Ron Cresswell, Section C10
Ron Cresswell, Section C10
CollegeAlgebra- Math 143C10 2013 3 credits...Fall Instructor:Dr. Ron Cresswell Office:Shields2064 Phone:732-6814 Officehours:T, Th W, F 4:30-5:30pm pm 12:00-1:00 Math Lab:M pm 3:00-4:00 ofAlgebra;equations concepts CourseDescription: This courseincludesfundamental andinequalities;frrnctionsandgraphs;polynomial,ra1ional,exponentialandlogarithmic functions;systemsofequationsandinequalities;conics;the Binomial Theorem. testscore. Prerequisites:MATH 108with a gradeof'C' or better,or CSIplacement (Crrent placemenllest scores:COMPASSAlgebra62 or higher,ACT Math 23 or higher) Roquired Textbook ColleeeAlgebra. seventhedition"by Auttmann/Baxker,{"lation, Brooks/Cole-Cengage. Course Objectives: The studenlwill demonstratea working knowledgeof the material coveredin Chapters1 - 6 ard 8 ofthe textbook. Policiesand procedures: a. You will not be able 10atlendmy classif you ate not legistered. for b, You axeexpectgdto attendclass.Ifyou do rnissclass,you arercsponsible put any information that was out in class. Do not expeotme to dropyou if c, Droppingthe cou$cis yow responsibility. v^I ctnn rtt'ehdiflo sohomeworkwill be exercises. d. Goodmathskillsarebuilt throushnumerous assignedthroughoulthe semester, e. Studentswill be subjectto a failing $ade ifcaught cheatingon an exam. f. Your homeworkwill be completed throughWebAssign, graphing TI-83 or TI-84). calculator is required in ltriscourse(Recommend A e. exam a gmdeof at th€ final to leceive h. Studenlsmust obtain leasta 60'110 on "C" or better. OutcomesAssessment: Generaleducationil Malhematicsdevelopslhe understanding of mathematicsas a larguagewhich pemits the student10express,define, andanswer questioN about1te world. 1. The studentswill be able to analyzereal-world stmtegiesto model the questions. 2. The shdentswill be able to conectly provide solutionsto the modelsofthe questions. 3. The studentswill be able to connunicate th€ solutionsto the questionswhen a.nalyzed andsolvedmadrematically. Grading Procedure: Chapter exams Iilomeworkassignments 60% 20Yo Finalexam(comprehensiYe) 20% Homework: I will assignhomeworkusilg WebAssign. b. The examsaretaken in class. Exam 1 will cover chapters1. Exam 2 will cover chapters2 & 3. Exam 3 will cover chapte$4 & 5. c. TheFinalwill be givenin classon Tuesday'Dec 17,2013from l2-2 pm. Final will coverchaptelsl- 6 and 8. Studentmust receiveat leasta 609/0on the {inal examto rcceivea gradeof "C" or better. Additional Aids: a. Leotuo videos availableon WebAssign. b. DVD's availablein Librar,/(GRM 131). o. Tutoring availablein Math Lab (SHLD 207). E-Mail: Sincee-mail is the primary sourceofuryitten oommunicationwith sludents,all registeredCSI studenlsget a collegeemail account.Studedscanchecktheir CSI e-mail More informationcanbe obtainedat the Collogeof online at htlp:// Southernldaho website, instructorsandvaxiousofflces etc.will be sent suchasAdmissionandRecords,Advising,FinancialAid, Scholarships, It is the student's to the students'CSI accounts(Not theirpersonale-mailaccounts). responsibllityto checktheir CSI e-mailaccountsregularly.Studenlsmustoheoktheir CSI e-mail accountsregularly to avoid missingimpo ant messagesanddeadlines.At the beginningofeach semesterfree haining sessionswill be offeredto studentswho need helpusingtheirCSI e-mailaccounts. disability maybeoligiblefor related Disabilities:Any student witha documenled the eligibilifya.nd s€wioes, students shouldcontact accommodations, To de1eru1ine secure for a class.Student coordinator of Disab iJity Services a1theirfi rstopportunity aftelregistration is located Disability Services onthesecond flooroftheTaylorBuildingontheTwinFalls (208)732-6268 .edu. Camq$ or e-mailMaritaDeBoard,mdeboard@csi priorto theendof lat€ Student's Responsibilityi A studeatl]laydrcpa courseor all courses (firstFridayoftheterm)withoutit beingrecorded registration orlthestudent's omciallranscript. periodis considered A studenlinitiateddropaflerthelaleregistration a withdrawal,andresultsin period.h1 thegradeof W. Students maydropcourses onlineuntillhe endofthe lateregistration orderto withdraw fromoneor morecourses a completed registration lbllowinglateregistation, fonn is rcquired.Instructions ontheform indicatewhena signalureof instructorand/orFinancial & Records Aid advisor is required. Thecompleted formmaybesubmitted to Admissions or any off-campus center.Students maywithdrawflolll courses whicharelessthana full semester in