CHRIST! - Breakthrough - International Ministry of Intercessory Prayer
CHRIST! - Breakthrough - International Ministry of Intercessory Prayer
Intercessor the Fa l l 2012 BREAKTHROUGH celebrating the living water that is CHRIST! The M AGAZINE A trip of kindness would leave a village ever changed | p. 6 ABOUT PRAYER They were lost and had to battle against an intruder | p. 28 CONTENTS | Fall 2012 the persevere by Connie L. Peters W hen it seems God doesn’t hear you, persevere At times you need to pray through, persevere You’ve been praying, you’ve been crying Seems He hasn’t heard you sighing God’s Word tells you, he’s not lying Persevere Three weeks Daniel prayed and fasted. Persevere He sought wisdom, so he lasted. Persevere A bright man stood there speaking “Since day one, God heard you seeking But I was detained by Persian king.” Persevere And Lord Jesus told this story. Persevere ‘bout God seemingly ignoring. Persevere Widow begged and she pleaded How much more does God love you. To unjust judge but wasn’t heeded Persevere She wouldn’t quit so he conceded He leans down from above you. Persevere Persevere He does hear you interceding So continue with your pleading And He’ll give you what you’re needing Persevere Intercessor BREAKTHROUGH Bringing together anonymously those needing prayer and Christians willing to pray for them; calling, equipping and encouraging people for this work. FOUNDERS Catherine Marshall Leonard LeSourd BOARD OF DIRECTORS CHAIRMAN VICE-CHAIRMAN Tom Myers Dave Dittmeier SECRETARY Elizabeth Smith TREASURER Michael Smith MEMBERS Becky Cooke Jami Dittmeier Claudette Ammons Brian Wells ADVISORY BOARD MEMBERS God uses very physical things to remind us of His strength and power | p. 16 Volume 33 Issue 3 [15] Alfred Archer God's Timing David Mercado DIRECTOR OF MINISTRY PRAYER COORDINATORS Delouis Pace Kaitlyn Czajkowski Tracy Horton Gabrielle Ryan BOOKKEEPER Susan Nicholson FACILITIES CARETAKER Virginia Payne IT SUPPORT Larry Bohlayer John Felts PRODUCTION MANAGING EDITOR EDITOR & DESIGNER ASSISTANT EDITOR by Jean Roach [6] STAFF Becky Cooke Gabrielle Ryan Kaitlyn Czajkowski Living Water by Cherise Curby Fig Tree Faith by Connie Young [10] Seven Times by Erin Kaschub [20] The Mind of Christ by Roy Borges [12] Agonizwmai by Annie Joy [22] [14] by Kathleen Wright by Bob Hollingshead [28] Is God Listening? EDITORIAL COMMITTEE [16] Claudette Ammons In the Last Hour Bliss in Blythe by ST Mann Becky Cooke Jami Dittmeier OFFICE ADDRESS P.O. Box 121 Lincoln, VA 20160 PHONE (540) 338-5522 PRAYER FAX LINE (540) 338-1934 EMAIL breakthrough@ All material © Breakthrough, Inc. Lincoln, VA 20160 cover photo by Gabrielle Ryan R egulars: 5 From the Chairman 26 Catherine Marshall Meditations 32 Answers to Prayer About Breakthrough B our mission reakthrough Intercessory Prayer Ministry is here for anyone who wants prayer. Prayer requests may be sent to us by mail, phone, email, fax, or through our website. Your prayer request is sent anonymously to six of our nearly 4,000 intercessors around the world who agree to pray for 21 days for each request they receive. You will have your own prayer team of dedicated intercessors holding your needs up before the Lord. People often report an increased sense of peace during the prayer period. As you read this magazine, you will learn about many prayers that have been answered. Catherine Marshall was given the inspiration for Breakthrough 30 years ago. She was a best-selling Christian author who became concerned about the many prayer requests sent to her by her readers. At the same time, other readers were writing to tell her that they longed to be used by God but had no idea what they could do. God gave Catherine the vision of matching these two groups of people: those with prayer needs and those Christians who wanted to be part of a ministry. Thus Catherine and her husband, Leonard LeSourd, began the Breakthrough ministry. Prayer requests are identified by first name only and are never sent to intercessors in the same geographic location as the prayer requester. The 21-day prayer period was arrived at based on the story in Daniel Chapter 10. Daniel was praying for three weeks before the angel of the Lord was able to come and help him. The angel had been detained by spiritual forces from the first day of Daniel's prayer. Our intercessors may receive scriptural insights from God for the prayer requester. Those messages, in the form of Scripture verses, are sent to the office and then forwarded to the person requesting prayer. In turn, prayer requesters send their answers to prayer to the staff which are then forwarded to the intercessors as encouragement for their faithfulness in praying. We want to hear from you. Pray about becoming one of our intercessors. It is a small expenditure of time compared to how it will impact your life and change the lives of others. As you read this magazine, think of your own stories of answered prayer that you would like to share. Our editorial committee will consider them for publication in The Breakthrough Intercessor. Remember also to send us your prayer requests. It is our privilege to pray for you. 4 | THE BREAKTHROUGH INTERCESSOR | FALL '12 From The Chairman led by the Helper W hile I was preparing to write this prologue, I found myself walking on a trail in the woods near my home. I had my headphones connected to my iPhone and was listening to music. All of a sudden the music of the Wood Brothers caught my attention. The song was “Never can pray enough.” Isn’t it amazing how we get answers to our questions when we open ourselves to the “Helper” (the Holy Spirit; our counselor, our comforter). John 14:26 says, “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name. He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.” You may recall that we recently offered a CD of Catherine Marshall sharing her thoughts about “The Helper.” She went on to write a book on this topic which is one of 30 books that Catherine wrote while she was with us. In her opening remarks on the CD, she talks about being open to receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Sometimes I think we want to do things completely on our own. But wouldn’t it be much better to always be open to the leading of the Holy Spirit? Matthew 7:7 says, “Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you.” So here is where my two thoughts converge. We can “never pray enough” and we should always be “open to the leading of the Holy Spirit.” These two principles of our faith will never fail us as we believe that God loves us and wants to communicate with us all the time! We have recently been blessed with financial gifts in spite of the ups and downs of the world’s economy. Even though we are concerned about how we will meet our budget needs each month, we remain committed to our mission: to connect those who