a sponsorship packet today.


a sponsorship packet today.
There’s one place where a child can take comfort.
One place where a family can take strength.
One place where a community can take pride.
There’s one place like home.
Dear Friends,
Philadelphia is a city of firsts. The first United States Capital. First post
office. First fire company. And the world’s first Ronald McDonald House.
That’s right: in 1974, the dream and determination of our co-founders
Dr. Audrey Evans and Jimmy Murray came to life on a tree-lined street in
West Philadelphia.
Today—as we celebrate our 40th year supporting families with seriously ill children—there are more than
336 Houses in 35 countries around the world. Yet families from around the world continue to travel here
to Philadelphia. They come for leading-edge treatments or to see renowned specialists. They come for
the hope our city’s hospitals provide, and the best chance for another birthday for their child. And they
come to stay with us.
Today we strive to provide the most responsive service and engaging programming we can at our two
Houses, introducing, in the past year alone: a Healthy Breakfast Program at our Chestnut Street House,
a Creative Play Art & Music Therapy Program at our Front & Erie House, and a Hospitality Kiosk for
families on the Critical Care Units of St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children.
Along with more new programming to come in our anniversary year, we are also actively pursuing
plans to expand accommodations at our Chestnut Street location. While we opened our doors for
2,379 families from 46 states and 20 countries in 2013, there were 2,888 more families we could not
accommodate—a devastating statistic that both highlights the demand for our services and the urgent
need to increase capacity.
As I look back on our history and forward to the year ahead, I am filled with gratitude and awe for you—
the volunteers and supporters who make what we do possible. You embraced the nascent idea for the
first Ronald McDonald House forty years ago. You’ve been there for us as we’ve grown from a sevenbedroom House on Spruce Street to two Houses, a Ronald McDonald Camp, two Ronald McDonald
Family Rooms, and a Hospitality Kiosk. And your example inspires us as we embark on the next forty
years—and beyond—of fulfilling our mission.
On behalf of all of the families who have called our Houses their home since 1974, and all of the families
who will come through our doors in the years ahead,
I cannot thank you enough.
With Sincere Gratitude,
Susan Campbell
Executive Director
Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House
40th Anniversary Celebration
Join us for a celebration of the families and children who have called our House
home; of the generous donors and tireless volunteers who have provided for those
families; and of the visionary founders without whose compassion and commitment
the last forty years would not have been possible.
October 17th, 2014
Simeone Automotive Museum (6825-31 Norwitch Drive, Philadelphia PA)
7:00pm Cocktail Reception • 8:00pm Dinner • On-site parking
Featuring a performance by THE MIDTOWN MEN 4 Stars from the original Cast of Jersey Boys*
Dr. Audrey E. Evans Award of Excellence
Honoring Carl H. June, M.D., Stephan Grupp, M.D., Ph.D, Bruce Levine, Ph.D,
and David L. Porter, M.D.
Dr. Audrey Evans has dedicated her career to helping treat children with cancer. In the medical
community, she is known as a pioneer in the clinical study and treatment of childhood cancers and
built a world-renowned pediatric cancer program at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. To the
Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House, she is our co-founder, and it was her dream and determination
that led to the inception of the very first Ronald McDonald House here in Philadelphia. There are more
than 336 Houses in 35 countries around the world, thanks to her vision.
The Dr. Audrey E. Evans Award of Excellence recognizes individuals who have made significant
contributions to the health and well-being of children. Dr. June, Dr. Grupp, Dr. Levine, and Dr. Porter,
the recipients of the Dr. Audrey Evans Award, are being recognized for their groundbreaking immune
therapy work using genetically engineered, cancer-fighting T cells to treat an aggressive form of
childhood leukemia, acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). Last year their work — conducted in
partnership between The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and the University of Pennsylvania —
led to dramatic, extraordinary results published in The New England Journal of Medicine.
40th Anniversary Planning Committee
Christopher Callanan
Susan Campbell
Salli Mickelberg
Jill Miller
Kelly O’Connor
Jan Pecarsky
Jennifer Shipman
Marlene Weinberg
Susan Wenger
Anne Scardino
Connie Willson
*Not a performance of, Not affiliated with the show Jersey Boys.
$ 5,000
• Two tables of 10 with premium seating
• Special acknowledgement from the podium
• One full-page/Gold advertisement or photo in the program book
for staged photo at the Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House
• Opportunity
showcasing community support
Stay Strong Name
• or logo recognition on the event invitation (if confirmed by July 9)
placement of name or logo on electronic and printed
sponsor recognition board
• Name or logo appear on the event website
Name or logo appear as part of the Messages of Hope newsletter
• and
monthly e-newsletter
Full Radio schedule on one of Greater Media Radio’s four
• stations
(93.3 WMMR, 97.5 The Fanatic, 102.9 WMGK or
95.7 Ben-FM)
Name listed on (digital) Donor Recognition wall for
• one
year at the Ronald McDonald House.
Opportunity to participate in TV and radio segments
• offered
to PRMH surrounding the 40th Anniversary
• Name recognition in the Annual Report
• Name recognition in all event related collateral
Private dinner for 4 to 8 people with Dr. Audrey Evans
• and
Jimmy Murray, co-founders of the first
Ronald McDonald House.
Reception • Invitations for 4 to 8 people to attend VIP Sponsor
reception on Thursday, October 16, 2014.
