Newsletter - Portland Japanese Garden


Newsletter - Portland Japanese Garden
Photo: David M. Cobb
On March 1, just as Portland is turning to the soft breezes and opening
buds of spring, the Portland Japanese Garden will welcome visitors to
return to our five familiar landscapes. From new leaf growth on our
Japanese maples, to pink petals appearing on our 75-year-old weeping
cherry tree, Members will have plenty of springtime sights to enjoy.
Gardeners have spent the last six months getting the Garden into
peak condition, and plants are well-rested and healthy—rejuvenated
for spring. Inside the Garden and out, this year promises to be one of
beauty, culture, and growth.
Members walking up the hillside path will notice a new set of stairs with
an altered entrance into the Garden. The stair landing allows visitors
the best view to observe ongoing construction, especially the progress
of our new tea café floating over the hill, reminiscent of the Kiyomizu
temple in Kyoto. As you watch the café progress, you will begin to feel
Kengo Kuma’s vision, bringing the outside in and connecting more
closely with nature.
Those taking the shuttle will have an equally unique vantage point.
From now until the end of April, all shuttle riders will see the castle
wall rise before their eyes. Suminori Awata, the 15th-generation stone
mason leading the project, and his team will be meticulously placing
each massive piece of Baker Blue granite to build this 22’ tall, 140’
long wall. With no other castles being built, it’s a once-in-a-lifetime
opportunity to watch ancient craftsmanship in action.
Once inside the Garden, visitors will notice that the Pavilion is now full –
of people. Many Garden staff are using the Pavilion as temporary office
space while the new buildings are being built. But Garden members can
rest assured that the Art in the Garden series will continue. In May, the
Garden is bringing bonsai back with American Bonsai: the Unbridled
Art of Ryan Neil. This exhibition features the work of American bonsai
artist Ryan Neil, on view in the outdoor courtyard of the Portland
Japanese Garden.
v Construction will continue outside the Garden gates
until Spring 2017
v The shuttle from our parking lot to the Admission Gate will
be available Friday, Saturday, and Sundays only
v Consider taking public transportation; much of the lower
parking lot is being used for construction staging
v Trimet Bus-Line 63 runs every hour, Monday through Friday
v The Garden will switch to summer hours on March 13
Mr. Neil was born and raised on the western slope of the Rocky
Mountains in Colorado. The fantastic array of wind-swept trees in the
landscape instilled in him a deep fascination with their beauty and
the resilient nature of plants. His work channels the craftsmanship and
discipline of this ancient Japanese art form while reflecting the untamed
landscape of the American West. This exhibition will feature dozens
of these living art pieces with trees ranging from 100 to 500 years old.
In August, the Garden will host four internationally known bamboo
artists to showcase their work in three outdoor locations around the
Garden itself in Bending Nature: Four Bamboo Artists In the Garden.
Traditionally trained bamboo artist and craftsman Jiro Yonezawa and
Shigeo Kawashima, well known for his community engagement-based
art-making, will team with Portland artists Charissa Brock and Anne
Crumpacker to create work on site. Visitors are invited not only to
observe the process but to participate in the creation of one of the pieces
located on the overlook. Each of these artists attempts to “bend nature”
in new directions, challenging conventional bamboo craft techniques
and forms to reflect the close relationship between nature and ourselves.
All the while, our Cultural Crossing project will continue. As
construction continues outside the Garden’s gates, we thank you for
your patience. In Spring 2017, the Garden will become an even better
place for enrichment and serenity; we can hardly wait.
Welcome back, Members! We’ve all missed
seeing you in the tranquil setting of the Garden
• Unlimited and free admission for you and your guest(s)
in the early hours of our work day—and we
• Member-Only Hours and Events
know you’ve missed your regular visits. It was
• Early Access to Special Event Tickets and Reservations
wonderful, however, to see so many members
• Free/Discounted Admission to Garden Festivals, Lectures,
at the variety of locations where the Garden
and Workshops
hosted events over the past six months—from the
• 20% Discount at Bamboo Sushi. (Offer valid at all locations when
Introduction to Sake at Union/Pine and the Wine
presenting your valid Portland Japanese Garden membership
Tastings at the Torii Mor Winery in Dundee, to our free Japanese
card at time of payment. $20 maximum discount per table, per
Movie Night at OMSI and all of last month’s events surrounding
visit. Excludes Happy Hour menu and alcoholic beverages.)
Tsunagu: Connecting to the Architecture of Kengo Kuma at the Center
• Free Admission to the Lan Su Chinese Garden
for Architecture and Portland Art Museum. I would like to thank
in November 2016
each and every one of you for your support during our months of
• Subscription to The Garden Path Newsletter
closure and for your ongoing, unbroken dedication to the Garden.
• 20% Discount when Purchasing Additional Admission Tickets
Your continued membership through this historic period allowed
• 10% Discount at the Garden Gift Store
us to maintain and refresh the Garden over the winter months, and
• Tripod Fee Waived
to continue our planning and presenting of the Garden’s culture,
Due to our period of closure, the Garden was unable to participate
arts, and education programming. Thanks to your steadfast support
in the Portland Attractions Marketing Alliance reciprocal admission
we will reopen our gates March 1, with the Garden more beautiful
program this year. However, we hope to bring this benefit
than ever. That same support, over the next year, will help make
back in 2017.
our exciting Cultural Crossing expansion a reality. I look forward to
seeing you during “re-opening weekend” Member Hours on March
5 and 6 for tea on the East Veranda, while you enjoy the morning
serenity of the Garden!
—Jordynn Hall, Membership Manager
2016 Photographer Member Special Hours:
March 29, 6:30-8am . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cherry Blossoms
April 24, 6:30-8am . . . . . . . . Azaleas & Rhododendrons & Magnolias
March 5-6, 2016
Portland Japanese Garden
Members and Guests
No reservations required
July 23, 7-9pm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Japanese Irises
We are excited to greet you and your guests for our first open
October 23, 6:30-8am . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fall Color
May 31, 6:30-8am . . . . . . . . . . . Azaleas & Rhododendrons & Wisteria
June 28, 7-9pm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Japanese Irises
August 23, 7-9pm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Summer Foliage
September 27, 6:30-8am . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Summer Foliage
weekend since September. Roam the Garden in the tranquil morning
hours, which we’ve reserved just for you, and join us on the East
March 29, 2016
Portland Japanese Garden
Photographer Members & Guests
No reservations required
Our Photographer Member hours are held once each month
from March through October, at hours when the light is best for
photography and the Garden is for you alone.
