B[ilfiS OUTEN lay,lan.18-Tuesday,lan.24, 2012| fte NewspaperforToday's OuterSanksI | 50Cenis Coastal Studies campus t0openinAugu$t BYIIEELI(EILER SENTINEL STAFF joint A two-day orientation meeting of theUniversityof NorthCarolina Coastal Studies Institute(CSD Foundation andAdministrative Boardsof Directors washeldon Jan 12and13in Manteo andthelValterB.Jones CenterfortheSounds in Columbia. Thepurpose of themeetilgwasto providetheboardsand thecommunity withan overview of pasthnd t'utureCSIprograms and anupdateontheCSI Skycocampus currently underconstruction. The millioncampus, $32.5 progressing onschedule andslatedtobpenin August,is expected to become a world-class facility in coastal research andeducation. CSIDirectorNancy Whitesaidthattheinstitutehasthethree-fold missionof providing NTELKELTER STNIINIL' northeastern N.C,with a Coastal guests Institute staffandboardmembers, Studies andcommunity leaders enjoyed theviewfromthedeepwater facilityfor "applied, mis- canal adjacent totheMarine 0perations Building during atouroftheCSlcampus construction site. place-based sion-based, N.C. Universityit wasenvi- nextto theDareCounty chased bythestatein " northeastern research andeducation, Planning began in sioned as a cutting edge RegionalAirport. When 2009 for million. $8.25 focusurg specifically the research 1990s and the instifacility that was land offered bythe for The design conhact processes, oucoastal tutewasestablished in wouldfaciiitateinterownersof propertyin thecampuswasawarded and estuarine ecology asa partnership disciplinary andintertheSkycocommunity Pearce, to leadarchitects sustainability 2002 coastal between North Carolina university collaboration that ihis it was decided Brinkley and Cease ontheOuterBanksand freeof thecustomary sitewouldbemoreapStateUniversitythe Ice,withconstruction otherareasof coastal paper"vork andfunding propriatewith its much management byY{hitnotbe- Universityof North marinesciences ualolulaat una0elHru. redtape. largerarea,wateraccess ing-Turner. byother ingaddressed The213-acre Theoriginalproposed andproximityto Oregon campus East tircilitiesin thestateand IINCWihnington, contahsseveral providingpublicservice CarolinaUniversity sitewasonianddonated Inlet. to andElizabeth ancinubiiceducation CitvState byDareCounty'located .ThelandwaspursEE PAGEAS CSI, CSI: c(tmpus toopeninAugust iROMPAG€A1 square feet) will house and launch equipment, different coastalecosys- vehicles and vesselsused tems, including marshes, in the institute's field .'crub wetlands,forested research operations. ivetlandsand sound A marina will provide 'rnters. berths and servicesfor SustainableDesign up to 10vesselsused for Specialist Robert NIcfieid research and educaClendon is incorporating tion programming. Studentsat the instiI wide array of sustainable elementsin the detute will include gradusigl and constructionof ate and undergraduates ,!he camnus and will seek from the five partner -.,^-- .'^ {,EED (Leadershipin En- universities. students hirgy and Environmental from grades K through Sbsign) certifl cation by 12participating in field trips, day overnight and the U.S.GreenBuilding .[punci]. "Green" eleresidentia-lprograms, will inciude local as well as a variety of "r,fents ':ind recycledcontent teachers,scientists and professionals. h"iilding materials. an :::uovative wastewater Nathan Richards, .tr;eatmentsystem,creassociateprofessor in ,atedwetlands.bioretenthe Nlaritime Studies .' rion arreas.rainwater Program at ECU and irarvestingcisterns, director of the CSI Maritime Heritage Program, a geothertnal heating describedlast fall's ;and coolingsystemand parss projects in collaboration orientation ,and designto optimize with the Pocosin Arts ,seasonalheating and Folk School in Colum,cooling. bia and ninth and tenth grade students from Following the irttroritrctory board rernarks, ColumbiaHigh School. , The projects focused ,niembers,guestsand community leaders on locating and studyincluding Dare County ing shipwrecks in the ,h{anagerBobbyOutten Scuppernong River and ' anclComnrissionerRich- nearby waterways. "The Scuppernong ard Johnsontook a tour ,ef the constructionsite, River lvlaritime Herillocatedon N.C.Highway tage Project was a great ,;-145 nor:th of Wanchese. opportunity for us to merge research,teach;Sportingorangeharding and outreach in tirats,the tour partici'pantsgatheredcloseto collaboration with the staff to hear details community" said Richliibout the three levels of ards, explaining that he ,the Researchand Educa- was able to combine his .tion Building amidst Advanced Methods in ,the soundsof salvs, Maritilne Archaeology hammers and motorized classwith a project to ,construction equipment. begin a resourcesinven: The ResearchBuildtory databasethat would identify more systemati,rng will contain 60,000 cally and exhaustively lsqLrarefeet of ciassril)oms,researchand the more than 6,000shipwrecks located on the :teaching laboratories 'and an auditorium. coast and in the rivers 'Residential buildings, and sounds of northeast'ivhich will be funded ern N.C. jseparatelywill provide Combining the project ,I;,OOO squarefeet of with a community edushort term housing for cational outreachprostudentsand visiting sci- vided 40 Columbia High entists. The Nlarine OpSchool students with erationsBuilding (15,000 hands-onexperiencein the use of side-scansonar, magnetometryand other technologiesused in underwater archaeology Other CSI projects that have parbrered with lo cal communities have included the WaveEnergy Converter project in partnership with Jennette's Pier, the Albemarle Green Building Seminar and Expo cohostedby the Dare County College of the Albemarle, First Flieht High School's championship entries in regional, national and international Remotely Operated Vehicle competitions, constructed wetland projects with Manteo High School and Elizabeth City Middle School and alternative energy/wind furbine projects with Hatteras Island schools,First Flight schoolsand the J.P Knapp School in Currituck. CSI Education Programs CoordinatorJohn McCord and his production team also have fiimed documentaries on many local projects, contributing to the creation of a community legacy of partnership in coastal research. CSI Administrative Board Chairman Mike Kelly speaking to the board at the conclusion of the secondday of orientation meetings and presentations,expressed his gratitude to Dare County for being "nothing but 120percent cooperative with everything that's come along and everythingthat we've done." He addedhis appreciation of former NC SenatorMarc Basnight's work in support of the project, noting, "This is a long-term economic development project for North Carolina. So if you happen to run into SenatorBasnight, be sure to say thank you."