City of Los Alamitos Request for Consideration of the proposed


City of Los Alamitos Request for Consideration of the proposed
3160 Airway Avenue • Costa Mesa, California 92626 • 949.252.5170 fax: 949.252.6012
October 16,2014
Kari A. Rigoni, Executive Officer
City of Los Alamitos request for Consideration of proposed General Plan Update
The City of Los Alamitos is proposing an update to its General Plan, intended to provide guidance for
long-term growth, maintenance, and preservation in the City over the next 20-plus years. The
General Plan Update also includes Rossmoor as part of the City's Sphere of influence (SOl) to
understand future demands for services and implications for growth in Rossmoor and the City. The
proposed General Plan Update identifies the Los Alamitos Joint Forces Training Base (JFTB) as
Community & Institutional/JF:J'B. See Attachment 1 to view the proposed Land Use Plan and
Attachment 2 sh0wing the City of Los Alamitos location within the AELUP Notification Area for
JFTB, Los Alamitos.
ALUC staff reviewed the General Plan to ensure it contained the following information:
• Reference to the Airport Environs Land Use Plan (AELUP) for Joint Forces Training Base (JFTB)
Los Alamitos and AE_LUP for Heliports.
• Compliance with Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Caltrans/Division of Aeronautics,
and the Airport Land Use Commission \ALUC) policies and procedures associated with development
within an airport plannin·g area.
• Inclusion of a City referral policy to the ALUC
• Inclusion of Heliports/Helistops development criteria, if Heliports/Helistops are permitted within
the City's jurisdiction
• Inclusion of building height restrictions imposed by the FAA based upon Part 77 of the Federal
Aviation Regulations
• Development of noise criteria for protection from aircraft noise
• Discussion of safety impacts related to airport operation
Agenda Item 1- Los Alamitos GP Update
Oct. 16,2014
Page 2
The City has scheduled public hearings on the proposed project as follows:
October 13,2014
November 2014
Planning Commission
City Council (Exact date to be determined)
AELUP Issues
The proposed General Plan Update has been evaluated for the content listed in the above bullet
Public Facilities and Safety Element
There is a section related to Airport Hazards within the proposed Public Facilities and Safety
Element. The section discusses crash hazards and height restrictions in relation to JFTB. With
respect to height restrictions, page 21 of the proposed element states,
"To ensure the safe operation of aircraft activity at the JFTB, structures anywhere in Los
Alamitos or Rossmoor should not exceed the applicable elevations defined in the Federal
Aviation Regulations (FAR), Part 77 (Objects Affecting Navigable Air Space). This height
restriction is 88 to 200 feet above ground level based on proximity to the runway.
Current zoning standards do not permit development higher than 60 feet in Los Alamitos or
Rossmoor. Nevertheless, all developments are subject to FAR Part 77 noticing requirements
and must file the necessary form(s) with the City's Community Development Department, the
County's Planning Division, and the Orange County Airport Land Use Commission."
The proposed Public Facilities and Safety Element contains the policies below related to JFTB:
Policy 4.1 Land use compatibility. Approve development and require mitigation measures to
ensure existing and future land use compatibility as shown in the City's Noise Ordinance, the
Land Use and Noise Compatibility Matrix, the State Interior and Exterior Noise Standards,
and the Airport Environs Land Use Plan for the JFTB.
Policy 4.6 Aircraft noise. Work with the JFTB and Long Beach Airport to minimize the
noise impact of small aircraft and helicopters on residential neighborhoods.
To ensure that building height restrictions, ALUC referral requirements and heliport development
criteria are clearly addressed in the proposed General Plan, staff recommends that the City adopt the
development policies proposed in the Conclusion section of this staff report.
Also within the proposed Public Facilities and Safety Element, there is a section related to Noise
Hazards and specifically aircraft noise related to JFTB. The section states that land uses within the
airport planning area boundaries are required to conform to noise restrictions established in the
AELUP. It further goes on to say that approximately 50 existing homes are exposed to noise levels
above 65 dBA CNEL in the Highlands and New Dutch Haven neighborhoods. These homes have
been or should be sufficiently sound attenuated so that noise levels do not exceed an interior standard
of 45 dBA CNEL.
