Interfaith Social Services 2014 Annual Report


Interfaith Social Services 2014 Annual Report
the south shore’s multiservice center for families in need
annual report 2014
744,631 pounds of food distributed by Interfaith’s amazing volunteers
33,627 bags of food distributed to hungry South Shore residents 19,255 hours
donated by Interfaith’s volunteers 18,191 hungry individuals fed through the Pantry Shelf
food program 10,983 boxes of food donated by local supermarkets and restaurants
8,764 bags of clothing donated to the Bureau Drawer Thrift Shop 7,689 households
served by the Pantry Shelf 6,341 shoppers at the Bureau Drawer Thrift Shop
6,079 hungry children served by the food pantry 3,765 bags of food donated by
local businesses, houses of worship, schools and individuals 2,568 calls for assistance
logged by our counseling center 2,225 visits with grieving families and suffering patients at
Quincy Medical Center 2,190 counseling sessions with suffering local residents who had no
place else to turn for help 1,075 individuals who received help from our HomeSafe financial
assistance program 991 households served that had never been to a food pantry before
800+ households received Thanksgiving meal baskets 751 community volunteers who
served their neighbors in need 600+ children received Christmas gifts 461 households
that received budget counseling through the HomeSafe program 400+ backpacks
distributed to the children of food pantry clients 350 Easter Baskets distributed to the
children of food pantry clients 300+ Halloween costumes distributed to the children
of food pantry clients 292 outfits of professional clothing distributed to low-income
job-seekers 152 households avoided homelessness thanks to the HomeSafe program
F letter from the president
interfaith social services
a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit
105 Adams Street
Quincy, MA 02169
mission: Founded in 1947, Interfaith
Social Services is dedicated to
improving life for South Shore families
and individuals in need. Our unique
approach relies on a team of volunteers,
donors and community partners to
deliver compassionate, client-centered
programs focused on hunger, mental
health and emergency assistance.
Jim Thorne, President
Donna Eliasson, First Vice President
John O'Donnell, Second Vice
Maggie Trudel, Treasurer
Cheryl Carlson, First Assistant
Sandy Johnson, Second Assistant
Cynthia Lee, Secretary
board members
Gabriel Arato
Todd Broderick
Nicole Burnett
Bernard Dasilva
Kristen Koch
Brian Manning
Judy Manning
Rick Doane, Executive Director
Paula Daniels, Volunteer Coordinator
and Development Associate
Beverly Farrell, Business and
Operations Manager
Claire Hagan, New Directions
Counseling Coordinator
Karen Ukraine, Food Pantry Manager
Michelle Morais, Manager of
Financial Assistance
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interfaith social services annual report 2013-2014
am honored to introduce Interfaith Social Services’
2014 Annual Report. Sixty-eight years of providing
compassionate services to our friends in need! What a
milestone. What a commitment of caring to our clients in
Quincy and surrounding South Shore communities. This
is the time to recognize our successes and achievements, and to share our
vision for the future as we grow and strengthen individual and family life.
This has been a year of milestones. Our Food Pantry has experienced
explosive growth in the number of clients and in the amount of donations.
Our friends and sponsors have generously given thousands of dollars and
truckloads of food to meet the nutritional needs of our clients. Our New
Directions Counseling Center has increased their outreach efforts to let our
communities and potential clients know that they are here for everyone in
need of a professional and compassionate shoulder to lean on. Their slidingfee scale makes treatment affordable for all, and they have added a new staff
member for enhanced service.
In keeping with Interfaith’s faith-based roots, our Interfaith Hospital
Chaplaincy program has made a successful transition from the closing of the
Quincy Medical Center to the Beth Israel Milton Medical Center. Please look
for more details about all our programs in this report.
I want to thank all who support Interfaith and make it a success. It is
the generous support of caring individuals, faith communities, foundations,
and corporate sponsors that enable us to make a difference in the lives of
individuals and families. As you know, we have many volunteer opportunities available throughout the year to support our mission of helping people. I invite you to contact Interfaith to become part of this valuable group.
The volunteers and staff that you will meet are dedicated and enthusiastic.
Become a part of this team!
May God richly bless you in your support of the good that is being accomplished here at Interfaith.
James F. Thorne
Board President
F become an interfaith volunteer!
face F
Interested in being active, getting
involved in the community and
making friends? Your face could
be here. Interfaith is one of the
South Shore’s most popular centers
for volunteering and community
engagement. We have many
volunteer opportunities available.
Contact pdaniels@Interfaith today for
more information.
F letter from the executive director
e can never say the words THANK YOU enough to all of the people who make it possible
for Interfaith to serve so many of our neighbors in need: The volunteers, the donors, the
Thrift Shop customers and countless others. THANK YOU can mean various things in different circumstances. For example, when Interfaith’s volunteers or staff say THANK YOU to people as
they drop off donations, we are conveying more than just appreciation. We say those two words as our
acknowledgment of a contract. We have become stewards or custodians of your gift; as such we are promising to use it to
help as many people as efficiently as possible. We take that commitment very seriously.
In another situation, the words THANK YOU take on a different, yet equally powerful meaning — when they come
from a grateful client. This is a letter that was recently sent to our HomeSafe program manager:
I am writing you to sincerely thank you and Interfaith Social Services for helping me catch up on my past due rent. Words can’t
describe how grateful I am for the payment you made on my behalf.
I am also very grateful for you working out a payment plan with my landlord, to help me pay the remaining balance of my past due
amount. What you guys do there, at Interfaith Social Services, is a great thing. You help people in need of assistance during hard times. I
really respect what you do there. To show my appreciation, please let me know if you are in need of any volunteers, and I would absolutely
love to volunteer my services.
Once again, thank you from the bottom of my heart! I don’t know how I would have got caught up without your help, and because of
your company, I still have a roof over my head and I am getting my finances in order once again.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you’re in need of volunteers or clothing donations. I will help as much as I can!
Thank you very much! It’s people like you that give others a second chance.
THANK YOU — two very powerful words, and we can’t say them enough. Everyone here at Interfaith is incredibly
grateful for your support which makes it possible for us to serve thousands of people just like this client every year.
Rick Doane
Executive Director
F community hero of the year: jenn reale
enn Reale’s enthusiasm, compassion and commitment to helping others has made her the
standout choice as Interfaith Social Services’ 2014 Community Hero of the Year. Jenn is
Program Coordinator for The Arbella Insurance Foundation. She oversees all activities and
programs that the Foundation has in place to support Arbella Insurance Group employees. She is a
member of Arbella’s Activities Committee, a group of employees who are committed to promoting
a culture of teamwork and camaraderie through corporate citizenship and, more importantly, fun.