Photo: Joe McLaughlin
Veranda for hot tea.
For the next few months, Garden Members have the
opportunity to bypass the list of 1,000 spirit enthusiasts waiting
to become members at the Multnomah Whisk{e}y Library by
making a $600 contribution to the Garden. Upon making your
tax-deductible donation, your name will be passed along to
the Multnomah Whisk{e}y Library and a Library representative
will follow-up with you to complete their membership process.
Library membership fees still apply. For more information, call
Annual Fund Manager, Allie Rangel, at (503) 542-0281.
Many Portland Japanese Garden Volunteers have logged more years at the Garden than even some staff have. They offer a unique
perspective helping visitors experience and see the Garden in a new way each time they enter. As the Garden welcomes back visitors, the
Volunteers reflect on their own special moments in the Garden and what members might look for the next time they’re strolling through.
“The first place I will go is to the Wisteria Arbor, and
then on down to the Moon bridge…I have missed
being able to walk through the garden, enjoying the
peacefulness and serenity.”
–Aase Kendall, Volunteer since 1978
“Ah, the Natural Garden in the Spring. All that
gorgeous, green moss and flowing water.”
–Alan Baucom, Volunteer since 2005
“I’ve missed witnessing the changing seasons. They
mark the passage of time, reminding us to keep our
hearts open to the possibilities that are still before us.”
–Laura Seacat Sherrill, Volunteer since 2008
“I have missed touring the Gardens with
visitors and helping them discover the magic
and history of our gardens as opposed to
just ‘a walk in a pretty park’. I love to see
people in the tour have an ‘aha’ moment and
become thirsty for more information.”
–Dagne Trommald, Volunteer since 2005
Chairman Morita of Sony to join him in donating the Tea House
in 1968. In 1980, as Mt. St. Helens erupted, the finally-completed
Pavilion was dedicated. In 1991, the Kashintei Kai volunteers
began regular tea ceremony demonstrations in the Tea House. In
1997, a landslide destroyed the waterfall which was then rebuilt
higher and better than before. Three years ago, the Lower Pond
had to be completely renovated.
Now it’s our generation’s turn to generously commit ourselves to
the Garden’s future. Larry and I ask you to join us in supporting the
Cultural Crossing expansion project to ensure that the Garden can
continue to enrich our lives today and those of future generations.
When I first joined the Board of Trustees, I said “please don’t ask
me to do any fundraising.” And yet here I stand as the Chair of the
Cultural Crossing campaign because it is such an incredible project
Dear Fellow Garden Members,
The Garden has missed you! As Chair of the Cultural Crossing
campaign, I had the opportunity to visit the construction site
during the past few months. Each time I visited, our Garden felt
eager for the return of you—its members and visitors—in spite of
all the loving care the gardeners were providing it.
and we believe in it so much.
We believe in the power of the Garden to renew and restore each
person who visits. We believe that this Cultural Crossing project is
essential to ensure that the Garden can continue to be a beacon of
beauty of tranquility to our growing community. We believe that
the Cultural Village designed by Kengo Kuma and the gardens
designed by Sadafumi Uchiyama perfectly complement the original
For my husband, Larry, the Garden has been a special place all his
Garden and are world-class in their own right.
life. For me, it’s one of the first places his family brought me to see
We ask you to join us in honoring the generosity and commitment
in Portland. As we have grown to understand the Garden’s history,
Larry and I have realized how this amazing treasure in our city is
the result of each generation’s commitment and generosity.
of all those who helped to create this wonderful treasure over the
past six decades. We have made the largest gift of our lifetime,
far larger than we ever thought we could do, to this project. Will
Over 50 years ago, a group of people dreamed a very big dream –
you join us?
a world-class Japanese garden for Portland. That group of people
In gratitude,
included garden-lovers, devotees of Japanese arts and culture,
Japanese-Americans, local philanthropists, civic leaders, and
legions of inspired volunteers. It took years to raise the money,
to find and convince Professor Takuma Tono to design it, and to
negotiate with the City for the degraded site of the recently moved
zoo. It took four years to build the first outlines of the Garden and
another 20 years to truly fulfill the design. Larry’s father convinced
Dorie Vollum
Chair of the Cultural Crossing Capital Campaign
Board of Trustees, President-Elect
“I remember the Garden before it was the Garden. It was
the zoo that I visited as a child. I continually marvel at the
miraculous transformation that made that space into what
it is now. The changes continue, and with them, a certain
unsettled anxiety about potential losses can arise. But the
process of working through those fears is what allows us to
remember that what we value about the Garden is its eternal
spirit. I always feel fortunate to be able to enter its sacred
space and be renewed.”
—Laura Seacat Sherrill, Volunteer since ca. 1975
Flat Garden with Ruby Dianthus covered islands taken in 1974
Since the Garden went public last July with the news of our Cultural
Crossing expansion project, many members have asked about the
financial status of this project. We have good news to share with
you about the project, in fact, the very best of news—it’s on time
and on budget. We are now 1/3 of the way through construction
with another 12 months to go. Through hard work and fundraising,
this project is well on its way. To complete these beautiful and
much-needed new facilities the Garden is now asking for your
help in making this dream project a reality. As our most loyal and
generous members, your participation is vital.
We have currently raised $23.4 million of our $33.5 million goal.
As one of Oregon’s finest treasures, it should not surprise you
that most of our support has come from within the State with $1.5
million from Lottery Bonds, $5.5 million from Japanese Garden
Trustees, and $12 million in amounts ranging from $25 to millions
from individuals across the state.
