CALL FOR PAPERS Special Session: Software Engineering and its


CALL FOR PAPERS Special Session: Software Engineering and its
Special Session: Software Engineering and its Applications
Indian society’s magnanimous vision to increase information and technology awareness among all
citizens of the Nation has been materialized through the establishment of Computer society of India
(CSI) in the year 1965. Since the year of establishment, CSI has emerged as a vibrant technical forum to
exchange and share the IT-related issues, research innovations and implementable solutions. CSI forum
is made approachable to every Indian citizen by opening numerous CSI branches named as CSI Chapters
across many states of the Nation.
CSI, Visakhapatnam chapter is one of the gigantic CSI chapters in India and is proud to tie 500 members
across the city of Vishakhapattanam. It is having a feather of two decade long history. One of the
objectives of this conference is to provide forum for researchers, practitioners from academia and
industry to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, experiences and concerns in the
field of Software Engineering and to establish new collaborations in these areas.
Third International Conference on Information System Design and Intelligent Applications (India 2016)
invites the original articles which contribute new results in the field of qualitative, quantitative research,
projects, surveying works and industrial experiences that describe significant advances in the areas of
Software Engineering & Applications, Image processing (In modern sciences and technologies, images
also gain much broader scopes due to the ever growing importance of scientific visualization), Data
mining ( creating new hypotheses to test against the larger data populations) and Cloud Computing
(maximizing the effectiveness of the shared resources).
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following in all areas of the Software Engineering &
Advanced Topics in Software Engineering
Software Quality: Management, Measurement, Metrics
Data Mining
Image Processing
Cloud Computing
Risk Management
Project Management
The Software Process
Software Maintenance and Testing
Software Engineering Decision Making
Software Engineering using Data Mining
Software Engineering in Cloud based applications
Software Engineering in Network Applications
Software Engineering in Middleware Applications
Title of the Special Session: Software Engineering and its Applications
Chair: Dr. Suma. V, Professor Information Science and Engineering, Research and Industry Incubation
Centre (Recognized by Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt of India), Dayananda Sagar Institutions,
Please visit for further information.
Submit your paper to with subject as “Special Session -Software Engineering
and its Applications” .
(1) All accepted and registered papers under this conference will be published in Springer Advances in
Intelligent Systems and Computing (AISC) series. Now indexed by: ISI Proceedings, DBLP. Ulrich's, EICompendex, SCOPUS, Zentralblatt Math, MetaPress, Springerlink.
(2) Also, out of the papers being presented during INDIA-2016, extended versions of shortlisted and
recommended papers, from each track, shall be considered for publication in International Journals
under Inderscience and IGI Global publications (non-paid).