Jenn organizes hundreds of Arbella employees every year who volunteer at such places as
Interfaith Social Services, Father Bill’s and Mainspring, Project Bread, Cradles to Crayons and
South Shore Habitat for Humanity.
Jenn with daughter
In 2014, Jenn, sometimes alone, or more often with her husband Rich, their four-year-old son
Penelope, husband
Richard and one-year-old daughter Penelope, walked or ran in 18 different charity events! She supRich and son Richard.
ported organizations such as Children’s Hospital, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Interfaith Social
Services, One Fund Boston and March of Dimes among others. If Jenn sees an opportunity to help people she is there.
She is integral in creating transformational volunteer experiences for nonprofit organizations and Arbella employees.
Thank you Jenn for all that you do for our community!
Each year Interfaith Social Services’ Community Hero of the Year Award is presented to individuals who inspire
others through selfless service. Past recipients include Cindy Lee, Ed Kelley, Paula Lombardo, Beverly Tangvick,
Thomas F. Williams. Esq., Kris Larsen, Matti Lang, Jan Stewart, Mary Ann Walsh, Robert F. Taylor, Margaret Davidson,
Andrew Scheele. 617-773-6203
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interfaith social services
building remodeling begins
Thanks to a grant from the Arbella
Insurance Foundation, as well as a
generous individual, we were able to repair
the heating system for half of the building,
replace all of the building’s windows, install
new flooring in the Bureau Drawer Thrift
Shop and resurface the stucco exterior
of the building. A word of advice from
our staff — when getting new windows
installed in January, dress warmly!
children of families served by Interfaith’s
food pantry. Thousands of pieces of
candy and hundreds of small toys were
donated by the community to fill the
Easter baskets.
40th annual south
shore walk & 5k run
In spite of periodic downpours, hundreds
of participants turned out to walk and
run. They collected over $20,000 in
donations and pledges to benefit
thousands of South Shore
families in need of
food, counseling and
emergency assistance.
In one of the busiest
months of 2014 for the
HomeSafe Program,
manager Michelle
Morais assisted 46
families. All of these
households were on
the brink of eviction
or the loss of a basic
Michelle Morais
utility. Through budget
counseling and some financial assistance
she was able to assist 108 people who
resided in those households.
harvest helpers
Keohane Funeral Homes donated free
vegetable seedlings to volunteers from
the community who agreed to raise the
plants and donate the produce to local
food pantries. John Keohane and other
Keohane Funeral Home staff members
also donated fresh produce grown at their
community garden this summer.
Our improved stucco, before and after.
Beginning in early 2014, Interfaith Social
Services’ New Directions Counseling
Center facilitated a series of free support
groups to help underserved populations.
Groups included: coping with job loss,
support in overcoming anxiety and
depression, women’s issues, using
substances to cope, and reminiscences
and memories for seniors. Counseling
coordinator Claire Hagen and Interfaith
board member Sandy Johnson were both
instrumental in coordinating these groups.
easter baskets
Quincy prayer breakfast
Coinciding with the National Day of
Prayer, Quincy’s Prayer Breakfast was
held on May 1. Sponsored by Mayor
Thomas P. Koch, hundreds of attendees
assembled to hear prayers from local
religious leaders, musical numbers and
speakers from the community who shared
reflections about the importance of
prayer in their lives.
Over 350 Easter baskets
were assembled by
volunteers and distributed
to the children of food
pantry clients. Cristiana
Amara of Quincy dressed
the part of Easter Bunny
Helper while assembling
Easter baskets for the
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interfaith social services annual report 2013-2014
Interfaith’s executive director Rick Doane
accepts a basket of vegetables from John
Keohane for the Harvest Helpers program.
BMC HealthNet donated over 6,000
diapers to Interfaith’s food pantry.
Diapers are a huge expense for families
who are already struggling to make ends
meet. The parents who benefited from
in 2014: the year in revieW
this donation were
overjoyed at this
surprise, when they
received the diapers
along with groceries
from the pantry.
BMC HealthNet’s
donation helped
raise awareness
about the need for diaper donations to
emergency assistance programs.
As schools opened in
September, hundreds
of local kids started
their first day on the
right foot thanks to
Interfaith’s generous
donors. 442 backpacks
filled with school
supplies were distributed
to the children of families served by
Interfaith’s Food Pantry.
Over 200 children who otherwise might
have missed out on some childhood fun
received new and gently-used Halloween
costumes, thanks to a team of generous
donors led by Interfaith’s Feed the Hungry
Gala planning committee.
Volunteers from
Arbella Insurance
sorted costumes
in preparation for
distribution, and Pot
Belly Sandwiches
of Braintree
and cookies
for all of
the children
who came
in to select
Volunteers celebrate our Four-Star rating.
charity navigator ★★★★
Interfaith Social Services was awarded a
four-star rating — the highest possible —
from Charity Navigator, America’s largest
independent charity evaluator.
Over 800 households comprised of 2,253
people were able to sit down and enjoy a
Thanksgiving meal thanks to the amazing
efforts of Interfaith’s staff, volunteers,
donors and volunteers from the United
Way of Massachusetts Bay & Merrimack
Valley. Meal packages included a turkey,
mashed potatoes, vegetables, stuffing,
cranberry sauce and more.
Volunteers from the United Way pitched
in to provide Thanksgiving meals.
Setting a fundraising record for
Interfaith, the phenomenal 2014
Gala raised over $220,000 to sustain
our various programs.
Emceed by NECN’s
Latoyia Edwards, the
“Winter Wonderland”
themed Gala featured
carnival-style games,
door prizes, live
entertainment, and a
variety of live and silent
auction packages, while
chefs from top South
Shore restaurants
Emcee Latoyia
created a delicious
“Dine Around” tasting.
The 2014 Gala committee celebrates
another successful event. 617-773-6203
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The heart and soul of Interfaith
our volunteers
n 2014 volunteers donated over 19,000 hours of service assisting Interfaith's clients. Volunteers are the heart and soul
of Interfaith Social Services. They distribute food, sort clothing, answer telephones, plan fundraisers and perform
many other duties. These volunteers personify Interfaith's conviction that the best way to help our neighbors in need
is by mobilizing members of their own community who compassionately provide the help that is needed. Thank you to
these volunteers who contributed to our mission in 2014.
