May 2014 - Rancho Murieta Kiwanis


May 2014 - Rancho Murieta Kiwanis
Kiwanis Kronicle
Rancho Murieta, California
Published by the Kiwanis Club of Rancho Murieta, Inc.
Volume 15 Number 8
Official Notice
Annual Meeting Set
Inside this issue
Who attends what
Celebrating Wildflowers
Kiwanis Kids’ Fishing Day
It takes a village
Proposed Election Slate
Big Day of Giving
Charter Members
Kiwanis Kalendar
Jarvio Grevious
 Annual Meetings for the
Kiwanis Club of Rancho
Murieta and Kiwanis Club of
Rancho Murieta Foundation
will be held Thursday May
2nd 7:00 a.m. at Villas
Meeting Room.
 Be there, at the meeting, we
need a quorum.
April Fool… a history
June 3
Bonnie Shewchuk
June 7
Paul Gumbinger
June 20
Bronwyn Anthony (twins?)
Judith Embree (twins?)
June 23
Frank Hashorva
June 26
Carol Gustafson
Question box???
How many charter
members are still
with our club?
Answer: See page
President’s Corner
Creating the
future together
CRES 3rd Annual Ag Day
Editor: Hap E. Padre
May 2014
April Fools' Day is
celebrated in different countries
around the world
on April 1 every
year. Sometimes
referred to as All
Fools' Day, April 1 is not a national holiday, but is widely recognized and celebrated as a day
when many people play all kinds
of jokes and foolishness. The day
is marked by the commission of
good-humored or otherwise funny
jokes, hoaxes, and other practical
jokes of varying sophistication on
friends, family members, teachers, neighbors, work associates,
Traditionally, in some countries
such as New Zealand, Ireland, the
UK, Australia, and South Africa,
the jokes only last until noon, and
someone who plays a trick after
noon is called an "April Fool" and
taunted "April Fool's Day's past
and gone, You're the fool for making one."
(Continued on page 16)
Hello Fellow Kiwanians:
As we roll into May I hope that
everyone had a great Easter Holiday
and enjoyed the many spring events
in Rancho Murieta.
We were blessed to have another
 Kiwanis Kids’ Fishing Day
 Easter Egg Hunt
 Creelman-Francisco Golf
Classic, and
 Kiwanis Day at the River Cats.
Our club members did an outstanding job organizing these events
appreciated by club members and
the community.
May is a special month for the Rancho Murieta Kiwanis Club!
Did you know that our club was
chartered on May 21, 1996? So that
makes us about 18 years old -Coming of age.
The club has come a long ways
since its inception and owes a lot to
the many talented club members
who over the years have contributed
to its growth.
We will have a short but memorable celebration of the club’s anniversary at our second May meeting.
As your president, I am pleased to
see that our Charter President, Rowland Jones, is still a member. Look
on page 18 for an update on the other charter members.
May is also the month for Mother’s
Day which falls on May 11.
(Continued on page 2)
President’s Corner
Creating the
future together
Jarvio Grevious
(Continued from page 1)
Do you know what else is celebrated on that day? The Club insiders
know that it is Dia and David Utterbacks’ birthdays. That is right both
their birthdays are on the same day!
Wonder how many people in the
world share that achievement? Be
Kiwanis Kronicle is a monthly newsletter
published by the Kiwanis Club of Rancho Murieta, Inc. Club was chartered
May 21, 1996. The address of the club
is P.O. Box 855 Rancho Murieta, CA
95683-0855 (916) 354-0538
Club meetings are on the 1st and 3rd
Thursdays of every month at the Villas
Recreation Center 7083 Murieta Parkway (Enter North Gate) Rancho
Murieta, CA 95683.
Boards of Kiwanis Club of Rancho
Murieta Inc. and Kiwanis Club of Rancho Murieta Club Foundation Inc. meet
on the 3rd Thursday of each month
after the board meeting at the Villas
Recreation Center.
President…………………...…..Jarvio Grevious
Imm. Past Pres….……….….....Ginny Macko
President Elect…………..……..Craig Carbrey
Secretary………………..….……..Linda O’Brien
Treasurer………………………….Virginia Wolfe
Director………….…..Bill Batchelder (2014)
Director….……Thomas Eaton DDS (2015)
Director…..……...Richard Gilmour (2014)
Director………….……… Sally Parker (2014)
Director……….…Bonnie Shewchuk (2015)
Non-Voting Members
Assistant Secretary..….………...Bev Powell
Assistant Treasurer….……...…Susan Sozzi
Editor…………….....…………..John W. Seigal
The editor is solely responsible for the
content. It is the intent to be 100% accurate. Articles labeled as Editorial represent the opinion of the editor and may not
represent the opinion of the Kiwanis Club
of Rancho Murieta, Inc. nor Kiwanis Club
of Rancho Murieta Club Foundation, Inc.
