Community Newsletter - Uxbridge Public Schools


Community Newsletter - Uxbridge Public Schools
Community Newsletter
January 2014 J. Lanoue—Editor Message from the Superintendent
Dear Parents, Educators, Students, and Residents: As Monday, January 27, marked the 90th day of the school year for our students, school administration have been well into the planning stages for next year. School Councils have worked with their building principals to put forth budget and program requests for 2014‐2015 and school improvement efforts have been communicated to our School Committee. “Principal Coffee” hours with parents have been ongoing throughout the year and the information that we have received has been consistent with the feedback that we gathered during our Strategic Planning Focus Group work. Input from our stakeholders has been the central component in our efforts to build school‐based improvement goals, district‐wide improvement goals, and ultimately, School Committee budget goals to meet the educational needs of our students. The culmination of our budget work and program planning will be presented at the School Committee Meeting on Tuesday, February 4, when I provide the members with the completed 2014‐2015 budget for review. This budget proposal will be made public by Wednesday, February 6 for the greater community before the Public Budget Hearing takes place on February 11. Both meetings take place at 7:00 p.m. in the Uxbridge High School Library. We hope to see you there! For a quick summary of the School Committee’s budget goals and our planning process, please see page 2 through 3 of this newsletter. A school department’s budget is built based on the legal and contractual obligations for education services, of course; but most importantly, a budget is based on the values of what you want your school system to be. That is why it is so important for stakeholders to advocate for the programming that you want for your children. The development of our mission, values, and vision come from you! Community Newsletter
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Message from the Superintendent, Continued
In 2012‐2013, we surveyed our students in the middle school and high school about future college and career plans. Thirty percent of our students expressed an interest to pursue studies in STEM careers (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math). This interest ranked the highest among all other interests, which included Sports Management, Criminal Justice, Medical Physician, Music, and others. Furthermore, our students expressed an interest in STEM careers that was five percent higher than the national average. Information like this helps shape our focus. I am proud to announce that Uxbridge High School has been awarded a grant from the Andrews Technology Foundation in the amount of $27,600 to launch a STEM program at the middle school and high school next year. The Andrews Technology Foundation was established by the late Forest Andrews (a former teacher at Uxbridge High School) and his wife, Carolyn, to promote recognition for individuals enrolled in Technology/Engineering Education as well as to promote the development of such programs in our schools. This grant will help us to establish a partnership with Project Lead the Way (PLTW): a STEM‐focused curriculum and teacher professional development program designed to prepare students for STEM‐related careers in the global economy. Some program offerings that are on the horizon for next year and beyond may include: Engineering Design, Digital Electronics, Flight and Space, Robotics, Biomedical Innovation, and several other courses. This is very exciting time for educators and students in Uxbridge with these new learning opportunities. Naturally, when you pursue opportunities that are generated from interest ‐ you increase the investment people want to make for the children of their community. There is much more information to share about the Andrews Technology Foundation and Project Lead the Way and I look forward to sharing more details in the upcoming months. Until then, please visit for more information about the nation’s leading provider of in‐school STEM curriculum. I look forward to seeing you at the upcoming School Committee meetings. The following pages regarding the FY15 Operational Budget Update will be helpful for your review prior to the meetings. Thank you as always for your interest and support of the Uxbridge Public Schools. Sincerely, Kevin M. Carney Superintendent of Schools Community Newsletter
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Message from the Superintendent, Continued
FY15 Operational Budget Update Dear Parents and Citizens: In November, the School Committee directed me to build a level‐service, operational budget that is estimated at $18.6 million. This is a 3% increase from the 2013‐2014 school year budget of $18.1 million. Cost of living adjustments for employees are not yet included in this draft budget, as unit contracts for employees will expire in June. Negotiations for successor contracts with the School Committee are now underway. Level‐service budgeting typically means that a budget will be built for the following fiscal year with the same number of staff while providing the same level of service as the previous year. With that said, the School Committee has provided me with goals to: (1) design the high school to focus mostly on college preparatory programs, (2) maintain or expand honors and Advanced Placement level course offerings, (3) optimize class sizes throughout the district, (4) explore the possibility of reinstating foreign language at the middle school, and (5) explore the possibility of adding a Pre‐School Coordinator for the Taft Early Learning Center. The budget goals of the School Committee require restructuring to occur, but administration will work to make these changes without increasing staffing to operate the school district. The state’s curriculum frameworks have changed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) in Mathematics and English Language Arts (now the “Common Core” state standards) and this will require us to update some instructional resources. If the DESE moves from the mandated, Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS) to the web‐based Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers test (PARCC), there will be cost factors to the district to properly prepare for the new assessment. As it relates to both Common Core and PARCC, the district may need to take a phase‐in approach to fund the new mandates. The McCloskey and Uxbridge High School Councils will be presenting their school improvement plans and budget requests with Director of Curriculum and Instruction at the School Committee meeting on February 4. These presentations follow the Taft and Whitin School Councils that were conducted last month. On Tuesday, February 11, the School Committee will hold a Public Budget Hearing at 7:00 p.m. in the Uxbridge High School Library. Please do not hesitate to email me at if you have any specific questions about the budget. You should also contact your School Committee representatives if you have questions.