Agenda Item 1- Los Alamitos GP Update
Oct. 16,2014
Page 3
The ALUC for Orange County does not support residential development within the 65 CNEL contour
for JFTB Los Angeles. To ensure that no new residential is developed within the 65 CNEL contour
and that future development projects take into consideration the noise contours for JFTB, Los
Alamitos, we suggest that the City adopt the proposed noise related policies listed in the Conclusion
section of this staff report. To view the noise contours for JFTB Los Alamitos and the proposed Land
Uses, see Attachment 3.
Mobility and Circulation Element
This element contains a brief discussion of the Los Alamitos Army Airfield and describes the airfield
as having two runways that require permission prior to landing. The element further explains that
approaches and departures have specific flight routes to assist in noise abatement.
The proposed Mobility and Circulation Element contains the policy listed below:
Policy 2.2 Joint Forces Training Base. Coordinate with JFTB administration to provide
additional vehicular access points from major arterials to minimize travel through residential
Growth Management Element
The proposed Growth Management Element contains the policy below related to JFTB:
Policy 1.4 Joint Forces Training Base. Maintain proactive communications with the Joint
Forces Training Base (JFTB) regarding processes, operations, or projects in the City or at the
JFTB that have the potential to impact the City of Los Alamitos, its residents, businesses, or
base operations.
Land Use Element
The Land Use Element discusses JFTB and states that future potential growth in the City and
Rossmoor is not within the airport's clear zone and would be restricted to building heights far below
the federally-defined limitation of 88 to 200 feet based on proximity to the runway (page 12 of draft
land use element).
The proposed Land Use Element contains the following policies related to JFTB:
Policy 5.1 Community use of the Joint Forces Training Base. Cooperate with Joint Forces
Training Base (JFTB) leadership to maximize the community use of base facilities.
Policy 5.2 Joint Forces Training Base reuse. The JFTB shall remain a functioning military
training facility within the jurisdictional boundary of the City of Los Alamitos. If the federal
government decides to close the base and transition it to private, non-military use, the City of
Los Alamitos shall maintain a leadership role.
The proposed Land Use Element does discuss meeting federally-defined building height standards,
however, staff recommends that the City include a policy in the General Plan stating that no buildings
will penetrate the imaginary surfaces for JFTB, Los Alamitos. See the Conclusion section of this
staff report for proposed policy language.
Agenda Item 1- Los Alamitos GP Update
Oct. 16,2014
Page 4
Heliports are not discussed within the draft General Plan Update. Staff recommends that a policy
related to the development and processing of heliports be added. See the Conclusion section ofthis
staff report to view the suggested heliport policy.
Environmental Compliance
An Environmental Impact Report (EIR) has been prepared for the proposed project. Staff provided
comments on the Draft EIR on September 22, 2014 (see Attachment 4).
Attachment 5 to this report contains excerpts ofthe project submittal package received from the City
of Los Alamitos for your reference. ALUC staff has reviewed this project with respect to
compliance with the AELUP for Joint Forces Training Base (JFTB) Los Alamitos and for the AELUP
for Heliports. ALUC staff recommends that the City of Los Alamitos add the following policies to
their General Plan to ensure consistency with the AELUPs:
Development Policies
1) Buildings and structures shall not penetrate Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR) Part 77
Imaginary Obstruction Surfaces for JFTB, Los Alamitos unless found consistent by the
Airport Land Use Commission (ALUC). Additionally, in accordance with FAR Part 77,
applicants proposing buildings or structures that penetrate the 100:1 Notification Surface shall
file a Form 7460-1 Notice of Proposed Construction or Alteration with FAA and provide a
copy ofthe FAA determination to the City and the ALUC for Orange County.
2) Development projects that include structures higher than 200 feet above existing grade shall
be submitted to the ALUC for review. In addition, projects that exceed a height of200 feet
above existing grade shall file Form 7460-1 with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
3) The City will ensure that each applicant, seeking a Conditional Use Permit or similar approval
for the construction or operation of a heliport or helistop, complies fully with the state permit
procedure provided by law and with all conditions of approval imposed or recommended by
the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), by the Airport Land Use Commission for Orange
County (ALUC) and by Caltrans/Division of Aeronautics. This requirement shall be in
addition to all other City development requirements.
4) The development of Heliports shall comply with the Airport Environs Land Use Plan
(AELUP) for Heliports.
Noise related policies
5) No new residential development shall be allowed within the 65 dBA CNEL noise contour for
Joint Forces Training Base (JFTB) Los Alamitos.