The address of the editor is P.O. Box
1131 Sloughhouse, CA 95683-1131 or
email at:
sure to wish them a happy birthday
at the next club meeting!
Board Notes: The club’s directors
held another short but productive
board meeting on April 10th. In
addition to reviewing the clubs finances and preparations for our
key projects the following notes
may be of interest to you:
 Approved the donation of $50
for a T sign for a charity golf
event sponsored by the Rancho
Murieta Country Club Niners.
 Approved a $500 contribution
to the Rancho Murieta Association for the replacement of tables and chairs used at our
events. This project is funded
by the Corvette Club and the
Rancho Murieta Optimist Club
here in our community also.
 Considered the request by Folsom Lake Kiwanis Club to recharter the Folsom Lake College Circle K Club.
 Formally approved the Double
H4H (see page 15) and the
Mother’s Day Craft Fair as new
Kiwanis sponsored events.
As we continue into the year, our
big events are on the horizon.
May’s Casino Corral is just around
the corner and the planning for the
4th of July Pancake Breakfast is well
under way.
We are fortunate to have our club
members actively support these
important community events. Be
sure to find your way to contribute
and serve in your own unique way.
“You may never
know what results
from your actions.
But if you do nothing, there will be
no results.”-Mahatma Gandhi
Yours in creating the future, together
Who attends what?
As a Kiwanian (new or old) think about
who attends what meeting?
Club meetings (1st and 3rd Thursday
7:00 am) all members are expected to
attend. There is a program at each meeting. Meet at Villas Recreation Center.
Committee meetings Set by committee chairs. The committees meet to conduct business and to prepare proposals to
the board meetings on the third Thursday
each month.
Board meetings On the second Thursday of each month, at 7:30 a.m., the
board meetings are held at Rancho
Murieta Country Club. One board is for the
Kiwanis Club and the other is for the Kiwanis Club Foundation. Separate organizations but the same board members.
Committee chairs and other club
members are invited to attend board
meetings and see how the club and foundation are governed.
Service projects Club members are
expected to participate in the service projects of our club.
Interclubs These are meetings when
four or more attend another Kiwanis Club
meeting. Generally it is an eye opening
experience. You get a chance to see how
others do it. Some things you can adopt
and use, and some things… well let us
generally leave it unsaid.
Socials Special events just to have fun
and socialize.
Mid-Year Conference A one-day educational and motivational conference designed for all club officers, committee
chairmen and members. It is planned so
Kiwanis members can drive to the conference together, participate in an InterClub, attend a few workshops and then be
back home the same day. The conference
promotes fellowship as well as provides an
opportunity to learn more about Kiwanis.
A Division Council Meeting (DCM) is
a meeting in which the clubs within the
Division come together and are given the
opportunity to network; share experiences
and best practices; and promote upcoming
club events.
Conventions: The Kiwanis family is too
large to gather at one time. So representatives from the Kiwanis family meet at
conventions to conduct organizational
business, elect board members, amend
bylaws and conduct leadership training
etc. These conventions are generally held
annually at the district and International
Lupinus, commonly known
as lupin or lupine (North America),
is a genus of flowering plants in
the legume family, Fabaceae.
The genus includes over
200 species, with centers of diversity in North and South America. Smaller centers occur in North
Africa and the Mediterranean.
Seeds of various species of lupins
have been used as a food for over
3000 years around the Mediterranean and for as much as 6000 years in
the Andean highlands, but never
have they been accorded the same
status as soybeans or dry peas and
other pulse crops.
Lupin show on Jackson Highway
going west, just before Grant Line
The pearl lupin of the Andean
highlands of South America, Lupinus
mutabilis, known locally
as tarwi or chocho, was extensively
cultivated, but there seems to have
been no conscious genetic improvement other than to select for larger
and water-permeable seeds.
Users soaked the seed in running
water to remove most of the bitter
alkaloids and then cooked or toasted
the seeds to make them edible, or
else boiled and dried them.
However, Spanish domination led
to a change in the eating habits of
the indigenous peoples, and only
recently has interest in using lupins
as a food been renewed.
California Poppy
The California poppy (Eschscholzia
Californica) was designated the state
flower of California in 1903. It was
selected as the state flower by the
California State Floral Society in December 1890, winning out over
the Mariposa lily and the Matilija
poppy by a landslide, but the state
legislature did not make the selection official until 1903.
Also known as the flame flower, la
amapola, and copa de oro (cup of
gold), the poppy grows wild throughout California. California Indians valued the poppy as a food source and
for the oil extracted from the plant.
Every year, April 6 is California
Poppy Day and May 13th - 18th is
Poppy Week.
California Poppy
Growing along Jackson Highway
by Cosumnes River School
A common misconception associated with the plant, because of its
status as a state flower, is that the
cutting or damaging of the California poppy is illegal. There is no law
providing the plant special protection in California.
