Cottonwood Tails - Cottonwood Kennels
Cottonwood Tails - Cottonwood Kennels
Cottonwood Tails Vol. 1 No. 4 ____ May 2012 Cottonwood Attends The 12th Annual Canine Classic Cottonwood Kennels went all out at the 12th Annual Canine Classics on Saturday April 22nd. The event was held at the Boulder Reservoir on a day that featured beautiful weather and a huge crowd to enjoy it. The Incredible Dog Challenge exists to showcase everyday dogs competing in Olympic style competitions that they love. They are not only entertaining to watch but they highlight the special bond people have with their dogs. Cottonwood set up booth and had great time talking to prospective clients and watching the various events that took place during the day. Cottonwood had over 200 visitors to their booth and gave away over 125 prizes in their Ping Pong Ball toss, a game where participants try to toss a ping pong ball into a water bowl to win a buffalo shank Penny and our first playbone prize for er who won a bison bone their special on her first toss. little friend. The event is put on by ’Moving to End Sexual Assault’. MESA’s website states its mission like this. “We believe that every person has the right to live free of sexual assault. We are moving to end sexual assault and the suffering it causes in our community. We challenge all forms of oppression and recognize their connection to sexual violence.” Cottonwood Kennels is pleased to be able to help groups that work for the betterment of the community and world as a . whole. One of the high points of the event was the ‘Purina Pro Plan Performance One of the team goes T e a m ’ s ” airborne for the frisbee ‘Incredible Dog Challenge’. They ran the agility course flawlessly and were airborne most of the day catching flying discs galore. The dogs were all rescues. Cottonwood Kennels 7275 Valmont Road Everyone stopping by the booth received a certificate good for one free day of daycare at the kennel. The day included a 5K run and walk event for both 2 and 4 legged contestants. The 5K drew some 400 registered participants. A Helping Hand for Animals in Need By Penny Vardell I would like to tell you about an extraordinary woman. Her name is Candace Sayles Brad. Candace has been practicing veterinary medicine for many years here in Boulder. She has a great love for all animals and has in recent years founded an organization called V.E.T.S., which stands for Veterinary Equipment, Technology and Supplies. Their motto is ‘Healing the planet, one animal at a time.’ V.E.T.S. collects unused veterinary equipment and technology, along with supplies and ships them around the world to needy Candace with a organizations that yellow-eyed penguin they may provide chick being treated care to animals in for a bacterial infec- need. Candace say’s she founded the organization after the tragedies of Hurricane Katrina and the tsunami in Indonesia made her want to help the animals of our planet. tion. Founded in January of 2009, they are currently helping to support 46 animal related nonprofits in 31 countries. Members of V.E.T.S. beside Candace include Karen McKormick Perry, DVM and directors, Claire Campbell, Dianne Brinkman, Jillian Weems. V.E.T.S. has many ongoing projects around the world. One of my favorites would have to be the free spay/neuter clinic in Romania. And they’re off !! Some 400 participants and their 4 legged friends take off on the 5K.Run/Walk See Us ON Facebook Boulder, Colorado For a full list of recipients and a lot more about their work, see their webpage at Great job Candy, we all love you . Keep up the great work ! Phone (303) 442- 2602 Cottonwood Tails Page 2 May 2012 Front Office Report By Rhonda Beitzel Mikes Canine Culinary Corner By Michael Thorpe Cottonwood Boarding Kennels is coming into one of it’s busiest seasons of the year, summer. Currently, Cottonwood is hiring and training new employees in preparation of this usually busy time of year. Our training program is very extensive and lasts a few weeks. It covers every aspect of pet and personal safety, cleanliness, record keeping and customer service. With the summer and upcoming holidays, reservations will become an issue. Cottonwood can board up to 120 dogs, 25 cats and various other feathered and furry friends. At this point we are almost completely booked for the Memorial Day weekend and the 4th of July. The earlier you book for these times the better. We tend to book at least two weeks in advance for summer weekends. It is important to book in advance to assure that we will have a place for your pet. We are already taking bookings for Thanksgiving and Christmas too. We are looking forward to a fun filled summer season. We hope to see many new and old faces alike. So remember, when that family pet can’t be going with you, they should be coming to us. We will give them a great experience they will always remember . BANANA- PEANUT BUTTER COOKIES 3 CUPS WHOLE WHEAT/WHITE FLOUR 1 EGG 1 BANANA(MASHED) ¼ CUP OF NATURAL PEANUT BUTTER * ( NO SALT OR SUGAR) ¾ CUP OF WATER MIX IN A BOWL AND KNEAD ON A FLOURED SURFACE UNTIL IT IS FIRM…..ROLL IT OUT TO A ¼” THICKNESS AND CUT INTO SHAPES. Teaching A Doggy Handshake By Rhonda Beitzel To start this lesson, we of course