Goose Bay Remediation Project Update
Goose Bay Remediation Project Update
Goose Bay Remediation Project Update NEIA (Newfoundland and Labrador Environmental Industry Association) 26 June 2012 ASSISTANT DEPUTY MINISTER (INFRASTRUCTURE AND ENVIRONMENT) SOUS-MINISTRE ADJOINT (INFRASTRUCTURE ET ENVIRONNEMENT) Agenda Presentations 12:30 – 13:00 Lunch and Opening Remarks 13:00 – 13:20 Presentation – Goose Bay Remediation Project Update – Chris MacInnis (DND) 13:20 – 13:40 Presentation – Upcoming opportunities, contracts recently awarded and types of contracts – Derek Aucoin (DCC) General Q&A Session 13:45 – 14:30 General Q&A session with project team ASSISTANT DEPUTY MINISTER (INFRASTRUCTURE AND ENVIRONMENT) SOUS-MINISTRE ADJOINT (INFRASTRUCTURE ET ENVIRONNEMENT) Outline 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Introduction/Project Background Project Structure & Schedule Technical Considerations Work completed to date per Sub-project DND Project Approval Process Upcoming work scheduled for 2012+ Types of anticipated contracts Other opportunities for interested businesses Questions / Comments ASSISTANT DEPUTY MINISTER (INFRASTRUCTURE AND ENVIRONMENT) SOUS-MINISTRE ADJOINT (INFRASTRUCTURE ET ENVIRONNEMENT) Project Background ASSISTANT DEPUTY MINISTER (INFRASTRUCTURE AND ENVIRONMENT) SOUS-MINISTRE ADJOINT (INFRASTRUCTURE ET ENVIRONNEMENT) Project Background ASSISTANT DEPUTY MINISTER (INFRASTRUCTURE AND ENVIRONMENT) SOUS-MINISTRE ADJOINT (INFRASTRUCTURE ET ENVIRONNEMENT) Project Background 2010-2020 – Active Remediation/ Risk Management 2020 – Project Closeout 2010 – First 2 sub-projects approved (UTF and MG/HHR) 2008-2009 – Commence fuel recovery at Main Gate; identify fuel plume at Area D; TB Approval of Omnibus Project 2005–2010 – Assessment of >100 sites to develop remedial strategy 2004 – Contaminated Site Work Plan; Approval to create Goose Bay Remediation Project within ADM(IE) 2001 – LTF/STF Baseline Study Identifies Free Product at various locations 2000 – 1st Basewide Sediment & Surface Water Monitoring Program 1990’s – Considerable work done on contaminant characterization; fuel recovery efforts commence at Upper Tank Farm; 1st baseline study in 1998 1987 – DND assumes control of CFB 5 Wing Goose Bay; first environmental study undertaken (HAZMAT disposal study) ASSISTANT DEPUTY MINISTER (INFRASTRUCTURE AND ENVIRONMENT) SOUS-MINISTRE ADJOINT (INFRASTRUCTURE ET ENVIRONNEMENT) Sub-Project Schedule ASSISTANT DEPUTY MINISTER (INFRASTRUCTURE AND ENVIRONMENT) SOUS-MINISTRE ADJOINT (INFRASTRUCTURE ET ENVIRONNEMENT) Technical Considerations 1. Chemicals of concern include: i. Free-phase and dissolve phase hydrocarbons ii. Metals, VOCs, PAHs, PCBs, Pesticides 2. 3. 4. 5. Majority of fuel >15 mbgs No applicable federal criteria for many areas (i.e. non-potable groundwater) Large amount of waste in hard to access areas, with sensitive ecological receptors Sites surrounded by wetlands, streams, and recreational areas ASSISTANT DEPUTY MINISTER (INFRASTRUCTURE AND ENVIRONMENT) SOUS-MINISTRE ADJOINT (INFRASTRUCTURE ET ENVIRONNEMENT) Main Gate/Hamilton River Road 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. LPH plumes fully delineated – Estimate of ~ 0.8 - 1.5 M litres of product