6) The City will require use of JFTB noise contours to ensure new development is compatible
with the noise environment.
Agenda Item 1- Los Alamitos GP Update
Oct 16, 2014
Page 5
7) The City will provide notice of airport in the vicinity where residential development is being
proposed within the noise contours for JFTB, Los Alamitos. The City shall require the
following language be included as part of the Deed Disclosure Notice:
This property is presently located in the vicinity of an airport, within what is known as
an airport influence area. For that reason, the property may be subject to some of the
annoyances or inconveniences associated with proximity to airport operations (for
example: noise, vibration, or odors). Individual sensitivities to those annoyances can
vary from person to person. You may wish to consider what airport annoyances, if
any, are associated with the property before you complete your purchase and
determine whether they are acceptable to you.
1. That the Commission find the proposed City of Los Alamitos General Plan Update Consistent
with the AEL UP for Joint Forces Training Base (JFTB) Los Alamitos and the AELUP for
Heliports with the addition ofthe recommended policies from ALUC staff.
~/~ -
Kari A. Rigoni
Executive Officer
Figure 3 Land Use Plan from the proposed Land Use Element
Notification Area for JFTB Los Alamitos
JFTB Los Alamitos noise contours over proposed Land Use Plan
ALUC Comment Letter on the DEIR for the proposed General Plan Update
Excerpts from the City of Los Alamitos Submittal Package
Attachment 1
L _)
Land Use Element
Figure 3 Land Use Plan
lEI:. DR
Single family Res. 1-6 DU/Ac
Umited Mulli family Res. 6-20 DU/Ac
Multi family Res. 20-30 DU/Ac
Commercial and Employment
l '5PI{ING
Retail Bu~ness
Professional Offire
Planned lnduskiol
lJmited Industrial
Medical Overlay
Wil lOW Sl
Special Use
long Beach
Spedfic Plan
Community & lnstrtutronol
Community &lnshtutionoVJFTB
ORANGEWOOD AVE Easement Overlay
L_j Subuibon Residentiill
Gty Boundary
["_-...] Sphere ollnfluence
Other Gty Boundaries
Gorden Grove
Ros•IIIOGf • wilhtn iho lily's SOl b.- ~ ako ""'""' Mihtn t undot 1ho jUiodidioo
of lho (oiHIIy of ll!onge. Acmdingly, 1ho land Ike Man'"'"" 1ho (Miy lone! '"'
d"'!!nallon of Sub111bon Re~~dential
\.1-"'-~~0~ AVE
Seal Beach
- ~SON
S..<ll: r.,.ta.U.....llll
@ ~,;" liii.- JlaiiMHtt....
AELUP Height Restriction Zone for JFTB
Note : County Unincorporated areas are shown in white .
Notification Area for JFTB Los Alamitos: 20,000' Radius at 100:1 Slope
• 1
20 ,000' Rad ius
Attachment 2
Attachment 3
----...._,-- I
L _}r
Public Facilities and Safety Element
Figure 6 JFTB Impact Zones
L[ E Dfl
,.- r-~ -
/ y, ' ' ·
I '
E SPRit'G Sf
.NIU.ON "l l
"" "',"-'
Long Beach
/ i
UmitedMulti Fo rni~ Res. 6-20 OU/Ac
Multi family Res. 20-30 DU/Ac
Retail Business
Pmfessianal Office
Planned lndusttial
Umited Industrial
Medical Overlay
Spedal Use
l___j Single family Res. 1-6 OU/Ac
Commercial and Employment
JflB Cle<tt Zone
Proposed General Plan Land Use
/ (·-·\ --·-
] OIEL Colltour
~ Spec~ic Plan
Cammunily &lnshtutMlnal
Cammunily & lnstitutionaVJFTB
Easement Overlay
CHA.PMA.fl A"if
Gorden Grove
..J-"tt-ysot4 ,..VE
C :.J
Subutbon Restdential
Sjlhete aflnfluence
Othet Gly Boundaties
Gry Boundary
.,. -v.;;
til~ GENERAl
··-Ctr•ll· ....' ~·~
f t .~··
cu.11 tthfott'"n.....,,..,_,~"'""'_,
3160 Airway Avenue • Costa Mesa, Califnrni.:~ 9?f..?f.. • 949.2S2.5170 fax: 949.252.6012
September 22, 2014
Attachment 4
Steven Mendoza, Community Development Director
City of Los Alamitos
3191 Katella Avenue
Los Alamitos, CA 90720-5600
Subject: Notice of Availability (NOA) of a Draft EIR for the City of Los Alamitos General
Plan Update
Dear Mr. Mendoza:
Thank you for the opportunity to review the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) for
the proposed City of Los Alamitos General Plan Update. In the context of the Airport Land
Use Commission's (ALUC) Airport Environs Land Use Plan for Joint ForGes Training Base
Los Alamitos (AELUP for JFTB Los Alamitos), and Airport Environs Land Use Plan for
Heliports (AELUP for Heliports), we wish to offer the following comments and request
consideration of these comments as you finalize the DEIR.
