one soon after ours.
To me the most important thing about
the camp is that our children can enjoy
many of the normal camp activities.
The experience is so liberating and
exhilarating that many grow up to become
camp counselors themselves. They get
to interact with the oncology staff in
a different environment and share the
fun together.
The Philadelphia Ronald McDonald
House Camp is a safe place for even
a sick child to attend. Last year, I saw
a child on continuous oxygen attend the
camp with his own full-time counselor
who stayed with him the whole week.
This year, there was even a teenager
in hospice care who attended camp
and had a great time.
For 25 years, the courageous and
dedicated staff of the Philadelphia Ronald
McDonald House Camp has been
providing children with cancer and their
siblings, one of the best weeks of their
year – filled with joy, laughter, memories,
and the creation of life-long friendships.
Dr. Audrey Evans visiting Ronald McDonald Camp
For more information, visit
A Board Member’s Perspective
I remember getting the call a few years ago from a colleague who told me that he had
recommended me to the Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House as a possible board
member. My colleague was currently too busy to accept the board position, but thought
I might be a good fit. While I was pleased with the recommendation, I had never given this
any thought and had no prior board experience, so I had no idea what was involved or if
I would enjoy the opportunity. I am happy to say joining the board of the Philadelphia Ronald
McDonald House has been one of the best experiences of my life.
Peter J. Degnan
Vice Dean, Finance & Administration,
Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
Making an impact has always been a driving force for me and the ability to positively affect
the lives of so many families and those who need the support and services provided by
the House has been a very rewarding experience. Witnessing the joy, happiness, and the
reduction of stress and anxiety that the House provides for the children and families who
stay there is an extremely special experience, and it motivates me to want to do more.
One of the most touching moments for me is having a family come in to tell their story at
our board meetings. Each story is unique and beautiful in many ways and highlights how
the effort of all those who support the House has a direct and positive impact on the lives
of those in need. Giving back and helping others is the best gift anyone can give, and I am
fortunate to be able to do so through my role as a board member at the Philadelphia Ronald
McDonald House.
Second Annual “Change the Luck of a Child” Phone Bank
Thank you to everyone who volunteered “on the phones” during the event. The Carroll family (pictured
above) answered phones during and after their family story was shown about the impact of Ronald
McDonald Camp on their lives.
Ronald McDonald House Charities®
(RMHC®) of the Philadelphia Region
hosted its second annual Phone Bank
on Tuesday, March 15, 2011 from 3pm
to 8pm with CBS3 and The CW Philly.
During the five-hour fundraiser, the
community raised more than $600,000
to directly benefit the Philadelphia
Ronald McDonald House and The
Ronald McDonald Houses of Delaware
and Southern New Jersey. We hope
that everyone who tuned in learned
more about the work that we do and
the families we serve. Thank you to all
of the callers and supporters.
For more information, visit
The Walden Woods piano, provided through Jacob’s
Music, was showcased center stage for three of our
talented young pianists to perform. Ramone Taylor
is pictured above. Thank you to all of our performers
and special guests who shared their talents on-air.
A special thank you to our partners for sponsoring the telethon:
Anthony-Sylvan Pools
Bob & Ron’s Worldwide Stereo
Camp Timbertops
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Jacob’s Music
Karen and Herbert Lotman
Philadelphia Insurance Company
Sanford Brown Institute
St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children
Weather Trends International
A special thank you to Di Bruno Brothers for donating a delicious spread of food for our
sponsors and volunteers to enjoy throughout the day.
Thank you to our partners for donating gift certificates as incentives to support this effort:
Di Bruno’s, Salon L’Etoile & Spa and Sabrina’s Café. Thank you also to Apple Vacations
for donating a trip which was auctioned off as part of this fundraiser.
We’re So Thankful For...
Local Students Help Families at PRMH
For the 17th year, students from 28
local elementary and middle schools
read to support the families of the
Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House
in February as part of the 76ers Read
for Ronald school based fundraiser
program. This year, the students raised
over $78,000 by collecting pledges for
the minutes they read.
New room at
Chestnut Street
In our continual effort to accommodate
more families, PRMH planned to convert
a former laundry room into a new guest
bedroom this winter. Thank you to “Project
EDA” for generously donating their
services and building materials. Over the
course of a few months, EDA Contractor
employees, as well as other trade
volunteers, transformed the room into
a welcoming new guest bedroom that
has been occupied by families since the
day of completion. Thank you also to
the Inn at Penn for donating the bedroom
furniture. In addition, a special donation
in Memory of Harry Kirkhope was used
to purchase other furnishings and supplies
for the room.