Thank you for your attention. I look forward to seeing you at our upcoming school and community events.
Sincerely, Kevin M. Carney Superintendent of Schools Community Newsletter
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Power Standards and Common Assessment
In 2010, the state Board of Elementary and Secondary Education established the 11 Conditions
for School Effectiveness. These regulations guide districts in creating and maintaining effective
educational environments. Currently, in the area of Curriculum and Instruction, Uxbridge is
continuing to develop effective programming, particularly in the area of data collection and
analysis. The board contends that the staff of effective educational institutions have “a common
understanding of high-quality evidence-based instruction and a system for monitoring
instructional practice,” (Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education).
Driven in part by the new educator evaluation system, Uxbridge is creating a comprehensive
student data collection and analysis system that will provide a comprehensive look at student
achievement throughout Uxbridge.
In developing this system, Uxbridge educators first had to determine what we needed to assess.
What knowledge and skills would indicate our students’ have achieved success? An often cited
study by the Midcontinent Reseach for Education and Learning documented that the average
student would need 22 years to cover all of the standards and benchmarks articulated in state
frameworks. As our students will only have on average 13 to 14 years in primary and secondary
schools, it was necessary for Uxbridge educators to determine what knowledge and skills were
essential for all students to have mastered by the time they left us. These Power Standards were
the basis for the Common Assessment system we are currently building.
During the January Professional Development day, teacher teams used the Power Standards to
identify or develop a common assessment that would be used to evaluate student growth on the
particular knowledge or skill identified in the standard. These assessments will be piloted during
the remainder of this school year and into the 2014-2015 school year to ensure that the data
generated provides accurate, actionable feedback to teacher teams.
Additionally, the district is looking to find a way of providing teachers timely information on
students’ literacy and numeracy skills throughout their academic career. As such, we are looking
to select an assessment system that will provide us with both diagnostic assessments and
progress monitoring. Systems like the Renaissance Learning STAR or the Let’s Go Learn
Assessments allow teachers from Kindergarten through High School to assess a student’s
readiness for literacy and math skills. Based on the information provided, teachers will be able to
adjust instructional strategies to the achievements of students. After interventions have been
given, teachers can use the progress monitoring components of the system to gauge growth in
specific standards or skills. The achievement data provided by Renaissance Learning or Let’s Go
Learn will follow the students throughout their time in Uxbridge and will provide a better vertical
alignment for students development. Additionally, the alignment of the Renaissance or Let’s Go
Learn assessments to the Massachusetts frameworks provides an indication of how well students
will do on MCAS or PARCC assessments. Currently, Uxbridge is piloting these assessment
systems and will select one program for implementation in the 2014-2015 school year.
By aligning assessments to the most essential knowledge and skills, teacher teams will be better
able to compare student growth data and determine steps to improve instruction for all students.
District teams will use this common assessment data to flesh out the data picture we present to
the community. Rather than a once a year presentation on MCAS results, the district will be able
to illustrate continuous growth for essential skills and knowledge throughout the year. As such
we will be able to tell a more complete story of our student achievement than we were able to do
in the past.
Community Newsletter
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General Department Activities
ACCESS testing is being conducted for our Limited English Proficient(LEP) students in grades K12. This is a state test to evaluate our LEP students in the areas of Reading, Writing, Listening
and Speaking.
Professional Development Activities
Two specialized professional development activities took place this month on the January 17th
PD day. Special Education staff from the highs school and middle school attended a training on
Transitional Services provided by Easter Seals. This was funded by the 274 DESE Special
Education Professional Development Grant. In an afternoon session, PE teachers from across
the district completed the second of 2 sessions to develop Adapted Physical Education (APE)
procedures and entrance and exit criteria. This was provided by SWCEC and funded by the
special education professional development budget.
PAC Activities
This month at the PAC meeting the Director of Pupil Services reviewed the DESE Coordinated
Program Review Final Report. The full report can be found on the district website as well as in
the DESE website. Final planning for the upcoming free open swim was reviewed.
Upcoming Events
6th Annual USEPAC free open swim and pizza party for students receiving special education.
Sat. Feb 8th. 12:30 - 3:00 at the Whitinsville Community Center. All family members welcome
and students must be accompanied by an adult. If interested, please RSVP to Missy at 508-2783639 with the number of children and adults planning to attend.