Evelyn Ahearn
Maureen Argento
Jennifer Ashley
Michel Auda
Carrie Belcher
Barbara Betzger
Colleen Bolger
Zhenya Buckley
Rita Buckmann
Beth Burnes
Nicole Burnett
Rhonda Callahan
Barbara Caron
Cas Casados
Donna Chapman
Dana Chenevert
Chris Choi
Valerie Colbert
Mary “Dolly” Colella
Jeanne Condon
Cathy Conley
Darcy Cordner
Caroline Cote
Carol Courage
Gerard Cronin
Frank Daley
Ranell Dillon
Virginia Dindy
Mary Dinneen
Thomas Dinneen
John Doherty
Neil Doherty
Margaret Donaher
Susan Donnelly
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Lauren Drown
John Dunner
Ben Esons
Amanda Esparza
Charlene Feeley
Joyce Feeney
Christina Ferrera
Janice Ferrera
Joanne Fisher
Mary “Babe” Flaherty
Susan Flaherty
Marsha Floman
Dorothy Fredey
Jennifer Gammon
Pamela Gatlin
Jim Grant
Marie Grimaldi
Peter Griswold
Gillian Grossman
Lynn Guilbault
Kim Henry
Judy Howlett
Joe Hutchins
Benjamin Johnson
Sandra Johnson
Elder Jones
Ina Jones
Joanne Jordan
Stefan Kalt
Jim Keenan
Donna Keith
Ed Kelley
Corrine Kennedy
Fiona Kirebina
interfaith social services annual report 2013-2014
Daniel Landers
Catherine Lane
Bettyanne Lang
Frances Langille
Wafa Lavelle
Christina Lee
Cindy Lee
Lily Lee
Justin Lewis
Joyce (Ruijuan) Li
Nanda Lopes
Sarah Lussier
Dolores MacMillan
Emily Major
Paula Malzone
Charlene (Karen) Manning
Lyle Mark
Graeme Marsden
Priscilla Marsden
John Martland
Rakshit Mazumdar
Kassandra McCarthy
Michael McDevitt
Mary Ann McDonagh
Maura McDonough
Robert McEvoy
Denise McGue
Maureen McGuire
Mary McLaughlin
Irene McMullen
Joyce McMullen
Anne McNeil
Lori Melnick-Bolden
Matt Mikkanen
Maureen Mills
Sheila Montgomery
Eileen Morton
Ruth Mullen
Janet Mullins
Michael Murphy
Pat Murphy
William Murray
Chris Nevin
Bessem Njokobi
Patricia Norton
Ellen O’Brien
Sheila O’Connor
John O’Donnell
Frank O’Donoghue
Ellen Ogilvie
Nancy O’Reilly
Ralph Palmieri
Mary Parker
Karen Partridge
Susan Patterson
Bob Petitti
Elder Pettet
Lorraine Pope
David Powers
Liz Powers
Barbara Pyne
Anne Marie Quigley
Michael Ray
Larry Reardon
Jennifer Reidy
Gale Rent
Anita Riley
Chris Roche
Lori Rosenberg
Gayle Ryan
Rawia “Roe” Salama
Heather Sargent
Linda Schatz
Kristen Schwartz
Stephanie Schwartz
Elizabeth Shanahan
Lee Shay
Kelsey Shirosky
Shahin Shobeiri
Helen Siciliano
Rebecca Sloane
Laura Smith
Andrew Snodderly
Edmond Stacy
Carrie Stevens
Susan Sullivan
Courtney Swimm
Justyna Szreter
Rachel Szyman
Karen Ukraine
Noe Vila Soares
Peter Wallace
Sheila Weinberg
Joseph Weinstein
Agatha White
Norman White
Marcel Williams
Toni Winer
Gail Yaworsky
Kelly Yue
Leighann Zemp
Marie Zinkus
Thank you to our generous donors
nterfaith Social Services is only able to realize our mission thanks to the generosity of individuals,
foundations, businesses, houses of worship, fraternal organizations, community groups and others who
made a donation this past year. Whether you contributed food, clothing, time or money, we are sincerely
grateful for every donation received. This donor list covers the time period from 1/1/2014 to 12/31/2014.
thank you to the following businesses, foundations and
other organizations who donated during this past fiscal year…
1000 Southern Artery,
Management Office
1604 Salon Spa
5 Napkin Burgers
5 Wits
AAA Southern New England
Abigail Adams Book Group
Ace Ticket
Ada Bacon Trust
Adage Capital Management, L.P.
Alex and Ani
Alice W. Dorr Foundation
All The Best Natural Foods
Alma Nove
Altria Industrial Motion
Anodyne Homemaker Services
Arbella Insurance Group
Charitable Foundation
Aria Salon Spa
Artisan Millwork LLC
Atlantica Restaurant
Atria Senior Living
Aura Salon
Baking Steel
Barn Babies
Barr Foundation
Bastille Kitchen
Bay State Federal Savings
Charitable Foundation
Bay State Milling Company
Bellas Bodyworks
Bernie & Phyl’s
Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital
Bethesda Lodge No. 30 I.O.O.F.
Biogen Idec Foundation
Birch Barn Designs
BJ’s Charitable Foundation
Black Rock Country Club
Blue Cross Blue Shield of
Blue Hills Adult Education
Bo Line Boutique
Bob’s Discount Furniture
Charitable Foundation
Boston Ballet
Boston Book Festival
Boston Celtics
Boston Duck Tours
Boston Evening Clinic Foundation
Boston Financial Data Services
Boston Harbor Cruises
Boston Medical Center
HealthNet Plan
Boston Professional Hockey
Boston Red Sox
Braintree Hill Office Park
Broadway In Boston
Brookwood Community Farm
Burgin Platner Hurley
Insurance Agency
Busy Bee Jumpers
Caffe Tosca
Campanelli Companies
Campbell, DeVasto &
Associates, CPAs
Cape Air
Captain Fishbone’s Restaurant
Cardi’s Furniture
Celebrity Series of Boston
Celeste Holistic Skincare
Chatham Bars Inn
Cheesecake Factory
Chel Bella
Chloe & Isabel
Christ Church Quincy
Christine’s Day Spa & Electrology
Christmas Tree Shops
Circe’s Grotto
Citi Performing Arts
City of Quincy
City of Quincy Council on Aging,
Department of Elder Services
City Table
Climate Engineering, LLC
Clipper Ship Foundation, Inc.
CNA Foundation
Coffee Break Cafe
Cohasset Realty Advisors
Coldwell Banker
Coldwell Banker Residential
Brokerage Cares
Colonial Federal Savings Bank
Colonnade Hotel
Comfort Keepers
Commit 2B Fit Studio
Committee to Elect
Michael Morrissey
Committee to Elect Tackey Chan
Copeland Family Foundation, Inc.
Copy Inks
Corner Stop Eatery, Inc.
Cosgrove, Eisenberg & Kiley, P.C.
Costco Wholesale Club
Courtyard Marriott
Craigie On Main
Crocker Electrical Co., Inc.
Cynthia Hurley Wines
Dave & Buster’s
David J Donaghue
Insurance Agency
Davine Ventures
DeCordova Sculpture Park
and Museum
Dependable Cleaners
Derby Street Shoppes
Deware Funeral Home
DFV Wines
Disney Theme Park
Dowling Insurance
DPS Insurance Group, Inc.