are willing to pray with those in need of prayer. May God bless you as you communicate with God to meet your own needs and the needs of others. Please contribute to the Breakthrough ministry as you are able. Tom Myers Breakthrough Chairman FALL '12 | THE BREAKTHROUGH INTERCESSOR | 5 Living Water By Cherise Curby S weat dripped down my back and muddy arms as I listened to the words being translated. The little grandma walked slowly and her back was hunched slightly from obvious years of hard work. Her words were broken with tears as she tried to explain what it meant to have a well in her village now. Adrián, our drill leader and translator, sounded raspy himself as he translated her words from Spanish into English: I have prayed for years for this well. I prayed I would not have to walk miles to have good water for my family. I prayed that we would no longer get sick from the water we drink. I thank God for bringing you all here. I knew this trip had been one answered prayer after another from before we even started. Yet now we discovered that it was an answer to prayers that had gone up before I 6 | THE BREAKTHROUGH INTERCESSOR | FALL '12 or most of our team had ever even heard of Living Water International or thought to come to Nicaragua and drill a well. When we first heard that Jim, a man in our church, was putting together a team to go to Nicaragua to drill a well, my husband and I instantly looked at each other and knew we had to go. A mission trip was not exactly in the budget for this year, but Jim assured us that if money was the only obstacle, we should trust God to provide it. We were amazed at how the funds came together, almost effortlessly, not only for each member of our 12-person team, but to fund the well itself. We were also blessed with a prayer partner who joined us in praying that we would actually find water when we drilled. According to Living Water International, a ministry that drills wells and provides hygiene classes in poor communities all over the world, nearly 90 percent of all diseases in the world are caused by unsafe drinking water, inadequate sanitation, and poor hygiene. Every year, there are 4 billion cases of diarrhea as a direct result of drinking contaminated water; this results in more than 2.2 million deaths each year—many of whom are children. It is estimated that every day, waterrelated diseases claim the lives of 5,000 children under the age of five. That’s roughly one every 15 seconds. These statistics became all the more real when we arrived in the village outside León, Nicaragua, and met families with illnesses, saw how far the distances to the nearest clean wells were, the condition of the roads that led to them, or played with and were loved by dozens of children who have never seen indoor plumbing. Eight members of our team, including my husband and me, spent each day on the drill team in the hot sun with hard hats, work gloves, shovels, a trailer-mounted drill rig, and lots of mud. The other four members of our team taught the women and children about hygiene and how to properly use this new, clean water. They also shared Bible stories and crafts, teaching them about the love of Jesus; the same love that had prompted each member of our team to help bring water to their village. A few days before we left the States for this trip, a co-worker had caught me, pulled out a sticky note, and asked me specifically what she should be praying for. Of course there was health and safety for our team; we could get sick from contaminated food and water even easier than the people living there. What came to mind the most was to ask her to pray that we would actually find water when we drilled. We wouldn’t know if we had hit an aquifer until we began developing the well; but we were trusting that God would direct us to clean water. We drilled one borehole and never hit rock, instead finding only sand and pumice, perfect for filtering water. FALL '12 | THE BREAKTHROUGH INTERCESSOR | 7 When we reached 100 feet and began flushing the well, it turned out to be one of the most producing wells the LWI staff had ever seen—rough estimates put it at about 300 gallons per minute. The whole village got in on an all-out water fight that day as children played in the water and adults filled buckets and doused each other. The excitement was electrifying. The next day we finished putting the hardware on the well, installed the pump and held a dedication where one person after another spoke about how thankful they were to God for bringing them this well and how long they had prayed for one to come to their village. On the newly installed hand pump, it says, “This hand pump is dedicated to the people of this community by Living Water International to demonstrate the Love of Jesus Christ. A cup of water in Jesus’ Name (John 4:10-14).” When it came time to leave the vil8 | THE BREAKTHROUGH INTERCESSOR | FALL '12 lage for the last time, I wished I knew enough Spanish to tell Katarín, one little girl who I particularly bonded with, and the other children who clung to me that I would remember them, and be praying for them. Instead, I could only hug them and kiss their heads over and over. I was comforted to know that despite all the challenges they would face which were so different from mine, they were growing up in a praying community. They would hear the stories as they got older about how their parents and grandparents prayed for that well and how God provided. They would remember the people who came from the United States to get dirty and hot and sweaty because Jesus loved them. They may forget our names and faces, but hopefully, they will remember that week when prayer stretched across the world and connected believers for God’s purposes. all photos courtesy of Cherise Curby Cherise is a writer, editor, graphic designer, and fitness instructor from Virginia., and was the editor of The Breakthrough Intercessor for four years. She is already planning her next trip to Nicaragua. You can learn more about LWI at FALL '12 | THE BREAKTHROUGH INTERCESSOR | 9 Seven Times by Erin Kaschub F or the November 2010 elections, I obtained a map of the U.S. and stood on it while pleading the blood of Jesus and asking for the spirit of Elijah to be ushered back into our country. The conclusion of my prayer was marked by praying for each of the 50 states, not just my own. 10 | THE INTERCESSOR | FALL '12 photo byBREAKTHROUGH Gabrielle Ryan It was a precious experience to stand with God’s word in my hands, knowing that Elohim (the Creator of the universe) had our nation in His hands. El Roi (the God who sees) was not blind to the fact that many Christian freedoms and liberties were being stripped from His children. El (the strong and mighty One) was stronger and mightier than anything that could come against us. And Jehovah Shammah (the Lord is There) would be