As stated in the NOA, the proposed project is an update to the City of Los Alamitos General
Plan and is intended to provide guidance for long-term growth, maintenance, and
preservation in the City over the next 20-plus years. The General Plan Update also includes
Rossmoor as part of the City's Sphere oflnfluence (SOl) to understand future demands for
services and implications for growth in Rossmoor and the City of Los Alam~tos. With
respect to JFTB, Los Alamitos the proposed General Plan Update designates the training base
as a Special Use titled "Community & Institutional/JFTB."
The City of Los Alamitos is located within the Airport Planning Area for Joint Forces
Training Base, Los Alamitos. Portions of the City fall within the 60 and 65 dBA CNEL
noise contours for JFTB Los Alamitos. The General Plan shows existing residential within
these noise contours. The ALUC discourages any residential development within the 65 dBA
CNEL noise contours. We recommend that the Draft General Plan and DEIR incorporate a
policy/mitigation measure stating:
"No new residential development shall be allowed within the 65 dBA CNEL noise
contours for Joint Forces Training Base (JFTB) Los Alamitos."
The Draft General Plan contains Goal 4/Policy 4.1 of the Public Facilities and Safety
Element which states the following: "Land use compatibility. Approve development and
ALUC DEIR Comments
Los Alamitos Gt:neral Plan Update
Page 12
require mitigation measures to ensure existing and future land use compatibility as shown in
the City's Noise Ordinance, the Land Use and Noise Compatibility Matrix, and State Interior
and Exterior Noise Standards, and the Airport Environs Land Use Plan for the JFTB." In
addition to this policy, we suggest adding the following:
.. The City requires use of JFTB Los Alamitos noise contours to ensure new
development is compatible with the noise environment."
And in instances where residential development is being proposed within the planning area
for JFTB, Los Alamitos, we recommend the City require the following language be included
as part of the Deed Discloser Notice:
This property is presently located in the vicinity of an airport, within what is known
as an airport influence area. For that reason, the property may be subject to some of
the annoyances or inconveniences associated with proximity to airport operations (for
example: noise, vibration, or odors). Individual sensitivities to those annoyances can
vary from person to person. You may wish to consider what airport annoyances, if
any, are associated with the property before you complete your purchase and
determine whether they are acceptable to you.
With respect to height restrictions, the City of Los Alamitos is located within the Federal
Aviation Regulation (FAR) Part 77 Notification Area for JFTB Los Alamitos. The Draft
General Plan includes language stating structures anywhere in Los Alamitos or Rossmoor
should not exceed the applicable elevations defined in the FAR Part 77 (Objects affecting
Navigable Air Space). This height restriction is 88 to 200 feet above ground level based on
proximity to the runways at JFTB Los Alamitos. The Draft General Plan explains that
building heights are regulated by the Zoning Code. However, we recommend that the Draft
General Plan and the DEIR include a policy/mitigation measure stating that:
.. No new buildings or structures shall penetrate the imaginary surfaces for JFTB Los
We appreciate that the DEIR includes language stating that development proposals in the
City that include the construction or alteration of structures more than 200 feet above mean
sea level (AMSL) require filing with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and
notification to ALUC, including filing a Notice of Proposed Construction or Alteration (FAA
Form 7460-1 ). Any development project that would penetrate the FAR Part 77 Notification
Surface for the JFTB is also required to file FAA Form 7460-1.