$ 5,000
• Two tables of 10 with preferred seating
• Special acknowledgement from the podium
One full-page/Gold advertisement or photo in the
• program
Rest Easy • Name or logo recognition on the event invitation (if confirmed
by July 9)
Premier placement of name or logo on electronic and printed
• sponsor
recognition board
• Name or logo appear on the event website
or logo appear as part of the Messages of Hope
• Name
newsletter and monthly e-newsletter
Full Radio schedule on one of Greater Media Radio’s four
• stations
(93.3 WMMR, 97.5 The Fanatic, 102.9 WMGK or
95.7 Ben-FM)
listed on (digital) Donor Recognition wall for one year
• atName
the Ronald McDonald House
• Name recognition in the Annual Report
• Name recognition in all event related collateral
Invitations for 4 to 8 people to attend VIP Sponsor
• reception
on Thursday, October 16, 2014.
$ 5,000
• One table of 10
• Special acknowledgement from the podium
• One full-page/Silver advertisement or photo in the program book
Name or logo recognition on the invitation
Find Hope • Placement of name or logo on electronic and printed sponsor
recognition board
• Name or logo appear on the event website
Name or logo appear as part of the Messages of Hope newsletter
Online • and
monthly e-newsletter
$ 5,000
Take Heart
• Name recognition in the Annual Report
• Name recognition in select event related collateral
for 4 to 8 people to attend VIP Sponsor reception
• onInvitations
Thursday, October 16, 2014.
• One table of 10
• One full-page advertisement or photo in the program book
Placement of name or logo on electronic and printed sponsor
• recognition
Online •
Name or logo appear on the event website
• Name recognition in the Annual Report
• Name recognition in select event related collateral
$ 5,000
In the event you cannot attend the Dinner,
but would like to offer your table to members of
current and past PRMH families, you can opt to
“Lend Comfort” at the $5000 level instead.
Lend Comfort
$ 2,500
Draw Courage
• (4) seats at a table of 10
• One half-page advertisement or photo in the program book
Placement of name or logo on electronic and printed sponsor
• recognition
Online •
Name or logo appear on the event website
• Name recognition in the Annual Report
• Name recognition in select event related collateral
$$ 50
Feel Safe
Individual Ticket Price
Ad Costs
By placing your message in our 40th Anniversary Celebration Program you will not only be showing
your support for the past forty years of help and hospitality at Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House,
but you will be helping to lay the foundation for the next forty years and beyond.
• $1,000 - Full Gold Page (vertical) • $500 - Full Page (vertical)
• $750 - Full Silver Page (vertical) • $250 - Half Page (horizontal or vertical)
Ad Sizes
Please note: If your ad is larger than the sizes
listed, it will beevenly shrunk to fit the allotted
space of your sponsorship level.
It started here in Philadelphia with a small group of people and a dream. Forty years later,
that dream has come true hundreds of times over in 35 countries around the world.
But without the support of people and organizations like you,
the Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House would not stand.
Your donations pay for the fresh food, clean linens, toys, games, transportation and emotional
support required to sustain the families of seriously ill children who depend
on us. They enable those families to remain close to the child who needs
them, and to one another, in times of fear and grief.
By attending, contributing to or providing support through
advertising for our 40th Anniversay Celebration, you are not
just helping us to support those thousands of families,
but you are becoming a part of another close-knit
and caring family--ours.
Sponsorship Commitment
Please type or print all information exactly as it should appear on event
materials and all other 40th Anniversary collateral.
Individual(s) or organization name: ______________________________________________________________
Contact name:
(Please identify the individual who should be contacted for your table guest names prior to the event)
City: _______________________________________ State: ___________
Zip: ________________
Phone: _______________________________________ Email: ________________________________
Name to be listed for all sponsorship mentions:
Sponsorship Levels (please check one)
Program Book Levels (please check one)
o Stay Strong
o Full Gold Page
o Rest Easy
o Full Silver Page
o Find Hope
o Full Page (vertical)
o Take Heart
o Lend Comfort
(fully deductible)
o Draw Courage
o Other Donation
o Half Page (vertical/horizontal) $250
Ad specifications can be found on the last
page of the sponsorship packet. We are also
happy to typeset your ad for you. Just include
your ad copy on the space allotted on the
back of this form.
(fully deductible) _______________
o _____ Event Ticket(s) @ $250 each
Event Contacts:
Chris Callanan
Director of Events &
Corporate Development
(215) 387-8406 ext. 462
Lawrence Jacobson
Director of Leadership Giving
(215) 387-8406 ext. 425
Susan Campbell
Executive Director
(215) 387-8406 ext. 401
Jennifer Shipman
Director of Marketing &
(215) 387-8406 ext. 461
Payment & Ad Copy
Check enclosed (made payable to Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House).
VISA o MasterCard o American Express
o Discover
Credit Card Number ______________________________________________
Expiration Date __________
Signature ______________________________________________________________
Please send me an invoice on __________________________________________
All sponsorship payments due by October 31, 2014
Matching Gifts – Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House welcomes matching gifts from participating companies. Obtain a
matching gift form from your personnel office and send the completed form to us with your gift.
o I have submitted a matching gift request to my company.
Specifications for Ad Submission:
Black & White Ads may be sent electronically to Jen Shipman at jenshipman@philarmh.org as high resolution
PDFs or JPEGs. See the final page in the sponsorship packet for Ad specifications. Please complete the portion
below with your copy if you would like us to typeset the ad for you.
Ad Copy:
All completed forms and payment can be mailed to:
Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House
c/o 40th Anniversary
3925 Chestnut St.
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Dates to Remember:
To be included on the invitation as a Stay
Strong or Rest Easy sponsor, please confirm
sponsorship by July 9, 2014.
To be included in the program book, please
submit information by September 19, 2014.
Please submit dinner guest names and seating
requests by October 3, 2014.
Event Date: October 17, 2014.