in the voting booths for the elections. During one potent prayer time, I was reminded of the fall of Jericho in Joshua 6. The children of Israel marched around Jericho seven times and “the wall fell down flat” (verse 20). The number seven has great significance in the Bible. In 1 Kings 18:41-44 Elijah told Ahab to look over the sea seven times and on the seventh time he saw a miraculous sign. II Kings 5:10-14 tells of Elisha commanding Naaman to wash in the Jordan seven times in order to be healed. Reflecting on the number seven, I felt that it was time to take my prayers to an even greater level. The first thought that came to my mind was to go where I would personally vote, and anoint the location once a day for seven days. Then I felt that I was to anoint a different location each day for the seven days leading up to the first Tuesday in November. With so many churches and schools that had “vote here” signs in front of them, it was a synch to anoint one per day. My goal was not to make a spectacle out of myself or cause alarm to the administration in the schools. The plan was to simply pull into a parking lot, pray while in my car if necessary, and anoint the parking lot with oil. For the churches and government buildings, I walked up to the front doors and anointed the handles while praying something as simple as: “God, please bless these polls. May You bring truth to light. Open the eyes of the voters who pass through these doors to vote in line with biblical standards. Give favor to candidates who will vote in line with Your word. Please turn our nation back to You. Amen” On one occasion a friend joined me to walk around a government building. My dear friend boldly proclaimed Jesus as the Lord of the elections and cast out the spirits of confusion, evil, and deception. Jehovah-Rapha (our Provider) not only provided the time to pray, He also provided a miracle in one particularly heated local election. On a sticky note next to Psalm 7:9, 17 in my Bible, I recorded the answer to prayer: “Praise You Lord for letting the underdog win!” What God revealed through David and Goliath, God was showing to be true in the local race of the anti-Christian, rich powerhouse incumbent versus a Christian with a small budget. God had shown once again that Jeremiah 32:17 is true: there is nothing too hard for Him. Editor’s note: 2012 brings another important election. Please join Breakthrough in praying for our nation and its leaders at all levels of government. Erin facilitates a support group for caregivers in Georgia. She has been an intercessor for 11 years. She cherishes her time alone with God and worshiping Him. FALL '12 | THE BREAKTHROUGH INTERCESSOR | 11 Agonizwmai by Annie Joy E arly one morning, my brother Michael texted me asking me to pray for his friend on the internet who was searching for Christ. Normally at such times I would say, “God, help Michael’s friend come to know You and give Michael the words to say.” But not this day. As soon as I got the text, I began to pray and since the house was empty, I prayed out loud. By the time I got on the treadmill, there were two more of Michael’s friends added to the list. The words were coming out of my mouth before I thought of them, as if I was reading or quoting something I’d memorized. I didn’t have to search for more things to pray. Words just kept coming and so did agonizwmai. Agonizwmai comes from Romans 15:30 “I urge you, brethren… to strive together with me in your prayers.” It means to struggle, fight, labor fervently, strive; to compete for a prize or to contend with an enemy. It wasn’t anger I felt; rather it was more like the power with which the Apostles cast out demons. With authority and confidence and tightness in my chest, I thought I was reminding 12 | THE BREAKTHROUGH INTERCESSOR | FALL '12 God of His promises, demanding that He remember them. But just who was reminding whom? God’s not the one with the faulty memory. I didn’t know what to say. That’s when God reminded me that “the Spirit also helps our weakness, for we do not know how to pray as we should.” (Romans 8:26) Verse after verse came to my mind from James, Philippians, Matthew, Isaiah…. The last verse I stopped on was this: “And all things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.” (Matthew 21:22) And I had to ask myself, “Do I believe that?” I’ve never been one to “name it and claim it” or believe that just because I pray something, God has to do it. But God reminded me again that “if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us.” (1 John 5:14) Was this prayer according to His will? It certainly wasn’t coming from me. I felt like all the Scripture I’d ever memorized was just right at my fingertips and on the tip of my tongue. How could that be except by the Holy Spirit? I am incapable of remembering how much vanilla goes into the recipe even though I’ve been told six times. I am doing well just to read one verse each day. No, not I, but Him. If ever I was sure of anything in my life, it’s that this prayer did not come from me, and no demon would ever supply me with that much Scripture. The only other choice was that it came from God. I could also say for sure, “This prayer had power.” The Apostle Paul wanted to know “the fellowship of sharing in [Christ’s] sufferings, becoming like Him in His death.” (Philippians 3:10 NIV) God only knows how many times I’ve quoted that verse and never understood it but today it hit me: Jesus agonized over us in His death. He was pleading for our lives. That is what I was doing. Sure, I prayed for people’s salvation before, but never like this. I found myself begging God for their lives, claiming His promises as if He would forget them and crying, literally crying, with sobs and gasps, for people I had never met. I was praying on the treadmill, running, having to drag in air, and knowing that I was struggling hard spiritually over people I didn’t even know. Agonizwmai. That was the heart of God I felt. God cared about them enough to die for them and now, I felt, I did too. I cared because God cared. So did I believe? Not that “God’s will would be done” or that they would be saved “God willing.” I realized that while I should never presume to know the mind of God, on this day, for this prayer, saying I believe “if it was God’s will” was leaving me a loophole, an escape route in case God didn’t answer. For that moment, saying “God willing” was a mark, not of my faith, but of my doubt. “The one who doubts is like the surf of the sea, driven and tossed by the wind.” (James 1:6) Is that what I chose to be? It was very difficult for me to actually put my faith in the fact that God would answer this prayer. It was like letting go of a drifting buoy to stand on a rock in the middle of the sea. The buoy may have kept me afloat, but it also kept me unstable and wind-tossed. After all