Yanmar Saildrive SD25 Series
Yanmar Saildrive SD25 Series
MARINE DIESEL ENGINES se i resSe i0 SSD20 liiradSl iarS am aYn aY r e2 SD 02 DeSv ier d vSeries r anm ar Saildrive Yanmar Saildrive SD25 Series Inner Seal Outer Seal laAqua eS rSensor elanenS I rennI laOuter eS rSeal elatueO S retuO ro sneSeal SroasunqeAS auqA Inner Aqua Sensor • Corrosion Protection •Reliable elbaileR n elbaileR n Efficient tneicfifEtn•& eSimple icefilpfEm&&iS en lpmiS n Efficient Quiet & Low Vibration ntenance ndly ection Quiet Low noitarbniVoiw teoiuLQ• ihW taorbLiV& w & rWhisper teepiusQ r e pnsih&W nVibration ecnaneetcn•niaaEasy M saia EMnysa neytMaintenance n En yldn•eUser irFyldreFriendly nseU irFnresU n noitce•tnoExtra x ErPnartx orPitcaerProtection to En Reduction gear system sh gear with dog clutch 02DS 02DS Constant mesh gear with dog clutch hctulc hgcotdulh rae ctigwod hg tiwhsraeemg thnsaetsmnotnCatsnoC Reduction ratio [fwd/asn] Direction of rotation [propeller shaft - fwd] epyT eevpiryd narY TlieavSirrdalim aS amna metsysmreatesgysnoraitecgudneoRitcude 2.64/2.64 )nsa / d)nwsfa( o/ id tawr fn( ooititcaur dneoRitcude Counterclockwise viewed from flywheel side )nsa / d)nwsfa( d/ edewpfs( dreleleppsorePllepor 46.2/4466.2.2/46.2 4631/44663311/4631 Dry weight Saildrive dis leehdw isylfleemhowryf fldemwoerfivdeswiw eikvceoslciwrkectnoulcoC retnuoC kwise viewed from flywheel eside )sbl 66)(sgbkl 6063( gk 03 ) www.yanmar.eu BrochureSD25.indd 1 SD25 30 kg [66 lbs] )dwf - t)fdaw hsf -retflalehpsorepl(lenpooitrapt(onr ofoitantoirtcfoerniDoitceri evirdliaeSvitrhdgliaieSwth yrgDiew yr EN_DSSD20_1214 Yanmar Saildrive Type 06-01-15 14:45 Engine Model 1GM10C x SD25 2YM15C x SD25 3YM20C x SD25 3YM30AEC x SD25 Configuration 4-stroke, vertical, water-cooled diesel engine 4-stroke, vertical, water-cooled diesel engine 4-stroke, vertical, water-cooled diesel engine 4-stroke, vertical, water-cooled diesel engine Maximum output at crankshaft * 6.6 kW@3600 rpm [9 mhp@3600 rpm] * 10.0 kW@3600 rpm [13.6 mhp@3600 rpm] * 15.3 kW@3600 rpm [21 mhp@3600 rpm] * 21.3 kW@3200 rpm [29.1 mhp@3200 rpm] Displacement 0.318 ltr [19.41 cu in] 0.57 ltr [34.7 cu in] 0.854 ltr [52.1 cu in] 1.115 ltr [68 cu in] Bore x stroke 75 mm x 72 mm [2.95 in x 2.83 in] 70 mm x 74 mm [2.8 in x 2.9 in] 70 mm x 74 mm [2.8 in x 2.9 in] 80 mm x 84 mm [3.1 in x 3.3 in] 1 2 3 3 Indirect injection Indirect injection Indirect injection Indirect injection Cylinders Combustion system Aspiration Model Engine Model Engine Engine Model aspiration Natural aspiration 3YM20C Natural aspiration Natural aspiration Engine Model Engine Model 1GM10C Engine Model 1GM10C x SD20 x 1GM10C SD20Natural x SD20 1GM10C x1GM10C SD20 2YM15C x1GM10C SD20 2YM15C xxSD20 SD20 x 2YM15C SD20 x SD20 2YM15C x2YM15C SD20 x 3YM20C 2YM15C SD20 xxSD20 SD20 x 3YM20C SD20 x SD20 3YM20C x3YM20C SD20 x 3YM30C 3YM20C SD20 3YM30C xxSD20 SD20 x 3YM30C SD20 x SD20 3YM30C x3YM30C SD20 x3YM30C SD20 x SD20 Engine Model Engine Model Engine Model Configuration Configuration Starting system Configuration 1GM10C 1GM10C x SD20water x 1GM10C SD20 x cooled SD20 2YM15C 2YM15C xdiesel SD20 xdiesel 2YM15C SD20 xdiesel SD20 3YM20C 3YM20C xdiesel SD20 xdiesel 3YM20C SD20 xdiesel SD20 3YM30C 3YM30C xdiesel SD20 xdiesel 3YM30C SD20 xdiesel SD20 Configuration Configuration 4-stroke, Configuration vertical, 4-stroke, vertical, 4-stroke, cooled water diesel vertical, engine water 4-stroke, dieselcooled engine vertical, 4-stroke, dieselwater engine vertical, 4-stroke, 4-stroke, cooled vertical, 4-stroke, vertical, cooled engine water water vertical, 4-stroke, cooled cooled engine water diesel vertical, cooled engine engine water 4-stroke, dieselcooled engine vertical, 4-stroke, dieselwater engine vertical, 4-stroke, 4-stroke, vertical, 4-stroke, vertical, engine water water vertical, 4-stroke, cooled cooled engine water diesel vertical, cooled engine engine water 4-stroke, dieselcooled engine vertical, 4-stroke, diesel water engine vertical, 4-stroke, 4-stroke, cooled water vertical, 4-stroke, vertical, cooled engine water water 4-stroke, cooled cooled engine water vertical, cooled engine engine water 4-stroke, dieselcooled engine vertical, 4-stroke, dieselwater engine vertical, 4-stroke, cooled water diesel vertical, cooled engine water diesel cooled engine diesel engine Electric starting with manual combination water Electric starting 12V -cooled 1.4water kW cooled Electric starting12 V -vertical, 1.4 kW diesel Electric starting 12V - 1.4 kW Configuration Configuration vertical, 4-stroke, vertical, cooled water vertical, diesel engine water engine vertical, 4-stroke, water 4-stroke, cooled water vertical, diesel cooled engine water engine diesel engine 4-stroke, vertical, 4-stroke, water vertical, 4-stroke, cooled water vertical, diesel cooled engine water cooled engine engine vertical, 4-stroke, water vertical, cooled water vertical, diesel cooled engine water engine diesel engine MaximumConfiguration Maximum output at output crankshaft Maximum at crankshaft output at Maximum crankshaft Maximum output at 4-stroke, *crankshaft Maximum output 6.6 kWat (9 * crankshaft 6.6 mhp) output kW/water 3600 (9 at4-stroke, mhp) *crankshaft 6.6 rpm kW / 3600 (9 cooled mhp) rpm / *diesel 3600 6.6cooled kW rpm (9* diesel mhp) 6.6 kW /engine 3600 (94-stroke, * *10.0 mhp) 6.6 rpm kW kW / 3600 *(9 (13.6 10.0 mhp) rpm mhp) kW /vertical, 3600 (13.6 */ 10.0 3600 rpm mhp) kW rpm /(13.6 3600 mhp) rpm *diesel 10.0 / cooled 3600 kW (13.6 *rpm 10.0mhp) kW *(13.6 */15.3 10.0 3600 mhp) kW kW rpm *(21 15.3 (13.6 / 3600 mhp) kW mhp) rpm /(21 3600 * /15.3 mhp) 3600 rpm kW /rpm 3600 (21 mhp) rpm *diesel /15.3 3600 kW rpm (21 * diesel 15.3 mhp) kW /4-stroke, *(21 3600 *21.3 15.3 mhp) rpm kW kW */(29.1 21.3 3600 (21 mhp) mhp) kW rpm (29.1 /4-stroke, */3600 21.3 3600 mhp) rpm kW rpm /(29.1 3600 mhp) rpm *diesel 21.3 / cooled 3600 kW (29.1 *rpm 21.3mhp) kW (29.1 */ 21.3 3600 mhp) kW rpm(29.1 / 3600 mhp) rpm/ 3600 rpm Alternator 12V - 40A 12V - 125A 12V - 125A 12V - 125A Maximum Maximum output output crankshaft Maximum crankshaft output at crankshaft *5.9 6.6 kW (9 *5.9 6.6 mhp) kW /(8(9 3600 *mhp) 6.6 rpm /3400 3600 (9mhp) mhp) rpm/ /3400 3600 rpm 10.0 (13.6 10.0 mhp) *9.4 /10.0 3600 mhp) kW /(13.6 3600 mhp) rpm / kW 3600 rpm *14.7 15.3 kW(12.8 (21 15.3 mhp) kW /(21 *3600 15.3 mhp) rpm kW 3600 (21mhp) mhp) rpm/14.7 /3489 3600 rpm *20.1 21.3 kW *20.1 (29.1 21.3 kW mhp) *20.1 /21.3 3600 mhp) kW rpm /3489 (29.1 3600 mhp) rpm 3600 rpm Continuous Continuous ratingat output Continuous rating atatoutput crankshaft rating at crankshaft Continuous output at Continuous crankshaft rating output Continuous rating kW at(8crankshaft output mhp) rating kW / at 3400 crankshaft mhp) output 5.9 rpm kW / kW at (8crankshaft rpm 5.9 kW rpm (8 mhp) 5.9 kW / 3400 (8 *9.4 mhp) 5.9 rpm kW kW /kW 3400 (12.8 (8*9.4 mhp) rpm mhp) kWkW /(12.8 3400 / (13.6 3489 mhp) rpm kW rpm /rpm (12.8 3489 mhp) rpm 9.4 / 3489 (12.8 rpm 9.4mhp) kW (12.8 / 3489 9.4 mhp) kW kW rpm (20 /*14.7 3489 mhp) kW rpm /(20 3489 3489 14.7 mhp) rpm kW / /3489 (20 rpm kW rpm (20 14.7 mhp) kW/ (20 3489 14.7 mhp) rpm kW kW /(27.3 3489 (20 mhp) mhp) kW rpm (27.3 /(29.1 /3489 3489 mhp) rpm kW rpm /(27.3 mhp) rpm 20.1 / /3489 kW (27.3 rpm 20.1mhp) kW (27.3 / 20.1 3489 mhp) kW rpm(27.3 / 3489 mhp) rpm/ 3489 rpm Cooling system Fresh water cooling bycu centrifugal water pump water cooling by water pump Fresh water by centrifugal water pump Fresh by centrifugal water pump Continuous Continuous rating output Continuous rating atoutput crankshaft rating at crankshaft output at crankshaft 5.9 kWL(8 5.9 mhp) kW /L(8 3400 5.9 rpm kW / 3400 (8(19.41 mhp) rpm / 3400 rpm 9.4 kW 9.4 kW mhp) (12.8 /in)3489 9.4 mhp) kW rpm /(12.8 3489cu mhp) rpm / 3489 rpm0.57 14.7 (20 14.7 mhp) kW /(20 3489 14.7 mhp) kW (20 mhp) rpm /0.854 3489 20.1 kW (27.3 20.1 mhp) (27.3 /20.1 3489 rpm /(27.3 3489 rpm1.115 / 3489 rpm Displacement Displacement Displacement Displacement Displacement 0.318 Displacement (19.41 0.318 cu (19.41 in)mhp) 0.318 cu Lin) in) 0.318 L (19.41 0.318 cuL in) (19.41 0.57 0.318 Lcu(34.7 L(12.8 in) (19.41 0.57 cu Lin) cu (34.7 0.57 cu in) LFresh (34.7 in) 0.57 L (34.7 cucentrifugal Lin)(34.7 0.854 0.57 cukW in) LL (34.7 (52.1 0.854 cu cu Lin) in) (52.1 0.854 curpm in)/L 3489 (52.1 cu in) Lrpm (52.1 0.854 cu Lin)cooling (52.1 1.115 0.854 cu Lin) L(68 (52.1 1.115 cu kW cu in)L (68 in) 1.115 cumhp) in)kW L (68 cumhp) in) L (68 1.115 cu in)L (68 1.115 cu in)Lwater (68 cucooling in) x stroke Displacement Displacement Displacement Bore Bore x stroke Bore x stroke rubber impeller sea pump and impeller sea water pump and rubber impeller sea water pump and rubber sea water pump 0.318 0.318 cu Land in) cu Lin)x(19.41 cu(2.95 in) 0.57 (34.7 0.57 cu Lxin) (34.7 cu in) (34.7 in)rubber 0.854 L(2.8 0.854 L(2.8 in) in) L xin) (52.1 cu in) 1.115 L(2.8 1.115 L(2.9 cu L xin) (68 in)(2.9 Bore x stroke Bore x stroke 75 Bore mmLxx(19.41 stroke 72 75 mm mm (2.95 x(19.41 720.318 75 mm in mm x 2.83 (2.95 72 in) inmm x 2.83 75 in)mm inwater x x2.83 72 75mm in) mm(2.95 x 72 70 75 in mm mm mm xL2.83 (2.95 xx74 70 72 in)mm in mm mm 2.83 (2.8 x(2.95 740.57 in 70 in) mm xinmm 2.9 xL(2.8 2.83 xin)74 in in) xcu mm 2.9 (2.8 in)70 in mm x 2.9 x 74 70 in)mm mm(2.8 x 74 70 in 70 mm xmm mm 2.9 x(52.1 xin) 74 70 74 inmm mm mm xcu2.9 x(52.1 (2.8 74 in)0.854 in 70 mm incu xxmm 2.9 2.9 (2.8 in) 74 in xmm 2.9 (2.8 in)70 in mm x 2.9 x 74 70 in)mm mm (2.8 x 74 76 in 70mm xmm mm 2.9 x(68 xin) 82 76 74 incu mm mm mm x in) 2.9 x(68 (2.8 82 in)1.115 in 76 mm inxxin) mm 3.2 2.9 (2.9 in) 82 in cu xmm 3.2 in)76 in mm x 3.2 x 82 76 in)mm mm(2.9 x 82in 76mm xmm 3.2 (2.9 xin)82 in mm x 3.2(2.9 in)impeller in x 3.2 in) Bore x stroke Bore x stroke Bore x stroke Cylinders Cylinders Cylinders mm x 72 75 x 7275 in mm x (2.95 2.83 x 72 in) inmm x 2.83 (2.95 Cylinders Cylinders 75 1Cylinders 1 mm (2.95 1mm 1in) in x 2.83 1 in) Lubrication system 70 70 x 