need to have that special treat handy. Ok, get the treat and hide it in your hand and move your hand down close to the ground. You may find it easier if you kneel down with your pet. Have your dog sit in front of you and encourage them to paw at the treat while saying “get it” and “shake”. Reward them as soon as their paw leaves the ground to show mark the behavior as wanted. Gradually raise your hand until their paw comes up to their chest height. Keep moving higher until you are in a standing position and asking them to “shake” Take their paw in your hand and shake it while with the other hand giving the treat. After a little practice, you will have one of the most polite dogs in the neighborhood that will shake hands. YOUR CHOICE OF SHAPES. PUT THEM ON A COOKIE SHEET ABOUT A HALF (1/2) INCH APART AND BAKE AT 350 DEGREES APPROX 40-45 MINUTES THEY SHOULD BE FIRM TO THE TOUCH. YOU CAN LEAVE THEM IN THE OVEN TURNED OFF AND LET THEM FIRM SOME MORE FOR ABOUT 2 HOURS. MAKES BETWEEN 40-60 COOKIES…DEPENDING ON THE SIZE OF YOUR CUTTER…. USE A CUTTER THAT IS RIGHT FOR THE SIZE OF YOUR DOG. Neah and Rhonda trading a hand shake YOUR DOG WILL LOVE THESE TREATS, AND YOU EVEN MORE FOR MAKING THEM . ——————————————————"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." - Robert A. Heinlein ———-————————————— Cottonwood Kennels 7275 Valmont Road See Us ON Facebook Boulder, Colorado Phone (303) 442- 2602 Cottonwood Tails Page 3 Agility Equipment Progressing Late Spring Release Expected __May 2012 Coyote’s Story -- the rescue dog who stayed at Cottonwood Kennels Purrs from the Cattery By Hilary Lane Cottonwood Kennels is looking forward to the day our new agility equipment is ready for placement in the pasture adjacent to the kennel. The final touches are being put to the equipment which so far include a teeter totter, j u m p ring , weave poles and hurdles. Local resident Jason Makowsky was randomly looking through Craig’s List when he noticed a listing from a couple going through foreclosure, and they were going to have their perfectly healthy 6-year-old Australian Shepherd, Coyote, euthanized if someone couldn’t take him. Although not looking for a dog, Jason contacted them and took Coyote home, but could not keep him because his wife and kids lived in a small townhouse The hurdles of which there are 3, are 5 foot wide and have variable heights of 8”, 13” and 19” and are made of PVC pipe and has easy drop crossbars for pet safety. The jump ring has an inside circumference of 26”, and is adjustable from 10” to 30” in height. It is also made of PVC piping and a flexible plastic ring for the hoop. Our teeter totter measures 12 feet long by 16 inches in width and is constructed of a heavy wall PVC base and composite decking walkway. The weave poles, of which there are 9, will be 42” in height , and spaced 2 foot apart. The equipment is being tested now and should be ready for use soon. If your pet is an agility candidate, let them know in the office. Lets have fun !! ——————————————————————————————————————————- Cats know how to obtain food without labor, shelter without confinement and love without penalties: W. L. George Cottonwood Kennels 7275 Valmont Road Through a mutual friend, Jason connected with me, a trainer with Fang Shui Canines, who previously helped run a dog rescue. Jason and I decided to partner with Wyoming Australian Shepherd Rescue to promote Coyote, find potential fosters and applicants, and help him avoid being bounced around from home to home. Jason and I also developed a Facebook page for Coyote’s adoption, filled with photos and videos, but we could only find temporary fosters. Coyote loved all dogs, people, children, animals—but had no previous training or understanding of boundaries or manners. Cottonwood, the Shangri-La of boarding and daycare, made the difference in Coyote’s being bounced around from home to home Cottonwood posted pictures of Coyote on Facebook—through Cottonwood’s efforts and Aussie rescue, Coyote had several applicants. Belinda Bittle was taken with Coyote’s photo and was ready to get another dog, passed the rescue screening, and decided to give Coyote a try with her Collie Holly, cat Oreo, and two horses. Rhonda from Cottonwood tested Coyote on farm animals, and generally gave the rundown on Coyote’s behavior. Belinda’s latest report is that Coyote is settling in and learning the routines, that she loves his cuddliness, and he’s never seen so much land! Coyote finally has a dog bed. And she is taking him to obedience training . As for Jason, Coyote’s original rescuer, he says he’s a changed man. He now has a new knowledge of dog care and was very impressed with Cottonwood’s generosity and special care for Coyote. He has a deep satisfaction in knowing he had "stepped up" in life and responded to the need of one who was without hope. Since then, he says, he’s had other occasions where he has been able to intervene and play a short-term role when it mattered. He says he’s become more blessed through this experience than perhaps Coyote has been. He was able to adapt to any situation, living in the moment, enjoying all his new experiences. Although he never had a dog bed and was kept outside most of his life, you’d never