The DElR and General Plan should also address whether the development of heliports is
allowed within the City's jurisdiction. Should the development of heliports occur within
your jurisdiction, proposals to develop new heliports must be submitted through the City to
the ALUC for review and action pursuant to Public Utilities Code Section 21661.5. Proposed
ALUC DEIR Comm~nts
Los Alamitos Gt:neral Plan Update
Page 13
heliport projects must comply fully with the state permit procedure provided by law and with
all conditions of approval imposed or recommended by the Federal Aviation Administration
(FAA), by the ALUC for Orange County and by Caltrans/Division of Aeronautics.
Included below is a more specific suggestion for the City to consider as a General Plan policy
and EIR mitigation measure which would ensure consistency with the AEL UP for Heliports.
Heliport Development:
.. The City will ensure that each applicant, seeking a Conditional Use Permit or similar
approval for the construction or operation of a heliport or helistop, complies fully
with the state permit procedure provided by law and with all conditions of approval
imposed or recommended by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), by the
Airport Land Use Commission for Orange County (ALUC) and by Caltrans/Division
of Aeronautics. This requirement shall be in addition to all other City development
A referral by the City to the ALUC may be recommended for this project due to the location
of the proposal within an AELUP Planning Area and due to the nature of the required City
approvals (i.e. General Plan Amendment) under PUC Section 21676(b). In this regard, the
Commission suggests such referrals be submitted to the ALUC for a determination between
the Local Agency's expected Planning Commission and City Council hearings. Since the
ALUC meets on the third Thursday afternoon of each month, submittals must be received in
the ALUC oftice by the first of the month to ensure sufficient time for review, analysis, and
We look forward to working with as you proceed with the General Plan Update. Please
contact Lea Choum at (949) 252-5123 or via email at if you need any
additional details or information regarding the future referral of your project.
Kari A. Rigoni
Executive Officer
Attachment 5
Los Alamitos General Plan Update
Warren Kusumo1o
August 7, 2014
Orange County Airport Land Use Commission
Request for Determination of Consistency of the Los
Alamitos General Plan Update with the Los Alamitos
Joint Forces Training Base Airport Environs Land Use
Mayor Pro Tem:
Gerr1 L. Graham-Mejla
Council Members:
Troy D. Edgar
Dean Grose
Richard D. Murphy
The City of Los Alamitos has prepared a Draft General Plan Update and
Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR). The City has issued a Notice
of Availability of the DEIR to the Airport Land Use Commission (ALUC),
which includes copies of the Draft General Plan Update and DEIR.
The City consulted with the JFTB and referenced the 2002 AELUP when
preparing the General Plan Update. The City believes that the proposed
General Plan contains new policies and information that enhance
compatibility with the JFTB, and does not introduce any land use changes
that would result in inconsistencies with the Los Alamitos Joint Forces
Training Base (JFTB) Airport Environs Land Use Plan (AEL UP).
The City requests that the ALUC review the Draft General Plan Update and
make a consistency determination with the AELUP in accordance with
Public Utilities Code section 21676.
Pursuant to the submittal requirements listed in Section 4.7 of the 2002
AELUP, this letter provides the following:
3191 Katella Avenue
Los Alaml1os, CA
(562) 431-3538
FAX (562) 493-1255
l. Project Description: The proposed project is an update to the City of
Los Alamitos General Plan and is intended to provide guidance for longterm growth, maintenance, and preservation in the City over the next 20plus years. The General Plan Update also includes Rossmoor as part of the
City's SOl to understand future demands for services and implications for
growth in Rossmoor and the City. The Los Alamitos General Plan Update
addresses the required elements and one optional element, listed below. The
proposed General Plan Update identifies the JFTB as Community &
Institutional/JFTB. It should be noted that although the Los Alamitos JFTB
is within the City's municipal boundary, the City has no jurisdiction or land
use authority on this U.S. military installation. The General Plan Update
would result in a potential buildout total of 8,735 residential units, 23,003
people, 8,881,442 square feet of nonresidential development, and 18,430
jobs in the City and unincorporated community of Rossmoor.
