Northern Santa Catarina, Brazil - ICS 2011
Northern Santa Catarina, Brazil - ICS 2011
Journal Journalof ofCoastal CoastalResearch Research SI 64 pg -- pg 1840 1844 ICS2011 ICS2011 (Proceedings) Poland ISSN 0749-0208 Geological Legacy of Storm Erosion along a High-Energy Indented Coastline: Northern Santa Catarina, Brazil Ilya V. Buynevich†, Antonio H.F. Klein‡, Duncan M. FitzGerald∞, William J. Cleary§, Christopher Hein∞, Fernando A. Veiga††, Rodolfo J. Angulo††, Nils E. Asp§§ and Rafael M. Petermann‡ † Department of Earth and Environmental Science Temple University Philadelphia, PA 19122, U.S.A. § Center for Marine Science University of North Carolina Wilmington, NC 28409, U.S.A. ‡ Department of Earth Sciences Boston University Boston, MA 02215, U.S.A. †† §§ LAGECO/IECOS Universidade Federal do Pará Bragança, PA 68600-000, Brazil Departamento de Geociências Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Florianopolis, SC 88040-970, Brazil LECOST Universidade Federal do Paraná Curitiba, PR 81531-970, Brazil ∞ ABSTRACT Buynevich, I.V., Klein, H.F., FitzGerald, D.M., Cleary, W.J., Hein, C., Veiga, F., Angulo, R.J., Asp, N.E., and Petermann, R.M., 2011. Geological legacy of storm erosion along a high-energy indented coastline: northern Santa Catarina, Brazil. Journal of Coastal Research, SI 64 (Proceedings of the 11th International Coastal Symposium), – . Szczecin, Poland, ISSN 0749-0208. Along moderate to high-energy sandy coasts of the world, periods of accretion are often punctuated by episodes of erosion and retreat. However documenting the legacy of such events in sand-dominated sequences remains a challenge. The present-day moderate-relief coastlines of Camboriú Peninsula (CP) and the adjacent Navegantes coastal plain in Santa Catarina, Brazil, exhibit a variety of geological features related to recent intense storms, such as the Santa Catarina cyclone of record (March 2004) and subsequent events. These systems offer an opportunity to assess the use of modern indicators of storm erosion as a guide to reconstructing their counterparts from the sedimentary record. The 0.5-2.0-km-long, headland-segmented, coarse-grained, reflective beaches of the Camboriú Peninsula contrast with a 10-km-long, fine-grained, dissipative beach of the Navegantes plain. Morphological indicators of erosion include steep dune and berm scarps, as well as ephemeral washout channels produced by rainfall-induced runoff. Where modified by subsequent deposition, these features can still be identified by their diagnostic reflection geometries and variable-angle truncations (disconformities) in highresolution ground-penetrating radar (GPR) images. In addition to morphological indicators of erosion, coastal sedimentary sequences contain distinct lithological anomalies. Heavy-mineral concentrations (HMCs) are easily identifiable in sediment cores and trenches and produce strong reflections on GPR images. Along Estaleiro Beach (CP), a buried disconformity was identified in GPR images beneath a road, approximately 25 m landward of the November 2004 storm scarp. Its geometry is similar to the recent scarp and its strong geophysical signal return is due to a magnetite-enriched horizon at a depth of 2.6 m. At the Navegantes strandplain, patchy thin layers enriched in fine-grained heavy minerals are common on a gently sloping intertidal beach and near the base of foredunes. Moreover, in the landward portion of the plain that developed during the past 2,000 years, the presence of truncated tangential-oblique reflections in GPR records and HMCs reaching 10-30 cm in thickness indicates past reworking of beach and dune sediments by a series of intense erosional episodes. Low-field magnetic susceptibility measurements of vibracores indicate values from thick HMC layers exceeding 1,000 (*10-5 SI) in contrast to 0−15 (*10-5 SI) for background quartz-rich sands. Given the relatively constant background fraction of heavy minerals in beach sands, the thickness and degree of concentration in HMCs can be used as proxies for the relative impact of high-energy events, including their duration and magnitude. Despite the apparent low preservation potential of these features on high-energy coasts, post-storm accretion and rapid progradation increase their chances of being removed from wave action. ADDITIONAL INDEX WORDS: Cyclones, Strandplain, Scarp, Heavy Minerals, Ground-Penetrating Radar INTRODUCTION Due to limited historical records of extreme events along sandy coasts (intense storms, floods, and tsunamis), particularly in the Southern Hemisphere, scientists and coastal managers must rely on geological records to reconstruct their impact and timing. By employing a combination of morphological, mineralogical, and geophysical methods, a number of studies have addressed this issue in different parts of the world dominated by wide sanddominated barriers and coastal plains (Rao, 1957; Woolsey et al., 1975; Smith and Jackson, 1990; Meyers et al., 1996; Buynevich et al., 2004; Dougherty et al., 2004; Moore et al., 2004; Buynevich Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 64, 2011 1840 Geological Legacy of Storm Erosion, northern Santa Catarina, Brazil and Donnelly, 2006; Buynevich et al., 2007; Nair et al., 2010). However, in many instances paleo-indicators of erosion do not have observable analogs, often due to relatively calm conditions prevailing during the geological investigations. High-energy mainland beaches and strandplains of Santa Catarina state, southern Brazil (Fig. 1), present an ideal opportunity to compare the recent impact of intense storms with the sedimentary record of past events. The aim of this paper is: 1) to summarize the morphological features related to most recent oceanographic events (2004-2006 period) along Camboriú Peninsula beaches and the Navegantes coastal plain, and 2) to describe examples of past erosional indicators preserved within Late Holocene portions of these coastal accumulation forms. PHYSICAL SETTING Fig. 3 Navegantes Coastal Plain 5 km Brazil Santa Catarina Atlantic Ocean Balneário Camboriú Santa Catarina 27ºN portions of CP beaches and Navegantes strandplain. We used a digital Geophysical Survey Systems Inc. SIR-2000 GPR system with a 200 MHz monostatic antenna (for technical aspects of GPR and its use in coastal settings, see van Heteren et al., 1998; Jol and Bristow, 2003; Buynevich et al., 2009). GPR images were postprocessed using RADAN 5.0 software. No topographic correction was applied to sections of profiles that had less than 0.3 m variation in elevation. Geophysical data were groundtruthed using shallow trenches (0.3-1.0 m), hand augers, and vibracores. Grain size, sorting, organic content, and bulk mineralogy of surficial and subsurface samples were analyzed using standard sedimentological techniques, focusing on heavy-mineral content (especially magnetite). Low-filed magnetic susceptibility (MS) was used to quantify the relative proportion of heavy minerals, which include both ferrimagnetic (primarily magnetite) and paramagnetic minerals (Shankar et al., 1996). Measurements were obtained on vibracore sub-samples using Bartington MS2 meter with a high-resolution MS2E surface scanning sensor. To establish the overall chronological framework of coastal progradation, basal peat samples from ridge swales at the Navegantes site were dated using AMS technique at the National Ocean Sciences Accelerator Mass Spectrometry facility (NOSAMS) at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. RESULTS Camboriú Peninsula Beaches Camboriú Peninsula (CP) Beaches Fig. 2 Figure 1. Location of study sites along the northern coast of Santa Catarina state, Brazil: small pocket beaches along the indented Camboriú Peninsula (CP) and the adjacent Navegantes strandplain. The high-energy coastline of southernmost Brazil experiences occasional cyclones (Barletta and Calliari, 2003), including the record Santa Catarina storm of March 2004. The moderate-relief coast of Camboriú Peninsula, northern Santa Catarina, is characterizedby a series of 0.5-2.0-km-long, headland-segmented, coarse-grained, reflective beaches (Klein and Menezes, 2001; Figs. 1 and 2A). In contrast to the CP setting, the Navegantes coastal plain is a 10-km-long, 1-5-km-wide prograded strandplain fronted by a fine-grained, dissipative beach (Fig. 1). Similar to coastal plains to the south (Pinheira and Tijucas), the Navegantes beach/dune ridge system has experienced progradation during the Late Holocene (past 2,000-3,000 years), due to an abundant sediment supply from the Itajaí River and relative sea-level fall (Buynevich et al. 2005; FitzGerald et al., 2007; Angulo et al., 2009; Barboza et