7470 in xmm 2.9 (2.8 xin)74 in xmm 2.9(2.8 in)2 in x 2.9 in) 21 mm x 74 2 mm (2.8 2mm 2 Enclosed, forced lubricating system Cylinders Cylinders 1Indirect 1Indirect injection Combustion Combustion system Cylinders Combustion system system Combustion Combustion system1 Indirect Combustion system injection system injection 70 70 x 7470 in xmm 2.9 (2.8 xin)74 in xmm 2.9(2.8 in)3 in x 2.9 in) 32 mm x 74 3 mm (2.8 3mm 3 Enclosed, forced lubricating system 2 2Indirect injection 2Indirect injection Indirect injection Indirect injection Indirect Indirectinjection injection 76 76 x 8276 in xmm 3.2 (2.9 xin)82 in xmm 3.2(2.9 in)3 in x 3.2 in) 33 mm x 82 3 mm (2.9 3mm 3 Enclosed, forced lubricating system 3 3Indirect injection 3Indirect injection Indirect injection Indirect injection Indirect Indirectinjection injection 3 3Indirect injection 3Indirect injection Indirect injection Indirect injection Indirect Indirectinjection injection 3 Enclosed, forced lubricating system Indirect injection Indirect injection Indirect injection Lubrication oil for Saildrive system API CC and SAE 10W30 aspiration API GL4 or GL5aspiration and SAEaspiration 80W90 or SAEinjection 90Indirect API GL4 oraspiration GL5 and SAE 80W90 or SAE 90 Natural aspiration API GL4 or GL5 and SAE 80W90 or SAE 90 Combustion Combustion system Combustion system injection Indirect Indirect injection Indirect injection Indirect Indirect Indirect injection Indirect Indirect injection Indirect injection Indirect injection Aspiration Aspiration Aspiration AspirationAspirationIndirect Natural Aspiration aspiration Natural injection aspiration Natural aspiration Natural aspiration Natural Natural Naturalaspiration aspiration Natural injection aspiration Natural injection aspiration Natural Natural Natural Naturalaspiration aspiration Natural aspiration Natural injection aspiration Natural aspiration Natural Natural Natural aspiration aspiration Natural aspiration Natural aspiration Natural aspiration Natural aspiration Aspiration Aspiration Aspiration Natural aspiration Natural aspiration Natural aspiration Natural aspiration Natural aspiration Natural aspiration Natural aspiration Natural aspiration aspiration Natural aspiration Starting system Starting system Starting system Starting system Starting system Electric Starting starting Electric system with starting manual Electric with combination starting manual with combination Electric manual combination Electric withstarting manual Electric Electric with starting starting Electric manual 12 with starting combination V -manual Electric 1.412 kWCounterclockwise Vcombination starting - 1.4 kW 12 Electric V - 1.4 kW starting Electric 12 starting V from Electric - Electric 1.4 12 kW starting V starting Electric - 1.412 kW 12 starting VV-Natural -Electric 1.4 kW kW Vaspiration starting - 1.4 kW 12 Electric V - 1.4 kW starting Electric 12 starting V Natural Electric - Electric 1.4 12 kW starting V starting Electric - 1.412 kW 12 starting VV-Natural -Electric 1.4 1.412 kW kW Vaspiration starting - 1.4 kW 12 Electric V - 1.4 kW starting Electric 12 starting V - Electric 1.4 12 kWV starting - 1.4 kW 12 V - 1.4 kW from flywheel side Direction of rotation [propeller] Counterclockwise viewed fromstarting flywheel side combination viewed flywheel side 1.412 Counterclockwise viewed from flywheel side Counterclockwise viewed Starting system Starting system Starting system Engine Electric starting Electric starting manual Electric with starting manual with combination manual Electric starting starting VA-Electric 1.4V 12 V60 starting -A 1.4 kW 12 V2YM15C kWA Electric starting Electric Voptional) 1.4V 12 V60 starting -A 1.4 kW 12 V3YM20C kWA Electric starting Electric Voptional) 1.4V 12 V60 starting -A 1.4 kW 12 V3YM30C kWA Alternator Alternator Alternator Alternator Alternator 12 Alternator V - 35 12 A V -with 35 A 12 V -combination 35 A 12 V - 35combination Ax1GM10C 12SD20 V - 35 A 12 12 VV- -60 35Electric 12 AAx(80 V -12 A60 optional) 12 (80 AkW -optional) (80 A optional) 12- 1.4 V - 60 12 (80 V -A60 optional) A 12 12 (80 VV-A-60 60 optional) 12 AA (80 V -12 A60 Astarting optional) A-Electric 12 (80 AkW -optional) (80 A optional) 12- 1.4 V - 60 12 (80 V -A60 optional) A 12 12 (80 VV-A-60 60 optional) 12 AA (80 V -12 A60 Astarting optional) A-Electric 12 (80 AkW -optional) (80 A optional) 12- 1.4 V - 60 12 (80 V -A60 optional) A 12 (80V A- 60 optional) A (80 A optional) Model Engine Model Engine Model 1GM10C x1GM10C SD20 SD20 x2YM15C SD20 x 2YM15C SD20 x(80 SD20 x3YM20C SD20 x 3YM20C SD20 x(80 SD20 x3YM30C SD20 x3YM30C SD20 x SD20 Dry weight with Saildrive 104 kg [229 lbs] 134 kg [295 lbs] 144 kg [317 lbs] 157 kg [346 lbs] Alternator Alternator Alternator 12 V - 35 12 A V - 35 A 12 V - 35 Acooling 4-stroke, 12 V -water 60 12 A (80 Vcooled -A 60 optional) Adiesel 12 (80 VA-engine optional) 60 Adiesel (80 Aengine optional) 12 V -water 60 12 A (80 Vcooling -A 60 optional) Adiesel 12 (80 VA-engine optional) 60 Adiesel (80 Aengine optional) 12 V -water 60 12 A (80 Vcooling -A 60 optional) Adiesel 12 (80 VA-engine optional) 60 Adiesel (80 Aengine optional) Cooling system Cooling system Cooling system Cooling system Cooling system Seawater Cooling system Seawater cooling cooling Seawater Seawater vertical, cooling Seawater cooling Fresh Seawater Fresh cooling cooling water Fresh cooling water cooling Fresh water Fresh cooling water Fresh Fresh cooling water Fresh cooling water Fresh cooling water cooling Fresh water Fresh cooling water Fresh Fresh cooling water Fresh cooling water Fresh cooling water cooling Fresh water Fresh cooling water Fresh cooling water cooling Configuration Configuration Configuration 4-stroke, water vertical, 4-stroke, cooled water diesel vertical, engine water cooled 4-stroke, vertical, 4-stroke, water vertical, 4-stroke, cooled water diesel vertical, cooled engine water cooled 4-stroke, vertical, 4-stroke, water vertical, 4-stroke, cooled water diesel vertical, cooled engine water cooled 4-stroke, vertical, 4-stroke, water vertical, 4-stroke, cooled water diesel vertical, cooled engine water diesel cooled engine diesel engine Environmental Cooling EU: RCD BSO II EMC lubricating Fresh EU: RCD forced BSO IIEnclosed, EMC EU:lubricating RCD BSO IIlubricating EMC EU: RCD BSO II EMC Cooling system Cooling system cooling cooling Seawater cooling water Fresh cooling water Fresh cooling water cooling water Fresh water Fresh cooling water cooling water Fresh cooling water cooling water cooling Lubrication Lubrication system Lubrication system system system LubricationMaximum Lubrication system Enclosed, Lubrication system Enclosed, forced system lubricating forced Enclosed, lubricating system forced system lubricating forced system lubricating Enclosed, forced forced lubricating system lubricating forced Enclosed, lubricating system system forced system lubricating lubricating forced system lubricating Enclosed, forced forced lubricating system lubricating forced Enclosed, lubricating system system forced system lubricating forced Enclosed, forced system lubricating Enclosed, forced system lubricating forced Enclosed, system system forced system lubricating forced lubricating system lubricating system lubricating Maximum output at Seawater crankshaft Maximum output atSeawater crankshaft output at crankshaft *Enclosed, 6.6 kW system (9forced *Enclosed, mhp) 6.6 kW / 3600 (9Enclosed, *Enclosed, mhp) 6.6 rpm kW / 3600 (9 mhp) rpm / 3600 rpm *Enclosed, 10.0 kWsystem (13.6 *Enclosed, 10.0mhp) kW Fresh (13.6 *Enclosed, / 10.0 3600 mhp) kW rpm (13.6 /cooling 3600 mhp) rpm / 3600 rpm *Enclosed, 15.3 kWsystem (21 *Enclosed, 15.3 mhp) kW/Fresh (21 3600 *Enclosed, 15.3 mhp) rpm kW /forced 3600 (21 mhp) rpm /Fresh 3600lubricating rpm *Enclosed, 21.3 kWsystem (29.1 *Enclosed, 21.3mhp) kW forced (29.1 *Enclosed, / 21.3 3600 mhp) kW rpmforced (29.1 / 3600 mhp) rpm/ 3600system rpm Lubrication Lubrication system Lubrication system system Enclosed, Enclosed, forced lubricating forced Enclosed, lubricating system forced lubricating system Enclosed, Enclosed, forced Enclosed, lubricating system system lubricating system Enclosed, forced lubricating Enclosed, lubricating system system lubricating system Enclosed, forced lubricating Enclosed, lubricating system system lubricating system Lubrication oil for Saildrive Lubrication oil for Saildrive oil for Continuous Lubrication Saildrive Continuous Lubrication oil for Saildrive API Lubrication oil CC for Saildrive API SAE oil CC for 10W30 and Saildrive API SAECC 10W30 SAEsystem 10W30 API CC and API SAE CC and API API SAE GL4 CC or and API GL5 SAE GL4 and 10W30 orforced SAE GL5 APIrpm 80W90 GL4 and SAE orforced GL5 or80W90 90 and API SAE orGL4 90 80W90 or API GL5 GL4 orand 90 API API GL5 GL4 80W90 GL4 andor or API SAE GL5 GL5 orGL4 90 80W90 and and orforced GL5 SAE API or 80W90 GL4 90 and 80W90 SAE orforced GL5 oror80W90 90 90 and API SAE orGL4 90 80W90 or API GL5 GL4 orkW and 90 SAE API API GL5 GL4 80W90 GL4 and or API SAE GL5 GL5 or GL4 90 80W90 and and or/forced SAE GL5 SAE API or 80W90 GL4 90 and 80W90 SAE orforced GL5 oror80W90 90 90 and API SAE orGL4 90 80W90 or API GL5GL4 or and 90or API GL5 80W90 GL4 and or GL5 or 90 80W90 and orEPA 90 80W90 or 90 US: EPA Tier3 US: EPA Tier3 US: Tier3 rating output Continuous rating atand crankshaft output rating at crankshaft output atand crankshaft 5.9 kW (8 mhp) 5.9 kW / 10W30 3400 (8 mhp) 5.9 rpm kW / 10W30 3400 (8 mhp) rpm /lubricating 3400 9.4 kW (12.8 9.4 mhp) kW (12.8 /orSAE 3489 9.4 mhp) kW rpm (12.8 /Enclosed, 3489 mhp) rpm /SAE 3489 rpm 14.7 kW (20 14.7 mhp) /or (20 3489 14.7 mhp) rpm kW /orEnclosed, 3489 (20 mhp) rpm 3489 rpm 20.1 kW (27.3 20.1 mhp) kW (27.3 /SAE 20.1 3489 mhp) kW rpm (27.3 /SAE 3489 mhp) rpm /SAE 3489 rpm Lubrication for Saildrive oil for Saildrive for Saildrive API CC and API SAE CC 10W30 and API SAE CC 10W30 and SAE 10W30 API GL4 or API GL5 GL4 and SAE