It should, however, be noted
that state law makes it a misdemeanor to cut or remove any plant
growing on state or county highways or public lands, except by
authorized government employees
and contractors; it is also against
the law to remove plants on private property without the permission of the owner (Cal. Penal Code
Section 384a) California Penal
(Reference: Wikipedia)
The 13th Annual Kiwanis Kids’
Fishing Day was held at Lake
Clementia on Sunday April 6th. It
was our club’s Kiwanis International’s One Day project.
The event can be compared to a
three legged stool.
It is support by three legs, and
cannot be supported by any fewer.
1. Leg #1 is our Kiwanis Club of
Rancho Murieta Foundation.
2. Leg #2 is the Rancho Murieta
Fishing Club.
3. Leg #3 is the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. (Note
this agency received its new
name January 1, 2013. It was
formerly known as the California
Department of Fish and Game.
Some catchers took their fish
home without cleaning.
Special thanks go to:
 Fisherman’s Warehouse for prizes (See page ?)
 Plaza Foods for lunch.
 Chairman Gilmour reported: “I
really appreciated the help of
the Community Service District
Security Patrol who were vigilant in keeping the poachers
away from the pond on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Seemed like every time I
went up to the Lake to check,
CSD was already on the scene.”
New organic juice drink by Honest Kids® with only nine grams
of sugar!
 The last item of fresh Oroweat®
Hot Dog buns being delivered to
Plaza tomorrow.
Finally, Plaza Foods will have two
managers and myself attending the
luncheon to help out in anyway possible.
There was excellent coverage of
the fun event in the River Valley
For some great pictures of the
event and kids, go to
 Thank you to the Key Clubbers
Besides fishing there were lessons
on the Fishing Ethics; Instruction on
Casting; Conservation; and more.
Kids’ Fishing Day chairman this
year was Kiwanian Rich Gilmour
The event started at 9:00 a.m.
and was opened to kids five years of
age through 12 who live in Rancho
Murieta, Sloughhouse, and Wilton.
There were about 120 participants.
The fishing club cleaned about 46
trout, five bass, and one blue gill.
who assisted. Our Kid’s Fishing
Day, is our club’s contribution to
Kiwanis International’s One Day
Program (see page )
 Finally, all kudos to Kids’ Fishing
Day Father Joseph Mazzoni
Machelle Lewallen, CEO Plaza
Foods, reported:
Just want to let everyone know
Plaza Foods looks forward to making
this year's Fishing Day a huge success!
As such, we have upgraded the
quality and selection of food we will
provide Kiwanis this year as follows....
 Applegate All Natural Hot Dogs,
both beef and turkey!
 Great tasting Oroweat® hot dog
 A higher quality combo of potato, macaroni and Jello® salads,
Kitty York was there ready to pick
and recycle and CRV containers. She
collected $51.00 worth!
Photo Credits: Peter Telfer
(Continued on page 5)
You catch them…
and We will clean them for you!
O.K. Let’s get started. Line up here!
Pleasant Grove Key Clubbers
are ready to assist.
Weigh in here, please!
We will assist you
in baiting your fish lines.
Jane Van Camp (Dept. Fish
and Wildlife): “For fishing
there are safety rules and
rules for conservation….”
Photo Credits: Peter Telfer
(Continued on page 6)
(Continued on page 7)
Photo Credits: Peter Telfer
Photo Credits: Peter Telfer
Kiwanis Kids’ Fishing Day 2014 is
But the Fisherman’s Warehouse
made this a special event this year.
Fishing Day Chair, Rich Gilmour,
is holding two Shakespeare Rod
and Reels which were donated as
prizes. A carton of about a dozen
were donated thanks to the assistance of the co-sponsor Rancho
Murieta Fishing Club.
It carries popular brands such as
Shimano, Daiwa, Penn, Okuma, Abu
Garcia, G-Loomis, Lamiglas, Shakespeare, and many more.
In 1982 it started as one small
store, Delta Bait & Tackle, in Manteca, California. Since then, it has
changed its name and grown into
the largest tackle outfitter in Northern California. It has stores in Fresno, Manteca, Sacramento, and San
Kiwanis Kronicle visited and found
out the Sacramento outlet had
items from A to Z as even with difficult letters, like K, Q, and X.
Fisherman’s Warehouse is located at 9035 Folsom Boulevard, Sacramento, just east of Watt Avenue.
Fisherman’s Warehouse started
in 1975 has grown into the largest
tackle outfitter in Northern California.
3rd Annual Salute to Agriculture Day
Mr. Michael
(Principal of
River Elementary School)
Please tell our
readers about
“Ag Day”.
In April Cosumnes River Elementary School held its 3rd annual
"Salute To Agriculture Day," known
simply to the kids as "Ag Day."
Joan Stretars, our librarian, organizes the annual event with support from a committee of parents
whose families are involved in agricultural endeavors and others in the
local ag community like Dia Utterback.
Joan also has great support from
her husband and family who actively participate in the day's events.