Yet the Garden, its authenticity and its programs are highly valued
in Japan as well. We are honored that $2.5 million has come from
With Portland’s bustling economy, construction costs are estimated
Japanese businesses and individuals. We also have out-of-state
to rise (conservatively) 7-8% in 2016. That meant our $33.5 million
support from national foundations interested in Japanese culture
project would have become a $36 million project if we waited
and a prestigious Federal grant of $500,000 from the National
any longer. The Board knew it had to act this year and begin
Endowment for the Humanities, a testament to how this project will
construction – while committing every resource to continuing
preserve and provide access to cultural and educational resources.
the successful fundraising campaign. Now, we are counting on
you to make your mark on this project and join us in supporting
Projects like this are typically started once an organization has
the Cultural Crossing campaign. Help us ensure that the Garden
at least 50% of the needed funds raised. We started construction
thrives for generations to come.
with 63% raised. But still you may be asking, “Why start before
you have all the money in place?” Because with record attendance
We are in the homestretch now and we need everyones help to
year after year, it was imperative we do something to preserve the
make it to the finish line. We are asking you, our members, to
Garden’s beauty and serenity. And each year of postponing major
come together and collectively contribute $1.3 million to the
construction would have increased the overall cost.
Cultural Crossing Campaign’s total goal of $33.5 million. At
the heart of our Garden are its plants, the core ingredient for any
Garden. We will be planting many new trees and hundreds of
shrubs and ground-cover. Would you consider making a gift at one
of these levels?
Red Pine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,500
Japanese Oak . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,000
Still Needed
Lace Leaf Maple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $500
In State Support
Northwest Natives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$250
Black Bamboo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100
Trillium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$50
Out of State
We are challenging you, our generous and loyal members, to raise
Japanese Businesses
& Individuals
funds needed for the project, provided that you, our generous
$1.3 million. With the other fundraising work that the trustees and
staff are engaged in, we are confident about raising the remaining
members, come together to meet this goal. Please join our Member
Campaign today with a gift in whatever amount is right for you.
Contributions received through January 20, 2016
The Portland Japanese Garden’s Campaign for a Cultural Crossing is supported
by individuals, businesses, and foundations here in Oregon, across the country,
and from Japan. You might be surprised to learn that individuals’ gifts, from
$10 to seven-figure donations, carry the day in every fundraising effort—in fact,
foundations and corporations usually only make up 15% of any fundraising
campaign. We are well on the way to reaching and exceeding that 15% goal and
are especially pleased to announce that The Collins Foundation has awarded a
$750,000 grant to support the Cultural Crossing project. We have now raised
over $23 million towards our $33.5 million goal.
We hope you will join us. Every gift makes a difference!
$5,000,000 and above
$75,000 to $99,999
$5,000 to $9,999
UNDER $1,000
Arlene Schnitzer in honor of Jordan D.
Schnitzer’s 20-year service to the
Portland Japanese Garden
Maybelle Clark Macdonald Fund
Mildred and Morris Schnitzer Charitable
Fund of The Oregon Community
Spirit Mountain Community Fund
Storms Family Foundation
$1,000,000 to $1,999,999
$50,000 to $74,999
Anonymous (2)
State of Oregon Lottery Bonds
The Harold & Arlene Schnitzer CARE
Drs. Calvin and Mayho Tanabe
Gwyneth Gamble Booth
City of Portland, Portland Parks & Recreation
Alan S. Davis
Marilyn Easly in memory of David Easly
William G. Gilmore Foundation
Jerry and Ann Hudson
Hoichi Kurisu
Ritz Family Foundation
Kelly Saito
Catherine and Taisuke Sasanuma
Ajinomoto Co., Inc.
Ajinomoto North America, Inc.
Anderson Krygier, Inc.
The Bookin Group, LLC
Bruce and Cindy Brenn
Dr. John R. and Susan Campbell
Ann C. Carter and Thomas P. Palmer
Columbia Bank and West Coast Trust
Alexander de Weese
Douglas H. de Weese
Michael and Janet Ellena
Yoko Fukuta
Geotechnical Resources, Inc.
Jeanne Giordano and Bob Frasca
Green Building Services
Greenline Fine Woodworking
Bruce Guenther & Eduardo A. Vides, M.D.
Dr. Tsutomu Hattori
Margaret and Roger Hinshaw
Ronna and Eric Hoffman Fund of The
Oregon Community Foundation
Joshua and Kerstin Husbands
Listen Accoustics, Inc.
Verne and Aki Naito
Carol L. Otis MD and Roger Goldingay
Bonnie Pomeroy Stern
Rena and Cheryl Tonkin
Torii Mor Winery & Vineyard
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ward
Suwako Watanabe
Stephen Achimore
Carole Alexander
Charles C. Anderson
David Austin
Anne Batey
Rene and Michael Berndt
Barbara Bloomfield
Frederick and Leila S. Brown
Leilanie Bruce
Patricia Buckley
Evelyn Carter
George Caspar and Mary Hanigan
Laura Davidson
Vicki Dotson
Kristen A. Dozono
Bart Eberwein
Patricia A. Engelbretson
James and Diana Faville
Sandra L. Helton
Isaac Jones
Kathleen Kahle
Leatrice Kaplan
Allan Karsk
Marilyn Kingery
Betty Lou Koffel and Philip Moyer
Michiko Kornhauser
David and Nicholaus Krichevsky
Joann D. Le
Anne and Charles Macquarie
Patricia de Magalhaes
Stephen McConnel
Jill McLean
Phyllis L. Morical
Members of Niwa-No-Bikai
Tetsuro Nomura
O’Hara School of Ikebana
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Olson
Carlton Olson
Jeff A. Parnaby and Samia Haddad
Debby Potts
Michael and Carol Riley
Amy and Katie Sakurai
Carol Schnitzer Lewis
Jacquie Siewert-Schade
J Andrew Snyder
Makoto Suzuki
Takumi Company
Tomodachi Committee JASO
Taketoshi Uchiyama
Barbara G. Van Raalte Family
Fund of Fidelity Charitable
Scott Winters
Takeshi Yoro
$2,000,000 to $4,999,999
$750,000 to $999,999
The Collins Foundation
Ross M. Lienhart, Edward Lienhart
Family Foundation in memory of
Sheila Edwards Lienhart
$500,000 to $749,999
$20,000 to $49,999
Anne and James F. Crumpacker Family
Hoffman Construction Co.