GL5 API GL4 80W90 and or SAE GL5 or80W90 90 and SAE or 90 90 API GL4 orclockwise API GL5 GL4 SAE GL5 API GL4 80W90 and or SAE GL5 or80W90 90 and SAE or 90 80W90 or 90 API GL4 or API GL5 GL4 and or SAE GL5 API GL4 80W90 and or SAE GL5 or80W90 90 and SAE or 90 80W90 orin)90 Direction Lubrication Direction of oil rotation ofLubrication (propeller) Direction rotation (propeller) ofoil rotation Direction (propeller) of Direction rotationof Counter (propeller) Direction rotation clockwise Counter of (propeller) rotation clockwise viewed Counter (propeller) from viewed clockwise flywheel from side Counter viewed flywheel clockwise side Counter flywheel viewed clockwise Counter side Counter from viewed clockwise Counter flywheel from clockwise viewed side viewed flywheel Counter from from viewed side clockwise flywheel flywheel from side Counter viewed side flywheel from clockwise side Counter flywheel viewed clockwise Counter side Counter from clockwise viewed Counter flywheel from clockwise viewed side viewed flywheel Counter from from viewed side clockwise flywheel flywheel from side Counter viewed side flywheel clockwise side Counter flywheel clockwise Counter side Counter viewed clockwise Counter flywheel from clockwise viewed side viewed flywheel Counter from from viewed side clockwise flywheel flywheel from side Counter viewed side flywheel clockwise side Counter flywheel clockwise side Counter from clockwise flywheel viewed flywheel from side flywheel side Displacement Displacement Displacement 0.318 Lfrom (19.41 0.318 cuL in) (19.41 0.318 cu Lclockwise in) (19.41 cuor in) 0.57 L80W90 (34.7 0.57 cuorLin) (34.7 0.57 cu in) L (34.7 cuand in)or 0.854 Lfrom (52.1 0.854 cu Lin)viewed (52.1 0.854 cufrom in) Lclockwise (52.1 cu in) 1.115 Lfrom (68 1.115 cu L viewed (68 1.115 cu in) Lviewed (68 cu from in) side Engine mounting Rubber type flexible mounts Rubber type flexible mounts Rubber type flexible mounts Rubber type flexible mounts Direction Direction ofwith rotation ofDirection (propeller) rotation (propeller) of with rotation (propeller) Counter clockwise Counter clockwise viewed Counter from viewed clockwise flywheel fromside viewed flywheel side Counter clockwise clockwise viewed Counter from viewed clockwise flywheel fromside viewed flywheel side Counter clockwise Counter clockwise viewed from viewed clockwise flywheel fromside viewed flywheel side Counter clockwise Counter clockwise viewed from viewed clockwise flywheel fromside viewed flywheel side Dry weight Dry weight Saildrive Dry with weight Saildrive Saildrive Dry weight Dry with weight 104 Dry with kg weight (229 104lbs) with kg (229 Saildrive 104 lbs) kg (229 lbs) 104 kg from (229 104 lbs) kg(2.95 (229 134 104 lbs) kg (295 (229 134 lbs) kg (295 134 lbs) (295 134 kg from (295 134 lbs) kg(2.8 (295 151 134 lbs) kg kg(2.8 (333 (295 151 lbs) (333 151 lbs)x kg (333 lbs) 151 kg from (333 151 lbs) kg(2.8 (333 157 151 lbs) kg kg(2.8 (346 (333 157 lbs) (346 157 lbs)x kg (346 lbs) 157 kg from (346 157 lbs) kg(2.9 (346 157 lbs) kg(2.9 (346 lbs) Bore x stroke Bore xSaildrive stroke Bore xSaildrive stroke 75 mm x side 72 75flywheel mm mm x 72 75 in mm mm xkg 2.83 (2.95 xCounter 72 in)lbs) inmm x 2.83 (2.95 in) in xkg 2.83 in)lbs) 70 mm x side 74 70flywheel mm mm x 74 in 70mm xmm 2.9 xin) 74 inlbs) mm xkg 2.9 (2.8 in)Counter in 2.9 in) 70 mm x side 74 70flywheel mm mm x 74 in 70mm xmm 2.9 xin) 74 inlbs) mm xkg 2.9 (2.8 in)Counter in 2.9 in) 76 mm x side 82 76flywheel mm mm x 82 in 76mm xmm 3.2 xin)82 in mm x 3.2(2.9 in) in x 3.2 in) Dry weight Dry with weight Saildrive Dry with weight Saildrive with Saildrive kg (229 104 kg 104 lbs)IIRCD, kg (229 lbs)II & EMC 134 kg 134 lbs) kg 134 lbs)IIRCD, kg (295 lbs)II & EMC 151 kg 151 lbs) kg 151 lbs)IIRCD, kg (333 lbs)II & EMC 157 kg 157 lbs) kg 157 lbs)IIRCD, kg (346 lbs)II & EMC Environmental Environmental Environmental Environmental EU Environmental RCD, BSO EUlbs) RCD, II &(229 EMC BSO EU & EMC BSO EU EU II & EMC BSO EU EU RCD, II &(295 EMC BSO EU BSO RCD, II II&(295 &EMC BSO EMC EU & EMC BSO EU EU II & EMC BSO EU EU RCD, II &(333 EMC BSO EU BSO RCD, II II&(333 &EMC BSO EMC EU & EMC BSO EU EU II & EMC BSO EU EU RCD, II &(346 EMC BSO EU BSO RCD, II II&(346 &EMC BSO EMC EU & EMC BSO EU EU II & EMC BSO EU II & EMC BSO II & EMC Cylinders Environmental Cylinders 104 Cylinders 1 RCD, BSO 1 RCD, 1 RCD, 2 RCD, BSO 2 RCD, 2 RCD, 3 RCD, BSO 3 RCD, 3 RCD, 3 RCD, BSO 3 RCD, 3 RCD, NOTE: 3 mounting Environmental Environmental Environmental EU RCD, EU BSO RCD, II & EMC BSO EU II RCD, & EMC BSO II & EMC EU RCD, EU BSO RCD, II & EMC BSO EU II RCD, & EMC BSO II & EMC EU RCD, EU BSO RCD, II & EMC BSO EU II RCD, & EMC BSO II & EMC EU RCD, EU BSO RCD, II & EMC BSO EU II RCD, & EMC BSO II & EMC Engine mounting Engine mounting Engine mounting Engine Engine mounting Rubber Engine type mounting Rubber flexible type mounts Rubber flexible type mounts flexible Rubber mounts type Rubber flexible type mounts Rubber Rubber flexible type type Rubber mounts flexible flexible type mounts mounts Rubber flexible type mounts flexible Rubber mounts type Rubber flexible type mounts Rubber Rubber flexible type type Rubber mounts flexible flexible type mounts mounts Rubber flexible type mounts flexible Rubber mounts type Rubber flexible type mounts Rubber Rubber flexible type type Rubber mounts flexible flexible type mounts mounts Rubber flexible type mounts flexible Rubber mounts type Rubber flexible type mounts Rubber flexible type mounts flexible mounts Combustion Combustion system system Indirect injection Indirect injection Indirect injection Indirect injection Indirect injection Indirect injection Indirect injection Indirect injection Indirect injection Indirect injection Indirect injection Indirect injection ; 1kW =system 1.3596Combustion mhp = 1.3410 HP Fuel condition: Density at 15°C = 0.84 g/cm Engine mounting Engine mounting Engine mounting Rubber type Rubber flexible type mounts Rubber flexible type mounts flexible mounts Rubber type Rubber flexible type mounts Rubber flexible type mounts flexible mounts Rubber type Rubber flexible type mounts Rubber flexible type mounts flexible mounts Rubber type Rubber flexible type mounts Rubber flexible type mounts flexible mounts *NOTE: Fuel temperature 40°C at the inlet of the fuel injection pump [ISO 8665:2006] Aspiration Aspiration Aspiration Natural aspiration Natural aspiration Natural aspiration Natural aspiration Natural aspiration Natural aspiration Natural aspiration Natural aspiration Natural aspiration Natural aspiration Natural aspiration Natural aspiration FuelNOTE: condition: Fuel Density condition: NOTE: at Fuel 15°C Density condition: = 0.84 at 15°C NOTE: Density g/cm = Fuel 0.84 3;at1kW NOTE: condition: 15°C g/cm = 1.3596 =3; Fuel 0.84 1kW Density NOTE: condition: g/cm mhp = 1.3596 at Fuel =3;15°C 1.3410 Density 1kW condition: mhp ==0.84 HP 1.3596 = at 1.3410 15°C Density g/cm mhp = HP 3; 0.84 at1kW = 15°C 1.3410 g/cm = 1.3596 =3;0.84 HP 1kWg/cm mhp = 1.3596 =3;1.3410 1kW mhp = HP 1.3596 = 1.3410 mhp HP= 1.3410 HP Technical is40°C according to at ISO * Fuel temperature *data Fuel temperature * at Fuel the40°C temperature inlet of the8665: inlet fuel 40°C * Starting Fuel injection of2006/3046-1 at the temperature the fuel inlet pump * Starting injection Fuel of (ISO temperature the 40°C pump fuel 8665) * Starting at Fuel injection the (ISO temperature 40°C inlet 8665) pump ofatthe the(ISO fuel 40°C inlet8665) injection ofatthe thefuel inlet pump injection of (ISO the fuel 8665) pump injection (ISOstarting 8665) pump (ISO 8665) system system system Electric Electric with starting manual Electric with combination starting manualwith combination manual combinationElectric starting Electric 12 starting V - Electric 1.4 12 kWV starting - 1.4 kW 12 V - 1.4 kW NOTE: FuelNOTE: condition: Fuel Density condition: NOTE: at Fuel Density 15°C condition: = at 0.84 15°C Density g/cm = 0.84 3;at1kW 15°C g/cm == 1.3596 3;0.84 1kWg/cm mhp = 1.3596 = 3;1.3410 1kW mhp = HP 1.3596 = 1.3410 mhp HP= 1.3410 HP Technical data Technical is according data Technical is to according ISOdata 8665 to is /according ISO 3046 Technical 8665 /to3046 ISO data Technical 8665 is according / data 3046 Technical istoaccording ISOdata 8665 isto/according ISO 30468665to/ 3046 ISO 8665 / 3046 * Fuel temperature * Fuel temperature 40°C* Fuel at the40°C temperature inlet at of the the inlet fuel 40°C injection of at thethe fuel inlet pump injection of (ISO the fuel pump 8665) injection (ISO 8665) pump (ISO 8665) Alternator Alternator Alternator 12 V - 35 A12 V - 35 A12 V - 35 A Technical data Technical is according data Technical is according to ISOdata 8665 to is according /ISO 3046 8665 to / 3046 ISO 8665 / 3046 12 V - 60 A12(80 V -A60 optional) A12 (80V A- 60 optional) A (80 A optional) Fresh waterFresh cooling waterFresh cooling water cooling Fresh waterFresh cooling waterFresh cooling water cooling Fresh waterFresh cooling waterFresh cooling water cooling Fuel Consumption gal / hr Crankshaft Torque lb-ft Fuel Consumption L / hr Fuel Consumption L / hr Crankshaft Torque lb-ft Crankshaft TorqueTorque lb-ft lb-ft Crankshaft Fuel Consumption L / hr 1 Crankshaft SpeedCrankshaft min-1 SpeedCrankshaft min-1 Speed min-1 0 Crankshaft SpeedCrankshaft min-1 SpeedCrankshaft min-1 Speed min-1 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 1900 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3200 3400 Engine Speed, rpm onsumptiona gal / hr onsumptiona gal / hr Fuel Consumption Fuel Consumption Fuel Consumption onsumptiona gal / hr Consumption L / hr Fuel Fuel Consumption Consumptiona gal gal / hr / hr 2 Fuel Fuel Consumption Consumptiona gal gal / hr / hr 3 Fuel Fuel Consumption Consumptiona gal gal / hr / hr 4 Fuel Fuel Consumption Consumption L / Lhr/ hr 5 Torque nkshaft Torque lb-ft Consumption L / hr Maximum output at Maximum prop shaft output atMaximum prop