between MG1,2,3,4a,4b) 1st Fuel Recovery Contract – Awarded in 2010 to SNCLavalin for ~$2M MPVE - 4 Bioslurping systems are working well Fuel is deep (16-20m below surface) Removed ~580,000L of product as of May 2012 ASSISTANT DEPUTY MINISTER (INFRASTRUCTURE AND ENVIRONMENT) SOUS-MINISTRE ADJOINT (INFRASTRUCTURE ET ENVIRONNEMENT) Upper Tank Farm 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. LPH plumes fully delineated – Estimate of 600,000 to 1M L of the diesel plume remains; 800-1300 L Av Gas plume as well Numerous remedial efforts prior to the GBRP (Bailing Programs, Slim-hole Piston Pumps, SVE Blowers) 3rd Fuel Recovery Contract – Awarded to Golder Construction Inc. in 2011 for ~$2M MPVE – 4 Duelphase extraction systems Limited product removed to date under new contract ASSISTANT DEPUTY MINISTER (INFRASTRUCTURE AND ENVIRONMENT) SOUS-MINISTRE ADJOINT (INFRASTRUCTURE ET ENVIRONNEMENT) Former Hydrant Area 1. LPH plumes fully delineated – Estimate of 1.5 to 1.8M L of product in 2 distinct plumes 2. 4th Fuel Recovery Contract – Awarded last week to SNC-Lavalin for ~$2M 3. MPVE – Bioslurping 4. 3 systems will be installed by October of this year ASSISTANT DEPUTY MINISTER (INFRASTRUCTURE AND ENVIRONMENT) SOUS-MINISTRE ADJOINT (INFRASTRUCTURE ET ENVIRONNEMENT) Area D/Canadian Side/North Escarpment 1. 2. LPH plumes fully delineated – Estimate of ~500,000 litres of product (likely gasoline) in 3 plumes 2nd Fuel Recovery Contract – Awarded to SNC-Lavalin for $750,000 3. Currently using MPVE (Bioslurping) at southerly plume to prevent migration onto private property 4. ~50,000L of product recovered as of May 2012 ASSISTANT DEPUTY MINISTER (INFRASTRUCTURE AND ENVIRONMENT) SOUS-MINISTRE ADJOINT (INFRASTRUCTURE ET ENVIRONNEMENT) Area D/Canadian Side/North Escarpment 1. Requirement for addition of 2 systems at Area D in 2013 to remediate the northern plumes 2. Requirement for addition of 2 systems on CSFFTA in 2013 – 1 plume that is fully delineated 3. North Escarpment – PHC Soil Remediation required – Shallow soil impacted area of contamination has been fully delineated Estimated that there is approximately 18,750 m3 of PHC-impacted soil to be remediated ASSISTANT DEPUTY MINISTER (INFRASTRUCTURE AND ENVIRONMENT) SOUS-MINISTRE ADJOINT (INFRASTRUCTURE ET ENVIRONNEMENT) Survival Tank Farm 1. 9 tank lots (all inactive) within 1 km² area 2. Shallow hydrocarbon contamination – free product and soil/groundwater contamination 3. 63,500 m3 of PHC impacted soil 4. 13,600 m2 of LPH impacted soil/GW – Still determining ~volume 5. High water table 6. Currently developing SOW for procurement ASSISTANT DEPUTY MINISTER (INFRASTRUCTURE AND ENVIRONMENT) SOUS-MINISTRE ADJOINT (INFRASTRUCTURE ET ENVIRONNEMENT) Lower Tank Farm 1. 27 tank lots (7 active) within 3 km² area 2. Shallow hydrocarbon contamination – free product and soil/groundwater contamination 3. Limited LPH saturated soil 4. Currently calculating approximate volumes for remediation of PHC impacted soil 5. High water table ASSISTANT DEPUTY MINISTER (INFRASTRUCTURE AND ENVIRONMENT) SOUS-MINISTRE ADJOINT (INFRASTRUCTURE ET ENVIRONNEMENT) South Escarpment Dump Sites 1. 