know it. In came Jan Mitchell, who fosters for Wyoming Aussie Rescue. Jan asked Cottonwood Kennels if they would help by fostering Coyote until he was adopted. . Coyote takes a walk at Cottonwood See Us ON Facebook Boulder, Colorado Phone (303) 442- 2602 Page 4 Cottonwood Tails __May 2012 Meet the Cottonwood Family Meet our Barnyard Friends Dear Gabi By Penny Vardell Meet ‘Gus’. He is one of our younger sheep in the pasture. Gus is named after Cap’n Augustus McCrae of ‘Lonesome Dove fame. Gus came to us 5 days after he was born in March of 2011. He was a ‘bum lamb’ and wasn’t given much of a chance to make it, but through the determination of Penny Vardell, Cottonwood Kennels owner, he had no choice but to make it. Gus at 2 months old, learning about pasture life. Living in the house until he was almost 2 months old, Gus was a handful. He was bottle fed several times a day, with several bottles per feeding. He also had a new brother show up during this time named ‘Woodrow’, who we will feature next month. He has grown to become one of the most stunning rams in the pasture. Gus will be one of the first to the fence when guests show up. This month I would like to introduce you to Danielle Reeves. Danielle came to Cottonwood 6 years ago at the age of 16. This was her first job and she stuck. Danielle should be an inspiration for all young people. It has been exciting to watch her grow from a shy young girl to a young lady with an incredible work ethic. She has a Danielle with one of her love for anifavorite dogs, ‘Blue. mals that can only come from the heart. Her work here and raising her own dog ‘Boss, to a mature and well rounded dog proves that she is top notch. Danielle’s duties around the kennel are, well, everything. You will see her out front at the counter, running dogs back, cleaning, medicating or hanging out with playgroup. She is an all around employee who is not afraid of any task. Danielle likes to play rugby, work out and go hiking with ‘Boss’. Her plans are to go to school for animal physical therapy and continue her work with animals. We are very lucky to have Danielle as a part of the Cottonwood Kennels crew. Good job Danielle, we love working with you. Cottonwood Kennels Member Pet Care Services Cap’n Augustus ‘Gus’ McCrae roams through his barnyard. Cottonwood Kennels 7275 Valmont Road . Association See Us ON Facebook Boulder, Colorado Dear Gabi: I’m worried. My mom and dad just adopted a new puppy. I’m not sure how I should feel with all the divided attention I seem to Gabi Vardell, CA feel. Rusty from Boulder Rusty, I know that puppies are scary. As he grows though, you will become great friends. Your mom and dad will love you both just the same. Dear Gabi, I have an appointment with my veterinarian next week. I am a little scared. Sometimes when I go in, he pokes me with a needle and it hurts. I’m not sure he likes me. Lulu from Valmont Valley Lulu, Don’t be afraid. Your veterinarian loves animals, that’s why they do what they do. I get a treatment called acupuncture where they stick pins in me. At first I wasn’t sure about it either. But afterwards I feel wonderful. That needle is usually filled with something that will make you feel good and keep you well. Editors Note: Email or send your questions to ’Dear Gabi’ at our email address on the bottom of the page and Gabi, along with our staff will use all the resources available to us to answer them. Gabi and the staff are not schooled veterinarians, but do have those contacts available for those tough questions. They also have years of experience dealing with all sorts of pet related problems. ——————————————————— “If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went."- Will Rogers Phone (303) 442- 2602 Cottonwood Tails Page 5 __May 2012 Notes From Small Dog Playgroup By Pilar Heffelfinger Playgroup Captain Pretty soon small dog playgroup will be operating continually without breaks during the weekdays for daycare pups. This is always a very exciting time for the small dogs because they really get to take advantage of being outdoors. Boarding dogs get to spend more time outside too with their friends. If your dog comes for the day and you want them to have a break at any time during the day, we can accommodate you there too. Just let us know when you drop off your little munchkin ! FAQ of the month Q: My dog is a ’toy’ breed weighing 2.5 pounds, is playgroup safe for such a tiny pup? A: Yes, it is safe. We have many extra small dogs that love being in a group setting. It may look intimidating, but as long as they enjoy it, there’s nothing to worry about. Plus, the things that make our playgroups safe is that we have both a small and large dog setting to make sure it is safe. And there is always two deep supervision. Notes from Large Dog Playgroup By Sterling Loetz Playgroup Captain Cottonwood Kennels 7275 Valmont Road By Connie Duras "Hello all! Things are heating up and Occasionally, I meet cats who I the pools are coming out! The dogs love get to watch grow up. Ziggy Kronauer the pools and the sunshine so much that is one of them. Ziggy and Cottonwood it makes me want to put on the swimsuit go back a long way. Ziggy’s first stay at Cottonwood was and dive in with