Kengo Kuma & Associates
Walker Macy
Robert and Debb Zagunis
Dean and Susan Alterrman
Thomas P. Anderson and Jack B. Blumberg
City of Portland, Office of International
Dede and Joe DeJager
de Weese Family Fund at The Oregon
Community Fund Foundation
Mary and Blaine Dickson
Margueritte H. Drake
Drake’s 7 Dees Landscaping
Katherine and Mark Frandsen
Komatsu Seiren Co., Ltd.
J. Douglas Macy
Dori Schnitzer in memory of Mildred
and Morris Schnitzer
Jeanne Schnitzer Marks in memory of
Mildred and Morris Schnitzer
Susan Dee Schnitzer in memory of
Mildred and Morris Schnitzer
Susan and Jim Winkler & Family
$150,000 to $199,999
$10,000 to $19,999
$1,000 to $2,499
Ray and Jean Auel
Marilyn McIver
Stephen Bloom and Michael Blankenship
Mora Chartrand and Linda Grant
Worth and Barbara Caldwell
Delta Air Lines
The Dunagan Foundation, Inc.
Bill Findlay
Sean C. Gay
Judy and Hank Hummelt
KPFF Consulting Engineers
Amy S. Katoh
Komatsu Seiren Co., Ltd.
Doug and Theresa Lovett
Luma: Lighting Design
Ed McVicker and Gertrude Bernstein
NPO Greenwave
PAE Engineers
Don and Jan Stastny
Stoel Rives
Carmen Wong
Anonymous (3)
Architecture Foundation of Oregon in honor
of Arlene Schnitzer & Jordan Schnitzer
Anthony and Martha Belluschi
Nell and Robert Bonaparte
Dr. and Mrs. Buell
Citi Lites Builders Inc.
Greg and Susan Fitz-Gerald
Dale and Iris Garell
William A. Hughes and Nancy L. Richmond
John A Kodachi, PC
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Labadie
Judy and Mike McCuddy
Acorn Fund of The Oregon Community
David Pollock in honor of Martha and
Anthony Belluschi
Robert Ridgley
Luwayne Sammons
Randy Zmrhal
Atsuhiko and Ina Goodwin Tateuchi
Robert W. Franz
Dorothy Lemelson
National Endowment for the Humanities
Cathy and Jim Rudd
Dorie and Larry Vollum
$250,000 to $499,999
Frederick D. and Gail Y. Jubitz Foundation
Dorothy Piacentini
Carolyn A. Berry Wilson
$200,000 to $249,999
$100,000 to $149,999
Melissa and Stephen Babson
Wayne Drinkward
Hacker Architects
Yoshio and Nikki Kurosaki, Kurosaki
Family Fund of the Oregon Jewish
Community Foundation
Prudence Miller in memory of
Jane Stimson Miller
Wayne M. Quimby and Michael
Roberts Quimby
Frances and John von Schlegell
$2,500 to $4,999
Andrew and Cynthia Haruyama
Joto Sake
Joseph Krakora
Sandy and Greg Mico
Miller Nash
Omomuki Foundation
John and Susan Turner
More than 2,000 people stopped by the Center for Architecture to see Tsunagu, Connecting
to the Architecture of Kengo Kuma, the first Art in the Garden exhibition of 2016. Guest
curated by Balazs Bognar, Design Director at Kengo Kuma & Associates, this month-long
event included project images, new construction drawings, and a never-before-seen wooden
model to illustrate world-renown architect Kengo Kuma’s vision for the Garden’s Cultural
Crossing expansion.
The multi-sensory exhibition also offered visitors a chance to see, touch, and even smell
many of the materials being used in construction. The sudare screens, tatami mats, Port
Orford cedar, and Oregon Baker Blue granite on display will eventually be reused as part
of Cultural Crossing.
Thank you again to the exhibition’s generous sponsors: The Center for Architecture, Regional
Arts & Culture Council, Work for Art, the Autzen Foundation, Hacker, Hoffman Construction
Company, Walker Macy, Stephan and Melissa Babson, and PICA.
John and Susan Turner are more than happy to remain out of the
spotlight, and when we asked to profile them for the Garden Path,
they agreed, provided, “the focus be on what the Garden does for us.”
They describe the gifts they receive from the Garden in three words:
Beauty, Serenity, and Community.
The Turners’ first visit to the Garden was in 2007, just before moving
to Portland, about which Susan quickly remarks, “the moment we set
foot on the soil we knew we wanted to be involved.” True to their word,
they became Golden Crane members in 2008 and then part of the
Garden’s first group of Horticultural Support Volunteers in 2009. They
have also been supporters of the Cultural Crossing project since 2013.
When asked about their involvement in the Cultural Crossing project,
John explains their motivation as wanting “everyone in the community
to receive the same gifts we receive from the Garden.” In particular,
they look forward to the Cultural Village’s ability to provide better space to accommodate activities for children as well as the addition
of more accessible facilities to better serve people with disabilities.
The gratitude they feel for the Garden is apparent in every word they speak about it. Susan likens the Garden to a lady, who is beautiful
even when awakening from a massive wind storm that has left her utterly disheveled. (As Hort Volunteers they, unlike most of us, have
seen the Garden in this state!) Susan loves that the Garden, “always accepts herself as she is,” continuing to provide serenity, regardless
of her appearance.
The Garden’s past months of closure did not keep the Turners from being involved in service. They were among the group of Garden
volunteers that brought their gardening skills to the Hoyt Arboretum and they praised the Garden’s Volunteer Coordinator, Catherine
Adinolfi, for organizing the exchange. But it goes without saying that John and Susan Turner will be among the most grateful to return
to the Garden this spring to receive her gifts.
