Memorandum Circular 13-2015
Memorandum Circular 13-2015
#rc @fiin sf tlr Fftdi[pff af tle pliUmines TELEYISION REYIEW & CLASSIFICATION BOARI) MOYIE & MTBCB Building, No. 18 T'imog Avenueo Quezon City Tel. No.: (02) 376-7380 Fax No.: (Aq 376-7979 Email IVETRCB MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO. 13-2015 PRINCIPLES ANID GUIDELINES GOYERNING THE APPOINTMENT OF MTRCB DEPUTIES Further to the inspection and enfotcement functions of the Boatd further to Section 1.3, as well as its relevant powers under Section 3, both under Presidential Decree No. 1986, as well as Chapter XI, Implernenting Rules and Regulatioos of P.D. No. 1986, not to mention the developmental mandate of the Agency under the same decree, the following principles and guidelines on appointment of deputies from the geaeral public are hereby promulgated: NATURE OF DEPUTY APPOINTMENT: t. The appointment of an MTRCB deputy is purely discretionary.' Trus, regardless of any previous appointment and/or the length thereof, no applicant has an inherent dght to be deputized. The notion therefore of an appointment being "renewed" is legaliy inaccurate. nfith lto right, there is ?to comspondingdufl on, the part of the Board to grant any application. The appointment being trtatter of trust and confi.dence in law ^ and in facg the Board reserves its right and authority to cancel any appointrnent, with or without cause, at any tlrlrre. The Board has created a Committee on Deputization to screen and evaluate applications from the general public ard/or various sectors, given the serious and hear,7 responsibiJities of a deputy, as well as due to the heavy volume of expressions of interesl 3. It is the Board's policy to democratize appointments by splitting the applicants amongst various sectors (educational institutions, NGOs, government agencies, etc.) and gtanting considetable room for new applicants. In this connection, the Board will also consider the availability and competence of any applicant ftom the general public to assist the Board in regard to its other functions, particulady its developmental and empowerrnent iaitiatives, aside 1 5t Cnup* )0, Implementing Rules aad Regulatioas of of P.D. 1986 ategoar;rlly and unquali:Eedly reads "(a)ny from the traditioaal inspection of movie houses and ather veaues and the monitr:ring of teler"isiofi $hort's, and other medi.t content. Fucher, t}e abovementioned committee shall periodically review the application process, detem:iniag fcrr the Board's inforrnation aad guidance the trend antl r'otrume of interested parties/applicants from each sector. as a deputy is bot} a pritikg and a rc:pon$bili$. Such appointmcnt is essentially revocablc.? Also, it foliows that the Board shall nor bc rieemed to have lvaived any of its prerogatives under this memorandum circular and in la'iv in the event of any perceived :,ariation or omission on its part in regard to any provisions hereof. h'{oreover, in view of both reguiatory and developmeatal functions of the Board and firrther to its power under Section 3 (h) and 3 (k), P.D. l{o. 1986, any deputy of the Board can be designated to perforrn any tasks other than t}le usual inspccrion of the*ters and simiiar verues, as to which tasks said deputy must always be readily available. 4. Being appointed DEPUTY APPLICATTON PROCESS: T?rose from rhe general public who wish to be appointed as h{TRCB depurv shall submit a letter nf intent, clearlt' cxpressing one's interest to be a depuq, of the A,fI'RCB. 'I'his letteq beariag the original signatr:re af the interested persofl, shall be addressed to tlrc Chairpersnn of rhe C*mmittee an Deputizart*r $lOT the Chairyerson of the Board). No letter af intent shall be accepted be1'ond 29 February 20f6. 6. lifithout preiudice to any such further requiremeuts that may be imposed bry the Cornminee on Deputizaticn il the course of the entire process so that it may be satis{ied as to the fitaess, availability, sincerity, competetrce, and such rithet factors or attributes of the interestecl padies from the general public, the letter of intent shall include the following: a) commiule$t to participate in at least o*e l'Iatalino*g Campaign dudng the term of appointment, and specifiiing in urhat capacity- as lectnrer, facilirztor, orgarrizer, or other similar capacity, and lrdth a brief description of one's area of competeflce or experieace; Panonoad b) underraking to submit at least turo (2) repo16 a month in rcgard to cornpliance by rcgJ.ated entities of MTRCBrrelated laws, rules and regulations; and 1 tbi.t. c) undertaking to attend all required seminars and conferences for coatinuous education and training, as well as the commitment to uffeservedly assist the Board in any matter of concern andf or advocacy, especially, but aot limited, as regards the film industry. 7. Upon @pmaal of tJrre letter of intent by the Committee on Deputization, the applicant shall be glven a deputy application form upon payment of Five Hundred Pesos (Php 5fi).00) to cover the processing cost. The applicant shall accomplish and sign the application form and shall submit the same not later than 31 March mK. Payment of the above-said fee shall not guarantee however the eventual issuance of the card and wiil be without prejudice to not gt"iog due course to the application should the Committee on Depuitzaion and/or the Board discover and/or determine that the interested person or applicant has misrepreseated any fact rn the letter of intent and/or applicadron form, there will come to the fore any supervening information that will tend to establish the applicant's unfi.tness for the appointment. While the Board remains firlly committed to its regulatory and developmental functions, it likewise d"Iy acknowledges its mandate to help the local film industry.As such, the tsoard shall endeavor to limit the number of deputy IDs to be issued and, hence, cannot possibly grant all expressions of interest and applications for appoinffnent as MTRCB deputy. This Memorandum Circular shall take effect i 22 D ecember 201, 5, Quezon City. H. VILLAREAL D/,tMIRc/DqutyJe le6oedD?etu