shaftoutput at prop shaft Torque Torque nkshaft Torque lb-ft Maximum output at Maximum crankshaft output atMaximum crankshaftoutput at crankshaft Engine Speed, rpm Power nkshaft Torque Nm nkshaft/propeller shaft) kW onsumption gal /shaft) hr kW nkshaft/propeller onsumption gal / hr nkshaft/propeller shaft) kW onsumption gal / hr Consumption L / hr nkshaft Torque lb-ft Power kshaft/propeller shaft) mhp Engine Speed, rpm Fuel Consumption Fuel Consumption Fuel Consumption 3YM30C3YM30C3YM30C Power -1 -1 6 Fuel Consumptiona gal / hrgal / hr Fuel Consumptiona 20 5 -1 -1 kshaft/propeller shaft) mhp -1 nkshaft Torque Nm -1 kshaft/propeller shaft) mhp -1 nkshaft Torque Nm -1 7 Crankshaft Crankshaft Torque Torque lb-ftlb-ft 30 FuelConsumptiona Consumption, l/hr Fuel gal / hrgal / hr Fuel Consumptiona 40 Crankshaft TorqueTorque lb-ft lb-ft Crankshaft 50 Fuel Consumption FuelTorque Consumption Fuel Torque Consumption FuelTorque Consumption Fuel Consumption Fuel Consumption Fuel Consumption Fuel Consumption Fuel Consumption at Fuel Prop. load Consumption exp. 3 FuelTorque Consumption Fuel Torque Consumption FuelTorque Consumption 8 Torque at Crankshaft Consumption L / hr Propeller power curve 60 Crankshaft Crankshaft Torque Torque NmNm Propeller power curve Propeller power curve Propeller power curve 10 70 Crankshaft TorqueTorque lb-ft lb-ft Crankshaft Output Output (crankshaft/propeller shaft) mhp mhp Fuel(crankshaft/propeller Consumption L / hr shaft) Fuel Consumption L / hr 5 Output Power, mhp Crankshaft Crankshaft Torque Torque NmNm Propeller power curve Propeller power curve Propeller power curve Crankshaft TorqueTorque Nm Nm Crankshaft Fuel Fuel Consumption Consumption galgal / hr/ hr 15 Propeller power curve Propeller power curve Propeller power curve Maximum output at prop shaft Crankshaft Crankshaft TorqueTorque lb-ft lb-ft Output Output (crankshaft/propeller (crankshaft/propeller shaft) shaft) mhp mhp Torque, Nm Fuel Consumption Fuel Consumption L / hr L / hr Crankshaft Crankshaft Torque Torque NmNm Output Output (crankshaft/propeller (crankshaft/propeller shaft) shaft) mhp mhp OutputOutput (crankshaft/propeller shaft) mhp (crankshaft/propeller shaft) mhp Output Output (crankshaft/propeller (crankshaft/propeller shaft) kWkW Crankshaft TorqueTorque Nm shaft) Crankshaft Nm OutputOutput (crankshaft/propeller shaft) mhp (crankshaft/propeller shaft) mhp OutputOutput (crankshaft/propeller (crankshaft/propeller shaft) mhp shaft) mhp Fuel Fuel Consumption Consumption galgal /shaft) hr/shaft) hrkWkW Output Output (crankshaft/propeller (crankshaft/propeller Crankshaft Crankshaft TorqueTorque Nm Nm Fuel Fuel Consumption Consumption galgal / hr/ hr Output Output (crankshaft/propeller (crankshaft/propeller shaft) shaft) kWkW Output Power, kW OutputOutput (crankshaft/propeller shaft) kW (crankshaft/propeller shaft) kW Output (crankshaft/propeller Fuel Consumption gal /shaft) hrgal /kW Output (crankshaft/propeller shaft) Fuel Consumption hr kW Fuel Fuel Consumption Consumption L / Lhr/ hr Fuel Consumption gal / hrgal / hr Fuel Consumption OutputOutput (crankshaft/propeller (crankshaft/propeller shaft) kW shaft) kW Crankshaft Crankshaft Torque Torque lb-ftlb-ft Fuel Fuel Consumption Consumption L / Lhr/ hr Propeller power curve Propeller power curve Propeller power curve 10 80 Crankshaft SpeedCrankshaft min-1 SpeedCrankshaft min-1 Speed min-1 -1 Crankshaft Speed Crankshaft min-1 Speed min Crankshaft Speed min-1 10 -1 -1 -1 Crankshaft Speed Crankshaft min Speed min Crankshaft Speed min Crankshaft SpeedCrankshaft Crankshaft min Speed Speed Crankshaft Crankshaft min min Speed Speed min Crankshaft min Speed min-1 Crankshaft Speed Crankshaft Crankshaft min-1 Speed Speed Crankshaft minCrankshaft min Speed Speed min Crankshaft min-1 Speed min-1 Crankshaft SpeedCrankshaft min-1 SpeedCrankshaft min-1 Speed min-1 0 0 min-1 0 Crankshaft SpeedCrankshaft min-1 SpeedCrankshaft min-1 Speed min-1 Crankshaft SpeedCrankshaft min-1 SpeedCrankshaft min-1 Speed Crankshaft SpeedCrankshaft min-1 SpeedCrankshaft min-1 Speed min-1 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 1900 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3200 3400 -1 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 1900 2000 -12200 2400 2600 2800 3200 3400 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 Crankshaft Speed Crankshaft min Speed min Crankshaft Speed min Crankshaft Speed Crankshaft min Speed min Crankshaft Speed min Crankshaft Speed Crankshaft min Speed min Crankshaft Speed min-1 Torque Consumption L / hr Maximum outputMaximum at crankshaft output at crankshaft Maximum output at crankshaft Maximum output at Maximum crankshaft output atMaximum crankshaftoutput at crankshaft Maximum output at Maximum crankshaft output atMaximum crankshaftoutput at crankshaft 30 Maximum outputMaximum at crankshaft output at crankshaft Maximum output at crankshaft 20 Maximum output at crankshaft 25 Maximum outputMaximum at prop shaft output at prop Maximum shaft output at prop shaft Maximum output at Maximum prop shaft output atMaximum prop shaftoutput at prop shaft 15 20 Maximum outputMaximum at prop shaft output at prop Maximum shaft output at prop shaft Maximum output at Maximum prop shaft output atMaximum prop shaftoutput at prop shaft Fuel Consumption L / hr L / hr Fuel Consumption -1 -1 -1 Crankshaft Crankshaft minCrankshaft Speed min Crankshaft Crankshaft Speed Crankshaft min-1 Speed Speed min Speed min-1 Speed min-1 -1 Crankshaft Speed Crankshaft min-1 Speed min Crankshaft Speed min-1 nkshaft Torque lb-ft -1 -1 Speed Crankshaft min min Crankshaft Speed min-1 Crankshaft SpeedCrankshaft Crankshaft min-1 Speed Crankshaft min-1-1 Speed Speed min Fuel Fuel Consumption Consumption L / Lhr/ hr -1 Fuel Consumptiona Fuel Consumptiona gal / hrgal / hr Crankshaft Crankshaft Torque Torque lb-ftlb-ft -1 Crankshaft Crankshaft Torque Torque lb-ftlb-ft -1 -1 Crankshaft Speed Crankshaft min-1 Speed min Crankshaft Speed min-1 Rubber type Rubber flexibletype mounts Rubber flexibletype mounts flexible mounts Fuel Fuel Consumption Consumption L / Lhr/ hr Crankshaft Speed Crankshaft min Crankshaft Speed min Crankshaft SpeedCrankshaft min-1 Speed Crankshaft min-1 Speed min-1 Speed min EU RCD, BSO EU RCD, II & EMC BSO EU RCD, II & EMC BSO II & EMC Fuel Consumption L / hr L / hr Fuel Consumption Propeller power curve Propeller power curve Propeller power curve Rubber type Rubber flexibletype mounts Rubber flexibletype mounts flexible mounts Propeller power curve Propeller power curve Propeller power curve Crankshaft Torque Nm Crankshaft Torque Nm Crankshaft TorqueTorque Nm Nm Crankshaft Crankshaft Crankshaft TorqueTorque Nm Nm Fuel Consumption L / hr Maximum output Maximum atflexible prop shaft output at prop Maximum shaft output at flexible prop shaft mounts Rubber type Rubber type mounts Rubber flexible type mounts Propeller power curve Propeller power curve Propeller power curve 157 kg (346 157 lbs)kg (346157 lbs)kg (346 lbs) Fuel Consumption gal / hr Fuel Consumption gal / hr Fuel Consumption gal / hrgal / hr Fuel Consumption Fuel Consumption gal / hrgal / hr Fuel Consumption Fuel Consumption Fuel Consumption gal / hrgal / hr Crankshaft Torque lb-ft Crankshaft TorqueTorque lb-ft lb-ft Crankshaft Output (crankshaft/propeller mhp Fuel Consumption L / hr L /shaft) Fuel Consumption hr Fuel Consumption gal / hr Crankshaft Crankshaft TorqueTorque lb-ft lb-ft Output (crankshaft/propeller shaft) mhp Fuel Consumption Fuel Consumption L / hr L / hr Crankshaft Torque Nm Output (crankshaft/propeller shaft) mhp Output (crankshaft/propeller shaft) kW Crankshaft TorqueTorque Nm Nm Crankshaft Fuel Consumption gal / hr Output (crankshaft/propeller shaft) kW OutputOutput (crankshaft/propeller shaft) kW (crankshaft/propeller shaft) kW OutputFuel (crankshaft/propeller Consumption gal /shaft) hrgal kW Output (crankshaft/propeller Fuel Consumption /shaft) hr kW OutputOutput (crankshaft/propeller shaft) mhp (crankshaft/propeller shaft) mhp -1 Fuel Consumption Fuel Consumption gal / hrgal / hr Crankshaft Crankshaft Torque Torque lb-ftlb-ft Crankshaft Crankshaft Torque Torque NmNm nkshaft Torque Nm Torque Torque kshaft/propeller shaft) mhp kshaft/propeller shaft) mhp Maximum output at Maximum prop shaft output atMaximum prop shaftoutput at prop shaft -1 -1 Crankshaft Speed Crankshaft min-1 Speed min Crankshaft Speed min-1 Power nkshaft Torque Nm Maximum output at Maximum crankshaft output atMaximum crankshaftoutput at crankshaft nkshaft/propeller shaft) kW nkshaft/propeller shaft) kW nkshaft/propeller shaft) kW Power -1 -1 -1 -1 Crankshaft Speed Crankshaft Crankshaft min-1 Speed Speed Crankshaft minCrankshaft min Speed Speed min Crankshaft min-1 Speed min-1 Crankshaft SpeedCrankshaft min-1 SpeedCrankshaft min-1 Speed min-1 -1 Crankshaft Speed Crankshaft min-1 Speed min Crankshaft Speed min-1 2YM15C2YM15C2YM15C Power kshaft/propeller shaft) mhp -1 Crankshaft Speed Crankshaft min-1 Speed min Crankshaft Speed min-1 -1 nkshaft Torque lb-ft -1 -1 Crankshaft SpeedCrankshaft Crankshaft min-1 Speed Speed Crankshaft Crankshaft min min-1-1 Speed Speed min Crankshaft min Speed min-1 Crankshaft SpeedCrankshaft min-1 SpeedCrankshaft min-1 Speed min-1 nkshaft Torque Nm -1 Crankshaft Speed Crankshaft min-1 Speed min Crankshaft Speed min-1 Propeller power curve Propeller power curve Propeller power curve -1 151 kg (333 151 lbs)kg (333151 lbs)kg (333 lbs) Maximum output Maximum at prop shaft output at prop Maximum output at prop shaft Maximum output at Maximum prop shaft output prop shaftoutput prop EU RCD, BSO EU RCD, II & EMC BSO EU RCD, IIshaft & EMC BSO II & EMC EUatMaximum RCD, BSO EUat RCD, II &shaft EMC BSO EU RCD, II & EMC BSO II & EMC FuelTorque Consumption Power Torque FuelTorque Consumption Fuel Torque Consumption Fuel Consumption Fuel Consumption Fuel Consumption Power Power Power Power Torque 3YM30C 3YM30C 3YM30C 3YM30C 3YM30C 3YM30C Power