2. Currently conducting a data gap analysis for the dumpsites On-going discussions required with regulators prior to finalizing remedial approaches. ASSISTANT DEPUTY MINISTER (INFRASTRUCTURE AND ENVIRONMENT) SOUS-MINISTRE ADJOINT (INFRASTRUCTURE ET ENVIRONNEMENT) Contaminated Sediments - the “Stillwaters” ASSISTANT DEPUTY MINISTER (INFRASTRUCTURE AND ENVIRONMENT) SOUS-MINISTRE ADJOINT (INFRASTRUCTURE ET ENVIRONNEMENT) Dome Mountain/RCAF/Camps/Alexander Lake 1. Dome Mountain drum removal program 2. 3. 4. 5. A. 2011 – 211 drums removed B. 2012 – 352 drums removed DM PHC Soil Remediation DM LPH Fuel Recovery in bedrock DM PCB Soil Remediation (Further work required) Alexander Lake - QHHERA ASSISTANT DEPUTY MINISTER (INFRASTRUCTURE AND ENVIRONMENT) SOUS-MINISTRE ADJOINT (INFRASTRUCTURE ET ENVIRONNEMENT) RCAF - Otter Creek Tank Farm 1. OC Tank Farm – free product, soil/GW impacts, and minor impacts at RCAF landfill 2. ~64,000 m3 of PHC impacted soil 3. ~15,000L of LPH in soils 4. Finishing up delineation this summer ASSISTANT DEPUTY MINISTER (INFRASTRUCTURE AND ENVIRONMENT) SOUS-MINISTRE ADJOINT (INFRASTRUCTURE ET ENVIRONNEMENT) Camp Sites 1. Crooks Lake and No Name Lake Camp sites approx. 100 km south of 5 Wing 2. ~12 tonnes of debris and waste for removal at Garbage Islands 3. ~90 tonnes of PHC impacted soil for removal at No Name Lake Campsite ASSISTANT DEPUTY MINISTER (INFRASTRUCTURE AND ENVIRONMENT) SOUS-MINISTRE ADJOINT (INFRASTRUCTURE ET ENVIRONNEMENT) CAA/Main Base/HAZ 1. All sites have been assessed 2. The bulk of the sites were identified as requiring no further action 3. The rest of the sites showed limited soil and GW contamination. After these sites are assessed against our remedial RBC’s, we anticipate risk management via LTM ASSISTANT DEPUTY MINISTER (INFRASTRUCTURE AND ENVIRONMENT) SOUS-MINISTRE ADJOINT (INFRASTRUCTURE ET ENVIRONNEMENT) DND Project Approval Process Task # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Estimated PA Steps Timeframe (weeks) Step 7 complete. Identified remedial option Complete PCRA, contact DDPC analyst, submit for review and TB approval 2 Prepare for SRB (Senior Review Board) - send invitation and prepare presentation 6 Collect project data and costs with backup 6 TB authorize the PCRA DSFC Validation of the cost estimate 5 DG Fin Mgmt Attestation 2 SRB Prepare approval documents (PPRA, PORA, Project Brief, etc.), Prepare PPP, Prepare draft SOW 6 Staff the approval documents 14 PMB (Program Management Board) Staff for MND approval 8 MND Approval Provide PC to DCC DCC finalize SOW and prepare ITT or RFAP ITT or RFAP approved by Contracting ITT or RFAP posted to MERX Solicitation Period Solicitation closes, bids received and evaluated Consensus review of scores and contract award 20 Completion of design, manufacturing, and mob to site 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ASSISTANT DEPUTY MINISTER (INFRASTRUCTURE AND ENVIRONMENT) SOUS-MINISTRE ADJOINT (INFRASTRUCTURE ET ENVIRONNEMENT) 1 4 1 8 2 1 12-16 Cumulative Timeframe (weeks) Actual Sample SP (UTF) 23-01-2009 2 8 14 14 19 21 21 27 41 41 49 49 08-09-2009 29-09-2009 17-06-2009 12-08-2010 50 54 54 55 63 65 66 01-10-2010 78-82 19.5 months 15-05-2011 27 months 01-12-2010 06-02-2011 20-02-2011 Our Work We solicit, award and manage construction and infrastructure