Students involved in 4H have an
opportunity to show their projects. Each year Mrs. Stretars
changes up the presenters a bit but
it is fair to say that over the past
three years, a high percentage of
our local farms and ranches have
been involved.
The mission of Ag Day is to acquaint our students with the agriculture that surrounds them every
day when they come to school, to
share with them the important role
agriculture has played in the history
of Sloughhouse and the River Valley
in general, and to expose them to
the wide variety of produce and
other products that originate within
but a few mils of home.
It's a fun day for the kids and the
presenters, too.
Chris Strutz, of Strutz Ranch,
has been at the event all three
years. He will be our program at
our May 15 Kiwanis meeting.
The first year Chris and I presented A to Z fruits and vegetables that
grow in our area.
Last year we did herbs and such
that are used and have been used
as medicine. He brought samples
from his farm.
This year he had his own station. I think he showed all the veggies and grains that go into a spaghetti dinner.
This year I did corn and some of
the products – (food and non-food –
items) that contain corn, a corn byproduct or a derivative.”
I believe we do accomplish this
mission every year!
Dia Utterback added: “I agree
100% with Principal Gulden.
(Continued on page 10)
3rd Annual Salute to Agriculture Day
One of the sessions was held in multi-purpose room.
Bees, pollination, and honey were discussed.
(Continued on page 11)
3rd Annual Salute to Agriculture Day
On Saturday April 5th our Kiwanis
Club sponsored a community
presentation about techniques and
options for elder and invalid care.
Pamela Haines was the organizer and driving force to make this
event successful. It was held in the
morning at the Rancho Murieta
Building and was entitled, "It takes
a Village".
All told there were about 34 in
attendance including the presenters.
Pamela hopes that the community network will make the information and interest available to
others and ask for another presentation in the near future.
Plaza Foods prepared a delicious
and healthy food tray and Local
Bean brewed the coffee.
Rancho Murieta Health Club
- Joe Jemera (B.S. in Kinesiology and Masters in Physical
He and his assistant demonstrated some transfer techniques using KANE equipment,
proper sizing for canes, encouragement to exercise regularly.
Murieta Health Club - Kim
Brown (specializing in working
with older adults)
She led the room in some simple standing exercises that
can/should be done every day
while washing dishes, brushing
teeth, etc.
Visiting Angels In Home
Care - owner - Gail
Lohmann - shared an excellent checklist about what to
look for and what to ask when
hiring a care provider. She has
worked in care facilities and
volunteered as a Meals-onwheels volunteer.
the area. She is able to find a
good match for a client and with
her knowledge of the competition,
she can negotiate prices for client.
As pointed out by the college
professor in gerontology, our world
is experiencing something unique
in human experience: so many
people living to such great ages.
It has been suggested that our
community has another similar
presentation that is videotaped and
 Honor Thy Elders: Senior
put on Channel 5.
Living Transitions - SpecializWe need to get the word out and
ing in Personalized Referrals -- start planning. There is a lot that
owner - Caryl Abshire - Caryl any community can do to make
has a wide range of experience aging in place more possible.
from working in a 300+ bed
Rancho Murieta is what is being
facility, being a care facility
referred to a "Naturally Occurring
administrator and a caring
Retirement Community".
family member with real life
In closing, I would like to offer
several websites for further investi Ageless Designs, Certified
gation by those interested:
 Naturally Occurring Retirement
Aging in Place Specialist Community- http://
Karla Gustafson - professor
of gerontology at American
River College. Karla had a vast
 Area 4 Agency on Aging –a
knowledge of current trends in
treasury of inforliving situations for the aging‎ For
population. She brought pho40 years, Area 4 Agency on
tos of some of the beautiful
Aging has helped older adults
home modifications that are
live as independently as they
handicapped accessible that
can, with safety and dignity.
her company has created.
The care providing companies
 Del Oro Caregiver Resource
(Visiting Angels, Results Physical
Center‎ SerTherapy, and Murieta Health
vices; Caregiving Information;
Club) have a presence in the comArticles of Interest
munity already and are looking for
 Alzheimer's Association: Alzheimore. It's time to be proactive
mer's Disease and Dementia
instead of reactive in the aging‎
Caryl Abshire, local resident
with a business of helping the elders in their homes and then helping them find the right care facility
when they need it said "It was a
wonderful introduction to aging in
place and beyond." In her experience too many people wait until
there is a crisis before looking into
services and preventative
measures. She has personally
looked into many care facilities in
Ag Report: Davis Ranch
The jams come in these flavors:
The Juicy Twists candies come
in these flavors:
Blue-Raspberry Cherry
Green Apple
At the annual meetings for the
Kiwanis Club of Rancho Murieta,
Inc. and Kiwanis Club of Rancho
Murieta Foundation, Inc. there will
be an election of officers and
board members.
Each officer is elected for a one
year term. Board members are
elected for two year terms, so
each year only one half of the
board of directors is elected.