USEPAC meets every month on the second Thursday at 7:00 PM at the high school library.
Please plan to join us.
DESE Parent Survey Request - We need your help
Each year, in response to federal special education requirements, the Department of Elementary
and Secondary Education (DESE) works with a cohort of school districts in the Commonwealth to
survey parents of children with special needs, about parent involvement. This district has been
selected by the Department to participate in this survey. Be on the lookout for a notice regarding
this survey. The parent survey is scheduled to be available, on-line, January 13, 2014 –March
21, 2014. We have the letter the survey link and letter at the top of the Pupil Services page on the
district web site.
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Community Newsletter
THE INDEPENDENCE PROJECT 18—22 YEAR OLD PROGRAM December began with a wonderful report on one of our students. He has been working at a jobsite
that he loves, for two years. On December 4, I met with his supervisor to discuss how he was
doing and a plan for next year when he ages out of the program. To my surprise, the supervisor
said his intent was to hire this student as soon as he leaves my program. That was unexpected but
wonderful news.
On December 7, The Independence Project participated in Uxbridge’s annual First Night
Celebration. The building was open and provided light refreshments, hot chocolate and warm cider
to anyone looking for a warm and friendly place to get out of the cold. There were string players
from the Whitinsville Christian School playing Christmas songs upstairs and we had a young woman,
Dereka Crosby, showcasing her art work and jewelry downstairs. Dereka is a young woman, from
Rhode Island, living with Down’s syndrome.
In preparation for the Christmas season, our December Time to Mingle was a cookie exchange at
Uxbridge High School on December 13. The following week, we hosted out annual Christmas Party
in the building. Parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and siblings were all invited. We also extended
invitations to our administrators, the central office staff and custodians. There was plenty of food
and conversation. Unfortunately, it was the last day for Wesley Gabree. He aged out of the
program on January 5, 2014. We miss him but know that he works two days a week with his dad
and the other three days he is in an adult day program and doing fine.
Three students and two staff members all celebrated birthdays in the month of January. With the
New Year, not only have we admitted a new student from Uxbridge High School into our program,
but we have started a new program, as well. Pinz, in Milford, is offering us an opportunity to bowl
at their facility once a month until spring. This program started on January 24, 2014 and will
continue until May. Another program we offer is a cooking class at Whole Foods Market in
Bellingham. I take students to Bellingham once a month, to learn about the benefits of whole foods,
organic foods and eating healthy. This has been a wonderful opportunity for all us. This month
we learned about the benefits of Chia Seeds (rich in Omega 3s, 6s and fiber)!
Finally, I would like to extend our appreciation to Snapfish for their offering of Yearbooks to our
students, free of charge. We approached them last year with the idea of using their website to
create yearbooks for our students as they age out of the program. Snappish generously offered to
do it for nothing. Their willingness to work with us and help make this happen has been invaluable.
James Britt and Wesley Gabree have already received their yearbooks and soon Isabel Leitao will
receive one, as well. Thank you Snapfish!
Where Positive Words = Powerful Results
Community Newsletter
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It is hard to believe that we are approaching the 100th day of school! Our Kindergarten classrooms are working hard to complete projects for the 100th Night Celebration which will be held on February 6, 2014 from 6:00 – 7:30 pm. I hope you can attend the fun during the evening and view all the projects that will be on display. We are also gearing up for our very first choral concert. Our second graders have been rehearsing and are eager to perform on February 14, 2014. The concert will give parents an opportunity to hear how the children have been producing beautiful singing tones! The event will take place during the school day. Mrs. Davis, Mrs. DuBois, and Mrs. Roche’s classrooms will perform at 9:00 a.m. and Mrs. Dunalvey, Mrs. Quintiliani, and Mrs. Mastroianni’s classrooms will perform at 10:00 a.m. Concert attire is PLAIN… (No writing, pictures, or bright colored clothing). All second grade parents are welcome! Please enter through the main entrance, sign in, and report to the cafeteria. I am looking forward to this event. Our first graders will be presenting in sometime in May! In an effort to promote a life‐time love of reading, we will be kicking off our Books and Beyond Program February 28th ‐ March 28th. This program is designed to count the number of minutes each classroom reads during the month of February. We will be recording these minutes by grade as well as by class. These minutes will be collected and tabulated into a visual representation as part of our school mascot’s tail. We are anxious to see how far Tuffy’s tail makes it though the school. Tuffy should be visiting on Friday during the morning bus drop off to help students remember to read every night! Yes, it’s that time of year again! It is time to think about spreading the love of reading to young and old. Our sixteenth annual Dr. Seuss Read Across America Night will be held on Friday, February 28th from 6:30‐