contracts for projects on behalf of the Department of National Defence. ASSISTANT DEPUTY MINISTER (INFRASTRUCTURE AND ENVIRONMENT) SOUS-MINISTRE ADJOINT (INFRASTRUCTURE ET ENVIRONNEMENT) Our Goal To keep a practical and fair working relationship with industry while ensuring secure, timely and cost-efficient procurement and contract management services for DND. ASSISTANT DEPUTY MINISTER (INFRASTRUCTURE AND ENVIRONMENT) SOUS-MINISTRE ADJOINT (INFRASTRUCTURE ET ENVIRONNEMENT) DCC has 39 Sites Across Canada ASSISTANT DEPUTY MINISTER (INFRASTRUCTURE AND ENVIRONMENT) SOUS-MINISTRE ADJOINT (INFRASTRUCTURE ET ENVIRONNEMENT) 2012 Planned Work Heavy Bomber Hydrant Areas – multi-phase fuel recovery systems (awarded June 22th) Dome Mountain – PHC impacted soils (closed June 12th) Camps at Crooks and No Name Lake – domestic waste and impacted soil removal (closing July 11th) Survival Tank Farm remediation - hydrocarbon impacted soils and areas of fuel (posting fall 2012) Dome Mountain – removal of LPH in bedrock (posting fall 2012) ASSISTANT DEPUTY MINISTER (INFRASTRUCTURE AND ENVIRONMENT) SOUS-MINISTRE ADJOINT (INFRASTRUCTURE ET ENVIRONNEMENT) 2012 Planned Work Upper Plateau Drilling - awarded June 13th Escarpment Drilling - closed June 19th Alexander Lake - RA (awarded May 2012) UTF - AST decommissioning (posting July 2012) UTF - AST upgrades (posting August 2012) Various sites - LIF Drilling (posted June 22nd) Dome Mountain – BR drilling (posting fall 2012) ASSISTANT DEPUTY MINISTER (INFRASTRUCTURE AND ENVIRONMENT) SOUS-MINISTRE ADJOINT (INFRASTRUCTURE ET ENVIRONNEMENT) On-going multi-year SOA’s Prime Consultant – Technical / QA Services (AMEC) Surveying – elevation surveys, MW (N.P. Surveyors) Laboratory – Soil, GW, Air analysis (AGAT) ASSISTANT DEPUTY MINISTER (INFRASTRUCTURE AND ENVIRONMENT) SOUS-MINISTRE ADJOINT (INFRASTRUCTURE ET ENVIRONNEMENT) 2013 Planned Work Area D - fuel recovery systems North Escarpment - hydrocarbon impacted soils and shallow areas of fuel Dome Mountain – PCB soil and sediment remediation Transport Hydrant Area – delineation determining requirement for fuel recovery systems Canadian Side – FFTA, Dumpsite, former hospital – work type will be remedial options analysis dependent South Escarpment Dumps – work type will be remedial options analysis dependent ASSISTANT DEPUTY MINISTER (INFRASTRUCTURE AND ENVIRONMENT) SOUS-MINISTRE ADJOINT (INFRASTRUCTURE ET ENVIRONNEMENT) 2014 Planned Work Lower Tank Farm remediation - hydrocarbon impacted soils and shallow areas of fuel Civil Aviation Area and Main Base – former CHP, transmitter areas, PMQs - RBC and remedial options analysis dependent RCAF Former Tank Farm - hydrocarbon impacted soils and shallow areas of fuel 2015 Planned Work Start South Escarpment Stillwaters – impacted sediments ASSISTANT DEPUTY MINISTER (INFRASTRUCTURE AND ENVIRONMENT) SOUS-MINISTRE ADJOINT (INFRASTRUCTURE ET ENVIRONNEMENT) Types of Contracts Construction - CN Means a construction, reconstruction, demolition, repair or renovation of a building, structure or other civil engineering or architectural work and includes site preparation, excavation, drilling, seismic investigation, the supply of products and materials, the supply of equipment and machinery