For October 1, 2014 to September 30, 2015:
President - Craig Carbrey
Pres. Elect. - Open
Treasurer - Susan Sozzi
Secretary - Linda O'Brien
Immediate Past President Jarvio Grevious
Directors 2014-2016
Coit Conant
Teresa Field
Peter Telfer
Directors remaining until 2015
Tom Eaton
Bonnie Shewchuk
Think ink!
Mickey Rooney
(born Joseph Yule, Jr.)
9/23/20 —4/6/2014
Recycle your ink/LASER/
toner cartridges. Turn in
at Rancho Murieta Business Center or given to
Jack Seigal at meetings.
They will be turned into
our Kiwanis Family House.
 “Always get married in the
morning. That way if it
doesn't work out, you
haven't wasted the whole
It makes “cents” to recycle for the
environment and for our Kiwanis Family House income.
 “I was a thirteen-year old
boy for 30 years.
 “I'm the only man in the
world with a marriage license
made out to whom it may
P.S. If you turn them in at the business center. You can buy replacement
inks there for your printer.
Photo credit: Pete R. Rabbit
Who lives here?
1. LeLapin D. Pâques
2. Conejito D. Pascua
3. E. Stir Rabbit
4. None of the above
For correct answer to go
to page 17.
Spring issue of district
magazine is now available!
Go to:
 Click‎on‎District‎Magazine
 Click‎on‎Spring‎Issue
The Kiwanis Cal-Nev-Ha District
Convention will be held at San DieAn Important Message from Kiwa- go, at the California Town and
nis Family House Executive Director Country Resort & Convention CenDan Germain:
ter on August 14-16, 2014.
Beginning at
There are two declared candimidnight on Tuesdates for Governor-Elect 2014day, May 6th, our
Kiwanis Family
1.Pete Edwards, and
House will partici2.Cherice Gilliam.
pate in an exciting
regional event
involving 400 local
nonprofit organizations called
the BIG Day of
On this one day, for 24 hours, we
Pete Edwards
will focus as a region on "giving
Pete Edwards is a member of
where our heart is" by making donathe Kiwanis Club of Campbell, and
tions to participating nonprofit organlives with his wife Jeannette, in
izations, including our Kiwanis Family
House, through the San Jose.
We are now only a few weeks away
from the BIG Day of Giving, and I am
asking you to join me on May 6th by
taking five minutes to show where
YOUR heart is by making a donation,
large or small, to our Kiwanis Family
Your donation of any amount will
help the Kiwanis Family House continue to provide temporary lodging
and support to hundreds of families
each year during times of medical
crisis. Your donation of any amount
will help families who would have few
other options
Make a donation to our Kiwanis
Family House on May 6th. The only
requirement is that the donation (of
any amount) must be made using
a credit card on the website.
Spread the word. Forward this
and all emails you receive to your
friends, post messages on Facebook,
and tweet about it.
This is an opportunity to be part of
something really BIG.
Please Help!
Cherice Gilliam
Cherice Gilliam is a member of
the Kiwanis Club of Walnut Creek,
and lives with her husband Gerald,
in Antioch.
Lt. Governor Guy Blair, announced that both candidates will
be making presentations at the
May Division Council Meeting on
May 12, at the Oak Avenue Free
Methodist Church, in Orangevale.
Read the next four pages about
the beliefs and standings of the
two candidates.
Hygiene Hope for
Homeless (HH4H)
By Bill DuVal
“Total K”…
Think back to 1999-2000, when
Terri A. Neumann, was our Cal
-Nev-Ha District
Governor. She instituted a program
that was labeled
“Total K”.
It would be a one day of service
uniting all the programs in the KFamily (of Cal-Nev-Ha District): KKids, Builders Club; Aktion Club;
Key Club; Kiwins; Circle K; and Kiwanis Clubs. This united day of service would show the general public
what we do and what we are all
When Nelson Tucker
from Cal-Nev-Ha District was elected Kiwanis International
President, he instituted the Total K Day
concept which was
adapted as “Kiwanis One Day”.
This year, Terri A. Neumann was
asked by this reporter how she felt
about the program.
She responded: “I'm very proud
to have created the original Total K
and stand a bit taller now that it's
expanded to the Kiwanis world as
Kiwanis One Day.
“While I knew it was a good idea
to get Kiwanians and our Service
Leadership Program members
working together on a day of service, never did I think it would
grow to this truly international day
of service.
“The impact we're making on our
communities has increased tremendously thanks to the thousands of
enthusiastic Kiwanians who have
embraced this 'holiday' of service.
“Next year, Kiwanis One Day is
April 11th (not the first Saturday as
usual, due to Passover and Easter).”
Terri practices what she preaches,
as she continues: “My club had a
terrific day (this year) -- 20 members and 54 Key Clubbers doing
horticulture work for the Oakland
Zoo. It was awesome.”
After sorting and recording our
donations from the meeting as well
as a donation brought to St. Vincent
de Paul Church, we have a total of
123 items weighing in at over 11
The first bag I delivered to my contact for Loaves and Fishes on Friday
and will pass the second bag along
within the next two weeks.