Torque 3YM30AEC Fuel Consumption Fuel Consumption Fuel Consumption Power Torque Power Torque Power Torque 3YM20C 3YM20C 3YM20C Max. Output at Crankshaft FuelTorque Consumption Fuel Torque Consumption FuelTorque Consumption Power Power Power 3YM30C 3YM30C 3YM30C 90 25 Crankshaft TorqueTorque lb-ft lb-ft Crankshaft Propeller power curve Propeller power curve Propeller power curve OutputOutput (crankshaft/propeller shaft) mhp (crankshaft/propeller shaft) mhp -1 134 kg (295 134 lbs)kg (295134 lbs)kg (295 lbs) -1 Crankshaft Speed Crankshaft min-1 Speed min Crankshaft Speed min-1 Crankshaft TorqueTorque lb-ft lb-ft Crankshaft Output Output (crankshaft/propeller shaft) mhp mhp Fuel(crankshaft/propeller Consumption L / hr shaft) Fuel Consumption L / hr Maximum outputMaximum at prop shaft output at prop Maximum shaft output at prop shaft Maximum output at Maximum prop shaft output atMaximum prop shaftoutput at prop shaft Propeller power curve Propeller power curve Propeller power curve Propeller power curve Propeller power curve Propeller power curve Crankshaft Crankshaft TorqueTorque lb-ft lb-ft Output Output (crankshaft/propeller (crankshaft/propeller shaft) shaft) mhp mhp Fuel Consumption Fuel Consumption L / hr L / hr Crankshaft Crankshaft Torque Torque NmNm Maximum outputMaximum at prop shaft output at prop Maximum shaft output at prop shaft Maximum output at Maximum prop shaft output atMaximum prop shaftoutput at prop shaft Crankshaft Crankshaft Torque Torque NmNm Maximum output at Maximum crankshaft output atMaximum crankshaftoutput at crankshaft Output Output (crankshaft/propeller (crankshaft/propeller shaft) shaft) mhp mhp Crankshaft TorqueTorque Nm Nm Crankshaft OutputOutput (crankshaft/propeller shaft) mhp (crankshaft/propeller shaft) mhp Output Output (crankshaft/propeller (crankshaft/propeller shaft) kWkW Crankshaft TorqueTorque Nm shaft) Crankshaft Nm OutputOutput (crankshaft/propeller shaft) mhp (crankshaft/propeller shaft) mhp OutputOutput (crankshaft/propeller (crankshaft/propeller shaft) mhp shaft) mhp Output Output (crankshaft/propeller (crankshaft/propeller shaft) shaft) kWkW Crankshaft Crankshaft TorqueTorque Nm Nm Output Output (crankshaft/propeller (crankshaft/propeller shaft) shaft) kWkW OutputOutput (crankshaft/propeller shaft) kW (crankshaft/propeller shaft) kW Maximum outputMaximum at crankshaft output at crankshaft Maximum output at crankshaft OutputOutput (crankshaft/propeller (crankshaft/propeller shaft) mhp shaft) mhp Consumption gal /shaft) hr kW OutputFuel (crankshaft/propeller -1 Crankshaft Crankshaft Torque Torque lb-ftlb-ft -1 -1 Fuel Fuel Consumption Consumption L / Lhr/ hr -1 -1 Consumption L / hr -1 -1 Crankshaft Speed Crankshaft min-1 Speed min Crankshaft Speed min-1 nkshaft Torque lb-ft -1 Fuel Consumption L / hr L / hr Fuel Consumption -1 Fuel Consumption gal / hrgal / hr Fuel Consumption OutputOutput (crankshaft/propeller (crankshaft/propeller shaft) kW shaft) kW Crankshaft Torque lb-ft Fuel Consumption L / hr Rubber type Rubber flexibletype mounts Rubber flexibletype mounts flexible mounts Power Power Power Torque Power Torque 2YM15C 2YM15C 2YM15C Power 2YM15C 2YM15C 2YM15C Power Torque Power Torque Power Torque 1GM10C 1GM10C 1GM10C Power Torque Power Power Power 2YM15C 2YM15C 2YM15C Maximum outputMaximum at crankshaft output at crankshaft Maximum output at crankshaft Maximum output at Maximum crankshaft output atMaximum crankshaftoutput at crankshaft OutputOutput (crankshaft/propeller shaft) kW (crankshaft/propeller shaft) kW Fuel Consumption Fuel Consumption gal / hrgal / hr Crankshaft Torque lb-ft EU RCD, BSO EU RCD, II & EMC BSO EU RCD, II & EMC BSO II & EMC NOTE: Fuel NOTE: condition: FuelDensity NOTE: condition: at Fuel 15°C Density condition: = 0.84 at 15°C Density g/cm= 3; 0.84 at1kW 15°C g/cm = 1.3596 =3;0.84 1kWg/cm mhp = 1.3596 =3;1.3410 1kW mhp = HP 1.3596 = 1.3410 mhp HP= 1.3410 HP * Fuel temperature * Fuel temperature 40°C* at Fuel thetemperature 40°C inlet ofatthe thefuel 40°C inletinjection ofatthe thefuel inlet pump injection of (ISO the fuel 8665) pump injection (ISO 8665) pump (ISO 8665) Technical data Technical is according data Technical istoaccording ISO data 8665 isto/according ISO 3046 8665 to/ 3046 ISO 8665 / 3046 Crankshaft Speed Crankshaft Speed Crankshaft min Speed min Crankshaft Speed min Crankshaft SpeedCrankshaft Crankshaft min Speed Speed Crankshaft Crankshaft min min Speed Speed min Crankshaft min Speed min Crankshaft Crankshaft min Speed Speed Crankshaft minCrankshaft min Speed Speed min Crankshaft min Speed min Propeller power curve Propeller power curve Propeller power curve -1 BrochureSD25.indd 2-3 Crankshaft Torque lb-ft 104 kg (229 104 lbs)kg (229104 lbs)kg (229 lbs) Fuel Consumption L / hr Propeller power curve Propeller power curve Propeller power curve Crankshaft TorqueTorque lb-ft lb-ft Crankshaft Propeller curve Propeller power curve Propeller Maximum outputMaximum at prop shaft outputpower at prop Maximum shaft output at prop shaft power curve Fuel Consumption L / hr L / hr Fuel Consumption Engine mounting Engine mounting Engine mounting Maximum outputMaximum at crankshaft output at crankshaft Maximum output at crankshaft Maximum output at Maximum crankshaft output atMaximum crankshaftoutput at crankshaft Counter clockwise Counter viewed clockwise Counter from viewed clockwise flywheel from side viewed flywheel from side flywheel Counter side clockwise Counter clockwise Counter from viewed flywheel from side viewed side flywheel Counter side clockwise Counter viewed clockwise Counter from viewed clockwise flywheel from side viewed flywheel from side flywheel Counter side clockwise Counter viewed clockwise Counter from viewed clockwise flywheel from side viewed flywheel from side flywheel side Maximum outputviewed Maximum at crankshaft output atclockwise crankshaft Maximum output atflywheel crankshaftfrom Crankshaft Torque Nm Maximum outputMaximum at prop shaft output at prop Maximum shaft output at prop shaft Maximum output at Maximum prop shaft output atMaximum prop shaftoutput at prop shaft Crankshaft TorqueTorque lb-ft lb-ft Crankshaft Output (crankshaft/propeller mhp Fuel Consumption L / hr L /shaft) Fuel Consumption hr Saildrive Environmental Environmental Environmental Crankshaft Torque Nm Crankshaft TorqueTorque Nm Nm Crankshaft Dry weightDry with weight Saildrive Dry withweight Saildrive with Maximum outputMaximum at crankshaft output at crankshaft Maximum output at crankshaft Crankshaft Crankshaft TorqueTorque lb-ft lb-ft Output (crankshaft/propeller shaft) mhp Fuel Consumption Fuel Consumption L / hr L / hr Crankshaft Torque Nm Output (crankshaft/propeller shaft) mhp OutputOutput (crankshaft/propeller shaft) mhp (crankshaft/propeller shaft) mhp Output (crankshaft/propeller shaft) kW Crankshaft TorqueTorque Nm Nm Crankshaft OutputOutput (crankshaft/propeller shaft) mhp (crankshaft/propeller shaft) mhp OutputOutput (crankshaft/propeller (crankshaft/propeller shaft) mhp shaft) mhp Output (crankshaft/propeller shaft) kW Crankshaft Crankshaft TorqueTorque Nm Nm Output (crankshaft/propeller shaft) kW OutputOutput (crankshaft/propeller shaft) kW (crankshaft/propeller shaft) kW Direction of Direction rotation of (propeller) Direction rotation of (propeller) rotation (propeller) Maximum outputMaximum at crankshaft output at crankshaft Maximum output at crankshaft Maximum output at Maximum crankshaft output atMaximum crankshaft output at crankshaft -1 Crankshaft Speed Crankshaft min-1 Speed min Crankshaft Speed min-1 OutputOutput (crankshaft/propeller (crankshaft/propeller shaft) kW shaft) kW Seawater cooling Seawater cooling Seawater cooling Electric starting Electric 12 starting V - Electric 1.4 12 kWV starting - 1.4 kW 12 V - 1.4 kW 12 V - 60 A12(80 V -A60 optional) A12 (80V A- 60 optional) A (80 A optional) Power Power Power Torque Power Torque FuelTorque Consumption Fuel Torque Consumption FuelTorque Consumption Fuel Consumption Fuel Consumption Fuel Consumption Power Power Power Power Torque Power Torque Power Torque FuelTorque Consumption Fuel Torque Consumption FuelTorque Consumption Fuel Consumption Fuel Consumption Fuel Consumption 1GM10C 1GM10C1GM10C Power 1GM10C 1GM10C 1GM10C Power Torque 3YM20C 3YM20C 3YM20C 3YM20C 3YM20C 3YM20C LubricationLubrication system Lubrication system system Enclosed, forced Enclosed, lubricating forced Enclosed, system lubricating forced system lubricating system Enclosed, forced Enclosed, lubricating forced Enclosed, system lubricating forced system lubricating system Enclosed, forced Enclosed, lubricating forced Enclosed, system lubricating forced system lubricating system Enclosed, forced Enclosed, lubricating forced Enclosed, system lubricating forced system lubricating system Power Power Torque Torque Torque Fuel Consumption Fuel Consumption Fuel Consumption Power Power Power Torque Torque Torque Fuel Consumption Fuel Consumption Fuel Consumption 1GM10C 1GM10C1GM10C Power 3YM20C 3YM20C 3YM20C LubricationLubrication oil for Saildrive Lubrication oil for Saildrive oil for Saildrive API CC andAPI SAE CC10W30 andAPI SAE CC10W30 and SAE 10W30 API GL4 orAPI GL5GL4 andorSAE API GL580W90 GL4 andorSAE GL5 or 90 80W90 and SAE or 90 80W90 or 90 API GL4 orAPI GL5GL4 andorSAE API GL580W90 GL4 andorSAE GL5 or 90 80W90 and SAE or 90 80W90 or 90 API GL4 orAPI GL5GL4 andorSAE API GL580W90 GL4 andorSAE GL5 or 90 80W90 and SAE or 90 80W90 or 90 OutputOutput (crankshaft/propeller shaft) kW (crankshaft/propeller shaft) kW OutputOutput (crankshaft/propeller (crankshaft/propeller shaft) kW shaft) kW Cooling system Cooling system Cooling system Electric starting Electric 12 starting V - Electric 1.4 12 kWV starting - 1.4 kW 12 V - 1.4 kW 12 V - 60 A12(80 V -A60 optional) A12 (80V A- 60 optional) A (80 A optional) 06-01-15 14:45 1GM10C 376 mm (14.8 in) 188 mm (7.4 in) 1GM10C 557 mm (21.9 in) 195 mm (7.7 in) 310 mm (12.2 in) 188 mm (7.4 in) 