The Collins Foundation
William G. Gilmore Foundation
PMS 548
PMS 8660
Anonymous (3)
Arts Consulting Group
Stephen & Melissa Babson
Broughton and Mary Bishop
Alan S. Davis
Dean & Kathi Dordevic
Mrs. Margueritte H. Drake
ESCO Foundation
Yoko Fukuta
Hoffman Construction
Gail & Fred Jubitz
Dinah & Robert McCall
Samuel T. & Mary K. Naito Foundation
Dorothy Piacentini
Travers & Vasek Polak
Rod & Cheryl “Charlie” Rogers in memory
of Lorna Markwart
Jim & Cathy Rudd
Arlene Schnitzer and Jordan Schnitzer of
the Harold & Arlene Schnitzer CARE
Torii Mor Winery & Vineyard
John & Susan Turner
Larry & Dorie Vollum
The Jean Vollum Fund of the Vanguard
Charitable Endowment
Capt. David G. & Carolyn Berry Wilson
The Autzen Foundation
Bank of America
Suzanne Storms Berselli
Gwyneth Gamble Booth
Mora Chartrand & Linda Grant
Columbia Sportswear
Katherine & Mark Frandsen
Geffen Mesher
Jeanne Giordano & Bob Frasca
Tom & Susan Hamman
Walter Clay Hill and Family Foundation
Henry Lea Hillman, Jr. Foundation
Ron & Jenny Herman
Lynne M. Hoffman
Japan America Society of Oregon
The Japan Foundation
The Samuel S. Johnson Foundation
Elizabeth M. King
Ross M. Lienhart, Edward Lienhart
Family Foundation
Kelly & Steve McLeod
Glenn & Widney Moore
Kathy Pike
Cumulative giving to the Annual Fund from December 1, 2014 through January 20, 2016
David Pollock in honor of Gwyneth
Gamble Booth
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Putney
Wayne M. Quimby & Michael Roberts
Regional Arts & Culture Council and
Work for Art
Marge Riley Fund of The Oregon
Community Foundation
Trudy & Pat Ritz, Ritz Family Foundation
Brenda Smola-Foti & Frank Foti
Drs. Calvin & Mayho Tanabe
W.A. Hughes Construction Inc.
Dan Wieden
Robert & Debb Zagunis
Anonymous (2)
Trish & Joe Adams
Thomas P. Anderson & Jack B. Blumberg
Jean & Ray Auel
Stephen Bloom & Michael Blankenship
Diane & Joel Brauer
Worth & Barbara Caldwell
Dr. & Mrs. John R. Campbell
Ann C. Carter & Thomas P. Palmer
John & Kathryn Cochran
William Cook & Gwil Evans
Dede & Joe DeJager
Dr. Mark Edge & Dr. Ken Mims
Wayne R. & Sandra F. Ericksen
Ferguson Wellman Capital Management
Flowerree Foundation
Barbara Giesy
Jeffrey & Sandra Grubb
Bruce Guenther & Eduardo A. Vides, M.D.
Hacker Architects
Halton Foundation
Andrew & Cynthia Haruyama
Michel & Vicki Hersen
Mitchell Hobbs
Jerry & Ann Hudson
Hank & Judy Hummelt
Tatsuo Ito
The Jackson Foundation
The Jasmine Pearl Tea Company
Jerry Jones Fund of the So-Hum Foundation
William David & Mary Jones
Joto Sake LLC
Peter J. Kendall
Kay Kitagawa & Andy Johnson-Laird
Dorothy Lemelson
Doug & Theresa Lovett
J. Douglas Macy
Kathleen & Curtis Marble
Michael & Maryellen McCulloch
Marilyn McIver
Thomas & Angela Mills
NACCO Materials Handling Group
Mr. Ernie Stoddard
Storms Family Foundation
Treecology, Inc.
The Rose E. Tucker Charitable Trust
Stuart Weitz & John Gustavsson
Mr. & Mrs. James H. Winkler
Sheryl Acheson
A-dec, Inc.
Susan & Dean N. Alterman
Sally Ashley
Robert Aughenbaugh
Bamboo Sushi
Alan & Julieann Barker
David E. and Mary C. Becker Fund of The
Oregon Community Foundation
Anthony & Martha Belluschi
Harvey & Nancy Black
Mary Lee Boklund
Bruce & Cindy Brenn
Ibby Brooke
Richard Louis Brown & Thomas Mark
James & Diane Burke
Kathryn Campbell
Linda Campbell
Capital Pacific Bank
Candy Cassarno
Chef Naoko
Citi Lites Builders Inc.
Truman Collins
Columbia Grain, Inc.
Constructive Form Architecture and
Design LLC
Anne & James Crumpacker
Peggy & Dick Danziger
Devil’s Food Catering
Mary Dickson
Sarah Dougher & Nate Overmeyer in honor
of Dorie & Larry Vollum
Drake’s 7 Dees
Gail Durham & E Benno Philippson
Diane Durston
Michael & Janet Ellena
Exxon Mobil Foundation
Mary E. Fellows & John W. Russell
Jim Fisher Volvo
Susan & Greg Fitz-Gerald
FlowerBox, Inc. & Floral Design Institute
Doyle Forister & Gary Sheldon
Terry & Florence Gerlach
Grain Importers Association
Greenline Fine Woodworking
John Hall & Margaret Chula
James P. Hansen
Jennifer Hartnett & Liza Yore
Jay A. Henry
Margaret & Roger Hinshaw
Dalton L. Hobbs
Robert & Deborah Hogfoss
William A. Hughes & Nancy L. Richmond
Beth & Jerry Hulsman
Joshua & Kerstin Husbands
Jane R. Kendall Family Fund of The Oregon
Community Foundation
John & Janet Jay
December 1, 2015 through January 20, 2016
In Honor of Janet Montag
In Memory of Gene Jackson
In Honor of Ester Auerbach
In Honor of Travers Polak
Janice E. Quivey
In Memory of Robert Johnson
John & Emily Rake
In Honor of David Cobb
In Honor of George Takei
Peter J. Kendall, in recognition of a
master’s eye
In Honor of Doyle Forister
Mish Tworkowski
The Bomze/Bloom Family
In Honor of Dorie &
Larry Vollum
Sara E. Perry
Sarah Dougher & Nate Overmeyer
In Honor of Linda Grant &
Mora Chartrand
In Memory of Emily Cummins
Whitney Lane
In Honor of Claude M. &
Keiko Hiramoto Hess
Marya Fitzgerald
In Honor of Mary and
Oscar Mayer
Oscar H. & Catharine Mayer
David Sammond
Susan Cummins
In Memory of David Easly
The Loeb Foundation
In Memory of Bill Findlay
Karen Anderson
In Memory of Don Hearing
Mary Dickson
In Memory of Fred Irinaga
Todd M. Irinaga
JEZ Foundation
Frederick D. and Gail Y. Jubitz Foundation
Lee & Janelle Jimerson
Salena Johnson
Mr. Bradford Johnston
Amy S. Katoh
Sherman B. & Jayn Kellar
Caroline Kerl & Bill Lunch
John A Kodachi, PC
Hoichi Kurisu
Yoshio & Nikki Kurosaki
Kurosaki Family Fund of the Oregon Jewish
Community Foundation
Tom & Pat Landye
Joyce & Stanley Loeb
James D. Lynch & Robby Cunningham
Gregg Macy & Eric Steinhauser
saRah Mahler
Masa & Associates, Inc.