8:00 p.m. at the Taft School. This event is sponsored by the Uxbridge Teachers Association and will host a series of round robin readings for all to enjoy. We hope to see you all there! As part of friendship week, students will be encouraged to write to friends and teachers at school as well as those in the community. We will also join the Coalition for Community Caring by contributing to Hearts of Kindness. Classrooms were encouraged to write kind acts and how they have contributed in a positive way to the school and their community. These hearts will be hanging on the Town Common on February 14, 2014. We would also like to thank the PTO for putting together a very successful art show and silent auction. Our school looked amazing with student art work hanging along the walls of the school. All classrooms participated in this event. We would also like to thank Mrs. Henries and Mrs. Seagrave, our Taft School art teachers, for their time and dedication in ensuring that each student had a piece of art represented during the show. Great job! Gentle Reminder… *Parents are reminded that we will be closing the side door during the morning drop off promptly at 8:30 a.m. If the door is closed, you must walk your child into the building. Enjoy your vacation and have a great month! Upcoming Events
Feb. 6 ‐ 100 Night Celebration – Grade K 6:00‐7:30 p.m. Feb. 10th‐ Staff Meeting @ 3:00 p.m. Taft Library Feb. 11th‐ PTO Meeting‐ UHS @7:00 p.m. Feb. 17th‐ 21st‐ School Vacation Feb. 26th School Council Meeting @ 3:15 p.m. Taft Library Feb. 28th‐ Dr. Seuss Night and Book Fair Community Newsletter
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Congratulations December Bus of the Month
Way to go! Bus #6 was the bus of the month for December. Bus driver, Tina Paul, is proud of her students for following bus
safety rules. WES and Taft ELC students on Bus #6 should be commended for their effort (see photo).
January Focus
The focus for January has been to identify those standards that students NEED to know. These standards are called POWER
STANDARDS. There are so many common core standards to teach that teachers are collaborating with one another at each
grade level to identify these POWER STANDARDS. Once they accomplish this task then they will develop common
assessments within each grade level.
January Technicians of the Month
Congratulations to the following students who have been named, Mrs. Jansson’s Technicians of the month during Computer
Classes in January
Grade 5
Grade 4
Nicholas Boisvert
Cecilia Schleinitz
Grade 3
Collin Chamberlain
Colin Caso
Zachary Goddard
Carl Gallawan
Drew Gauthier
Sydney Boudreau
Tanner Gauthier
John Lowrey
Ryan Hallfelder
Isabella Ristaino
Connor Chartier
Xavier Hicks
Bruce Alberto
Raymond Makynen
Anthony D’Araujo
Samuel Mason
Joseph Costa
*Please visit Mrs. Jansson’s blog at
Friendship Week
Friendship week will be celebrated again this year during the week of 2/10 – 2/14/2014. We have some special activities
planned and the theme for the week is friendship.
Dennis Vanesse, author of STAND TALL AGAINST BULLYING & I AM SPECIAL TOO, will visit WES students on
Wednesday, 2/12/14 to read his books and talk about bullying and inclusion with students. To purchase his books ahead of
time so students can get them signed by him, a purchase order form will be going home via backpack mail the week before the
assembly. Motoko, our Japanese Storyteller in Grade 3, will be inviting parents to come and hear their folktales done with her
on Thursday, 2/13/14. More information will be coming home regarding this event at 9:00 a.m.
Upcoming Events
February 2, 2014
Ground Hog Day – Super Bowl Sunday
February 5, 2014
WES PTO Meeting – 7:00 p.m. Whitin Library
February 10-14,
Friendship Week + DESE Audit Visit
February 12, 2014
Dennis Vanesse, Author, visits WES for a book talk about Bullying
February 13, 2014
Motoko, Japanese Storyteller, Grade 3 Folktales
February 14, 2014
Valentine’s Day and Last Day for Books and Beyond Program
February 17-21
School Vacation – No School
February 24, 2014
Classes Resume
Community Newsletter
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Principal’s Information As we quickly approach the mid‐year point at McCloskey Middle School, there continues to be many wonderful things going on both inside and outside of the classroom. Though teaching and learning is the primary focuses at McCloskey, there has also been a consistent effort to develop a school climate in which students show respect and caring towards their fellow students and ensure that all students feel as though McCloskey is a safe place to learn and grow. To that end, on December 13th, our middle school students were fortunate enough to attend an assembly that focused on anti‐bullying and the negative influences and consequences of mistreating peers. Thanks to the PTO, this assembly was made possible and the content of the assembly greatly assisted not only with educating students about bullying, but also with teaching students about the dangers of social media. There are also continual