2YM15C 715 mm (28.15 in) MAX DIA. OF PROP 356 mm (14 in) For folding type propeller 463 mm (18.2 in) 215 mm (8.5 in) EXHAUST PIPE 51 mm (2 in) 548 mm (21.6 in) 362 mm (14.3 in) 195 mm (7.7 in) 2YM15C MAX 101 mm (4 in) MIN 87 mm (3.4 in) 72 mm (2.8 in) 248 mm (9.8 in) 793 mm (31.2 in) MAX DIA. OF PROP 368 mm (14.5 in) For folding type propeller 215 mm (8.5 in) 548 mm (21.6 in) 362 mm (14.3 in) 195 mm (7.7 in) 3YM20C MAX 101 mm (4 in) MIN 87 mm (3.4 in) 248 mm (9.8 in) 72 mm (2.8 in) 463 mm (18.2 in) 3YM20C EXHAUST PIPE 51 mm (2 in) 873 mm (34.3 in) MAX DIA. OF PROP 380 mm (15 in) For folding type propeller Yanmar Marine International B.V. Brugplein 11 1332 BS Almere-de Vaart The Netherlands 548 mm (21.6 in) MAX 101 mm (4 in) MIN 87 mm (3.4 in) 362 mm (14.3 in) 195 mm (7.7 in) 3YM30C 3YM30AEC 215 mm (8.5 in) 72 mm (2.8 in) 463 mm (18.2 in) 248 mm (9.8 in) EXHAUST PIPE 51 mm (2 in) 895.5 mm (35.3 in) MAX DIA. OF PROP 406 mm (16 in) For folding type propeller Yanmar Marine USA Corp. 101 International Parkway Adairsville, Georgia 30103 USA Yanmar Asia (S) Corp. Ltd. 4 Tuas Lane Singapore 638613 Yanmar Co., LTD 5-3-1 Tsukaguchi - Honmachi Amagasaki Japan www.yanmar.eu Yanmar Europe BV NOTE: All data subject to change without notice. Text and illustrations are not binding. www.yanmar.eu BrochureSD25.indd 4 EN_DSSD20_1214 2011-01 Yanmar Marine®, Inc. All rights reserved, Printed in EC 06-01-15 14:45 MARINE DIESEL ENGINES Yanmar Saildrive SD50 Yanmar Saildrive SD60 Series Series Inner Seal Seal Inner Outer Seal Seal Outer Aqua Sensor Sensor Aqua •Reliable n Reliable n Simple & Efficient • Whisper Quiet & Low Vibration n Whisper Quiet & Low Vibration •n Easy Maintenance Easy Maintenance •n User Friendly User Friendly •n Extra Protection Extra Protection • Simple & Efficient Yanmar Saildrive Type SD60 Reduction gear system Yanmar Saildrive Type SD50 Constant mesh gear with wet type multi-disc clutch SD50-T Reduction ratio [fwd/asn] Reduction gear system 2.23/2.23 2.49/2.49 Constant mesh gear with cone clutch Constant mesh gear with cone clutch Direction rotation Reduction ratio (fwd of / asn) 2.32/2.32 [propeller - fwd] Propeller speed (fwd shaft / asn) 1293/1293 Dry weight Saildrive Direction of rotation (propeller shaft - fwd) Clockwise & counter clockwise viewed from flywheel side Dry weight Saildrive 40 kg (88 lbs) Clockwise & counter clockwise 2.32/2.32 viewed from flywheel side 1379/1379 EN_DSSD60_1214 & counter clockwise viewed from flywheel side 42 kg (93 lbs) www.yanmar.eu Yanmar-BrochureSD60.indd 1 44 kg [97Clockwise lbs] 23-12-14 15:29 gine Model Engine Model 3JH5CE x SD50 nfiguration Configuration 4-stroke, vertical, water vertical, cooled diesel engine diesel engine 4-stroke, water-cooled 4JH5CE x SD50 3JH5CE x SD60 4-stroke, vertical,4w ximum output at crankshaft Maximum output at crankshaft * 28.7 kW (39 mhp) rpm rpm [39 mhp@3000 rpm] * 28.7/ 3000 kW@3000 * 39.6 kW (54 mhp ntinuous rating output at crankshaft Continuous rating output at crankshaft 26.7 kW (36.3 mhp) / 2907 rpmrpm [36.3 mhp@2907 rpm] 26.7 kW@2907 36.8 kW (50 mhp) placement e x stroke nders Displacement 1.64 L (100 cu in) Bore x stroke 88 mm x 90 mm (3.46 in x 3.54 in) [3.46 in x 3.54 in] 88 mm x 90 mm 3 Cylinders mbustion system rting system oling system 4 3 Direct injection 3JH5CE x3JH5CE SD50 x SD50 3JH5CE SD50 Directx injection Engine Model Engine ModelEngine Model Configuration Configuration Configuration Natural4-stroke, aspiration 3JH5CE x4-stroke, 3JH5CE SD50water x SD50 3JH5CE x SD50 vertical, vertical, cooled 4-stroke, water diesel cooled vertical, engine diesel waterengine cooled diesel engine Configuration Configuration Configuration Maximum Maximum output at output crankshaft Maximum at crankshaft output at crankshaft water cooled 4-stroke, water vertical, engine diesel water engine cooled 28.7 kWvertical, *4-stroke, (39 28.7 /(39 3000 mhp) * 28.7 rpm / diesel 3000 kWcooled (39 rpm mhp) / 3000 rpmdiesel engine Electric*4-stroke, starting 12mhp) VkW - vertical, 1.4 kW Aspiration 4JH5CE x4JH5CE SD50 x SD50 4JH5CE Natural 4JH5CE vertical, x4-stroke, 4JH5CE SD50water xaspiration SD50 4JH5CE 4-stroke, vertical, cooled 4-stroke water die Natural aspiration Starting system MaximumContinuous Maximum output output crankshaft Maximum crankshaft output atoutput crankshaft Continuous ratingat output rating Continuous atat output crankshaft at rating crankshaft at crankshaft ernator 88 mm x 90 mm (3 Direct injection Engine Model Enginesystem ModelEngine Model Combustion piration 2.19 L (134 cu in) 1.64 ltr [100 cu in] 12 V Alternator Continuous Continuous rating output rating Continuous at output crankshaft at rating crankshaft output at crankshaft Displacement Displacement Displacement water vertical, cooled 4-stroke, water die Electric starting *4-stroke, 39.6 kWvertical, *4-stroke, (54 39.6 mhp) kW /(54 3000 mhp) * 39.6 rpm /12 30 kW Electric starting 12V - 1.4 kW *80 28.7 kW *(39 28.7 kW(36.3 //(39 3000 *mhp) 28.7 rpm //kW 3000 (39rpm mhp) (36.3 26.7 mhp) kW 2907 26.7 mhp) rpm kW 2907 (36.3 rpm mhp)//3000 2907rpm rpm - 26.7 AkW (60 A mhp) optional) * 39.6kW kW(50 *(54 39.6 mhp) kW /2907 (54 3000 *36.8 39.6 rpm /AkW 3 36.8 36.8 mhp) kW mhp) rpm / 290 kW 12 V - /(50 80 Amhp) (60 - cu 120A 26.7 LkW (36.3 26.7 (36.3 / 2907 mhp) kW / (100 2907 (36.3 rpm mhp) 1.64 (100 1.64 cu mhp) LkW in)(100 cu26.7 1.64 in) rpm L12V in) / 2907 rpm 36.8 LkW (50 36.8 mhp) /(50 2907 mhp) 36.8 rpm/ kW 2.19 (134 2.19 cu LkW in)(134 cu 2.19 in) L29(1 1.64 L (100 1.64 cu Lin)(3.46 (100 L (100 in) 88 mm x 90 88 mm mm x 90 cu mm in1.64 88 xin)3.54 (3.46 mm in) xwater in90 x cu 3.54 mm (3.46 in) in x 3.54 in) Fresh cooling 2.19 L (134 2.19 cu Lin)(3.46 (134 L (1 88 mm x 90 88 mm mm x 90 cu mm in2.19 88 xin)3.54 (3.46 mm in x Fresh water cooling Displacement Displacement Bore x stroke Bore x stroke Bore x stroke Cooling system Displacement Fresh water coolin rication system Cylinders Bore x stroke Bore x stroke Bore x stroke Cylinders Cylinders Enclosed, forced lubricating 88 mm x 90 mm (3.46 x 90 mm in88 3.54 (3.46 mm in) xin90 x 3.54 mm (3.46 in) in x 3.54 in) 3 388mm 3x system Enclosed, 88 mm x 90 mm mm(3.46 x 90 mm inforced 88 (3.46 mm in xl 4 488 4x 3.54 CylindersCombustion Cylinders Cylinders Combustion system system Combustion system rication oil for Saildrive API GL4 SAE 80W90 or 90, 3 or GL5 3 andinjection 3Direct injection Direct injection Direct 15W40 or Quicksilver High Gear Lube Direct injection DirectPerformance injection Direct Natural aspiration Natural aspiration Naturalinjection aspiration or Quicksilver High Direct injection Direct injection Direct inja Natural aspiration Natural aspiration Natural Lubrication system Enclosed, forced lubricating system Lubrication oil for system Saildrive Combustion Combustion system Combustion Aspiration Aspiration Aspiration system Aspiration Aspiration Aspiration system Starting system Starting system ection of rotation Starting (propeller) Direction of rotation [propeller] or 4Direct GL5 an 4 4API GL4 Direct injection Direct injection inj Natural aspiration Natural aspiration aspiration Electric starting Electric 12 starting V - 1.4Natural Electric 12 kWV -flywheel 1.4 starting kW 12 V - 1.4 kW Counter clockwise viewed from side Counterclockwise viewed from flywheel side Natural aspiration Natural aspiration a1s Electric starting Electric 12starting V -clockwise 1.4Natural Electric 12 kWV - C Counter Starting system Starting system Starting system Alternator Alternator Alternator weight with Saildrive Dry weight with Saildrive Electric starting Electric starting VA- (60 1.4Electric 12 starting 1.4A kW V - 1.4 kW V - 80 12 A (60 V -12 A80 optional) 12 AkW optional) VV- -80 (6012 A optional) 213 kg12 (470 lbs) 213 kg [470 lbs] Electric starting Electric starting VA(529 - (60 1.4Electric 12 s1 12 V - 80 12 A (60 V -12 A80 optional) 12 AkW option VV- -80 240 kg lbs) ironmental EU RCD, US EPA Tier3, EU:BSO RCDII & EMC BSO II 12 V -water 80 Fresh A 12(60 V -A 80 optional) A cooling (6012 A Voptio - wa 80 Fresh cooling water Fresh EU RCD, US EPA Fresh water Fresh cooling water cooling Fresh wa Enclosed, Enclosed, forced lubricating forced Enclosed lubrica syste RubberAPI type mounting Enclosed, Enclosed, forced lubricating lubricating system forced system lubricating system GL4flexible orAPI GL5 GL4 and orforced SAE GL5Enclosed, API 80W90 and GL4 SAE orflexible 80W90 GL5 90, and or SAE 90, 80W90 Rubber type mounting or 90, or Quicksilver High Performance High or80W90 Quicksilver Performance Gear Lube High Gear Performance Lube Lube APIQuicksilver GL4 oror API GL5 GL4 andor SAE GL5 API and GL4 SAE or or 80W90 GL5 90, and orSAE 90, 80W90Gear or 90, or Quicksilver High Performance High or80W90 Quick Perfo G APIQuicksilver GL4 oror API GL5 GL4 andor SAE GL5 API and GL4 SA or Quicksilver or Quicksilver High clockwise Performance High or Quicks Perf G Counter clockwise Counter viewed Counter from view fly Lubrication Lubrication oil for oilLubrication for Saildrive oil for Saildrivemhp = 1.3410 HP E: Fuel condition: Density at Direction 15°C = Saildrive 0.84 g/cm 3; of 1kW = 1.3596 or Quicksilver or Quicksilver High clockwise Performance High or Quicksilver Performance Gear Lube High Gear Performance Lube Gear Lube Direction of rotation of(propeller) rotation Direction (propeller) rotation (propeller) Counter clockwise Counter viewed Counter from viewed flywheel clockwise from side flywheel viewed side from flywheel side NOTE: l temperature 40°C at the inlet of the fuel injection pump (ISO 8665) Direction of Direction rotation of (propeller) rotation Direction (propeller) of rotation Counter clockwise Counter clockwise viewed Counter from viewed flywheel clockwise from side flywheel viewed side from flywheel side Dry weight Dry with weight Saildrive with Dry Saildrive weight with Saildrive 213 kg (470 213 lbs) kg (470 lbs) 213 kg (470 lbs) 3(propeller) Fuel