Dunkin Donuts & Baskin Robins
Community Foundation, Inc.
Eastern Bank Charitable
Eastern Nazarene College
Eat Well, Inc
Elite Envelope & Graphics, Inc.
Ellen Mackenzie Caterer
Elyse Fine Jewelers
Equinox Boston
Errands, Etc.
F1 Boston
Facilitated Healing Center
Fairmont Copley Hotel
Father Bill’s & Mainspring
Federal Deposit Insurance
Feed The Need
Feenan Financial Group
Flavin Insurance Agency, Inc.
Fontbonne Academy
Foundation M
Four Seasons Boston
Fox TV
Frantic Framers
Frederick E. Weber Charities
Friends of Holly Hill Farm
Friends of The Unborn
Fruit Center Marketplace
Furnace Brook Golf Course
Garden Neighborhood Charities
George H. Mifflin and
Jane A. Mifflin Memorial Fund
Ginger Betty’s Bakery
Girl Scout Troop 4097
Give With Liberty
Glenn Ordway Tailgate Party
Globe South
Good Fortune Supermarket
of Quincy
Good Life Kitchen
GQ Painting
Grace E. Brooks Trust
Grafton Group Restaurant
GrandTen Distilling
Granite City Electric Supply, Co.
Granite Telecommunications
Great Wolf Lodge
Greater Boston Council
on Alcoholism
Greater Boston Food Bank
Greater Boston Running Club
Grill 23
Handel and Haydn Society
Hannaford Supermarket
HarborOne Bank
Harold Brooks Foundation
Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Inc.
Harvard Square Business Association
Highball Lounge
Hinckley, Allen & Snyder
Hint Water
Horizon Financial Services, Inc.
continued on next page 617-773-6203
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businesses, foundations and other organizations continued from previous page
Hospital Hill Neighborhood
HT Bailey Insurance Group
Huntington Theatre Company
Hyatt Regency Boston
Hypnosis Center of Weymouth
Improv Asylum
Inde Salon
Inly School
InterContinental Boston
Iron Workers Union Local 7
Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum
J. Calnan & Associates
J.P. Licks Ice Cream
Jack Hill’s Stove Shop
Jay Landscaping
Jay Peak Resort
JB Livery
Jewelry By Sage
Jillian’s/Lucky Strike Boston
John F. Kennedy Presidential
Library and Museum
John Lane’s Ogunquit Playhouse
John Spada Tax Service
Johnny Cupcakes
Kathleen Duggan Acupuncture
Katz Media Group
Kelley’s Oil Company, Inc.
Kennedy Carpet Cleaners, Inc.
Kennedy’s Country Gardens
Kidz Galaxy
KIND Snacks
Kramer Portraits
La Petite Maison
Lake Comounce Family Theme Park
Law Office of Dennis M. Bottone, PC
Law Office of Francis X. Collins
Law Offices of George G. Burke
Linda’s Pet Portraits
Linden Ponds
Lorden’s Carriage Co., Inc.
Lovin’ Spoonful
Lucky Finn Schooner
Lydon Chapel for Funerals
MA Destination Imagination
Magic Beans
Main Street Grille
Makepeace Digital Imaging
Marc Truant & Associates, Inc.
Margaritas Mexican Restaurant
Marlo Marketing
Marsh & McLennan Companies
Marsh’s Wine & Spirits
Mass Audobon Society
8 y
Mass Bay Guides
Massachusetts Nurses Association
Micah 6, Inc.
Minot Motorworks
Mohegan Sun
MountainOne Bank
MS Photography
MS Walker
My Gym Norwell
Nancy Serafini Interior Design
Nantasket Beach Resort
Napa Valley Marriott Hotel
National Amusements Theatres
Nautilus Restaurant
Neighborhood Health Plan, Inc.
Neofotistos McRae &
Associates, Inc.
Neponset Valley Survey
Associates, Inc.
New England Aquarium
New England Comics, Inc.
New England Ice Cream
New England Revolution
New Repertory Theatre
Nine Zero Hotel
Ocean Spray Cranberries, Inc.
O’Connor & Drew, P.C.
Odyssey Cruises
Old Sturbridge Village
Old World Gutters
Oro Restaurant
Ostra/Teatro Restaurant
Outside In
Pashadre Capital Management Inc.
Patriot Cinemas, Inc.
Pauli & Uribe Architects
Peabody Essex Museum
Peel Pizza
Planter Hill Properties
Plimoth Plantation
Plumbers & Gasfitters Local
Union #12
Plymouth Bay Winery
Potbelly Sandwich Shop
Pretzel Crisps
Project Bread–Walk for Hunger
Quincy Afterschool
Quincy College Human
Services Club
Quincy Council on Aging
Quincy Medical Center
Quincy Mutual Fire
Insurance Company
interfaith social services annual report 2013-2014
Quincy Police Department
Quincy Rotary Club
Quincy Traffic Officers
Quinn Associates, Inc.
Randolph Community
Partnership, Inc.
Real Life Yoga
Reebok CrossFit Bare Cove
Renaissance Boston
Renovisions Inc.
Richard Cutler Trust
RISD Museum
Ritz Carlton, Sarasota
Riva Restaurant
Roche Bros./Sudbury Farms
Rock Spot Climbing
Roger Williams Park Zoo
Roman Table
S Bank
Sadie Mae’s
Salon Tres Chic
Samuel Adams Beer
Scituate Federal Savings Bank
Sea Glass Fine Art
Senior Citizens Center
Serving Ourselves Farm
SIGNET Electronic Systems, Inc.
Six Flags New England
Sky Zone Indoor Trampoline Park
Smoke and Mirrors Yoga
South Shore Bank
South Shore Bank Charitable
Foundation, Inc.
South Shore Corvette Club
South Shore Music Circus
South Shore YMCA
SpeakEasy Stage Company
Square Cafe
Stars On Hingham Harbor
State Street Matching Gift Program
State Street Bank
State Street Foundation, Inc.
State Street Global Operations
Ste. Michelle Wine Estates
Steel & Rye
Steward Health Care
Stoeckel Insurance Agency, LLC
Stop & Shop Supermarket
Company LLC
Tedeschi Food Shop #228
Tedeschi Food Shops, Inc.
Tesoro Latin Kitchen
Thayer Academy
The Adams Condo Association
The Barnstable Restaurant and
The Benevity Community Impact Fund
The Boston Globe
The Burbs Paint Class
The Cambridge School of
Culinary Arts
The Charles Hotel
The Discovery Museums
The Elephant Walk
The Fresh Feast
The Good Shepherd’s Maria Droste
Counseling Services
The Good Sport
The Hall At Patriot Place
The Kennedy Center
The Lenox Hotel
The Lombardo Companies
The Lyric Stage Company of Boston
The Paint Bar
The Patricia Aslanis Foundation
The Preservation Society of
Newport County
The Quarry Restaurant & Lounge
The Reebok Foundation
The Silent Chef
The Snippery Hair Studio
The Sports Museum
The Tinker’s Son
Thomas F. Williams & Associates, P.C.
