Straight Teeth, No Braces... Straight Teeth, No


Straight Teeth, No Braces... Straight Teeth, No
Straight Teeth,
No Braces...
Why Invisalign?
Treatment Costs & Insurance Coverage
How Long Does It Take?
Invisalign & Your Overall Health
Got Invisalign?
It’s about time you straightened your smile...
Here’s why adults and teens are choosing Invisalign
clear and removable aligners
customized treatment costs – simple cases cost less
with 0% financing, paying for Invisalign on a monthly
basis assists in making it affordable
no brackets, no wires and no elastics
no headgear
Condition: Large gap between
two front teeth
Treatment Duration: 11 months
Condition: Crooked Teeth
Treatment Duration: 12 months
Condition: Crooked Teeth
Treatment Duration: 10 months
Condition: Crowding, Mid line off
to the side
Duration: 13 months
Condition: Crooked, misaligned
Duration: 15 months
Condition: Crooked Teeth
Treatment Duration: 15 months
Visit to view
videos and testimonials
No Surprises!
What To Expect...
20 Minute Consultation
During your complimentary 20 minute consultation, we will confirm whether you are a candidate for Invisalign by taking digital
x-rays. If you are, we provide you with a quote for your treatment. The severity of your case will determine the cost. More
complicated and complex cases take longer and are more involved, therefore costing more overall.
Impressions & Records
We will take orthodontic records of your teeth, including impressions, and fill out an invisalign treat plan and prescription form
and send all the material to Align Technology.
Behind the Scenes
At Align Technology, a computer model of your teeth is created from the impressions. Align then uses its 3-D imaging software
to generate a graphical representation of your doctor’s treatment plan—almost like an animated movie of the way your teeth will
move from the current position to the final desired position.
Our dentist reviews and approves the rendering of their treatment plan (the 3-D movie) on a secure portion of Align’s web site.
Align Technology produces a series of clear, plastic aligners that correspond to the stages of tooth movement in the 3-D movie.
Aligner delivery
Your aligners will arrive in our office approximately six weeks later. While the number of aligners varies for each individual, a
full set typically includes 20-30 aligners per arch (upper and lower) for the full treatment and 5-10 for Invisalign Express. Once
you receive them, you will wear each stage of your aligners for two weeks before switching to the next set in the series. Week
by week, your teeth are straightened millimetre by millimetre.
Your treatment may require abutments which are small attachments on your teeth that act like Velcro for the aligner to grab onto
and effectively move your tooth into its desired position.
For optimal results, you’ll be required to wear your aligners 20-24 hours per day. You can remove them to eat, drink, brush,
floss or for special occasions.
View your 3-D smile animation on-line
Once you have provided us with your e-mail address, you will receive a welcome message via e-mail. This gives you your
password to access your on-line Dawson account which includes your Invisalign 3-D animation of your smile from start to
finish. Each phase of your treatment will have its own animation so you can come back to visit when you start a new phase to
see how your smile will look at the end.
Watch your
teeth move!
Regular check-ups and aligner deliveries
You’ll need to visit our dental hygienist regularly to receive new aligners. At these appointments, the hygienist and dentist
will add or remove abutments where necessary and monitor your treatment results to ensure you’re on track.
During the entire process, you’ll be able to watch your teeth gradually move into place. Your smile will, little by little, move
into something you’d like to show off. The people around you will be sure to notice your new-found confidence.
Refinement phase (where necessary)
At the end of your series of aligners, the dentist may need to fine tune your smile so it is absolutely perfect for you. This is
called the refinement phase. If you have a mild, moderate or advanced case, up to three free refinements will be provided for
Treatment completion and retention
When you have completed your last set of aligners, we will then remove any necessary abutments to prepare you for
the next phase. Since your smile has a memory for the way it used it be, your teeth will try to move back to their original
crooked position. We will take impressions of your teeth to create a retainer. This will cost $350-$650 depending on the type
of retention that is selected. You will need to wear the retainer frequently and then taper it off gradually until you only need
to wear it at night. We do advise you to wear your retainers at night for your entire life. This will maintain your oral health
because your teeth will be easier to brush and floss when they are straight.