Thank you to all of the participating
schools, students, parents, teachers,
school staff, and volunteers, along with
the 76ers organization and the local
McDonald’s owner/operators, for
continuing to make this program
a success.
If your school is interested in
participating in the 76ers Read for
Ronald program, contact Chris Callanan
Dareoke Event
Thanks to everyone who joined us for a great
night of singing and dancing on Wednesday,
February 2, at our first-ever Dareoke event!
Featured here is Dareoke winner Beth
Schnapp who sang Midnight Train to Georgia
by Gladys Knight. Thanks to all of the other
performers and to those who donated to
support their favorite singers online. We would
also like to extend our thanks to Di Bruno Bros.
for providing the venue and food, and to Yards
Brewery, Herr’s, and WMGK for sponsoring
the event!
For more information, visit
Abigail Vare
Agnes Irwin Middle School
Cornwells Elementary School
Erdenheim Elementary School
Friends’ Central Lower School
Girard College
Ithan Elementary School
Samuel K. Faust Elementary School
William Loesche Elementary School
Penn Wynne Elementary School
Perelman Jewish Day School
P.S. 16 Brooklyn
Radnor Elementary School
Rose Tree Elementary School
St. Katherine of Sienna
Saint Teresa of Avila
Saint Peter’s School
Shipley Lower School
Sol Feinstone Elementary School
Springside Lower School
Springside Middle School
The Baldwin School
The Wyndcroft School
Upper Merion Middle School
Wayne Elementary School
Whitemarsh Elementary School
Wrightstown Elementary School
Pictured here are
students from
Wayne Elementary
at the annual Read
for Ronald awards
ceremony. Special
thanks to the
Philadelphia Job
Corps Life Sciences
Institute, Froose,
Spike’s Trophies
Limited, and CocaCola for providing
food and
entertainment at
this annual event.
February Fleece
This past February, the Friends of the
Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House
brought their annual fleece blanket-making
activity back to Chestnut Street. Dozens
of no-sew, colorful, pattered blankets were
assembled and then provided to families
at the House.
We’re So Thankful For...
In February, we received a very unusual
phone call from CommVault. As part of
a corporate training program, a group of
employees were given $1,000 to spend
on a non-profit by the end of that very
same day. Just hours after the phone
call was received, three CommVault
employees arrived with items from the
House’s wish list. Thanks to CommVault
for thinking of us!
Thank you to Disney on Ice and the
Sun Center for bringing a very special
princess guest, Cinderella, to Chestnut
Street for a visit with our families on
January 28. Amara Chalker is shown
getting a hug from the princess herself.
We would like to thank the staff and
residents of the Waverly Heights
Retirement Community for selecting the
Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House
as the beneficiary for the annual staff-run
talent show. The evening featured
amazing performances which included
dancing, singing, and jokes from Waverly
Height’s own Harry Brookes. Waverly
Heights raised over $2,300 to support the
63 families staying at the Philadelphia
Ronald McDonald House. Thank you to
all the performers.
For more information, visit
On February 23, over 600 hungry guests came out to the Crystal Tea Room for the 11th Annual
Philadelphia magazine Philly Cooks! event. Over 40 restaurants participated in the chef’s
competition and also offered samples of their dishes to everyone in attendance. The event raised
over $23,000 for our families. Pictured above are the winning chefs from each food category. Thank
you to our partner, Philadelphia magazine and all of the participating restaurants and attendees for
making the event such a success. Thank you also to Greater Media Radio for donating all of the
raffle prizes.
The American Farm Bureau has been a committed national donor to Ronald McDonald House
Charities for several years. Thank you to the local county farm bureaus for their continued support
through the annual Farm Checkout Day held each February where community farmers donate
both financially and in-kind. This year, the celebration took place at Freddy Hill Farms where
representatives presented over $16,000 in donations.
On Saturday, April 9th, the House
held their first-ever shredding event
in University City. We would like to
extend a big thank you to DocuVault
Delaware Valley, LLC for donating
all of the on-site document
destruction services for the event.
Donations from the Heart, 1/1/11 - 3/31/11
$50,000 and above
Ronald McDonald House
Charities of the
Philadelphia Region
$25,000 to $49,999
Louis and Bessie Stein
$10,000 to $24,999
Mr. and Mrs. William Avery
Lincoln Financial Group
Foundation, Inc.
Philadelphia magazine’s Philly
Cooks! 2011
United Way of Southeastern
$5,000 to $9,999
Bucks County Farm Bureau
Estate Of Harry T. Kirkhope
Ellie Koerner Leukemia
United Way of Camden County
Clarence J. Venne Foundation
$2,500 to $4,999
Comcast Interactive Media
Mr. Dries Darius
D’Lauro & Rodgers, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John Durante
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Leven
Riley Noss Memorial
Rainbow Landscaping
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Schneider
SMPS Philadelphia Chapter
West Chester East High School
Music Club
$1,000 to $2,499
Accommodation Mollen, Inc.