Laura S. Meier
Masa Mizuno
Esther Jantzen Moore
Verne & Aki Naito
Darren & Casey Nakata
Helle V. Nathan
Nathan Family Charitable Fund of The
Oregon Community Foundation
Mrs. Hester H. Nau
Tom & Chris Neilsen
Neilsen Family Fund of The Oregon
Community Foundation
Omomuki Foundation
Carol L. Otis MD & Roger Goldingay
PacifiCorp Foundation
PAE Engineers
The Paramount Hotel
Piper Park, The Park Foundation
Marilyn Ross Podemski
David & Shirley Pollock
Portland Roasting Coffee
Jean & Ralph Quinsey
Pat Reser
Dee Ross
Sapporo Brewing USA
Susan Schnitzer & Greg Goodman
Susan Dee Schnitzer Family Fund of The
Oregon Community Foundation
Paul Schommer
Henry F. Schwarz III
Peter Shinbach
Forrest & B.J. Simmons
Steven H. Smith & Dennis C. Johnson
Drake & Lynn Snodgrass
The Standard
Bonnie Pomeroy Stern
Andree Stevens
Julie & Peter Stott
Alice Sumida
Rena & Cheryl Tonkin
TR Professional
Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine
Junki Yoshida
Yume Confections
Millie Williams
Richard Lukins
Steven H. Smith & Dennis C.
Richard Hill & Raymond Annis
Steven H. Smith &
Dennis C. Johnson
In Memory of
Marilyn Schuberg
In Memory of Ronald “Rik”
In Memory of John Symons
In Memory of Pauline
Anonymous (25)
Paula Abrams
Corinne Alladin
Hawkin & Dorothy Au
Martha Bailey
Donald E. Barr
Alan Baucom
Bechen Family Foundation
Leslie B. Beers
Allison L. Belcher
Barbara Bell
John Benson
William Betak
John Blackwell
Dorinne Pedersen & Kurt Kimsey
Margaret Mesirow
In Memory of Mae Ninomiya
Michiko Kornhauser
Elizabeth Wolf
In Memory of Larry Novick
TEP Brothers & Friends
In Memory of Jack Rickli
Sybilla Cook
Robert Cramer & Allen Simmons
Steven Karker
David Canty
Lawrence & Sarah Eppenbach
Ernest Bonyhadi
Craig Boretz & Rachelle Jacover
Lois Bosland
Paul & Nancy Bragdon
Dr. Gerald J. Broock
Sandra Brown
Syd & Sher Brown
MJ Buckingham & Paul D.
Kathryn Burlingham & Terry Glenn
Lauretta Burman
Carla Caesar & Nora King
Stephen Chipps
Tim & Lisa Christy
Tom Cirillo & Aaron White
Mr. & Mrs. Ron L. Clark
Kristan & Scott Collins
Compass Oncology
Taylor Correll
Cynthia Cristofani, MD
Cynthia & Gary Crose
Mary Felice Crowe
Susan Cummins
Andrew Dall
Terry Dalsemer & Gail Owen
Judy Dauble
Bruce & April deBolt
Barry DeGregorio
Mary R Dick
Mary Dorsey
Nathan C. Douthit
Mr. & Mrs. David Dowell
John Watson & Mary Dreyer
Mrs. Darlene & Dr. Tom R.
Diane Durston & Stephen
Emma Eaton
Vida Lee Edera
Heike Edossa
Francois Elmaleh
Marilyn & Edward Epstein
Rich Farrington
James & Diana Faville
Joseph Ferguson
Diane Field & Richard Williams
Rebecca Fleischman
Konky & Bob Forster
Linnea O. Foss
Liz Frautschi
Peter Freedman
Les & Karen Fullerton
Gemma M. Furno
Michael & Barbara Gaines
Robert Gamblin &
Catherine Kumlin
Dale & Iris Garell
Rita Gerritsen
Laurie Gille Naemura
Andy Glew, Rhonda Patten, and
Sophie Helen Patten Glew
Achod M. Goganian
Thomas Hacker
Jordynn C. Hall
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Halvorsen
Adam Hart
Lynne & Gary Hartshorn
Katherine A. & William J.