al., 2009; Hesp et al., 2009). It is this regime of rapid net accretion (punctuated coastal progradation) that allows for the preservation of geological indicators of past erosional episodes. METHODS Field observations and measurements of recent erosional indicators were conducted during March 2004 (just prior to Santa Catarina Cyclone), November 2004, and March 2006. Morphological analysis was complemented by high-resolution ground-penetrating radar (GPR) images of the older (landward) The most distinct morphological features of beach and dune erosion are steep dune and berm scarps displaying diagnostic profiles of variable alongshore continuity (Fig. 2A; Woolsey et al., 1975; Buynevich et al., 2004). During field observations at Estaleiro and Estalerinho Beaches, the scarps and low-gradient beach surfaces were covered by heavy-mineral concentrations (HMCs). It is this combination of morphological and lithological attributes that accentuates event horizons in subsurface records. As shown in Figure 2B, a distinct tangential-oblique near-surface disconformity truncates the older (landward) seaward-dipping reflections in a GPR transect across Estaleiro Beach. This feature coincided with a 15-cm-thick magnetite-rich HMC at 2.6 m depth in a sediment core (Fig. 2B). In addition to shore-parallel features, shore-normal surge channels may result from storms and tsunamis, however their identification is possible only in shoreparallel trenches or geophysical records (Buynevich and Donnelly, 2006). Several weeks prior to the Santa Catarina Cyclone, a massive rainstorm, combined with high wave energy, produced a number of shore-perpendicular surge channels. These features differed from small perennial inlets along the bedrock-framed extremities of pocked beaches in their larger number and size. However, they are similar to washouts observed in the neighboring state of Rio Grande do Sul (Calliari et al., 1998; Pereira et al., 2003). Navegantes Strandplain Several linear kilometers of GPR profiles were collected along the Navegantes plain, from the Itajaí River in the south to the headlands in the north. This study focuses on the main geological transect in the northern portion of the strandplain (Fig. 3A), but the data are supported by geophysical profiles and excavations in other parts of the study site. A series of shore-normal GPR transects reveal offlapping sigmoidal to tangential-oblique clinoforms, with at least seven distinct truncations (Fig. 3B). Hand Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 64, 2011 1841 Buynevich et al. augers and vibracores along the main GPR profiles recovered 1030-cm-thick HMCs, which coincide with sharp disconformities. These horizons are enriched in magnetite (>20% by volume), which occurs primarily in the finer fraction of the well-sorted, fine-grained sands (mean grain size: 0.16-0.20 mm). Magnetic susceptibility measurements on both the background quartzose sands and HMCs show a dramatic difference in values, ranging from 0-20 to 900-3,200 (*10-5 SI units), respectively (Fig. 3C). The variations in MS values are most likely attributed to differences in the concentration factor (cf. Komar, 1989) within each HMC. Based on radiocarbon-dated basal peats from interridge swales, the indicators described above were formed during the time interval of 950-1880 cal years BP. DISCUSSION In contrast to HMC formation through long-term, sea-levelmodulated supply and reworking (e.g., examples of extensive dune placers in Rio Grande do Sul; Dillenburg et al., 2004), the present examples represent specific episodes of erosion during high-energy events (Smith and Jackson, 1990; Hamilton and Collins, 1998; Buynevich et al., 2004; Dougherty et al., 2004; Moore et al., 2004; Buynevich et al., 2007). The formation of enriched horizons typically occurs during the waning stages of high wave-energy events and is a product of selective sorting by waves and wind (Rao, 1957; Woolsey et al., 1975; Komar and Wang, 1984; Komar, 1989). HMCs typically occur at the base of foredunes and along the flattened lower beach, thereby adding a distinct morphological component to the erosional indicator and aiding in its recognition in GPR images (Figs 2 and 3; Meyers et al., 1996; Dougherty et al., 2004; Moore et al., 2004; Buynevich, 2005; Buynevich et al., 2007). The Navegantes system