those verses, all that prayer, all that agonizwmai, it all came down to Matthew 21:22: “And all things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.” I ran through the logic in my mind, Bible in hand, sitting on the edge of the treadmill and I found myself saying, “If this verse is true…” “If this verse is true?” How that must break the heart of God. Suddenly there was no question. There was no loophole, no “if.” God’s Word is true. So in that moment, I let go of my safety buoy to stand on the Rock of Ages. And on this Rock I put my trust, for I know three things • This prayer didn't come from me. • This prayer had power. • God’s Word is true. As a result, I placed my brother’s three friends in the hands of God and rest assured that in His timing, He would bring all three of them to a saving faith in Jesus Christ. To the praise and the glory of His grace. Annie is the author of Treasure’s Hunt, a novel in her historical fiction series Willow Creek. She can be found at her website, anniejoybooks. com or on Facebook as Annie Joy Books. FALL '12 | THE BREAKTHROUGH INTERCESSOR | 13 Feature Is God Listening? by Bob Hollingshead photo by Gabrielle Ryan W hen Breakthrough intercessors pray, they listen for God’s confirmation that He is listening. Through Scripture, you know His response as a ‘message of insight.’ John the Baptist sent his disciples to ask Jesus, “Are you the one who is coming?" And, Jesus answered, “… what have you seen and heard: the blind receive sight, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear.” My wife Peggy has been wearing hearing aids for over 25 years. Originally she had prayed for healing, but over the years she surrendered to a life with the aids. Recently she got new ones – very high tech – with a built in FM receiver and a ‘directional attachment’ to pick up what an individual was saying. All new stuff to me since we had been married for only three years. 14 | THE BREAKTHROUGH INTERCESSOR | FALL '12 Recently she awoke from an afternoon nap in terrible pain. She was able to get out of bed, stumble down the hall to our office -- literally falling into my arms -- and say, “Something is terribly wrong.” Standing there without a conscious thought or a clue how to pray, I just held her. Neither of us seemed to be in need of any additional action for we seemed to be surrounded by peace. After a few moments I asked Peggy if she could sit down – “Yes.” Are you in pain? “No.” Let’s go to the ER. “OK.” “What do you think, doctor?” “Don’t know – check with your doctor on Monday.” Monday – “What do you think doctor?” “Don’t know – let’s see what happens over the next few days.” During the next few days our life was different. Peggy stopped wearing her hearing aids. She enjoyed listening to music – turning down the TV – and hearing the birds sing their morning song. I kidded her, “You can hear the ants crawling outside.” We learned that God never forgot all of Peggy’s prayers for the return of her hearing. It was a witness that sometimes we need to stop praying and silently listen for God’s answer. Or, to confirm for Breakthrough Intercessors the wisdom of why He told Catherine to use Daniel 10:13 as our guide for a time of prayer. Bob was the Chairman of Breakthrough from 1997 - 2002. He worked closely with Len LeSourd for five years and is currently developing a Bible program for children. photo by Gabrielle Ryan “Ten more minutes, Lola! Then time for bed,” I called to my three year old granddaughter. “No-o-o-o-o!” she protested. “I don’t want to go to bed. I want seven minutes!” “Lola, you can have ten!” I replied, trying to help her understand. “Seven!” she insisted. “Okay,” I surrendered. “Seven more minutes, then bed time. No trouble and no crying.” “Okay,” she smiled as she continued to play. As I was tucking her in bed seven minutes later, I couldn’t help but wonder how many blessings from God we miss out on because we protest His way and insist on our way. “No ear has ever heard, nor eye ever seen any God but you, Who works such deeds for those who wait on Him.” – Isaiah 64:4 FALL '12 | THE BREAKTHROUGH INTERCESSOR | 15 Fig Tree Faith By Connie Young O ur farmer friend decided he wanted to remove some fig trees from his land and offered our family as many trees as we cared to take out. Grateful for the opportunity to beautify our yard with fruit-bearing trees, my husband and I carefully dug up seven trees and transported them to our property. 16 | THE BREAKTHROUGH INTERCESSOR | FALL '12 With visions of shade from the upcoming summer heat, on a gray, overcast morning we enthusiastically dug places for them along the curve of our driveway. My husband shoveled the dirt over the roots as I carefully held the trees in place. While my dirtcovered fingers were still wrapped around the cool trunks, I breathed a prayer to the Giver of Life to bless each tree and make it fruitful. As we placed the last of the seven trees, my neighbor walked up the drive. Carelessly, to make conversation, I commented to her as she approached, “I’m standing here praying over this silly tree - as if God hears me about such a matter.” No further thought was given to the subject as we chatted about other things - at least not until later that rainy afternoon, when my son came home from school, slamming the door and yelling from the kitchen, “Where did we get the cool trees, Mom?” Before I could reply he continued, “Looks like the one on the end is dead.” In my spirit I knew instantly. My mind flashed to the foolish words I had spoken that morning as I planted the seventh tree: “If He hears me…” I grabbed my wool sweater and ran out the front door and down the muddy driveway, almost slipping. It was a misty rain, softly dampening my hair and clothing. It was obvious, even before I could get a close look. The last tree planted was drooping and many leaves were on the ground. Stunned, I shivered and pulled the sweater closer around me. The remaining leaves looked different than the ones on the other six trees. The trunk bent awkwardly and the branches looked thinner and dry. Wouldn’t I have noticed this before? I sneezed into my wet-sweatered arm FALL '12 | THE BREAKTHROUGH INTERCESSOR | 17 A chill shuddered through my body and water rolled through my straightened hair and down my forehead, dripping off my nose. I thought of the withered fig tree the disciples saw. and my eyes blurred as I gazed at the trees, watching water drip off them to make puddles on the dirt beneath. They were all planted with the same care. Why did we plant this patheticlooking tree? While looking up at the darkening sky, I again remembered my words. Was God speaking to me through a fig tree? Distantly, east of the house, the heavens lit up with a dashing flash of electrical light. Moments later, thunder aggressively cracked an echoing drumming, seemingly confirming my question. I