I want to develop some more local
end charities. I'll contact PATH and
the Elk Grove Food Bank this
week. (I have been told our Kiwanis
Family House needs these items also).
There was a good quantity of oral
hygiene items, toothbrushes and
paste as well a soap, shampoo and
conditioners. We also received some
odd items but definitely usable for
someone homeless or couch surfing. I was amazed.
We shall see how the monthly take
goes. My guess would be that last
Thursday was just a one time big
haul and will become a dozen or so
items per meeting here on out. I will
consider us successful with five
pounds per month, above that will be
My intention is to provide a report
to you via e-mail each month and
when directed report out to the
membership as to our periodic and
cumulative totals.
I especially appreciate Kitty York
being my "Bag Lady" when I am at
my Chiefs’ Meeting Thursdays on the
second Thursday.
April Fool… a history
(Continued from page 1)
Elsewhere, such as in France,
Italy, South Korea, Japan, Russia,
The Netherlands, Germany, Brazil,
Canada, and the U.S., the jokes
last all day.
The earliest recorded association
between April 1 and foolishness
can be found in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales (1392). Many writers
suggest that the restoration of January 1 as New Year's Day, in the
16th century was responsible for
the creation of the holiday, but this
theory does not explain earlier references.
A ticket to "Washing the Lions" in
London from 1857. This traditional
April Fools prank is first recorded in
1698.Precursors of April Fools' Day
include the Roman festival of Hilaria, held March 25, and the Medieval Festival of Fools, held December 28, still a day on which pranks
are played in Spanish-speaking
In Chaucer's Canterbury Tales
(1392), the vain cock Chanticleer
is tricked by a fox.
In 1539, Flemish poet Eduard
de Dene, wrote of a nobleman
who sent his servants on foolish
errands on April 1. On April 1,
1698, several people were tricked
into going to the Tower of London
to "see the Lions washed".
Several years ago there was a
story in Kiwanis Kronicle that told
that the body of Jimmy Hoffa being found in some construction at
Murieta Plaza.
Previously there was a story with
the date line of April 1, 2011 that
the US Postal Services Slough-
house Post office would be closed
November 30, 2011.
Then in 2012, the story in the
Kiwanis Kronicle, had the Slocum
House moving to Sloughhouse Inn.
Last year it was reported that
Scope® came in a meat flavored
This year, the featured April Fool
Story, was the gazebo on the hill
would be razed because of a Federal Aviation Mandate.
But wait there is more… as the
TV pitchman would say…
The story about the gazebo and
the tradition of the April Fool Stories was picked up and reported by
our Rancho Murieta newspaper of
record, The River Valley Times.
The Kiwanis Kronicle is both honored and flattered by the River Valley Times front page article.
A farmer’s words
of wisdom
“You cannot unsay
a cruel word.”
Some words from
Dr. Seuss
The Sacramento Bee, has Dagwood Bumstead with his very tall
But better than that, the Kiwanis
Kronicle has Rowland Jones.
Incidentally, Rowland Jones is
our club’s charter president. Good
to mention in the Happy Birthday
issue of this newsletter.
At a recent meeting Rowland
mentioned his favorite sandwich, a
Crab Melt. It is available at Plaza
Foods in the deli.
Serve it cold.
Remove lettuce and tomato,
and serve it grilled.
Who lives here (Answer)
See page 14. The correct answer is 4. If you
had attended our last meeting you would know
who invited us to view this door.
To order, use the form above, or ask Alma
(shown below) to order Rowland Jones favorite sandwich at the deli in Plaza Foods.
A sandwich is a food item consisting of one or more types of
food placed on or between slices of bread, or more generally
any dish wherein two or more pieces of bread serve as a container or wrapper for some other food.
The sandwich was originally a portable food item or finger
food which began its popularity primarily in the Western World,
but is now found in various versions in numerous countries
Sandwiches are a widely popular type of lunch food, typically
taken to work, school, or picnics to be eaten as part of a packed
lunch. The bread can be used plain, or it can be coated with one
or more condiments to enhance the flavors and texture. As well
as being homemade, sandwiches are also widely sold in restaurants and cafes, and are sometimes served hot as well as cold.
The sandwich is considered to be
the namesake of John Montagu, 4th Earl of
Sandwich, because of the claim that he was
the inventor of this food combination.
The Wall Street Journal has described it as
Britain's "biggest contribution to gastronomy".
as in Drought
Don’t drive
Donate your worn,
tattered and torn
Boy Scout Troop 633 will be retiring worn and tattered U.S. Flags on
Monday May 26th at Lake Calero
starting at 7:00 p.m.
Don’t drive dirty. The car wash at the Country Store, will keep your car
clean. It recycles the water. You do not have to use your home water to
wash your car.
Jim Ayers, Store Manager at Davis Ranch,
tells Kiwanis Kronicle,
that the ranch has its
own wells.