2. Project Location: The City of Los Alamitos is on the northwestern
boundary of Orange County and approximately 23 miles (driving distance)
south of downtown Los Angeles. The City is surrounded by highly
urbanized areas of Orange County and is near the cities of Long Beach, Seal
Land Use Element
---- ' -.:-· s-··~L _j, ~\
Figure 1 Existing Land Use
l lE DR
Single Family Residential
Mulrt·Fomily Re~dentiol
Mobile Home ReYdentiol
WIL.l OW S f
Genmol Office
Business Pork
Medical Office
Publir/Ouosi Public Facility
@"~ Varon!
long Beach
Gty Boundary
Sphme of lnftuence
Othm Gty Boundaries
Gorden Grove
Seal Beach
til~ GENERAl Pl AN
UMII ltt,_. H .... l-olb_.
Land Usc Element 1 Public Review Draft
July 2014
Vacant Parcel Next to Center Plaza
The 2.25-acre parcel along Los Alamitos Boulevard is one of the few pieces of vacant land in the
City. Over the years the land has served temporary uses such as Christmas tree sales or a shortterm carnival. It will be crucial for the City to ensure that the design of any new development
complements the objectives of the downtown effort and the goals and policies of the General
Plan. If Serpentine Street is vacated and given to the private land owner, the City should work
with the developer to maximize public plaza space into the design.
New Residential South of Cerritos Avenue
There are three parcels along the south side of Cerritos Avenue just east of the Coyote Creek
Channel that could potentially be repurposed for residential land uses. These parcels contain
two industrial uses and a church, and are surrounded by homes in the Old Town West and
Royal Oak Park neighborhoods. The site is also surrounded by new homes just built in 2013, the
northern edge of the downtown area, access to the Coyote Creek bike trail, and the high
school. The existing church use would be explicitly permitted in a residential designation and be
complementary to existing and future residential uses. The surrounding residential uses, the
school district, proximity to the high school and downtown area, and poor access for retail uses
indicated that a residential designation was considered the highest and best use of the
joint Forces Training Base
The JFTB provides support and training for military units and other federal, state, and local
organizations. The base occupies roughly half of the land area within the City boundaries, but is
relatively quiet during the weekdays. On weekends and other select training periods, activities
can increase substantially. Nevertheless, the current activities of the base generally do not
disturb the surrounding civilian areas, with the exception of some aircraft noise and dust on the
areas immediately next to the base and flight path, as well as dust and noise related to new
construction activities. Existing land use patterns do not inhibit military readiness activities.
The City maintains a strong partnership with the base, which hosts community events such as
the annual Race on the Base and the Wings, Wheels and Rotors Expo. The base also houses the
Sunburst Youth Challenge Academy, Youth Baseball Fields, and Aquatic Center, all of which are
used by civilian members of the public.
The civilian reuse of the JFTB is not considered likely in the near future, and the City fully
supports the base maintaining its current role for the federal and state government and the
City of Los Alamitos. The City will continue to coordinate with JFTB leadership on current and
potential base activities, the renovation or expansion of recreational facilities, and
opportunities to reuse the land between Little Cottonwood Park and the baseball fields that
currently contains long-abandoned multifamily units. Ideas include an expansion of the existing
park and recreation; a civic center complex; and a joint-use facility that could be used by active,
former, and disabled military, the general public, school district, and medical center.
Los Alamitos General Plan
Land Use
I Public Review Draft
July 2014
Periodically, traffic congestion is increased along Farquhar and Katella Avenue due to military
and civilian activity on the base. The base previously maintained two guarded points of access:
Lexington and Orangewood. A third point of access is provided for the golf course, but it is not
used to access other parts of the base except in special circumstances. The base closed the
Orangewood access point a number of years ago, leaving Lexington as the only entrance to the
base. For special events, the base and the City coordinate and open the Orangewood entry, but
it otherwise remains closed. The City may wish to investigate with the base on the options and
merits of reopening the Orangewood entry on a permanent basis.
Future potential growth in the City and Rossmoor is not within the airport's clear zone and
would be restricted to building heights far below the federally-defined limitation of 88 to 200
feet based on proximity to the runway. Additionally, potential growth would be limited to a few
areas of the City, would only represent incremental increases in building space, and would not
introduce sensitive land uses that are not already present. Accordingly, current and future
military readiness activities would not be affected by future growth. The base is categorized as
its own special Community and Institutional land use designation and policies are provided to
guide the City in the event that the base begins to transition to civilian use.