Janet Heineck
Linda Hering
Carol F. Herman
Helen Herman
Margaret Hernandez
Kenton Hill
Kathy & Frank Hillman
Shinji & Yuki Hioki
Irene Hirano
Philip Hoefer
Yohey Horishita
Angela Horniman
Patricia Hoyt
Mark Huey & Wayne Wiegand
Harold M. Hurwitz
Lois B. Jackson
Craig & Joyce Jacobsen
Rachelle Jacover
Donald Jenkins
Sam Jones
Ross Kaplan
Ken Katz
Sherman B. & Jayn Kellar
Douglas J. Kelso
Susan L. Kem
Michiko Kornhauser
Tammie & Vic Krisciunas
Jan Krochina
Leonard & Lesie Kuhl
Ed Labinowicz
Kurt Laidlaw & Craig Cowden
Dan & Debbie Lamberger
Craig & Vanessa Lang
Barbara A. Lee
Georgia M. Lee
Jon Lexau & Carla Barone
Carole Lower
Carol Ann Lutz
David Lynam
Sarah D. MacDonald
Carol MacLeod
Lisa Mamet
Nona K. Mann
Irene Mantel
Leonard Marcel
WJ McCabe
Isabel McDonald
Judy McElhaney
Karen L. McKay
Ashley McQuade
Heidemarie McSwain
Margaret Mesirow
Mary Katherine Miller
Mike & Jill Miller
Barbara Mills
John Morris
Dana Mounts
Martha Murray
Network for Good
Sara V. Newlands
Caye Nollette
Mr. & Mrs. Allan Olson
Patricia Perkins
Ilsa Perse & Jake Rockwood
Donald & Rosalyn Petersen
Dennis Petrequin
John Porter
Mildred Powers
Mark A. & Lisa J. Prescott
Alice Price
Tyler Quinn
Janice E. Quivey
Lee Ragen
Leslie C. & Wallace L. Rainey
John & Emily Rake
Allie Rangel
Robb Rathe & Erin Moeschler
Katherine M. Ray
Mary Reece
Patrick Regan & Patricia French
Michael Rego
Alisa Richards
Dean Runyan & Liz Evans
Marjorie Russell
Patricia E. Sacks M.D.
Carlos Sanchez
W. Curtis Schade & Jacquie
Allen Schatz & Meredith Schatz
Laura Schlafly
Gerald & Shirley Schoepflin
Jane & David L. Schue
Christine Schulbach
Henry F. Schwarz III
Ms. Maxine Selling
Marion Shimoda
Jacquie Siewert-Schade
Dr. Rick Simpson
Barbara & Jim Snow
Thomas & Marie J. Spence
Molly & George Spencer
John Sprietsma & Dana Plautz
Sara H. Stamey & Winston A.
Melinda Stephens-Bukey
Richard C. Stetson, Jr.
Milan & Jean Stoyanov
Pat Struckman
Ellen Summerfield
Ann Symons
Mami Takahashi
Natsuko Takahashi
Hitomi Tamura & James Peters
Ben Taylor & Kathy Stewart
Robert & Carolyn Tecklenburg
Joyce Tolley
Naomi Tsurumi
Robert Tufts
Keisaku Uchimura
Sadafumi & Dawn Uchiyama
Ans van Gent
Terry West & Jack Viscardi
Miho Walsh
Bart & Karin Whalen
Ben & Elaine Whiteley
Buzz & Diane Wilson
Christina Wilson
Alan Winders & Michael Mase
Richard & Ellen Wopat
Kanako Yanagi
Bill G. Young
Wilma A. Zicker
Golden Crane Legacy Members have named the Garden as the ultimate beneficiary of a
planned gift. We are grateful to the following people for letting us know of their plans to
support the Garden in this thoughtful way.
Carole Beauclerk
Barbara Bell
Diane Benjamin
Melanie Billings-Yun
Stephen Bloom & Michael
Carla Caesar & Nora King
Mora Chartrand & Linda Grant
Mary Dickson
Margueritte Hirschlbuhl Drake
Elaine West Durst
Bill Findlay
Yoko Fukuta
Ms. Susan Halton
Ron & Jenny Herman
Al Horn
Jerry & Ann Hudson
Mary Kay Johnson
Elizabeth M. King
Ron & Polly Wall Lauser
John & Lisa Lehman
David L. Mitchell &
Judith L. Bradley
Wayne M. Quimby &
Michael Roberts Quimby
W. Curtis Schade &
Jacquie Siewert-Schade
Mr. Ernie Stoddard
John & Ann Symons
Ms. Carmen Wong
We are grateful to the following individuals and families for their generous
estate/bequest gifts previously received by the Garden:
James J. Kesler
Duke Mankertz
Ms. Beverly Merrill
Jeaneatta Sautter
Stanley L. Davis Trust
Nancy B. Beamer
Clarence Bobbe
Stanley W. Greenhalgh
Ms. Anne Hinds
Noel Jordan
Toya Family Trust: George,
Sonoya, Georgene,
and Evelyn
If you would like to include the Garden in your estate plans, or if you have already
done so and would allow us to list you as a Legacy Member, please contact Chief
Development Officer Tom Cirillo at (503) 595-5225 or
Including Global Ambassador Members and Sponsors of our 2014 New York Launch Event
Ajinomoto Co., Inc.
Ajinomoto North America, Inc.
Ajinomoto Windsor, Inc.
Peggy & Dick Danziger
Jeanne Giordano & Bob Frasca
Geoffrey Hoefer
Joto Sake LLC
Richard Milgrim
Yoshiaki Mizumoto
Janet & Tom Montag
Kathy Pike & Louis Forster
David & Jane Pollock
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
David & Abigail Snoddy
Erik & Cornelia Thomsen
Torii Mor Winery & Vineyard
Platinum W
Exclusive vineyard of the
Portland Japanese Garden
Paramount Hotel is the preferred hotel
of the Portland Japanese Garden
Exclusive brewery of the
Portland Japanese Garden
Exclusive sake provider of
the Portland Japanese Garden
Official airline of the
Portland Japanese Garden
Moss covered stone
its image unaltered
in the quiet pool
Photo: David M. Cobb
CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER. . . . . . . . . . . . . Steve Bloom
DEPUTY DIRECTOR. . . . . . . . Cynthia Johnson Haruyama
CHIEF OPERATIONS OFFICER. . . . . . . . . . Cheryl Ching
CHIEF DEVELOPMENT OFFICER . . . . . . . . . . Tom Cirillo
EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT . . . . . . . . . . . Sarah MacDonald
OF CULTURE, ART, & EDUCATION. . . . . . Diane Durston
GARDEN CURATOR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sadafumi Uchiyama
DIRECTOR OF FINANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Diane Brauer
& COMMUNICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lisa Christy
PRESIDENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cathy Rudd
PRESIDENT-ELECT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dorie Vollum
VICE PRESIDENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ann Carter
Michael Ellena
Jerry Hudson
Carol L. Otis M.D.