condition: Density at 15°C = 0.84 g/cm ; 1kW = 1.3596 mhp = 1.3410 HP nical data is according to ISO 8665 / 3046 Counter clockwise Counter clockwise viewed Counter from view 240 kg (529 240 lbs) kg (529 lbs) 240 kgfly( Dry Dry with weight Saildrive with Dry weight Saildrive 213RCD, kg (470 213 lbs) kg (470 213 kg Environmental Environmental EU US EU EPA RCD, Tier3, US lbs) EPA BSO EU Tier3, RCD, II &(470 EMC BSO USlbs) EPA II & Tier3, EMC BSO II & EMC * Environmental Fuelweight temperature 40°C atSaildrive the inletwith of the fuel injection pump [ISO 8665:2006] Technical data is according to ISO 8665: 2006 Environmental Environmental Environmental EU RCD,type US EUflexible EPA RCD, Tier3, US EPA BSO EU RCD, Tier3, IImounting & type EMC US BSO EPA II &Tier3, EMC BSO II & EMC Engine mounting Engine mounting Engine mounting Rubber Rubber type mounting flexible Rubber flexible mounting Torque EU RCD,type US EUflexible EPA RCD, Tier3, US EPA BSO EU RCD Tier3 IImo &t Rubber Rubber type mounting flexible Rubber 4JH4-T Fuel Consumption Rubber type Rubber flexible type mounting flexible Rubber mounting type flexible mounting Rubber type Rubber flexible type mounting flexible Rubber mot Crankshaft Speed min-1 1500 Propeller power curve 1750 130 120 15002000 120 Crankshaft Speed Crankshaft min Speed min Crankshaft Speed min -1 -1 -1 1500 Crankshaft Speed Crankshaft min-1 Speed min-1 Crankshaft Speed min-1 Yanmar-BrochureSD60.indd 2 150 140 140 130 130 120 1750 22502000 1500 120 2500 1750 2250 120 160 150 110 150 140 100 110 100 140 130 100 90 130 120 2750 22501750 20001500 2500 27503000 25002000 3000 120 90 L / hr 27502250 90 120 120 110 110 100 100 90 30002500 Crankshaft Crankshaft min Speed min Crankshaft Speed min Crankshaft Speed min-1Speed 1750 1500 2000 1750 2250 20001500 2500 22501750 2750 25002000 3000 27502250 30002500 -1 -1 -1 Crankshaft Speed Crankshaft min-1 Speed min-1 Crankshaft Speed min-1 90 2750 Maximum outp 45 40 60 55 55 45 45 35 40 30 35 25 30 20 20 10 15 5 110 110 100 100 90 50 55 45 20 55 50 55 45 Maximum output15Maximum at crankshaft outputoutpu at cra Maximum 50 40 25 15 60 55 Maximum output Maximum at crankshaft output at 60 cra 60 60 50 50 40 45 35 10 40 30 5 35 25 30 20 0 50 40 45 35 40 30 35 25 30 20 1000 1200 1400 1 25 Maximum 25 Maximum output at prop shaft output at prop 15 15 20 10 20 10 Propeller power Maximum output at prop shaft output at prop 15 155 5 Maximum 10 0 10 0 100 power 1000 1600 1200 1800Propeller 1400 2000 1600 2200 180 10 51000 1200 1400 5 524 0 0 0 Crankshaft Speed C 1000 1200 1400 1000 1600 1200 1800 1400 2000 1600 2200 180 24 10 Crankshaft Speed C Fuel Consumption Fuel Consumption Fuel Consumption Fuel Consumption Fuel Consumption Fuel Consumption 120 3000 60 -1 120 2750 50 OutputOutput (crankshaft/propeller shaft) kW (crankshaft/propeller shaft) kW Fuel Consumption Fuel Consumption gal / hrgal / hr Fuel Consumption Fuel Consumption gal / hrgal / hr Crankshaft TorqueTorque lb-ft lb-ft Crankshaft Fuel Consumption L / hr L / hr Fuel Consumption Crankshaft Crankshaft TorqueTorque lb-ft lb-ft Fuel Consumption Fuel Consumption L / hr L / hr Fuel Consumption Fuel Consumption L / hr L / hr Crankshaft Crankshaft TorqueTorque lb-ftFuel lb-ftConsumption Fuel Consumption gal / hr L / hr Crankshaft Torque lb-ft 110 -1 Fuel Consumption gal / hr 160 150 120 160 Torque Torque -1 Fuel Consumption Fuel Consumption gal / hrgal / hr 130 160 -1 -1 Fuel Consumption Fuel Consumption gal / hrgal / hr Propeller power curve Propeller power curve 120 Propeller power 140 curve Crankshaft Speed Crankshaft min Speed min Crankshaft Speed min Torque Torque 120 Torque Torque -1 Crankshaft TorqueTorque lb-ft lb-ft Crankshaft Fuel Consumption L / hr L / hr Fuel Consumption Propeller power curve Propeller power130 curve 150 140 Crankshaft Speed Crankshaft min Speed min Crankshaft Speed min Power Power -1 -1 Crankshaft Crankshaft TorqueTorque lb-ft lb-ft PropellerMaximum power curve output Maximum at prop shaft output at prop Maximum shaft output at prop shaft 160 150 Crankshaft Speed min -1 -1 Fuel Consumption Fuel Consumption L / hr L / hr 140 Maximum output Maximum at prop shaft output at prop shaft Maximum output at prop shaft 160 Crankshaft Speed min -1 Fuel Consumption Crankshaft Speed Crankshaft min Speed min Crankshaft Speed min -1 55 Fuel Consumption Fuel Consumption Fuel Consumption4JH4-TCE 4JH4-TCE 35 30 Fuel Consumption Fuel Consumption Fuel Consumption4JH4-TCE 4JH4-TCE 25 Torque Torque Fuel Consumption Fuel Consumption L / hr L / hr 150 Maximum output Maximum at crankshaft output at crankshaft Maximum output at crankshaft Crankshaft Crankshaft TorqueTorque Nm Nm Maximum output Maximum at crankshaft output at crankshaft Maximum output at crankshaft (crankshaft/propeller shaft) mhp OutputOutput (crankshaft/propeller shaft) mhp -1 OutputOutput (crankshaft/propeller (crankshaft/propeller shaft) mhp shaft) mhp Crankshaft Torque Nm OutputOutput (crankshaft/propeller shaft) kW (crankshaft/propeller shaft) kW -1 Torque Crankshaft Speed Crankshaft min Speed min -1 Crankshaft TorqueTorque Nm Nm Crankshaft Crankshaft Speed Crankshaft min Speed min Crankshaft Speed min (crankshaft/propeller shaft) kW OutputOutput (crankshaft/propeller shaft) kW Maximum output at prop shaft Crankshaft Speed min -1 Power 4JH5CEPower x SD50 4JH5CE4JH5CE x SD50 x SD50 160 4JH5CEPower x SD50Power 4JH5CE4JH5CE x SD50 x SD50 -1 Maximum output at crankshaft -1 OutputOutput (crankshaft/propeller shaft) mhp (crankshaft/propeller shaft) mhp -1 Crankshaft Crankshaft TorqueTorque Nm Nm Power Crankshaft Speed Crankshaft min Speed min Speed min Crankshaft Torque lb-ft Crankshaft Propeller power curve -1 Crankshaft Crankshaft Torque Torque lb-ft lb-ft Fuel Consumption Propeller power curve Propeller power curve Crankshaft TorqueTorque Nm Nm Crankshaft Propeller power curve 60 Torque Torque Torque Torque OutputOutput (crankshaft/propeller shaft) mhp (crankshaft/propeller shaft) mhp Propeller power curve Propeller power curve Output (crankshaft/propeller shaft) mhp 4JH5CE x SD50 -1 Power Power Crankshaft Crankshaft TorqueTorque Nm Nm Maximum output Maximum at prop shaft output at prop Maximum shaft output at prop shaft Crankshaft Crankshaft TorqueTorque Nm Nm Maximum output Maximum at prop shaft output at prop shaft Maximum output at prop shaft (crankshaft/propeller shaft) mhp OutputOutput (crankshaft/propeller shaft) mhp OutputOutput (crankshaft/propeller (crankshaft/propeller shaft) mhp shaft) mhp Maximum at crankshaft output at crankshaft Maximum output at crankshaft Propeller power curve output Maximum Crankshaft Speed min OutputOutput (crankshaft/propeller (crankshaft/propeller shaft) kW shaft) kW Crankshaft Torque Nm OutputOutput (crankshaft/propeller shaft) kW (crankshaft/propeller shaft) kW (crankshaft/propeller shaft) kW OutputOutput (crankshaft/propeller shaft) kW Power 3JH5CE3JH5CE x SD50 x SD50 3JH5CEPower x SD50 Power 3JH5CE 3JH5CE x SD50 x output SD50 3JH5CE x SD50Power Maximum output Maximum at crankshaft at crankshaft Maximum output at crankshaft Maximum output at prop shaft OutputOutput (crankshaft/propeller (crankshaft/propeller shaft) kW shaft) kW Output (crankshaft/propeller shaft) mhp NOTE: FuelNOTE: condition: Fuel Density condition: NOTE: at 15°C Density Fuel = condition: 0.84 at 15°C g/cm Density = 0.84 3; 1kW g/cm at 15°C = 1.3596 3; 1kW = 0.84 mhp = 1.3596 g/cm = 1.3410 3;mhp 1kWHP ==1.3410 1.3596HP mhp = 1.3410 HP Fuel temperature * Fuel temperature 40°C at *the Fuel 40°C inlet temperature at of the inlet fuel 40°C injection of theatfuel the pump injection inlet(ISO of the pump 8665) fuel(ISO injection 8665)pump (ISO 8665) Maximum output* at crankshaft NOTE: FuelNOTE: condition: FuelDensity condition: NOTE: at 15°C Density Fuel condition: = 0.84 at 15°C g/cm Density = 0.84 3; 1kW at g/cm 15°C = 1.3596 3; =1kW 0.84 mhp = g/cm 1.3596 = 1.3410 3; mhp 1kWHP == 1.3410 1.3596 HP mhp = 1.3410 HP Technical data Technical is according data isTechnical to according ISO 8665 data to /ISO is 3046 according 8665 / 3046 to ISO 8665 / 3046 * Fuel temperature * Fuel temperature 40°C at*the Fuel 40°C inlet temperature of at the fuel inlet40°C injection of theatfuel the pump injection inlet(ISO of the pump 8665) fuel (ISO injection 8665) pump (ISO 8665) Technical data Technical is according data isTechnical to according ISO 8665 data to/ISO is3046 according 8665 / 3046 to ISO 8665 / 3046 Output (crankshaft/propeller shaft) kW Power 3JH5CE x SD50 Engine mounting Engine mounting Engine mounting 240RCD, kg (529 240 lbs) kg (529 240 kg EU US EU EPA RCD, Tier3, US lbs) EPA BSO EU Tier3, RCD II &(5 Fuel Consumption gal / hrgal / hr Fuel Consumption (crankshaft/propeller shaft) kW OutputOutput (crankshaft/propeller shaft) kW Lubrication Lubrication system system system EngineLubrication mounting Lubrication Lubrication oil for Saildrive oil Lubrication for Saildriveoil for Saildrive Rubber type flexibl Enclosed, Enclosed, forced lubricating lubrica syste API GL4 orAPI GL5 GL4 and orforced SAE GL5Enclosed API 80W90 and GL4 SA Fuel Consumption gal / hrgal / hr Fuel Consumption gine mounting 12 V -water 80 Fresh A 12(60 V -A 80 optional) A cooling (6012 A Voptional) - water 80 A (60 A optional) Fresh cooling water Fresh cooling EMC Fresh water Fresh cooling water cooling Fresh waterforced cooling Enclosed, Enclosed, forced lubricating forced Enclosed, lubricating system system lubricating system OutputOutput (crankshaft/propeller (crankshaft/propeller shaft) kW shaft) kW Alternator Alternator Alternator Cooling system Cooling system Cooling system Environmental system Cooling system Cooling Cooling system Lubrication Lubrication systemsystem Lubrication system 90 -1 Crankshaft Speed Crankshaft min-1 minSpeed min-1 Crankshaft Speed min-1 Crankshaft Speed 3000 Crankshaft Speed Crankshaft min-1 Speed min-1 Crankshaft Speed min-1 23-12-14 15:29 be or Quicksilver orHigh