TJX Foundation, Inc.
Tryst Studio
Union Bar and Grille
VERC Car Rental
Vineyard Vines
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
Water Wizz
Weymouth Bank
Weymouth Club
Weymouth Rotary Club Inc.
WHDH/Sunbeam Television Corp.
White Magdelena House
Whittum & Leahy Attorneys at Law
Whole Foods
Wicked Simple Marketing
Wild Goose Tavern
Wilder Bros. American Car
Care Center
Women of The Moose Chapter 2042
Woodward School
Yale Appliance and Lighting
Zoo New England
thank you to the following individuals who donated during this past fiscal year…
Chickie Abdallah
Charles & Blanche
Sarah Alessandro
Janelle Alexander-Britton
Tracy Allegro
Fred Ames
Omar Amirana
Ali Anderson
Kay Anderson
Ralph Anderson
Barbara Andrews
Karen Andrews
Joseph & Holly Andrus
Christopher Angus
Gabriel & Georgette Arato
Ixtia Arceowitzl
Joshua & Elizabeth
Fotini Arocho
Paul Austin
Kaitlyn Avary
Tom & Sally Bain
Lucile Baker
Barbara Baldwin
Mark & Kathleen Baldwin
Craig & Marcia Barnes
Christopher & Jane Barney
Audrey Barrett
Beverly & Joseph Barrett
Clare Barrett
James & Deborah Barrett
Kevin & Diane Barrett
Ryan Barrett
Donald Barry
Marylouise Bast
Robert & Janice Baszkiewicz
Dyan & Mark Bauman
Sarah Baxter
Karen Beatty
Gordon Behrer
Carrie Belcher
David & Susanne Beldotti
Sarah Belfort
Emilyn Bellavia
Beth Bellew
Loriann Benoit
Sean Bentley
Paula Bergquist
Phyllis Berlucchi
Myrna Berman
Kathleen Berry
Nancy Bertrand
Christopher Bianchi &
Marissa Simms
Scott & Kara Bianchi
Brian Bicknell
Linda Billikas
Alfred & Celia Bina
Amy Bisconte
Julie Blackman
Abbe Blair
B.C. & E.D. Blakeley-Smith
Dyanna Blease
Candace Bon
Elinea Bonani
Natallia Bosari
Patricia Boudrot
Jason Boyd
Mary Boyle
Monica Bracey
Joan Bradley
Philip Brady
Karen Brainard
Maryellen Brett
Carly Bridden
Warren & Edith Bridges
Donna & Corey Briggs
Karl & Ruth Briggs
Todd & Kelly Broderick
Joyce Brooks
Jim Brown
Gina Bryda
Robert & Pauline Bubencik
Jim Buchan
Patrick & Tanya Buchanan
Stephen Buckler
Robert Buckmann
Nancy Burgess
Betty Burke
Doreen Burke
Joanne Burke Sherman
Michael & Beth Burnes
Nicole Burnett
William Burney
Jeanne Burns
Nancy Byrne
Mary Byron-Abbott Cabot
Kelly Cahill
Ed Calabro
Maryellen Callahan
Laurie Callicutt
Frank Camacho
James Cameron
Joe & Sue Canavas
Diane Carlson & Kevin Flynn
Janet Carlson
Bruce & Cheryl Carlson
Eric Carlson
Scott Carmel
Christa Carone
David Carr
Christina & Ann Carroll
Robin Carroll
Geraldine Carter
Joann Casinelli
Nancy Casinelli
Joseph Catalano
Kathryn & Jason Catlender
Gary & Denise Cazeault
Donald & Ann Cederholm
Lynne Cedrone
Clara Cenci
Steve & Alexena Cenci
Mary Chamberlain
Janice Chandler &
Mark Wigandt
Helen Chaney
Anna Chapman
Cecelia Chapman
Kevin Chapman
Thomas & Carol Chapman
Donna Chapman
Suzanne Chase
Dana Chenevert
Amy Chin
Janice & Frederick
Paul & Karen Chroniak
Francis & Marian Ciccariella
Eileen Cimino
Joanne Cipriano
Mary Ciriello
Sarah Clancey
John Clancy
Mary Clancy
Carol Clark
Donna Clark
Mary Clark
Maryelaine Clarke
Patricia Clasby
Jody Cleary
John & Mary Cleary
Rich & Janet Cleary
Kevin Clow
Isabella Cobble
Marilyn Coffey
Robert Cohen
Mary Colella
Leslie Colello &
Autumn Colello-Kelly
Celeste Coletti
Constance Collier
Annalee Collins
George & Anne Collins
Jane Collins
Celeste Colman
David & Joan Conkling
Paul & Jean Conley
Thomas Connelly &
Jan Minich
John & Jean Conners
Michael & Maureen Conners
Ann Cooke
Allison & James Corbett
Paul Corbette
William Corea
Joanne Cormack
Joseph Costello
Mary Cote
Mike & Cindy Cotter
Carol Courage
Camille Courtney
David & Mary Cramond
H Craswell Haley &
Steven Haley
Andrew & Amy Crenshaw
Lauren, Jeanette &
Joe Critelli
Patrick & Marilyn Croall
Davenport Crocker
Jim Cronar
Jeffery Cronholm
Michael & Meredith Crosby
Donna Crosta &
Dyan Bauman
Wendy Cullivan
Daniel Cunniff
Lori Curtis
Rosalind Cuschera
Aaron & Katherine Cutler
Frank Daley
Paul Daly
Peter Daly
John & Carole Danckert
Christine D’arrigo
Kassondra Dart
Davis & Andrea Dassori
Theresa Dauphinais
Gayle Davidson
Ruth Davis
Dexter & Carolyn DeBrusk
Craig & Erin Degiacomo
Paul & Linda DelGreco
Sheena Delmonte
Diane DeMasi
Cindy Demello
Jackie Depeiza
Anne Desimone
Emma DeSimone
Stephen Desroche &
Ann Freeman
Margaret DeThomaso
Pablo & Helga deTorres
Terry Deutch
Carolyn DeVasto
Dan DeVasto
Dorothy DeVasto
Pete DeVasto
Ray DeVasto
Jim Dever
Thomas & Celeste Devlin
Dwight Dewsnap &
Kristie Randall
Joanne & Ron DiBella
Denise DiCenso
Linda Dickey
Reed Dickinson
Sigrid Digiorgio
Marie Dillon
Louis DiMartinis
Stanley Dingwell
Thomas & Mary Dinneen
Rebecca Dinsmore
Michelle DiPietro
Sandra Ditunno
Bruce & Betsy Doane
Rick & Moshi Doane
Barbara Doherty
Diane Doherty
Leo Doherty
Michael & Terry Doherty
Sue Doherty
Eric Dolinski
Colin & Eileen Donaldson
Patrick & Ally Donnelly
Erin Dorsey
Becky Douglas
John Downie
Brian Doyle
Jean-Marie Doyle
William Drobia
Brendan Dsouza
Louise Duffy
Robert & Barbara Dugan
Helen Duncan
Shirley Dunlap
Bill Dunn
Michael & Jennifer Dupill
Lynn Dupin
Rosemary Durant
Edward & Patricia Dwyer
Marie Dyment
Rosemary Earley
Charles Easton
Steven & Joyce Eby
Bruce & Audrey Eckman
Deborah Edgerly