This phase is also the perfect time to professionally whiten your teeth. Now that your teeth are no longer crooked, the
whitening treatment will no longer have difficulty treating your entire tooth surface. Now you’ll really enjoy showing of your
new straight smile!
Treatment Costs & Insurance Coverage
Invisalign Express
Invisalign Full & Teen
For patients with targeted orthodontic issues, such as
mild spacing, crowding and orthodontic relapse.
For patients with an incorrect bite, widely spaced and
overly crowded teeth.
Treatment Duration: 3-6 months
Treatment Duration: 9-24 months
Level of
Overal Cost
Level 1
Level 2
6 months
0% Interest*
12 months
0% Interest*
Level of
6 months
Overal Cost** 0% Interest*
12 months
0% Interest*
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
A $2,000 deposit is required to commence treatment to cover the lab fees.
5% cash discount is provided for payment in full at the start of all treatment plans, with the exception of Level 1 and 2 (Express).
*Financing available on approved credit.
**Note: retainers are always required at the end of Invisalign treatment and an additional fee of $150.00.
FREE take-home whitening when you
complete treatment*
*Not included in the ‘Express’ treatment plan.
You can now be approved right on the
spot, you don’t have to wait!
Ask us how!
Provided by HealthSmart Financial
“Will my insurance cover this?”
Typically, an insurance policy that covers traditional braces also
covers Invisalign to the same extent. Contact us and we`ll tell you
exactly what you and your family are covered for.
How long will it take?
Like traditional braces, the length of treatment
depends on the complexity of the case. Treatment
time is about the same as conventional braces—
about a year for Invisalign Full & Teen. Invisalign
Express takes about three to six months.
Our Invisalign
Provider Team
Dr. Gelfand
Dr. Meyer
Dr. Gakhal
Dr. Vyas
Dr. Hormoz
Dr. Daveikis
Dr. Ladha
Invisalign Can Improve Your Oral Health
Many people live with crowding, overbites or other types of
alignment problems without the motivation to seek orthodontic
treatment. Unlike strictly cosmetic procedures, straightening your
teeth can benefit your overall oral health.
Straight, properly aligned teeth are easier to maintain with proper
oral hygiene, such as flossing and brushing. This can help reduce
the risk of cavities as well as gum disease.
In addition, people with bad bites may chew less efficiently.
Correcting bite irregularities can make it easier to chew and digest
foods. Improperly coordinated upper and lower front teeth also
can create speech difficulties, which can be corrected through
orthodontic treatment.
So, not only can straightening your teeth with Invisalign improve
your aesthetic appearance, it can improve your oral health.
Also Available:
General Dentistry Guide
Is Invisalign for adults or teens?
When Invisalign was introduced, parents were concerned about whether
or not their kids would wear their aligners because they conveniently
come out for brushing, eating, etc. Now teens don’t have to worry about
embarrassing metal braces in their yearbook photos or Facebook profiles.
Just like Invisalign for adults, the aligners are removable and virtually
invisible, which means you can straighten your teeth without anyone
knowing. The only difference between Invisalign and Invisalign Teen is that
Invisalign Teen has blue-to-clear colour-changing aligners to show how
long each aligner has been worn. Also, six free replacement aligners are
provided in case some are lost or broken.
Whitening Guide
Will wearing Invisalign aligners affect my speech?
Similar to other orthodontic treatments, Invisalign aligners may
temporarily affect the speech of some people, and you may have a
slight lisp for a day or two. However, as your tongue gets used to having
aligners in your mouth, any lisp caused by the aligners will disappear.
How often must I wear my aligners?
We find aligners are most effective if worn 20 to 22 hours per day –
and removed only for eating, brushing, flossing and special occasions.
Sedation Guide
Is Invisalign for me?
Invisalign can be used to treat the vast majority of common problems
for adults and teens. Whether your smile needs minor improvements or
more extensive adjustments, Invisalign may certainly help. It’s successful
in treating overly crowded or widely spaced teeth, as well as overbites,
underbites and even crossbites.
“I believe that a person’s smile impacts their self esteem
and confidence. It inspires me to know that I play a role
in transforming not only a person’s smile, but also, more
importantly, their life.”
Dr. Edward Gelfand, B.Sc., D.M.D.
President & Founder