of prograding clinoforms contains a series of erosional truncations, which are characterized by high magnetite content and correspondingly high magnetic susceptibility values. These disconformities are interpreted as erosional paleo-beach/dune-base surfaces, likely formed by intense storms during the past 2,000 years. Similar features have been recently described along the adjacent prograded Holocene barrier systems of Paraná (Angulo et al., 2009). Quantitative analysis of sediment textures and heavymineral lag deposits will be used to estimate the magnitude of the paleo-events, specifically the threshold entrainment stresses necessary for the formation of specific mineralogical anomalies (Komar, 1989). Furthermore, the assessment of HMC thickness and concentration relative to background (pre-event) values will help place constraints on storm duration. CONCLUSIONS Diagnostic morphological, sedimentological, and geophysical signatures along sandy beaches can be used to reconstruct the extent of past erosional events. The data presented here include diagnostic erosional indicators, such as: 1) prominent truncations of offlapping strata in geophysical images; 2) changes in the apparent dip angle of the truncating reflection, compared to the truncated strata, and 3) an increase in magnetic susceptibility by several orders of magnitude for the magnetite-enriched sands compared to background quartzose sediment. Further refinement of geochronological techniques for in situ dating of clastic sediments (OSL, IRSL, etc.) will provide a means of reconstructing the long-term chronology of high-magnitude erosional events, especially along prograding sandy coasts. As Late Holocene sea-level fall is replaced by sea-level rise along this paleoscarp HMC GPR profile Figure 2. Erosional indicators, past and present, along Estaleiro Beach (CP): A) Steep erosional scarp produced by a moderate storm in November 2004; B) Residential area immediately landward of location A, with a shore-normal GPR profile below. The steep disconformity accentuated by a magnetite-rich heavy-mineral concentration (HMC) represents a buried paleoscarp. Note the lack of morphological expression of this feature. section of the coast, the most recent paleo-scarps may again become exposed to the agents of erosion. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 64, 2011 1842 Geological Legacy of Storm Erosion, northern Santa Catarina, Brazil A bedrock C N main GPR transect NVV-03 NVV-02 1.0 m 1.2 15 m 1,672 2.4 1.7 m 95 3,249 m Atlantic Ocean 1.4 4 2.7 3.0 m vibracores (Fig. 3C) 958 road surface B beachface/shoreface accretionary surfaces aeolian sands progradation erosional truncation 1m 10 m Figure 3. Evidence of erosion at the Navegantes strandplain: A) Location of the main transect and vibracores along the northern portion of the plain; B) Segment of a GPR profile through the younger portion of the plain; C) Photographs of vibracores showing thick HMCs. Numbers on the right are MS values of three HMCs and adjacent quartz-rich horizons (*10-5 SI units). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The project was funded by the CNPq (UNIVALI, UFPR) and the Coastal Research Institute and NOSAMS (WHOI). We thank E. Siegle, G. Vintém, J. T. Menezes, M.R. Lamour, and M.C. Souza for their assistance in the field and two anonymous reviewers for their help in improving the manuscript. LITERATURE CITED Angulo, R.J., Lessa, G.C., and Souza, M.C., 2009. The Holocene Barrier Systens of Paranaguá and northern Santa Catarina Coasst, Southern Brazi. In: Dillenburg, S.R. and Hesp, P.A. (eds.), Geology and Geomorphology of Holocene Coastal Barriers of Brazil. Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences, SpringerVerlag, Berlin, v. 107, pp. 135-176. Barboza, E.G., Dillenburg, S.R., Rosa, M.L.C.C.., Tomazelli, L.J., and Hesp, P.A., 2009. Ground-penetrating radar profiles of two Holocene regressive barriers in southern Brazil. Journal of Coastal Research Special Issue No. 56, pp. 579-583. Barletta, R.C. and Calliari, L.J., 2003. An assessment of the atmospheric and wave aspects determining beach morphodynamic characteristics along the central coast of RS State, southern Brazil, Journal of Coastal Research Special Issue No. 35, pp. 300-308. Buynevich, I.V., 2005. 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