efforts to research different methods of developing a means of reinforcing all of the positive behaviors that happen on a daily basis at McCloskey. Principal’s Coffee Hour The last Principals Coffee hour was held on December 17th in conjunction with Mrs. Bennett, the Uxbridge High School Principal. The event resulted in a good turn out in which eighth grade parents were able to ask questions in an open forum about the transition from McCloskey Middle School to Uxbridge High School. Parents also received an update on the course offerings expected at UHS for the 2014‐2015 school year. The next Principal’s Coffee Hour will take place in early February. Please stay tuned for the specific date and time. Updates from the Classroom On January 30th, 2014, McCloskey Middle School will hold its first annual Family Math Night from 6‐7:30 p.m. in the library. Students, parents, guardians, and family members of students in grades 5‐8 are invited to attend. This event is the perfect opportunity for fifth graders at Whitin to get a glimpse into life at McCloskey. Activities for Family Math Night are acquired from the Family Math Program from the University of California at Berkeley. The McCloskey makeover is underway. MMS students showed their Spartan spirit and determination by raising over $1,200 from the pre‐holiday Fuel‐Up Cups fundraiser. On Saturday, January 10th, many members of the McCloskey community came together to begin the makeover of the cafeteria. The effort included cleaning the cafeteria walls as well as putting on two fresh coats of paint aimed at making the space brighter and more inviting. Thank you to the members of the PTO executive board, many parents, students, and staff who came together to make the event a success. A special thank you goes to Ms. Caroline Zani, our health teacher, for not only initiating the fundraiser, but also for organizing the painting efforts. Six students from McCloskey entered works of art into the Hopedale Cultural Council’s Annual Student Art Exhibition which was held on Friday, December 6, 2013. All students received participation ribbons and several McCloskey students had their artwork receive special recognition. In grade 8, Mia Zellner was a first prize winner and Emily Fernandez was given special recognition. In grade 7, Hallie Doppler was given special recognition. In grade 6, Matthew Boisvert was a third prize winner, Lindsey Moss received special recognition, and Daniel Klos received honorable mention. On December 19th, the 7th grade attended a production of A Christmas Carol at the Hanover Theatre in Worcester. Students had read the play in class, and attending the performance allowed them to compare reading to the experience of a live performance. It was a wonderful production and the students really enjoyed it. The teachers were especially impressed with how well the students represented McCloskey Middle School. Community Newsletter
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Brian Hicks Crystal Apple Recipient January, 2014 The recipient of McCloskey Middle School’s second Crystal Apple Award is our music teacher Mr. Brian Hicks. In the short time that he has been here, Mr. Hicks has worked tirelessly in his efforts to provide a rich and rewarding music program for the students of McCloskey Middle School. Brian Hicks has been given the task of teaching not only Band and Chorus, but also General Music. Brian is humble, has shown a great deal of resiliency, and consistently puts his students at the forefront of his work. With schedule changes that have occurred, Brian has volunteered much of his own time to work with students who showed a strong desire to enhance their musical experience. He has shown great effort and his ability to communicate effectively with his students as well as the families of McCloskey Middle School students is stellar. Brian’s accomplishments, in addition to his teaching, somewhat recently included organizing the performance of his Band students in the Uxbridge Veteran’s Day parade. He also conducted an overwhelmingly successful Winter Concert that included about 180 Band and Chorus students performing impressively. During this performance, Brian spent much of his own time meticulously preparing and setting up the auditorium for the concert. Yet when it was time to give praise for the concert, Brian was quick to give his students all of the credit for the performance. It is with great pleasure to present Brian Hicks with this well‐
deserved recognition. McCloskey Students of the Month for December Marissa Kirk and Emily Philbrook Grade 8 Patrick Richardson and Charr Jobe Grade 7 Ashley Greene and Grace McSween Grade 6 POSITION OPENINGS
Crossing Guard (PT)
The Uxbridge Public Schools is in need of a Crossing Guard for our morning arrival and afternoon dismissal for
McCloskey Middle School and Taft Early Learning Center. Start date: February 24, 2014. If you are interested and
would like more details, please contact the Superintendent’s office at (508) 278-8648 x102.
Varsity Boys Tennis Coach (High School)
Stipend position- Spring season
If you are interested and would like more details, please contact Mark Donahue, Athletic Director, at (508) 2788633.
Junior Varsity Baseball Coach (High School)
Stipend position – Spring season
If you are interested and would like more details, please contact Mark Donahue, Athletic Director, at (508) 2788633.