Long-term Development Opportunities
Mixed Use Designation
The four corners of Los Alamitos Boulevard and Katella Avenue contain the only remaining
commercial property in the unincorporated community of Rossmoor and the most intense
commercial areas in Los Alamitos. The southwest corner remains designated Suburban
Residential and under the jurisdiction of the County of Orange until such time as the properties
are annexed into the City. The City created a Mixed Use land use designation to complement its
Town Center Overlay Zone and encourage the future improvement and intensification of the
land around the primary downtown intersection.
The northeast corner (extending to Reagan Street) contains Los Alamitos Plaza, other assorted
shops, office, quasi-public uses (including St. Isidore), and some residences. The City currently
applies a Town Center Overlay Zone to the northeast corner (through to the alleyway before
Reagan Street). The overlay district permits commercial uses on the first or second floor and
multiple family residential uses on the second floor and higher. Buildings within the Town
Center overlay district can be constructed up to five stories or 60 feet in height (reduced down
to one, two, or three stories when within 75 feet of residentially zoned property).
The northwest corner contains a commercial center (with some improvements), gas station,
some homes, an older retail business, and a new CVS. The alley functions as an internal drive
aisle, and the property is oriented to the automobile, though internal circulation is provided.
Recent new development/improvements make it unlikely that this corner would undergo a
major transformation; however, it could reposition itself when the downtown plan's street
improvements take place.
Los Alamitos General Plan
Mobility and Circulation Ele ment I Public Review Draft
July 2014
Neighborhoods that are protected from through traffic.
Policy 2.1
Traffic calming.
Policy 2.2
Joint Forces Training Base. Coordinate with JFTB administration to provide
Discourage cut-through traffic in residential neighborhoods
through the application of traffic-calming measures.
additional vehicular access points from major arterials to minimize travel through
residential areas.
Policy 2.3
Truck routes. Plan and designate truck routes that minimize truck traffic through or
near residential areas.
Los Alamitos General Plan
Public Facilities and Safety Element I Public Review Draft
July 2014
Airport Hazards
The Los Alamitos Joint Forces Training Base (JFTB) is in the southeastern portion of the City . .The
airfield, operated by the National Guard Bureau, contains two runways with approximately
1,600 flights that arrive or depart every month.
The Airport Environs Land Use Plan (AELUP) provides a comprehensive plan for the area
surrounding each public airport in Orange County, as well as federal military airports. Crash
hazard areas and building height restrictions are identified for each airport, including
operations at the JFTB.
Crash Hazards
Aircraft failure and crashes are most likely to occur during takeoff and landing activities. Areas
around runways need to be clear from potential hazards to enhance the safety of the aircraft
and its passengers as well as the protection of people and property on the ground. These areas
are called clear zones and, as shown on Figure 6, are entirely within the boundaries of the JFTB.
Height Restrictions
To ensure the safe operation of aircraft activity at the JFTB, structures anywhere in Los Alamitos
or Rossmoor should not exceed the applicable elevations defined in the Federal Aviation
Regulations (FAR), Part 77 (Objects Affecting Navigable Air Space). This height restriction is 88
to 200 feet above ground level based on proximity to the runway.
Current zoning standards do not permit development higher than 60 feet in Los Alamitos or
Rossmoor. Nevertheless, all developments are subject to FAR Part 77 noticing requirements
and must file the necessary form(s) with the City's Community Development department, the
County's Planning division, and the Orange County Airport Land Use Commission.
Los Alamitos General Plan
Public Facilities and Safety Element 1 Public Review Draft
July 2014
Traffic noise contours were estimated for conditions in the year 2035. Figure 7 shows the
projected future noise contours from roadway traffic along nearby freeways and major
roadways in Los Alamitos and Rossmoor. As shown, several areas will be exposed to noise levels
above 60 dBA CNEL. It should be noted, however, that these contours do not account for noise
attenuation provided by intervening structures or topographical barriers, which may
substantially reduce noise impacts for areas farther from the roadway areas.
joint Forces Training Base
Aircraft Noise. The JFTB is a military aviation facility and operations involve aircraft and ground
vehicle activity. The base does not utilize live ordnance. The major sources of noise are
vehicular traffic on roadways, large events, and aircraft operations.
The Airport Environs Land Use Plan (AELUP) is a land -use compatibility plan that describes the
effects of aircraft noise on surrounding areas. Land uses within the airport planning area
boundaries are required to conform to noise restrictions established in the AELUP. Figure 6
shows the 60 and 65 dBA CNEL noise contours from the AELUP.