Mr. William D. Barnett
Ms. Julie Bebey
Dr. Michael J. Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Win Churchill
Gerald Cohen Memorial
The JennJoe Fund of the
Community Foundation
of New Jersey
Mrs. Loryan Karzoun
Ms. Sonia C. Kurtz
Mr. Ian Lapperriere – Award from
Philadelphia Flyers Fan Club
LWC Services, Inc. t/a Long’s
Window Cleaning
Montgomery County Farm
2011 Guest Chefs, 1/1/11 - 3/31/11
Agnes Irwin School
AJ Synagogue
Alpha Delta Pi Alumni
Association – Greater
Philadelphia Area
Alpha Delta Pi – Albright College
Alpha Phi Omega (PENN)
Alpha Phi Omega
(West Chester)
American Institute of Chemical
Engineers – Del. Valley
Angels of Light
Arrow Family
Dinner in Memory of Alexa Artis
Ava’s Angels
Michael Baker Next Generation
Bala Cynwyd Middle School
The Baldwin School
Bee & Friends
Bennet, Bricklin & Saltzburg
Berthcsi Family
Black Butterflies
The Blarney Stone
Abri/B’nai Brith
Bryant Baptist Church – Youth
Bucks County Country Club –
Andrew Meehan
Bucks County Emergency
Calvary Memorial Men’s Group
Carter and Friends
CAT Pickering
Catering Mgmt. Class –
Drexel University
Central Bucks School Nurses
CHOP Nurses from 5 East
CHOP Progressive Care Unit
Children’s Healthcare Associates
Chris and Friends
Church of the Lord Jesus Christ
Clearview Regional Middle
Clinical Practices of UPenn
Coney Family
Cornwells Elementary
Daniel and Jordan’s Mitzvah
Daniel and Melanie’s Mitzvah
De Lage Landen
Denenberg and Friends
Douglas Family and Friends
Drexel Health Law Society
Terri Dunek and Friends
Eastern Delco BPW
Emergency Aid of Pennsylvania
Ernst and Young
Esther, Joan, and Andy
Faith and Love Center Church
Fein, Freilich, and Butera Group
Firstrust Bank
Forrestal Streeters
Franklin Towne Charter
High School
Friends Council
Friesen Family
Fuchs Family
Gerry’s Gang
Girl Scout Troop # 99
Girl Scout Troop # 254
Girl Scout Troop # 9174
For more information, visit
National Time Systems
New Century Club of Chester
Mr. Bernard M. O’Neill
Pincus Family Foundation
Prissy Ballerina by Penelope B
Prudential Foundation
Matching Gifts
Christian M. Regulski Memorial
Leon Rosenfeldt Memorial
Sandmeyer Steel Company
Lawrence Schact Foundation
St. Peter School
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wardlow
$500 to $999
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick N.
Biesecker II
Bishop Shanahan High School –
2011 Ronald McDonald Night
by Girls Basketball Team
BlackRock Financial
Management, Inc.
Mr. Douglas K. Bradley
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Brose
Comcast Corporation
Ms. Lori Coney
Mr. and Mrs. Sean T. Crinnion
Adam Davis Memorial
Mr. Raymond W. Doreian
Walter S. Dozer Memorial
Dr. Pepper/Seven Up, Inc.
Ms. Bonnie Drobnes
Employees Community Fund
of The Boeing Co.
Gruen & Goldstein
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Hacker
Heidel Hollow Farm, Inc.
Daniel J. Hemcher, III Memorial
Mr. Jared Hupp
IBM Employee Services Center
In Honor of Patricia Insley
Irwin & Leighton, Inc
Ms. Sarah Kim
Alexine D. Kunz Memorial
Lehigh County Farm Bureau
Lehigh County Farm Bureau
Women’s Committee
Donna Les Memorial
Mr. Dan Litwa
Mr. Phillip A. Magen and
Mrs. Tara Wilcox
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mann
Mr. and Mrs. Michael McAleer
Mid-Atlantic Family
Restaurants, Inc.