Mary Edmonston
Scott Edwards
Julie Eliasson
Leo & Donna Eliasson
Jane Elliott
Abigail Engstrom
Amanda Esparza
Sonia Ettinger
Stephanie Ettinger de Cuba
Catherine Evans
John Evans & Erika Jacobsen
Michael & Kim Ewanouski
Julie Falitra
Helen Falletti
Paul Farquhar
Patricia Fatseas
Kristine Faubert
Gillian Fay
Joseph & Eileen Feeney
Martha Feliz
Sandra Fennelly &
James Orwig
Brenda Fernandez
Augustino & Lorranie Ferraro
Monica Ferraro
Adam & Viv Fest
Elizabeth Fidler
Susan Fine
Kathleen Fitzgerald
Scott Fitzgerald
Charles Flaherty
continued on next page 617-773-6203
y 9
individuals who donated during this past fiscal year continued from previous page
Susan Flaherty
Patrice Flavin
Sandra Fleming
Christopher Fleser
Maureen Flores
Mary Folan
Paul & Diane Foley
Marion Fontana
Susan Forbes
Julia Forde
Beth Fortini
Thomas Francis
Arthur Frank
Jay & Kerry Freedman
Bruce Frost
Melissa Fuccillo
Paula Fulton
Roderick Fuqua
Eleanor Fusoni
Pamela Gaitlin
Jamie Gallagher
Sallyanne Galvin
Jennifer Gammon
Joan Gancarski
Catherine Garvey
Sandra Garvin
James Gavigan
Shawn George
Caroline Gibson
Juan & Andrea Gil
Jeanne Gilbert
Lorraine Gill Young
Barbara Gilliland
Daniel & Patricia Gillis
Donna Gingras
Michele Glennon
Anne Glynn
Michele Glynne
Krisanne Godfrey
Karen Goldberg
Leonard Gordon
Edward Gosselin
Margaret Gosselin
Crystal Gould
Dallas Gould
Bill & Louise Grabowski
Barbara Graceffa
Michael Gracia
Paul & Laurie Graf
John Graham
Marie Grimaldi
William Grindlay
Gillian Grossman &
James Cahill
Lynn & Ray Guilbault
Judith Gundersen
Erik Gustafson
Joan Hafner
Jack & Claire Hagan
Dorothy Hagar
Fariba Haghighi
Joyce Haglund
Stephanie Haines
10 y
Julie Hajjar
Linda Hajjar
Michael Hajjar
Sidney Hajjar
Alice Hale
Robert Hale
Carol Hallett
Mayre Hammond
Jeannie Hanlon
Wendy Hanlon
Barry Hannon
Elizabeth Hannon
Katherine Hansen
Roy & Loretta Hansen
Shevawn Hardesty
Michaela Harpin
Paul Harrington
Stephen Hart
Susan Hart
Donna Harvey
Janet Hassler
Sarah Hastings
Michelle Hatfield
Susan Haverstroh
Gary & Virginia Hawes
Adam & Debra Hayes
Shirley Hayes
Muriel Hazel
Patrice Healy
Susan Healy-Barham
Thelma Hedberg
Larry & Kathleen Hefner
Theodore & Jane
Gary Helfrich
Emma Helly
David & Irene Hennessy
Richard & Patricia Herbert
John Heropoulos
Glenn & Ruth Hewson
Mark & Anne Higgins
Jen Hilton
Audrey Himelhoch
Karen Hogle
Claire Hooley
Lana Hoover
Patty Horne
Donald & Lynne Houghton
Kara Houghton
Arpi Hovagimian
Rebecca Howard
Peter Howe &
Holly LeCraw Howe
Amy Huber
Greg & Kristine Hudson
Carlton & Lilly Hulteen
Andrew Hunt
Doris Hunt
Patty Hunter
Seerena Huxley
Allison & Anne Hynes
Sean Hynes
Mary Iantosca
interfaith social services annual report 2013-2014
Suzanne Jackson
Theresa & Scott Jackson
Marcia Jacob
Ralph & Nancy Jacobs
Rebecca Jagger
Marilyn Janeway
Paul & Laura Jennette
Rebecca Joette Dakessian
Angela Johnson
David Johnson
John & Leslie Johnson
Margaret Johnson
Sandra Johnson
Heidi Johnston
Leslie Johnston
Ina & John Jones
Miriam Joseph
Brian & Allison Joyce
Stephen Joyce
Jessica Juenemann
Gregory Jundanian &
Seta Nersessian
Ruth Kaplan
Richard & Elizabeth Kates
Susan Kay
Nancy Kearns
Ron & Karen Kearns
Paula Keenan
Patricia Keenan-Byrne
Donna Keith
Tom Kelley
Jack & Margaret Kelly
Thomas Kelly
Wendy Kelly
Chris & Amanda Kennedy
Corinne Kennedy
Kimberly Kennedy
Francina Kern
Patti Keville
Gail Kimmell
Robert & Laura Kintz
Jackie Klamerus
Justin Klamerus
Helen (Betsy) Knapp
Steve Knight
Teddy Kramer &
Luann Richardson
Linda Kristal
Michelle Krysztopik
Margaret LaForest
Henry Lamb
Luke Lambert
Bettyanne Lang
Linda Large
Joanne Larner
Kris & Sharon Larsen
Anita Lawcka
Edwin Leach
Rick & Coreen LeBrun
Pauline Lecomte
Gene Lee
Lily Lee
Judy Lemire
Martha Lengstrom
John & Nancy Lenhart
Margaret Lennon
John Leuchte
Mary Lewis
Sarah Lindenfeld
Judith Linscott
William Lobel
Lisa Locke
Shirley & Lisa Locke
Barbara Lok
Barbara Lombardi
Paula Lombardo
Ruby Long
Sarah LoPiccolo
Enid Lubarsky
Anthony Luongo
Betsy Lusa
Marisa Lutz
Martin Lydon
Patricia Lynch
Deborah MacDonald
Dora MacDonald
John MacDonald
Patricia MacDonald
Richard MacDonald
Shirley MacDonald
Howard Mackay
Carrie MacLean
Dolores MacMillan
Gail MacMillan
David MacPhee
Jeanne Madden
Richard Madigan
Elizabeth Mafera
Thomas & Marie MaGee
Rahul Mahadevan
Tom & Elizabeth Maher
Michael & Renee Mahler
Charity Majuru
Joyce Malaguti
Sharlene Malcolm
Judy Mallock
Paula Malzone &
Michael Quinn
Janice Mancini
Linda Mancini
Mary Manley
Bonnie Mann
Ellen Mann
Kathy Manni
Maralin Manning
Polikseni Manxhari
Steven & Faith Manzer
Bonnie Marcel
Richard Marden
Ronald Mariano
Frank & Jean Marinelli
Andrew Marshall
Stephen & Linda Marshall
Peggy Marsney
Elaine Martin
Carl & Nancy Martland
John & Janet Martland
Steven Marullo
Katherine Masiello
Melissa Mastrorilli
Alex & Jay Maurer
James & Ruth Mavila
Donna Mavromates
Keith & Nancy Maxwell
Harry Maynard & Susan Gicure
Veronica Mazzini
Paul McAnulty
Lisa McBikney
Ann Marie McCaffrey
Maureen McCann
Robert & Kathy McCarthy
Margaret McCobb
Neil McCole & Cheryl Devin
Marguerite McCormack
Kevin McCusker
Michael McDevitt
Collette McDonagh
Mary McDonagh