TREASURER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Douglas Lovett
SECRETARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dede DeJager
IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT. . . . . Gwyneth Gamble Booth
Melissa Babson
Dr. John “Jack” Campbell
Dean M. Dordevic
Kristen Dozono
Katherine Frandsen
Bruce Guenther
Gail Jubitz
John Kodachi
Michiko Kornhauser
J. Douglas Macy
Thomas Mills
Suzanne Storms Berselli
Travers Hill Polak
Paul Schommer
Drake Snodgrass
Frances von Schlegell
Dr. Calvin “Cal” Tanabe
Susan Winkler
Robert Zagunis
On December 9th 2015, the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced it was awarding
the Foreign Minister’s Commendation to Portland Japanese Garden CEO Steve Bloom. This
award is bestowed on individuals and groups with outstanding achievements in the promotion
of friendship between Japan and the United States.
This year this special Foreign Minister’s commendation was presented to only 28 individuals
VICE PRESIDENT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Greg Fitz-Gerald
timing of the award is particularly significant.
SECRETARY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dede DeJager
On Saturday February 6, 2016, in front of a crowd of 450 Portland Japanese Garden friends and
Trish Adams Jerry Hudson Douglas Lovett
Steve with the prestigious award.
BOARD PRESIDENT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Joshua Husbands
TREASURER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dee Ross
James D. Lynch
Carmen Wong
NEWSLETTER STAFF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lisa Christy
Tyler Quinn
GRAPHIC DESIGN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Amy Livingstone
10 around the world and, as 2015 marks the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II, the
supporters, the Honorable Hiroshi Furusawa, Consul General of Japan in Portland, presented
“I accept this on behalf of the many talented and passionate people with whom I work every
day,” Bloom said. “I’m just the facilitator for the good work of others.”
Steve has been CEO of the Portland Japanese Garden since 2005. During this period of
unprecedented success at the Garden, Steve has worked tirelessly to champion and promote
Japanese Gardens and Japanese culture across North America.
This year marks the fifth anniversary of the Great East Japan
level: from individuals like Gaku MC and Akali To Live who are
Earthquake. On March 11, 2011 a 9.0 magnitude earthquake
raising funds through music concerts to build an indoor playing
struck Japan, triggering a massive tsunami that washed away
field for children living in Fukushima, to former Prime Minister
coastal communities in Northeastern Japan. This event also
Morihiro Hosokawa and The Great Forest Wall Project who are
crippled a nuclear plant in Fukushima, contaminating the region
enlisting the help of 10,000 volunteers to reforest the coast lines.
with alarming levels of radiation.
When the Garden returned the kasagi back to Japan last October,
Five years after the disaster, Japan continues along its path to
Ambassador Kennedy observed that “the Pacific Ocean is not
recovery. Recovery sites report that nearly all earthquake and
something that divides us but is something that connects us.”
tsunami debris has been hauled away. Contaminated soil is being
Such a special sentiment is echoed in the Japanese word kizuna
scraped away, bagged, and quarantined in new storage facilities
meaning the “bonds” that hold us all together. In the spirit of
until it can be safely removed. Rebuilding efforts—from public
kizuna, we will continue to find ways to help. At the same time,
transportation to newly built houses—continue on.
Recovery is slow but steady and the resilience of the human spirit
we will stay encouraged for the country’s recovery. Gambare
Nihon—be strong Japan.
abounds in every corner of the country. Help is being felt on every
To commemorate the five year anniversary of the
2011 Great East Japan Earthquake, our Gift Store
is carrying beautiful hand-crafted jewelry from
the Nozomi Project. These one-of-a-kind pieces
are created using pottery broken by the tsunami.
Not your standard jewelry company, the Nozomi
Project is a “social enterprise” bringing sustainable
income and hope (“nozomi”) to the women in
Ishinomaki, Japan.
The organization is committed to balancing
successful business with an effective community,
focusing on individual growth as well as teamwork.
Each of the project’s beautiful pieces is made
through the collective work of about eight local
women, whose roles range from grinding the
pottery shards to overseeing production and
Handcrafted earrings
and necklaces
commemorating the
five year anniversary of
the Great East Japan
distribution. By training Ishinomaki’s women to
craft high-quality jewelry and paying them an
These one-of-a-kind
hourly wage, the Nozomi Project has managed to
pieces are created using
create something beautiful from devastation.
pottery broken by the
To purchase Nozomi Project jewelry, please visit
our Garden’s Gift Store.
Photo: Allan Bruce Zee
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Member Only Hours:
Tuesday–Sunday: 8-10am
Fall/Winter Public Hours:
October 1–March 12
Monday: Noon-4pm
Tuesday–Sunday: 10am-4pm
Curious about the progress of the Portland Japanese
Spring/Summer Public Hours:
March 13–September 30
Monday: Noon-7pm
Tuesday–Sunday: 10am-7pm
articles throughout the week so make sure to check
Garden’s expansion project? Visit our Cultural Crossing
‘Stay Updated’ blog for construction updates, feature
articles, photos, videos, and more. We’ll add new
back regularly.
Public Tour Schedule:
Daily at Noon.
For a real-time view of the construction, check out our
Free Shuttle Schedule:
A free shuttle bus from our parking lot to the
Admission Gate is Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
Helpful Numbers:
Main Gate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Membership Services. . . . . . . . . . .
Development. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Garden Gift Store . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Events Department. . . . . . . . . . . . .
(503) 223-1321
(503) 796-9180
(503) 542-0299
(503) 223-5055
(503) 542-0280
two project webcams. Each tree-mounted camera takes
one still photograph every 10 minutes and immediately
posts it online. Use the built-in controls to watch the
process unfold.
We’re still early in this once-in-a-lifetime process.
Help us build the excitement by sharing our Cultural
Crossing ‘Stay Updated’ blog with other Garden friends
and supporters. Also, be sure to follow the Garden on
Street Address:
611 SW Kingston Avenue, Portland, OR 97205
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr.
© 2016 Portland Japanese Garden. All rights reserved. Printed on 100% recycled fiber content with 100% post-consumer waste. Processed chlorine-free. FSC certified.