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Community Newsletter
Principal’s Message December and January have been exciting months at Uxbridge High School. The generosity of Uxbridge students was seen on December 6 as they coordinated the annual holiday party for the children of Uxbridge. The theme this year was “The Polar Express.” Santa was here to listen to the wishes of children and for some great photo opportunities. Tons of toys were collected to go to needy families and all had a great time. A big thank you to Hurley Silbor, Pam DiBattista, and Becky Wise for leading the annual production. The Holiday Concert followed this a few days later. Kathleen Penza conducted a beautiful concert that included great performances by the Spartones, Concert Choir, Concert Band, Jazz Band, and a fun sing‐along at the end of the night. Thank you to all of our talented singers and musicians. The girls’ indoor track team is once again SWCL champs...congratulations to Coach Berkowitz and the entire team! The 12th annual Academic Awards Luncheon was held on January 26. Forty students were recognized at the event for achieving honor roll status each marking period for the past two years. A difficult accomplishment to be sure and we are very proud of their hard work. UHS also conducted its first open house for middle school students and their parents on January 28. This “Spartan Pride Night” was a great event with many student and teacher volunteers that were instrumental in showing off all of the great things that are happening at UHS. A represented from “Project Lead the Way” was also present for this event and she was able to inform the students and parents about the exciting new STEM course pathway that we will have at Uxbridge High School next year. Eighth graders will be coming to UHS on January 31 to learn about the UHS Program of Study. Shortly following in February, all 8th graders will select courses and input their classes online using the iPad. Life Skills Happy 2014! Following a restful and extended vacation, Life Skills students worked hard at their exams. Academically, students continue to work at skill building. Recent quiz and test results indicate that students are maintaining and improving their skills. Work on the MCAS‐ALT portfolios with sophomores continues. In math, we are beginning to focus on data analysis and statistics. Thank you to everyone who attended our annual holiday luncheon. It was nice to get together with students, faculty, parents, and staff. Everyone worked hard to prepare the meal. Our newest students were excited to have so many visitors and are already looking forward to next year. Ms. Hamelin and the recycling team have been very busy keeping up with the demand. The additional recycling from the holiday season and related events created much work for them. They rose to the occasion nicely. Performing Arts Production of “Guys and Dolls” is underway! Cast and Crew have been selected and rehearsals have begun. The cast is learning the show and the crew is busy working their behind‐the‐scenes magic! Production dates are March 14, 15, and 16, 2014. VHS (Virtual High School) The second semester has begun for both full year and spring semester Virtual High School classes. This semester, 58 UHS students are taking classes through this program. We look forward to the continued development of on‐line learning at UHS. Community Newsletter
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On December 11th forty students traveled to Boston with Mr. Silbor and Mrs. Bouchard to get a personal tour of the statehouse. Sen. Richard T. Moore, D‐Uxbridge, Rep. Kevin J. Kuros, R‐Uxbridge, and Rep. Jeffrey N. Roy, D‐Franklin, welcomed Uxbridge High School social studies students to the State House. Visual Arts A new quarter has begun in the Visual Arts department! Art 1 students are tackling their first project ‘Line Design Silhouettes’. This project focuses on the element of design, Line, while also applying concepts of contour and visual movement. Art 2 students are working on their ‘Spoon Portraits’. This project involves observing how a face appears distorted in a spoon and recreating this distortion in the medium of oil pastels. A photo‐editing app on the iPads aids in the spoon‐distortion of pictures of family members, to be recreated by the students. Ceramics 1 and 2 are currently working on their first projects, ‘Vessels: using the pinch method’. The students need to demonstrate a certain number of attaching methods, textures, and the creation of a foot, all within their project. The work is currently drying on the greenware shelf. The clay must be considered bone‐dry before the first bisque firing, in order for the work to later be glazed and re‐fired. The end results will surely be phenomenal! Please feel free to stop by the UHS Visual Arts Department and take a look at some wonderful art and very talented artists! “Art Break!” UHS started a weekly “Art Break” group with Alison, one of the school adjustment counselors and an art therapist. Her room is open during lunches on Wednesday for students to come down and just sit and make art! No worries‐its not really therapy! But it can make you feel better! We know from many research studies that accessing the creative side of your brain can actually help lower your stress! And lowering your stress makes you think better, make better decisions, better relationships, better choices, better grades, better, better, better! Imagine if just 10‐15 min of coloring, drawing, painting, creating, could give you a natural boost to get you through the rest of your day! Aren’t you worth that! Give your brain a break! Community of Caring UHS recognized the one year anniversary of the tragedy at Sandy Hook elementary school in Newtown, CT. Newtown asked folks to spend time doing acts of kindness for one another in memory of the students and staff that were lost that day. UHS students honored their lives by filling out a heart with an act of kindness they did for someone. Over 250 were collected and displayed! Library Book club meetings continue this year on the second Thursday of each month. In January, we discussed Susanna Kaysen’s memoir Girl, Interrupted. Everyone found it a very fast, gripping read. After school on February 13, anyone is welcome to join the discussion of Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West by Gregory Maguire. This year, the Winter Reading Challenge has a new format. Students can earn points all winter by attending book discussions and completing weekly reading challenges, and the prize winner will be announced at the beginning of spring. For more information, visit‐wrc.On display now in the library: Books that inspired recent or upcoming movies and recent award‐winning fiction and nonfiction. The library is open after school until 2:45 for research or homework help, and the library is online at‐library. Community Newsletter
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Two seniors (one boy, one girl) are nominated monthly by the faculty and staff at Uxbridge High School to receive recognition as Senior of the Month. Considerations for nomination include: demonstrate willingness to assist others, have good academic standing but do not need to be an A student, be respectful of others and self, be a good citizen, and be involved with school/community service. Upon selection by the administration, the Seniors of the Month will have their pictures and brief write‐ups displayed in the front lobby of the high school for recognition. Jumbo Donuts is graciously supporting the senior of the month with jumbo bucks. Madeleine Cullen
Shawn MacNeill
Madeleine “Maddie” Cullen is a confident, supportive,
and responsible young woman. She is active inside and
outside of school and is eager to grasp new ideas and
concepts from her experiences allowing her to gain
personal growth. Maddie has progressively challenged
herself in her courses and she is diligent with her
studies. According to a teacher, Maddie, “continually
impresses her instructors with the insight,
intelligence, and discipline that she brings to her
work.” Her course load includes honors and AP
classes, which has established a strong academic
foundation for her transition to college studies.