William & Beryl McFadden
Carol McGhee
John & Celeste McGlone
Elizabeth McGonagle
Maureen McGuire
Jeffrey McKay
Rita McKenna
Ron McKim
Leigh McLaughlin
Meghan Mclean
Thomas Mcmanus
ME McNamara
Tom McNamara
James McNeil
James McQuinn
Robert & Linda McVay
Michelle Medeiros
Phil Melanson
Joanne Menice
Ricardo & Nancy Mermet
Edward & Anne Marie Merrigan
Andrea Merullo
Christopher & Heidi Meyers
Darryl & Corinne Mikami
Linda Miles
Lewann Mina
Corrine & William Mitchell
Deloris Mitchell
Judy Mitchell
Margaret Moher
Robert & Louise Moline
Barbara Mollay
Anthony & Linda Monaco
Barbara Moore
Susan Morrell
Diane & Bruce Morrison
Arlene Morrissey
Edward & Susan Mosher
Christina Muir
Margaret Muir Wielhouwer
Jerry & Denise Mulcahy
Peter Mullin
Susan Mullin
Karen Munkley
Maryanne Murphy
Michael Murphy
Doris Myete
Robert Naples
Khalid Nasr
John & Patricia Naughton
Charlene Naumann
Carol Negus
Sheryl Neild
Sally Neilson
Karen Nelson
Stephen Nelson
Linda Nicholson
Beth Nightingale
Francis & Vicki Niles
Linda Nolan
Frank O’Brien
Jane O’Brien
Maura O’Brien
Sally O’Connell
John & Maureen O’Donnell
Rayne O’Gara
Susan O’Gara
Susan O’Leary
Rachel Oliva
Ilse Oliveira
Kim Oliveri
Toni Oliveri
Ruth Olsen
Diane O’Malley
Virginia O’Neil
Dan O’Neill
Gus Oster
Mark Ostrem &
Patricia Hall Ostrem
Jennifer O’Sullivan
Sally Owen
Renee Packard
Esther Pagano
Samantha Palmer
Ralph Palmieri
Catherine & Jeffrey
Mary Parker
Elizabeth & Charlotte
Kristen Parsons
Richard Parsons
Susan Parsons
Karen Partridge
John Pasciucco
Nicole Pastena Causey
Judith Ann Patt
Dixie Patton
Rachel Paul
Robert & Shirley Pearson
Joe Perdicaro
Herick Perez
Ralph & Trish Perfetto
Meredith Perry
Carole Peterson
Joanne Peterson
Russell Peterson
Bob Petitti
Jean Ann Phinney
Robert & Carol Pitts
Leonard & Jean Plante
Tricia Poles
Bernice Poloniaic
Marie Popp
Susan Porter
Bill Potter
Bob Pound
Robert Pound
Anne Powers
Nancy Powers
Anna-Maria Preiss
Gregory & Christine
Maria Proia
Agnes Proude
Sharon Puddister
Carolyn Punch
Ann Marie Quigley
Sean Quigley
Barbara Quinn
Vivian Quint
William Quirk
Christine Radice
Matthew & Elizabeth
Ralph & Annette Radzevich
Jean Railton
Christopher Raio
Ronald Rajewski
Deena Randall
Jeffrey & Una Randall
Allison Ravsay
Jenn Reale
Mark Redmond &
Tracy Dyke Redmond
Ebony Reed
Tricia Reed
Grace Reinelt
Susan & Robert Rheault
Barbara Ridlon
Cheryl & Erik Riedel
Anita Riley
Kathleen Ring
Louis & Connie Rizoli
Irene Robb
Paul & Julia Roberts
June Robinson
Mimi Robison
Sandra Roche
Anna Rodrigues
Beverly Roffo
Robert & Joyce Romeri
John Rosario
Cynthia Rosenfeld
Patrick & Cathleen Rowland
Elizabeth Roy
Suzanne Rubbico
Gloria Rugg
Dominic & Carol Ruggiero
John Russo & Marie Touville
Patricia Russo
Constance Ryan
Kathleen Ryan
Paul & Gayle Ryan
Sarah Sacuto
Jeurik Samborski
Peg Sandahl
Brenda & Anthony
Jo Santostefano
Lisa Santostefano
Elizabeth Sarabia
Paisley Sargent
Brandy Sarian
Amy Sattench
Peter & Andrea Sault
Ruth & Victoria Saunders
Elaine Savage
Terttu Savoie
Sarah Sawyer
Michelle Schatz
Ethel Schow
Susan Schrann
Stephanie Schwartz
Sally Scott
James & Mimi Segel
Joanne Seltzer
Daniele & John Serafini
John & Joan Serdensky
John Shagoury
Roberta & Gregory
Sarah Shannon
Richard & Marsha Sherman
Traci Shortt
Helen Siciliano
Beatrice Siddens
John Signoriello &
Patricia McCarthy
Sadie Silkwood
Cynthia Simonides
Anna Sinnott
Jane Skelton
Deirdre Small
Kelly Smallcomb
Steven & Susan Smeed
Brian Smith
Jeremy Smith
Joan Smith
Will Smith & Gina Scanlan
Michael Snow
Jeff Soltesz &
Lieselotte Pollvogt
Darin & Voctoria Souza
Clara Sparks
John & Jean Speredelozzi
Josephine Spiegel
Ruth Spring
Sarah Stanganelli
Darwin Stapleton
Alexander & Nadine Steffan
David Stevens
Dorothy Stevenson
Douglas Stewart
Kathleen Stimpson
Kelli Stirling
Valerie Stromberg
Hanglin Su
Barbara Sullivan
Diane Sullivan
John & Patricia Sullivan
Mary Sullivan
Eugene & Bernadette
William Swanson &
Lauren Payne
Richard & Ornella Sweeney
Beverly Tangvik
Paul & Margaret Taylor
Sandra Taylor
Liz Tayne
Frank Teainor
Patricia Tecu
Lorrie Thomas
James & Lisa Thorne
Marisa Thornton
Jeanine Thubauville &
Brian Clarridge
Mary Tomasian
Lois Tomilson
Joseph & Maureen Toscano
Frank Trainor
Irene & Ed Trainor
Margaret Troup
Nancy Troy
Maggie Trudel
William Turpie
Linda Twomey
Dorothy Tyler
Karen Ukraine
Vadivel Umapathy
Richard & Penny Valentine
Paul & Lynn Vancheri
Gail Varrasso & David Horton
Barbara Vejvoda
Leo & Lotty Verrochi
Diane Vey
Neila Villaruel
Michelle Vinciguerra
Barbara Vonnegut
Thomas Vorderer
Lynne Vurpillatte
Paul Wahlberg
Laurel Wainwright
Nancy Waldron
Greg & Stacey Wallingford
Ellen Walsh
William & Leanne Walt
McKenzie Webster
Alan & Edith Weinberg
Aaron & Dorothy Weintraub
Karen Weir
Jean Weiss
Christina Weissensee
Janice Weitbrecht
Lynne Welsh
Linda Werman
William & Beverly Whidden
Brooks White
Mary White
Maura & Stephen White
Roger & Anne White
Bob & Adrienne Whitehouse
Alexander Whiteside
John & Virginia Wieland
Scott Wilde
Anne Wilkie
Karen Wilkinson
Eleanor Will
Tiffanie Williams
Paula Willis
Jean Wilson
Mary Wilson
Toni Winer
Beverly Wing
Dan Witsil
Roger & Mary Wright
Sarah Wroblewski