lengthuntil75%ofthecourse meetings haveelapsed. No course rnaybewithdrawn froma{ter 75o%ofthe coulsehas elapsed. On-line Course Evaluation Statement: To help instructorscontinually improve coulses,studentsarc shongly gncouagedto go online to and completeanonynousevaluationswhich opentwo weeksbeforethe end ofthe courseand closedthe last day of class.W1Ienstudentsenlerthe site,they find evaluationsfor their enrolledcowses.Thadr you for this valuableinput! Math 143 Fall20123-tentative schedule 1081 Svlhbds.P.l-P.6 (Reviewot N'ldLh 1.I Lhed ed AbsoluteValueEquatioN L2l(muld dd ApDli@1iom Equanons 4.Ser1.3Ouadrdhc rri. 1,4 OthefTwes ofEqMlions 1.6 Voriationdd AoDlicarions Exrm I alnChs Drim) 2.1Two-Dim@sionalCoordinateSystenard qdds 2.2hhoducalionLoFunctions 23-Sci Fuclions 25-Ser2 .4Ouadratic 2.5?rcDertics ofcraDhs 30-Scr2 .6Alsebr,ut lunciios 3-I RehJinJd rheorcm and Fu(tor nroren 3.2 Polvnomiallunctions ofltislEr Dearee 3.3Z{oes of Poluonial Functiod lheoremoIAlsebra 3.4lunddmcntul No Chss(Columbus Dav) 3.5 GmDhsof RationalFunctionsandTheirApplicaiions ReviewCllaDter2 & ChoDter3 nxnn 2 dr ClossEr{m) 23-oct 4.2ExDonential [unctionsa Tloir .^Doliodions 4.3Loaarilhniclrnctionsondlheir Applioaiions Soales 30-oct4.4lroperliesof LoarhhmsMd Losurithmi( andLosaritbmio lauations 4.5llxDoncntial 4.6lxDoncntirlGrowthondDccav 6-Nov liri. lrfi. 8-Nov Day) ll-Nov NoCloss ruetemns 13-Nov5.2ElliDscs l5"Nov 5.3Hyoe.bolas 18"Nov E r n m3 ( I r C l i s D r r n ) 22-Nov6.1 Svstcmsof LinearEauations iD lwo Vdiables 2s-Nov6.2Svsrcms of l-ine$ Eouations in ThreeVoriables 27-29Nov NoClss (Thankssivins Vacation) SystemofEqualions 6.3Nonlinear in TwoV0riables oflncqualities 6.5In€aualilies ald Svst€ns F i n a lE M m f l u e s d r v , D c c1 7 , 2 0 1 2 f r o m1 2 - 2p m ) WebAssisn 1. Ensureyou watchtJreLecturevideosunderResources,which is different thal the WatchIt videosin the homework.The Resouceslink is locatedon your WebAssign homepageat the bottom andtherc arelectue videosfor every sectionwe will coverthis semester. 2. Usethe Malh Paddrop dorrn menuto enteranswersin WebAssign.No1€that the Malh Padappearswhen you click in the answerbox. Somehomeworkproblemswill not use the Malh Padandit will not appearwhenyou click in the answerbox. 3. Usethe ftaotioDsymbol on the Math Padversusthe division on the key board.Ifyou numeBtor and usethe division on the key boardyou will needto usebmcketsto sepaxate denominalor. 'A'. Readthe 4. WebAssignis casesensitivesoa small'a' is differentthana big problemsandidentifu the variablesin the problem. 5. Usethe Walch Ix videos in eachofthe homeworkproblemsto know what the answels shouldlook like in WebAssign.You oanmove the Watch It video to the endto seewhat the answershouldlook like in the answerbox, 6. Note that the problemscomeftom youl textbookbut havedifferent numbers.On the right sideofthe homeworkscreenyou canidentify the problemthat it representsfrom yourtextbook. 7. You have5 attemptsto get eachhomeworlcproblemconect,Note the time andthe date eachhomeworkassignmentis due. 8. With graphson WebAssign,pick the objectthat you would like to graphandthen enter in the pointsversusclicking in the graph.This way the objectwill go throughthe conect points. . 9. Ifyou haveenteredthe answera few times andthink it is a problemv/ith the way you areenteringthe answerin WebAssignthenwrite me an e-mail from webAssignasking aboutthat problem, 10.Ensue you do the homeworkearly, sinceit sometimestakeslongerto do homework in WebAssign. MATH 143 C10- Gettinq Started thesyllabus. Explorer' withInternet theinternet Go www, button' onLt!.ayc-a-gE9slfqyon the rightsideof thescreenbelowtheffi@ theclassKey:6 CI tneffi @ @ tution. shouldseethe following: Course:MATH143-C10 lnshuotor:RonCresswell Collegeof Southemldaho,lD bufton. me $e I needto crgatea WebAssrlnaccourt' cl theffiE button. andclickthe iniormation En r yourperconal button. t WritedownyourUsorname safe. 6omewhore andPassword youshould seethefollowing: - t f ur Usemame areaccepted, andPassword yoursg/ecflon Usernamer codercsi lnstitution Passwordi(hldder.) theffibufton. anaccess ihatyouwillneedto purchase - Y willnowseeyoufwebAssign Homepage.on thispageyouarcinformed co go to uatgJ@basqiglIq! vouhavepurchasean accesscodeof enteredthecodefromthebookstore, (csi)andPasswodandclicktheliW yourlJsername, Institution shouldnowseeyoufWebAssignHomepageagain. shouldbe postedherewiththe duedates assignments or concerns. feelfreeto e-mailof callmeifyouhavequestions button.