Davis Ranch will be
prudently using its water, and does not expect
any adverse impact on
growing crops.
This is the 10th annual flag retirement ceremony conducted by our
local troop.
Worn and unusable U.S. Flags
may be dropped at the Rancho
Murieta Business Center and Rancho Murieta Ace Hardware, both
located in the Plaza Foods Shopping
Center. New flags to replace those
being turned in may be purchased
at Rancho Murieta Ace Hardware.
Our club’s charter date
(birthday) is May 21, 1996.
Charter members still members of our club:
1. Pamela Haines
2. Frank Hashorva
3. Rowland Jones
4. Art Sims (Honorary
member now)
5. Susan Sozzi
See next page for complete
listing of charter members.
Boy Scout Troop 633 is sponsored
by the Kiwanis Club of Rancho
Nov. 5Nov. 22
Dec. 26
2014Jan. 4
Jan. 27Feb. 1
April 25May 11, 2014
Mar. 17Mar. 22
Apr. 14Apr. 19,
Sacramento BalletModern Masters
May 15May 17, 2014
May 12May 17,
Jan. or
Stay tuned, the Sacramento City
Council is meeting soon to approved plans to rehab the Community Center Theater. It should be
rehabbed June –August 2014.
An Evening with the
Fabulous Thunderbirds
Sat. May 17th 8:00 p.m.
Best Fish Out of Water
Rich Gilmour for chairing
Kiwanis Kids’ Fishing Day
Event (Kiwanis International’s
One Day)
April Fool “King” Jack
Seigal Editor of Kiwanis
Kronicle that had a story in
River Valley Times, about the
perennial April Fool Stories,
that some actually believed
Photo Credits: Peter Telfer
So where is the pot of gold?
See below:
information call (916) 947-3295
What is an inter-club?
With The Eliminate Project, Kiwanis International and UNICEF
have joined forces to eliminate
maternal and neonatal tetanus.
This deadly disease steals the
lives of nearly 60,000 innocent
babies and a significant number of
women each year. The effects of
the disease are excruciating —
tiny newborns suffer repeated,
painful convulsions and extreme
sensitivity to light and touch.
To eliminate MNT from the
Earth, more than 100 million
mothers and their future babies
must be immunized.
When you see the baby bottles
being passed around at our club
meetings, put your lose change
(or paper bills) in them for Eliminate.
This requires vaccines, syringes,
safe storage, transportation,
thousands of skilled staff and
It will take US$110 million —
and the dedicated work of UNICEF
and every member of the Kiwanis
An inter-club meeting is a
meeting staged by two or more
Kiwanis clubs (including clubs in
formation), or by a Kiwanis club
and any K-Kids, Builders Club,
Aktion Club, Circle K Club, or Key
Clubs with 20 or fewer members need a minimum of two
members in attendance to constitute an interclub meeting.
Clubs with 21-30 members need
three members, and clubs with
31 or more members need at
least four members in attendance.
Visiting groups shall be composed of a minimum of two Kiwanians’ plus members of KKids, Builders Club, Aktion Club,
Circle K Club, and/or Key Club
must be in attendance (a lieutenant governor can only be included if he/she is a member of
the participating club).
Inter-clubbing is a means of
supporting Kiwanis’ fifth Object,
which is “To provide, through
this club, a practical means to
form enduring friendships, to
render altruistic service, and to
build a better community.”
This wider scope of Kiwanis
can be achieved by arranging
visits between clubs in the same
town, division, and district, as
well as inter-district gettogethers.
Kiwanis protocol is to have
the visiting club call the host
club to advise it how many
people are coming and when.
Collect labels!
Cosumnes River
Elementary School!
Deposit items at collection
boxes at Plaza Foods and
the RMA office.
Kiwanis Help Line
(916) 354-0538
Need help?
 Want to know where to get
a wheel chair?
 Want meals delivered
ing lunch?
 Want to know about how
Kiwanis Kronicle
Kiwanis Kronicle is emailed
to members who have email
It is also emailed to some
Kiwanis Division and District
If you want a copy emailed
to you, email editor:
to join Kiwanis?
 Want to know about
Kiwanis sponsored
When planning for Interclubs here are the details:
Division 44 Kiwanis Clubs – Meeting Locations and Days
Amador County: Mel & Faye’s Diner, 31 State Hwy 49 & 88, Jackson 95642 - 1st & 3rd
Wednesday @ 7:00 a.m.
Auburn: Sizzler Grill, 13570 Lincoln Way, Auburn, 95603 - 2nd and 4th Wednesday @ 6:30
Carmichael: Elk Lodge 2103, 5631 Cypress Ave., Carmichael 95608- Wednesday @ 6:45 a.m.
Citrus Heights: Denny’s Restaurant, 6215 Sunrise Blvd., Citrus Heights 95610 - Wednesday
@ 7:00 a.m. Citrus Heights has a a board meting on the 1st Wednesday of the month,
in lieu of a club meeting.