Donald Young
Patricia Young
Judy Youngclaus
Paul Yovino
Rachelle Zammit
Bettyann Zaniboni
John & Marie Zinkus
Joan Zona
the stewardship principle F Interfaith Social Services’ staff and volunteers are committed to the stewardship
principle. We are stewards of the donations that we receive. We pledge that the time, money and other goods donated to our
organization will go towards helping the most number of people, in the most efficient and caring way possible. If you donated to
Interfaith this past year but didn’t see your name on this list, please let us know so that we can recognize your generosity. Thank you! 617-773-6203
y 11
thank you to the following houses of worship who donated during this past year…
All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church
Benevolences of First Congregational Church
Bethany Congregational Church U.C.C
Christ Church Quincy
Church of Our Savior
East Congregational Church
East Weymouth Congregational Church
Faith Lutheran Church
First Baptist Church of Wollaston
First Church of Squantum
First Congregational Church–Milton
First Congregational Church In Hanson
First Congregational Church of Braintree
First Congregational Church of Milton
First Congregational Church Randolph
First Presbyterian Church of Quincy
First Trinitarian Congregational Church
Glad Tidings Church
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
Heritage United Methodist Church
Hingham Congregational Church
Houghs Neck Congregational Church
Old South Union Church
Parish of St. John The Evangelist
Quincy Community United Methodist Church
Quincy Community United Methodist
Church–Sigma Phi Group
Quincy Inter-Church Council
Quincy Point Congregational Church
Sacred Heart Church
Second Congregational Church of Cohasset
Second Parish Church of Hingham
South Congregational Church–Braintree
St. Agatha Parish
St. Andrews Episcopal Church
St. Ann Conference S.V.D.P. Society
matti lang hall of
fame volunteers
financial report
The Matti Lang Volunteer Hall
of Fame is named after one
of Interfaith’s most dedicated
volunteers who gave decades
of his life selflessly serving
Interfaith’s clients. The honor of
being inducted into the Hall of
Fame is bestowed upon those
volunteers who have been serving
within the organization regularly
for at least one year. Their names
are inscribed on a plaque which
hangs in Interfaith’s foyer.
These individuals, from the
following towns, were honored at
this year’s induction ceremony:
St. Ann’s Parish
St. Chrysostom’s Episcopal Church
St. Michael’s Parish In Milton
St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church
St. Vincent De Paul
St. Vincent de Paul Society Sacred Heart
Temple Beth Shalom–Holbrook
The Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints
The River Church
Thousand Buddhist Temple
Union Congregational Church
Union Congregational Church of
Weymouth and Braintree
Unitarian Univeralist Church of Weymouth
United Church of Christ Congregational
Winthrop Congregational Church
Wollaston Church of the Nazarene
Wollaston Congregational Church
interfaith social services, inc. statement of
activities for the year ended june 30, 2014
Total Support & Revenue. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,763,947
Total Expenditures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,789,552
changes in temporarily restricted net assets:
Grants and Contributions for Future Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $49,624
Net Assets Released from Restrictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (85,531)
Increase in Temporarily Restricted Net Assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (35,907)
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (61,512)
Net Assets at Beginning of the Year. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,005,672
Net Assets at End of the Year. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $944,160
fiscal year 2014 program and
administrative expenditures
n New Directions Counseling Center . . . . . . . . 9%
Braintree: Chris Choi, Roe Salama
and Stephanie Schwartz
n HomeSafe: Homelessness Prevention. . . . . .9%
Hingham: Thomas Dinneen
and Ralph Palmieri
n Bureau Drawer Thrift Shop
and Career Closet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2%
Quincy: Maureen Argento,
Rita Buckmann, Susan Flaherty,
Jim Grant, Corinne Kennedy,
Maura McDonough, Anne McNeil,
Maureen Mills, Patricia Norton,
Susan Sullivan, Marcel Williams
and Donna Chapman
Weymouth: Bettyanne Lang
n Food Pantry and Seasonal Initiatives. . . . . . 69%
n Administration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6%
n Fundraising. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5%
founded in 1947, interfaith social services is dedicated to improving
life for South Shore families and individuals in need. Our unique approach relies on
a team of volunteers, donors and community partners to deliver compassionate,
client-centered programs focused on hunger, mental health and emergency
assistance. For more information please visit
105 adams street, quincy, massachusetts 02169 y 617-773-6203 y