Northampton/Monroe County
Farm Bureau
Ms. Kate Patterson
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Pizzi
Ms. Mary Renny
Mr. John Rice
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rinaldi
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Roak
Mr. Kevin C. Schildt
Selas Fluid Processing
Ms. Anne V. Simpson
Ms. Mary Anne Sparks
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Stefano
Ms. Christine Stringer
Mr. Clark D. Stull Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Tobiasen
United Way of the Greater
Lehigh Valley
Mrs. Marlene Weinberg
Ms. Jodi L. Young
Mr. Joseph M. Zarett
Girl Scout Troop # 9663
Girl Scout Troop # 9761
Goldenberg Group
Greater Philadelphia Volunteer
Meetup Group
Amy Hansel’s Friends and Family
The Helping Hatters
Hind Family
Holy Family University Women’s
Soccer Team
The Junior League
Junior League of Philadelphia
Katie at the Bat
Keller Williams Main Line Realty
Knollwood Drive Neighbors
La Famiglia Dei Fratelli
Leithead Family
Lighthouse Family Community
Little Smiles Foundation
Lockheed Martin Leadership
Lockheed Martin Delaware
Valley – NOVA
Main Line Reform Temple
Mary and Friends
Marylou’s Crew
Mary Mother of the Redeemer
Friends of the McCombs
Media Friendly PR
Mercer Health and Benefits
Mount St. Joseph’s Academy
National Council of Jewish
Naval Inventory Control Point
New Church Live
Notre Dame Club
Emily Oswald and Family
Overlook Elementary School
Paige and Friends
Patti and Friends
Penn Medicine
Philadelphia Cares
Philadelphia Flying Phoenix
Dragon Boat Team
Powelton Pizza
Gia Pronto
National Association of Railway
Business Women
Radnor Township Education
Roman Catholic High School
Ronald McDonald Camp
Rotary of Abington at EdgeHill
Sarah and Friends
Dr. Jesse Schaffzin
Sharon and Family
Shaid Family and Friends
Shipley School
Sierra Family
Smotrys Family
Smyth Family
Springside School
Sorenson, Rush, and Friends
South Philadelphia Lions
St. Anselm’s CYO
St. Bede’s
St. Chris NICU Nurses
St. Chris Oncology Clinic
St. Chris Pediatric Residents
St. Chris Social Work
St. Dorothy’s School
St. Helena’s SOC
St. Hilary School
St. Luke’s CYO
St. Margaret’s Kids Care
Steinberg Conference Center
Donna Storm
Sunshine Chefs
Taste of University City
Temple – Beth Am Old York Rd.
Temple Circle K
Temple University Campus
Recreation Crew
Tennis Moms
Gerri Toscano and Janet Moran
Trudgeon and Friends
Underground Youth Ministry
UPENN Health System Office
of Medical Affairs
USP Newman Club
Friends and Family of John Ur
The Venetian Club
Walnut Hill College Restaurant
The Watchmen
The Wenge Family
West Catholic High School
West Council Verizon Pioneers
Whitemarsh Girl’s Basketball
Wooster School
Xquisite Ladyz
Yaya’s Cakes
Young Professionals – Alex’s
Lemonade Stand Foundation
Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
Philadelphia, PA
Permit #1891
Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House
3925 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104
Address Service Requested
Come cheer on the
Camden Riversharks
while supporting the
Philadelphia Ronald
McDonald House!
Thursday, August 11th
Riversharks vs. York Revolution
Tickets are just $
$5 from each ticket purchased will be donated
to the Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House
To order tickets:
1. Go to
and click on the
“Riversharks Fundraising
Program Log-in” icon
2. Enter unique code: PRMH
3. Click “BUY”
4. Select your seats and
complete your order
5. Root for the Riversharks!
Great News! A New Prescription Savings Program for You and Your Family!
The Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House (PRMH) has partnered with Tri-Hope Group to distribute a FREE healthcare savings prescription card.
This card can provide savings of up to 90% off generic prescriptions and up to 60% off the typical price of lab tests and imaging services.
There is no cost to you or the PRMH and each time you use your Tri Hope Group RxCut® Plus card we receive $0.40 from every prescription
transaction filled at your discounted price. You save and we get a donation, what could be better than that?
This is a FREE card that can help to reduce the cost of your prescriptions whether you are insured or have no health insurance. Everyone
qualifies. There is no waiting period and no enrollment is required. The card below is active and ready for immediate use at a pharmacy today.
Here’s how it works:
1. Cut out the card below.
2. Present your card with your prescription at the pharmacy. Have your pharmacist use the card to compare prices. If your co-pay is $10 or
higher, 7 out of 10 times the card will save you money when you ask “What’s my Tri Hope RxCut® Price?”
To locate a participating pharmacy (over 60,000), compare Rx costs, print extra cards, refer a Friend and/or to view additional discounted
benefits, visit our website: To find a pharmacy or compare prices click on “pharmacy search” located on the upper
left hand side of the screen and enter the requested information.
For more information, visit