Quicksilver Performance orHigh Quicksilver Performance Gear Lube High Performance Gear Lube Gear Lube side Counter clockwise Counterviewed clockwise Counter fromviewed flywheel clockwise from sideviewed flywheelfrom sideflywheel side Counter clockwise Counterviewed clockwise Counter fromviewed flywheel clockwise from sideviewed flywheelfrom sideflywheel side 240 kg (529240 lbs) kg (529 240 lbs) kg (529 lbs) 249 kg (549249 lbs) kg (549 249 lbs) kg (549 lbs) EU RCD, USEU EPA RCD, TierUS 3,EU BSO EPA RCD, Tier II & EMC US 3, BSO EPA IITier & EMC 3, BSO II & EMC Rubber typeRubber flexible type mounting Rubber flexible mounting type flexible mounting Torque 30 25 10 10 0 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 20 3000 32000 3400 20 20 50 50 40 0 0 301000 60 150 50 40 250 80 70 200 60 150 50 40 250 200 150 100180 80 80 160 60 60 140 40 120 100 20 10 10 10 20 80 0 100 100 100 1200 1400 301600 1800 2000 302200 2400 2600 2800 3000 32000 3400 60 output15 at prop Maximum shaft output at3200 prop Maximum shaft 15 Maximum 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000 15 3400 output at prop shaft 1000 201200 1400 1600201800 2000 2200 202400 2600 2800 3000 3200 3400 40 50 50 50 -1 Crankshaft Speed min-1 Crankshaft Speed min Crankshaft Speed min5-1 5 40 10 power curve Propeller power curve Propeller power curvePropeller 5 10 10 Crankshaft Speed min-1 20 10 18 16 8 14 6 12 4 10 18 180 18 6160 16 160 16 14 140 12 120 10 100 4 120 2100 28 8 080 1000 1200 6 1400 60 06 1000 1200 1400 1600 40 4 2 Fuel Consumption Fuel Consumption Fuel Consumption 3 8180 140 20 4 2 3 Fuel Consumption gal / hr 50 70 Torque 4 14 12 3 10 2 4 1 3 2 1 8 80 2 2 0 1600 1800 6 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000 32000 3400 60 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 -1 2800 3000 3200 3400 40 4 Crankshaft Speed min 20 2Speed min-1 Crankshaft 1 1 4 3 2 1 Fuel Consumption gal / hr 35 20 60 80 200 12 Torque 10 100 Fuel Consumption gal / hr 40 20 250 4 12 Crankshaft Torque lb-ft 80 100 100 4 14 Fuel Consumption L / hr 25 45 30 120 14 Fuel Consumption Fuel Consumption 16 Crankshaft Torque lb-ft 25 40 16 Fuel Consumption L / hr 45 Maximum output at prop45shaft 40 10 Maximum output at prop shaft40 35 Propeller power 35 curve 5 30 30 Propeller power curve 0 15 50 Torque120 18 Fuel Consumption L / hr 50 Power Crankshaft Torque lb-ft 60 55 30 at crankshaft Maximum output at crankshaft Maximum output at crankshaft Maximum output 70 Power Crankshaft Torque lb-ft 150 Output (crankshaft/propeller shaft) mhp 60 55 Output (crankshaft/propeller shaft) kW 50 Output (crankshaft/propeller shaft) kW 55 Fuel Consumption gal / hr Fuel Consumption gal / hr Fuel Consumption gal / hr 20 Output (crankshaft/propeller shaft) kW 60 25 40 140 FuelLCrankshaft Consumption L / hr Fuel Consumption / hr Torque lb-ft 50 140 35 nsumption Fuel Consumption4JH4-TCE Power 4JH4-TCE4JH4-TCE 50 150 30 160 160 200 18 180 180 200 Crankshaft Torque Nm 60 60 250 Output (crankshaft/propeller shaft) mhp 40 70 Crankshaft Torque Nm 70 45 Torque 250 Output (crankshaft/propeller shaft) mhp 80 Maximum output at crankshaft Maximum output at crankshaft 50 Output (crankshaft/propeller shaft) mhp Output (crankshaft/propeller shaft) kW 55 80 Crankshaft Torque Nm Power 60 Crankshaft Torque Nm 4JH4-TCE 4JH4-TCE Output (crankshaft/propeller Crankshaft Torque Nm shaft) mhp EU RCD, USEU EPA RCD, Tier3, USBSO EU EPA RCD, IITier3, & EMC USBSO EPAIITier3, & EMC BSO II & EMC Rubber typeRubber flexible type mounting Rubber flexible mounting type flexible mounting Power Fuel Consumption gal / hr 4 ct injection njection 4JH5CE x SD50 4JH5CE x SD50 4JH5CE Direct injection x SD50 ural aspiration gine 4-stroke, water vertical, cooled 4-stroke, water diesel cooled engine water dieselcooled enginediesel engine aspiration 4-stroke, vertical, Natural aspiration vertical, tric starting 12* 39.6 V - 1.4 kW kW (54 * 39.6 mhp)kW / 3000 (54 * 39.6 mhp) rpmkW / 3000 (54 mhp) rpm / 3000 rpm starting 12 V - 1.4 kW Electric starting 12V - 1.4 kW V - 80 A (60 A36.8 optional) kW (5036.8 mhp)kW / 2907 (5036.8 mhp) rpmkW / 2907 (50 mhp) rpm / 2907 rpm 80 A (60 A optional) 12V 120A 2.19 L (134 2.19 cu in) L (134 cu 2.19 in) L (134 cu in) h water cooling water cooling 88 mm x 9088 mm mm (3.46 x 90 in 88 mm x 3.54 mm (3.46 x in) 90 in mm x 3.54 (3.46 in) in x 3.54 in) Fresh water cooling osed, forced lubricating system 4 4 4 ed, forced lubricating system Enclosed, forced or lubricating system GL4 or GL5 and SAE 80W90 90, Direct injection Direct injection 4uicksilver or GL5 and 80W90 orinjection 90, Direct HighSAE Performance Gear Lube 15W40 Natural aspiration Natural aspiration Natural aspiration ksilver High Performance Gear Lube nter clockwiseElectric viewed from flywheel side starting Electric 12 Vstarting - 1.4 Electric kW 12 Vstarting -flywheel 1.4 kW 12 Vside - 1.4 kW Counterclockwise viewed from r clockwise viewed from flywheel side kg (529 lbs) 12 V - 80 A 12 (60VA-optional) 80 A (60 12 VA -optional) 80 A (60 A optional) 240 kg [529 lbs] (529 lbs) water Fresh cooling cooling Fresh water cooling RCD, US EPAFresh Tier3, BSO II &water EMC EU: RCD BSO II system EMC D, US EPA Tier3, BSOforced IIEnclosed, & EMC Enclosed, lubricating forced Enclosed, lubricating forcedsystem lubricating system ber type flexible mounting APIRubber GL4 or GL5 API GL4 andflexible or SAE GL5 API 80W90 GL4 and SAE or orGL5 90, 80W90 and or 90, 80W90 or 90, type mounting SAE type flexible mounting 4JH4-TCE x SD50-T 4JH4-TCE x SD60-T 4JH4-TCE x SD50-T 4-stroke, vertical, water cooled dieselwater-cooled engine 4-stroke, diesel engine 4-stroke, vertical, water cooled vertical, diesel engine * 55.2 kW (75 mhp) / 3200 rpm * 55.2 kW@3200 rpm [75 mhp@3200 rpm] * 55.2 kW (75 mhp) / 3200 rpm 50,2 kW (68 mhp) / 3100 rpm 50.2 50,2 kW (68 mhp) / 3100 rpmkW@3100 rpm [68 mhp@3100 rpm] 1.99 L (122 cu in) 1.99 ltr [122 cu in] 1.99 L (122 cu in) 84 mm x 90 mm (3.31 in x 3.54 in) 84 mm 84 mm x 90 mm (3.31 in x 3.54 in) x 90 mm [3.31 in x 3.54 in] 4, 4-valves per cylinder 4, 4-valves per cylinder 4, 4-valves per cylinder Direct injection Direct4JH4-TCE injection 4JH4-TCE x SD50-T x4JH4-TCE SD50-T x Direct SD50-Tinjection Turbo charged 4-stroke, water vertical, cooled 4-stroke, water diesel vertical, cooled engine water dieselcooled enginediesel engine Turbo 4-stroke, chargedvertical, Turbo charged Electric starting 12 /V3200 - *1.4 kW/ 3200 * 55.2 kW (75 55.2 mhp)kW (75 55.2 mhp) rpmkW (75 mhp) rpm / 3200 rpm Electric starting *12 V - 1.4 kW Electric starting 12V - 1.4 kW 1250,2 V - kW 80 (68 A 50,2 mhp)kW / 3100 (6850,2 mhp) rpmkW / 3100 (68 mhp) rpm / 3100 rpm 12 V - 80 A 1.99 L (122 1.99 cu in) L (122 cu 1.99 in) L (122 cu in)12V - 120A Fresh water cooling Fresh 84 water mm xcooling 9084 mm mm (3.31 x 90in84 mm x 3.54 mm (3.31 xin)90 in mm x 3.54 in) in xcooling 3.54 in) Fresh(3.31 water Enclosed, forced lubricating system 4, 4-valves per 4, lubricating 4-valves cylinder per 4, 4-valves cylinder Enclosed, forced systemper cylinder Enclosed, forced lubricating system Direct injection DirectPerformance injection Direct injection Quicksilver High Gear Lube Quicksilver HighTurbo Performance Gear Lube 15W40 Turbo charged charged Turbo charged Counter viewed flywheel Electric clockwise starting Electric 12 Vstarting - 1.4 Electric kW 12from Vstarting - 1.4 kW 12 viewed V - side 1.4 kW Counterclockwise from flywheel side Counter clockwise viewed from flywheel side 249 lbs) 12kg V - (549 80 A 12 V - 80 A 12 V - 80 A 249 kg [549 lbs] 249 kg (549 lbs) water cooling Fresh water EUFresh RCD, USFresh EPAwater Tier cooling 3, BSO II &cooling EMC EU: RCD BSO system II EMC EU RCD, US EPA Tier 3,forced BSO II & forced EMCsystem Enclosed, forced Enclosed, lubricating Enclosed, system lubricating lubricating Rubber type flexible mounting Rubber type flexible mounting Rubber type flexible mounting Quicksilver High Quicksilver Performance High Quicksilver Performance Gear Lube High Performance Gear Lube Gear Lube Fuel Consumption gal / hr 5CE x SD50 4JH5CE x SD60 E x SD50 roke, vertical, water cooled diesel enginediesel engine 4-stroke, vertical, water-cooled e, vertical, water cooled diesel engine .6 kW (54 mhp) / 3000 rpm * 39.6 kW@3000 rpm [54 mhp@3000 rpm] kW (54 mhp) / 3000 rpm 8 kW (50 mhp) / 2907 rpm kW@2907 W (50 mhp)36.8 / 2907 rpm rpm [50 mhp@2907 rpm] 9 L (134 cu in) 2.19 ltr [134 cu in] 134 cu in) mm x 90 mm (3.46 in x 3.54 in) 88inmm x 90in) mm [3.46 in x 3.54 in] x 90 mm (3.46 x 3.54 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 1200 1400 1600 10001800 12002000 14002200 1600 1000 2400 1800 1200 2600 2000 1400 2800 2200 1600 3000 2400 1800 3200 2600 2000 3400 2800 2200 3000 2400 3200 2600 3400 2800 1400 3000 1600 3200 3400 1000 1200 1000 1800 1200 2000 1400 2200 1600 2400 1000 1800 2600 1200 2000 2800 1400 2200 3000 1600 2400 3200 1800 2600 3400 2000 28002200 30002400 32002600 34002800 3000 3200 3400 1000 1200 1000 1800 1200 20001400 22001600 2400 1000 1800 2600 1200 2000 2800 1400 2200 3000 1600 2400 3200 1800 2600 3400 2000 2800 2200 3000 2400 3200 2600 3400 28001400 30001600 3200 3400 0 0 shaft Speed min-1 0 0 0 -1 -1 Crankshaft Speed min Crankshaft Speed min Crankshaft Speed min-1 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 Crankshaft Speed min Crankshaft Speed min Crankshaft Speed min-1 -1 -1 Crankshaft Speed min Crankshaft Speed min Crankshaft Speed min-1 Fuel Consumption gal / hr Fuel Consumption gal / hr Fuel Consumption gal / hr nsumption Fuel Consumption shaft Speed min-1 Yanmar-BrochureSD60.indd 3 23-12-14 15:29 3JH5CE x SD60 Rear view Right side view 4JH5CE x SD60 Rear view Right side view 4JH4-TCE x SD60-T Right side view NOTE: All data subject to change without notice. Text and illustrations are not binding. www.yanmar.eu Yanmar-BrochureSD60.indd 4 EN_DSSD60_1214 Rear view 23-12-14 15:29
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