Maddie’s favorite subject is English, specifically
Literature. She loves to read and analyze pieces of
literature. This interest brought Maddie to spend
this past summer living in Providence where she
attended the Summer at Brown Program studying
literature, language and semiotics. She effectively
managed her time around her classes and social
engagements due to her organization skills, easy going
attitude, and commitment to doing things right.
Maddie flourished while at Brown and is eager to
continue to explore the wider world and all the
opportunities in front of her. She has expressed an
interest in
pursuing a career in teaching,
journalism/publishing, or as a media specialist.
Maddie is a member of our field hockey team and is
very active with many Class of 2014 activities.
Madeleine Cullen is not one to do something for
recognition, she participates because she is
interested and believes in the cause. Maddie’s strong,
yet underlined presence will be missed in the hallways
of UHS. Good luck in all your endeavors, Maddie!
Shawn MacNeill is a person who will make you smile
even on the most challenging of days. His carefree
style has the ability to shed light to dark situations
and to lighten the load when times are tense. His
demonstrated when he helps others to do better or
to succeed in their goal. Shawn has challenged
himself academically during his high school years and
has found his passion to be in the sciences. His
teachers indicate that he, “seeks answers for his own
knowledge and interest” and there is “marked
improvement in Shawn’s confidence, determination
and maturity”. Shawn is the type of student who
teachers enjoy teaching because of his desire to
learn and do better. Though math comes easy to him,
it is the excitement and rewards that the sciences
provide, which has Shawn interested in the medical
field for his future. Overcoming a personal medical
challenge during his early school years, Shawn has
first hand knowledge on the importance and benefits
of medicine. He uses this experience to guide him in
his lifestyle and his decision making. As an active
member of the UHS Drama Club and band for four
years, a member of the freshman football team and
golf team, Shawn’s display of responsibility and
leadership has sprouted through the years. Recently
he joined yearbook and quickly took on a leaders role
to assure deadlines would be met. This fall he earned
his Eagle Scout badge in Boy Scouts and holds a parttime job. Shawn’s ability to balance his academics,
activities, and provide service is why he was selected
to the National Honors Society his junior year.
Shawn MacNeill is a hard worker who is loyal and
very friendly. His perseverance will provide many
future opportunities for him to achieve. We wish you
well, Shawn!