knew there was a Scripture about a fig tree Jesus changed. A chill shuddered through my body and water rolled through my straightened hair and down my forehead, dripping off my nose. I thought of the withered fig tree the disciples saw. (Matthew 21:20) Then other pieces of Scripture formed in my mind. “ ...He must believe and not doubt... for he that doubts is like a wave of the sea... That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord.” (James 1:6-7 NIV) I grasped the moist trunk of the seventh tree with my cold fingers. My prayers for the trees had been in faith, but I’d expressed doubt with the last tree. I wiped the wetness from my face, and after repenting for my flippancy, I prayed for God’s blessing of the tree. And I prayed with faith. The sky opened up with a down- 18 | THE BREAKTHROUGH INTERCESSOR | FALL '12 pour as I meditatively walked back to the house, sloshing through cloudy, brown puddles gathering on the driveway. Mud splatters decorated my legs; but a clean feeling, deep inside me was rising in my spirit. My son was staring out the window at his mother’s strange behavior. When I went inside, I shared a miraculous lesson in faith. The next day, the sun shone brightly, and within a few days, all seven trees were stripped of their leaves and looked rather bad. But finally, all the trees sprouted tiny, bright green evidences of new life. When I share this experience with people unlike me, they don’t find it particularly significant - especially since it isn’t unusual for fig trees to drop leaves when they’re replanted. But it doesn’t matter to me if I don’t have any proof about how unusual my seventh tree looked on that stormy day. I’ve learned something about faith. Even when people tell me it’s only a coincidence that the last tree along the curve of the driveway is the largest and most productive, it’s not what I believe. Connie has four children and nine grandchildren. She and her husband own a small construction company in California. She enjoys writing and has been published in several books, magazines and newspapers. FALL '12 | THE BREAKTHROUGH INTERCESSOR | 19 the mind of Christ by Roy Borges I n prison, I can find someone to dislike everywhere. I can see someone I don’t even know and not like them simply because of the way they look, walk, or talk. But the Bible says, “God is love,” and “there is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear.” (John 4:16-18) The Apostle Paul defines this kind of love in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8. He says, “Love suffers long… love is kind.” He goes on to list the things that love does and does not do. He ends his definition with the statement, “Love never fails.” This kind of love sees people through God’s eyes as individuals created in His image. He wants me to love people with the love He has for them – He loved them so much He gave His only Son to save them. (John 3:16-17) When I am walking in this kind of love, fear is eradicated and failure never comes because love never fails. I have my emotions under control and no one is pushing my buttons. In prison, everyone tries to push your buttons. Whenever I find myself in an emotional situation where someone is trying to push me, instead of popping off I delay my response. Then I ask myself, “How would Jesus handle this situation?” Don’t misunderstand me, in my natural human love, it is easy to lose my cool and pop off. But when the mind of Christ is directing my steps, He enables me to refrain from the sharp retort, the smart-alecky remark, or the mean comeback. I deliberately discipline my volatile reaction. Jesus was never unkind or mean to anyone. Through His grace, I put a curb on my tongue, but more importantly on my mental attitude – the tongue being its only instrument. I try to fill my thinking with Jesus’ thoughts just as the apostle Paul wrote, “Let this mind be in you which also is in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 2:5) Inmates are quick to claim, “I have my rights!” Pride and self-centeredness, or just plain evil, make them think, “I can eat twice, I’m hungry. I can cut in line, I’m in a hurry,” or they justify buying something stolen, “I didn’t steal it.” When you have the mind of Christ, your attitude changes. Christ enables you to lay aside your rights. If you say you follow Christ, you want to live like He did. You allow him to develop an attitude of humility in you, even if you are not likely to get any recognition for your efforts. The mind of Christ contains love’s thermometer. It does not allow the heat of the moment to get me. It pays no attention to a suffered wrong. It’s not touchy, fretful, or resentful. It does not insist on being right or rejoice at injustice, but rejoices in the truth. I see people the way God does, not for who they are, but for whom they can become in Christ. I try to see everyone with lovable qualities. I can love my enemies and overcome evil with good. It’s a whole new way of thinking. It’s the mind of Christ. The Bible says, “He who is in you is greater than He who is in the world.” (John 4:4) Roy's stories have appeared in many Christian publications. He won AMY Foundation awards in 1998, 2002 and 2003. Roy's book "Faith and Love Behind Prison Fences" was published in 2002. photo by Gabrielle Ryan 20 | THE BREAKTHROUGH INTERCESSOR | FALL '12 FALL '12 | THE BREAKTHROUGH INTERCESSOR | 21 In the Last Hour by Kathleen Wright I t’s a cold, snowy day in western New York where I work as a visiting nurse. I am also a mother of five, with a house full of teenagers and no child support to speak of at all. I am a Christian holding tightly to Jesus through troubled times. One of my patients is on my heart. She is so dear, so pretty, with a beautiful home and a caring, providing husband. It is through my nursing that our worlds meet and from the beginning I thought what a friend she would be. She has already endured an amputation of her leg and the cancer still was not arrested. I pray alone in my car, “Lord, show me how to help. She doesn’t want any more treatment. She’s had enough. Should I mention You? Is she angry? Does she want to die?” During this visit, we talk. She has more pain than she did before, especially when her bowels move. The pain is terrifying to her. I see such a straightforward person, but I begin softly. “Are you a Christian?” 