(AELUP) for
(AELUP) for
AIRPORT LAND USE COMMISSION ORANGE FOR COUNTY 3160 Airway Avenue • Costa Mesa, California 92626 • 949:252.5170 fax: 949.252.6012 AGENDA ITEM 1 July 16,2015 TO: Commissioners/Alternates FROM: Kari A. Rigoni, Executive Officer SUBJECT: ALUC Workshop II to Review Proposed Updates to the Airport Environs Land Use Plan (AELUP) for Joint Forces Training Base (JFTB), Los Alamitos. Background The Public Utilities Code (PUC) Section 21675 directs every Airport Land Use Commission (ALUC) in California to prepare and adopt an airport land use compatibility plan for the area surrounding each airport within an ALUC's jurisdiction. This section also specifies that the compatibility plan shall be reviewed as often as necessary to ensure that it accomplishes its lawful purposes, but shall not be amended more than once per calendar year. For Orange County, the Airport Environs Land Use Plans (AELUPs) serve as the airports' land use compatibility plans. Furthermore, PUC Section 21674.7 directs that an airport land use compatibility plan shall be guided by the information in the Ca/(f"ornia Airport Land Use Planning Handbook. The last update to the AELUP for Joint Forces Training Base (JFTB) Los Alamitos was completed in December 2002. The California Airport Land Use Planning Handbook was most recently updated in October 2011. ALUC staff is proposing AELUP revisions to better align with the updated Handbook guidance. A clean and redline/strikeout version of the AELUP is attached for your review and comment. This draft addresses the comments provided by your Commission from the February 19,2015 meeting. The comments that were addressed pertained to: • Clarification of overrule procedures and liability • Clarification of Public Utility Code Sections • The addition of military airports to the list of definitions • Questions related to California State Law Requirements Agenda Item l July 16,2015 Page 2 • Removal of discussions pertaining to Accident Potential Zones 1 and 2 Since the last ALUC meeting of February 19,2015 no additional information or input has been received from JFTB, Los Alamitos. The question of whether the base will be updating its Air Installation Compatible Use Zones (AICUZ) has not been addressed. Therefore, the information contained in this proposed AELUP revision remains consistent with the AICUZ that was last approved by the Department of Defense in 1994. Staff requested but did not receive the following information from JFTB Los Alamitos: • General base management and ownership information • Comments on the proposed Obstruction Imaginary Surfaces Map • Base accident history infonnation If any or all of the above information becomes available soon after the currently proposed update to this AELUP is finalized, the Commission may desire to update the document again in one year. Conclusion The AELUP.for JFTB Los Alamitos has not been updated in over 13 years. ALUC staff believes it is important to move forward with an update to this document to the extent possible. Although it would be optimal to include updated AICUZ information, there is no opportunity to do so at this time. The 1994 AICUZ for JFTB Los Alamitos is the most recently approved AICUZ and PUC Section 21675 (b) requires that ALUCs adopt land use compatibility plans that are "consistent with the safety and noise standards in the [AICUZJ prepared for that Military airport." There is no indication that a new AICUZ study is planned for JFTB Los Alamitos; however, if one is prepared, ALUC staff will return to the Commission at the earliest possible opportunity with a proposed AELUP update. A number of clarifying revisions have been included in the proposed AELUP update, which reflect guidance offered in the 2011 California Airport Land Use Planning Handbook and more closely align the AELUP.for JFTB Los Alamitos with the AELUPs for other airports in Orange County. Therefore, staff recommends moving forward with the current AELUP update process. Recommendation 1) Receive the ALUC Staff report, discuss the proposed AELUP changes, modify and/or recommend additional changes as the commission deems appropriate; 2) Direct staff to begin coordination and review efforts with local jurisdictions within the JFTB Los Alamitos airport planning area; and 3) Begin the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) compliance process. Agenda Item I July 16,2015 Page 3 ;;?2~ r Kari A. Rigoni Executive Officer Attachments: Clean and Redline/Strikeout Version of the AEL UP for JFTB, Los Alamitos
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