Folsom Lake: Empire Ranch Golf Course 1620 E. Natoma Street, Folsom 95630- 1st, 3rd and
4th Tuesdays @ 11:45 a.m.
Gold Country: Kane’s Family Restaurant, 120 E. Main Street, Grass Valley 95630- Thursday @
Granite Bay: Raley Supermarket (Event Room located inside, in the back), 6845 Douglas
Boulevard, Granite Bay 95746- 2nd & 4th Wednesday @ 7:00 a.m.
Greater Colfax: TJ’s Roadhouse 520 S. Auburn Street, Colfax 95713 - 1st & 3rd Wednesday @
6:30 p.m. [Call Ken or Melba Delfino before visiting Colfax (530) 346-6539]
Lincoln: Buonarroti’s Restaurant, 460 G Street, Lincoln 95648- Tuesdays @ 7:00 a.m.
Placerville: Cold Springs Golf Course & Country Club, 6500 Club House Drive 95667, Placerville - Wednesday Noon
Rancho Cordova: IHOP Restaurant, 2216 Sunrise Boulevard, Rancho Cordova 95670 - Thursday @ 7:00 a.m.
Rancho Murieta: The Country Club Villas Club House, 7083 Murieta Parkway, Rancho Murieta,
95683- 1st & 3rd Thursday @ 7:00 a.m.
Rocklin: Wood'ys Grill & Bar, 6502 Longtree Boulevard, Rocklin –95765 Thursday @ Noon
Rocklin meets at 6:00 p.m. on the 4th Thursday of each month.
Roseville: Pacific Street Cafe, 301 Lincoln in Old Town, Roseville 95738- Thursday @ Noon
Sacramento Suburban: Clarion Inn, 1401 Arden Way, Sacramento 95815– Weds @ 12:10
Oh the places you’ll go, Today is your day!
Your mountain is waiting, So get on your way! Dr. Seuss
Club Programs
Looking ahead!
 2014:
Report from Interclub
Chairs Bernie Bowes
and Bev Powell:
 May 17, 2014 Sat.
Casino Corral at Murieta
Equestrian Center
 May 21 Division 44 Annu-
al Prayer Breakfast Oak
Avenue Free Methodist
Church, Orangevale, CA
 July 17-20
May 1 Paul Siebensohn Director of Field Operations
Community Services
Aug 14-16 Cal-Nev-Ha
District Convention
San Diego California Town
and Country Convention &
Resort Center
Installation Dinner
May 15 Chris Strutz Owner
of Strutz Ranch
International Convention
Indianapolis, Indiana, Kiwanis International turns
100 years old!
International Convention
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
 May 12, 2014 Mon. 5:30 pm
Division 44, Division Council
Meeting Oak Ave. Free
Methodist Church 8790 Oak
Ave. Orangevale, CA 95662
Come listen to Cal-Nev-Ha
District Governor-elect
Attention new members: Attend a DCM and Interclub to
qualify for your gold name
Pun of the month
Police called!
 2016:
 June 25-28 Kiwanis
 May 8, 2013 Thurs. Noon
Gold Country (Grass Valley)
Kane’s Restaurant 120 East
Main Street , Grass Valley, CA
 June 9, 2014 Mon. 5:30 pm
Division 44, Division Council
Meeting Oak Ave. Free
Methodist Church 8790 Oak
Ave. Orangevale, CA 95662
 Sept. 9, 2014 Division 44
 2015:
 June 25-28 Kiwanis
Interclub Calendar
June 5 Judith Embree
T'ai chi ch'uan
June 19 TBA
July 4 Annual Breakfast on
the Lake Pancake Breakfast
Rancho Murieta at the Gazebo
Police were called to Murieta
Day Care Center
A three-year-old was resisting a
Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated
to changing the world one child and one community at a time.
June 2014
5 7:00 a.m. Kiwanis Meeting
Program: Judith
T'ai chi ch'uan
12 7:30 a.m.
Board Meetings
RM Country Club
19 7:00 a.m. Kiwanis Meeting
Program: TBA
June is the sixth month of the
year in the Julian and Gregorian
calendars and one of the four
months with a length of 30 days.
There are two etymologies for
June's name: The first is that the
month is named after the Roman
goddess Juno, wife of Jupiter the
second is that the name comes
from the Latin word iuniores, meaning "younger ones," as opposed to
maiores ("elders") for which the
preceding month May may be
June is the month with the longest daylight hours of the year in the
Northern Hemisphere and the shortest daylight hours of the year in the
Southern Hemisphere.
June is known for the large number of marriages that occur over the
course of the month. According to
one etymology, June is named after
Juno. Juno was the goddess of
marriage and a married couple's
household, so some consider it good
luck to be married in this month.
In Iceland, folklore says that if
you bathe naked in the morning dew
on the morning of June 24, you are
supposed to keep aging at bay for