22 | THE BREAKTHROUGH INTERCESSOR | FALL '12 “Oh yes! I love the Lord with all my heart!” “Do you want to live?” “No, I can’t go on like this.” “Do you want to talk further about it?” “Well, I feel awful at physical therapy. I feel like a Cyclops or something, a freak. I just can’t go there anymore.” I listen as God gives me a quiet, understanding heart, filling it with love for her. I don’t force the issue. It’s been hard for her these past couple of years so I listen with love. “Peggy,” I say, “can I pray with you?” “Oh yes! Please, I want to pray.” “What are your concerns?” “My son,” (I smile; we are both mothers). “He needs to marry a good girl, a Christian. My husband is all right, but he will need someone. My daughter is at college. Just look at her marks! She is doing so well; we talk on the phone a lot.” “Peggy, do you want her to come home?” “No; we’ve already decided that. She wants to keep going and I’m so proud of her.” My heart is troubled; I believe that it is important for this daughter to be with her mother. I quickly have to decide to respect the decision. “I don’t want to stink,” she said earnestly. “My father died of cancer. I would visit him, but I really do ask the Lord to not let my flesh stink.” We pray. She shows me her Bible. I carefully guide her to the Psalms 27, 46, and 91. I look at her Bible. It’s so highlighted and worn out. She knows her God. My heart is filled with joy. I’ve hidden God’s Word in my heart all these years and I praise Him that I’ve communicated my faith effectively. I CAN help! “Peggy, you need to get your back to the wind, don’t you?” She nods and cries. I have no more words to say. I see her struggle with her emotions as she tries to control herself. She is relieved that I understand. My visit is finished; it’s my sixth assessment visit. I have called her physician on my last two visits. Her pulse is 90 and so soft. I believe that she is bleeding. He discounts my thoughts. “We’ve already transfused twice.” He is not going to do anymore. I decide it’s in my best discretion not to push him. I have never met her husband, but we talk on the phone. “Bob,” I tell him, “her pulse is 90 and I think she might be bleeding. Do you want your daughter home?” “No,” he replies. “We’ve already talked through that and it’s final.” “She wants to die.” “I know there is nothing more they can do for her,” he says. I listen to him. He is so strong on her behalf. Peggy has told me she has laughed when her husband gets off the elevator at the hospital. “The doctors are afraid of him,” she says. I smiled. I’m glad they’re afraid of someone. I don’t have a strong medicine ordered. I think of hospice. I’ll call them tomorrow. We may need something FALL '12 | THE BREAKTHROUGH INTERCESSOR | 23 more when her time comes. Funny, I think about child birth instead of death. I drive home, exhausted. I pass the local cemetery and shiver; it’s so cold. What a nasty day. I shake off this cold feeling. She’s okay. We have some time yet. I set aside thoughts of my visit and focus on making supper for the kids instead. I should get some gas in my car. I have only three dollars until payday. The gas station is closed. It’s getting darker and colder. I’ll put gas in the car in the morning. The tank registers at less than a quarter full. It’s 9:30 pm. I go to bed. At 10:20, the phone rings. It’s Bob. “There’s something wrong,” he says. “She is in a lot more pain and I can’t quiet her. Please help me!” “Of course!” There is only one main road between my house and his. Driving is almost impossible. I couldn’t even see 24 | THE BREAKTHROUGH INTERCESSOR | FALL '12 in front of me. The snow wants to be a blizzard. It is as though a giant angel is guiding my car. I was wearing only a sweat suit and no makeup. How could I possibly appear professional? God’s love fills my heart and mind. When I arrive, I get to the back door quickly, holding my nursing bag tightly. Bob greets me and there is a look of shock on his face. I run up the stairs with wings on my feet. Peggy is waiting for me, sitting up in her bed. I put my arms around her and settle her back into her pillows. I see she is losing consciousness. Quickly I check her blood pressure; there is none – as if I didn’t already know. “Bob, where is Jeff?” “He’s in the other room.” Somehow my arms around her seem to quiet her. I realize her son will need to hold her while she is still alive. “Jeff, come quickly and see your mother!” All three of us tell Peggy we love her; and within five minutes, she was gone like a snuffed out candle. I stay numbly by her side, desperately trying to stay in control while Bob and Jeff shout out to God. My visual aid is the Bible by Peggy’s bed. I turn through the worn out pages to Isaiah 43:2-4: “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.” Bob’s face shows deep shock as he makes phone calls: to family, the coroner, and the funeral director. The funeral director arrives. We talk a little. Then I notice the snow has stopped outside. I drive home as I have an early start the next day. I am friends with the gas station owner near my house and I know he will have the station open early for me. When I get home, I knew this seemingly empty tank of gas is absolutely no problem. God had heard and answered Peggy’s prayer. All of my energy is gone now, but my youngest son, Sam, calls from his bed. “Mom, are you all right?” He is always so caring. “I’m fine, Sam.” “Something’s the matter,” he said. “Where were you?” “It’s okay. I’ll tell you about it later… Sam?” “Yeah, Mom?” “Jesus loves us.” “Right, Mom. I know. I love you too.” Kathleen is the grandmother of nine grandchildren. She volunteers at Lockpert Cares homeless shelter in New York and is a pastoral nurse and health minister. This story is from when she worked for the Visiting Nurses Association. FALL '12 | THE BREAKTHROUGH INTERCESSOR | 25 Do I Need the Holy Spirit by Catherine Marshall J esus was about thirty years old when He asked John the Baptist to baptize Him. Behind Him lay “the hidden years” of which we catch only glimpses of in the Gospels. We do know that until then He had lived a quiet life in the Nazareth carpenter shop and had attempted “no mighty works.” That day at the Jordan, the Holy Spirit came upon Him, permanently to make His home in the earthly temple of Christ’s being. Only then did Jesus dare to embark on His public ministry. In the same way, three years later, the disciples were instructed by their Master to not attempt to preach or to teach or to witness until this same heavenly Dove had implanted His fire in their hearts too… He commanded them not to leave Jerusalem, but to wait for what the Father had promised… Only the Holy Spirit could give them the ability to communicate truth to other people; could supply them with in-depth perception into the needs of others; could give them a message; convict of sin; heal; administer the infant Church – in short, equip them for service. We in our century are certainly no When I less needy than our Lord or those disciples. For us to attempt any church work, any ministry or witnessing solely through man’s devices, talents, and organizational machinery alone is as effective as trying to drive our car with water in the gasoline. The year 1871 saw Dwight L. Moody apparently a great success as an evangelist. His tabernacle drew the largest congregations