Approximately 50 existing homes are exposed to noise levels above 65 dBA CNEL in the
Highlands and New Dutch Haven neighborhoods. These homes have been or should be
sufficiently sound attenuated so that noise levels do not exceed an interior standard of 45 dBA
CNEL. Homes within the moderate noise impact zone (between 60 and 65 dBA CNEL) could be
seriously disturbed by single noise events, but are still considered compatible by the AELUP.
Other small areas within the 65 dBA CNEL noise contour consist of planned industrial and
professional office uses. However, these are not considered noise sensitive land uses and are
therefore considered compatible by the AELUP.
Vehicular Traffic and Events. The JFTB hosts community events and houses educational and
recreational facilities used by civilians. On weekends and other select training periods, activities
can increase substantially. The base maintains its major point of access off Lexington Drive. An
additional point of access is provided for the golf course, but it is not used to access other parts
of the Los Alamitos JFTB except in special circumstances. For special events, the base and the
City coordinate and open the Orangewood Avenue entry, but it otherwise remains closed.
The projected 2035 noise level contours for the segment of Lexington Drive between Katella
Avenue and the JFTB were calculated for a typical traffic condition, without events or military
exercises. The nearest homes are outside the 65 dBA CNEL noise contour, which falls within the
road's right-of-way. The other access route to the Lexington Drive entrance is provided via
Farquar Avenue, but it is exposed to less noise than Lexington Drive. Therefore, during normal
traffic conditions, the residential areas along the roadways are compatible.
According to the JFTB staff, the base hosts major military training exercises approximately once
a month, when there is an increase in vehicular activity due to military truck conveys accessing
the base. These events would continue to be sporadic, causing noise increases due to truck
passbys that occur for short periods of time.
Los Alamitos General Plan
Public Facilities and Safety Element I Public Review Draft
July 2014
Goal 4:
An environment in which minimized noise contributes to the public's health,
safety, and welfare.
Policy 4.1
Land use compatibility. Approve development and require mitigation measures to
ensure existing and future land use compatibility as shown in the City's Noise
Ordinance, the Land Use and Noise Compatibility Matrix, the State Interior and
Exterior Noise Standards, and the Airport Environs Land Use Plan for the JFTB.
Policy 4.2
New residential. When new residential development is proposed adjacent to land
designated for industrial or commercial uses, require the proposed development to
assess potential noise impacts and fund feasible noise-related mitigation measures.
Policy 4.3
Control sound at the source. Prioritize noise mitigation measures to control sound
at the source over buffers, soundwalls, and other perimeter measures.
Policy 4.4
Noise impacts. Minimize or eliminate persistent, periodic, or impulsive noise
impacts of business operations.
Policy 4.5
Caltrans facilities. Coordinate with Caltrans to ensure the inclusion of noise
mitigation measures in the design of new highway projects or improvements to
existing facilities.
Policy 4.6
Aircraft noise. Work with the JFTB and Long Beach Airport to minimize the noise
impact of small aircraft and helicopters on residential neighborhoods.
Los Alamitos General Plan
City of Los Alamitos General Plan Update
Notice of Availability of a Draft Environmental Impact Report for the City of Los Alamitos
Draft Environmental Impact Report Table of Contents
Volume I Cover & Title Page
1. Executive Summary
2. Introduction
3. Project Description
4. Environmental Setting
5. Environmental Analysis
a. Aesthetics
b. Air Quality
c. Cultural Resources
d. Greenhouse Gas Emissions
e. Hazards and Hazardous Materials
f. Land Use and Planning
g. Noise
h. Population and Housing
i. Public Services
j. Recreation
k. Transportation and Traffic
l. Utilities and Service Systems
6. Significant Unavoidable Adverse Impacts
7. Alternatives to the Proposed Project
8. Impacts Found Not To Be Significant
9. Significant Irreversible Changes Due to the Proposed Project
10. Growth-Inducing Impacts of the Proposed Project
11. Organizations and Persons Consulted
12. Qualifications of Persons Preparing EIR
13. Bibliography
Appendices Volume II Cover & Title Page
Appendix A ISNOP
Appendix B NOP Comments
Appendix C AQ and GHG Modeling
Appendix D Paleo Cultural Resources
Appendix E Noise Modeling
Appendix F Service Letter Responses
Appendix G Transportation Study