if they are included in and incidental to the construction, the installation and repair of fixtures of a building, structure or other civil engineering or architectural work as well as environmental remediation work, but does not include professional consulting services related to the construction contract unless they are included in the procurement. Award based solely on cost. Option to create QRT for various trades. ASSISTANT DEPUTY MINISTER (INFRASTRUCTURE AND ENVIRONMENT) SOUS-MINISTRE ADJOINT (INFRASTRUCTURE ET ENVIRONNEMENT) Types of Contracts Consultant - KN Means services provided by individuals with significant training, qualifications and expertise in a professional, scientific, technical or managerial field. For example, the term “professional” has legal connotations for certain professions; for other occupations it denotes an accepted as evident degree of competence. Consulting and professional services usually include: research and scientific studies including interpretation, architectural and engineering services, planning and development, data collection (requiring interpretation and recommendations), auditing and certain aspects of electronic data processing. This listing is not exhaustive and contracting authorities should interpret each situation on a case by case basis. Award based on technical score and cost (weighting varies) Option to create multi-year SOA’s or Source Lists ASSISTANT DEPUTY MINISTER (INFRASTRUCTURE AND ENVIRONMENT) SOUS-MINISTRE ADJOINT (INFRASTRUCTURE ET ENVIRONNEMENT) Types of Contracts Services - SC Means a contract for the provision of services but does not include an agreement whereby a person is employed as an officer, clerk or employee of Her Majesty. It can include testing or data collection (where interpretation and recommendations are not required), cleaning, snow removal, drafting, grass cutting, garbage removal, etc. Can be based on technical score and cost (weighting varies) Works well for design, build , operate and supply projects (MG / Area D / UTF / HBH fuel recovery systems) ASSISTANT DEPUTY MINISTER (INFRASTRUCTURE AND ENVIRONMENT) SOUS-MINISTRE ADJOINT (INFRASTRUCTURE ET ENVIRONNEMENT) Types of Contracts Goods - GD Means moveable property (including the costs of installing, operating, maintaining or manufacturing such moveable property) and includes raw materials, products, equipment and other physical objects of every kind and description whether in solid, liquid, gaseous or electronic form, unless they are procured as part of a general construction contract. ASSISTANT DEPUTY MINISTER (INFRASTRUCTURE AND ENVIRONMENT) SOUS-MINISTRE ADJOINT (INFRASTRUCTURE ET ENVIRONNEMENT) Finding and bidding on contracts How can I find out about new tenders? Merx Newspaper Ads Local newspapers Office Locations Construction associations and local DCC offices SELECT ASSISTANT DEPUTY MINISTER (INFRASTRUCTURE AND ENVIRONMENT) SOUS-MINISTRE ADJOINT (INFRASTRUCTURE ET ENVIRONNEMENT) Questions / Comments Chris MacInnis, P.Eng A/DEEM 8 A/Project Manager 613-943-7863 Derek Aucoin Team Lead – Environmental Services DCC Goose Bay 709-896-6498 ASSISTANT DEPUTY MINISTER (INFRASTRUCTURE AND ENVIRONMENT) SOUS-MINISTRE ADJOINT (INFRASTRUCTURE ET ENVIRONNEMENT)