in Chicago. But according to Moody’s own estimate of those years, he was a “great hustler” and this work was being done “largely in the energy of the flesh.” Two humble Free Methodist women, Auntie Cook and Mrs. Snow, used to attend these meetings and sit on the front row. Moody could not help seeing that they were praying during most of his services. Finally, he spoke to the women about it. “Yes,” they admitted, “we have been praying for you.” “Why me? Why not for the unsaved?” the evangelist retorted, a bit nettled. “Because you need the power of the Spirit,” was their answer. After some weeks of this, Mr. Moody invited the women to his office to talk about it. “You spoke of Pray? power for service,” he prodded them. “I thought I had it. I wish you would tell me what you mean.” So Mrs. Snow and Auntie Cook told Moody what they knew about the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Then the three Christians prayed together and the women left. From that hour “there came a great hunger in my soul,” Moody was to say later. “I really felt that I did not want to live if I could not have this power for service.” One late autumn day in 1871, Dwight L. Moody was in New York (on his way to England) walking up Wall Street. Suddenly, in the midst of the bustling crowds, his prayer was answered: the power of God fell on him so overwhelmingly that he knew he must get off the street. Spotting a house he recognized, Moody knocked on the door and asked if he might have a room by himself for a few hours. Alone there, such joy came upon him that “at last he had to ask God to withhold His hand, lest he die on the spot from joy.” From that hour, Moody’s ministry was never the same. He went on to England for what was to be the first of many evangelistic campaigns there. People thronged to north London to hear him. “The sermons were not different,” Moody summarized. “I did not present any new truths, and yet hundreds were converted. Even if you should give me the whole world, I would not now be placed back where I was before that blessed experience.” The evangelist was to live another 28 years, and “to reduce the population of hell by a million souls.” Reprinted from The Breakthrough Intercessor Volume 15, number 2 Spring 1995 photo by Gabrielle Ryan 26 | THE BREAKTHROUGH INTERCESSOR | FALL '12 FALL '12 | THE BREAKTHROUGH INTERCESSOR | 27 W Bliss in Blythe by ST Mann 28 | THE BREAKTHROUGH INTERCESSOR | FALL '12 e had an intruder. One I knew well; very well, unfortunately. My son Kenny and I were driving north across the desert to Quartzite where we would meet his friend Nicole. She lived in Los Angeles, two or three hours to the west. A motel selected from the current travel guide would be the rendezvous location at noon. Finishing my research work at City Hall in Yuma that morning took longer than I anticipated and the road to Quartzite was slower than I estimated. A lot slower. We would arrive at least 90 minutes late and there was no cell phone coverage to coordinate the change in arrival time. In my DOD (days of darkness) of the past, I would have made an unraveling plan such as this even uglier by spewing foul language and emitting negative vibes of anger, not to mention insane driving. Do you remember the old Reader’s Digest article ‘The Nation’s Worst Drivers?’ At least they didn’t mention me by name. Now, by the grace of God, I walked through life trusting the Father for all. Behold the lilies of the field… how they grow; they toil not; neither do they spin; yet… even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. Now if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will He not much more clothe you? (Matthew 6:28-30) Kenny’s anxiety after repeated failed attempts to connect with Nicole deflated his faith. It was enough to permit the intruder to enter. I detected this intruder by the uncharacteristic tension as he drove - in his hands, in his legs, in his speech and in the atmosphere. The intruder had been my primary tormentor from my DOD. A demon of haste Hurry up! Even if there is no deadline. Just to practice for when there is a deadline. We have to get there ASAP. Pronto! Now! Faster! But first, procrastinate to make sure we are cutting it close. We don’t have time to enjoy the ride. We don’t have time to look at the scenery. We don’t have time to stop. But don’t worry about safety – God wants you there fast; and He will protect you, even if you don’t practice safety. You don’t even have to use your seat belt. If we aren’t on time, no one will wait for us; and no FALL '12 | THE BREAKTHROUGH INTERCESSOR | 29 one will forgive us. If we do manage to arrive on time, certainly they will understand why we are too tired to be involved in any conversations. As soon as we get there we will need to rest up because we will have to hurry home. Hurry up, even if there is no deadline. Saddened that my beloved son was being vexed by my former nemesis, my soul wept. I prayed silently. Words of solace came. I apologized for not getting my information from city hall any quicker, but sometimes governments are like that; surely we would have cell phone coverage again soon and surely Nicole would have a safe place to wait for us in the motel lobby. We finally arrived in Quartzite. Oh… bad news! There was still no cell phone. And there was NO motel! While listed in the travel guide, it had never been built! The demon eagerly reminded us of our predicament Ninety minutes LATE! NO cell phone coverage. You tried a pay phone and Nicole has NO cell phone coverage either, thus NO way to contact her. She is traveling alone in 30 | THE BREAKTHROUGH INTERCESSOR | FALL '12 an old Volkswagen nearly three hours from home. The meeting place doesn’t even exist! This is a terrible situation. She will be mad. She might even turn around and go home and never speak to you again. Can’t God even permit time to visit Nicole without trouble? God can’t be trusted in matters that are really important to you? Kenny listened to the intruder. He was frustrated, anxious and angry – just as I had been almost continuously during my years of DOD. I believe God wept. We had given the day to God in prayer before we left home that morning; He was still in control. I prayed again, silently. His love enveloped me, and I hugged my son. As I held him, we prayed. If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. (James 1:5) Words of wisdom came to me, and I shared them "LET’S NOT LOOK AT THE OBSTACLES HERE; LET’S LOOK AT THE PROMISES OF GOD… The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that you might have life, and that you might have it more abundantly. (John 10:10) AND LET’S LOOK AT WHAT HE IS TRYING TO TEACH US HERE." When Peter had come down out of the boat, he walked on the water to go to Jesus. But when he saw the wind he became afraid, and beginning to sink, he cried out saying, ‘Lord save me!’ And immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and caught him, and said to him, ‘O you of little faith, why did you doubt?’ (Matthew 14:29-31) We released the ungodly thoughts and emotions at the foot of the cross: faithlessness, haste, anger, anxiety. The Holy Spirit prevailed, the intruder fled, and God smiled. Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? …I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus. (Romans 8:35, 38-39) The map showed a town twenty miles west – Blythe. It was just across the Colorado River. "It’s a little bit bigger. Let’s go there; maybe they will have cell phone coverage so whenever Nicole gets to a cell phone area we can call her." Eighteen miles down the road, two minutes outside Blythe, the cell phone chirped up. We had a message. "Hi, it’s Nicole. I went to Quartzite… ummm… there is NO such motel – it apparently had never been built! And there is NO cell phone coverage there, so I drove back across the Colorado River to Blythe. I am waiting at the motel here in Blythe." Two more minutes elapsed, followed by a sweet, teary, and glorious reunion. ST is a 50's vintage sojourner for Jesus and has written dozens of inspirational true short stories from his adventures. His monthly devotional now reaches six continents. He lives on a farm in the Canadian Rockies and can be reached at FALL '12 | THE BREAKTHROUGH INTERCESSOR | 31 A Prayer nswers to LORD'S VICTORY God heard our cries! My brother was on the verge of losing his business due to theft, but the Lord completely cleared it up. Thank you for your prayers! Susan JOB BREAKTHROUGH My daughter, Tammy, got a different job! She had been working on a TV set with a horrible boss who would curse and verbally abuse her. She was miserable, but the Lord opened up other doors for her and she is working with a great boss in a different company. Joette HUSBAND'S HEALING We prayed for God to heal Shannon’s husband from cancer, back trouble, and kidney cysts. Praise the Lord, he’s been healed! Thank you for your prayers. Ilona GOD KNOWS BEST I wrote back in 2009 asking prayer for my parents’ healing. My father had cancer and my mother had early stages of Alzheimer’s. My mom, Nettie, is doing much better! My father went home to glory on April 11, 2009. The Father knew best! Thank you so much for your prayers. Inette 32 | THE BREAKTHROUGH INTERCESSOR | FALL '12 RECOVERING My youngest son is a recovering alcoholic. He is over a year and a half sober! Thank you for interceding for him! Sybil SALVATION STORY Praise the Lord, my son has given his life to Jesus! Yasmin INSIGHTFUL MESSAGE I received an insightful message from one of your intercessors and I would love for her to know how much I appreciate her prayers and the verses she was led to send. Oh, how I needed to hear from the Lord that day! God bless you all! Gail Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in PRAYER, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. // Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in PRAYER. // Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by PRAYER and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. // Devote yourselves to PRAYER, being watchful and thankful. // I always thank my God as I remember you in my PRAYERS. FALL '12 | THE BREAKTHROUGH INTERCESSOR | 33 RELATIONSHIPS I must tell you that after I requested prayer from you, within less than 24 hours my mother called to apologize to me. Praise the Lord for His mighty hand of healing relationships! There is still much that needs mending, but I am just waiting to see what the Lord will do next. Thank you very much for your prayers on behalf of me and my loved ones! Becky MARRIAGE HEALING Eighteen years ago, I asked prayer for my marriage. He was leaving and didn’t love me anymore. Praise the Lord, this June we will be celebrating 38 years of marriage! We are so happy and peaceful. We work together and have a great relationship. We love each other very much; we are enjoying our children and our newborn granddaughter. God is awesome and I praise Him for healing and giving us a new marriage. We are so thankful for each other and for your prayers! Donna O h, give thanks unto the Lord; call upon His name; make known His deeds among the people... talk ye of all His wondrous works. Psalm 105:1-2 MATT'S HEALING About two years ago, I requested prayer for my son-in-law, Matt, who was faced with stage four, carcinoid cancer in his liver. Since then, through the grace of God and good treatment, the tumors have shrunk significantly. Praise the Lord for His awesome healing power! June GINA'S DELIVERANCE Good news! I wanted you to know that Gina’s breast cancer exam results came back and it was all negative! It was just a mass of tissue that looked like something harmful, but wasn’t. Our God intervened because of your prayers. Also, the symptoms of kidney stones have also disappeared. Thank you so much for your faithfulness to prayer. Blanche BREAKTHROUGH IN PRISON I’d like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your unsolicited intercession on my behalf. I know it greatly smoothed my transition to the new camp I’m stationed at. Two specific examples jump to mind: 1) contrary to prior practice, they have started leaving the dorm lights on during the weekends so I can see to study God’s Word! And 2) contrary to their own rules and stated practice, I was granted permission to start computer school here – despite having already graduated two technical training courses. This will prepare me for life back in society after almost 20 years of incarceration. God is SO good! Thank you so much for all you do. May God Almighty continue to bless you! Ollie MEMORIALS Carol Matza in memory of Gloria DeLillo We welcome gifts in honor of loved ones. BUSINESS INCREASE Thank you so much for praying for my husband’s business. Things have really picked up for the first time in years! We are so excited and happy. It is such a blessing. We appreciate your prayers more than you can know! Betty CANCER FREE! I asked prayer for my sister, Barbara, who was diagnosed with cancer a few days before Christmas. At the time, she was only given three months to live. In February, she was declared free of all cancer tumors and fluids in her body. Only by the miracles of God! Thank you for praying! Kathy SONS' RELATIONSHIP I have definitely seen prayer answered about our boys, Jake and Ben. There have been improvements in their relationship. Thank you so much! I so appreciate your prayers! Anonymous Answers to Prayer are edited for publication. 34 | THE BREAKTHROUGH INTERCESSOR | FALL '12 FALL '12 | THE BREAKTHROUGH INTERCESSOR | 35 Find Breakthrough on FACEBOOOK Address Service Requested P. O. Box 121 Lincoln, Virginia 20160 Fall 2012 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Aberdeen, SD Permit No. 200