them! at the age of 8 months old. He is a I enjoy seeing all the familiar faces very charming Devonshire Rex. This out there as well is a semi –hairless breed of cat. as all the new Ziggy begins the day in the Cattery puppies that by checking to have been see if any showing up to other cat has greet us with left food out their unmatched for him. He excitement to enjoys taking play. a nice Sun Bath in the Big Bay Window Some of these guys have the energy to Ziggy loves a good while bird go all day and others enjoy taking a rocking in the chair watching. snooze in the shade of the newly budded trees from time to time. It brings the staff and I great pleasure to see all our friends having so much fun in play group and we hope to see everyone and their smiles soon. We encourage all the dogs to cool off in the pools as the weather gets warmer and the splash monsters come out from hiding. I know there is a splash monster in everyone. I enjoy seeing the dogs that have an unbridled approach to having fun, as it should be. We can’t wait to make new friends this summer! Come play with us. —————————————————— A fun day for the little guys in playgroup! Purrs from the Cattery "Ever consider what pets must think of us? I mean, here we come back from a grocery store with the most amazing haul - chicken, pork, half a cow. They must think we're the greatest hunters on earth!" ~Anne Tyler, The Accidental Tourist He likes to help me do the dishes in the kitchen, afterwards sitting in the North window to watch the dogs at play. He is too helpful at feeding time so he is banished from the kitchen then. Ziggy Poses for a Photograph He likes a good roll in cat nip and toys to play with. He has attended Cat School at the Denver Dump Friends League and can jump over a stick, sit & roll over. He loves to be held and be petted. He is always stylish in different colored nail caps. Ziggy is the one of the greatest. ———————————————— See Us ON Facebook Boulder, Colorado Phone (303) 442- 2602 Cottonwood Tails Page 6 Cottonwood At Home Your Pet’s Horoscope By Madame Neah By Danielle Reeves Along with all the pets we care for at the kennel, Cottonwood employees have their own little… and big ones anxiously waiting at home for their two legged partners long workday to end and claim a little love and attention. Our Kristin Jeffers loves going home after her day to see her little man ‘Rambo’. He’s a Manchester terrier mix. Aries Spring sprung. to stop flowers. terfly. (3/21-4/19) has definitely Take the time and smell the Chase a but- Taurus (4/20-5/20) Share some of your talents with others ; your ability to love unconditionally, your gentleness and playful side. Gemini (5/21-6/20) Know when to pull back. You are strong. Reverse roles from leader to follower and your leash walking skills will be happily rewarded. Cancer (6/21-7/22) Restrain your enthusiasm. Try not to lick the dinner plates before they get to the dishwasher. Kristin and Rambo Share a moment at home. He was found on the streets of Kansas and ended up at the Boulder Humane Society. He stole Kristin’s heart when she saw him up for adoption 3 1/2 years ago. He was only about 6 months old when she got him, so they have a really tight bond. Leo (7/23-8/22) Time to make decisions, no hemming and hawing around. Are you a bone dog or a toy dog. Time to invest in a new one. Virgo (8/23-9/22) Remember to take care of yourself. With so many opportunities to run and play, pay close attention to your toenails. Cut them regularly to avoid painful time outs from all the fun. Scorpio (10/23-11/22) Remember, you have limits !! On hot days, look for extra water and shade, don’t push yourself. A dip in the pool may be just the thing. Sagittarius (11/22-12/21) You are looking to get involved. Support a local cause and have fun helping out. Try an event like Ella’s Walk for the Longmont Humane Society. Capricorn (12/22-1/19) Your electric energy not only gets you going, but gets others going as well. Take your family on an adventure. Aquarius (1/20-2/18) Through thick and thin, you are always there to be supportive. Help the family get through bad days with a smile. Pisces (2/19-3/20) Time for you to relax. Napping is in your future. A bright sunny spot in the grass is high on your list of delights. Cottonwood Kennels “Play and Stay for Pets” Remember us for all your boarding, daycare and grooming needs. Open 7 Days A Week 7:30am until 6:00 pm Rambo has learned some pretty neat tricks. He can sit, roll over, shake paws and he even dances. He loves to do them for mom. Rambo’s favorite treat? Buffalo bones. Quite a treat for a little guy, but he loves them ! Kristin loves her little Rambo Man, and he loves her the same. 7275 Valmont Road Libra (9/23-10/22) Mischief seems to bubble up from out of nowhere. Use caution and behave wisely. Try a game of hide and seek with your best friend. —————————————————————————————————————————— They enjoy doing activities together such as hiking and going to the dog park with his two friends, Layla (a lab) and Ghost (a cattle dog). Cottonwood Kennels __May 2012 See Us ON Facebook Boulder, Colorado Phone (303) 442- 2602
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Cottonwood Kennels
7275 Valmont Road