Community Newsletter
Page 14
The Coalition for a Community of Caring Building a Healthier Community for our Youth Respect, Responsibility, Trust, Caring & Family Hearts of Kindness February 13 Looking for folks to make more hearts, display collection boxes, and/or hang hearts on the 13th Random Acts of Kindness Week For more info and great activities check out Tobacco Free Community Celebrating 20 years of making smoking history. Tobacco use down overall but new tobacco products, i.e. e‐cigarettes, on the rise. Data from Mass Youth Health Survey says increase from 2 to 10%. Looking to get towns to restrict sale of tobacco products to minors and putting it into smoke free workplace laws as currently it is not regulated. For more info please contact Mass Health Operations Affordable care act in the works and many more people have health insurance and/or in process of completing applications especially if through unemployment. Ease of getting health insurance electronically will be much easier. Mass Health offering many mobile sites as well. Beginning Bridges Annual Kids Fair coming up on April 12th 10‐1pm. Contact Emily at to participate. Event is free! New Facebook page set up! Awesome new grant allowing for Boston Children’s Museum to create STEM (science, tech, engineering, & math) kits and train staff to use them with youth. DA Office 2nd Annual Bullying Conference Feb 27th 8:30 ‐2: 30 Worcester Free! Presentations include: Carl Walker Hoover’s mom (young boy who committed suicide in Springfield), Athletes empowering athletes, DESE on Bullying Law. For more info ‐‐and‐school‐outreach WIC Refer any pregnant woman to WIC immediately‐don’t even have to prove they are pregnant initially, and financial guidelines are pretty high so please refer. You can receive WIC and food stamps. Next Meeting: Feb 13th 3pm Uxbridge Library‐YRBS planning We will be hanging Hearts of Kindness in Town Common from 2‐3pm before mtg! Please join us! 2013‐2014 Meeting Schedule All meetings at Uxbridge High School‐300 Quaker Highway 11:30AM ‐12:30PM March 13, April 10, May 15, June 12 Check us out on the web! Coalition Page and click “Coalition” tab on left side. Page 15
Community Newsletter
Uxbridge Wellness Team Attends Action for Healthy Kids Wellness Summit On December 10, the Uxbridge Schools’ Wellness Team attended the Action for Healthy Kids wellness summit, held at Gillette Stadium, titled “The Learning Connection”. This conference, sponsored by the New England Dairy Council and Project Bread focused on showing school staff the positive connection how good food + active bodies make kids better equipped for academic and personal success. Attendees were: Janice Watt, Food Service Director; Jennifer Gaudet, Director of Curriculum; Judy Donahue and Susan Donatelli, school nurses; Bonnie Dimmick, Pamela Seagrave, Jenn Hill, PE teachers; Caroline Zani, Christine Ahern, Health teachers, and Rebecca Plasse, Family & Consumer Science teacher. The sessions focused on the importance of breakfast, particularly at school, as well as some creative ways to incorporate activity into the school day. Harold Nash, Head Strength and Conditioning Coach and Ted Harper, R.D., Sports Dietitian for the N.E. Patriots shared some insight about how the importance of food and training is for the success of the team, and how the same principles apply for students. They also shared some inside information about what the players eat, etc., which was fun to learn! Jermaine Wiggins, former N.E. Patriot, offered an inspiring message about important mentors in his youth who influenced him into making positive decisions. At the end of the day, attendees were able to get a behind the scenes tour of the stadium, which was very memorable, as well. Our wellness team came away from this summit completely re‐energized and ready to get to work on creating a “culture of wellness” in the Uxbridge Schools. Food Service Ipad Winner!
Mr. Michael Genest, father of Brittany and Madison Genest, was the lucky winner of the Ipad raffle, sponsored by the Food Service Department. Any family who completed a meal application in September was entered into the raffle. Families can apply for meal benefits at any time during the year. If you know someone who is struggling financially, please encourage them to apply for benefits. The application is available online at
foodservice_freereducedlunchprogram.shtml or you can pick up one at any school office. All information is kept confidential. If you have any questions about the meal program, please contact Janice Watt, Food Service Director at 508‐
278‐8644 or Community Newsletter
Page 17
1 Ground Hog Day
High School
Snowball Dance
3 McCloskey
4 High School
5 Whitin
Variety Show Dress
Rehearsal 2:30-4pm
High School
Faculty Mtng- 2pm
Sr. Class Game Night
5 pm in Aud.
Booster Club – 7pm
PTO Meeting
Variety Show
2:30 & 7:00 pm
High School
School Committee
Mtng 7 pm
11 Taft ELC
School Vacation
No School
Child Care Closed
High School
C&I Meeting – 2:05pm
Gr 7 & 8 Dance
7-9 pm
Travel Club Parent
Meeting 7pm
School Vacation
No School
Child Care Closed
School Vacation
No School
Child Care Closed
High School
School Council –
High School
PSG Meeting- 7pm
Public Hearing on
17 President Day
K 100th night
6-7:30 pm
PTO Meeting 6 pm
12 McCloskey
Parent Coffee Hour9am
Math Club 2-3 pm
Uxbridge Friends of
PTO Mtng – 7pm@UHS
School Committee Mtng
6 Taft ELC
14 Valentine’sDay
School Vacation
No School
Child Care Closed
UEF Meeting 6 pm
School Vacation
No School
Child Care Closed
28 Taft ELC
USEPAC Meeting
7pm High School
Book Fair Kickoff
Dr. Suess Night
Books&Beyond Begins
High School
Time to Mingle
Aud/Café 6pm
SWCL All Stars Fall 2013
Football Anthony Abate, Jake Tapaurausky, Mitch Page, Nick Petrillo, Jared Stewart, Tom Flagg Field Hockey Samantha Wise, Gina Petrillo Boys Cross Country Andrew Ross, Luke Maloney, Brady Phillips Girls Cross Country Calliee King, Sandy Ghobrial, Jackie Cafferelli Girls Soccer Jess Fitzgerald, Courtney Pepin Football Central Mass Division 5 Tom Flagg, Jared Stewart